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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  August 14, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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given the length of the report, it bo would make sense to continue and another report that the planning department will be coming out with in september anyway, that is an update on the one that was released in july. so this allow the planning department the opportunity to actually merge the two reports together, and actually add a number of data points that the community has asked for since the july report has come ut. so i will make the motion to continue to the call of the chair. >> thank you very much, we'll schedule that as soon as possible. without -- so there has been a motion made. without objections -- that is the word i'm looking for without objection this motion passes [ gavel ] . thank you very much. >> public comment? >> that is right. let's make a motion to rescind the vote. >> second. >> thank you.
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unanimous motion to rescind. open up for public comments on items 7 and 8. anyone who wishes to speak on items 7 and 8 that we're going to continue? okay. all right, seeing no public comment. okay. did you want to make your comment formally? >> my name is george. i recommend continuance in the absence of time. >> thank you very much. is there anyone else who would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed at this time [ gavel ] all right. motion made by supervisor wiener, unanimously accepted by this body. [ gavel ] motion passs to continue. thank you. to the call of the chair. is there any other work before this body. >> there snow further business before the body. >> thank you ladies and gentlemen. this committee is adjourned. [ gavel ].
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>> good morning, everyone yeah. today, i'm very proud to you know have this meeting because we are very luke in our you know city history we have the best leader you know leading us you know we've even though i feel everybody agree with me our mayor is the best you know
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working and dictated that's why we learn from him the department of building inspection our mission so to protect life and property for the public that's why today, we are proudly to have our honorable mayor, mayor ed lee to come over to you know make that announcement please welcome mayor ed lee (clapping.) >> director i'd like to give a quick interpretation. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> (clapping.) >> .
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>> (speaking foreign language.) (laughter). >> i just want to say thank you to the young people here to the family people here and not so young folks that are here to come together to receive this very good news of our city's willingness to support grants that are aimed another residents, small business owners are property owners as well and visitors get educated about the very strong possibility of the next big earthquake i wanted to first of all, say thank you to tom when i was a young attorney many, many years
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ago my for at a in chinatown was to do hours i want to venture have an active department of buildin inspection speeding i also wanted to make sure i always had is strongest district supervisor as we have in julie christensen. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and i do have now as the mayor very strong representatives of very important departments like our
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fire chief our department of the emergency services and our police department and whitens our rec and park department that are all here together to join not only in this announcement but in the various roles they'll play in preparing people so for the expected earthquake in the next 25 years. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> most importantly is you who are the residents, people that work in chinatown, people that
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live here and the people you invite and also the invaluable services leaders like sarah or other youth person speeding i know that many of you in in this room in english or chinese saw the san andreas movie that is i'm not sure i cannot but we have 3 serious facility lines that come into the city and county of san francisco.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> supervisor christensen and i have had many discussions about making sure that our communities all over the city but particularly those that maybe immigrant and low income communities like chinatown and mission and other areas of the city get attention when it comes to education, and preparation to withstand and survive successfully an earthquake. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm very fortunate and so are other agencies to have a
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department of building inspection leader in the name of tom huey that made sure the building fees results in education and preparation for people like families and seniors to be better prepared in a multi cultural way. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so we're now and then two specific grants today each for a hundred thousand dollars those grants will be granted to c y c and to conduct the training
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workshops to have practices in sro's buildings to have finally communications with youth in our city with seniors and family anybody's not only to prepare but practice everything from cpr to having enough applies to making sure there are ways in which to contact family madam clerk, any other business before this committee? men's all with a goal of making sure that everybody survivors successfully after a major
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earthquake. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> chinatown is particularly important to us because of the historically old buildings that people live in and the number of people that are condenses in this area we want to make sure you're all safe. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thanks to the leadership of our rec and park we're here at a major center our for the square to make sure that the education programs can be conducted safely deeply in different languages but also do so at the willie
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playgrounds where c y c community colleges their sessions between my sessions of playing ping-pong (laughter) >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and again thanks to our leader and department of emergency here collaboration with our fire chief i want to especially thank her and her staff makes sure we're stave during the 4th of july weekend and we were but we're also
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working outside find chinatown to prepare young people and seniors and their families to make sure they have all the training and preparation we must do this on occasion every if one or years people move out and forgot we have better technology to help us and better practices as we learn i want to thank everybody that joins us to make sure that everybody is safer and make sure we don't have the devastation but people that are well prepared school sites, parks, recreation centers, sro's our senior housing complexed our family housing collections and nonprofits all engaged in a very good ongoing dialog to support each other that's why we will be a city that will survive the major earthquake.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> so let me now introduce someone that is a fanatic and already shown herself to be a great supervisor not only working on this but helping to create a lot of senior housing we'll, make those announcement in the short weeks to create more housing opportunity for chinatown and north beach but champion from the district let me introduce to you our
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supervisor julie christensen (clapping.) just. >> good morning. i think the best time is when we have leadership like our mayor ed lee and our department heads and they're working closely together with nonprofits like c y c and self-help for the elderly and the residents of the community to do good thing for chinatown in district 3 i'm excited bmw this program is a good example of the way city government worked with the nonprofits in the community and we all benefit but especially important that peep brarpt in this program they come to the train an earthquake will happen you know someday there will be a occasion we'll need the information i want everybody in this room to be among those people that know
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what to do that have the supplies and the information they need not only so keeping you informed we know keep ourselves save but be helpful to our neighbors and friends in the community i'm encouraging everybody to participate as a volunteer and an advocate in the neighborhood before i was supervisor i was always asking the city for money and support please give me money for this park or street or for that project it is wonderful as a periphery now to be the giver of these things to the community so i'm very grateful to mayor ed lee and to my colleagues at the board for being so generous this year with chinatown we have money for the nonprofits, we have money for safety we're going to make kearny street safer and our situations near lady shaw safe we have money to
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do do have money for the parks it is a good year for chinatown and district 3 with the budget i'd like to mention it is related to the earthquake safety program we have a project with the fire department and roof deck we'll put free smoke alarms in people's houses you only have to call - sorry.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> yeah, he get excited all that 234u78z very are a free smoke alarm call and basically contact and union contributes will put a free smoke alarm in our house to you and your neighbors will be safer please support in program and please give big thanks to the mayor and the c y c and self-help this is a great program (clapping)
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> first of all, i need to thank you supervisor christensen you know for coming to talk to you today first of all, i want to tell you a story regarding myself you you know a person that touched was prepare this is very important for earthquake i joined the city one day before city earthquake as a service as luke the united nations is a major u.n. loss of the tragedy but i do the training bra i join the city and internet buildings but i helped the other departments how to
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internet and all those those i feel you know this is my duty to help you when there's a major event you need to do it yourselves that's why we put the fund for you know both like the mayor echo with the mayor said the young generation to help and then you know we don't want let me say people with respect and be treating as our angle to help out to reach out to make sure the public know how to prepare themselves during the major event but you know this program takes some time more an year with the mayors and supervisors help my department willing to fund the education we'll do more our
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department efficiently to do outreach before i'd like to ask a person from c y c to come up and say a few words (clapping) >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you thank you tom especially for the department of building inspection to make this possible also especially to the leadership of mayor ed lee and
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sxhieshgsz and all the department heads to make that possible but c y c we're going to launch this in partnership with the rec and park to offer working groups on community festers and have a display at the clubhouse for seniors and residents and business owners to get more prepared for the big earthquake coming in the next thirty years thank you for all the support and the program to be the presenter and outreach to the owns and seniors and residents in chinatown in their own language chinese and interesting and others to reach out we really hope the outreach is extended to the rest of the city thank you, mayor ed lee and
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others to make this possible. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you (clapping.) now i'd like to ask you know
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ann annie choung. >> mayor sxhieshgz may i announces everyday you're coming to the square clubhouse. >> (laughter) this morning i was kind of worried we captain david has been wonderful every time we have to do something major he sends the officers to gentle talk to the folks outside and there's a nice environment but thank you to rec and park i wish they were here to see how both sarah and i from the c y c have been able to work siding with rec and park to bring this for
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the youth and residents in chinatown but today, i want on on behalf of the elderly on behalf of the self-help to ask our seniors today to give a big, big applause to mayor ed lee (clapping)
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speeding i want to announce that
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as of july thanks to tom from dbi and mayor ed lee and supervisor christensen we sarah and myself are going to put on weekly education working groups so the idea starting on july 20th we'll have a class every monday in the afternoon and go around you know and sign up all of the residents and all of the merchant and i sometimes here nonprofits workers our city workers may not be living within walking distance to chinatown and so we really need all the residents no chinatown to be prepared and educated thank you to do police department and department of emergency and rec and park to work on this project together thank you all
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(clapping.) >> okay. before i end the presentation also i would you know repeat again to people here the mayor that leads here a sxhieshgsz is here and the fire chief kings and the department of emergency and ann is here also bob that rec and park and, of course, everybody you know captain lazzaro is here and also i want to mention about. >> (repeated.) >> the constitution of the united states. choung from david chiu office our supervisor is our senator and assemblyman sorry and thanks to everybody coming to join us and stay over to go
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through a demonstration to see how to prepare yourselves for the next major event but this is not only earthquake we are aware of fire you know and other hopefully, you can enjoy and learn quite a bit from this thank you very much (clapping).
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>> good evening and welcome to the wednesday, august 12, 2015, of the san francisco board of appeals presiding officer is commissioner president ann lazarus and she's joined by commissioner vice president honda and commissioner swig and commissioner bobbie wilson to my right is robert bryan the deputy city attorney and will provide the board with legal advice the clerk agreeing election i'm cynthia goldstein the board's executive director we're joined byre