tv [untitled] July 19, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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the state to insure that the response they've provided the office didn't change. >> correct. >> so because i think that we did submit to you a copy of the questions that bryan submitted to the state so the state attorney susan dead on arrival by our question to her about can a business use it twenty-four hours up front allocation be in compliance and will it be - does it matter to them to comply with san francisco if they then do the accrual of up to 40, however, this is dealt with her response if they use the up front their complying e complying with the state so but they could as more questions come up may sort of rise their determination a that's not in
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public writing either. >> are there any other county that has this issue or are we the only county. >> would you happen to. >> i don't think so. >> well, the action you need is to paragraph it so you can give an approval to submit. >> that's the general understanding. >> yeah. itself the u an urgency to 10 and under. >> my motion i'm going to skip i like what you said let's wait let's get this into the s l e with an urgency every 10 and under employees for an answer. >> that's the motion right. >> do we have a second. >> okay. >> second do we have a second. >> yes. commissioner yee-riley. >> roefrment. >> commissioner adams. >> commissioner dooley
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commissioner white. >> commissioner yee-riley commissioner tour-sarkissian and commissioner white. >> she had to leave early. >> 6 zero. >> okay. >> so be it arrest on to item 78 on to item 7 a legacy business registry survey and project plan. >> a discussion item. >> so commissioners the ordinance for this past sent by september 30th we are to have a registry application process in place unless the board of supervisors directs us otherwise so in communication with the city attorney we need to have the registry in place by september 30th and not wait to see what happens
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with the ballet measure so i've done an application the other thing we need to do conduct a survey to legacy businesses and so we've drafted a survey a beginning save of which i have two interns this summer not going day to day to all potential legacy businesses from 3 to 5 thousands but we'll target those in the districts in terms of going door to door but do a mailing to get businesses to do an online survey. >> only to one business first. >> (laughter). >> but maybe conduct surveys. >> will this survey. >> can you fill this ousted
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online. >> yes. we'll put it out online commissioner dwight we'll definitely have that there. >> there are this probably is a bosses it capture 90 percent of potential businesses if you are a restaurant your is this and pick the top. >> yeah. we'll look at that and link to - for those that have to do their federal tax filings and with the business registration you're asked to identify that hopefully, they'll have that information on file if not we've creative. >> i recently had to google it. >> i thought what i'll do is i'll just walk you through this is what an overview sort of it
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is - this document here somewhat of a half application half point system to begin to start to for you to think about what you're needs are whether our going to be - what i want in terms of the application you know when you receive the applications awhile for final approval again, the process is that the business is nominated by the board of supervisors or the mayor and my- as it is misunderstood that each supervisor will be making their nominations by their district or the mayor will be making his nominees in our meetings with the supervisors they want two ways to deal with the nominations they want our office to be able
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to take in the applications and make sure their full and complete and then forward them on to their offices for review and then they'll make nominations back to the - what is to be heard before the commission for final certification or designation as a certified legacy business and want the ability to say to the office of small business certify this is a a legacy business and like for i to getting get them connected with filing out the application it will happen in would both way but a quick walk throughs the business owners name and from the applicant is other than the applicant owner and the business registration
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number and the secretary cooperation number back if they have that i've put in here this is volunteer information but not very you know not all businesses will have a brad street rating this is additional information if you think that will be relevant ever useful and then to write in the date if their founded excuse me. founded and headquartered at the current location or if this - the date of founding location and date of headquartered location i may need to clarify that there are businesses in the same location their founded and headquartered location but they
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may are a headquarter somewhere else or a business may not have been founded here but move forward and headquartered here. >> so let's take an example your gardell chocolate they have a place on union square but not headquartered in san francisco is there location that's in the city a legacy? does it qualify a legacy business >> to come back we're not asking about the volume of business. >> not idea that the headquarters is no longer in san francisco but this business outlet is here if it met the if it is thirty years old you have to be owned and operated in the
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city smashgs. >> from the ballet measure passes that information will be struck under the application the ballots measure removed that criteria by between september 30th and the ballet measure this is part of what the current law to make that a criteria that their founded or a headquartered in san francisco. >> okay. >> so i have the date of the you know their founded or headquartered if it is both one and the same and the reason why later on then that business may get extra points in the fount and headquartered location so then i have the current location information and street address and block address and
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zoning district i may not necessarily ask all that information but i kind of went off of some of the historic preservation commission does and again is this location the - i keep saying founded and headquartered location or the founding or the headquartered. >> why ask for the street address why the block address. >> i don't need to. >> and on brad and dunn street that's a credit rating a bit of a scam so - >> all right. i'll agree with that >> pardon. >> never mind. >> i might get an e-mail on that
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past locates and again we will they're not supposed to have moved more than 2 times by the past locations and any of the past locations if we were any of the founding headquartered what have you to understand their history. >> is interest an exception if there was like you know what do you mean something not voluntary and that's an odd gone think about an manufacturing business on the edge of downtown a hundred years ago and got pushed out to market and dog patch and bayview you'll be following the best use of the space for the type of busy e business and still be a legacy business because decrease a notion your manufacturing but selling to manufacturers so your presence
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is you're still part like the chocolate manufacturer. >> yep. like the building a that's famous. >> why is it necessary. >> under the current it says the business no break in business operation exceeding two years but so - locations is a way to get to that the business break in two years we could ask i mean, i could ask for the reasons foreign the move. >> uh-huh. >> to provide a little bit of information in terms of displacement fire just to get give you a little bit of background. >> i don't think they should be eliminated necessarily. >> right and garments even there's a reason for garments to be the person passed away and it took 3 years to reapprove before
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the building burned down and 3 years to rebuild it so - >> i mean we're not here to vet we've benefit through the process they making recommendations about this you know how to perhaps modify the rules but - a refers to the no break in san francisco. >> okay right. >> so no operation at the given location we could safely ask the additional questions regarding their operation in general in san francisco so that two years in that given location seems not to be a requirement okay. >> so well, then we'll do is just ask them to list tare previous location to understand their history and the reasons for having to
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relocate displacements, fire yeah. >> and then the sea levels rise. >> the break should have taken placed 0 thirty years but 60 years ago it didn't count accredit true. >> like prohibition. >> there you go. >> of course that didn't stop anybody. >> (laughter). >> since the qualifying number is thirty we are not going to hold them for something that may have happened prior it goes without saying. >> i think they get more points and criteria when they get more points if they've been in business longer. >> so that's something you know again do you want some sort of the waiting criteria
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that may not be something you find helpful or we could. >> who's is going to review this. >> (laughter). >> the average office. >> right so the application will come in we will make sure that everything is the application is complete if the business hadn't been nominated - from the business is not nominated by a board of supervisors or the mayor then we'll forward that implemented application to that the entity and they'll review it a make a recommendation back, yes you know in that 3 hundred that the no - well, right now there is no specific number in the volume that currently the commission can handle they will refer back
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or based on their priorities refer back and - or send back and say now we'd like have this business i'm going to nominate this business between the small business commission to be part of the legacy business registry so since the final decision is with the - you what is in the application since you're going to be making the final determination the criteria you want to be comfortable with the criteria which our going to be evaluating and make sure that is there for you so i do have - i'm not sure if the break is the break had to be before the thirty years it could have been within i think this is just saying based on the correction i needed no
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break exceeding two years there could have been a break if less than thirty years. >> yeah. >> and we're not making a final decision on this tonight since you didn't have a chance to review it. >> question take it - >> please give me your questions or comments i'll be soliciting it on the 27 i want to finalize this to circulate to the board of supervisors to make sure that this you know their comfortable that it and other entities so then the proposed legacy business the criteria one you know what it was it founded and headquartered and two 4 and 6 points allocations based on time
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and i've decided not to do in this situation is if it that does that make sense not make sense it is headquartered into the same line item but then when was the business headquartered this is a distinction of a business not start here but move forward her a long time; right? again slithering less waiting for those businesses not founded here but founded and headquartered here i can't think of one off the top of my head but they could have starred in east bay. >> i thought of one founded in chicago and moved to san francisco maybe a continuous business but a fourth generation the relatives are running it today and it will be interesting
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to see if they're continuing in business or he reduce recollected it they still sell traditional hats in the 20s and 30s but also and uh-huh. >> come off cool baseball cap but, yeah. >> there will be so again do you think that is an appropriate thing to in terms of having some sort of waiting. >> i think we're you know we're really cutting some thin things or lines we don't need to be overly restrictive or splitting hairs it will be interesting to see how many application we're not over designing it we don't know how it will play out yet. >> one difference we should make clear the harvard is a
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physical notion and not a a legal one in terms of you can be headquartered legally and not a venue physically or present in the county so you need to kind of you know kind of make that difference. >> a lot of companies are incorporated in delaware and headquartered here business life is one i've not been in business thirty years it's irrelevant or change their venue or corporation. >> in the concept of having the headquartered question regarding the headquarters is to see how much the business is invested in the stay 19 city how many employees in the city and county of san francisco so that is relevant as to how concentrated
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and invested the company is. >> it maybe call do physical headquarters. >> physical headquarters that's what we care about. >> right. >> it is - and headquarters. >> legally headquarters is of no relevance because some of the papers will show their headquartered in another venue but nevertheless, do you want to know how many people are in our town that's my take. >> that's a good distinction. >> then through discussions with historic preservation commission and couple of onto the thought was give some sort of distinction in terms of working on the waiting is that the business is located or iconic neighborhoods and it says off the beaten path wrong
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terminology but a neighborhood commercial corridor. >> dog patch. >> yeah. >> emerging neighborhoods careful. >> i have a question about that. >> in terms of if you are a san francisco business or an expend period of time and your luke to be in that kind of hip neighborhood iconic neighborhood more points then off the path. >> postindustrial. >> (laughter) >> so is that a neighborhood grading it seems to me. >> it's a little bit arbitrary. >> i'm raising the issue and that's open for decision and thely put that rather than off the beaten paths direct me if
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this is a directions that's worth keeping in or more refinement i think sort looking at the findings of the original ready to proceed business it talks about neighborhoods, community, and so those sort of businesses and those in neighborhoods commercial corridors not always but when our talking about neighborhoods and communities you tend to think of neighborhood commercial corridors. >> i think we should allow the business to explain what they contribute a naked eir neighborhood is a neighborhood off or on the beaten paths let's let the business describe how it is part of its physical location because i mean you know dog patch is a neighborhood for that hundred and some years
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every neighborhood in the city has been a neighborhood not maybe the popularity of those neighborhoods and we make the composition of those neighborhoods there's been a of late it is fashion able to redefine the neighborhoods and subsidize them around marketing you know we have an ob session it seems subdividing a city in the at the end e.r. ends the company can subscribe why it is why it is for the generations and the neighborhood used to look at this and that's part of narrative i find this overall application it feels very almost restaurant eccentric i that think because it is talking about the physical features the business it it
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should be left to the business to describe it's attributes make it a legacy in the city and like i said if it is a manufacturing business that move forward around because that's the city landscape whether they're a meat packing company that's part of their narrative they'll describe whether being you know saying we're going to stay in this neighborhood no matter what or we were able to because we owned our building or guess what real estate prices increased we sold our building and expanded the business in a new neighborhood it give us the capital that's part of the narrative but that's a waited criteria the narrative is more
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important. >> some of the physical features could be that a laundromat. >> yeah. >> they needed tile and retained that tile it fades with the identity and have to be more even if you meeting move there might be facade and create a facade that is awe difb. >> you ask the business to describe the attributes whether their product or service-based what are the things that make you unique and how have those - what's the sort of continuity over the ages sorry. >> just in general this application will be more condensed it is almost this is supposed to be kind of celebratory and this application is - yeah. >> line for a loan or something. >> and i've been like following
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on you yeah, the neighborhood obviously in our accepted and your supervisors support all of those are in brarnz. >> what's our story basically in the end. >> if you're comfortable with not having you know anymore specific things to be able to make that final determination that's fine with me. >> i am. >> i think we can tell people how to tell that narrative that's- >> i think if i may. >> yeah. >> we ought to have some questions because if we don't we may do a disservice to applicants that may not know how to make that application and right. >> and second basic questions that should be applicable to every single applicant i submit to you, we should are
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is list of questions and we ought to let them tell their story but ought to answer and frankly pearl i'd like to know beyond what we give me there are basic questions that i want them to respond to so i don't see any - and this is a good experience in the event that something the future the law passes this is a good foundation for us to move to the next - >> one more question about the neighborhoods legacy business registration law didn't talk about necessarily the neighborhood it talks about the community you can have a business that provides a service to the san francisco community to - >> so i think we should our
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reasoning i hope we get this going and gets those applications should start from the contribution and not the t has to be tied to the neighborhood but put the emphasis on the contribution and i agree with our president if we should not be really talking about neighborhoods per say but so that's fine. >> that's not realed itself there are specific questions but you have to ask how long have you been in business how many employees and how are based here to determine the contributions to the community. >> well, i mean i have not put the number of employees that isn't right now the first draft of legislation didn't really. >> didn't contemplate that. >> didn't contemplate but parts
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of our narrative though and we can certainly ask that i mean, we asked that in the survey to get an understanding the sdpem graphics in the survey but not the required criteria. >> i've been a proogs lawyer in this office where my father and grandfather and others having had their office for a legacy. >> seems to me we can fold in the criteria 1, 2, 3 in a way that is more like saying please tell us about way feel makes you a legacy business and gives off bullet points. >> for example. >> yeah. >> by not bullet points on getting points would
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