tv [untitled] July 19, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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open session >> seconded >> on paper >>[chorus of ayes] >> i moved not to discuss anything in closed session. on paper >>[chorus of ayes]. >> pledge of allegiance. >> >>[pleage of allegiance] >>please be advised that during the use of cell phones, pagers, and similar so producing a lifetime devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that chairman ordered the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. these be advised a member of the public has up to 3 min. to make
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personal public comments on each agenda item under the support commission adopts a shorter period on any item. item 8, public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> any public comments? >> then, i have speaker cards from kirk grimes, allow flynn, jaclyn flynn, and that's it. >> yes. there they are. >> good afternoon port commissioner. my name is jackie flynn am an executive director of the george institute in every year for the last four years we've offered youth employment services to at risk youth. by matching them with summer internships and life changing experience is. last year, you had the pleasure of meeting our blue heron brigade and this year we were grateful
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to hear that our blue heron. program would continue with even an increase of the grant funding. all summer we've awaited a notice to proceed to my and our summer is going by very quickly. the program start date of potentially august it would make it almost impossible for us to work with high school students to run this program. so, i do have some recent graduates that may be available, but if we were to focus on the 16th and 7, the vinegar back to school as soon as august 17, which would really only allow us to weeks to implement a program if i waited until august. we have already interviewed over 20 very eager students and selected a few that are more than ready to start. so, i am humbly asking your leadership and the leadership of the
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support staff to hopefully help us finalize the agreement and get that notice to proceed. we are all ready to start as soon as monday and that would allow us at least for four weeks of programming with high school students and i could extend the rest for the 18 and over. but that is our requested it. thank you. >> thank you. >> hi. thank you for commissioners for hearing me. my name is kirk grimes and am the program manager at the --. last summer, i sat here along with tenant youth from the bayview where they think you and told you about all the things they learn from their summer. this particular program runs from may june to mid august. notice from residents and business owners along the illinois 22nd st. corridors. whenever the e-mails? at this point in our summer were still looking to give the same opportunity to the youth in
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bayview. as a resident of san francisco and a mentor to many of the youth and bayview immunity here to tell you we cannot afford to lose our youth because of touch and are we doing what we can to help them? thank you. >> thank you. any other public,? seeing none public comment is closed. identify what do thank you for what you're doing on behalf of our youth and we really do appreciate your efforts and your highlighting the issues publicly as well. so, thank you. >> next item >> item 9, executive directors report. >> good afternoon port commissioners. members of the public and airport staff thank you for being here today. i have a couple of items to report on several will be very quick. a couple little longer. the first is not listed on the agenda that you just want to remind everyone that our august 11 standing meeting has been canceled and our next regularly
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scheduled meeting will be september 8. just a reminder that there's no meeting on tuesday, august 11. next, i want to just share with as many of you who didn't get to experience it as possible, that last sunday, july 12, the san francisco symphony held a free symphony concert in the plaza from 12 noon until 2 pm i was absolutely amazing. if you could put that up for me. so, this is a picture that shows how the symphony was set up in the front of the cruise terminal plaza adjacent to the cruise terminal building itself. you can just see that the orchestra, symphony, performers are on the stage. a little bit shielded from the sun, but effectively out in the open. you can see how close it is to the bay. you can see that the park is starting to fill up. it was an amazing performance. an absolutely
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wonderful day. people kept coming and coming and coming and was just a two-hour performance and i would say that people kept coming until probably 1:30 pm. next slide. this is what it looks like very close to the end. this is standing at the b of cruise terminal plaza close to the those closest to the lead into the cruise terminal and pure 23 a looking town torrance. 29. as you can see it's wall-to-wall people. the estimates are anywhere from 4500 to 5500 people attended. to have a different estimate >> from katie at this something that said a people calculator system and she said before intermission it was they counted over 5000 and a lot of people float in for the last piece is there. she thought it
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was exceeded 6000 at that point. >> the official number she gave us was 5500. i don't count based on persons is about 4500 but it's anybody's guess to your point. so, thankfully it was in the 19,000 survey were coming so i don't know where we would have put them. but, it was an absolutely magnificent event which i think your test you, commissioner. as you know, this of any performed for almost a full two hours and they were accompanied by bryce -- of the national and indie rock group and electric guitarist travis anders. they played extremely well. the music they played was well received by the crowd. the crowd, as far as i could tell, was pretty much every age group was well represented that they were extremely well behaved. so, for that many people the amount of disruption and waste
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that was left behind was fairly de minimis. we had a lot of collaboration in addition to of course are great partners of the san francisco symphony. patrick hartsfield. we also had our partners at metro cruises, which is not only westlake and john alden sail. we also had support from the san francisco arts commission who collaborated with the symphony to offer the free concerts. the san francisco fire department, who brought over the fire vote for a water show during the encore song, which really the crowd loved quite frantic. everybody stood for the encore. enjoyed the music, and photographed the wonderful weather display from the -- this improves the scope puc provided a free water monitor so people could refill their water bottles and any other water devices they brought since water bottles were not
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for sale anywhere on the property. then, the bike coalition hosted a free bike valet but most people seem to just walk their bikes to a location to do so. it was a very much a group effort. our neighbors pledged in but up poor sap really worked hard and i want to first like a nice john beatty did i not sure he's in the room at the moment. if you are, john, waved to me. who brought us the idea and work very collaboratively with the symphony who this is our first type of venture. renée martin, on-site john dulles is on say john david are you in the room john bell? sorry about that john doe renée martin joyce cannon monica corral, john beatty. peter gillick, david romulo, tom carter david gibbs
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and all of the court link. i just want to point out that the port laborers at an working tirelessly since like weekend after weekend after weekend. as you know, they work very very hard to accommodate the comments of mayors event that were on the waterfront. which quickly led into the fourth of july events about which were equally amazing. then, into this san francisco symphony event. so i want to conflict them, especially those of us who have been those of them brand-new to the port team that is getting well into their jobs trial by fire so to speak. so, just a wonderful evening. there's much more i could tell you about it and i do hope that the symphony will consider returning. i think everybody enjoyed it quite a bit. next, i want to put in one more plug for anybody that wants to be considered to be part of the waterfront plan working group. the application deadline is this coming friday, july 17. again citizens can apply to be on the waterfront plan working group but they're willing to get to dedicate a significant amount of their time or they can apply to be an advisory
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team. our six different advisory teams. one is recreation open spigot when is resilience. when this transportation. one is open waterfront which is meant to be things like historic preservation design, mixed land use. one is labor and workforce one sport finances. again, the applications are due by the end of july and then we'll begin the hard process of culling through them and picking out representatives and coming back to the commission, hopefully, beginning meeting in september to present you are recommended waterfront plan working group and advisory team, so that we can get our community planning underway in september. so, very exciting. very very well received so far. we've had application seven coming in rapidly the last couple of weeks. i don't expect many more. the rest of this week, but last chance coming up here.
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next, as you recall from last commission meeting we are pleased to be able to host an art event entitled -- hosted by the council general of mexico together with the artists [inaudible] it's template art installation that will be installed beginning this coming monday, july 20 at harry bridges plaza north. the so, this side of the building entryway. it will be there for three months, from july 20 through october 15 and again harry bridges plaza is a traffic meeting between the north and southbound roadway. and the art exhibit will be to the north of the millennial light pole and away from the main traffic. we are really excited about it. as you may recall, there are sculptures cast in bronze, 10 of which are human figures with their mouths
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covered as an allusion to censorship and the 11th sculpture is a cubic form that explains the installation particularly for those who are visually impaired. so, were looking forward to seeing it. it is a touring show. last hosted by the port of san diego. it seems to be part of that show as well. it should be not hard to miss when it gets installed beginning next week. next on august 16-17th am a very pleased to be host the san francisco st. food festival which will be hosted by the midway, noise pop industries and pier 70 partners. so the san francisco st. food festival which the food festival for food workers showcases over 100 owner operator food businesses from around the bay area. the percentage of the monies they raise go to support the efforts of law casino. it's a very fond food festival getting to see a
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lot of the up-and-coming coming cooks and caterers that are in the area. it is, for sure, a family family of and so that we food, children's activities, art, music and a marketplace. it's expected to get about 35,000 people per day. so, were looking forward to that. again, saturday and sunday and caterers that are in the area. it is, for sure, a family family of and so that we food, children's activities, art, music and a marketplace. it's expected to get about 35,000 people per day. so, were looking forward to that. again, saturday and sunday, august 15 and 16th, 11 am to six and caterers that are in the area. it is, for sure, a family family of and so that we food, children's activities, art, music and a marketplace. it's expected to get about 35,000 people per day. so, were looking forward to that. again, saturday and sunday, august 15 and 16th, 11 am to 6 pm. helping as many people as possible take public transportation. and the promoters are offering a shuttle service from three locations get one in the mission. one at the marina port mason area and one from civic center bart. so should be pretty easy to get in and out without your card. there will be over 100 volunteers to help get all of us guess where we need to go and make sure that we are getting our share of the good fruit. when looking forward to that. i would also like to bring everyone's attention that the two job fairs coming up in august and the first is august 18 10-1.
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this is the san francisco women's empowerment initiative. apprenticeship and career opportunity there. it is being hosted at the hall at the south beach harbor. again that's august 18 from 10-1. the second is august 25 from 11:30 am --three at at&t park was hosted by san francisco giants in the jewish committee related counsel and it's geared towards helping veterans achieve their civilian gold. so to events one at the hall on the 18th at south beach harbor and one at the ballpark on august 25. hopefully, we can get the word out to as many people as possible. then, commissioner, if you don't mind, i'd like to just invite chris christiansen from the ilwu to say a few words, i can come out ilwu to say a few words, i can come out the way, king's memorial service. chris, if you wouldn't
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mind? shifted christopher christiansen local 10 and monique asked me to remind everyone >> >> 25 july from 10 until 3 pm at the hall at 400 n. point is leroy king's memorial service. so, i'm inviting the entire port commission. again this is in july because he was an amazing leader as well as love the city. an amazing amazing amazing man. we hoping we see all the port commission and port commission staff there. >> my understanding is that of the approximately 5 speakers? shifted yes, that's correct. the family has not confirmed fully confirmed everything but should be five speakers >> and the public will be invited >> of course. >> of you was limited to 2 min. quickly that gives everyone a chance to have something to say. >> thank you. >> you said it's from 12-2 >> 10 until 3 pm
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>> okay. >> i think it was still evolving [inaudible] >> it can involve until after the fourth. >> christopher is giving us a very early heads up. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> thank you for being here. i'm making my way through, commissioners. we are at long last ready to install the plaque to commend dr. nini soler. dr. nini silbert pathway plaque as you may recall the france of -- honored dr. silbert last fall. in celebration of the ferry building. dr. silbert was honored for her tireless committee work. the port commission agreed to dedicate the pathway leading into the granite st., ward as dr. nini silbert pathway. so that would be a plaque revealing an
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opening ceremony, and that is wednesday, july 29 at 4 pm at the granite street wharf dr. nini silbert pathway. followed by a reception across the street. so, we look forward to seeing as many friends and family as possible to help celebrate dr. nini silbert. then, lastly we are celebrating/morning the retirement of our very own susan hardy. susan is support information systems director. she joined the port in september of 2004. so, almost all of any years ago. she has been leading the ports it program for that entire time. i have to tell you that eating the ports it program is probably ,, one of the most thankless jobs there is. if the computers are running well, she never hears from us and if they aren't running at all she never stops hearing from us. so, she
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has been doing an amazing job for 11 years with some very old systems and some very large demands that are probably multiplied too many times to count over her 10 year. she has assembled a terrific team and her tenure and they were countless hours and numerous holidays and weekends to make sure we can bustle along and do all we do and continue to grow the way the port has grown over the last decade. i don't even know susan, if you can remember sort of the level of volume and activity that was when you join versus what it is today, but since you and i joined around the same time i can remember there's no comparison. so, susan's resources have not grown at the same pace as the work and product has prompted so, she has been quite and a magician over the last decade or so. she has more than earned
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her retirement, trouble trouble times over probably. we wanted to take a moment to just commend her for her incredible work and dedication, her ability to last through some of those ridiculous problems that happen when you have a old infrastructure and new demands. her ability to always find a solution for us, so i don't know what we are going to do. we will have to figure that out. not call susan all the time socially changing her number all but susan, it's been an honor to work with you. you really rescued us more times than i probably won't even ever know, let alone be able to thank you for. on behalf of all those times, thank you from the bottom of my heart and from all of us, and thank you for helping the port to operate as efficiently and effectively as we do. and thank you for not complaining about it. it seems
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so seamless to the rest of us, and thank you for all the saturdays and friday nights and holidays missed with your family and i hope this next chapter you get to make them all up. these join the everyone and thinking susan hardy. >>[applause] >> now we have a few public those people that want to make added public comments. first, is catherine maloney on behalf of eric carter. then, following that -- >> thank you eric carter cannot be here. he's the business applications manager, but he left me something he wanted me to read to you. i've had the opportunity to work with susan carney and the port i is group since december 2006. during this time we all work together as a team to successfully modernize consolidate and improve the ports use of enterprise it solutions. the ports early adoption implementation of
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server virtualization infrastructure consolidation, cloud, mobile, open-source software, enterprise resource planning software and it solutions and best practices has proven to be a successful model for the direction in which the city and county of san francisco as a whole is now striving to achieve. we congratulate susan on her retirement and we wish her well. best regards. >> thank you. any other public comment? >> [inaudible] i had the pleasure for the last five years of managing susan and dir. moyer summed so much about susan and her innovation and her tireless ms. any amazing people she's brought to the ports and when dir. moyer said
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we have old systems, she really wasn't kidding about that that we have very old systems, and many of them because the port has a lot of diverse business lines. where a small enterprise, but we have a lot of business lines that it has to support. susan took her innovation right from the start and brought us places the city is now following and we were the first to move our server room to a consolidated server room. thanks to susan. we moved it out of the closet with an air conditioner we call the big bertha. susan brought spearheaded us during i asked strategic plan, got 13 to look at all of the ways that we can innovate and i think she's done so much for us in the 11 years she's been here and all behind the scenes. really critically important. i want to congratulate you, susan, on your retirement and we really don't know what to do without you. thank you. >> any other -- >> john woo county manager. county services is probably one
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of the biggest consumers of information systems and for that we think susan for her leadership and directing all the changes could we hope she finds new meaning to terms like system replacement, system upgrade, or software update. anyway, best wishes to you. >> any other public comment? susan just briefly, on behalf of the commission we want to thank you. i think monique said it well when things are going well we don't notice it. it really does am often amazed because i know how antiquated our systems are, yet you seem to make sure that they run well and smoothly and just amazing amazing job. i often try to explain to people how antiquated our systems sometimes are and i think we got off lotus notes not all
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that long ago. but there's, susan, we really want to thank you for your incredible dedication and hard work and really making sure the port continues to run, at least outwardly must seamlessly to those of us on the commission. i want to present you with a plaque that lasted you could say a few words. thank you. >> >>[applause] >> thank you president
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and the challenges i've had over the past nearly 11 years working for the board. i can imagine a more beautiful place to work. as a native san francisco i then especially gratified to be crown jewel of the city by the work of this agency. who knew that the earthquake would lead to a revitalized building and giants ballpark and under monique moyers capable leadership exploratory him, the food journal, [inaudible] may be seen that 337 and beyond. it's been an amazing place to my career. commissioners, as the port back-office employee, neither i nor most my group are likely familiar faces to you. but i would like to take this time to abolish the dedication and a fine work of my staff who made my time at the port enjoyable and productive. over the past decade helene and john and catherine and cindy's a little bit gauche the team has put commission meetings on sfgtv. we totally build we dealt the ports of failing infrastructure and we virtualized the servers. that's
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a task that the entire city file. we were the first department to do. we have the engineering team implement a permanent building permit system. we brought the ports financial system kinds. we installed broadband fiber to pier 1, pier 50, fisherman's wharf and most recently, south beach harbor. we lamented a state-of-the-art asset management inventory and work order system. we supported the city controllers multiyear deployment present enterprise payroll and human resources system. that's the emerge program using peoplesoft. as i think of a mention, we were the first department to successfully move its full-scale operations to the new san francisco airport data sent. the project was completed just a few months ago. so, i may be biased but i believe the port gauche of
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