tv [untitled] July 23, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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fact that some of our staff that have retired are disease themselves have made donations and continue to make donation to this very important activities which we don't have in our budget so it answers the quality of life and it is part the evacuation i'd like to move we approve the recommendation and the budget to get a second and have no more decision if you wish. >> i'll accept that motion. >> second okay. so further discussion - i had one or two questions and most was related not so much to how well you described the different programs and although i saw the van at 21st century at
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- what is the total amount that is in this and therefore is this a percentage that allows that the funded will sustain goes back to a question when we accepted the last big gift and had them sold staff as recommended by the controller's office we were going to think as to how then we would make sure the fund continued to grow? >> john has the information. >> so we actually have been tracking the funding and expenditures for the last 5 years i've been here so lucky the last two years we've seen two sizeable donations first one was the doctor the living trust was half
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million dollars and o the from another doctor we were able to maintain the balance of pretty much balance and consistent from year by year at the beginning balance of 2013-2014 we started with one if the $4 million in the total gift fund balance this included $700000 in the stock so we're going to the process of the stocks been sold we actually the loading progress i've seen we actually be able to keep this a value from what we estimated last year and the balance stayed as 2.4 with the
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additional 4 hundred donation we are looking at we're going to finish this 2014-2015 year-end with a balance this proposed to have $289,000 annual and $2.8 million if no other donations will last more than 10 years but if we continue to get donations especially a big portion of the expenditures is reinforced by the friends of laguna honda so our team the hospital white program and the neighborhood money those 3 things are reimbursement as demons. >> in addition to this. >> it is including in the - and it is included okay. >> commissioners any further questions if not, we're prepared for the vote.
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>> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the fund expenditures is passed i assume no public comment. >> no public comment. >> okay. >> moeven to item 7 commissioners the draft dpw on naming the dpw facilities. >> good afternoon, commissioners colleen deputy director and i'm here with a short presentation on a proposed policy on the naming or renaming of the department of public health facilities the city charter designates to the board of supervisors and the department to provide the naming or renaming of the health department the department of public health have defined as any building owned and operated by the department of public health and the equipment and rooms and internal or internal space you have a draft and this item is scheduled for the agenda for the next meeting for the
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final action not requiring a reduces resolution but in corneas with the city chapter you have designated the director of health as the sole dpw employee with the authority to provide you with recommendations for approval of naming and renaming of the department of public health facilities hospitals facilities you have the sole tort authority those are required with the health commission approval ambassador non-lease their owned by another parts of city require the board of supervisors so the pathway is from recommendations by leadership within the department through the director of public health and the department of public health makes the recommendation to the health commission additional forwards to the board of supervisors for the final pathway that is true for the renaming of gifts to the
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department of public health so that guess the summary of the policy you have the draft it is by the city attorney and with the director of health and the leadership and you have it agendized for your action at the next meeting. >> thank you, commissioners because it is an important policy we're asking for your comments today and in the next several weeks no public comment at this point is there. >> no request for this item. >> commissioner karshmer. >> question is this changes from what has been the policy. >> we've not had a policy in the past. >> this is the first time. >> yes. >> commissioner sanchez. >> i think this is an excellent summation what was in fact not
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policy has been in the city chapter that everyone extracts something and interpreted we were interprets it 24 the protocol from the process i guess the question i have once this is affirmed as our ongoing policy is there a time factor or are those as an example our various names are ready operational including our breast cancer center it was a major donation part ever library that has it's specific name, etc., etc. etc. is this - does this apply to those or are we tenaciously a time variable we have to - >> to be fair to the history i think it is going forward we'll be looking at this policy and so
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i'm very comfortable leading the status of everything in place and moving forward with the new policy. >> this also as i read applies to the laguna honda. >> it applies to the entire department of public health. >> so anything in the future for the naming would come through this office and our next process. >> over the years i think people haven't said i wanted to say one more i see something coming down the pike. >> as an example we have the affiliation agreement when the new research facility san francisco general health department campus which is being approved by the rent of puc is
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built on the campus so any naming rights in that facility we need to think about this as we move forward is that under our jurisdiction or up to the court regents of the state of california whatever they decide i know we have specifically factored in pertaining to the parking facility that is the city and county of san francisco so, i mean i want to make sure that we all understand as we move forward upcoming this is how we agree and precede otherwise we can get into problems and that's a fair question we'll take if that through the city attorney. >> whether it is a city property. >> part of it is the agreement we'll work through that and we'll seek advice from the city attorney is a very good question it is pertinent. >> we'll try to get that answer
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back that is why we placed o that on the table such types of circumstances can be solved from the previous discussion also name or rename so i assume as the directors said everything is in place unless there's a reason to change the place of the name. >> other questions at this point? if not i'll discourage user encourage the commissioners to think about another circumstances they wish so have clarification and be prepared to vote at the next meeting >> no public comment phone number for this item. >> item 8 is the resolution in support of naming the san francisco general hospital the richard h fine people's clinic.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners i'm rolling restraining order leaned the if he were in charge of the network i'm joined. >> by the professor of the food medication and chief of the division of trauma at central nervous system we're here i'm going to i'm going to turn it over to ask for your consideration of rename the general medication clinic at g h s >> when i stepped up to the plate into the central nervous system san francisco general hospital persons i met was nike knew he was special i don't know how special he was until i worked with him over several years his post colleague dr.
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will share with you clips that talk about dr. fine and why we want our support address this resolution thank you. >> thank you, rolland and commissioners and director that is an honor to be here to present on behalf of the dr. fine this resolution to rename the general medication he clinton richard i'm a care doctor and i was the medical director of the general medication clinic many say the clinic it doctor fine founded and mr. chinning chin was another deputy director dr. fine joined the family in 1969 which was the first year in
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which san francisco general had an oat patient presence if you were if you have diabetic come in a alu you'd be disregard to the home or so in the longshoreman or the morgue dr. fine was part of the movement to deputy e development those in that he had risks medication and surgery in 1970 he fount the medical clinic for mel complex adults not city and county of san francisco and since it's inception we've tooefrn over one million patient visits dr. fine is currently in his final months probably he's age 75 suffering is from a terminal
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illness and has made multiple phone calls to me i think that is fair to say a dick that is what we goes by he wears a mechanics shirt to work saying dick that represents every man he is he is just like every man and woman in san francisco he played a visionary role to the underserved patients throughout the city and strengthened the general medication clinic by integrating the medical services council and help problems and continuity of care and championed many programs from that clinic he's the champion for marginalized groups that spearheaded a lot of programs to help those who are otherwise
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disfrachd he co-founder it in patient jail unit if you were a jailed individual and illness i had no place to go other than the jail or elementary school those are focused on improving the health care for institutionalized people into through addressing their behavorial as well as physical health needs that are incredibly revolutionary during the time he called the jail a community and to get federally qualified health center and federal block money to take care of that very initiative in 1979 found the health clinic at san francisco general hospital and from 1989 to 91 served as the chief of the medical staff at san francisco general hospital we believe that renaming it san francisco
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general hospital after dr. fine will not only honor his terrorism but terrorism of many of the health care workers who we collaborated with on any issues he didn't look for the lifetime light. >> let other people lead we believe that name it after dr. fine about cause our students and residents and trainees to ask why is it called the fine board of directors doctors clinic why are those people so fine then we can educate them about dr. fine and inspire future generations to do the same so a couple of months ago we aired the world premium of a film about dr. fine and the city in which he lived and worked and
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was a film about the city and decades that he worked in the subjectivities movement and the crack and aids epidemic aisle all the major issues in san francisco and how dick harnessed them the movie is called bicer with a moral impose i has a impose we have a clip i don't know how to do the audio you guys have to turn around oh, you can see it in your computer great. >> was create at this hospital a plays for everyone. >> director hicks role what 0 reminder the administration to remind - >> we need to do those things for a special program and into change those so things
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will eliminate - >> he's been a conscious. >> in the hospital let's just start over shaving shall we. >> dikdz legacy is what we created at the hospital for a plays for everyone to come to. >> director hicks role was a remind the administration and remind the other doctors we needed to do those things this is let's go forward. >> i speak and is a change so things emanate from him he's the conscious of san francisco general hospital the remarkable thing about dick fine was his ability to see the importance of and role that outpatient care for non-communicable disease at
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an early stage. >> it is one clinic you hospitals liza patient wave good bye and see in the elementary school or the morgue. >> you would take care of the patients in the hospital and go disregard discharged to wherever. >> the patient that needed follow-up didn't get the care. >> director hicks dedication. >> what dick the. >> the law and the central traffic signal of a doctor for an individual as opposed to others for an example of care the result of dick was what made this clinic amazing. >> health care being available to the mass dick cared about the
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narrative workplace the facilitates discretionary. >> dick had a major role of creating the medication and ambulatory care, he helped to change how people viewed the americans. >> dick committed his life to making sure there was something different. >> change and incorporating the nurses the residents solutions into a team that was dick promoting that doctor, nurse may or may not or patient relationship. >> many of the testaments of dick his original concepttion that patient go home and disconnecting shaped the hospital. >> it wasn't always place because of progressive
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medication it is what san francisco general is really an extension of dick. >> you look at where 40 years dick fine ran those having shoulders above everybody else. >> the moral fine of san francisco general (clapping.) >> thank you. >> i'd like to close by saying that was my boys playing the music so - >> and commissioners just a reminder the resolution will be voted on, on the august 4th meeting. >> and dr. do you want to explain why it is not called just the richard a fine clinic but the people's clinic.
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>> as i mentioned dick is not someone that likes the limelight he wouldn't want the clinic to be named the richard h fine clinic he sees the medical home as dr. chin mentioned i think that actually, the fine people's clinic is exactly what we understand about the people that come to our clinic many of the people that come to our clinic are seen as the most difficult challenging patients that nobody else wants to take care of so to suggest this is their people's clinic has a certain power, of course that resonates with him and the practitioners at the clinic. >> thank you very much any further questions for dr. shilling gesture. >> commissioners that was place on the agenda for a vote and
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we'll take it up at the next meeting. >> no public comment requested. >> moving to item 9 to modernize the security and create a city wellness. >> the presentation is the paper copies in front of you. >> good afternoon again commissioners colleen deputy city director so as director garcia said i'm here to present a proposal about modernizing the committee fund san francisco has seen great second in enrolling individuals since the prelims of affordable health care act but with the transient insurance coverage barriers to the health insurance rains on sfornz san franciscans our proposals to
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create a new employee wellness fund compliments the affordable health care act and addresses the affordability for many san franciscans so just a brief overview of what i'll coffer i'll give a summary of the proposal we're providing first and then a little bit about the impetus about the proposal and talk about the research and finding that occurred between the time we first start to think about this and today i'll give you a little bit of health security 101 about the proposal it relies on san francisco landmark health care security ordinance i'll give a brief 101 on the health care security and talk about the detail and the expected benefits to san franciscans and the employers and the city overall
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so this proposal i'm sure you're aware of has two components the moneytion 23 appears in gray and blue and the creation of a new employee wellness funds that appears in orange this proposal messages existing infrastructure of the city option program and the new bridge to coverage feature in blue the existing city option comprised the reimbursement that remembers a provides health care to uninsured san franciscans we need the bridge feature of the city option program continues san francisco's commitment to the ac a to 9 health insurance and make health insurance 2350r7b8 for 3 thousand san franciscans healthy san francisco affordability retains san francisco as awe our safety net
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for the people who the program is available now but makes it available for those who are unable to get affordable health insurance in orange here is the necessary employee wellness fund consist with the intervention and the with wellness will make initiative inform employee health care. >> so why are we here today san francisco as i said has seen success in the affordable health care act over 97 thousand san franciscans have health coverage through the option and 46 thousand are medi-cal and others
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through medicare the uninsured are 44 percent and we have exceeded statewide enrollment and california has exceeded invading it is due to the healthy san francisco program that san francisco is able to make the progress healthy san francisco i'm sure you're aware of is a cooperated program for the san franciscans that are insured 80 percent of uninsured san franciscans were enrolled in 2014 that was easier to contact them of their options in ac a as a result san francisco enrollment declined 50 percent busing plus in june of 2014 and those individuals have health insurance is far better than healthy san francisco the
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san francisco department of public health has promoted health insurance for those who have access i'm sure you're aware of the healthy san francisco is not health insurance but a cooperated health program for the insured health insurance provide people are for choices and also now required in the affordable health care act but despite it's importance some remain unable to take advantage some people are not eligible largely the up undocumented population as a others are exempt from the rest reasons and others unable to afford the options favorable. due to the affordability concerns hltd in the mayor ed lee asked for a research and part of the health care council
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one the key finding part-time employees and low wage earners couldn't find health care the mayor made amendment to the health security to look at the affordability of the health insurance for san franciscans in addition to the citywide interest open affordability health insurance affordability is an our that is heard across the nation and state a recent survey of participant in california state health insurance called covered california found 40 percent are struggling to pay their premiums the department of public health has 4 focus groups two of employers and two employees for the security ordinance we are heard the same thing employees
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cited the costs the chief concern of affording whether or not their insured or uninsured employers said they want to be able to over health insurance to their part time employees but not possible because of the cost or because the insures don't allow the employee employers plan to address those concerns the department of public health through a generous grant from the health affirmation engaged the university berkley center to present the proposal before you today the berkley was the created of the cal model a model that is relied on by covered california and other state and policymakers that impacts the elements of the ac a we asked uc berkley to
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