tv [untitled] July 21, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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i usually see seniors cross by kearny and clay street they usually go to the accredit to volunteer and when they get through that food pantry the food are heavy and very hard for them to walk on kearny and clay street because cars goes by kearny street usually turn at a really fast pace and it is hard for seniors who get food from food pantry to walk at a really fast pace on the street so i believe that the street on kearny street should be converted from a dual turn to a single left turn thank you.
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>> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> morning my name is nicole the executive director of walk sf and want to thank all the youth that come out and the cd c and kearny and clay and especially ryan that has been leading this project we at walk sf have been involved that supporting cd c and ta in moved 24 project forward for the last year and a half i'd like this youth working on this project to raise their hand raise your hand. >> we've been working on this over a year and it took a death took blood on the ground for us to prioritize that is in the acceptable we need mta to move a project
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forward quickly we need a scramble in the ground don't need to study the skranl we need mta to get this in the ground before kids and seniors start crossing that street even though their crossing at high rates everyday the inaction is unacceptable i at walk sf asking mta to move on this one intersection for the last year and a half not seeing any movement we need to not just talk about those problems and wait for someone to die on the street think about your grandmother or grandfather it is not acceptable the skremg scramble need to get into the ground and stop making accuses is there any additional public comment on item 8 seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor yee. >> thank you
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i just want to thank the folks for coming out especially nicole i grew up around that - 2, 3, 4 district 3 and does a lot of my adult work in district 3 i'm familiar with what people are talking about absolutely clay and kearny street and washington should be a priority to look at i fully port the use of system advantages in those intersections it may slow down a little bit maybe we need to slow things down when i look at i go down there all the time and the only solution is really to have those scramble intersections in the other intersections there are other intersections on kearny that probably is waiting
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for something serious to happen and that includes bush and kearny it is same issue two lanes of cars going at a rapid speedy really would like to see sfmta look at that real quickly also before something a tragedy happens there thank you. >> thank you supervisor yee colleagues, any other questions or comments i too want to thank everyone all the youth that came out open this particular item item 8 with that then if we could take this item without objection this item passes. >> item 8. >> recommended the geneva business rapt this is an action item. >> thank you. we have david.
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>> hi, good morning deputy director for the transportation authority plans & programs committee this is the feasibility study that was recommend for adoption on page 57 of our packet i'm pleased to bring this the study look at the improved east west concentrating transit in brisbane study is actually building off the work in the transportation study with partners on both sides of the county line that connects the old and new community with caltrans and bart balboa park and caltrans station we concerned in the alignment one of the western sections on geneva avenue and the other part of the eastern section we look at in a second the geneva portion we looked at
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the top portion a 4 lines the bus rapid transit will be running on the side lanes and non-buffered and substandard sidewalks on the bottom part of the slide the other option the bus rapid transit with the buffered bike lanes the eastern alignment two option in yellow actually in red on that screen it is the one we call the one way couplet that used the hollywood area to get the bus service cross 101 and the southern option that routes the bus through the bayview area for the buffer to the south we are working with ecology throughout the study to identify the timeline for the bayview
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option we'll talk about in the latter part of the presentation. >> for the one paw cup lightwell we've landmarked two all of the elements looking at keeping parking on both sides but enabling the bus service by reducing the sidewalk width and having the ground utilities the other option to remove the parking only one side and keep the sidewalks the same as current are right now in terms of understanding the impact parking would be reduced approximately from 1.8 on street parking to 4.5 the study team looked at the mitigation measures for not impacting parking too much so we heard concerns from the community and shared the benefits of the different all of
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the elements and basically we saw anymore reliable transit for the people moving into the shipyard and more frequent transit and less transfers to regional transit stops we have crossing opportunity on geneva avenue we're looking at pedestrian for improved facilities for bicyclists but in terms of or in terms of parking availability in the neighborhood traffic diversion and changing the character of the neighborhood previous options you saw in the near timeframe from 2023 is the implementation date in the long term we looked at a brt service through the geneva extension through the brisbane development as you can see on the slide in addition to the brt we looked l
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r t an l r t between green maintenance facility that portion of the study to be concluded it is pend final determination of the benefits having that connection so in terms of technical finding brt is feasible l r t is feasible on grades ton geneva avenue again, the l r t is to be determined and brt has safety improvements with the full project for pedestrians and bicyclists there will be a next phase sfmta has come in with an allocation of funds i'll give the microphone from sfmta to talk about the next phase quickly lloyd i'd like to thank the project manager in the audience for pushing that project forward and sarah for
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the ta who really the an amazing job in terms of carrying the process i'll give the microphone to frank and ask susan representative of the cac to give us your remarks. >> okay thanks david good morning, chair dancing u tilly chang and commissioners i'm frank the transportation planner with the sfmta and looking at your time i'll be brief we anticipate a smooth hand off from the feasibility study to the next phase the prevail study where the mta will took over the project cooperating with the authority and our other partners, of course we'll eventually be operating this service and also an important part of the overall
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major increase in the transit service needed for to serve the candle stick point shipyard we envision a 6 to 12 months effort we'll be refinancing the alternatives looking at the light rail options and developing the budget for the environmental phase at the same time that will allows to do additional community outreach we hope we'll be able to use the same citizens advisory committee with the praerpt jurisdictions agree we'll look at funding and implementation strategy so we can aim towards fulfilling this commitment we have for serving the shipyard and the other major developments starting service by
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2023 i will be happy to answer any questions thank you. >> all right. thank you very much. >> colleagues questions or comments or any of the staff. >> susan just a brief remarks from the representative on the project cac. >> 2u commissioners i'm susan sullivan a resident of brisbane a a voter in san mateo county coming in is not easy but your precipitation are different i've been going to the meeting bringing the brisbane precipitation because a lot of this project borders on the city of bringing brisbane and daily city having angle impact on all
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of us the feasibility study is valid it brings out significant points that deserve fallout study and not the geneva corridor but the choice do this and that do the hardy candle stick point is straightforward this is the uniquely development the area between bayshore and 101 is a problem an area that is going under tremendous change and trumps development some in the city of san francisco by a lot in the city of brisbane find interesting the parking lot is in the city and county of san francisco the train platform in the city of brisbane it gives us an idea how perplex i recommended adapting the feasibility study but recommend
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better coordination with the other communities and the other counties that are involved in this area any questions? colleagues questions or comments okay. seeing none thank you very much thank you >> thank you all right. so then i think at this time we'll open up for public comment there's a lot more work to do on item 9 okay seeing none, public comment is closed and if we could take that without objection all right. so this is adapted we'll take that without objection. item 10. >> major capital project transbay transit and this is an informational item. >> good morning supervisor tang and commissioners my name is - i'm the principle engineer with the capital
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section of transportation authority plans & programs committee i'm here to provide an update an informational item and you will find the number related to this item on page 61 of your packet items that will be covering today include the project scope and schedule and project status and workforce program and the challenges for the project moving forward scope of the projectile comes to the transbay transit center is in state of the art expenditure plan for the building including the implementation of the temporarily terminal the new cd c and building of the park and the bus storage facility the
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phase two is the caltrans downtown expectation that consists of fourth and king to the transbay transit center this portion of the project has been detailed due to significant funding gaps leasing portion of this project is the transmitted with 3 thousand new homes with thirty percent set aside for affordable housing my focus for today will be the phase one the project i'm going to give you detail and go forward with that so the project schedule for phase one basically i'm sure you're aware of the temporarily terminal it in operation and the remaining the completion of the below grade we anticipate by september of 2015 the field super structure is going to be implemented in
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june 2016 and the above grade concrete follows in 2016 the bus ramps to the transit center about june 2016 as well and the exterior curtain wall in september of the 2016 the interior finishes will be implemented in december as the bus portion will begin a year after that in december of 2017 total phase one project budget is one $.899 billion or one thousand $899 billion as approved in july 2013 that was a 3 hunters point and $10 million increase over the original budget the cac team addresses the increases to saving the jerseys additional financial strategies and reducing the costs by the super structure the
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staff is working on updating the bubltdz i'll talk about that later on currently 33 the expenditures are about $1.127 billion as of may of 2015 this is about a 59 percent budget expenditure reflecting an advancement one of the things we've noticed the project has used their program reserves and reduced that to $5.5 million when originally $87 million drawn down to cover over the estimated budget as 2 hundred percent of the general contractors budget
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phase one funding of basically includes $642 million in federal funding $10 million of state funding, 3 hundred plus original funding and $904 million of local funding of which the hundred and $39 million is important to recognize the revenue from lands sales contributed to the project funding plan that includes the melrose account that totaled to $307 million for the total funding of the project. >> quick update on the construction activity for phase one the below grade construction is complete and almost 37 percent complete and the overall construction of the transit
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transbay center 50 percent completely what we anticipate in the near it term the packages that have been award in 2015 it includes the landscaping at the land level level and interior finishes glazing packages and the awning construction, the bit packages that will be awarded last night in 2015 radio the rooftop escape and the bus that is the expansion drawings and the my mind construction age further in the remainder of 2015 are the scope of ground floors and rooftop and electrical and plumbing and the artwork the only thing left the information technology that will conclude the remaining work on the project
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small and business program is a very robust program for the project and has been successfully engaging small businesses in the project implementations from the onset of the project in 200410 percent of the total expenditures have been vociferated and paid to ges and 21 percent to f b e's out of the one million dollars 5 hundred 57 hundred thousand of laboring labor on the project nearly 67 percent are local workforce and out of that 17 percent are san francisco residents so the project challenges where we are today currently, we have
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increasing costs on the project due to perplex design and environment there are lots of building going on in san francisco implementing the quality of the estimate provided by the gmc is less than desirable we had a mirror detail on the project for basically, you see the increasing due to the complexity of design and the big environment other thing to address the reaccomplishment of the program reserves the funding gap is $247 million a confidence level using the f t m i so more detail on the funding gap that's been present by tjpa
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as well as the project team it indicates we have option for addressing that one of the options as considered was detailing the bus storage but one of the aspects is the cost has gone up to $9.5 million reflects a $3 million plus cost increase to address the funding gap we have heard about several options as i mentioned the referral of the bus storage will allow us to eliminate a $19.5 million that this facility is serving ac transit that use it for the freeway and the concern they have is that they will have increased operating costs if they don't have this facility to
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store the buses the third includes an assess point into the t cc where the transit buses assess through into the facility they usually don't use their ramps that they are going to be built other option to use the sales of the parcels and one of the items we've talked about earlier is the parcel left tjpa is anticipating a anytime bid of one hundred $60 million this is a parcel between first and 2 and howard street that connects to the rooftop park the pharmacies or parcels were originally set aside for the project but we are looking at this as an option to close the funding gap tjpa will
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be hosting a live auction in december of 2016 and anticipate higher funds of one hundred $50 million i think i - >> all right. with those two incorporated into the funding gap analysis what is remaining $87.5 million to the address tjpa staff is looking to use the melrose fund currently $100 million for phase one a timing issue where the fund may not be available so a need for financing that has an issue are
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redirecting fund from feats one to two tjpa is looking at sponsoring opportunities project is well underway and tjpa feels confident they can deliver this one the proposed budget we'll be working to allow the project to draw down and continue to work on the advocacy for phase two of the project i'd like to thank mark of tjpa for his cooperation and collaboration in being here in the audience thank you >> all right. thank you very much for your presentation supervisor breed. >> thank you i had just a question you just mentioned that the anticipated project is going to basically come in under budget or within the budget and i had had
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information contrary to that there was an exception that the project would steady the budget considerably if this is the day why are we at a point it comes in at budget. >> i have to make sure i clarify i don't think they will be coming in under the budget currently approved if from 2013 they are seeking additional funds with their presentation to their board in september of 2015 that budget they're going to take forgot regretting the $200,347,000,000 increase over the one .899. >> thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you
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maybe i lost the place you started going through some of the fund that comes in. >> the current funding plan. >> yeah. i guess this is a question with the $53 million they - even though percentage wise it is a small percentage but the $3 million is just labeled other can you give us a better sense of the other $43 million will come from. >> the $43 million the local plan? >> yeah. >> i will ask maria to help me out with that if you don't mind. >> they talk about the 7. >> slide 7 the total is 9 hundred and one and you're
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asking what are the $43 million under other local and yeah. like i said this is a small percentage relatively speaking but the $43 million is a chunk of money. >> i don't know offhand but i'll get you that information if you could address - >> good morning, commissioners sarah with the tjpa largely it is contributions from transit their contributing $39 million to the project and approximately $10 million or so that is an lease and properties that were acquired and leased out to needing them for construction and investment. >> thank you supervisor christensen. >> so it's a lot of money to be
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throwing around i was curious so if seems like in a woo we're sort of taking out a second mortgage and selling the families silver to keep our heads above water i guess my preliminary concern some of the impacts on the future phases so when we sold property that was intended to phase two and borrowed funds if phase two allocations and we've got 0 thirty percent confidence rating that where we are now really is the budget where are we going to be in phase two. >> well currently phase two has a one thousand $857 million gap we've increased that number. >> yes. >> so fast two has a long way to go to get the phasing gap that's
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