tv [untitled] July 21, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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two fiscal years that is in process i'm sure you're aware of every year the mayor 134i789s balances budget to the board of supervisors the budget that was submitted we discussed it at this commission at the last hearing board of supervisors during the most month of june reviewed the mayors budget and makes amendments the way that process works their bucket and budget analyst comics through the departments budget and finds proposals for where we can trim the savings and makes those savings available to the board of supervisors to reallocate for the priorities in the bunt process so at the end of june we went through that process with the board of supervisors and board committee passed out of committee budget that includes should reductions to our budget and then some additions back into it so we wanted to quickly
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cover what those changes were that happened in the board so i'll talk through a little bit about the reductions. >> mr. wagner i'm not sure you're talking into the microphone. >> and director barbara garcia b will talk 0 through the add back as every year we work with the boards budget analyst to identify places they can trim and look at it things such as positions that have not been filled for an extend period of time or pots of money not stepped up to the plate on a prior fiscal year and put those reductions and we negotiate with them based on what we can accept so we did to agreement with them on the list of items that is in front of you, we don't each year any of those are going to have a
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intunlt service impact for us they're reasonable there are are about $1.2 million worth of one time reduction but the board may put that into the top section those are the recommendation of a position to a later start data or some are close out of one-on-one one time dollars there are $1.5 million on the ongoing reductions and as you can see from the table here the bulk of those is in positions that have been recommended for elimination those are all vacant positions they're all positions that we think we can manage through again without a significant disruption so the total reductions to the budget by the board of supervisors were about
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$4.3 million this is fairly continent with what we generally give off in the process and as we give a little bit of money into the pot we tend to get some of that back so i'll i'm going to turn it over to director barbara garcia. >> okay. >> some of those nichtsz are for cb o and xoirldz i'll go quickly for the safety streets or vision zero that were in pusht the next 3 are homeless directed services one of the things that we're looking at it the supervisors wanted specific outreach workers in their districts mid-market because their citywide if you have a big issue you have to contend to in the park or having staff removed from one part of the city we do that with business for district
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2 and 10 and support of the youth alliance in the community that provides the needle distribution in the hate and the rapid program to develop a community kitchen and the fatherhood program working with the mayor's office for targeting families to work towards getting out of poverty into health and what had we identified was the fact that some of the families do not have the father's in the home and so we can work with the father's program and so we'll be working fiscal year an father fatherhood programs targeted for the african-american fathers we're also working within our housing areas to really do the pier training for piers to get trained in health care jobs they'll be working at several sites throughout the community some of the streets i don't know
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if you joy enjoy the sunny street but that supporting the ambulance on call for that and human trafficking we shared that from our area of massage work in looking out those businesses making sure they're not doing human trafficking and hire a health working to secure the issues this is a work order to their program an security those so those initiatives will come into the program and many will be contracted out. >> so just the last step in the budget process the budget goes to the further be it resolved for two hearings in late july generally the usual if possible there will be changes at that phase but usually not and no
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changes by the mayor at the beginning of august so overall the budget is likely to remain essentially in this form it is a great form we've had an incredible amount of support and i think pretty much universally the priorities we've identified going to the budget process we've come out of the budget process with something to show for it we're pleased with the budget in the form it is going to the full board. >> thank you great deal from our staff to be sure that the message is received by the mayor and the board and thank you for that work. >> we'll pass that along. >> commissioners questions or comments. >> mr. wagner we're slightly above $2 $2.02 billion that that
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is the bottom number. >> that's correct that's correct it went down slightly between the last version and is one but it is down by $2 billion. >> any further questions if not any public comment. >> we're ref public comment requests. >> thank you thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioners next item is the youpt on san francisco general hospital transition. >> good afternoon. i'm terry san francisco general hospital rebuild director i'm joined here with any usual cohorts ron from the department of public works and william our transition director we're to go talk about our rebuild project as soon as i find the presentation
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right there. >> my comment those commissioners that have not seen the facility please make arrangements with mark to be able to tour the facilities those of us produce prior to the joint conference committee came away with an expressive building. >> i'd like to mention it was my pleasure to show you the building i'm excited and proud and feel lucky to be part of the process to echo director barbara garcia words we're on track to deliver a new hospital to our staff and san franciscans so this is a great project for part of i want to talk about the
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highlights of this report but we're going to talk about the impacts 0 our timeline and the milestones we have to meet to meet an adjusted patient date with that talking about the building looking like a hospital exterior and exterior some of the pictures show the rooftop looking at the hospital one of the my favorite pieces of the artwork we've partnered with the art commission to populate the building with public arts that's a stained glass window wall that portrays potrero hill and the pictures of the organization r and i cu room the other buildings are coming along nicely our enterprise and our
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local hiring goals we continue to meet and steady the thresholds that are met 5 percent for local enterprise and 20 percent threshold for local hires and because of the towards the end of the project we've been successful throughout the entire time to meet those goals to let you see snapshot a story for our project our f f and e program we're $91 million we've placed equipment and have x-ray equipment on the first floor and this month an magnet and mri are insult and other cts are arriving this continues to progress we're on target to meet our hundred and $70 million goal and the information technology is well under a way with the
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purchasing of equipment and the room readiness to support of it configuration. >> with that, i'm willing to pass it on to ron to talk about the schedule and examinations. >> thanks terry the schedule has moved forward along a familiar slides you've been looking for the better part of 8 years as time went bay by the various streams of activities have gone off the charter we're at that moment in time the generate our project is winding down at the administrative close out stage up in sacramento and we are moving towards what we call staff and stock for the construction and this is the moment in time where our pod allows us to introduce shock and
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staffing towards moving towards transition and licensing into the building the last bar of activity the short bar at the bottom in future we'll develop a little bit more grand last year schedule we're not trying to span over 8 years of multiple activities it is a key moment in time i call it the center of gravity shifting from the state ash pod delivery of the building to the center of gravity or focus on the state health department or the transition lillian will be putting forward so having emphasized that where we are right now some key challenges that we spoke of at the joint commission is those 6 line items that were
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kind of major challenges to achieve clearance from ash pod since we've met last we've achieved 4 out of the 6 line items we're aggressively pursuing stair previoustion and the air balance report to the compliance officer and we're aggressively moving that forward and then from staff and stock on the construction side we're continuing to round out the exceptions o exceptions that represent the difference between staff and stock and full occupancy and the green light targeted licensing with that i'm going to turn it over to lillian. >> i'm on my tiptoes sorry this chart detects the timeline
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work stream as you heard from ron and terry thank you transition begins when a lot of the construction and the equipment of the hospital can occur so we can begin the training and orientation of the 54 hundred individuals that comprise the physicians and nurses and technicians there are major milestones we need to achieve to get us to hospital licensing and starts with that staff and stock occupancy clearance that ron spoke of that is that first red line and what it give us the opportunity to go into the new building with our staff and be able to play on the new equipment and the work flows that are being designed right now and see they work for patients care
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second major milestone is the one the submittal red line it isn't targeted for around the end of november when the state advised the final occupancy we can do simulations and have staff to finish up the stocking and everything necessarily to make sure we're operationally ready hopefully, there takes us to the next big milestone the london's survey and we hope to be able to achieve that around february we've completed a lot of the training and once we have completed that survey we wanted to make sure we have some time allocated to addressing the concerns that the survey oversees may have and remedy any questions they may have to be ready for a safe patient move we're targeting for the spring
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of 2016 so that gives us an idea of convenes and how do not we are on achieving the timeline and we've really received in eastern it to finish the training for the operation readiness i'm going to turn it over to terry he'll talk about keeping us on track. >> thank you lillian. >> so accountabilities in the project we've been fortunate by having both director barbara garcia and the director mohammed nuru who is participating every two weeks meeting with the construction team and keeping the focus on the staff and stock and the activities it is
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supportive and allows us to drive home the need and the desire to meet those milestones dates so thank you director garcia for your participation we'll continue to have those biweekly meetings as well as the financial stewardship we'll meeting regularly with the cfo for the budget actually all through the f f and e transition budget and the ongoing operational budget with that i'll quickly go over slides our familiar the construction budget we're 96 percent into the total bond expenditures that is exactly where we need to be at this time there are no surprises there the bond sales as you can see the bond sales are tracking
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along the same lines you see back in 2009 2010 the earlier bond sales there were unextend bones those are perspire orders still illness that's why you see a man and woman value there moving on to the operational it budgets we're going to have a guest appearance from greg wagner (laughter) commissioners greg wagner chief financial officer at the last jc c meeting we talked about the topic to get a sense of the potential financial impacts outside find bond program itself of the updated schedule so we've worked on that basically where we are is we believe that the
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impact of the adjust schedule can be managed within the budget that is adapted for the two coming fiscal years there are a couple of areas we'll watch and work on closely but we have some contingency budgets within the it program we think we should be able to use to manage that so the 3 big areas we're looking at are personnel it and then other various operating expenses on the personnel suicides we should be fine and on bucket with those a couple of reasons the first is that as we staff up with permanent dollars if we are staffing up prior to moving into the new building it essentially allows us to flex down the registry and temporary and over times spending and allows us to
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use permanent hours to staff our shifts the second a lot of the training and transition costs are budgeted in the transition project so we have flexibility as to when we're going to actually extend those dollars so mayday april date we spend those dollars for training on it this is probably our area that we'll have to spend the most focus on there will be likely cost impact from the it vendor contracts we kind of fixed payment going going out to those vendor and some of the work we're asking them to had pushed back or extended for some period of time there is a figure on this slide it says about million dollars per month is the upper limit it
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is come down come down since we've put this slide together to work with the vendor to work through the contract and the timing of when we'll be able to throw the resources we think that number will come down we have a seven to $8 million of contingency in the it budget for the rebuild that gives us flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and lastly we have some savings and kind of basic operating costs like materials and supplies purposes on the contracts we've budgeted to come into play at the openly of the hospital we'll avoid some of those costs and offset some of the it we're watching it closely but the big picture some impacts but on the order of impact that is within our ability to manage
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through within our budget as we do day to day at the department. >> so i'm going to turn it over to terry. >> before we lose you do we add those reimpacts per month. >> so you can let's see if you look at himself. >> the 671 of the 990. >> so the 671 has been met of the it savings on the operating costs and again that 671 has come down over the last thirty days. >> we ought to have them come down further. >> i'm going to turn it over to brings us to our questions page. >> so confesses commissioners public comment. >> we've not public comment on this item.
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>> if i could just make a couple of comments i want to acknowledge terry and ron i've watched them in the merging they're our construction partner and have to say we should be proud of the work to insure that their identifying and working on the areas i wanted to acknowledge both of them and lillians time is to come she'll be working very, very hard and getting prepared and doing a lot of preparation for the transition so as web korea finishes their work we'll get the authority to move into the building but probably the first thing that will happen the stock and then the staffing we'll have to time that with web korea we're ready and we're going to work hard with web korea we watch them every two weeks as
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they complete their work some of us walked through the building i see it equipment in there the next year we'll you been full of the hard work that all of them are doing and i want to acknowledge all the staff including san francisco general hospital staff they're watching the building outside their windows but also doing a lot of work to prepare. >> thank you i was thinking that i wanted to being sure that the commissioners directed their attention to the new transition milestones that is where was mentioned that the whole focus is now moving because aside from getting through the ash pods, of course, we have a talented team to get that done this is really the work that is going to be most important i'm sure you're aware of in terms of moving
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patients in we're going to need to be sure that we have all the protocol in place there are considerable changes staff work in the process because those radio all new different wards and there's 3 things first definitely something that we can use and have been a pointed discussion we've been looking at the issues of diversion so those are some of the highlights physically we'll take care of our patients even better quality way but putting together all the policies and we now will also be able to train our staffing to get through an those final issues i want to draw your attention we're looking at the occupancy certificate as a notes
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by the end of the year there will be a ribbon cutting event at this point to recognize we have a project that came in on time we're going to be working on the licensing and lillian is the point on that and as soon as possible we have the patient day sometime in the spring or potential even earlier but this is going to be now the schedule we're going to follow team has managed it's finances very well and we're very grateful for that we have a just a i think a very clear road map for the next several months we'll be following and getting
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quarterly reports here at the commission again dr. sanchez. >> through the chair of jc c i want to make one brief comment this is really been a unbelievable effort on behalf of the san franciscans and the unique staff in that is working for 8 years on this and what's a expressive as you get a chance to walk through the san franciscans b will get that chance this was built by the community when you look at the numbers for example for local businesses and the amount of money spent with local businesses and the designs and creativity and the quality of work it is outstanding to see the work and the contract you know we've heard again and again all over the nation we can't
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find people looking at numbers we're above 26 percent we've been hiring from local residents to provide a unique opportunity in jobs and training is it so outstanding taking a look at this what hits you again and again you think about all the things that go on the veteran came back and he headed up the arts commissions selection of artists and work for the 5 or $6 million that was spent using local arts to design in this fantastic facility ta to make it welcome to the staff and the doctors it is a community effort i want to imagination it's taken a lot of work and no sleep and commitment not talking about the state people and the fred's we know what that is about and
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continues to go on but really should be proud of the outstanding staff we've had to being sure b be able to provide this type of facility to preserve the next generations and generations after that as san franciscans to the top public hospital in the nation i want to congratulate everybody. >> thank you for those words i have a echo our sentiment we have brought this to life the lobby is something to behold but throughout the building it is peppered with pieces of art that adds dimensions to the building. >> thank you. i think our city will be proud of what they have built for their residents so director garcia you have any final comments. >> well, we want to be
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accountable and i think want to thank dr. sanchez the first hospital was built by the community so thank you for acknowledging the fact that the workers that are building the building that is really important and those who are in the building will be in the community we're really proud of that and working closely with the commission to make sure you understand where we are at every part of the process 5 thousand 4 hundred people have to be trained i want to make sure you understand the depth of the work in the coming year and months so this is a lot of people that lillian will be responsible for insuring knowing how the hospital works i want to say that our work is not done we're getting to the end of the time period i'm proud of
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