tv [untitled] July 21, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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>> good afternoon everybody and welcome to the board of supervisors meeting of july 21, 2015. madam clerk can you please call the roll. >> supervisor avalos, present. president breed here. compose, not present. supervisor christensen, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, present. supervisor kim, present. supervisor mar not
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present. supervisor tang, present. supervisor wiener, present. supervisor yee, present. madam president you vaquorum. ladies and gentlemen can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you. madism clerk are there communication >> we rin receipt of a communication from dave #ud campos stating the supervisor will not be in attendance of the meetding today and requests to be excused from the meeting. >> a motion to excuse? >> motion by supervisor [inaudible] can we excuse supervisor campos without objection? without objection
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supervisor campos is excused for todays meeting. are there change tooz the june 16 or june 17 and 19 special meeting of budget and finance committee? seeing none is there a motion to approve those minutes? >> motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor christensen. without objection the meeting minutes will pass after public comment. >> item 1-15 comprise the consent calendar and considered rutune. if a member objects a item may reremoved and considered separately. >> roll call vote >> breed aye. christensen aye. cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor tang, aye.
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supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. there are 10 aye's. >> these items are passed on the first reading and adopted unanimously. madam clerk can you call item 16-40 together >> item 16-40 are the annual budget appropriation and the resolution and motions containing the fees, funds and rates, appropriation expenditure plans [inaudible] expand grants direction to enter into contract negotiation. >> supervisor farrell >> thank you president breed and colleagues. i am pleased again that we are able foocome to a budget for this year fiscal 15, 16 and 16, 17 budget. we have the first community to vote on a full board. i
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continue to be mazed of the diversityf opinions but also to come together and want to thank for everyones support in plorly thoest on the budget committee with me. vice chair for visor tang, mar, wiener and yee, thank you for your hard work and support. a month long process that resulted in a positive outcome. during despite a local economy we continue to have to make tough decisions. it is better in the years past but it doesn't deminsh the effort and want to thank everyone on the board and all those outside the board that were a part of this process as well. in terms of the budget before us today we are making investment for low and middle income families. 25 million dollars the board was able to add back target for the
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affordable housing in the city. we also came to aconsensus to provide affordable housing and through the budget process we were able toget everyone as cosponsors on the affordable housing because bond and want to thank supervisor achb lose and the mayors office for putting it forward. the mayors budget announced june 1, was 8.92 billion and 8.96 the following year. i want to thaj the mayor for all his hard work work wg us and in particular the priorities he outlined inside his budget. i want to thank the mayors budget team, kate howard and [inaudible] thank you for your hard work and partnership in the process. there is so many people to thank. budget and legislative analyst, [inaudible] other
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analysts to ben rosen field, our controller and your entire office, tod, rr, risa and michele thank you for your hard work. everyone is truly partners in the process toort. i want to thank the clerks office in particular linda wong and rick [inaudible] who came and filled in during the long meetings. john [inaudible] the budget website, sfgo-v tchb. i want to thank you my colleagues for working many nights. better than years past but still long hours. we found 66 million in 7ition with 25 million dollars for afordable housing in year 2 that will put a significant dent in addressing the affordable housing crisis in san francisco. i think a few highlights to note, over 3 million dollars for homeless
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housing and services for families seniors and [inaudible] food security. 2.sish million in childcare and family service. over 2 million for work force develop. [inaudible] neighborhood safety and supporting the [inaudible] we put additional funds into implementing vision zero and additional funds for senior lgbt and at risk youth programs t. is a budget i know we can be proud of and colleagues thank you for your support and it is a honor to be budget and finance chair the past few years. i want to make a quick motion and amendment that was a tweak that didn't get caught at the end. i'll read it madam president now and have further discussion on the budget. the motion is to amend item 16 on the agenda to reduce
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appropriation to rec and park [inaudible] increase appropriation tooz the arts commission by 40 thousand to support internal arts [inaudible] again, this is a minor adjustment that needed to be made that somehow want caught. with that hope to have your support >> supervisor farrell made a motion to amends, is there is a second. second by supervisor kim. can we take this amendment without objection? without objection the amendment passes. supervisor yee. >> thank you president breed. first of all, i would like to thank my colleagues who served with me on the budget committee and in particular the chair farrell who led i felt like a very fair and inclusive process. i also want to take the time to thank the staff, many oaf our staff members
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worked hoard throughout the evening with us and we just have stellar people that seem to continue to support us in our work. this was the first year on the budget committee among the things that i learned was the complexity of our budget and the choices that very often department heads have to make. this process had 2 main priorities, investing in early care and education system and looking to address the needs of district 7. today as we wrap up the board process, i am proceed that we were able to add all most 2 million dollars in funding for early care and education. i also was able to advocate for expanded funding for participatory budget so district 7 resident will be able to allocate funding to your priorities. in addition to these items, i was able to
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fight for increased funding for senior services youth art service [inaudible] a model street that will teach young people to navigate our city streets safely. beyond the priorities that is-my priorities, this is a budget we can all be proud of. it has economic development, education, community [inaudible] park squz open space and food security was funded pretty well, pedestrian safety, city beautifulication. it is a interesting process and i'm glad i have been able to be part of it to see a city budget that supports the needs of our peepal in the city. >> thank you supervisor yee. supervisor kim >> i also want to acknowledge our budget chair and committee
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for the good work they kid on the 8.9 billion dollar budget. i wanted to highlight things i thought were good addition tooz the budget and recognize the mayors office for including the asks in his budget, primarily the expanded 24 hour medical shelter that is opening in the south of market. really for the individuals to live on the streets and need the treatment, not just shelter that can often be inadequate but care through nurses and psychologist on site. we are exsided about that expansion over the next 2 years. also his support for 4 permanent tenderloin and [inaudible] public restrooms which are incredible successful. in the tenderloin we had a 60 percent reduction of steam cleaning request since
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the pilot started last july and provides relief with dignity for residence who don't want to go to the bathroom on the streets and have a safe and clean space to do it. through the budget we are happy to see the 4 victim witness advocates for the district attorney [inaudible] as well as financial support. really excited by the pretile releelf unit. defendants will get early attorney support during the hearing and be reliefed if they are not a danger to the public. supervisor farrell mentioned the city wide education for vision zero which is a kim pount of insureing we achieve zero fatailties for traffic accidents and funding
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for [inaudible] we have 72 liquor store squz a very small foot print of the tenderloin neighborhood. i'm excited by tenant support, esl [inaudible] as well as increased support of housing and financial aid for families facing homelessness and make sure they stay housed and not end up in the shelter system and other emergency systems. want to recognize all the work by the budget committee, very impressive end. i also want to thank the mayors office again for their work in making sure the budget process occurs smoothly throughout the months sints they funded many things prior. >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor avalos >> thank you president breed, i want to thank the budget committee and chair mark farrell for your work on putting toorthd the budget the mayors office for bringing the
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budget to us balanced for us to work through over the past couple months. this is a budget with just about everything in it. one thing that isn't in it i need to point out. even though we had a growing budget we didn't take about responsibility of taking care of trees in the city. we actually have parts of san francisco that are fairly middle class, working clas where people own their home squz take care of trees that used to be part of the cities maintenance, was something that is very very difficult for many people to do and feel as the budget was growing that is something we could have spent some of our funds on. i look at line item in my budget that perhaps i can work with dpw to see if we can program the hardships many house holds face in taking care of trees that can be flaub nob through friends of the urban forest or
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other organizations that can take care of the trees we see like on streets like purshia and excelier where trees are a big part of the beauty of our streets. i also want to point our vision zero program has only been supported only on 2 major parts, the engineering part, our education part and the third part of vision zero-enforcement. we look at enforcement and engineering but the education part is severely lacking and what we put in the budget this year is beef up the education program with real program for public service announcements looking to see if we can contract out an organization that is well versed in how we can inform the public in a way that people can work towards changing their own behavior of how we are driving
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on the streets, riding bikes on the streets and crossing the streets. we need to look out more for each other and be more aware of how we share the streets with everyone so the program is a big part of that. i want to thank you supervisor yee and kim for their push on vision zero and believe this is a element that will help make us get the biggest bang for our effort in the effort to have no fatalities in 2020. lastly i want to talk about-i talked about last week our housing bond, that was a big part of what we changed in the the budget and something i expect we will all be supportive of and transformative for san francisco and hope to see district 11 is well served by the dollars for support for affordable housing. congratulations to san francisco in the time of great prosperity. i hope we can see
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city government do what it should do is taking care of all of us across the city in a way we expect it to work. thank you. >> thank you supervisor avalos. colleagues can we take these items same house same call as amended? without objection these resolutions, motions and ordinances are passed on the first reading unanimously. >> item 41 is a ordinance calling and providing for special election to be held in san francisco on tuesday november 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the san francisco voters a proposition to incur 310 million of bonded to finance construction, acquisition improvement rehabilitation and repair of affordable housing to authorize the [inaudible] resulting property tax increase to residential tenants and
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under administrative code chapter 37 to provide for collection of principle and interest on such bonds >> same house same call? this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. madam clerk, itedm 42 >> item 42 is a ordinance to improve the health plans [inaudible] this items requires 9 affirmative votes >> same house same call? without objection this ordinance is passed unanimously. >> item 43 is mend the administrative code to require the office of civic ingaiment to provide interpretation services at the board of supervisors between july [inaudible] require the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs to translate public notices and legislation introduced report for each board of supervisors meeting in that period
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>> same house same call? without objection this ordinance is passed unanimously. >> item 44 was referred without recommendation from lands use and transportation. it is ordinance to amends the administrative code to revise the [inaudible] create a private right of action under circumstances to create a office of shortd term rental administration. the planning department and department of building inspection sw tax collectors office [inaudible] >> roll call vote >> on item 44, supervisor breed, aye. supervisor christensen, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, no. supervisor mar, no. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, no. supervisor avalos, no. there are 6 aye
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and 4 no with supervisor kim, mar, yee and avalos in the descent >> the ordinance is finally passed. madam clerk can you call item 45. >> charter amendment to allow city employ aiz to take leave for the birthd or placement of the same child to each receive the maximum amount of paid leave for which they callify and retain 40 hours of accrued sick leave at the end of the leave. >> supervisor breed, aye. supervisor christensen, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. there are 10 aye's >> this item passes
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unanimously. >> item 46 amund the administrative code to add cancer and heart [inaudible] in the line of duty retirement benefits for sheriff member thofz san francisco city and county employees. this requires 9 affirmative votes >> supervisor farrell >> today in front of us is legislation i sponsored that corrects a oversight. insured the men and women of the sheriffs department have the same rights afforded to the police officers and fire fighters. disabilities flaum illness such as cancer orheart issues from the work. i want to thank the budget and finance committee that supported this. this law gives the same benefits to [inaudible] as well as benefit tooz the families.
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the sheriffs department do the same work as other public officers and believe they should have the same rights afard to them. i believe affording the safety person elinsureing they have quick and adequate health services is important and hope to have your support >> colleagues can we take this item same house same call? without objection theords nns is passed on the first reading. >> item faur 7 is aord toons amend the tax and business code to [inaudible] hotels earning less than 40 thousand in gross reb new from the requirements from obtaining a parking tax bond and obtaining a certificate of authority and make muntly intermeantances >> without objection theords nns is passed on the first reading. item number 48, please >> item 48 is a ordinance to authorize the sale by public
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bid of city owned paurpt located at [inaudible] van ness avenue. a portion of the proceeds of the sale up to approximately 25.87 million in outstanding amount of certificates of participation up to 5.9 million in outstanding amount of certificates of participation, build ings and multiple properties. excluding the sale and [inaudible] >> supervisor tang. >> thank you, colleagues you have been you a proposed amendment for this item on page 4 and 5. i just wanted to explain what happened in budget committee and some of the concerns raised that the potentially the board of supervisors wouldn't be able to see the final details of agreement reached between the director of real astat and the company that is purchasing in
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