tv [untitled] July 20, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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to throw out information was released by the department of human services 2 hundred and 36 thousand people are living at 2 hundred percent of the poverty level or blow 2 to $3,000 a year per capital income in noah valley is $17,000 a year per capital in bayview hunters point is $20,000 per year the per capital income in downtown is $24,000 a year everything that we should be about at this board should be about decreasing that gap and making sure that low income middle-income people of color are under assault are receiving the support and passing laws to make sure that developers have to respect the fact it is childcare workers and public
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school teachers and restaurant employees and nonprofit employees that city is about those are the people we need to represent on this body thank you (clapping.) >> next speaker >> supervisor kim, supervisor cohen and supervisor wiener thank you and to the audience and others i'm daniela eliminator residents out of the western edition area i rise to say that i stand with all those who is fight for affordable housing and all those who are displaced and impacted by the formal redevelopment project and we stand with the latino community and i think it is clear we've got topanga i wanted to come up to share about the housing a lot of times i come
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and deal with police issues it is appropriate to say something i think that san francisco needs to think outside the box i've been coming up here for 20 odd years i remember talking to president matt gonzales about the things that the state is not doing the state of california seems not to take a strong to stance on affordable housing i don't know what grade to give on governor jerry brown but i can say we've god got topanga san francisco is interested in other land we own the hetch hetchy and dealing with the water let's think outside the box and also look to preserve what is on the books i'm sure you're aware of i've mentioned matt gonzales you're a
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supervisor then gone when you term out after 8 years but san francisco goes in circles and we repeat those conversations over and over i'm a victim and my mother was displaced by the redevelopment agencies i know some about housing and what's the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> yes. yes. hello, i'm mows thompson a hospitality attendee i'll make it short and sweet excuse me. that will set persistence and will move us together eliminating affordability altogether you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is testing i'm a housing cased manager at hospitality house i'm in
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solidarity for everyone that asks for more affordable housing in san francisco it is obviously an important issue as you can see a lot of people speaking from their hearts it impacts me i was demand from san francisco and live in oakland i hate to be doing the same thing if oakland it is typical process but i wanted to thank you thank you supervisor wiener and supervisor cowen for moving our amendment and wanted to thank commissioner avalos and supervisor kim for the closings of the will that it is really, really important and i really appreciate your introducing. >> thank you. >> supervisor cowen and supervisors i'm davider here on behalf of the ford land company the project i represent approved by the planning commission on july 9th group housing we are proud and pleased to be the
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first project that will utilize the bmr legislation the reason i'm here today is another amendment in this corrode code that deals with section dealing with exposure is not clear whether or not that provision will apply to this project if it applies it will therefore make the project impossible to build so based on two projects too vacant surface parking lot and not displacing anyone and creating 2 hundred and 31 group housing units i've not gotten clarification from the city attorney or the zoning administrator and so i'm raising the issue that the amendments that are possible and you've proposed section three 07 that allows the zoning administrator to grant exceptions be broadened
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a little bit to allow the project that is approved higher to the adoption of that legislation can be exempted by the zoning administrator i can tell you we've had 7 different property owners adjacent to this site and we've reached agreement in order to allow this project to go forward we had to deal with certain compromises and setbacks and try to make 24 project work this is new hours not displacing anyone and providing the bmr units that are riders under this legislation i urge you i'll be available to talk about that at other times. >> this is the first time i've heard of that 0 meanwhile i do see members of the planning department staff if you could confer with them and i'll but
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for talking with them thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors supervisor wiener i'm glad to hear this amendment was withdrawn narng i'm concerned about the trend of smaller unit for more money very first thing to put tenants in their current homes and somehow get rid of no fault evictions and in addition we need to pursue the contingency where the jobs are located to start building of the workforce housing to not have the pressure in san francisco and again, i'm very glad if this group housing will be subject to the inclusionary housing i'm concerned about this trend towards lore the quality of the housing but charging more that's a very disturbing trend and i just want to know that
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those of us who live in rent controlled housing are nerve again the no fault evicts we know it is so valuable speculators what make more money we'll have to dip into our retirement the to of a for the housing that is where a friend of mine lived she got a no fault evictions and it is placed on the market$275,000 it was apple ellis act eviction in 2009 and none of us want that to happen to us thanks. >> my name is cal i'm a
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resident of the tenderloin and i'd like for you all to consider two things that disturb me last week, i overheard what the all of a sudden spectators staff laughed about their next will that was going to be and really the next point of bmr's can be filtered to the relatives for monitoring that's an odd statement also i'd like to ask you look at the current housing that is development on market street and consider the vacancies rates there are not good so i think you can look at that
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and why it will work thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm patrick shaw on personal time i understand this origin requires the developers of group housing projects to be subject to the requirements of building 12 to 15 percent affordable units on site or have to pay the various inclusionary housing fee so i commend you for this ordinance since the inclusionary fee legislation was first implemented over hundred and $70 million in fees have been paid by developers into several inclusionary fee fund accounts this community needs to rapidly hold a hearing on what the
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market values has spent the one hundred $70 million on and not spent the m h 0 cody's what they're doing and details san francisco spell needs the board of supervisors to over and place a city chart change to on the ballot to create a connection in charge of total oversight of the entire moh cd it is not good enough on angle set forth body to the successor agency to the root development swoeshgs agency what is mou h cd doing with the housing fund they're separate and the hundreds of millions that have been collected from the inclusionary housing fees that are collected to date so it
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where is the money. >> thank you is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item. >> all right. seeing none, public comment is closed at this time you. >> supervisor kim as a few remarks. >> thank you supervisor cowen and supervisor wiener i appreciate the time spent over the last week on the amendment at committee and glad to see we're going back to the original language of the group housing ordinance again, i want to thank all the members of the public that squat to organize for today's meeting we want to make sure that the inclusionary housing program that was passed by the board in 2002 committed group housing and it is said that group housing developers will be providing affordable housing under this ordinance, however because of wording languages around the dwelling units and it wasn't
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applied because we haven't seen a lot of market rate sro's types of developments come before the board the market is so hot those micro units are financeable and being proud we have 3 in the district i have 1178 fulsome street and micro units at 2 hundred 90 plus square feet and one that impacts the residents leavenworth is the 2 hundred and 38 units of apartment that are roughly 2 hundred and 50 square feet we're finding those units are 90 percent medium average income my mind but all developers are providing 12 percent on i take it and 50 percent of ami many of you
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mentioned this is far above the income of people in the tenderloin $40,000 a year for a person of one we want to insure that is provided if we want to talk about increasing the ami oversight affordable housing we should do that through the longer process of amending our inclusionary housing a program called the dial you may get unit by have to provide more of them you're not subsidizing those units or perhaps provide fewer constituents u units at a lower ami therefore hitting the residents that are here in the room i want to acknowledge you talked about the sro issues not just new ones the elevator issue many of the conditions our office and i heard supervisor cowen express
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that this she is interested in continuing on this over 50 percent of the sro buildings are in district of this is part of our housing balance on monday that conversation will happen i encourage you to come out and hear that report sorry i want to thank sro collaborative and the filipino association and the council and hospitality house and faith fools and mission sro can go collaborative for coming out and i know those groups came out and thought we'll be putting this forward to the full board i'm sorry we should make a motion on i believe that supervisor wiener will it do that and i'll make a motion on the full ordinance. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam chair and all the members of the public who coming out came out i
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think the representation from the tenderloin neighbors it neighborhood it is great to see when an neighborhood organs it is great when you agree or draw but it is entirely when a neighborhood comes out and represents i'll be supporting as i mentioned when i'm finished with my remarks i'll make a motion to withdraw the amendment that we adapted last week and supporting this legislation today with the positive recommendation i side, however, want to address an issue that not everyone commenter made but some commenter made if you didn't know anything about the ordinance and showed up you might get the inaccurate prospective that the amendment that i offered last week it
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raise the max area medium income for the group income from 50 to 90 percent that was taking the units out of the affordable category and putting them into the non-affordable educator even taking them out the below market rate that is completely and entire inaccurate our inclusionary program goes from zero to one hundred 20 percent it includes low income and low income and moderate income 20 percent is at the end of moderate income if 55 and 90 percent even though some of the commenters were applying that was some way somehow moving into an luxurious category that is the lower end of moderate income and into dollar terms that is we're talking about an annual
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salary between 45 thousand and 65 thousand dollars a year in many parts of united states you're doing fine if i make between 45 and 60 thousand you can science and raise a family that is a challenging income range in san francisco and so many of the people i know i represent and talked who are struggling with housing and hanging open by their. nails if their evicted their duo to struggle to stay in the city and neighborhood they're in that range let's talk about is in the 45 to 65 thousand range the 55 percent to 90 percent of ami that some people see not in need of affordable housing those are teachers we've heard reference to teachers those are teachers in that category, in
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fact, teachers make a little bit above that this is the low ends of teacher salaries starting teachers and social workers and lab technicians and our medical centers fall into that paralegals fall into that category not our even but lp in these and office managers so i think this is very important to choose the language not so is you're going up over 55 percent in the in the morning affordable in the for rich tech workers or whatever people say this is about our teachers and social workers and lab technicians a llp n that are struggling to stay in this city that is who we're talking about and right now we have not
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building hours for those people we're not building enough low income housing i've been supporting the funding we're not building enough and need more we're hardly building anybody for this income range and we have to side better we have to build more for 2, 3, 4 high-end of low income and the moderate income residents right now we're just not doing anything for them so you know i just wanted to really put that out there because this income matters this is part theoretically part of our affordable housing program we're able a small amateur of housing they can afford we need more moderate housing and see every time i have raised to stay on the boards 5 years
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the concept of moderated housing there is a lot of lip service and not a lot happens i know that some projects in process that have moderate next door housing when you add up the units it is a drop in the bucket compared to what we need more this income range i want to make sure i put that ousted there, there was a lot of carpenter over the last week over the amendment having the gale to suggest we should be building in the 50 percent of ami to 90 percent of ami range somehow meat it is not part of bmr program i understand there is political rhetoric in this building and town but it is important to look at the actual facts i also want to say that i as i mentioned in the giving up it is
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great that the tenderloin community as radical and organized around the two group housing projects that are being built in the tenderloin i'm a big believer in the community of housing getting built we've seen this in my district and the upper market area in not limited to the tenderloin but the whole city i understand that it is important to be overseeing around those projects but this legislation is not again one or two projects or one period of time this is for the whole city for the long run it is important we get it right and have tons of discussions airbnb those issues including affordable housing for all income levels so with that madam chair, i want to withdraw the amendment we approved last
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week and i'll be that concludes my report supervisor jane kim will be recommended with a positive recommendation i'll be supporting that recommendation >> thank you, supervisor wiener appreciate you for clearing up the miss commendations to withdraw the amendment and we'll take that without objection. let's accept that motion we'll take that without objection. that motion passes. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. i just wanted to say a couple of things first of all, in response to supervisor wiener we know we need to build housing at every category it's not good we're pit twins against the middle-income residents. >> couple of things i want to remind the members of the committee a lot of the residents ♪ room are on fixed income living
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day to day from social security and that the 4 hundred to $800 a month so 40 percent of ami in 201564 thousand plus a year is hard to tell me they're hanging by a tread thread the people if this room are hanging by a thread not to say people living in the ami it is hard to make 45 to 65 thousand dollars but we should remain the audience we're speaking to and those are the folks that are really, really hanging by a thread we prioritized this type of housing and the group how's impacting the city what all the projects are in my district and it feels like a g-6 policy the second thing about micro unit that is
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legislation that is passed in zoned and eligible for group housing not in other parts of the city that are single-family homes and large apartment buildings so a couple of things with that said i support us building housing at every income level i know that supervisor cohen and my district 6 and 10 produced most of 60 percent were built in those districts and when you look at the piecemeal pooechl 3 hundred and 8 it out of the middle-income units are being proposed in the district i recommend i subtle building in the middle-income housing for example, in the giants field with the loss 7 we're almost thirty percent of that housing
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for individuals between macro between 50 and hundred plus ami the nurses and social workers we were talking about i think there is some real struggle that people are hearing in this room that's why they focused little way they did and many people advocating for 50 percent of ami are not dwoobl for those and many are seeing the types of serves as as organizer i never made more than $40,000 this is the type of housing so i want to make a motion to move forward with a recommendation as a committee recorded for tomorrow's full board meeting >> motion by supervisor kim and this is forwarded to the full board committee report thank you
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(clapping.) >> all right. thank you ladies and gentlemen, as you transition please try to keep your voices down. >> madam clerk items three and four. >> the praying of the agreements by the successor agency to, llc for a purchase of 4 hundred plus millions for a palace as transbay block 5 and item 4 a resolution approving a position for the development agreement for the transbay hours $71 million all right. supervisor kim is the author thought and will make a few openly remarks. >> thank you those two items are continuation of the sales of our block on transbay which helps to fund the construction
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of the tunnel which many of the residents have noticed that has gone from below ground and it is exist to see the skeleton of what will be the terminal for downtown caltrans and high speed rail keep our fingers crossed into the future i'm going to turn it over to your successor agency ocii is required to sell those blocks to generate the sale precedes the transbay redevelopment plan needs the board to approve the parallels with the section of the community redevelopment lay ocii has entered into the deposition and agreement with block 5 and 8 developments teams that were selected through the rfp process and this is the final step one of the blocks block 5 is all office space and will be transcribing to our fees
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program $18.6 million that goes directly into the affordable housing program for the program $10 million in transit fees we have a joint venture on block 8 that a mixed use market rate housing that contributes to the 035 percent of affordability that will be required in the transbay redevelopment area plan 25 percent for low and moderate income and 10 percent for middle-income inflicting in case the types of neighborhoods we want to see being built throughout san francisco i know we have a brief presentation by ocii and i believe that shawn the project manager will be speak on those two items.
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>> thank you, supervisor kim. >> supervisor cowen supervisor wiener thank you very much my name is shawn heart the transbay project manager with the office of citizen complaints i have a brief presentation i'm going to present both block 5 and block 8 at the same time start with block 5 at howard and beale streets this map shows the parcels that involved the larger parcel is n one and that is the parcel that will actually be sold to m a west which is the developer other two parcels are
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