tv [untitled] July 19, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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they're sick it was also expanded our reach as part of the water till program. if a great website that provides a lot of information and we want is really to be a key resource that people drop the bacon access whether they want to check out someplace within their own community or venture across the bay to find new areas to enjoy. as well as education programs, partnerships, with programs like sea kayaks. then, it's a great tourism marketing piece. so to be looking to advocate a feature and a hold of the way and recreates and discover sites in san francisco. all we think it's an exciting project and one that that's very well with your public outreach mission. living for, were looking to continue to designate sites. were also applying for national water trail designation did that's through the national park service. in the room the
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process of developing a guidebook, putting on events, and watching the network so people can do these multi-day trips from eight, him and to be, to see. a lot of exciting things happening and with that alter back to david. >> thanks, ben. from the port standpoint on except certified for designation of qualifying port facilities and as we do that will keep the commission updated on the progress of that. we'll continue to work with the water trail agency partners on future planning improvements and continue maintenance of our existing facilities. it will continue to serve on the water chill advisory committee and accessibility advisory with that and i are available for any questions. thank you. >> thank you. if the public comment? please come forward.
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i am penny wells. i am one of the early instigators of the water trail. i've been working on it now for the close to 15 years. but, i can really add an awful lot to what david and ben have already said. except to say the port of san francisco has been fabulously supportive of the water trail and of non-motorized boating as a recreational access. i don't think it's news to anybody that are bay is probably the largest area of open space that we've got the people want to get out on it and experience it and you saw a number of the different kinds of ways people do it. the limits are only people's imagination. when i start working on the water trail 15 years ago, nobody ever heard of a standup cattle were. work
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kite boarder. who knows what's coming next. so, the important thing for us today is to start enhancing infrastructure that will be there for people tomorrow. i haven't noticed the population going down around here very much at all, and that to assume that all those folks are going to want recreational opportunities. so to think the port for all the work they've done and keep going, yes, keep after. they? >> thank you. >> hello. my name is christine gauche on hindu just echo the comments of everyone who spoke before. on the cumin or disabled sailors and were one of the organizations happily resides at south beach harbor and we love access we have there. we have a huge group.
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250+ members. people with disabilities who are active voters. we go sailing every weekend. love should come sailing with us because it's super fun. were really excited with the port in terms of planning efforts have had the pleasure of working with your staff amongst others on wonderful improvements to other facilities and were really looking forward to seeing south beach get even better than it already is. some deftly available to help and support this in any way i can. is one my other lovely board members and fellow settlers gauche thank you. >> thank you. i was like your nice comments. >> hi. [inaudible] just the
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changes in south beach in the last 25 years has just so amazing. the access to recreation that people have now. i want to thank you but i also want to tell you we have such a need for more space for better facilities there for more access to our boats were all all volunteer organizing. try to rely on volunteers to get the boats from way up to bring them down, so when you're looking at this, we would really appreciate more space or money for the facilities so that we can continue to grow and provide [inaudible] i was out there today it's really [inaudible] that have no other access recreation like this.
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what do sailboats it's really very cool. so township were part of that positive by that [inaudible] so thank you so much. >> thank you. thanks for coming. next public speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is jay oshiro. among we are shifting for kayaks unlimited. as david mentioned, we are tenants licensees for there were street. stewards there. so we partner with the port to take care of that park and also provide a lot of opportunities for people to get out on the water. i just want to pile on and sort of encourage the
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commission, the port, to support the water trail in general, but then also the site of this creek is joining the water trail. one thing i like to say is that the partnerships between the port and kayaks unlimited and other organizations like city kayak are really proving effective in terms of getting able out onto the water. with the last 18 months, kayaks unlimited has been involved in getting well over 300 people from underserved communities were used were people in the neighborhood out on the water. so, we have sort of three components of that. one is that we are working with a group of dragon boaters there providing youth training at the creek are
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kayaks we are parting with other bay area nonprofits to get some of their youth programs out on the water. in many cases, their kids that have never been out on the water in a boat. in the bay. then third, to be the guide and experts for their donations in lake city, kayaks and so forth will divide patient kayaks unlimited provides the expertise all of that of a
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function of a spinning to have support from the ports. we encourage the port to continue their opportunity creating access points. so forth. finally i think i think kayaking and human powered vehicles are becoming part of the fabric on the central waterfront. i think it's becoming sort of iconic places like mccovey cove and really i think is a part of san francisco culture. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi. my name is gauche i run city tired which is the outfitter at south beach harbor.
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i started the business about 10 years ago because prior to that there was no gauche it was not easy to access the bay water. i used to live in the city. what a great city was a great waterfront view. yet it to go kayaking i to drive an hour to hollow out to to rent a kayak, bring it over here, get on the water haven't become, have to bring it back which takes another hour. watching dear i'm thinking this is got to be fixed. i eventually started the business and it's been great. there's still having a network of axis is great. that we can get on the water
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and go somewhere else and that's what were talking about here with the water trail. people in the wheelchair said have vision issues axis enjoy a day on the water and talk about these difficulties, one of things that i wanted to umpiring a lot of expending time and energy and money in participating in the program and paying their dues, taxes registration and their are other other businesses coming to the location. and they're not, but to say, paying their dues in
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participating so i would like to elevate the right entity to address that issue if that's possible. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. seeing none,, public, and is close. thank you all very much. commissioner brandon. >> thank you david and that their wonderful presentation. it's really exciting and very much needed. i look forward to adding more sites to the trip. so, besides science, how we upgrade our facility? some of the things were looking up for upgrades are at pier 52 an example, we added a new float that lowers the freeboard of the float so that it's easier for folks and kayaks to get out
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of the water. it also makes more accessible to everyone in every type of human powered boating or nonmotorized small borders. we added a transfer step allows folks mobility impairments, makes it easier for them to get in. look at doing the same type of krugman appear 1.5 and our partners and tenants at pier 1.5 agreed to do that. other bullets always are talking about providing additional storage areas. maybe in close proximity to pier 52, where folks that don't want to f2 drive to go kayaking can actually be sql rental and rented space for the kayak river type of vessel they have so they can take public transit down and go for a paddle. we
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have that to some extent at pier 40 with city kayak. ted offers that rental service they. were looking at maybe partnering with one of our other tenants near pier 52. lastly, the other thing we want to do is working with our partners at the sf mta is see if certain locations like aquatic park were even mission bay where we can extend the hours of some of the parking meters for those that want to go out for for our paddle stuck with it to our time limit. there is increased ability now with all the city parking meters were you can call in and add time to your meter. but if you're on a kayak you don't necessarily were any of the water vessel don't necessarily want to be fumbling with your telephone to at that time. lastly, the other thing working with mta doing it where we can provide a drop-off and loading zones so if someone wants to put in that south beach harbor they can drive up and go into a
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15 min. zone, unload their kayak and load the vessel, bring it down to the dock and go off and part where they need to. lastly, we have just begun some conversations with bay area disabled sailors, christina mentioned about what improvements we can do at south beach harbor, and we met with christina and joe the harbor master, and wendy, to say how can we look at improving the facilities down there to improve access to everybody so those conversations have begun as well. >> thank you. >> thank you, david and then for all the speakers that spoke it is and of a very uplifting way to end a commission meeting not, i imagine it's for those
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out there. we do have a great day and it's good to see the people taking advantage in different ways. i guess, my question is, where we might be thinking, i see, and advocate for water taxes and everything of. along with that, in terms of the water trail in the non-motorized were human powered boating how can we ensure that every time we put in another water taxi landing, is it compatible i guess the question really is, to have it be considered also a landing point and is there something maybe a stop, maybe you can store or whatever, but even at the cruise ship terminal, we should be taking summer along long the lines that we could be adding the second would be wonderful in terms of other
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infrastructure regarding whether transport and that something that we want as a policy and how can we integrate that better so that we don't have water trail on its own shows and other strategy over here. which i know are interested into in terms of how we improve our water transport landings for motorized boats get acclimated to compatible animal policy around that? >> great question. if you look at attachment to in the staff report, gauche at a milf you have it in color or not gauche but also in the powerpoint presentation, working with the water trail folks and the water till agency partners, we went through a variety of different sites up and down the waterfront and said where have sites been proposed, where do they make sense and where maybe don't they make sense. a good example of one is the wharf for
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brain injury wharf and the agreement was to put a water trail landing and flow there. in the end, we found that it's not a great location because of title action, wave run-up and storm conditions. so, rather than make that investment there would pier 40 right next door we think there's a way to maybe make some improvements to pier 40 that serves that need. we also look at some locations, another example is the exploratory and where the water taxi landing is going in there. we felt, for water safety standpoint that with all the traffic that surround the exploratory them with the doubts of the water taxes themselves on the ferry landings at this point in time, it wasn't advised to be a water trail landing designation, but what we did do is we looked at
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the design of the facility and said, that's not designed in a way that would preclude us from doing that in the future. so, we have designated sites that are identified in attachment two. basic, we broken down into four categories. the existing lunch destinations plan watch destinations, potential locations that we have for further analysis, and insights considered but removed for safety related reasons. >> thank you. i appreciate that. i treasure mentioned that safety would've been one of the issues you might had terms of how this works particularly in some busy areas of the waterfront where you have a lot of what drives traffic going back and forth, whether it's commercial or recreational or whatever. that could be dangerous. i guess my comment is really related to finding ways to accelerate how we can have more landing sites and redoing infrastructure and way, how do we accelerate to create more opportunities are those sites that have an integrated
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process. it sounds like you're already on that sort of thinking and that's great and all view continue to do more vets we can hit the meter running faster as opposed to rather than having two separate strategies going on at the same time. >> thank you. >> thank you, dick. thank you very much. then, really appreciate the presentation. commissioner adams. >> [inaudible] >> two questions i have. one was, i noticed are the presentation that the resolution of support of the state's governing body is being encouraged. we have a those on file or could we ask you to come back with such a resolution? >> we don't have those here. is recommended it's not required, but the commission would like i can return to the commission and seek authorization to do that. >> it would be nice to go
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ahead and issue a resolution in support on the sites you targeted the ones that are planned and the one that makes some sense. if you cannot articulate some of the goals in what we hope to see >> sure. >> along those lines, he said the space and the enhanced facility, i would welcome having you come back and periodically update us on what's being done in terms of storage areas at the sites as well enhanced facilities and i think some are speakers alluded to some potential upgrades and opportunities. it would be nice to kept abreast of what's happening on that. very excited. as a former windsurfer, that's what i'm gauche >> i wanted this on to
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personally thank. i watched you amass a large body of work i don't think you got the recognition you do. you do with a passion. great. i swear until you personally, thank you so much all the time you get because you are everywhere whatever the task is, you do get i just want personally acknowledge it in front of rest to my commissioners and the community to thank you for all the hard work that you do and that you deserve. people come and go and i tell you, you're staying. you are steady. >> clockworks >> >>[applause] >> next item. >> new business. >> i have one. >> go ahead please
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>> are we going to get an update on the giants new plans >> i don't know. >> nothing? >> i don't. >> as soon as we get it will bring it to you. >> coming-out squirt and maybe we'll get it >> we try that. last threat last week. last meeting. so i truly hope so and i know that the giants are working very hard to run numbers and we are running our own numbers. i'm hopeful by our next meeting we have something. >> thank you. >> anything else, commissioners for new business? >> i think we went through some things >> i have five deanie meme to repeat them? >> would you like me to review
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them, commissioner >> you would like a foreign trade phone overview and briefing in the aggregate of foreign trade zones service generally in our history and all that. we talked about that ad nausea him. you would like to discuss further the resolved clause the delegates authority to the port director to expand to provide extensions or solutions whatever. those extensions are captured in a boilerplate language. you would like a resolution for the water trail application of support and you would like periodic updates on providing new amenities to the water landing especially peer 40. and then the 337 okay. did i miss anything? >> township [inaudible]
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>> yes. commissioner adams previously requested to have the director of homeland issue for the mayor to come back as he agreed to come to our -- diadem homeland -- sorry. homeless try to think what upsets what he's agreed to come back. the first meeting in october which is 13 october. yes. >> which is also i believe our off-site meeting of the cruise ship terminal. >> decembers are aussie. >> apologies. >> our next meeting, believe it september 8. >> [inaudible] >> our next meeting is september 8, december 22 two beatings in october and one meeting each november and december. >> happy august. unless we have to call you out a special meeting that's the plan.
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>> the annual celebration of hardly strictly bluegrass is always a hit now completing itself 12 year of music in the incredible golden gate park. >> this is just the best park to come to. it's safe. it's wonderful and such a fun time of the year. there is every kind of music you can imagine and can wander around and go from one stage to another and just have fun. >> 81 bands and six stages and no admission. this is hardly strictly bluegrass. >> i love music and peace. >> i think it represents what is great about the bay area. >> everyone is here for the music and the experience. this is why i live here. >> the culture out here is amazing. it's san francisco. >> this is a legacy of the old
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