tv Abatement Appeals Board 81915 SFGTV August 23, 2015 9:00pm-9:41pm PDT
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>> it was related about a different topic than the fee. >> it isn't about the million dollars which is significant but it is also about the earlier issue of nov's notd being addressed by property owners and dbi using all the tools in their arsenal to do that. if that procedure is outlined by the deputy dreblter is follow than the property owner will see that and there will be a financial incentive not to let this run. right now there are no significant penalties for just gaming the system. >> okay. deputy i just-please tell me if you do this that we have a tracking system so this time last year we had x amount of nov and this year we
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have- >> we can track that and as far as the 52 dollar assessment fee we implemented that right away and that is being built. some of the penalties when it go tooz order of abatement it goes on the lean cycle so that is being tracked and when there is a notice of violation and don't respond there is a penalties >> to jerry's point i ptd to claim this because i know this is good news, to his point when you do your reports is it something that can be done on a muntly basis or say x amount och months we can give to show we are moving better into the going forward on this and we are- >> we can give the lean cycle amounts built out on the order
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abatements, as far as the outstanding neats i don't think we can track that. we would have to go through avenue wn. if he wants compliance of what is happening with we have tolook to make sure and look at the permit. >> you have to look and say that is correct >> we can take a example maybe 10 or 20 cases. >> you have ideas on this? i want to wrap this up. >> i appreciate the time. [inaudible] are the pts which requested from director hui that showed all that data and there were 10 thousand records in excell so if is easily summarized and you can see whether the fees are collected or not. there isn't a need to do sampling extract or
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report is easily run and somebody needs to do manip ylthz in excell and summarize it and it is just right there. >> right. okay. closing on that point, inspectorhension. >> as a result of the grand jury report all building and plumbing cases received from august 15, 2013, everyone is immediately assess frtd the fee back to when the original notice of violation was issued. any case after august 15, 2013, we can account there is a monitoring fee every month from the first time it was issued until the
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department signed off. >> whether we collect it or not we are doing our job, right? >> anyone that dozen pay it goes on the property tax. >> it is out of our hands. >> it is on the property one way or the other. >> at some point i would like to see a state of the union where we are now from where we are 2 years ago and something we can talk off line or have a item we can bring back. >> i'll provide information you like. [inaudible] >> i just want to see if it is big deal and set a time month or 2 months from now or whatever. >> most och the tracking is on excell so may be able to do it quick. >> let me know and if it is something we can put together we'll have it for the next meeting. i would like
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to state of the union because we are working hard but what are the results? >> a lot of times permits are being filed and do take time. some are stuck in planning and some are being performed now. as far as resolution of notice of violation. >> i know everyone is doing their job. thank you. commissioner mar. >> this is related but not the same point is the question of the cbo's because i raise td before. the 3 million that we give to support service do a lot of education work. one of my main questions because this might be on a general topic is that i feel that the cbo's are getting more property
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under their purview because of the things the mayors office of housing is doing privateatizing the properties. my point is we don't get as much regular reports from the cbo for subcontracts as i would like since we pay them 3 million dollars. it would be nice in the future to say what are we getting for that 3 million dollars in terms of the same heat we put on staff in the divisions to tell us what they are doing with code enforcement and stuff. there is that and the other question i have which is more direct and reason i didn't put it on the agenda is because their contracts are not up. i want to know when are the cbo's going out? i believe it is yearly but we are still far out. do you know off hand when
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they rfp's go out? >> i don't know that but included in the 3 million dollars there will be a rfp going out shortly because there is new funding for seismic safety outreach but standard outreach and sro, i donot. i can follow up >> the next meeting will be great. thank you. >> item 9, discussion on project tracking system. >> good morning henry bartry
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and with department of technology and project manager for accela implementation. the status you receive brings us to date. on the configuration and testing front which is the functionality of the system, we have 53 critical and high. those are severity 1 and 2 and needs to be fixed for go live. this number is plux waiting and have 22 items that are closed out since i was last here on the list. right now we do have a request to excell to get more resources and support this activity because the list has grown and know as we go through the sim ylshs there will be more items on
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the list so want to-we know we are at a deficit for staff to handle the items so that is a key item we are work to mitigate that risk. on data migration, we have 54 items remaining that are going through the fixed and qa cycle and this continue and wrap up in september. there is work there but it is within the resources we have allocated to it to stay on the time line. on the reporting fronts we have reports developed by [inaudible] and another set developed by dbimis staff. on that we have 14 accepted othf accela reports and 27 going through uat and then 19 in development qa from the accela side. the dbimis team, the 72 on their plate we havetony accept squd 24 in uat which means the user
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are looking at them, 19 in development and 17 queued to start development. on this particular aspect we added a new resource in the team 2 weeks ago, a full time hire and wilson and work wg hr staff to supplement the staff and add resources to get more reports developed at a greater rate. as i mentioned earlier we started yesterday. yesterday we have 10 scenarios we are going through and [inaudible] is going from started yesterday and go through close of business friday. we have 11 scenarios are first we did yesterday was one of the most complex which is site permit. the way these are organized is we have representatives from all the decisions in dbi in the room so we simulate the flow and hand
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off between the department squz the planning department is there because they play a key role so we ran through that simulation starting with someone walking into the door and getting the intake of the site permit, handing to planning and going through the planning cycle and then proceeding to issuing site permit squz addendum and inspections against those items and resulting of the inspections and getting a certificate of completion. we went through that yesterday. we had items raised and had no items blocked our progress getting through that scenario. the room is filled again today going through the 2 more scenarios and more this afternoon. we are doing that each day this week. as we said, the second bullet
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point, the go lifen date, when weget through the second rountd which is the first full weekf october thereat is the point director hui and his team can set a go live date. under concerns we did talk to you last time about issues we have with av test which is our internal name for the test plat form where we do testing with the users and we had issues with performance and availability. that had up until yesterday had been improving however yesterday we did experience a outage in the plat form in the middle orf our morning session with our end to end testers where the system started degrading and after 15 minutes we couldn't access the platform. it took 2 and a half hour tooz resauvl it so we had to counsel the morning session and resume in the afternoon. i still don't have the full root cause report
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back from accela but the early information is it was a router and fire wall issue within their equipment but they work would the vend toor get resolve squd it was very very bad timeting that occurred whether we were in the middle of testing and we are trying to build crfds in the users and showing a clean run through the test. the second bullet is unchanged from last time where we talked generally about ability and performance and customer support of accela team. 2 weeks after we met with you we did have a meeting with accela with their chief technology officer, their head of west coast data center which is where dbi and planning is hosted and the customer service
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met with us and had a very candid and frank [inaudible] as well as what are they doing to make sure capacity of dbi when we go live is planned for and accounted for in their infrastructure. it was a very positive meeting that they were very candid and owning to the issues we have seen and they have work to do in terms of their customer service pross and responsiveness so we are looking forward to seeing evidence of those things taking place and working with them further to make sure that we see the kind of performance and stability the city dissevers for their money. with that i'm happy to take questions.
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>> commissioner mar >> i'm sure it is already here but have to ask it, still there is no go live date but it will come in october? >> octis when the date is decided. the first week of october is when we'll have enough of the results that we can go back todbi and say we have the evidence and backing of the managers to say the system is ready to support the business of dbi. >> my memory may be fuzzy but being in the meetings i thought it was going tobe in august when would decide when the go live date was. >> it is just a point of information because somebody pointed out to me during the break we are approaching the 5 year anniversary of when we started this thing and if accela was a
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building the owner would be jumping up and down on the contractor right now. i know we want to do it right and think we have been very patient about making it right but wanted to say that i think people are still waiting for it. >> i'll go easier on you henry, i know you are doing everything you can and go all the dates are moved and sounds like a broken record up here. my concern is make sure good afternoon, i wo
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tacall to order the regular meeting of san francisco public utilities commission. today is tuesday august 11, 2015. roll call, please >> president cane, here. commissioner courtney, here. commissioner kwon, here. commissioner moran, here. commissioner [inaudible] . >> before you you have the minutes of july 28, 2015. any
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corrections? any public comment on the minutes? seeing none i'll call fl vote. all in favor? opposed? the motion carries. at this time i'm going to call for the public comments of any item not on todays agenda. have any speakers today? okay, moving on to the next item >> item 5 is communications. >> commissioners any comments? i do have one speaker on item 5 d. christine hanson. could you come forward, please? >> i have 2. good afternoon commissioners. my name is christine hanson and i'm speaking to you today as a
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member of the save ccsf coalition. i would thrike address the real estate service report of the attempt of [inaudible] along where the mayors office to [inaudible] housing development at the bal bola reservoir. it is claimed on one end by the sfpuc and on the onet end city college is in deed still one parcel. the u.s. and history has been intertwined between ccsf and the water department for decades rchlt i document written by joans and stokes entitled common sequa mistakes [inaudible] to declare a parking lot full of car suhr plus is to [inaudible] with the common sequa mistake. when trying to assess the needs of the nearest neighbor, ccsf, you're dealing now with the changing state imposed
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administration that sspuc is resting on the word of public officials who guven the school when no public input was allowed. the current board of trustee meet rgz not video taped or broadcats to the community. how can you know the impacts of housing will be on the school. another common sequa mistake noted by jones and stokes is failure to account for past, present and for seeable projects. this is a perfect discrepgz of performing arts center slate frd the riz vore that the school has spent 22 million dollars in preparation to brildbuild. no mention of the project exists in the planning dwuments thus far. that project replaces the school odd torium raised in 195 saechb to build the current reservoir. as i said, city college and
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sfpuc are instwineed on the rez ver. the history is entwined and now the state of city college is grim and to base your development on the word of public officials that are not necessarily a part of the college community is messy. thank you. >> thank you, very much. any other comments from general public? seeing none, the next item is other commission business. >> other commission business. adoption of resolution and supportf nominationf kathleen tiegs as president of association of california water agency for the 2016, 17 term
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>> acwa is the industry association for public water agencies in california. in the last couple decades it started out as a aggregate district agency over the last several decades it has done a good job i think och representing the state more evenly. it has also done a good job of trying to address californias major issues in a thoughtful and methodical and balanced way. it is the tradition to have the president of the board alter nailt between northern and southern california. the current term the president is john colman from east bay mud and in the next term it would naturally fall to southern california. kathleen has been active in aqua since 2
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