tv Mayors Disaster Council SFGTV September 22, 2015 8:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> i will move approval. >> second. >> i will go ahead and note that director kim is absent. with that, director lee, yes. director riskin, aye. vice chair nuru, aye. chair harper, aye. that's four ayes and item 17 is approved and directors that concludes your agenda for today. >> is that it? we are adjourned. >> thank you. (meeting adjourned).
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as we bring events in the city, and know that we have partnerships throughout the communities, i think, there is a lot more confidence about what we're doing and it's exhibited by the people who tap into our you remember that? [laughter ] , as well as the very enthusiastic support we have for our nert program. and for the ongoing resiliency programs that a number of people have had, and to our resiliency officer, who is helping dem and city administrator think through things around the corner that we need to pay attention to. there are a couple of things that i also want to do. let me say thank you to all of you who have also helped in the
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lake county/sonoma, napa and butte areas in their disaster and maybe a quick moment in our own minds and hearts about the lost lives there. i think it's appreciated. and i also want to give particular thank you to our fire department, and our firefighters, who over the past week have not only gone up there in as many volunteer hours as possible, with equipment, hopefully we never have to use down here and hopefully, we keep our fires down, but in response to that tremendous disaster that you you already know the statistics on. 800 homes, thousands of people's lives destroyed, that were there to assist. if it isn't medical and now perhaps our public health is being asked to submit mental health professionals to help.
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as our firefighters giving toys to kids who lost everything and giving them a chance to have some play as people rebuild their lives. that reminds me this is the 10th anniversary of katrina, and knowing that a huge disaster happens in the other counties constantly we're more than observing and engaged in those not just to help, but to take lessons learned and about rebuilding and recovery and things we have been associating ourselves with ever since katrina where mayor gavin newsome allows me and others to represent the city and we took the opportunity not only to bring lawn mowers to help certain areas, but took our time to stand in areas that were devastated and wondered
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how our city would prevent that from happening? and in those moments it wasn't just wishful thinking, but brought that opportunity back and that is what began a more solid resiliency plan and volunteers and people from both berkeley and harvard. that studied it from all over the country, if not the world, to see what san francisco and other places could do to anticipate better our expected challenges on both an earthquake, but also now more and more it can be the expected el nino, plus an earthquake, plus drought, plus anything else. and so this is my way of saying that we take every opportunity that we can to support you the others that are doing and then we learn. and then we take it back here.
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for el nino, as all of you know, all of the experts are predicting historic levels of flooding. i have already asked harlan for his favorite list of catch-basin sites that he and public works have already identified, and can already vacuum-suck all of that stuff and make sure that we don't have backups that will compromise our pedestrian/vehicle, and access safety for everybody. but that is just the small stuff, relatively small, i think. we need to concentrate on those areas of flooding, but also prepare people for that particular aspect of our weather while we're still into how we're going to get out of this drought. and that is taking the opportunity to say thank you to the puc, because all of you there have been working hard to
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make sure that we do everything that we can to respond to the drought. i think we have done it effectively, that we're at historic-levels of conservation. i can use my bill as one example. but i know that we're always cautious of our water use in the city and i noticed everybody has got dirty cars, fine. i'm accepting of dirty cars. i also want to say thank you to our city administrator. she has kept me very much informed on our lifelines, utility councils and what each of the big utilities are doing and practicing. again, on the eve of yet again our -- i guess this will be the 26th anniversary of loma prieta next month, that we are also taking that as an opportunity to remind everyone that yes, that there were real shakes in piedmont, along the
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hayward fault. that is extremely -- that is right there -- it's close. and it's close enough that there is earthquake experts that are zeroing in on all of the different plate movements that are going on in northern california if not even in the cascade mountains that i have been studying a little bit, because i have relatives up that way as well. we need to be very cognizant of that, and the same experts and some of them are working on early earthquake warning systems and i'm glad to see now there is a growing investment, where we can have a warning system that would allow us to do some early things while the precious seconds are there trembling. we can also have some maybe automated things that help our fire departments keep the doors open, elevators get unstuck, these are all important things to consider as kind of
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lessons-learned and let's do better and let's keep on investing in the proper protocols for that. i know that we're investing in our disaster workers program with our city employees. and making sure that we have both through the lifeline council and through our hr a robust return as best we can knowing there will be participation challenges. that we have to have the multiple modes coming back into the city, so that utilities and lifesaving support systems can be up. most importantly, i need to remind everyone here to make sure you are personally prepared. there is no excuse for us not to be in the situation that we have, and we are the center of leadership and so we have got to have our own families and friends ready for this at any
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time. and then to have your departments that you are in charge of, you do the same thing for your top management. you ask them to be personally prepared, and to work on those things that get them freed up, so that we do what we do best, which is serve the public. i want the public to know that our investments in nert in resiliency programs is all in an effort to prepare for those 72 hours and we should never, ever be caught in an unprepared way. we should always expect this disaster to happen. then it's a planned response, not a surprise response. and that is the huge difference in san francisco. we always want our disasters planned out in advance, so that we can take care of a lot more things, and i think we have
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found out that when we do pre-planning whether it's in our fiscal arena or in any other event planning, we always have a great deal of success. and no less for disaster response and to be planned in every jurisdiction we have interviewed since katrina knows that when you make the fundamental investment, you will have some clear and better results, and the residents will feel that. because they will be directly engaged in that effort. so with that, i just want to say thank you for being part of this council. i'm proud of what the city is doing. let's keep doing it and let's keep having an attitude of always been prepared. that is how less fear and more about the engagement that we have in front of us is going to be the standard always to be working with our communities. i know there is a lot more things that people want us to do, whether it's potable water on the west side, whether it's more paramedics to make sure
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ambulance responses are there, whether it's ongoing investments like we have done with hiring more firefighters, paramedics and 911 callers and more equipment and more police officers, i think we have those resources. we have demonstrated in the budget this year with the no-cuts budget for the city that queer we're willing to invest in all these things to make our city. nowhere else do i think it's adequately prepared dem, and i know we'll be on display for fleet week as we emphasize well-beyond the celebration of our military is the practice of a number of things that i have already seen the scheduled for and i'm excited to be participating in everything from the practice zones to the
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desktop practices with our you our coast guard, with our military, that would most likely be here in a major disaster. this continued practicing with them, so that our cultures within departments can get used to the names, the acronyms that they use, that we use, that we understand each other's acronyms and get used to those things so we have good partners coming in and bringing good equipment and have the places to do it. everything from debris management to supplies has to be here and we have to anticipate that. thank you. >> thank you. thank you very much, mr. mayor. as the mayor mentioned we are responding currently to the valley fire that was a very fast-moving fire, started a week ago saturday with 40 acres and by the time we woke up on sunday morning, i think it was almost at 40,000. so it was
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very quick. about 75,000 acres have burned now, and three lives have been lost, which is just very sad. over a thousand structures. it's going to take them a long time to rebuild. the city has deployed from the fire department, from my office, from public health and from the puc, up to help in lake county. at the same time, the fire department is also still currently in butte county. i think you have six engine companies up there is deployed. so we really are providing a lot of mutual aid for our partners here in california during this very rough fire season. we have is deployed a total of 17 personnel just to the valley fire so far, and again, as i mentioned, we'll probably going on for many, many weeks we will be asked for help over that period of time.
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i wanted to mention just really briefly that we finished our urban shield exercise a weeking a. urban shield has grown into a comprehensive full-scale regional preparedness exercise, assessing the overall bay area and the regional response capabilities related to multi-disciplinary planning policies and procedures and specifically san francisco was very involved with the yellow command exercise, which happened a week ago friday. what we were doing in full-scale exercise was simulating three different events around the bay area. stimulated terrorist-type of events or that is what we thought, but of course as you are in the middle of it, you really don't know what is happening. so as things are taking place in different
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counties, trying to pull the intel together, the information we had our joint information center activated. we had many, many personnel involved. we did a stimulation down at levi stadium for a soccer game. what happened is some kind of explosive device went off there, and so i think we learned a lot from urban shield. and every year it gets tighter and more people participate. san francisco had the most staff participating this year from fire, police, my office, health, puc. it was many, many different departments were participating. and it really is viewed on the national-level as the exercise to emulate. i was at the fema's national advisory council in washington, d.c. last week. i had the honor of sitting on it and representing san
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francisco and i can't begin to tell you how many people came up and asked me about urban shield specifically? and if they could come out and to partner with us and find out what we do. so more to come on that. i wanted to mention that fema requires us to do a hazard mitigation plan and keep it updated every three years. we did complete our hazard mitigation plan at the end of 2014. we covered climate change, and sea-level rise, temperature rise, precipitation changes, and we received many national accolades and requests for guidance to integrate those new components into other people's hazard mitigation plans. so again, i think we are viewed as leading the pack in that. since our last meeting, we have had a number of different
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exercises. i mentioned urban shield and we had ebooltabletop series a 3-part series. we did a mass-feeding tabletop. we did fleet week logistic tabletop and as the mayor mentioned and you will hear more about today, there are additional exercises occurring in next week. we activated the eoc a number of times last year for the wonderful giant's playoff and world series. the world series parade, our winter storms of 2014, it's rather difficult to even think about winter storms today when it's 90 degrees out. but new year's eve, the warriors nba finals just to mention a few. the last thing i'm going to mention we try all the time to really reach the community about being more prepared. i think most of you, hopefully,
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all of you are aware of our we use our outreach. we try to use special events to get the word out to people. this year in a very innovative fashion, i think we were at out lands with the table and simulating what people would do in an earthquake at outside lands and used the opening of the "san andreas" movie, the premiere as an opportunity to have a panel to discuss what you do in an earthquake? and to just you again highlight what we as a city are trying to do. any means that we have to bring people into the fold and get them to be prepared at home and at work is something had a what that we look for. so thank you very much. and we'll move on to the next item on the agenda our el nino citywide planning.
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mike dayton our ems director is going to be presenting to us. >> thank you. i just wanted today to give you a little flavor of how the planning effort is going. some of the assumptions that were based in the plans on, obviously on previous events. we had the great benefit of having our executive director anne serve as incident commander during the el nino 1997-1998 event. if the predictions hold true we anticipate see a lot of mudslides. in '78-highway 101 in pasco cific pacificka was shut down at one point we had 80,000 people in san francisco without power and if you think about people with access and functional needs things can really turn south when the power is out for an extended period of time. that is going to be informing our planning efforts. we opened up temporary shelters
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for the homeless and obviously, if it's like last winter when we opened up, activated the eoc during the winter storm for three operational periods, we expect with el nino type of events it's going to be a marathon of storms for the winter months. we're planing for a more extensive operational period. also in 1997-98 we declared a state of emergency with $14 million in damages. so we're anticipating similar damages during this year with if the predictions again, hold true. during the next month we'll be convening smaller plan groups and also holding a meeting october 2nd within our faith council and thank you michael for pulling that together.
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and by november 1st we'll have a revised concept of operations. we had a con-op last year and we're taking that and revising the base and dem will be staying in constant contact monitoring what the national weather service will be in contact with state. and the feds and if there is a forecast for severe weather, and i mean that is high winds with a large amount of rain and isolated areas, then we will host a coordination call with all city departments and brief them on what forecast is. if the national weather service agrees that earlier briefing to be part of the call, so you can hear it from the scientists and not the emergency managers. based on those conference calls we'll take actions whether or not to activate? and that is all in support -- i know there is already pre-planning efforts going on with the puc, the department of public works
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and we look forward to pulling them together with 311, and our dispatch center to really focus on the communications in next month to have a solid con-ops. that is where we are at with planning for el nino. thank you. >> thank you. any questions about our planning efforts? [ inaudible ] >> agencies should be prepared, because it's not going to be as fast a recovery -- [ inaudible ]
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>> thank you. any other comments or questions? thank you, michael. >> thank you. >> okay. next on the agenda is our super bowl l update. we're all excited about super bowl l, anna sop is our dem operations coordinator and she is going to be presenteding. >> hello and thank you for having me. i'm here today to share our super bowl l planning efforts. we have been working with the host committee and work in partnership with the afl and events planned for the bay area. as many of you know the game is scheduled sunday february 7, 2016. prior to that a week long series of events will be hosted in san francisco. nfl experience and we're
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working with our first-responders to identify how to continue to provide essentially you city services seamlessly. this obviously requires multiple -- requires coordination with multiple safety agencies, a mix of federal, state and local municipalities and private sector. within san francisco, we have developed branches that we can work from that can be a point of contact for us. for instance law enforcement and sfpd has been working with us and escorts, traffic safety, tactical response. for the fire branch we have with chief francisco working with fire-related focus. for san francisco, we have the
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city services branch working with peter albert for transportation, public health, and all of the other different functions that are actually impacted with these events coming to the city. and we started to really when we focused on this with dem, we really looked to our first-responders for a collaborative effort. so that we can maintain early communication and begin a series of exercises and we could look at operational awareness, planned development, and validation, training and exercise, and ultimately, leading up to operational coordination. we will have our emergency operations center active during the super bowl events. all stakeholders are invited to participate and assist with coordination and can i probably speak for the police department and multiple dpw and fire department will be operating in different instances. so we had
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three dates for the exercise series we held last month, the planning review workshop. we looked at planned assumptions and worked with martha cohen and moving forward we're going to look next month in november 18th, good day tabletop exercise. this will be an opportunity to test our response plans locally, regionally as well with our federal agencies. reviewing a list of events, looking at the street closures, sanctioned events, maybe unsanctioned events knowing that a lot of this may change, but really for us we want to know how we can provide, if we have an alarm fire how go we send response and ingress/egress for emergency response vehicles? and then the third series of that would be the bad-day tabletop. we just want to focus really for this it's an opportunity to focus multi--level response, say for instance a natural or
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manmade incident, say an extreme weather event, how do we integrate response and response in a timely fashion? ultimately the objective for us is to test local and regional plan, santa clara and san mateo are all heavily involved and how to maintain a common operating picture and share information? not just vertically, but also horizontally. what systems are we using? what do we need to know? when do we need to know it? in closing that has been really for me personally and i think i can speak for at anne, we started early planning efforts in collaborating and finding out who needs to know information and our first-responders have been very helpful communicationwise. that is all i have. we look forward to a very successful event and happy to be part of the process. any questions? >> the impact will be to have
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good communication for downtown construction because there will be a week delay how to do the delivery, our office will work closely -- because street closures in those areas for construction and delivering materials and so forth. >> that is part of that transportation -- we're contemplating how we accommodate the necessary movement such as commercial loading and construction that would be happening. [ inaudible ] parts of downtown that are essentially closed off, they are still buildings that are operating and construction and accommodate those needs. >> mr. mayor ? if i may?
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any other comments or questions? moving right along then. thank you, anna. i'm going to do a real quick fleet week brief. fleet week is right right around the corner. in addition, to the blue angels and spectacular airshow that we see the public-facing side of fleet week, as well as the ships that come into san francisco bay. there is a whole bunch of other activities that take place as well:the city and county of san francisco is organizing with the fleet week center for humanitarian assistance in disaster relief a series of events to help us train and prepare and get better as the mayor mentioned, responding with our military partners. so fleet week brings all of the
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first responders, federal, state and local government disaster response agencies together with the department of defense services to develop these relationships and plans in advance. so that when we need mutual assistance, when we do have some large event here in san francisco, we know how to talk to each other already, and we have those relationships established. so just to highlight a few things that are going on outside of what you see in the air and on the bay, on monday october 5th we're having a defense support civilian authorities discussion. rehearsal of concept exercise. this is taking place at pier 50, exercise is designed and conducted by dem, in partnership with the port of san francisco and the humanitarian assistance disaster relief group of fleet week. and we will rehearse decking
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the uss somerset outside of the bay, and then bringing it in and offloading supplies and staging at pier 50. so it's going to be a really good exercise and we're looking forward to it. on the 2nd -- the 6th of october rather, the marine corps will demonstrate the delivery of urban search-and-rescue teams to san francisco's post-disaster, mv22, that will land at moffett field and pick up teams and deliver them back to moffett field. also on tuesday the 6th we're going to be doing an interoperable training with fire department, and ems ride alongs. on wednesday, we'll be doing the fire department every year does urban search-and-rescue and we have gotten feedback from military, who have gone through that; that they have
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been able to use the skills that they have picked up from sffd in place likes haiti, when they have gone to respond and found it very useful and worthwhile. on the 7th of october a medical pier-to pier exchange at the marine's memorial and on the 7th senior leadership seminars day one. we do two-day seminars tackling immediately subjects with the military and these are our seniors leaders throughout the entire bay area region. the first day of the seminar will focus on energy restoration. i know that is one of the mayor's interest areas with the lifelines council. and the day concludes with a tour of the ship docked at piers 30-32. day 2 is the second day of the
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senior leadership seminar. on thursday, we also have an interoperable training with the navy and on saturday, actually friday/saturday/sunday this year, everyone who can should make it down to the marina green. we have a static display there at the humanitarian village, humanitarian assistance village and get lots of great information from all of the presenters and the different organizations who have booths there, along with being able to see the actual military capabilities that would be brought to san francisco. so all in all, it's a very exciting week, and we are very happy to be partners with the fleet week association. we've identified a citywide concept of operations plan. we do this every year. we'll be meeting next week to go over it with our key
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partners in the city, and this plan is designed to provide situational awareness for all of us. to just make sure that fleet week is not only a fun event, but it's also a useful one that brings good learning-lessons for us. yes, micki? >> i have a question about your october 6th event veterans employment. we have currently a veterans hiring project that dhr where we're seeing to be the employer of choice for veterans. so we're hoping that there is a coordination. please reach out to our workforce development staff to ensure that as the largest employer in san francisco to make sure we're there and part of the program and talking to our veterans about what opportunities in san francisco employment as well? >> i believe that you are there already, but -- no, i'm
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really glad that you mentioned that. we will make sure that that happens. but we have been working with your department. >> fantastic. thank you. >> also i would like to -- -- [ inaudible ] >> who is your contact? >> you can start with me. >> great. other comments or questions? everybody come out and have a good time with fleet week. i hope that you all participate. are there any -- we're drawing to a close here. are there any updates from disaster council members? we have a roundtable here. anything that you wish to present?
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[ [ inaudible ] holding a number of trainings of personnel -- to go through that at the eoc. so finance and admin can continue to participate and related to el nino specifically, we are notifying all departments that because of the gradual or marathon nature of el nino we're activating all the time keeping codes in an automated way, as well as in the accounting system. so your cfos will get messaging on this, so that they can calmly practice it before the storms come underway. if it doesn't come to pass at least they have a chance to practice with it. >> excellent, thank you, todd.
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any other announcements? yes, tom? >> last year -- actually this year because of the delay of the grants we have $200,000, chinatown for outreach. we have additional with two more districts we're going to do another $100,000 for each district. one is western edition and one bay and hopefully we have enough people to outreach for the public to learn how to prepare for the seismic safety. >> thank you. anything else? any public comment? october is a very busy month. 26th anniversary of loma prieta as the mayor mentioned and
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shake-up is in october. if you haven't signed up for it yet, please do. fleet week, we're going to have a lot of things going on in san francisco. and again, i thank you all for being here today. be safe, and thank you all you also for your partnership in helping us to be better prepared and planned. thank yo
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week. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the san francisco. the reporter: has many opportunities to get out and placing play a 4 thousand acres of play rec and park has a place win the high sincerely the place to remove user from the upper life and transform into one of mother nachdz place go into the rec and park camp mather located one hundred and 80 square miles from the bay bridge past the oakland bridge and on and on camp mather the city owned sierra nevada camping facility is outings outside the
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gate of yosemite park it dates back before the area became is a popular vacation it i sites it was home to indians who made the camp where the coral now stands up and artifacts are found sometimes arrest this was the tree that the native people calm for the ac accordions that had a high food value the acorns were fatally off the trees in september but they would come up prosecute the foothills and were recipe the same as the people that came to camp camp is celebrating it's 90th year and the indians were up here for 4 thousand we see every day of them in the grinding rocks around the camp we have
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about 15 grinding sites in came so it was a major summer report area for the 92 hawks. >> through there are signs that prosperity were in the area it was not until the early part of the century with the 76 began the construction of damn in helpfully a say mill was billed open the left hand of the math for the construction by which lake was used to float logs needed for the project at the same time the yosemite park and company used the other side of the camp to house tourists interesting in seeing the national park and the constructions of damn when the u
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son damn was completed many of the facilities were not needed then the city of san francisco donated the property it was named camp mather the first director it was named after him tuesday morning away amongst the pine the giant sequoia is the giants inventories first name if our title is camp means there's going to be dirt and bugs and so long as you can get past that part this place it pretty awesome i see i see. >> with a little taste of
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freedom from the city life you can soak up the country life with swimming and volley ball and swimming and horseback riding there you go buddy. >> we do offer and really good amount of programming and give a sample p of san francisco rec and park department has to offer hopefully we've been here 90 years my camp name is falcon i'm a recession he leader i've been leading the bill clinton and anarchy and have had sometimes arts and crafts
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a lot of our guests have been coming for many years and have almost glutin up, up here he activity or children activity or parent activity here at camp mather you are experiencing as a family without having to get into a car and drive somewhere fill your day with with what can to back fun at the majestic life the essence of camp mather
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one thing a that's been interesting i think as it evolves there's no representation here oh, there's no representation so all the adults are engine i you know disconnected so there's more connection the adults and parents are really friendly but i think in our modern culture i you know everyone's is used to be on their phones and people are eager to engagement and talk they don't have their social media so here they are at camp mather how are i doing. >> how are you doing it has over one hundred hundred
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cabins those rustic structures gives camp mather the old atmosphere that enhances the total wilderness experience and old woolen dressers and poaches and rug i do lay out people want to decorate the front of thaifr their cabins and front poefrnz their living room is outside in this awesome environment they're not inviting their guests inside where the berms are people get creative with the latin-american and the bull frogs start the trees grow and camp mather is seen in a different light we're approaching dinner time
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in the construction of the hetch hetchy damn the yosemite park built jackson diane hauling hall to serve the guests it does was it dbe does best service s serve the food. >> i'm the executive chef i served over 15 hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks breakfasts are pancakes and french toast and skranld eggs and hash brown's our meal formulate is we have roost lion it's reflecting of the audience we have people love our meals and love the idea they can pick up a meal
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and do worry about doing the dishes can have a great time at camp mather after camp people indulge themselves everyone racks go in a place that's crisis that i air after the crackinging of a campfire a campfire. >> the evening is kept up with a tenant show a longed tradition it features music i tried this trick and - this talent show is famous for
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traditional things but we have new things ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the first 7, 8, 9 being on stage and being embarrassed and doing random things >> unlike my anothers twinkling stars are an unforcible memory ♪ ♪ ♪ admission to camp mather is through a lottery it includes meals and camp programs remember all applicant registration on line into a lottery and have a rec and park
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department family account to register registration typically begins the first week of january and ends the first week in february this hey sierra oasis is a great place to enjoy lifeiest outside of the hustle and bustle and kickback and enjoy and a half >> everything is so huge and beautiful. >> the children grew up her playing around and riding their bites e bicycles it's a great place to let the children see what's outside of the city common experience is a this unique camp when you get lost in
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>> hi today we have a special edition of building san francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about san francisco's earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. ♪ >> the next episode of stay safe, we have alicia johnson from san francisco's department of emergency management. hi, alicia thanks to coming >> it is a pleasure to be here with you. >> i wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in san francisco. >> well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. having an out of state contact,
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to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. >> how long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in san francisco. >> it depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. >> what kind of neighborhood and community involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. >> it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbors and your community. go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to
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take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. it is important to have a battery-operated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the community around and how you can communicate with other people. >> one of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. >> yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. so a title to a home, a passport, a driver's license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any vital information on your computer. back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. >> in your home you should be prepared as well. >> absolutely. >> let's take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. >> we have no water, what are we going to do about water? >> it is important for have
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extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. >> we have this big container and also in people's homes they have a hot water heater. >> absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well >> what other things do people need to have aren't their home. >> it is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. >> here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. and this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. >> yes. >> so in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. >> having an ice chest on hand
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is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. it is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. >> and here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. >> i hope that you have an alternative one at home. >> oh, i forgot. >> and in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. >> i have them right here. >> good. excellent. that is great. additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. >> i am okay and i will meet you at... >> exactly. exactly. water proof matches are a great thing to have as well.
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>> we have matches here. and my spare glasses. >> and your spare glasses. >> if you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. if it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. >> inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. >> very important. >> we have a little first aid kit. >> and lots of different kinds of batteries. and another spare flashlight. >> so, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we don't have damage? >> one of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. becoming prepared is not that difficult. taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few
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extra every-day items on hand helps to make the difference. >> that contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. >> absolutely. >> if you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. >> we are all proud of living in san francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. >> so, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. >> absolutely, it is my pleasure. >> and thank you for joining us on another edition of building
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>> good afternoon the commission will please come to order madam clerk, please call the roll. >> commissioner singer commissioner chow commissioner pating commissioner sanchez commissioner karshmer the second item on the agenda is approval of the minutes for august 1st i want to thank commissioner singer for chairing the meeting of september one the minutes are before you for approval a motion for approval is in order. >> so moved. >> second. >> i'd like to - >> corrections. >> i'd like to make a correction on - i told the
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secretary to change two things that was quoted as saying the car of homelessness it the number one priority is it so one of our highest priorities. >> what line oh, what section are you on. >> i don't have the minutes in front of me. >> here we go. >> i've got it. >> on page 4 in the middle the page i have noted it councilmember cate's noted that homelessness it the most serious health issues he wants to put it is one of the most and commissioner karshmer have paid participant i suggest to make to the commissioner said it be considered for example, perhaps looking at model life-changing like the stop
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model as showed effectiveness from the population the under the influrence is on we be innovative with the issue. >> okay. i see those as corrections from the speaker to the tint of hire his talk and they would be added unless there is opposition okay. so the motion is. >> i'm going to go ahead and commissioner pating on page 7 under the health just want the second paragraph from the bottom i'd like the intent to be clear what i was trying to point out that we received a presentation with data which was showed some positive things about the quality scores it is t at san francisco general hospital we're at the j.c. cbc we see quality
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scores in certain areas that are concerning relative to our peer group as defined and i just want to point out that there was that discrepancy and i'm going this entirely captures that and i'll explain on the statement to make that clear commissioner. >> hey, is the discretion related to different perimeters that were being measured in the quality or - >> i think that's y what dr. chin pointed out that is reasonable to say in saying that i don't want to lose the thought that and give the public the impression we're anywhere near the level we all including the people at general will expect of our quality scores we have a ways to go not prospective how i
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feel about where we are in the quality scores. >> i'll make that clearer. >> okay okay i think from what you're looking at those minutes we think we would like to get a just what we had said better that will be helpful to articulate that so the secretary can take a verbatim our secretary will work with commissioner fung how that paragraph workouts. >> i'll accept it from you commissioner pating. >> commissioner pating actually have words (laughter) so it would be that will be helpful we wouldn't have a misunderstanding. >> i'll draft something and
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send to commissioner singer and let me know if that works so everybody concurrence we'll allow it to happen for that paragraph are we prepared for a vote? if. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the minutes are approved. >> thank you, commissioners item 3 the director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners the california starter legislature adjourned on friday september 11th jorge has until october 11th to act on the bills passed and is high profile set of bills for a regulatory for medical cannabis and the right to die bill and need to reduce the high rate of prescription and allow the state to request the amendments 1115
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waiver mike the waiver is not met and the california children services to medicate managed care and failed to reach on agreement only the organizational tax which is the special section called by the governor we've discussed in the past mayor ed lee opened the medication center directed to homeless individuals mayor ed lee announced that week this last week, we would be looking another navigation center and tried to set up a fund for that that he is looking for a fund to be matched by private sector and the location of the navigation have not been selected we're working with the city and they're looking at other location for that service
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the department provides the homeless outreach team that engages the individual community and help with the housing component and also with the case management support to the staff is it are all right. in the navigation center i would assume it is the same thing of services than any other navigation service on tis the mayor ed lee and supervisor president breed announced to increase the affordable housing in san francisco by 10 thousand units by 2020 the 5 main division one thousand depressed unit and affordable units and the housing priorities for neighbors and amendments to the city inclusionary housing program and the establishment of additional incentive for affordable units wanted to just make sure we all knew you have a maternal update
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there were among 31 san francisco employers recently recognized for family friendly work there is a recent vision zero study featured not san francisco chronicle in puritan working with the transportation that a marketing campaign it stops here and stressing the pedestrians have the right-of-way at intersection the increasing by the yielding for pedestrians when paired with enforcement. >> also you know we almost forget about our administrative staff that both e do the backbone whether scheduling the processes or helping with the staff or the public that come into 9 office we did will have a gathering ever september 4th to
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acknowledge a lunch for our staff want to let you know that administrative staff is appreciative and laguna honda created a band that went into effect no longer allow for banning sugary drink beverage see r sugar sweetened beverages from their campus as the whole system in the care depth the wanted to mention cash was thank you for the opportunity 50 are years old there were more public health speakers centers and not in primary care but particularly with the castro mission that was a clinic that saw in the beginning hiv and aids we want to work with that and the development over the years it is an incredible heartache center for services as well and 80 percent the serious most
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heart disease among the low income african-americans and latino-american healthy san francisco opportunity i say city mobilizes the health care to give patient the prescription throughout the city their be holding an event on tuesday october 29th and feature the presentations by physicians and fitness provider and our own population heartache leaders i want to acknowledge jackie and others if there are any other questions about the report i object to answer them. >> commissioners, i guess we don't have the same copy we have an addendum only a director's report in our packet and that is
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oh, am i correct. >> do you all need full copies. >> does everybody have the director's report it is required to listen to it much more carefully (laughter). >> oh, i see, i see so therefore there might not be questions. >> i have a question of the addendum the high profile bills which ones did the city support. >> you can give us that information in the study. >> good afternoon with the office of policy and planning actually all of these bills within on the watch list but for the support by the city. >> i'm sorry. >> all the bills you see here. >> those are the notices we saw
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we supported. >> not on the support but the watch list. >> oh. >> we'll be present the finalized version. >> can i ask in the special section on health that was pit here how does that work the special sections continue and when do they end. >> when they figure it out the managed care packet like it says it causes a $1 billion hole in the medal if it is not resolved by next may they want to figure out that out so the committees have the option and the leaders can call the session back with before january otherwise in january is is sold and r solid
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and any bills passed during the special session will be announced. >> so in terms of the spell session committee as written would be able to continue if they were to choose to do so. >> yeah. i think if there were impetus to do so if they think a solution can be reached. >> all right. >> thank you. >> so questions to the director on her report? >> my apologies i sent the e-mail i should have spoke about the newspaper. >> my other question weed whacking track the impact thought possible one billion dollars shortfall for the services i don't know if so this
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a shortfall to the general plan or medicaid the state will be short. >> it is to the health pa plan to the san francisco health plan and we'll have to see how that looks at you know that's as i said to the nonprofits have been holdings tax and they're trying to give us tax bills in terms of the go tax we'll find out more and let you know. >> thank you. i definitely see the navigation sites and the additional funding you had come back as those are developed and let us knew. >> we're collaborating with the mayor's office and involved in the process as they develop the
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sites we'll probably not be in charge or that but we'll be insure they get even though help they need and will there b be some point how the expanded program is working. >> yes. a dashboard that is by the controller's office we can give you an updated report to those dashboard a great percentage a significant percentage of people gotten directly into permanent how do we do that? and lofsz services they're receiving and onsite with the mayor and saw the announcement that original navigation center is quite impressive. >> so is it fair to say in a quarter we'll see that. >> we'll develop a program and invite denver to talk about that with us. >> thank you
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any further questions no our appreciation and we'll move on to the please call the next line item. >> yes. thank you item 4 general public comment i've not received any requests. >> so we move on to item 5 the report back from the community health committee i want to thank dr. chow we heard from dr. curtis the maternal delinquent health for the efforts to reduce preterm birth the goal to reduce preterm birth with the health network and our health system to reduce the reflex factor we are presented with straevenz that both the health network and our population health division is trying to take on one to improve the women's center of prein all
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care and the second is to examine determines of health that effect the term of outcomes and the preterm bitter is determined by race and zip codes and paternal prenatal care you family it so many factors it was quite mr. ginsburg to see the department sort of out a list of priorities they've begun to implement the first to put together the preconception care passageway package that will include the family education and nutritious education and insuring that dlults and other services for women with that are
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planning to get a package of care particular those at risk for preterm birth and finally those that are looking citywide at to continue to integrate the lower and preterm birth with smoking and employment safeguard for women we're looking what we're trying to explore in our community population division is how to look at issues in this case preterm birth across the network and city seeing there is efforts and a lot of overlap between the general health efforts and population based efforts we're presented with the first year of strategic plan that came together in a grant we
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were both impressed with the competitiveness of that so it is too early for outcomes but both divisions are involved in the forest and we'll track their process the second effort we heard on oral health in the city with part of the adolescent the framework how are we impacting the mlk with the goal of zero dental care inside and outside the network within the network we heard a new benefit for medi-cal patient that was implemented called dental cal full dental services at a minor disbursement that explicit cover everything but services are covered under medal this has a
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huge burden on our primary care planning within the network they're addressing by increasing the staffing of dental we're hiring two new dentists and showing arrival of 27 to 40 percent increasingly if adult visits that koudz out the children and youth getting service but when we add the two new dentists that will less than e help with the excess demand that is driven by benefits and in the area of population health we've been looking at how the city p will there the underscore itself and commissioner chow saw the lectures to the community i understand we'll be doing similar presentations to the african-american in the bayview
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and in the mission this is part of an effort to both prompt the practices to integrate those practices in primary care and an evaluation you're seeing the population height and our network working together to help the health in our community again still in the first year we don't have the results but have a coordinated effort for both departments in the - hopefully, i'll be able to come back more and more as we do as we do and say as we do for the city and within the network for prehealth. >> questions of commissioner pating. >> okay clarify i'm not an
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expert on dental care identification at the chinatown presentation in order to support and is that was an important health initiative especially some of the few times chinatown has total red the worts in the city i was courage or courageously that be restored and that we actually put a great deal of effort and actually in the meeting a number of agencies that were within the area of chinatown were actually expressing that they have been trying to seek dental care i think that dr. you and from our department have been working along with the public health lives center it bring those together so people from the schools and people from the
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pediatric units were beginning to converse and find a way to get the kids to get tare preventive services that was what i was there for and but only to encourage i think the presentation i heard only the first part that the session today actually helped move our agenda for our coming planning meeting in which we are looking to understand what is happening at population health all the things and how does that work with our delivery system and how does that work with the whole health of the city i think the brief one was one i'll courage we look at our next planning section in terms of where certain major needs of city are going to be addressed
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through not just population health or not through our delivery system but some sort of integrated efforts so. >> if i may commissioners that is an important attribute we have the public health division and the delivery gentlemen, i had an laments concerning bringing the agencies and they're separate agencies in los angeles and it falls under the purview the board of supervisors is trying to bring that altogether the law times editor was asking how we did that in the development if you think about it we're under one agency but bringing 4 agencies together to say quite a feat i know that the doctor is ready for that goal i think it is saying a lot for us having the two divisions and the two divisions in the
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department when we look at the public health departments thought the country they're struggling for survival to fund that preservation component and it will come later we're in this to have to activities one looking at community health and the other individuals heartache if that is a major goal for my career how to work to tell the truth together to insure we can leverage that. >> we're going to be hearing today on emergency preparedness for the whole city and a presentation on what is emergency precipitating in and out of the framework that will
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allows you to if we can move the city services in some ways deal with the those you know great social needs i think that is also a way to show we're making progress so you'll be seeing this dynamic population health level in today's emergency preparedness and sxhirsz my questions of commissioner pating and i might point out also as director garcia in terms of the uniqueness in which our health services with mental health hospitals are under one agency and the strength of that dr. who is the form heads of cdc and is back in general also have highlighted that nationally
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saying that the san francisco model is one, if anywhere we were going to be successful in health it should be in san francisco. >> our please call the next line item. >> the update on public health and emergency response dr. balancing by a. >> good afternoon, commissioners it was a great introduction this kind of combination of the population health side and the ambulancey care and i'll talk about the population height side how we partner closely with the health network i'll north america vin the director of the health preparedness in the department
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of public health. >> so i'll starter first with a rhetoric california question why does preparedness matter the slide is a little bit old but things have happened in the last year which i call the disasters facing california and the nation in the lower left hand is the drought we were at a citywide meeting yesterday we're now preparing preparing for el nino switching from drought to rain they have a health impact we have to start preparing for the next image is ebola in tradition that is what people think the heartache erroneous the disease we had a big impacts the law a county fires this is the fires occurring has a much bigger impact 60 thousand acres up in
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flame and 20 thousand people displaced i'll talk about 9 health impacts and napa county the quarter that happened in august 2014 and the last slide is what happened in april with the battling and in the background the city was the only exultant that got destroyed so what unites those when people think the disasters they think of first responder referring back to the valley fire the 80 thousand e evicts needs medical care and services that falls under pukt and we're responsible for that so when disasters like this happens the entire city comes together we're part of the team at the depth of emergency
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management the clinics respond that is important you don't want to be working only on one entity that is putting two or causes problems for another agency in government so we come together as a group to serve the city and puthd is there in disasters yesterday el nino some of the things that came up were you know the pack that there are 6 house to 7 thousand homeless people on the street and working with the mayor's office and the hfa to help for the rains that create potential heartache issues our partners need to be activated and the health network folks make sure they're serving the patients and this is san francisco there are a lot of things happening in the car
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accidents and those types of thing we need to deal with anything including the rains so we know we have to respond have an important place in response but what is preparing to the needs. >> so i put this slide up here this actually theoretically shouldn't happy in san francisco the golden gate disasters what about overwhelming and how to prepare for something that potentially could wipeout a large part of the population that is displacement kind of chronic medical needs how to prepare when you get a huge sunday morning even with images like this can we prepare one the things there's not a lot of robust research because disasters can be unique they
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tend have their own set of conditions and hard to replicate around them so going to the next slide what happens in 2011 federal government both cdc and ass pa came together and decided to create capabilities along with disastrous preparedness if you're can be cable in those areas that you'll be able to respond to my type of hazard so it is divided by funding the fact is public health preparedness that is from the cdc has 15 capabilities and the nice things the hospital preparedness program done by the skim secretary they created other capabilities we have two funding streams to people with
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the public health and the individuals side today is presentation is going to focus on 3 targets i'll talk about 3 targets with 3 partnerships and i'll be happy to answer any questions about the capabilities if they come up so the partnerships are guess the capability we're trying to develop in the san francisco department of public health i'll focus on the coordination and that basically means how to come together and respond at the department and what is that response entail i'll talk about the health care tlvt that's a partnership and other responsibility in the health and finally talk about two outreach things ear doing in the communities at this point so in the department of public health the first thing to really be able to respond you need to have people that know how to respond and there are a set of the
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trainings raider for not only department of public health but all city employees to take and part of the things we need to do is insure that people are taking the training so currently there is no centralized system to track the training into housing the population health division has a central database we targeted started with that that is for all trainings not just interpreparedness in the beginning it ends in 2014 most people took the training by the end of the year 20 and 40 percent there and that was putting the training modules into place and reminding people to take the training a couple of times a year we've got good
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information but tlokd it has it's own link 0 and structure and to come in without knowledge is setting people up to not being successful the second reason the it is tied to reimbursement as many of you may know if you follow the news how difficult it is to get the reimbursement for different reasons and we want to get the easiest reasons out of the way to people that respond have this training our goals to first of all, centralize and amy care to track their training we're move to a training system that hopefully, will be able to track training and finally for the general fund effort a trainer position approved we'll be
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hiring a trainer into our branch we we're excited to have a trainer to be able to go out to the branches within depending training is one thing if you train people how they respond and so you can pass that through our response there are two ways we respond one through exercises and the other through actual activation in 2014-2015 we had two kind of big events few years or first our statewide medical health experience that happens in november and this year's november last year was special that was a regional effort so it was a much bigger experience and a full-scale experience which means we worked all the way to making an actual activation and
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last year was ann tell you one of the mandated things we have to be able to provide for a bio terrorism scenario is important it put a lot of i burden on the indicting to provide for the city as you can see the mass can work in a pandemic where you'll mix that with the scenarios would be useful we did that in 2014 and had over a hundred people participate as i mentioned a month ago we talked about the response and over a hundred person were assessing that and developed ways to help to help with the emergency responders in a disaster one of the things we do with the responses qi is built into emergency preparedness throughout the industry not only in the department of public
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health a activation whether an experience or actual response you have to do an action report you talk to the reported and the partners and what went wrong and what are the improvements for next time one the other metrics we're trying to do is measure all the things that have been coming and making sure we're constantly improving and all that information gets just want updated in the plan i've move to the second partnership our health care coalition on preparedness the hospital preparedness program has been typically focused on hospitals and we have a great relationship with our hospitals here we come together monthly to talk about what with disaster krofrnts so similar some of the works what we participated in there was a
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tabletop that occurred on ucsf we had a major earthquake fundamental experience and a lot of experience at sfgov and ucsf and statewide experience one of the things meerp or they were concerned about the actual shooter portfolios we brought trainers to provide some training to the hospitals and this year they've identified some key objectives and trial try to identify cyber and help people prepare for an incident the other thing i've tried and the branch tried really since come together is that hospitals actually are a fraction of the
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health care in most medical care occurs outd outside of the hospital so this is important we part of it in a big incident you get a lot of people that go to hospitals if we can have some of the patent in ambulatory care centers that will help to streamline and get the people that urging need the care and long term care facilities home heartache residential health and pharmacies they're all big partners one the goals this year to really start to get better at being able to engage different entities in the health care system and figure out ways we can insure they have preparedness plans in place and finally i wanted to talk about community preparedness
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so the mayor's office actually received a grant for one of the hundred resilient city's in the u.s. that was the funding has funded a group of people that including or loud a group of people to come together and work within san francisco and the department of public health has been part of the group about the environmental health and evil health emergency branch one the things we come together and talk to the neighborhoods about climatic change it is a good effort because the first thing we talked about was heat and san francisco has gender a number of heat waves one that was last week and because of the way that san francisco is structured the
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temperatures are going from 85 to 90 can be harmful to population getting that information out there and building the community partners and what this is really focused on not just providing information but getting neighborhood to start discussing how the neighborhoods are going to come together to provide centers for people or check on the children or elderly in the neighborhood and there's been great response that have come in one the things i'm going to do is i'm going to - oh, i think okay
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is that it perfect. >> thank you i just wanted to share this website that the mental health department created it is extraordinarily on climatic change it talked about the saefltz and extreme heat and air quality and one of the things it has an indicator map we can go allergy neighborhoods and figure out silvers the map this has broeblgd the city by indicators you know it focuses on some of the climatic change for we'll be helpful for el nino but has great information has great information about vulnerable populations in the city so the percentage of people that are
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over 5 and the percentage of people underage 5 and people with disabilities how that shakes out in the san francisco map i found it this transit scores that will be useful for hazards not just climatic change i wanted to share a little bit about this might not help us but a number of maps like this that cuffs indications how san francisco shakes out with other indicators i wanted to share i feel like this map has helped all the maps have helped with our preparedness effort. >> okay and then but the final nifltsd
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of niflts i want to talk about someone that came up and discussed what was some of the gaps they saw we specifically did with our emergency response team and the residential home care staffing administrator they felt that psychological be able to care for people as if a disaster happens and when anxiety or fear or worry what tools they can help out with people they're serving so we provided a training or actually multiple trainings to give psychological is a basic training moan can do but helpful in a disaster situation to the training was received by over 2 hundred people at different percent and it has reviews
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people were excited and plan to persian that i wish to out to people that are interested so i know that was kind of a quick big overview but developing a cultivate preparedness is what we do and on the depending we want to do the training and response and insure that you know the critical improvement recommendations that we've created through the ports are incorporated into our ongoing planning and we need to foster and continue to expand our exciting u existing relationship i'll leave you with the drop cover hold on i tried to tell everyone in case of a earthquake i want to thank the staff and the work they do i'll stop here. >> well, thank you.
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>> is there any public comment. >> i've not where he lived requests. >> commissioners comments or questions on the presentation. >> yes. commissioner. >> thank you for this you pointed out how this cultivate of preparedness which obviously is important we if you don't continue to use those bills whether the language of disaster preparedness it is very difficult remember i guess my question is as you do those coalitions and critical lessons leader you have that can inform the day to day non-disaster how week we take disaster preparedness and how we sgrak with one another. >> i completely agree one the
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great things about this system it used by all agencies in the public health department and not using their own language but what he really think about is just planning we all planning we plan everyday and we all take out insurance around catastrophes what am i going to do when an earthquake hits whenever we talk to staff or anybody it is the immediate response am i okay is my family okay do you have an emergency back up plan that is starting with the fundamentals and getting people to think about their families and themselves first because that is going to be the birth barrier and you will have that is part of planning which a lot of people can do on a day to
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day basis i think being able to get that i guess that story in with people that this is really about keeping you and your family safe and then you know coming in and helping out the city that resonates with people the one thing we can do so not a special but everyday occasion both in personal and also in the way we sgrak with the division to division i think that is the less special the more effective over time. >> yeah. i totally agree i think there are times we can use the ic s anyone can be the constant commander and for example, the unit will be coming to the executive team some of us are not the city and executives
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what are you going to do when you live in oakland and something happens in san francisco in the middle the night what steps we practice we we need to do in terms of being prepared we can use the ic s for any project and doing that i think we learn from the ebola process one of the things to keep the clinic people if their place and not pull people maybe two to three hundred people in the building didn't have the clinic process we were able to find what what kind of skills and able to staff to be able to provide all the services needed for the ebola process sxhud tracking individuals we didn't center to empty out our clinics but looked at other folks and the ic s structure would be
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helpful and there are types of large responses that may not be emergency but provides use it would be a center for any type of service she'll be at the department of emergency management and telling me what to do in terms of system it practices leadership and anyone of one of us could be many my seat or her seated. >> i love the resilience of the neighborhood the grassroots equivalent and your successes it would be interesting to hear an update over time i think that is good and do you include schools like all the public schools in our coalition. >> there's a picture of the coalitions you have. >> the schools are part well
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sfusd is part of the citywide meeting and coalition when we go out into neighborhoods a lot of times people side especially the children do talk about the schools and we can bring in the schools system or sometimes they with go directly to the school system. >> that's an important part of the system. >> absolutely. >> we have other school systems schools the catholic school system. >> commissioner sanchez. >> i thought that was an excellent update thank you very much for presenting it does he just want to reinforce we have a major responsibility to have 24/7 certified supervision and training in all units
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that we're involved in and i think part of the dilemma as director said given the fact we have many of our people that don't live within the city time is a key variable i know over the years in a number of different protocol going back to the 60s the respond to non-agency and the hospitals to bring it down to a specific block of time training and supervision was where the rubber meets the road we need to do those things might be not once or twice or 3 times a year given the world it is more mandated we really you know upgrade and insure that is ongoing priority because it also means we have to work within the agencies of the city there are a lot of limbs
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and one of the major problems is communication and that folks are only different frequency but all the new things now we can do abc and d but at the same time supervision and training and as i said we need that and i look forward to that we'll be implementing and working with the departments if, in fact, folks can't get in now that the police department has a number of police folks they especially\have before years ago we had helicopters and other aircraft to the airport those things are no longer used so i'm saying we're a trauma center and how do we navigate that when in fact, we have the children's
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hospitals what i'm saying all these things a lot of dialogue about you know the time variable the barriers because a new mission bay we need not have command centers and responders there but if it takes place where the giants are playing whatever all those things we have to keep a clear focus we interact with the community and have a responsibility pertaining to buy logical i'm saying as we move forward i'll courage us to make sure we have you know some excellent supervisors people responsible so we have on call twenty-four hours a day and a isn't available i know with b c and d do we have the ability to do due
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diligence otherwise serious problems all i'm saying i know we can do it working not only with our own foekdz folks in the community but the institutions and agencies and thank god were the city and county of san francisco we don't have to navigate with the santa clara and the other boards whatever we're one the same service we have a unique opportunity in the city of san francisco with the health department one other point i notice we have the hazard experiences and training you had a great job i hope you'll get shots in october with fleet week in the past particularly a lot of the training consensus that are involved if hazardous experiences and training come up from camp pendleton and work
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with the general and set up fields units and open things with their air vacancy units and i believe one of our nurses who is also a admiral in the navy is going to be involved in one the blts panama canal's for the fleet week and great to have people to take into account what is provided to the city because we have limited access to look at the latest updates with a number of areas we you mean will be responsible for this is a very good report and thank you. >> thank you supervisor bedrosian. >> thanks for the report so the focus on communication is such an important part of those exercises to prepare for what the chips are down
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i was wondering where you could talk about that and one particular case like ann tell you we're not only the only one worried about it federal agencies that are forming around here where are we in our journey of making sure we have as seamless coordination with them. >> that's a great question one the things i think is a strength of the bay area we act together and there is the bay area health officers and a preparedness so the preparedness we come together monthly to discuss different issues and willing on the preparedness and specifically the boy logical portion bio watch which is the organization that monitor for
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those incidents also cvs has quarterly meeting and there has been extensive plans we tested this last november which are the steps and the health call and the decisions how are we acting as a region it is important if san francisco is doing something in alameda or san mateo we need trust we are committed as a region to come together and talk about the differences and come up with a plan how to move and what are the recommendations are we going to do as region and what did does that mean with depending and the feds and tested in october because of the this fall as you can imagine with the subdivide come on here there will be a lot of folks
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coming in the city we'll be practicing those communication protocols. >> you say that which agrees are involved. >> so fema, cd c and hums representatives and others it is a huge cgroup. >> thank you. i have a question on the community preparedness i i'm trying to understand since 1989 chinatown has a program that is going on underneath prairie particularly for many years they didn't really have enough support to try to maintain and they piece together a number of you know coalitions to support i should say remaining as a coalition to continue to deliver the care
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you're here talking about building resiliency neighborhoods i recognize that is only the puthd and ems has a major respondent to how are you integrating it so you're able to support the neighborhoods this was with an of the issues that actually was brought i know that mission tried it also i don't believe they were able to sustain it but i think chinatown still has it so what roles do you play to help to support them and they're the community that has all the sros and a need for coordination of services these people without a disaster needs care. >> that's a great .1 of the things you you know exultant is a big word the way that we go
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into the community what you're goal is it is because of the people on a day to day basis struggling during a disaster it is going to be very hard and they're the people we need to support the most the other part going out into the community and having communities identify where we can help i don't want to come in and make assumptions we need this we and can't do it but other departments we can start you know making the connects we've been out to chinatown's i'll say chinatown suffers from one the most organized communities that i've come across we really have a wonderful plan in place as you may know they have their ic s systems and ham radio operators that is incredible so in any way we can support them we're glad to do it this neighborhoods
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that's been set up but the office of administrator is has been working on neighborhoods we've only covered three or four neighborhoods but chinatown to cover all the neighborhoods another some point during the hundred city resiliency period does that answer your question. >> well, not exactly it was sort of a do it yourself project it sounds like it continues to be i was hoping for more support on a citywide structural basis that takes the exultance that are already organized and try to add to their support and i'm going quite sure i heard that you were actually doing that if they have a need come and talk to you. >> actually, i'm going back
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what happened a big citywide thing call do spur system community come together to communicate up to the he oc level unfortunately, that never actually got action and chinatown really did it in a good way you're right this system was - never materialized we're going out into the community and finding out their gaps and start to help figuring outing ways not only public health but other issues as a city government agency so, so not that centralized plan to come together and but more of a grassroots campaign we're going to each neighborhood and talking about their needs and seeing
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what is at the top the communities list and if there is no list figuring out what they want at the top of list but no centralized system. >> no centralized incentive for what your requesting as well through this project funded to the city to try to develop you know something so for us to keep our thoughts about during the budget process but other neighborhoods that don't have any structure as you've discussed about chinatown and there are far, far away if you think about the bayview and how many freeze can, disturbing our abilities took the staff to the community to figure out the barriers getting to the areas if we have a freeway collapse is a big issue we have to coordinate that with the city this is a
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mighty little team we have but they have 8 thousand employees they can pull upon and have the support this is the kind of work they've done. >> i certainly don't want to north america gait it is more of a central question in terms of how and what kind of support they'll be able to give their neighborhoods even as you go out to the bayview and help bring that about there's got to be a - some sort of resources for infrastructure behind f it seems to me the city has not had the ability to get counsel into the grassroots as you are now talking about trying to reach and unless we're able to provide more facilities in the department in emergency systems
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i think saying you're only outstanding your own for 72 hours doesn't work for homeless population and director is exactly right the problem is at a central level you're still working on. >> having may we approach having a personal experience in the loma prieta earthquake we didn't have a contract with the city it took me two years he to get grurjd it was a thought how to insure that the cbo handles the agreement and any cbo has a addendum their broadway-sansome apartments be disaster service workers with different responsibility one we can pull
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to provide the service but also they're part of the disaster response if they have expenses we can respond to them you're exactly right we need to do more of the work not a funded process at this point but something we need to continue to do. >> right. >> commissioner pating. >> i've had the pleasure of meeting with the heartache committee how do we know they were able to see the details in terms of the the public health emergency preparedness check list a detailed accept preparedness you do and the depth and what impressed me we have to go farther than the airlines a single source how we respond or the responded response to the ebola.
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>> some of the questions i know we're in continued preparedness one area if he were to have the large earthquake multiple systems taking out the whole city what areas are depressed and what would the commission look for to make sure that at least from the health department we have what we need to get to what we really have one time big disasters the question where do you think the greatest needs for future development and focusing on where would you like us to support us as we continue those preparedness efforts. >> the preparedness shouldn't be a special words but i will really exactly and try to make more possible within the department i think you you know
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the big disaster we're planning for is earthquake where all communication systems go down the cell phone towers and texting everything we rely on and how to communicate had in that situation how do you get that information and respond when you're not sure what is happening we have a number of systems we have radios and ham radios and we have hear network system some people don't use because they're out date and foutd the niece of the city this is the most thing that really bad somewhere everything fails and it can happen we've seen it in the globe the systems fail and people without interested and pour the best way be able to communicate having a plan like
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barbara is talking about so people don't have to rely on communication they know they have to report to some place so we'll start rolling and figuring out the impacts the other kind of big thank as you may know the health care system is it complicated on a day to day the disaster mode is something that that is really hard to think about when patients are over flowing from every single hospital and ambulatory care is overflowing we have to set up disaster areas looishg like katrina you're getting to a place nobody wants to go but if you stabilize that way you'll go there those are places i see as a model you know huge issues
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that we have to work through as a department as all departments do in the city and you know as we covet start to develop more of the plans and team effort on - i shouldn't say plans but train more people on those scenarios that will get us there. >> i found that reinsuring it makes sense you'll do a lot of a triage and get people to fourth where they are thank you very much. >> uh-huh. >> commissioner mcghee. >> thank you. i want to get more clarity about the training you know how for the trainings are. >> i want to see from the training sets are transferable you have our basic disaster like ann tluks or ebola how do you
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determine who needs what kinds of training and how many people for specific training. >> so the trainings i mentioned they're general trainings only to understand the link 0 and structure so when you got into situations you'll understand what the planning section and understand what a form is so it is really basic training overview our constant command structure i didn't bring a slide i object to send goes into tit n depth and i think surveillance has a pathetic plan so those people will be preidentified and have been they're ongoing being identified they have at skills on a day to day basis our environmental heartache has responders that are you know they've been training to deal with hazmat and surveillance and
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other programs you know their cable of dealing and with infectious diseases but the thing with these the command structure if so valuable you can use it in any somewhere the department has a lot of technical expertise and getting the people to go into the structure and be able to respond in any situation and being able to plug into that. >> when we look at the network for example, those are directly responsible for patients care are they trained as well. >> they're being trained and leslie hopefully, will giving up give you an update arrest san francisco and laguna honda i don't include them in the training they have a regulate
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training and when it is requested their up to date on their standard and ambulatory is collecting on their training and i'm sure that's important. >> at what point can we say for example everything o everybody has been trained. >> a percentage or. >> you know it's a great question i'd love to get hundred percent but with a turnoff no i think over 80 percent of department is trained that's a really good target to hit. >> thank you. >> uh-huh. >> thank you any further questions thank you for a very comprehensive presentation. >> thank you. we move on to item 7 which is an update on ambulatory care and preparedness and response.
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>> good morning, everyone commissioners director barbara garcia i'm leslie i'm the chief integration officer for ambulatory care my goal to rectify the current status of disaster plan and also the activities we employ to insure you're readyness and the maintenance of the continuity of care for the patient in into events whether local list or citywide emergencies before we get into the details
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of ambulatory response i thought that would be helpful to see and review just how ambulatory care is situated within the san francisco network you'll see the relationship of ambulatory care to the other divisions within the network like san francisco general and laguna honda this is our ambulatory care structure ambulatory care is come permitted of four behavorial health and jailhouse services and primary care the real question i hope to answer today hundred dollars and will ambulatory care maintain services for the care of our patients during a disaster in san francisco. >> currently our ambulatory care leadership are behavorial health and operational sections all
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thankfully in a 1380 power our depending disaster operations section is currently located app at 13 howard. >> dr. babe by a talked about coordinating the citywide events and depending responses during citywide disasters 1380 howard serves as a command center for localized incidents that may require ambulatory services some of the functions that the operation section at 1380 howard are intakes and communication of information and triaging of coordinates and deployment of services andes salvation to the depending ambulatory care has a wealth of
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resources at its deposital for the citywide events for example, our behavorial health deploys crisis response team that respond to a wide variety of instances from street violence to other incidents they provide family and community outreach they also deploy behavorial health collisions to determine whether or not those patients have needs to be met in the event that individuals are identity our san francisco health network patients are connected to tare medical home or after hours their referred to san francisco general urgent care our out of network patients that need additional health have san francisco general the
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emergency department or make referrals to their proper medical home within their network in terms of primary care one the main responsibility and goals to maintain the continuity of care for the patients through proactive outreach and i've listed 3 different types of population we've focused on each primary care clinic has the ability to identify quickly it's most highest security and utilityers of service that we can proactively outreach to make sure they're receiving the proper care they need cola whether or not is in the medications certainly our diagnoses parnlts are top tier patient we're concerned about most receive their dialyses so
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we can quickly identify those but each community clinic has the ability to identify those patients as well another group of patients would be our methadone patient and o b y treatment those patients typically have a limited supply of medications that they'll need to refill quickly in addition every primary care clinic has their own disaster response ban planning that is site specific and have their own cash of disaster supplies we have standardized procedures throughout ambulatory care in terms of communication with our nurse center 1380 howard. >> all the primary care clinics have the ability for triage and if necessary transportation to a higher level of care. >> in addition our other seconds
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like maternal child and adolescent health the nurses can be leverage for supplies and assessment of vulnerable populations we have leverage them in the past for clinical diseases they monitor the shelter population and childcare childcare and housing population and our sros there is also additional ancillary personnel one the maternity those are occupational therapist in terms of jailhouse services their actual response plan falls under the san francisco sheriff's department but nurses and medical personnel can be leveraged in the past to respond to a citywide event the ebola outbreak of 2014
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certainly is a great case study in the need for integrated ambulatory care preparedness once ebola came here the united states was unprepared to deal with the health consequences of an outbreak in san francisco we took a systematic and he strategy approach to deal with that our depending d oc w activated quibble we brought to the table all the interested stakeholders that need to develop an integrate and systematic plan for dealing with this outbreak we had partners from the centers for disease control and prevention control and health members and infectious disease with san francisco general hospital and laguna honda out of that collaboration came the ambulatory care responses that
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resulted in a screening process that cast a wit net in the approach we also leveraged our colleagues at oppositional a health and training to make sure that the training that all the clinics received were systematic and standardized to one clinic was not doing one thing and another clinic something else we parishioner listed it by having drills site drills one at for example, at potrero hill the patient was identified and isolated and the treatment started and transported to san francisco general where the triage patient was met and preceded through the process some of the lessons learned was it certainly we recognize how
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for the needs for this very integrated approach to disaster preparedness noble in terms of ebola but other potentially highly infectious diseases that ambulatory needs to be prepared that relatives in practices the way we serve and interact with the patients some of the challenges i see the commissioners mentioned how to maintain those competence when you have a high incident like an infectious out breaker we are reinforcing the trainings and trying to develop the marks of success that some of you have spoken about to insure our staff are properly trained and prepared all the time
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so how integrated are we our response is driven through the ambulatory disaster committee on that competent we have representatives if separate including dr. babe by a and internal health and child child's care and streamlined ours processes and disaster activation is a twenty-four hour operation activity open howard and actually have a server not here in the city by sacramento it is landscape from services here in the city in case there was a citywide event that knocked out for instance, telephones and pager systems we have standardized as possible
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all the operations not only the clinics but our support and emergency office of emergency procedures we currently environmentally the staff who needs training and working with colleagues in our human resources department to try to mobilize our e he learning systems to deliver those trainings but track them over time again to tell the supervisor who has and not have those trainings those are ongoing discussions and work today in terms of looking forward to give you a status we have been focusing for the last 9 months an primary care in the first stage how do we prepare primary care the first one that all primary
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care clinics get a series of model train by rosemary one of the kworntsd and dr. john brown our medical director of cms those are broken down into 3 models the fierce the phases of disaster response and the disaster service workers and the roll specifically of primary care and in a disaster as noted it delves into the basic structure of i c s one the gaps we've noticed the gap in terms of psychological triage and assessment and moved that to the forefront not an afterthought but psychological assessment is being delivered in the acute phase of a responded the second model has nothing to
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do with with the clinic stabilization of the things that clinics should be prepared and model 3 looks at the allocation of resources we've excused ethical considerations and common needs and reacts is to survivors as well as disaster recovery currently, we measure there are 6 hundred of ambulatory staff that have had all trainings but 14 clinics have had all 14 trainings moving i don't understand the training we thought it it very important in this last half of the calendar year to focus on hands on moving from the didact to hands on training two methods this first are tabletop experiences for each clinic
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management and command staff at each clinic what we do if in these tabletop we have a scenario and walk us through and everybody has disaster their job action sheets we walk through those so including the communication and reports. >> following that within a month we actually had a full site disaster hands on during this trial with the triage patients they have a scenario and know what the scenario is and go through the motions of a.m. an actual activation something new we're trying out we're trying to have tools as measures of success scoring the basic competence who knows what and how did he do in areas of
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improvement at those full side drills we'll be trying to look at the capabilities in terms of the surge capability to do the delivery delivery that each clinic has we've developed an evaluation guide and something new we're trying instead of having the clinic evaluate themselves we're bringing in outdoors that will give us realtime feedback in terms of the outcomes the last phase of our moving forward in terms of our future state beginning in january we'll be having a targeted focus on the behavorial health section our cbo and internal child health the reason for that -- excuse me. behavorial health and cbo's are dispersed throughout the city and assess
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we needed to get our arms around we are at the cbo sites we're mapping out but also in terms of trainings they've had and some of the gaps in training they'll need in order to catch up again we'll be developing metrics specific sections focusing really on behavorial health and so with that, i'll take any questions the commissioners may have. >> thank you questions commissioners? >> i would just i think this is an excellent report it really covers all the phases with our organization chapter to what the focus is and the
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methodologies and development and training and hands on and measured outcomes also the development of may new tools that are being used in other areas but some should be changed because of the new requirements for the feds to respond to this too so as with both reports their excellence and you really it is well done well done thank you. >> it seems to be a lot of work in the training and preparedness of that and when did you start on this type of program for the ambulatory fair clinics i guess or did they have something before or how does it integrate into what we've heard earlier. >> so in terms of the actual
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models of the entertaining we're talking about o those are ongoing for the last two years and taken that long to get all the clinics to actually absorb all 3 off the trainings over the last 9 months taking a rigorous and targeted focus with ambulatory care to get them all up to date in terms of those modules as a foundation and looking forward our goal to have each clinic have their own disaster preparedness into their clinic operation not again once a year thing or you know every november we have to get ready but quarterly i'd like to see each clinic have it's on tabletop or disaster exercise their exercising those skills they've learned. >> so while you have that goal is that goal that the health
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network has adopted for their clinic training that is easier for you to get the quarterly programs. >> the goal is more of a mandate because of the recognition that the disaster preparedness is integral to our clinic functions not only for the network patients but united states dual role as city you know first responders as well. >> so it is up to you for you to make any comments from this prospective. >> please step forward so we can hear you on the microphone and announce for the folks. >> dr. you those are the goals of planning care and clinics. >> good. >> good arrest. >> commissioner karshmer it
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sounds integrated our sort of the proactively work to identify those folks that are going to be most at risk we saw a disaster about a person being left in the fire and none knew that that is a great segue to keep the ongoing work of the ambulatory care clinic to have those in mind of high at risk so it sounds like you're fully building that into the fabric of the clinic i applaud you for that. >> thank you. >> a comment we heard in the committee it was expressive with the ability to twrak our pablts or patient and make sure they get the continuity of care that was what was with the katrina they had no where to go and
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redundancy i was reassured maybe you can describe what are your plan if one clinic shut down to you to o how to deter care to another clinic we're still taking care of people another the whole network not just 14 landscape sclinz can you expands that will demonstrate the fluidity and the resources. >> sure what we've done create a new facility status report not only take account of the physical states but whether or not operations can be maintained with that physical states part of that vornt is personnel what personnel and skills
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whether language or medical clinical skills so on and so forth if those operations need to be crossed down that information is transported it is evaluated and reduction are given where to send staff as well as make plans for diverting patient from that clinic to what one that is closer or can absorb the capacity. >> thank you this for getting your clinics prepared and we'll hope it that you never have to use it, it is there and it sounds like a tremendous amount of work put in place so we'll have a functioning system in the instance of a disaster.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> on that note commissioners no public comment item 8 other business. >> commissioners any other business at this point f you want to bring up. >> item 9 is the report back from the laguna honda j.c. cc on september 8th sky commissioner karshmer. >> yes. we had a j.c. crook crook under open session they heard a presentation think lodged rate presentation on the laguna honda rehab program and as well the administrator's report also at the open session talked about open wide policies in closed session they talked about the criminal report that's all. >> thank you. i guess you have
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no comment on the survey. >> other than it is going on right now and i'm sure it is going well. >> thank you. >> so move on to item 10 we have committee agenda setting i'd like to to note commissioners as commissioner chow mentioned earlier the october 6th planning meeting is coming up i'll send you the details and also note that october 22nd is the joint meeting with the planning commission to discuss is cdc agreement i know that all of you are able to make it to remind you for those how didn't say they could attend. >> hfa have we sent reminders on that letter out recently. >> i have not but i object to do so and that is good. >> there will be a staff report we'll be receiving beforehand.
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>> yes. there's we're ref is now we want to give it to you in advance for our review and any addition you need and there's a last piece of the financial report we're finishing up. >> and the ability to be able available if we could continue that practice that would be useful. >> any other comments on committee agenda south setting we'll precede arrest we have a consideration of a closed session. >> is there any public comment on the closed session. >> i've not received any. >> we're prepared to vote on whether or not to have a closed session a motion is in >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the commission will go into
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closed session. >> is there a motion in order whether or not to disclose or not disclose. >> destruction in closed session. >> most to no disclose. >> all in favor of not disclose or not disclose. > all in favor, say i. > opposed we'll not disclose a motion for adjournment is in order. >> so moved. >> all in favor, say i. >> of adjournment. > opposed? that meeting is adjourned
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>> well, he wanted to welcome everybody to it gorgeous day at contemporary hundred and 65 people registered to attend this conference mayor we couldn't be more existed that is beyond our expectation but as you may know dreamforcwe is for the just about having a good time and innovation but giving back that's one the salesforce core values and that's why we invited you as the superintendent of sexual richard carranza welcome
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to, here we have our 1 millbrook drive so, yeah exciting so we have obligate our school house to keep everybody's on the eye bone the ball k through 12 not only in san francisco needs our attendance and the people that make the difference which if come to the k through 12 education are the people attends dreamforcwe that is, of course, all those great embarrassing insures and innovators and companies and we that to inspire them to remember to go and work in the k through 12 system we're, of course, doing f that in san francisco we want to tutor giving but e us the inspiration that work in our elementary school and hopefully e heroism into our high schools. >> thank you mayor and mr. superintendent for being here
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and being our inspiration to remember the kids and why we're here at dreamforcwe to give back mark thank you. >> good morning, everybody. 2015 dreamforcwe in san francisco well mark thank you for just starting this company here years ago growing it and making that successful and you're right hundred and 65 thousand people i felt that, too blocks away i want to sass say welcome as to the customers and business partners this is a wonderful time in the city not because dreamforcwe is here with a cruise ship liner people are living in and filling up the hotels it is a time we can clear have examples hour how successful businesses benefit everybody in our city this is a job that i enjoy doing that
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richard carranza our superintendent. >> i. >> do solemnly swear. doing whether we work with the business partners epa mark and benioff looeldz with salesforce with our corporate character that is so important to emphasis the companies coming here today have an opportunities to exhibit character to take into account what the commitment to social values and ultimately it is a part of what we do is we've got to create the talent for those companies for future generations salesforce noted here for 5 years but 20 years richard and i got together we'd love you to recruit from the people that live and grew up in san francisco this is little school house is is got wonderful
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kids from jildz that want to work for salesforce they love to be part of a 111 and part of the fact that dreamforce has has a theme for giving back starts within an understanding where tlaernts a derived it is education, education within the house education in the schools, education in the community it begins with some basically things like read that's why mark i'm here with my 3 books any daughter said you're giving away my books yeah, you read them 10 minds i want this threatened to be transferred to the talent those kids are about to have and be supported by upstairs companies walk salesforce i'm so enthusiastically but with we are doing with you and the other
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companies with the circulation of tech companies through sf city that are encircling the schools and making sure our principals and teachers are is the resources and is volunteers have the books have everything they need to be successful it is already making a difference mark with salesforce foundations investment in the middle schools and the stem education weave already seen some increases in the performance of our kids this is the third year i'm so happy that the millions of dollars we're pitting in are not just financial contributions by making a difference in their making a defensive in the enthusiasm of the teachers and the resources they have and the principals and holding everyone on the campus affordable to the success of our children that's why a school house in the middle of hundred and 65 person company
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conference in the middle of the san francisco that's exactly a kind of relationship we want with every single business in the city so i'm proud of dreamforce and proud of the employees that work there that are part of the 11 culture i'm proud of everybody that spends that additional time to think about what success medians for others that are in need not just themselves this is why we have a shared prosperity in san francisco i've got on obligation to build and rehab enough housing for everyone that want to be here including the teachers i'll work hard but i'll tell you you said something earlier he think mark you and lynn inspires us to give more this is an exciting times let's continue a collaboration pea make the link more and more
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before all the things we do successfully to help those at the heart of that i said earlier it is education this is where the sam's i salesforce foundation has made to their contributions on a day to day basis i have the privilege of working with a superintendent who also has that as his goal and making the relationship with the city with an the success in the education system our superintendent richard carranza. >> thank you (clapping.) thank you mr. mayor and mr. benioff mark thank you all for being here in front of of the light go school thousand what do you think isn't that gorgeous more than anything i want to thank you, mr. mayor for our words we live by the fact you can't have a world-class city
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without a world-class education system it didn't reside in one seblth of the community you have to are the philanthropic community and the private business community and obviously you have to are on the other hand, it elected still officials on the same page i'm proud to have our board of education this is here with us to say we're all rolling in the same direction and as evidence of that justices three years ago when we started the partnership you wouldn't have heard in the middle schools anything like a maker space or design thinking or computer science and programming now new middle grade or middle schools in san francisco you'll find maker spaces and kids programming you'll find pre k kindergarten is the students learning the fundamental of convert science we recognize in
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the 21st century a language we need to have this would not to have happened without the investment in the partnerships are salesforce i'm so proud that is more than just stuff it is more than just technology it is more than a investment and resources those are important but the 111 model salesforce volunteers and employees that come into our schools and sit sibdz side by side shoulder to shoulder with the students the students have a sense of empowerment maybe i could do this kind of work and not thought about stem field the young girls that didn't think that that all of a sudden see other women in stem i can do that san francisco is the mesopotamia in the world everything stems is from what happens in san francisco is many make sense mr. benioff your
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planting seeds our students will be your future employees everyone here at salesforce director barbara garcia it an appropriate title you're helping our students to be part of the dream of stem and innovation the draechl open in a deft way the corner of that all it the strong literacy students need to read and write and do margret and the one million drive will trofrp our pre k to rich libraries of books that students want to read and stack and learn and go to the next level this is an dribbling i incredibly important investments coupled with the investment in the middle grades so for us this is a symbolic day a the bernie we're over three-quarters of what to the goal 0 so i'll say like jerry louis but we can do it we want
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books in the schools and want to thank all the participants at dreamforce for mcthat happen and burglary benioff and mrs. benioff but other folks wherever susan it she's guarding the school house i love it we want to thank you for your partnership a model for the nation everyone from that is here from director barbara garcia across the world take that back and talk about how it is possible to have those 3 kinds of the public and private and elected to come together e together and rally around the public education on behalf of the 48 thousand students in the unified school district we'll take a million books and put them to good use let's have a great director barbara garcia
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and thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. mayor and mr. superintendent and salesforce is deeply committed in the san francisco unified school district the first thing i want to thank both of you here no san francisco our superintendent implicit report to the mayor our school board and you guys don't have to work together ensue you do it is because you work together so well and have an incredible partnership that is what inspires us and so we're noting now in year 3 of a 10 year commitment for more than bone madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> i hundred million dollars to be dedicated to the unified school district i hope that goes 10 and 20 and thirty years the salesforce through the money the technology is important but i guess i'm proud of, of course, your employees who are dedicating what will be hundreds of thousands of hours to do the taken care of and the tutoring
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to augment you're amazing teachers and principals in the schools so thank you for giving us that opportunity without you two working together we couldn't do with what we are doing we're quick to gratitude and happy to be here i think we should put the books into the school house what had you say? >> all right. thank you very much, everybody welcome to dreamforce and we're looking forward to a great week and see you at the keynote othetherher.s
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>> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san
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francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco
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