tv [untitled] July 22, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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line supervisor cohen's support of event the fact that billy joel is the piano man but ac/dc is the hottest rock band around and the fact that it was said they do have and in a modern day boards they have control over the speaker there is no and directions with all that information and the conditions i move to approve with the promoted permit conditions that are here and with the caveat our sound inspectors are on sight self-conscious 40 for the sound like check and the event particularly ac/dc and that to show that is my motion. >> with the conditions as
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recommended by our staff. >> absolutely. >> with those conditions. >> with the one amendment with the giants to respect the 311 line. >> i thought i said that i didn't. >> just to clarify. >> great a second? >> second. >> all right. this motion any further discussion. >> yes. my concern there isn't anything about the 11:00 p.m. stop i want to ask staff is that something we've discussed and decided against can you give you a little bit of background. >> the proposed permit i don't see an 11:00 p.m. stop. >> this is until 11 this speaks right to when the permit goes to if they i mean - i'm not sure
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what the answer it is not a condition it is the permit itself until 11:00 p.m. >> i just know when people go over significantly that is what creates the additional tension in the community there were some letters in here that said 11 can become 11:30 with on and on coerce and blah, blah i want to be clear it is a sound like permit i don't expect anyone to up to the time cut off in the middle of a song but the artist has to basically do a shorter set i want to be clear about that, too i don't know if that needs to be expressed as a condition but make it clear as a comment. >> you just the. >> so i think that with our inspectors onsite the permit. >> that will help.
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>> the permit is still 11 o'clock. >> thank you. >> all right. any further discussion if not and oh, go ahead and we want to make sure bach because of the letter from the public this is going to be on ongoing thing especially with ac/dc this is a great one that is going to be loud so if you - if we get the community behind this one the rest should be smooth sally want to be sure that the sound like checks there are readinging in the neighborhood especially the neighbors that are in that letter the mission bay north and south and south beach so that if problems do arises we can show like it says in the letter depending on the atmosphere i know you've talked about it before. >> the atmosphere i mean
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there's no way to know today whether the fog bank will be here or other atmosphere on september 25th no way to know they'll have to control on site as far as south beach i mean the ball park is south beach and as far as the other neighborhoods go we have two inspectors. >> i don't know how many are going to be provided to cover the area so our inspectors totally will take a neighborhood i'm sure and i'm imagine that that is up to the giants the giants are have sulter taking reading so potrero hill is one i mean packing take the reading from texas street for instance and motorbike did you say. >> that's what the letter - >> that's north and south
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mission bay. >> yes. >> i don't know y where south mission bay. >> i've dealt with this type of thing and with more information we have they've done when we get f that containment from that one person we can bring everything and show them. >> if we ask the giant to have people out there as many as possible this is their ball park so and others concerts going forward based on they're being good partners with us in the past i feel sure they'll have people taking the reading; right? guys okay. so i still feel that way somehow thank you for saying that. >> like i said it brings up back ac/dc i'm happy as heck if so we can keep the public happy
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we should be all right in the future. >> good point commissioner perez. >> is there sound during the sound concert or. >> both. >> the key during the operations just as soon as you get a call just get on it and you know keep the neighbors from contemplating on the hot listen if you are pro-active during the operations you get more trust with the neighbors like a club owner if this is too loud they call us and it is up to you guys showing some proactive neshsness they're on our side they don't want to be disturbed. >> governor jerry brown i don't want to add that as a condition but reasonable concessions to people that are disturbed that
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is something that everyone should consider you know we can't control where the crowd encompasses and things like that but we can control whether or not we're going to host something and how people are impacted there is only so much to say keep it down so if people - if the project sponsors can consider what kinds of concessions for people disturbed by it. >> in keeping the neighbors in mind i really you know, i remember how disturbing it was when we didn't have a proper ball park and people were going other places and doing concert and then we got the ball park it is reduced to the city and over the course the giants winning the pen amenity a couple of times is not hurting
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but we do have serious competition with the stadium it is important for the city to support airport and the giants in their efforts to do stuff having billy joel here is awesome and ac/dc is a case nevertheless we need to support them and in every way we can those folks have made and pleasant in good faith with the contract with the giants that has stuff we don't know about and the planners made a contract with the tour there are ramifications to the contracts so you know we have to be supportive as we can with in reason and keeping everybody needs to work together i think we have to keep the neighbors happy and the vibrancy of the city and this happening
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that's in my opinion. >> great i'll ditto that can i ask a point of clarification to the staff are we voting on both permits at this time or only one. >> it is easier to do both. >> that's clear with everyone. >> so my motion is for both permits. >> thank you. >> same conditions. >> same conditions. >> we've talked this enough let's take a vote. >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. >> with that the motion passes good luck we hope we don't hear from you. >> thank you for coming. >> thank you for making it out moving along the next item the
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report from the executive director. >> sorry where are we are we on me. >> yes. >> i want to do the minutes. >> sorry you're right that's the next thing the review and approval of the minutes from july 7th. >> i move to approve there is a motion and a second a second. >> 19 a second. >> same house, same call? yes. >> done. >> okay. let's see what time is it we're doing good hello commissioners just a breech update on the prelims what we're calling night life we made process i'm sure you're aware of this commission and discussion a understanding of the chapter of the admin code we created a committee of 3
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commissioners who we know i believe have found a date for early august for an initial meeting and agendizing that at city hall so we have the 72 hours window to start to begin to form generic quote/unquote good neighbor type of policies we believe should be recommendations when residents are built within radical feet of place of entertainment and the specific projects will start to flow relative to individual locations and individual design of the buildings and you know individual conversations those place of entertainment we have our review crepe that you guys passed so i feel like we're doing well, i have 3 projects in particular with the specifics
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i'll bring to the committee in early august so hopefully, you'll see second meeting in you may, in fact, get information or request for approvals if that is how we do it to the committee to the larger commission in the second meeting in august i'm learning more than i want to know about residential development so i'll keep you updated. >> the planning commission met on thursday and approved the changes to the western selma plan to include the loophole will that to areas we heard about in this commission and again i want to thank
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commissioner hyde we passed at the planning commission the planning changes should go to land use i hope monday if we don't make this on the agenda we'll find out tomorrow if not after recess unfortunately but this is to show up we were appreciate the 3 of them were there and we certainly will here taking advantage of this and got through ludicrously which i don't expect to have problems no opposition surprisingly to me even from the folks who worked on western selma for a a long time it is sensible stuff none had any questions or objections i moved this thing and we should be operational in the fall sometime for lack of a better specific date
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i wrote in here the review of the sound regulations i'm sure you're aware of we brought those royalty permit to you and bring them occasionally we struggle with what do we do in terms of violations of loudspeakers and amplified sound like permits as well as they come in all shapes and sizes and one amplified sound like permit to tale with all those different things whether amplified sound in the same location for 3 months or somebody activation of on open space or a street performer so we have those blunt skrurment and sections in the police code that were written in 1969 that
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speak to all kinds of things that didn't seem like the kinds of vehicles we used to use like campaigns with the horns and stuff they describe those things with the access of the sound the stuff is not useful i began a process of the city attorney i'm looking for a protective sponsor to help with revising the section for yourself friendly and building consequences of scope that make sense because although to be honest you felt comfortable issuing those subsequent loudspeaker permit you had two pages of information a as opposed to much more than that and the notion they violate the conditions of the permit
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they're capable of issuing a hundred dollars citation and those concerts are more than that the violets a permit is not a good situation i think beginning this process is taking time and we'll come to you with drafts if i end up with a protective stamp on the record showing drafts when someone gets introduced we'll have long decisions about that it is a big thing for us we need to speak about it all the folks that have been here a looked at and the challenges we face in figuring out the best ways to look at the amplified sound in a big city is getting louder we're starting that process and in addition he wanted to mention i didn't say this earlier the 311 system is the sound like place it should
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go maybe in the case of those two concerts have a hotline it is really, really vital that everyone in the public and anyone listening might hear that that wasn't the case last year 311 made a point we don't do this but was changed and tomorrow i'm going to a meeting of 311 with all the agencies that deal with sound and we'll provide scripts and they'll be absolutely prepared on the night of the concerts with the purpose of logging complaint not in pga the volume it is important that everyone knows to use 311 for the record going forward so just don't want to be an exception that someone has a hotline that the sound like will go down i don't believe this
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will work they can use it and it is fine to have avenues to have a call but i want there to be some sense that we are tracking that we know what and 311 is the way to do that so - and in this particular case with the giants can we take their own private log of whatever happens with the hotline and put it going into 36311. >> i believe they have every tension people have been somewhat suspicious of operating their own phones they're the folks who receive the most gape if you will so there's a little bit a conflict in some cases and the 311 will be operational and
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i want people to use it i don't know when; right i went with that and amplified sound and sound issues call 311 whether it is a public health issue that someone is generator or fan on top of their restaurant or a night life issue or a barking dog all the noise construction should flow through so we're clear they'll send them to the relevant agencies profile so call 36. >> okay fy i we've sent out the invitations for the 11 of 12 anniversary party it will be on the meeting night the fourth of august at the oasis if you haven't been there you'll enjoy users that's opposing open to the public agendized in the
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meeting we've sent out invitation if there is someone in particular you want us to invite we'll move forward and advertise the party again it is a public, you know, fun time and it is always fun we're going to try to get food donated and cake. >> plan is coming. >> 12 or 11. >> 12 if i can count to 12 that's it for me i am sorry. >> commissioner joseph and commissioner lee. >> we are respond to complaints about generator novice that's dpw. >> well, it depends on so again sorts of noise really, really vital to identify we don't do like restaurant fans
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and we don't do barking dogs and - >> if someone - >> generators is not us. >> it could be fire it depends on. >> if there's an attempt thing and a entertainment from dpw a generator do we get those complaints. >> i don't think so i'm in that. >> there you go. >> of if so an event at night life night where a generator is needed they need a night life permit. >> my other question was not a question i'm so thrilled that somebody's tabling the loudspeaker stuff congratulations you can try and do some sub categories like if time this size of an event if you're a
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restaurant with outdoor speakers so thrilling they'll be subsequent sections and, yes. >> yeah. >> good for you that's great if a somebody for instance, suppose it was a yearly event a small street fair and they violated the sound permit is it true we couldn't issue a sound permit to them a loud permit speaker is free speech one wyoming once it is amplified because they need a permit they can have free speech without a.m. first degree it what's the consequence can we not issue and permit. >> you have the latitude we haven't done that you have the latitude to deny i think is it
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so word essentially the activity of the music itself or the performance is that electricity activity but the ramification is that again you know you can manage and condition it at the time place and manner but for public safety or issues around this - is the city has serious concerns i think the ability to deny is there you don't i just don't think the code sections are clear how that happens so there - there needs to be clarity on how you can do. >> last but not least the came back for our party has been donated by sight and sound for the awards. >> thank you okay. >> commissioner lee.
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>> to follow up (laughter) on the cake. >> no for that (laughter). >> so if they violate we don't want to obviously deny eventually they come every year but commissioner vice president moshoyannis said they hit at 11 or that if they don't address the sound issue it only fine who sets the fine i am not we've glutton a lot of process to give them that chance to redo they're loud speaker permit but if they go over so the fine is hundred dollars you know i mean it is kind of like saying oh, well they paid a hundred dollar fine i mean who you know makes those decisions on those for purposes bhs done liv. >> the administrative code says for the sight administratively;
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right? it's not a criminal violation not like the mrovts police officer is a stipulated in the admin code to what the fines are we don't have another tool. >> can we set the amount. >> no, it's in the code we can say for every violation it is another hundred dollars so if there are multiplied violations this is what we do with venues we can add it up but you know is that still reflecting enough depending on the scope of the violation so 50 thousand people both violates their permit i still have the same tools - >> yeah. so what you're saying you're kind of executive order
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code clean up and revision to have higher tools. >> i don't know how powerful but bridge the problem in trying to figure out how you can you know stay within the legal lines or maybe because there is the intent for enforcement that is clear we utilize maybe we ca consider moving some of the things into 1060 if they look like lot space permits if they happy in happen in the same way but i have what i need you can't change behavior very easily sort of the idea. >> nobody wants to pay out if they have that big pay out they'll think twice of breaking it and letting it go in my
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opinion i'm curious how to set the fee. >> all right. any other commissioner questions or comments to the director if not our inspector reports. >> good evening, commissioners a quick update from last meeting i was asked a question by commissioner joseph regarding the timeline for updates with macey building and sound system i have an update they have the installation of the new sound like system was smaller and immediately speakers has been completed goal was to make sure they were not driving a few speakers too high and now spread additional speakers throughout the venue to keep everything at a lower level i mentioned the double pain
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exterior windows that will be thrilled or delivered this week and installed they've received yesterday curtain tracks for a new sound like curtain curtain placed on the front door the curtain itself on the left and we expect the project itself to be implemented the first week of august. >> question. >> yes. >> the boarding the alley door was resolved. >> as far as complaints i've received recently the back alley door is no longer an issue the two neighbors one was communicating with myself and one with the venue they have yet to reach out to me or the venue this past weekend i issued a citation for their front window
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being open caused music to be heard across the street and this will mark the second citation in two months if we have another citation issued over the course we're in a position to take action other than the permit i'll discuss with that with our director. >> okay. thank you. >> there's a new building around the corner from the revolution cafe on second reading the apartment it is bright and colorful and full of people one of the tenants has reached out to us regarding the windows and doors being open to the cafe i've reached it out to the owners we have a meeting scheduled next year to next week to discuss with the multiple residents about the plan moving forward to doing improvements to
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the building and at least making sure that everyone has open lines of communication so go any issues we'll take care of. >> is revolution the small place with the outdoor space if you take that away the inside is 2 inches wide really the outdoor space they do the music and they do it inside. >> they do it inside and there is. >> it is still unamplified string music. >> based on what i've seen they've amplified advocate additional it is low key bluegrass and jane does. >> mostly not drums. >> not always the case and i have seen drums and part of the
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