tv BOS Full Board 10615 SFGTV October 12, 2015 4:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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>>supervisor london breed:. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, please call the roll. city clerk: [roll call. supervisor wiener, yee, present, supervisor cohen, you have a quorum. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, madam clerk, are there any communications? >> there are none to report, madam president. >> okay, would colleagues like to serve items from the consent agenda?
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seeing none, madam clerk, please call the role on the consent agenda. city clerk: items 1-14. supervisor mar, aye, tang aye, wiener aye, supervisor yee, aye, supervisor avalos, aye, supervisor breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, supervisor christensen, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, supervisor farrell, aye, supervisor kim, kim absent. there are ten ayes. >> these items are finally passed unanimously. madam clerk please call items 15-18
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item 15. multifamily housing revenue note 491-31 avenue. item 16. multifamily housing revenue note 345 arguello boulevard, item 17. multifamily housing revenue note 999 pacific avenue. item 18, multifamily housing revenue note 666 ellis street. item 19. multifamily housing receive knee 1150 scott street. item 20. multifamily housing revenue note 1880 pine street. item 21 multifamily housing revenue note 255 wood side avenue.
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item 22. multifamily housing revenue note 100 appleton street. item 23, multifamily housing revenue note 949 and 951 eddie street. item 24, multifamily housing revenue note 1065 oakdale avenue, item 25, multifamily housing revenue note 25 sanchez street, item 26, multifamily housing revenue note 462 duboce avenue. item 28, multifamily housing revenue note 430 turk street. and item 28. >>supervisor london breed: roll call
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vote on items. city clerk: supervisors mar, aye, wiener, aye, avalos, aye, breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, christensen, aye, cohen, aye, supervisors farrell, aye, kim, aye, >>supervisor london breed: these resolutions are adopted unanimously. >> next item. city clerk: item 29 an amendment for the real property lease amendment proxy development to corner of octavia boulevard and fell street initial monthly rent of 5573, 67. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is approved.. item 30. please. city clerk: item 30 is a resolution to
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termination of a lease disposition and development agreement for the rehabilitation and lease of the geneva office building and powerhouse with the friends of the geneva office building and powerhouse. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, colleagues, this resolution reflects the changes to the plan for the powerhouse. this has been a project that's been starting and stopping for a number of years ever since land was transferred back in 2000. overall the building needs $26 million or so to rehabilitate and to make it functional for community use. the plans are to actually have a community space and arts programming and arts education programming at the site but it's been running into a lot of difficulty in how to raise those kind of dollars. this new life, for the office
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building is really part of the effort of my office and i want to thank beth rub stein for all of her work rounding up a lot of support to making this happen and i would like to thank the parks and recreation department for keeping this going forward and amy cohen and joaquin torres. this will be using the bond money approved in 2012 and there is a fund that could be available there for just doing the powerhouse side of the geneva office building and powerhouse and later once we have demonstrated that we can renovate and building a program there that we can go to the second phase moving forward. this resolution will be continuing with the effort of design but also
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to dispose of at least disposition and development agreement that was approved about a year 1/2 ago and to make sure we can move forward with the new verse -- version of how this building will get built and be of great service not just to district eleven but the district and county of san francisco. >>supervisor london breed: colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection thi safely. >> testimony 31 is a resolution to retroactively the durability to accept and expends a 24 thousand grant for the cdc to participate in a medical monitoring project from june to 2016. >> same house, same call? we'll take that without
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objection. this the adopted >> item 344 so authorize public health to submit a obligation for 2016 to continue to receive the funds $6.2 million important the hiv fwrnt under the centers for disease control and prevention from january to 2016 sam we'll take that without objection. this resolution is duplicated unanimously item 33 a resolution to retroactively authorize the juvenile probation department to accept and extends a 17 thousand from the state correction for practices and training 2015 to 2016 awesome next item to retrofitting authorize the district attorney to accept a gift after a kwoon year vision e inspiration valued if salesforce
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for the period of july through 2016 same house, same call? this resolution is adapted unanimously peritoneum 35 a resolution to approve a freeway maintenance agreement with the state of california port commission maintenance responsibility for highway 101 and van ness corridor and horse the public works to execute the report on behalf of the city and same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. this is adopted unanimously colleagues what i entertain a motion to - okay can we go to committee reports. >> item inform through 42 the audit and oversight committee we were forward as committee
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reports item 40 a resolution to respond to the preceding just of the superior court for the 2014-2015 entitled clean power at long last and okay colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. the resolution is adapted and madam president my apologies. >> i only read item 40 i can read the other one item 41 for the proceeding judge on the pvkd and recommendations entitled san francisco city construction program it needs work to urge the mayor to accept the recommendations through the department head same house, same call? >> we'll take that without objection. those recesses are is adapted unanimously item 412. >> an ordinance to amend the
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administrative code for the being sure units. >> same house, same call? >> we'll take that without objection. ordinance is passed unanimous other than the first reading. >> supervisor kim. >> supervisor president london breed i'll to make a motion to rescinds the items on the calendar consent calendar supervisor kim has made a motion and seconded by supervisor supervisor yee we'll take that without objection. the motion to rescinds pass unanimously and delegations can we take the consent agenda same house, same call? or madam clerk you need to call the roll. >> wale call the roll. >> please call the roll on items. >> supervisor mar supervisor tang
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supervisor wiener supervisor yee commissioner avalos. supervisor breed's supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim there are 11 i's >> those items passed and approved unanimously moving right along roll call for introduction. >> supervisor mar is the first to introduce new business. >> thank you colleagues, i have a couple of items and two in millennium thank you so much to the richmond district ymca the merchant and our office and many residents from the robbers for sponsoring the movies in the
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park nights the last time one for a the season is friday evening it is the amazing neil the film from the graphic novel the movies have in high definition under the stars it was beautiful a few we understand ago splumz needs heavy blackout as the fog reels in kind of like a drive in theater with small businesses come earlier are a picnic basket and reserve our spaces on the ball feed the tickets are not totally free come as early as possible a lot of the getness tests by the why, why it starts at 7:00 p.m. we want to thank michael and the clemente
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merchants anticipate is richmond ymca and christie for the hard work in the rec and park department it is important to bring printed wretches to get the promotion go to clemente street and for fire chief films contact my office for suggestions great family art environment activity coming up on saturday is the leak sand castle i'll be one of the judges it is pretty amazing what young people in schools and they are advisors can do with said. >>and some of the most amazing temporary art on ocean beach near the balboa park and the near the foot of clip house scenes in buildings and partner local streets it build the best
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sculptures their inspired in 2015 it is good youtube videos and it brings educational programs to the bay area city hall's it is admission is free an amazing showing of creativity in the natural environment the contest we serve over 7 thousand students across 25 bay area schools hands on experience in the arts and team and sponsors in the last year's 2014 sand castle we motives dates around they maids over $62,000 and to help to continue to expand its programs approximately 3 thousand people attends the contest each and every every year we're looking at for many people in the richmond's please bring our families and doggies it is an amazing gathering the
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communities and protecting the enlightenment 10:30 it begins the award ends at 4:30 people start december mammal the sand castle it is a fun process i have a cooperative of other announcements an amazing revolutionary theatre and pick up even though 345eshg pete good friend of mine come to the ex-wife giving arts forever the athlete and social movement for decades on friday, october 9th come to the internet archive for access through the internet year-round 24/7 open friday, october 9th come early for a wine reception at 6 o'clock and
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also at 7:00 p.m. we've been dedicating this an mirage or enlighteny we thank did he did he they've rivera hundred and 50 hours of passion plays and other things available to the public all year rental unit twenty-four hours a day 7 days a week and peter's shoe man performed a fiduciary he will an amazing visionary artists the first coming back to san francisco and leads up to a performance of the 60s anti vietnam war piece fire practical join us and did he did he and for bringing peter and others to san francisco also on a sad note after the
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amazing harley strictly bluegrass the arguing most amazing music festival i'm saddened to announce the death of audry a 23-year-old in a town near monreal and passed away while visiting over city it is believes they attend harveyly strictly and an victim after a blunt force he injury to her head she was printed out dead at the scene kari was backpacking from mountain tunnel mothering montreal in a two week trip sdrind as a quote 50 on the side and full of life unquote police have treating this as a homicide
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in you have information regarding 24 please give me the police department at (415) 575-4444 or to text the tip to 411 with sf pd in the message condolences to ms. scarringy and ore family and also colleagues i'd like to end the meeting on a memory of audry keri that was fined disease on saturday and ask we could conclude the meeting in our own honor of an amazing hundred year-old leader from detroit, michigan i know that supervisor kim and supervisor campos and others met her a couple of years ago in the chinese progressive organization he wanted to say i met grace
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about 20 years ago as a she got her boy infer and others brought her it out 0 los angeles for a serve the people for the asian-american movement and she also joined who pass away last year about this the times for the last 20 jars an amazing inspiration she's a leggedy philosopher passed away while sleeping in our detroit home hundred years old and in providence, rhode island 1915 a hundred years ago to the chinese america parents she get her b.a. and ph.d from another college college ear writing the max and
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others lead to a life in academia by socialization he is e ms. bossing with one of the old human right leader and supported causes from human right civil right and labor movement to the black power and black feminist movement and had to state that resurrection just was around the corner they changed constantly her thinking and her terrorism the revolution tends of her leave working with youth in detroit to rebuild their neighborhood and nurturing me in the asian-american movements generations but reducing with work was not just the militant to the 60 tichsz
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but to make everyone more human as at the often said one of her boxes that is a treasure to me i read it often is written with any friends square feet called the next american reducing for the 21st century by mr. fwloef but it is an amazingly spiral book how to make change today one quiet from grace that is important she said imagination is more than education it went to reimage everything protests and change the institution and to change ours it went to grow our souls and talk about this bravely and powerfully grace has a lot of sayings but i'll is that some of them are the most simple things that changes you
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everyday it was an honor to work with her the board of supervisors paid a tribute to her at the events several years ago called the celebration and contribute to grace bossing an march third in 2012 they went to that to be a author and philosopher who planted gardens in detroit and marked against racism and sexism and lurked on human right and on her evolving vision they are toichlt was in the 40s she joined the movements for tenants right and the parties in the association with her involvement with the 1941 mark in washington they focused on marginalized group of women of color and in 194 that she moved to san francisco where she
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met her husband he's a visionary leading the detroit black workers as well grace and jimmy the pair continued their terrorism in their own city right for chando to the racial inequality and focused on the movements happyly embrace rejoined jimmy and have peace for years identified with the black liberation they stated with them on the visits to detroit they incorporated - when the rioting erupted in 1967 grace and gym just talked about the police will brutal ms.
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bossing taunted the strategy in a detroit that remained her basis and faucets mr. martin luther king striving for justice from nonconfrontationable methods she founded and helped to organize the utility shut down and to look at protests outside of convene crackhouse and columns she wrote for the weekly the michigan citizens in the 2 co-founder with her husband the youth program that draws volunteers from all over the country and helped to organize music's festival and she died in 199 that she opened
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the grace and james at exaggerate elementary school she has corin woods the evolution the women and movement to build new america and for the future living for change and auto botanical the one he held up the sustainable activism she got a number of awards and for the remainder are of of here hundred-year-old life therts afghan activist like pioneers in the asian-american movement so they dloeftsd her life to help people of color and immigrants and low income people mrs. bossing dedicated her life and chambers all of all of us to lead in over communities whether or not we are during the obama
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knock it out of the park is not about politicians but oriented people making the change and do sxooirl things every day but brought in the change in the white house that's the spirit of mr. bossing i want to ask if any other colleagues from the board that wanted to say anything about grace bothering for the in memoriam >> supervisor kim and supervisor campos and just to a reminder we is 2:30 accomodation with members here for the accommodations so if we can move that right along please. supervisor kim. >> i want to thank supervisor eric mar for recognizing grace bossing together i think many of us particularly in the asian-american communities have been incredibly touch by here leadership and dedication and a
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role model to be tremendously commented to change and community building and accreditation building she was known for her ability to alone for young people and old people and progressives and get to see things in a whole new lighted when grace came to chinatown i remember her talking about how she lives in the same hues in on the same block and never left that city when everyone moved out she was the only residents on that block continued to per sincere for the change in the city and community gardens starting the youth programs and supervisor mar did a great job of to be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars their complishts but particularly as as an asian-american woman wanting to
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serve any communities i've been inspired i discovered them in high school i was in worn out time and announcement those women exists and role models both in the asian-american and in the latino communities alm that change to some of us isn't enough that change considers for all of us and want to ends up of or with two of her quotes because i was born to chinese-american parents and female he learned the world needed changing and finally she stated two years ago in the evolution i don't know what next asian-american will be but you might be able to imagine it may we continue to honor how legacy
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our life and our work in our communities through our commitment to continuing change and your commitment to hope rest in power grace lee bossing. >> thank you supervisor kim supervisor campos. >> indeed i'm not repeat things said the only thing i'll say on both the in memoriams do them on behalf of the >> colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? can we take that without objection? we'll do that on behalf of the entire board thank you supervisor campos >> thank you. the the rest i submit. >> with that, we are going to go to our 2:30 accommodations and we have 3 today and colleagues, i will ask that you keep them within the 5 men time period we will start with supervisor wiener.
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>> thank you madam president and colleagues today, i would like to honor someone i know you know very, very well, an i congresswoman con here in city hall an ini iconic voice on her occasion of retirement so barbara has been a long time san francisco city chief specializing in government and recording come on up barbara she hosted the news desk hour and the news program for the politicians and city hall insiders with the analysis of what is going on in the building and political column notify for the chairman her radio contrary heard she was working as council
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in the air facility for troubled children and needed a profession that offered more she had a job referral to a enthuse radio station and the rest is history so barbara is a knit in district 8 and a neighbor of mine and i've learned from the various journalists that will in the district colleagues i'm sure you understand this as well journalists are not shy about letting us know the constituents issues and barbara is not shy but far more often than not right this is most important thing bashing that's think outside the box a real pleasure to work with you to be interviewed by you with that ancient recording equipment 19
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it always works but someone that brought this professionalism to the job and really helped to cover something that doesn't get covered enough it is happening in local government with the changes in the media frankly not enough attention from the day to day work of our city government we know democracy and transparent requires an active and robust mar the public knows what we're doing and not doing thank you for your many years of service we're going to miss you i know we'll see i around congratulations (clapping.) >> so i've worked for 40 years for k cps and never been before this. i'm a little bit nervous
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my father was in the navy was a chief petty officer on the uss hornet stations in alameda and the korean war he went to college on the emptying bill at san diego state when it was time for us to go to college it there was no question we were going i thought i would follow in his footsteps when he was a parole officer his detail and what he the fourth to keep people from going back to jail that was all he considered about but as scott mentioned the career was not quite for me because i said more action but he instilled a lot of
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government and politics and what was going on in the world when i was just a new by voter he took my mother and sister and me down to the city hall in san diego and made us refrigerator peace of freedom he was a lifelong democrat everyone should have a voice of ichsz not going to voted peace of freedom he thought people should have a say fast forward i found my niche in the building loving politics and government and having an incredible privilege of having a front row seat for that i thank you all so much i've been to thousands and thousands of those mergers i've covered probably hundred supervisors at least that's been a privilege i'm
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going to grateful to all of you thank you (clapping.) >> congratulation again 1932 taylor on to your retirement next up is supervisor mar >> thank you, colleagues every october i look forward to an amazing gathering just across the barrier in san rap the people garth i want to say we have executive director of pioneers which is an initiative educational organization they
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highlight break through solutions for restoring people that on the planets and executive director is here the conference has changed me the great leah bossing hearing if indigenous environments like thomsz and naomi kline who's film on the crisis blackberry out new day and exposed to the thinkers of a betters future for the world and communities it is the pioneers conference he look forward to refreshing way of looking at the world the marin county conference has been going on for 26 years annual they bring together thousands of youth and community members from all over the country and world they dialogue and discuss parole violationy
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secludes for humiliate and social challenges programs an women's leadership and indignant on ate it is wisdom basic the communities resilience and leadership and youth is an amazing program i've sat with the teachers developing the curriculum on the investment and better world this year's 26 is if in assyrian ralph came over the tracks like reverse food and farming and women's leadership and the nature leadership and marrow some of the key speakers include sandy and angela davis sister are shooers she's a visionary challenging the system former senator tom hadden he is the author of the statement on
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the students for a democrat working stoeshl or society think jensen and larson any friend from color lines and the center for obamacare on the racial justice and the back also on monday come out to the richmond district to the condition on october 12th the appearances pioneers are sponsoring a workshop on the beach and this person crease beautiful public art in the sands in the u.s. and worldwide will lead an art practice near the south side of the cliff house to 3:30 watch everyone happening on the beach as i will
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be after a emotion that happens after the event an informal at the beach chattel at 6 receiving the accomodation is the executive directors joshua a global renown social enterprise and visionary with new in roads for people during the 20 pursues years the international cultural religions we worked with africa and led other projects with the universities in over 20 countries on the planets please give us a roumd to the gentleman joshua (clapping.) and and thank you so much it is a personal honor to be ♪ room as a generation san franciscan
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but i'm really ref on behalf of the founders of pioneers kenny and others that had a violation 26 years to provide practices for the maritime issues of the day and leading the fourth pioneers is snaets the community of communities a convening of people how to solve some the dawn issues today and create equality amongst the cultural and restore the solutions i'm ace and i'm on the case policy i to amnesty you sent 17 through the 18 other than the thursday before we're having our compliments incentive a daylong how the state of california is on the forefront of south korean for the dane climate issues our goal to amplify that megareal honor to be presented thank you all.
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this wonderful accomodation (clapping.) >> congratulations again. >> you are last accumulation for today will be given by supervisor kim. >> colleagues it with heavy heart i present this application today on behalf of mike regularly galla san francisco residents who was born in lending nebraska on october 12, 1973, he took his life this year and this application will make his 42 birthday mike day in san francisco after living in
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columbus and istanbul and stockholm and longing and negotiation made san francisco his permanent home and become a successful enterprise and running a tax consulting and was yoirdz last year he was an important part of the fabric of san francisco he was for many of you who know him a hidden the scenes kind of guy dedicated he's life for gasht spaces and a founding partner in 720 in the tenderloin a famous spot of our communities anticipate a huge contributor back into the neighborhoods a job in the south of market a new large event venue he invested so much in the neighborhoods that needs the investment and we trial building that is a not
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just a place of entertainment but an integral part of giving me back michael helped to build a san francisco nonprofit collective with the largest daytime production it is quite a few important to achieve that a presence in the music scene and made artist grants and hooves many events every year he was deeply effects by his brothers untimes deaths in 1972 and got involved in the make a wish a beloved friend of hundreds of people i don't compensate when his friends good be now and then mike regularly gal day i got text messages from friends i didn't knew my case thanking the board the countless e-mails and
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text messaging i've received speaking about how much people miss him and love him and think about him tremendously really toufdz we got to know mike i'm not on a intimate level but someone that shakes the community and this entire communities along with the family is deeply impacts by his untimely death of suicide in september meekly had a lot to live for he had a lot to look forward two i think we had the most to look forward to what mike's inmike gives to the communities this is how unpredictable suicide it is the fourth leading dedicate distinct age of 16 and 45 it is the greatest death there is no
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inadequately suicide victim as mentions maybe a matter of a caring person with the right knowledge at the right time my heart goes out to his friends and family and the missouri mayor ed lee many people that load mickey know that many of his friends are here to accept that application wear commented committed to conditioning continuing the mission and the heart that my case exemplifies in the city i want to ask a few of his friends to accept the application think his behalf i see a couple of other friends come up as well he wanted to offer you an opportunity to speak with about mike. >> thank you so much supervisor socioto you will have
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you mike what a big, big figure we represent hundreds of san franciscans and hundreds of few weeks in nebraska and new york and london who loved him and i'll just keep it at that thank you, again. >> first of all, thank you all for the horn you bestowed on michael we liked to call him mickey he e that i said what san francisco is about it you told me thirty years i was growing up in east arithmetic and be the kids from nebraska and be a good friend we become close friends and as pointed out this guy was a visionary and embracing but most importantly an excellent friend i think you're being modest with you say mickey had
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member for roll call for introduction. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> supervisor yee comment. >> commissioner avalos supervisor president london breed. >> oh, george washington's gorgeously that was quick madam clerk redirect. >> supervisor campos. >> i have one quick item an ordinance that and the issue while the city and county of san francisco has had a prevailing wage aforementioned that is for some of the outdoor vendors that ordinance explicit currently apply to sfmta contract with vendors that operate the transit fair assess program through the access the mta muni provides 8 hundred thousand day to day shared van riders that rides per year to individuals that are not
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able to be using muni buses and trains and embarrasses the cutters par transit is through 2016 an opportunity to not only release a request are for the guardians competitive bids but make sure that the erngz are paid a fair wage that authorizes the sfmta to include in its next brokerage provisions that require payment by contractors and subcontractors for drivers and dpaefrnz and reservice stationers for the access program the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor christensen. >> a couple of happy things fierce on accept and expend resolution for 5 new ambulances for the fire department thiengs
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a fuming grant they respond up to one hundred and plus thousand a lot of emergencies our aging fleets makes that difficult to do in a safe manner that replaces 5 ambulances and provides the city with new vehicles, and, secondly, a 1.4 homelands security for the port and resilenced program we called the danger you are ports faces with the loma prieta and the value of the maritime's fleets in responders that sort of deserve resilience recovery program is welcome i'm happy to support the issuance and sale of 20302008 and 2012 gondz i toured
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the jouj with the rec and park and public works department it is gorgeous i invite you to the parks openly on november 15th george is the first parks bonds those bones will funds $50 million of a capital improvement to the initiatives of initiatives and cover the deferred maintenance and help the natural areas in mclaren park and lake merced and fund the green packers and others parks this is good news the rest i submit. >> thank you sxooishgs. >> supervisor cohen. >> submit. >> supervisor farrell. >> supervisor kim not presents madam president. >> okay. he have a couple of items colleagues one of the
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things that he wanted to tall one a little bit here in the affirm is mid town homes we know that individuals that live in mid-town reached out the members of the board a lot of information we want to set the record straight conducted in the 1960s with hundred and 39 unions a residential complex of hundred a 39 for lower-income and middle-income it is by the scott and divisadero streets with owned by the the city and county of san francisco under the jury instruction of the mayor's office of housing and community development and it is killer leased to mercy housing it is an estimated needs of over 40
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millions in r rehabilitation today, i want to reiterate my pledge to keep the midtown apartments an affordable housing complex i'm here to assure folks in mid-attain residents will be demands nor have that he been in the last two years the mayor's office of housing and mercy to stabilize the structure to make it stave is a fair market value for residents including $500,000 this year alone in repairs over the past 9 years the city priorities middle attain collection with over $4.5 million in much needed sxal funds my goal has always been to keep the current reliance in their home and make rents adjustment
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in a fair and reasonable manner and to provides enough rental income for mid attain to stabilize the building and operations that is important to keep it affordable and protect leona helmsley of affordable housing in any detect and throughout the city sadly month was residence are paying 50 percent higher on their hours it is affordable housing and is regulated by the federal government through hud it is important to know that the mid attain complex suffers from 40 years of defenders maintenance caused by insufficient rental revenue and poor management. >> the overall network the project is one of the causes of the building extreme disrepair without restructuring the
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building that will cost the losses of affordable housing it began in 2034 and continued to april 17th work 2015 here are some of the finding there are extremely low income and low income households which subsidies higher in case hourly by passerby well over thirty percent of their income and rents higher income folks pay less than two and 15 and less than 10 percent of their income in rent so for a breakdown this is what is happening with the households as a result of the work done itself by the maechlz 28 households see a residence reductions holders were you paying 32 to 788 percent of their income for rents most of residents were steel low income
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seniors that have money for food and everyday acceptance two hourly inform change and 49 households see an increase of under one hundreds dollars a month to be clear all increases p will happen over a 5 year periods those ranges from 12 to 60 percent of ami 21 hours see an increase of hundred to $200 a month over years and two he households over the next 5 years and this is ultimately to get to thirty percent holders network 10 hourly will see an increase of 4 hundred to seven hundred a month over the years and just to be clear those 10 hourly basically, their households incomes range from hundred and
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200 and 14 percent of ami that typically didn't qualify for affordable housing 7 hourltz to market-rate they were either found non-cliept or unresponsive to income certification unfortunately, a if i people were take advantage of the housing others midtown they sub lived their units making money from their units excluding putting their units on airbnb and is residents that owned a home in another city i sympathy emphasize with the rents increase i worked with the maechlz to allow 5 years for everyone to get to thirty percent of their income even for residents maxwell over hundred thousand dollars a year none
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will be remembered froefrmd their units since mark residents have been attending financial planning working groups by the conducted pie mercercy housing and is 345i6 mayor's office of housing will continue to submit the development by providing 200 thousands a year to cover the operating costs and was work towards stabilizing the building and the district supervisor i'm dedicating to protecting the long term residents with the affordable housing but everyone has to a pay their ferry have a meeting scheduled with the residents of midtown and mercy housing to discuss issues i've always said to anyone that lives in mid-town my door is always open and happy to meet with them colleagues besides that i have
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two items to introduce the first is a planning code change to allow certain businesses in the fillmore commercial transit or is mexican t d this board amazing supported in legislation earlier this year i thank my colleagues for that the legislation i'm introducing today will make a small change allowing a business and building of 3 or more stories to delay a vertical sign higher than what is currently allowed loose not trevor with this features or rise above the residential windows are above the roof lien or three hundred feet only a handful of businesses the adu's tomorrow for entertainment this legislation will allow the
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auditorium to pride signage more appropriated for the size and scale of its building ass as well as the location in the days ever upper redevelopments the geary expressway gifted the japantown neighborhoods in a recurrentless efforts to funnel many cars having a large signage will help to simplify japantown as more than that places it pass but by a cultural designation and that will less than to visible and symbolizing bridge the gap creates by the geary expressway a large sign for the fillmore auditorium will help how the castro theatre has branded the castro my second item today is to
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introduce a drafting request supervisor cowen and i will be introducing a drafting request to the da and controller to draft legislation that will create a permanent city reward fund to compensates those who provides information leading to and arresting and conviction in any unsolved murder case in san francisco. >> in the parts 6 years san francisco has average about 50 homes per year each a strategy a loss of a sister or father a friend each should not have happened and deserve every effort for justice we're according to most metrics the wealth it big or smallest city with that wealth comes obligations for everyone that has been given much, much will
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be demanded when it comes to the worse crime our city faces we should put our wealth to use to help the families of the victims and get the most violate offenders over the streets the city has at times offered rewards but it does so at an a.d. o ad hoc no funds or process this could lead to the prospective that some lives are more important than others that's not the case i'm proposing a permanent city funds to provide awards up to $250,000 to anyone that brings information that leads to the arresting and conviction in an unsolved murder case the legislation will establish specific criteria because in many cases our police department solves the cases without a need for an awards the funds should
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think limited to homicide cases that have gone unsolved with the police had exhausted the leads and for which the police chief has in his or her determination that a with regard is necessary it should be subject to the annual appropriations for years carrying forward and all this requires a small amount of taxpayer money thankfully we're talking about a small number of cases but in those cases we should be doing everything we can and in those cases this ward a or regard can make a difference san francisco has an regard fund of the do. please note: any of the members may speak without taking and deals with people pulling fire alarms if fire
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alarms, we can surely do it to solve murders. >> thank you, madam president. supervisor kim is asking to be rereferred. >>supervisor london breed: actually supervisor cohen would like to speak to my last item. >>supervisor malia cohen: as we continue to develop this legislation, i hope we will have your support. i think it's critical that we have watched mothers come to the chamber to sit for 2 hours to ask, beg and plead for assistance. it's a small gesture that we can begin to help heal not only the families that have been torn by acts of violence but bring a human touch to how we address crime in our city and in our county.
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i hope once this legislation is written and finalized that we will have full support from all 11 members on this legislation so we can send a powerful message not only to the public, but to the mothers in particular who have suffered a great loss and who continue to suffer and hopefully our efforts will be to help them bring them, i don't want to say closure, but settle their mind and bring some peace so they understand that law enforcement is working on all sides for everyone. i think it's incredibly important for us to remember that justice should swing both ways. thank you. city clerk: thank you. supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, madam clerk. i want to thank supervisor breed and cohen on this and i
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would like to be a sponsor. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. >> city clerk: madam president, supervisor would like to be recognized. >> with that we'll go to public comment. city clerk: at this time the public may now address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 minutes on items within the jurisdiction of the board without reference to items 1-50 where items have been previously been satisfied. direct your remarks as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor to the audience. speakers use is interpretation assistance will be allowed twice the amount to testify. if you would like documents to be portrayed on the project or please state this.
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>>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker please. public speaker: my name is christopher dall. to symbolism on my shirt. in the center is an equal sign that indicates balance between one side and the other. a state of equality. it's a symbol of the carbon upload. all the carbon dioxide that point in our common air. down arrow is a form of carbon dioxide that the plant life of our world pulls down out of our common air. it's the carbon download of the planet and this upload that is balanced. there is 2 words that can be read as carbon balanced or balanced carbon. it's meaningful in both ways. the silver on blue symbolizes the breakup and disappearance of the north
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polar ice cap. we have been out of balance for a long time. the glacial records show that accumulated atmospheric carbon overload in the atmosphere minus the amount of carbon sequestered has been going up for the last 10,000 years. to avoid any possibility of dreadful and disastrous climate predictions is to balance our carbon upload with carbon download. this requires enough fresh water to irrigate an empty desert to grow trees to grow carbon out of the air permanently. if we balance our current carbon account, mother nature will handle our historical overload. thank you, president barack -- president
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breed? public speaker: hello, i want to show this little short video >> is it working? we'll take the next speaker and make sure it's working. next speaker, please. public speaker: madam board of supervisors, dear supervisor tang. on september 30th, an article appeared announcing affordable housing legislation sponsored by yourself and mayor lee. there is a group of 40 plus san francisco resident, we applaud your effort to ensure that affordable housing remain at the top of your list of priorities. as you are aware, long time residents of san francisco who reside at midtown park
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apartments are facing displace many from our homes. many would qualify for the housing to be built by 2020 per the new legislation. unfortunately, however a number of families could be displaced within coming days with no place to live in this world class city who promise to keep san francisco a city of everyone to find themselves among the moem -- homeless population you currently seek to house. the city hall was once a midtown parks apartment resident. many families are in the midst of displacement where middle class housing is occurring. the five initiatives contapt -- contained in the new legislation, expiring of affordable units and no tenants
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in units are displaced. part of this effort is to propose a legislation that would strengthen the city's legislation tools. affordable housing with sponsors and housing and community development will prohibit the kinds of agreement and culmination after 30 years. as it relates to tound apartment. >>supervisor london breed: thank you. i'm sorry, your time is up.
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[video] public speaker: can you talk to me. we've been standing outside of city hall for the longest trying to get your attention. mayor lee, don't ignore us. that's not fair. we lost our children to homicide. why i'm saying that, my name is paul it brown and my son was murdered august 14, 2006. i have been out here, i have been to mayor willie brown and newsom and now the honorable mayor lee. i was very embarrassed that day. i want ed lee that i'm not going to bite you. all i want to do is let you know the pain is is still going on with mothers like myself. we want to put our pictures, we want a memorial
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and our children's pictures the same way that you are giving everybody else, sandy hook and domestic violence people. they are honored to put their pictures on the bus. i'm not asking to put the pictures on the bus. this is what i have left of my son. this is what is going to on today with the murders on the streets to senseless violence. everybody knows who murdered my son. thomas hannibal, paris moffat, andrew videau, jason thomas. they were all out there when my son was murdered. i fight for other mothers and fathers. the mayor said i know who killed your son. how long do we have to grieve? i have been doing this for 9 years. the pain is still the same. no
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one should walk away from us. we are not going to hurt anybody. we can speak for our children better than anyone else. >> thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: good afternoon, everybody. san francisco has a long history of displace ment. i have lost my home and they promise equity and unfortunately a decade long work towards at a goal that began in 1995 and directors and in 2007 with your legislative body has been put to a halt. now, many folks facing
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gentrification for the third time. with increase or promise of evictions from the mayor's office of housing. if i may have the overhead, please. thank you. now, these evictions they will commence october 12th, black on white. it says so there. if you do not sign your new lease it may become a public housing development. you will be evicted. we do face the largest flight of our eviction of residents. ten families already pushed out by the actions of mow and mercy. how many more have to leave. thank you very much for your time. i appreciate it. >> thank you, next speaker, please.
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public speaker: i will keep this brief. the board has a resolution in midtown to give people the at some point to own their apartment complex. if this is disregarded along with the board of the eastern neighborhoods plan, then i'm not sure how you can persuade many residents that you are taking this seriously. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker, please. public speaker: i'm also here in part of the midtown tenant apartments. i'm doing a research project on their history and learned a tremendous amount about their history, their survival of redevelopment. midtown originated in 1969 as relocation housing. they are still owed quite a bit by the city and that doesn't seem to be forthcoming even though in 2007, the board
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of supervisors pledged that no resident in midtown would face displace ment. they are also receiving displacement in 2007 the board of supervisors pledged that it would work in towards ownership. i don't see why we are working in the opposite direction from ownership. where the pledge is from the board of supervisors to continue to working with midtown residents for full ownership for their properties which in my opinion they are owed over many decades. some of these people had family members that owned victorians that were demolished in the 1960s.
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the least they can have now is ownership of their apartments. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: hello, my name is andres. i'm here to support midtown housing. many of the people were evicted already from the fillmore and now these homes are worth quite a bit. after they were promised to have some now they are being lifted. it was promised to them if they did that in 2007 there would be some movement towards ownership. i would like to remind the people here that they have a certain duty to make good on the words they said. these words can't just be idol. thank you.
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>>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker please. public speaker: richard stone, san francisco party of county council. a san francisco resident here to support midtown residents. i would like to thank eric mar in light of their testimony and shows that it's paid on both in terms of the activism that spoke of in light of many people that i know that on facebook just last week i had to talk down from a suicide attempt because he had been recently become homeless himself. and just seeing something like this happen on such a bad scale when we know
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that other remedies can actually be done. we certainly hope that in light that is happening in the promise that supervisor breed make that will work in midtown. i hope that everything will be done in good faith. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. public speaker: hello, i'm here also to speak in support of midtown residents. i hope their questions will be answered and i hope they get a lease that is fair given the long context of displacement in that area and what they
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are owed by the city and in the context of san francisco's rising displacement. i think we need to consider the many forms that displacement can take. it makes sense to talk about paying for one's share but we need to look at different ways that people can be displaced and the effect that this outcome will have. public speaker: good afternoon. i'm a 25 resident of midtown. we want ownership. madam president, today is the first time that you are willing to sit down to talk to
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us. we are so very happy because we've been trying for at least the last 3 months. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: hello, i'm sylvia johnson. i have been going to court on these proceedings. i think we need to produce better things. or housing in 2006. there is no way that they did not accept that housing.
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built a good foundation. because of my eye sight. i can't see very well. i have been going to school. our house is more important and all these people that are living on the streets. i think they are a bunch of things especially that helps cure cancer, cure all kinds of diseases. it's been our whole life. we need to put more steady housing instead of running people out of housing. this is a ridiculous way that it's doing to our society.
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this change and what we need in the world to go and do new ways of living. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker please. public speaker: the united states is only fascist terrorist country who evict 85 years old people. united states concentration camp from new york to los angeles and san francisco only this country.
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next speaker, please. public speaker: my name is -- madam president, supervisors, tenderloin activist north of market. i do appreciate the work of barbara taylor. she presented here information on am radio, a low tech methodology which doesn't require a lot of money. it's environmentally friendly. but in any audio visual representation by any information is transmitted by the audio signal alone. a trillion dollars worth of satellites could fall out of sky and am radio would still be working. it's a possibility. unfortunately.
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i appreciate what she said about her dad going to school. it's common in our generation. there was a lot of narrative that there was a lot of children of the war generation rejected their values and didn't want to find a war and beliefs. one of the signs of aging and process is you get to see more complexity in life, when they got the gi bill from roosevelt they created the state college system and higher education system that my generation benefited from. they are the first wave of my own generation. it was much more complex than it was presented. i think the pendulum swings and a lot of speakers are in the middle. we are in a
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big pendulum swing now and things are changing. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. public speaker: tom gilberte. water under the bridge last week here, recology. i presume the trucks are going to make a return, four trucks an hour. 600,000 miles extra driving. now, 2015, in california, there is no water under the bridge. the carolinas there is a thousand year flood. climate change, climate wobbles. 5 million tons of diesel, soot
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and carbon. it's not in the direction we need to go. water under the bridge. more tons of soot and carbon. it's not where we want to go. okay, last week, part 5 of the five part housing plan. we got resident condos for rental units. we got 30% market rate. the other percent, if you lived in an area for 30 years in a local zip code, these homes are for you. the next 15% if you lived in the area and you are a 20-year resident, these homes are for you. that's 25 homes
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local zip code. next 5% if you are a 30-year resident in san francisco, a zip code, that's for you. the next 10%. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> my name is debra benedict. a resident of 75 door street. i'm a disabled person who recently had my service animal run over by a speeding san francisco police car. this is a photograph here of my dog before cremation and i have put in a submissions for traffic calming treatments on my street at the
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top and bottom because cars race onto it off of howard street and folsom street. i would also since pedestrian safety is up, i would really love to find out how to put a flashing light in the middle of the street because literally people are on four lane, one lane streets around my block and they cut through racing all the time. people have videos of the vehicle racing and there are children and seniors and other people living in my apartment building. another dog was hit by a car and blinded. i don't want to hear about children or elderly people being hit. this officer was just dropping off someone at the no. 52 a du across the street and there was
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zero reason for him to be speeding. i'm be rift because of the loss of my service animal and i would really like to improve the safety on the street where i live because danger exist everyday. thank you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker. public speaker: i would like to put this commentary on the tv. it took matthew henry 40 years to write his commentary in the bible. there is two guys in the testament who got what they wanted. it was solomon, he was the king and he asked for wisdom and elijah was wiser than him so he could speak to the lord. what would you say if god said you can have what you
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want? god told moses he was going to kill everybody in israel and start over with him. he did that with him instead of elijah because although elijah was saved he wasn't the type of christ as moses was and he died on the cross for our sins and he knew moses was going to ask for forgiveness. if he asked elijah he would have asked for his wife. he asked solomon who asked for wisdom and specifically because you did not ask me to kill your enemies, i'm going to give you riches and you are going to be like no other king in all of israel. eventually truth is going to come out. god is a god of truth and jesus said, hear my voice. i called
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saturday and asked him to interview jones. he said no, that's national security. i'm hoping that rush limbaugh, glen beckon knew will follow the lead. by the way, alex jones. it's a big story. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. no other speakers, are there any other members who would like to provide public comment at this time, seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk can we go back to roll call for introductions. i would recognize supervisor kim. >>supervisor jane kim: thank you. first is to establish the warriors center and advisory committee.
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also what we are entitle will the mission bay. this is $14.1 million additional net tax generated for the war era. beyond for affordable housing and parks and mission structure. what is being proposed by the mayor's office and my office to establish a fund which will set aside $10 million annually to ensure we are properly mitigating by the near arena joining our stadium. the annual operating cost. the fund will be there to be available for annual operating cost for sf mta, sf p.d. and dpw to dramatically improve the third service line for
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events. provide additional 28 parking for officers and to ensure traffic flow on evenings and daytimes. debt service for capital improvement to ensure new light rail vehicles and for the mini metro to allow more attendees to deploy on the site and to reserve augment service on days with overlapping events at the proposed arena and at & t ballpark. i want to be careful to emphasize that this proposed legislation will follow approval of the proposed project that is currently before ocii and the board of supervisors, 100% project on private land. this established the major improvement advisory committee in the
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mission bay including the warriors, uc sf and representatives of district 6 office. i want to acknowledge the nine other members of the board of supervisors, president breed, mar, tang, wiener and farrell and yee. i would like to continue this discussion to ensure as we bring another major arena to this city, a prospect that many are excited for that we are investing in the infrastructure needed to ensure our city can handle major events and additional needs for services. my second item is in relation to a new bill signed by governor brown and it's impact here potentially here in san francisco. as many of you remember on june 7, 2011.
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this board unanimously approved the treasure island disposition and development agreement. this project would create 8,000 units of housing. while the original deal committed 30% of housing for low income and homeless in san francisco was brought forth by the governor to disolve the redevelopment agency. the treasure island development authority quickly recalibrated it's structure to the city department and commitment of affordable units to 25%. i made a personal commitment that if state law were to change, i would work to ensure that san francisco would recommit to 30% on the affordable goal on the island. further on the last negotiation we were able to make two amendments to the dda with the developer. one to increase the percentage of affordable units to 25%
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regardless of any change this state law and second allowing for increase to 30% should there be a state law changed within 5 years. supervisors avalos and cohen and wiener joined me to assembly to amend states law to utilize tax increment to building 30% affordable housing. ultimately we were not successful in showing the inclusion of treasure island in ab 664. but recently we have had great news. on september 22nd, governor brown signed ab 2 for the state of california. this measure allows for public
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agencies and schools to establish and revitalize and specify disadvantaged communities including communities of crime, unemployment rate and former military bases. this measure will also draft the documented lack of affordable housing that no funds generated would be set aside for affordable housing. this will take affect on january 2016. according to the dda, inquiring state law will come up in june of 2016. i'm calling upon the treasure island development authority board of directors to establish explore impact on treasure island and to develop recommendations to recapture the 2.5% of housing which was promised in 2011 and examine whether we can
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establish 40% of affordable housing on treasure island. i want to thank the board of directors who have committed to working with our office to see if we can establish this 40% baseline. we see treasure island as the first community that will benefit this legislation. we should follow the giants and the ports lead of building 40% affordable and middle income housing and which is on the ballot for november requesting that any housing built on public land have a minimum of 30% affordable housing, 50% with middle income and the precedent that we are starting to set in our office to ensure that 40 is the new 30. a city where the brookins institution has recently found that income disparity is is growing faster
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than in any other city and where data from our own service agency with a widening gap. that figures showing for every 1,000 person in san francisco that 7.3 are worth a million like places like new york and washington d.c.. and san franciscans living in poverty has increased from 2007-2012. and with the wealth disparity illuminating the rapidly shrinking middle class declining over 10% over the same number of years. i think we as a city need to make a stronger commitment to ensuring that we are building as much affordable
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and middle income housing as possible. one of the plans is to do that and with the recent passage of the state law, i'm directing the board and staff to see if we can establish a baseline for treasure island. i'm also requesting the planning department and mayor's office of housing explore a full range beyond treasure island that may qualify from the benefits on ab 2. the rest i submit. >>supervisor london breed: thank you. madam clerk, can we go to our 3:00 p.m. special order? city clerk: yes madam clerk, items 36-38 comprise the special order for a public hearing for persons interested in the public works decision dated
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september 18, 2014, for a tentative map for a new construction located at 289 perilta avenue. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: i requested this issue be continued because of a resolution in the courts. consistent with what we have done in the past, i would like to hereby move to continue this item to december 1st of this year. the parties will be having a case management conference that has been continued to november 18th. and with the understanding that hopefully there will be a resolution at that point. they have requested the continuance to december 1st. >> okay, supervisor campos has made a motion to continue to december
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12th by supervisor farrell, colleagues. before we take this, is there any public comment on the continuance? seeing no public comment on the continuance, public comment is closed. okay, colleagues, can we take the continuance or madam clerk, do we need a roll call vote for the continuance. city clerk: madam president, i believe you can do that. >>supervisor london breed: we'll take it to december 1, 2015, without objection. >> i believe the second? i didn't hear. >> supervisor farrell. >> that will move without objection. >> the public hearing will be opened. >>supervisor london breed: yes, thank you. where are we in the agenda? we are at the end. can you read immediate
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adoption without reference to committee. city clerk: items 45-50 are being considered for adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote may enact these items. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor kim? >> >>supervisor jane kim: 46, >>supervisor scott weiner: 48. >>supervisor london breed: can you call the roll. city clerk: supervisor mar, aye, tang, aye, wiener, aye, supervisor yee, aye, supervisor avalos, aye, supervisor breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, supervisors christensen, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, supervisor farrell, aye, supervisor kim,
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aye. >> those items are adopted. please read item 46. city clerk: to continue funding planned parenthood and for the san francisco health center in the event of federal defunding. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor kim? >>supervisor jane kim: thank you, colleagues, i want to thank cosponsors for this resolution, supervisors campos, tang, mar, wiener, yee and cohen. this has become a quite important issue nationally as members of the house of representatives voted to defund planned parenthood. the countries largest provider of women's healthcare and also offered to cut 10% and have been cutting
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or eliminating family planning fund. this is anti-to a society that serves women. i hope that we send the message that we will protect women in san francisco. this also supports planned parenthood and opposes any defunding of planned parenthood on a federal level and also the commitment to prioritize approval of funding to support the continued operation of our san francisco health centers in the event of federal defunding. colleagues, i ask for your support. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, supervisor kim. colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection, this is
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adopted. next item. city clerk: item 47. approval of a 90-day extension for planning commission review for four ordinances restricting accessory dwelling units. >>supervisor scott weiner: there is a typographical error. it should be february for 2016 for the 90 days. i move to make that change. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor wiener has made a motion. is there a second. colleagues, can we take the amendment without objection. without objection the item passes. can we take the item colleagues, can we take this item same house same call. without objection this item is approved.. it's been adopted as amended unanimously.
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madam clerk? city clerk: in memoriams. today's meeting will be in adjournment on behalf of the entire board of supervisors for ms. audrey carrie and ms. grace lee bogs. >>supervisor london breed: okay, madam clerk, is there any other business for today? >> we are adjourned. >> thank you. [ meeting we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>.
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>> it seems like everyone in san francisco is talking about housing san francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone million dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the $207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher it's more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why
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it housing in san francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an all-time 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, it's grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the city's history and it's not only san francisco it is greek the bay area has $2 million for residents and jobs then in the
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80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403.9 million people unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing that's been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we don't pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents san francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena
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data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout san francisco those plans developed by years of community planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and non-built affordability housing that majority of housing in san francisco as well as throughout the country market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1/3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is $70,000 this householder will have to pay no
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more than $7,150 to be affordable san francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the inclusive program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you can't afford a million will home you're not alone in response san
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francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now e-mails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the san francisco ethics commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels we're working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions we're commented for housing needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway >> good afternoon and he welcome to the planning commission regular hearing
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like to remind the public to and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. if i could take roll commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner johnson and commissioner richards. >> commissioner hillis is expected to arrive shortly and commissioner moore is expected to be absent commissioners, the first item on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuance at the time of publishing the agenda no item phenomenon continuance, however, under our discretionary review calendar item 9 and 11 have both been withdrawn item 9 barker street request for discretionary review has been withdrawn and
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