tv LIVE Police Commission SFGTV August 5, 2015 5:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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>> the chair called the meeting to order. can you please turn off your electronic devices as they teend interfere with the equipment in the room and can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance? >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> i would like tacall roll call. >> thank you inspector. >> president loftus here.
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vice president turman is excued. commissioner marshall, here. commissioner dajesus ask excused. commissioner [inaudible] is in route-you have a quorum also with us tonight is cheer of police cheer suhr and joyce hicks >> welcome to the august 5th police commission meeting. for those watching at home the view from up here is something, we vapacked house tonight. beautiful faces that have been here for much of the summer. california law enforcement suffered a tairl loss last week at the hay word police department and ask my colleagues to adjourn the meeting in memory of [inaudible] please call the first line item.
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>> item one, jenual public comment. the public is welcome to klaess the commission regarding itemsthality that are not on the agenda. speakers shall address remarks as a whole and not individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. during public comment neither police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions but may provide a brief response. commissioners and occ personnel should rerain from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. >> this is general public comment so anyone have public comment on anything that isn't on the agenda tonight? good
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>> thank you for that work. welcome >> my name is diaunt a and from community engagement [inaudible] what we did this summer is work would the kids own community events and we took them to field trips and what we did this summer, we engaged with our community by making bumper stickers and pens and stickers and we-with hash tags and [inaudible] on them. we vaanimation video to show.
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we have a animation video to show. >> community engagement team, our goal get people to [inaudible] youth live in differently. fillmore, western addition, bay view, mission, tenderloin and all other san francisco communities. living in communities filled with vivns poverty discrimination low income families gentrification and differences. the question, how do too get people to view the communities differently? step one, engage with community. volunteer at schools community centers parks [inaudible] step 2, giver back financially physically and financially. [inaudible] step 3, [inaudible] through social media outlets using hash tags, twitter instugram, [inaudible]
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hash tag western addition, hash tag our community matters, hash tag be the change in your communityx hash tag fillmore. you can do this. [inaudible] visit www.[inaudible] for more information and follow on facebook. magic zone. >> thank you >> thank you! is there any other general public comment on something not on the agenda tonight? okay, call the next line item >> item fwopressionentation from 234 community safety inturns discussion. >> so, welcome, i see shareal davis quhing to the podium. this is a presentation from the community safety inturns who have been here for many of the meetings regarding the questions we ask them to think
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about and help thunk through on recommendation for rescrutment of communities of color and trust between all of san franciscos communities and how to continue to talk about law enforcement in a way that all of the neighborhoods in the city see themselves in the department so we have some real extraordinary young people that give recommendation squz finds squgz talk 33 the process. i don't know if you want to say anything about this before they begin? >> i want them to get started. >> before you have a couple folders which have in the pink folder there is a sheet like this which is a rough kraft draft of a report of the work that has been done, the young people and activities. all and all there 7 cohorts that work would the community safety this summer, 3 from hope sf and in
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partnership with theo miller and this was a internship about skill development and about really preparing people to think about going into project pull or future grads and creating this pipeline where we sometimes don't see young people from had communities most at risk if violence and poverty and crime. this is focused on how to build better relationshipwise the police department so i do want to thank president loftus and chief suhr for being willing to engage and move if t it forward and the partnership. we were just talking and this is by far the best summer we had with young people, this age and the work they put out is amazing and like anything that you would probably pay something to do so excited for that. i wanted to share stats with you. we did surveys in regards to how many of them would consider
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law enforcement as a career and we did that at the beginning we had about 66 percent of them said absolutely not and would never consider being in law enforcement and now we have 20 percent of them saying absolutely not so there was a shift and some have become recrurts. they are not thinking about it personally but recommendobe other people. we also had 100 percent say they now see law enforcement differently than when they first started the program and the other one i want ed to share is, did your opinions about law enforcement change and 89 percent said their perception and ideas about law enforcement changed so i think this is the beginning of having conversations how to have better partnership. they
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created amazing product squz the report givers a smap shot of what they worked on. i did want to invide theo miller up because he did a lot of recruitment. thank you for this opportunity and you are in for a amazing surprise tonight >> thank you mrs. davis >> i'm the director of hope sf which represents 4 neighbors, hunters view, potrero hill, sunny dale [inaudible] privilege tooz be here on behalf of the mayor. i love this young peep lt and want to thank you cheer suhr. we started this with the communities were experiencing too much violence and wanted the young people to be mart of the solution and wanted to think of career path ways for these brilliant young people t. is my privilege to find 40 or so of the best and brightest
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people and without further ado i'll bring up morken. we took a cohort model because young people learn well in teamsism we know the young men and women work well together but sometimes better separately. first morgan tucker who is the team lead for the females will come up. thank you >> thank you theo. i will sometimes take pictures of you guy. welcome morgan >> my name is morgan tuck er and fts the cohort lead for the female group of girl and throughout the summer we worked on a project to benefit the community relationship between theplice z people in the community so we came up with different ideas using social media like a app or instugram and face book to look and see what we can do to help bring more peep people in and would like to introduce my girls to
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come up. >> thank you for coming, my name is [inaudible] this is my cohort that consists of melody, [inaudible] today we would like to talk about the recommendation my cohort and i came windup to help better the relationship between the community and san francisco police department. we believe that in order to better this relationship we need to be able to share stories and get opinions that involve the events and actions in the community and i would like to have [inaudible] come up and explain how. >> thank you. welcome >> my name is aleana [inaudible] i created a app to -for police to keep up with the people in the community by giving them a safe place to
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connect anonymously about issues we are facing in our communities. this app will hopefully improve connection between the police and communities they serve. the app also have a unspoken voices column for families who face tragdied and would like to address the problems; next i would like to bring up [inaudible] appleton to introduce the [inaudible] >> thank you aleana. >> good afternoon. my name is mellied [inaudible] what i came up with is a instugram page for the sfpd to connect more with their communities. we thought as a group a way to connect to the communities is interact with them and we felt like an
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instugram page is a good way to interact with them by hosting commune tazty events and have them more often so if you want a sports day we recommend you can do them twice a month so the community can see you are consistent in what you doing and trying to create a bond. that is what the instagram page is about >> what is the name of the account? >> sfpd gives back. >> i followed it i did want know it was y'all. that is good, i was glad. there are great pictures on it. >> if you want the instagram ask me because i got it. >> chief suhr will ask for that later. >> at first people were not following the instagram page
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until i fallowed a bunch of famous people and got more followers. i posted a picture of a police officer, part of the sfpd and already got a comment saying how they feel safe being here, but i don't comment back because i'm not a real officer, you know, but think it will be helpful. >> got it, thanks melody. >> good evening everyone, my name is [inaudible] for our third recommendation was a face book page. face book is not only a place where people socialize with friends and families but it is great space to connect with officers in the community. it gives residence a chance to post special and positive moments they captured interacting with officers and it gives them a chance to--face
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book is also a place where it helps bring awareness to current and future events which will not only help residence feel security, it will also give them a chance for interacting with the officers. it will give people a chance to be open minded by cooperating or working with or socializing with police officers in the community while also creating a chance of bonding. already with the facebook page being like said red by over 100 people we have a feeling it will not only help change the perception of officers in the sfpd but officers all over the world. lastly, the facebook page gives a opportunity for communities to voice their opinion on a broader level giving more details for feedback and other comments that they have with the work
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the sfpd is doing in their community. thank you. >> thank you. >> hi. there is a skit to show how the app works qu how it can be used in different ways. this is called [inaudible] >> do you want to explain the moony thing? >> they had a accident and didn't know how to pronounce muni, so they said moony. >> when they hear moony they mean muni? >> ya. >> gregs a quite young man gets
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robbed on moony. [inaudible] the police capture the 3 teens but they are released the same week due to lack of witnesses. greg requests a [inaudible] his friends tell him about a app he can use to give anonymous [inaudible] greg downlouds the app and once he sees how it is set up he tells the police what happened and he has proof from moony. >> hi, my name is [inaudible] i also created a skit to show another way you can use the app. the video don't have sound so you have to read the words and watch closely. >> [music]
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community asking questions. the first question we asked is how do you feel about the connection between the community and police department. the answer i got back [inaudible] stay away from the police because they were the bad people but as i grew up i know they were not so bad. the second question we asked is what are your thoughts about sfpd in general and the answer i got back-she is also part of the sfpd. i love being a part of the sfpd, there are so many good things we can do like helping people. [inaudible] ability to make connections some people don't have. i like going to different communities, meeting and talking to new people and seeing what i can do for them. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> the next cohort coming up is the recruitment group and want to acknowledge [inaudible] worked a little with the groups oen their video and they will show a snippet and share the link later. [inaudible] do you want to come up? >> hello everybody. this is a initiative to transform--sorry. my name is jerry johnson and my group came with a short film
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sla and documentary. we realize if there isn't a grood relaceship between the recruiters and recruited the compan won't work. we found out interviewing a bunch of people throughout the communities and here are a couple of their opinions and after this we'll give our opinions on how you can better recruit people or help the recruitment process go more smoothly. >> [inaudible] [unable to hear
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video] >> do you feel like police protects you? >> i think that is their goal, but no. i think that was [inaudible] but in the different communities that really need people to actually be there for them they don't have that. [singing] >> i say yes and no because yes, you [inaudible] you might hate me because i'm black or something. [inaudible] i know
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that is not true for all. >> how have your experiences been with police? >> [inaudible] bad experiences with the police. getting pulled over and not being explained what i'm pulled over for. [inaudible] >> i was in a interrogation room and that is it. [inaudible] >> what are wrour thoughts on diversity on the police department? >> [inaudible] being able to experience it and being a officer in that environment where [inaudible] i can talk to
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them better about it because i have seen it done. >> i want to see more african american people who came from [inaudible] change because they talk about the police and [inaudible] >> would you join the police department? >> [inaudible] i think about it sometimes. i sure would because the retirement is [inaudible] [laughing]. >> [inaudible] if that is what they want to do, let them do it. >> [inaudible] they never called me back so i gave up on
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that. >> what could we do to get people like you in the force? >> [inaudible] respond to something [inaudible] they can come out and impact day to day and you get to know them outside of just [inaudible] it creates a relationship beyond [inaudible]. >> we got to have a better relationship and have more programs going on. [inaudible] like boys and girls club in the ymca talking about the youth and let them know they are on their side and they can be trusted.
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>> more involve would the community. i feel [inaudible] they try to give police officers to come around and [inaudible] community involvement is a big thing. >> [inaudible] to the community and try to encourage people to pursue a career in law enforcement. >> thanks for watching, hope you take this information into consideration to make law enforcement even more diverse. >> [applause] >> hello.
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>> welcome >> my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation to help make people in the sf communities more safer is to have young youth and young teens between the grades of k-12 go to different police stations arounds the city. at least one or two a month to get a feel of how the police community is. >> thank you mob nob >> my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation is to have local police officers coach local teams to get more acquainted >> thanks >> my recommendation for the police to have better [inaudible] is for the police to go into the local youth
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centers or where they have community meetings ask people sit down and talk to them and get a good idea what is like to join the police force. >> my name is angle and my recommendation is to do at least one bbq every other month. >> angel, i think we all agree as long as we are all invited >> [inaudible] my recommend is to use social media to make the police more positive word. >> thank you stefon. >> hi, my name is [inaudible] my recommendation for the police department is have a little and big brother mentorship program. >> thank you. >> hi, my name is tray von and my recommendation is to see
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more police officers doing community service whether that starts with [inaudible] because that is what i work on and [inaudible] i figured that is one of the best ways. >> thank you travon. >> mike [inaudible]. mine is follow windup qualified candidates and thank you for watching and hope you take all this into consideration of what me and my colleagues said. >> thanks mike. >> thank you jerry. >> thank you jerry and your cohort. thank you gentlemen. mr. wilson you are up and your crew. >> good evening, hope
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everything is good and thank you for taking into consideration all the projjects before us. my group is working on a documentary and took [inaudible] wanted to do police and community relations so we created the same thung, a documentary. it is a little lenty, there are 2 sides, one side is giving the police officers constructive s criticism and the other is what the community can do. >> how long is it? >> like 13 minutes, is that okay? >> ya. greg suhr, doesn't have anywhere to be. >> hello. my name is [inaudible] i'm part of [inaudible] and in the beginning of the summer we were present would the topic of police officers and the community and how the relationship recollect there was a lot of tension and
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hatred, so we thought of ways to improve this between the community and police officers. we went to different districts in san francisco, fillmore, bay view, richmond district and while doing that we interviewed pipeal of all age groups and different races. >> sorry, i lost where i was. i guess that is pretty much. we did a bunch of interviews and you will hear lots of good advice the people will tell you about and police officers that feel accepting to the criticism so hope you enjoy the video. >> thank you. >> [unable to hear video].
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>> before we started the project our cohort wanted to create a documentary on a issue not a is prevalent in san francisco and the united states. the negative tension that occurs between police department and communities we entered several different neighborhoods around san francisco and spoke with [inaudible] our objectives is find positive and negative [inaudible] when we asked them what the first thing that comes to mind when they hear the word police, here are their reactions. >> [inaudible] they don't like black people sometimes and [inaudible] >> i hear police and the first thing that comes to mind is
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stress. >> [inaudible] a little bit of safety. tension. [inaudible] somebody getting shot. >> we can see there are all most positive thoughts when people hear the word police and that shouldn't be the case. in order to solve the problem we need to dig deeper. we want on to ask people what police officers are doing poorly in the neighborhoods and what can they do to improve on. >> [inaudible] they judge. >> improve on their word, they can improve on [inaudible]
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>> police officers frole the neighborhood a majority of people relate to people in the neighborhoods. we felt more people would be open to [inaudible] bridge the gap between police officers and people in the community. >> [inaudible] >> we need somebody to work with us and not be against us. >> we need police officers who are trained to use their weapon. [inaudible]
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to help. people don't want police to come in and swoop in and try to save the day. >> [inaudible] makes it more difficult [inaudible] >> as the bad guy which they hate. [inaudible] every room they walk into [inaudible] there are the police like i don't want to be around [inaudible] >> i think the person to talk to believe [inaudible] on foot rather than in the squad cars the community relationship improves between police officers and locals. >> [inaudible]
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>> before we started doing it [inaudible] they got to know us as people versus just the uniform. it made a huge influence on the people [inaudible] >> we can walk for a hour at a time and you are just out talking to regular joe blow citizen >> another issue that needs to be resolved is who we choose to be police officers. >> people woo choose to be police officers are background in the military and so on and i think to a extents one of the challenges we are facing is it hard to transition from the [inaudible] >> if you take a young police officers that for example has been in the military for 3 or 4
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years fighting for their life and in iraq and they choose to become a police officers you need to acknowledge the last 4 years of their life their reaction to danger is use their weapon >> however thrrks is one issue community and police officers think need to be improved >> if we do a better job training the officers than issues about profiling and so forth we believe will [inaudible] >> military training that they get, the first thing they are told is if you show up in all your gear you are already escalating the situation and guaranteed a violent outcome and don't think that is [inaudible] >> it is about teaching the officers that you are reacting to [inaudible] the activ ity and not the color of the individuals skins >> however it isn't just the police officers that need improvement, the community needs to do their part as well.
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people said they need to start changing their sevls in order to see change in the community. in order for san francisco to change lets have police and communities work together. >> [inaudible] >> we do need a lot of education, but at the same time the community needs a lot of education. >> selling drugs, [inaudible] we have a red zone and [inaudible] nobody respects the children. >> we as individual citizens [inaudible] >> nobody cares. >> we need to give our kids and young people [inaudible] we need to get them to understand
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[inaudible] >> as a community this is something i like to tell everybody, we got to come together to work things out. just because now there is a huge divide between the police and communities. >> i think we start at a very young age teaching kids how to handle problems. we all have problems [inaudible] but it is the way you interact. sit down talk about it. don't necessarily go get a gun and shoot somebody. that won't solve anything, it just creates a continuous circle. >> [inaudible] >> community relations and relationship with the police, about the time we see them as outsiders [inaudible] we need to hold them accountable as well as hold ourselves accountable as far as what is going oon in the [inaudible] it doesn't [inaudible] abuse
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their power. [inaudible] >> they look like a suspect and approach them and look like they are reaching [inaudible] understand this is [inaudible] not necessarily a murderer trying to kill a black person, it is both ways. >> it is a really difficult shot. right now i think the job isn't necessarily meeting the expectations that society [inaudible] >> i used to do [inaudible] >> [inaudible] in the communities talk about [inaudible] >> don't be afraid to talk or ask questions. we are human [inaudible]
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>> i think just say hi, how are you doing, you will bridge that gap. >> there is only so many of us and can't have eyes on everything that goes on the city. >> [inaudible] we p you can't accept criticism from the public then we are in the wrong business because sometimes we deserve criticism. >> [inaudible] start at a young age the idea that police are all bad people with hopefully deminsh. >> [inaudible] it never like-i got to know the police officer [inaudible] >> this guy ain't doing it for the camera, he is helping out all the time. >> [inaudible] closer to them so when issues arise that may be problematic we have a better relationship established already so we get better communication.
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>> [inaudible] >> we have a number of other programs [inaudible] >> as a african american who grew up [inaudible] the reason i got into the job is because [inaudible] i still can't remember his name helped me out. [inaudible] out doing what kids do, breaking windows and stuff like that and [inaudible] you can't keep doing what you doing. i always [inaudible]
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>> there is a lot of work to deeinate only in san francisco but the united states as well when it comes to community and police relationsism hopefully as san franciscans we can come together with this change. >> i [inaudible] known for a lot of [inaudible] i love our community to see we are friends and [inaudible] building better relationships in communities of color and the police. i think any city can do it, we can. [music] >> [applause] >> how are you doing? [inaudible] my name is leroy [inaudible] a few of my colleagues and i came up with
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associations with the community [inaudible] one of suggestions that parent come together with policeman and they trade ideas how they can help their kids get up off the streets. >> thank you, leroy. >> hi, how you doing? my name is rickey johnson and i recommend the police to have more big brother and little brother program and big sister and little sister program for the community. >> thank you, rickey. >> my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation is take classes on how to be a more [inaudible] be respectful to one another as well as learning general respect. everyone should be respected as a individual but no one should be [inaudible] >> thank you, zang.
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>> hi, my name is novel. one of the recommendations that i have is to have police officers should commit to a certain amount of community service hours. >> thank you novel. >> hi, michael [inaudible] i recommend more police officers parole foot. >> thank you, michael. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen . my name is [inaudible] my suggestion is that [inaudible] for the police officer s and the community. thank you >> thank you [inaudible] >> my name is con rad lee and for my recommendation is for more police officers to approach us in a more passive manner. >> thank you conrad. >> hello i'm daniel. just to
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wrap everything up we want to thank you for watching the video and hope you take everything into consideration that we worked on and that engagement and communication is a key to best relations so thank you very much and have a great evening. >> thank you, daniel. >> [applause] >> that was the final group to present tonight. again, tremendous grat frud the opportunities to work with you all this summer and just in that short time frame of 8 weeks you can see they were hard at work. i do want to give a shout to commander sullivan and commander manx. commander ocell vun is amazing helping organize the visits and the visit to the academy and tactical and the department made a huge impact just going to the crime scene unit at 850.
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understanding it is more than just the officers in the car and getting the connections and getting to knew folks first hands maigs a difference. i want to thank president loftus and chief suhr and also want to acknowledge paul hendertion. he had a cohort that did work around prop 47 and have 1 thousand followers on the social media, so you need to step it up a bit. i would like to ask the commission to gave round of applause to these young people, they did an amazing job. i will let mr. miller [inaudible] >> thank you so much. bl dave us, i know the challenges facing the communities are not solved over night. i want to thank cheer shirr z commander
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osullivan. we had a middle school group of young man. commander osul vun thank you so murch. we thank you the partnership of inpolice department to pry to make the communities safer so thank you all very much. >> this is just-all in all we had close to 70 or more than 70 and that is a picture book to share and take a look at the folks participating and don't know if mr. hendserson wanted to say anything. >> since i vamicrophone. i just want to congratulate the kids. it is great we are hear list toong this but want to congratulate them because i know how hard they worked all summer. i remember summers, it wasn't necessarily what i wanted to do is do work and to be this focused all throughout the summer and come consistently to work with us
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adults on something i think is important and something they think is important and that is reflected in the idea s we see today, it is a a big deal. i want to thank the kids on the work they did and supporting us and i loved they had thousands of followers already on social media. hopefully we are friends with everybody and facebook friends and hang out. i think the ideas we got here are really powerful and impactful and will change what public safety looks like for the city and communities that they live in, so thank you all so much and the kids. >> thank you, mr. henderson. >> i want to open up to my fellow commissioners to ask questions or share thoughts. before i do that i want to thank cheer sure for his leadership, commander osullivan and commander [inaudible]
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officer jason johnson, shareal davis [inaudible] this literally was such a family affair and theo, in particular the kids that you brought to us, the recruitment efforts you did and the way you thought to give had kids the opportunity and the courage it takes. not everything police department in american will welcome youth most ravages with violence and say can you give ideas how we can do better so i'm very grateful for the courage it takes to ask that question and listen to the results and they have been stunning and know my colleagues probably want to say something or ask questions along those lines. >> doctor joe. >> so, i want to thank all the young people for getting involved and the one thing i
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don't like is when-this gives you a chance to see the other side, you know? malcome x once said find out for yourself. when you get involve jd find out for yourself you can make informed decision squz this process is giving you information and allot of folks get into trouble because of misinformation or lack of information so now you know more than before and that is great. i assume it will influence your thoughts and actions and then you will be able to tell somebody else something when they say something because they dopet don't have the information you have, but you got to get involved to do that and that is why i'm proud of you. the process of this tooks you to the next level because that is the process it took me to so
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congratulations for getting in there and finding out for yourself. >> [inaudible] >> i want to thank the groups. it is fun meeting with you before the commission meetings and you all learn one thf first lessens why the police officers we want to recruit. you want to help others. the ability and desire to help others is what i see come out of the group. great videos and good to hear what the people are saying. i made this invitations, people have been by the law firm and want to encourage you to become a lawyer so if you want to become a lawyer come to my law firm and i'll introduce you to lawyers. there is a lot of competition.
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>> commissioner hwang >> i'm so impress would the product you put on today. i have been on this commission about the year and shared with the chief, every week we have folks come here and point the finger and point blame and this is a group that dug deep and looked for constructive criticism and [inaudible] what is going through the back of my head is what is the next step? i think what you have done is kbround breaking for our entire country. this is a problem facing the entire nation so what can we do to take your recommendations and move it to the next step because don't know if anyone is talking about this stuff now in the same way you talk about the issue so really commend you for the important work you have done and moved by the stuff you put together. >> can i say to that-chief suhr
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i will reach out to roena orrisa to see about meeting you because i said specifically to the young ladies if they do a good job and impress the commission there is a look how to keep this going through school year jz move on the recommendations, the bbq and [inaudible] young people to help ororganize and get the right people in the move so hopefully this doesn't die in committee but move forward. >> shirly stold my thunder so i would say the old saying is the first outf of the jar is hardest >> is that a saying? has anyone heard that? >> if it isn't than are made it up. i'm so impressed how smart
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and talented this group is in putting together what you put together in the time. i see old friends in the room. one och the offers i make to all young people that finish a summers work is anyone that apply for a job now anywhere you want and want a chance and want a reference from the chief of police, i will give you one. and i'm accountable to that. i'm not saying it will get you the job, but it shouldn't hurt. but for sure i have written down and taken a ton of notes, we would love to keep this going and take it city wide, so one of the things that is suggested by other groupicize to have ambassadors around the city that already have [inaudible] i would love to commission this group as
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ambassadors to convene the forums and get the bbq and community engagement going on all around town and use you as point paired with cops so that again, we can just do the whole friends thing and get better connections. i tell you, really impressive and thank you and to president loftus and chairal and theoand everybody es, better than anybody would have imagined and we were hoping for a lot so, great. >> thank you, chief. >> i just wanted to thank you for doing what you are doing. one of the things that one of the recommendation i heard was being a big brother, big sister concept, but beyond the police department, you need to support each other and you need to insure this is just the
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beginning of a real long relationship because by supporting each other, you are going to insure no one is going to tell you you cannot do this. and, i really encourage especially the young women to think about a profession in the police force. so, congratulations and look forward to seeing you one day here. >> my last comment, i was hoping to put michael car the new director of work force development on the spot. chief suhr maybe we can work with him on the ambassador program and the notion that young people are ambassadors in the community and taking the knowledge they learned this summer to recruit or make people aware of both sides of the badge. >> great idea but you will have to be on the spot.
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>> the chief feels strongly it isn't a badge, it is a star so that is a cultural exchange moment. he corrected me infront of hundreds of people. >> it is muni not moony. >> i am totally saying moony from now on. >> so, is the last thing we'll wrap it up, i just want to say when we started talking about the program because when the chief said throw it together, we did. we have been in a conversation about how to do the most and remember one thing that was said to me is what will these kids do like 8 weeks, isn't isn't that a job? it was really, we took a chance on all of you that the 8 wook squz what you were paid to do under mrs. dave us and theoes
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tutelage would have results. you blew me aware. there are videos and things on the community and narratored and there was the funny thing with the moony thing even though it was a accident, but there are people that discounts youz because of the age. you just blew us away. it was honest, it was fair it was thoughtful and there is absolutely nothing more that i could ever ask for as someone who considered policy and does this every wednesday and sometimes hears the hard stuff but rarey something as thoughtful you put together. >> this is how they really are and just don't get a chance for it to be show cased, that is why this is important. that is how they really are. when they have a chance to become involved with the process and give them the opportunity so kudos to everybody for giving
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the opportunity >> so we are not one and done, the chief agreed to sit down and work with the commission, what we want to do now is get back to you all about what we do with your recommendations. you have my commitment and the chief will write a letter of recommendation and this commission will take your recommendations and look at them and work on them and report back to you on what we do and do hope the process continues in the way that this continues to be a relationship as we move beyond and you guys all go back to school. thank you. >> [applause] >> so, now is the part where i say sergeant call the next line item. >> we didn't take action. my city attorney wants to say any public comment? hearing none, public comment is now closed.
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sergeant please call next line item. kevin. >> hello. i just want to say thank you for giving these young people a opportunity. i had a chance to be a part of the whole process and being behind the scene squz being a part of their whole engagement, it was interesting for us to go to the new police department on 3rd and just sort of interact with some of the technicians and other people that are behind the scene and i was sort of new for me too but just to see them interact with all the law enforcement activity and community. more importantly how to [inaudible] about law enforcement and what that means and some of the young people are bright. they are amazing. i had a chance to know these young people so i'm looking for some really bright thing tooz come forth and think this experience sort of is part of
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that foundation to grow and have a whole different perspective on the work that needs to be done and do it in a positive way so thank you very much and i appreciate this whole process. >> thank you. sergeant. >> item 3 c, reports and announcements. 3 a, chief report discussion. review of rent activities and presentation of second quarter 20 [inaudible] findings and recommendation and ois summary >> good evening commissioners and public. i'll be very brief because i know that everybody is still celebrating that. we did have a sad incident occur on thursday morning about 5:30,
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we had a collision at lum bard and richardson where a one vehicle rear ended another. it wasn't known at the time why the second vehicle was acting the way that it was. the 2 drivers got in a pedestrian pursuit around the block and then the second driver walked off. when officers encountered the subject he was a very large man, he beat both the officers into the hospital. one of them suffering from a concushion. he continued east bount on lum bard and other officers responded and took the suspect into custody. some time after being hand cuffed he went into medical distress. [inaudible] the suspect was not able to be
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resusitated and passed at the scene. one officer suffered a concushion and is recovering, the other officer suffered injuries to arms and legs. it was discovered the suspect committed a homicide in sonoma county about a hour before the incident. we will wait for a toxicology report and cause of death. it is a very sad situation but the person ciltded in sonoma was in his mid90's. i wish i had a happier note to follow up the other item on but will leave it to that but go to the presentation second quarter f
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involved shootings vgzs. i'm here for the quarterly report which includes the [inaudible] and then an update on open investigations. you should have received i believe reports were distributed prior and you have those. um the last fdrb had convened the first quarter, 2015 had convened march 31, 2015 so this was the second quarter fdrb convened tuesday june 23, 2015 and reviewed 4 caizs. the board reconvened wunz day july 1, 2015 to review a 5th case. the 5 investigations reviewed by the second quarter were officer involved discharge, oo 115.
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officer discharge oo 215. officer [inaudible] officer involved shootings oo 9. [inaudible] oo 4. as i said, the quarterly board convened twice so first convened tuesday june 23, 20s 15 with the numbers shown here deputy allah and redman and schmit and [inaudible] commissioner dadajesus [inaudible] lieutenant dur aunt ozand sergeant [inaudible] when the board reconvened to consider the 5th case the voter members with alee, redman, commander and manx for special
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operations. the other members were commissioner hwang, director hicksen perena [inaudible] and officer [inaudible] from the range. i'll go ofern over the cases reviewed and findings. officer avaurfbed discharge occurred 1304 hours february 22, 2015 on the 200 block of hal day avenue and in this instance a officer following upen a complaint of illegal imcampment approached some subjects in high thick weeds. as he iproached a pit bull not restrained charged the officer growling and snarling. he retrated falling down and as he fell he fired twice. the
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animal was not struck but [inaudible] it is one of the two subjects in the field were able to catch the dog and tie it up with a shirt. was restained, animal control took the dog in position and the owner was sited for the unrestrained dog. the discharge was found to be in policy. discharge oo 215, this occurred at a priveant residence in the city near [inaudible] and 35th avenue on april 22, 2015. approximately 1650 or 450 in the afternoon, a officer who is off deutaat home with personal weapon was [inaudible] to put a trigger lock on his weapon and accidently discharged it. he attempted to do the same thing and discharged it again.
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[inaudible] unintentional discharges and this was found to be not in policy. [inaudible] considered by the board, officer involved shooting 13-006 occurred april 17, 2015 on the 900 block of [inaudible] in this particular instance a officer responding to a call of a deadly assault and assault-the caller self reported he attacked his brother with a mu chety and requested a ambilns. there was a bleeding person outside, the officers were not sure if it is subject or victim at the time as they were conducting a initial investigation within a few seconds, the second subject ran out of the house carrying a large object the officers shot it was a knife or mu chety and turned out to be a claw hammer.
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the subjecktt [inaudible] fired the weapon. the subject was struck and deceased. that use of fire arm was found to be in policy. there was a issue that was discovered in the course of the investigation related to equipment and that was also addressed. the other-the second shooting that was considered was one that occurred at 19th and tear vel street december 30, 2015 at [inaudible] 2 uniformed officers from tearville responded to the area of the intersection. they heard oorlth unit vaurfbed in a pursuit that got caught in traffic. the officers believed a foot chase was about to
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ensue. got out of the cars, the subject-the driver of the suspect vehicle instead worked his way through traffic, basically wedges between cars. drove towards one of the officers who fired his weapon one time, struck the vehicles, the driver is note hit, he continued on his flight and was crashed near golden gate park and taken into custody. this was determined to be in policy. 14-004 occurred at bruno heights march 24, 2015 at approximately [inaudible] 4 uniformed officers assigned to ingle side responded to the park [inaudible] person arm would a gun. the officers located a man matching the description and held him. the suspect responded drawing a
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laser weapon [inaudible] the officers fired at the suspect fately striking him. it was learned that the weapon is a electronic control weapon or taser device. the shooting was determined to be in policy. the recommendation of the fdrb is the chief review and approve the recommendations. you have the letter from had chief's aufs as well as the reports submitted by internal affairs and believe you received those as well. the next fdrb is scheduled for tuesday september 22 and that is the status of the last fdrb. >> [inaudible] shooting investigations i will tell you this report was prepared before
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the occurrence on july 26, 2015 so we vanew case not on the report and paperwork you have and that is because it was completed prior. the previous report to you was presented may 6 and since that report 3 of the investigations were presented to the fdrb, i just described them to you and they are now closed and signed off by the chief, presented to you, you received the reports, and these cases are completely closed. in the middle of july we did receive 2 new charging [inaudible] for officer involved shooting 13-005 and 13-007. we received 2 from the da's office mids july so those will bepresented at the next fdrb. as of this report, this
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report there were 15 open investigations, 16 at the time. 2 of the investigations as i said the department received the district attorney charging kiz in 2 of the caiz cases. those caseerize being concluded. the internal affairs investigation is being concluded and presented next fdrb. that leaves 13 crimial investigations on going and all in revie by the office of district attorney so the new case which we'll talk about tonight in closed session, but that case is an active and ongoing investigation. we'll talk about it later but that one is being investigated criminally in san mateo county. just in summary of where we
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are at year by year date, 2013 investigations, two will disappear from this list, 006 and 009. that leaves 003, 5, 7 and 8 open. they are on the same status awaiting discharging decision afor from the district attorney. 2014, 14-004 was closed at the last fdrb, all follow up is completed. that is a closed case and will disappear from the-lace. that leaves 14-002 [inaudible] awaiting a charging decision. >> sergeant can i ask you a question because there is a lot of zeros and want to-does that mean that there was 15 open
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cases, 2 we got a letter from the da, declining to file criminal charges that means that officially closes out the process and the 13 remaining are they all at the d a's office? we have done all our works is t is just the 14 open caseerize awaiting decisions? >> we are in a holding pattern awaiting the final decisions. everything is cued up based on what we understand from the case. once we get a final charging decision we'll finish the criminal investigation that is a matter of a couple weeks or days and i will finish our investigation so it will be presented a-the 2 we have all eter for will be presented at the next fdrb. anything else it if we get it a couple weeks before we'll present it and it will be ready togo
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>> thank you >> 2015, same boat with 4, 2015 cases in the report. the 15-005 criminal 5 we'll talk about later and that is active and on going investigations both administratively personal investigations and also criminal. questions? >> colleagues? um, i do. the only question i have has to do with-i know we talked to chief about part of the concern i talked about for a long time, i know commissioner [inaudible] and my colleagues on the commission for some time said there is improvement for the amounts of time for the case
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tooz be resolved. is difficult on the officer and potentially families member frz someone they lost. i see smf thocases are 3 years olds so chief i know we talked about sometimes what comes out is a policy recommendation or training issue. i know there was discussion in there and don't know where we are it. if there is a opportunity to have a preliminary analysis recognizing we can't control how long it takes the district attorneys office to [inaudible] based on that conversation that happened at the fdrb and don't recall where we are in advancing that conversation. >> i spoke to [inaudible] about putting in a-with regard to any training or policy issues not to make a final determination as to policy and discussed to
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convening such a body >> great >> the bottom line is it is in progress and being kicked around and we are getting it worked out so it is something we are trying to do. >> good, i look forward to hearing more about that. there were policy recommendations and it is just great that those come out of it and the sooner we can get those in place the better understanding what is frustrate frg me and all of us is we wait for other agencies to complete something that would otherwise be complete. >> one thing we have done and have been able to do where we see we are able to bifurcate something or send somebody to training so the individual has a defixancy or something we can improve or get better at, we can take care of that. we bifurcated cases where we said there is a issue we can deal with internally much quicker on
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a policy issue separate that pursuit case for example that had a officer not involved in the pursuit is one we talked about. not involved in the pursuit was the [inaudible] learn from the pursuit and deal with issues from that. we are trying to do what we can in that way and trying to set something up that works and maintains the officers rights and everything else that works so that we can identify these things and get direction and quick feedback where we are able to >> i notice we are going in the right direction, the first case is stwo and a half years old, the second 2 years and the last is one year old. the 13 open oiss are the pieces we can
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involve and the ultimate fooinding is testament to your work sergeant so i think for take thg same questions from me every time. colleagues, any other questions? >> it is better than it used to be >> he says the exact same thing every time. >> [inaudible] pass the resolution >> thank you sarge ergeant >> any question frz the chief? okay, sergeant call the next line item >> item 3 b, occ directors rortd discussion, review of recent actirfbties. >> good evening director hick jz president loftus, commissioners chief suhr, memberoffs the audience. last saturday deputy director [inaudible] gave a presentation on the functionoffs the office of citizen complaints to a-class of cadets at the academy. last night occ staff
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attended several national night out activities at san francisco police department locations. to date this year the occ opened 46 case squz closed 392. between jan 1 and august 5 last year the occ opened 426 case squz closed 415. through july 30 of this year the occ mediated 30 cases compared to 33 mediated between jan 1 and july 30 last year. august 19 commission meeting i'll provide with statistical reports and that concludes my report >> thank you drether hicks any questions for director hicks >> please call the next line item >> item 3 c commissioner report and discussion. >> i will just begin with
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saying there is a few things the law enforcement appreciation night, i was proud to represent the commission with the giants and other law enforcement leaders. there was a tribute to officers who have been cilded in the line of duty. it was beautifully done and got feedback for the police department and tupt for families who lost a officer to come together and have a night and a number of officers from the department thrrp so that was great. there was a graduation, happy to be there and see other yuj people getting engaged. i was happy to attend bod acamera working group committees. they are run by member thofz command staff, commander mogesier, commander osullivan rfx deputy alee are doing a artful job. director hicks is represented. it is a
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diverse group of stake holders discussing and balancing a number of interests. [inaudible] acknowledged the policy has to balance a number of competing priorities and i was grateful to observe the discourse and dialogue so colleagues you will get the minutes from the meeting and will know who was there and what was asked and hope this will happen at the onedf august. we'll do 2 community meeting where the public weighs in but it is good to observe. i don't play a formal role other than watching deliberate and think they will give food for thoughts. thank you chief and members of the commands staff for handling that. we had a good meeting with the parole special. >> as many know the police commission basically
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supervisors the parole special program. we are involved in their discipline, the rules and procedure, picking the uniforms, the handling and background check frz hiring. president loftus was great, she met with myself and member thofz command staff and had a line frup the parole officer squz discussed issued about compliance and had them at the newplice head quarters, i think a lot of them enjoyed being there. we told them this is a important program but they have to follow thg rules and the city tone was present with us to explain the same thing. thank you president oft us. i'm the liaison and try to make the program better to insure they are trained. prior to 3 years ago the commission voted to let them go to the range and now have them do advanced officer
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training at the academy. it is a long standing effort and thanks for president loftus for being there. itb met a lot for the parole specialist to be the attention we gaichb it >> doctor marshall >> i wasn't at the last community meeting so chief, did you report on our trip to >> he wasn't there. >> i wasn't there either. >> this is our opportunity . >> i just want to say that the chief and i took a trip to washington dc, i guess it is about a month now, 3 weeks to the conference on police community relations and it follows what we are talking about here. it was 80 police chiefs from around the country, big and small jurisdictions and the interesting thing is each
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department brought a community person with them. it was-gave a pretty good snap hp shot of how people feel about what is going on in the country and got to [inaudible] for putting the conference on. they have done conferences i have been to before but there is nothing more timely in the relation between the police and community and take that topic on. it was a unique format, the community members speak first which took a while and then had the chiefs of police chic second and the third is a meeting of the minds. i thought it was great and i was -everything i heard was indicative, we want to-everybody wants to make things better. the one thing
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that does come out in a session like that is-what i'm going to say is makes sense to everyone, but whatever happens with regard to policing the community in a area of the country effects everywhere in the u.s. nobody looks at jurisdiction, all they see is uniform. it is what happened in south carolina or chicago or baltimore. [inaudible] and [inaudible] put together a report, which would be great for folks to take a look at when it comes out squand i think oakland chs there, sacramento and stauckten and bart was there. as a follow up, the chief and i talked about host agregional sort of piece to follow up. lastly
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i'll say the chief is a great traveling companion. he is fun to be on the road with. he is fun for me, i don't know about the rest of you. >> it was a great trip, but it was also-it was not-there were uncomfort moments. it was by no means like a puff piece. there was raw feelings and anxiousness, but it was good conversation and hear thg kids talk tonight, it really is a situation that is playing out all over the country and regardless where it is going on it is all the same thing, there is just greater need for staying in the conversation, so i look forward to following up and having a more regional discussion. the bay area was well represented and california
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all and all. la was there too. it was-not a lot of people always go to those things but the fact this was this well attended demonstrates it is a priority as it should be for everybody >> there are about 170 people from the department of justice there. it was a huge huge gathering and the fact he got all the voices in the room, he is very skilled with getting everybody- >> i have never seen [inaudible] he got called out by a couple people in the room when they didn't think he was facilitating it right and he gave it. >> i don'ts think he had much choice. we did highlight a number of things we are doing in san francisco and talked about this group there, so we put our 2 cents in to things we are doing here to make thijs
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better >> thank you for representing us there dr. marshall and chief. anyone else have reports? okay. sergeant please call the next item >> item 3 d commission announcement squz scheduling of #50i89 items identified for future consideration >> we have scheduling things we need to work out. colleagues this group asked for us to change the meeting schedule so we go dark on the 4th, wednesday and what we suggested is have the community meeting on the second wednesday. that doesn't work for our partners at sfgtv so we need to move to the 3rd wednesday. i checked with my source squz think it will work. we apologize we missed that step in the first place and should have consulted. in terms of this month, august is the month the
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board of supervisors are in recess. we are one of the few bodies continues to meet so we were going have a community meeting next wednesday but there were problemwise that and it is augand people are gone so we'll go dark next week and we'll be back on the 19th and sergeant-at city hall. >> september we move to the new schedule >> can you remind us of what the new schedule is while i'm choking? >> the first and second wednesdays of the month will be at city hall. the third will be the community meeting and then dark the 4th and if there is a 5th, dark the 5th >> september we leave it open we will have a community meeting that 3rd wednesday. if the body camera policy is in a place where it is presented to us we may slot in the first
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meeting in september to that slot and decide where we have that location. any questions about scheduling? did i miss anything, sergeant? >> just public comments on items a-d. >> i got swept up into the kids and did want to comment we had national night out last night across san francisco. it went from some very modest gatherings to over 1 thousand gathered in north beach i'm told by chief [inaudible] there were excess of 500 at ingle side and know bodecker park and [inaudible] were very significant as well as the tearival. we have all our summer jobs graduation, tonight was the momagic and the future grads and garden project, our cadet program which is owngoing
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and full staffed by the end of the month so all these things we did with the young people over the summer, i don't know if we are just overthat but pretty close to engage about a thousand young people since we started doing this a few years ago. we just started 5 sfpd and 5 oakland recruits and graduate the 244 recruit class a week from friday. we are hiring for anybody that is watching and interested, please apply >> thanks chief. is there public comment on items 3 a-d? hearing none public comment is closed. >> line item 4 public comment on all matters pertaining to
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items below inclouding whether to hold item 6 into closed session >> we areigate about the to go into closed session. any comment whether we are going into closed session? hearing none public comment is closed. >> i move we go into closed session >> item 5, vote on whether to hold item 6 in closed session including whether to assert the attorney client privilege with regard to 6 a, san francisco administrative code section 67.10 >> do have a motion to assert the attorney clineant privilege? all in favor? opposed? passes unanimously. we are in closed session. [police commission in closed session]
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avenue.12 a >> do i have a motion not to disclose? >> second. >> all in favor. opposed. motion passes unanimously. >> item 8 adjournment action itedment >> as i started off the meeting i said i would ask for a molegz to ijourn the commission in memory of scott lungger and had the fortune of attending the funeral services that had had to be held at the oracle arena. he has a beautiful family and will be a loss to the haward police department and community so ask to adjourn this meeting in his memory. >> all those in favor.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in well with the innovation capital world i can't think of a better k with the wifi connection in our city it is crossing different economic lines and neighborhoods it helps not only young people with their education but regular folks to find out where their muni bus is or their routine or opportunities in the city it was lead by the department the of technology they've proven themselves they wanted to take
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on such a great responsibility on market street i want to thank the department of technology they've found great partners with marcus in the valley along with mayor 42 boss of them gave us very expensive equipment to use but also gave us some great guidance how to do that the combination of the public private partnering was another compliment off our department the government some work with the technology to do those sorts of exist things and compliments all the things we're trying to do to use technology in a positive woo san francisco is one of the greatest city's in the world and suddenly give a support to a service that - wifi is a utility
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like power and water and it has to be available i think in all the public venues >> i will live in oakland i'm here on microsoft a lot and not familiar with the area especially the part of market street so be able to navigate around is really, really helpful and i appreciate the fact the city is doing it's civic duty in providing a connection to everyone there was a huge manpower effort 3 shops involved with the overhead the underground cable company and the radio shop doing all the turn on and trouble shooting all of the shops put in at least 3 months of manpower hours time and six or eight
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people in each shop no issues are the app the access ptsz points out to the system there were a sophisticated innocent that was broadcasting the signal ate. >> as far as mobile devices we can use a public-private partnering to hit up the corridors corridors across the city where people traverse with small businesses and transit corridors and they want to get online with their education folks connecting with friends are looking for a job i think we have a lot of people in the city veterans they're not just on market street they're all over the city and want that. >> it is an old market street has been did you live up several times since installed we had to
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run links to link the conduits system to get the links to the fiber $3.1 million is a lot to pull that is the fiber to our shop procuring it getting it to the job. >> we pay a good amount of taxes in san francisco it would easy the burden to have access r sees to wifi we won't have to pay egregious cell phone bills when they can connect to the intersect is it so kind of silly why not. >> free internet and wifi is a way forward for the division of the city across the country oakland and san jose and chicago and filled we're saying we want
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>> hello, i am with the recreation and parks department. we are featuring the romantic park location in your backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in santa and cisco with someone special. -- san francisco with someone special. our first look out is here at buena vista park a favorite with couples and dog walkers.
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both have a significant force. a refreshing retreat from urban life. the romantic past that meander up and down the park under pines and eucalyptus. hang out in this environment and you might see butterflies it, fennel, and then the lines. -- dandelions. is ada accessible. public transit is plentiful. we have conquered the steps we have watched the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view. this is a place to take someone special on a romantic stroll and enjoyed a beautiful look out.
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welcome to corona heights located in the heart of this district. it offers a view of the downtown skyline the bay bridge, and the east bay. it is one of the best kept secrets in the city. it is hardly ever crowded. on any given day, you will run into a few locals. bought a 37 bus to get there without any parking worries. for legged friends can run freely. there is also a patch of grass for the small box. >> it is a great place. it is a wonderful place to have these kinds of parks. that dog owners appreciate it. >> take time to notice of the wildfires that are on the grassland and keep your head out on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. be sure to take your camera and be prepared to take a view of
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the city will not forget. it has a beautiful red rock formations. you could watch the sunrise over the bay. this is another one of our great lookouts. we are at mount davidson. 928 feet. this is the place for you to bring someone special. to not forget that dogs and enjoy all of the pathways and greenery that surrounds you. it provides a peaceful oasis of open space and great hiking trails. the spectacular view offers a perfect place to watch the sunrise or sunset with someone you love. >> it is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. come up here and listen to
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nature, i get some fresh air. that view is fantastic. >> where sturdy shoes . hikers get the feeling of being in a rain forest. mount davidson is also a great place to escape the noise and the bustle of the city. take the 36 bus and it will drop you at the entrance. it is quite a hike to the top but the view is worth every step. this is the place to bring that someone special. golden gate park's largest body of water is an enchanting place. is a popular spot for paddling around in boats, which can be
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rented. created in 1893, it was designed for these your boating -- for leisure boating. it is named for the wild strawberries that once flourished. there is also a waterfall, two bridges and trails the climb to the summit, the highest point at more than four hundred feet. you can catch glimpses of the western side of the city that make this hilltop a romantic look out. for public transit, i take the n train. the lad the ad -- lake is ada accessible. watch many ducks swans, and
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siegel's. -- seagulls. it is a great place to stroll and sail away. many couples come here to take a ride around a lake going under the bridges, passing the chinese pavilion and the waterfall. for a quiet getaway, making for a memorable and magical experience. located on 19th avenue this growth is the place to where you're hiking boots, bring the family and the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. it is a truly hidden gem in the city. the park is rich with eucalyptus trees. long paths allow you to meander, perfect for a dog
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walking in a wooded environment. >> i enjoy the history. the diversity of nature that exists in such an urban city concrete streets cars we have this oasis of the natural environment. it reminds us of what the history was. >> there is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. transit is available on the 28 bus to get you very easily. the part is ada -- park is ada accessible. it is also a natural lake. this is your chance to stroll around the lake and let the kids run free. it also has many birds to watch. it is a place to find and appreciate what you -- a
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wonderful breath of fresh air. come and experience in this park and enjoy the people, picnics, and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved ones. in the middle of pacific heights, on top of these hills, it offers a great square a peaceful beauty, large trees and grass and greenery. it features tables and benches a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. there are plenty of areas for football and picnics. it is very much a couple's park. there are many activities you can experience together. stroll on the pathways bring your dog or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all that it has to offer together.
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many couples find this is a perfect park to throw down a blanket and soak up the sun. it is a majestic place that you can share with someone you chairs. lafayette park is also easily accessed from the 47, 49, and 90 buses. it is ada accessible. we are here at the historic palace of fine art in the marina district. originally built for the 1950's exposition, the palace is situated on san francisco's number waterfront. it is ada accessible and is reached by the 28 30, and 91 bus lines.
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set against the reflecting waters of the lagoon and eucalyptus trees, the palace is one of san francisco post most -- san francisco's most romantic spots to relax with that special someone while listening to the water and gazing at the swans. a beautiful to view from many locations along the mattoon, an ideal place to -- all -- lagoon, an ideal place to walk with a loved one. reservations for weddings are available at discarding contains plants referred to by william shakespeare's plays and poems. welcome to the shakespeare garden here in the famous golden
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gate park. located near the museum and the california academy of sciences the garden was designed by the california spring blossom and wildfirlower association. here is a truly enchanting and tranquil garden along a path behind a charming gate. this garden is the spot to woo your date. stroll around and appreciate its unique setting. the gorgeous brick walkway and a brick wall, the stone benches, the rustic sundial. chaired the part -- share the bard's word hundred famous verses from a shakespearean plays.
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this is a gem to share with someone special. pack a picnic, find a bench, and enjoy the sunshine, and let the whimsical words of william shakespeare and floats you and your loved one away. this is one of the most popular wedding locations and is available for reservations. take a bus and have no parking worries. shakespeares' garden is ada accessible. located at the bottom of this hill, it is a secret garden with an infinite in captivating appeal. carefully tucked away it makes the top of our list for most intimate pyknic setting. avoid all taurus cars and hassles by taking a cable car. or the 30, 45, or 91 bus.
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the garden was designed by thomas church in 1957. grow old with me the best is yet to be is inscribed on a sundial. it is anchored by twin white gazebos and flowers that bloom year-round. this is the place to tell someone special or the place to declare the commitment you two share. weddings and the event reservations are available for this adorable hidden gem. we know there are many other romantic parks in san francisco. we hope you have enjoyed this torre of lookouts picnics, and strolls that are available every day.
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until next time, do not forget to get out and play. for more information about reserving one of these romantic locations or any other location call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair buildings. or for any athletic field call 831-5510. you can write us at -- or walk in and say hello. and of course you can find more information --
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(clapping.) >> good morning celebrate brants on behalf of bearings the director of health for san francisco and dr. ed chow president of the health care i'll delighted to welcome you and celebrate the 50 anniversary of the grand experiment that touches millions of americans since their launch 50 years medicare and medicaid are a resolution in our nations history few programs have had to many impact of the lives of the people in the city in san francisco there are over hundred and 20 thousand people goibt for medicare that is over 60 percent of the population and over 2 hundred and 6 thousand san franciscans enrolled in medicaid
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that's one quarter of our citizens population today, we're proud and delighted to host this event here in the city hospital san francisco general and fromme trauma center where over 50 percent of our population is commodity of medicaid and medicare enroll easy at this time please allow me to welcome partners we have with us today first katherine dodd (clapping) kathy is director of san francisco health san franciscans and form regional director of historic preservation commission we welcome you back home we have dr. sue carlyle our partner san francisco general
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(clapping.) and we have katherine duke the director of the health care district will you please announces (clapping) and finally we have tracey trustees of alameda health district and alameda. >> (clapping.) we want to thank you all for joining us at this visionary public policy and celebration now my great pleasure to introduce the mayor of our great city mayor mayor edwin lee (clapping). >> good morning, everybody. good morning. >> i just wanted i to make sure you saw my ignites tie (laughter) thank you for the introduction
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and for all the good work in our health network great to see so many people here faces have famous everybody in the room here that be celebrating our 50 accounting anniversary of medicare and medicaid i can't think of a better place in the san francisco general hospital it has been a centerpiece i know that all of you have been associated with our hospital know that is our signature we're excited this year but i'll say i will speak all today along about baseball and other things what we've been able to do in health care is like winner the world series like our community partners our friends here at san francisco general and the whole system has benefited from a really programs but the people
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that were committed in the programs not only to fulfill the goals we've stated but once those goals are stated to make sure that the mantra that everybody gets assess and that we will figure out eventually; right? i'm a great fan oracle to figure out a lot more things and interested on the topic that will be presented by dr. is both a challenge but we all know we must do better at the city government has an important goal to play in making the lives of all people better and the first time in a decade yesterday, i got to sign the historic biggest baddest budget in the city of san francisco (clapping.) two year budget no budget cuts
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people came in and honestly told us what we needed to get done we're fulfilling the promises and making sure we're taking care of the gaps as well it's a balanced budget with increased revenues allows us to do in the past years we've not done it is smart strategy investments and make sure we are thinking about sustainability and sustain this for the long term those are good economic times for the state but also the greatest opportunity to make sure that the prosperity is shared by more people if not by everyone we need to touch everybody's lives a great advantage we've been able to do with the creation of the handsomelying bird place some of us focused on the behavorial
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health issues our example that we can do something here we can replicate it in many parts of city to exceed far too many examples of what's his name we were not able to pay attention to this incredibly important issue later this year i'll be excited to join all of you and more in openly up our new sf general hospital yeah (clapping.) it is a great thing for the city and so many ways again but the ignites are going to be there it's a world-class institution and surviving the institution and the number one trauma center in the entire northern california with the reputation of just being really great
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responders but emanates the education aspects a level of care the level of intention and the multi cultural approach to serving everyone in the city and i think this is why i know this is why the voters overwhelmingly passed the largest revenue general obligation bond we honor that by making sure that on time and open and alive and everybody works within this is happy they get the machinery that is needed that's why friends of the sf foundation is so for this is the giants thing pam and others and all the friends that led that effort (clapping.) and be able to say this is also a name of priscilla and mark
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zuckerberg along with thousand of others donations to make that work that will have the state of the art machinery the things that the bond can't do but accomplishes what we need to get done to fill all the gaps ultimately on that day i'll praise everybody that works there that's why people go yes, it's the building yes. the machinery about it you don't have the people that number one thing to care for your health and have the attitude that is why request have a world-class center for the confidence for the people for uncontrollable circumstances caused to be going there we want to preventive people from having to go there as many people as possible this is why celebrating that that milestone of 50 years but understanding
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the world series games we've won since that that time is so important (laughter) that was a world series win when we got the san francisco health plan kraeth katherine and everyone figure out we were not going to be satisfied we'll get to universal be health care when the government gets there no, we wanted to be the t could be done that president obama didn't have to be alone on this we can be the for or against examples and guess what 54 percent dropped in uninsured persons since health care was incorporated 50 percent drop in san francisco that's incredible part of this history and we couldn't have gotten it down without the obama
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legislation but gave his the foundation to live the dream and prepare and plan and implement to do all the things with a lot of partners and marries like my predecessor building in it to get it done working with the director of the public health and barbara working with the health commission yes keeping a good dialog with city government that we're all partners in this we created one of the first medi-cal managed care plans and built sf and none is left out in the partners and help to reform everybody has assess we'll find more ways to make that footage now mayor u make sure that people use it before they come to the emergency care and
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educate ourselves that's why i have to be a better example of health myself i want to say that you'll have you are here not only to celebrate the milestones but to really re1rib9 what we're trying to do in making sure that access and people take advantage of the system it doesn't work if people don't take advantage and not thinking how to be healthy in 20 years or my kids more healthy and do all the things whether preventing obesities such things i'm very willing to do spend money on experiment with make some mistakes along the way in an effort to get to the right answer and making sure that we have partners in entire bay area to work with us to make sure they
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do it right. i want to say to the fellows partners anothers hfa o and others initiatives those partnerships that allows us to be experimenting but affordable i look forward to working with you on those big challenges with the staff and the entire region to make sure that your tireless efforts don't get wraurtdz unduly and also very much happy to not only listen careful to sandy's word to transforming the health care into making sure we're doing all the right things i'll interested in her leadership, of course, and roshlts leadership to make sure we're doing you'll see
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right things kathy heinecke republican has us on a right beat to make sure we're doing all the right things in the city to prevent the costs from over comping use it is more than a celebration but a confirmation we're heading in the right direction to invite people to take care of their health and our systems are assessable and culturally assessable dealing with the issues of the time that allows me to say i'm not just building more housing but service and communities i want to make sure people health and public safety job opportunities and the family investment are all taken care of and i'll say coming back from the invitation of pope france to talk about climatic change to human trafficking around the world we're very, very lucky to be in
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san francisco where minds of people are saying we can do better we can be a city for everybody and build infrastructure and build confidence in people that want to come here we'll take care of you where it is health or housing or criminal backgrounds the dedication for again, we had the chance to talk about transforming lives we're in the business cities are in the busy business of transforming lives and this is what we always want to in do in our health care business whether it is preventive or responsive or the aftercare we're going to do all those things we're the greatest city in all the world thank you
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>> the aging and adult service commission, could we have the roll call. >> president james. >> present. >> commissioner seriina. >> here. >> loo. >> here. >> commissioner sims. >> here. >> and note that executive director anne hinton is present. >> thank you could we have approval of the august 5, 2015 agenda? >> so moved. >> second. >> been moved and second that we approve the agenda for august 5, 2015. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed?
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ayes have it so the motion is carried. could we have approval of the august 5 consent agenda. could i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and seconded that we approve the consent agenda for august 5 2015. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. i need a motion to approve the june 24 2015 meeting minutes any corrections? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> it's been moved and second that we approve the minutes of june 24 2015. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. item 5 general public
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