tv Small Business Commission 102615 SFGTV October 28, 2015 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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that you and your families go to sf to make sure that you have the entire list give when you go home tonight, ask your parents, do they know about sf because that is the place where you learn all the things that you need to do at home as the same were doing at the schools and where i work come up to all be better prepared to make sure we're ready if there is an earthquake that happens. i want all of you , and this is why supervisor christiansen christiansen and i are here today, we want to experience this wonderful school that you are at, but most important we want to be with you because being with you means that we get to practice how to be safe if there's going to be an earthquake or any other big disaster. that's why we're all here together. with the police and fire chief with our school district and school board, and all the administrators and the other
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elected officials to do the right thing. so, please go home tonight and you are going to be , i think, asked by events did you learn today. 72 that's what you remember, okay? everybody say that. yes. thank you very much. and thank you for letting me join all of you in this wonderful school that you have. you are clean school. good organized school. we got great teachers and a great principle, and we are going to continue working very closely with all of you. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> good morning, everybody. i
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am really excited about being at this school. is one my favorite schools in the whole neighborhood. i know a lot of people who went to school here. some of them almost all grown up now and they'll still like the school a lot. so, why am i here this morning? you know, the mayor is kind of like the principal for the whole city. right? the mayor is one of make sure everyone is close to be and does what they're supposed to do. then, we have fire chief john he's white she's here this morning and police captain, chief sir they help keep us safe. my job is to look after your neighborhood, so if you and your mom and dad live around here, my job is to make sure that you have nice parks and nice libraries, and that it's safe to cross the street, and that we have traffic lights, and that everything you need to be safe and happy in your district comes your way. so, that's my job. so, it's really great that you guys are learning something today about earthquakes. you know, earthquakes are kind of crazy things. we think of the ground as being really solid,
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but if we have an earthquake the ground kind of shakes like you're at the amusement park or something. applicability gained all the houses shake the trees shake and the wires shake it so, learning to duck and cover is important so that you know what to do. like, what do you do when you're going to cross the street? what do you do? look both ways. right? when the ground starts shaking and you go, oh my goodness, what is an earthquake, what you do? duck and cover. i thought it was going to be a duck here today but i found out we were going to duck instead. so, make sure that you know what to do when this earthquake is all speak up on you like a surprise. you won't know so we have to be ready all the time. will we be ready? yes. okay thank you all for letting us come visit. bye. >> good morning, boys and girls. how are you? good. i'm
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your fire chief joanne hayes white. i'm also a monk it by three boys. i'm really glad to be standing with this man. for boys. he's a police chief. greg certain he'll say a few words in a moment but were kind of like one big team geared i'm delighted. i got participated before at the school sometimes we do read along but were grateful to be in this first grade class to participate in the drill in i know as fire chief, i don't think i would be in this position today it wasn't for the wonderful teachers that i had growing up here in san francisco. how about, boys and girls, you give a big round of applause to and so young and all the teachers and the staff here at the school. >>[applause] >> i'm also proud to be standing with some members of my department under the direction of capt. kevin party
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edge and 20. there your local files fire station so thanks for coming out today. >>[applause] >> a couple of things. i guess it merely is sort of the coach of the team. he's in charge of the whole city. he expects us to work together to be ready for anything. not just in the police and fire department. so, we are here today what we did today was practice. we practiced today that there isn't a true emergency so that when there is we that much better prepared. i would also like to ask you to go home and educate your families good the parents, grandparents, siblings, and talk about if you're at school or at that home what your plan is. how are you prepared to ask mary talks about 72 if you might have a different name at this point. sf 72. but another thing is everybody, sure at the school knows the emergency
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three digit number you got. what is secular everyone can say. >> 911 >> 911. image everyone knows that but not a lot of people would try to get people to get the message another takeover your parents if there's another really important three digit number that you can call if there is something that you have a question about what you want to report something that's not an emergency and does anyone at the school know what the three digit number is? raise your hand if you know what. yes. in the front with a redshirt. >> [inaudible] >> three digits. not 911 get it the nonemergency line would have all kinds of information. does anyone know? the chief is giving some hints. 311. excellent. that's another thing that sf 72 and 311. those are two important messages to bring home tonight. tell your parents and siblings about. they give you much, boys". it's been a pleasure being here and a very proud to introduce-i call my public safety part i don't like him standing by me because you never know was that happen and that streak chief greg sir. >> >>[applause] >> thanks chief joined. we do, we were right under the desk
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with a first grade class. was sold as boys and girls around. but in principle young is so lucky to have this student body to do the thing. so, if we really want to get good at something what you have to do? practice. right. so when we were little and growing up in san francisco we practiced so that when something happens, you don't even think about it. you just do it. so just like supervisor christiansen in principle mayor lee said as soon as something happens in an earthquake. you what? drop, cover and hold. exactly. so that's what we want you to do. this is just all about practice.
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you just the smartest little boys and go. please be good for your teachers and your principles. today, it's all about practice. so as you grew up in san francisco, but throughout oregon have an earthquake and everybody's can be safe if they just do with their teachers and parents tell them and then you can help your parents by practicing at home. okay? deal? deal. cool. where'd you remember, it's sf 72 for what could happen if it's bad, and it's 311 if we just want to get information or tell us something that's not really bad. right? those are the two things. okay get undone. fire chief took all the other stuff. >>[applause] >> okay. you guys did such a good job of listening. i know this is been really given. i just found out ms. young made a mistake. i thought it was duck cover and hold and i just got told, it dropped cover and hold. just like the police chief said. so when the earthquake lifted those words again. drop, cover and hold on. can you guys a really loud. thank you star visitors today. >> thank you.
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communities, i think, there is a lot more confidence about what we're doing and it's exhibited by the people who tap into our you remember that? [laughter ] , as well as the very enthusiastic support we have for our nert program. and for the ongoing resiliency programs that a number of people have had, and to our resiliency officer, who is helping dem and city administrator think through things around the corner that we need to pay attention to. there are a couple of things that i also want to do. let me say thank you to all of you who have also helped in the lake county/sonoma, napa and butte areas in their disaster and maybe a quick moment in our
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own minds and hearts about the lost lives there. i think it's appreciated. and i also want to give particular thank you to our fire department, and our firefighters, who over the past week have not only gone up there in as many volunteer hours as possible, with equipment, hopefully we never have to use down here and hopefully, we keep our fires down, but in response to that tremendous disaster that you you already know the statistics on. 800 homes, thousands of people's lives destroyed, that were there to assist. if it isn't medical and now perhaps our public health is being asked to submit mental health professionals to help. as our firefighters giving toys to kids who lost everything and giving them a chance to have some play as people rebuild their lives. that reminds me this is the
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10th anniversary of katrina, and knowing that a huge disaster happens in the other counties constantly we're more than observing and engaged in those not just to help, but to take lessons learned and about rebuilding and recovery and things we have been associating ourselves with ever since katrina where mayor gavin newsome allows me and others to represent the city and we took the opportunity not only to bring lawn mowers to help certain areas, but took our time to stand in areas that were devastated and wondered how our city would prevent that from happening? and in those moments it wasn't just wishful thinking, but brought that opportunity back and that is
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what began a more solid resiliency plan and volunteers and people from both berkeley and harvard. that studied it from all over the country, if not the world, to see what san francisco and other places could do to anticipate better our expected challenges on both an earthquake, but also now more and more it can be the expected el nino, plus an earthquake, plus drought, plus anything else. and so this is my way of saying that we take every opportunity that we can to support you the others that are doing and then we learn. and then we take it back here. for el nino, as all of you know, all of the experts are predicting historic levels of flooding.
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i have already asked harlan for his favorite list of catch-basin sites that he and public works have already identified, and can already vacuum-suck all of that stuff and make sure that we don't have backups that will compromise our pedestrian/vehicle, and access safety for everybody. but that is just the small stuff, relatively small, i think. we need to concentrate on those areas of flooding, but also prepare people for that particular aspect of our weather while we're still into how we're going to get out of this drought. and that is taking the opportunity to say thank you to the puc, because all of you there have been working hard to make sure that we do everything that we can to respond to the drought. i think we have done it effectively, that we're at historic-levels of conservation. i can use my bill as one
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example. but i know that we're always cautious of our water use in the city and i noticed everybody has got dirty cars, fine. i'm accepting of dirty cars. i also want to say thank you to our city administrator. she has kept me very much informed on our lifelines, utility councils and what each of the big utilities are doing and practicing. again, on the eve of yet again our -- i guess this will be the 26th anniversary of loma prieta next month, that we are also taking that as an opportunity to remind everyone that yes, that there were real shakes in piedmont, along the hayward fault. that is extremely -- that is right there -- it's close. and it's close enough that there is earthquake experts
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that are zeroing in on all of the different plate movements that are going on in northern california if not even in the cascade mountains that i have been studying a little bit, because i have relatives up that way as well. we need to be very cognizant of that, and the same experts and some of them are working on early earthquake warning systems and i'm glad to see now there is a growing investment, where we can have a warning system that would allow us to do some early things while the precious seconds are there trembling. we can also have some maybe automated things that help our fire departments keep the doors open, elevators get unstuck, these are all important things to consider as kind of lessons-learned and let's do better and let's keep on investing in the proper protocols for that.
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i know that we're investing in our disaster workers program with our city employees. and making sure that we have both through the lifeline council and through our hr a robust return as best we can knowing there will be participation challenges. that we have to have the multiple modes coming back into the city, so that utilities and lifesaving support systems can be up. most importantly, i need to remind everyone here to make sure you are personally prepared. there is no excuse for us not to be in the situation that we have, and we are the center of leadership and so we have got to have our own families and friends ready for this at any time. and then to have your departments that you are in charge of, you do the same thing for your top management. you ask them to be personally
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prepared, and to work on those things that get them freed up, so that we do what we do best, which is serve the public. i want the public to know that our investments in nert in resiliency programs is all in an effort to prepare for those 72 hours and we should never, ever be caught in an unprepared way. we should always expect this disaster to happen. then it's a planned response, not a surprise response. and that is the huge difference in san francisco. we always want our disasters planned out in advance, so that we can take care of a lot more things, and i think we have found out that when we do pre-planning whether it's in our fiscal arena or in any other event planning, we always have a great deal of success.
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and no less for disaster response and to be planned in every jurisdiction we have interviewed since katrina knows that when you make the fundamental investment, you will have some clear and better results, and the residents will feel that. because they will be directly engaged in that effort. so with that, i just want to say thank you for being part of this council. i'm proud of what the city is doing. let's keep doing it and let's keep having an attitude of always been prepared. that is how less fear and more about the engagement that we have in front of us is going to be the standard always to be working with our communities. i know there is a lot more things that people want us to do, whether it's potable water on the west side, whether it's more paramedics to make sure ambulance responses are there, whether it's ongoing investments like we have done with hiring more firefighters,
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paramedics and 911 callers and more equipment and more police officers, i think we have those resources. we have demonstrated in the budget this year with the no-cuts budget for the city that queer we're willing to invest in all these things to make our city. nowhere else do i think it's adequately prepared dem, and i know we'll be on display for fleet week as we emphasize well-beyond the celebration of our military is the practice of a number of things that i have already seen the scheduled for and i'm excited to be participating in everything from the practice zones to the desktop practices with our you our coast guard, with our military, that would most likely be here in a major disaster.
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this continued practicing with them, so that our cultures within departments can get used to the names, the acronyms that they use, that we use, that we understand each other's acronyms and get used to those things so we have good partners coming in and bringing good equipment and have the places to do it. everything from debris management to supplies has to be here and we have to anticipate that. thank you. >> thank you. thank you very much, mr. mayor. as the mayor mentioned we are responding currently to the valley fire that was a very fast-moving fire, started a week ago saturday with 40 acres and by the time we woke up on sunday morning, i think it was almost at 40,000. so it was very quick. about 75,000 acres have burned now, and three lives have been lost, which is just very sad.
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over a thousand structures. it's going to take them a long time to rebuild. the city has deployed from the fire department, from my office, from public health and from the puc, up to help in lake county. at the same time, the fire department is also still currently in butte county. i think you have six engine companies up there is deployed. so we really are providing a lot of mutual aid for our partners here in california during this very rough fire season. we have is deployed a total of 17 personnel just to the valley fire so far, and again, as i mentioned, we'll probably going on for many, many weeks we will be asked for help over that period of time. i wanted to mention just really briefly that we finished our urban shield exercise a weeking a. urban shield has grown into a
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comprehensive full-scale regional preparedness exercise, assessing the overall bay area and the regional response capabilities related to multi-disciplinary planning policies and procedures and specifically san francisco was very involved with the yellow command exercise, which happened a week ago friday. what we were doing in full-scale exercise was simulating three different events around the bay area. stimulated terrorist-type of events or that is what we thought, but of course as you are in the middle of it, you really don't know what is happening. so as things are taking place in different counties, trying to pull the intel together, the information we had our joint information center activated. we had many, many personnel involved.
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we did a stimulation down at levi stadium for a soccer game. what happened is some kind of explosive device went off there, and so i think we learned a lot from urban shield. and every year it gets tighter and more people participate. san francisco had the most staff participating this year from fire, police, my office, health, puc. it was many, many different departments were participating. and it really is viewed on the national-level as the exercise to emulate. i was at the fema's national advisory council in washington, d.c. last week. i had the honor of sitting on it and representing san francisco and i can't begin to tell you how many people came up and asked me about urban shield specifically? and if they could come out and to partner with us and find out
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what we do. so more to come on that. i wanted to mention that fema requires us to do a hazard mitigation plan and keep it updated every three years. we did complete our hazard mitigation plan at the end of 2014. we covered climate change, and sea-level rise, temperature rise, precipitation changes, and we received many national accolades and requests for guidance to integrate those new components into other people's hazard mitigation plans. so again, i think we are viewed as leading the pack in that. since our last meeting, we have had a number of different exercises. i mentioned urban shield and we had ebooltabletop series a 3-part series. we did a mass-feeding tabletop.
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we did fleet week logistic tabletop and as the mayor mentioned and you will hear more about today, there are additional exercises occurring in next week. we activated the eoc a number of times last year for the wonderful giant's playoff and world series. the world series parade, our winter storms of 2014, it's rather difficult to even think about winter storms today when it's 90 degrees out. but new year's eve, the warriors nba finals just to mention a few. the last thing i'm going to mention we try all the time to really reach the community about being more prepared. i think most of you, hopefully, all of you are aware of our we use our outreach. we try to use special events to get the word out to people.
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this year in a very innovative fashion, i think we were at out lands with the table and simulating what people would do in an earthquake at outside lands and used the opening of the "san andreas" movie, the premiere as an opportunity to have a panel to discuss what you do in an earthquake? and to just you again highlight what we as a city are trying to do. any means that we have to bring people into the fold and get them to be prepared at home and at work is something had a what that we look for. so thank you very much. and we'll move on to the next item on the agenda our el nino citywide planning. mike dayton our ems director is going to be presenting to us. >> thank you. i just wanted today to give you a little flavor of how the planning effort is going. some of the assumptions that
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were based in the plans on, obviously on previous events. we had the great benefit of having our executive director anne serve as incident commander during the el nino 1997-1998 event. if the predictions hold true we anticipate see a lot of mudslides. in '78-highway 101 in pasco cific pacificka was shut down at one point we had 80,000 people in san francisco without power and if you think about people with access and functional needs things can really turn south when the power is out for an extended period of time. that is going to be informing our planning efforts. we opened up temporary shelters for the homeless and obviously, if it's like last winter when we opened up, activated the eoc during the winter storm for
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three operational periods, we expect with el nino type of events it's going to be a marathon of storms for the winter months. we're planing for a more extensive operational period. also in 1997-98 we declared a state of emergency with $14 million in damages. so we're anticipating similar damages during this year with if the predictions again, hold true. during the next month we'll be convening smaller plan groups and also holding a meeting october 2nd within our faith council and thank you michael for pulling that together. and by november 1st we'll have a revised concept of operations. we had a con-op last year and
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we're taking that and revising the base and dem will be staying in constant contact monitoring what the national weather service will be in contact with state. and the feds and if there is a forecast for severe weather, and i mean that is high winds with a large amount of rain and isolated areas, then we will host a coordination call with all city departments and brief them on what forecast is. if the national weather service agrees that earlier briefing to be part of the call, so you can hear it from the scientists and not the emergency managers. based on those conference calls we'll take actions whether or not to activate? and that is all in support -- i know there is already pre-planning efforts going on with the puc, the department of public works and we look forward to pulling them together with 311, and our dispatch center to really focus on the communications in next
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month to have a solid con-ops. that is where we are at with planning for el nino. thank you. >> thank you. any questions about our planning efforts? [ inaudible ] >> agencies should be prepared, because it's not going to be as fast a recovery -- [ inaudible ] >> thank you. any other comments or questions? thank you, michael. >> thank you.
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>> okay. next on the agenda is our super bowl l update. we're all excited about super bowl l, anna sop is our dem operations coordinator and she is going to be presenteding. >> hello and thank you for having me. i'm here today to share our super bowl l planning efforts. we have been working with the host committee and work in partnership with the afl and events planned for the bay area. as many of you know the game is scheduled sunday february 7, 2016. prior to that a week long series of events will be hosted in san francisco. nfl experience and we're
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working with our first-responders to identify how to continue to provide essentially you city services seamlessly. this obviously requires multiple -- requires coordination with multiple safety agencies, a mix of federal, state and local municipalities and private sector. within san francisco, we have developed branches that we can work from that can be a point of contact for us. for instance law enforcement and sfpd has been working with us and escorts, traffic safety, tactical response. for the fire branch we have with chief francisco working with fire-related focus. for san francisco, we have the city services branch working with peter albert for transportation, public health, and all of the other different
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functions that are actually impacted with these events coming to the city. and we started to really when we focused on this with dem, we really looked to our first-responders for a collaborative effort. so that we can maintain early communication and begin a series of exercises and we could look at operational awareness, planned development, and validation, training and exercise, and ultimately, leading up to operational coordination. we will have our emergency operations center active during the super bowl events. all stakeholders are invited to participate and assist with coordination and can i probably speak for the police department and multiple dpw and fire department will be operating in different instances. so we had three dates for the exercise series we held last month, the planning review workshop. we looked at planned assumptions and worked with martha cohen and moving forward
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we're going to look next month in november 18th, good day tabletop exercise. this will be an opportunity to test our response plans locally, regionally as well with our federal agencies. reviewing a list of events, looking at the street closures, sanctioned events, maybe unsanctioned events knowing that a lot of this may change, but really for us we want to know how we can provide, if we have an alarm fire how go we send response and ingress/egress for emergency response vehicles? and then the third series of that would be the bad-day tabletop. we just want to focus really for this it's an opportunity to focus multi--level response, say for instance a natural or manmade incident, say an extreme weather event, how do we integrate response and response in a timely fashion? ultimately the objective for us
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is to test local and regional plan, santa clara and san mateo are all heavily involved and how to maintain a common operating picture and share information? not just vertically, but also horizontally. what systems are we using? what do we need to know? when do we need to know it? in closing that has been really for me personally and i think i can speak for at anne, we started early planning efforts in collaborating and finding out who needs to know information and our first-responders have been very helpful communicationwise. that is all i have. we look forward to a very successful event and happy to be part of the process. any questions? >> the impact will be to have good communication for downtown construction because there will be a week delay how to do the
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delivery, our office will work closely -- because street closures in those areas for construction and delivering materials and so forth. >> that is part of that transportation -- we're contemplating how we accommodate the necessary movement such as commercial loading and construction that would be happening. [ inaudible ] parts of downtown that are essentially closed off, they are still buildings that are operating and construction and accommodate those needs. >> mr. mayor ? if i may? working closely with dpw --
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thank you, anna. i'm going to do a real quick fleet week brief. fleet week is right right around the corner. in addition, to the blue angels and spectacular airshow that we see the public-facing side of fleet week, as well as the ships that come into san francisco bay. there is a whole bunch of other activities that take place as well:the city and county of san francisco is organizing with the fleet week center for humanitarian assistance in disaster relief a series of events to help us train and prepare and get better as the mayor mentioned, responding with our military partners. so fleet week brings all of the first responders, federal, state and local government disaster response agencies together with the department of defense services to develop
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these relationships and plans in advance. so that when we need mutual assistance, when we do have some large event here in san francisco, we know how to talk to each other already, and we have those relationships established. so just to highlight a few things that are going on outside of what you see in the air and on the bay, on monday october 5th we're having a defense support civilian authorities discussion. rehearsal of concept exercise. this is taking place at pier 50, exercise is designed and conducted by dem, in partnership with the port of san francisco and the humanitarian assistance disaster relief group of fleet week. and we will rehearse decking the uss somerset outside of the bay, and then bringing it in and offloading supplies and
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staging at pier 50. so it's going to be a really good exercise and we're looking forward to it. on the 2nd -- the 6th of october rather, the marine corps will demonstrate the delivery of urban search-and-rescue teams to san francisco's post-disaster, mv22, that will land at moffett field and pick up teams and deliver them back to moffett field. also on tuesday the 6th we're going to be doing an interoperable training with fire department, and ems ride alongs. on wednesday, we'll be doing the fire department every year does urban search-and-rescue and we have gotten feedback from military, who have gone through that; that they have been able to use the skills that they have picked up from sffd in place likes haiti, when they have gone to respond and
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found it very useful and worthwhile. on the 7th of october a medical pier-to pier exchange at the marine's memorial and on the 7th senior leadership seminars day one. we do two-day seminars tackling immediately subjects with the military and these are our seniors leaders throughout the entire bay area region. the first day of the seminar will focus on energy restoration. i know that is one of the mayor's interest areas with the lifelines council. and the day concludes with a tour of the ship docked at piers 30-32. day 2 is the second day of the senior leadership seminar. on thursday, we also have an interoperable training with the navy and on saturday, actually
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friday/saturday/sunday this year, everyone who can should make it down to the marina green. we have a static display there at the humanitarian village, humanitarian assistance village and get lots of great information from all of the presenters and the different organizations who have booths there, along with being able to see the actual military capabilities that would be brought to san francisco. so all in all, it's a very exciting week, and we are very happy to be partners with the fleet week association. we've identified a citywide concept of operations plan. we do this every year. we'll be meeting next week to go over it with our key partners in the city, and this plan is designed to provide situational awareness for all of us.
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to just make sure that fleet week is not only a fun event, but it's also a useful one that brings good learning-lessons for us. yes, micki? >> i have a question about your october 6th event veterans employment. we have currently a veterans hiring project that dhr where we're seeing to be the employer of choice for veterans. so we're hoping that there is a coordination. please reach out to our workforce development staff to ensure that as the largest employer in san francisco to make sure we're there and part of the program and talking to our veterans about what opportunities in san francisco employment as well? >> i believe that you are there already, but -- no, i'm really glad that you mentioned that. we will make sure that that happens. but we have been working with your department. >> fantastic. thank you.
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>> also i would like to -- -- [ inaudible ] >> who is your contact? >> you can start with me. >> great. other comments or questions? everybody come out and have a good time with fleet week. i hope that you all participate. are there any -- we're drawing to a close here. are there any updates from disaster council members? we have a roundtable here. anything that you wish to present? [ [ inaudible ]
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holding a number of trainings of personnel -- to go through that at the eoc. so finance and admin can continue to participate and related to el nino specifically, we are notifying all departments that because of the gradual or marathon nature of el nino we're activating all the time keeping codes in an automated way, as well as in the accounting system. so your cfos will get messaging on this, so that they can calmly practice it before the storms come underway. if it doesn't come to pass at least they have a chance to practice with it. >> excellent, thank you, todd. any other announcements? yes, tom? >> last year -- actually
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this year because of the delay of the grants we have $200,000, chinatown for outreach. we have additional with two more districts we're going to do another $100,000 for each district. one is western edition and one bay and hopefully we have enough people to outreach for the public to learn how to prepare for the seismic safety. >> thank you. anything else? any public comment? october is a very busy month. 26th anniversary of loma prieta as the mayor mentioned and shake-up is in october. if you haven't signed up for it yet, please do. fleet week, we're going to have a lot of things going on in san francisco.
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to order ms. casco rourl mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell mr. walton ms. wynns that he drum ms. chin and mr. totiano thank you. >> please join me in the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you the first item on the jauntdz is item a approval of board minutes in our packet is the minutes of the regular meeting of october 2015 may i have a motion and a second and so moved. >> second. >> thank you are there any
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corrections seeing none, ms. casco roll call vote. >> ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase that's 5 ids. >> thank you very much members of the public are remind if you wish to address the board of education your requested to complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and present to the which have assistant coming back to the board's rules and procedures speakers are not expected for an item arrested before the board and presentations to the board of education superintendent report. >> thank you president murase and good evening to everyone that is join us in person or
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watching tv or listening to the radio the sfauftdz has been awarded not one but two california board golden bell awards it is really the oscars of the education of the world and it is a rigorous process for the application our salesforce funded mayors middle initiative was one of the projects being recognized and the on the school ammunitions dining experience it is also being recognized unheard have to have more than one or one at all we're proud of all our staff that has been participating and the leadership our teams will be honored at conference and this particular award will be awarded on
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december 5th the recipients are awarded because they reflected the depth and breath of the education and the governor that supports those thinking programs not only are the programs honored but the board of education for their forward thinking leadership ♪ area outstanding recognize of a lot of hard work to please accept my congratulations and the board of education another recognize this past week the san francisco unified school district was accepted into an elicit mr. brown group of school district around the nation we are that in the initiative schools this is part of the promise a national coalition of school districts organized an independent nonprofit o that is authorized by congress is accelerate innovation and education we were selected one
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of the new districts select and i'm happy to report i just got off a plane our chief technology officer were in pittsburgh to accept the membership and to share your innovation work in san francisco and so see some of the initiative school programs happening across the city some of the initiative practices i was happy to report on the mayor's middle school initiative and in partnering with salesforce we're talked about the k through 12 the digital literacy our initiation lab did crowd platform as well as the partnership with uc berkley and stanford and all the partners to work to improve school ammunition it was wonderful to see the faces across the city as a they heard so kooutdz to
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everyone also this past saturday the enrollment fair the early enrollment fair i which is not here in town i understand it went well angle excellent turn out it was close to 10 thousand people that attended the enrollment fair i want to thank all the school communities for answering questions and speaking to families about the school as many of you may know it was a new venue all to sincerely thank city college of san francisco and the chancellor for louse us to the facilities for this event the collaboration allowed an opportunity for the parents and ask the to look beyond k through 12 and promote the culture so there is school after k through 12 a reminder the first round applications radio due january 15, 2016, and enrollment
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workshops are held no november and december to assist the families with applications please check our website sfusd ed u and lastly the discovery day is on saturday from 10 to 4:00 p.m. the ball park will be a survives wonderful land and this is event it is free-for-all families i'll encourage you a lot of interesting things tights free p free thirty thousand people and spread out all over the ball park to inspire and entertain all ages i found myself last year playing a couple of games there will be opportunity to
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meet local scientists and engineers along with a whole range of fun and entertainment so you'll we'll be represented with our very own steam booth on the field we encourage you to come we'll recognize the last announcement but i want to say that a huge thank you and appreciation to all of our administrators in san francisco urban identified this is administrator appreciation month towards the end of the month so surprised it's your month but we want to recognize that and thank all the administrators for the hard work all year long thank you president murase >> thank you superintendent carranza the next stem a c recognize and resolutions of accommodations for superintendent carranza. >> thank you president murase this is always our favorite part of meeting we get to recognize some of the hard working talented staff people in
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stanford university so the first person welds to recognize this evening for a rave diminished award it sheryl redding i want to tall call principal jean rob who will read into the record. >> hello, everybody super excited absolutely giddy to be here tonight to honor sheryl redding she's been an employee of our district for 14 years she has taught kindergarten and first grade and present the literacy specialist at glen park school and works with 25 thirty kids throughout the day and distances a jig it is a school wide celebration she's kind and mutual and she's fair, with all
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of her students but holds the history standards for every single one of them this is a major award we brought her son to be part t of it i want to bring helping her up and not all of san francisco i said we're going to be on tv tonight sheryl all of san francisco will know how amazing and worthy you or i want to shout out to our colleague laura who wrote the accommodate that was received and honored by the great people so sheryl come up we'll give our major award (clapping.) it is - >> hi pardon me my voice it is the job this came to a complete surprise
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i had nodding to be nominated i was mr. earl surprised sometimes our jobs gets us down when i found out my colleague laura nominated me i have gratification that someone appreciate my hard work i want to thank jean she believed in me and has as urban wavering faith when i'm not sure and opted up opportunity without her i wouldn't be in this position any dream job thank you she's an excellent leader and spies me and lastly a thank you to my communities all those years i wouldn't have been a teacher without them i'm very blessed
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third and marshall but made his presence known from the beginning served as the ask the government advisors our after-school program our building rep your filipino youth coalition sponsor and a general amazing person gabbing does this with a spirit of comrade and never losing his passion to when it goes against things he brings us together and works toward a common goal i'm grateful gabbing is part of our staff and grateful to his parents they encouraged him and now another generation will benefit from everything he brought to our children in san francisco (clapping.) >> congratulations.
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>> thank you hi good evening want to thank the grandkid for board for recognizing the nomination and thank you to margaret for giving me a chance last year also want to thank another person that wrote the nomination and you say always what always rise this is freezing for your students and thank you to the family to support this long journey it was not easy especially, when i was a student myself (laughter). >> also want to shout out to the staff who supported me as a second year teacher and supported any ancestors and the partnership and the staff at the universities of the san francisco and most importantly
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the students that are the encounter teachers without them i wouldn't be here they are the reason i rise up and we're in the chairs so for the students and for a better san francisco and greater world thank you. >> (clapping.) thank you, thank you so much. >> gabbing we have a quick question do you go to san francisco public schools. >> that's okay. your teaching our students (laughter). >> there you go so good
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(clapping.) and did my homework at the we're keeping it in the family. >> i'd like to this evening and alluded to this this october is administrator appreciation month and recent studies were competed with the teachers were asked what was the number one reason you work at a special school or in a school district the number one non-was not pay or the low love of the school district matter the number one reason that people stayed where they are they love the kids and the administrator so the administrators make a huge difference in what happens in our school it is a tough job as a former principal hats off to every single one of the administrators we want to call forward president of the non-compliant administrator and
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part of as audience if you'll come forward with we a small token of our appreciation a certificate of after the accident preshgs /* /- - appreciation appreciation. >> this is someone else doing something okay. well hi, everybody this - this is the hardest job in the world i'll do a smack down but my husband and i yearly what works harder i tell him i do i'm so thierld to september e
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accept this and on behalf of of all administrators we're very, very committed to the kids and gabbing that touched my heart we're in that and supporting one thing i didn't mention sheryl was up here so matt trying to follow our lead sheryl got evicted and has to move to santa fe yes, it's true and breaking our heart i want everyone in the room to know we're the hardest worker people in the city i don't want to lose her my voice is shake she's that good thank you, richard and everyone on the board we like serving you. >> thank you.
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>> and for the final recognize this to i'm going to turn it over to president murase that will tell us about this special recognition. >> colleagues i was contacted earlier this year by two highly do respected of the japanese community making donations please allow me to introduce those individuals first on behalf of the family he'll be presenting trained to the city the secret prisoner exchange and the only family captured during
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world war ii a little known every time of president roosevelt's the order of removal of 20 thousand japanese-american from the west coast during world war ii immediately the fbi arrested japanese leader all 2 thousand three hundred from the coast they arrested 14 hundred germans and 200 and 64 aliens and the government removed over 4 thousand germans, 2 thousand plus japan and italians from 13 latino-american countries and brought them to the prisoner camps it is on a secret exchange program in texas a prisoner camp it captured japanese-american
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and latino-american that were kidnapped in the failed prisoner challenge program this gift is in memory of the parents and brother with father the bishop founded the san francisco church on bush street in japantown and his wife succeeded him as a reverend after his death brother met a death from illnesses whale the parents were incarcerated in the prisoner camp he survived all 5 brothers in san francisco and sent their children to our public schools and the founder of the japan be bilingual bio cultural programs today i'd like to invite the speakers to come to the podium
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just a couple of minutes to give remarks today a proud member of the 80 pass let me ask you that, of 1945 is bringing this by the professor of the american studies at uc davis a 33 career with the city and a parents of sfusd graduates his wife was a social worker and son carl is a national economics teacher it continues to inspire our students to create great things at the alumni school may or may not possible by the liabilities program with oral history if 5 that surviving members of the high school embarrass klass that graduated from half of the one of contraction camp and to
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organize the classmates of the folks behind hard wire thank you to san franciscan daisy if you could please stand (clapping.) she's another sfusd parents and mother of carolina as sfusd staff contributes to the staff everyday by supporting our teachers and a quote by norma blooms in the dessert it was really lining like to come of age in contemplation camp it is important who cherish the rights guaranteed but by our constitution to uphold rights
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please help me welcome the two folks (clapping.) >> thank you very much i'm here today to request that the book a train to christian city be allowed to be played in our high school and middle school and libraries as aside when the war started in 1941 i was going to raffle will in thirds grade known as rosa parks and i returned from chrysler city to john high school across the street here and on to poly tech high school
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this book is about a department of justice camp in texas during world war ii with the germans and japanese and italian men clarified as dangerous and enemy aliens with their wives and children children who are mostly american citizens this camp was designed to hold those captures as exchange for americans being held in japan and german i didn't this camp he would say approximately 3 thousand 5 hundred detains and a interns about 2 thousand japanese and one thousands of german december
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sent with a fitalians and others peruvians put into the camp this book talks about back to back collateral damage there was one german american girl with they are family was sent back to german i didn't as part of exchange the book comments them on a train and with a overhead fighter plane the book talks about the japanese-american girl a student who went to japan with her parents after the war and the war torn areas it was very difficult for both those people they were many,
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many people like that. >> many people know or knew about the camps as california which is referred to as relocation centers and known as concentration camps let you know about the department of justice camps that processed and held thousands of men that were picked up by the fbi after world war ii enhance such as any father that was picked up on january the 7 many of those men explicit get rolland released until after the war end any father and indispensable were released in september 1, 9472, years after the war ended thank you very much (clapping.)
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>> i'm a member the class of 1945 on top of as high school i want to give you a brief account of the events that led to our exposure to our schools and families and being placed in the concentration camp of 3 years the move to get the japanese off the west coast began before the bombing of pearl harbor the president campaigned against the peril within the state the passage of the law in 1913 and before that the chinese x clinician prevented the - the attack of pearl harbor was horrendous and many thousands of americans were killed one and 29 thousand in the united states
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looked like the enemy we are that capable of committing acts ofes in exchange in california apart from arizona western organ and washington pressure combrupz groups like the native sons and daughters of golden west and the politicians were already in existence the powerful landscaper that had a readship of many thousands urged the president frank deroosevelt that supported the members of congress to pass legislation to get to the power hearst newspapers urged the
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president franklin deroosevelt supported by members of congress to pass legislation to get the japanese off the west coast the president passed executive order 9066 and named general john dewitt to be in charge of the massive incarceration of the japanese of the west coast jen dewitt was well known for the slogan the only good japan is a dead japan i had a newspaper route in the western edition and on that day i remember exactly on the intersection of fillmore and sutter street a grown man yelled at me get off the street you god damned japan the loss of
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property and especially farmland was huge we could only take with us with our bear hands it ran a race track that was converted into a prisoner camp and around the assembly center the san annette race track was used as an assembly center and the assembly center off el camino housed 7 thousand japanese in the bloifr the stables were quickly white what should but the stench of the horseman you are was present the sacks were filled with the straw and the family's not housed in
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stables moved into the quickly counteracted basics and advertising were housed here with more permanent prison camps and for relocate centers were carefully constructed in 10 locations throughout the united states 80 percent was 8 thousand bayview residents that were to lane gush there for 3 years prisoners in the other concentration camps much experienced similar treatment in today's racially and multi diverse society with growing immigration and refugee issues those happens are very relevant a need to be vigilant and certain our voices are you are
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it looks like a great read and want to say to the gentleman thank you for having a fabulous son who is actually was my daughters teacher in high school and later on my daughter went to berkley baby sat our children and thank you for continuing i think our education around the japanese experience and definitely this is a great addition over reading for the ethics class thank you very much (clapping.) thank you again the next item on the squanders is student delegate report student delegate chang and mr. totiano. >> thank you president murase i want to take a recognition to the boards diner tonight what happened we are that given the
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privilege to have o colonel's culinary program so, so i want to give recognize because this is not the first time we've had o colonel and our chiefs joined us from john o'connor school a shout out to them thank you guys (clapping.) move on with the s ac c business we started we continued with those students projects that enables the students in the health committee has raised to to allocate halloween for the sfusd students living in shelters last night we created those bags given the halloween candy such candy and stickers
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and there is more to those things as students we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to celebrate halloween in the city as well as have happiness we're a we named the students morlsz more or less that a a motto this week we'll be presenting the goody bags to people not able to leave their shelters because of forfeiture of space we hope the city donates and support our students in transition at sfusd's if you want to make a donation send the donation for the superintendent ellis program on 5 franklin and there's 309 b sf california
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94102 and feel free to contact salvador our corridor >> furthermore as of security guard our curriculum committee is happy to announce the program is at 13 elementary schools we want to thank our participating pranltz and staff for allowing the year leaders to be part of program as for the youth planning we're happy to announce the stated advisors council will be at fort mason we hope you're able to attend and witness the student leaders in action and be the student delegate pane we post announcing and more to follow in addition, we
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collaborated to extend our support to willie l. brown middle school student council to follow up with that our students reached it out out to the the willie l. brown middle school program for aid in progressing the student council and actually be having tare elections this thursday october 29th and our next advisors council meeting is monday november at 215? the public council and anyone is welcome if you have presentations are you would like a copy of the agenda you can feel free to contact mr. salvador our corridor and again dinner will be provided thank you. >> thank you student delegates for this report. >> yes. >> yes students thank you very much i want to say if you i
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would like to do a workshop at our events in march i'll be happy to do it i've done it i don't know if i can add anything but it is so good but if you want many me to i'll be happy to. >> we feel welcome to have you you've been there two or three years and been in the to have you and like commissioner walton and commissioner vice president haney we would like to have you commissioners. >> all right. thank you very much for that report and look forward to this the next is e the advisory committee report i'd like to invite the african-american citizens
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advisory committee forward while they're coming forward any appointments to the advisors committees? >> seeing none, we will precede i want to i'm going to turn it over to superintendent carranza. >> thank you president murase as the african-american credits sires comes forward for their report i want to thank our special assistant lane done dickey to support and help with the oceanal process with the african-american ssi the leader will speak for themselves i county be prouder of this organization and the important voice to the decision of equality so a pack for their
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leaders and from the a pack folks who will share a report on the work to date. >> hi i'm a newly joined member of the african-american parents advisory committee and a active member of the outreach committee i have one child he attends that all revere in the special education department in the first grade i'm really excited to you look forward to this journey with any son and fully support him to achieve excellence for the best of his academic and behavorial ability commissioners of the board of education
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