tv [untitled] July 20, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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you. i live in liberty hill this location has been presented served the underserved the group choose this location to serve the underserved in the services master plan issued bit the san francisco health commission and this planning department in 2013 the ideal of serving the underserved is central to their argument the neighborhood residents that invited them to a meeting in may this neighborhood is under sefrld relied on by this sutter group appropriately served throughout including the important definition underserved and served population while responsibly for the citywide
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data the task force purposed its work on the san francisco population currently underserved or inappropriately underserved the neighborhoods are those which data indicates are disproportionately unified with the health and disparities a high disease rate and mortality and lack of insurance or socioeconomic status the affirmation of underserved written by this planning department if apply to this location not people that meet the definition in group said they want to serve this group will be better served in the heart of the mission in the excelsior in bayview where people have health impacts they definitely do not have at 20th and van ness thank you very much
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much. >> commissioner president fong one minute. >> i think we've allowed for two public comment open this item. >> thank you, commissioner commissions i'm stephen a resident of lexington street and disproof of that although sutter made concessions it is still outsized for the approved project 5 years ago and feels slightly over the 75 feet of allowable retail we would ask that the commission look at one or two bays more
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that commissioner hillis once express about 8 weeks ago we talked about before about different because of looking at the project sideways or u awe asked you it is the right program but on the wrong floor in the wrong building i think that people take accelerators with children i the it with my own area aches and so forth it is all on the wrong floor we wish it wasn't but it is one of the urban design or architecture issues you can kind of look at on straight on people look at van ness street from all even the i's even global cities what works and not 18 van ness worked
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truly independence and hopefully, you'll use that model going forward with 20th and van ness. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello my name is david representing the valencia corridor association we strongly oppose the program after reviewing the latest revision is just not in keeping with what the space was designed for that and conditionally approved from f for we oppose it thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is nick i'm with liberty hill
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we believe that this we disapprove of the change in the permitted do not grant the conditional use space should be used for multiple businesses consistent with character of the neighborhood there is a vibrant business community on that street and this will change that by making the first floor to be operated by a single business instead of the multiple businesses throughout valencia street i wish you would keep in mind prop m and enforce the consistency of the neighborhood character this
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will violate. >> good afternoon commissioner lisa president of the liberty hill neighborhood association again pretty much what has been said at the last couple of hearings has been said i'd like to reiterate the real concerns of the neighborhood since the last hearing i've heard no real residents i've come into contact it is my in fwroks the comments i'm not hearing support but serious concerns about the dead space on valencia and real concerns about more parking congestion traffic congestion and so forth and that's never been addressed you look at the comparison of
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retail people versus people saeks e assessing the medical facility that didn't tell the story regardless of transit first policy people will drive to medical appointment if you look at mtas statistic that might show the number of tickets and towed vehicles around 20th and valencia i'm sure you'll find a tremendous increase in flagrant parking violation and the congestion of 20th and 21st street is really reaching you you know a crisis proportion you can hardly get through this is the emergency vehicles and the addition of flower stalls outside of a medical facility the neighborhood didn't want or need there i think is a real attempt to
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just try to sneak something by no real relevance to the project we have flowers stalled and lots of coffee shops this will not help thank you. >> yes. coalition for health care housing, jobs, and justice i've actually been talking about sutter camtc i think we're going to have those issues for two reasons one is that in dealing with the project sponsor in the beginning there was an attempt always to pull out individual facilities out of the master plan in 2007 they tried to pull that out making it a separate
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facility not fathoming taking into account the impact on the campus the same thing on closings st. luke's the impacts of potrero hill if you pull one thing out it didn't effect other things a stand alone clinic effects the medical buildings across the street the st. luke's hospital will struggle if we start having those satellite clinics threatens the vibrate of st. luke's we're still concerned and the other thing in terms of the transportation planning i was the chair for the 5 facilities the transportation planning around health care is incredible there's emergency
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there's shift work, there's patient and physicians, there's workers this facility must have some access to parking there are alternatives in the neighborhood you if you have you know people with children and buggies they're not necessarily going to get on bart and pregnant women not on buses we have to have parking for staff and others thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is a jefferson jefferson a manager of a bus company and run that company for the last 6 years on valencia street i'm a resident in the neighborhood for 12 years i cherish the mission district i have a lot for the mission
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district some people don't understand that's why i'm here because of the my passion for my neighborhood when i saw the building go up i'll reserve for comments for the architecture aspect last year's of the building whether i found out that it was going to be one big long block of a medical facility i was concerned again, i'm in the merchant association to there was discussion the people approached us and asked us for our support we said we want to see morality in the street small independent retail makes mission special it is the only place in the united states that has a mile-long stretch of the chain free it is special
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tourists come to see it, the people that live there cherish and value that in spirit we're going to lose that with the medical facility coming in i appreciate i've gone right direction by offering tiny 3 feet wide not a huge step in the right direction but reasoning in the right direction so if they'll continue to move in that direction and add more valencia facing non-sutter retail i'll support the project the active space doesn't seem active. >> public comment on this item. >> i'd like to. >> yourself the project sponsor right. >> i ask to read a letter that
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was submitted today i don't know if it is in your commissioner packets. >> you can pass it out or put it on the rail and we'll circulate it. >> a member of the liberty hill neighborhood association okay is there any additional public comment all right. seeing none public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> a few comments that a very good adaptation and incorporates almost everything we'll asked for with the frontage on valencia street to answer some of the comments we've talked about that at other hearings there's a big diverse within a medical office building and an urgent care clinic different used for different things most of the patients seen at a medical office building or office are related to in patient care or people that be finished
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being in hospitals and coming in for urgent care urgent care people are regular doctors they'll go to the urgent care facility so you know my family has used both there are different reasons for different uses this is a good edition to the mission sgriktd we have implement of the retail an admission i've heard people criticize it is expensive retail but people are talked about the need for health services that will be a good edition in terms of the frontage i think this is a great adaptation between the retail outlet that was proposed and now the micro retail and the planters and the mural if you look at the facing
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of valencia very little that didn't have retail yours or the murals on a couple of entrances on the extreme north ends so i think they've done in my estimation what we asked them to do and the adaptation is a good one is allows the building to function behind the micro retail that takes a variety of different uses i'm in favor. >> commissioner moore. >> since the magical use is not allowed in this corridor the project sponsor made a good use, however the more we try the less i'm convinced this original intent is designed for this use
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we spent a lot of time with the building itself it was not the most important building in the approval but once the i see the planner nodding we've spent a lot of time having the architect going back to create a ground floor configuration that is indeed directly in the spirit of what is intended in the valencia corridor ear summarizing that in the cover to today's package and i think while i appreciate the attempt to use the thinking denttion of the mr. larkin for a micro unit this is still not meeting the spirit of retail corridor this space is much too shallow you need 2 housing unit 6 foot four in different and the
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mural didn't do it further takes what should be there and not there i can't unfortunately support it i'll see what my fellow commissioners have to say. >> commissioner antonini. >> i just wanted to ask staff to have a motion to approve i think that could be given to us and along with the motion to disapprove. >> commissioner richards. >> i guess somebody brought of issue the underserved as it regularities to the master plan maybe the gentleman - >> or the staff planner can talk about what the master plan is how it relates to it is the three or four time the bread crumple trail and hear from the
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project sponsor. >> from planning code the department didn't need a consistency determination with the health care services master plan. >> this is the determination it is made in pitcher with the department of public health so a change of use to medical use that will accompany 10 thousand grow secret square feet or any additions adding square feet shall have a consistency determination this project explicit qualify for that. >> because of consistency. >> smaller nan than the threshold this is received for the master health care plan. >> this is less than that. >> not big enough okay. >> the project sponsor can you
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let us know tells you why this ground floor the whole reason. >> i know i've heard it many, many weeks ago. >> so why this spot we looked at we've been looking for over a year for space we've particular want to be near st. luke's hospital your plan we're part of sutter we're part of you know we're part of that organization and st. luke's hospital quite frankly needs revitalization and not bricks and monitoring that make a hospital come it is physicians and patient and that relationship and we need primary care in that area to support the positive o hospital so the specialists will come and patients will come that's why we wanted to be in that area
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to address the issue of the underserved that was brought up we the our own look at that area and currently there are 73 thousand people that live in the area there is not enough doctors in that neighborhood 36 primary care physicians are are needed to serve that kind of population and i guess we don't have a tackle but only 28 primary care doctors in that area 8 of them over the age of 65 and this didn't take into account 5 percent growth that is projected we want to be in that area to serve the populations to bring needed health care serves to people that live there and support st. luke's hospital in being successful with a brand new hospital and a new office
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building. >> so this medical office building on the campus of st. luke's. >> there is a medical building the way it works most the doctors that need to be right there they hospital are the surgeon specialists the o b g y n and the orthopedic surges or surgeons and primary care doctors should be no community to have that assess. >> tell you why not the second floor why ground retail. >> we didn't find a second floor anymore this looks like an excellent location only 7 blocks from st. luke's so it had good access with public transportation good street access and you know just to
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correct perspectives it is authorized for medical use the problem with the size limitation but i don't know when those ordinances were put into effect quite frankly the knowledge tiny mom and pop clinics that doctors practiced in they remember the way of the birds young doctors coming out don't want to practice in the 3, 2, 1 clinics but access to connect activity we know what it takes to recruit physicians to an area it takes more than 3 the house square feet. >> sure one other question if this use literally across the street from st. luke's do you think the community will have an issue on the hacking master plan
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situation and i can't speak i'm surprised there is any objection to this i don't know. >> thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> sir summarize what happened when do that a last week the commission felt the application was not commissioners, on that motion because the project will not promote street corners and pedestrians refined in when is appropriate and capable with the valencia commercial triumphing transit district we've spent a lot of time hoping to promote the sdrishlth district and many many cases this building sticks out because of it's size but because the only repeat after me
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qualities that had which we approved it was the ability for multiple retail spaces multiplicative retail spaces we're sitting hereafter the applicant or applicant has been resistant almost walking out of here off forgot about that we've hardly gone back to have a revised motion of disapproval in front of us for the applicant to succeed it a little bit i have to repeat myself given the amateur of energy for the residential building with ground floor multiple ground floor retail we need to is it correct to our guns and be consistent and how we look at this project. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i remember that
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approval there are a lot of redeeming things you can't always get what you want you want a cobbler or headquarter store we can't dictate when we have of the had w wafer retail this is an important need it is a need? an underserved area just like years ago a dental student i served a rural area there were no dentists a shortage of physicians that's how you'll begin to build a community with the health care in commission and choose to have it at st. luke's so the whole thing works together it a good use i think there is plenty of other space for retail that exists and there are some still some vacancies
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and plenty of room on market street for morality i'm supportive of this and i would like to move to approve it >> second. >> commissioner wu. >> it is challenging i think that the move it two tentative for me hearing what the i'll see what my fellow commissioners have to say around looking at to carve out much larger space i heard the staff to say your confusing the planters and i was it i'm not clear project sponsor i think on the third page of the yeah, so if we could bring up the monitor here. >> so the planters here i think referred to the mud stop.
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>> no. >> i can speak to that commissioner wu. >> the intent there was to utilize the additional space on either side of the al confidence there are two exist planters that in previous it ration on july 2nd were planting material to convert those to tell you a plants for sale that is put in at the corner or if it was a different use like a news stand put racks of monopolies and magazines or something in that space to maximize that full thirty foot frontage we looked at the just trying to make that as active as we could during the hours of operation. >> thank you. i said now.
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>> again for me that is a move that's two small i think that i was more interested in seeing something of equal to the existing retail space the 3 hundred and 25 feet looking for a move closer. >> schoks and thank you very much yeah. i think one thing that is helpful to say although the commissioners felt the late it ration needed forward movement everyone had a different idea so i want to say i appreciate the project sponsors movement towards doing something that is more than what was there before not one unified voice i feel last week this works i feel that micro retail is a
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concept that i've seen popping up all cross the city it works for having rotating uses are one eye that is neighborhood serving that didn't need that much space i personally asked for to keep the variety and to keep the movement of people on valencia valencia street one of the reasons not the only one the retail of valencia street works you have a variety of people coming in and out of doors different sounds and smells that makes that corridor works in addition to the support for small businesses why that corridor works i supported having a health care use on the ground floor but part of having a healthy neighborhood the vibrancy having people in the city and build neighborhoods
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that stay around and not move somewhere else you can't have one use you've got to have one liveable neighborhood within one envelope i had that tension p there i personally them while not a full-scale but personally what i asked for and all 7 commissioners commissioner hillis not here today broadway-sansome apartments but everyone has a different idea i might ask a question to the project sponsor commissioner wu's sentiment can you talk about again why you were not able to do more of a full scale reconfiguration of the space. >> thank you commissioner johnson
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