tv [untitled] July 21, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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president wolfram, hylan, john's, johnck, matsuda pearlman. >> your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item reaches the medium. you can speak up to 3 minutes. i have no speakers cards. >> does any member of the public wish to speak, please come forward. you have three minutes.3 minutes. this is general public comment on non-agenda items. seeing none, we will close general public comment. city clerk: this brings us to item no. one. department matters. >> tim frye, the directors
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report is included in your packet. i'm available for questions. >> seeing none, item 2. review of past events and planning commission staff report and announcements. >> tim frye again. department staff.. one item to share with you. in the audience today are members of the department of the internship summer program. i want to on your behalf and our behalf welcome them. they are part of a 12-week program that began june 1st and until august 21st. 15 are in college, nine in high school. it's quite a competitive program. there were 460 applicants this year. we were able to pull the best of the best from all around the country. we are quite happy about that. some of the projects, the interns are working on this
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summer cover a variety of planning department priorities and policies such as the housing stock survey, living alley innovation zones and urban forestry plan and two this summer. sam who is working on the historic clean up and this is in preparation for us hiring a citywide survey city manager and monica working on phase two of our storefront commercial survey. the students will have in the final week of the program present their final work products and the commissioners are welcome to attend those presentations. we will send out the information about the lunchtime presentations once we get closing to those dates. so you are all encouraged to attend and again, on behalf
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of the department, i wanted to reiterate how appreciative we are of their work and their dedication to the department this summer. certainly tina for managing the program. our senior preservation planner. thank you mr. joplin for reminding me that concludes my comments unless you have any questions. city clerk: commissioners of will place us under commission matters item 3. >> no announcements today. >> item for consideration of draft minutes for historic preservation commission and historical aspects commission meetings. >> commissioners, any comments or questions to the revisions? >> one slight typo change on the hpc
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minute page 3 under the coverage at the bottom of page under my comments. just wanted to update the commission. it says and. i would capitalize commission. very good. is there any public comment on the minutes draft meeting minutes of july 1st for the historic preservation commission or cultural assets committee? seeing none we'll close public comment. a motion to approve. >> approval. >> second. >> city clerk: thank you, on that motion to adopt the minutes, commissioner haas, commissioner john's, commissioner johnck, pearlman, and commissioner wolfram. that places you on item 5. commission and comments and questions.
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>> any inquiries and announcements, questions? >> i have a few items. i would like to request that the van ness brt, the arc stalled that project and i would like that project to come back for an update. sit to the commission? >> it's up to you. >> the commissioners haven't seen it at all. maybe we should bring it to the commission. >> that is a project for the rapid transit on van ness and mta is doing that project. the arc had a number of comments and we haven't seen whether they have taken into account our comments or not. it's a good thing to see. >> the second one is at our next hearing before on the agenda for the next hearing is the university of landmark designation and before the hearing commissioner hyland and
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i will be attending. we go to the hearing and meet with the residents. so they could make comments and questions and talk about the landmark reserve. >> i will do it. >> great. commissioner john's will join us. seeing no other comments we'll move on. city clerk: commissioners, that will place you on item 6. the port of san francisco water front plan update working group and/or advisory team. it just your opportunity to discuss and whether or not you would like to appoint a member to the advisory teams. >> commissioner johnck? >> thank you for putting us on the agenda and we all agreed to do that i recommend or move whatever will be appropriate that the commission
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officially appoint a representative from the commission to the water front working group to buy behind the meter assigned to the historic preservation element working group in the category of historic preservation. i think just my rational for that is by the historic relationship between the port and the evolving historic san francisco and it's beautiful buildings and culture that it would be very critical to have a representative on that discussion. >> i think i see a representative of the port. i was hoping you would come forward and maybe explain how to appoint a member to the working group maybe a little bit about the time commitment. >> good afternoon, mark pious
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the coordinator. i have a note here. just to update you on where we are with the process. we have really strong interest. we've got numerous applications for what are essentially about 30 positions on the working group and those will include a subject matter expert in historic preservation. we welcome the hpc to appoint a member to the working group. you should also know that amount early in the process to talk to mike bueller, the director of san francisco heritage to see if he would be interested in also serving on the working group to represent that organization's preservation interest. we think that's likely to happen. but all the recommendations will be made by staff and the executive director will make the determination
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about who is appointed and working on the advisory teams and that will be done with the port commission on the fall. the question is about how to go about appointing a member? i think what we would ask is just that if you make your selection then just have that person go to the website and actually make an application. we've been asking everybody to do that including mike bueller just so we have the documentation record. that would be most appreciated and there will be, we'll be going through the process of sifting through those and making some early recommendations to our director. >> great thank you very much. does any member of the public wish to comment on this agenda item about the appointment to the port of san francisco or
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water front plant? seeing and hearing none we'll close public comment.. i believe we have a volunteer. >> sure, i would be happy to represent the hpc if that's appropriate, if everyone agrees. i think it's a topic that i'm interested in. i have a question for mark or mr. pious. what's the difference between the working group? >> the working group is covering the larger policy questions and the advisory teams are more technical in nature and they will be dealing with say specific questions about transportation, historic preservation that would then be fed to that group for comment and then their input where they go back to the working group. the working group, we couldn't accommodate
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all the overwhelming interest. so the idea was to try to pair it down, but then allow these other subject matter experts to also have a place at the table if you will. the other things is that we have so much interest that there will be a lot of people that will be turned away. if they don't get appointed to the advisory team, then they will be encouraged to participate as anyone, any matter, member of the public would participate. they are all going to be open meetings. so people are welcome to come and we'll allow them to make comment. >> so this will be for the working group then? >> yes, the committee, the working group. it's a 24-month commitment. probably meeting once a month and initially there will be some tours of the water front and briefing
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and to get you up to speed on the issues we are dealing with. >> thank you. i think it's important for the commission for a representative that is highly informed on the resources. >> do we need a motion? >> no. this is a regular duty of responsibility of the president of the commission. >> thank you. >> commissioners, if there is nothing further we can move on to your regular calendar item 7. 2014 -005689 pta at 855 stevenson street, a request for a permit to alter. >> good afternoon, commissioners. lily, the department staff. the proposal before you is for a
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construction of a new sky bridge connecting the new two buildings at 1355 market street and 875 stevenson street. both the buildings at 1355 market street and 875 stevenson street recently went through exterior alteration and including the story of the bridge that previously connected the two buildings was demolished. one of the two buildings is a category 1 significant building under article 11 of the planning code and subject to review and approval of a permit to alter application by fcc. as proposed it will propose an addition to
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the rear at the floor level removal of two windows and boars of the stucco wall immediately above the windows. the connection of the 875 stevenson building will involve the removal of the glass panels at the 9th level. notices were mailed out. the department has received public inquiries on the project as of the date of this case report. one of the members of the public provided support for the project, while one member of the public has general inquiries about the number of the sky bridge in the city and how many have been demolished. staff also received e-mails about the project's consistency with the general plan and city policy regarding sky
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bridges over public streets with the understanding that the sky bridge will be constructed over steven son street and currently owned by the property owner of the two adjacent properties. the vacant parcel is land escaped and with outdoor structures by amenities with both buildings as well as the project. the project was reviewed by the architectural review commission on june 17, 2015. the arc provided comments and recommendations on the proposed project including the compatibility of the proposed project with standards and the significant building at 1355 market street. in response to the arc recommendation, the glass
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shielding has been revised to be comprised of single panels for the full bridge of the sky bridge and even panel will be comprised of single glass units without frames. the arc also committed that maintenance of the lighting on the sky bridge as well as maintenance on the glass panels be at more attention and address at the design stages and may include challenges given the sky bridge design does not allow for the access to the exterior. the project sponsor has admitted that the plans are in the early design stages at this time and as such staff recommends approval of requiring review of approval and maintenance and lighting plan by preservation staff prior to the approval of the site permitted. the project sponsor has
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incorporated the arc's recommendation. based on the specification, the proposed project seems include the standards for the motion including the work limited to the installation as well as the rear elevation of the building. that rear elevation is considered a secondary facade utilitiary in nature and qualities of the character of the building. it is better designed to better relate to the stevenson street facade which is an elevation visible from the public right-of-way. that the location of the sky bridge of 1355 market street building and it's substantial setback from the adjacent public right-of-wayen insures the sky bridge as a secondary and
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subordinate addition to the historic resource that the removal of the two non-original windows of the ninth floor of the rear would not affect the pattern on the rear facade. the side of the connection points at the sky bridge would ensure the window openings on the outer floor of the rear facade of the market street is continued by aligning the outer edges of the sky bridge which appear in the existing windows and the sky bridge is expressed at the outer with 1355 market street. with that in mind, the department recommends approval as well as the glass panels be
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submitted for approval by the staff prior to approval. this condition of approval was inadvertently left out of the draft motion that you have received in your packet. a corrected motion including an approval is on your diose for review and the public. this concludes staff presentation and staff is available for any questions you may have. the project sponsor team is available. >> project sponsor will you come forward. if you can do the presentation in 10 minutes. >> i will try to be brief. >> for the project of the proposed design. can we switch to the screen here.
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>> i think you are familiar with most two buildings. i'm happy to share the design concept with you today. in this image this is before the adjacent residential tour. this is before the historic market street building after it had it's exterior renovated in both cases and a planned relationship showing you can see the l shaped building is the steven, there is the furniture market building and the stevenson street building where it sits behind it between the stevenson alley plaza. this is showing our location with the proposed sky bridge
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with the street phase, the proposed sky bridge is about 148 feet back from the corner. it setback quite a bit. a couple of context photos to show the character of the building you sort of see in the left image, the historic nature facing the portion of the furniture mart and to the plaza you can see the rear facade of 1355 is a bit more plain in its expression and you see the context of 875 with the glass facade and you see the nature of the plaza installed there recently with some landscaping improvements and retail at the ground level another image of that. just a little detail of those facades that pointed out in the staff report we are proposing two of these
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non-historic punch windows of the facade of 1355 and altering the glass facade that connects on each side. this is an historic, the original bridge that had been demolished for context that it was a multistory element and was removed. it was not an accessible path between the two buildings. i believe the reason why the owner of the property decided to do that. this is a rendering of our proposed design. it's a bit smaller than what was originally constructed with those two buildings. you can see it's trying to create a more distinctive character. as lily pointed out in the staff report, it's meant to be a unique character to distinguish from both buildings but the historic building for sure an it got
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characteristics in its form and how it will be seen from this side and to the bridge. it's meant to be a very transparent and elegant detail. this is a rendering elevation and you can see the nature of the glazing design concept as large vertical sheets of monolithic laminated structural glass low iron and units. so very sleek and meant to be elegant as you can view it closer you can also see where the bridge meets either side of each part of the existing buildings there is a silver metal element that helps us accommodate large size joint on each end. the bridge has been allowed to move independently from both
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buildings and accommodate quite a bit of movement in the process. those panels help to accommodate that movement with the seismic joints. the plan view, you can see that in plan, the form of that bridge tapers a bit as it relates to the 875 stevenson street building and 1355 market street building. you can sort of start to see that shingled glass effect showing the renderings. this is a roof plan and what we are working on as lily pointed out as a strategy for the glass and maintaining the light fixtures on the left side of the bridge and we are looking at a fairly discrete tie off for tie off and perform maintenance on this and the roof of the bridge
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from 875 stevenson building. those are the conversations we are having with the landlord and glazing and window washing company. this is the relational building to 1355 market street and 875 stevenson boulevard. you can see the heavily ornamented facade and sitting in between but set way back from the corner. this is the facade as it exist on the stevenson street side 1355 and this shows where the bridge sits on that facade. you can see the two windows that have been removed and in filled with the stucco to match
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the adjacent wall. same with stevenson street side and where the bridge gets added to that facade. you can see where we are accommodating water and tying to existing roof drain lines. that engineering is under way and you can sort of see the effect of the scale of these large panes of glass. worth noting the floor lines of both buildings don't align with each other and part of the reason why this form of the bridge is ramped and tapered at the other end so it becomes a dynamic and elegant expression of a bridge. material palette is a very simple
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palette. we have a very clear low iron glass, polished concrete floors which won't be visible from the outside but the bridge we'll see very sleek white paint for the under side and the sealing and then the metal panels we have will be silver panels with slight contrast with the more neutral gray, sort of warm gray of 1355 and we have some metal elements of stainless steel. one other item related to this bridge from what you see from the under side. the concept is to edge lights, the shingled pattern of that under side with led fixtures and able to
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be controlled easily. we are working with our electrical engineer and to remote the drivers so they are accessible from the building so the maintenance is simpler and what is needed to be accessed are the actual lamps. that's basically it. >> thank you very much. >> are there any questions other questions? commissioners? okay. i will open to public comment. i have one speaker card. mr. alfred? mr.
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alfred has left the room. seeing no one else, we'll close public comment. back to the commission. you almost missed public comment but we'll reopen for you. >> i apologize for that. my name is joe alfred. i grew up in virginia. it took me 18 years to escape there. i didn't like their conservative culture and i went to stanford and then law school. it's my understanding it's the purpose of this commission to preserve the historic values of our community. i have been seeing these values being degraded by these twitter folks for some time. they have kicked our neighbors, my neighbors out of the community and rub salt in the wounds and we have to listen to the construction all day long. to give an example,
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