tv [untitled] July 22, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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30. we have a rare extraordinarily rare assistance. if you see sierra strike and mark. susan striker and victor hernandez. victor the co- director will both be here along with marching and veronica, the activist and if you want to know the gay and lesbian history of san francisco and where it began, it began here right in the tenderloin. cover charge covers the free wine. see you all here and in the future. thank you. [ applause ]
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test. >> good afternoon, everyone welcome to the tuesday, july 21 2015 meeting of the taefblgs i'm bryan tan the president of the commission a couple of things please turn off our cell phones not to interrupt the meeting if you are a member of the public to speak on an item that is agendized fill out a card by the sfshgz and finally thank you to sfgovtv and media
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services for presenting this live every time we meet we'll start with a roll call and i'll move around a couple of agenda items considering our attention because commissioner vice president moshoyannis needs to leave earlier commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan we have quorum i'd like to move. >> just ford al peps is absent 2450 we've heard he's planning on attending. >> we'll note that in the interest of time we're going to move item 5 and 6 up so item 6 will now become our second item
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after public comment this it is election of president and vice president and after that item 5 which is hearing on permits will go ahead of the report from the executive director and our staff and then the approval of the minutes is four. >> got you. >> all right. so i'll start out with public comment any public comment on this item? this is your opportunity to speak on any business that related to the entertainment commission but that you do not see agenda disany public comment that is p all right. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item 2 like i said is election for president and vice president my term and commissioner vice president moshoyannis terms are up this is an annual election and so i'm happy to open this up for
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nominations let start with president commissioner joseph. >> i would like to nominate our kind president bryan tan. >> i'll second. >> all right. thank you. >> is there any discussion about that any other nominations? i'm happy i should run for mayor is there any decision let's take a vote >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner caminong i guess you're the want president tan. >> all right. thank you very much looking forward to serving another year and appreciate the confidence i have in me let's do vice president now is
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there a nomination that would like to be made i'd like to make actually i'd like to nominate commissioner joseph as the president of the commission as we all know commissioner joseph has a long history with the commission but also been powerful voice i think for the this commission and the industry and runs meetings well, so i think this is one of the main purposes of it and serve as vice president before we have to take a second is there a second. >> second. >> second from commissioner caminong. >> thank you very much i'm veryes static i accept the nominations there you go thank you you bailed me out. >> great any public comment on
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this nomination i did not see any all right. let's take a vote you same house, same call? >> yeah. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much all right. congratulations moving right along item 3 is hearing and possible action regarding the permits so i'll hand this to our deputy director. >> thank you good evening, commissioners so tonight we only have one application i'll be going over this is atlas cafeteria a restaurant located on 349, 20th street in the district it's been in operation for 19 years it is a state board for the community i studied there and plan to have mostly live blues and jazz and bluegrass music 2 to 3 days a we
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can thursday and friday and saturday mission station approves that with the good neighbor policy as a condition. >> great can the applicant please come up. >> the one on the right. >> thanks. >> so why not stammer. >> i'll bill stone officially william stone i've been i wormed the cafe since 96 you know of our community. >> speak accountant into the mike. >> we're well known and liked we get along with the neighbors and we just wanted to do some light music we've done a few shows in the past we didn't know we needed a permit i got a
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couple of local neighbors to send in letters of recommendation one was telling him i think he used to be on the commission actually and another guy a few houses down i don't think maggie got it there is a copy here if you want to see it and that's basically, it just wanted to being part of neighborhood. >> great commissioner joseph. >> i - you already do some correct. >> yeah. that's right. >> you're only coming into compliance. >> that's right. >> i've been to atlas and used to do dog rescue stuff other front. >> great. >> thank you for that. >> commissions other questions? all right. seems scared have a
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seat i don't see any police this the the condition of the good neighbor policy is there any public comment on the atlas cafe application seeing none public comment is closed. move to approve >> there's a motion to approve. >> second. >> all right. on the motion to approve the limited live permit for atlas cafe with good neighbor policy commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner vice president moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. >> congratulations you have your permit we're going to moving along to item b or 3 b okay commissioners good evening if you can locate the paperwork in
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your folders that somewhere for small applications themselves look at in front of you are applications for concerts at at&t for september 5th and the 25 and both are quite similar obviously the talent is different an indication on the permit itself there is shall be a sound check the day before and i can speak to that a little bit later in terms of the temps that's important today's permits the memo hopefully that you found in our package has background in it and the not boring everyone to death we had problems with containment of sound at at&t park in the past
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and most not able last year's j v ground show so i thought that was important that we come here there's been at least 5 meetings at staff level with all the parties involved including the giants, the port and malia cohen's office so you'll note after the memo went on the attachment a whole bunch of letters one of which i got recently from supervisor cowen's office you know putting emphasis on whatever conditions you guys come up with tonight in this process it is really important obviously for the folks in her district dog patch and mission bay this is a review we do this
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3ri789 on behalf of the port by an mou so the mou for your education behind the memo we do not just permitting in the ball park but permitting on sound and entertainment on all the port properties phone numbers for the document should be negotiated every year and then there's a lease that the giants have with the port the landlord of the port is here if i have any questions i the attach as well those portions of the lease we think are relevant relevant to the concert that they've been doing the gientsdz have done and continue to want to do but i think for there are attorneys here as well so if you have any questions regarding the
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lease that i might not be able to answer so again, there's a lot of process involved but tonight i want you to consider on the second page the conditions you might find appropriate to place on either one or both of those permits for amplified sound for i'm sure you're aware of come to you past 10:00 p.m. more importantly in a location we've had problems with not every concert has problems let me be clear i'm sure you'll hear from the giants that nobody plays a band that is well-managed so not suggesting they can't manage but those large public events in
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particular needs more scrutiny so i drafted some proposed conditions for you guys to consider i the send this this to the port and the giants as well so lastly if you want to approve there are a few letters what i can do outreach to let people know this meeting was happening we thought it was important to contact people that had problems e problems with the last concert we have contact to let them know this is happening on next as well and i know the giants did 0 outreach with the cracking cac these so there's quite a bit judging from not such a big 20ur7b9 that's a good sign so a part educating the
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neighbors and folks around what you know and how potentially there will be noise at this location and what we do about it so with that i guess the giants wanted to come up and say something. >> can i ask a quick question. >> yes. >> those proposed conditions are shared did you get feedback this is not possible. >> we reviewed most of the conditions a few weeks ago i got effectively from mr. bear that didn't have problems with them. >> okay. a you as stated. >> questions for staff so did the neighbors have problems with the conditions. >> i didn't share that memo with the neighbors what i shared the notice of this hearing. >> okay. thank you. >> hi. >> i'm sarah hunt the vice president of the giants the
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permit was notably the last issues for significance of the park we've been operating in that neighborhood for 15 years very good relationships with the neighbors that neighborhood is changing and as a result of the sound issues if the jc secretary question need to look at our practices immediately following the beyonce concert we made adjustment and had better outreach we are pro-active and engaged the societies a civil engineer working with them to month monitor the smaller events in the park how sound a traveling and given everything else we have a notice where all the neighbors are notified they've been ref notification for the last couple codify months and in the process of
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going to advisory committee and council merging most recently at the council and spoke with them about the conditions that were being considered inform this permit they didn't have issues i think people want to know there are is a number and people responsible the one suggested change is roadway as our last discussion with the port and jols listen and others suggested we are especially looking at 311 operating lines we recently had discussions and think that is better to set up on isolated line the neighbors feel like we're taking responsibility we want to put that favored as as an amendment. >> that's one of my questions people can't get through to 311 to having a dedicated line is great commissioners questions
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for the giants. >> hi sarah so has you given sullivan to like the where the speakers are going to be hung and have they made suggestions. >> we'll waiting for that information the city finalized that's one of the issues for the shows they have to make adjustment they have an obesity for other event and what we're trying to do is collect data we'll be you know obviously looking at the elements where speakers are hanging the levels in different areas with people monitoring. >> did the show control the hanging g does beyonce the speakers are here, here and there and turn off every other box that helped if that - is it
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under your control mary. >> i'm mary with another planning entertainment we're producing two secretaries at at&t park this is it is a group effort we've worked with the artists with the venue and city to be good neighbors to the surrounding area. >> okay. so the question was do i i mean who controls the speaker sound the show. >> the artists. >> the artists oh. >> you don't have this go information it is too 0 earlier. >> i can tell you where the speakers will be for both of those shows generally speaking we we'll have 4 detailed hours for each concert i think i was not involved in the jc beyonce show
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but the pictures i've had we'll have more speakers which should benefit the area we'll not have to people's no. 1 run the volume with we will have four detailed in addition to the array of speakers on the main stage. >> are the arrays the speakers hanging on the sides. >> it will there are different sound like systems they'll a lot different but essentially a left left and right. right. >> i guess what we the last year with jc we turned off the boxes on the side. >> there will be speakers on the side of the stage hanging if above but soap we'll look at that and determine how this events. >> i like the detail towers.
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>> different speakers have different function and for example, ac/dc they have a sophisticated mechanism where we can, tune the speakers and adjust the width of the sound array as well as the height so hewn up how much they're going beyond the boundary. >> okay. great. >> i think that's all for me. >> commissioner lee. >> so those road shows have a plan when we go on the road so those sound checks and everything will be a standard way you'll be 2nd district at large up the towers when the rider comes in you'll be moving the towers to accommodate pretty much what they giving you.
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>> it is kind of a combination they have a standard step but obviously we need to say for instance off the graph there are adjustments to make onsite we do the sound check you're playing to an empty venue that is a significant difference but we'll start to monitor the levels and make adjustment on show night as we start to go. >> that's another question hypothetically you get a complaint how do you intend to handle it giving me a procedural. >> our plan to have an hotline first and foremost find out where the person is and figure out wrg our problems are we'll obviously be in contract with the promoter with the producers
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and everybody that is onsite if it is a small fix with a lot of complaints coming from one area redirecting a speaker we'll make those adjustment and fine-tune those and we understand we have people we can predict that will come in and we'll also track some of those and try to figure out is that a one of a lot of people if in that area and adjust audience how much realtime can you do i know the complaints you can fix it the first innocent and the second night is better can you bring it down or basically all have to be done in advance. >> i know i can speak we can make realtime adjustment. >> what's the progress for that happening so are there going to be realized communications
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between one of the conditions is they there be two additional staff people to assist in the surrounding neighborhood so is it going to be part of your process for the realtime communication or are you figuring out. >> the we'll have people to go out to check and figure out what you're issues you're speaking to the people onsite the night of we'll be handling the adjustments unfortunately, the neighbors have any cell phone they can certainly get ahold of me to make the adjustment. >> commissioners other questions? we had one community member wrote that wanted to make sure there's a hard stop at 11:00 p.m. is 9 concert ending before that do you know
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>> it's scheduled to end at 11 the issues they're in the middle of a song they'll not stop but close to 11:00 p.m. >> sorry i have one question. >> ask commissioner frost. >> we got a letter if community group they wanted to make sure the sound like check with residential areas you'll be doing it people outside taking the readinging. >> we'll work with the entertainment commission we'll have the folks to collect the data from the show yes there will be people in and around the area. >> great including excluding the potrero hill. >> it has not been an issue with weather and everything else this was what we had an issue again one of the variables. >> okay. any other thoughts
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from commissioners? thank you. i mean it sounds like you've done open obviously in reaction to what happened last year our concern we know how to respond to the people why did you let the giant or another concert with the open air i appreciate the mitigating efforts you guys have made open up for public comment now any public comment on the giant this one is the billie joel concert we'll separate >> no public comment? all right. public comment is closed. >> commissioners. >> so with the adding of the
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dedicated phone line supervisor cohen's support of event the fact that billy joel is the piano man but ac/dc is the hottest rock band around and the fact that it was said they do have and in a modern day boards they have control over the speaker there is no and directions with all that information and the conditions i move to approve with the promoted permit conditions that are here and with the caveat our sound inspectors are on sight self-conscious 40 for the sound like check and the event particularly ac/dc and that to show that is my motion.
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>> with the conditions as recommended by our staff. >> absolutely. >> with those conditions. >> with the one amendment with the giants to respect the 311 line. >> i thought i said that i didn't. >> just to clarify. >> great a second? >> second. >> all right. this motion any further discussion. >> yes. my concern there isn't anything about the 11:00 p.m. stop i want to ask staff is that something we've discussed and decided against can you give you a little bit of background. >> the proposed permit i don't see an 11:00 p.m. stop. >> this is until 11 this speaks right to when the permit goes to
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if they i mean - i'm not sure what the answer it is not a condition it is the permit itself until 11:00 p.m. >> i just know when people go over significantly that is what creates the additional tension in the community there were some letters in here that said 11 can become 11:30 with on and on coerce and blah, blah i want to be clear it is a sound like permit i don't expect anyone to up to the time cut off in the middle of a song but the artist has to basically do a shorter set i want to be clear about that, too i don't know if that needs to be expressed as a condition but make it clear as a comment. >> you just the. >> so i think that with our inspectors onsite the permit.
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>> that will help. >> the permit is still 11 o'clock. >> thank you. >> all right. any further discussion if not and oh, go ahead and we want to make sure bach because of the letter from the public this is going to be on ongoing thing especially with ac/dc this is a great one that is going to be loud so if you - if we get the community behind this one the rest should be smooth sally want to be sure that the sound like checks there are readinging in the neighborhood especially the neighbors that are in that letter the mission bay north and south and south beach so that if problems do arises we can show like it says in the letter depending on the atmosphere i know you've talked about it before. >> the atmosphere
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