tv Board of Education 92915 SFGTV October 15, 2015 12:00am-5:31am PDT
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francisco board of education of the unified school district for tuesday, october 13, 2015, is now called to order ms. casco roll call. >> thank you ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase ms. chin and mr. totiano thank you. >> thank you. please join me in the pledge of allegiance thank you very much as i've been annunciating past if you meeting in the members of the public wish to address the san francisco board of education
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please filled out a speaker card as present according inform board rules and procedures speaker cards will not be accepted for items before the board and two kinds of pro comment on general public comment for issues not on tonight agenda and public comment taken for each of the agenda items item a approval of the minutes of the september 29th minutes will be threatened at the nestle meeting and presentation to the san francisco board of education mr. superintendent. >> thank you dr. murase and good evening to everyone a couple of announcements every year the unified school district teams up with the san francisco department of department of emergency to run a dignity wide great california shakeout this
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year we'll be joined by mayor ed lee and chief joanne hayes-white and commissioners and yours truly as we drop, cover, and hold on at exactly 8:15 action committee for women in prison san francisco students will be taking pa right in the exercise that began in 2008, the shake identity is october from 13 from the afternoon to 11 all the parents listening to remind the children this thursday is the shakeout day for the san francisco students she should take that socializing so once again that thursday october 15th and all of us will be that he school to drop, cover and hold on i'd like to announce that our family empowerment conference will be saturday october 17th at
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the willie l. brown middle school the recurs fair opens at 9:00 a.m. and working groups will be from 10:00 to 3:00 p.m. and interpretation services will be provided so i encourage the community and all the parents to please come on out this saturday something new the conference is co-sponsored by advisory bodies the african-american parents advisory committee and the communities sires for special education and is district parental council been engaged in obamacare this and flyers are available in 5 languages on the district website and disabled by community organizations that work with the san francisco unified school district families families are encourage to reserve 415241 6184 in english
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or spanish and 41574910 for cantonese mardin drain pr www.sfusd dot ed u f e r e nc e it is available in english or spanish and the empowerment speed limit is taking place on the california state building 4455 golden gate from 9 to 6:00 p.m. students attend two working groups and see the panels on working group and a keynote address i'll encourage our students to be prompt and
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ready to go at 9:00 a.m. in addition that is very important at sfusd will be having an enforcement fair on saturday october 24th at the city college of san francisco which is located at 50 feland avenue san francisco, california an opportunity to see all the public schools and see the working groups on the trickleal kindergarten and middle school theatres and off-street parking and the saturday october 24th from 9:30 to 2:30 they did city college of we look forward to seeing you there finally i'd like to give a recognition to two of the hard working students this past week in long beach, california the 59 gwen the council of cancels this is a
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conference of the 68 largest your honor, school districts in america as part of this convention we hatchet to have a student panel with students if new york and california and different parts of the country i'm proud to say that two of our very own students seniors and junior from lombard high school that attended and represented san francisco on the student panel what was facilitated by mp r host and coordinator this was nationally broadcast i need to tell you our students made us proud their articulate and spoke about race and education their dreams and hopes he i have to tell you as a superintendent i was thrilled with no prompting from any of us they parking control officer into vision 2025
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and how their city took place in the classroom is special shout out and mr. sonata and our wonderful coordinators that got up early and flew to long beach they've made us proud i'm proud to say they're our sfusd students. >> thank you very much planting next is item c the recognized of accommodations there are none together student delegate report thank you, commissioners as the ssi report as superintendent carranza mentioned last week our student leader if lombard high
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school and from mission high school had the great opportunity to represent our school district in long beach at the voice panel both of the leaders participated with other students from new york city and long beach talking about their experience in urban schools particularly our going on innovation at sfusd as superintendent carranza men's the vision 2025 we would like to extend our thanks to the representative again may i from lombard and from mission high school both whom has made this journey on the student advisory committee we want to thank mr. superintendent richard carranza for louse us to competence our voice. >> in support of human trafficking and human expiation of children at the prior meeting
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the entire council troubled to this resolution as a result we're happy to announce that unanimously voted in favor of the passage of this resolution we would like to thank dr. murase for louse to r us to co-author this resolution the students voted yes to this resolution part of meeting consist of the 50 students adding ways to have a voice this is a serious situation that needs to be recognized at next meeting wednesday october anothers 5 o'clock and anyone are welcome to attend our meeting as an added incentive diner for all the students and guest if you want to attend are make a presentation or like a
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copy of our up and coming meeting compact salvador lopez we had our cabinet meeting a medicaid waiver celebration that was mr. salvador lopez and they friend jackie's birthday so happy birthday and i do want to stop and say thank you for all you've e all you've downey done you've been a influence and this is a privilege to have you at the school. >> thank you and again happy birthday (clapping.) >> thank you, dr. murase. >> student delegates thank you i'd like to invite the city council forward.
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>> good evening, commissioners mr. agrees i have a son in second grade for preschool daughter she's 4. >> good evening my name is georgia i'm the court reporting for the citizens advisory committee and the patent advisory committee to provide parents prospective on policy discussions by the board toentsz staff report highlighted our two year discuss our action plans and prompt the district third annual conference plan. >> so in order to set the priorities pack members looking at the achievement data excluding councilmember reid the result from the smarter
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demographics from the student profiles and change that are happening we also look at the profiles of students that are being have bio and the free and reduced lunch program and set the context we have visited the place that superintendent carranza set and looked at it new interests from pack members. >> our priorities to activate for an engagement plan to support of family engagement centers. >> to strengthen the redesign the education to be more inclusive in practices especially the after-school programs and helping to develop
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i ev family surveys to look at what is working with the iv process and areas for improvement. >> racial equity and the deployment of school initiatives and the african-american achievement and leadership initiative. >> strengthen the implementation to serve our language families and students and continue or work on the local plan to inform the annual and the overall esl o el cap process. >> support the our family council the outreach campaign to with they'll develop the 5 year plan our focus to reach families underserved and children that attend our public schools. >> so next week is the next pack meeting and pack members
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will establish their project teams and develop the goals to implement p.s. >> over the year pack members will be with district staff community partners and commissioners to support our effort to identify ways to collaborate how to bring the parents prospective to the discussion and strengthen good work. >> also saturday october 17g we'll close up the unanimous conference anothers martin luther king from 9 to 2 some of us will be fayette a couple of working groups and have information outreach table at the events. >> right to giving up giving one more plug superintendent carranza said breakfast and lunch are provided and interpretation services please families come out and the commission and staff and
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leadership to come out and support to empower the families to help with the children's education. >> thank you so much questions or comments from my colleagues seeing none, really appreciate our hard work yes. >> actually, one of our priorities we wanted to highlight is the first one around the family engagement to highlight that is identified as a strategy to support our students success and fully implement our indicator we could a have a strategy plan to measures what are the indicators with implementing those standards as well guiding the implementation how to engage families on the ground and what was talked about in leadership to empower the leadership and creating those conditions for families to engage and support their children in their
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education. >> this year. >> thank you so much really appreciate yes ms. fewer. >> so thank you to the pack for this report you know it's been while since an update on the plan we've talked about the parents from the independentcy mold to a parent item i ask this be heard at the committee as a whole so we're on the same page to examine what we need more to do. >> thank you very much. >> we're now on item f public comment on content items nun together and item g consent calendar i need a motion and second. >> move the consent calendar. >> second.
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>> thank you very much any items withdrawn braun withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent. >> mr. steel. >> yes. dr. murase on page 6 the summer grant number one from $60,000 to $6.02 a page 31 grant number had the dates of grant to 7, 12015 a 2016 on page 41 in the subject the newark security and b-9 to summer in the resolution on page 42 the recommendation as follows: that the san francisco board of education unified school district in the interests of the sfusd to authorize the school district so use google apps for
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education and for the superintendent or designee to enter into a contract with google no cost impact in this district. >> thank you, mr. steel any items removed from first reading by the board seeing none, nun any items severed by the board commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i'd like to pull item k through 12 yes. i'd like to pull items so in this green part so bear with me i think that an agenda item 2 one ion page 42 superintendent
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thank you. >> any other items. >> seeing none, roll call vote will take place in section o the number 8 proposals none and item i is board members proposal speaker cards and action in support of countering human trafficking and commercial squall concession moved on august 22, 2015, report from the curriculum and program committee commissioner walton. >> we're now with the human trafficking recess resolution that was held at program committee last week. >> so the committee approved the
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resolution to going forward with the contingency we had a proposal in the budget we could all agree on. >> thank you. >> commissioner wynns. >> and to agree on the amended language with the amendment. >> that's right at the curriculum committee reviewed the resolution and there was a proposed amendment that i received language from commissioner fewer the other issue with the budget analysis that was provided to the commission so when ms. casco
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gets back i want to make sure to note the student delegates should be adams as co-authors to the resolution and commissioner fewer. >> i wanted to add something to that amendment and i believe we can probably put it in the be it therefore resolved that the superintendent in consultation with the consultant experts i just want to begin that they may develop a or create a task force for this so want to make sure. >> i should read the resolution first. >> sure and go into details so with the my colleagues i'll not read the entire resolution but selected paragraphs expiration
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of children whereas according to the bureaucracy protection act of 2009 be authored and according others occasional labor act all squall act are defined and had you had occasion and the author investigation has identified san francisco as a huge expiation area under the country whereas traffic use explicit recognize their victims due to a lack of understanding ever denial and 68 percent of child sexual activities have depression and the sfmta to counter the kate violence students can hope to identify the commercial sex expiated kids
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and pier resources and the outreach have demonstrated their fiscalness in reef the is it so therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district requests that the superintendent and staff work with the community partners to add language to the child abuse policy to address had you had occasion and the commercial exploitation of children and therefore, be it resolved that the superintendant and district staff in connotation have all policies for all folks and support staff reporting human trafficking and be it therefore resolved that the restraint and district staff in communication
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with the experts develop an age appropriate unit to develop healthy relationship for inclusion and curriculum and further be it resolved incorporate an education component on the history of comfort women of world war ii to educate the communities about the harmful effects of had you had occasion in the morning day context for protecting the youth and community from sexual exploitation and be it therefore resolved that the superintendant engage the leaders to engage the resources for human trafficking among the peers thank you very much. >> i would like a entertain a couple of comments would that be okay with the chair i have a few signed up let's see i'd like to
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call folks up each person pa has two minutes to speaka has two minutes to speak has two minutes to speakhas two minutes to speak (calling names) if you could please approach the podium two minutes for. public comment, public comment >> okay looks like i'm the first i'm representing shared hope international we're an organization that sides against human trafficking of children
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we're an international company with a large organization we have a large national component of the volunteer ambassadors like myself that go around trying to raise awareness our our closed captioner or children with recruited into the horses of sex tragic i'm representing the collaborative against human trafficking and also, because i'm from marin i'm on the mar run had you had occasion coalition so all of those organizations are very much in support of this resolution starting with the adults making sure they know what the signs are when children are being recruited and traveled that can happen under their noses and expanding the education into the
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children themselves thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm agreeing son leading batter from the district 2 and i'm here to urge the school district to pass this legislation the school district has been a wonderful clash there are many departments that signed occupy to put forward this resolution in the giving up we have been identified as the top counties for sex tragic i'd like to off to the school district that the community of health services will collaborate with them in train and other initiatives they want to put in place around there is already a task force and you have represents open that committee there is no way we could do this without the school district on
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board thank you for your time. >> and we welcome retired just. >> i also wanted to mention we have a son that is a proud congratulate of the local school thank you for approving the amendments to the sex trafficking to add a component of comfort women because of women and girls spoken as sex working to the japanese as sex slaves i ask you to set up a task force to work towards fulfilling the intent of the resolution to include the high school kirment the japanese and the sex education in history and thank you to ms. fewer for making that amendment because the comfort women is a part of
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world war ii and supported the resolution in 1996 for the schools to educate the students about, about specific war issues in world war ii this is an opportune time to revamp to fulfill the purpose of the 1992 resolution i had a chance to see a thorough discussion in the holocaust there's timely if any discussion of asian holocaust during world war it the asian population in the school district a close to 70 percent it is important to incorporate the asian holocaust alongside the jewish holocaust because of the events across the ocean i work with under the name of
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the women justice coalition we have expertise in the area of comfort women and legal expertise we ask you to utilize our much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good evening my name is judith i'm in the comfort women coalition a coalition may that of 37 organizations our honorary person is the number one official in the bay area we've come to talk about the issues the comfort women and million lists them but talk about what the impact of the studying the comforts women is why do we want to study the comfort women we want to study the comfort woman because the
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comfort women is a documented history of the largest state exported institutionalization of sexual slavery a holocaust of women an example of jerntd violence during the war by studying the comforted women we open up the entire public of jerntd violence of domestic violence of sexual violence and the relationship to military but openly up this top and study the history ocher do the studies of history leads to the presents and the future by studying the issue of the confront o comfortable women and talking about the gender violence during the war and how that gender violence relates to other areas we allow our students an understanding and
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analysis that we wouldn't get in other areas it allows them to look at the topic in a dispassionate way that is all not been able to only talking about what happens to them by doing that they can then extrapolate and understand the implementations for themselves for and pa for their society thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm michael wong a member of veterans for peace the director for children outreach and part of the comfortable women justice coalition the reason that this is important is because the comfortable women established an international law the precedence that rape and sex call trafficking during war is a crime because the could comfort
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women spoke this became an issue air force after world war ii international law that is significant and significant those are asian women that spoke out there a great many asian students in san francisco they should know part of their history and victims of rape and sex trafficking so know that the people before them has spoken out it changed the law and changing the world thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good evening. i'm roger scott a teacher at san francisco city college and active in organizations i've supported this resolution it a step in the right direction although i agree with earlier speakers that said this city and cities cross the country thereby incorporating
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into the curriculum a much more comprehensive study of the world war ii many years ago when i was in high school the history class what was taught by a coach and the histories class went like this ever person with read a paragraph when i went to college world history was western civilization this kind of i think complete and biased curriculum i think exists in proving places like san francisco i think you should devote considerable time and consider part of our curriculum is educating the people on world war ii but also, we should american public education so do a better job of covering the designation of native people the institutionalization of slafrt and our shiem full history in
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month part of worlds i ask you to pass and enact this but to make history in this city what it should be throughout of world. >> thank you very much no future speaker cards by way of introduction this is primary about, about educate our adult staff in the deduct u school district about the signs and resources for addressing human trafficking i want to note that the mayors task force in had you had occasion a report that document the six months from july one to december 2014200 and 91 survivors of human trafficking in san francisco for a 6 month period and many of the cases involve children many of them involve foster
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youth and they've tried to capture the vulnerable port of population. >> i said ms. fewer as additional language for considered. >> thank you dr. murase that is angle opportune times to include young men and women should know there are women we want to as speaker said a woman spoke out that's why we're recognizing and the international tribal has recognized this as a form of fads infanticide and has a great context to so the amendment i'd like to put forwards i'd like to add a couple of inserts further
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be it resolved that the superintendent and district staff in their i'd like to say create a task force with community experts to incorporate and education component and so this is the only thing i'd like to add into that and then i respectfully ask that we would hear the results of the progress of this in the curriculum meeting probably sometime maybe in february a february meeting just so to see how we're progressing. >> did any colleagues get that i can read it. >> the supreme court and district staff create a task force of experts to incorporate an educational components of the history of conference of women under the japanese military and the curriculum to kathy the
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community about the harmful effects of the human trafficking and protecting the youth community if sexual exploitation in travks. >> commissioner fewer would the task force make recommendations to the district. >> no, i think that works in collaboration so everyone has ownership but the task force worked together with the community experts the reason i think the community experts have a sensitivity to the subject matter they know i think their expertise how to present this curriculum to the age group and make it age appropriate and also to present the curriculum in a way non-boys but states the facts and amble appropriate frankly to our middle and high
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school students. >> superintendent carranza. >> great, thank you commissioners if i could just you know we'll have on our agenda a discussion about curriculum if i could suggest that the wording be all of the evidence in consultation with district staff so we fully collaborate with the experts in the community but it is owners by the district i want the district staff to write the curriculum with the experts it is an important change in the advisory committee of the communication of the community experts. >> sure i think that is great i wanted to know that whatever any budgetary implementations to add that one line in. >> under mr. superintendent repeat language our suggesting.
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>> i think that the language that commissioner fewer proposed was fine instead we'll just insert in consultation with community experts. >> okay. >> truth is trying to say that the supreme court and district staff creates a task force to work in consultation to incorporate an educational component you're absolutely right we own our own curriculum that's fine if my colleague agree. >> i'm happy to accept the amended language thank you, commissioner fewer and now there are concerned about the budget analysis commissioner wynns. >> thank you i wanted to i have two questions about the amendment that was just accepted to so i this puts
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me in mind of the work for guidelines for the curriculum work with the community organizations so long as the supreme court is happy www a task force is not particularly independence my preference to say if he wanted to say that to say might include a task force are whatever structure is agreed on i think it is age specific. >> so i'll just say that, however, the authors this is a accepted this but my question when is maybe opposite of others about the fiscal year analysis i read that was sent to me this afternoon most the money is for train so i'm not specific as far
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as i remember as far as what the costs is just says staff training so and it is so it is mostly more hiring someone just to do this training so i'm kind of a little bit surprised by that i don't know if this is necessarily to have a person presuming doing most of training what kind we're not undergo the institutionalized trainer on this curriculum year by year are we my question aren't we're going i have to develop the train i understand that assess things but we have professional development times set aside every year we focus on different things to which is one reason why there is not i'm presuming
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not money set aside for substitutes so people what leaf their classes but presume we're could this sometime in our regular professional time could someone tell me and this is a place holder we'll not necessarily have a full-time person that will permanently do this. >> mr. superintendent. >> thank you thank you, president murray is a so commissioners this as noted in the resolution are staff view on this collectively is that
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there are a couple of layers one is that because this particular training is very broad based including references to every school site and classroom teachers in addition to certificate of employees that are focused on wellness staff because that training participate within the scope is so board we do feel there's needs to be additional resources to implement that train so right now there is a gap in our staffer capacity to provide to develop and provide and chiropractor broad basis mandatory training in order to meet the needs of that resolution at this time given
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what is and not in place that the best solution would be hiring a staff member actually within the human resources department as 421 a personnel analyst a classification we're thinking of having said that, that individual could also do work on providing other broad based mandatory training for example, training ton mandatory reporting or sexual harassments for staff or others forms of broad based train that in fairness is a bits of a gap we have to every time there is a particular content module that comes up as something that needs to be delivered to multiply staff including thousands of staff we have to look at the departments that could be involved and make a in some ways
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i am advice a solution not ideal in general when this resolution was drafted in the current form we thought the best solution to this situation which will help us in terms of other contents would be to create a dedicated staff possession that will cooperate and implement that. >> so to a finer points we're not talking about that cost all being about what is in this resolution; right? so contrary to our thing oh, it will cost sixth less than tha than identified for this resolution to be implemented and somewhere a mandatory training director or whatever this person cost is
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identified here so be some kind of it will be built into next year's budget i presume we're into the budget of the current year; right? >> that's correct but you have to look at in two ways the train of adults the other curriculum development in the integration we feel strongly we can do with that an existing staff but a notion of interrelated opportunities and needs train for adults what is germane there are indicators that our staff should be trained open to identify when children maybe in danger or maybe you know recruited to be trafficked we think is critically important for our staff to be trained on. >> i have a question
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commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and commissioner fewer. >> on this one 20 we're looking at a personnel analyst that will be doing the training are cooperating the training smells this is a high-level enough to do the training. >> we think this person will cooperate the train whether this involves online training or cascading the comments throw in person structures all that that to be frankly determined commissioners but the principle will take the contact that is appropriate some of which may exist now and some needs to be developed including the consultation with the sunset
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experts and organized the delivery of the in services or the professional development in a lot of ways i think the challenge is as much about the roll out of training the logistics the organize and is recordkeeping to make sure that all of the again thousands of paternities have discussed - successfully passed and completed the train as about delivering the content per say so really the fulfills emphasis is about the coordination and okay. and on the so the health curriculum is r curriculum is 45 thousand on one time and the annual 17 thousand what is that? piece of it because the 37 plus the 25 is the curriculum total so what part is the unanimous
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and what part of one time >> commissioners, if you look at the moab memo i want to thank kim the executive director of the school programs did it thorough job of detailing the cost of related to the school health curriculum to help the curriculum so this is a little bit complicated if you see on the second and third pages of memo by way of for members of the public who, who are here there is copies of document referred to in they're available in the foyer so the memo in ms. coats analysis indicates that specific items related to the elementary school and middle middle and high school curriculum in the parse of the memo on page two and three
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detailing the specific costs there are a total cost items this has to do with with training and/or curriculum and development those personnel costs and the first two are one time costs so extend days for health education for health educators for curriculum and professional development that's the first one the second one is to partner with cbo's to collaborate with health assessor those are one time costs and the items 3, 4 and 5 within the personnel section are annual costs so those are annual workshops for health educators and then the last section are
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non-neglect costs so the startup costs is $20,000 for a curriculum materials and in year 2 and i don't understand that we estimate that would require 5 thousand dollars every year to replenish those materials those are the specific items that has to do with with the health curriculum and summary table on the last part of the memo as a health curriculum totaled 682 it thousand dollars in the firefighter and 42 and one time is he 17 in reoccurring years. >> got it we're only do a one year so the expectation that every year this will grow are that this would capitalized to more teachers i'm assumeing it is actually, i shouldn't assume
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that but for training for the teachers they get once a year and set to do this piece every year or you know what is this looking like going forward and before you answer that can i ask why this didn't go to budget we wouldn't have the resolution that has the fiscal impact brought to a board meeting would you tell us undergo budget why are we having that budget discussion for the first not a huge ticket item but once we pass this presuming will be one we'll have to continue to concur every year and it didn't seem like we are totally clear on what it is we're going to be needing to side going forward. >> happy to answer that question i've been working with
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staff on this resolution in my communications with staff i was told it will not a one significant budgetary impact that was not correct and once we adopt a regular process for over resolution i anticipate this kind of thing will not happen because it is supposed to happen the resolution goes to mr. steel who gets to the right staff to review because this was introduced in august and we just received this analysis tonight i agree i apologize but i think it speaks to the needs for a stricter process for how resolutions are examined let's see commissioner mendosa-mcdonnell anything further. >> i agree there maybe differences in how resolutions
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come forward but i think historically we've not brought forward a resolution about the discussion of the impacts this makes me uncomfortable we're having such a big discussion we're just now talking about this not how especially on the budgets piece we've done things in the past so if staff is now telling us that has a budget interact this should have come to biggest first, i want to be clear about that you know this is again, a one year proposal and we want to see this be extended and continue but $200,000 a year presumably and not anglo what the growth is going to be and who else meetings needs to be trained and
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how it will be implement in the first year? not the right way i'm uncomfortable voting on this tonight. >> and want to clarify one point recently the legislation did require some of this so whether this resolution was passed or not we'd concur those experiences; is that correct. >> yeah. that's correct president murase we noted in the first page the memo so i'm sorry, i should have mentioned before we calling your attention before the health curriculum development section so we did add a note that most of costs related to the health curriculum the $62,000 we think lease related to curriculum for middle school and high school students
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that those are the subject in large part of recent enacted legislation ab i'm going to forget the actual bill title but there was an assembly bill and senate bill that was passed eased signed that go into effect in january that address some new requirement for sex education material and information about sex trafficking and sexual assault so some of the costs are new requirements i'm sure that i'm not sure that is a president murase said those costs we're in a position to need additional staff resources for those activities >> do we know what those costs
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are. >> if you look at through the memo so the last page the health curriculum component of the total costs the total costs for the first year of the implementation of the resolution we estimate at one hundred $82,000 one for the staff training that is in the resolution it is calls for in the resolution and that's what we were talking about the additional new staff position to cooperate that training and others module train for staff and the second part the health curriculum that is, we estimate to costs $662,000 in this memo broke down the components for
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elementary school in every case a secondary student curriculum within that $62,000 let's say roughly 2/3rd's this is a little bit of on estimate if we thought about the $62,000 reach all grade level elementary school middle and high school the state laws that were placing the requirements on district to provide curriculum to secondary grades 5 through telephone some portions of the $62,000 inform provide for anyway, the rest is not explicitly required by the new state law. >> i have commissioner tour-sarkissian and commissioner walton. >> i also want to yeah, he actually at the meeting
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requiring requesting go to budget a budgetary consideration at the time of the meeting there was a conversation about we could have it at the same time as we're deliberating but i see this is basically a all around the health curriculum i'm wondering have we done in analysis how those resources cover the comfort women in incorporating it did we think we ask absorb that into the cutters budget if that's the case it's understandable, however, we'll pay the presidio to participate with us in the budget i've wondering who are the cabo san lucas we're contracting that the 5 thousand dollars each and is
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cabo san lucas - the combobz cabo san lucas cbo i have a question the main question about how the money that it might take the resources to incorporate a components of comfortable women did it include that if we're in agreement for there is an opportune time to relate the two it gives us a historical context. >> so commissioners related to turf question about the curriculum for comfort women the curriculum instruction brent
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stevens believes that can be developed within the existing resources and staff capacity of the c n i history curriculum offices so thankful explicitly said. >> they could absorb that okay this is a great i feel like when we ask for an update we'll ask for an update own the earth curriculum and ask about the did you want of comfortable women incorporating it into the components so that's fine hates great what into the cvs. >> i'm scanning ms. coats is here that particular answer to that question i don't have commissioners so i believe i know that kevin truit is out of town as well. >> he's out of town that's
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fine we'll follow-up with that, i feel in the boards decides to pass that resolution with this current budget he can give me that answer. >> commissioner walton. >> i want to add context for commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell this is awe typical at the curriculum meeting the budget committee a was moved because labor day this resolution in terms of what is for the curriculum the budget chair was at the meager and we alexander agreed to put that with a positive recommendation depending on the budget analysis we got to the board meeting for today like commissioner fewer statistics we have conversation tonight about the budget
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implementations we want to give you a little bit of context of the process but you're right a typical the conversation was had and had the budget chair in attendance that posted it forward under the guidelines. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> so it was my understanding the budget chair was told interest there would be no implications so she may have respond to get this moving he wanted to go back to the resolution thank you for the context i do want to get back to the resolution quickly i appreciate that this is being put forward a conversation that niece to be had our young people need to have that more and more and our adults need to find ways to talk about this very clearly we want to appreciate that the history of comfortable women is
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included in it that there is a historical piece to this for me personally it is something that my 89-year-old mother has not talked about until recently and during the times she was 5 until until a teenager her father hit here with a rice budgeted whatever the trips and mothering my mother and all her sisters my mother didn't have the ability to talk about it until recently this is a conversation that sorry that my mother had with my son and my son is a senior in high school i find it unfortunate that we haven't been able to have this conversation particularly with our boys and
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for him to understand the challenges that many of our women through before and during and now it is a lot to be said so i wanted to thank you dr. murase it is an important conversation to have and i think florida there is a lot of history that needs to be brought forward and a lot of recollection for the handful of women that remain not counting the hundreds of thousands that are part of this history that we have put aside for a very long time you never know which women have experienced what and until they finally have enough nerve and settled with themselves to have this conversation what with my mom did with many i son was this
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summer i hope that many of our young people have an opportunity to understand better because that is an important part of our history and comfortable women are so many are my own personal heros so i'm pleased that is going to be put into in resolution he support the task force components of it i do want to see we're providing the kind of curriculum that we are committing ourselves do the budget challenge i'd like to see as parts of task force put back for a better understanding of what this will actually take to implement i will be supporting the
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resolution in its current state. >> all right. before we move to vote we want to reread the amendment to make sure we're on the on the same page the second to tbe it therefore resolved. >> in terms of the task force how exactly will be completion of this amendment how will it look like we mentioned the importance the task force so would it mean that we would have to extend the budget to include for training for the task force are mean wear individually picking people from the pool of training to form the task force. >> if i may thank you for the question student delegate report the task force will be made up of people doing the work that
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have knowledge of the comfortable women i think with we passed our ethics study resolution i heard strongly from the students i am hearing the truth about the history of my family of my ann stares if we don't talk about in an educational environment we talk about the task force that will be made up the people that studied this and perhaps scholars and i think that we can draw from real life experiences of people if we were to incorporate it into curriculum for example, the task force will say our personal serious appropriate and which personal story and voices of those women are appropriate to put into this curriculum those are the people
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that we would work with on this task force people that have deep knowledge of subject area i don't think that we have maybe that in house deep knowledge of what happens and the true historic facts anybody we present to our students should be the truth 0 i think we'll need to call upon experts in the fields that studied this and also our curriculum folks to see what is age appropriate and what is appropriate for that this age i mean to in the language in which we express it into able to i guess also relate the experiences of those women that were comfortable women that will be what the task force is made up of does that answer your question.
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>> student delegate. >> if i may it will be in the ethic studies curriculum. >> i'm going i don't think so everyone has to actually take a worlds history class that is parts of world history a ethic studies we couldn't capture all the students history class is required so i'm imagine it will be incorporated into that somewhere thank you. >> all right. no further discussion i'd like to rereaders the amendment be it therefore resolved. >> further be it resolved, that the superintendent and district staff create a task force with community experts to work in consultation to incorporate and educational components of the hefty of comfortable women ever world war ii under the japanese military in it's curriculum to dedicate the effects for the modern day
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context for the purpose of preventing and protecting folks from human trafficking; is that correct ms. fewer. >> we're ready for a vote ms. casco. >> a process on the must we approve the budget separately or on this incorporating the action item was for the resolution the action item not for the budgets. >> superintendent carranza. >> yes. good question so the commissioners are approving the resolution the budgets is not necessarily for you to approve it is informational for your. >> ms. casco roll call vote. >> thank you as amended ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and president murase of i's.
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>> thank you very much and ms. casco if you could please make sure that the vw's are authors it was an oversight thank you to the colleagues for supporting this and members of the public that came out to testify thank you. >> the next item on the agendas is item j request for speak for general matters we have several speakers (calling names). >> please come forward public comment is 2 minutes per person.
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2006 and the i'm quite concerned because the blue shield's premiums have gone up 11.5 percent that's on part of the problem 93 to 97 percent of the increase has been passed there to the teacher that puts an unfair burden on us at the momentum we are on a financial precipice in san francisco i've given you specifics category one for a similar employee that is increased from 944 to 17 hundred so that's increased by 678.82 percent for a single person that about $750
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per year category 2 teacher premiums that is me employing would be person roughly 6 thousand to 76 hundred. >> that's 16g hundred dollars approximately a 23 percent yearly increase. >> that is pretty well wiped a major part of the race negotiated as i said but all the categories the sf usd premium are one hundred 38 for the category one single teacher 78 percent for me 2 percent for you
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employee plus one person 23 percent there for your one .4 increase for you and the category 3 which is a family employed plus two or more 11 thousand 8 hundred to $14,000 200 that's a 20 percent yearly increase your premium the part you contribute has gone up 1 hundred and 37 that's 1.36. as i said we work for you i feel that is unfair okay. it is completely disproportionate please i'm now open enrollment
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can i ask you to adjust your race for blue shield if you can't do that okay. then reopen the contracts so that blue shield members are not getting this treatment which i think is very unfair thank you very much >> thank you, sir perhaps we can refer this to the upcoming personnel meeting superintendent carranza. >> i'm sorry is there a congregation. >> it is a city negotiated agreement because the school district is under civil service you can have a discussion but we're part of a larger negotiated priced on blue shield
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thank you sdmenz. >> richard. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening my name is a richard i'm san francisco residents the proud parents of a soda congratulate and district employee since 1980 i'm a strong advocate for vision zero and the california's core standards however, i'm concerned about the future of public education and it's crucial roll in our democracy i think this is fair to say we support the goals assessing access and exited and student achievement and accountability those goals are a constant in my 35 years as we move forward not forgot area history no child
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left behind is a minimum impact how we taught in the elementary schools starting a george washington and taylor we encouraged the students to sole their own problems to find and manage information to organize themselves themselves into teams and tackle new challenges we give your students a chance an equal funds opportunities. an education did we make mistakes yes did we learn if our mistakes he hope so i feel we're at the crossroads as a classmate teacher i'm share those 3 questions. >> in the future how will the district recruits, prepare and remain and regard it's teachers?
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secondly, to evaluate and recognize students success what theoretic tools and methods to compliment and possible to plants high stakes 12 yes our students will continue to do better i'm with the superintendent carranza on that and finally therefore, be it resolved for the corporations and others that donate what we we do to put pressure on the representatives for the adequate funding we're continuing to do what we can to insure we have talented visionary teachers and rigorous schools for all our children thank you >> thank you, mr. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping). >> didn't go school board. >> thank you for the opportunity to speaker to you
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briefly i wanted to addresses some of you know i've been representing the voices of several hundred residents in current opposition to the so-called final plan for the france square feet key project i want to cover a few points and we've seebd what we believe is relevant information the boards should consider before this vote or otherwise number one there is no convince and that is because key stakeholders were clued from the process in the very beginning oversee stakeholders included homeownership's and residents and attendance the elderly sick and people for whom english was a second language secondly, immediately adjacent
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residents clearly expressed their voice but disregard and third more recently a std group two members who shared the views we have those two members members were ousted from the group if so not a fair process we presented an alternatives proposal to the groibz committee we don't this they have the full opportunity to look at this proposal we urge them to do so i think that and i do said this in overwhelms to various commissioners i'll say it to all ever you i believe this issue is well beyond what you puts at this site it going to trains and accountable ability i ask you not issue a permit or allow one without the vote from the school
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board. >> thank you that collects public comment for this evening thank you very much we are now on item k the advisory committee report appointment to the citizens advisory committee by the board members any appointments by the boards? seeing none, there is no additional report yes, ma'am l special orders of business none and item m others issues none tonight and n consent calendar resolution noting none and item o votes on the consent calendar. >> ms. casco roll call vote. >> you missed a card commission you have a card there for under individuals. >> i apologize. i need a reopen public comment ms.
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hernandez please come forward my apologies. >> thank you for your patience and thank you very much and thank you for the opportunities to address you this evening i'm a state certified electrician and a member of local of the union in san francisco excuse me. where i serve as a representative and compliance officer i have the responsibility of project labor agreements experience oversight for the electrical workers union
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on october 1st, the district san francisco unified school district announced they'll suspend general contractors subcontractor prequalification for 2016 and this has caused my organization as well as the san francisco building constructions trades council of great concern i have a couple of statements in my work as a prevailing what this and -- excuse-me. i have a cold and experience officer to have an opportunity to speak with the workers and do job interviews i want to share exerts from the workers he interviewed think school projects matt felt his job i'll not name
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schools matt felt his job was a correct faulty installation he was constructed by the owner to open up a injunction box in the ceiling he was shocked and appalled to see high vogue and fire wire and cable in the same injunction box and combining those function is extremely hazardous and creates seriously compromises the communication and life safety with the association of wire and cable when matt pointed out they needed to be separated sam said the owner said no time for that no inspections here. >> matt experienced other training and the understanding the electrical system installed
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by others he discovered other things and sections broken with the weight of the 60 feet because of wire that had been pulled together in the same cafe many of the floors and pictures installed have seismic safety clip and not building code they were held up the the ceiling frame human resources here's a second statement i have several more this job was a mess literally it was worse than usual but the electrical violations in the ceiling had been installed and the injunction box when he brought the j boxed to my aspire
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i said it would be supported later when later they installed the tiles indicating the work with i think complete the injunction boxed were not installed correctly and in a building where kids are integrated so example like this i follow-up trying to get the inspectors reports and unfortunately, i of the not pleased with the response from the contracts folks at the district they tell me inspection don't exist at the schools i did the due diligence and got to the bottom two things won their needs to be more accountability there needs to be inspection reports and new qualification that contract has contracts currently working in san francisco unified school
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district and electrical contractors it is not a pre-qualified electrical subcontractor so my organization feels strongly that this policy was required for the qualification a new run statistics not lease expand to say projects that incorporated things like know. >> i appreciate that. >> this is for the record. >> we will now proceed with the agendas we were at the consent calendar voted on the consent calendar that was there is a motion and a second ms. casco roll call vote. >> ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell except for item 1, 2, 3, 4 and
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18 and 19. >> 4, 3, 2 , 118 and 19 mr. walton. >> ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> thanks. >> we're on item p consent calendar severed for immediate action what were two is first severed by commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you i pulled item 1510 k through 12 that is a retroactive action and the dates from july 2014 to june 30th, 2015, and the explanation is something i need clarity due to the changes that the contractors and procurement found it has been set up for the 2015 funds i
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pulled this this is a significance amount for work that is already done from 2014. >> mr. superintendent. >> thank you, commissioners i'd like to ask dr. blanco if she could clarify. >> the department of the mental health submitted their bids late so it grant we extend them and only so much has accrues for the outstanding bills we set up this year to pay last year's bills. >> those funds were available and you had to have them set up to get paid for last year arrest where did those funds come from. >> other funds we have to transfer in because it as grants but it is not a sufficient amount of money to pay all the bills when we think that the
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bills have come in to the amount we'll use the money to pay others mental health costs for the schools so those bills came a after the fact and not until october and i guess what i'm trying to upstairs we have stated funds we had fund but not sufficient we had to have funds come from other places that safer the looins we paid for services that were rendered previously with funds that we maternity have so my concerns we didn't have the funds the services were provided and now we're looking for the money so if you're telling me we have the money we had to set is aside we
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knew the services would be provided and paid for it mates e that's one thing if you're telling me the services were provided we have to look for the funds and take the money from other places because we didn't pay the bills if 2014 or september when they came in then he just want to understand that because this is my worry we have services that are provided to us without the funds in place in order to pay for them. >> those are educational mental health services we pay them with non-public schools and for children that wouldn't be inevitable in medi-cal so this is generally the way it works to send us the bills in the best
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case scenario we would have use the money from other places but our bills for services we search warrant would have had to be more responsible. >> what happens to this year's bills and where are the funds to make sure we take care of those bills i i don't imagine this will be different. >> we're going to make surely they have the bills in a knows manner. >> let's see commissioner fewer has in the item sound proof. >> this is a want to let you know this is fabulous my concern i didn't see anything attached the support plan calls for a
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couple of things a third party consultant i'm wondering are we observing that in the it funding or an additional costs at the this year's budget cycle. >> hi good evening thank you any additional costs for support whether if so the third party support for data congratulation it's been factored into the current it budgets. >> the support plan the it project manager and teacher traimg e training and white-glove service do we have a fiscal analysis how much did it costs if you don't have it figure now i assume you've got to money for it and nothing will be retroactive i think that then
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that is fine but if we could get a fiscal analysis for us to anticipate this thank you very much. >> so colleagues i'm doing everything i can i'd like to take both sound proof item together roll call. >> with the items that commissioner fewer sound proof page 42. >> that this 42. >> b-9 is that b-9 okay. thank you so b-9 and k through 12. >> ms. chin mr. totiano. ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell
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yes except on item 5 k through 12 >> ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase. >> thank you. >> thank you very much let's see we are now at item q superintendents proposal at the first reading that recent postponed until tonight's meeting may i have we have revision to boards policy curriculum and evaluation board policy and instruction and board policy in the district programs and activities may i have a motion and suspension on the rules to hear this tonight. >> so moved. >> thank you. >> is there a second.
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>> second. >> thank you. >> roll call vote on suspension of the rules. >> thank you ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. wynns ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase. >> of i's. >> thank you very much i need a motion and second for formally introduction of resolution. >> so moved. >> second. >> mr. vice president if you could introduce our person to read the resolution. >> i'm going to ask our chief council to side us is honors. >> with the permission of board i will not read all the blultd items if f this is acceptable the board of education of the unified school district revise the following boards policies
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boards policy 6141 the curriculum and evaluation the boards policy 61 61 .1 instruction and others non-discrimination programs and activities thank you very much there are questions or comments from my colleagues? seeing none, ms. casco roll call vote >> thank you ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase ambassador ms. fewer yes. >> thank you this is a of i's. >> thank you very much i failed to note no public comment signs up for this item the next item is item r the
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board prospering proposals for the first reading for the student transportation in school district by commissioner haney he understand that commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell should be added as one of the co-authors may i have a motion and second thank you very much i'll refer this to budgeted i budget at grounds committee i received no public comment item we are now on s board members report report the standing committee and the delegates and all others reports by board members can we start with comprehends on the budgets and business services. >> we had a 3 informational items on our meeting on september 28th the first was an update on the france scott key
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that was an item for permit request to actually, i guess it goes to the alliance to the parks alliance the fiscal agency and it is a new relationship creating a partnership with supervisor tang and the communities to do something different at the sites at the former france scott key a proposal that was put-down forward and plans shared we didn't do any action on the proposed plan they heard the process that was puts forward over the last year the other item on the initiative to name the high school a proposal to make it a historical
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landmark a 6 to 12 months process what it means if we were to landmark former mayor willie brown high school and the last item an updates on the former middle pointed roads excuse me. so there is been action that has happening at the site to supervisor cowen has provided 200 and $50,000 to move forward on a community process to have have it to revitalized the parks for our communities so the commissioner walton and i have been working on this project and commissioner walton touring the site and going to do the injection phase mr. golden will be providing a report on the next steps in terms of demolition clearing and then
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start. >> communities process on that thank you. >> thank you for the reports on the building and grounds committee a member the budget committee wants to speak. >> yes. dr. murase and commissioner norton has succeed me to presents the report we had an augmented committee on september 1st, 2015, and 3 informational items one was administratively approve the k and allocations the school site budget allocations actually all commissioners received a copy in hair boxes that's the updated allocations for the fall there is some changes in the spring logos to our commissioners should look at bicycle sites and deputy superintendant would you mind doing a brief overview the
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rainy day fund. >> yes. this was an informational discussion about recommended guidelines or the steps working and drafting the guidelines and committees request if a prior discussion under the spring related to city rules of evidence reserve that was separated for between the city's rainy day fund reserve that was one of the features of the charter amendment that was approved by voters last november through proposition e several transitioned were a change to the rainy day fund reservoirs that was one reserve for the city as well is possible including withdrawals from the
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district and that require or reserve is separated into a city reserve and school reserve the committee we priority staff provided an update about that back in the spring at the present time, and meeting the committee asked the staff to draft some possible guidelines that the board of education might change of venues choose to adapt about the conditions under them of it might authors a draw from the reserve we brought that to the committee some initial thoughts albeit all of those thoughts we provided to the commissioners in over mailboxes and student delegates along with the information along with that discussion and the committee i believe was receptive to the ideas and give us a little bit of feedback we intent to
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incorporate those ideas into a subsequence set of boards policy amendments or revised boards policies that will be introduced at the subsequent board meeting and taking through the additional process. >> thank you ms. fewer and deputy superintendants we've heard part of report from the curriculum committee i'd like to ask commissioner walton to continue his report. >> thank you president murase so as discussed we had one action item the resolution we approved together and had updates on the school index waiver and the continuous of that opportunities for the district we talked about gates i say proposal for how to implement a new strategy around getting that that will be
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ongoing discussion for a timely awhile and excused the high school on the track status which of course, things we need to work on there we will have more information coming forward in terms of next steps on how we will address that. >> thank you very much. >> if commissioners can please announce their working group committee meeting times. >> ms. fewer. >> yes. a pencil labor committee on september 22nd at labor box and carmen and commissioner wynns. >> the is the assignment committee will be meeting on october 19th next monday at 6 o'clock. >> commissioner wynns. >> the rules committee will be meeting on october 21st next wednesday at 6 o'clock here
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and commencing. >> building and grounds on monday october the 26 at 6:00 p.m. >> thank you i'd like to ask commissioner wynns to give a belief report on the city schools. >> i want to start by thanking the superintendent and the ma many, many shareholders from unified school district and communicated with the colleagues in outlets school districts and deepens our relationships were that different there and schoern was there i was there i'm sorry more of you were not able to attend the meeting with the colleagues on the boards that wyoming have been useful to but and i - would be remiss not to mention that the superintendent is the chair did council now and
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so the council meeting with extremely well run i congratulate him and the staff but also to mention that the supermarkets of urban education was extremely well received you should be proud of him and is that (laughter) no, but you should and i also would need to add my congratulations to our students that participated i don't think that if you and this is was 0 on the band it is probably archived and it maybe a little bit executive ethnic to say i think our students were the best and they were remarkably i mean the superintendent mentioned dislocation and simultaneously
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would you tell us coaching we had students that which asked about issues to deal with in your lives credit to the school district and the city hall for providing supports important creating an educational as well you know social and emotional investment that helped them i was i couldn't have been more proud you should share in that pride i personally spent a lot of time which i do no spice to you interacting with the legislative staff and the council striving trying to find out whatever i could that is useful about the development in washington as united states of america kind of sunny but about the preauthorization of investigation what planter happen i did wanted to say one
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thing you've heard me before talk about how one of the developments in washington we're very unheaping happy about their proposals that have affordability in the reorientation that allows title one money to follow students where they're not concentrations of property that are served to undo a lot of the take into account of money is all the purpose of title one and core education funds to support those school districts that have concentrated poverty that is to undermine the very base of title one of major federal funding for public education i was happy to hear you'll a you can bet i'll be talk to the sbca and pleased
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to hear the proposals that exist in the current versions the bill require is legislation it is your the state to do something to embrace the affordability solutions i felt quite reassured by that this is not going to happen no colonel is isn't we're not we as a district and over state not continue to oppose those provisions it will - you know we can talk about the politics of california and essentially how many members of the legislator come from los angeles county not to mention the bay area but from what i know as politics affordability will not be implemented no san francisco, california we should take some comfortable florida from that so whatever happens we'll, of
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course, take the information before what happenslorida from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information before what happeorida from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information before what happensrida from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information before what happeore what happe what happensida from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information re what happensda from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information re what happea from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information re what happe from that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information re what happensfrom that so whatever happens we'll, of course, take the information re what happens with the - unfortunately, the people think that the politics in washington is less than 10 days that something happened so i very much appreciate the representative to the council and he thought the meeting was extremely useful for us, that concludes my report. >> thank you ms. fewer. >> family add commissioner norton wanted to mention that november 4th is the budget committee. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you. i wanted to make two announcements one laura moon we've been supporting her cancer challenges has been accepted to the bris he will c e
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e program so she'll start her procures on this in three weeks that's great news we're raising if your honor please so she can continue to get into the $93,000 because she's not a uk residents i wanted to give her a shout out and to thank the warriors we're going to do a big sex celebration for the warriors down to city hall efforts start at 4:00 a.m. and built a baseball court in front of city hall and james playing with a group of kids at 5:30 and the professor will be playing with a group of kids as 1 o'clock come
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out thompson and the president of the warriors and a lot of the other special guests about one hundred of our school kids coming out part of kaiser permanente and being supported kaiser permanente and slkt with our champion worries wednesday be october 14th. >> ms. fewer. >> yes. thank you i'd like to noupsz that thursday october 16th our annual lgbtq center i invite everyone to attendee it is completely delightful at at middle school from 5:30 to 8:30 we're having the parents conference at
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manageable middle school from 9:00 a.m. to 2 public comment this coming saturday thank you. >> commissioner wynns. >> i hope everybody is done at a point of privilege i want to say not going to happen but tomorrow is my mothers one and first birthday and since you've been been so kind to her. >> (clapping.) thank you very much. >> i have a few announcements thank you to my colleagues at the celebration and a wonderful community it will be and also want to congratulates abraham lincoln many of you were on the anniversary on october 3rd i joined the s c i u for sunday october 4th for the barbecue and raffle and many of the members
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are politically to positions in the district so we're very glad for that and want to thank my colleagues would joined us at the walk and role to school at school with mayor ed lee with the oldest elementary school west of the miss missed valley skies school and congratulate the filipino communities for the unveiling the auditorium and the crack over the weekends to commemorate the antibiotic metal lift and speaking of human trafficking this friday is san francisco collaborative against this and the burton federal building more information as www.c a s t organ are
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and the middle graders for a speech at city college on saturday october 24th for additional information contact course children the e-mail da n e s tic wyoming zero one 3 for a free speech xheegz any other announcements? >> okay. seeing none we will move on item t report of closed session action there are none item u other informational items posted in the agenda are the following receipt the chart petition for the mission preparatory school i'm refer to the curriculum and program committee also the staff report on informational notice of
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>> good afternoon i'd like to call the order of regular meeting of public utilities commission today's date is tuesday, october 13, 2015, roll call please. commissioner president caen commissioner vietor commissioner moran coordinating commissioner moran vice president we have a quorum approval of the minutes of the minutes of september 22nd additions, deletions, or changes to the minutes seeing none, may
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i have a motion. >> so moved. >> >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries we also have the minutes of september 25, 2015, the joint meeting of lafco and puc any additions or corrects. >> move approve >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries at this point, i'm calling for public comment on any item not on the agenda i see a card from ann clark. >> hello ann she also has good news. >> i do have good news i am here on behalf of the friends at camp mather for the staff for the support and advise you gave to us for a family friend day on september 2nd of we really had a
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terrific family fun day a lot of people there i want to also comment that sfpuc was next to the fire truck and sfpuc notch of them what is a bounce ball next to the bounce house was a table and they brought pictures for kids to color that table with all the kids around it and the bounce i didn't house that table was full of kids all day long they loved it they loved the coloring and the pictures and they behaved wonderfully that was really exciting to see the little ones with such fun in a good way was nice thank you to harlan and others that came and supported us and let you, you
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know that was really, really, really a fun family day thank you very much for your help. >> good i'm glad it here it i'm sure the parents were happy they were involved that the fun any other public comment before we move on. >> item 5 communications. >> i didn't thank you madam president a couple of things one on the report on the 525 golden gate building the status of i'd like to probe a little bit deeper than the memo went i right hand lane reporting on the performance of leading elements is not part of the certification
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we did it to get the right thing thing i'm interested and sounds like from the memo a series of studies and reviews that are take place on the living machine that will produce an in depth analysis in the not too distance future within the other elements the solar panels and my understanding is they're working as anticipated and indicating that is probably beyond pilot stage pretty much predictable and wind turbines are a different story and what i understand is that what the memo
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said basically, that's been shut down for survivalist issues and performance issues i understand one of the things the company that made those has gone bankrupt and so it at proprietaryy contract we're not in the position to maintain them they're a a lot of lessons i'll be interested to knowing what they are when the wind turbines every produce power before they were shut down did they live up to the expectation and what did we learn about the process and technology and what how to make those lessons known to people despite that is a followup item on the part of the living machine i'd like addressed in the reports that come forward my understanding we expected that we would produce a lot of excess
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water and could use that water for irrigating the civic center plaza and projecting forward that in an area like downtown you didn't need every building to have those intelligence if you could have enough of them they could share the water they produced and get good coverage they're looking at spending money trying to figure out how to get water into the purple pipe systems that should be installed there this was one way to accomplish that it appears i'm going from - it appears we're producing. >> bunch ever water not using the building we're not producing the surplus my indication we've learned in that process also my understanding that in the design of the buildings because we
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thought to whether be a surplus of water we made decisions about the water things walk waterless urinals from the result of that technology or not as much water coming out of that the residual the conservatism and that you shouldn't rule out supervisor scott wiener features and fixtures because you think you have enough water to handle it we'll get beyond those are the kinds of lessons i was hoping to have recorded and to look for a forum the architecture community should know that and the building community should know those things i'm looking for another addition and make sense to wait for the living machinery
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reports we owe it to the people that pay for the projects to do a better report. >> then on the construction contract award summary i haven't had a chance to look at the information i'd asked for that information because the one of the fundamental management benchmarks for the san francisco public utilities commission contracting process we would monitor performance against engineering estimates this data says the engineering estimates have been used are growth measure and certainly not something you'll use a financial management tool and my understanding is that
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we're planning on doing a different kind of cost estimate that is important to recognize as we go to different contracting methods use different ways of managing we need to make sure the metrics we're using are having up to the protection that are appropriate that's one as we get into how we manage those contract not just the ordinance but how we chose as an organization we need to keep in mind that's my comments. >> i have a comment on the building on the building i also love to see comparison you know the bullet center in seattle they've been saying they're the green it commercial building in the country and it would be nice to have a little bit of comparison not two in depth but to see if their systems are perform in the this is a and by
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comparison what we're doing lessons learned exercise not too deep of a dive but in the shirt of sharing with the architecture field the envelope that was one of the intentions a little bit of comparison and similar types of buildings. >> you know it is an excellent point you also have oath building right there. >> (laughter). i know that organization would be happy to serve as a benchmark >> i had a question about the emergency sister tenors and he can't recall i think that aren't we using portal a water for this water supply i'm wondering if this is a conversation we can reopen and tie to the non-political work we're doing and the ordinance wools be rolling out i know there is
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probably health and political issues but smells now is the best time when we're in a drought to voluntary that conversation and transition a portion of that water to non-port non-portal. >> there's a lot of i'd like to thinks before we start engaging folks and how we deal with stormwater and so the question how do you use a combined system or have a speculate system we need to get the grips the issue to use our combined sewer system as part of you know the a w s system we are
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planning to build a recycled facility at oceanside which we passed the eir we're definitely moving forward and the level we're going to straight r treat it of one of the highest levels with asbestos so we need a time we need how to plan around it most expensive part is transportation of our moving water with the purple that is my understanding as you imagine digging up in san francisco is really a challenge so not only that we're looking on the side if we want to be a power provider we need to talk about how we actually have extra capacity so this is something for sure we probably need to come up with a plan how we are planning to treat that as one
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water because that is the concept we're moving towards yeah, and go back on the comment of c n g c we would like to give you anymore information the missing piece moving in that direction when the engineering estimates we're engineers and contractor that are building that are ideals how to save that's what i'm interested and have you know a third party practices but we can go through that as far as the building is concerned when we talk about 525 talk about the leading edge and i'll say the wind turbines is the leading edge i think one of the concerns once we start bringing the company in they went out of business and do we
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stale it e.r. not we felt we can continue i think the point we definitely have a lot of lessons learned but we'll have the whole shape the fad that maximize the wind velocity and i did a process who can take advantage the slope of the side of the building to generate power i feel that the way that the wind it is your baselines are concerned they need to be engineered better than today so we'll go back and take a step back as far as the water concern there is some challenges with the water urinals and the carriage that is there is caused a problem that is high and a lot
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of you know chemicals so we choose the waters because we felt there was enough water and then with the excess water we'll water maybe the city hall or something like that i think the challenge is that the cost of bringing our pipes to city hall versus how much water becomes a problem so what i think this is all new information that helps inform us when we start talking about other projects we had to try it out first so i think we would love to go back and say to the original assumptions and summary something higher and the cost of actually bringing it to the where we thought would he would be we'll definitely work on that. >> i appreciate that let me be very clear i think your point
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those r were experiments and test we went farther most people 0 would go further than most people would go we had an opportunity but the fact it didn't perform according to our expectation is not a ding we the ding we didn't tell people what we learned so i'm anxiety to get those out with the respect to the excess tenocisterns we're tt going to direct portal reuse and the standard that will be protective of firefighters health and might be good to get a definition how good it needs
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to get that's a design criteria to make better use. >> that's right to get a sense in this one water roll out or whatever the timing that of those sister tenocisterns. >> we like a system where water can move around we have issues with the sewers with a large volume and the drought 33 very little water goes through them in the sense we've been push conservatism and a lot of water is not moving the solids it will be nice to flush it there are a lot of issues to use more water but be more efficient the main thing it would be hard
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to to the projects from going along we should think of ways to be nice to not tie-in with the cisterns but the water use throughout it city at a higher level of recycled water is another approach i definitely welcome that that we look at how we can make the city use water. >> okay. >> any other comments? >> any comments from the public yes gary. >> good afternoon, commissioners eric brooks i'm with the sustainability chair at the san francisco green party and on the water chapter sierra club excuse me. >> and i wanted to point out a
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couple of things on the last item you mentioned in the countries like australia that had severe drought cisterns are a crucial part of the keystone to the drought storing water instead of letting it run through the ocean is crucial the do idea we need to not store water is counterintuitive to me i know we've not done test projects we must a few years ago i pushed age and your head of wastewater enterprise did a great report on compost toilets take the solids out of system this commission do nothing about that report we need test pilots
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those involved separating the urine part of waste from the other waste it a better methodology for a low flush or no flush urinals and no toilets i'll urge we get series about the test programs done for compost toilets in the urban area we need to initiative and get that off the ground in san francisco just to give you a hypothetical on the numbers if everyone in san francisco used composite instead of a flushing toilet we'll save $5 billion with a b 5 billions gallons a year and completely remove human waste out the system and put them into a composite system a vital next step we'll rocket past australia's and look like
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the innovators and take the 21st century to repeat we've got to do large sail cisterns in every business in the city to address the state of california thanks. >> thank you yes. >> i didn't want to jump on the non-restricted portal maybe not a discussion or presentation one minute on is there any challenges with the new ordinance coming online and i think that is a pretty good summary on ask the general manager if things with going according to plan and that is achievable. >> what part do you want - >> the legislation and the
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non-restricted perpetrated i like that are 10 or 12 projects in the cue that has indications for a host of reasons on the reasons around flushing the systems and revenue generations and all kinds of things and staffing potential to revenue review the projects but a lot in there a short summary. >> one of the biggest challenges and maybe someone who has been. >> paula back there. >> working on it the wastewater side paula. >> one of the big champions with the new regulations is that basically, we want large buildings to actually treat their wastewater on site so this year definitely continuous but
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some concerns i mean our system is built so we have operators at the plants now all those decentralized locations which could be problematic if they're not working properly so i on the thing we need to try to moving in the right direction and carefully because you you know the plant is all of our resources are and it is arguments about the decentralizing and centralizing and taking out you know solids and so i think that is you know our concern if whatever they have is not you know removing the solids as presented or where will they put the solids that's a concern i do feel like the living machine you on the system
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like that can be something valuable but i think the lessons learned we'll talk about the challenges of the living machine we plugged it in and it didn't work properly but sewer operators that manage our systems and another buildings they may not have the system and the cost would be we'll work with the office paula did you want to talk about more liv. >> city attorney's office not on the agenda to go into details about the substantive you can schedule something. >> at some point it might be worst and in tandem with the lessons learned but mower of a presentation especially leading up to budget the budget indications. >> are they another any other
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public comment on this item seeing none, other commissioner business. >> now as you may know i am leaving any position of president today so i had a few things to say i've reflected about what has been going on and i'm truly proud truly proud that that commission and staff accomplished everything they have. >> first, i want to thank general manager kelly for his leadership on advancing this agency i wanted to thank our city attorney for the work on every single one of the issues as you may know they are i wanted to mention highlights over the past or parts year, of course, the drought we can't forget that and certainly went
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beyond the aspiration target and exceeding them all this is true of our with wholesale customers as well i want to give credit to the water team for all the hard work and add over the years the proper water management has certainly showed it as we look at our reservoir as compared to others i'm sorry that nicole is not here i wanted to mention her in the same topic of the drought and her best staff because the campaigns were the same tyrone so get the wonderful job of coordinating the wholesale customers and us not only have we been getting results on the reservoir but moving forward to
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disif i our water zones and getting construction on the west side expired water faucet we'll continue our process constructing the ground water wells in san francisco and today, we had a press conference to all the progress 16 new wells for the ground water project as you may know this year's water improvement program is over 90 percent completed in 2002 when the bond issues were passed and things were really in disraw truthfully i thought this was never going to get done and now 90 percent done that's very exciting. >> another milestones was
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achieved the achievement of over 7 millions save working hours with the training programs and workforce a lot of credit goes to a gm how and director wade now moving to my favorite area the southeast i was very hesitate about saying this it was endangering but a successful campaign that is what more can i say about i can't read my writing about everyone's i got to get it right your number 2 is our number one got is; right? yeah. it was very catchy and tie responsible for that and i want to tell you something i found
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out he was a biology major they can't write so how he does so well, maybe you were destined to be a scientist you know how compassionate i am at invest work and looking at to the project and design and expressed we're not waiting for the large capital projects this year a gm and his wastewater team made the progress ramming sewer inspectors to $150 million i was very much in favor of and very good pieced in the paper about that 3 advertising ones on that side i'll keep a close eye on the sewer and wastewater those
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we owe the people in the southeast area this year i also wanted to commend the efforts of a gm alice for 15 hundred youth darting around the sfpuc offices we also celebrate some great financial milestones this year thanks to the adams sandler and his team a successful bond sale for the water system and for the first time we sold revenue bonds to finance the work of our power system that was a plus. >> and i also wanted to recognize transition of our deputy manager most of time we works behind the scenes and many projects involve in the wrong
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direction i cannot go into details (laughter) but let's say that i'm glad you're on our team michael and given you a new middle name pg&e. >> (laughter). and last but not least watch talk on the clean power sf the past year we've made the launch of the hierarchy and when you look at the several months we've made progress i want to thank jkd kelly and her staff for completely a lot of work and topnotch puc staffs and launching a successful clean energy program for the entire city >> i having also have every
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confidence that commission as president and letting this thing out of bag will carry the torch to the finish line you'll be there when it happens. >> i want to recognize donna hood it is the girl that keeps us running together and on time thank you donna for all the work i've done for me and lastly i want to thank my fellow commissioners for your services people never thank commissioners i've been thanked 5 times in my life you put in a lot of work and care i wanted to tell you that is the best commission i've ever sat on and you're wonderful and i say thank you for your services with that, we're going to have elections so the first i'd like to
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nomination for vice president. >> madam chair i'd like to nominate commissioner moran for vice president and. >> i accept that nomination. >> any other nominations better not be. (laughter) so >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the the motion carries now want. >> i'd like to nominate francisco can. >> do you accept. >> i accept thank you. >> any other nominations >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> congratulations thank you and now we have the tradition of changing of the seats. (laughter) >> just one second you know in the haste to side that you didn't officially ask for a
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second for the record could we identify the person who slooint seconded the motion you i did that was very soft (laughter) thank you. >> so we change seats oh, yes, but before you leave our seats can i speak. >> yeah. i didn't know when you leave or after you leave but first of all, i wanted to perp say that spending time with you under our wantscy has meant a lot to me as a friend but also as a mentor you told me when andy was in my seat you'd spend 16 hours go over the agenda items thank god for technology with the ipads but been a lot of things we're able to accomplish you went over them but some that
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are very, very dear to me and one was the cca you were very compassionate about making sure that was affordable you have drilled that in my head even when i called you today reminded me it has to be affordable that's who you are you are about the budget you'll always be about the budget whether or not our president and the other thing your compassionate about your involvement in the defendanters with her that not able to move the clean water with the water you remember passionate we were doing it so, now we're going to involve you no later than in your president on the commission or not we'll make sure you're involved in those defendantsers and the other thing about our
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credit rating on the power side basically means we are fundamentally sound and in our power so we can get. >> favorable bond rating it is important so as atology of our appreciation and serve i have a couple of gifts to give you the first one is talk about the invest defendanters i'd like to give you a photo of d c water the before and after of their defendaigesters there's an article recently a press conference they talked about the power you you know poop to power now that is something we're moving forward and looking at and i think that
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is going to be a big positive and the other thing we're looking at allergy so have a product to sell we're looking to become a revenue generated enterprise the other things i'd like to give you is your own gavel i think this 5th imperatively you have one every day of the week but i don't know about saturday and sunday and a box of truthfulness to enjoy in our spare times pass that >> and an honor to serve with you as most of other
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commissioners know i'll reach out and i think a lot of the commissioners are concerned about a topic i go so you'll always be involved in the ones i've mentioned to you i'm sad to see you go but i'm looking forward to because i'll be talking to you ever other day but also looking forward to spending time with frankie's can with unfinished business up to speed on the recycling and other things i know you care about i'm looking forward to working with you thank you. >> i wanted to two words of in coming chair thank you for your services on behalf of the commission it is great to serve with you those many years and president and your grace and humor had been hard to follow i'll do my best on behalf of the
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item. >> mr. brooks. >> good afternoon. again commissioners so first of all, a quick critical aside on poop to power i've been working on the global warming gases and issues like that for thirty years a scrutinize the poop to power carefully the way those systems are designed and being destined right now they're actually schneider to increase the production of methane if you look at the climate signs i'll see that is exactly what we don't need recognizing that methane is much more serious than o-2 now to the subject at hand i want to thank commissioner president caen for being under his watch sf clean
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power has gotten underway we appreciate it in the community for clean power sf having the number one environmental commissioners in the presidency as we launch the program is important and a good sign as well as the vice president being the number one nuts and bolts how to run it and a really good sign we'll be counting on you mrs. president and mr. vice president to make sure there is no further details and their cut as much as possible i realize the needs for moving forward sensible but comments latter on the details of that but please
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get our staff to go forward as much as possible on the program and good to see you france confess in the presidency. >> thank you. any others. please call the next line item >> item. report of general manager. >> so for the first item is drought update steve richie. >> thank you steve richie vaunt general manager for water, please have the slides for information and additional information first of all, the hetch hetchy continues to be fairly folds 73 percent of capability our water bank it one
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$84,000 feet above what we expected and this is solely because of the conservatism that people achieved and more they've safe down here the more up country's that's a good thing those are reservoirs around the state they're quite allow people are hoping for more precipitation this year that is 11 percent of capacity and on the merced reservoir and low reservoirs not as well as ours are right now precipitation you can barely see a red slice in the beginning of the chart maybe about a half of inch in the handkerchief in the
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first four days of the month beginning on october 1st, we got the rain and potential for additional precipitation this weekend it as a start we'll not expect serious precipitation for a month or two but starting out more than zero that's a good thing. >> deliveries continue to be amazing the demands throughout the summer is 200 millions gallons per day comparing the green with the red line the customers have irrigation it has gone way down people are not using a lot of water only indoor that's a going thing and well below our target and above what our target was here are the individual usage we show this chart for the month of august
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the 15 lowest yours per capita 13 percent are your customers very low usage so it is much as san francisco all of our customers are pulling their weight and that is shown the totals we have saved collectively 13 billion glances and our goal was 13 we're ahead that paid off with the additional water in the country i want to talk about to things related to the drought one is legislation that was just signed by the governor sb 555 relates to water loss audits that leakage of water from systems is a big topic we've done studies of waterlogs that are more detailed than the routine measures to go through
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we've done this ever 5 years this is a mandated done annual it so happens we're currently beginning our next water audit to really track down the system we know how much lamenting in the system we called our non-refer water the fire flows and things of that nature but the leaks is a special subset so understanding our legion rate we should have the result in early 2016 but not mandatory for all water systems of 3 thousand but routing routinely do you imagine we're not sure it is to be necessary to be annually but we'll do it announcing the one other thing we're doing a full scale delivery test interest the cherry aqueduct
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from 1987 to the drought this is the aqueduct it comes from lake elsinore and will be at the low water treatment plant plant we expect it there tomorrow and fliflt that to november 12th this is a full scale test to make sure that the ac duck that was damaged in the rim fire and has water to be flibltd bring it down here and filter it and it at the treatment plant and back out of the system to the hetch hetchy supply and expect it to
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be a successful test on the other hand, like everything we're doing something new and different and things to be learned a photo of lower cherry aqueduct this is about 90 million gallons per day along the hillside that is heading towards cherry lake in the background and behind the mountain tunnel and be part of our mountain supply a successful test one more taking a look at to deal with the drought i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> commissioners. >> thank you next item. >> next item is an update on the automated teller machine. >> thank you.
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>> hello julie let km automated teller machine for external affairs we'll pull up the slides too as part of budget planning process that the commission is engaged in there's been a request to review all the agencies policies to provide updates on the community environmental justice policy as you may know last january the commission got an in depth presentation dying i tying back to the positional and last april the update on the upper pilot program so for the update i'll give a quick refresher on the benefits policy and program and i am sorry to yolanda that will give you a more in depth presentation of that work this is would be a new presentation
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for you all. >> as you may know the sfpuc is the only one with an virtual policy to the a good neighbor and important to reiterate that the good neighbor policy is really central how we do that in january when our general manager was asked how much do we spend open community benefits the expense with an operating budget he was trying to errors reinforce that it is embedded into the activity. >> since the presentation last year a couple of things to highlight on the implemented community benefits policy one area if in the contracting so we're now successfully incorporating community benefits into the professional service contracts it get over $5 million and we've been able to leverage over $6 million in candidates
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from firms like a coming and partisan and w ac hill and others so jacobs big and little jacobs they have partnered with the sfpuc making financial and in kind contributions as part of professional services contract we're excited since january we've been looking at putting those opportunities into into procurement contracts and on the construction see when per putting out contracts to be ultimate delivery method that we would look at opportunity to put community benefits languages into the rfp you'll hear in the general manager presentation on the education and youth employment work that continues to grow and reach for students and young people throughout san francisco we're very excited
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about and as we look at the communities benefits work now we're in year 3 it is very clear we're having an impact and the community benefits and donna provided a hardcopy of the community policy there are 10 different areas that the commission excluded in the policy around the impacts for the workforce and economic development and community participation and engagement and all of those areas we've begun to track the disclose or not disclose amazes and amounts and the individuals we reach and last january we talked about talked about the fact we're in partnership with the controller's office and uc berkley to create a monitoring program that lets us move beyond we compacted 200 kids or 200 kids coming through the puck puc
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what are we trying to chief with the puc and are they more open to careers in the areas we care about e we're in the early stages of developing that and cock it the commission to tie it into the policy those are clear policy decisions we're making a the other phenomena happening we're getting a push by the public utilities throughout the community benefits work so british columbia and chicago and seattle are a few of the utilities that reached united states e out to us of replication and in particular they're interested in the work we've been doing and integrating that into our professional contracts all of the
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conversations they ask what is the ingredient how to move from the community benefits to the locations i think all of us have been on board in different places or observing the policies being pass and never implemented any take away in the commission and the policy itself identified the resources and when as a question that commission beau traffic mentioned what is the resources when we had the policies, etc. i think the community benefit policy was structured that was smart they tied a resource question into the policy saying the policy should create a program and the program should be a resource for implementation we're able to have dedicated staff it really takes and pilots opportunities for prelims they don't do that in isolation a small team that are a dedicated and work sibdz
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with the agency whether wastewater, etc. they clorls with sister agencies with the consultant firms and nonprofit organizations we've been able to see the impact if you look at what we've done around the younger and house the young people not in the puc we don't have room by commitment to do a service in kind policy to reach the scale and impacts i think is a part of the partnerships so i'll stop on the community benefits policy and program you guys have gotten a lot of information in the past year and i am sorry to yolanda that will lead the environmental justice work at the puc she's done an
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extraordinary job to a high-level and abstract not disproperty impact on the no road map not last week she can copy what seattle's seattle or portland did i see the presentation she'll show you how to dive deep into what it means for the 200 employees and my job everyday and working with the staff at a level of piloting the completion as well as working directly with the staff to say to help them shape the completion of the new policies it is exciting and groundbreaking not to to the my own horn with that, i'm going to turn it over to yolanda. >> thank you juliette and good afternoon. >> thank you commissioners i'm
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delighted to be here to give you an implements of the justice policy that was passed thanks for our leadership in 2009 at that time, we still are today, the first and only public utility to have an environmental justice policy i was hired in late 2012 to implement this policy in particular and as juliet yet mentions not a lot of example to turn to and the challenge we were faced with how do we make this policy have matt haney for us as the puc and within the utility sector particularly as a water power sewer what does it mean to embody the principles to the environmental justice we know thanks to our go back and the good neighbor policy it is fundamental how we do business
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we know there as strong business cap for environmental justice how to add weight to the infrastructure investments so we needed a place to start the best practice no matter where our working is usually to set goals so step one to set some goals some clear articulated 3 simple goals the first one really relates to that integrating into core decision business all the core of environmental justice to a capital program or policy or any of the pragmatic ongoing work the second goal we established and it is really in supportive of being able to achieve the fiscal integration everyone at the puc should in this not only what environmental justice is more importantly what it means for their job on a daily basis
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at puc the second goal is the education of our staff and the third goal is really a fundamental tenants of environmental justice in general that is meaningful and diverse stakeholder engagement we set those goals and worked with the leadership to get input and sign off on those with those 3 goals to establish the framework we were going to use for implementing this agree wide policy and i always like to say you know you need multiple tools tool in the toolbox but especially, when it comes to something that is abstract and feel intackle as inspirational justice we're trying to implement this cross the agency and the business of our water enterprise is different from the wastewater enterprise different from the power we needed a
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system to be flexible and tangible to track so this graphic tries to show you, we created the different tools for the different scenarios so starting they top with the environmental justice policy that is the broad policy or leveraged tools we get more specific with with each tool the guidelines are more appropriate at the staff levels and in the as high-level of the commission but getting to the nitty-gritty around the check list that are meant for project sponsors as they're working to through their promotions and understanding what environmental justice meant we did a systems graphing he didn't want to recreate the wheel or a bumper to bumper ceqa
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like process that people will be perceiving as a barrier or check the position we're trying to adds value in the business context so we did a systems mapping to understand the key legislators where decisions are made we can effectively take the tool into the decision making processes to make sure that the environmental justice are being taken account ever and from there we've selected pilots and as a sample on the pilots best been into with the wastewater enterprise. >> so this is a snapshot of four of various pilots or different tool in the toolbox that we put together the first one relates to the service goals we're a higher level
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commissioning commission experienced tool, if you will, to provide the benefits and adhere to the environmental justice a great example of without the staff to work on it but at the high-level has meaningful that the staff picks up and runs with that the staff looking at the service goal and this feels less tangible how to make sure we're doing this we worked with them on a basic level to map out the areas of concerns in our region for the system improvement sewer system where we have concerns if they're proposing projects a physical integration a map they can touch and feel i know he need to be asking those extra questions and aware of the environmental justice area the other 3 i'll go over in wore
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detail starting with the community engagement i started a fundamental to make sure we have meaningful and difference stakeholder input as a public agency we're already very expert in public engagement and outreach we wanted to builds on the expertise when we are out there gooenl with the public the input we receive is reflective of the democrat graphics the community we are working in we may say one hundred ipad surveys we want to peel back that identical of the hundred people did they represent the diversities and the only way to do that we need to measure and track our work we instituted an entity based metabolics for people to self-report on although their demographics and
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benchmark that so is are we getting a representative population or not in this sample slide we did very well on most categories equipment with the latino geographic we feel short and this is why with that knowledge we need extra special partners with the community based organization with the tracking of the community that we're trying to reach in order to get those people to the table and say yes. the input is next slide, please reflective of the community. >> another example of an implementation tool and sgraig into the exit structures with the trillion bottom line tool with the system improvement programs and already does a great job and balancing the environmental economic proposed
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projects we at a simple layer of data around the geometryal dimensions in environmental concerns so and, track both gray and dark projects in f that area by the time we are done we've installed x number of green infrastructure in the environmental justice communities or x number of projects outside of the promotions visa verse and helping to inform the project sponsors as they're planning their promotions to be aware of those principles and have given giles how to balance and prioritize those in communities of concern like environmental judicious communicates and the last polite i want to share really relates to the
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ongoing investments in the southeast system improvement programs but specifically for the big dollars like the bio solid and invester projects we know that ceqa does a grok great job and cumulative impacts we know that second did not require you to per say to look at the soy connective impacts that relates to an environmental action or impact in essence to proactively pick up where ceqa leaves off with a comparison to look at the soy economic systems and how well are our normal capital pragmatic investments to be able to address the issues within our water power sewer provider i want to be clear especially, when i talk about environmental justice it is a
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broad area through this the goal to understand what is this lay of the lands and this is the first components of this report is an existing reports of a snapshot of what it looks like for bayview hunters point from an environmental justice prospective and there, there to driest and the areas of potential opportunities for the puc to have a positive dictate impact that's with the second part the impact analysis in reminded with the ceqa process for the bio solids project and another quick look at in 2016 in addition to finishing those environmental justice and guides we'll also be working closely with the water and power in establishing their pilots and building them how out with the
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wastewater enterprise i look forward to come back next year and sharing more updates with that, i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> questions or comments. >> well, i want to thank you for this great work i mean this is one of the situations we develop policies and unless we realize and put smart people nothing happens within that on the shelf they gather dust i've taken the environmental justice policy to not only a new level but to create a model for not only people the utilities but people internationally to deal with i want to thank you for what you have done and looking forward to hearing what is next and what we'll be able to do with the impact analysis. >> i just wanted to add to the presidents comment the work i've
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seen the impacts of the work you guys are doing you're doing a phenomenal job with the youth employed or under employed this is one of the small components but want to encourage you to keep up the work. >> maybe that's a good transition. >> question and again you know, i thought that was a good presentation he appreciate that inputs we're doing a lot of stuff in the right direction and to be part that that i have a process question separate from the content and we talked about a process of trying to do a review of puc policies in the off budget year it prepares us for the two year budget process we've coming up
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to is that intended to be that review for those two policies? >> that was my understanding of the assignment. >> okay. >> the assignment from the finance team that kind of been in conversation we're happy to do it definitely we never had a conversation. >> i'll give you a little bit of that direct conversation when i had hoped for the commission adapts policies within the policies some work better than others those are good and go through specific things to be accomplished and numbered so i would like a comprehensive review of the policy as it exists and you have done a keep dive on several areas that
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is hive appropriate but not covering some areas one of the things that says in the communities benefits policy is that we should properly resource those are a list of areas and that the authorities should be in place to actually execute those the obvious question in those ten areas are we properly resources and from the answer is yes. yes. great from the answer is no that's a longer discussion why and when we need to do something in the project and likewise we get into some of the areas your moving forward towards but not gotten to yet we should have a discussion that so we have a sense not only of the areas of emphasis and higher achievement but the areas we need to strive for for and in
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this case, the policies really give a nice outline to follow and frankly, if there were not the case you can say that perhaps for nicely but say that we on the policy is deficient in some areas we wanted to do this but think it is a bad idea to so have the policy not a papering in a binder someplace but provides a link between the commission and the work of the jkd and the staff to get that work done so i don't think we hit it we've talked about this at some length but it as valuable presentation it didn't go do this job i hope to get that policy when we adopt a policy we'll decide that becomes something that is a guidance to
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the general manager staff and something to report on back to the commission. >> ly noted i want to point out that first of all, to thank yolanda for her great work isn't in amazing to see her up in front of a bunch of engineers who want to do their work i think that they're coming around they understand that we are doing combrok and a great way to document it with our consultants working on projects that are giving back to the community and when we look at deciding on choices we have an abilities to effect areas that are ignored i think everyone is getting jazzed
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up about making a difference i don't know if i need more resources with yolanda preaching the word we're getting a lot of folks and julie let we're changing as an organization i don't know if i need more of that we need more sincere man's anyone's and get the non-restricted believers into the room they've done an outstanding job in turning this organization around i want to give merry proposals and juliette i don't know if i can answer that question i think in all the policies one thing i'll be looking at is a sets of getting staff to make sure the policies are being met but is there a way we can integrate and do them without additional resources i'm loovl that and seeing from the intent of the
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policy to come back and further clarify but there's a realty of what resources we have and i don't know if we need that conversation i don't have a policy i'd like to have that conversation and talk through it. >> just to respond to that i think that is a good response to the issue and if it turns out we are properly resources and staff and have the authors to get the job done that's not the discussion other hurdles maybe legislation or maybe a bunch of other things we should have that discussion and rather than do a capture on putting you on the spot but the tendency so say no on the spots on the fly if we
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sat down with a policy what does the policy say and address that and if it says your supposed to properly staff it and yolanda has done it and this is an important step. >> and we have one more presentation. >> one more about our education and youth employment update and we'll have laura page come up with an update. >> good afternoon commission and thank you for invite us i'm laura page i these the arts and
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organization i'll share the art and education as well as the workforce that is managed by steve if i could have the slides up thank you. >> our agendas for today to go over why the puc invests in the youth i'll spend time with an overview of why we support various programs and go into depth and highlight some of the work and happy to answer our questions. >> so why did the puc have felt in education we've supported the classroom about pollution and waters and interning for many years beginning the work in 2012 stephen curry and i have developed a pathway for
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kindergarten and preschoolers to learn about what we do to instill kids to help them to grow into responsible deputies and have a invested interest in math and engineering and science we're dpaej with students k through 12 our interim programs help the kids that know little about school and a dowel to turn the students on to the puc from engineers to project merchandise to policy stewart's this slide shows many not all the initiative by the puc and kaurtd by puc staff or through our partner organizations the key value that to inform are
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cross the top the sustainability, litigatingcy environmental literacy and teaching and learning and career preparedness and helping the school around strrment management and water conservatism and through the support of sfpuc the district has dramatically but u cut their water and energy we're working on two green projects i'll ask in detail on the development literacy we're realizing a curriculum that covers water and power sewer projects it will help all through nonprofit to incorporate the important lessons and will serve as a guideline for future curriculum
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giles to reintegrate our programs we've supported sfpuc stem department the engineering and math we've helped with the career barriers you including the job instruction in the classroom to help the kids to understand real life planning and they'll need to carry out the projects and as the kids move through the system we're offering paid work basis location introduce the summer grant and partnerships are the sfaud technical in school program where students are learning about opportunities and at this point i'd like to share some of the highlights of this body of work.
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>> so sustainability a major i'll i i'll from san francisco public utilities commission single-family dwelling to help them be more be able efficient from solar raise on 3 schools cesar chavez and the sustainability office with the department of environment helps with tremendous incur savings i savings from physically to behavior challenging change program this year with the san francisco public utilities commission the district hired a conservatism manager first place to help manage the retrofit across the one hundred 60 schools has inform san francisco aging & adult services commission so do this and replacing old boilers and
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insufficient windows and updating sfpuc supported the design and construction of the programming in green school yards in the soot the intensity a elementary school the first super sized school yard the modernization program hundred $50,000 they raise grants from governmental including the steward grants it will feature a range of stormwater and nature play areas for students and the site incorporated rainwater into the toilet flushing before this investment and the one at stevenson elementary more than 2 acres of asphalt will be removed
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and replaced to prepare for the stormwater and inform a future grants for the prelims of those fees so the school district can be prepared moving to environmental literacy we brought 55 students to camp mather for the year ends up combrgs trip with the great support of camp mather and rec and park they learned about the dam how our water flows and how we generate electricity configuring their school and the puc staff members talked about our path would be highlight you'll see in the top right hand corner the hike around hetch hetchy reservoir we encountered a momma bear and cubs especially
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for the students we're pleased to open the demonstration garden you've heard about coming in january of next year construction is broken ground on the puc reservoir in bruno heights and a part time educator was hired two weeks ago employed by the team under an extension under 8 b and students from neighboring schools about learn about the sustainability and this site includes a bunch of features students will touch and a micro scale and some of the features include compost toilet so to mr. rick's point we're piloting that we working worked with the rec and park to have this on public land and excited to see how this works
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with the students a green roof on the tool shed for run offices and wetlands and race vegetables and all those features were designed to be ada compliance students with disabilities will assess this site the materials i've discussed are in alignment where the next science standards the first since 1998 a good time to look at the human impacts on the earth that's the work we're doing. >> moving to stem education this is the openly of willie l. brown middle school the first middle school and learning the supports of firms that particle in the communities benefit we've supported this since day one providing financial support to enhance the science learning and
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we've also provided volunteer times to connect with the patterns and share information about the sfpuc and continue to support this throughout the year that has to do with green infrastructure we've got buildings and recertification. >> finally in career preparedness you've heard about this in the passive we're pleased to say we reach more youth than any other departments we have in 2015 more than 13 hundred students got paid directly with the puc or other personally with others agrees we've having had nirms students return as commissioners many of the students aspire to work with the puc upon college
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and those investments people with the pipeline we're continuing to evaluate our students into the workforce and we'll be excited to report back on this in the future. >> providing youth with paid learning opportunities supports our mission of being a good neighbor particularly in the neighborhood that are impacted by our procreations we're investing in youth with the puc and services and in enlisting them as ambassadors to their communities and streamlining our workforce pipeline and receiving the benefits of their empowers and create while they're working with staff that's about been a successful program we're pleased with the past year and thank you to the commission for your support this year i have a quick additional programs on the literacy developing curriculum
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and classroom materials for the k through 12 framework i've described you'll get a copy in november and increasing the efforts to show the students including sites on the peninsula and eastbound the interims visit the trail for the first time we would like to share that with more students during the school year tends of this month two bayview will be visiting the modesto river this is not polite program that we hope to be a tradition we're looking forward to expanding from san francisco so additional schools throughout the area and exciting that that with that, i'd like ends and open up to any questions thank you. >> president. >> for the first this is an exciting and tremendous effort a lot of what my day job focuses on who the puc is doing on a
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larger scale in terms of next generation g sf we've found in a child is not involved in science education by 7th grade you lose tradition and access to stem education is an entity issue i'm excited to see that and in terms of employment we've been on in our small way one percent you decrease violent crime by 80 percent i'm exist and this is great work. >> thank you. i just one thought that hadn't quite been mentioned in this presentation i've been largely the retirements conundrum at the puc for the 40 percent in the years
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those are pretty significant numbers it smell those programs especially working in tandem the environmental investments particularly in our youth and those educational and career development programs have a potential to get the right people into the right jobs it would be great from the presentations down the road having an understanding the metrics and really you know where the opportunities are you know to be building those pipeline career jobs along the way i know this is going to be something that pretty years is not very far how many kids to transition into the jobs and what are the missing pies are we taping into those communities that needs the jobs and trying to tie those you know incredible programs together.
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>> so thank you very much. >> thank you. >> general manager. >> that concludes my remarks. >> any public comments on the general manager report? >> seeing none, please call the next line item. >> item 8 the consent calendar are considered to be routine may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. approve the absorption assignment and authorizing the exist agreements from mckinney to consider engineering and b
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prauchlt and 30 years the increasing agreements with a time expectation of 3 years and c for agreement and tolerating up to 25 thousand in an extension ever one year and d to agreement as authorizing increasing it up to seven months and e approving the agreements and authorize the time extension up to have months and f awarded contract number in the amount of one million dollars plus to the lowest responsive bidder and d accept the contract for a total amount of $3 million plus and authorize the final payment to the contractor. >> is that that was g reporter.
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>> that was g. >> would any commissioners like to remove any of the items from the consent calendar. >> item a. >> item a will be removed anything else a motion to approve the rest of the consent calendar. >> so moved and second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the motion carries item number a. >> letter a i guess. >> letter a. >> my question is that in reading the end it it appears we'll be our intent to use that agreement to fund a chief building engineer and i guess lie question to staff is whether this is an interim action that will be requesting a real one in the budgets or - what is - what's
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going on. >> harvey milk club bureaucracy we utilize this and have been utilizing it since it was certified to augment our current staff we have all of the engineers that monitor and engineer the building from the wastewater group and we have one consultant engineering who such as underneath the wastewater. >> is this a need we expect to be going on. >> i would say for the next number ever years, yes that's probably more - >> i think right now given that we have the platinum building and staff one of the things we're looking at is bringing someone that is familiar with vertical building
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so thankful been valuable i think that the role of the this person is not full-time anymore training our staff i think over time we probably will get operators who have the knowledge in a vertical building as well as wastewater treatment plant to obtain the expertise needs to run this complicated building so because all of the systems are kind of goings-on to the lessons learned. >> that really goes to part of question is one of the lessons we're learning that we need a higher level technical level of staff to run the building and how do we appropriately that and have the costs and what struck me here the title was chief building engineer it seems like
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a civil service people may report on this statement so i guess my question or what i'll urge to look at as you come forward with a budget is this neon a level we'll be funding it through regular city employees and if it is a shake down issue we're learning what it takes we need interim to help to do that that's fine but that flag went up i'll ask you to look at that. >> another thing just we also worked with the real estate as well and one of the champs that is a unique building trying to get it expertise was challenging we'll definitely come back and look at the level of resources that we need and when will be a time to bring it.
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>> okay that satisfies my question i'll be glad to move >> >> i. >> opposed? public comment? >> that motion carries. >> flment. >> item 9 authorizing the grants for the assistance for large alternative water projects. >> mr. richie does anyone have comments or questions from mr. richie would you like to hear more about in item or make a >> i. >> opposed? . >> that motion carries. >> sorry. public comment next item, please. >> approve the pamphlet and authorize increasing the
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agreement by one hundred millions pursuant to the charter section. >> i have a question. >> yes. question, please. >> it gesz gets my attendance from 5 millions to one hundred and 5 millions that's not our original are ordinary meantime it appears this building in the price of transition services we'll get a case. >> that's right barb hale when we transition to receive the services directly we'll that became necessary. >> the numbers make sense in that context i guess my question is one of contracting it used to be a professional services contract there were managing the paper and making
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sure that everything reconciles this is now putting both that seem contract a payment for a utility service and if there recent anything in the - i'm wondering why we're doing it my concern any percentage of gross we've just boasted roof of that and why are rechoosing to do that arena a regular budget item to pay for the services and a couple of thoughts first of all, no booster of the fees because it is not based on the fee is not based that way it is like coordinators for us to receive the fees on top of the fees we're protected and the seconds item i'd like to respond so it the point you made i just lost red on.
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>> on one budgeted. >> yeah. so it is budgeted it is include in our budget and power for resale the transition costs are budgeted not allowed to my directly without some sort of be conceptual vehicle and advised by the city attorney this is the appropriate vehicle. >> the city attorney's office consulting with the energy team the contract you had already provided within their scope of roles for them as a scheduling coordinator to make certain required payment to cal i so, so this was part of what you employed them to do they previously didn't make your transmission payments $20 million a year it comes
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across a significant amendment but within the scope no mark up on performing that function for the transmission service so for that reason it was a legitimate and appropriate vehicle for accomplishing what you need to accomplish which is to transmit those charges in the modification to the contract that will accompany this item for approval at the board of supervisors there are responsibility there will be articulated and you could i guess go out and put out a new rfp but have the legal contracting mechanism to accomplish this services not necessity for doing that within the term of their existing
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contract. >> oh, i predict the city attorney has been involved and eminence a level of comfortable my concern whether, if any doing this your occurring some untended communication if their bombing that or any other it is - just unusual in my experience having e million dollars administering $5 million and all of that in their contract is - >> yeah. actually if i may to put more context ap x earned $2 million for their services each he a every year and makes payments for us there they are not as large the practice your expressing concern a standard industry practice as i mentioned the i s o accepted the payment
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from coordinators and puts restrictions on the fees they earn advertised not unique to us this is standards industry practice but for the volume of dollars we're talking about with the change we've been conducting our business with ap x on smaller dollars amounts. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> is there a motion to approve that item and so moved. >> second. >> public comment? hi jed 350 the answer might be occurring i'm wondering if this contract will allow for if contractor to also serve the scheduling needs for sf clean power obviously needs schedule
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over the years we've talked about the need for the schedule for sf clean power to have technical capacities to integrate resources to create integrated power systems so wondering if that would be covered thanks >> ms. hale. >> yes. it is covered in that contract so ap x will be having services to the utility program thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners again eric brooks san francisco clean power and power city sf this is an interesting opportunities for
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people watching tv are not interested in what ms. hale said we expected but we do need to drill counsel deeper into the scheduling coordinator is capable of doing in relation to sf clean power especially sf clean power program that advocates are push for you, you to put forward the one by the study by lafco we're talking about and continuing to push for thousands of people being hiring over the locally over the next 10 years to build efficiency, demand response, battery storage, navy a title program and weight power program and a winds farm we know there will be solar all over the city and probably be solar from projects and it is this is all of these types of
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resources most of which are called local distributed renewable energy our resources that a large number of them put together called a visual power plant you're mixing resources and demand resources and battery storage all of those things together to have an equivalent of a power plant on all the time and from the x works we need to make sure that staff drills counsel into could they have a strong capability to do scheduled coercion for a visual power plant if you don't nia they need the staff on board to get the robust job driving local clean energy we've been fighting forgive for the past decade a
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police do deployed with our staff maybe now the capability to do the skeleton cooperation for the power plant services and make that clear if we don't have this in order without the build up hopefully next year we won't we'll be behind the eight ball and not getting the program over the ground especially to make sure we doing the built out to talk about the jobs please drill down on that point. >> i'm hoping to get more detail when we have our working group after this vote and take a short break further comments on this item? there's a motion on the >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries and why not take minute break
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325 please. >> madam secretary. >> item 11 a working group for an every single one of the sf clean power risk analysis and the business components the subcontracting strategy and the overview schedule for the spring 2016. >> barry hale assistant manager with puc we talked about at the last joint meeting. >> how we're going to petite our spring 2016 launch of the sf clean power program. >> so as you can see here we'll
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talk about the risk analysis and business plan are power supply and contracting and approval strategy and the of schedule so for context those are the goals and objectives we're leading with affordability we've talked about that a lot and other goals to balance with that this is what the business plan a all about getting the balance and making sure we provide for long-term rate and final sustainability we'll we work through meeting the observes for example, within the business plan effort we'll laboratory the initial enrollment and testing whether it is viable does it remain viable when key costs and revenue assumptions are test and running sfeft analysis for
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example, the percentage of renewable we've procure if we procure more than 33 percent or less 50 what that side to the overview final liability and similarly if we model pg&e rates and pg&es rates are different than anticipated so as we look to meet or beat pg&e rates we'll look at the overview effect and did it remain finally viable and the opt out rates how the program allows for opt out we're modot the 20 percent opt out rates that is other programs in california and higher than expelled or lower what is the effect on the financial liability similarly we will be
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looking at the full enrollment case and testing financial liability under the full enrollment case and just for context the initial enrollment is thirty to 50 megawatts and 20 thousand to 75 individual accounts it is about a $35 million a year operating revenue full enrollment puts us 4 hundred megawatts of loads serviced and three hundred accounts and about 200 and $70 million in annual operating revenue this is just slightly berlin the wastewater enterprise for context this is this is. a big program and that's why we're going through the care to do a robust business case robust analysis testing you know what if things
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are different than we expect will we be a viable program. >> and will we achieve the various objectives we're looking at so we've identified what the risks are we think threaten our ability to achieve the objective we use the discipline of enterprise wide risk management to identify it and score them as you can see on this slide here the goals on the left and the risks that we've identified we've gone through sailed a rigorous approach the business plan takes the risks which you see on this slide in the second column and the impacts on our sf clean power objectives which you see
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in the first column it identifies the mitigation strategy for reducing this risk and the mitigations sdraemgz in the third column and finally through the effort with you we'll romanced policy guidance we'll ask you to do you want to guide our management of the program going forward that's what you see in the fourth column. >> and what the fourth column attempts to do give us guidance how we can get the balance right amongst the program objectives how green is it it is affordable by equally pg&es rates or less than we're trying to given the amount of money we're collecting from the customers and where are we going to employ that
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transitioned margin above our costs we'll be looking to the business planning effort in the presentation i'll be making to you to help to identifies the guidance to us so we can move forward with the program under our leadership chief of police the right balance. >> so to give you a little bit texture of this enterprise risk management i want to go through an example the cost of supply exceeding sf clean power revenue has been identified as one of the most likely and severe impact risks that we face under the enterprise wide risk management approach you give each risk a rating for the livelihood and the impact we could be you know a sort of afraid of things that are risky
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rather unlikely to happen we should be paying attention to the risks that are highly likely to occur the cost of supplies being greater than revenue initially is a high severe risk with high likelihood of occurring i mentioned before the initial program costs are about $35 million a year the overview operating costs are $35.70 percent of the cost of sf clean power program are the cost of the electrical supply how we handle that cost is very impactful to the success of the program so what are we doing there this hive risk high likelihood issue
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we've identified the strategy how we manage supply our strategy strategy was to go out to bid so supply from various providers we now know what the likely costs from the results of bidding process and know we've come to you on our next meeting 19 and ask you to advise us to go forward to lock into to fix the costs for the full volumes of the program needed for the program is so we will before we launch this program have defined that cost and having taken those steps implemented that mitigation strategic we have been able to target a mitigation rating after taking the steps of 4 a moderate
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or low overview ratings identifying the livelihood the costs greater than our revenues having being managed we know what those are to the contracting process that gives us a sense of enterprise risk management process and the methods we're going through in putting together the business plan for you and identifying the strategies and risks and how the overview revenues collected from the program can cover the overview costs of the program i'd like to talk about the counteracting approval strategies if you're ready for me to move on to that item okay. >> so what we're going to before he can to you at our next commission meeting a request for approval of supplier pool what we're looking to do to make
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sure we register the competition by putting the offers out and maintaining flexibility as we gordon's we'll be asking for approve for continual authorization to execute the contracts the way the contracting approach for you if 0 sf clean power program a master agreement with a bid option one provider that's what we'll be norwalk with them over the next couple weeks once we have a master agreement with them that commits to us work p with them going forward when we wish to procure the actual supply the second step the process that are referred to as at confirm it follows the master agreement we'll tell them specific volumes for specific delivery dates for
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specific shape of consumption and a specific sternum what's our best and final price and assign then a confirm from the bid option policy that provides the most attractive overview price. >> so if bring to you on the 2 that the the request to authorize us to negotiate and execute the contract with the option bid option pool we'll be working with that larger group i think that is 12 total bidders with the expectation we'll probably come to you finally with contracts for bid option one with multiple bid option one but a conform with only one of those
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the initial launch the program. >> so action been the commission on the 2 that will allow introduction shortly thereafter at the board of supervisors we would expect then not to have authority to sign the master agreement until mid december and then be in a position to sign a confirm with a bid option one bidder in early january so we'll ultimate on about doing business with suppliers that we've signed confirms with though we may sign more than one master agreement. >> so i just want to maybe say it in a different way typically if we were to identify one company that we want to get
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a confirm from you got to realize a confirm is only good for several hours if we go to the board and say four or five weeks later what's our price and they know no connection we're in trouble this way we can go through the commission and board with several options so that we still have a competitive confirm we'll get so this is the strategy we will do it as needed contracted before a pool of contractor we thought that was the way to keep the competition going because the process is to long to go through the process and board of supervisors. >> did that pool continue to exist if you roll out phase two is it the same group or four or five that you'll go out and say
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what's your best price. >> yes. that's the flexibility to expand the program at a quirk pace from the demand - >> so the pool didn't just disappear. >> correct. >> what protection is there if and this is part of sensitivity but if it turns out you think you need thirty megawatts and only needed 25 wale call it 20 what happens then. >> so for our initial program once we sign confirms for the specified volumes opt out then is greater than anticipated for your somewhere we'll have the opportunity to expand the group of customers we automatically enrolled so whopz whoops we have too much power we'll move from
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the southeast sector into central san francisco our next phase in order to pick up enough consumption a to match your supply. >> to the limit to buy is bonding. >> once the confirm is signed yes. >> and the term of that will be how long. >> we've told the bidders 3 to 5 years. >> and one of the strategies then potentially for mitigating the risks of opt out being greater than we at the point to perhaps have a shortly term and go towards the shorter at the end 3 rather than 5 to have the legislators to pull depending on how things are shaping up. >> and how like this kind of decision i guess there are several versions one would be to startle them a little bit to
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have a partial confirm to be followed months later that's one strategy. >> yeah. greater volume and shorter terms. >> where are we getting advise and council to the best approach within the market that exists. >> we have outside consulted energy advisors the same firmer that helped to launch the 3 existing choice they have expertise in supply procurement strategies we're talking about. >> i think the concern we don't want to be fully leveraged in the price goes down we can have flexibility to keep our price competitive that's the type of advise. >> like sunset.
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>> oh, that's expensive; right? >> right? and same idea we'll lock into a long term contract and size a certain amount of flexibility. >> that's true for option one contracts we've been he and bringing bid option two those are specified renewable projects many have been development and underdeveloped in california those will be potential long term contracts over and over kraktdz are not required to go through the board of supervisors and that's where you'll see smaller volumes longer terms potential coming to you. >> how do other cca maybe some of the later ones address this risk manage their risk, if you will, and so yeah, they had
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defined the supply management policies procurement you know portfolio that's part of what we'll be bringing to you in our business plan conversation so that you can then you know did you and consider what we recommend the kwienz to we can carry forward how much of an open position we have and how many years of contracts do you want us to commit to what should be the pace of enrollment of customers should be you know how much reserve should we budget for for this program those are the types of topics we have a motion and a second we'll be bringing to you so you can think about them in the context of the full program and give us guidance and we'll come back after the business plan
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presentation in the december timeframe a resolution to adopt those policies on those issues. >> which kind of leads us into the schedule what i have on the screen at this time the schedule that is familiar i've highlighted where the dates are changing we said before that we would be launching this program january 26, 2016, the original dates on the left the updated is march 2016, 6 weeks later we'll be coming to you december 8th with a rates for the program we'll be coming to you in not coming thank you excuse me. preimproperly consumers on early
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january 15th instead of late november. >> so i'm highlighting there the dates that have changed that is a tight schedule an achievable but the stars have to align and everything in place with no date change a swift but smart schedule we're trying to make sure we stay aphasia we're dual tracking the contracting activities to keep to our spring 2016 launch cat but contracting is just one of the activities that we'll be engaged in this overall schedule give us a fuller flavor so it begins with today's date you'll see the different activities in light blue that are actions that we'll be asking you to take and then the pinky peachy color we'll be
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asking the board of supervisors to take so one of the other things that changed since the last time we present we're going to be bringing again the rates through the board of supervisors approval process so that had not been on the prior schedule but now we're presenting updated costs for the program through the business plan and risk assessment analysis we'll be presenting to you a good time to bring those rates again to the board of supervisors. >> now that alleged activity didn't effect the overall schedule. >> is the marketing plan where is that in here. >> the market plan was what
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mr. jew prenltd the customer outreach and the marketing at the puc joint meeting that was intended to provide you with that information you can certainly talk further if you have more information you'd like to see we're not going to address the marketing plan other than to get for the costs. >> i'd like more information on the marketing one thing in particular i would like to see a tabulation of basically, all the customer services and benefits the pg&e offers and their status under cca so if it turns out a pg&e program our customers will have access that's one answer there maybe other answers i want to make sure we're offering not just for the power and price but
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for all the services provided to customers is at least at&t's as good as pg&e a tabulation would be helpful. >> we'll put that tabulation together and some of the strategies have been like for example, if you have solar on our roofs that to cut those folks over you have a period for example, my trip period is in june or yeah june so i'd like to kit over in june instead of getting cut in the middle and having to pay pg&e in the whole year process the other things we're talking about where customers pg&e consumers pay a level payment equal payment and that maybe something that offered initially we're looking at looking at maybe not improperly those customers because they- there what could be a reason to opt out we're
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trying to be smart don't want to give anyone the reasoning to opt out so if we meet with affordable and greener we'll pick the ones that don't proceed the issues a greater probability the opting out is low. >> to this marketing point you know, i think we can't start - i don't know why we wouldn't start some of the efforts right now i saw the preenrollment period we know there is going to be official dates where certain things need to happy b happen but tie present where's our celebrity spokesperson and we're working on that i like we're not doing. >> i appreciated what you said different strategies of you know the solar homeowners might be approached differently and the
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family maybe this is something that is important to the puc we're all ♪ together to really start that i looked at this earlier schedule eastern preenrollment con men's in january, i thought gorgeous that's 3 months away not doing the efforts and patron with the nonprofits and sierra clubs to get them out xhas >> i should be clear what i'm showing here is the stuartly required steps up to the plate so tie and company are out there doing a lot of stuff well in advance of the january deadline i'm showing you that is a step that january step is a step that the state requires we take before we are allowed to launch the program it is a key date. >> just to put a pin on it it seems like an important time to
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get people endorsed in the super green and signed up maybe at the next hearing and continue to have regular feedback on the strategies how their 0 going and make sure we're doing everything we can to get 0 people enrolled. >> to that point for the viewers and licenseer clean sign up today and be part of program thank you. >> when are we're going to be launching to - launching the green and we'll launch the deep gastroassignment. >> i thought we were going to be doing that before. >> we'll market - >> so the plan we're going to offer green and super green and a choice automatically enrolled
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and center green opt up to the strategy we'll be going to cross the city as tie presented in his last update and presentation on the marketing strategy we'll go into all the areas we're willing to pay more info get hundred percent green those are the folks we want to encourage to initially go into super green we're seeing over selma and marin once you're in the program the percentage of people opt egging up is small. >> i was going to mention he got a mailing the other day encouraging people to go super green it is people are no not going up. >> i truly believe you have to get them if they first want to again even though into the program sell them.
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>> so commission on the schedule april 16th service to customers will begin to super green and green depending on that what a customer enrolled in how. >> so we have been doing a lot on the marketing, in fact, the marketing is more i guess enjoyable meetings we talk about creativity ideas i can participate and give my ideas that is scary the guess the presentation we're putting together we need to really look at because as barb mentions this this program is large in a wastewater program we need to do our dlungs and talk about the risks i know that people want to we have to make sure when we put something out we want to make sure we're
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competitive and, in fact, we're making a commitment to be more affordable than pg&e that means that our margin may not be as much as we anticipated that means that maybe the build out may not be as robust i think we need to go locate the business plan and talk about the legislators we want to keep in place bbut on the other hand, w our priorities as we moving forward. >> happy to take hi other questions. >> public comment?
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>> hi jason fried for lafco on the schedule it looks like good schedule probably a week we can shave off i'll not give staff a hard time they do a good job i want to talk about the business model with the full enforcement i keep that in mind it is going to be xooefk in my opinion hypothetical not enough good information for full enrollment i'll guess why you want to do from a conservative business stand point around the initial making sure that all your risks are successful this is work you're starting to mitigate it easily for example, the program is more opted out awhile you're doing a skirmish of the city the full enforcement you'll have to redo the business plan the
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thirty to 80 o 60 folks wooul you'll have more detail it is where the nexus report wanted you to set rates and that way you'll, your price and your costs will be and better put together a business plan i want to be cautious while we're looking a full enforcement business plan a lot of things not common that are guesses getting to launch our plan you'll better to get a better plan in place rather than taking educated guesses but smart and important step to make sure ear he a you're dealing with the early enrollment not necessarily the full enrollment. >> on the business plan that will happen on the 10 of november are we're going to be - are we're going to be able to get
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that it looks like we'll have some time to review and read and dig in; correct? >> yes. my expectation timing commissioner vietor we'll get our feedback in december with a revised plan for your consideration and the policy guidance resolution at this time as well. >> i may differ from jason once we move forward pretty much can't stop so i have to know what the bookings are before i have good consciousness move forward and that is just me and as doing all the programs i've worked on 32 years in the city you have to know the extremes so 0 that's why it is important for me to provide this information.
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>> i appreciate that i want to make sure we have plenty of time i mean, i'm hoping we get the business plan 3 days from the commission meeting so the feedback to be prepared for questions so we can support that. >> and to the general managers point under subtly we're required at the jurisdiction to offer services to all residential customers once we start the program to off to all residents not the pace this was think piegs strategies to make sure we're not procuring power but take our time in a smart way through the business plan effort not only the launch is financing viable but the full enrollment is financially viable thank you.
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>> so (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners eric brooks san francisco green party sf clean power and advocates so i wanted to amplify and push back here using what mr. freed stated there's no way you can get a long term tenure business plan without starting with the first year the 50 megawatt in 2016 and finding out how it behaviors didn't make sense to try to come up with a ten year business plan without learning those lessons i want to reiterate that what i said last time you have a new cfo it is sharp at what ease doing and doing the right thing
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by caudal calling for a plan we've been hammering that gives us a plan plan everything out so it is not we've been asking for the same thing the problem we face i was glad commissioner vietor you brought of marketing and the nonprofits right now the nonprofits are all communicating with each other going wow. the bill post is got moved without warning this has happened before and we've seen details of years not weeks ago we're having trouble about the confidence about the key period and holidays and at this point when we were saying well, it will starts tends thought february now may and now today april so we don't have - we're in a position with no confidence
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we're selling to the public the key they know that will make that process a lot easier to separate that big business plan from the initial 2016 megawatts and treat them as almost separate entities when you got a lot of companies to pick up for phase one and 60 overall it is highly ineligible we'll have problems with the price to offer to customers for clean energy i go get it start of the 50plegic was the and doing what the cfos ask for a business plan for the whole thing that is informed by that startup and what we learn how we contract those first 50
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megawatts of power to president commissioner vietor so work with the staff of straightaway out the consultants and making sure the 50 megawatts are on schedule in april make sure the contracts are approved as they are in the new schedule and no more delays you split the tracks and do it faster. >> if i got comment i think the comments about i know the unfortunate nature of the schedule slippage and making sure we keep an eye on the ball to get the new dates is well-taken as far as the plan i disagree if you develop a plan with the expectation that you know what it is going to be like at full
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build out you're a fool i am not that's part of our points you get to identify our vulnerabilities and you can figure out how to mitigate those so you put yourself at this risk as possible you can't without looking at the whole picture not that much frankly and what we've been going after and that is absolutely important for us to have an informed violative of our risk and how we need to mitigate and strategy for roll out i don't think that is one of the things to dive in and hope for the best. >> can i add if you look at the schedule we're doing things concurrent so we're going to go do the commission and board with the pool and before i find or confirm we wanted to make sure
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you're in alignment with the business plan not taking additional time you think when we come to you pretty much tell you what the guidelines are that will you know need for to sign and confirm and move forward but i truly believe that you know the business plan is a document as we provide for information we change that this week is a 10 year capital plan and 10 year financial plan and that's example i feel adamant i don't want to shortchange that trying to save a week and the other comment we've been asking the sierra club can you come out with us i look forward to them going out with us when we talk about them it is you know some
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hesitation and maybe they think we're not going to launch we need the advocates to work with us if it is a detailed a week or so you get people to sign up to comment to super green we need to stop trying to say i got you, you're not going to do it during election and get people focused to work on super green together i want to move forward and stop trying to feel we're not going to move forward because we are. >> thank you, president commissioner vietor jed from 350 sf i value the commissioners that commissioner president caen and kelly made the environment in which the advocates are
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trying to have ownership over this program and spread the word to folks is as you stated and the reality over the last several years you know can't be voided so there is no, i think insinuation that you know we got you, you're not going to lingerie the program as he said there is for you know in a micro example you know we gave a lot of talks we said you know is this really going to happen yeah hell or high water we've gotten the word this is launching in march you know and so as we heard may and maybe april and all said or done back to april or may after moving together kind of for a really long time
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an unprecedented a long time to have it kind of seem like it could go off the rails it worrying in terms of putting our permanent be credibility on the line none expects you to keep our promises you work for the government but when we do we have to for donation and such i thank staff for providing the timeline it makes me feel better to try to stay on track it is worth noting i e-mailed the supervisors i don't know if you heard pummel is calling folks and preregistered them for their hundred percent and a lady calls you it's begun so the precipitation will be at
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this point that penguin is over and over clean energy first pg&e is oh, you complaen clean energy and now san francisco is coming in the realties we're facing we're facing a huge competitor with a larger budget and a lot more recollection and you know we're allowing planning for 10 to 15 years to slow down things we could be doing now to share your competitive this is philippines wise and pound foolish. >> my time is up. >> even pg&e when we looked at the amount of people to register into they're green tariff is very, very small and so we're looking at 5 percent of people who may
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register under our super green 95 percent of folks that will probably be in our basically green so that is what the really important is that assuming that 95 percent if more the merrier but 95 percent we'll be expectative with pg&es basic offer we'll be greener and cheaper they can advertiser super green we'll advertiser our center green at the same time but where the volume of folks will be basically offering in the green offering so i just want to put it into problematic pg&e will not opt everyone into they're green tariff program so i want to put it in prospective.
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>> next commenter please. >> hi, i'm ann one of the new workers i've been aware the program for three or four years and sort of been following and definitely a member of the public i'm very concerned member of the public and it just is very well difficult picking up the carpenter and reading about another delay that's part of public prospective this is this as climate emergency of weeks and prudence it is really bad peculiarity didn't look good i get it you've been working but it, it's 10 years i'm here to tell you that the public is looking it didn't look good so
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you know the metaphors abound of more weeks and one more drink what is it it looks at does not look good i'm encouraging you to be as closed to our timeline and people have been asking in the last of weeks the pg&e thing is coming on i get questions questions from friends it gets permanent we're putting it out there and so my final metaphor you remember peanuts the football is the program and charlie brown is the public we're not going to stay charlie brown it more like the awe vefrjz that i'm bringing that sense of frustration after 10 years thank you.
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>> thank you did you - >> come on up please and introduce yourself. >> hi, i'm karen from the absorbing everyone has said everyone this is exactly when it lives like it is really is people are not xaekt that is tricky we have a big convenience people are fired up and going out for outreach i've been to the sky festival hi guys it not quite yet i know we said january or february but starting to sound not ableable as to what to do repeat what the other speaker
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said stick to the schedule that is making me nervous to stay to the schedule the only thing i'll ask for beefing up marketing your marketing staff is not lacking but any spare money from somewhere i feel like every time he go out it is a partly there is a pg&e but we save you money and not about a growing program but solar pg&e is spending a lot of marketing money and adds and radio adds you've heard about a fighting chance we have to have a 6 week delays and thank you very much. >> thank you. >> can i so one of the things we will follow-up with the advocates to talk about how we
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deploy and get ideas because the marketing should do it immediately so we've had a meeting before just to let you know some of the stuff you said you guys are doing i had no knowledge we've asked about how we can work together so let's reestablish that meeting and talk about how we can do that i appreciate it. >> commissioner moran. >> i see uniform moving forward a union guy i know different strategies when we put-down the strategies in play to kind of bang i'm trying to find out through how this is helpful so the prospective is being created by the advocates the advocates are having very
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public delays on the city steps if we're really going to do this and really going to expedite and dot all the i's and cross the t's and bottom the hatches all i see i don't see anyone but did advocates making all the public noise that is what the press gets ahold of and now back and forth i'm going to discourage it abused i or because i see it from the labor prospective it is not fair to staff at the end of the day if something goes wrong this is a huge undertaking staff is going out through florida the bus on front student when i hear 2 weeks or a few months some people preserve there are
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conversation and motivation it is not there just do the right thing and roll out the program so i felt compelled to say that we have the same friends absorbing i've got friends jason and i work together and tune it down and work together. >> thank you. i appreciate that it was well said you you know, i kind of want to note today, we have a schedule none of us were happen with the slippage to make a stronger better program and so, now i agree i'm hoping we all can colonel together it will launch and i'm hoping from today on we'll all have that vision in mind of what it looks like to launch a successful low risk program that will help climatic change and drive the renewables
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market and create an affordable program for san francisco any other public comments on this that is >> okay. thank you very much for your comments and we look forward to work together and if there is no objection i'd like to take item thirty out of order and address that next if you could please raise your right hand. that item. >> item thirty adapt a resolution authorizing the general manager q mayor and board of supervisors approve a supple appropriation in the amount of $5 million for the are wastewater industry for claims and litigation and judgment and related expenses. >> mr. sandler is here to answer any questions
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commissioners on this item. >> i'm going to turn the my case on mirena burns we took this out of order with concerns in case we losses a quorum in closed session it concerns a supplemental appropriations at the board of supervisors actually tomorrow in budget and finance committee as we had previously advised the mayor introduced the supplemental at the board on october 6th in order to advance the schedule where out of appropriated fund to pay wastewater enterprise claims and litigation as you may know being on a two year being the none anticipated the december 2014 storms with previously saw and had your
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approval on the boards approval for supplemental in may but that was not nearly sufficient and now in order to continue to move forward to settle claims and void litigation we need this authorization so i wanted to make sure that you had an opportunity to hear it and i know your general manager and our finance officer can answer questions. >> aside from the legal issues. >> other questions or comments commissioners? is there a motion? >> motion. >> second. >> >> i. >> opposed? the that motion carries thank you now we'll go into closed
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session commission secretary. >> you want me to read the closed session items. >> item 14 david at&t he will versus the city and county of san francisco and 15 the city and county of san francisco versus san tech architectures incorporated and 16 scott versus the city and county of san francisco item 17 massage parlors versus the san francisco ethics commission and item 18 conference with the negotiate and located adjacent to 460 in mountain view and under negotiation the price and terms of payment and 19 amended litigation with the plaintiff and restore hetch hetchy versus the city of san francisco item 21 actually 21 through 27 will
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not be heard today. >> thank you. is there a motion to assert attorney-client privilege. >> public comment. >> we'll make that after the motion. >> move to assert. >> a second public comment on any of those item session. >> okay. we're back both open session may i have is a motion disclose or not disclose our executions from collection. >> move not to disclose. >> second >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? we will not disclosure do we need to do anything else the announcement we took action
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>> my name is jan an wong a regional paralyzing in the bureau i did not see might have as at management in the beginning which my career i have a master in civil engineering i thought i'll follow a technical career path i scombrie being able to create a comprehensive plan implement and shape it into realty love the champs of working through cost quality schedule political and environmental structuring and finding the satisfaction of seeing the project come into fruition i've also take advantage of the sfpuc training program yunt my certification i see the flow from the pipeline
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our chapter covers from movntd ray 17 communities and we expect to fully 3 hundred and 50 wishes this year. we send verizon's it out to the wish families and interviews the wish child and if you do their heartfelt wish then go to work to make it happen. dismissals is a 5-year-old boy who was diagnosing diagnosed with life without parole when he was 20 months old he's 5 hose now in remission he had his port removed hose monopoly on the chemotherapy. this particular wish the parents wanted to wait until he had
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energy. i began assigning this wish with the family in march and started to understand the two miles how are we going to achieve that i made a bold statement into turning this into goth am city. it codify catapulted. so, now it's a much for ininaccurate indicate from the divorce. people starting twoet and reposting and it went viral. it was incredible about make a wish he wanted to be thinking about being batman.
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there's been a lot of super issues that have happened cross the country but i think that can only happen in san francisco the mayors on board and the city hall it's an incredible outpouring and i love how san francisco is in the spotlight here and people around the world sending their love to san francisco. you kids we thank you for your encourage and we wish we can erase the pain we hope this is the day of magic and that you'll remember this forever. bat kid forever in san francisco >> san francisco is unique in this way and it's part of our compassion and we have a civic
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>> one 10 this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the investment & infrastructure the successor agency commission to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday, october 6, 2015, welcome to members of the public madam secretary. >> thank you. the the first order of business is item one roll call commissioners, please respond when your name is called: commissioner mondejar supervisor pen commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales all members of the commission are present. >> the next order of business
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the the next on the job ever october 20th will be held on room 416 b announcements of sound like incompetence please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. planning please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room from the meeting room ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. c announcement of time allotment for. please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes to address the commission unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any item. it is strongly recommended that any member of the public any member of the public
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wishes to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit it to the commission secretary. the next obtained of business action at a previously closed session meeting no reportable actions the next order of business item 4 matters of unfinished business there are none the next order of business consisting of the consented and regular agenda madam president call items 5 abc and we'll separate item c from the consent calendar okay so the comments will be 5 ab and d >> yes. >> first, the consent 5 a
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approval of the minutes regular meeting of july 7, 2015, 5 b approving a fourth amendment with 9 inc. for the shipyard art installation project and contract number h p.s. one 14 extending and authorizing the executive director to extend the date as hunters point shipyard redevelopment project area action resolution number 582015 and 5 d authorizing a second amendment to the legal service contract with the thomas law group to increase the amount by one hundred thousand dollars for a total not to exceed one hundred $50,000 to get specialized legals services action resolution number 162015
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madam chair. >> any speaker cards for those i do not. >> okay do we have any comments? okay. so it's been - so commissioner singh moved and i'm sorry i'm sorry so, yes items 5 ab and d have been moved by commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner mondejar please call the residential >> commissioners, please respond when your name is called: commissioner mondejar supervisor pen you. >> commissioner singh commissioner bustos madam chair rosales madam chair, i have 5 ids okay those items are adapt with respect to item 5 c i'm going to
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recuse myself the law enforcement of slow down is a subcontractor with my law firm i'll leave the room and sxhooufrlts will a chair that item. >> madam secretary the next order of business is regular agenda 5 c authorizing the third amendment to the legal contract with the sloan and others limited liability partnership to increase the contract by $75,000
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for a totally agree gait contract monument not to exceed one hundred/75 to get specialized legal service action and discussion resolution number 492015 pursue madam director. >> thank you, madam clerk good afternoon to the commissioners and to the supervisor the first meeting welcome commissioners and members of the public back in 2013, the successor agency occ entered into specialized legal services contract with renee slowly we have a continuing need for those serves as we rebuild the organizations and complete the significant work program we have ahead of us with that, brief introduction i'd like general council and jim
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morales to give us a brief overview of that item for your consideration. >> commissioner bustos and others i'm jim morales i think that director bohe summarized it succinctly i'll add as you may know that the successor agency over the past 3 and a half years has gone through a tremendous transition from the redevelopment agency to the successor agency and one of the most difficult and important aspects of that transition was our labor related work as you're aware we lost a number of employees at the beginning of the solution process many actually all of us became city employees upon the resolution and then most agency employees 6 mostly later became independent
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employees of the successor agency you can imagine a number of personnel and labor related issues and indeed many serious and difficult issues to grapple with in intuitively as director bohe indicated we had a need to remain an outdoor firm a representative our center prior that that oozed the services the city attorney's office and they could no longer provide those services in this context we hired the firm of slooelg and they've helped us to work with the city and the units and the employees culminated in a finalization of two labor agreement the beginning of this year we have moving forward from
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that point in a very positive way also last year, we had a need to have a human resources consultant sit in for as a human resource manager that was previously provided by the city and was no longer available we needed to have a h.r. expert specialist at the office and they have non-lawyers that are h.r. suspect we remained that person under a contract separate and definition from the contract what you have today is the contract that combines those two into one that allows us to pay some outstanding bills under those contracted and provide
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additional you amounts if we need those services in the future a h.r. consultant or a specialized legal services we've been served well by that as the chief new yorker jeff has many years of experience no labor law and we are also assist by charles a partner in the firm and also with us today is justin who is a member of the firm and very active in the negotiations the attorney r h.r. consultant we've used it is used occasionally jeff a member of the firm but not a lawyer and previously served in the department of human resources for the city and has invaluable experience so i'll strongly urge you to approve that contract
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amendment and hopefully, we won't need to use those services very much in the future but in conveys we'll have them available i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> madam secretary. >> we don't have any speaker cards. >> anyone from the public seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners that want to. >> i move. >> moved by commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner mondejar madam secretary. >> members of the public commissioners, please respond when your name is called: commissioner mondejar supervisor pen commissioner singh commissioner bustos and madam chair rosales has recused herself i have 4 ids and one recall.
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>> thank you that item passes. >> get commissioner back. >> thank you. >> madam secretary please call the next item the nobd is workshop discussion madam director. >> thank you, madam secretary commissioners really in response to our request to have a dialogue with mta staff to better understand how the city overall transportation policies fit within the major
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developments in the hunters point shipyard and candle stick and transbay and other points this presentation is a broad offering overview to inform your decision making efforts and certainly an opportunity to speak with mta staff with that, overview sally deputy director will be joined by mta staff. >> thank you director bohe i'm sally you've heard we're here to provide parking and development guidelines that the city strongly believe that are critical for guiding and development in san francisco especially during this time we're seeing significant growth in to the city so tom maguire the streets program will walk you through walk you through the presentation and give us updates
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on the near term pipeline projects that mta is working on and what that will mean for transit and other transportation choices for folks living and working in san francisco just wanted to add that something to keep in mind as you listen to the presentation those are city policies but baked in the development agreement as we worked you know our former agency worked closely with the city staff and policymakers around transit and development guidelines to didn't want you to think this is the city view and ours are different we work in concert with the guidelines and, in fact, what shapes our decisions when we bring decisions before you and bring in the recommendation the right parking ratio or operating policy that should be in effect
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for the project we look to those principle in our guiding documents and also in keeping with what the city is formulating right now the best practice we want to acknowledge that each of our project area is a unique set of circumstances when transportation come to our projections we could spend a working group on the projects i wanted to highlight our goal to give you that board overarching view and when we come forward with various romgz recommendations on specific projects we'll bring the neighborhood specific information about what transportation and transit and parking information is relevant that is what we see a kickoff of on ongoing conversation bringing this to you in the future
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actions but, of course, if there are things you want to keep in mind or specific things to bring back to you let us know we'll do our best to accommodate that with that, i'm going to turn it over to tom maguire for the presentation we're available for questions thank you. >> okay. thank you sally good afternoon, commissioners it's great to be here and have a chance to put some of the latest thinking of mta to manage and operate and develop our transportation system a dialogue to how it fits in the city's broadly discussion i'll talk about broad citywide policies and transit first, the city's policy over 40 years the prioritization of all trips and
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vision zero a joint commitment by the mayor, by the board of supervisors and by our agency to reduce traffic fatalities in san francisco by the year 2024 and this was 10 years good and i'll talk about the zero 50 hundred and zero waste for hundred grossly of 50 percent travel by auto modes we've trial to submit the transit goal with safety and environmental sustainability as well so this is the policy fracture e framework we are thinking how to invest this scarce resources that might fit with our thinking of redevelopment so as we know we're in a rapidly
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growing city facing recording rates of growth in both employment and housing 40 in san francisco we know more is coming the region is foist over and over 4 hundred new residents coming to the city in 2025 play a big part it is important to remember as city government we're charged not only with the quality of life and the quality of infrastructure as i said a framework of vision zero and transit first he is those big picture policy goals our accepts have supported over the years we think we need growth we're in a housing footprint r affordability criticize without the housing supply we agree we
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can't get out of this crisis and yet it is not just the quantity but the quality that matters so if we don't - if we go down the road with business as usual we're going to have gridlock and unsafe streets and not a sustainable transportation system i've pulled this from a recent growth they use the word gridlock to describe the conditions that could result if 200 thousand residents. we're not thoughtful how we connect the land use development to the transportation to address our needs we need to build the housing in neighborhoods friendly and find ways to build housing that mitigate the impact
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both new and existing residents on transportation system so all san franciscan those would live here today and coming tomorrow can be safe and enjoy the public be spaces we're thinking our more and more with the planning department we as the owners of the on street parking supply how wherewith the majority of trips by transit walking and biking and 35shg there's a resource for those but not the thing that is driving our allowing choices and we think that is a path to developing the neighborhoods that are dense and liveable and inclusive for all types one interesting observation that many people have said if you look at the neighborhood that many of us look at the iconic
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neighborhood were built before the zip code e zoning code with the parking to be built with each unit they have fear less than parking spaces for every housing units and that lack of parking space is not prevented those neighborhoods from diverse housing types nor prevented them from being vibrant neighborhood if you were to try a rebuild neighborhood like north beach or chinatown today you couldn't do that based on the kind of zoning you'll have to build so much parking and getting the fist for the diversity of population of those neighborhoods so parking is a big factor here parking is important because it takes up space physical space
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that would be otherwise devoted to housing or commercial land use the average amount of space that parking taxes is 3 hundred 40 skweetd per vehicle the aisles and the walkways that's a lot of says that a few of the parking spaces you're talking about a good-sized parking unit and likewise it is quite expensive to develop parking and the highland values and the needs for seismic safety is it costs up to $100,000 to build a parking space that is passed on to either us as the public sector with the development or on to the renters and owners of the housing providing the choice to provide parking
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we also know with we think about the urban design and the vibrant neighborhood we want we want to find ways to accommodate parking in a graceful way but if we have to look at the parking and the parking design the parking can detract in the quality of the environment and the ground floor retail and the community services that makes our neighborhoods vital and finally we know that people make traveling choices you have park to recipe residents and visitors we get more driving up to a point we'll, accommodate but as the city grows in a transit first way there is a limit to the number of driving trips we can accommodate we're not building freeways or widening streets with walkable and
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transit friendly students we can't plan a way that brings more traffic into those streets thinking about the space factor that is a imagine that we often use to just visualize how much space in a variety of ways it is hard to read with the text there on the left you have 60 cars and 60 people in 60 cars taking up city blocks and 60 people with a muni bus to the right you have 60 people on bikes so taxiing up as little space as possible so again more spaces for cars more spaces taken up by cars the less space for life and finally the vision zero commitment as i said we lose over thirty san
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franciscans on the year every year people that are walking and traveling and bicycling the centers takes all age rages it is a public health crisis that is a top priority for mta to solve in the majority of those fatalities it is in any way, shape, or form with the driver and we know that reducing the amount of traffic capping or managing the amount of a traffic is the best way to prevent those kinds of deadly crashes if take place the cement it is favoring driving over more balanced transportation choices i don't want to call the status quo we are trying to get beyond in the city we are or even how to provide good choices so we don't
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want to simply say that driving bad and parking bad we want to say there is a place for parking and certainly a place for driving most of us need to be in a car at some point during the course of the week but how to have great choices and make those as sustainable as possible we're at a moment in time we have more choices than before expanding transportation and digital operators and making the streets walkable and rolling up car share and bike shares and ways to get around and make them as assessable as possible we've got more transit services mta over the last 5 years has put in place a number of programs to
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make the transit system for assessable for all residents of the city we have free muni for youth and seniors and lifeline pass and working with employers and schools and universities to have pays for students for part time employees so we can help people make the most sustainable transportation not every choice will work for everyone you might be a transit rider and someone that needs to use a taxi or uber or lyft are bike sharing but it is important that a number of people have those choices and every eir person makes a choice making the city for sustainable and taken together as we reduce the needs for driving to make
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the city for accessible by all molds modes we can reduce the need for onsite parking and developments the great thing about san francisco we know that the distance people are traveling is manageable distances either by bike or foot we ever couch years work with the partners at sfmta and they estimate how far people driving on the afternoon average so the average drooiflg trip it a little bit less than 3 miles every walking trip is close to one mile they walk to shopping or school and the average bike trip is 2 and a half miles when you see for driving trips this is not suburban your we don't
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have folks taking 10 and 15 mile drives those are trips if there was a safeway to bike people will shift over the data is the sustainable within the right range for many of over travelers we have some national trends how travel is going since the middle of last decade before the recession driving has been going down nationally a number of factors that are in placing play not all these economic changes where young people get a there later and some people choose not to have a carp more and more people are choosing to live in the city they want to live in the neighborhoods in our city the bay area is actually part of the country where car use is
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dropping the faster so even more than new york and boston we're the place in the united states where the rate of driving per capital is dropping the faster we've seen public support for sustainable transportation choices in 2014 we remember number of bond measures prop a which gave mta and our partners agencies close to half of billions of for 10 years in the transit system prop d sports those investments of investments and prop l asked the voter to essential to vote so for more that concludes my remarks was rejected pretty sound likely we're setting records and interesting when real estate
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