tv Police Commission 81915 SFGTV August 24, 2015 7:15am-8:36am PDT
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item. >> richard come on up. >> good morning. >> it was wonderful to hear her speaking about the new approach to the chimpanzee implicit if they're trying to use the trail approach what about other animals the only reason i wanted to speak about the which i am does he they're the type of animals they're the prime mates but it's taken a lot of work and the executive staff tried to get the drawings for what is going on at the zoo i michelle have to look at it and see exactly what is going on again my first look at it i looked at the landmark
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provision of the former o chimps and the three houses the one house on top that interconnects how will they combine that preservation the other part when i do a joint sharing be sure that chimneys in the wild have problematic they have the hiv two aids that's not - that's something you have to be cognizant about you've got that interest a lot of animals eating and some africaners have gotten the aids and the hiv from the chimps so the chimps i would recommend you keep an extra
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caution eye on them and if there are to be any new additional that's the big gadsby daddy i thank you very much and great work. >> anyone else that wants to make public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i'd like to ask we call item 8 out of order we have commissioner avalos here he has a busy schedule maybe start with that. >> item 8 the renovations and improvement project. >> good afternoon girgsz nicole
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with the capital distribution with the rec and park i'm pleased to talk about the more born project i will give you a brief history of that very old and slack last year building from then to now the building was built and turn of the last servant by the reed brothers it is a city landmark designated in 1985 the building was occupied from 44 to 89 it was damaged if the loma prieta muni decided to demolish the building and people came together to ask for demolish and came to willie brown in 2004 the rec and park department decided to take the building over from muni
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realizing a real needs for the programming in district 11 also in 2004 the department partnered with muni and it will not fall down in an earthquake between 2007 and 2013 the city provided the friends with funds inform capitals campaign work and provided the ladder they did successfully and a lot of this funding came if commissioner avalos office so thank you commissioner dooley and the friends group is a terrific champion with the funding also actually at this time we've received pro bono from the design the conceptual design for the building as well as legal services from gibson dunn and a variety of pro bono partners that was included in the 2009
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balboa station creating a human being around the station brings economic and community activities to that area where there is not a central gather point let's see so going forward the master plan for the building is to add a level to create cafe space and retail space are litter and design studios to roommate a power hours a 35 feet ceiling with natural light and where we will cool industrial features giving a great vibe the secretary of interior will be applied with a gold building a leaf platinum last year the commission approved an lda with a future lease and mou with the mta that
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allows for our short time and long term access to the building during construction going forward and you approved the schematic design based on design development documentation it is recently completed the costs estimate is $29 million that is proven to be a heavy left for the friends in the city and we decided at this point well, it had a wall at this point we were having trouble getting transaction with funders that couldn't see how to get to the end goal with a $29 million price tag the mayor's office asked us to participate in a study with a wallace grew up from the
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netherlands to figure out how to use it with an economic activity with the building on the other two buildings the old mint and subway station we adding with a two-phase approach with the power house, and, secondly, the office building we actually talked about to the design team and their approach was indeed possible and together the department with the mayor's office of housing and community development and commissioner avalos office felt the approach was the strongest way to cultivate the building and provide a community asset by funderers they'll see it thriving and creating the energy if needs it right there. >> so going forward this project will be a coalition
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between our 3 departments city will oversee the development part of excuse me. the office of economic workforce development neighborhood asset activation program that will require the termination of the lda with the friends rather than wait for the schedule reaching the deadlines suggested they have to raise the funds by the ends of 2017 we agreed if the best interests of the project to terminate the agreement to move forward with the power house separate the friends will continue to participate in the development of programming in the power house power house design is essential scaled down version of the power house stop sign it is in the masters plan but all the
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improvements at this time will be used in the master plan not building mission bay anything and tearing it down which is terrific and stabilization and landscape improvements and restored windows and mechanic and electrical systems and floors with heating a carter area and office with events in and our organization schizophrenia use it the planning department determined this power house will have no event effect on the ceqa fbdz and the mart plan ceqa in 2013 and that plan will not change that. >> this is just a rendering of the outside of the building this is a render what the inside of the building will look like
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to complete the power house project we need a different set of construction documentation although some of the work can be used for the master and also so the additional cd which will require an additional $300,000 plus is fully funded by mayor's office 3 hundred through the neighborhood activation program and hundred and 75 through rec and park that will cover the regulatory fees and adjustments that need to be made because of the shortfall we'll need to adjust the funds we were planning on getting to preliminary cds in the master plan to get us to hundred percent documents we've finished it but needed need to go through the industry process also to add
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the funds to the contract we'll need to add that under this the construction budget for the project is $1.8 million we've identified real source of fuentes that need to be approved but we look forward to bringing those of 3.5 millions that leaves a gap of $3 million i would like to point out this is achieveable this $3 million to find the funds i think that will get us to a building to raise the rest of the funds the good news we have prospective source of few minutes for the $3 million including the tax credits for the trust i'll point out in a moment and the pd
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requests and general fund and private philanthropy there be renewed interests now we're close to making it happen. >> i'd like to spends the rest of the time addressing the questions of the operational models for the building this is important to know that the vision for the building remains unchanged it will have a youth and arts related focus with additional programming for all community members so it will remain a community focused building are luckily the department has an arsenal of tools we'll spends the next three or four models to figure out the best one the strategies the operated models the rec and park will manage that and will require funding and provide permits to community arts and
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organizations examples are harvey milk and dana is here to discuss it if you want to dig deeper this is the nonprofit we do if with a number of building to identify a master tenants and community assess will be assured there the department works are boys and girls club with the ymca as the occupant and sunset for the elderly and hayes valley that has more magic one thing i wanted to bring up the potential role for the cast this is the nonprofits model the american california loans fund a nonprofit constitution that provides resources in real
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estate and financial train to the nonprofits that serve low income contingency it is one of the leads advisors for the market economic strategy and also provides financial train and real estate training to nonprofit and the project management services they have a program which provides services for folks who are displaced or facing displacement and rates given out by a volatile economic market the grants are available through the city from the mayor's office of housing and community development cast an organization that has been opportunity $16 million in funding right now through functions and private funders that purposes spaces for the nonprofits organizations while providing the groups the
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technical system to expand their capacity and manage their facilities and own the buildings and those two organizations have building and expressed interest in working with us to find the appropriate partner that is ready for the power house the following is a list of organizations in addition to a number of organizations in the pipeline those are organizations that have indicated to supervisor avalos office they're interested in either the power house specifically or expanding their services in or into district 11 so there is a real needs out there briefly a construction schedule assuming we have the funding by next year will look like the following we'll get through cities we're about to get through city design reviews for the power house by next month
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and look to secure funding by july 2016 we would create the cds and go through the city reviews it through now and february and september and hopefully start construction in october of 2016 this is aggressive but we believe that is an achieveable goal identification of the appropriate model and partner will it took place simultaneously so we have the right partner in place and if this partner brings funding to the table we'll identify them at this point we'll secure the funding to begin construction on schedule that concludes my presentation. thank you. >> thank you. >> public comment. >> public comment. >> i would ask supervisor
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avalos. >> thank you commissioner president buell and commissioners, thank you for hearing this item and the changes that are being proposed to agreement that we've all right approved between the commission and the board of supervisors for this project we want to thank nicole for her many, many years of working on this project she was the director of the rec and park department working with directly with the friends for the geneva carbarn office building i said to thank my legislative aide and work with the community and the city departments to make sure we can figure out a plan on how we can actually do the fundraising for this project the friends group is a very, very challenging from the community side to be the sole responsibility for raising the money for the whole project for
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$25 million it is a large task to take on we're seeing in district 11 while there is all kinds of development and money flowing into san francisco we don't have the kinds of development in district 11 that enabling the communities groups to assess the few minutes that are related to part of the development we've had a large number of people all across the district to work together to get the attention like the area around santa fe and give me that carbarn the intersection we've been making sure that the rec and park can build housing on the upper yard was the management of the municipal transportation agency but now under the mayor's office of housing and community development we're building a new neighborhood at the intersection
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4 has been an industrial area now we're building new building for housing area commercial space and actually augmenting services there and what is available for neighborhood facilities with the carbarn wear meeting together all the different neighborhoods of district 11 and creating apace that is a more neighborhood fortunately not had that kind of feel in the history of this area this project is very, very meaningful to make sure we move forward to support this kind of development and changes that is really going to make a whole new neighborhood that didn't exist in this side of san francisco we have a project with many, many changes and a lot of people focused to make sure it moves forward despite how difficult to raise the money now we have the attention of the rec and park that's been involved as well as
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is the office of economic workforce development and outside groups like cast we have the configuration that can actually moved on the project we have a faith approach that is really going to make a huge difference we can activate the space early on and do twaes once we've demonstrated the support from the board of supervisors here at the board we've had voted with aid and darling that has done work we voted unanimously to support 24 going forward i hope you can see so and so changes back to resolving the l lda and go forward with the contract and forward the current plan is really what is going to make a difference i hope to have your support in this. >> thank you, supervisor. >> okay rochelle and then leah
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how do you say your name leona helmsley. >> and reed. >> i said rochelle first. >> good morning. i'm rochelle the director of the public and private partners for the san francisco arts examination and happy to be here to speak in support of the companies much of what you've heard has been stolen since 2013, the department works with other nonprofits to depth the strategies to help to mitigate the service organizations in san francisco those organizations many of whom have significant contracts with the city and contribute to vital public services that help to design communities are challenged by the real estate forces and through the marries and recommendations that came out of that group the program was
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launched through an allocation from the board of supervisors 2 point plus million dollars went to the mayor's office of housing and community development and thanks to commissioner avalos proposal an additional $2 million to the art commissions to serve arts organizations approximately 50 organizations have received financial or technical assistance there is clearly a needs for nonprofit art spaces throughout to he and this for for shared space and collaborative solutions given could provide an art organization serving the public and the arts commission has been working closely with the stabilization and a grant from the national endowment for the arts wear working on a mapping
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project that includes sites and we're certainly including the geneva carbarn in this picture we plan to continue working with the rec and park department and oewd and district 11 supervisors office to see how the building can evolve to support a arts questions or comments thank you for your time today. >> thank you. >> (calling names). >> i'm curious. >> it's - >> i'm a senior real estate consulate at northern california community loan few minutes everywhere been working in partnership with the city for 15 years for nonprofits to manage they're releasing niece and in this particular case with the carbarn and is condition of the building as it stands question, help pit together we have a
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pipeline of 17 different arts organizations that can use the building we're helping them to get real estate ready to take on a project of this size so i like to say wear in support of this kind project we really want to work with buildings that are outside of the private sector so arts organizations and also when you see a lot of consists going on it is in this math it is because we have laugh nonprofits in private buildings and buildings like this is the kinds we like to see and have a second stock of buildings that are serving nonprofits thank you. >> thank you. >> reed. >> hello thank you for the opportunity to speak today my name is reed i'm the executive director of youth art
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exchange we're one of the art based organized that is based in district 11 i'm a member of the excelsior collaborative it is a group of over 20 organizations focused on community vital and youth education there's a letter in support of having a great human being like this within the neighborhood i'll talk about my organization the arts exchange we have been around for 15 years this year and most of the time has been spent in the excelsior we work with public high school students and pair them in the classroom with professional practicing artists all the students are public high school students primarily low income students and students of color we want our students to interact with san francisco as a whole and we have really focused on
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doing projects throughout the community there's a human being to draw people in this is exist to think about bringing people into the community and one of the things to note is that we have worked with companies that about our space niece when we started all the programming was in the community and operated in the community now we're all over the city because of the need to have affordable art space in the neighborhood we really excited by this project moving forward and hope to be one of the organizations that use this and our students and families have access thank you. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else that wanted to come on up. >> my name is rosalina principle at dine we've been working think on this project since 2009 and in spits
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and spurts the team a excited about this phase it is amazing the building itself has two sprat pieces that phase it this first phase is providing revitalization from the streets and really provides a space for the communities an early phase thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. dan. >> okay. >> good morning, commissioners uaw kin with the office of economic workforce development i think with the mayor ed lee initiative we're very excited to see the items move forward for the reasons if some many of the speakers you'll hear horizontal from our community members that are here for this vision to
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revitalize and activate it city it is particular and necessary need to the activated area of the southern part of san francisco we really want is to see this vacant, westbound activated we think due to the critical approach in partnership we have among the city partners this is a way to do it in a responsible fashion to make sure we see kids and adults enjoying this space of a skip and jump away from the balboa park station. >> 3 months ago basically no plan this opportunity and approach helps us to get the space moving forward the community is very, very excited about and the approach we're taking among the partners is something that is also been enabled by the virtual of the
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mayors cultivation program that will enable us to realize some go is important one this is activates and the automation approach will provide a great example across the city for underutilized community assets like the given carbarn we're committed to working with the community and we're committed and letting you know how we are making progress at the carbarn we know through the activation program we look forward to your support thank you for your time. >> dan. >> morning i'm dan weaver the board chair of the friends of geneva office building and power house using a formal name i want
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to say a few words of the importance of this building and project to the surrounding communities primarily the excelsior and the bmi that used to be messy every time we divide the districts but let me say recent information shows that 50 percent or more the residents of the surrounding communities the excelsior particularly are immigrants where ene english is not the first language that there is enough for most people to know this is a challenge for the children and youth as they group not knowing english i think so that thirty percent of the immigrants that live around the building in the excelsior which i have the data
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for are, in fact, legal immigrants a huge challenge as a number of people pointed out no place in the district or no proper place to have after-school programs and that's the other part of the challenge not like when we have we've got a wealth of choices andness will distancing pointing out this this is the challenge we have in 1999 we said okay. we saved the building now what do we do it become clear the number of children and youth in district 11 was high the highest level in san francisco of all the districts. >> so let me say 16 years later this is a better approach this is the way in which we can hopefully move forward and show private funders the city is serious about taking did leads with the resources and getting
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this done thank you. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else that wants to make public comment on this item. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner vice president low. >> so i still trying to figure out what we're being asked for so the first step is to determine the l e w a. >> that's correct. >> is if documented and we have a termination agreement drafted by the city attorney that would be fine and actually has to go to the board of supervisors. >> once the lda is termed the rec and park department steps in to take over the role of i guess this initial part of the phase one. >> correct we have been actually taking over we've been the project manager on the
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design working with darling to date we'll continue in that role and are we at this time we don't have a deforgiven program with the actual users; right? there is ideas of bart's groups and community organizations, youth - walk through the process how that comes together. >> commissioner this is an asset that belongs to the rec and park department. >> uh-huh. >> there the l d b.a. we've designated through the programming responsibility to the friends of the carbarn in a long term lease and provided that they met certain fund prairgz we're going to change
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the model for the funding and take on a smaller piece of this building it is basically like any other sort of clubhouse although it is worse unhabitual but we're drooeg going to try to fidget a strategy to renovate and program this feels a little bit like a deck eerie was going to be my own comments because i see here the project is incredibly important to a neighborhood with a number of partners and programming flexibility i think my sense given the need no district 11 the eater pact forward will be with a nonprofit participate whether there nc c l r - f i'm sorry helping us identify a partner or
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any of that long list of communities groups that has expressed to supervisor avalos a needs for nonprofit space so i think in some respect this project has goggles simpler we are candid about the fact that are money to identify join that the programming piece is frankly not our biggest challenge that is a simple element we'll ends up with whether a master tenant lease occupied by 2 thousand square feet about 2 thousand square feet to do what they do. >> i get does d-11 plus i'm trying to figure out the strategy to bring together all of those potential users so - what's the strategy to brings together. >> i think again there are a
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couple of different strategies one would be to identify himself to work with lc cf and have them serve as the broker for a single multiple of arts that could use the desk or boo deckerer with the boys and girls club but the boys and girls club we have the ymca and others community-based organizations and frankly rec and park does programming the third strategy simply to do what we've done to identify the community-based relevant partners in the space to partner with us and lease the space and to program it when we do that we still work with that partner to make sure there is community assess for the parties and community meetings. >> so either of those 3
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strategies what is the - what is - is it running concurrent. >> yeah. a conversation and you know we're still in conversation with the nc c l f and are pursuing the casts partner because interests pooshl with investment in this you know capital investment in if this space we have time to figure out and there's a lot of need and deferring groups that fit our programming vision over the times that will take to work through the process and identify other financial resources we need to commence construction i think we'll have the time to figure that out and work closely with supervisor avalos and the office of economic workforce development. >> the schematic design we're being asked to approve is only
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the phase one power house which was on the slide. >> thaishg the master plan has been approved. >> the sole source and then the real approving 4 hundred and 75 thousands of additional architecture fees to department the construction documents that looks like base buildings. >> it is actually 3 hundred and 70 thousand arrest the mayor's office gave up money that includes permits and regulatory. >> it is really what we're being asked $375,000 for additional architecture fees to go from maybe the architect design elements documents to construction elements. >> correct. >> only for the base building. >> only the base power house.
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>> so the work is being approved can be utilized but we have additional - a different program or deft communities organization that wants to use the space that work can be reused in terms of we're trying to avoid something done trice. >> to answer our question the space is not being designed for a specific partner the - this is now going to be flexible open space that is can be programmed with a variety of partners it is basically a building hop a nice one. >> so we're just taking this to a soft shell. >> well, to be clear the construction documents we want to finish building yeah, he think we're going to ends up with a space that's programable i don't know what you mean. >> it will be occupyable if a
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tenant couples as a arts organization or a dance group wants to add a reliefable floor they can come in and do improvements it will useable. >> we're not approving construction at this time correct this is only for that of the architecture contract. >> correct. >> no construction contract. >> no. >> okay. >> commissioner bonilla. >> yeah. i think commissioner vice president lows questions are critical but i imagine that we will have ample time the communities and the commission will have ample time to really talk about all of users potential users of the cow barn
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and the what will be at the end of the day what will be the operational model i don't think we're really here to discuss all - to discuss the model specifically because i think there is a lot that goes into making a determination of which would be the most efficient way to operate that particular asset so the only thing i really wanted to comment on is that i live in district 11 and i drive to work everyday through that intersection
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to and from every day oftentimes i ask myself when are we going to move forward with that project. >> and i don't only ask myself that because there are many residents that know that i live in the district that i am asked which is something going to be done with that facility i'm really fwlalgdz by the fact we have a people we finally have come up with a vehicle that will enable us to move forward with doing something with that facility i really think that something has to be done demolishing it is not an option
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and the - i think having lived in district 11, 25 years now and having been involved in the cuomo the communities of the mission - i've forgotten the acronym but i actually did some of my first work in the city was to do block club organizing and we went to the - house-to-house talking to neighbors how to bring in more resources into the outer mission over the
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years since i have been not only helping i mean been involved in that capacity and been a resident i think i can say without question we really do not have informational point in the excelsior whereby residents nonprofits, seniors, different organizations businesses could really coalesce and be engaged in really making the neighborhoods better so i can really i feel really strongly about moving forward with this project and when the time comes i would like to make the motion to support going forward. >> thank you and i will add that
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if this project is approved this approach we'll hit the ground running to think about the programming partners and models and spend the next 12 months doing that. >> commissioner mcdonnell. >> thank you commissioner president buell. >> a couple of things and a comment i'm clear on the design elements basic building and making that habitable but the question for you and the general manager and i get there are a number of programming with that said, what's the funding formula for whatever lands in this space. >> essentially if it is a nonprofit model the nonprofits will pay rents for the space offset by the rent accuracy for any potential improvements that
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the partner decides to want to do or need to side obviously subject to a lease negotiation but no different than the relationships we have many of our clubhouses with community partners those are clubhouses have not been revenue janitors there about broadening our reach and offering a program breath and capita in the way we don't have the resources interests another model if that go fails through rec and park could manage the space frankly, we're more of a program partner and not driver in that space there is too much community needs and community programming in the district and i think that would be the most likely path forward. >> and latest appreciate this
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new phase approach a smaller lift but $3 million is not significant can you talk about the strategies for the fundraising. >> show your there are historic preservation commission tax credits it was fattens and phase two were approved by the rec and park service this is one avenue that has been complicated we're no longer signing a lease with the friends we'll have to pursue another oaths but you 20 percent and many soft pockets that's approximately $1.2 million of a $6 million and many soft cut budgets interests cast that has received actually $16 million in funding they've recently invested 5 millions in two buildings the luggage store was
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one that was to help stabilize to buy the building and stabilize they're releasing. >> why not put up the slides. >> sure. >> no there we go. >> there would be general funds asked from the department and next year's city budgets, there's the opportunities to pursue a number of city sources a funding from the general fund we do believe that an operator might bring tenant consortiums i feel a number of organizations that have capital finland's in their account to invest in a building such as ours we've received to foundation the goldsmith that committed funds
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and a a number of companies that indicated a willingness seeing more achieveable the 26 millions a big lift to the foundations and a pipeline of folks those companies will have been cultivating. >> that's united states summary. >> i appreciate that one final follow-up if we have a sense it maybe hard it is the project programs of those prospects how much in the percentage or is necessary to get started. >> we've identified the construction shortages is about 3 a little bit more than 3 so that's what we need. >> but you know we feel like
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we've gotten 3 and a half again, this is you know the this engineer that could this is the little building that could we've gotten from a vision from to big of a fund-raising lifts to a project that gets necessary activation in the space and hopefully spark some point the large project we want to start small you know this is are still a reach but it is more researchable reach. >> sure thank you. >> a quick comment echoing what commissioner bonilla said my youth grouping in the fillmore and right at the corner of fillmore and turf is a building that is unhabitual and it's my teen years catching balboa park so it is exist to see this particular building this is
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light in the building thank you, thank you for getting us to this point. >> commissioner vice president low. >> i just times it is like i said, we have the money to pay for the architecture fees to help at least depict what is going to be built to the basement that at least makes a portion of the, however, hours habitual we know who the users are we don't know at this time we don't have the money to build it but since overwhelm in the real estate industry i'm not a surprised i think so it is good real estate and if we start the process this will came into together so i defer to commissioner bonilla to make the motion to approve this. >> so let me say before i ask
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commissioner bonilla to do that that i've twice toured this building and had interest in that i once went to a quasi meeting with the funders to see the presentation and i must say i agree with the general manager the undertaking was so big and required some vision i don't think there is a lack of support in the philanthropic community but a lack of getting their hands arm the size and scope of the project i do believe this first step in doing sometimes that demonstrates this potential will go a way it is not questionable the real estate is getting more extensive and providing space in this city for
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nonprofits it profitable i'll encourage my colleagues to support that thank you sxoil. >> i'd like to make the motion to approve staff's recommendation for the geneva carbarn improvement project. >> >> >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> so moved. >> and thank you one and all. >> we're going back to item 7 the cleans parks bond the second issuance. >> commissioners good morning dawn director of planning and capital management i'm briefly walk through the same presentation that was delivered to capital
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committee we're reaching an important milestone in the clean and safe parks bond arrest the totals value of the bonds we've been making process going through the bond at this point it includes neighborhoods specific projects we specifically named for a total value of a hundred and 60 millions roughly about 97 millions for specifically called out neighborhood parks and another $40 million for citywide programs and other million dollars for the golden gate and park merced this is shared with the port of san francisco that have been 34.5 millions allocated one of the things i think we've
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done a good job in the 2008 bond we've continued to the 2012 is leveraging bond funds against others bopped sources tony our grants person along with lisa with the partnership team have done a great job with the steering wheel to manage and leverage the 7 and a half million dollars against the same projects that is a good ratio we'll to continue to pursue those funding sources as we move forward we've had a sale of 53.2 thoilz that funded the disdain design the fattens with the projects in line we're actually moving forward with the instead kind of parade with approval for your approval and when our intent to finish the detail
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design and move into construction the second $30 million is going to fund the first year the design for the second batch of neighborhood programs that includes the recreation playground and george christopher and others we'll move forward with completing the design for those projects in the next year and come back hopefully, a year from now for a third and final sale worth 75 plus million dollars that then funds construction an everything and we'll spend the funds down to deliver the remainder of the neighborhood projects this dwraf shows the suspending of the first sale $53 million bhaepz most of spending in the projects to construction even though right now if we look at a
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snapshot only 14 millions over the next month's it burglary go up as we condition to complete constructions and get gilman and start the construction in mountain park and sunsets is around the corner the bid that be submitted and the minding is set up when we have the cash in hand for october the next thing to put balboa pool out to bid we're making steady improvement we think continue to move ahead some projects ahead and some behind we've detailed the schedule making conscious choices to in some cases not ruin every third graders summer because of the permitting and closer and in order for us to go
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out with the extraordinarily design services our the president to have all the neighborhoods park projects pled by november 2018 when we are supposed to go for the next general obligation bonds on the safety will deliver us exception of margret hayworth this is our scenario in the next 3 months umbrella have more information whether or not we can move forward with a shorter schedule. >> just some additional milestones we've completed the task force and hope to start design for the playgrounds pier one programs in january and come back in september, october next year by analyzed both our project management and we also want to host i should say run
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there are $12 million set aside for the 2012 bonds with $6 million for a kind of more standards cf small programs for projects $500,000 and under but another 6 millions set aside for larger projects set up for more leveraging and require more sophisticated preparation in terms of ceqa we hope to get that round of projects at least start the evaluation of those projects in the spring we continue to work alcohols with the puc to obtain grants into their quart conservatism that matches you're our bonds and reached a negotiation with the mclaren park how they want to start the first round of spending and look to start a larger vision zero with the
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mclaren park in spring we've managed to with the beach and the plays hills dan will be 3 in the spring the first time in a decade really to take on some larger golden gate park to the habitat is something we've committed to and many other partners we'll commence in the spring and this bond sale will help to fund all the projects. >> so after today hopefully with your approval go to the board of supervisors actually first capital planning in september to get their recommendations for the second sale and hope to be at the board in october and have cash in hand by the end of the month that's our goal i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you do we have any any public comment on this item?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. >> entertain a motion. >> so moved. >> >> there is a motion and a second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> so moved. >> items 8 and 9 off calendars next james weldon johnson square shadows impact on golf street. >> thank you good morning, commissioners item before you today is the items the project at 950 combrofl that casts a shadow an jackson squawk this created the sunlight ordinance planning code section 295 and have the combines for this action a memo from 1989 that provides guidance
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for thresholds and independence some is shadow limitations on certain parks this image show us the james weldon johnson square park and golf directly across the street if the golf street from the park this is the building design it has 95 units 11 are onsite affordable units a 10 thousand 43 square feet church the new sites for the lutheran church that was located before it burnt down in 1995 there will be a 61 car parking garage located under i believe will underneath the building sorry and the environmental impact was implemented in june 2015 this is an image of jeksz park that is sclapdz with grassy fields with
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dog areas there say is pathways that crisscross the park the new shadows kaftdz will be in the first few hours goes through the year this is directly next to the park generally in the same shadow in the same location as the original building the st. paul lutheran church on average about two hours in the morning larger size of the shadow is 46 thousand square feet that's cast on the summer sole test on june 21st it is cast other than the earner side of the park and it koofrz some of the pathway and some of the lawn space guidance we received from the 1989 memo for parks that are greater than two acres that one is 5 point 61 acres a shadow
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load to permissible this park is shadowed only on 1.6 percent this project will increase the shadow by .5.569 percent the threshold and this is the day of and moment of maximum impacts the blue shadow is the new shadow that cast by this project the yellow area from a mask reduction from the that went on during the design phase a little bit less than the project was had been designed here is it is day of maximum shadow shadows from 648 throughout the park here at 7:30 and 744 and 8 o'clock and 815
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and here almost 9 o'clock gone from the park it is completely begun did i 948 for the project pipeline there's one other project that is coming down the line 807 it is a little bit favorite away from the park has a minimal impact on the park that as a 2 point zero impact it increases it is in design phases not received a complete shadow analysis i don't know it will be coming before the commission i imagine in about a year. >> the developer and the project manager project sponsor has a number of community benefits and stacey the st. paul
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church has 11 onsite units of below market rate and the project sponsor and the church have worked with the firstborns of genetic square and is alliance to endow for the park it will assess the golf homeowners association 15 per month and the project sponsor will match any contribution that the friends of james weldon johnson square raise up to $50,000 for the first two years pardon entered into a memorandum of understanding with the park alliance and is friends of james weldon johnson square to commemorate this demons and it will a last for 50 years the project sponsor received 62 signatures into the neighborhoods supporting the project i'm joined by the planning department staff and
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the project sponsor if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> for some plane my ipad the technological ability to pull up do you have a copy of the resolution thanks. >> so public comment i'm going to quickly reads off the names (calling names). >> unifying have 3 minutes each to speak on this item can be in any order. >> good morning i'm brad with the korea one the co-sponsors of the project just to reiterate what stacey said the projects 95 unit project 10 thousand square feet of space for the church
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and a 61 space parking garage this project replaces the original historic church that burnt down in 1995 church was originally built in 11894 through the process we've reached out to the community which includes a preapplication meeting hosted by the planning department staff we have about 20 people show up for that. >> we've also reached out to the folks at 951 eddy street a senior housing facility right hidden our site we've also reached out to the chinese-american international school which is south we've also
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organized with 1090 and 1080 eddy street and we've may be seated with the cathedral hill neighbors association as stacey said we have over 50 signatures of support through this process we've worked with the friends of james weldon johnson square park and the san francisco parks alliance to crafts africa mou that will encourage quarterly clears up of the park we've delivered a park support funds that assess homeowners starting at 15 there's a month and then continue for a term of 50 years so this in addition to increased public safety for the park we appreciate your support.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is chandler white i've been a residence of san francisco since 197 of a my part time i felt the heat if the church being burnt there was a garden now looks like a big old tooth cavity i would love and support this completely mr. beginnings berries staff said you can use that is that as a putting green 24 makes the
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cavity look worse but we need to bring up the foot traffic the weddings and the other functions we've received and it is just a wonderful location i fwresht our support for this i love this city i had a opportunities to retire if north carolina i wouldn't leave san francisco so i appreciate your consideration thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker >> commissioners i'm dan the pastor at sfaupz lutheran church sfaupz has been serving san francisco for almost one hundred 60 years 1867 across the street from jefferson park since the
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iconic church building burnt in 1995 in some ways the church has been a custodian from jefferson park i'm not sure when jefferson park was establishes or names but st. paul has a corner on the place literally and figuratively we have cards for the park and been part of its activity for those hundred years in which the church building stood unfortunately, the church building burned our congregation moved into the school next door but conditioning concern for and care for the park has continued
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loss of the building was extraordinary proposition and ironic that even though it was a devastating loss it was a plus for the park because there was a rather significance shadow also that of eliminated and now we come back to the commission here and requesting that we be allowed in some a ways to return to the spot all be that with the residential unit as well but the cast the shadow to be cast was much less than the other building important issue for me is that this this or that this park across the street continue in its pristine way encouraged and supported and cultivated and st.
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paul has delivered for those hundred years and want to make sure that it is cared for in a reasonable fashion thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker and just as a reminders this is item is on the shadow impact is if i can make you are comments towards the shadow impact please >> next speaker. >> good morning. i'm tom i'm the residents manager at 1090 eddy street part times in the northeast corner of jefferson square park i come on here to talk about this is not supportive of a shadow impact it is less than one percent this about safety and from 1090 where
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we needed to go we gather the 62 signatures over 90 percent of our taunt 90 percent overwhelming that given that petition i'm going to sign it including the mailman we didn't agree on the exact reason it sign it we need you housing sprets others say that will the is horrible cavity but it is a lot to do with safety park your car at night and you'll have a window broken in the morning we need the eyes and ears if or in that corner that shows as your picture all those wonderful windows the offer looking at the park that will absolutely help with the safety in that area it is less than one percent we have signatures but 90 percent of the
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tenants said they'll sign it on a few said they don't sign petitions i get it i wanted you guys to have a couple of pictures of that northeast corner there is nobody here as you can see there is a big lot of lands and no eyes and ears especially at night and the sacred heart again, a big l of none there at night and even during the day wear so glad the chinese-american students are moving in during the day having the rich kids will help (laughter) just saying lastly i'd like to show you that chandler said that is a cavity the fire department came to the lot over the last weekend they were not there for a picnic i don't know with why there were
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there but someone called them this is a picture of the hole in the fence the church is good at fixing the holes in the fences back to the shadow it is about safety and lastly your own crews have actually said to me that 90 percent the needles the needles the sickens in jefferson park under the page trees diagonal to 1080 please execute them don't have a drug deny. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you very much i'm dustin the music master as st. paul's and since we're focusing on the shadow i'm going to be brief we're excited to get back there
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and hopefully resume the outdoor services and begin to be part of that and we're as the gentleman said earlier excited to bring the people back into the neighborhoods and face the foot traffic for the park and beyond that we are thankfully for your port if helping us moving this project forward and hopefully, the shadow what about improved. >> thank you. >> next speaker >> commissioners and ralph i'm the attorney for st. paul's lutheran schuch thinksable will i i'm advocate i think that is important to understand this project is necessary to the continued services and the presence of st. paul's in san francisco in that naeshdz
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burning the building 20 years was destate of to the communities and destate of in the congregation and since then st. paul's is moovg if temporary to temporary location during its by itself to continue the service in the communities and continue it's presence in the exultance it is sxrooel important to our ability to go forward with stacey st. paul's at that location we have the connective benefit of partnering with the developer who will provide the housing that means building in an envelope that is at the limitations of what the city of san francisco will permit us which means it's necessary to bump that this bit of shadow and once again in the area and not beyond what was there from the
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church steeple previously we need this the fulfill extents and gridlock thank you for your consideration. >> is there anyone else that wants to make public comment. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> seeing no comments we'll entertain a motion. >> >> second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> so moved. >> we're on item 12 general public comment continues from item 4 anyone want to make general public comment that didn't comment under item 4 seeing none, public comment is closed. item 13 is commissioners matters >> this item is designed to allow the commissions to raise issues they believe the commission should address t at future meetings are there any. >> we have a shas
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