tv [untitled] July 21, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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e. avalos, no. there are 7 aye and 3 no with supervisors kim, mar and avalos in the descent. >> okay so the mitigated negative declaration is confirmed. madam clerk for item number-for the next item which you already called, i would thrike make a motion to amend page 7, line 3 to strike, if such contract is for more than 10 million--second by supervisor cohen. colleagues can we take that amendment without objection? awithout objection the amendment passes. madam clerk can you please call the roll? >> madam president earlier when we discussed the previous items
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you indicate #d you wanted to make a motion that the board retains authority to approve or disapprove the promect? >> yes and by striking it for that particular line item, it allows for this board och supervisors approve the contract for the dephrine and propose facility regardless of the amount so by striking that line that is what i'm doing. >> thank you madam president >> deputy city attorney john gibner. the board has the authority to approve contracts in excess of 10 million dollars, contracts under 10 million dollars don't require board approval so in this contract we would advice the contracting department whether they have to come to board and that would typically still be the 10 million dollar 10 year thesh hold and the are construction contracts that
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require board approval la regardless of the dollar thresh hold. >> #345dm clerk for item 65 can you as amendmented please comthe roll? >> supervisor breed, aye. christensen, aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye. kim, no. mar, no. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos, no. there are 7 aye and 3 noes with supervisor kim, mar and achb lose in the is descent >> the resolution as amened pass said. madam clerk can wie please go to public comnlt? >> at this time the pucklic may address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject
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matter jurisdiction to include the minutes and items on the adoption reference to item 72 and 73. public comment will not be allowed on a preechbious item subject to public comment. pursuant to boards rules please direct remarks to there board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor the audience. speak rbz using translation will be alloyed twice the amount of time to testify. if you would thrike display a document on the ovhead projectors state to sfgtv and remove the document when refer today the live meeting >> those sitting in the disabled and senior section with welcome to come forward before the general public.
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believe this item is associated with item 56, the deposit and reimbursement agreement with the treasure island authority and the community development with the naval station. is that correction sir? >> no, nuth toog do with that. >> my apologies. >> that's fine. our community has serious concerns regarding the relocation. since the dda was approved by the board sev sl years ago, sirs it was determine we would only move once the land was cleaned bought and handed over as a single unit from the navvy. now we are city residence and we'll move back to to federal land and moves all these right because we are moving city jurisdiction back to federal jurisdiction and then on top of
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that we have the housing affordsability crisis which makes the relocation payments inadequate in the cernt time for most families. then we also have concerns in that we do not rights as a community to return to where we live today and that is distressing as a community. we would like the right to return to affordable housing that we have today and in the future when the island is redeveloped. ; so to summarize please we would like to see if you can provide temporary relocation as well as a right of return for the residence of [inaudible] to our island when it is redeveloped and in summary, we would like to make sure that the currents development agreement is reviewed. there is lots of
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changes and never told how they bifurcated the process. >> thank you sir. next speaker please. >> good afternoon madam president and beard of supervisors. may name is betty macy and 11 year resident of yerba brena. [inaudible] treasure island by the city of san francisco to clear the way for lexerary development is unconsciousenable. i work for a start up and with my quite good salary i can not afford to move to market rate housing in san francisco. my job depends on the living here. this is also true for many of my neighbors especially those with children who attend school here and whos businesses are low located here. a eviction by the city of san francisco can render us all homeless should mean something to you. i thank supervisor jane kim for
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exploring options to help ybi residence in our district. we are supported by esprickz free san francisco and other advocacy groups and will be back thursday to voice our concerns. we invite you to join us for to hear our distress. please stop the eviction and take back the land for lunar and [inaudible] keep ybi 100 percent affordable and please save the ybi community from destruction by the luxury development. >> thank you next speaker please. >> before i make my presentation, because of the fact that president of the board and the united states hasn't reached out and handsed out a condalance to the [inaudible] i would like to give condleance to that family. i'm the man that pointed to 3 of your ovall board members
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yesterday that sheriff [inaudible] kept fran cisco chev erksez incancerated in the county jail after the charges were dropped which caused him to be placed in 850 bryant street. when charges are dropped a inmate is supposed to bereleased so for the sheriff to say he is following constitutional and due process law is a insult on everyones intelligence. by the same response the federal agent who left that gun in his police car or whatever vehicle she located in, she contributed to the the death of the female murdered on pier 14. i also want to point outd that due process pertaining to u.s. sitgenzens
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of the u.s. are violated by the sanctuary law. you talk about equal protection, when the truth is the protection of citizens being vilailted are undocumented with illegal al-ins are getting placed in the crimial justice system and being relaced because of the sanctuary law. there is a study on the amount of arrests of misdemeanors and felons of undocumented and illegal aliens in and over all united states where fr a 8 munt period and this produced information that approximately about 1025 undocumented illegal aliens- >> thank you very much sir. next speaker please. sir, i'm sorry i can't allow additional time otherwise i would have to do it for everyone else. thank you very much. next speaker. >> sunshine ordinance says we
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are supposed to speak for 3 minutes. >> [inaudible] [singing] [inaudible] do you know the way to pluto? we made it. that isn't pluto, but it is another planet t is like neptune or something. do you know the way to pluto, we have been away so long, we may go wrong and lose our way. space is a great big freeway. put a 100 million down and buy a space probe and dreams of enter the planets turn into dust and fly away and they made it to pluto, hurray. you can really freeze on pluto and we'll find a way to get
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there some day. boarder line and we are going lose our minds. we just keep pushing space probes over the galaxy, boarder line. please try to understand we got a great big space plan and we got [inaudible] boarder line, and we are gonna shine and push those big space probes over the galaxy. border line. what will we find. what will we find? . >> thank you next speaker, please. >> i want to put this on the screen. i'm a little pertubed
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and appalled right now not just in city government, but individuals that call themselves leaders. i'm appalled how i was treated in someones office here and i'll make that public later. now i'll here to tell the city and county-we have a situation where we have the mayor which i know for 20 years and i know sheriff [inaudible] for 20 years but the mayor has not spoke to the sheriff who runs the city in city hall. we have deputy and some are [inaudible] they put their hands on me. we have a mayor and a sheriff have not communicated since we had the [inaudible] i call it silly hall and that is before you become supervisor london and president. ace is on this case
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and the city and department heads are corrupt. i request the federal government come here, do a thorough investigation throughout city hall y'all because you would find corruptness is here every day. this man here, he is out of town, who is acting mayor here? let me say one thing, yours ace washington is played for 6 months because i said i will be retired but the city and county has [inaudible] what is going on in my community particularly the western addition. i'm not here to upset anybody but changes have to be done immediately. we can not sugar coat this. i had a aid tell me get out of here before i call the sheriff.
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what does he know about my personal business? i'm tired of this. ace is on the case- >> thank you ace. next speaker please. >> thank you president breed and orelt members of the cuball. my name is christopher cudoll and live at 6th and howard. i rise to the comment on what it mean tooz do a good job. what does it take for you individually and collectively to do a good job for the people of our city and county. 20 year information services contract with oracle. if you had done a good job we would be aware that oracles practice is to be entirely propryitary.
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oracle systemerize expensive to develop and more expensive to replace. on average they are no more useful than microsoft, ibm or business services organization nor any less useful. the serious problem lies in the 20 year term. members for you to do a good job you should give the same good advice to us as you give to yourselves. as you give to your families as good as you give to your inturns as good as you give to your investor squz you didn't. members you cannot know oracle will be in business in 20 years. you can not know what your requirements will be in 20 years and you absolutely can not know what technology will be available in 20 years. you would never advice your children to buy more than a 2 year contract for
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wirealize service or pay more than 200 dollars for the hardware. wloo knows what mavls and technology will be around 2 years much less 20. there is a better deal out there, please go find it. thank you president breed. >> thank you next speaker please. >> my name is [inaudible] i live in los angeles. i had the pleasure to listening to more than 3 hours of debate in this chamber about jails and housing and so forth and that leaves the [inaudible] now, i'm talking about [inaudible] this is international issue. that is a issue which is between
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korea and japan. this should be [inaudible] federal government in the case of u.s. a city government should not be [inaudible] in the issue. that is one point. second rkts the issue is divided people. u.s. is a contry of having immigrants from various places. they should be living together in harmony. this [inaudible] issue will divide people and that is not very good. in addition, one point i would like to make is that the usual [inaudible] womens story is a fab ruicated story, in fact those women were not sex slaves, they were paid well. they had very good life and they have lots of income.
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>> can i remind members-we are pausing your time. can i remind members of the public that applause or vocal expression is prohibited in the chamber. you can wave your fingers and keep silent while members of the public have their opportunity to speak and any member of the public is welcome to speak. continue. >> now, there are at [inaudible] which proves that [inaudible] women were usual people, not sex slaves. why it is written in 1944 during the war [inaudible] 20 women were interviewed and that says- >> thank you sir, your time is up. next speaker please. >> my name is [inaudible] i
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have something to say about [inaudible] the installation of a memorial statue because if it is built in san francisco one of the most famous site seeing areas in the u.s. it poses a negative image to japanese people and the whole world. we should not divide our community by choosing one group, japanese community out of many ethnic groups. the united states is a country of immigrants and should strive to keep harmony and peace among the ethnic groups. [inaudible] is a act of hate expression which should not be done. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> my name is [inaudible] i'm
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talking about [inaudible] san francisco has a troubled history with ethnic hatred. as much as the city is proud of [inaudible] it still has still not [inaudible] regarding ethnic japanese racism. this statue represents a return to the dark days when the san francisco mayor using [inaudible] active in many antejapanese [inaudible] san francisco chronicle published hend line that [inaudible] japanese [inaudible] the school board supported by the mayor and the city counsel joins with the american south and segregated san francisco school
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for japanese students saying [inaudible] was not about harming japanese american relations but respond toog the fact in history. nothing much seems to change san francisco other than [inaudible] uncle tom like [inaudible] to assume that japanese are sex crazed [inaudible] it appeared to be like [inaudible] continue the tradition in the 21 century, the city [inaudible] promotes ethnic and racial hatred and exaggerated claim against the japanese while [inaudible] i don't think you want this to be
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[inaudible] >> thank you very much next speaker please >> my name is [inaudible] i'm also here to oppose the [inaudible] woman statue to be built. i have several concerns and asking myself why is it in san francisco, why is it in america? why target japanese? my biggest concern is that japanese and japanese americans have been here in america-are we targeted because our nationalty? many of us remember the painful camp days during war time, will that happen again? we are scared, we are concerned, we are worried
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. besides these claims that they have on [inaudible] ubducted, tochered and sex slaves. there is no evidence to it and here i have the report number 49 titled japanese prisoner of war interrogation of prostitution reported by united states office of war information psychological war fare team which reported in 1944. also the newer one is nazi war crimes in japanese empirical government. rarted to the
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united states congress in april 2007. neither of them indicate- >> thank you next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors my name is yoshy [inaudible] and do you know iwg document entitled the [inaudible] and japanese [inaudible] it is originally signed by president clinton auth 8, 1998 to investigate the crime of nazi. then may 23, 2000 [inaudible] will take steps forward to [inaudible] related to japanese war crimes. it has over 8 million pages
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and spent 30 million dollars. this is one. you can see the detail through the side on the internet and finally, the [inaudible] the final report to the united states and that is a kind of summary of the investigation. here is the document and it has 125 pages. the chairman of the committee, steven [inaudible] concluded his opinion [inaudible] many
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people around the world hoped [inaudible] unearth records that would help them [inaudible] japanese [inaudible] uncovered and released [inaudible] >> thank you sir. next speaker, please. >> sally johnson and in 2006 i asked the police department to get me for a court hearing in the planning department but nothing was done and i was wondering why because a new rez solution goes through that these are the requirements because it is [inaudible] i don't understand why that happened because you know, there is like following with the
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cordinants and working together and being in more rehabilitation states that a lut of people don't understand, which being building things and which you are going to demolish. i agree with building it and putting all the money out for all these projects, but i think that these buildings stand for a long time for [inaudible] new medical procedures and health issues which i'm trying to go to school and trying to enroll in for [inaudible] and mathematics
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