tv Board of Education 102715 SFGTV November 1, 2015 1:30am-4:16am PST
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to it press conference i'm signing a member of getting to zero and hiv the research unit in the san francisco district 2 on behalf of barbara garcia the director of public health and the cyber come storm i want to talk about the 3 goals of getting to zero the zero inspections and preventable deaths eagle that hiv and discrimination against hiv we have those goals and building we can get there because of tremendous break through these with prevention and attempts by bringing those together we can do that we're launching our 3 spheres initiatives to take advantage of those the first is citywide the preextensive taking
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a daily pill to prevent new infections and rapid that get people offender the day of diagnose into care with wrap up around comprehensive medical and social services the day same day and retention everyone living with hiv connected with care, he want to say that the way wale get to deter is get everyone to zero we need to reach into our vulnerable communities those who may be suffer from the greatest amount of city hall stigma and barriers to those great break televise in hiv we can get to zero and so i'm here to introduce several speakers mr. will talk about exist public-private partnership and i'll begin by introducing mayor ed lee who is a stalwart supporter of the hiv and aids work over the many years and
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also the first last year donor to get to the effort by allocating an additional 20th century $4.4 million to our program mayor ed lee (clapping.) >> thank you, dr. bucking minor and thank you to you to our public health department to our incredible relationship of sf and then appreciation of the work over the year buzz you entire staff to not only prevent aids but make sure we put the science in front of everybody we're ignite by that as much as i'd like to take the total credit for the bucket i have two supervisors that have been in my office many times to make sure wear sage i want to say and
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appreciate supervisor wiener and supervisor campos for always working with me closely with had comes to everybody from the cuts in federal government to what we need to do to get educated approaches like using prep and make sure we do all the things that dr. bucking moisture second therapists our model and the national model in not the world's model to how we approach it and aids as the doctor said i'm committed and the board altogether as a city have tremendous partnership i want to thank the community-based organizations that are recommended here they are just incredible they represent the diversities of the city that is our strength but also represent the way in each we communicate in different languages without
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boys welcoming in our transgender population our lgbt population people from all over the world that might be experiencing and victimized by aids and hiv we're a welcoming city a city where we do build walls around the communication we have to have and allow ourselves to understand the science approach that's why we're here and also here today to say we're at at astonishing time in our city a time we can see some answers beginning to happen in an especially desk that plagued over city for years, of course, a city where hiv started and was discovered and reached epidemic levels but we're also since that time a city at the forefront of appropriate response and this would not have happened the community-based organizations and this would not have happened
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without a great institutional department of public health urban forest and the conceives partners we have and we signal to our lgbt community that their toichlt was to be part of this not deny them or afraid but welcome them into the covet levels of services they need this is what we do in san francisco and we know now that it is a model not only recognized by many other cities but suggest this has been a mellowed for the united nations to suggest to other countries facing the same epidemic over city will never turn our backs on those effects by hiv and aids weave made that commitment to our community partners and the rest of the world and that's why we have funded our hiv prevention and care to the tune of $44 million of hiv prevention
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and care for the next year and we will continue to do that and continue to fight for the money that we deserve but if congress cannot act wale backfill that we know that is absolutely necessary and it is also work of willing to sign and support with our board of supervisors the united nations getting to zero initiative as well because we want to have zero infections and have zero death we certainly want to have zero stigma perhaps earlier than 2030 and this declaration demonstrates over commitment and we're flooding to do it but back up request serious money in addition to that we have included actually, $1.2 million in new money for getting to zero initiative and i know that this is an
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incredible signal again that getting to zero is important very important to the city but as i said today, we have partners that know that if we take a step forward they'll take a step forward and whether it is the community-based organizations or the partners at usf we're also always welcoming additional partners and today is to announce that making aids foundation is generously supporting our getting to zero initiative with over half a millions to this case added to the 1.2 millions we added partners that's incredible (clapping.) this is a credible announcement i did tell nancy and karen it is great because at my house with the wife and kids i only see
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making stiff with your part of that effort here but i just say just a deep thanks above the city we have yet again another partner to step up i know they'll be even more that will be petitioning took this we all want to get to zero that zero cause is going to guide us and be our mantra a rallying crepe we can't in our lifetimes ends up this epidemic we want to do so this is what we do in san francisco this is why we live here and want to second class with our partners and those are are experiencing to say we have a rich life in san francisco to be gained by following this by the by working with us i say today an incredible thank you on behalf of the city and is that we as a city will continue this
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wonderful effort that we have continue the dialogue but getting to zero is going to be a guidance and the conceives but we'll do it in a way to honor with incredible diversity that's you are strength of the city thank you for being here (clapping.) >> thank you so much mayor ed lee and now i'd like to introduce supervisor wiener from district 8 who has been with the consortium from his i'd like to take the opportunity acceptance. >> thank you very much well, i don't use making products (laughter) i am - thank you. >> always i am deeply appreciative of this contribution to our getting to zero consortium and this effort to once and for all eliminate hiv infections and death in san
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francisco and do with san francisco has always done with hunting the pioneers and to end hiv infection throughout the world period end of story and mr. mayor, thank you for your strong support for those efforts i again in came out as a gay man in 1987 with no real treatment people railroad dying left and right a tough time as a young 17 year-old gay man, i came to san francisco in 1997 living in castro just starting to see the treatment and people railroad getting healthy again and really terrific over time this progress a disease we've having had played defense for many, many
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years trying to keep people alive and get people healthy and federal hiv through the federal biscuit congress couldn't get it together with so many years of hero, etc. efforts that wave overcame our hiv funding and thank you, mr. mayor and supervisor campos for us you will of us back phil the hiv federal cuts we were playing defense now offense now moving forward and doing so well in our getting to zero effort since the early 70s we've reduced hiv deaths by 90 percent we have in the early 90s reduced hiv infections by 90 from over 2 thousand last year three hundred
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and 2 infections and well, that's three hundred and 2 too many but with that effort germany quick testing, regular testing and investigating people notice over 90 percent of hiv positive people in san francisco i've noticed immediate access to treatment and viral infections and all tools including assess and making sure that people can afford prep we can do this and get it done that is an exciting step forward we have a wonderful partnership within your city and communities and community-based organizations all working together and very, very grateful for the foundation support of this effort thank you. >> (clapping). >> now i'd like to introduce supervisor campos from district 9 as also been part of getting
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to zero since it's inception. >> what an exciting did i thank you, mr. mayor and supervisor wiener and everyone that is here you know when we talked about doing a budget supplemental last year to specifically target making prep available to anyone who wants it in san francisco the idea behind that is you know san francisco has never been afraid to be the first to do many things and san francisco has been a sanctuary when it comes to things like immigration and things like mel medical cannabis and this is about san francisco becoming a sanction from hiv infections we want to be the first city not only in the country but the world for that to happen the reality we're all connected i know and we will be able to do that and be
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successful only if we are able to target the most vulnerable amongst us this is the challenge that we have when it comes to hiv infection i believe that the city is cable of doing that i want to thank making i do use your products (laughter) thank you. i expect you you know some sort of fee for that you can give it to one of the organizations here i think that we can do it if anyone can do it san francisco, california do that and i want to provide some context i want to ends with that because it is not a negative note it is simply remembering how far we've come the they know that comes to mind as we're here talking about this exciting prospect all the friends we've lost to this day
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so to and all of us have someone last week that to the memory of my friend michael and who died from this epidemic he ask you for a moment of silence to remember them in that memory rededicate ourselves to this (silence). >> thank you very much. >> thank you supervisor campos and . >> now, it's my pleasure introduce dr. diane the leader of the aids program at san francisco general hospital who was providing care with patient with hiv from the beginning of the epidemic in san francisco. >> thank you susan
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the getting to zero movement in san francisco started in 2013 at a world aids day we hosted at the lgbt center after a series of panelists described the scientific advances and initiative programs in our city one of the community members in the front right now raised his had an had is you go attorney are you all working together and it was a month to month moment of silence a call to action 3 months ago latter we pulled together an all city consortium with our political leaders and ucsf and kaiser and people living with hiv and set others priorities cigarette butt for the 90 percent reductions in
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2020 one of the initiatives one of the things we've realized people are falling all the care between the time they were history tested and the opportunities to start therapy the testing and the care at the car centers we did something practical we did we called a taxi for people after they have unusual or transportation and welcomed them to our clinic the same day they got tyler hiv results and engaged them with care and counseling issues and offered them to start therapy that very day well, just like in 2010 there was some resistance we were the first city in the world to offer treatment for people with history a little bit of resistance but with with our experience we know that is working and we everything that
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the time to viral infection to undetectable we have cut in a half that gay for a patient living if hiv it reduced contribution this provides a terrific relieve foreclose people living with hiv and helps with disclosure i'll share a story from one of the patient who told his mother mom i have hetch hetchy but don't worry i'll be okay i started treatment today right now getting to zero a movement to thank all the sponsors the mayor and supervisors to making aids that focused on detention to allow us to expand the first in the world initiative programs weave have this in adam dam and paris wanted to know about that
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in conclusion we've made process in san francisco not over with the strategic investments we are convinced by working together as a multiple sector group of people in the community san francisco style we'll be the first jurisdiction to get there thank you. >> (clapping) and. >> thank you diane and now my pleasure to introduce the making president karen. >> good morning, everyone and thank you to the city of san francisco and blair for allowing us to partner whether i think about hiv and aids it has been a fight we'll have from of the beginning when our founder frank and others over 20 years ago they said what can we do we know how to do lip shrink stick that will be the plan it was formed
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and this is 100 percent giving me model that went to a mac if you remember rubbing paul i remember him that brought awareness against hiv and aids we honor today, our last spokesperson over current spokesperson is millie they give us the power to reach miles of people around the world and underserved community that's what we are b this is about genders and the mac aids funds to serve the communities all sex see sexes we can both do with that the power of this lipstick we have our san francisco leadership team here it is this pact that makes that work we have 9 thousand artists around the world that sell those plans
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we say at mac you sell a lip is it correct you'll save lives we want to save a lot of lives we are going to challenge every city in the united states and around the world to bring it grant to you get rid of ata's aids that's what we say to. >> (clapping.) thank you. i'll introduce nancy who is the global executive director of mac aids funds. >> thank you susan i start my career working in san francisco if we or thought about what would be the lass last city it was not san francisco i had the presidential council partnerships are difficult an credible partnership the fact that the mayor and the
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supervises and ifrls are willing to be here shows skin in the game peep have gotten out of the way they think and bring the food retail to health care we spend a lot of time thinking of cosmetics you've done the exact same thing to keep people in the testing story i want to acknowledge the make up artists weave erase almost $434 million that's laugh lipstick (clapping.) and really it is very proichd the specification understand that a city is only as healthy as the citizens the way we're going to end this epidemic through the leadership of san francisco it is an honor and
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thank you, again mar mr. mayor for back filling those funds we want to invite more funder and people to fund this incredible effort and people to end this in every city thank you very much. >> our next speaker at vice presidents for philanthropist and fee aids foundation. >> thank you. good morning everyone you you know we have a assessing at san francisco aids foundation you can tell with macro u mac is in the house they're the most fwlam reduce people in the room often they're the most compassionate so thank you and a round of applause for mac corporation. >> (clapping.)
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you know for 3 decades our city is simultaneous with the groundbreaking issues like zero san francisco is once again setting the pays for the rest of the nation soon, we'll ends hiv contributions and death and hiv limit stigma getting to zero is the natural have you had occasion of what we've done time and time again innovation didn't get the job done process requires commitment, collaboration and community action it requires a plan and getting to deter is that plan for san francisco san francisco aids foundation is very proud to play a major really in the plan and soon the foundation will open a center in the castro marketing a new era
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how to approach hetch hetchy but celebrating people for who they are and how they look we created this because we believe that is fare time to treat gay and bio and transmen i'd like to take a maximum to thank mayor ed lee and supervisor wiener for a being our dna samples and thank you for their support they've secured one $.5 million for funds thank you both (clapping.) i'm proud to announce for the first time a gift an additional gift if mac aids funds of one how do we do that? hundred thousand for preparing and p.a.p. and thaengs for their port we'll have the opportunity largest prep program in the city if not the world thank you
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(clapping.) together with major vanes wear more confident than ever we'll soon add history contribution to the long list of definition that can be accomplished when san franciscans come together thank you (clapping.) >> thank you, james and jailz james is a member of the getting to zero steering committee with the wellness center and he'll speak. >> (clapping.) good morning this is such an incredible moment in the hiv epidemic we stand here today and not just dream about that maximum we'll have no new hiv infections in hiv dedicates and stigma we can actually stand here and say confidently this will happen we'll realize that i
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can't they know mayor ed lee and supervisor wiener and supervisor campos for your support tremendous investment i participate on the steering committee of getting to zero we're the community that has invested strategizing in investing care and prevention that is incredible it is. >> result of years and years of hard work i'm also the co-chair the hiv aids network over thirty hiv, aids services and support organizations it provide medical care and mlk substance abuse and employment services and housing support wrap around services for living with hiv we work hand in hand with the city over mayor and board of supervisors to make sure that safety net has remained intact and unbroken
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despite the cuss in the federal funds our leadership is unparalleled across the country we've long championed in collaboration as a cornerstone the san francisco model of hiv care over 19 years we've established a aspirin with the debiting to provide comprehensive and integrated care in the tinder neighborhood in san francisco over four years ago, we where he lived federal funds to establish a pilot project that focuses on women of color and living with hiv and keeping them in care and getting them the health and wellness and you'll hear from one of our mutual chinese to talk about her satire those promotions of national sixth are helping the vulnerable
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folks achieve health wellness that rely on the institutions and resources like right thing to do center and the district 2 are doing together a core approach in our city that for our success weeping we'll ends this epidemic thank you. >> (clapping). >> it's my great pleasure to introduce joann brown who will talk about here experience. >> thank you for having me in 1988 i was diagnosed with hiv in 1994 he found out i was living with aids i was nervous and lost any job and part-time and i got on drugs real heavy and got
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directed from my father and mother by 2011 i moved to san francisco and want api there i met my doctor a can say manager and worked on any esteem and helped me get back to work i'm a nurse and work as as outreach worker the good part this is a program for transgenders they're for coming together and we can learn about our needs and who we are and in this community living with hiv and aids and get to support each other and not worry city government missed and judge people passenger seat fingers we live a healthier life and build on ourselves and good back into the communities and strength and
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get to find jobs and apartments and houses then today, i have a two count of 2 thousand and 6 today it is for getting to zero so my call to all of san francisco i think that is important that as transparence women and men for this program to we can possibly be part of movement it is important for us thank you (clapping.)
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>> all right. good morning, everyone how we are doing this morning >> good morning. >> all right. they say that the last mile is sometimes the most difficult mile but with today's announcements we're tagging a giant leap forward to making san francisco a zero waste a big applause i'm joshua proud to service ovrp on the commission of the program and our assistant is in route we'll hearer about zero waste and the creation of zero waste community council and we're going to hear from 9 community as well the policymakers that led us to this point without further ado, that is my great honor to introduce a leader a visionary when it comes to zero waste someone that
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worked very, very hard to prompt recycling and come posting and conservatism and to do it in a community way that creates jobs ever since his days of department of public works so without further ado, please welcome mayor ed lee (clapping.) >> thank you, thank you for that introduction josh you should have been at the warriors game but anyway, i want to say thank you to commissioner president josh and the entire san francisco department of the environment that is working with our e cotton participates and others but most importantly to chinatown and north beach. district 3, and over supervisor because the community has been working with obvious to really make sure that we pay attention to our city's climatic change
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and the challenges with our environment and chinatown has been one of the leading communities of which we are able to boost that we are now as a city at 80 percent diversity rate with our garbage but we're theory to say we want to get to 100 percent and we want to do it in a way in which we his own the foundational work your communities are participated in this not led and so we've come to chinatown to really start a community-based process to get to the other 20 percent we think that going to 100 percent percent waste krooerlg is achieve work or able in our lifetime and if we concentrate to the blue and
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black benefits we know from what the department of the environment and ecology helped us attitude study we know the next 10 percent literally be people not placing things go the black benefit although it got land fortunately fill the data the intersections that work us with to concentrate people are throwing away the next 10 percent babe resulting in better education and cultural education and existence that there is that are dense and as court reporter active as chinatown so we're here to announce that but also to announce that this consultant based approach working with supervisor christensen and working with our department of the environment we're create a
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community-based council, if you will, a community council where a number of members of the community and small businesses will give you direct input to the ideas the best ideas they have to continue our effort to reduce wastes and to make sure that if we have some good ideas how can we do that and implement those ideas in ways in which they will honor and support our small businesses and reciprocates who live in congested neighborhood in a way they'll be proud and not take anything wautd away from the quality of life but every improve that i suggest that all of our quality of life in this deserve city if fwe recycle 100 percent of our wave this is working divisible with you are department of sdriement was the
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chinatown youth organizations as well as the senior organizations our family associations, our business communities we can lit 51ly have the opportunity next 10 percent and 90 percent of recycling in a short time with implementing those ideas with the leadership of communities based councils we're suggesting today, we want to recruit people that live here and involved in giving us their ideas and advise and want them to tell us what is going into those bins not ought to be going in and how to prevent that from happening the restaurants and stores in chinatown have been great participates when it comes to the compost efforts thank you for doing that that's why we're in chinatown making this announcement our time and climate challenges that serious it should be serious to every city across the country was we
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felt the rain today but may feel the effects of the coming and we're prep residents for any diversity that may occur our climate challenges and climatic change goals are simply reflected in 3 numbers zero, 50 and one hundred and zero for the governmental zero waste and 50 represents the fact we want 50 pep percent of people's trips by public trams arrest alternative trespasses to their individual vehicles and 100 percent of our empower to be from renibble energy resources we are work with offense managers and our partners to getting to solar and wooden pour and take advantage of our clean power initiative
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we'll be now and then with the zero and 50 and one hundred we'll lead did nation in modeling the efforts in world-class cities like san francisco thank you for participating we'll walk a good portions today so he can do our 50 percent as well >> (clapping.) >> now i'd like to have an opportunity to introduce a very effective supervisor who has been working hard open hss goals but on housing and supporting small businesses, helping to make sure that chinatown is clean working with partners lake the newcomers service center and other partners that is, of course, our district 3 supervisor julie christensen. >> we come out and into 9 neighborhood and do those statement to let people know that something important is happening we want to highlighter
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the commission and department of the environment the zero waste to bring people's attention to it is one of the important goals the city has i was at a conference the public works had this morning and they were talking about the fact that san francisco is a.d. administrative code in so many places cities call to find out how our leaders are able to accomplish and certainly our waste program and krooerlg is a model for the country there is more we can do and this program and how we take that extra step you know in chinatown the space is at the premium we struggle to find places to live and businesses the stank is true where we send our trash and refuge we can't produce more and more waste and have to cut down on the
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millennium of trash we put into our environment this program is a way we can all do our part to try to help to reduce the amount of material in our landfill to make santa fe san francisco a leader the other reason he like this before i was a periphery i was a neighborhood advocate i was used to work with my neighbors to try to make things better in my he district and city it incorporates the input from the business leaders and toiftsz in coming up with ways to work with the city and e dissolution colon to do a better job so i'll supportive of this project i was happy to partner with the mayor in providing the budget for this this year and graph that chinatown will an pilot program and hoping for
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everyone's cooperation so we show we know how to do it i want to introduce the owner the business we're floocht of today to tell us about many project from the prospective of the business owner ms. marissa (clapping.) hi i know that you know chinatown needs a lot of recycle i know healthy cleaner environment i'm happy to say we're doing our deft of best and part in this program to g make a better environment in chinatown (clapping.) >> thank you and we know the mayor and supervisor christensen will agree that program the first of its kind we've seen will take a lot of partnerships thankfully a lot of the patterns are participates at the greenest
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ecology and partners with the few weeks the department of public works and mohammed nuru and the men and women of our department the department 6 environment including the program now and i do everyday to make that successful to mr. rodriquez and others from supervisor christensen office as mayor ed lee said we'll walk it through the businesses to talk about greening chinatown in san francisco we have materials for the guests we question do we invite you all and in closing we want to is let's do this and let get to work and zero thank you, everyone ms. casco rourl
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mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell mr. walton ms. wynns that he drum ms. chin and mr. totiano thank you. >> please join me in the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you the first item on the jauntdz is item a approval of board minutes in our packet is the minutes of the regular meeting of october 2015 may i have a motion and a second and so moved.
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>> second. >> thank you are there any corrections seeing none, ms. casco roll call vote. >> ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase that's 5 ids. >> thank you very much members of the public are remind if you wish to address the board of education your requested to complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and present to the which have assistant coming back to the board's rules and procedures speakers are not expected for an item arrested before the board and presentations to the board of education superintendent report. >> thank you president murase and good evening to everyone
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that is join us in person or watching tv or listening to the radio the sfauftdz has been awarded not one but two california board golden bell awards it is really the oscars of the education of the world and it is a rigorous process for the application our salesforce funded mayors middle initiative was one of the projects being recognized and the on the school ammunitions dining experience it is also being recognized unheard have to have more than one or one at all we're proud of all our staff that has been participating and the leadership our teams will be honored at conference and this particular award will be awarded on
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december 5th the recipients are awarded because they reflected the depth and breath of the education and the governor that supports those thinking programs not only are the programs honored but the board of education for their forward thinking leadership ♪ area outstanding recognize of a lot of hard work to please accept my congratulations and the board of education another recognize this past week the san francisco unified school district was accepted into an elicit mr. brown group of school district around the nation we are that in the initiative schools this is part of the promise a national coalition of school districts organized an independent nonprofit o that is authorized by congress is accelerate innovation and
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education we were selected one of the new districts select and i'm happy to report i just got off a plane our chief technology officer were in pittsburgh to accept the membership and to share your innovation work in san francisco and so see some of the initiative school programs happening across the city some of the initiative practices i was happy to report on the mayor's middle school initiative and in partnering with salesforce we're talked about the k through 12 the digital literacy our initiation lab did crowd platform as well as the partnership with uc berkley and stanford and all the partners to work to improve school ammunition it was wonderful to see the faces across the city as
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a they heard so kooutdz to everyone also this past saturday the enrollment fair the early enrollment fair i which is not here in town i understand it went well angle excellent turn out it was close to 10 thousand people that attended the enrollment fair i want to thank all the school communities for answering questions and speaking to families about the school as many of you may know it was a new venue all to sincerely thank city college of san francisco and the chancellor for louse us to the facilities for this event the collaboration allowed an opportunity for the parents and ask the to look beyond k through 12 and promote the culture so there is school after k through 12 a reminder the first round applications radio due
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january 15, 2016, and enrollment workshops are held no november and december to assist the families with applications please check our website sfusd ed u and lastly the discovery day is on saturday from 10 to 4:00 p.m. the ball park will be a survives wonderful land and this is event it is free-for-all families i'll encourage you a lot of interesting things tights free p free thirty thousand people and spread out all over the ball park to inspire and entertain all ages i found myself last year playing a couple of games there will be opportunity to
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meet local scientists and engineers along with a whole range of fun and entertainment so you'll we'll be represented with our very own steam booth on the field we encourage you to come we'll recognize the last announcement but i want to say that a huge thank you and appreciation to all of our administrators in san francisco urban identified this is administrator appreciation month towards the end of the month so surprised it's your month but we want to recognize that and thank all the administrators for the hard work all year long thank you president murase >> thank you superintendent carranza the next stem a c recognize and resolutions of accommodations for superintendent carranza. >> thank you president murase this is always our favorite part of meeting we get to recognize
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some of the hard working talented staff people in stanford university so the first person welds to recognize this evening for a rave diminished award it sheryl redding i want to tall call principal jean rob who will read into the record. >> hello, everybody super excited absolutely giddy to be here tonight to honor sheryl redding she's been an employee of our district for 14 years she has taught kindergarten and first grade and present the literacy specialist at glen park school and works with 25 thirty kids throughout the day and distances a jig it is a school wide celebration she's kind and
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mutual and she's fair, with all of her students but holds the history standards for every single one of them this is a major award we brought her son to be part t of it i want to bring helping her up and not all of san francisco i said we're going to be on tv tonight sheryl all of san francisco will know how amazing and worthy you or i want to shout out to our colleague laura who wrote the accommodate that was received and honored by the great people so sheryl come up we'll give our major award (clapping.) it is - >> hi pardon me my voice it is the job this came to a complete surprise
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i had nodding to be nominated i was mr. earl surprised sometimes our jobs gets us down when i found out my colleague laura nominated me i have gratification that someone appreciate my hard work i want to thank jean she believed in me and has as urban wavering faith when i'm not sure and opted up opportunity without her i wouldn't be in this position any dream job thank you she's an excellent leader and spies me and lastly a thank you to my communities all those years i wouldn't have been a teacher without them i'm very blessed
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second grade teacher anothers third and marshall but made his presence known from the beginning served as the ask the government advisors our after-school program our building rep your filipino youth coalition sponsor and a general amazing person gabbing does this with a spirit of comrade and never losing his passion to when it goes against things he brings us together and works toward a common goal i'm grateful gabbing is part of our staff and grateful to his parents they encouraged him and now another generation will benefit from everything he brought to our children in san francisco (clapping.)
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>> congratulations. >> thank you hi good evening want to thank the grandkid for board for recognizing the nomination and thank you to margaret for giving me a chance last year also want to thank another person that wrote the nomination and you say always what always rise this is freezing for your students and thank you to the family to support this long journey it was not easy especially, when i was a student myself (laughter). >> also want to shout out to the staff who supported me as a second year teacher and supported any ancestors and the partnership and the staff at the
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universities of the san francisco and most importantly the students that are the encounter teachers without them i wouldn't be here they are the reason i rise up and we're in the chairs so for the students and for a better san francisco and greater world thank you. >> (clapping.) thank you, thank you so much. >> gabbing we have a quick question do you go to san francisco public schools. >> that's okay. your teaching our students (laughter). >> there you go
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so good (clapping.) and did my homework at the we're keeping it in the family. >> i'd like to this evening and alluded to this this october is administrator appreciation month and recent studies were competed with the teachers were asked what was the number one reason you work at a special school or in a school district the number one non-was not pay or the low love of the school district matter the number one reason that people stayed where they are they love the kids and the administrator so the administrators make a huge difference in what happens in our school it is a tough job as a former principal hats off to every single one of the administrators we want to call forward president of the
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non-compliant administrator and part of as audience if you'll come forward with we a small token of our appreciation a certificate of after the accident preshgs /* /- - appreciation appreciation. >> this is someone else doing something okay. well hi, everybody this - this is the hardest job in the world i'll do a smack down but my husband and i yearly what works harder i tell him i
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do i'm so thierld to september e accept this and on behalf of of all administrators we're very, very committed to the kids and gabbing that touched my heart we're in that and supporting one thing i didn't mention sheryl was up here so matt trying to follow our lead sheryl got evicted and has to move to santa fe yes, it's true and breaking our heart i want everyone in the room to know we're the hardest worker people in the city i don't want to lose her my voice is shake she's that good thank you, richard and everyone on the board we like serving you. >> thank you.
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>> and for the final recognize this to i'm going to turn it over to president murase that will tell us about this special recognition. >> colleagues i was contacted earlier this year by two highly do respected of the japanese community making donations please allow me to introduce those individuals first on behalf of the family he'll be presenting trained to the city the secret prisoner exchange and
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the only family captured during world war ii a little known every time of president roosevelt's the order of removal of 20 thousand japanese-american from the west coast during world war ii immediately the fbi arrested japanese leader all 2 thousand three hundred from the coast they arrested 14 hundred germans and 200 and 64 aliens and the government removed over 4 thousand germans, 2 thousand plus japan and italians from 13 latino-american countries and brought them to the prisoner camps it is on a secret exchange program in texas a prisoner camp
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it captured japanese-american and latino-american that were kidnapped in the failed prisoner challenge program this gift is in memory of the parents and brother with father the bishop founded the san francisco church on bush street in japantown and his wife succeeded him as a reverend after his death brother met a death from illnesses whale the parents were incarcerated in the prisoner camp he survived all 5 brothers in san francisco and sent their children to our public schools and the founder of the japan be bilingual bio cultural programs today i'd like to invite the
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speakers to come to the podium just a couple of minutes to give remarks today a proud member of the 80 pass let me ask you that, of 1945 is bringing this by the professor of the american studies at uc davis a 33 career with the city and a parents of sfusd graduates his wife was a social worker and son carl is a national economics teacher it continues to inspire our students to create great things at the alumni school may or may not possible by the liabilities program with oral history if 5 that surviving members of the high school embarrass klass that graduated from half of the one
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of contraction camp and to organize the classmates of the folks behind hard wire thank you to san franciscan daisy if you could please stand (clapping.) she's another sfusd parents and mother of carolina as sfusd staff contributes to the staff everyday by supporting our teachers and a quote by norma blooms in the dessert it was really lining like to come of age in contemplation camp it is important who cherish the rights guaranteed but by our
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constitution to uphold rights please help me welcome the two folks (clapping.) >> thank you very much i'm here today to request that the book a train to christian city be allowed to be played in our high school and middle school and libraries as aside when the war started in 1941 i was going to raffle will in thirds grade known as rosa parks and i returned from chrysler city to john high school across the street here and on to poly tech high school
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this book is about a department of justice camp in texas during world war ii with the germans and japanese and italian men clarified as dangerous and enemy aliens with their wives and children children who are mostly american citizens this camp was designed to hold those captures as exchange for americans being held in japan and german i didn't this camp he would say approximately 3 thousand 5 hundred detains and a interns about 2 thousand japanese and
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one thousands of german december sent with a fitalians and others peruvians put into the camp this book talks about back to back collateral damage there was one german american girl with they are family was sent back to german i didn't as part of exchange the book comments them on a train and with a overhead fighter plane the book talks about the japanese-american girl a student who went to japan with her parents after the war and the war torn areas it was very difficult for both those people they were many,
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many people like that. >> many people know or knew about the camps as california which is referred to as relocation centers and known as concentration camps let you know about the department of justice camps that processed and held thousands of men that were picked up by the fbi after world war ii enhance such as any father that was picked up on january the 7 many of those men explicit get rolland released until after the war end any father and indispensable were released in september 1, 9472, years after the war ended thank you very much
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(clapping.) >> i'm a member the class of 1945 on top of as high school i want to give you a brief account of the events that led to our exposure to our schools and families and being placed in the concentration camp of 3 years the move to get the japanese off the west coast began before the bombing of pearl harbor the president campaigned against the peril within the state the passage of the law in 1913 and before that the chinese x clinician prevented the - the attack of pearl harbor was horrendous and many thousands of americans were killed one and 29
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thousand in the united states looked like the enemy we are that capable of committing acts ofes in exchange in california apart from arizona western organ and washington pressure combrupz groups like the native sons and daughters of golden west and the politicians were already in existence the powerful landscaper that had a readship of many thousands urged the president frank deroosevelt that supported the members of congress to pass legislation to get to the power
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hearst newspapers urged the president franklin deroosevelt supported by members of congress to pass legislation to get the japanese off the west coast the president passed executive order 9066 and named general john dewitt to be in charge of the massive incarceration of the japanese of the west coast jen dewitt was well known for the slogan the only good japan is a dead japan i had a newspaper route in the western edition and on that day i remember exactly on the intersection of fillmore and sutter street a grown man yelled at me get off the street you god
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damned japan the loss of property and especially farmland was huge we could only take with us with our bear hands it ran a race track that was converted into a prisoner camp and around the assembly center the san annette race track was used as an assembly center and the assembly center off el camino housed 7 thousand japanese in the bloifr the stables were quickly white what should but the stench of the horseman you are was present the sacks were filled with the straw
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and the family's not housed in stables moved into the quickly counteracted basics and advertising were housed here with more permanent prison camps and for relocate centers were carefully constructed in 10 locations throughout the united states 80 percent was 8 thousand bayview residents that were to lane gush there for 3 years prisoners in the other concentration camps much experienced similar treatment in today's racially and multi diverse society with growing immigration and refugee issues those happens are very relevant a need to be vigilant and
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fabulous lost in the desert is it looks like a great read and want to say to the gentleman thank you for having a fabulous son who is actually was my daughters teacher in high school and later on my daughter went to berkley baby sat our children and thank you for continuing i think our education around the japanese experience and definitely this is a great addition over reading for the ethics class thank you very much (clapping.) thank you again the next item on the squanders is student delegate report student delegate chang and mr. totiano. >> thank you president murase i want to take a recognition to the boards diner tonight what
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happened we are that given the privilege to have o colonel's culinary program so, so i want to give recognize because this is not the first time we've had o colonel and our chiefs joined us from john o'connor school a shout out to them thank you guys (clapping.) move on with the s ac c business we started we continued with those students projects that enables the students in the health committee has raised to to allocate halloween for the sfusd students living in shelters last night we created those bags given the halloween
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candy such candy and stickers and there is more to those things as students we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to celebrate halloween in the city as well as have happiness we're a we named the students morlsz more or less that a a motto this week we'll be presenting the goody bags to people not able to leave their shelters because of forfeiture of space we hope the city donates and support our students in transition at sfusd's if you want to make a donation send the donation for the superintendent ellis program on 5 franklin
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and there's 309 b sf california 94102 and feel free to contact salvador our corridor >> furthermore as of security guard our curriculum committee is happy to announce the program is at 13 elementary schools we want to thank our participating pranltz and staff for allowing the year leaders to be part of program as for the youth planning we're happy to announce the stated advisors council will be at fort mason we hope you're able to attend and witness the student leaders in action and be the student delegate pane we post announcing and more to
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follow in addition, we collaborated to extend our support to willie l. brown middle school student council to follow up with that our students reached it out out to the the willie l. brown middle school program for aid in progressing the student council and actually be having tare elections this thursday october 29th and our next advisors council meeting is monday november at 215? the public council and anyone is welcome if you have presentations are you would like a copy of the agenda you can feel free to contact mr. salvador our corridor and again dinner will be provided thank you. >> thank you student delegates for this report. >> yes. >> yes students thank you very
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much i want to say if you i would like to do a workshop at our events in march i'll be happy to do it i've done it i don't know if i can add anything but it is so good but if you want many me to i'll be happy to. >> we feel welcome to have you you've been there two or three years and been in the to have you and like commissioner walton and commissioner vice president haney we would like to have you commissioners. >> all right. thank you very much for that report and look forward to this the next is e the advisory committee report
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i'd like to invite the african-american citizens advisory committee forward while they're coming forward any appointments to the advisors committees? >> seeing none, we will precede i want to i'm going to turn it over to superintendent carranza. >> thank you president murase as the african-american credits sires comes forward for their report i want to thank our special assistant lane done dickey to support and help with the oceanal process with the african-american ssi the leader will speak for themselves i county be prouder of this organization and the important voice to the decision of equality so a pack for their
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leaders and from the a pack folks who will share a report on the work to date. >> hi i'm a newly joined member of the african-american parents advisory committee and a active member of the outreach committee i have one child he attends that all revere in the special education department in the first grade i'm really excited to you look forward to this journey with any son and fully support him to achieve excellence for the best of his academic and behavorial ability commissioners of the board of
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education student delegates and supreme court and folks thank you for inviting the african-american advisory committee our council a pack to present today this is our first presentation to the board we look forward to sharing the work we're taken place on this year our mission and vision at the organization the african-american parents advisory committee asserts that black lives matter across the city black communities are rising up to advocate for the district of black lives and their protection from violence from law enforcement in san francisco we always assert that black lives matter in order to pass the success we have to value their potential to be the next leader and the individuals that change the world for better our objectives today that the a pack makes the board of
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education and the public aware of our activity and look for continued opportunities to engage with the board and in this year and coming years the mission of the african-american parents advisory committee a pack is to provide a form to hear the ideas of 70 san francisco unified school district african-american parents community and to respond to those ideas by educating and informing the parents of district policies and programs it is our goal to good afternoon the lives of all african-american children and families by providing the acknowledge and skill for a hive educational experience the a pack works to develop the resources that allows the parents to support of academic instruction their children receive and engage with catered and administrators in the san
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francisco unified school district we aim to live every parents voices and hopeless engaged parents find their voice through us in september 2013, the office of access and equality established the african-american citizens advisory committee as part of the process to interrupt unequal outcomes for african-american students in the district we are leader and the parents guardians and caregivers of the black children in the san francisco unified school district thank you. >> good evening, everyone my name is marlene a jackson i'm a member of a pack for the past year and a half i've been an active member of the outreach committee i have one child that
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attends the willie l. brown middle school who has an interest in attending mit and studying veterinarian medication the a pack it super excited to support of decision vision 2025 we're in agreement with the objective outline, however, we're concerned about those objectives that are not are currently within reach of many of our african-american students african-american parents care and are invested in in their children's outcomes we find ourselves navigation center a system that don't properly sincere our families for many decades african-american enrollment from the san francisco unified school district has actually decreased from 5 thousand seven hundred students to 4 thousand 5 hundred students over the past 3 years
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the african-american population in san francisco as you can see is absent blur writingy on that slide under 56 to 48 thousand from 2011 to 2013 as our numbers in the city and the school district has dwindled we have double our attendance at the action park meeting we're super excited and have representation on 6 sites of a pack we're very proud that have accomplishment at 7 percent of the san francisco unified school district population we see disproportionate representative of our children among the suspend and high rates of abdomen telling them on the a pack we know we can do better for the
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children their achieving african-american honorable role recognizes students that were 3.0 or higher and 14 of the 17 comprehensive high schools black students are taking on leadership and 90 percent of our students that graduate and go on to four-year constitution graduated over 5 years. >> hello, i'm carl barns i have been a member of the a pack for two years and active member of the planning committee have two children that attend abraham lincoln high school the oldest son graduates and plans to go to clark atlantic and my younger son a sophomore and planning on being a teacher. >> we've accomplished our
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goals through subcommittees and have 3 celebs for this year in the next two months electing officers and having goals in each area this year we've already accomplished a number of tasks we - i have okay, here we go in september of 2015 the workshop fascinations of the black family day and the occupation of the letters supporting the mass sequence in october of 2015 the adoption of the action parking pack 2015-2016 operating quizzed workshops designed in fascination of the family of conference and also selection of a pack corridor going forward we
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have the following recommendations that will continue to develop recommendations through the years opportunities to speak in front of the board on a regular basis and encourage the school site leadership to have local african-american parents advisory committee currently at hilt crest and paul revere and others elementary school abraham lincoln high school and high school the initiatives within the african-american achievement and leadership and my brothers and sisters my brother's keeper to include the p k elementary school and high school as we like to thank mr. lane done dickey the assistants to the african-american leadership initiatives to emily wade chomz and ms. marshall thank you.
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>> (clapping.) we had one more slide. >> i must thank the committee for your report and hard work on the difficult issues and so glad to see the community coming around and helping us with with this i want to recognize the leadership of mr. dickey as well questions or comments commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i have a quick question where do house your meetings. >> there was one additional slide it listed our meetings and we do meet at lee oil in the bayview on new come you're next
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meeting will be november 19th and you're welcome to attend we're inviting you all to come out okay. it is 5:30 to 8. >> thank you. >> uh-huh. >> ms. fewer so. >> thank you i'm sorry, i want to make some comments i think this is great our membership has grown and it is off the ground and started it is great so some of the things that i hope to see from the african-american committee is sort of i would say a concrete suggestion on about a critique about how this district served african-american parents and caregivers and their students so i would think that you would be able to analyze the
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data i know that carl we've looked at data and analysis the data through the lens of a racial achievement gap and look at the disparity in our district i think this is impervious you put those out and hone in on some of them this is the interruption is the key to the change decades of what we've been doing rights so for those of us in the district a long time they have been broken promises we've had a suburban racial achievement gap so i want to see a citywide voice on suggestions of black families and black students and what is happening to our black communities that left san francisco i want to see an investigation around experiences first hand experiences of black
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parents and schools their children that racially isolated and what is happening in those schools and then i'd like i'm thrilled there is representation from as though a lot of schools we have the west and east side and middle school that is great our problem is that we have such you know a small black population and one that is decimated by what was going on in san francisco in general i also have a question about the bs u it is great to have a black students population i want to make sure that the district your voice is heard and honored and respected we see that black parents represented on our school site councils on our
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student body councils on other boards and committees that actually bring the black prospective to us as you can see on the board here we're the majority not black i think that anytime you bring to our attendance sofrlt insights on anthropologies we may be trying to pass or resolution i would appreciate and really respect to hear what you have to say it is necessary that that voice is heard so i want to say thank you, again. and i look forward to you know that you are also looking at having african-american heritage such as we do e lake once in a while we'll work on that one we're at that time, we don't want
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separate voices but one whole voice looking at the disparticipant in our district for the decades i think that it is time we had a separate voice i feel that certain students actually experience things differently so we want to hear about that if we don't here we don't know and can't change i don't want you to be afraid or hesitate it's your truth that is the interruption of this cycle of non-energy thank you for coming and mr. dickey and splaen. >> i want to thank you for your report and service mr. dickey i went back in preparation and pulled up the board resolution we passed last year, it was reflecting also on
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that meeting some of the questions and concerns that were raised what this board did in terms of making a commitment to prioritize african-american stoplights achievement at the highest level that's how i remember that all the decisions financial and human resources and capital physical capital buildings all of that we want the african-american students achievement to have the highest priority under how those decisions were made i think at that time when we did that mr. dickey lead that work with the superintendent and that led to the passing of this resolution i think there was a sense at the time what is going to be different this time around and not be the same thing but we said at that moment a what could we do more honest and
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transparent and set up systems to hold ourselves account so i'm holy hoping that you all are seeing some change around that and hopefully leading a lot of that in terms of how we're moving forward with those goals and what we know that we flowed to do and that you see a new level of candidates to transparent and accountability and data and taking action i know we'll hear more later on together how our work interacts with the systems that were set up i know interest was the african-american communities council at least referenced in the resolution and then internal committee how your work works with the structures and partnership with families and
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students and educators around how we do this and echo when commissioner fewer we hope you'll be honest and tells you what we need to do that's the commitment not on this do it but with the community and to be truthful will what we need to do to make it a reality we can take the tough news because this is what we know we have not done in the past so thank you for doing that tonight and moving forward that i think that is the only way this time is going to be different and see the changes we'll need to see. >> commissioner walton. >> thank you commissioner president murase first of all, thank you to ms. carpenter and ms. johnson and mr. barns and
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all the members representing the a pack it truly takes a village not for the village i wouldn't be sitting here in front of you thank you for your hard work and going to do echo some of the things that commissioner vice president haney stated nevertheless of work we've been trying to do since i've been on the board making sure we focus on opportunities and positive outcomes for our kids and making sure that is not just lip service as you can see together we'll see in terms of financial candidates we're going to make
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and, of course, for my colleagues we're focusing on ways to make sure that we can come and accomplish positive outcomes for your kids 3 that is happening on this side of the table remember to be truthfully about what you see and the things we can change and how we can work together for the positive outcomes we seek i have a question we know you mention on the slide for recommendations about balancing out the work and curious if there's a feeling we're focusing more on one area a little bit more than we are in
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terms of the rest it seems like from the question we'll be focusing on too much on high school to make sure the prospective i'll clear that is why i was saying. >> a little bit odd to answer this question but what the parents shared as we were presenting for preparing for the presentation working on the second pathway you'll hear more later the initial work in terms of the work is finding on high school we send the youth in terms of the covert model to support of high school and elementary school students that is where that recommendation came from the large amount of
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attention and the population at this point. >> thank you. i definitely can understand where it comes lives from that is strategic and their reasons and purposes for that and like mr. dickey said we're focusing on the strategies from elementary school to high school again, i appreciate our hard work we're in this together and pleased to hold us account if there is concerns that needs to be addressed please let me know we only know what you see on the other side if we have this dialogue so thank you, again, for coming. >> commissioner norton has joined us commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and then commissioner wynns. >> thank you thank you for bringing your presentation i want to comment on a couple of things i think has been really wonderful which
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the african-american family resources we did at mission high school i thought what was great the workshop and the level of information that was going out to the families i just labored to growing that larger and larger than that was last year this was great on friday at the bs u students summit and they have an array of workshops information going out to them it was powerful for our students to be incurrempowered we don't gete really to address head on issues that speak to the challenges and successes that our young people are experiencing it was really great to hear doctor row from the ecologist speak to our young
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people and address some of the issues we don't have the opportunity to talk about as freely as we want to it was a great space to be in and encouraged and i hope as you will all of us as parents encourage our young people to exercise those simentsz they don't see this as something to take advantage of i have a 17 year-old boy but that was really great that, you know, that we had so much support and encouragement for our stoplights to be there i want to point out two other things one of the internships and scholarships that colonel through where through the organizations that provide scholarships for the young people and then the annual
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eavesdrops initiative is heading to the mayor and our department of workforce development we're partnering with the district and so great for the young people to get experience that leads them into pathways to college and career and the other piece i wanted to you know the department of the children and families is going out with the ascertainment that will be happening over the next three or four weeks we'll be doing outreach in the supervisorial district i won't get to the calendar of events if you please have the parents come out and speak on the community assessment forums that is where the city dollars allocate for the children's fund it takes care of the funning for the family and youth we determine where the highest things are in our communities
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and those are the dollars that go out to the community-based organizations or various needs to the city the more voice and the more you identify the needs of the community and young people the more helpful to allocate those dollars to those so i looking forward to seeing many of you at the forums as well and thank you for your report. >> commissioner wynns and sxhoesh. >> thank you all for the work it is really exciting and important we've done so much work i appreciate some of you participated in setting up structures to interact with the parents in an organized way it is important there's a lot to learn to help us so i really appreciate all the work prairie
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the times not demonstrated here as i want to say that this is just had a couple of example of our new structures the various advisory committee reporting on a regular basis thought the year i think that is working well and helpful to me appreciated you're being here he agree with all the things that have been said i'll not take the time to repeat i'll hoping there the initiative we'll be able to starts addressing issues of the ladyness for school and in the african-american communities so that our students when they come do us are well prepared we - it is interesting the comments made about high school are perfectly jermaine and the
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contract on today is foreign initiatives following up on students after graduations i really think we need to focus look at go what happened before it comes to us and we there are lots of programs we don't communicate and not in touch with all the organized preschool programs or other kinds of programs that young children are in i'm hoping we'll turn our attention and have enough ours and time and attention to look there we shouldn't be playing capture all the time but really do what we can to level the playing field i hope outline turn your attention and we'll be
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as we talked about our initiative and talk about that in a more focused and organized way than we have in the past thank you all again and thank you, mr. dickey for all the work being done. >> commissioner norton. >> i wanted to apologize for not hearing your report i'll read the materials carefully and watch on sfgovtv thankful that exists and also i have other questions thank you very much for the report. >> superintendent. >> great, thank you president murase i want to echo everything the board said about our presentation that was an important evening i think you'll be able to be a testament to the adoption and implementation of the candidates that the boards made we as staff made around reilly taking a deeper dive look
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but bringing our voices to go how we're educating our students i shared this with the administrators all administrators meeting and many folks heard me talk about we're not interested in improving the school system not interested if the improvements the reason the 1775 comments thomas james weldon johnson we should have a two tier one for the learned and the laboring this two tier system we'll be able to call a few genius from the rubbish when i say to the entire community we're not interested in improving the system i'm not interested in improving that system i know you're not interested in improving the system we're interested in changing the system changing the system so all students a have an
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equitable opportunities to say a great education it can happen anywhere and in san francisco i'll be cautiousy about why this is important to us tonight this is what the has a right will say the has a right will hateer will say you're trying to have special status why is your voice important at an other voices they'll look at what our saying and immediately say you're talking about me or my can i see let the haters hate we have other fish to fry we have every education who the group of students in our communities most at reflex their african-american students so this is a crisis and we are taking this seriously but your voice is incredibly important we love to have our students if in
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the schools but they come home to you if you can help us and give us smiting insights that is the critical voice the board needs to hear at staff and quite frankly those pleading are broadcast our community needs to hear when we talk about trurptd seismic racism i used the words let me be clear when i talk about it, it is really fulfilling to say we're going to interrupt the systemic grade system the minute people do something about it they get pushed back and called racists and the minute the adults talk take to can i see of race and class they get attacked just read the newspapers
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so i want to say very, very pubically your voice is incredibly important to keep the dialogue where it is i want to personally commend the a pack to the letter around the mass sequence this is an incredibly important voiced you need to be here our voices don't get heard if you're not here i don't want to improve the system i want you to be partners if changing the system quite frankly noted just engage our parents i want to empower our patents and study the issue i was where you defeated the letter and sentences in the paragraphs you took the time to be thoughtful that is very important your voices needs to be heard i want
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to say you have all of us here we hope you feel we're our allies together we'll lift up the students and identify and interrupt it and late the haters hate because we have bigger things to do thank you for being here. >> thank you. i want to call the colleagues attendance to the letter in support of common core mass sequence submits on behalf of the african-american advisory committee many people we need to acknowledge i know that emily thomas and ms. marshall and jordan radio in the audience i want to acknowledge the work of the colleague that was here earlier pushing the company agenda. >> like the members of the a pack to please stand and be
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recognized (clapping.) >> oh, yes commissioner walton and i'm sorry, i have one more comment i like to figure out how to get a shirt. >> thank you, again for your presentation we look forward to hearing from you again and love to have that shirt. >> all right. let's see. >> one second i think we shouldn't let that cbo by without recognizing two members of the pack are form members of the district pta thank you, very much. >> all right. item f is public comment on content items only i don't have
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any for consent items item g the consent calendar i need a may i have a motion and a second on the consent calendar >> move the consent calendar. >> second. >> thank you. any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent. >> yes. madam president. >> president murase we do tonight withdrawn is two c on panning 28 and corrections to one 51 k-11 on 27 and cost is one thousand plus not $7,500 and correction to say 51 k under codes the amount of money is missing for both the first one the amount is 3 thousand plus the e it is $15,000 and in the request of waiver for k-29 a correction november 2014 should
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be november 2015. >> thank you, mr. steel any items removed for first reading by the board? >> any items severed better late than never by the board for superintendent and vote i believe that commissioner walton has an announcement. >> yeah. i need to recuse myself on one 51 the k resolution my organization has a contractual relationship on this resolution so i need to recuse myself. >> thank you commissioner walton. >> roll call vote will take place under section o colleagues by custom we typically take general public comment at this time this is 7:30 i know we have a large team of the custodians that open our
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schools in the morning if no objection i'll move item j to be next and begin general public comment any outlooks seeing none, i'd like to call the list of folks that have signed up for. and ask that people limits their comments to two minutes >> so i will call our names please come up and please step forward (calling names) there are additional cards as well we'll start p there.
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>> good evening school board. >> my name is jonathan a custodian for the san francisco unified school district we have a major concern about overtime and impervious to one pay period that leaves glitches not paying bills and we'll appreciate our time to listen thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please good evening. i'm jody work for custodial and just like to have our checks separated from over time and stuff as many hours as is regular and on this made $500 supra if we could
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separate them i'll that. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> good evening, everybody i'm carlos pled over 3 two years working over time and i will appreciate if you take into the consideration you way you guys pay your over time we make two little money or money skills money don't last long and we will appreciate that we get separate checks thank you good night. >> thank you, mr. santos. >> hi sorry i'm josh i come back for the strict some of the custodians are not used to public comment this over time issue is pretty serious we on
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each and every or average 80 percent is more one pay period late that means 21 days between the end of the pay period the average is absent over a month of waiting for the check their people that waited more one year for they've over time checks that is a significant ongoing problem we've started trying to address this in e in a systemic way been through labor regulations from being from seemingly approve to back to seemingly productive my hope we'll see action on this soon i want to enthusiastic of emphasis this is ongoing because it is so significant there is not really much trust amongst the staff that's why we're coming here to
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air it to the public we want a commitment you'll follow the very calory labor law around over time you will payments and give me people payment on time what they earned the way the custodians time to see this over time on a separate check air are times the custodian gets paid for three or four over time they fall off the advice it is on the internet but there is not any more lines we've been told repeatedly by payroll spate it on to a check to the details are available that's what we would >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) thank you guys.
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>> mr. superintendent. >> sorry superintendent i was going to suggest we could hear this at a labor meeting i don't know. i don't quite said it for more clarification. >> i want to thank our hard working custodians you do a great job you're always the first ones work so you have my commitment and i know that personnel our finance folks labor and has been involved and commissioners will send you where we are but you have our commitment thank you for what you do you'll get paid so thank you (clapping.) >> all right. continuing with.
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we have (calling names) to minutes please. okay there we go >> good evening, commissioners i'm wanting the united educators of san francisco i come do speak about the federal c grants for that the in house pipeline for the teachers certification usf recognizes the need to increase the pool of qualified teachers to teach in our classrooms i like the notion of supporting our power professionals that of the be teachers and supporting those individuals in the classrooms already the fell c grants offers the opportunities for the need, however, aspects of the promoted
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program i find questionable i urge you to consider those we construct the solid certification program with a pathway that is scaleably aspects the program are model on the teachers of america models the first phase is the boats camp with the fast start skills panhandle on-line those recommend for that a school year position becoming a teacher is not like going to pray tennis not repeating the skills over and over teacher is teaching is a human vocation and vflz interaction and it takes time and much than 6 weeks will the
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participants receive the same coaching that is currently embedded in the san francisco c program the report i read of the proposal emphasize the role of online course work and troubling coaching what happens to the human relationship the human experiences when we realize on online courses for the district once again if we are targeting the paraprofessionals it is an extra concern because there's a gap we want to see closed and members are not comfortable with the online matters and in any case it degrades the potential for the program i have been told in many different times the non-restricted negotiable parts of the program participants have to pass a bar to earn
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certification and vivenl placement but what will this consist of we don't believe the students test scores should evaluate the teachers so i ask on the process who will be part of design and part of it will the program be based on our values and our goals so those are some of my concerns thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi i'm lauren in a a paerntsd from guam school i'm the pta president i'm here because of the concerns first of all, we want to have another school it is not fair that schools of almost students have only one
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feeder school our parents have to transfer out the kids to another school so i have grader i have up to 3 minutes - no rebuttal. to assist the board in the accurate preparation of the applied to different schools and hopefully, the one i choose my child didn't want to could go to a feeder school also behavior problems at the school a new principal the new principal i think they're doing a great job but needs to be followed through with another programs their assistants i don't know what the kids need and i don't think that is fair i as a parented have to sit with my kids in the classroom so they feel safe because of the behavorial problems going on in the school
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and my daughter you as well the teachers have been hit and the kids have been hit i don't know. i don't know what's going on i want to get an answer and maybe a followup to our school and see what we can do about this issue. >> i'd like to connect you to the schools the two gentlemen are available to meet but if you can meet with them. >> is assistant superintendent so you can- >> we have talked about the middle feeders last year an issue i don't know. >> the gentleman will talk with you right now. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners as you may know i represent numerous residents that live
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immediately adjacent to the francis scott key and a residents myself i'm recording this on record to the 2015 letter to the board and the supreme court come to our attention the city as started application for a permit to use this site despite strong opposition to plans expressed by members of the community particularly members of the community that are disenfranchised in many ways everyone as a second language and elderly and cut out of the process not executive inclusive on a pro bono basis has sited legal issues i believe demand a public hearing on this issue and an order that the permit that is currently pursued suspected
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until those issues are properly considered number one there is no sfusd want for the youth that is being proposed at this time it should be considered and go to the board you can't finesse this issue an appropriate permit is required and given the scowling scope a board vote this, required two city ordinances have not be viewed and as stated in the letter to the commissioners there are several code that are at play perhaps sfusd code 10 b or 792 in either case wherever code proper procedures is not followed and those codes whatever code is applicable should be followed and finally, the sfusd should be considered the proposed usage were for the
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actually provide the kind of i am punt that sfusd needs and consideration. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> okay my name is scott i teach physics at the high school sometime in the next few weeks a recommendation will be brought before you by the office of curriculum for a district wide science curriculum and this proposal could create real problems word out of of out of that office conceptual physics be the cores four outline ethnicity grades if this is the proposal that is put before you then the department i'm a member of the lowell high school along with the lincoln how and galileo high school must and will oppose that i don't want to speak for
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thigh colleagues the reasons to share their oppositions allow me to tell you about one-size-fits-all and the i am position of the philharmonic first populated is harem full at lowell we have a large number of the students in engineering after and for engineering a rigorous algebra based physics class work to essential ethnicity grade conceptual physics didn't cut it such a course sew utterly worth less it didn't produce skills many matter of fact graders don't have the algebra skills this go up is forced to take ethnicity
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grade physics is a waste of time and worse for many it will inspiring crowd out their schedules courses they need such physics one a course which ma ♪ group are preventing able to take others advanced courses we'll otherwise want to take them because the requirement to waste a year on a course that didn't benefit them san francisco unified went down this path and scraped it 5 years later please don't make the same mistake you'll hear more about this i'm sure >> thank you that concludes. thank you for the speakers that came forward today, we'll return to the orders in the agenda begin with item h supermarkets
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acts south park one the bylaws was moved and seconds on august 2015 we will be dealing with the amendment by substitute motion an pages 9 through 14 may i have a report from the rules committee commissioner wynns >> the committee reviewed the thirds time revisions to the bylaw and the committee recommend the substitute motion before you be adopted and basically the change from the last version you've seen it takes out the protocol that we have discussed and throw out at the boards retreat about board members introduction and staff review of resolutions and policy
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proposals we have of some southern from board members so our recommendations was that it be removed and that we come up with guidelines which is essentially having the same thing but give us a chance to operate under them before we make a decision about what we should include them in the bylaws and possible decide including them a necessary we'll make a reference so we can decide later after a period of time whether or not we on the protocols structure and procedures are working there is a the main representation thank you. >> thank you superintendent carranza for a reading of resolution. >> i'm going to ask the
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general council. >> just to approve the bylaws to 9322 agenda and reading materials. >> thank you. >> there are no public comments signed up questions or comments from my colleagues? >> commissioner fewer. >> thank you on page one under agenda preparation is interest an opportunity to amend in language that sentence so it reads the superintendent shall have this can we write in the superintendent and board leadership should have the agendas for each regular meeting for the policy. >> no legal reason to write that in. >> i believe that executive director. >> okay.
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>> okay. >> i'd like to suggest the amendments. >> is there a second to the amendment? >> is there any discussion on the amendment? >> do we need to votes on the amendment separately or included as part of proposal? >> i would think you'll need to votes on the amendment separately intoxicate clear what members are voting on. >> where my colleagues, i want to say that one sentence actually reenforces further the board president and vice president superintendent and you our denise should review the spraundz adjourned over whether each item is according to board
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policy so i think that reinforcing what comes later and again so what i'm proposing colleagues, we add in under agenda preparation it currently states the superintendent should have the agenda in corners with board policy i'm suggesting question add in the superintendent and the boards leadership to develop the agendas in accordance with the regular policy thank you. >> commissioner wynns. >> actually, i wanted to its another issue i wanted to bring up the history of that commissioner norton raised which is not exactly this issue i'm happy to votes on the amended. >> maybe we'll simmer afterward. >> i think we should discuss it separately.
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>> may i have - >> roll call vote on the amendment. >> ms. chin. >> mr. totiano mr. duffy mr. haney. ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton perpetually ms. wynns dr. murase >> 7 i's. >> i just have another proposal or consent. >> i'll summarize family commissioner bobbie wilson's i wrote general council health and cc accidentally the rules committee with a question about the in our previous i think two sets of rules ago a provision that was stated explicitly 4 members of the boards could ask for a policy in writing it was revised for the boards policy
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that revision went away i realized i was not comfortable with the language because it seems to as on one hand that the president has the discussion to hold the resolution off for one meeting but also saying that the superintendents has the authority to decide what is in the jurisdiction of board my southern not so much about this board and our dynamics but alters some future board milestone might become divided that the president and the superintendent could prevent the majority of board from hearing an item so we hope assures me there are she buildings there are provisions and codes that will prevent that from happening we're protected from that my question is do we want to explicitly state in the board's rules should there is much more divide and negative board i hope
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will not happen to have explicit procedures for the board to get an item heard from it in the superintendent and wanting don't agree. >> thank you. the reason at the time he was satisfied with the couples answer but on reflective i was think about the rule in the first place the rule stated not only had members of the board to put on an item that was done at that time, there was a lot of conflict between the superintendent and the board of education and the president of the board at a time with the superintendent refused to call a meeting bans their authorities i actually think we needed, you
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know, that is the kind of thing that sxhoern described it often happens when whatever reason honestly it is when the superintendent is about to leave that theirs tensions and how those issues should be discussed we're i'm happy to be able to say and whoerldz agree that is hard to imagine but it has actually happened and it is kind of easy to imagine i don't see any ranlt here's - maybe as chair the rules committee i'll put the process outs there a minute we should pass this today, i know our general council is hoping we do it been a while he should if we have
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coincidence to write that as part of title. >> legal council. >> so this may shock you i'll recommend that you send this back to committee if this is something you want to put if here's the reason he can't consecutive how the boards as a quorum determines to put something on the agendas without violating rules we need to hash through what you're trying to accomplish here because 4 board members need to get together to decide asking discuss weather to put something on the agendas it is hard to not see you're not be kwaej in the meeting not to be noticed perhaps another way to addresses our concerns i'm not sure we should side that in this
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meeting. >> i completely see that we call a meeting the rules committee whoever attending other board members attends as augmented the committee rights that's how we have this discussion in public. >> but can't take action the committee on something you've not agendized i can't. >> county the chair put on an action item saying discussion about agendas. >> can i i'm sorry, i don't mean to wrestler the control if you're okay with sending this to committee we'll do that folded a problem i think that is pretty clear the provision we're talking about pain we can't find a legal way to describe we'll not have an issue but it seems to me we need to be a separates
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section and therefore you don't think i don't have any objection to our passing this together and referring to the rules committee so even though it maybe cleaner which is it we'll redo the section of the baupz bylaws there is nothing wrong with adding this to the meeting procedures and agendas section of bylaws; is that correct. >> well, my only hesitation is adding the goal of being able to call and meeting or put someone o something on the agendas when you get into the language it is difficult to consecutive the language to be putting in here tonight. >> i'm against doing it tonight i'll in favor of passing it this to the committee and the
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section be added. >> i agree i have commissioner fewer and commissioner walton for the record that i'm willing to look at this amendment i'm in the minority most of times hard to get 4 people to agree on something but having i know i seen it before because i've been in this district a long time i've seen the boards that are contention and fractured and seen the superintendent play roles they shouldn't play as a superintendent and i'm saying not this one but past ones we're stewards are we have a whether i mean to say we're not here forever i'm willing to entertain
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that and ask commissioner norton if she has language contrasted i say this i'm in the miranda most of times a process that protection for further board who should be after hereafter 2016 i believe yeah. thank you. >> commissioner walton. >> i was going to do ask a sclaifr question to commissioner norton's point i think that could happen if we're in a committee meetings with more than 3 board members majority can put something on the committee or other instances you have a majority of board members not in violation of the things something like that can
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happy and instances that fall under. >> so i understand your question from the committee has noticed an action item the establishment of an additional board meeting and then a majority of the board attendance this committee and rotates for that to happen; right? >> not necessarily 90s the action item but having a discussion about something we want to see happen and bring that up and getting it actionable whether it is in review the superintendent and leadership for the next agenda, etc. had people that know what is going on and want to see come forward. >> we don't have to get this straight right now. >> i'll suggest one to go to committee that is how we
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schedule meetings now. >> if we had a rule that said any members of the board call a liaison will that will legal. >> it would be legal without talking about things out of sequence that's how the board members can get into trouble with the brown act. >> but we don't have an articulated rule that says any members of the boards can ask a liaison to poll the members. >> can i say i think this policy it is too vague i just think there is a way of reading this policy from the presidents didn't want to put it on the
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agendas and the superintendent didn't want it on the agendas the rule allows them to do that i have a suggestion how to accomplish our concerns i'm happy to talk about tonight if if is pleasure the prude pleasu the board. >> if i formally ask that go into the next agendas. >> what is under consideration now is the policy as amended with the understanding that the issue of before i begin items forward for the agendas will be sent to the rules committee superintendent. >> thanks president murase i want to respectfully ask if it comes back to the rehabilitations from the rules committee provides guidance how to evaluate whether the
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suggested portfolio is being commissioners, that places you under president reports and announcements herd to and move to a better articulated policy how will we know if it is working. >> so that will be discussed at the rules committee. >> i think we're ready for a vote ms. casco roll call vote. >> thank you as all the times by turf ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer. >> mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell moreno ms. norton mruflt ms. wynns president murase. >> next go do you want the board policies facilitiesless moved and seconded superintendent carranza. >> thank you i'd like to ask
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michael to come forward and read into the record. >> thank you. the requested action the board of education the san francisco unified school district do you want policy board policy 7 61 charter school policies as provide in the attachment before you. >> thank you such. >> there are no public speakers i want to call colleagues attendance to the letter from the california's charter schools association about this proposal are there me questions or comments. >> seeing none, roll call vote please. thank you, commissioner. ms. chin mr. totiano ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton
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mr. walton's ms. wynns and drument >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much we are now on item example board members proposal number one none together and spell orders of business none on item l discussion of others educational issues. >> superintendent carranza you fouling follow-up up with the theme we're excited we the recondominium to come to the boards a at regular cerebral palsy and talk about the learning we call holy 3 i'd like to ask our special assistant the superintendent mr. dickey if you'll bring a number of partners with you to have an update on who we are and where we are looking to go with this
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initiative mr. dickey. >> good evening again commissioners thank you for the opportunities to share the work of african-american achievement and leadership initiative about you and the partnership webinar public here as you may know i starred that work at the inn the winter of that past year and we've taken several important step to moves forward and have
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many more steps in front of us i have 3 main objectives in speaking to you so first i'll provide a brief overview and refresher on the context of the african-americans leadership initiative second i'll share how we've begun to organize and track the work going forward and i plan to provide a well given what is take place under the theory of action and provides a deeper initiative that is the african-american post secondary pathways and joined by peter's koffman within the district the key partners and cbos from the communities
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i'm sorry, i apologize but the sliesdz on the screen are slanting to the rights hopefully our presentation in front of you i'll noting not reads the slides verbiage barriers to the african-american students that result in a achievement gap and disproportionate we currently build on the work bring in the boarder community and develop the strategy with us and establish annual goals and work plans to support of chucht and focus for the any brooks my brother's keeper with the other resolution in support of achievement and success of
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african-american students in the san francisco unified school district was passed in the month of may this year and it was comprehensive resolution that asked us to do several key things listed in front of you and list to close the discipline gap for the african-american students in 6 years required monitoring for regular students and school level data and strengthening the pathways for post secondary success and reducing the bias and empowering systemic issues for supporting african-american students the drawings on previous work done with the district and bring together different convenes ever plans we've established our
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district has an ax or statement how we think to get to the outcomes to achieve that action is in front of you and states that if we tackle 4 components we will close the achievement gap if we deport to the it is a technical way of saying if we come together to building in the intelligence of our beautiful black students to the fixed they can achieve with the proper support if we focus on body camera and firmly and combvr the african-american families and wrap up around sport and readiness to learn and have the african-american with rigorous instruction we'll have rebuilt the trust of the african-american community our students and families and creating conditions for the students to be prepared for life studies beyond their years
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consistent with vision 2025 there are medics metrics we're developing the scorecard in front of you to track our goals over the next 6 years we launched the african-american oversight committee and prepared to have the next meeting at the end of this month with the superintendent and deputy superintendent we've asked the heads to have the goals listed the strategies that are utilizing the african-american achievement and each department will be directed to set end of the year targets for others goals that led to the closing the gaps over the next 6 years has been alluded to previously and calls think is resolution in order to achieve those goals it
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requires a different level of organizations in the district at the end of last year the african-american siding was any grad to strengthen the african-americans leaders and district leadership and the board of education we held our meeting inform august and hold our meeting on the third thursday you've received that in our packet earlier today our african-american external oversight committee launch and now the ends of the week a cohort of school sites identified for their african-americans achievement gap and the work of aa i o r with the strength of the policy and where you are policy has failed to advance the african-american achievement and in the past of
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our annual student report you'll get a version in the winter of 2016 and a fill school report from the fall of 2016 following the releases of the a pack data and finally the african-american community council will connect the community-based leaders to provide inputs for the student report and deliver the recommendations as the district priorities that's slated to launch with the application process in the next month in november and this group will be a 4 partner with the student report. >> ultimately the level of organizations is only effective as it helps us to you achieve the had convenes of our theory
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of action i'll move through deliberate speeds to give you what is happening over the 4 components of theory of action and do a deeper discussion of a body of work we started leading in the spring the african-american post secondary pathway so in terms of of how this looks at for the district and how we are thinking of the school work for the 2015-2016 supporting outline educators for a gross mindset that means looking to build on the work around self-affirmation we have a tool kits of strategies that are shown to improve attendance and we've started to permit that at some of the school sites we seek so learn from how their
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mentioned and look to expand them to additional school sites for the racial equalities led by the office of equalities they're shifting their strategies to school sites part of my work to learn with the the implementation and bring that to others sites throughout the district in terms of focusing on how to effective engage and empower part of the early work to formula lists a pack and start to encourage and support of development of school site impacts to make sure that as a pack mentioned we're raising the voices in our communities the african-american communities council is a 4 part of our plan to empower and looking to launch an african-american student week under the most month of january
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be an opportunity to revisit the opportunities and have a task to celebration of the african-american students at our sites this one a bold finding a deeper dive around our comprehensive wrap up around support some of the work underway is that through our p funding it is supporting the mid train program two additional school sites and take into account outreach to the african-american students to connect them to mentors and i'll share there the african-americans pathway to support and build a stronger post activities for african-american students. >> and finally on the point around rigorous instruction and
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academic support we're leveraging our partnering for a structural achievement and holding a sfusd submit on november 13th that highlights those effective practices and also through the budgets that was passed in the spring we'll be looking to launch a school site fund specifically inform award to schools that are doing initiative work to sort of african-american achievement taking steps for culture and climate whether this guess african-american parental are parents advisory committee or other bodies of work so assistance i now wanted to turn to the african-american post secondary pathways how it relates to the theory of action components number 3. >> so just to give you a little bit of background in the spring of 2015 we launched the
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african-american second post pathway and with the mayor's office and the san francisco foundation about a dozen based organizations the purpose of our work to approach the african-american achievement to start with the students and identify a group of african-american students and learn about the challenges flerp facing and providing a timely supports the unidentified focus on 12 graders from the brothers and sisters my brother's keeper took place in january of 2015 and a desire to insure that along with supporting as a districts of african-american stoplight we are tied to the broader objective around remaining the african-american population from the city and providing a pathway for the young people to access high paying options that allow them to work and live in the city with this larger goal and
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as i've discussed with the a pack strongly respect their feedback the approach to support the grades k through 12 through with the pathway looks like we started off by identifying the number of students seek to service serve that is 2 med had had and 20 african-american students as recorded by sfusd and reached it out other cbos cbos to get an sense of the students they were serve and actually found end up with 200 and 53 that is explained 0 through identify themselves self-report their racial identity one of the key things we know that our student families support also emphasize it is
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incredible important for our students to have a strong connection for the communities 0 community-based organizations to help to manage our families and pathways through the 9 to 12 grade and post secondary as i was going out the school sites and meeting the staff we found there or will one or one hundred 4 students that are associated with the community-based organizations in the posted secondary pathways with those students in one program and in the battalion in 2, 3, 4 programs this was a red flag it tells us about the school sites we haven't developed the rigor to insure that all our students are connected that helps prepare them for college and career assess we strongly building a
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necessary compliant to the district through adams plan ahead and other course work to prepare the students for college in may again 200 and 80 african-american on the sfusd roles that one 13 students were transparent to a 2 or 4 year institutions this is an important proxy of the college education process we need provide stronger support to the students as we begin that process just to walk you through what this process and intervention looks like we leveraged the befrp with an erection calls i don't understand 12 and a grants to provide access to the i don't understand 12 students and
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beyond the telephone program beyond 12 is alumni track record that helps us to monitor how this is post secondary and provided college coaching and an access to a app for college education he went to the 17 high schools sites within the i don't understand 12 and linked in to start to orient and support of students in developing a career profile that is crucial hair developing their successfully bridge to post secondary wherewith the ground we've linked in the the celebration that includes the college and career workshops you mean by the time by the time we reached the
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summary we have one and 5 students enrolled from the beyond devil it is a wake up call we are encouraged to provide a service to the number of students know we need to work deliberately to make sure we remain all the students and if not through this service understanding an appropriate get students engaged now we've reached the fall we are leveraging our local universe the city colleges of san francisco and state of to connect with students to make sure their he receiving support our focus it city college we know that within 5 years of attending city college only 10 percent of our african-american students end up getting a degree so move on to a four-year
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universities we feel a strong urgency to the students approximately the one and 7 students didn't submit a 2 or 4 year transcript to institutions. >> as you think about this work. >> intention to map backward we work that we've learned important messages and delivering the building of relationships going forward with through our grant we've received from the collaborative for change there provide us with $400,000 over the next two years to meet this we'll continue to engage the graduates and concerning a set of experience and specifically we're working with a clafsh of cbo's to
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provide intake essentially for our derrick or determining but submitted to a four-year transcript we're learning about their educational history and helping them to develop a post secondary history to provide for actively of active case managements as we look at grades 9 through 12 we've been working closely with the college and career readiness in over high school team to articulate our goals with the students we want to insure there is increased participation in an avid program i'll be making a push in the actual within the next month to connect with the black student
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units at the each the high schools and expose as to the to the programs to start the process of improperly our ethnicity graders supported matter of fact grade and i don't understand for a forum for that the african-americans ninth graders supposed to be tracking their plan college protocol portfolio which is an important readiness how they're prepared to ultimately navigate to the college and looking to repeat intervention we provide for the college beyond 12 linked in and summary job support another intervention working with some of our businesses included salesforce and linld in to xeshg connect the students to job opportunities
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so this is a visible for those it, it is helpful what we're looking at to achieve through the bridge to high school to post secondary and a career option what is important about this work is that again, we made the decision to focus on the billboards to share this broadly with families and work towards specific targets in terms of the programs and it is indicative gordon's with the african-american oversight committee to provide support around specific students in middle school and he elementary school level
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>> thank you, mr. dickey i don't have any public speakers so is there any skegz from my colleagues. >> scomplult commissioner walton thank you for your work mr. dickey and definitely see we can see the results of your work especially in this short period of time we have a couple of steams and questions how colons have we been working with the personnel on the ground for greatest outcomes involving the community at the end of the day how we teach and how the students learn impest.
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>> so i would say negligence of the african-american post secondary pathways has a focus on wrap up around supports but as you look at the african-american oversight committee one the next things we'll be addressing at the upcoming meeting the intervention and what are the strategies we are employing at the districts and in the classroom to make sure is students have the platform to catch and in development request the work of career readiness through the summer programs and the rising go ninth graders and eight graders the acceleration work for those students and then is obviously in terms of
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targeted initiatives specific african-americans students we're looking for the african-americans ornament committee. >> and the reason he ask that request, of course, we look at page of on the goal scorecard smaller balance assessments and saw the data in terms of how our black students across the district we have to come up with a robust strategy to work with the educators and school personnel oug everyday on slide had and we talked about this in terms of what schools have the best practices do we have a list of those schools i don't need that now i can think of a couple in my head a list of schools that are maybe have confusion how to roll that out and teams work together to come up with
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some of the best practices solutions work in those schools. >> from the most aspect data we developed a listing of school sites and their map proficiency on the la proficiency for african-american students we're actual going to bring one the sites into the aa i oc meeting to have a deeper discussion in what practices to produce the higher statistics for the african-american sites so this is a list we can kind of fast track in terms of actually codifying the different strategies we're not quite there yet but have lists of schools for stronger achieving african-american students. >> you thank you for the great
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work with the collective within the communities because we talked about this a pack prevention presentation that will take everyone to bring the communities together parents and cbos and across the city so thank you for the next level of work. >> commissioner norton commissioner vice president haney and then commissioner wynns. >> so my question actually about the class of 2016 it sounds like you learned a lot from the class of 2015 in the presentation that in 2015 after additional cbos you identified a 200 and 53 african-american students and i'm wondering have we identified that for 2016 it seems like we - i think that is
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great we're thinking not only about seniors but raising eight graders and the whole high school continuum it seems like we learned a lot from the last class and reach out and identify those students that are qualified to attend a four-year college and encourage them to take that next step and is there any of that work go on. >> we relaying compleen a group around the african-american plus secondary packets we work with the college and career readiness have this information as part of any work i'll be visiting the brake sustainability meetings and going to the principals with the african-americans students and the on track and off track data
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and starting to populate the cbos they're connected with again, much earlier in the academic year so, yeah we're from the lessons in the spring trying to be more intentional about the deliberate and quicker outreach and setting expectation but with we expect from our students we discussed earlier today where the earlier graze connection to the enrollment in a cbo and the enrollment of a post secondary plan so, yes we will be identifying the students. >> do you know how big that university is. >> i don't have the number off the top of my head but i'll be happy to share that data. >> commissioner haney and then commissioner wynns. >> thank you for this
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presentation this work i think there's a lot of happening so congratulations on the amount of progress so 40 far i have a couch u couple questions one the data that was tracked by the external oversight committee so i think that we heard earlier that we're talking about roughly 45 hundred african-american students in your district i have some sense of what this looks like in the cohort and high school but will we have a way of tracking and analyzing that this part of interim committee for all the day or individuals listed day we are looking process and certain indicators and interventions to have a way
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to systemize we talked about that the way i kind of understood that is like a system that tells us at certainty points something niece to be happening here is that how you would think so and where are we kind of that process and i don't understand the piece around the high schools i think is really intentional i think to have an understanding that is one piece of that and how howe these things in the supports practice but how all of this sort of comes to bring about institutional change in the districts so you know one of the things for example, here and commissioner walton brought up a question about certain schools that are doing well and that kind of things one of the things
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new programs academic themes and so forth so go looking at where we are doing a better job how to replicate that in the process would be how you understand that life cycle ever change gordon's the african-american student report with a set of recommendations how and our budget year our you know board and the work of board district for recommendations around change understanding how this leads to the level of systemic institutional change and to sorts of specific things one is and this is brought up but kind of the role of student leadership in all of this and back student unions i know was mentioned you know that it is that a part of goal the
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elevation of student leadership in this work and how are we working closely with our students and getting their ideas and thoughts and putting them at the forefront of this work we would like to know about that i saw in here the piece around the mentoring for second and the need to have more merntsz identified so i would love for anyone listening to put out the plug we are actually shorts adult mentors in our school district and need more caring adults rialto spends hair time with young people to step forward there are 4 hundred students who are have been identified and have asked for a mentor who we have yet to find a mentor for and that's our forum so i know
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we're putting forward a plan anyone that is listening this is a need if you want to speak to that in terms of the role of mentors and the need for merpts as part of the african-american leadership initiative and see the work specifically. >> so starting back at the point around the use of data and what that looks like not just for the high school students but across the 3ru7 system as we have certain tools i've been leveraging with the communities department and the basic system that tracks the attention and as well as the illuminate system we're using to create customized
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reports around their academic performance and ultimately planned to expand to track services their captured and illuminates i say that will to the cohort of schools we're pulling up more school sites by school sites and i assume we have a clean way to does it on a district wide level when it comes down to the student tracking introduce the rp a we have is pre k through the medics laid out and that's to regularly share with the african-american oversight committee but to your point part find what we need to do going forward is think about the data short concept how we
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illuminate or ideal not a system but leverage the systems to be able to create that nimble report in terms of the tracking and intervention tracking it is easy for smaller cohorts aaron rather than is four to five hundred in terms of how we are thinking about instill change i say it is absolutely the african-american internal oversight committee as you think about the cycle for a subset of students learn the work and identify he have 0 the champs about our conversation of the r ti this thursday and you know from that those discussions really identify additional resources or additional systems are approaches needed in order to bring the work to scale ambassador but
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that african-american report will be responsible for capturing the different - the way we assess our systems and bring forward the recommendations as we think about resource allocation and different processes the district needs to put in place as we think about the students leadership completely agree with you that is something that needs to be you know as i've cabin about the work something that is missing i've subtracted through the does the with the high school work but not circling them in a leadership but the black student through the 12 graders to think though how to identify student leaders that are interested in on a border body regularly informed plans to
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be central that to with work so we believe strong because of the you know significant work and the work underway at the school sites to be encouraging leadership from those bodies that exist and cults the have and have not's that group and last think is mernts success point so i'll be having a conversation with that group actually in the coming weeks i agree i want to put a plug outs i'm planning on sign up as a mentors and for more outreach to get people involved in that program one the things i'll focus on as we move forward to better advertise and publicize that need to get it out to a wider group.
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>> thank you science and then commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you i appreciate the report i have to say a couple of things are we serving charter schools what is 17 comprehensive high schools we have i don't think we have that many. >> so that includes the continuation schools so for the african-american post secondary pathways i haven't done an outreach at this time. >> you haven't. >> okay. you haven't don't (laughter). >> we have i mean it is really in that rather than the high school arena we are unique amongst any school districts but larger school districts many of our high school are extremely improve in my opinion it was my intention i don't think we have 17 but i'll look up the list
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mainly i want to say i appreciate the work we're doing and the personas are partnerships i'm concerns on the internship on the kindergarten i'm not sure that is our core work so i really want to urge we have a lot important emphasis great we have those programs set them up and let them run i think so your funder and partners are interested i'm glad about frankly i think that in a sense this is a their core work our core work is educating k through 12 and preparing some pre k students for the as many was we want to influence but i'm very
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interested in what specific plans we have i also would like to see if if there is so experience somebody can tell me about the theory of starting with the 12 grartsdz and the posters secondary and moving adopt to high school is actually effective because a i'm concerned we should be starting much earlier because this is you're always fighting against previous not only lack ever success but our own capacity dwichts at the other grades i'm hoping i'd like to to see a plan that says here's what we are doing this is a great and here's our plan really for the whole continuum the reason he brought
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of pre k before because of the work that you're doing now we've done this year with the post secondary is the partnership with the outdoor partners cbos and donations, etc. in the pre k area i think our primary work should be with outside partners because one the main thing is formula cooperation all our students not certainly a small number in our early education system we actually have a way to contact them with deep relationships but also many are not in preschool at all we have work to do going back to you know prenatal work we do one the contract points we really could
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capitalize is on birth that is most students most children born in san francisco are born under a hospital where the city and whoever we want to partner with can have an impact on the early very well times it is crucial but our own work with what we do in the pre k system see a specific plan that is more focused i think that is really important. >> superintendent would like to respondent respond. >> science you've brought up wonderful points i want to refocus all ever us on the guiding principles we talked about thai initiation of this organized work this is the most orgdz the district is in a long time one point of of the things
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the pre k brought up we often want to eat the whole elephant in the first bite and not identifying strands of work what you're seeing a cereal identified strands analysis of where we're doing to make our steps forward so it may seem as if there is not a lot of work happening at the different levels of the organization but that lisa me to the second point that is really important to understand lands and dickey is not the african-american guy in the district it didn't rest with him that rests with all of us in the district in his, his pregnancy and update i can talk about that we're doing a lot work under the chief bryant and her team and incredible eagle
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education level we are identifying can i see at a very, very early age of wrap around programs with the universities and city that is happening in the pre k as we've been supporting the teaching staff around the common core standards embedded within that professional development is the culturesly we've got to be honest with ourselves we have a bias if you look at the data and see that students of color are not having access to rigorous courses it is their fault or are is systems fault we are saying it is the systems fault with all due respect we're weighing weighing we've heard that we'll have a conversation with people but the system we currently have
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in place is systemically not having kids to take the course work those are the top tough conversations we're having we're also southern h concerned how we are engaging with our labor unions around the work we're doing we're glad that save and supportive usf has come to the table and a lot of the work we're doing under that umbrella is social emotional learning and social support and practices we're working in that area as we going forward i don't want to be too long-winded but take the meeting talking about discrete initiatives happening in every division in
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the district some in any way, shape, or form ties to the work around the african-american achievement yet i don't want quite frankly i want our chief academic officer to talk about that and the schools and the chief of early learning as depends they own the work and this is why, why that is very, very helpful in our curriculum meetings in our labor personnel meetings we have those conversations about what we're doing to support the kids all through the system i know that gets teased out but be explicit how san francisco make that connection we can see that not just a curriculum or professional issue it supports
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work. >> i appreciate that i don't mean to apply but when we present this as the african-americans achievement initiative we don't have it does say anything about what we're doing, in fact, i think that puts more value to say it is connected to all say things we're going b when i say i want the plan to say what we are doing we're putting out something that is what we're doing about african-american it is not it is a components to look small and focused on relatively small slice but thank you tore is work for the presentation. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> great.
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>> lane done how long have you been with us. >> i think about 9 or 10 ms. months about the ends of january. >> we're halfway through our school year whether you came in you were a a couple of months in what we took on the immediate niece the graduation of african-american seniors so i appreciate what you've done to recognize our immediacy impact could be and through the work over the last several months it is really bordering us to think about what we noted to prepare for the kids there is more that are graduating and the numbers be it impressive not enough rights so we know where our baseline and how to prove improve that.
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>> so on this committee community-based organizations is one and hundred and four students we have coincidence low arriving the students that sent transcripts is association with the students that sent for those preliminarily the ones faucet with the communities based supports or was it random. >> i can get the specific data we didn't cross-reference those two lists to determine if if under those a over laptop. >> i'll venue venture to say they were post graduates ones that our students go through their you know 9 times out of
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temple requires a transparent so it brings up the wrap around services that are provided outside of our school day what are some of the same questions to be asking the students that are being asked by the cbos i really appreciate what your team and you have done in making the connections with beyond 12 those are two incredible resources the students will benefit from trembling especially the tracking of our country's as and a they graduate i want to czechoslovakia in with the state college fence appreciating that we didn't want them to go and not have some kind of a connection to us we know where yo
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