tv Health Commission 11315 SFGTV November 5, 2015 12:00am-3:01am PST
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>>[gavel] >> good afternoon to the musical transportation agency board of directors and parking authority clerk, discoverable >> director brinkman. brinkman present gordon present heinicke director nolan, present dr. ramos, present director rubke, present. mr. chairman, you have a quorum. please be advised the reading of it cell phones pagers and some producing electronic devices are prohibited. the person responsible for one going off ringing in your purse or pocket may be asked to leave the room. cell phone set on vibrate caused microphone
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interface support respect request they be turned off. item for approval of the minutes from the october 20 regular meeting. >> motion. >> all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. thank you. >> item 5 communications. please be advised that we know discussion of anticipated litigation in closed session today. item 6, introduction of new were unfinished business by board members. >> mr. heinicke >> thank you chairman nolan did i like other members of this board was saddened to see by the pedestrian incident involving a child and a scholar at euclid did i know we read about in our briefing. i know this is new business so we can't get get too far into it but i think would be appropriate to ask in light of this one as a group have passed along are wishes to this young citizen as she heals, and also,
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either generally look at the protocol for what invisible does in response to one of these incidences and then more specifically, if it's appropriate under the circumstances to get an update on what's going to be done at that particular intersection. >> okay. >> no more new were unfinished business. moving onto the directors report. >> good afternoon mr. chairman and members of the board and members of the staff and public. i want to start out with a couple of national recognitions and first, i want to ask government affairs director keith green, to come forward. >> good afternoon mr. green >> good afternoon. nice to be appeared after noon chairman nolan and members of the board. today we are recognizing across divisional team for the particular efforts to bring transparency to the work of the
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sfmta for the local elected officials and timely on the state, election day get this innovative initiative led by key members from the finance and information technology team division along with key numbers from government affairs has allowed the sfm pabetter form elected officials of the agency's work underway in their district as well as capital projects they can dissipate in the new near future. produce for each of the san francisco supervisor districts the transportation investment reportprovides a thoughtful well organized visual tool depicting a specific interest area are capital improvement program. the layout which is a per subscriber agency is easily digestible providing an added ease of complex information. i know that all of you are aware of the deep dive but the capital berlin program takes in a five-year low. this is trying to roll that up in the district level so that really i'm our
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local elected officials can see very clearly with the mta is working on in their district. this team, comprised of craig rafael and cynthia ford and janet martinson and katie and gotti from government affairs develop a collaborative working a process to gather information, ensure accuracy, and cracked it into a format that cannot be replicated for ongoing updates. with greg's initial vision and framework based on his deep knowledge of the fs sfmta programanswer these ability to execute and refine this initial collation of data, from a wide range of sources, this project was then handed over to the government affairs team janet martinson and katie and body whosso, today we recognize this team further innovation and commitment to producing this new resource that helps communicate about the project initiatives, and policies of the sfmta to one of our most
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important audiences.this work will continue to help influence weave the way we shape argumentation and stakeholders, especially with regard to capital projects. but to ask the team to come up now to be recognized.janet martenson, sylvia ford, katie and gotti, and greg rafael.i have not done this before. so, let me ask janet to make a few remarks and will present them with their plaques. >> good afternoon ms. martens and get >> good afternoon chairman nolan and direct. she still on my talking points but i did want to call a few additional people who were involved with this from the beginning it was really the brainchild of alisha our former chief of staff. the various folks here as well as lucy lou who is a city hall follow with us started about two years ago with this whole process. also,aandmta intern of
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lewis-who did all the initial gis work in mapping that led to these great reports. really, ongoing participation from many main people that the whole agency and its 15 effort. i want to thank you again for myself and on behalf of the team. thank you. >> on behalf of the board we want to congratulate you and thank you for outstanding and very important work. >>[applause] >> miscreant you did a fine job. ms. green, you did a fine job. >> thank you very much. >> next on asked our chief financial officer sally bowes to recognize another one. >> good afternoon. it's my 20th birthday today. so i want
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to congratulate the team that was before you that were part of that recognition. today i want to recognize a liza. she's part of our financial information technology team, joined the capital projects and grants county team about five years ago administrative analyst. she denied any prior knowledge of transit or governmental accounting, but she took the time to pick it up extremely quickly and rose to the challenge is presented to when we first issued our revenue bond in 2012 she was assigned to monitor and compile the financial activityinformation that is the foundation of the reports so we could make to you in the bond oversight committee. so, she's taken that on the single-handedly without prior knowledge of the bonds and transportation. she's worked hard to support this extremely
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important reporting as mentioned before to be transparent and tomake sure that were reporting out war spending on bonds for the public and policymakers. she's extremely good-natured. it's very patient and reconfiguring the multiple times we've had to reconfigure the data. she's very persistent and works very well with other departments could she's got a great attitude. resolves problems before they become big. we had extraordinary use of our bond program without mature findings and liza deserves much of the credit for that. she creates a great deal about the quality markets is a high standard for others to follow. so are very proud of a liza and the work she's been doing and take her very much. keep it up. thank you. >>[applause] >> on behalf of the board thank you and congratulations for your outstanding work.
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>> thank you, so much. >> at your speech. that's it week ? >> she's offered to give you a primer in bonding. if you would like >> thank you. >> a few other items. the mention this one a few times before. were kind of now in the precipice of launch of the municipal mobile app. we expected to launch a week from monday, november 16. just to remind you, it's a smart phone app to which people will be able to purchase muni fares to ride anywhere across the system, bus, rail cable car. and paratransit. people will be able to store fares on their smart phone purchase visa or mastercard or paypal. so, of course one no longer will need change work cards or any other means of pain other than having the app on their phone. so, we
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are doing the beta test of the app now and will be doing the public launch as i said a week for monday, november 16 get excitingly early next year, will be adding spanish and chinese to the app as well as travis fox's favorite rate my right feature. travis is our chief performance officer within what one spearheading bringing this private forget were pretty excited about that. as well as the rate my ride. so, we will keep you posted on usage and other experiences. it is technology that has been in use in some smaller systems around the country i think chicago is about to launch theirs as well. so, where little bit at the front end but not the very front end of this wave. it should be exciting tragically for less regular meeting writers and would not already have a clever card. rick said to see that coming.
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something were not really excited to see coming is el niño. nevertheless, we are doing work to prepare for its arrival, particularly john haley and his team in the transit division. they've undertaken a conference of planning process looking at everything from facilities to vehicles, to infrastructure particularly the subway as well as employee issues and safety issues. correlating across the agency and him poorly, coordinating with some of the key city agent such as public works and public utilities commission which manages our storm sewer system. we've entered into some agreements with them in terms of preparations such as having sandbags in place, identifying areas of known flooding so that we can try to get ahead of the storm as much as possible. john
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presented a plan to the mayor last week. we will be cementing a draft of it to the california public utility commission this week on their request. we will continue to work with the city family in coordination which is been led by the city department of emergency management. so, while we hope it doesn't come, as intensely as some of the more extreme forecast are we sunny welcome the rain and make sure we're prepared for it. next thing, i want to update you on one facility issue. you may recall from your deep reading of the real estate vision study we did a few years ago that we have one old unreinforced masonry building. it's a beautiful brick building on bryant street. at 13th and bryans. it's currently where are overhead lines position runs operates from. it was constructed in 1893 and is a
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masonry building it's not a seismically safe facility. the real estate vision report recommended we move out that we vacate that facility which remains our plan. we are currently in the process of seeking a new home for the overhead lines division. in the meantime, the city is exploring purchasing that facility from us and renovating it to be new home for the animal care and control which is just actually a few blocks down that's in need of a new facility. so, because of the barrymore ready, and to potentially move and then ours to move out, we are working with the city administrator's office to explore whether there's possible interim we might we locate to get us out of the old building. let them come and renovated. move in while we try to continue to find a permanent site. that may or may not happen but just since that will be going on and think of
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capital planning meetings and i want to make you aware. that may be happening. then, finally, just a reminder i mentioned last time our second round of central subway construction work at fourth and king is coming this month. last time we did it over labor day weekend this time it will be longer closure from november 6-number 14. it'll start late on a friday night, run through that first weekend, and go until the following saturday. so, like we did like last time, doing some pretty extensive planning and outreach with neighborhood with caltrans with the other city agencies to make sure that we can minimize disruption to the greatest extent possible. like last time, although a little bit
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different though be fairly significant changes to municipal service. this i'm really the entire intersection will be shut down so there won't be trains running through that intersection. we have a fairly elaborate service plan to work around that. love lots of folks out on the street both enforcement folks to direct traffic but also ambassadors to direct people. we been putting out a lot of information to our mailing list to various other mechanisms and will continue to do so through the media. so, just want to remind you from the public that coming from the sixth-14th that scenario you want to avoid if you can or least plans extra time if you find yourself needing to go to or through their. we are paying special attention to folks who live in that area will be most impacted as to minimize the impact to the greatest xm possible. that includes >> thank you. comments or questions? anybody in the public? >> not on the directors report
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nobody submitted a speaker card for that session get >> i do make citizens advisory report. >> good afternoon mr. weaver. >> good afternoon. good afternoon board members.dmt a cac was fortunate in being able to figure out when we could meet to weigh in on the mission bay project. we managed to do that in a special meeting on october 28. out of that, we harvested three motions am here to present to you. on the subject. the mta cac recommends the plan for the event center mixed-use development admission date presented to us at our october 28 meeting. i might add, as a comment, that the staff work on this in the presenters would like your albert were excellent. i've
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never seen it better. second motion. cac recommends that in order for the transportation plan for the event center and mixed-use development admission day to work additional pco's need to be hired so the rest of the city is not negatively impacted when there are events at the arena. third motion on the subject, the cac recommends that the variance for a length and center boarding platform in the event mixed-use development admission day be adopted by the agency. finally, on a smaller issue which is pedestrian safety on the and streetcar line, the cac recommends that muni ford
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prioritize the valuation of the intersection of san jose ave. and lakeview street for the letter m line for enhance pedestrian safety and efficiency. at the end of my record any questions am happy to respond. >> thank you. members of the board, questions or comments queen as always, thank you for your guidance on this. thank you. >> is a chairman, item 9, general public comment. >> some owners of the public and agenda, which is not about things on today's agenda. how many do we have? three-what we can go ahead with that >> >> anyone care to address the board under this section police out a card. >> richard rothman followed by marion matos and pete-those are the first three people. that
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>> good afternoon >> good afternoon the measured. my name is richard kaufman and other than the outer richmond district. i think in many residents of the richmond district and people deal with mta see the sustainable street division needs to be reorganized. right now it operates in functions and one never knows who to call or e-mail. they don't give out phone numbers. so, you know. i realize, downtown central city needs more staff and resources. i'm not saying they should take away resources but what i'm saying is that she dedicated team to deal with different parts of the city. the planning department is divided into four sections. they divide the city into four sections. i sort of like the idea of having teams in the supervisorial districts mainly starting one with this
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took one, four, and seven. but having a dedicated team so we could know who to talk to in our issues. some of the issues areon balboa street. dpwmade some changes but there still safety issues. i been waiting over a year to have somebody come out and talk about balboa street. so far, no luck. forman street, dpw is going to repay. what are the new street crosswalks and signs? how are they just below the traffic down create a big concern is the outside rams concert. there's no place to park in mta needs to do something to keep cars out of the richmond and sunset district when these events happen. some of the neighbors have some good plans, but who do we talk to at mta?
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i have no idea. so, don't say 311 because mta staff-i've never gotten a coherent response from 311. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> marion --father by diana scott. >> i am here to speak about the wicked. i believe you all got my e-mail and petition. >> we did. >> i still need to go over some of those points. we, first of all: don't understand why most of the city does not know about the drg. the public outreach was totally
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ineffective. i mean, 11 years ago you put on about let's increase the sales tax and improve public transportation. but, no one told anybody since then what they were actually going to do. taking two lanes away from traffic on then asked to put the drg in the middle is going to make the traffic increase tenfold and particularly, the fact that you're not going to allow left-hand turns, except at broadway and lombard. so, that will even make a parallel street full of traffic. the problem also being that you are going to take down all our mature big trees that could absorb the excess carbon dioxide that will be created by this horrible amount of increase traffic. the area will become totally polluted. it's hard enough now. i was facing then asked not to clean this up
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off my window constantly. i have asthma and i'm really concerned about what will happen when all the trees are gone and the traffic increases tenfold. the other issue is, what you're planning to replace them with. let me back up. we are really here to have you reconsider and re-looked at alternative number two at curbside. because, the only main difference that i've been told, forget about percentages, is that it will save transit time by approximately 2.5 min. is that really worth all the trouble and all the construction that will last a couple of years and the unsafe conditions that will be part of what's going to happen for the seniors, the disabled, children, mothers with strollers and little children, to cross a busy street middle
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of venice to get on a bus? >> thank you. >> next speaker, please >> pete-followed by diana scott and herbert weiner. he's the last person who's submitted a speaker card under this section. >> good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon my name is pete-i live on venice. i lived since there since 2001. my concern is the venice prt i saw the eir at options to one was [inaudible] and three and four which have been adopted as a hybrid based on staff recommendations. i believe it was from this committee. my concern has been the information on how that staff recommendation was made. the differences between those. it became evident, to my attention, when all the trees were tagged for removal and i
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don't have a clear picture of what would be the difference can obviously, some of the median trees would be able to stay in a situation where the drg was put at the curbside. so, i am looking for more information on that i like to see put something we can reevaluate option two in light of the dpw and the friends of the urban force an assessment of the trees and many of the median trees which are the largest most mature for canopy trees ranked for and five so very healthy trees. some of the street trees i realize were not ranked as one, two, and three so i understand removing six trees but very large healthy trees that unlike any other trees in the corridor it seemed a shame to lose them if there is an option to go somewhere else. also, i want to bring up the idea of safety. as marianne said it. i think getting people into the median is going to be
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more difficult than staying on the curbside. as far safety for seniors and disabled people, i don't know if that is-i don't have a good feel and how does weight into the decision to go towards one option versus another. some looking for more clarity on that. i think san francisco needs a drg. the question of where to put it. >> thank you, sir. next, please >> diana scott followed by herbert weiner and again those are the last two people turned in speaker cards. >> good afternoon, ms. scott >> good afternoon. thank you for taking comments on this. i can get a discussion of drg late as have many who discovered there were many more trees coming down than anticipated i think even even in the eir door 100 more trees mentioned that in the yard also the discussion of this project originally was 90-$130 million. i understand out this option adds $269. i think option to which other people of mention
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would save money and would not sacrifice real beauty and shape. so, i'm hoping even if you're lenient and don't normally go back and look at projects like this that are, along way, that your elite should examine this. the real problem is, you over intensive use of van ness notches by cars, but really by buses. there's a thomas video that shows more google buses on venice even than regular transit buses. the city has not acted to curb that and sacrificing trees seems like a big price for not doing something about that. also, i'm kind of outrage the piece of public art that will go on a median, the artist statement talks about its out of metal get an urban redwood made of steel white and whether. young
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not okay to comes out of the concrete not the soil. it does not grow. its purpose is to orient and remind. it is an urban machine can i thought we got past the city as machine stage if not in the 1930s in the 1990s. when we decided that living cities was a good idea. i would like to suggest both are possible with option two. last, but most inconveniences me personally when i come out of the subway on venice, on muni and try to catch a bus. this we difficult and i won't be able to walk and look for a bus. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> herbert weiner. >> good afternoon, mr. hunter >> good afternoon. first of all, i would like to commend the mta board and administration for not
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discontinuing the 33 bus run to san francisco general. this is very crucial in the lives of many people who need that bus desperately to get to the hospital. there may have been a potential death waiting for the bus. it was realistic to maintain that run and it should be preserved and i want to commend the parties that pushed for this. now, there's another consideration i have. the 47 bus run no longer runs in the hall of justice. can you imagine the inconvenience and possible accidents that because aged and disabled to get to jury duty on time. it could slow down the judicial process. it's very important to preserve that 47 bus line. now, there's a general reflection on this whole business of moving forward. it's a drastic analogy i'm going to use but it's a bombing people 50,000
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feet in the air get it rationally it's statistically corrected it's a well-planned weight but you don't see the damage below. a lot of these proposals will wreak havoc on seniors and disabled. you have to see take that into consideration at this and most vulnerable population in the city. so you simply cannot do this by statistics only. an favor one group over another. this is a public service. it should be for all. this is not a private enterprise that's governed by supply and demand. so far,-it's taken over mta and it does not look pretty. i'll probably request with check >> thank you. we'll call animal of the next exhibit number people here. [inaudible]
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>> no member of the public want to discuss anything on the consent calendar. >> motion to approve >> second. >> any discussion queen all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. approved. item 11 >> item 11. presentation discussion of possible action regarding seven sisters paratransit services. >> thanks. inviting me. what i'm going to do for you today is to give you an overview of the paratransit program. it's very important component of sfmta services and something under the board is very interested in an president nolan fargo be helpful to have an overview of the program. it's hard to put it all down into a few words and so i'm doing the best i can put the highlights, but feel free to
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ask questions and we can all come back with more information. my name is annette williams and i'm the manager of accessible services at mta. there it goes. so, first to give you a little bit of understanding of what paratransit is in terms of what our legal requirements are. it's a door-to-door van service required by the american with disabilities act for all public transit agencies that provide public transportation. there are some minimum requirements to meet the ada. one is eligibility, that anyone who is unable because of their disability to use the regular fixed route system for any trip is then eligible for paratransit for that trip. the service area needs to be covered within three quarters of a mile all fixed route transit routes and the service hours need to be mirrored the service hours with
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a fixed route system. so, in our case because of a mild really covers the entire san francisco as well as northern san mateo county, treasure island, and even-on the weekends in the 76 line goes there. we also do 24 hour a day paratransit service just as we do for muni. reservations for paratransit need to be made 1-7 days in advance of the service. that's the minimum that the ada requires. when a reservation is made, it can be-the pakistan can be within an hour before or after the time that the person was asking for under the ada. the fair can be twice the fixed route fire. so, for our service it be $4.50. the board has elected to charge the regular fixed route fire of $2.25 for our services. so, even before the ada, we wouldn't paratransit here in san francisco since the late 70s. we start with a van program and then expanded. the next five gives you a little bit of the
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history of paratransit. very proud of the fact we been doing it for a long time and we take it as something that's very important to meet the needs of people disabilities, not just to meet are legal requirements. it started the late 70s with a van program. in 1983 we start with the management of hiring a paratransit broker to manage the service then contact with the transportation provider. so, we start i guess 13 years before the ada. deities is passed and signed into law in 1990. we introduced accessible taxis. i think we were one of the first cities in the country gather accessible taxis. in 1994. then, we expanded the sf axis which is expanded in weisberg and to all people both ambulatory and wheelchair users. i had to that, the van program served wheelchair users and a taxi program served him
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with tori disabled customers. starting in 2000 we contract with-who's been the management company. then, more recent past we've implemented a shop around and the debit card in the taxi program and then go which will talk about olivia later in the presentation. so, the next slide shows you an overview in terms of our funding sources. the people that we serve. we serve approximately 13,700 people and we do 7000 hundred 80 trips last year for a budget of 22.6 million. our main funding source versus the transportation authority, eunice general fund that we get some funds from bart. some funds from the state and some funds from the federal government as was doing some work for the department of aging and adult services to work orders. some van trips. we are avid strip across all those modes is $29 a trip. the next
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slide shows you just find an overview of the different components of the program. my responsibilities accessible services about six fixed route accessibility and paratransit airport to the division of taxi accessible services, and below, we have the broker which is the day-to-day management, the taxi company sf axis provider and the group van providers. i think something that's important about our program is a community involvement. we've had a paratransit chordata councils of the late 70s. we really attribute most of our success were a lot of our success to ongoing interaction with people were being served by this program. that's an extremely important part
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component of this program and the pcc has many active members that give amazing amount of hours to volunteer to give us feedback and many of them are users of the services. our agencies receive the service. government agencies that are involved with the aging and adult services and the service providers that provide a service. we all meet on a regular basis were able to hash out issues together. the that's important part of our success. it's alsowe hear problems. we have an immediate feedback in terms of if there's issues, people in regular contact with us. i thought a little later. we also do a satisfaction surveynextel at the marks of the met general manager about the paratransit broker who talk a little bit about the role of the paratransit broker >> good afternoon, mr. soto >> good afternoon mr. chairman and members of the board. the slide will show you that the key components of the requirements of our contract in terms of the woolly perform as a broker. i feel like we do so
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much more. we are engaged we work side-by-side with the office on things like the mobility app they talked about a little bit earlier. things like planning for el niño as you talk about a little bit early. emergency preparedness overall for paratransit. there's a lot of things that we do in addition to the things that you see there which are also important. i want to just emphasize a little bit about the role we played with public input because that is a very critical component of us understanding what the issues are, what the challenges are what may be the fixes need to be. i just want to say that something would take really seriously. you hear a lot of information today. notably need you to escape the notice of the charges are. we think we know what the causes are and we can know what the some of the solutions out. hopefully, you'll enjoy this presentation today. >> thank you. >> next, we'll have a few people from the paratransit
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counsel to work closely to talk about each of the modes of service. when i talked about the council, we've not only the executive committee we have subcommittees breach mode of service in any quarterly. ease of some of the major participants in those subcommittees. so, the first person is going to speak is olivia santiago and she is a paratransit user. she's also on our pcc and on the sf axis subcommittee, but she also was a staff person at city college for disabled student services. she's in regular contact with a lot of riders to use the service to city college. >> >> good afternoon mr. santiago >> good afternoon. i'm a user of the sf axis and this is more for individuals were you book your ride a day before. this access is very important to me as a person with a disability because i'm able to go to work every day and at the same time
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i'm able to advocate for students. [inaudible] to go to school. the sf axis also has an agreement with the whistle stop marion county is they are transit alameda county. where individuals need to make a transfer to come to san francisco. there are picked up from their homes door-to-door. then, i believe the shared cost between the two. it's not in the san mateo county. so, in san mateo you we need to transfer to a common transit form. sf axis, we have five main uni bans. and a stairs as for wheelchair users, which i believe is here only in san
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francisco. they don't actually have it in san mateo. they have completed 238,000 trips and 71,000 wheelchair trips in this cool year 2015. again, i want to thank-because i'm able to go to work every day and also have students. >> thank you, ms. cindy i do. >> our next presenter is-duke also member of the pcc. she's a member of the senior action-now called senior disability action, and she's also been active in the group subcommittee and advocated for the adult healthcare center. she's going to talk a little bit about the group band service. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon chairman and
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members of the board. i've been involved with adult day health centers since we put one in a senior housing development on folsom when north and south of market was a main adult over the years that changed. that change. that change. but, we saw the center at maldini so icd rupe bans on a daily basis. the director of the center has said that the service is getting better and she is so anxious to have our new peer group, people assisting on the vans. that's a new program that
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services has-is working with us. we are training people to assist on the vans with people who basically are cognitively challenged and the people assisting on the vans, though the one person on the vans with people who are attending the adult day health or dialysis or whatever the group is, and they are there to assist the people getting on and off and making sure that they have their caregivers meeting them at the home site. and so on. thereby, leaving the driver relieving the driver of the necessity to do this, which in many cases, the driver up down in out and around and there's nobody left on the van for the people who are still there waiting to be removed to their site or to their residence. we
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are so happy that the current drivers, with trans-they are so happy with the drivers. many of whom have been in the business for years, that many of whom are new and being trained now by trans-. the drivers are so happy this is coming on board because of the fact that many of the drivers were concerned that they had to go off the bus to hope somebody off the bus if they were in a wheelchair were however. it's going to be such a great help. we wish we had
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more vans working on it. we are going to be developing a program so that the vans will be with you get from point a to point b. over the street conjunction will eventually be done. then, when the new construction of all the housing going up all over the city maybe they can do it so that people know in advance that, okay, that root is going to be closed for six months. don't think about using it. that's going to help our dispatch of the group of vans. i thank you all for what you have done for our transit in the city. >> thank you, very much.
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>> just for anyone who isn't aware of group banter is google people going to one location like an adult day health care center were developmentally disabled disabled web work second multiple providers in the program both nonprofit and for-profit companies did the last one is roland wong is a member paratransit donating cost. is also member of the newly accessible multimodal accessibility advisor committee and the mayors disability council. while i'm sure no roland. his go talk about taxi services. >> good afternoon, mr. wong >> hi. good afternoon. i'm a transit person that i used to drive and everything and now the last 10 years basically are taking public transit. literally, full-time. so, i use the van service sf access. in the taxi service. i find that sometimes it's a little
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frustrating for second on just talk about taxi. basically, because of the transportation network company, it has a big impact on the taxis service with sfmta. i lived out at sunset which makes it more difficult to get a cab. so, basically i'm going to dive into the presentation of. the taxi service is a same-day general public tax. it includes 100 g taxis. other taxis in san francisco are required to participate. all taxi riders receive a paratransit taxi debit card to pay for their
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affair and track trips. there were 260,000 trips completed including 8100 trips for wheelchair users in 2015. so, to kind of added to the future, like i'm a smart phone geek and i'm looking forward to using the app to hail cabs. i'm very anxious to see that going. now, with the muni mobile payment system that was mentioned that
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paratransit would be included. i makes is to see that happening, too. thank you. >> thank you, mr. wong. >> thank you all members. so, just to tell you a little bit of our other programs, roland mentioned the taxi debit. we went from a paper-based system to an electronic debit card. is a user site subsidy so the customer calls a just like you or i would call a cab and they pay with their debit card. that allows us to collect the information when the trip happened, where it happened, origin, destination, driver, customer did we get an incredible amount of data without a lot of cost because it's captured electronically. customers pay $5.50 and get $30 worth of taxi value. which they then use to take a taxi service. this allotments are
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dependent on the amount of trips they need to take per month. a couple the other programs that i mentioned in the beginning that we started in the last few years, when is the shop around. what we found when we went out and talk with people people in the community, for many seniors and people with disabilities most difficult trips to take on ginny were shopping trips. was difficult to carry groceries, to get back home with her groceries. so, we applied for a grant that funding to do shop around. that's been quite successful. we both have i been born and a taxi component. in addition to that, the other issue we heard a lot-this available to all seniors and people disabilities not just paratransit eligible. the other program was of van gogh. a lot of seniors be with disability or isolate the difficult time doing recreational trips special friends or other people don't have a transportation mode to do that with. so, we have the van gogh which is also funded by grants called van gogh because of the cultural significance that. it's for
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recreation or other kinds of trips semi wanted to come to this meeting. they could use that service. so, just quickly a few more quick programs we have paratransit plus which the taxi program for people who are not ada eligible that great difficulty using muni as a safety net. it's usually people over 80 better able to use the muni etiquette some something in the back pocket they can use if they have difficulty in a particular day. i just want to-i mentioned earlier i cannot get to it yet but helping wheels fund is a fun we had to help support load income people who have difficulty paying affairs. for instance, there was a fire was a new medical need they need more trips they can apply to get funding to pay for actually their fares for
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the trip. the other thing that we feel is important and i mentioned earlier is the customer satisfaction and hearing only from the bcc but our everyday customers. mark likes to refer to them as mod, what is moderate think which is the person out there think that we don't hear from. we do an annual customer satisfaction survey that done by a third-party company cory, that you service for muni and they get all the randomly get recent trips and call people. they also provided a multiple language. the customer doesn't speak in bush they can do the survey in spanish or chinese. the telephone survey is pretty extensive. you can see the results that we've got over the last four years in terms of the overall satisfaction with the paratransit program. so, i
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think it's important to point out we also challenges. this is not an easy service to provide and there's definitely challenges. i'm going to go over a few of them and some other things were doing to try to address those challenges. one of them is adult day health care and we mention that a few times. the adult day health care users in the city of income or fail over the last-they are not frail but those it using that service are frail because the state requirements have been even more stringent in terms of who is eligible for adult day health care. there's also a number of centers closed. so, there's less centers in the city and people coming from all over the entire city. we've had some increase in write-downs in terms of picking up people in one neighborhood is easy to do that in an hour. but if you're picking them up in 4-5 different neighborhoods that much more difficult difficult proposition. we've also seen as was mentioned a lot more congestion on the street and so that also slows down the, we've seen some increase right time it would work with the adult healthcare network to address those. one of the endeavors what alisha
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mentioned earlier which of the pure escort program, to have someone on the vehicle it is a program that worked on with the department of aging and adult services and service agencies to have people who are seniors and disabled themselves have a job to work with the driver to escort, especially with cognitive impairment. we've also increased the reimbursement to one of the providers was having a difficult time. we have loaned them-we've sent two of the sfmta vehicles. another issue that i don't think i mentioned yet is the paratransit sf access to the circuit,, there's always facility in brisbane and the fact that it's so far away has an impact in terms of deadhead in terms of the run of time and not on the part of
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drivers as well as fuel to get from that part into the city where most of our trips are. so, we are looking for anybody have space, were looking for it. not that's an easy proposition in san francisco we need space that's more centrally located. in the past providers have been either kind of your metro east or bayview hunters point which is much closer to the city. we also are finding that we are needing to use our vehicles beyond their quote unquote useful like that mta says is five years. were needing to extend the use of those vehicles it would get more vehicles so we can retire them sooner. so, some of things were doing work of the real estate to try to identify space the city owns or that we could use for and paratransit we been rehabbing some of vehicles in our fleet there beyond their five years, with new floors, new list, new shocks and to extend their life by 2-3 years further. what about adhd was able to get a grant to the
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federal government for 10 new vehicles. this can be a bigger boom boom for that program. on the taxi, i think roland mentioned with the advent of that at&t we are seeing the taxi industry is have a more difficult time recruiting drivers and especially spirits divers some them have left to the tmc's. this is especially an issue for the grant access program was takes more effort for the driver. it cost more for fuel. the vehicles are large. so it's had an impact on a ramp program. we've had tried to address that with more incentive for the drivers, so it's a business they can make it as a business move. the $10 per trip incentive. we also provide airport shorts, if they pick up two trips in the outlying areas they're able to go to the front of the line at the airport. it's another type of incentive. were also working directly with drivers in terms of leasing the ramps to taxi
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drivers and they've interviewed drivers interested in that to make sure that a commitment to the program and have had a lot of experience. i think roland also mentioned the detail were working to try to have-we are close to getting an app that can be used for paratransit customers so they can similarly to the general public, call a cab with their smartphone and especially for the ramps we think it we especially helpful because then you be able to-you can filter just for access be will to see the ones that are in your area. so, i'm almost done. some of our upcoming endeavors as you know, the calendar date with the rfp were going out to bid for paratransit brokerage. we should have a new contract in place by next fiscal year. were trying to work on this operation and facility, working towards getting it operating
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facility. expanding the sf axis fleet and part of that is expanding also our mobile data computers on that fleet. guerrillas get 20 them donate from another transit property that we are using or purchasing s'more so that every vehicle in the fleet even newer ones we recently got has a mobile data computers. were working on mobility management loosely got a grant to have a one-stop center, one click, are seniors and people with disabilities can go to one place to find out all the transportation options there are in san francisco. one last thing. it's obviously the collaboration with groups like the healthcare network. is important and ongoing. we solve issues we need to address were working with them on those. so, one buys us one last reminder, saturday is the annual meeting.
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1 pm. on howard and 11th st. at the arc. we hope you can come. the last slide has some contact information. we are always looking for more pcc members. people are interested in participating, please contact jonathan at that number. is also mine and marks contact. >> thank you. excellent presentation. i think members of the pcc who spoke as well. members of the board at this time comments or questions? >> members of the public was to address the board on this matter if you please turn in a speaker card. patty clement. followed by mr. printout. then roxie callum will be the first three speakers. >> good afternoon mr. clement >> good afternoon. patty clement with catholic charities in most of the coalition of agencies. we also have a subcommittee of adult they service providers here in san francisco. we worked very closely with paratransit and we know overall they do a great
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job, or having some challenges. annette was able to highlight some of those challenges that says we have some closures without a programs in san francisco takes longer to get declines to the program they need to come to in order to stay safe in the community. we haven't creased traffic construction and street closures. increasing frailty of the clients we do serve. they needed the quality of service. we have longer paratransit times due to the increased use of wheelchair less. again the frailty of our clients. we will chair capacity for program participants where really we don't have enough capacity within the fleet of vehicles to meet all the needs of the client in wheelchairs the special programs. we have had some issues with all the providers using the trapeze mechanism so that were using-utilizing routes that can best be made. we have some
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complaints of paratransit being where our clients are on the bus for over 2 hours each way. if you can imagine being 85 years old, very physically frail, cognitively challenged, and your writing over two hours to get someplace. now, we just upshot of in time and overall, paratransit is really really well, but we had 2.7% of our clients in one month be on the bus for over 90 min. knows to 28 clients. so to 20 rise. it's 11 rods a day. so it's a lot for that frail population. look at how do we work together to make this better. our population is aging. we don't have plans for 2-3 years five years we need to bring it your attention. >> thank you. next he hurt you please >> mr. patel followed by roxie, then herbert weiner.
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director at the center were mr. patel attends and mr. patel brought it to my attention over two years ago that his van rides are too long. i've been auditing regularly, and i've been going to the meetings and talking about these rides. i'm really happy it's finally coming to the attention of the board here, but we really need to work to solve the problem because it's a four-hour program that mr. patel attends and if he is on the van for 2 hours each way that's an eight hour day. being on a van. that's really too much. mr. patel has recently dropped his attendance at the center, and that's why he bent he's not getting his exercise did not exercising at the program anymore doing his therapy and it's affecting them. thank you.
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>> thank you. thank you mr. patel. next speaker, please. >> roxy, followed by herbert weiner and then james evans junior. >> hi. i'm roxy kellum and the program director at stepping stone mission creek. one of the four adult day health centers that steppingstone has. so, mr. patel's experience happens at all of our centers. it is ourselves a whole care program are four hours. if you hear about the increasing ride at times, other work trying really hard with the provider to decrease those times, if the van arrives late and they're not there for four hours, we don't get paid by medi-cal. meanwhile they're there for 203 hours were not sending them
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home back again. are providing services but something we lose out on. so, though they appear we support people living in the community as well as hong kong is possible. that's a much more desirable outcome for people aging and disabled. no adult day health care is for adults over 18 so silly in my center admission creek i the vast range of age groups from the 30s through 90s. many ethnicities and languages. so there's a lot going on. so the consequences of the van breakdowns, they're there because this lack of resources. the vans that service our center are old. talk about [inaudible] sometimes a much much older. so, we have the
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right times. missing attendance. we have capacity issues. when we have used san francisco axis, that's our san francisco axis is designed for. makes a really inefficient. $29 a ride, wow. it's only getting it worse. our population is getting older and more frail and more challenge because we also do with people with mental health and behavioral issues. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> herbert weiner james evans junior. douglas callahan. >> herbert weiner. when i have raised my concern about people having to walk a quarter of a mile to the bus stop. notably, seniors and disabled. the argument has been [inaudible] is the has-been but according to the presentation the services within a three quarter of a mile fixed route. in other words, if you can make this guy. you're out of luck. the inactive call to the bus stop. paratransit will not cover
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this. this is my understanding. these correct me if i'm wrong. now, the other aspect of it is, even if paratransit were to provide the service, we see problems of breakdowns and long rides, there sometimes they don't, on time, i hope these problems are straightened out. it seems like it's an adequate service but i think you're over using the service. if you provide service for going to a quarter of a mile, that's going to place a severe taxation on the resources of paratransit. i don't know if they'll be able to meet its. i don't know if all people we were to qualify for this. now, please correct me if i'm wrong, but i really think that this problem,, dumping it on hairdresser when
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unique works perfectly well providing access the present routes as they exist and hopefully more and not being removed, i hope that paratransit is not going to be the dumping ground for this. i also can't lament the staff on their dedication to providing paratransit services. i hope the problems are addressed and improved because i think basically the idea is sound. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> james evans junior, douglas callahan i'm a felt mcfadden. >> good afternoon, ms. ivins. >> chairman, board members. i'm here on behalf of bayview senior service. become a 6 kn that's provided by that paratransit. we do have a couple of bouts that some long times that we been able to condense. that's what made up to six rows brewery were only at four. it's just the going to a fleet to handle the growing numbers of people. they been
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making those things go down and the times go down but we need more vehicles to be able to house less people on the van so there will be less right times. with these closures at patty was talked about discussing more seniors to go to the same centers instead of the centers they were going to in the past. but i am in support of what's been going on in is going in a good direction but we could use a little help. thank you. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> douglas callahan and philip mcfadden. bruce oka. >> good afternoon mr. colin >> mr. chairman and board. thank you for having me tonight when he was douglas cowan gave him a driver with paratransit and my honor to be in the service with these people. i enjoy it very much. other driver for 20 months with simpler cisco paratransit is been a major changes going down. with the service. given
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doing very well bring in the service off for the entire time i've been employed here been short of drivers because of budget issues and budget constraints. what was with dir. ruskin and board of supervisors we were able to alleviate a lot of that. resolving issues with our fleet size number of buses and so on. today will waive the meeting were detonated apart the drivers standing waiting for vehicles to come back and said they could go out on the finished. we do need to address possibly getting more fuel efficient or cost-effective vehicles to use to augment our fleet and to make it better. overall, my clients have been very satisfied with their services. i'm one of drivers who does a lot of polling and have them fill out a lot of the information cards to get their honest opinion on the mail is. the 20 months i've been a driver, i've seen-make major improvements in the service and inherited a mess when they came
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in. the paratransit program was way behind the carpet once again we help from dir. ruskin and other people in the mj we were able to help improve a lot of this and he proven social committee on the pipeline. we still a lot of work ahead of us. the infrastructure rebuild has been a big jabber myself and being on the streets, the construction is been a major problem for us as far as traffic. that does delay is quite a bit. overly, when it gets finished up will have less obstruction. also, with the development and building quality kaiser and everybody building these mega medical centers and facilities at record pace, demand for services is growing exponentially all the time. we need to seriously work on improving this program and keeping on the right track. we are hiring more drivers that will soon be up to full time, drivers >> next speaker, please.
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>>-mcfadden and bruce- >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i just want to say i'm a driver. we care very much very much about our clients. and we took our time. we do care about our clients. were on the road for two hours. we don't like it. we know they just got out dialysis. they want to be home. we're working on. we care about our clients a lot. >> thank you, sir. >> next.. >> bruce oka followed by-and ron henderson who is the last person who turned in a speaker card on this matter. >> welcome back.
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>> i am here to talk about what i consider to be [inaudible]. we have the best paratransit service in the country. we heard from some of the wonderful staff and the clients we service and people who most critically need the service. we need to put more money into the paratransit program. my main mode of transportation, as you all know, is muni. i ride it every
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shift and i continue to do that. i would just like to say i will not go away. believe me, i hope to see at our annual meeting, please come because you will see the drivers that take care of us. you will see more members of the pcc. i was once called by [inaudible] the chairman of [inaudible] in san francisco. he said [inaudible].
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what annette said about our history. not all of it.if you really want to know a lot of the details, just as bruce and i. there's a lot of stories we had in the beginning. i like to also comment all the changes from the time i work there back in 86 until 2000. this been a lot of changes since then and very good changes. the shop around. van gogh. we had a version of vander. we had agencies and nonprofits want to go down to city hall into a rally we were glad to provide paratransit for them for seniors and people with disabilities i'm glad it van gogh does that type of service. but there are certain things that have not changed. we call
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it accessible vans right now. always to: mixed mode and lift vans that were still having the same problems. not enough drivers. not enough bands. high demand and not enough supply. at the same time, since we have left, and thank goodness wherein the debit cards because i used to count those myself. millions of dollars. we need to emphasize moving back to the taxi. we have a debit card. we can monitor it. it's definitely cheaper. the $20 is not cheap because the taxi in group granted an essential service is averaging 30-$40 for trip depending on the mood of the person. so, we need to start looking at using the taxi program to subsidize this problem because we've got too much of a burden too much of a demand on the vans we always will have no matter what. >> thank you.
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>> ron henderson followed by kathy wood. she is the last person who turned in on a speaker card on this item >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i did a charter for 20 months as well. it's grown exponentially in the last 20 months as far as services for our clients. services for our drivers to invasive than this. coming to a happy medium now to get these rectified were going forward. so, we need a program. we need the funding. the thing is going well. what i love about the company is were able to go talk to management, with ideas. they listen to ideas that we can be able to gradually grow from the ideas and get things going forward. we are going for. it takes little time because it's all brand-new when it comes to the last 20 months but were going forward and moving forward and everything is going fine. >> thank you. >> last speaker, kathy wood.
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>> is this here? >> hello. i'm one of the lead social workers for sent dialysis, and we have three douses units in san francisco. serving about 300 patients. almost half use some paratransit services. i am here today to support the service and to let you know that over the 10 years that i've been involved with paratransit he certainly had our ups and downs with regard to service providers, but over the past few years and particularly since trans-their service has improved greatly for our patients. as you may know
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dialysis patcomeients o dialysis three times a week minimum. some up to 3-4 hours. their elderly. there informs. their multiple may have multiple medical conditions. there dialysis treatment is draining. literally. for most of them. so, they are fatigued after the drivers are very helpful. this court are patients in and out of our dialysis units. the time waiting, the ride, the length of ride has a client in over the years. so appreciating prescient of of that as well. so i just want to say thank you for the service please continue for our dialysis patients. >> thank you. anyone else? >> that's the last person who turned in a speaker card >> a couple things. i appreciate this. it's very important press to hear. i described looking out for the entire city but especially those who need this is the most. i think you're doing that population and it's a growing population. to be sure. some of
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the issues the bands themselves sounds like we need new or repaired once more efficient ones. advance probably could be the toughest issue. i'm not sure what i can be of that someplace we can do that. [inaudible] i'd like to mention san mateo county is not in us but i heard a little bit about that legacy we can do something with them. at that talk trans-board meeting summary said using paratransit called and talked to me and said how difficult it is to transfer we come to visit. it's hard on anyone to transfer in any system but this is particularly difficult so i hope we can do something and revisit the conversation with san mateo county. is that there to say? the band themselves be the biggest, ms. once the biggest single thing we could do? >> i think would be helpful.
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we need to do is to get fda fund additional funds. the problem is the way that there look at on the regional level it's easy to replace expensive because this reconsidered expansion is what's difficult. there allocated money regionally. so, we have in the past purchase some additional vehicles to dissertation authority funds and we been able to replace them with fpa funds. in terms of getting funding for expansion with fta funds that's been difficult. >> then on the adult day care centers i understand there's some thought of having to sections of a? >> i know-as to sections of that. i think there's a lot of issues with staffing with having more than-in terms of their own stuff and because it's an incredible amount of services they provide. we talked about staggered starting times but also is difficult. it
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is something we definitely discussed and i'll continue to discuss something that can improve things >> i just want as impotently breast with a survey that was done. that's amazing to me. there's not much satisfaction and those that testified here today. the overall satisfaction we have a lot to do. we can do a whole lot better i'm sure but it's nice to have that >> i think a lot of testimony to the customers that are part of the system that are involved in it. they've advocated for themselves for quite some time and i think that's part of our success. >> i'm sure it is. the bcc does a great job. it's very vital to this whole office. members of the board.? should >> thank you so much for the presentation to everybody who gave public comment. in one of the slides i see we in one of the slides i see we have 13,780 eligible writers could i we seen a population dramatically increase we can anticipate we are going to be servicing muni
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riders? >> very good price. the last few years we've been pretty level window the partition of towing the process in san francisco is 85+. so, our expectation will see growth in those summers. but we have been pretty level. with a huge growth spurtafter the ada was fully implemented in 97 for many years we been more level and even went down a little bit early implanted the debit card. so, i would expect that over the next 10 years we are going to see growth in the population. it also depends on how many trips of people who become members of the program. we find those are older take questions per month and the younger disabled people that are going to work or school or dialysis, that's a huge portion of our service. that is something that's also grown quite a bit. so, it kind of depends on the customer base, how many additional trips that
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means. >> just to clarify, because it sounded there a few sort of misperceptions were questions in the public comment, but it sort of the eligibility? >> the three-quarter miles is related to what area we need to serve. we serve customers at their door, so they don't need to travel any distance to get the paratransit. that's part of the point of paratransit. it needs to go to the door because they're not able some people are not they can't independently get from their house to the bus stop. but areas we have to serve is within three quarters of a mile as we have so much fixed route service we don't have gaps within the city. like if you look at it you stay in the that their service area the guinness around every bus line within three quarters of a mile and in some areas they don't need to serve. that's what the three-quarter miles the first of >> thank you very much.
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>> i have so many questions. officer go back on the public, third made a good point as to the cost-effectiveness of using taxis to supplement the van service. i'm just wondering-i know you're already taking taxi services and others a number of incentives you guys have implemented already as far as incentivizing drivers. i wondering if there's any more opportunity there to further utilize those taxis clique >> great question. what we do when we register-for why we have a on the taxi program because was going through the roof we felt with people applying for paratransit just because they want to get taxi no summer difficult. in the last-how long now-two years, anyone who buys for paratransit is eligible is upper taxi services. we do promote taxi services could does work for everybody like dialysis. it can work sometimes, but people like to be able to have a scheduled
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appointment and the taxi are calling the same day. i think it still can work just as well as the band program but the person has to believe-has to feel that way themselves. we do encourage nothing we can do more to reach out to our customers especially those who use a lot of service make sure they're aware of what's available to them the taxi and how to use it. i think this app, those who do have smartphones, it may be a real help for people where wheelchair users using the taxi program. we also promote taxi and want to. it are issues we talked about some having an impact on the taxis. so there's a lot of complexity out there. but we completely agree that taxis, for someone who works for is really the best service. for them it same day service. they don't have to make a reservation i had of time. it often be something people prefer to the band program. >> something i've heard in the community a little bit just
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offhand and i want to get a little clarification on. i understand trans-is the broker and they in recent years started providing the actual transportation services as well? >> to provide a portion of the transportation services. you're absolutely right. >> this comment i've heard something you can clarify for folks is that that seems like a conflict where how do they supervise themselves or are they grading themselves were holding themselves accountable. can you clarify how that works? >> there are two versions of the company but is all the same comedy. it's two different components of the company and they do oversight but we also do oversight. myself, jonathan and soon replacing the ones position i've been without her for quite a while. thanks to you all. so we do a lot of oversight ourselves and we expect to do even more. you be
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getting the new budget and we've got another petition in there and analytical position. what we see is the service has been much better with trans doing the transportation service. they work very closely with their union and have raised drivers salaries which is been very important to the service. we feel that we both are oversight and the brokerage oversight, which is somewhat separate from the company, because two different parts of the company, or we can make sure there's not any issues with the conflict of interest when he are. what's most important is that we get high-quality service and that it's cost-effective. both of those are the things were monitoring very carefully. >> thank you for clarifying that. i appreciate it. the other question had was random but it goes to the prolonged weight or long drive times because of congestion at the paratransit people exempted and
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able to use [inaudible] >> absolute. we do the bumper stickers for the bike lane. this case were paratransit has to drop off work at the curb with those of ivan. we do everything to include paratransit in those stipulations that the lanes are available. think the drivers can attest to that has made a difference to them being able to transfer in those lines. >> thanks so much for the presentation on a complex subject. good work. >> i to question about the group van service. another goal is to pick a people going to the same location at there any sort of geographic-hearing that someone travels two hours to be somewhere basically for an appointment and not go, do we do it geographically located in terms of people on the van
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rides or is it just kind of like a- >> is absolutely done geographic but sometimes you may have three people to enrichment and one sunset there someone closer so those three are grouped together. but it's all the schedules made on geographic distance between the customers. if you try to maximize the number of people on the van and you don't have any in one area and it becomes difficult. >> do we monitor the time it takes an track that information? >> yes, we do. and were getting a mobile data computers in every bit that we don't have them in every vehicle. the electronic monitoring which of you is even better than the sign-up to the agency staff. >> bob describes an anomaly or something working to resolve? >> the one they love that was about 2% of the rides were beyond an hour and a half. under agreement with them an hour and a half is the maximum. it's difficult it sounds like a
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long time but if you think about one part of the city to another, it takes that long on out bus route as well. most of the trips are under 60 min. that's our goal. an hour and half is what under the contract they have to meet. we have 2% that are going over the contract. >> i guess the final question is, do we quarter date with adults day care centers so that we can schedule enough time so if it takes two hours the people get there in time? >> they do coordinate with the centers. i think was being referred to is if there was a breakdown work or something also happens along the route that can be a delay that isn't anticipated, but in terms of the normal service they know the amount of time the trip is supposed to take. >> thank you. >> director thomas >> thank you chairman and staff and everyone that showed up today to speak on this and to help us all learn about this
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service. i feel like it's absolutely critical and something that is so valued in summary different ways. to me, it really reminds us of the humanity of our system and our services. i really sincerely appreciate the drivers and everyone who makes this an option. as we age as a city, this is going to be something-we will have to get this right and get better. because the van is only going to decrease the demand. only demand for service will increase but so will the traffic in the city is going to increase or so we think were having a hard time now getting around, it's going to get even longer i hate to say unless we take the appropriate precautions to get the services moving along. i think the only thing i can add to the conversation in addition to my appreciation of it, is this
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notion of transit only lanes and making sure doing everything we can to get these vehicles and everyone that needs to access to these lands so we can effectively hyperspace, if you will, to get folks where they need to go much more quickly. there was a call earlier in public comments to right side versus center lanes. one of the examples alike 2.2 people were not familiar with the rationale of why we built center lanes is because a sooner or later those lanes running on the right side have to run into people turning rights. or, then they have to wait for pedestrians that are crossing the same street before turning right on. it gets backed up very quickly. the right and gets backed up very quickly with people crossing were turning off of a main street that a transit lane is on. keeping the lane in the center actually avoids that
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complication because we can build it (only wayne. i would hope, in the future, people like yourselves and everybody that's interested in expediting the service and getting people to go where they need to be faster they are paying attention to these charges that were having the transit only lanes because they're important but it's not something everybody has the privilege of being able to understand. so we need you in the future to advocate for why we need to be able to make these lanes in the center to get them out of complications like this. and get people around a lot faster in the future. so, thank you so much for all that you do. i'm looking for to talking about this next year when we talk about the budget in the future. >> i think that's a very good point. do you have another report at some point? thank you all very much for being here today. we are joined by mr. maguire [inaudible]. no two
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more items. >> how many do we have >> we have one, two, 3-6. >> with the pleasure of the board? >> item 12 amending transportation go division ii section 612 great a transit taxi commercial vehicle on areas on powell street on ellis street to geary street in northbound and from o'farrell street 12 street the following traffic and parking modifications to them: the powell street safety pilot from december 4, 2015 until june 4, 2017. director, staff has asked that the traffic modification
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the amended. they made a request that item g which reads the stylish no left turn except in the o'farrell street eastbound at powell street, be deleted and the o'farrell street eastbound at posted the item added to item c which is the stylish no left turn except muni paratransit taxis and commercial vehicles. so, basically muni paratransit and taxis commercial vehicles will be able to make a left turn on o'farrell street eastbound. that's the impact of the staff request. >> when we get to that point there to drop the amendment first and the amended resolution >> yes, mr. chairman. >> good afternoon >> good afternoon. my name is dan howard on the project manager for the powell street safety pilot project designed
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to improve safety programs for people walking and for the cable cars as well as collect data that will inform our future project on powell the next few years. this is the staff recommended proposal. the plan restricts vehicles without commercial license from the block of powell between ellis and o'farrell and the pilot server section between o'farrell and geary designed to reduce the traffic volume on the street by 80% on the pipe. it also proposes sections of the three intersections the project area. disney's active loading zones on powell street to become either commercial or passenger loading zones in grades 11 new commercial voting spaces in the project area. the pre-motivation for this project to mention improving safety. over 4000 people walk on the structure of powell during the peak period in the past five years 25 reported collisions including 18 injury collisions.
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all the entry questions except one and both the vehicle striking a pedestrian crossing the street. the three intersections project i have been identified by division zero program has been some of the highest injury rates in the city. this is a map that shows where the collisions have occurred. most of those collisions occurred at kerry street wet midblock between geary and o'farrell street. in addition to the collisions reported to the police the cable car division reported 27 additional collisions because damage to the cable cars during that same time or not. period. they were not designed to operate in stop and go traffic at the cable which runs at a constant speed underneath the road works best when script fully or completely let go. jessica manual transmission car, the cable grip most of the cable woman report from the stop the traveling slower than a mouse power to the cable child. the slipping retirement
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occurs causes damage to the cable. as to the condition on powell increases the amount of time equipment must with the cable which causes more damage to the cable get the commission this increased wear a looking amount of time between cable replacements. maritime has decreased to 40% since 2025% in the past five years which is increased wear due to increased congestion. lastly, the pilot project is also done to gather data and test pilot restrictions anticipation of project. with local businesses about the fm sf nta look.street movements on powell will widen the sidewalks improve the walking experience ms. pilot supports that effort. the project needs the balance pedestrian safety issue the cable cars brought up earlier with business interests include loading axis as well as aesthetic considerations to come up with a viable street design. the pile wool come up with the data to inform these
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future decisions. here the goal for the project i'm it would be looking for reduction in vehicle volume on the street and of course money reduction in turn involves. the change also.increase in the time doing cable replacement during the pilot should reduce the collision rate as measured during the pilot. we up to reduce vehicle volumes by the percent as mentioned. it is about perceptions don't achieve this condition there will turned to the board at the end of the pilot look at other restrictions. this data metrics we intend to cut during the pilot anticipation of how the pilot will be evaluated. installation was short start shortly after portable inuit to get conversations before the holidays and holiday season is the busiest time for this area. also see the time most damage. after the party season dataquest will begin in the pilot will end june 4. after that the staff were turned to the board after the date and pursue common legislation for
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the project. these are the benefits that we staff anticipates the realize from the project including mission zero benefits. cable car safety improved muni efficiency both on the cable car lines the 38 geary and data that informs the future streetscape plans for powell. this is the overview of our reach prostate we going door-to-door to the tune of 34 business on the affected lots discussed the project with the heroes are the manager. speaking about 20 business owners identified by businesses in july that i said concerns about the initial project proposal. we'll go stakeholders one on one modify the plan to address stakeholder concerns. so the concerns we are doing the our responses included concerns about access to both commercial and passenger loading from retail and hotel. as well as issues surrounding parking enforcement
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in general traffic circulation concerns given that policy is near market street and the central subway closure of those projects interact with each other. staff work closely with the affected businesses and hotels that we modified the design in response to feedback. the resume proposal on powell didn't include any provisions for commercial vehicle access except for later night when the axis might appear with the cable card. we originally proposed 12 am-5 am commercial loading axis on. after me with businesses in july there was no viable. we commented 24-hour loading for all commercial vehicles on mr. after discussion with it block between geary and o'farrell further modify the proposal to provide praxis for noncommercial vehicles the pickup and drop-off passengers on the plot. again, his the current staff recommendation. only commission vehicles transit and taxes would be
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allowed [inaudible]. the block between o'farrell and geary allowances will be made to accommodate passenger loading on this blog. if the item is approved by the board today the staff will phase in the movement tatian that gary powell in order to test two possible traffic routing streams. the first would be [inaudible] in addition the zones will be painted at the corner to reduce the improving usability for crossing pedestrians. this diagram shows the proposed vehicle restrictions during the pilot. as i mentioned the block from ellis to o'farrell restricted to municipal taxis paratransit commercial vehicles during the private either. the other block test the effectiveness of restrictions which permit access to noncommercial vehicles the purpose of loading and unloading passengers in the
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200 block of powell street. the blue area which covers south on powell between geary and o'farrell restricted to muni taxis paratransit commercial vehicles because making pickup or drop us at the one loading zone on ipod. on the northbound side supper commence establishing the church is only permit muni taxis and commercial vehicles during the holiday season more about cable card best reinstated during the busy time of year after the holiday or not there sessions will be relaxed to permit vehicles loading on powell duplicating signs on the southbound side of this block to reduce traffic volume. lastly, the slideshows the loading zones proposed by the project. including design the zones on powell's are marked in blue. neither passenger unloading zone and creating of new commercial loading zones outlined in red in the area. i want to thank the business associate and director as well
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as julie christiansen and her second photo counsel and its president can't help for working on this project and their continued effort in the views. winners in the board has received a letter from mr. gladstone representing the hotel stratford and staff appreciates the hotel's support for the project went into plan outlined in items one and two in this letter. let session before you today provide for the holiday safety zone for doing item 1 but it does not provide for the exception the western restriction and o'farrell street for vehicles using how to load and unload passengers. documents amending the legislation as a secretary read the begin of this presentation to center taxi and commercial vehicles from this turn research. staff were turned to the board in january to move in the northbound powell side between o'farrell and geary and to recommend modifying the left turn restriction and o'farrell and powell to exempt noncommercial vehicles voting on powell street from that restriction. this includes the staff presentation at
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>> thank you mr. howe. >> kevin kyle followed by evan kaiser and then turns like >> good afternoon, mr. gulch is a good afternoon commissioned my name is kevin kyle is an object of the hotel council of san francisco. also a member of the former board member of-the work for the sf mta on the taxi service and late-night transfer working group as well. i want to thank the director and staff for their flexibility in working with us over the last 7-8 weeks regarding the specific concerns about tells included in this pilot project that you're looking to approve today. especially between powell between o'farrell and geary. we would like to thank them get howard and john kennedy who worked with us were multiple meetings as user. phone calls and discussions to try and accommodate and work with us to work with hotels in this district. hotel council to support the powell street
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safety pilot. we strongly support mr. howard josette, and appreciate the staff's recommendations to move the northbound red zone so that after the holidays would allow the pilot to really have equal access to the hotels both sides of that street. we think this is critical the passenger loading and unloading operations of our hotel. we also feel that it's really fair and equal way to do this program. we strongly support the recommendation. we also continue to support vision zero and also want to make sure the cable car lines the main safe for both drivers, are public, and employees in the neighborhood. we recognize that those blocks are to the highest type of box in the city. many of our pedestrians are the hotel cost using that area as well. my office happens to be on a corner. i see every day both walking and from my window
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all the things that happen on those corners went there at geary and powell realize and see with the cable car operators go through when they come down that street. their symptoms completely blocked. again, we support this program. we support the safety does one make sure the recommendation for the red zone be removed as a group. >> thank you. >> evan kaiser followed by karen flood and richard rider. >> good afternoon. >> thank you. i'm evan kaiser pres. and ceo of the-comic one of it hotel stratford at 242 powell. we will surely celebrate 100 years of continuous family ownership of the hotel stratford. i'm here with james daily, our operator endorses my comments. big knowledge the pedestrian cable car safety is everyone's concern, which is we've accepted this past holiday red zone which will into means many
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of our hotel guest. this will not [inaudible] acceptance of the red zone had two caveats and were pleased your staff is accommodating our sin of those two issues. first, the red zone for this one block the removed after the first week of january. second, at the time of the removal of the red zone 18 month pilot program starts. they will be provided with guest access to load and unload in front of our respective hotels. this will occur for us by allowing left turns from the eastbound o'farrell vehicles to reach the critical area for the hotel. the stats generate pilot suggestions are critical to our hotel. removing that zone and implement in like axis rules on the 200 block which allows commercial vehicles, taxis and private vehicles does address many of our concerns and dramatically
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reduces traffic while minimizing basic operational mission which is being welcoming to the san francisco visit is visitors. we worked with staff. we think kevin supervisor christiansen's office. the staff. the union square bit. we are cognizant that our hotel guest experience starts with the [inaudible] which can only occur in one engines as you'll note the power of negative comment online is very serious >> thank you so much. >> karen flood, richard leiter, claude in both >> good afternoon >> good afternoon chairman norman and numbers of the sfmta board. my name is karen flood is that of dr. of the union square improvement district as such i represent the property owners in around union square. including the structure powell street were talking of today. i'm here to give conditional
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support for this project. condition because we do appreciate the cable car. it does add uniqueness to our street we do treasure its. also, i appreciate worked with ken howard and john kennedy and members of the sfmta to work throughout this process. in hearing our concerns. has been a rush process so i will say that is the reason for my conditions because i think we need to not have ample time to think this through. so, first condition is that that there is a long-term investment in powell street. this is a critical thoroughfare. the incredible investments made by the property owners as well as investment in individual properties as well as type indeed $1 million to extend the cyber. it's really critical that we don't just put the date down in science and card etiquette in nice to have a long-term plan which very much be part of that vision and a plan. and what resources.
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number two traffic circulation is key. if you been down there incredibly congested with a central subway construction. honestly-been close for about 40. alice is still closed that market. traffic control officers to move the topic. we need to get ellis street open. it's a joy china. [inaudible] you bonding about the loading and unloading is good news margins along powell did not have access to the properties and is key to allow some access. i thing a long-term plan i can see the accommodating those pedestrians in making that expense more positive but there does need to be something for the loading and unloading. one work with you to work that out. thank you much >> things. >> richard leiter could clot him all. wes tyler. >> thanks. my ms. richard leiter. the president of
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paramount hotels inquiry. we have three hotels. the herbert h and 161 powell, spalding hotel at 240 o'farrell the park hotel at 325 seven. we also probably whole which is in brewhouse at 242 o'farrell. to reiterate what karen fletcher sponging were conditionally supportive of the good our hotel is right across from the entrance of agent. it's between o'farrell and ellis should. we basically been limited from any type of loading last year to give you an example, all boutique hotel we cater of axis iii and 25,000 of the city in tax. so if you multiply that times 8000 rooms in and around union square is substantial amount of money. to emphasize the purpose of my comments today you can make sure we will be due long-term improvement something very similar to what is been done between ellis and market street the table card turn on. melinda ris when the
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mta comes to us and says would've put something down and remastered there is no question the merchants need some sort of axis for deliveries but at the same time for passengers [inaudible] i don't need to the need for 18 months trial [12 months should be enough for budgeting on a mental behind it so we know we were going. figure 9 much for your time this afternoon and concession >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> [inaudible] >> good afternoon. i service director of strategic initiatives of function [inaudible] vipers will want to check out again howard he's been a shorter to work with. a collaboration we learned a lot from each other in terms the process and the conjugate what's been discussed. note to add-on to karen's condition but the long-term investment and long-term plan for paulo
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street. unafraid (i love documents that isolate actual documents i just want to bring your attention back in 1962-plan for downtown san francisco included how street is a pedestrian eyes posit they've could walk right up to union square in addition to grant street. so it goes back 50 years. in 1985 the san francisco downtown plan about policies and objectives regarding pedestrian environment critical to the city's economic success. that's really the city's downtown economics exhibit 19 about the downtown [inaudible] set a long-term plan for widening sidewalks on powell were closing how street two cars except for transit. then in 2010 i believe it was the better streets of great streets project english with union square. without a doctrine called walking street and preceded the current promenade
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pilot it was to look at very things that this file is going to look at. i just hope that staff looks back at the documents. some of the findings of that that union square is a primary luxury regional district is dollars but it's also critical business and employment center jetting many people forget. the number of people that are employed in our district it is a major transit hub's was a neighborhood connector to adjacent neighborhoods. some fun back. the first box of how street was all over streets in terms of pedestrian power data shows 11,000 pounds at highest peak. that's a primetime square in new york city. >> thank you. >> west tyler bret gladstone and charles last long >> good afternoon mr. tyler >> cannot conjure it was tyler joe manager the chancellor hotel 432 powell. we are oxygen box above most of the union
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square public affairs committee. i'm also operating conditional support of the program. but to really work well because i saw a muni for work program with and go all the way up to center street. i'd like to see the bottom half accommodate the merchants, meet the needs, will he make it look nice to get all the way up to center street. i think the key is getting it right at this point in making sure is something everyone is going to say but keep going. let's go further. we all know that the pedestrian eyes asian streets is a trend in nicer and that's what people really enjoy. i like to see this go all the way. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> bret gladstone followed by charles rathbone and then wayne hudson who is the last person who submitted a speaker. >> were gladstone., attorney
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in the city. a partner in the long term with hansen and bridget which associate member of the hotel counter. good afternoon., on behalf of the hotel stratford hotel virginia a few weeks ago because there were differential in the treatment that hotel vis-à-vis the hotel phones across the street. in two ways. one is the red zone would be applied in front of hotel stratford and known down direction of bowel and not in front of the low florence hotel. two, signage was proposed from here he allowing vehicles to load by making a left turn of geary on two o'farrell, but there was no thought proposal to allow
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people coming downtown on o'farrell to make a left turn on powell to enable them to reach the front of the hotel stratford. very pleased to say that due to a lot of work on behalf of your staff in the hotel counsel in the last week, we are tonight from your staff dan howard, that he's proposing to put in front of you in january a piece of legislation, i guess an amendment to section 601, that would correct that differential and as a result my clients will hope that as of that date it can be part of the 18 month pilot program and that its guests can continue to unload in front of. i show you this only because it shows that there were five collisions may block the were talking about. the collisions occurred right between the hotel stratford and develop florence hotel. i think i can show you that if you
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don't have both loading zones of their people will continue to cross the street and be hit. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> charles followed by weight has been those of the last two people turn and speaker doesn't >> good afternoon charles backbone on behalf of-, and we salute the agency's efforts hold innovative efforts to mitigate congestion which is certainly has a major impact on our business. we support this pilot program. we are proud to be part of the solution and we look forward to making this program a roaring success in that you end up expanding it to many other areas. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> last speaker, wayne hudson. >> i'm wayne hudson did the corner of yellow properties and a member of the taxi workers alliance. an editor of taxi
2:02 am i also want to speak in support of the proposed restrictions on traffic on powell street. it would be good for the city. it's the right direction. would also be good for the taxi industry. i would just encourage the mta to look at better signage and more enforcements in terms of this policy in general. thanks. >> thank you. you want to read the amendment again >> yes. mr. chairman, so, the idea would be to delete item g which establishes no left turn except muni on o'farrell street eastbound at paulo street and it would add to item g
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establishing no left turn except duty paratransit it would add o'farrell street eastbound at paulo street. >> anyone can do offer that amendment >> all offer that a moment >> second >> all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. da wicks the aye habits. >> thank you for making the comments. we won because the bus this project after this pilot project to make this look at first how which is always a very welcoming pedestrian environment were picked up and off i'm not sure it happens on the plot. was really pleased to read in the sfm mj blog a interview with willa johnson was our only female cable car driver enter common in it. she does have a combined letter job except the traffic on powell
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street. i think it's a really telling, to their that this is going to make a big difference for our grips. i have a gimme went back i wish there'd been more car traffic. i think this is going to be a good change for the street. mr. howard thank you for good presentation in just a couple of questions. what will be the situation for pnc in this block? i would imagine if there is a hotel guest in the pmc there'll be able to do the drop-off. were they able to be pickup quick how that workweek >> anywhere there's a red lane pnc's will not be permitted the citywide policy. >> that will bring up the question which am sure will solve during the pilot project and beyond the signage for that because as we've seen with her turn restrictions onto market street compliance is buried in different terms of in different users. it does make me think about curbside drop-off space in general. with
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so many people now using modes other than the private automobile, it seems like for us to facilitate that curbside drop-off as it seems you've done on the surrounding block by having loading zones that really makes me think that something we need to consider the rest of the city because if it happens that such a powell around union square happens in every commercial area and i can really see us moving to a point where every commercial block has some pickup and drop-off space at the curbside because as we've discussed before, curbside space is not just for people to park their own private cars curbside spaces for anybody who's using a car for pickup or drop-off, a taxi, a quick loading and unloading so i think that something were going to have to continue to look at in the city. other than
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this, i'm in such full support of this project and kudos to you and your group. it sounds like you did a lot of hard work and you really have come to a great budget. i'm really looking forward to voting yes on this. >> thank you. i want to echo the vice chairs comments. really commend you for the compromise and this happy medium you achieve. i know that in these processes was a tough spots to find. they're not clear in the beginning. so, i commend you. i'm rather confident that we are going to see some progress. it's hard to imagine it world that's different from the way that we been doing things up till now, but that street has such rich pedestrian life as it is and when we get even more there one becomes a more welcoming i'm confident that it's going to turn out for the better for everyone. but without i appreciate the pilot to. congratulations to everyone and thank you for all of your hard
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work in reaching this where we are. this pilot. it's a really solid indication of everyone's willingness to come together to reach for something better than what we have now. so, thank you and everyone that has an interest in this >> thanks for all the work on this in the modifications you made as a result of your main. the question that some in the loading zones and how you picked were some of them were. if it's possibility but may project because i do get concerned about people being chopped off on one side of the street running across because that's a very common behavior for people to do. there's a way, if we see this pattern happening within the pilot you could change that. can we talk about first how you show which side of the street the zones
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went into and what opportunity is there to change midstream if we see a challenge we >> referring to the loading zones on the powell or sizing about >> yes. >> the loading zones on powell look at this. for them are cut out into the parkland. three of those were going to paint commercial loading zone and the last one was a white passenger zone and that's in front of the villa florence. the reason we chose that is we first did a survey in june we surveyed all 24 businesses on the street in front where they do their loading and their passenger load we got a very good spot straight from that. from that we were able to pick out which owns are being used for what purpose. we backed up with many staff observations both on planning department and from sfmta staff always dig up the loading zones is always going where and what uses. the loading zone plan reflects the predominant use good i will note the hotel stoppered side it's a yellow loading zone but yellow zones to permit
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passenger loading for 5 min. zones the driver means in the vehicle. so that was we want to make sure the commercial loading zone, data because it is less restrictive than the passenger loading zone. with that being said, we essentially looked at the volume as well, the number of loading activities on the street and we use this to determine whether not we should provide axis for one side or the other. >> the transit axis lane obviously indicated with the loading zones could be? >> yes. we are able to create 11 loading zones on side streets with five in the turn pockets so they're no longer necessary given the turns are restricted. we are able to rededicate that sidewalk space to loading which is sorely needed in units we are to see a lot of double parking throughout commercial loading zones is only to help that situation. >> thank you for the work on this. i look for to seeing the
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feedback. why would turns 18 months versus 12. someone brought that up. >> yes. 18 months provides for the holiday period which we will be collecting any data during. and then it also provides another three months for us to return to the board and do legislation before the pilot position expires. will get permanent legislation in place. we are put in the position taken away and out only to put them back in again. >> thank you very much for your work on this. >> thank you very much. i think our representatives and the stratford asked this question. is the pilot project come january going to include the james that there is eager to see happen as can happen in generate? >> yes, provided designs work and we fully expect they will. >> on the 12 month versus 18 month question that we understand the estimation but,
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is it possible to have a better sense of the data in 12 months? well, let me stop and back up. first of all, thank you for your hard work for a good presentation it is you know for my past positions i think some of these street prioritization projects are great and good help everything move around in downtown and help protect our pedestrians in this case really hope our tourists the associated business. some very much in favor of the idea generally. but, i think we'll were hearing from the business community and which is say, there's really three things were doing here. protecting our cable cars. promoting towards him and three, protecting businesses that serve the taurus were getting on and off the cable cars. it's also works together and were chasing synergy here. the concern i hear from the business community is that we should
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know whether this is working in 12 months were not. what the problems are. so, maybe if you still have to have it be an 18 month pilot program for legislative reasons just that administratively some of the stuff takes longer, maybe it would at least be appropriate, chairman knowing, that some scheduled check back point so that if our value goodness people are coming back and saying, look, this is all great except for when needed yellow zone in front-were not leading a two months before we adjusted. i suspect you wouldn't do that but these things don't always get worked out as smoothly as some of these are. but it would be some comfort to her here's a little squeamishness my business community we had a dedicated date on the counter that no matter what is going on they can come back to us and get a hearing on whether palms are having thus far. so, if we give for legislative reasons with the project back to 18 months i think we should certainly have a dedicated date the year for
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another business folks think about first dawson a problems roughly staff will be reshot to them before then because [inaudible] that would be my first request. then, the loading for the hotels. i heard a little bit that's a concern here. now, this area is and not a normal traffic. it's not at 7 am to very busy-it's not market street were used to be market street or mission street. the bridge approach or something like that. does the pilot project account for that and accommodate the loading zones? the concern him. and i want to your work is, are we closing off loading zones at times when they're going to be really vital the businesses there at times that are not going to affect traffic or pedestrian safety because the low traffic times anyways? >> to answer your second concern that absolutely is a pattern of how street. we do
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notice the traffic gets very light in the morning. the original proposal was to try to slow loading hours of loading hours be at a specific time. that based on correlating all the schedules with the businesses we could not pursue that. so we were with 24-hour access for all business loading could also commercial loading under section the street 24 hour commercial loading and no restrictions. for the northern part the block from o'farrell to hear he, passenger loading similar 24 hours no restriction. without doing any hourly restrictions at this time. future plan we may find that it makes sense to restrict hours when the pedestrian peak between 3 pm and about eight-9 pm on weekdays. and the weekend. so we can look at that.
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>> is it your sense then there are remaining concerns about loading or unloading were such as more of a concern about the future dominant plan that businesspeople want to make sure were cognizant of? >> is minor say that this plan does include all the comments of the sticker. it does address all the concerns >> great. i think that's fantastic because look, at the end like i said, it's a triangle the interest. if no thousand the businesses there can't get the stuff they need to serve the taurus you get the whole point. >> again congratulations and thanks for your hard work. >> is a motion on the amendment >> motion >> second >> we don't need to put it in but mr. dr. weaver commitment on the check back. always a part of this should be ongoing feedback to go with the people who should appear today shown they're interested i know you'll do that anyways. is nice to have it on the record. >> sure. absolute below motion and second. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. the aye
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>> what we are looking to do day is not just those actions agree with the expenditure plan is also to make sure this adequate orientation for project and interim interview process with dr. we were short powerpoint presentation with bite me, my colleague they office of economic workforce development. this came from city planning will talk briefly about errata barred attitude environment record but as you all know this hearing today the bus because of action that happened earlier today the oci commission adopted ceqa findings including the mitigation measures and mmr p reporting plan of the golden state warrior's event center. arena. i think i'm getting that terminology right. any help let me jump into the powerpoint plan because it helps to understand visually. i can decide what were looking at as
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we go through. we'll go to a project description. this is been two years in amazement tomato member this is not the first site that we were talking about in the arena for the up oregon would look at for a year and have. the change in that location meant transportation assumption good luck women able to work with the policy advisory group of the sport as well as the citizens advisory committee to bring in some fundamental changes alive today. the key part of this would be the transportation management plan and self, the outreach which a significant part of reshaping this project this new location. adam-will walk you through the financial discussion and then there will be the board action item. the structure of the project it's a 11 acre site surrounded by [inaudible]. the arena will be
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18,000 seats. the leave 580,000 ft.2 of office. 125,000 ft.2 of retail. 950 parking stalls on second there's parking that were tapping into as part of a strategic strength rotation plan. then there's also 3.2 acres of open space this id. you could live in because it expends a lot of complexity of trying to scale a transportation plan for complicated enterprise like prn. which is er there's a lot of variety of frequency and volume in the arena. we talked and often about the warriors games which are big part of it. that's the highest glucometer acme 70,000 seats but it's important to understand that the scheduling of the year might be smaller that related to conferences disney on ice family events concerts. this would the arena is meant to be is a multipurpose entertainment and recreation destination for mission bay. now run you through a few visuals. you got
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the only major transportation to the arena. throughout getting up off the station at the south end and third. were walking on the plaza which is given patient's room for people to gather with her tight across the street were hang out in front of the restaurant the light rail. working away towards the arena, which is right here so there's visual presence of the arena which is actually between the two office building. what you saw there was a lot of open space to activate even when there's not an event going on in the ring. as a 24 hour open space for the community. when we talk about the transportation planning one thing i've learned in all the committee outreach that we done that you want to knowledge my colleague have been very front and center making this transportation plan work. aaron miller of my staff who really did a tremendous job pulling
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together all modes of transportation, all strategies in all technical group to make this a plan that mta could adores. we start with a recognition that what happens today is what people, with in a moment and won't happen come 2019 when the arena is opening this very different transportation investments that lift the quality of overall transportation service. that's racing as our baseline. acknowledgment that as of today right now there is a bust line was running between the park station at 16th and mission date of 255 which wasn't there a year ago. that was opened in concert with the hospital but our long-term vision is to make that rapid bus that's on the 22 one. the central subway opens in 2019. the shoreline rights out of the arena in a long line ugly down to the hunters point they area but always with double the train length increased frequency and service into chinatown with the connection to box. we have caltrain electric line by 2020 and that parens an opportunity.
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the chronicle ran a whole series of articles last week in the designation doesn't happen between this year and 2020 k should coco tran stands out because that actually offers them the ability to be much more nimble much more frequent and much more with acceleration deceleration speed almost like a bod like service where for 19th-century rail system that we know today. the e line made its debut in the weekend but happy overtime service eventually. in addition to other transit investment there's a blue greenway bicycle pedestrian vision for the ultimate vision of linking it to hunters point and some streets that are opened-not open the complete but not open for service. they really connect the disconnected. admission date. all of these elements are really what were stylesheet as a baseline. we analyze that for capacity liability and accommodation of
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what would it arena would need and we realized we still needed more. so, working with sfm mta traffic modes, we've augmented what we call the transportation service plan this event center. the augmentation includes lines we studied they need to be run in addition to that baseline service you socket princess, you see we use in the very smiley to run a special shuttle from an older part of the city into the mission and connecting with the vanness metro station with a bart station getting to the arena from the west. we have extra shuttles we running and a shuttle along the waterfront afternoons. but shuttles the fair terminal transit terminal, bart is intercepted at three points. embarcadero how street at 16. what were doing is making sure not overwhelming any particular station could would distribute people so their arty halfway
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where they want to go. were recognizing the importance of that two-mile connection between the arena and future regional transit lines like bart the ferry service and caltrain. no part of the agreement my colleague will talk about more including the funding, are some of the expenditures that come up but for this but these were revenues we would not realize the san francisco mta exit for having the project embrace. what we are able to do with the mta cooperation picture we protected what we needed so we could operate a service that is minimal impact on her base levels as possible. i love to say it has no impact on our baselevel messily we planned it were hoping that's the way it's going to go, but we make that happen to anticipate how many light rail vehicles you need to make sure not overcrowding the system to the poor people don't want to ride light rail to the rank of wheezing about before by rail vehicles to be crowded but nothing so overwhelming it be considered a failure in
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terms of what people would accept two of us get that transit mode to everyone. we figured out we need crossover tracks. we need the flexibility to get around the station so that the base service up a number p jack would not be impacted by the event trains to and welcoming people to and from the arena. we also included a platform that's now seen as a variance. in the project. if you know the t third at third and south this two separate platforms northbound platform and sub on time both know. both were closing to make data center platform. it's wider. it allows more capacity both southbound and northbound directions. that helps us better from the pin safety perspective in some capacity perspective that something mta really cared about it we also carried out signage and signalization did i said these capital investments because this is what we show we
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needed to base an operating plan that would work for this event center. we figure out the cost of these elements are and we put them into the funding strategy that adam will highlight the expensive we need this with to pay for them hardly congress that the good news is there's a way. so, in addition to those big picture items like for car new by rail services there's a lot of traffic engineering intimidation planning that's gone into this. this diagram highlights very simply some complicated capacity design of the roads themselves entering the grudges understand what streets might have to be temporary closed for major events. but we would make sure that were not overwhelming the street with these huge also people coming and going into the arena. some classic traffic engineering there. we also do think :-) but the curve itself. that is card designated for
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cats, curb for paratransit. curb for the buses stored to make sure they can run after the event special shuttles. what that meant for the traffic lanes themselves good with a be operate within the closed off two of these extra services to get out and move volumes of people out of the way. so the answers of all this complex multimodal transportation planning are shown in the simple diagrams. the point is, this the kind of thinking we should always be doing around major event centers so we can manage transportation impacts before they become a problem by being smart about traffic lane and curbs in staging buses and actually, dating flow buses in the bonds we need parking control officers with a capacity that this grade allows us to use it for smart. an example of the post event shall plan showing where we would stage those buses going east-west, north-south. above me on the regular service. i'm working what we call the local hospital accident and has been one of the major achievements in the last few months of our
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work with the warriors, with our own staff it mta with the city planning department and with the opposite community investment and infrastructure. we have here is an understanding that people are smarter than signals. when humans are deployed to menshevik they can do things like unlock the box. they can hold traffic deliver longer let pedestrians cross they can make sure the voice of people needing to get the transit can get to the platform the drink and just wait three more seconds. this is what we done successfully a letter special event planning. so, we built a plan that says not only do we use these people to manage traffic special bands. we recognize that at 7 pm at night were around then, there's a nurse shift at uca but that needs people to come-i figure
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something like at that nurse station. they cannot afford to be stuck in traffic of people going to arena. so we took this basic plan of how we would handle parking patrol officers and being smart about the street with good out a level. in addition to having on-site consultation management center which of the red start and the blue stars with the parking control officers dispatched to train operatives and hope things flow better, we did an analysis that said if we put some people little farther out and they can help at some key vantage points, key entry points into the mission bay brinson said seven street were just under the freeway on the 16th st. from the hospital, rashly started to be able to manage the traffic at the periphery. so if you're going to the arena you can actually be helping in terms of whether the mode of pedestrian traffic but you can also use these people as resources don't you find parking spaces to avoid the problem people drive around
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unfamiliar. they know there's a concert they never been your. these ptos become the ambassadors. and the topic managers at the same time. isn't quite enough we want to the axis loads of the nurses in hospitals as well as local residents who just want to get to the part of town. so we threw another range of pco resources out there. this is what this diagram were present. those blue streets are streets that in the core part of mission bay campus. i don't have value to the arena. but they are the blue streets that help nurses arrived to the front door of the hospital and to the nurse stations. the blue streets don't offer anything for people trying to park they mean everything people try to get to work on time. in addition to identifying the streets the matter for the local and hospital axis plan, in the purple line indicates and important for loco. not this people trying to go to the arena that people try to go from north south. we added additional pco's whose job it is to direct people to the
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arena way from these internal streets and make sure those streets are operating only for people who need to be there. would it work with uca unabashed system on these big events and jewel that's especially, when this event happen at the john's park and southern happening at the arena, that the people who need to get to the hospital sure badge get to the pco control system because the party got the understanding. use those blue streets and get to the front door. but i do not highlight here, it's very important point, if there's an emergency axis plan because east-west and north-south. if you're trying if you're in an ambulance or emergency vehicle and you to get to the hospital that private or that transportation access routes that is the t-third becomes an emergency vehicle in. it's permitted by the california vehicle code. these ptos make sure that that transit lane is protected for that function. in addition, those pco's can help make sure somebody's got a
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medical emergency i got a flashing light son vehicle to get onto that transit lane and get to the front door of the hospital exhibit become more than just traffic manager. become part of the light safety axis plan this whole network. this pretty innovative sight. we look at a bunch of cities in america that have event menu then use that to hospital did we saw nothing like it we would have been able to build this without the cooperation of ucsf. and the neighbors omission did it so supportive of cushman we think is very in tune to the particular use of the neighborhood allowing this event. to know when the real-time trains are coming but also people about grudge availability. we also want to
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make sure that-becomes an important. these are not noticeable writers. these people arraigned caltrain or part with clippers as the passport to getting to and from the arena, that helps the transit mode stay high. we also put their vending facility on-site soupy book and add value and a standard making [inaudible] that hope is with those modes sponsoring a bike share statement a spinning bikes alley even by the transit fare into the transit ticket is out. that's yet another incentive for people to feel comfortable taking transit. this is part of how we make sure all those investments make sense. it's one thing to spend millions of dollars in capital investment. it's another thing to note people and using the way we'd need them to. i'm a most wrapping up onto my overview which is would be
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complete without parking. the plot concerns about parking because parking is a factor in the condition of traffic. in addition to the transportation management brochure on the side of the arena this location just a bit south is about intersect parking. the two parking facilities were with were the court to clear back in resource of the neighborhood and for that special them to a spot where 19th should be 250 spaces. a large one about 100 spaces down there sievers shamus and third about. 80. those are venues we would not only older people to their not turning around the time find a place apart but they would be met with a special vent so they don't have to worry about the parking they have in their space vacated that level of stress is taken of the equation to get to and from the arena. introduces the condition around dogpatch run mission they run
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the hospital. the outreach is how we got to this level of a plan. these ideas are just from enunciate other way of some great ideas at mta. these came from the community and the businesses and the ballpark mission they transportation coordinating committee. who helped me indelibly in making sure we have the vantage point of the life science community residence, the giants, ucsf. we met with the mission bay. we met with neighbors in mission bay, dogpatch, bicycle walk sf is also the people that help shape this plan. if 12 meetings with the mission they and that's pretty important group to knowledge because they cannot with a full endorsement. i think 8 october. that this plan address their concerns about the arena in their neighborhood. we had a similar but the life science businesses in the vicinity where they came
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to write a supportive letter in october about this project. so, i just always want to go with the outreach is been a big part of our success, but the bottom line is how we pay for it. i think it would be fair to say the people would've felt confident endorsing the project they were convinced we had a good financial plan. to talk about the financial and i had my phone to my colleague adam- >> you heard people talk about unanimous provable from-formal endorsement from the hospital across the street. formal endorsement from the community that surrounds the site. that's all there is a large work a number of folks in the room might be hearing from charlotte. also to real and concrete plans for enacting some of these proposals and
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putting into place resource to find him. we commissioned at the beginning of this process the warriors elected to move to the site in asian babe in 2014. we engaged economic and planning system outside consultants to concert of early look at the revenues that would be generated by the site. i'm talking that the property tax increment that stays in the redevelopment project area for affordable housing and for infrastructure. those revenues that come to the city, with a dedicated unrestricted or available for discretionary use. we wanted to be absolutely certain in those numbers that we had-a second independent outside consultant peer review those funds. we engage our comptrollers office conferred and those results. the results indicated that the arena once operational would generate about $14.1 million in annual tax receipts to the city and
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county. all go to the specific listings but they are detailed in the slide before you. these are everything from sales and parking in property taxes to payroll and special dedicated source.when we look at the use side of that, there are some forms that are dedicate by chartered by the voters or library, children, open space county transportation authority, public safety type funds. that totals about 2.9 million were not touching those funds could those go to their dedicated source. our total city operating cost mta related but also include the sf pd for extra public safety foot patrol in the neighborhood and libido funding from the department of public works to active management in terms of street sweeping and cleanliness in the neighborhood. the total $6.1 million. i'll talk for about some of the capital improvement that peter mentioned. in that
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of the one-time sources there's a debt service payment to make sure that we can deliver those costs without impacting the mta operating budget. that totals about $2.7 million. we need to fund. one is a dual event fun, which in today's dollars about 900,000 hours by the time arena opens about $1 million. that is really about those peaks scenarios when you have an event at at&t park and event at the arena. keep in mind that call in baseball are very complement three. you may watch the world series just including earlier this week and made also watch the warriors were now four games into their season. and off to a roaring start. so there's really only overlap at the pre-and post season the children of either season is really when there's a concert or private event in one venue and a sporting event at the other but when that happens we want to make sure there's added resources so we give flexibility to the director of
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transportation and his staff to put into play extra service whether that be parking control officers, transit bus service so we know people can get their by another their mode of choice. they're still remaining balance of $1.5 million. in the first several fiscal years when including that in a fund that talk about charlie to build up some accruals in case there are things that we do not perceive in our analysis. on the capital side your peter talked about were going to be purchasing for the new siemens light rail vehicles. crossover tracks to provide extra reliability on the t-third service. spinning the platform closest to the arena and installing some signals and closed-circuit tvs and other upgrades to the transportation management center on-site. those capital prevents total about $55
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million one-time. the resolution before you today has the allocation of the one-time transportation impact development fee, real property transfer tax and some construction related sales and use taxes. towards that one-time cost leaving an available balance finance and that's about 2.7 million i discovered in the previous slide. in october 6 we introduced to the board of supervisors in mission bay transportation improvement fund. it was supported by the mayor and 10 of the 11 supervisors. it will be heard by the budget and finance committee and the board of supervisors on monday the ninth. then it if ordered out of the committee the full board of several supervisors in december. that fund, which we cannot act on intuitive certification, which we just
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had from oci office of committee investment and infrastructure, just a few hours ago certifying eir. would do a number of things. it would appropriate on an annual basis-still subject to annual appropriations by the board of supervisors-in the first five fiscal years the folder this project generated sources estimate about comptroller's office. i'll go to surface i described and buildout will we think will be a reserve to address any unforeseen circumstances. there is built in public review and accountability so that if a future mayor of future board and appropriations authority should decide to make a different appropriation to the fund it triggers a number of public hearings to make it a very transparent process that preserves the right new future fiscal urgency to appropriate different. it creates a five number advisory committee. these five seats include representative and ownership of the warriors. representative of
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the university of california san francisco, representative of the residential neighborhood in mission bay, where the immediately surrounding neighborhoods, and represent of the commercial interest of mission bay hospital and warriors and designee of the district supervisor. so that five member body will be making suggestions and recommendations to the mta as part of their annual budgeting process as part of the expenditure some most discretionary funds. again, that action is countered for this coming monday. so, if he focusing exclusively on the mta, you heard me talk about $6.1 million in operating cost. about 5.1 million of that is dedicated to the mta. that's consists of two sources. one is charter formula mandates to the mta of about $3 million. the others about 2.1 million from
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general fund discussion resources that passed through the mission bay transportation improvement fund. there's a $2.7 million payment for capital movements and the .9 million-dollar dual event reserve. so, it's 3 million and charter funds at about 5.7 from the city resources. the superstrong commitment from the mayor and board of supervisors to put transportation resources into this neighborhood from the project and do it in such a way that it does not impact the mta operating budget. so, finally today the action item before you is a resolution. it does a number of things. first, it adopts findings in a stupid statement of overriding consideration in the auto
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subsequent eir including the mitigation monitoring and reporting program. whose elements of the project under your jurisdiction is the mta. it agrees to the expenditure plan for transportation capital and operating costs that you want to pause and thank the numerous members of the mta staff who put a lot of blood sweat and tears into creating that expansion plan the current management plan that transportation service plan, and really proactively looking at to what this neighborhood is going look like in 2016 and also excepting the proposed terms in the mission bay ordinance as proposed by the board of supervisors and authorizing the director of transportation to continue with obtaining otherwise necessary approvals to carry out the actions to implement the project. so, i think we have before you today is a very robust and transit first multimodal transportation plan to serve not only the arena, but mission bay and the full growing southeast part of san francisco. with that, i think
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will be happy to entertain any question to >> thank you. the public first. >> i did want to also allow chris-to talk a little bit about the environmental review. >> good afternoon chairman on the members of the board. chris currently my mental planning division of city planning and i just wanted to cover a few minor revisions to the mitigation monitoring and reporting program, which is adam mentioned, you be considering adopting today. these are changes that were made at the oci i mission hearing and the certification of the eir. so, beginning with mitigation measure m-wwe have added all-league searcher. avoid the use of light configuration similar to those the city with uses of help at
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landing area and where feasible locate primary outdoor lighting displays and television away from project property line at project property line at 16th st., south street or third street and instruct the word feasible at the end of that sentence. next, mitigation measure mno 40. i'm not. i'll measure. it's a lengthy but just note, we have corrected the measure to reference the police code and not the municipal code. that was just a typo. mitigation measure m-the commission offset. again i won't read the whole measure. we made an important change. this is regarding payment offset fee td area bay area quality management district to
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offset but check in the amount of not to exceed $18,030 per weighted time to no less than $18,030 per ton. then, finally, i correction. we incorrectly in the and art tea table into places state that the full text of the transportation manager plan is attached to the mrp that is not correct. a summary table is included as part of the [inaudible] not the full patch. that's all. >> thank you. let's hear from the members of the public. >> karen was followed by catherine sharp and then nick malone
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>> good afternoon. >> good afternoon commissioner. my name is karen was. i gently mission bay citizens advisory committee. i represent the mission bay cac i group called the ballpark mission bay transportation correlating committee. we spent the last 15 years surviving the giants in our neighborhood. we've learned a lot. while the things we learned that adequate funding for mta, whether was for transit or for pc is or for whatever is needed, was critical to having our neighborhood survive the kind of impact we get. that's why this transportation fund is so critically important, because what happened during the recession was that your budget that cuts. therefore, the number of pco's and all other
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resources available when we had still 40,000 people coming to ball games got cut. so, when we first started talking to the warriors but having this arena and this was when we were still thinking of doing it at 3032, we said you got to fund. you cannot just say wave a magic wand and expect the city to pay for these services. well, we are glad to see the funding happened. would glad to see that there's this support. there is still kind of a disconnect between the requirements of the eir transportation and this new funds in the way it's going to be managed. we are still working with peter albert. thank god he is here. and aron
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and the group. to try and make these things connect with each other. so that we can use the benefit of what we learned on the- >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> catherine shumpert nick pallone pat valentino >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. catherine sharp. to many affairs. we are one of the 13 companies in the life science industry in san francisco that issued a letter of support for the arena. one of the things that was critical for us making his final decision was a resolution is currently before you. in our minds, this is actually a tipping point. without the commitment of both the city and your agency the money and the commitment to the city to concede that these actions are followed through this would not work. but we felt with the work that has been done, the effort
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that's been put into this, the coronation we been able to engender with the warriors themselves that we could make this work. therefore, we issue for submission the letter of agreement and support. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> nick bonnie, pat valentino, tom o'connor. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon my name is nick bolan. nice to see all the name is nick bolan. i'm a native san francisco lifelong resident. i'm here to support the work hesitation fund. this fund will ensure that at least another 10 million annual will be spent on traffic mitigation for the life of the arena. this is something i know is great because i deal in the richmond district 2 giant concerts and know-how you need to have those during those times so this is great have the funding for its.
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you know, it's good to have a dedicated funding for the neighborhood guys been asking for something great to have being the vp of neighborhood association i know how hard it is to get these funds so this would be a wonderful thing for the neighborhood to have. it's great that the worst work with the city and ucsf to address the committee's concerns on traffic. it's been something i keep hearing when dealing with this isn't something that's conjuring to be addressed at all times. something that you guys should be commented on working on this. the committee focus has allowed the team to develop a competent plan that will be paid for fully and funded solely by new revenues by the worst project. the transportation improvement fund is designed to guarantee the resources we place immense the full burden of visitors and traffic and transit in the area around the arena once it opens. again, i know how does doing with concerts. so it's something that's major to have for this neighborhood. i hope
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you guys support this resolution did it would be great. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon my name is patrick ballantine get on the present of the south beach merchants association at muscle here is a neighbor who lives in the south beach mission bay area. as transportation fund is critical. i think there's several pieces of good news that come of this. number one, the worst was the grant we seems up the evolution over the past year. number two, the funding that were going to see happen in the upgrades are needed and where i think we'll see is the net benefit after this is done. a lot of folks in the neighborhood are actually really excited about this project coming online for the benefit of the transit could i
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also have to give credit to peter and adam. these guys really are incredibly thoughtful in putting together this transportation program. it's insane i start to do some research to see if other arenas had similar transit plans but i cannot find anything on the peter mentioned there's no other arena but put something next hospital where i could not find essentially anything. when slp were jogging an icon slicing jogging to our neighborhood and he stopped his is talking about transit solutions. that to me is to dedication. the guys running not clear his head but thinking about we could do this. we also to the 9000 seat event arena goes for america's cup. i know that the ranges will go up and down for this arena but 9000 is the approximate average group having achieved an 82% transit split the thing that's incredibly important to look at. we get people and transit the bike coalition is accurate i think this bike from the
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arena you get this transit funds you get a transit friendly arena. you go one most bike friendly arenas look at all the things moving in the right judgment so please support this fun. thank you so much >> next speaker, please. >> on tom o'connor. present of the sentences go firefighters. so the active-duty this symphysis go fire department i'm here to talk about what's this aspect in regard to this proposal that emergency vehicle access and ucsf. as part of this agreement ucsf the city and warriors have a new mission bay transportation improvement fund that's been created. this new fund would be fully paid for by the new revenues manage the flow of visitors and-as a huge sum of money that we have available for traffic mitigation for the life of the arena on top of the $40 million in other revenue that will be created. this funnel pay for alternate way to make sure
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transportation plan is successful for this development. with the new expanded by realization for new light rail cars increase service before and after the events. cable traffic control officers for all of us. the fund also these for local access plan to ensure emergency vehicles, doctors nurses and visitors to the hospital are not waylaid by traffic. this is critical to your first responders because at all the hospitals around san francisco there isn't a dedicated lane for emergency responders to get to hospitals. so to have the foresight i had time to put this in to the plan is really near and dear to us and will make a vital and critical difference that san franciscans and visitors and one has to visit the hospital so we wish that every other hospital had this relaxes. were glad were thinking ahead and we urge you to support this proposed. >> next speaker, please. >> when the ranch elaborate
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campaign was done they ran out of money for the renovation of bayview library. the late linda books burden came to me and said elaborate get commission we got $1 million of operating money. to actually create a great. during that process there's been a lot of nights on the third and revere platform waiting for the t locket that there was no way the t line could serve an additional 20,000. i looked into it a lot further and saw the report that-did about the different ways that transit is operated in the city for poor people as opposed to things like that twitter bus. it would have
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directly from caltrans. i guess the bart airport connector case is that you can't favor high income, more desirable customers. over low income. that's what our california environmental justice law specifically prohibits. so, this plan doesn't address the fact that the t line regina. >> next speaker, please.
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>>other today we did provide public comment. in support of the project. when the war is first announced its intent to build a new event center mixed-use development in mission bay we began to take a hard look at how such a development would impact our mission bay campus in particular attention to a new hospital which serves women and children and cancer patients. as we study the project are concerns quickly focused on traffic impacts and specifically to the impact that event center would have on these hospitals for emergency vehicles, patients, and families as well as the more than 3000 employees work at those hospitals. in analyzing the project we focus on traffic though degenerating during period when event center be hosting a large week a evening non-basketball events. at the same time that the giants are in town playing
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