tv [untitled] July 20, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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architect your images show what i believe is that vinyl coded horizon sliding window we're talking about updates who - are you townsend to workshop r upgrade those windows that be appropriate for the entire building and what are we using if you wouldn't mind speaking to the commission. >> anthony yes staff asked us to 134 east use not visible but for the front facade because of the noise issue we've replaced the window in the back they've met the ratings and vth very good so far i can ask some of the tenants but ron has replaced some of the windows at the rear. >> what i would like to ask and speaking to both the zoning administrator as well as you
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that the new rear facing windows that are indeed the new ones facing the freeway are specified by a acutely engineer they'll meet all the criteria that come with freeway facing windows. >> well, certainly need to meet all the relevant building code requirements. >> the department of public health has to review our soundness report to meet the windows and assembles second question you're standing there we are at a freeway are we using the health and neighborhood tool for police cars, etc. that applies to this site. >> yes. there's a plan for the new unit we'll have to provide and mechanic ventilation system to the tenants can have air
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circulation without opening the windows. >> good that's a way to we are that the neck question is addressed the horizontal no. your vertical wood siding is that a code. >> no, it will be the hardy siding you don't like or the wood. >> some places don't allow that i'm sure you're aware of they don't because it is a cheap material and the community don't allow it my question to you as why are we not doing a little bit more to differentiate the fourth floor from the rest of the building as we're moving the building into kind of a new architecture
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expression i think that would have been a great idea particular on the public facing park side to differentiate it a little bit more so the building didn't look to uniformly. >> i thought it looked so horizontal i thought taxing the windows will help gives it more you know height breakdown the facade a little bit more i never thought about making that a separate you know or you know distinctly different from the rest of the body of the building. >> i would have liked to see a little bit more shadow line or whatever for me, the vertical
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emphasizes some of the shortcomings i'll leave it up to the building inspection to revisit that that's all i want to say. >> commissioner antonini. >> this was built in 1962 and has a low point of earth so anything you can do to not only differentiate the new but i think anything to bring improvements to the outside of the existing building would certainly be very welcome and yeah as far as the question that was race by commissioner moore and answered by the zoning administrator this building didn't come under the affordable requirements on 4 unit 3 one a
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year ago 6 short of what is required and that requirement is part of prop c that raised it from 5 to 10 units so it will is to go to the voters to involves existing buildings to meet that requirement we count the units in place which have been there since 1962 so anything po to address the awe enthusiasts it great a welcome thing. >> commissioner richards i guess this is the right place to put the octavia plan we were planning a cu it is pretty well appropriate i have a couple of questions i lived in an apartment illicit before they were doing construction on top of my unit it drove me crazy live two doors counsel it was
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driving me crazy this community 7 at night the question what is your construction management plan for the two residents we heard about the quality of life what are our hours can you philosophical us in to mitigate those concerns. >> thank you, commissioner ron project sponsor. >> in the for the first unit there was concern expressed by the tenants we didn't start until the contractor was said that was okay and generally speaking the contractor we used will be finished by 5 even though we could have gone to 7 at night i'll use the same contractor the two people that spoke he's a responsible contractor that
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addresses our concerns that as quickly as he can he's a great guy i look forward to working with him again. >> maybe a question for one of the tenants is there go anything else that the project sponsor can do to make your life better you can come up if you like. >> i hear your pain i do. >> we're going to have a project that looks like the right place to put a project 8:30 in the morning until 5 at night. >> again, i'm charles thank you, commissioner i appreciate that you or so you know carlos can speak better but the last contractor that was there did listen to the tenants and you know would i
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hire him again, the answer is yes, but carlos working in a restaurant gets out of work at one of 1:30 and gets home i don't know anybody that goes to bed right away after coming home from work going to bed at 2:30 so when it was the first floor we're our the third floor but that was on his side of the building i apologize he had all the reversions now literally this construction is inches above where we sleeps so you know can they start at 10 everyone chuckles 10 to 7 is still 8 hours of work kind of
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thing so something later on in the day will work. >> i ask the gentleman to help with the quality of life i don't want to prescribe the hours but someone is going to 8 in the morning, he sound like a responsible guy and i wanted to say to the previous gentleman that spoke we want to acknowledge him and thank him if there is anything wrong with the building anything he's hot on getting it to me and having someone that bird dogs the property that aggressively is really valuable 80 so i want to thank him for that. >> thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> move to approve. >> second. >> commissioners on that matter. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner johnson commissioner moore
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commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and zoning administrator, what say you? on the variance, close the public hearing and noting the lot the size and shape thank you i believe the commission will be taking a short recess or no? >> you guys need commissioners to let you know commissioners need a break but the next three or four 4 items are supervisor legislation we'll take a short break they have a conflict another community meeting we'll take items 14, 15 ab and then 13 in. >> good afternoon and welcome to the planning commission regular
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hearing for i'd like to remind the members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. commissioners, we left off on your regular calendar and taking a few things out of order item 14 15 ab and 13 and then continue as agendized so commissioners on item 14 accessory use and entertainment in the western districts. >> good afternoon diego sanchez with the staff i'm asking for the accessory use with the llp in the region commercial and western south of market mixed use general district before i continue my presentation i want to provide the sponsoring
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supervisors office daniel with time to provide federation as well as the justin king. >> good afternoon, everyone. commissioners director ram my name is danny aid to supervisor kim bringing the live permits of entertainment with with concentration of bars and restaurants the neighborhoods is with an of the go to designations with restaurant and cafes that support poetry reading. >> acoustic gutters hope to provide a venue for local talent another thing as- the western selma silence all electronic
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devices that, of course, task force incapable with other parts the neighborhood that was concern of noise and enrollment but llps have been issued more complaints are limited and the sdoech in the neighborhood allows a geographic use that - commissioners before you an ordinance that increases the activity of local businesses and creates more venues that technologies effects the western selma this is south of market business association and the california music and culture association your approval is requested thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners jocelyn kane entertainment commission i know you'll get information from
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diego but fairly simple the idea started with commissioner glen done and hiding and a few of us at staff level that received phone numbers getting a limited live performance permit in some of the operators are here to speak to you about that at public comment we unfortunate had it tell him not that you a simple live performance because of the restrictions so we went through a process and horde from the community of the businesses at our commission and we're really please be advised pleased that the supervisor decided to move forward we're glad to be here in front of you to allow the live performance in the districts and i'm here to answer
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any questions not super super complicated thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners as mentioned llps are accessory uses because the bulb orient activities in eating types of activities that are allowed by poetry and songs and playing of instrument and llps are will limited and must complete by 10:00 p.m. those restrictions with the department buildings capable in support of this as reasons the operational restrictions that limit the loophole will thats make this entertainment activity capable with the businesses in the vicinity allowing the east and
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drinking facilities help the sustainability of the district and enlighten the district those are suitable district that have future mixed use buildings and when co-located with the east and drinking establishment those to activities mriement the character and lastly that satisfies western selma area those seeking to differentiate late night if complimentaryy businesses like llp it satisfies those policies that seeks to promote and maintain the mixed use character of the neighborhood ape it also satisfies those policies that provide new spaces concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions thank you. >> opening it up for public
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comment i have one speaker card pr case louis louis. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is case louis i'm here on behalf of the full name foundry to speak in support of this legislation it is a small family owned art gallery and restaurant run by my brother and myself we employ san franciscans that allows to have no more employees and generating more tax revenue for the city additionally this allows us to further look at the community to provide a venue for the musicians and poets and that that don't have the reputations. >> the ability to ago into larger music venue i have a
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petition i'd like to submit with over 3 hundred signatures in support of this legislation as well as letters of support from so the immediate neighbors thank you for your time. >> is there any additional public comment? >> just to add patrick owner of the winery across the street a lot of the same things trying to stay open in this market with the rising rents because of the tech industry has moved in like live entertainment and being able to support local artists would mean more jobs for the employees a new revenue streams for the rents that are doubling
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tripling in the neighborhood everything else has been said thanks. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm john owned and operated also in the neighborhood i'm here to say i fully support those changes to the western selma. >> is there any additional public comment. >> okay. not seeing none, public comment is closed. and opening up to commissioners commissioner richards. >> this is a really good thing to do it is impact that is mini minimal i appropriately will support it. >> commissioner wu. >> i'm shot of it is a step in
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the right direction i move to approve. >> second and commissioners on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on item 15 ab pca planning code amendments to allow the seary dwelling units in district 8 and 3. >> hi kim with the dispatching before you today are two ordinances appropriated by supervisor wiener and supervisor christensen to allow the dwelling units in district 8 and respectfully i want to invite
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supervisor wiener that want to talk about the ordinance and followed by supervisor christensen who will join us later. >> thank you and commissioners good afternoon and thanks for having me today and hearing those items i understand that supervisor christensen leaving committee and walked u walking up here she'll be here momentarily this legislation is existing we're gradually step by step adding accessory in-law units into their buildings and to make that one piece of the solution in addressing our housing crisis and housing shortage and so the legislation that i am authorizing will take what i previously authorized to the
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commission and the commission supported was pass the board of supervisors unanimously to allow for the addition of new in-law units in the castro area and expand that to all district 8 i know that supervisor christensen is authorizing similar legislation to apply this ability to add accessory units into district 3 i want to pubically thank supervisor christensen for doing that it is my hope for several years that i would not be the only supervisor to propose having those unite in the district i represent and i've been waiting and waiting and waiting and finally supervisor christensen came along that was a breath of fresh air in another district that the supervise will allow new reynolds unit in different parts
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of the city i'm supportive of what sxhooishs is doing and goes had an in glove with what i've been trying to do in district 8 i hope those move forward together so the legislation as i think you will recall expands the previous castro legislation and also the seismic retrofit. >> next speaker. >> legislation to add new rental units when the castro legislation was up we had broad support from the neighborhoods successors and liveable city and spur and strong support in addition, we have support for this legislation from the board of directors and the parkers association and the diamond head community association we we know
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that commissioners our housing crisis has taken a lot of approach we've tried to get cost of living under go control and we've not added enough housing one of the complaints is that new housing is too expensive we know that in-law units are the most affordable types of non-subsidized housing they tend to be smaller and on the ground level and simply not as fancy as unit online exactly the kind of housing unit it is non-taxable in neighborhood but within the envelope of the building and assessable for people about mobility challenges they're on the ground floor this legislation as with the previous legislation allows for the
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addition of one, two additional units for larger than that and, of course the building is subject to rent control so commissioners, i ask for your support and ask for your support for the district 3 legislation because as a i mentioned the two travel together and compliment each other i see any colleague is here perfect timing for supervisor christensen i ask for your support. >> thank you. >> see if i can catch my breath good afternoon, commissioners? an important matter for our district and city i said to come and have a few words i think that the adu legislation allows our district to do it's part we're looking for ways to add housing all over the city and
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our neighborhoods that are some of the city's more original and densely settlement is a difficult place to add housing the typography counsels against the reaction of the heights limits to the ability to add housing it challenging we also want to keep our neighbors and keep seniors, our families we not to keep the people that work in the libraries and restaurants in our neighborhood that is increasing challenging to do the adu units are many of them by their size naturally more affordable in the building that we've been looking at many of them are likely to occur on ground floors they're more assessable for seniors and those with limited mobility 95 percent of district 3 consists of buildings built before 1979 the adu unit will
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most likely be rerlgd that is important, important we can add this housing without negatively impacting neighborhood character there is very few single-family dwellings in district 3 in other sdprikts in-law units basically in district 3 we've been primarily adding apartment to buildings of 20 or thirty or 40 units the boiler room the infrastructure space in the garage i think i remember the status but as many as 80 percent of the people in the district live in buildings of 10 unit or more those are the buildings to which this is going to be added i'm grateful to supervisor
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wiener and those who cockamamy to advance this notion it is go for district 3 i hope we look at it implementing it citywide it is a time that has come ero over and over we know of a number of cases landlord that adding bedrooms to existing units making 4 and 5 bedrooms we need more apartment we looking at density limits throughout the district that is a good start and small step we can make towards making our neighborhoods affordable so we very much appreciate your support thank you. >> thanks supervisors so i'm going to continue with my presentation currently san francisco currently san
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francisco allows adu's within one thousand 7 hundred square feet plus in the castro and undergoing the mandatory - as supervisor wiener mentioned adu's are additional units to residential believes that are and they're limited to be built within the administrative waiver for some of the planning code requirements because of rear yard and open space and parking and rent controlled this - staff supports the audience as a strategy and supports the two proposals for expanding where adu's are allowed adu's within the existing residential is a pragmatic strategy to create for housing this housing strategy will allow more use of land
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within our existing residential buildings those are buildings that are lost or already development not like or likely to be redeveloped in the future allowing adu's will compliment the trends that are primarily on lots that are under developed or vacant and form of that increases the availability of rebels not high concentration of listing and final orly as the character it is not changing the character staff finds that adu's will provide housing affordable to middle-income of small size san francisco is the most
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