tv Building Inspection Commission 81915 SFGTV September 1, 2015 9:00pm-10:46pm PDT
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>> good morning. today is wednesday august 19, 20s 15. this is regular meetding of building inspection commission. i would like to remind everyone to fern off all electronic gises. the first item is roll call. president mccarthy, here. vice president mar, here. commissioner lee, here. commissioner mccray, present. commissioner clinch, here. commissioner mill gar and walker are excused. we have a quorum and the next item is president announcements >> good morning everybody and thank you for attending the august 19, 2015 meeting. i have some comments from president announcements. congratulations to director hui
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and dbi executive team which is finalizing the department plan setting dpoles and [inaudible] join the next current and coming fiscal your. the strategic blan will be post odthen internet as a standing guide for all staff and will help to improve our efficiency and effectiveness as a department. thank you to director hewee and dbi which are party of mayors city wide effort to prepare for impacts from the celebrations tie today the superbowl which will take place laet jan, early november. dbi's role is alert contractors for building projects that may be effected by any superbowl treat closures and other activities that can disrupt building supplies and
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require schedule modifications mptd thank you to inspector alert leonof the electrical inspection division who was helpful in assisting a customer. he gave the customer a care package to follow and helped close the case [inaudible] inspector cristmer greaty who received a letter from a customer thanks him for his assistance rchlt we encourage if you have a good experience to write in and that experience be sknoe. kudos from [inaudible] who received a letter of appreciation for their work and excellent service in the field. finally, special thanks to ron tom and the dbi response cordsination team who are preparing for rehushal operation to enable staff to
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train and improve preparation responsive skills so they are ready for it next big earthquake. dbi employee recognition members met, reviewed nomination jz for dbi's quarter of quarter 2 of 2015 and selected code enforcement daniel hendrix. daniel was nouminated by 2 different dxr bi star for #c3ustmer service skills. for her impress chb skill sets and understanding code enforcement and process. congratuless to danielle and those who nominated her and dii's enforcement team. that conclude my announcements. >> thank you. danielle, would
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you like to come forward? vice president mar has a certificate. >> danielle and on behalf of the commission we would like to thank you for your great work and congratulate you on being elected as employee of the quarter. >> thank you. >> get a photograph there of the nominees. >> for the news letter. >> congratulations. >> thank you. if you want to
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say a few words you more than welcome. >> i just want to say thank you for the recognition, it means a lot to me and every day i just strive to be the best at the department of building inspection. thank you. >> we are happy to have you, thank you so much. >> thank you is there public comment on the presidents announcements? seeing none item 3, general public comment. bic will take pub luck comments on malters within the jurisdiction not part of this ajenlda. seeing none item 4. discussion and possibly action to approve and square in a member of the code advisory committee. appointment recommended is jonathan rod regs seat the exspire [inaudible] reviewed by the nomination subcommittee at r also may consider include robert [inaudible] and
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bill [inaudible] >> commissioner mar doia want to take the lead on this? >> commissioner lee, commissioner mar, you keep quite. there we go. >> nomination subcommittee met i guess about 10 days ago and interviewed all 3 candidates at the committee meeting and each candidate had their own strength and what we appreciate is this coming forward and volunteering their time to be on the committee. we selected jonathan rod rige to be on the committee. we felt that his background and resume was unique as being
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a attorney and working with people in the industry. we felt that characteristic wasn't on the committee and felt that is a good thing to have on the committee so we nominate to appoint jonathan [inaudible] to the seat at large on the members of the cac. >> second. >> is there any commissioners comment regarding that? >> so, if we just do the nomination then we make the comments then, correct? >> is there any public comment on this item? then commissioners discussions, if there is any or we just go ahead and
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vote? >> i just want to echo. i'm excited for you to sit on the city and great qualifications. thank you for serving. >> if there is no pub luck comment we'll do a roll qual call vote on the item. president mccarthy, yes. vice president mar, yes. commissioner lee, yes. commissioner mccray, yes. commissioner melgar is excused. commissioner clinch, yes. that motion carries unanimously. we now accept it. >> if you would like to say a few words. welcome and thank you so much. >> thank you commissioners and i'm very excited about this appointment and very excited about doing everything i can to help out with the code development in san francisco. my resident
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here since 1992 with a family iving in the [inaudible] of the city and i have been in and out of the department of building inspection many times for various reason yz got to know lot of the people there. i'm very eager and excited about actually being part of looking at the code development that is unique to san francisco and beading a leader in code development. i will say that as much as we do, it does have not only benefits but impact state wide and country wide. we look at what we did with the destination based elevator systems in the abo 90 and the hard work we did. i remember writing the first draft and thinking this will take a few munt but there a lot of stake holder squz it bexha california
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building code for the state of california and thipg the rest of the country is looking at that as again a plat form for their code development. we can be leaders and think i'm very excited to be part of the committee and appreciate the appointment. >> thank you. >> [inaudible] i forgot to bring in your oath of office and will have to have you come see me one more time soia can be sworn and get your oath of office. thank you. >> thank you and thank you for committee. excellent choice. >> nest item is item 5. discussion and action to swear in a member of the code advisory committee major contractor seat. appointment recommended by the nomination subcommittee is miking chauv rosales seat to expire [inaudible] eligible applicants by the subcommittee that they also may [inaudible]
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>> at our second meeting as a subcommittee, commissioners we interviewed mr. chavez and he brings to the position of a major project contractor seat just a wealth of experience and background workic with high rises and companies throughout the city and we were excited about his presentation and time with us , so on behalf of the subcommittee we nominate michael chauv vez rks >> i second that. >> any commissioner comment or public comment? >> call the question. >> is dollar there a motion to
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appoint mr. chauv frz the seat. present mu carty, yes, vp mar, yes. [inaudible] the motion carries unanimously. >> mr. chavs if you would like to say a few wurz you are more than welcome and again, excellent choice here on behalf of the committee. >> thank you, i want to thank the commission and dbi for throwing my name in the hat. i have been in san francisco for 21 years. i met my wife here the first day i worked so i fell in love with the city and wanted to call the city home. in my 21 years san francisco main library was the first project i built, asian art museum. i have been with web corp several years and built several high rises in the city y. have been on the back
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side of the code changes and challenges they present so i thought it was exciting to be part of the process reviewing codes and looking to the future. i take great pride in the working reslaigzship i have with dbi. it sex citing to be part oaf the process. part of my job is bring the information back and i'm trying to share and mentor some of our newer talent coming along where wl they are project engineers or superintendents that will live and work in the city to come soime rrb excited to be part of the process. thank you >> thank you and thank you for your future service. >> mr. chavez i'll contact you as well
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about being sworn in. item 6, appeal pursuant to section d.3750-4. appeal by working group [inaudible] represented by zacks and freedman llc. director tom hui's april 24, 2014. pursuant to 17975 of the california health and safety code. discussion and possibly action to adopt written notice of decision and find frgz appeal filed by working dirt llc. note the item was heard by the building inspection commission at july 15, 2015. at that meeting the commission voted to deny the epeal, uphold the director determination of relocation benefits and adopt findings at subsequent meeting. there will be 3
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minutes allowed for presentation by the appellate and the department. >> thank you. >> the appellate. >> good monching again commissioners. i appreciate the time that has gone into this and we reavooed the findings. i want to address the finding that relates to the finding this matter results from defeoffered maintenance from conditions that occurred quite some time ago. it appears from reviewing the departments records these conditions existed for as much as 20 yours and yet the order issued on april 3 or 4 didn't nocontain the necessary information for the landlord and tenants to meaning fully department from the property and handle
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that. the question i have and the owner had is why didn't this happen sooner? why didn't the department not plan for this and why were the amounts not stated in the order issued? the problems we heard about the unfortunate situation the tenant were put in resulted in the 3 week lag between the order isued and the stailt about the relocation benefits issued. the landlord paid thumount they were owed. the tenant believe they were entitled for more and there was a dispute and this could have been avoided on clear [inaudible] within hours of issuing those checks as we heard a lot about, the payment was stopped but the landlord advised the tenants they would dothat and issue new checks which were for more than what the department ordered. in realty the
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sequence doesn't matter, the tenant received what the department ordered they are paid and the prior owner who was responsible for 15-20 years of this happening is off scott free and perhaps that is what the current owner bought and perhaps that is what he or she or they should have expected but from our perspective the owner bought this property in mid-jan applied for permits, the deapartment gave a permit, the owner noticed the tenants to relocate. the owner stepped in and did that on its own. the owner attempt today do everything he could. it merely lacked dweckz from this department. there was no reason why the department couldn't have given that direction and from our perspective the non compliance resulting with the health and safety code could have been avoided and perhaps nothing
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will be done but all we ask is the future the department consider some regulations, the city consider regulations so that landlords and tenant will be better off in this situation in the future. thank you. >> thank you. members of the commission, good morning romary bosky chief housing inspector. i want to commend the commission for a rather extensive hearing on this issue. at the big hearing-i will indicate that early in february the housing inspector assigned to this case, network #re79s of the property ouner handed every notice of violation out standing at the time and walked through the property with them so there was effort on our part early in the process when
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the property owner bault bought the property to answer questions they may have and insure they were well aware of what was going on and at that point in time since there were notice of violation they had the opportunity to see chapsed ceilings. with that we believe with the testimony you received and the staff reports that we submitted that we completely support the findings as they have been indicated to us. thank you. >> is there public comment on this item? commissioner discussion? >> commissioner did you want to say anything? i concur with the report and do concur with regards to the representative from zacks
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freedman. prestigeerally i think we could have handled this better. going forward do we have a more better way of if we have a situation like this again we have a more direct way of itemizing and quantifying these type of expenses that a property owner may incur as policy going forward? >> yes, tom hui department oaf building inspection. as you are a weir this is the first case we have and will work close with the city attorney and knh xh come up with a better procedure. >> we have learned a lot to this and to the credit of the property owners lawyer, if this comes in front
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of us again i will be not as lenient on the department how we get to the the solutions here. i think it is very important we have a written and clear policy and think the report gives us that and want to thank the city attorney for giving this report. other than that it is just a comments looking to the future. >> commissioner mar. >> i would concur with president mccarthy's remarks. the other thing is, i don't think this is the first time we dealt with very long standing problems where the previous landlord chooses to deal with it just by selling the property, so i'm not sure if it is just within the purview of this department. maybe there needs to be stronger legislation or something because unfortunately given the market and what it is, there is
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nothing to stop people from selling a building in any condition. also, some people will buy it under any condition. yes, i think we could have moved better on how long the nov lasted from the previous owner but don't know how to resolve this thing about. we have said to the new owners who come before us, you bought the mov's and should have known when you bought that building you bought the mov's and those tenants in a way. that is the problem. while there were unique things about this case in terms of the scope, i don't think it is that unique for those problems which people sold the mov's because they don't want to deal with it and
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sold the problemwise the tenants because they don't want to deal with it. i don't know if the dbi can deal with that other than the fact we are saying you bought those. you should have known you bought that you inherited it. >> next steps, do we need to vote on-- >> wree voting to adopt-the motion is adopt the proposed findings dating august 19, 2015. is there a motion to adopt the findings? >> i move we adopt the findings. >> is there is a second? >> second. >> there is a motion and a second. do a roll call vote. public comment , sorry. public comment on the findings >> my name is jerry [inaudible]
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when we issued a civil grand jury report on dbi and a findings is some of the dbi divisions didn't collect the fees when [inaudible] i would like taknow if that is remedyed because that is something that would address this problem. thank you. >> thank you. you have been very vaurfbed and had meetings in the past. i would make the argument we are doing a lot better. a lot better. that said, we still have outstanding issues on nov's and collecting the fees. as we find out these problems i think we addressed them very speedily but if you have any other cases that say we are not getting better i'm interested in
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hearing them >> i think the [inaudible] is a solution to the problem once the data is available to the general public and it is-the old saying sun light sadis infectant is true. i think not to be negative, but ones view of acceptable isn't necessarily the same as another persons view. progress is important, but still if we are falling way short of the goal we are still way short of the goal. thank you >> thank you for your comment and to your point and think with our new computer system this should help and look forward to you coming to us and letting us know. >> i look forward to the discussion later in the meeting on accela. >> any other public comment? seeing none, roll call vote on the motion. presidents mccarthy, yes. vp
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mar, yes. commissioner lee, yes. commissioner mccray, yes. commissioner clinch, yes. the motion carries unanimously. item 7, update on dbi policy regarding decks and balcony. >> good morning commissioners, ron tom assistant director of department of building inspecting. last month we were tasked to provide a overview of departments effort to address the issue of balcony and deck safety. the
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balcony failure in [inaudible] decks balconys and other building elements. those includes stairs, [inaudible] despite the cities marine environment. dbi records of the past 5 years show very few ins dochbs deck, balcony and stair failures. the currents permit tracking system doesn't contain a data bis that provides nrfgz on specific building features such as balany decks stairs and fire escapes. we have existing building code sections that require [inaudible] like the projections of wood frame construction. they also require water flow management. if there is a
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impervious that exceedss 200 square feet the drainage has to be taken back towards and into the drainage system of the building. unlike jurisdictions outside the city drain water [inaudible] terminated on a splaush block generally prohibited. we do have a housing code section 6 04 and applies to hotels that have balconys stairs fire escapes [inaudible] and inspected every 5 years. that is the responsibilities of the building owner. under section 604 the owner retained the service of a license general contractor, a license pest control inspector, license architect or civil or structural engineer. those parties have to complete a affidavit and submit
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to the department. the submittal could be done by e-mail and we accept digital signatures. move on to the outreach efforts. we are taking full advant squj plan to take advantage of radio and television interviews, press relaces and other media such as social media. we currently have in our site on the dbi website information sheet number s 10. that is currently available and it is signed by the director and included in this s 10 is the section 604 requirements
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and the compliance affidavit. additionally, we've utilize thd website since very recently and we now feature a website page on deck safety. all is a screen shot. if you click on this, it will take you to the page that specifically needs you-through the elements and content of the inspection of residential balcony and safety and deck safety. contained at the bottom of this page is a link. and that
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link is the 7 on your side hosted by michael finny, very familiar figure in the bay yiria. that is a 2 minute clip and features our director showing how a person even a lay person can begin some of their own inspection by taking a screw driver and doing probing. not just the support elements but the fall protection elements as well because those are exposed and can fail just as much as the deck and structural elements supporting the weight. last june in our news letter we had a feature by director hui and he spoke about deck and balany safety.
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we are also going to feature a letter this month again on the subject of deck and balany safety. the communications group has been reaching out to bomo, san francisco realsters association, san francisco apartment association and small property owners. we also plan to attend community events and partner with code enforcement outreach organizations. what are our next steps? we are going to assess in plan review how to do training for our staff to reach out to people coming in for over the counter permit where they have deck, balcony and stair repairs
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and when those issues come up we want our staff to spend a little time and advice the applicant about not only the obligations but insure also that the details necessarily for water management and water proofing are contained when plans are provided. we want to also open a discussion at the code advisory committee and other submities for code change recommendations. during cochbdo conversion we have inspections conducted by staff. we want to issue the affidavit at that time and make it part of the package. we also want to expand the use of the affdivot when we have a notice of violation we'll include it. when we investigate apartment and hotel complaints we'll
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include it at that point in time and during routine and complaint based inspection, what features we think are applicable we'll provide the affidavit. so, continuing the next steps, we are going to continue our outreach to property owners, contractors and other stakeholders. they include mailing notice reminders to property owners of affidavit requirements. we are start featureing a brown bag where we talk about deck and balcony safety and maintenance. e-mail submitted are available by the property owner and they can e-mail to our department for the affidavit completion and the continuing on the web seat and
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on line outreach sharing with the news letter. we plan to put a nrgz information board on the 5th floor where we had other green building boards but now we are going to provide one for deck and balcony safety. we also hope to develop a powerpoint presentation that will be streamed on all the different floors where we have monitors which we currently show on a rotational basis probably a number of feature of important subject matters like earthquake safety in general. and we'll continue our outreach and partnering with organizations and stakeholders. commissioners are there any questions? >> commissioner mar, we'll start with you. >> i want to thank you for this. i
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think it is important that the department get ahead of these problems, but i have a problem because this deck and balcony has something that we have been dealing with and dealt with it as a nov and in litigation. for example, there was a clearly illegal deck in a neighborhood that i was aware of and the reason we got such heat about it is because the neighbors were calling me complaining about the illegal deck. we did everything we right. we filed the nov and moved it up as quickly as possible to director hearing and it finally got to the city attorneys office which i think is where it still sits. the problem is this illegal deck and unsafe deck which the neighbors didn't know about. the reason they complained is they knew it was built illegally but what they were
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complaining about is this apartment building was rented mainly to callling students so every friday and saturday night this deck was party central so that was the main concern and why i got these phone calls and finally i put heat on our code enforcement and finally the city attorneys office. the bottom line is, it is still there. this is one of these owners. the deck is still there and so august is rolling around where there will be a new host of college students moving into this apartment building and there will be the friday, saturday night goings on again. it is these things where unfortunately with the berkeley situation, if that tradagy didn't happen, that deck would have been probably still there and it would probably still be used and this
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is what is happening with this deck. i know the city attorney is moving on it because i called them on it, they are pushing it and putting as much heat as possible on the property owner financially and all that, but the bottom line is, the deck is still there and if the deck is still there and the young people in the building are attracted to it obviously. i was wondering if there is anything the department can do? it is like the previous discussion about nov, there are intransit owners that's will not deal with the nov so is there a way to say this deck is red tagged andiocannot use this deck? put a ply wood door on the deck because it is unsafe to walk out there. short of that, i don't know how we'll prevent people from
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walking on that deck. we don't have that right now. >> commissioner mar, i really appreciate not only bringing this to our attention but also the concern as a individual. we will all be remiss if anything should happen. in this situation i think first of all in this particular case where it is now perhaps our department can make contact with city attorneys office and get a response and convey our concern about the conditions that can potentially endanger people. injury and death in the wirs case scenario. for future conditions like this, i think what we need to do is insure for the public as well as for the commission that we do everything in a timely fashion.
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what that means is we don't put it under a pile. it takes a priority and moves to the top of the pile and we have continued oversight and high level within the department all the way to the executive level to insure that everything that we legally and administrative processes can do we'll do quickly and hold the and schedule a hearing as soon as we can. but, we are faced from time to time with this dulima as a department over many many years. this is one that escalated because we know it can endanger lives. in other situations where we know we have people who thumb their
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nose at the process in place, this is a process we had to try to address but with very great difficulty and know it is right in front of us, but someone in their own volition says well, i'm going to not do what you require me to do. what are you going to do about it? it is something that needs to have a greater open discussion and it takes on the effort of more than just our department alone. we would initiate the process and we can watch over it and shepherd it best we can but probably needs a greater discussion on higher level and engaging other agencies as well. i don't have the magic bullet to provide but i have taken note of it, everyone hear heard it, the directors heard and we'll definitely bring it back for discussion and we'll get back it the
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commission. >> okay. first a question for director hui, does chapter 17such building code require special inspection for water proofing? >> [inaudible] special inspection for water proofing and such because water proofing is not in the inspection needs. >> because everything you presented today or most of what you presented today is about existing conditions but what concerns me is that the balcony collapse in berkeley was a fairly new structure and it points to we don't know the findings but it suggests there was a error in application of the water proofing membrane or fasteners or such. >> i agree with you commissioner. first of all, when i review a
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case in that particular deck [inaudible] quh you have a hole under you see the water coming down and the water damage won't be much. second thing is they put the water proofing of the concrete on top and further the [inaudible] you don't see the damage there. also, the engineering materials when they have a composite, once you touch the water it detearierates a lot faster than [inaudible] as you are aware. that is what i see from the sheer off and that is sudden failure and overcrowding is another issue in this particular case. that is why we want to go back to improve our code. that is why we are going back to the [inaudible] committee to make sure the regulation under neath
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the [inaudible] sometimes when we don't have the specification on that we won't to improve in that area and also maybe the material we are thinking about a pressure treated wood or something but want to go through the process. the water proofing is one issue but [inaudible] the water will seep through there. water migration is a big issue >> i agree with everything you said in the sense there is a need for better oversight in the detailing and assembly and that is a difficult one because the dbi is responsible for enforcing the code and the code isn't that explisant on durability which is a life safety issue in this case. i think we
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can strengthen the requirements our building code for durability issues. 2ndly, i wonder if we can require a special inspection of the water proofing assembly. that would be just making sure that the installation is done right. >> we can talk to the [inaudible] committee, but water proofing is very specialized. >> the manufacturer of the product. >> [inaudible] they do a good job and shouldn't have that type of problem. that why it is a combination. we'll give our inspector [inaudible] >> just to follow through on that, as a part of special inspection criteria we need engineering letters if we did a
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retaining wall and so on that the department it is in their scope to make sure it is done correctly but the special inspection at the end of the job saying it was done. could the water proofing-i'm cog of the fact we could be over killing there to your director, if it is done roit it shouldn't be a issue, but what would it take to be a part of special inspections in water proofing like for decks where there will be a life safety possibility problem if it isn't done right and we can make it part of the special inspection at the end of job or a letter is sent in saying it was done correctly and all the guided principles how it should be installed was done correctly? >> one thing we can think about but the problem is you have toop find architect or engineer to sign off on it
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and then how do you find a special guys to sign off on it? who is qualified? [inaudible] >> i gree with everything you said. >> plus at the end of the day when i do a project and i have >> student to bring in a water proofing contractor who specializes in water proofing is because i'm not doing it so why not have a issue of where they can back up their work in some form? i know a engineer has to do it. it is a interesting point he brings up here because the venting was a big problem on the deck and you eluded there was no venting and that is a remedy for disaster. it is something we could-i see mr. rod rige rosales taking notes so if is on it, but it is something we could look at if there is
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a form of where we as a department feel that little bit better there is another set of eyes on the water proofing and there is a form of communication to the department saying in our opinion this is done correctly and deshould sustain for many years as commissioner was saying this is only a 5 year old deck or 7 or 10 year olds deck which is rel tivly young so something seriously went wrong there. to your point i think that is something we should consider. i don't want to-do you have anymore? commissioner lee? >> yes, i'm curious about what programs we have in place for the smaller buildings? i understand we programs for apartments and hotels but what about single family unit. last mupth we had an abatement appeal case before us which was a rental home and the back
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deck was deteariated and had to decide to close that off. i'm curious to hear what the plans are for the smaller buildings or is it just all voluntary? >> i think it is a matter of resources related to the numbers. with the apartments there are more people involved and in terms of tenants and we have a housing inspection services division. single family and 2 family dwellings generally fall into the purview of our plan revuiew inspection and building inspection division and the numbers there i think are spread out and all over the city, so it is a matter of developing a database . wrun one of the things we hope to do and think you brought up a excellent point
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here commissioner lee, we intend to roll out the accela program and expect the project permit tracking system to provide the opportunity to capture features more so than the current permit tracking system. right now basics are the unit count, construction type, height, story count. adding and capturing features like decks and balcony, stairs fire escapes, if we start developing that especially for single family and duplexes perhaps that is where we can over a period of time be able to develop a program that is effective. right now there is only one
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way to make a determination. you go out and drive out or you make note of it when you do a regular kitchen or bathroom remodel inspection or when you go and search through our records management division to see if there are drawings and then you can verify it. the issue now is we don't have a complete data base available to put together a effective program. i think it is something we definitely want to think about and think you bring up a slnts point. we talked about what are we going to do about the smaller buildings and we'll continue this discussion and i think that is currently perhaps director hui has a problem. >> commissioner lee, to answer your question up to this point there are 1 and 2 family [inaudible] our
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results can not be [inaudible] we want to concentrate on [inaudible] and also some of the small commercial buildings. there are 2 thing tooz look at, one is a [inaudible] and the other one is a self supported polls and beams to support the back [inaudible] is more dangerous because they have water proofing on top you may not see and that is why we want to capture those-right now this time with the [inaudible] regulation type of construction, water proofing is a issue we want to make sure. the other for single family or 2 unit buildsings that is why we encourage the owner using a screw driver and [inaudible] trying to see themselves. you walk on
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top of the deck and you feel it isn't safe then you should ask professional opinion to come in and fix it. [inaudible] they should come in to do it right away. that is the advantage thrai v. thereat is why we encourage them for repairing your deck or rear stair or anything, you don't need a plan, you just come in and file a permit and you don't need it go through planning. everyone knows you issue it right away. what we call a [inaudible] that is what we approach to encourage people to get permit and come in sfr small building. the bigger building we want to encourage them to come in [inaudible] how to improve the water proofing situation.
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water proofing is a issue eerfben 20 or 30 years ago i remember when was outside, evethen roof before they were [inaudible] water migration into the building that is why the roof want a quarter inch per foot otherwise they don't guarantee [inaudible] your water won't come in. it isn't a new things it is a old thing but they come back again and again and we learn from it. >> i see the point where it can be a challenge to document all the balconys and stairs and decks for single family home jz duplex but it is incumbent on the property owners to take a look at their buildings. since the tragied in berkeley, i look around at the build squgz i see small single family
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homes with whault i call decorative balconys. they are just metal looking balconys and not real bal conys just bolted on the wall and see people standing on them and they are smoking. i have seen a case where they are bbq. maybe single family home people don't know that structure is safe or not and it is incumbent for them to find out. >> thank you commissioners. i just close- >> my comment is a observation. when i received this i saw balcony deck safety and looked at the picture and saw a fire escape, no deck, fire escape and was only in the last comment that we
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mentioned fire escapes. whatever the codes are i hope we are also including information about having these checked and these kept up to date because they are everywhere and i been thinking balcony and deck and when i saw this i said i have one of those. >> [inaudible] was included. we are going go into all those because they attach to the building with a screw in there. >> that is covered in our section 604. >> to commissioner mars point i am off line and would like to talk about concern to the regards of the other deck and maybe we can talk after the meeting. first of all i want to thank you mr. tom, i asked for this last meeting and wasn't aware you had done so much-work so quick and give such a great presentation today. it
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is a outstanding first step for the department to be taking and so i'm happy with what you presented here today and feel confident the department is doing everything within their prirfby to do the right thing going forward because now after the tragied that is all we can do is look real hard going forward and how do we do what we need to do to make sure it doesn't happen. [inaudible] to 3 of the families left here and visit with them today. i'll share this with them and say this is your-this tragied is triggering a great awareness this can happen to anyone and will do our part to make sure it doesn't happen in this city. as a part of the policy we are going to do-- >> i believe up to now i
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haven't shared any of this yet. our housing chief has been in contact with the berkeley representatives and maybe perhaps our communications group has done it, i'm just not aware of it >> i think it is something as soon as you feel is appropriate to do that because--i just to my commissioners points here, i think this is touched everybody so dramatically so if we could and i also want to thank lily, i know she worked hard on this, if we can keep updates how the outreach is going if you feel confident it is getting through. i want tobook you for the buildsers meeting which will come up soon. you mentioned you are
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outdreaching to the groups and think you do a great job presenting it [inaudible] greater step forward. thank you to the the staff and your hard work. i wasn't expecting this great report so thank you. >> thank you very much on behalf of our staff. it is a team effort and we convene and everybody-what you saw today is a contribution of many people and we just happened to put in a powerpoint presentation but the collective effort of different ideas because everybody has a different take how >> to reach out to people. thank you commissioners with time to share thoughts and concerns about this very important subject that we are not going let it go and continue to pursue the outreach and bringing this into the collective consciousness of building owners. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> any public comment on item 7? seeing none, item 8, directors report. 8 a, update on dbi finances. >> good morning commissioners [inaudible] deputy dreper for department of bilgdsing inspection and in the packet is july 2015 year to date financial report. given july is the first month of the fiscal year there very limited data so i'll give a brief summary. the revenue there is a slight reduction in revenue, but one percent compared to last year. i see this as being the same what we collected as last year. on the [inaudible] side we are spending slightly more than we did this year last year, however because july is the first month of the fiscal year we are doing a lot of prep
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rakez for the year so we are setting up contracts and po's and work orders. also i discussed this earlier, july is the month that we use to close out the prior fiscal year so we are doing a lot of close outs and hope we'll be done with the close out of 14/15 and can provide a report next month. happy to answer questions if you have any. >> commissioner mar? thank you for that. just probably a little off topic but the reduced fee in progress? >> yes, the reduced fees are not in progress yet. the legislation is currentsly approved by the board at the last meeting july meeting so we have to wait for a meeting in september so hope it will be effected after the
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mayors signature so in october so & that is timely because a few months ago we had approval to extend the temporary fee to the end of october. bill strom will have more information about the legislation in his report too. >> thank you deputy. >> item 8 b, propose a enacted state or local legislation. >> mr. stom. >> pub luck comnlt for the directors report will be taken at the end. >> good morning bill stom legislative and public affairs. to deputy director madisons point just a minute ago, the mayors legislation did pass for the budget. it was attach today the full budget for our fee changes and one
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reading took place so the second reading will take place at the boards fist meeting in september and expect that to pass unanimously and the mayor to sign it that same week so roughly around the week of october 6 or 7 is when we expect new fee tables to go into full effect. as the director mentioned earlier, it is going to be roughly a 10 percent reduction. it will be a little higher than the 7 percent that we have right now. there will be finer gruidations on the evaluations tables as well. that will be fully in place by the middle of october. i know i had more than one conversation with some of their directors staff and berkeley
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did not have the requirement that we had since 20s 2 where owners are required at least every 5 years to have a engineer or architect reinspect those types of appendages to buildsings subject to climate deterioration and wood root. the new ordinance is fashioned on housing code 6 04 that i and mrs. bosky sent it them. [inaudible] they added a couple additional elements in the adopted code such as pressure treated wood being now a requirement and i believe they will require even more frequent reinspections. i believe what the council decided is every 3
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year, which is possible and berkeley was a more limited building supply, that would be very challenging in san francisco given our overall situation. but with that i want to mention too that the mayors legislation for waving plan review fees for building and planning on the legalization of in laws did pass and that will take effect in early september. right now we've issued about 61 or 62 permits on the legalization of in-laws and we'll have to wait and see whether this fee reduction effort may stimulate more interest. you may remember it is a voluntary program and as a consequences we have to wait for people to come to us and then we offer them the advice that they need. other issues
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that are going arounds supervisor wiener and christensen both have added in the additional dwelling unit opportunity within the existing building envelope. that also will be having a second reading early september and will take effect about the middle of aublt. as a reresult anybody doing a seismic ret row fit if they have space within the envelope of the building to add a dwelling unit. to date we had about 6 percent applications submitted to us. no one has yet been issued and those are in process. we do anticipate and heard from the permit services
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section this is a very likely source of increased building permit applications in the very near future. i think the only thing i want to menshz mention is there is a piece of legislation supervisor chew introduced, ab 1236. we had a conversation with his staff about that would require the immediate prioritization of review and permit issuance for electric vehicle charging stations. our concern with the legislation didn't have a caveat about life safety to let the building official continue to have the authority prioritize that ahead of a electric charging station. san francisco is already according to mr. chew's
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aid the gold standard in the state and the reason for the state legislation is to try and get other jurisdiction tooz do what we already do. they did agree to have a discussion and make sure that the health and safety exemption still stands and we are going to have to drop everything to deal with electric vehicle charging staishz if we vahigher life safety priority. with that i'll take any questions. >> thank you so much. >> item 8 c update major projects. >> good morning commission. tom hui department of building inspection. as you see from the [inaudible] compared to last month, roughly increased by.9 percent. [inaudible] any
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questions you have? >> nope. we have the commerce or [inaudible] still. that is good. >> item 8 b, update on code enforcement. >> good morjing commissioners. dan lowery deputy director inspection services and here to report on code enforcement and monthly update for the month of july. it is very buzzy in the building department if you come by between 730 or 830 you see masses of people. all the inspector squz clerks are really busy. building inspections performed, 5625. complaints received, 348. complaint response within 24-72 hours is 347. complaint with first notice of violation sent is 34.
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complaints received without notice of evaluation is 185. abated complaints are 54. second notice of violation is 14. that is for building inspection division. for housing inspection services, housing inspection is 947. complaints received is 355. complaint response within 24-72 hours is 353. complaints with notice of violation issued is 1ten. abated complaints is 392. number of cases sent tothe director is 17. routine inspection is 145. code enforcement services number of cases sent were 48. number of aboughtments issued is 13. number och cases undrb advicement are 4. number of cases abated are 7 twampt code in enforcement performed is 159.
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cases referred to the [inaudible] were 2. other thereisologist graphs attached to give you a outlook for the past year for these complaints. thank you. >> thank you deputy. >> any public comnlt on the directors report items 8 a-d? >> my name is jerry dratler. my first comment is that historically notice of violation is a problem specifically the time required to clear them. my suggestion on the directors report will be that the revenue section would show the neb of nov's out standing this year versus the same period last year. also the number of nov's over
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12 munts olds so we can see if there is progress made. secondly, with respect to the revenue that is required it be collected for nov's that run beyond the normal abatement period, i would like to see nat revenue broken out separately this year versus last year. it speak tooz chairman mccarthys point of view that progress is made but you can't see it and if it was shown as revenue we could see if it was substantial. my second point deals with activities versus outcomes. it may seem like a fine point but let's say you and i have a children and recorded if they went to school or not and whether they did homework, those are actirfbties. outcomes is did they learn anything and graduate. what i see us doing is reporting a lot of activities, things we did, but
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we don't report outcomes and think outcomes should be the focus of the bick. management is managing activities but see what the outcomes are. the third point is a question on the 3 million dollars of expenned in the first period for community based organizations. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> any additional public comment? >> deputy director you don't have to come up, we have that data of this year versus last year would we? why don't you come back. just to the comments there. >> i'm not sure if i understand all the comments but on the revenue report we yooyuss specific accounting codes so nrd for us to getthality nrgz
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that is information that you get from a report from different division if that actually happened. because he is looking more not on the revenue he want said to know on each specific case what is happening on that case and whether or not it is going forward is that correct? maybe i didn't understand your question. >> what i'm interested seeing is some oaf the divisions were not collecting that and i'm interested seeing the total or aggregate amount of revenue that isect collected for nov's that run 60 or 90 days past the abatement period where there is a monthly fee and there were some division collecting zero and some doing a good job. if we can see the total and also we could see
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the number of nov's we can make judgments about if you have 4 thousand nov's over a year old and collect 120s dollars it doesn't look like we are doing much >> i'm trying to get to is it possible to answer that. >> probably something the department will have toget back on because it isn't a agendized item. >> ya. >> so, i'm sorry i wasn't clear before. the information probably exists but outside the financial program so there has to be a way to merge the data together. when we collect for permits i cannot tell you how much money we collect on a bundle of permits. we do things on accounting code so
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maybe we need to get together internally to figure if that is something that with can be done and reflected in the revenue report because that is based on high lechbl. it may be a separate notice of violation report. >> commissioner mar >> i want to clarify for my own standing for the fees. if nov's are issued a lot of times the fees actually require recorporation of staff time and cost, so for example if housing is recoperating more of those costs, we would want to know that versus let's say the sections of the building department where there is leckical plumbing or mechanical, if they have a nov on a building problem or lack of permit problem we want to knee their staff time that recoperating this. is
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that right? we are looking for the tolet total to see where the staff time is getting recoperating. >> hement wants to make sure the fees are collected so if we have 100 nov's we should have x number of dollars. that is what we are trying to figure out and i'm with him on that because that is something the grand jury focused where we have-it was like a million something dollars that we couldn't account for that wasn't collected. i would make the argument we are a lot better now because we are focusing on nov and collecting the fees and bringing them forward. >> actually thank you. we were a divisioned by the jand jury collect ing the fees. we are talking about not a penalty but assessment of cost for the hourly rate and have a complete
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accounting of that because we have the lean cycle where the property owner hasn't paid them. we originally had about 800 thousand dollars bnch the board recollect people came in and paid those and it reduce today 600 thousand but that information specific to each of the cases so there is a complete accounting of that. in housing we do a hourly billing that support the letter the property owner gets with a total so if not just the 52 dollars the monthly fee is just doing the inspection and issuing the notice and reinspection. we have a complete accounting of that it is in the shape of assessment of cost and once the board of supervisors adopt that for those in arequire t is
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recorded on the praurnt tax bill and appears as code 55 in the special assessment section of the tax bill. there is a complete accounting from when we issue the first bill for assessment of cost all the way to if they haven't paid and it is recorded on the property tax so we have that information going back 20 years with about 35 cases in the late 90's so we have all that data. >> commissioner mar has a comment there. >> it was related about a different topic than the fee. >> it isn't about the million dollars which is significant but it is also about the earlier issue of nov's notd being addressed by property owners and dbi using all the tools in their arsenal to do that. if that procedure is outlined by the deputy
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dreblter is follow than the property owner will see that and there will be a financial incentive not to let this run. right now there are no significant penalties for just gaming the system. >> okay. deputy i just-please tell me if you do this that we have a tracking system so this time last year we had x amount of nov and this year we have- >> we can track that and as far as the 52 dollar assessment fee we implemented that right away and that is being built. some of the penalties when it go tooz order of abatement it goes on the lean cycle so that is being tracked and when there is a notice of violation and don't respond there is a
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penalties >> to jerry's point i ptd to claim this because i know this is good news, to his point when you do your reports is it something that can be done on a muntly basis or say x amount och months we can give to show we are moving better into the going forward on this and we are- >> we can give the lean cycle amounts built out on the order abatements, as far as the outstanding neats i don't think we can track that. we would have to go through avenue wn. if he wants compliance of what is happening with we have tolook to make sure and look at the permit. >> you have to look and say that is correct >> we can take a example maybe 10 or 20 cases.
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>> you have ideas on this? i want to wrap this up. >> i appreciate the time. [inaudible] are the pts which requested from director hui that showed all that data and there were 10 thousand records in excell so if is easily summarized and you can see whether the fees are collected or not. there isn't a need to do sampling extract or report is easily run and somebody needs to do manip ylthz in excell and summarize it and it is just right there. >> right. okay. closing on that point, inspectorhension. >> as a result of the grand jury report
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all building and plumbing cases received from august 15, 2013, everyone is immediately assess frtd the fee back to when the original notice of violation was issued. any case after august 15, 2013, we can account there is a monitoring fee every month from the first time it was issued until the department signed off. >> whether we collect it or not we are doing our job, right? >> anyone that dozen pay it goes on the property tax. >> it is out of our hands. >> it is on the property one way or the other. >> at some point i would like to see a state of the union where we are now from where we are 2 years ago and something we can talk off line
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or have a item we can bring back. >> i'll provide information you like. [inaudible] >> i just want to see if it is big deal and set a time month or 2 months from now or whatever. >> most och the tracking is on excell so may be able to do it quick. >> let me know and if it is something we can put together we'll have it for the next meeting. i would like to state of the union because we are working hard but what are the results? >> a lot of times permits are being filed and do take time. some are stuck in planning and some are being performed now. as far as resolution of notice of violation. >> i know everyone is doing their job. thank you. commissioner mar.
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>> this is related but not the same point is the question of the cbo's because i raise td before. the 3 million that we give to support service do a lot of education work. one of my main questions because this might be on a general topic is that i feel that the cbo's are getting more property under their purview because of the things the mayors office of housing is doing privateatizing the properties. my point is we don't get as much regular reports from the cbo for subcontracts as i would like since we pay them 3 million dollars. it would be nice in the future to say what are we getting for that 3 million dollars in
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terms of the same heat we put on staff in the divisions to tell us what they are doing with code enforcement and stuff. there is that and the other question i have which is more direct and reason i didn't put it on the agenda is because their contracts are not up. i want to know when are the cbo's going out? i believe it is yearly but we are still far out. do you know off hand when they rfp's go out? >> i don't know that but included in the 3 million dollars there will be a rfp going out shortly because there is new funding for seismic safety outreach but standard outreach and sro, i donot. i can follow up >> the next meeting will be
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great. thank you. >> item 9, discussion on project tracking system. >> good morning henry bartry and with department of technology and project manager for accela implementation. the status you receive brings us to date. on the configuration and testing front which is the functionality of the system, we have 53 critical and
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high. those are severity 1 and 2 and needs to be fixed for go live. this number is plux waiting and have 22 items that are closed out since i was last here on the list. right now we do have a request to excell to get more resources and support this activity because the list has grown and know as we go through the sim ylshs there will be more items on the list so want to-we know we are at a deficit for staff to handle the items so that is a key item we are work to mitigate that risk. on data migration, we have 54 items remaining that are going through the fixed and qa cycle and this continue and wrap up in september. there is work there but it is within the resources we have
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allocated to it to stay on the time line. on the reporting fronts we have reports developed by [inaudible] and another set developed by dbimis staff. on that we have 14 accepted othf accela reports and 27 going through uat and then 19 in development qa from the accela side. the dbimis team, the 72 on their plate we havetony accept squd 24 in uat which means the user are looking at them, 19 in development and 17 queued to start development. on this particular aspect we added a new resource in the team 2 weeks ago, a full time hire and wilson and work wg hr staff to supplement the staff and add resources to get more reports developed at a greater rate.
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as i mentioned earlier we started yesterday. yesterday we have 10 scenarios we are going through and [inaudible] is going from started yesterday and go through close of business friday. we have 11 scenarios are first we did yesterday was one of the most complex which is site permit. the way these are organized is we have representatives from all the decisions in dbi in the room so we simulate the flow and hand off between the department squz the planning department is there because they play a key role so we ran through that simulation starting with someone walking into the door and getting the intake of the site permit, handing to planning and going through the planning cycle and then proceeding to issuing site permit squz addendum and inspections against those items and
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resulting of the inspections and getting a certificate of completion. we went through that yesterday. we had items raised and had no items blocked our progress getting through that scenario. the room is filled again today going through the 2 more scenarios and more this afternoon. we are doing that each day this week. as we said, the second bullet point, the go lifen date, when weget through the second rountd which is the first full weekf october thereat is the point director hui and his team can set a go live date. under concerns we did talk to you last time about issues we have with av test which is our internal name for the test plat form where we
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do testing with the users and we had issues with performance and availability. that had up until yesterday had been improving however yesterday we did experience a outage in the plat form in the middle orf our morning session with our end to end testers where the system started degrading and after 15 minutes we couldn't access the platform. it took 2 and a half hour tooz resauvl it so we had to counsel the morning session and resume in the afternoon. i still don't have the full root cause report back from accela but the early information is it was a router and fire wall issue within their equipment but they work would the vend toor get resolve squd it was very very bad timeting that occurred whether we were in the middle of testing and we are trying to build crfds in the users and showing a clean run through the test. the
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second bullet is unchanged from last time where we talked generally about ability and performance and customer support of accela team. 2 weeks after we met with you we did have a meeting with accela with their chief technology officer, their head of west coast data center which is where dbi and planning is hosted and the customer service met with us and had a very candid and frank [inaudible] as well as what are they doing to make sure capacity of dbi when we go live is planned for and accounted for in their infrastructure. it was a very positive meeting that they
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were very candid and owning to the issues we have seen and they have work to do in terms of their customer service pross and responsiveness so we are looking forward to seeing evidence of those things taking place and working with them further to make sure that we see the kind of performance and stability the city dissevers for their money. with that i'm happy to take questions. >> commissioner mar >> i'm sure it is already here but have to ask it, still there is no go live date but it will come in october? >> octis when the date is decided. the first week of october is when we'll have enough of the results that we can go back todbi and say we have the evidence and backing of the
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managers to say the system is ready to support the business of dbi. >> my memory may be fuzzy but being in the meetings i thought it was going tobe in august when would decide when the go live date was. >> it is just a point of information because somebody pointed out to me during the break we are approaching the 5 year anniversary of when we started this thing and if accela was a building the owner would be jumping up and down on the contractor right now. i know we want to do it right and think we have been very patient about making it right but wanted to say that i think people are still waiting for it. >> i'll go easier on you henry, i know you are doing everything you can and go all the dates are moved and sounds like a broken record up here. my
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>> ♪ ♪ we are definitely pioneers in airport concession world a world of nationally if not entirely or internationally >> everybody is cop us right now. >> the people that were in charge of the retail this is where that began. >> i didn't think we would have a location at the airport. >> we've set the bar higher with the customer commerce. >> telling me about the operator and how you go about finding them and they get from being in the city to being in the airport. >> so first, we actually find a table and once we know what we
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want a sit-down we go to the neighborhoods in san francisco and other people seminary of the retail let us know about the rain water and are excited to have the local operators in the airport. >> we have to go going through the conceive selective process and they award a lease to the restaurant. >> they are planning on extending. >> we that you could out the china and the length evens and the travel serve and fourth your minds and it's all good. >> how long for a vendor to move through the process. >> i would say it could take 80 up to a year from the time we go out to bid until they actually
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open a restaurant. >> i don't know what we signed up for but the airport is happy to have us here. and, you know, even taking out the track simple things there's a learning curve >> with once we're here they are helpful. >> it's an award-winning program. >> we're prude of your awards we have won 11 awards the latest for the best overall food address beverage program and . >> like the oscars (laughter). >> the professional world. >> tell me about the future food. >> all the sb national leases are xooirz and we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what your passengers want. >> well, i look forward to the future (laughter) air are we look fo
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