tv [untitled] July 23, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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i wirk with parents with young children moving from welfare to work and the edge patty gives you is she is just retired so can give 100 percent time. i know the others here are very well committed but that is the edge patty gives and patty has proven just how capable she is in representing the low income families. parents love here. i have a petition here. i think i providing a copy to supervisor avaloss office and letters from parents and will give it to you. patty is a retired grandparent and she has dedicated more than 40 years of her life speaking for young children needing childcare. children can not speak for them sevl squz we should look at the committee and see where we need the representation. 35 percent
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of children 0-18 are in the age range and believe patty will represent the low income well. >> thank you very much. seeing other members we'll close public comment and we'll decide on the item. so, i had originally had all these seats up, the board appointed seat for the ovsight and advisory committee early june. at that testimony we had reviewed many can dts themselves before here and we forwarded alson lee suzuki to the full board and forwarded my comments at the time is i wanted to support tracey brown and there was a real responsibility that alson lee suzuki's application wouldn't qualify because she is
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a part of a orgz that received fundsing through first 5 through dcyf and that is under the rules of who is on the committee and would not qualify her and that was determined she isn't qualified based on the rules set up. i indicated at that testimony if alson lee suzukeee was not going to be able to serve, that i would work around supporting tracey brown. that is where i would like to be able to support for the oversight committee. i would like to put it out there that is my first choice for the seat based on the qualifications and also what i indicated in june. colleagues i hope you might able to consider tracey brown, she soostrong candidate and has years of experience serving in non profit organization and
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children and fam ilies in the mission and has children across san francisco and raised children in the city and knows about the life cycle of services and be a strong candidate for the committee. >> thank you very much chair avalos. i was one of those who recommended alson lee suzuki and sad to hear she can't qualify based on the constraights placed by the memberoffs the committee. i remember mrs. brown and have no issues. when i supported alson suzuki i was considered diversity on the committee and taking a look that folks we appointed throughout the board so one person that stands out today who would be able to fulfill that is eddy [inaudible] and based on my
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smeerns working with him i believe he is wonderful candidate. we have to answer questions about the funding and serving as a cyc consultant who received funding through the city. i'm also bias to [inaudible] had a great conversation with her. i think everyone is very qualified, those were 2 people i'm leaner towards but happy to find a consensus with this committee. >> thank you. supervisor cohen >> not sure if we'll have consensus. i want to acknowledge being a representativeo of the bay view valley neighborhoods allows me a opportunity to work with many of the applicants before us both directly and hands on and indirectly. also i want to acknowledge i spent time serving on the first 5 board so
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had a great opportunity to get to know and understand the leadership within that organization as well the volen tears and staff members that work to provide quality preschool for everyone. i'm here today to support luis [inaudible] i think that i like the element of having a latino voice on the body and also very interested and attracted to the fact he is a native san franciscan. with that said, it is a very difficult decision to come to particularly because i have worked clously with eddy and know him in a very i think deep way. i probably know better than luis quite honestly. i have come to weigh
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this option and think luis brings a insight and cultural awareness that is report to the advisory oversight committee. there it is. >> okay. sounds like we are deadlocked. so, what i would like to be able to propose-i didn't hear anyone supporting tracey besides myself and i also am pretty much torn between luis [inaudible] and eddy zang both of whom i believe will be great people with very similar backgrounds to serve on the oac. and um diversity was important to me and thought with the seats up by the board of supervisors, there was a lack of someone preserving from the latino community with
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bilingual spanish and from the asian community who spoke cant neez or mandarin and that is still lacking and that is the seat that is lacking. the mayors office is past the deadline sfr making their appointments for this body. it is unfochinate. we thought we could look at the overall diversity of the mayor's appointments were to compare to and make a decision on and that isn't the case. even though it is pass thd legal deadline the mayors office is waiting to see who we appoint before they decide. i expect candidates who are not necessarily appointed today whos names are in the mayors office have a chance to be appointed by the mayor as well so whatever we don't decide today can be accomplished in that office and that is up to their decision making. what i'm in a round
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about way of doing, i will support mrs. zang and my appallgies to mr. [inaudible] who i believe served san francisco very very well and continues to do so and who i have known for a long time for his work in the community as well. it is hoard hard not to support you luis, but i do want to support eddy moving forward and that we might [inaudible] we have a motion from other committee members i'll be happy to support that >> i apology earlier that i would be fine supporting [inaudible] given i think as supervisor cohen mentioned the experience with the and back ground with [inaudible] violence prevention. i'm okay with mr. aroacha or mr. zang.
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i want to ask the city attorney to answer the question about the funding provided to cy c and if that poses a conflict >> cyc, if dcyf is a funding decision maker for cyc then yes, that would be a conflict. i think that is the-i think the issue here is timing, is that right? >> from my understand i think that mr. zang is going to be serving on a fellowship. i don't know if we wanteds to come up but based on the application information i saw he is on board as a consultant and not full time employee. >> yes, i'm transitioning to my fellowship from the [inaudible] foundation so i'm a fellow
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beginning sep tember 1 so that is in line with the beginning of the oversight committee, the actual beginning of the at that point in the meeting. >> and then i think i saw something that said you remain on board as a cyr consultant- >> the conceltant comes from the general fund i believe. correct me if i'm wrong. it isn't dcyf money it is general fund money. >> not funding that is a grant from dcyf to cyc. >> no it is the fund raising done through gala and donations
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and it is a very small percentage-i'm only doing 5 hours so it isn't that much money. i'll show why i want to be a consultant because i help build the brarch office in the bay view and we just now built a foundation to create services out there so i don't want to just leave like that, i want to be able to make sure there is a transsquigz help so that is why i'm willing to be a consultant otherwise i would just focus on my fellowship. >> thank you. >> deputy city attorney john gibner, the test for qual fiication doesn't turn on whether a particular counselrr is paid through dcyf funding it is are they employee who receives dcyf funding and it
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sounds here mr. zang isn't a employee but a consultant hired for a handful of hours for the organization so that isn't a conflict because he isn't a employee at the time if he is appointed in september. >> thank you for the clarification. >> there is something i want to acknowledge, when we think of early childhood education we think about women. i think naturally because of being mothers and stair typically being considered to be more of the nurtureing of the 2 genders, i am excited that both luis andiedy are interested serving. i know these gentlemen and they are excellent fathers and family men. i can support eddy at the time if it will bring consensus around this deliberation. i'm
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relucted to support in this role because i'm selfish skn want him to continue what he is doing in the bay view. he provided a fantastic service to not just bay view but also visitation valley and been a liaison connecting the youth around cultural awareness and bringing them to democratic process how local government and non profit works intersects with being a young person growing up and creating a strong sense of sieving par pisitation. supervisors why don't we make a motion to recommend eddy shall face zang to this body. also i think-do we need to take a motion for residency waver? okay. so, there is 2 motions i would like
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to put out there. if we can agree on that. >> i second that motion. >> we are unanimous on that. the motion-go ahead. >> the motion-[inaudible] the motion is to support eddy zang for the seat on the seat 7 on the oac for dcyf and ifcludes a residency requirement and we take that without objection. congratulation jz thank you everyone for your intrest in serving and your work. >> yes, please keep up the good work. >> next item, please. >> item 2 is a hearing to consider appointing one member to the bicycle advisory committee [inaudible] there is one seat and one applicant. >> this is a committee report.
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is mr. wells here, mr. paul wells? >> thank you very much. thank you supervisors tang, avalos and cohen for previous consideration and the opportunity today. i am long time cyclist in san francisco resident of potrero hill for quite some time. in my media career we have done things in the city for bicycleing and that includes the great san francisco bike adventure, which was in the early 90's sponsored by then krqru now alice and [inaudible] we went across the city. this predates crittle critical [inaudible] biceling around the city back in south
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of market when soma was filled with freight train tracks i had my rear bike go into the track and it made a left. i torn my rotator ruch going to bicycle to work day and had a back and knee operation so i'm not on my bicycle but besides the reasons for joining the bicycle advisory committee i also hope to get back on my bike more and lose weight. i'm really pleased at the growth of safe bike lanes or designated bike lanes in the city. the painting of them in green. i'm in contact with bert hill the chairman of the committee and put me on the monday night meeting and agenda so get to meet everyone else and hope to listen and see what the agenda is and how people take positions with my other
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representatives. i'm very please today represent district 10 and also want to thank lisa and summer and an dria bruce in your office for your help in getting this moving, so we can do it before the summer is out and it will start raining and won't be on my bike so much. >> we hope it starts raining. >> yes, i hear-bicycleing to work is something i have done. it is curt tailed by a few mishaps. i remember bicycle coalitions coexist early sloge squn would as a member of the committee take a balanced approach. we do need to coexist. a bicycle can be just as dangerous as any other vehicle. pedestrian, bicycleest and people in motor
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vehicles have a shared responsibility to obey traffic laws. we are very laissez faire about bike squz there isn't a bike requirement knowing the rules of the road for bicycleest. i have seen in the latest bike coalition news letter which i receive, they are up in arms about the changes in the park station police department in what they are categorizing as a crack down on bicycleest and this is the very thing my experience with all phases and different non profits and phases with city government and people involved hope come into play and help out and mateigate and find some sort of cohesiveness and a middle ground between divergent parties so we move forward because as we move
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forward and more people take to their bikes we'll have to have more responsibility taken about where the bicycles are going, how they are going and on all phases of it. hopefully i can get some sort of agreement in that regard, but i am very please today join the bicycle advisory committee so thank you. >> thank you very much. supervisor cohen >> thank you very much. i hope you consider supporting me as i support mr. paul wells. he is a constituents and came before the 3 4 f1 i would like to
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send this as a committee report. >> we can take that without objection. congratulation. >> item 3 is hearing to consider one-person appointed to park and recreation advisory committee. there is one seat and one applicant. >> like to welcome up mr. mu scobeian. i bow know better than that. >> thank you. hi supervisors. my name is dens maus scofeian and served as district 5 representative since august 2011 on parks and open space. i was nominated by the sierra club and renominated a second time by supervisor breed. i live in district 5, in fact i was born and raised and still live in district 5, so 2/3 of
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my life in district 5. instead of maybe telling you what my qualifications are maybe i should tell what we have done and experienced in the last 3 years or so y. have been a strong advocate for parks particularly open and free access to the park squz that isn't always successful because as time goes on given budget constraints and other policies more and more space is based on reserveations or fees. i also spents a lot of time urging along with colleagues pritorization of acquisition funds into those districts in san francisco that have the greatest needs because they have the least amount of open space with the most glaring example is district 6. in 2012 i pushed hard for playground funding, at the time there were
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30 playgrounds on the listment we got 15 and a half million dollars and that is expected to fund 6 so there are 24 more that will languish until the next time we do this. that means they fall behind and a concern i raised is we figure a way to use the money so we improve more playground in each round rather spending so much on each one so it leaves so many behind. in any case i pushed hard for more money in the campaign to get more money for mu claren pack and we were successful getting 10 million for mu claren park. >> i appreciate that >> i thought we have a 317 acre park, it is like the biggest in the city and named after mu claren and it is neglected for decades so hopefully thal money
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will bare fruit. back in 2011 [inaudible] recruited by planning to work with planning department on the recreation open space element to try to create consensus among a whole series of commenters so we formed a group with all these diverse commenters and in a period of 2 years produced a side by side comparison and 95 page document we gave to planning and a lot of the amendments we made were adopted and did improve the roads even so we didn't get everything we wanted. we were not able to eliminate all the [inaudible] we were tibel achieve significant improvement to the general plan. in septumber 2013 harvey rose issued
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[inaudible] prozac you are not able to complete your abigations under the charter because the department failed to produce the 5 year strategic plan and other plans it is obligated to so i was assigned to chair, a working group and we did an assessment of that audit and prozac supported the final report and then early this year, it was last year rather, this year, we learned that in fact rpd had come up with a strategic plan to get harvard business school to do 6 months of probono work so prosc, signed me to the working group and extendsed that to prozac and came up with a list
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of proposals and over a course of time in meet wg the department heads we were able to make a considerable number of amendments to improve this so all that is a consequences of the last period of time during which i had the pleasure, sometimes pain work wg lot of people trying to figure out how to improve our park system and how to improve the management. there are a couple areas i still focus on and want to tell you what those are. i'm concerned there isn't sufficient funding from the general fund for had park cyst squm insufficient funding for maintenance in general the attitude there last decade or more is maintenance is very difficult to pay for so if we let facilities detearierate we replace with bond money because bond money is used for capital funds brick and mortar and get a new futill silty. i
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think the general attitude is we should put a lot of money in to sustain what we have rather than just do what we have done in the past. those are ongoing pictures we are pushing and that is a lot of support in prosc for that. i appreciate being able to continue and need your support to do that. >> thank you. i and prepared to support you when we come to a vote, but thank you for your service on prosc and your contributionerize significant in terms of the committee and reck and park. >> i'm prepared to support mr. dens-i have fond memories of working with him when i was first elected back in 2007, there was a item that was my
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first contentious issue we were dealing with on the board and think it had to do with [inaudible] fees. we ended up being on opposite sides he was very very very gracious to myself and niece and think my sisters came out and gave us a tour and spent time with us and explained his perspective as well as the coalitions perspective. since then we have been on the same side of issues and different side of issues but one thing i appreciate the most and think this is a true hall mark of leadership is there is a level of respect to respectfully disagree and dennis embodies that. i have come before the prozacs committee and think you were against us for that as well. >> i supported you on the
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[inaudible] and on 900 [inaudible] >> the point i was trying to make is we walk a similar pathway of want toog see park squz open space maintained across the entire city not just on the west side but also the entire city >> absolutely >> that is-our paths may diverge every now and then you have been a gentlemen and a true leader and i applaud you for sticking to your values sometimes when it isn't politically expedient and have a tremendous amount of respect for you in the work you have done and happy to support you today. i hope we can move this item quickly and get you back to where you belong. >> thank you. can i just throw one observation? when kimble, which is located on steiner and
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-just south of geary, which it was redone, the field was redone, that was used by the youth in the area and didn't know much about it and had tolearn more mptd after the field was redone and field access was becoming reserveivation base i got complaints from the neighbors the kids couldn't go on and drop in. drop in play was i think a big thing because i grew up that way. we didn't organize it just a bunch went and played softball or basicalball. we haven't been successful in that because the revenue first model that the parks department adopted since 2010 means generation of funds that comes from reserveivation and over 50 percent of all the
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