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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT

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that moved two or three a year which you know got one in our lifetime >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> test, test egon david son here yeah, i'm elizabeth than i have severe liver disease he need to sty in the city because my friends and family and my doctors and such my medical supported team is here so a lot of people in the anti well in the housing activists communities have stopped using the word gentrification so some that con at that time safer and safer streets most people are okay with that idea the trouble those things happen but the
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people living here will not get the benefit and the current trend to push them out into slum suburbs suburbs that turn into slums are a terrible place everything is so spread out doctors and scarce and spread out so people a couple years ago were moving to berkley and oakland now the entire bay area is becoming unaffordable and not just the poor disabled but like teachers nurses, food servers and people we depend on people who lose tare rent controlled homes are forced to leave in many cases the entire thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon. my name is a dining martinez i work with
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the sfo under the delores communicated services fraudulent i find it fabulous that the proposed addendum was retransacted that was something really exciting a really big, big win for the san francisco community so thank you for that. >> but while we're all here we would like to emphasis the importance of not only affordable housing but keeping the protections in place for the currently existing residential hosts the sro's there are so many sro residents who are currently facing fears of being evicted because of so many that are kind of turning into an up upgraded version of a dorm room it seems
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a lot of people are starting to get nos from their landlord how arithmetic will be coming in and how they'll be given cash incentives for people to leave their rooms to upgrade they're residential hotels there are many cases in which the tenants don't know their rights and they're forced to leave there are cases we see that the rent is being shot way up and the landlord claims that they have legal reason to do so they haven't made any rent increases recently so it is very exciting that this addendum has been retransacted but since that has happened we need to create more victories for protecting single room occupancys in san francisco and making the sanctuary city a more
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affordable place for the community to live thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi good afternoon. i'm with the mission sro collaborative and i must say i had to pinch myself i thought i was dreaming the retracking it was a good dream that is a thing unheard of i want to thank the supervisor but the battle is not won here i hope it get pushed to the full board including the ordinance but on top of my colleague that spoke diana talked about not only new group housing but the conversion of co-sponsor in his into the housing we've seen them in the mission most not able 20 mission a new group housing
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entity that has sprung up from an older sro we fear there are more older sro's converted with rents being the market rate at 2 thousand per room which is completely not only unaffordable but unreal thank you for that hopefully is gets passed to the full board and passed on to the board and hopefully, maybe this dream won't stop and maybe weight get support for the mission moratorium good thanks. >> next speaker >> hi, i'm hazel rose i was born and raised and an all over the and speaking on behalf of my friends and community members i also want to echo the last speakers and thank you for
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retracking the addendum and for the inclusionary ordinances and sro's as a middle-income riser it is our responsibility to protect the there served community and working class we'll losses it culture if we can't support those and take care of all the members of the community thanks. >> next speaker (clapping.) >> hi, i'm deborah with the sro collaborative and the community house i live in the tenderloin and do outreach in the mission district for approximately 6 years now while on outreach i've seen disabled veterans and single mothers with children, hardly
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making it i've seen the hardships they've been through i live in on sro in the tenderloin i believe that all housing should be equal not just certain kinds of housing housing is housing and as we all know and seen we detrimental need housing in sro's in san francisco without the limitations could hurt people we all love in his things but we have to have a budget also. >> >> next speaker. >> hi, i'm a resident of the san francisco district 10 and the manager for the mission collaborative the lower community services we first came here to ask for the retraction
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of the amendment but to express the needs for the sro's to put a cap into the rent sro's are now treated as free market we what we're seeing it landlords increasing the rent to one thousand $502,000 putting folks on the street some folks when our coming out of college you can't get into an sro you don't mind the bathroom down the hall you have the ability to have a roommate their transformed some sro's into tech dorms but have a high rent that is pushing out low income families low income attendants like we've seen the veterans significantly mothers that have used sro's at low income residents so we wanted to ask that you also think about
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the current groups that are being converted into tourist hotels and converted into high-end dorms they're a huge need and we came here many times and the board of supervisors to seek supervisor on a tour to the hotels that still stands it is important if you're going to be regulating the liquifies of people to come to look at what we you know go through on a daily basis thank you. >> next speaker >> i'll be talking about. >> can you tell me what your name is. >> i'm da shall. >> please. continue. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good afternoon. i'm an
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outreach worker at the outreach hotel in the mission. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and i can say that 0 today is the first time i feel supported by the supervisor for supporting the community thank you, thank you thank you today is one of the rare moments i feel sponsored by you.
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> and i also want to urge the feed need to put a cap on the rent the rent can't be raised the sro are horrible i want to invite you to take into account the conditions of an sro what we go through everyday and how this landlords are increasing the rent. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and we have some supervisors that came and cried after seeing the conditions where the families were living i want to advise and urge you to
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come and see the horrible conditions that the landlords keep the sro hotels. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and i want to ask you to help us supporting our community it is unacceptable in a country with so much money like san francisco interest there are people living on a daily basis on this condition it is unacceptable. >> (speaking spanish.) >> thank you, supervisor
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that's the first time you get a support of vote to our community god bless you. >> i want to thank you for the invitation i'll take you on and on up if you can stop will i my office to schedule some time. >> thank you. >> next speaker >> i'm julie with hospitality house i mean, i got to thank - well our supervisors for hearing the community and taking away the amendment and being open to sro's is awesome it is packed this room even when you mention affordable housing if this didn't speak to any kinds of housing as affordable units i don't know what do group housing any kind of housing needs to
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comply with the inclusionary ordinance it is a straightforward and i want to urge you to support that when you get to the full board continue to support and and continue to fight for affordable housing this is what the community niece. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon. i'm wendy from hospitality house i just want to thank you, again, for taking back the amendment that you proposed last week you know sometimes affordable housing is lost in the shut off and neighborhoods are burdened with affordable housing and 7 out of 11 districts in the city have been the number has been raised of homeless people in the last year that should tell you what is going on in the city and who's responsible we all those people in this room are responsible for affordable housing and i also want to thank supervisor kim and commissioner
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avalos for troor this group housing it gives us folks a chance to come out of sro's into group housing and letting other folks go into the sro's not on the street. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hello i'm also, if hospitality house i'm speaking on behalf of everything going on in san francisco i came in here to get my life together i can't afford to stay here because of the high price of the rents i commute from stockton california to san francisco this is where i got my life and everything starts and it hurts me to know this place is with ever aspect in my life going through things i'm not understanding why we can't have low income having two
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or three jobs to live in san francisco we're working ourselves to death to build our community as i walk to work on 4:00 o'clock this van ness is covered with homeless people come outside and see we need low income housing and we need you to back us up much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm a resident of the tenderloin for 15 years now and a board member of the tenderloin filipino-americans community i would as an alexander in 15 years and be living in san francisco had not
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been inform affordable housing i'm here to thank our organization too is very, very thankful to supervisor jane kim proposal which makes group housing subject of the same requirements of any other form of housing and i'm happy that supervisor wiener amendments has been withdrawn thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm gloria berry i'm a native born and raised in san francisco i graduate from preservation all girls school a veteran 10 years actually duty two years in the navy and one arm noogd i had 8 years of prior law enforcement right now, i'm
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chronologically ill i have multiples appointments at the veterans hospitals i lost my house in 2012 i've been homeless for 3 years after begging and begging for shares for weeks to assist me in their homeless program i was repeatedly told no after i recorded to them more higher-up i was accepted in the program the next day, i was told they'll help me find avenue in san francisco i was told about the hud bash program i was repeatedly told 92 no i don't score high enough because i answered no to all the drug questions if i had drug
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problems i would have been okay. i got a call the next day from social services now i have that i can't find anywhere to live in san francisco i'm repeatedly told i need to live in an sro where some of the behaviors is not something i'm used to if you raise the rents in those places for white male san francisco and not people that look like me not he everybody that needs housing is a stereotype. >> thank you for sharing our story (clapping.) good afternoon, board of supervisors i work at a community advocacy that are for the faith fools and market street for the mass we at faith fools are fight on the corner of
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hiding in the tenderloin for over 17 years we're in support of commissioner avalos inclusionary group housing to the cities affordable housing legislation take into account the percent ami critically to supporting the most at risk and vulnerable pops san francisco housing crisis is causing rapid rent increases and unprecedented evictions especially among lower-income families and people of color and homeless lgbt youth and artists and nonprofit community without politically the targeting of percent the developers will continue to leverage the loopholes that accelerates our country of development i'm asking you to close this and back the supervisor kim commissioner avalos legislation and for the people on the margins in those times of rapid change we'll need
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bold leadership to stands on the side of the poor that is often forgotten in the city none of us can afford the living expensed let's pass the inclusionary group housing with the intent of the law for a visionary middle-income poem w can afford to live are for a quality of life that we can pass onto the future generations and be proud of thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hey that man will be running for office i'm mr. willing i want to acknowledge the supervisor wiener and supervisor cowen for withdrawing the amendment to the amendment inclusionary ordinance i want to urge full support the commissioner avalos kim ordinance to the inclusionary i think anything we can do to
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deaccelerate the widening gap between the hours that we produce and the housing that we lose is a good thing to do a couple of numbers just to throw out information was released by the department of human services 2 hundred and 36 thousand people are living at 2 hundred percent of the poverty level or blow 2 to $3,000 a year per capital income in noah valley is $17,000 a year per capital in bayview hunters point is $20,000 per year the per capital income in downtown is $24,000 a year everything that we should be about at this board should be about decreasing that gap and making sure that low income middle-income people of color
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are under assault are receiving the support and passing laws to make sure that developers have to respect the fact it is childcare workers and public school teachers and restaurant employees and nonprofit employees that city is about those are the people we need to represent on this body thank you (clapping.) >> next speaker >> supervisor kim, supervisor cohen and supervisor wiener thank you and to the audience and others i'm daniela eliminator residents out of the western edition area i rise to say that i stand with all those who is fight for affordable housing and all those who are displaced and impacted by the formal redevelopment project and
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we stand with the latino community and i think it is clear we've got topanga i wanted to come up to share about the housing a lot of times i come and deal with police issues it is appropriate to say something i think that san francisco needs to think outside the box i've been coming up here for 20 odd years i remember talking to president matt gonzales about the things that the state is not doing the state of california seems not to take a strong to stance on affordable housing i don't know what grade to give on governor jerry brown but i can say we've god got topanga san francisco is interested in other land we own the hetch hetchy and dealing with the
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water let's think outside the box and also look to preserve what is on the books i'm sure you're aware of i've mentioned matt gonzales you're a supervisor then gone when you term out after 8 years but san francisco goes in circles and we repeat those conversations over and over i'm a victim and my mother was displaced by the redevelopment agencies i know some about housing and what's the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> yes. yes. hello, i'm mows thompson a hospitality attendee i'll make it short and sweet excuse me. that will set persistence and will move us together eliminating
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affordability altogether you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is testing i'm a housing cased manager at hospitality house i'm in solidarity for everyone that asks for more affordable housing in san francisco it is obviously an important issue as you can see a lot of people speaking from their hearts it impacts me i was demand from san francisco and live in oakland i hate to be doing the same thing if oakland it is typical process but i wanted to thank you thank you supervisor wiener and supervisor cowen for moving our amendment and wanted to thank commissioner avalos and supervisor kim for the closings of the will that it is really, really important and i really appreciate your introducing. >> thank you. >> supervisor cowen and supervisors i'm davider here on behalf of the ford land company
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the project i represent approved by the planning commission on july 9th group housing we are proud and pleased to be the first project that will utilize the bmr legislation the reason i'm here today is another amendment in this corrode code that deals with section dealing with exposure is not clear whether or not that provision will apply to this project if it applies it will therefore make the project impossible to build so based on two projects too vacant surface parking lot and not displacing anyone and creating 2 hundred and 31 group housing units i've not gotten clarification from the city attorney or the zoning
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administrator and so i'm raising the issue that the amendments that are possible and you've proposed section three 07 that allows the zoning administrator to grant exceptions be broadened a little bit to allow the project that is approved higher to the adoption of that legislation can be exempted by the zoning administrator i can tell you we've had 7 different property owners adjacent to this site and we've reached agreement in order to allow this project to go forward we had to deal with certain compromises and setbacks and try to make 24 project work this is new hours not displacing anyone and providing the bmr units that are riders under this legislation i urge you i'll be available to talk about that at other times. >> this is the first time i've
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heard of that 0 meanwhile i do see members of the planning department staff if you could confer with them and i'll but for talking with them thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors supervisor wiener i'm glad to hear this amendment was withdrawn narng i'm concerned about the trend of smaller unit for more money very first thing to put tenants in their current homes and somehow get rid of no fault evictions and in addition we need to pursue the contingency where the jobs are located to start building of the workforce housing to not have the pressure in san francisco and again, i'm very glad if this group housing will be subject to the inclusionary housing i'm
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concerned about this trend towards lore the quality of the housing but charging more that's a very disturbing trend and i just want to know that those of us who live in rent controlled housing are nerve again the no fault evicts we know it is so valuable speculators what make more money we'll have to dip into our retirement the to of a for the housing that is where a friend of mine lived she got a no fault evictions and it is placed on the