tv Public Utilities Commission 92215 SFGTV October 8, 2015 9:00am-11:01am PDT
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anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey,
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supervisor cohen, you have a quorum. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, madam clerk, are there any communications? >> there are none to report, madam president. >> okay, would colleagues like to serve items from the consent agenda? seeing none, madam clerk, please call the role on the consent agenda. city clerk: items 1-14. supervisor mar, aye, tang aye, wiener aye, supervisor yee, aye, supervisor avalos, aye, supervisor breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye,
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supervisor christensen, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, supervisor farrell, aye, supervisor kim, kim absent. there are ten ayes. >> these items are finally passed unanimously. madam clerk please call items 15-18 item 15. multifamily housing revenue note 491-31 avenue. item 16. multifamily housing revenue note 345 arguello boulevard, item 17.
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multifamily housing revenue note 999 pacific avenue. item 18, multifamily housing revenue note 666 ellis street. item 19. multifamily housing receive knee 1150 scott street. item 20. multifamily housing revenue note 1880 pine street. item 21 multifamily housing revenue note 255 wood side avenue. item 22. multifamily housing revenue note 100 appleton street. item 23, multifamily housing revenue note 949 and 951 eddie street. item 24, multifamily housing
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revenue note 1065 oakdale avenue, item 25, multifamily housing revenue note 25 sanchez street, item 26, multifamily housing revenue note 462 duboce avenue. item 28, multifamily housing revenue note 430 turk street. and item 28. >>supervisor london breed: roll call vote on items. city clerk: supervisors mar, aye, wiener, aye, avalos, aye, breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, christensen, aye, cohen, aye, supervisors farrell, aye, kim, aye,
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>>supervisor london breed: these resolutions are adopted unanimously. >> next item. city clerk: item 29 an amendment for the real property lease amendment proxy development to corner of octavia boulevard and fell street initial monthly rent of 5573, 67. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is approved.. item 30. please. city clerk: item 30 is a resolution to termination of a lease disposition and development agreement for the rehabilitation and lease of the geneva office building and powerhouse with the friends of the geneva office building and powerhouse. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, colleagues, this resolution reflects the changes to the plan for the powerhouse. this has been a project that's been starting and
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stopping for a number of years ever since land was transferred back in 2000. overall the building needs $26 million or so to rehabilitate and to make it functional for community use. the plans are to actually have a community space and arts programming and arts education programming at the site but it's been running into a lot of difficulty in how to raise those kind of dollars. this new life, for the office building is really part of the effort of my office and i want to thank beth rub stein for all of her work rounding up a lot of support to making this happen and i would like to thank the parks and recreation department for keeping this going forward and amy
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cohen and joaquin torres. this will be using the bond money approved in 2012 and there is a fund that could be available there for just doing the powerhouse side of the geneva office building and powerhouse and later once we have demonstrated that we can renovate and building a program there that we can go to the second phase moving forward. this resolution will be continuing with the effort of design but also to dispose of at least disposition and development agreement that was approved about a year 1/2 ago and to make sure we can move forward with the new verse -- version of how this building will get built and be of great service not just to district eleven but the
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district and county of san francisco. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is approved. item 31. city clerk: item 31 is a resolution to authorize the department of public health for a grand from the centers for disease control prevention for a period of june 1, 2015, fwlu may 31, 2016. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is approved.. item 32. city clerk: item 32 to authorize to continue to continue to receive funding $6.2 million for the comprehensive hiv programs grant from the contracted centers for disease control. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is
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approved. next item. 33. please. city clerk: item 33. is a resolution to authorize the juvenile probation department to expend from the board and state and community corrections for evidence base practices training for may 1, 2015 to june 30, 2016. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this
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the legislation i'm introducing today will make a small change allows buildings an business of three or more stories to display a vertical sign higher than what's currently allowed. as long as it does not interfere with architectural features or rise above residential windows above the roof line or about 600 feet which ever is lowest. there are only handful of businesses that meet this criteria. the obvious example is the fillmore auditorium which has been a long term entertainment video. this will provide signage that is more appropriate for both the size and scale of it's buildings as well as it's location jaept -- adjacent to the gary expressway. in days of urban freeways and development, the gary expressway to define neighborhoods in a ruth
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less effort to funnel as many cars as possible. having signs on gary will help japan an as more places to pass by but as cultural place and it will help to bridge the gap created by the gary expressway. a large sign for the fillmore auditorium as the fillmore for the castro theatre has branded the castro. my second item today is to introduce a drafting request. supervisor cohen and i will be introducing a drafting request for the city attorney and controller to draft legislation that will create a permanent city reward fund to compensate those who provide information leading to an arrest and conviction in any unsolved murder case in san francisco.
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in the past 6 years, san francisco has averaged 150 homicide each year. each one is a tragedy, each won is a life lost to a father, a sister, a friend. each one should not have happened. we are the wealthiest big city or little city in the country. and with that wealth comes obligation. for everyone given much, much is demanded. when it comes to city crimes, we should put our wealth to use to help the families of victims and get the most violent offenders off the streets. the city has at times offered rewards in specific cases but it does so in ad hoc cases bus there is no
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established fund or consistent process. this could lead to the misperception that some lives are more important than others. it is not. i want to start a reward for $250,000 to anyone who leads to an arrest of an unsolved case. the election will establish a criteria, in many case the police department solves a case without a reward. the fund should lead to homicide cases that have gone unsolved. in which the police have exhausted all investigative lead and for which the chief of police has in his or her discretion determined that public assistance and a reward is necessary. the reward fund should be subject to annual appropriation from monies from
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previous years carried forward and all of this will require a small amount of taxpayers money because we are talking about a small number of cases. but in those cases, we should be doing everything we can and in those cases, this award can make the world a difference. san francisco actually already has one such witness reward fund. it's in section 640 of the police code and dealings with cases with people pulling fire alarms. if we can do it with fire alarms, we can surely do it to solve murders. >> thank you, madam president. supervisor kim is asking to be rereferred. >>supervisor london breed: actually supervisor cohen would like to speak to my last item. >>supervisor malia cohen: as we continue to develop this legislation, i hope we will have your support.
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i think it's critical that we have watched mothers come to the chamber to sit for 2 hours to ask, beg and plead for assistance. it's a small gesture that we can begin to help heal not only the families that have been torn by acts of violence but bring a human touch to how we address crime in our city and in our county. i hope once this legislation is written and finalized that we will have full support from all 11 members on this legislation so we can send a powerful message not only to the public, but to the mothers in particular who have suffered a great loss and who continue to suffer and hopefully our efforts will be to help them bring
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them, i don't want to say closure, but settle their mind and bring some peace so they understand that law enforcement is working on all sides for everyone. i think it's incredibly important for us to remember that justice should swing both ways. thank you. city clerk: thank you. supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, madam clerk. i want to thank supervisor breed and cohen on this and i would like to be a sponsor. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. >> city clerk: madam president, supervisor would like to be recognized. >> with that we'll go to public comment. city clerk: at this time the public may now address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 minutes on items within the jurisdiction
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of the board without reference to items 1-50 where items have been previously been satisfied. direct your remarks as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor to the audience. speakers use is interpretation assistance will be allowed twice the amount to testify. if you would like documents to be portrayed on the project or please state this. >>supervisor london breed: first speaker please. public speaker: two songs. [singing]
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the carbon upload. all the carbon dioxide that point in our common air. down arrow is a form of carbon dioxide that the plant life of our world pulls down out of our common air. it's the carbon download of the planet and this upload that is balanced. there is 2 words that can be read as carbon balanced or balanced carbon. it's meaningful in both ways. the silver on blue symbolizes the breakup and disappearance of the north polar ice cap. we have been out of balance for a long time. the glacial records show that accumulated atmospheric carbon overload in the atmosphere minus the amount of carbon sequestered has been going up for the last 10,000 years. to avoid any possibility of
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dreadful and disastrous climate predictions is to balance our carbon upload with carbon download. this requires enough fresh water to irrigate an empty desert to grow trees to grow carbon out of the air permanently. if we balance our current carbon account, mother nature will handle our historical overload. thank you, president barack -- president breed? public speaker: hello, i want to show this little short video >> is it working? we'll take the next speaker and make sure it's working.
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next speaker, please. public speaker: madam board of supervisors, dear supervisor tang. on september 30th, an article appeared announcing affordable housing legislation sponsored by yourself and mayor lee. there is a group of 40 plus san francisco resident, we applaud your effort to ensure that affordable housing remain at the top of your list of priorities. as you are aware, long time residents of san francisco who reside at midtown park apartments are facing displace many from our homes. many would qualify for the housing to be built by 2020 per the new legislation. unfortunately, however a number of families could be displaced within coming days with no place to live in this world class city who promise to keep san francisco a city of everyone to find themselves among the
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moem -- homeless population you currently seek to house. the city hall was once a midtown parks apartment resident. many families are in the midst of displacement where middle class housing is occurring. the five initiatives contapt -- contained in the new legislation, expiring of affordable units and no tenants in units are displaced. part of this effort is to propose a legislation that would strengthen the city's legislation tools. affordable housing with sponsors and housing and community development will prohibit the kinds of agreement and culmination after 30 years. as it
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relates to tound apartment. >>supervisor london breed: thank you. i'm sorry, your time is up. [video] public speaker: can you talk to me. we've been standing outside of city hall for the longest trying to get your attention. mayor lee, don't ignore us. that's not fair. we lost our children to homicide. why i'm saying that, my name is
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paul it brown and my son was murdered august 14, 2006. i have been out here, i have been to mayor willie brown and newsom and now the honorable mayor lee. i was very embarrassed that day. i want ed lee that i'm not going to bite you. all i want to do is let you know the pain is is still going on with mothers like myself. we want to put our pictures, we want a memorial and our children's pictures the same way that you are giving everybody else, sandy hook and domestic violence people. they are honored to put their pictures on the bus. i'm not asking to put the pictures on the bus. this is what i have left of my son. this is what is going to on today with the murders on the streets to
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senseless violence. everybody knows who murdered my son. thomas hannibal, paris moffat, andrew videau, jason thomas. they were all out there when my son was murdered. i fight for other mothers and fathers. the mayor said i know who killed your son. how long do we have to grieve? i have been doing this for 9 years. the pain is still the same. no one should walk away from us. we are not going to hurt anybody. we can speak for our children better than anyone else. >> thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: good
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afternoon, everybody. san francisco has a long history of displace ment. i have lost my home and they promise equity and unfortunately a decade long work towards at a goal that began in 1995 and directors and in 2007 with your legislative body has been put to a halt. now, many folks facing gentrification for the third time. with increase or promise of evictions from the mayor's office of housing. if i may have the overhead, please. thank you. now, these evictions they will commence october 12th, black on white. it says so there.
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if you do not sign your new lease it may become a public housing development. you will be evicted. we do face the largest flight of our eviction of residents. ten families already pushed out by the actions of mow and mercy. how many more have to leave. thank you very much for your time. i appreciate it. >> thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: i will keep this brief. the board has a resolution in midtown to give people the at some point to own their apartment complex. if this is disregarded along with the board of the eastern neighborhoods plan, then i'm not sure how you can persuade
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many residents that you are taking this seriously. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker, please. public speaker: i'm also here in part of the midtown tenant apartments. i'm doing a research project on their history and learned a tremendous amount about their history, their survival of redevelopment. midtown originated in 1969 as relocation housing. they are still owed quite a bit by the city and that doesn't seem to be forthcoming even though in 2007, the board of supervisors pledged that no resident in midtown would face displace ment. they are also receiving displacement
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in 2007 the board of supervisors pledged that it would work in towards ownership. i don't see why we are working in the opposite direction from ownership. where the pledge is from the board of supervisors to continue to working with midtown residents for full ownership for their properties which in my opinion they are owed over many decades. some of these people had family members that owned victorians that were demolished in the 1960s. the least they can have now is ownership of their apartments. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: hello, my name is andres. i'm here to support midtown housing. many of the people were evicted already from the fillmore and now these
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homes are worth quite a bit. after they were promised to have some now they are being lifted. it was promised to them if they did that in 2007 there would be some movement towards ownership. i would like to remind the people here that they have a certain duty to make good on the words they said. these words can't just be idol. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker please. public speaker: richard stone, san francisco party of county council. a san francisco resident here to support midtown residents. i would like to thank eric mar
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in light of their testimony and shows that it's paid on both in terms of the activism that spoke of in light of many people that i know that on facebook just last week i had to talk down from a suicide attempt because he had been recently become homeless himself. and just seeing something like this happen on such a bad scale when we know that other remedies can actually be done. we certainly hope that in light that is happening in the promise that supervisor breed make that will
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work in midtown. i hope that everything will be done in good faith. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. public speaker: hello, i'm here also to speak in support of midtown residents. i hope their questions will be answered and i hope they get a lease that is fair given the long context of displacement in that area and what they are owed by the city and in the context of san francisco's rising displacement. i think we need to consider the many forms that displacement can take. it makes sense to talk about paying for one's share but we need to look at different ways that people can
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be displaced and the effect that this outcome will have. public speaker: good afternoon. i'm a 25 resident of midtown. we want ownership. madam president, today is the first time that you are willing to sit down to talk to us. we are so very happy because we've been trying for at least the last 3 months. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: hello, i'm sylvia johnson.
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our house is more important and all these people that are living on the streets. i think they are a bunch of things especially that helps cure cancer, cure all kinds of diseases. it's been our whole life. we need to put more steady housing instead of running people out of housing. this is a ridiculous way that it's doing to our society. this change and what we need in the world to go and do new ways of living. >>supervisor london breed: thank you
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very much. next speaker please. public speaker: the united states is only fascist terrorist country who evict 85 years old people. united states concentration camp from new york to los angeles and san francisco only this country. today -- today board of supervisors on the streets eating from the garbage can, sleeping on the floor. how such a country who spend so much money
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information on am radio, a low tech methodology which doesn't require a lot of money. it's environmentally friendly. but in any audio visual representation by any information is transmitted by the audio signal alone. a trillion dollars worth of satellites could fall out of sky and am radio would still be working. it's a possibility. unfortunately. i appreciate what she said about her dad going to school. it's common in our generation. there was a lot of narrative that there was a lot of children of the war generation rejected their values and didn't want to find a war and beliefs. one of the signs of aging and
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process is you get to see more complexity in life, when they got the gi bill from roosevelt they created the state college system and higher education system that my generation benefited from. they are the first wave of my own generation. it was much more complex than it was presented. i think the pendulum swings and a lot of speakers are in the middle. we are in a big pendulum swing now and things are changing. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: tom gilberte.
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water under the bridge last week here, recology. i presume the trucks are going to make a return, four trucks an hour. 600,000 miles extra driving. now, 2015, in california, there is no water under the bridge. the carolinas there is a thousand year flood. climate change, climate wobbles. 5 million tons of diesel, soot and carbon. it's not in the direction we need to go. water under the bridge. more tons of soot and carbon. it's not where we want to go. okay, last week, part 5 of the five part housing plan.
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we got resident condos for rental units. we got 30% market rate. the other percent, if you lived in an area for 30 years in a local zip code, these homes are for you. the next 15% if you lived in the area and you are a 20-year resident, these homes are for you. that's 25 homes local zip code. next 5% if you are a 30-year resident in san francisco, a zip code, that's for you. the next 10%. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker, please.
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>> my name is debra benedict. a resident of 75 door street. i'm a disabled person who recently had my service animal run over by a speeding san francisco police car. this is a photograph here of my dog before cremation and i have put in a submissions for traffic calming treatments on my street at the top and bottom because cars race onto it off of howard street and folsom street. i would also since pedestrian safety is up, i would really love to find out how to put a flashing light in the middle of the street because literally people are on four lane, one lane
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streets around my block and they cut through racing all the time. people have videos of the vehicle racing and there are children and seniors and other people living in my apartment building. another dog was hit by a car and blinded. i don't want to hear about children or elderly people being hit. this officer was just dropping off someone at the no. 52 a du across the street and there was zero reason for him to be speeding. i'm be rift because of the loss of my service animal and i would really like to improve the safety on the street where i live because danger exist everyday. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker. public speaker: i would like
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to put this commentary on the tv. it took matthew henry 40 years to write his commentary in the bible. there is two guys in the testament who got what they wanted. it was solomon, he was the king and he asked for wisdom and elijah was wiser than him so he could speak to the lord. what would you say if god said you can have what you want? god told moses he was going to kill everybody in israel and start over with him. he did that with him instead of elijah because although elijah was saved he wasn't the type of christ as moses was and he died on the cross for our sins and he knew moses was going to
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ask for forgiveness. if he asked elijah he would have asked for his wife. he asked solomon who asked for wisdom and specifically because you did not ask me to kill your enemies, i'm going to give you riches and you are going to be like no other king in all of israel. eventually truth is going to come out. god is a god of truth and jesus said, hear my voice. i called saturday and asked him to interview jones. he said no, that's national security. i'm hoping that rush limbaugh, glen beckon knew will follow the lead. by the way, alex jones.
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it's a big story. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. no other speakers, are there any other members who would like to provide public comment at this time, seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk can we go back to roll call for introductions. i would recognize supervisor kim. >>supervisor jane kim: thank you. first is to establish the warriors center and advisory committee. also what we are entitle will the mission bay. this is $14.1 million additional net tax generated for the war era. beyond for affordable housing
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and parks and mission structure. what is being proposed by the mayor's office and my office to establish a fund which will set aside $10 million annually to ensure we are properly mitigating by the near arena joining our stadium. the annual operating cost. the fund will be there to be available for annual operating cost for sf mta, sf p.d. and dpw to dramatically improve the third service line for events. provide additional 28 parking for officers and to ensure traffic flow on evenings and daytimes. debt service for capital improvement to ensure new light rail vehicles and for the mini metro to allow more attendees to deploy on the site and to
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reserve augment service on days with overlapping events at the proposed arena and at & t ballpark. i want to be careful to emphasize that this proposed legislation will follow approval of the proposed project that is currently before ocii and the board of supervisors, 100% project on private land. this established the major improvement advisory committee in the mission bay including the warriors, uc sf and representatives of district 6 office. i want to acknowledge the nine other members of the board of supervisors, president breed, mar, tang, wiener and farrell and yee.
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i would like to continue this discussion to ensure as we bring another major arena to this city, a prospect that many are excited for that we are investing in the infrastructure needed to ensure our city can handle major events and additional needs for services. my second item is in relation to a new bill signed by governor brown and it's impact here potentially here in san francisco. as many of you remember on june 7, 2011. this board unanimously approved the treasure island disposition and development agreement. this project would create 8,000 units of housing. while the original deal committed 30% of housing for low income and homeless in san francisco was brought forth by the governor to disolve the redevelopment
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agency. the treasure island development authority quickly recalibrated it's structure to the city department and commitment of affordable units to 25%. i made a personal commitment that if state law were to change, i would work to ensure that san francisco would recommit to 30% on the affordable goal on the island. further on the last negotiation we were able to make two amendments to the dda with the developer. one to increase the percentage of affordable units to 25% regardless of any change this state law and second allowing for increase to 30% should there be a state law changed within 5 years. supervisors avalos and cohen and wiener joined me to assembly to
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amend states law to utilize tax increment to building 30% affordable housing. ultimately we were not successful in showing the inclusion of treasure island in ab 664. but recently we have had great news. on september 22nd, governor brown signed ab 2 for the state of california. this measure allows for public agencies and schools to establish and revitalize and specify disadvantaged communities including communities of crime, unemployment rate and former military bases. this measure will also draft the documented lack of affordable housing that no funds generated would
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be set aside for affordable housing. this will take affect on january 2016. according to the dda, inquiring state law will come up in june of 2016. i'm calling upon the treasure island development authority board of directors to establish explore impact on treasure island and to develop recommendations to recapture the 2.5% of housing which was promised in 2011 and examine whether we can establish 40% of affordable housing on treasure island. i want to thank the board of directors who have committed to working with our office to see if we can establish this 40% baseline. we see treasure island as the first community that will benefit this
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legislation. we should follow the giants and the ports lead of building 40% affordable and middle income housing and which is on the ballot for november requesting that any housing built on public land have a minimum of 30% affordable housing, 50% with middle income and the precedent that we are starting to set in our office to ensure that 40 is the new 30. a city where the brookins institution has recently found that income disparity is is growing faster than in any other city and where data from our own service agency with a widening gap. that figures showing for every 1,000 person in san francisco that 7.3 are worth a million like places
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like new york and washington d.c.. and san franciscans living in poverty has increased from 2007-2012. and with the wealth disparity illuminating the rapidly shrinking middle class declining over 10% over the same number of years. i think we as a city need to make a stronger commitment to ensuring that we are building as much affordable and middle income housing as possible. one of the plans is to do that and with the recent passage of the state law, i'm directing the board and staff to see if we can establish a baseline for treasure island. i'm also requesting the planning department and mayor's office of housing explore a
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full range beyond treasure island that may qualify from the benefits on ab 2. the rest i submit. >>supervisor london breed: thank you. madam clerk, can we go to our 3:00 p.m. special order? city clerk: yes madam clerk, items 36-38 comprise the special order for a public hearing for persons interested in the public works decision dated september 18, 2014, for a tentative map for a new construction located at 289 perilta avenue. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: i requested this issue be continued
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because of a resolution in the courts. consistent with what we have done in the past, i would like to hereby move to continue this item to december 1st of this year. the parties will be having a case management conference that has been continued to november 18th. and with the understanding that hopefully there will be a resolution at that point. they have requested the continuance to december 1st. >> okay, supervisor campos has made a motion to continue to december 12th by supervisor farrell, colleagues. before we take this, is there any public comment on the continuance? seeing no public comment on the continuance, public comment is closed. okay, colleagues, can we take the continuance or madam clerk, do we need a roll call vote for the continuance.
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city clerk: madam president, i believe you can do that. >>supervisor london breed: we'll take it to december 1, 2015, without objection. >> i believe the second? i didn't hear. >> supervisor farrell. >> that will move without objection. >> the public hearing will be opened. >>supervisor london breed: yes, thank you. where are we in the agenda? we are at the end. can you read immediate adoption without reference to committee. city clerk: items 45-50 are being considered for adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote may enact these items. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor kim? >> >>supervisor jane kim: 46,
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>>supervisor scott weiner: 48. >>supervisor london breed: can you call the roll. city clerk: supervisor mar, aye, tang, aye, wiener, aye, supervisor yee, aye, supervisor avalos, aye, supervisor breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, supervisors christensen, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, supervisor farrell, aye, supervisor kim, aye. >> those items are adopted. please read item 46. city clerk: to continue funding planned parenthood and for the san francisco health center in the event of federal defunding. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor kim? >>supervisor jane kim: thank
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you, colleagues, i want to thank cosponsors for this resolution, supervisors campos, tang, mar, wiener, yee and cohen. this has become a quite important issue nationally as members of the house of representatives voted to defund planned parenthood. the countries largest provider of women's healthcare and also offered to cut 10% and have been cutting or eliminating family planning fund. this is anti-to a society that serves women. i hope that we send the message that we will protect women in san francisco. this also
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supports planned parenthood and opposes any defunding of planned parenthood on a federal level and also the commitment to prioritize approval of funding to support the continued operation of our san francisco health centers in the event of federal defunding. colleagues, i ask for your support. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, supervisor kim. colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection, this is adopted. next item. city clerk: item 47. approval of a 90-day extension for planning commission review for four ordinances restricting accessory dwelling units. >>supervisor scott weiner: there is a typographical error. it should be february for 2016 for the 90
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days. i move to make that change. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor wiener has made a motion. is there a second. colleagues, can we take the amendment without objection. without objection the item passes. can we take the item colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is approved.. it's been adopted as amended unanimously. madam clerk? city clerk: in memoriams. today's meeting will be in adjournment on behalf of the entire board of supervisors for ms. audrey carrie and ms. grace lee bogs.
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>>supervisor london breed: okay, madam clerk, is there any other business for today? >> we are adjourned. >> thank you. [ meeting we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>. >> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at
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the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the
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