tv [untitled] July 24, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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where we are with bias that may exist in the law enforcement department and hope of laying a path for the future we will begin to be free of these biases. introducing additional transparency and ofernsight to the police department and rebuild the trust the community has had in the law enforcement department by making this information available for the public to review by again, requiring quarterly reporting to the mayors office and board of supervisors and police compligz as well as human rights commission. avenue wn has their own biases and i want to gater the data to make sure everyone in san francisco has a safe place to live and thrive free of the unintentional targeting by officers. colleagues i hope to have your support on this item as it continue tooz move forward. at this time i would like to
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specifically acknowledge lutenent carl [inaudible] from the san francisco police department and ask him to come up to the podium to tell us more about the type of data that is collected and the new tech knowledge coming on line >> before you end i want to add a comment. for me when i saw supervisor cohen coming with this ordinance i immediately cosponsored and want to thank her for bringing this forward and think it is a useful tool for insureing police accountability and stronger community police relations by insuring transparency in the work that the police does and think it is one step and tool related tools we can use to actually build trust between police and community so thank you for your work on this >> thank you for your cosponsorship >> my name is carl [inaudible]
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my current assignment is a lieutenant assigned to the chiefs office. prior to this new assignment which started 4 days ago i was in crime analysis in the police department for a year and a half so it gave a opportunity to get to know what data the police department has and where does it originate from and what we can and can't dee for data collection. i just want to [inaudible] we have commander bob mozeer who is the command er of the metro division here with me today. after looking over the ordinance that supervisor cohen introduced we started to go through that and put together a quick team of people. susan merit who is the chief information officer for the police department as well as brad rusy who is kepty city attorney. the 4 of us have met and discussed exactly what
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information we are collecting now and what we would be required to collect pursuant to the ordinance. having done that, there is areas such as arrest which we already know the break down of race and sex of everybody we arrest. as far as use of force included in there, we know that already also so we don't need to change existing systems to gather that. as far as traffic stops we have been doing it for years, gathering traffic stop data of the race, the reez frn the stop, whether they were searched several areas we track. the ordinance will require we gather more on traffic stops, such as what was the [inaudible] of occupants of vehicles and things like that.
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as far as the obligation to collect initial information we are not already collecting it is detentions and it is detentions that currently do not result in any paper such as a police report in the crime data ware house, citation. under our policy we are not always require today write a report and that maybe if you cut to the chase we have to figure how to track the data required in the ordinance in those type of incident and that is what we are currently working on. if you have any questions i'm happy to answer them. >> thank you very much for your brief presentation in support of the ordinance. i don't have questions at the time but see supervisor tangs name on the roster. >> thank you. i don't know if
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it is a question for the author of the legislation or lieutenant but as mart of the amendment page 3 line 19. we struck out [inaudible] one of my questions is why are we strake thg portion out about the officer allowing the ask the individual because there may be cases where the individual may be mixed race or not tell the race they are. i understand it may be offensive to ask however sometimes that they be the only time to get the most accurate information and the purpose of the legislation is collect accurate data and want to see the reason for that amendment was. >> typically when we stop somebody and unclear about race we go by the general aparence
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of the person which sin the language of the assembly bill. i don'ts think it is a issue for us to ask that question especially if it is documented in policy that we can ask the question. it is up to supervisor cohen and your board if you would like to do that, i don't think the police department would object to that >> thank you supervisor kim for raising that question. asia imag ine race is a sensitive subject in our country of course here in our city and it is-there are concessions that i made in drafting the legislation. i too would like to see it in the language in the body, but i also feel it is important that our legislation sync up with what is happening on the state level and currently that language isn't on the state legislation.
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perhaps there is a opportunity for [inaudible] legislation in some time. i'mope toon the conversation but i wanted to be respectful and thoughtful as possible. as of right now, for example if someone were to be detained or stopped and the officer identified the person as asian it is broad embrella. it doesn't speak to their cultural identity being chinies or fill filipino and the person can assert that during the part of the question that -the interview-what is it called, the field interview? there is really no synced answer i can give at that time.
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>> sorry. >> i would say that if we remain open and find there may be issues with the acrace of the data i appreciate supervisor cohen said we are open to potentially relooking at this because as i mentioned to her my partner gets confused for being latino and he is asian so in my own lifer i see just by looking at observation it may be inaccurate so that is all i get at. if we seek to collect data it should be correct. >> my apology for calling you supervisor kim. >> i'm fairly comfortable with it being broader and wider open than it is. i think we are trying to track behavior that is looking at people in a broad
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way and that is what we try to measure. if you are [inaudible] how a officer may interact with someone who is asian or white or black versus white, those are broad. we are trying to look at the initial appearance is what we try to address. i think if there is another thing that happens when there is a interaction with a officer and someone when they learn what their cultural or racial background is that can change behavior but the legislation is looking to do is what is the reaction that we want to be able to document and measure of interaction between a officer and the appearance of someone rather than what they say are and that appearance is what we try to be able to say is being measured and can be shared publicly about what the
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actions are, what the interaction is like based on appearance rather than what they say they are. >> i hear the feedback and happy to take a look at it and make additional amendments to it next week at the board. i do want to tell you this and free to take into consideration, i think asking someone how do they-what is their ethnicity and how they identify is a very simple question i think for every day people but when you add in the complex power structure sometimes that can make a person uncomfortable. you are right supervisor avalos, that is what we try to the capture so we can create a policy. i believe if you are not able to
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count and document it it doesn't count. this is just a struggle-this is exactly why we have removed language fwraum the transgender community asking din field interview what is your sexual orientation. we herds from the transjendser community that could be perceived as a violation and beepal can be uncomfortable or interpreted as a threft or different bias being put on them. it is sensitive, but i am as the maker of the ordinance i'm happy if you would like to work on crafting the language and incorporate and continue the conversation. >> i'm not inclined to do that at this point but think it is something that can be addressed later. i don't believe the
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accuracy of the determination of someones race is as important as what is the belief that the officer has in what that persons appearance is and what their race is based on appearance rather than what they say they are. >> sure, like i said it is very sensitive and if we can come up with a quick easy answer we would but will go back tothe drawing board and see what i can x up with for the next board meeting >> i'm happy to support this measure. i just wanted to bring that up but understand supervisor avaloss point that it is based on perception. i'm okay supporting this with the lajbage but if we notice there needs to be a change in the future revisit later. >> thank you. >> okay this item is now open
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for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment. we oshave representatives from the sheriffs office here if you have anything to add. >> i don't think so at this point. >> sorry, you have to come- >> sorry. >> my name [inaudible] we were asked to come if you had questions and i'm happy to answer if you have any. >> okay, thank you. now this item is open for public comment. any member of the public like to comnlt? >> good afternoon supervisors and members of the rules committee. i'm adel [inaudible] director of youth commission. youth commissioners did hear this item at their monday youth commission meeting, monday july 20 and just want to drop off a letter detailing their response. i know supervisor
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cohen you mentioned they are very supportive of this effort to curb pretextual stops based on race and gender identity. unfochinately we were able to schedule this a little late to get it in your agenda packet so want to drop ufconfirmation and thank you supervisor cohen for your leadership on this issue. i noticed in the legislation it includes provisions for collecting information on age during detention and traffic stop squz think that is great. we do no knoe young people are sort of ilinclined to file reports with our office of citizen complaints so here issues anecdotally. it is hard to get a full picture going on between young people and police officers so we think this can
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go towards that. i didn't see the age piece was specifically included in the information that would be reported out to the police commission so i'm hoping that is something that if it isn't part of the report that something we can request to look at. not at all to undermine the original intention thorf ordinance, which is looking at how policing is effecting and happening in communities of color and effecting transgender people in san francisco, we think looking at age is important. thank frz the leadership on the issue. you supported it unanimously and like to know how they can continue to support your efforts. thank you very much. any other member of the public like to comment? seeing none we will close public comment and this is before us. supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. i
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would like-did you take a motion on this? >> no, we need a motion to accept the amendment >> i would like to make a motion to accept the amendment >> i second that. >> thanks very much supervisor tang >> we take that without objection. so, the underlying legislation- >> the legislation just amended i appreciate if we move to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> second. >> we'll take that without objection. thank you very much and look forward to discussion with the full bode board about this. any other items? >> that concludes the agenda today >> okay then we are adjourned. thank you.
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said? >> president caen? >> here. >> vice president vietor. >> here. >> commissioner courtney. >> here. >> commissioner moran. >> here. >> commissioner kwon. >> here. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you. commissioners before you have the minutes of june 23, 2015. are there any additions or corrections? >> no, i will move approval. >> second. >> any public comment? all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. next item, please. >> item 4 is general public comment. >> i believe mr. decosta, are you to speak on item 4? >> commissioners my name is francisco decosta.
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and and i want you to know that i have done due diligence, attending many of your meetings before. i am pretty busy now, so i don't get too much time to come for the meetings. but as director of environmental justice advocacy, and as a representative of the first people, i want to address an important issue about water. and i think we should have a hearing that why in the year 2015 we continue to use clean drinking water from hetch hetchy to flush our toilets in the millions of gallons? one of the things that you commissioners have the authority to do, is to have a hearing. why are we building so many
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market-price condominiums, which are not being occupied? and some of them are being occupied where they waste a lot of water. where they use a lot of electricity. now in your deliberations, you will be talking about the drought. i have no control over mother nature, but we do have control over our old pipes that are leaking millions of gallons of water. and we do have the technology, realtime technology to monitor this, but we're looking the other way. while we're talking about other things, but not the relevant things about conservation. so daily, millions of gallons of water leach into our watershed, and we are not addressing it. so we need a hearing. we also need a hearing to find
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out why the big primes are kind of defaulting? you know, what is really happening at irvington and so on and so forth? so you know, i have a blog, and i can address most any issues that i want to. but it's all pertinent and relevant for me to come over here, and look at you in the eyes, to tell you that i am alive and kicking. i'm a little bit busy, but i'm alive and kicking. so that is good especially for small contractors. thank you very much, and go to the board of supervisors. >> thank you, and don't forget
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about us. >> i haven't. >> any other public comments? seeing none, the next item, please >> item 5 is communications. >> yes, commissioner moran. >> thank you. i have some comments on 5c and e. let's do the triple bottom line first. first of all, thank you for putting together that -- i think it not only explains the system well and gave some pertinent examples and i appreciate that. one -- well, two things. one is that i think it would be valuable to have those reports as they come up over time. because it's clearly an ongoing part of the management thinking process. but as these reports are complete and decisions are made, to include those in the
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quarterly reports. and my interest there is that we from time to time do make decisions that aren't the least expensive and we do it for a reason and we do it after a whole lot of thought. what those reports can do is document that thinking process. so that as -- for people who are interested in how we are making those decisions, if we ever get into a position where we need to defend those decisions we'll have a record that is publicly available to support that. another comment that i would like to make, it appears that the financial part of it is relatively insensitive to price. and i would like to urge staff to consider tightening up on that, and i can give an example of that from the report.
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lake merced early implementation plan. when you look at the cheapest and the most expensive, the most expensive is 41% more expensive than the cheapest. but it doesn't show up having either a plus or a minus indicator on that. and 41% is pretty significant. there are two reasons for that. one is the benchmark that you have built in is not the least cost, it's the average cost. that means whatever threshold you have, has to be twice as sensitive to pick things up. okay. and then on top of that, in order to have any plus or minus point, then you have to be 30% or more at variance from that average. that is a very high threshold and i think if you have, from low to high, a difference of 40
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plus percent, that certainly ought to show up somewhere on the ranking. i will leave that to staff to give more thought, but it looked from the examples that you had here, that it was almost insensitive to price. i think it's important as we look at three bottom lines we really look at three bottom lines and not two of the three. so that is my thing on the triple bottom line report. and i was getting nodding heads that they can be included in the quarterly reports. thank you. the next one is on the construction manager/general contractor overview and again, i appreciate the work that went into producing that memo. i think it was reading the ordinance, the draft ordinance, when it came before us before is kind of heavy-slogging to get through and figure out what
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really going on and i think the memo really helped on that. i have a question and that is about the core contractors? i am not sure that i understand-- in fact, i am prettier pretty sure i don't understand what "core contractors" are and how they fit into the selection process. >> ivy fein, contract administration bureau. core contractors are key contractors that usually perform work such as mechanical, electrical, key parts of a project. and can be brought on -- brought on with the cm/gc as part of the team, or they can be on-boarded later. they go through a pre-qualification or an
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evaluation process of their qualifications before a core contractor can provide a bid, in the bid process; that bid is compared to a third-party estimate. if it's within certain percentage, usually around 3%, the project team may elect to use that core contractor's bid. if not, then it will be competitive bid, like all other trade subcontractors. >> okay. so as i understand it, then the advantage of having a core contractor come on early is that you have their knowledge and expertise, advising you about constructability. >> on certain key parts of the work, right. >> which is a huge benefit. >> huge benefit in the design process. >> and part of -- >> and construction. >> and part of -- under
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prior rule as i recall, if you were involved in design like that, you could then not bid on the final contract. that was deemeds a conflict of interest and we had to deal with that before. in this case, you are allowed not only to bid, but you are allowed as a core contractor to assume the work without competitive bid, as along as you are within 3% of the engineer's estimate. >> yes but i would look at the comparison to the third-party estimate that the core trade contractors bid. you know, it is sort of a mini bid process. you are right. but it's not just that a core contractor can submit a bid and we would move forward. there is validation of those costs. also, their role in the pre-construction phrase is very similar to the general contractor's role.
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where they are providing input on constructibility, maybe scheduling, you know, parts of that, but they are not the designer of record. >> okay. a couple of things come from that. one is that it looks as though, when you read through the management process that is in the memo, we put a lot of credence in the engineer's estimate. as a fundamental way of doing cost-control. one thing i would like from somebody and i don't know if that is from you or donna or kathy, but if somebody could go through for the last year and look at construction contract awards and look at the engineer's estimate, the high and the low bid, and provide that to the commission. that would be helpful. as a general matter, and i saw
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kathy just volunteer for that -- [laughter ] as a general matter, i am having discussions with staff and the city attorney to make sure that the new rules that we're operating under will be as protective as the old rules and while business practices have changed over the years, human nature hasn't. as public contractors and contracting entities, we need to make sure that the process is on the up and up and that it's trans[p*-rpts/] transparent and that we have administrative procedures to keep it that way. that is something that there is nothing on the calendar today to accomplish that, but it's something that i just wanted to mention, so everybody knows that is the thought process that i'm going to be going through with staff and our own procedures for administrating the new ordinance on
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