tv Entertainment Commission 81815 SFGTV September 14, 2015 12:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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stay here because i'll never learn everything to learn about this system chair of the commission a few housekeeping if you could one please turn off your cell phones not no interrupt our meeting and two a member of the public that wishes to speak on an item we have pink speaker cards fill out with your name and our staff will call you at the time, we call the agendas and thank you to commissioner honda and media services for broadcasting this meeting to the public every time we meet >> sxhat commissioner lee commissioner perez commissioner vice president joseph sxheeg
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commissioner president tan. >> quorum and commissioner moshoyannis is absent this evening. >> great one edit to the agenda which is in item on the consent calendar item 5 b like to pull that out and put it on the regular agenda for the dublin but all else will remain the same all right. the first item of business is public comment on any business of the entertainment commission you, you does not see currently on the agenda are you coming up for that or is that later okay. any public comment? nope seeing none, public comment is closed we'll moving on to item 2 the approval of the minutes of july 21st, 2015, move to approve >> i second
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all right. a there is a motion and a second and any kaekz or edits to be made i don't sees any let's take a vote. >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner vice president joseph commissioner perez sxhog commissioner president tan all right. that motion passes item 3 the report from the executive director. >> commissioner i'll be brief he have spent a lot of time and continue to extend times on implementation of night life legislation as many of you may know it was signed in the summer and now we're rolling out what this means and the work we have to items wagner the committee meeting we had on the fifths of the august the residential development review committee rdr
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and so i'll wait to be more specific about what took place more cooperation from the planning department time it let everyone know that that is a good thing you know they'll be more activity regarding projects in the pipeline i'll try to startle the notice to handle the hundred plus projects that are relative in the pipeline but otherwise i can or think that is going fairly well and keep on chugging along thank you for everyone that came to our party with the last meeting was a record one mini that that the venue was great at the those sister and i think all of you were there that was nice so it was wonderful a great attendance
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and really cool pictures on the facebook page that my husband took and a few of us as a group which is cool so thank you for that. >> and that's pretty much all i've got to say reminding the inspectors. >> good evening commissioner a lot of complaints to report mostly from the heat wave that passed through forest fires and swank received a complaint their door was open door is supposed to be shut noise coming out and believe it or not the neighbors basically going but we just got the complaint that last week have not had a chance but
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probably on thursday and see what's going on do keep their door shut similar issue with the lone star the complaint was understanding of the issue but still said to make sure she exclaimed about a month and a half or two months ago we were able to resolve the issue without too much ground work she wants the venue excuse me. like i have not been talking today, i guess she wanted to let us know to stay on top of that and the venue is not out the experience 4859 howard street for a party there the planning department has as i said a person to handle the situation we're in the loop included on the e-mail i'm not
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sure we'll take action but included in the conversation it was important to mention another unpermitted event generated in regards to a private event after hours like one of the residents that used to be like an industrial building a bunch of people living there and sometimes the neighbors coordinate the building party or whatever so one the neighbors didn't like the noise so at the exclaimed i'll go back and check that out it is hard to get eyes someone lives there and has assess to the building should be able to resolve the issue another complaint was generated in regards to city club at this point the directors has been in contact with the lawyer and the action is through the
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director compliance issue 685 just a random end the night life observation nothing to report nothing tangible to report monroe had a party i'm not sure if they over booked i was off this weekend. >> their sidewalk has a large number of people on it i mean, it was something that you know, i told the director that i was probably going to write a citation but b will talk with them thursday or friday i performed a sound teste double anchor and an inspectors inspector burk keeps track of
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the fence on sundays he was off i spent an hour and a half to two hours in the venue and the owner i think he walked me through the measures to keep down the sound that's pretty much my report if you have any questions i object to answer. >> the reason to keep people legal and spend money on permits and have to comply with our conditions that's a lot of work there are probably a do so illegal parties south of market there not only charging admission but having alcohol not a license and done with - it is unfair to our permitted night clubs and bars the 1 on howard street has been cited one on 11
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or 12th street so what do we do do we can to the code enforcement and ask them to do something about it i mean, we can't search out every illegal party that's not our job so my question what do we do about that. >> if i may briefly answer obviously the east bay and flows the underground rents we stomach on the police lightwell us know about typically my respond whatever agency is the most appropriate definitely not us to take the lead two inspectors there are not trained to go into place i don't know if they're safe if they don't have a weapon so a partnership that the sfpd
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to get on view with them our job is to bring them into experience if so is something that is kwabl cable r capable of being into compliance we use whatever we can i think that the police department from a safety prospective is the first place and given information we can go to planning code enforcement and need more information typically so we have to help the police do the first attempt at making contact and then as we have more information those two other agencies can do more with respect to a property owner. >> so the party and the building attached to rent a car is up and running and doing well. >> fact. >> yes. that's information we
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may or may not have. >> i mentioned. >> that's just like a few days (multiple conversation). >> but there's a lot the thing that bugs me the most they're selling alcohol after hours. >> what's his name sergeant, the lieutenant is here you can take talk to him about that. >> you could come up. >> (laughter). >> nice to see. >> commissioners good evening affidavit with the san francisco police department i think we can solve this easily we know the entertainment commission inspectors were out on weekend if they come upon an illegal party and not comfortable making entry call for one the units to
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respond at least then street tree they interest the coverage i think this is critical the first step to me is unclear why we're not citing people that is what justifies the vetting and the credibility of our license venues so the first easy step if they come upon something the good news we work twenty-four hours a day and make entry and make sure that is a safe situation identify the element of the crime and at a minimum we start with our citation process we fought so horde hsa read to get and on top of we can site our sections and above and beyond cite for the alcohol that brings in the allied agrees like the city attorney and the code
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enforcement and the planning department by there is absolutely no problem with us being available it is reasonable and prudent and wouldn't expect our inspectors to walk in blind that's a quick fix and i talk with the director as ongoing communication that is why we're here every two weeks to hear what is going on it is amazing what you hear we're not aware of if we can get the suggestion approved through the commission to direct the inspectors to go contact us on an illegal event not difficult for the emergency or non-emergency numbers. >> just a question to inspector pauley are those noise
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complainants or hey their charging admission or serving alcohol is it just a big party that is private that is not a public thing. >> a lot of times it is like a bunch of information you know. >> sure. >> i think in regards to with what lieutenant is saying this is totally what we like to try to side a lot of times we get the complaints after the fact so it is hard to do something about that that is the difficulty for us right now it is after the fact and the next weekends they might watch the hearing. >> specifically about the complaints to let them know if they see those parties pop up again, they, call the police not like non-emergency numbers and wait to call you and fourth and
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dig around. >> i do know when intooushg and myself we called the southern station they sent a couple of cars i called the station itself and they came out and that stopped that party. >> can we have you out every weekend. >> no. >> so i think just to go back those are isolated events we miss them but the ones i think we can solve are the reoccurring events we're very good at determining that's the first line of defense and it gets easy for us with the questions i'm sure your inspectors have similar questions that's a private party and how were
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everyone invited to this events and it is determined out on facebook not a private event a simple analogy we're talking a kwegd a hundred dollars a plate you know everyone there when you put it out on facebook and gets forwarded to people it is no longer a private event. >> and they charge to get in hey are you going this this party what do you think the door price. >> you can have a for profit event that's a business not a licensed business we don't know if it is zoned and licenses for it. >> appreciate commissioners other questions for inspectors pauley and i have within about
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swaung a resident was upset about the permit so the main issue i'm imagining the sliding door so if you could say post a sign they were playing it on patrons and opening on days. >> i think the issue would handed pretty astrologically so at this time maybe they needed a notice of violation i don't think that i should talk to them they knew ahead of time it was an issue. >> all right. thank you very much let's move on to intooushg. >> good evening, commissioners i had the pleasure this past weekends ever my first ride along with commissioner caminong we took a nice tour of the city a few of the highlights are
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listed under the inspection part of my noticed we stopped by temple on howard and able to see how longer than lines in the city are managed one thing i wanted to mention is that they are utilizing a working dog they're calling it i want to bring that up to the commission that is out there that the dog was a harnessed with a lease with the officer guiding it with a flashlight it is quite effective at the sidewalk. >> happily and i believe that the dog is more or less a presence combooib combining a security officer with a dog with
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effective in keeping the sidewalks clear. >> is this a working dog cute so that people think that whatever. >> it could be a deterrent for an illegal club that is not what it is there for my conversation with other security officers to keep pope people moving along. >> is that a professional dog. >> it looks like it had a professional uniform on (laughter) that said working dog-doo not pet (laughter) and as far as i can tell it was very effective i've trained many personnel. >> it is an insurance nightmare like it could be was it the most
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important question a beautiful dog. >> it was good-looking canine. >> it was a german shepherd i thought that was normal behavior what does a working dog-doo. >> what's the to your case what is that. >> so the security guard quacks up and down the sidewalk with the dog and people just naturally clear and get out of the way. >> how interesting with a german shedding better than a 6 foot 7 security guard. >> i'm going to check that out. >> i the get we stopped by a
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couple of locations on mission and ceda arrests those are both places we were doing a general premise inspectors making sure that the conditions were you being met and any permit at decimal levels any permits that had limits were within range we have a complaint come in a couple of weeks for a tree in chinatown i think bans this complaint what i saw on site i'll be doing a little bit more preempt work to make sure that the 2 hundred and 50 foot's rule is met pr i think in that particular location it is uphill towards a larger
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complex overwhelm hoping we can work with the producers so the events are more care on mission singles granted their permit they have yet to do fence the space is coming along nicely as long as they keep the doors closed with neighbors concerns and i think the last thing i'd like to mention is the new activation with the club with a dj i checked that out with the neighbors who are effective that about wraps up any questions. >> no questions from the commissioners. >> all right. thank you. >> now times for public comment
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any public comment on the executive director and inspector reports i don't see new public comment is closed. >> police department questions or comments. >> good evening officer parker from the police station if i hit play this should work? >> so i've got a pool billiard permit on the consent calendar i found out something on youtube that is jermaine. >> is it. >> don't ask. >> trust me. >> i can ask is this related to one of the permits that will be coming up.
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>> no, its on the consent calendar. >> which one is it. >> uptown. >> uptown? >> okay. i can pull it off. >> don't pull it off. >> no? >> no. >> trust me. >> gosh you guys. >> go for it. >> is just protocol it is called robert's rules of order. >> do we have volumes do we have speakers. >> no speaker? >> there should be. >> great hold on do i -
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>> it is 76 it is. >> it won't reach this isn't going to work. >> i'm sorry no volume i don't know there's no volume. >> all right. so that fails since we recognize - >> we can all break out in a main song if you like (laughter). >> the big parade (laughter) is isn't. i don't think he's singing is he singing in this song the game i see - >> it failed so go home everybody prevented you were
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here and it is trouble from the microscopic fans and the whole song is about how depraved it can be it is very taken place. >> how depraved. >> very cute it is all about entertainment. >> yeah. but if you think about the time period. >> it's a pun. >> or 2/3rd's of a puny. >> i'm going home i'm done. >> don't go home. >> don't go home. >> we're the entertaining entertainment commission. >> it doesn't work didn't work. >> the message is driven home thank you. >> public comment on this item on what we just witnessed (laughter)
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all right. i don't see any public comment is closed. item 5 all the permits we have a batch on the consent calendar and four on the regular agendas so 3 - >> good evening, commissioners so, yes, i will get started with the consent agenda on the consent agenda two items a limited live performance for the lounge on 19th street on the parlor permit on cap street we saw a video for a there was no opposition from the police department or the communities for either of the applications to that's why they're on the consulting consent agenda. >> we'll not be speaking to those separately happy to talk about the past contents items
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any public comment on either of those? all right. seeing none, no comments again closed for this commissioners >> move to approve. >> both on consent calendar. >> second. >> there is a motion and a second and okay. on the position to approve both of those prims commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner vice president joseph commissioner perez commissioner caminong and commissioner president tan. >> all right. the that motion carries we'll move on to the regular agendas i said it was four but we have to entertain a motion to continue the item as i upstairs understand there is a planning department issue. >> i move to continue we need public comment. >> any public comment on the dublin we're planning to
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continue for all the permits to be order all right. >> i move to continue. >> is there a second. >> second. >> okay on the motion to continue to a further hearing same house, same call? >> membrane. >> cool on the regular agenda this evening we have 3, applications i'll be undergo the first for the club steak dinner on pine street has an extended hours permit had it for many years now, now has a new owner northern station has inform objection to the application and reminds a good neighbor policy here to talk that is the new owner. >> thank you commissioner president tan and commissioners we put out a handout if you have
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not been to the grub steak up on pine between van ness and polk and it sited in a probably 1890 era railroad car and demand it 49 feet the current owner took it offer in over in 19 - 89. >> is planning department went back to the records and had a lot of issues it had been an after hours place nobody had a record i was first in they're having food at 2:30 or 12 o'clock in the morning and a lot of stupefy to be sent to the
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planning department powwows it's an incredible place if you're looking for after hours in san francisco i think this is the best food i know of in san francisco after hours for 20 or thirty years get the sausage it is great plan now is to keep the same staff and menu and don't have a sound like system obviously extend hours requires between zero capacity and need one security person we'll get that security person it doesn't get crowded until 10 or 11 o'clock on there's or friday or saturday
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the chief function to leave the neighborhoods quietly is a car rental place and shops but a lot of stuff on the drawing board high-rise condo 3 doors down from polk street. >> it is a really great place as you notice on page 3 of the handout it is a commission san francisco commission was involved in the legacy restaurant this is a restaurants in terms of the outreach we presented before the polk neighbors we present before the lower polk business collaborative and at the same time david is helping us out and sent nos to the middle polk and
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the nob hill association and the communities benefit district we did and the lower polk street neighbors we did present to sent out nos to them and stated come but if you want us to do a separates presentation at your place i object to do that it is great that the gentleman who loves his entire staff goes there after hours it is a great place we hope to keep it going for another 50 years we're here to answer any questions you might have and request a conditional guatemala or that grants think the application. >> commissioner vice president joseph. >> so i love the grub steak i mean when i first came to san francisco that's where we went
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after spending nights at the clubs we got the grub steak and pray they broths us eggs he the congratulations on purchasing it there is something great about the way it is i don't know about the music part but closed great 6:00 a.m. this would be terrible so, anyway i love the grub steak and in favor of your after hours permit. >> any other thoughts commissioners. >> yeah. all right. thank you very much is there any police that want to speak to this no all right. public comment on the grub steak? no all right. this is pretty
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easy let's go ahead and take a vote then please. after we get a motion >> (laughter). >> i move to approve. >> second. >> all right. so on the motion to approve the extended hours for the grub steak dinner with the police conditions same house, same call? there all right. >> cool all right. our next permit is for the press club on yerba buena lane going for a place of entertainment it is a wine bar they want to have entertainment on fridays and saturdays with the dj placing the ambient music the southern station approves is application with the attached police conditions here to talk about that it is andrew xhing thank you very much this is my second times up for the
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commission my other business is shareholders we have a live entertainment p entertainment fr the october efforts we've been made aware of the entertainment commission does question needed to be a lot of board we have had conscionable dj and this was part of the opening process so when folks come here we knew that the press club needed to come up we're looked in yerba buena and been in business since 2008 hitting our 7th anniversary quarry an active member of the yerba buena alliance and i also contacted the residents the four
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seasons residents this is a high maintenance group we've worked with them s d is the manager so fortunately they're good customers to the place and as well as some of you within within our venues we pride others on the right way we have school district on friday and saturday no incidents within the seven years and open to any questions but this is a the 30 seconds. >> commissioner vice president joseph. >> it will remain a one bar. >> yes. >> so your not adding alcohol. >> wine is alcohol. >> what kinds of entertainment where are you going to put it. >> we have a landing by the
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elevator it is not going to be a dance venue they set up a dj monitor and one speaker that goes naerth. >> so mostly dj. >> all dj we'll make a 3 piece stng quartette for regular stuff and you're not expands on the sound like system you have. >> mower only temporarily permits that listed in the application. >> commissioner perez. >> who is going to be managing the djs if there is a complaints. >> ultimately myself but a general manager we have a
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full-time staff their in charge of the dj and aboveboard on it is our general manager that will be doing most of work and she's listed on the application as well. >> are you promoting them as events or their winn and defining there. >> it will be general sort of every friday and saturday. >> okay. great. >> oh. >> i heard you let's see commissioner lee and then. >> it has tests own following financial district you know the place they're talking about is very small and you know it does create energy and their pricing is very interesting it goes from reasonable to very high. >> yep. >> you don't need 48 or 47 but it's a great place i don't think we have an issue
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here so - >> all right. thank you. >> commissioner caminong. >> so this is one of my farther places to go to you don't i did not realize you didn't have a po. >> this we switched i don't know about get into the control issues but switching over from a 41 it kind of got lard in overtime and ignorance is no excuse we we realized we need to be above board. >> that's great you said snow excuse. >> there's a lot of things your supposed to know being a more experienced operators you'll see me again in a capture of months
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we're purchasing a cantina you realized you - we pay money into the system so we can do the right things for the protections and we're fully aware of that. >> great. >> and have you looked at the police conditions nothing out of the ordinary. >> why not have a seat any police that would like to come and speak to this nope we have their conditions here oh, great come on up. >> good evening commissioner so southern station recommends the approval of the place of entertainment you guys see a few things the generic of nature not
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specific to this venue did a quack throw in the basement i know the four seasons lard with concrete and you can rights on market street so not wishes it he said he talked with a few people who live you can in the building in the four seasons which i'm sure they know how to get ahold of him and complain we recommend. >> okay. great. >> i'm going to open up for public comment for any about the place of entertainment everyone is here for something else. >> commissioners if you guys want to make a motion. >> move to approve with the police condition. >> i second. >> great there is a motion and a second. >> great so alright on the
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motion to approve the place of entertainment for press club with the conditions same house, same call? >> all right. the that item passes. >> our last permits application on the agendas is another basic change for ownership this is for a place of entertainment for amnesia on van ness it is a great neighborhoods bar with live music and mission station recommend the attached conditions so line item talk about this the new owner is here craig. >> i've never done this before so - >> first, i'd like to thank, the commission we don't have a live microscopic before and getting through and learning
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what roobls we're appreciative we brought with us the petition for 7 hundred and 18 signatures this is olivia and the handfuls of letters from the merchants association so it smells we have supports just a little bit this is my wife i have another business we're friends with the previous owner and definitely with lengthened a great guy he went to mexico with his family and pits the word out to people we're amongst them that had similar values i think in particular although we've not been with the music but the communities we respect the communities around the mission,
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around amnesia and a lot of the people in this room have taken us under their wings. >> is microphone please. and helped us learn how to keep this thing going so thanks to the o to the communities as well our ideas to continue the live music and rock and roll and do our part to keep valencia street and amnesia a products part of the communities. >> commissioner vice president joseph. >> of the 7 hundred and 18 signatures how many from the neighborhoods. >> quite a few it was at the you know at the bar i didn't count zip cozy and a lot of bars noted limited to if
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we'll have people that move forward to oakland and said to - >> okay. so also you're very prolific on the internet and okay. >> i'm sure the previous owner said the commission ward's to keep entertainment live and well in san francisco. >> i know your work hard as a residence i know it is a challenging dynamic i moved here in the late 90s so similar things as far as rents increases and all of that as a small business owner it is means a lot to have a partner we reality appreciate everybody's efforts. >> thank you. >> it looks like management of
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a night club is not a night club but obviously a small business are you planning on making changes to managements. >> we've got to plan so i'm one of 3 partners one of them is kind of the business ends he actually, we got to know both partners from the city beer stores talking about the communities he has moved to ohio and a partner lee he knew that was going to be a big deal so he took time and traveled for a bit but he'll be my help on the music scene he gigs around the town for contacts you know with music communities we promoted
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one of the bartender to help with the challenges of running until 2:00 a.m. he's thriving and keeping the same security team they know amnesia a place out issues and woven of the head bookers we've promoted to full-time a track record and understands when amnesia is is doing all the music we have great partners. >> i'm a big fan of amnesia we're not concerned of promotion of the club itself but security and neighbor relations can you talk absence about the commission mentioned how many zip codes are neighbors have you
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reached out in a one block radius. >> we've done introductions to the businesses but held a two hour meet and greet yesterday's as well probably 5 to 10 attended but we put ourselves how there are inform a couple of hours the nice thing everybody had questions. >> supportive and more concerns the music wouldn't go on this is a the main theme we were not going to messing with that what it is best at. >> commissioners other questions or thoughts. >> what kind of music rock and roll. >> amnesia has musk 7 days a week probably bluegrass on
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mondays and jazz think wednesday a lot of diversity in the music i see that as building on those we last week live music and live bands there's a place for djs theirs their tradition think saturday nights but when the musician see amnesia think about the guitars and drums that's what we will focus on. >> are you thinking about adding sound mitigation to the building. >> we're always open to put a little bit on this but at the same time, we didn't change anything we're not planning on adding anything to the existing sound like system we don't anticipate you know having any issues with that. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner lee. >> your are you keeping the
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same head of security i'm sure. >> joe has been around for today he couldn't be here he's also a musician but the idea not seeing any problems seems to be we've got a pretty good thing going. >> is he the only one does he have a partner. >> he manages a team. >> how many. >> a team of four or five regulars but. >> that small place. >> usually one person on staff at the door. >> you think this is enough. >> it has been and if we're going to anticipate any larger we'll certainly not afraid to extend the money and have a professional people interest and also a place where everybody is safe. >> great and then i think you
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said this it sounds like you've talked with the police and seen their conditions are you okay. >> no problem with the conditions appreciate their support. >> i'm a huge, huge fan of live music i'd like to support this so i'm sure a lot of people are here to say that, too i'm going to bring up the police officer parker and public comment and sort of explain how that works so officer parker you want to come up. >> good evening pursue hi. >> still upset about the video i'll get over it so i've met that mr. watson regarding
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amnesia he is really excited for him to continue amnesias history amnesia playing loud music that will continue to play there are not venues that continue the live music with jazz one night and rock and roll, etc. it is nice to see it continuing that tradition there are no police concerns as far as amnesia and police call for services off the radar he says he'll continue with his current system of securities, etc. i see no reason to fix anything not broken they've done a greek good job with the
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security and the lines inside thank you have any questions i have no concerns whatsoever. >> commissioners monopoly. >> okay. >> thank you. >> now time for public comment i'm assuming most people are here for this item we're happy to take all your public comments in the interest of times i'm interested to see by a raise of hands are in favor of this permit getting passed all right. and how many opposed all right. that says volumes without saying one word so again like i said our welcome to come up this is you're right to express our gratitude and joy for amnesia or not and just in the interest of times a two minute limit per statement so if you feel like someone said something you want to say you,
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maybe defer to them anyway, let's go ahead and start i don't know if anyone handed in our speakers we'll take two right and left and startle between tle and left and startle between te trtle between thele between thee between t between theaggere two. >> i did not see my hands for opposition not to say anyone didn't want to oppose. >> you can't yell from our seats. >> it didn't work that way. >> so shuffling the deck first person is ryan
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and the second person is jen anderson and bryan denison. >> can you hear me want to say. >> can you state your name. >> yeah. i'm ryan. >> sorry. >> that's outlook i'm in favor of it not only a strong community around amnesia but a larger musician community where they come back to it is important. >> thanks. >> great, thank you. >> jen anderson and bryant and jody. >> hello and thank you for the opportunity to comment i'm jen anderson a inspiring writer and musician i think this is
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absolutely essential that amnesia continues to operate i think that is one of the rare venues where young and unknown artists in the city can still develop and have a chance to perform for the first it is a place they find a supportive culture and attitude if management i've been a regular for 9 years it is really a contingency hub for all ages all types we have age open mike and on the doors to the earthquake festive i've tenants the benefits from the communities and organizations and individuals and with all the changes going on in san francisco i think it gets harvard harder and harder for the low income and the artists to do their work and as long as amnesia keeps its doors up there is hope a creative part in the
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city thanks very much. >> i'll call that bryan and jody. >> hi, i'm bryan this place has been a very special place to me for a very a long time i'll be short this is the heart of music communities in this place and anything that i could do many my power to keep it on i'll love to do that thank you. >> thank you nice name bay area. >> (calling names). >> good evening. i'm jody thank you for hearing us today as an artist i'd like to speak from that prospective a classic
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violinistic a amnesia is my entire enterprise point into traditional music i've been going there for 5 years all the bands are because of amnesia and the music communities i appreciate not only a garnet for people that want to hear music and honestly, i don't know where else we'll go without amnesia not to mention the fact it is an important part of our income to say a place where live music is appreciated thank you very much. >> thank you oh, sorry. >> i'll be quick. >> hi, i'm elsa thanks. having us i want to say i've been a regular at the amnesia for 3 years i think this is where i
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discovered rock and roll most of us it's like a living room where we meet the communities and hang out and discover new bands >> have a good times we celebrate birthdays and we're happy to craig is planning think continuing doing the sthapg same thing to you hope it will be okay we'll all be heart broken. >> patrick stevens i don't have any more speakers. >> i'm patrick stevens known asterisk stevens a very much supporter of live music as anyone that knows me and amnesia is a blast i go very often most all the place i go because
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i pretty much go to music every day and during the day i send out promotion to help support the artists and the venues in all the people involved and i just want to say that amnesia is a place i wanted to go more and more it is an sclents choices of the music that many times for instance, the bluegrass on monday is a fun thing where people enjoy that kind of music and tonight is rock with good bans as it so happens i went last night and tonight i want to give my support to the new owner he appreciate what shawn did for the last 12 years i hope that goes that long or longer.
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>> thank you come on up marry anyone else interested. >> i'm hydra i want to make two quick points the first one i've also directly across the street if the bar i personally ran around the petitions to the neighbors in my 48 unit building and neighbors within go blocks and even one of the people that signed that petition who calls the police on everybody oh, amnesia i'll support that and the second point i have the privilege of being the bookkeeper for amnesia so i've got the offhand of the musicians employed by this wonderful operation not just hundreds of musing but thousands the livelihoods of people i see you all appreciate it i'll keep it
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short thank you very much. >> any is there any additional public comment. >> hi i just want to say that - >> first, i want to say i'm tom nice to meet you i'm thoroughly in in favor of amnesia doing what it is doing it's been a nurturing presence in the city that is not obnoxious so the sort of place who someone didn't have a giants draw can book a show and settle in and explore art and build up an audience and be a draw bend of that most it is
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a, patient slow microscopic sort of place analogy like soul food not about rushing or pressure about community i think we're all in favor i wanted to toast it whether or not i can it's a wedding or something i'm glad to have gotten the opportunity thanks. >> thank you. >> i'd like to say something about shawn because i've known shawn since he started that the street was a difference place it is a magic magic boiron any bars in town that as a magic shawn i hate to see you go since usual leaving the country you're an ace he did a beautiful thing on
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valencia street i'd like to thank you and craig you might not remember the battles where rose and i put the boar store and craig has had a great attitude and we as a communities really need to support this place it's really a gem thank you. >> i see another public commenter couldn't is a hero name. >> i'm a local musician a professional musician originally from south san francisco i'm a bay area native and cabin playing music here in the bay area since 1991 i know shawn personally i remember which he opened the venue and he the a wonderful job establishing the venue and i want to just add that with no
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exaggeration i've seen many close i've not been to one venue that delivered as much joy to a communities of people musicians and people that love live entertainment i port the entertainment licenses and want to welcome they're new owner to the venue i appreciate your support thank you. >> any final. all right. thanks for or not the times commissioners happy to entertain a motion >> i so moved. >> there is a motion and a second any furthers discussion all right. take a vote. >> on the motion to approve the permit with the attached continues same house, same call?
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>> all right. that means yes, we all support this (clapping.) good luck and good luck to all the permit applicants i'm going to move on to the next couples of items item of the report if the development review committee are director j.c. asked for me to present that we meet with the committee with commissioner vice president joseph and commissioner caminong that was wednesday august 5th at 2:00 p.m. essentially we had several guests a couple of the guests one of the owners of 1015 fulsome and an architect for the residential permit that wanted to get ahead of the gave him
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what we were interested in sort of conditioning on this sorts of projects those were the guests but a bulk of the agendas in the packet that was a discussion about recommend noise continuation the next item as a procedural thing to basically have a standing item on the regular agenda we meet an tuesdays an update of the projects or the work approval by the entire commission i don't know if there is more details we elected officials so your wlooukt the chair the committee and the vice chair of the commission i think that's it anyone have anything.
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>> no, that was ininaugural so. >> one other thing we said our plan to meet every two weeks or twice a month actually basically before this standing commission meanwhile e meeting we've talked about 3 o'clock so you'll not be voting members until your part of committee but we're lap to have you there. >> we'll be putting out an agenda if navigate in fact, you people. >> the first meeting do you have cases to discuss. >> we reviewed a spreadsheet that the director and ben worked
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on first that was enpilot so asked for more information but not one project. >> and sorry is spreadsheets you got a number what it looks like. >> yes. >> huge. >> well, at this point yeah. it is about hundred and 10 after the committee directed me to clean it up it feels a little bit messy the date is set coming if planning a lot of information it didn't need to be in the day set in any case yeah, so i'll talk about in the next item. >> one thick we'll consider is there sort of a date or some sort of way to filter through the hundred and 10 in the piecemeal that are at various stages of completion we might
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treat those difference than a brand new project that hadn't broken ground is oh, tilt any more commissioners thoughts or questions public comment on this item on the fact we have this committee and met once? nope all right. let's move on to item 7 >> commissioner as far as you can see again as i said in my reports this is a lot this is a great new addition as far as the chapter so they gave us a lot of continuous but in terms of implementation it is a lot a brand new sort pragmatic section we have to begin recycle we began this commission with creating rules and regulations and policies working quickly as
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we can the intention i had i spoke with the city attorney today to take that hundred and 10 projects and try to get the planning commission to stagger there's a class that ticks according to say notification if i have a hundred and 10 projects triggering that thirty days we will have way too many to hear we'll try to fidget the best way to get the planning department to stager that how far into the pipeline and work backwards but meeting twice a month we'll schedule the project sponsor does it meet the cc&r criteria not all the hundred and 10 will
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come to the committee based on the rules we so forth and that's only our website if anyone is watching regardless staff will be in charge of that i can't in a month looks at hundred prongs but in any case quietly stager in a thoughtful way in the next couple of months churn through those as we get new ones so, yeah at the committee one of the things the meats is the menu to setting up standard conditions like the good neighbor policies relative to what we feel are sort of you know best practices
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for developers putting up a residence within 3 hundred feats of entertainment that was there for years as it broke out on page 2 at the bottom to bullet points there is communities outreach, things recommended to the sound like study and construction and packs and communication i made some changes based on the committees amendment on august 5th by basically there here for you to consider and i'd like to be able to move this out of this commission this evening so we can in every single case at least communicate those genetic standards every single a project comes through you know our office because those are things that
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should be done and in your opinion and the committee and staffs opinion wherever someone puss retains within a certain amount of distance those are excuses that often and you know as well i do don't always mix so this thoughtful work throughout the development process and construction and so that's why construction impacts and ongoing communication are also included we'll get through the review process they've be giving construction documents to begin to do demolition and construction if it requires demolition or construction if it is parking lots or whatever and a tremendous amount of impact whether they have, materials all over the place so we know this
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becomes a problem for ongoing operations therefore reconstruction needs to be thoughtful and objective when people move in another set of issues if you want to read into the record if you guys have any questions again, the committee reviewed this with changes so look at it request further questions. >> unless the commission inquires requires it can we put this document into the record if some way. >> yes. we certainly can do. >> rather than roared we'll put the documents into the record. >> commissioners have you reviewed this and looked it after anecdotally those are the good neighbor policy for good
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developers relations policies. >> any questions or thing you want to word differently or thoughts about it in general do you think it is good or bad. >> it is good and it is a working document you guys into go through that and so we, adjust and make changes to it. >> that's correct. >> it's an sclents starting point. >> those are kind of the things we hone in on what's your community outreach and sound system and i can what are the design things you're doing around having a night life venue. >> right how are you progressing our egress and attendance for not to impact them or the night club and stuff like that. >> especially the construction materials that's a big deal for
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a lot of fence and venues. >> this is a standard set we'll tweak them and do more specific recommendations. >> rights. >> i know the committee as i mentioned i'm working on the language it maybe something that we add to a specific you know project when - the issue of property lines came up the issue of abutting residents development residential development right next to place of entertainment i don't know the word what aim trying to get out department of real estate it is a death toll for place of
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entertainment so overwhelming to get a kind of perimeter around that and pull it aside obviously not relating but built for a place of entertainment we should definitely add to this and or add. >> can we say anytime a foundation is locked should be a requirement that materials are used or still suggestion recommendation. >> those are recommendation not never not be a recommendation i think we worded it as strongly as possible they never do that. >> thank you for assessing that exactly foundations should not be locked i don't care if they puts two inches is two foundations are you know of one
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case it was a property line mistake by a prior owner the venue and the other case that was the contractor that built the residential property that went over and decided to do that because they were sloppy and didn't care now the foundation with a giant building what do you do not exactly take the foundation the building goes to the ends of the foundation they should never lock ever. >> the question why do people do it for earthquake or. >> that was on for houses on stilts. >> why lock it into my foundation. >> i don't think i can answer the question the real estate department will help me but the point the operator of a place of entertainment didn't own the
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property. >> correct. >> so we have to do something to sort of you know change the dynamic so it is a place of entertainment is aware and the developer is warrior aware someone you have to get permission to do that between two properties and again, it didn't make into the proper language more relevant in the two are distant from one another. >> the dbi requires any new remodeling to get permission from the owner of the building so maybe we can. >> we're talking about residential to the entertainment. >> make sure they're not locking into the foundation. >> not remodeling. >> yeah. i everyday i learner something new everyday i'm
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becoming a better designer so, yeah this is not the ends all but a place to starts the projects are very, very all the way through the pipeline we have a tiny bit of room to get in some of the concepts so i need to have something come if you guys. >> are you done now girls and about his and commissioner frost we know what we know chief executive officer. >> that's exactly right we don't know what we don't know. >> we know something you have on paper so can we make that the starting point it doesn't seem like any further commissioners questions or comments any public comment on this issue. >> hi patrick stevens i rant
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resist making a comment because you know you have to appreciate when you think about something a few days ago and see this on the agendas because any curiosity was returning you folks a you know just like as you mentioned i don't know you don't know what you don't know you're getting information i want to really appreciate this is occurring and again, i support you on anything you do to take action to assist the venues and keep the city of san francisco lively entertainment we also want to have it just want to give that support. >> i stayed here extra time i saw that on the agenda. >> thank you. >> any other public comment. >> all right. i don't see any
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public comment is closed. commissioners. >> we need a motion. >> yeah. a motion to approve. >> second. >> you move to what you what. >> approve approve. >> sorry i move to approve the recommended noise attenuation for chapter 167 of the residential projects for our commission subcommittee to use. >> is that enough. >> yeah. it's great. >> as put into the record prior; right? and right. >> correct. >> second there is a motion and a second. >> commissioner frost. >> commissioner perez commissioner vice president joseph arrest commissioner caminong commissioner president tan. >> thank you, very much. >> good job everyone that is a big deal. >> that's a big deal. >> really i appreciate it. >> can i ask a quick question.
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>> no. you can't if you want to ask the staff you can whisper on to item 8 commissioners questions or comments. >> commissioners questions or comments. >> i just have one i want to thank jocelyn and this staff for a great job around the street park it was wonderful and all of those people that don't mind to us whether the venue that was for this over and over or people that donated food crystal i'll be beginning and dna and convincingcy jones and cheese cake and all those people that was delicious and great and the programming was wonderful, you this a great job i'm really proud of this commission it is 12 years and the other thing
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every time he see rdr on any calendar i think i'm going to a dog rescue. >> sorry i don't know. >> i don't know what to side. >> we need a difference acronym. >> how about rdr c otherwise it's a dog rescue i'm heading there to do a funds raiser. >> elton john was great for the amount of people that run introduce that park the organization and everything is so nice and dressed and the sounds no later than where you sit it sounds great and when you walk away you don't hear it
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they're going a great job keeping the neighbors happy i appreciate that what is the next one. >> there's no stress to the attendees i think you don't see the stress. >> if you see is workers they're having a great times and side bartenders and everybody. >> it was pretty awesome. >> commissioner caminong. >> i'd like to say to spooushg thank you for taking me only the rides along thank you for taking me we want to 6 venues across the city a great education i'd like to recommend to my fellow commissioners, if you guys have the times schedule a rides along i'll do it again. >> but you saw the dog.
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>> all right. i don't think there is any others comments to say there any public comment about our comments no this is a closed the final future agendas items a notes for the regularly scheduled meeting for tuesday is cancelled for september 1st so, now it the accepts 15 anything you want to add on the agendas there is always stuff. >> what about the retreat. >> we'll find another retreat part of the issue is i'm actually up for reappointment so i may or may not be at that 15 accounting meeting i should be no problem but i'll be reappointed. >> after 60 days.
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>> right just a little bit of administrative oversight so hopefully, i'll be back and get rolling things again. >> are you thinking about october for the retreat. >> i'll ask the staff to send out dates and the retreat should be in hawaii a true retreat anything on the fire chief agenda items. with that, public comment is closed is closed it is
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