tv Planning Commission 111215 SFGTV November 15, 2015 6:10am-2:01pm PST
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2014, the public hearing on january 22, 2015, and the public comment closed on february 17, 2015, the comments and response come a time was published on depress 15, 2015 the response of the comments planning determined a comment letter during the draft eir was inadvertently omitted from the document it raise issues in regards to the landline comparability those were responds to in the rdt and not raised points addresses you have before you an errata memorandum to address this i have another copies at the table for the members of the public since publication of draft eir a number of project updates and
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revisions are being pursued as the preferred project the preference project will be unsustainable similar to the draft eir and the environmental effects result in the same or slightly reduced environmental effect in the draft eir for all environmental topics the preferred topic about not avoid the two cumulative significant and unavoidableable transportation impacts therefore the commission will need to adopt the overriding consideration pursuant to ceqa should the commission need the preferred project since rtc and to the environmental officer including caltrans and a comment letter from the castro boosters
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rebelling live oaks school and friends of jackson playground the letter has before provided to you because on the job letters were received in the last week and a half we were unable to approve them in the rtc that he over support their comments on the merits and will be addressed to the hearing in addition some of the concerns raised in the e-mail is similar to comments already address in the rtc the eastern neighborhood the gross projects o projection and the methodologies and the remediation of material specifically points raised in the letter in regards to the rtc construction wise and the emotion of hazardous material live oaks school the check list
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ace the draft eir that were respond and identified the emotion measures to lessen the impacts and the rtc the excavation and removal of the soil b will occur over one month and the removal of contaminated soil and the emotion miles an hour prepare a health and save and air quality and emissions control and soil management plan to will this the oversight workers and residents and the additional comments about the concerns are address in the c pa and the draft eir emotion measures outlined in the ct e to address the construction noise additionally if feasible the sponsor has attempted to schedule did obligation soil and the noise of the construction
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activities like demolition during the summer of 2016 when the offsetting population is reduced timing of the substance control with the professional the approval the response plan is a separate action from certification of the final eir the public comment will be by the d c s c, however, it describes 3 emotion measures before the building permits those mediations and regulatory are the preliminary components that will be approved by dp s considers those regulatory requirements in the draft eir and the rtc insures that the hazardous materials will not cause a hazard to the public
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both projections of the eir and accumulative impact this issue was addressed in a presentation to the commission on october 11th and in subsequent sdumgsz the mariposa project within the frontalss of the eir if there are further questions about this the environmental review officer is here to respond and lastly the transportation methodology and the use of 2025 for the cumulative it was used because of the draft eir is consistent and sets within the identification of the eir for the cumulative conditions additionally questions have been raised with regards to the level of environmental effects in the proposed count is changes to include the 3 bedroom unit after certification of the eir
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this change will have to be to determine the impacts of the change, however, the increase in 3 bedroom units are are will result in a minor there, however, the preferred project presented in the rtc unit will be i identified in the draft eir therefore the transportation analysis that would be required for this proposed change will likely show transportation impacts of those with that will be similar to the preferred project in the draft eir staff recommends the motion be approved it is accurate and adequate and the procedures through the the final eir comply with the provisions of ceqa and chapter 34 of the administrative code that concludes my presentation.
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i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you project sponsor please. i'm sorry staff. >> staff report for the project. >> good afternoon planning commission chris are planning department staff that is a large project authorization requiring the ceqa findings for the eir for the mixed use on mariposa street under the lp a the modifications from the planning code for planning code requirements for rear yard ground floor non-residential ceiling height off-street loading prior to the entitle it
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must adapt it with parcels for 3 acres mariposa to the noting and carolyn to the west and arkansas to the east within the castro hill it covers the city block with the exceptions of the if he northeast and the southeast corners the northeast corner is the live oak school with the education to approximately 200 and 90 students and includes the office and the other by commercial buildings and retail and design office and other features the block is around the site with including the commercial and residential and institutional and recreational as described in the staff report most notable the breweries across carolyn street to the
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left and jackson argued that to the north and the international academy to the south across arkansas street to the east is the character the project will demolish 3 officers buildings associated with the parking lot and construction two 4 stories up to 40 foot tassels mixed use as the ante and west believes in the project plan totaling approximately three hundred and thirty thousand square feet the project proposes 200 and 99 dwelling units with 69 studios, one, one bedrooms and one hundred 112 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms the project include 56 hundred sheet square foot of ground floor retail and double space of pdr with the perimeter
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of the site the project includes 200 and 49 parking spaces and off-street parking that is tucked into the southeast corner this includes 6 car share and 4 hundred and 44 biking space their commodity 43 square feet pub assessable as well as common private open space the pub assessable is 40 feet north-south mid block aefl additional to mariposa that intersects with the pedestrians assess from arkansas street the common private open space is two enter courtyards and a someway roof deck with the former of balconies the first throughout the project the project has inclusionary housing
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for 20 percent outside of affordability for this allocation bond financing in total the project provides 60 affordable units onsite at the time of the mailing the department has two letters of concerns and 24 of support the letters of concern with the accuracy and the adequacy and overall compact of the project the letter of support is the projects density it, it's affordable an urban design and compatibility the department got 11 letters i've handed out prior to the presentation those express concerns with the project mapping the density and loss of pdr space and lack of
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pdr continuum space and the impact of the neighborhood and the structure such as transportation and circulation one recipe has requested a continuance for quality the staff is in agreement with the modifications given the overall projects and the comparable design the staff recommends the approval subject to the conditions in the staff report however, at this time staff want to read in a replacement to one condition in the x motion pertaining to the materials under the design compliance plan stage this is on page 36 of the x motion so the replacement language will, the project will also be reviewed against interim controls and anticipated to be brought for the record to the
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bernal height board of supervisors in the future. >> in addition 80 staff has amended the motion for red lines preamble this is handed out the department spaces for the recommends as follows: it is the applicable planning code and consistent with the general plan and the showcase square and potrero hill and it the in the retail spaces are permitted and the project has the residential with the streetscape improvements developed with the better streets plan the project is architecturally comparable with the character provides a map and scale for the block sloping along the frontages and has the design in accordance with the guidelines the project
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exceeds the guidelines with the activity by including the north south and east west in the move forward and the project has the hiring program and the project adds 200 and 99 horticulturalist 20 percent is affordable onsite a total of 60 lastly the project will fulfill fully utilities the area plan and approximately $3 million in impact fees that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions, please let me know. >> thank you. >> project sponsor.
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>> our architect gets organized i'll introduce myself in the project i'm bill the ceo of related california the project sponsor with me is yes duffey from the architect david barker and associates i think you know that the site currently. >>was in warehouses and storage uses the main users of the site seeking greater space has moved to 6000 third street within the city of san francisco as the plans developed over the last 3 years of community meetings eir analysis we focused on a couple of key points first is trying to adjust our original scale and context and second to increasing the open space especially that is available to the public third is diverseing the exterior
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elevation by block to respond to the preexisting conditions and lastly adding but community benefits that steady those required in the code where we stand today, you've heard from mr. towns is the project that is lower in height that is required 31 to 40 in height to the buildings and 2 and a half times the open space under the eastern neighborhoods plan with a public amuse northwest and south and creating the 1ub89sd to accommodate the needs of school and in agreement which we expect to sign today with the friends of jackson park to contribute $2 million with the approval by the supply store the improvements in jackson park it is the money is in escrow under
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the auspices of the park alliance had a corruptive meeting with the jackson park and i'm optimistic that progress is achieved in that direction lastly you've heard through not in this proposal tend to submit a report from the presentation all of which will be on or adjacent to the amuse closer to the open space and finally we have been committed to provide 25 percent of the units 50 with medium income availability with that, i'm going to turn it over to i'm yes duffey with david barker >> in ground water mall right now perhaperhaps
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this is the site 4.34 acres with 4 unique edges i'll address from the design stand point in a moment first, i wanted to mention a couple of things bill said a couple of points in terms of the zoning we have 3 times as much car share on site and twice bike storage onsite and the big thing 200 and 64 percent of open space on site the unit mix we've discussed initiating 10 units in the package now doubled to 20 the site plan
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currently the entire block no public space now this breakdown the scale of the block and the massing for a better fit introducing 3 new ungated public assess ways the 3 areas on mariposa and 18 street a few other things in the plan the corner retail activates the two opposing prashgd on jackson playground and mariposa on 18 and arkansas the amenities are in original and you know one idea came up in the community outreach to incorporate a flex room for neighborhood use and that's a thousand square feet in the middle of the public use the blue that is residential with active ground zero with patios and the garage is tuckered away
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out-of-sight all you see are two garage entries the black areas to reduce the traffic one on arkansas and 18 street. >> so first walk through the project we'll start on arkansas street and go 18 street and down carolyn those have different characterize arkansas we look at the context castro hill it is a 25 block increments and we study that and respond to something that speaks the same common language activate ground floor stoops and materials at the ground a lot of planning we set the building back 5 feet from the property line to allow for the public realm now we're looking down arkansas
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street that's the site - that's the proposed building. >> sdoem into the corner retail retail only the corner and two stories above. >> now we'll look at 18 street a loft industrial loft you know a different feel we responded with a building we think also is much in character with the character the broken massing for courtyard and public courtyard with the retail steps down the hill all the way to the left the entry to the muse here down 18 street the same corner retail on the left hand that is difficult to see that building is 31 feet tall and removed a story part of 4 year process and
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sybil shorter than building across the street. >> carr kar /* /- carolina and this is broken in the massing at the pedestrian entries the key thing the change over time improved the empowering is pdr space full board to be in the neighborhood scale and uses here's an example of the corner rail with 3 bulb outs and mariposa and we'll walk through the muse live oak on the left 40 feet high buildings and entries to the mid block muse in the middle at all gracious
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commercial ground floor here's the sgri to the muse 40 foot widest that is an quantitative public space. >> the design the muse david fletcher studio did it, it is about interpretative play with the natural elements throughout friendly and here we are many the middle of the muse plaza to the left is the residential lobby is the residential lobby and the flex room a key element to the left if you take a left in the photo the biggest improvement is the east west public passageway it is 35 feet wide nearly the size of a public streets as i mentioned it is unincubated and open 200 and 60
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feet long and 40 feet at the plaza there is it at the groaning blown-up up to arkansas street and you get a sense of 25 feet wide in terms of the public walkable and the parks on the right 35 feet. >> there are a couple of more slides bill will speak to design requirements since it is in front of the you the process is ongoing we wanted to show you thank you. >> so thank you we tried to take advantage look at feedback in improvements to make to the existing design with a particular focus on the popping and passages we mentioned doubling the 3 bedroom count all the existing 10 on the muse as townhomes and the other that will not be townhomes but
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they'll be close to the public space. >> we've taken out and in response to the balconies in the east west muse in the public space i will state for the record we've been questioned on this the setback in the east west muse is 35 feet 25 feet in the foot of the patio to live oaks school visibly you'll see 35 feet but pedestrian 25 feet i want to be clear on that. >> and then. >> more on the balconies. >> well, we took out the balconies. >> from the school classrooms. >> we've gotten comments from the entry of the muse from arkansas street we've come up with an alternative opposite up the entry to a much greater
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decree o decree in the passage 11 feet clear there is more sun and more open it is something we will certainly support that represent by way of an update thank you. >> okay. >> thank you open up for public comment tony rodriguez (calling names). >> good afternoon commissioners i'm tony rodriguez represent the workers union and a native
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american or native born and raised and here to ask to you vote in favor of this project this is to our union and well paying jobs for the residents and outreach to the community to create and project that fits well within the community and like i said i've been in san francisco all my life san francisco is always changing some people accept that but san francisco and for the community this project is a good project and well-thought-out i ask you to vote in favor of the project thank you. >> afternoon commissioners i'm ron miguel as far as the item number 6 is concerned on ceqa any opinion is adequate and accurate and should be certified
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as far as the project is concerned i've lived 40 years less than two blocks from the site and obviously built r know that very, very well that is exactly what we how the of in the eastern neighborhoods you have a situation where you had a bus parking lot basically and a auto parts distribution you are coming into the neighborhood residential and services and you want the residential exactly in this type of location you have old foods and safeway all walking distance two to three coffee shops and several restaurant and two games and jackson park you've already heard about the electrician that will be given to jackson park directly across the street the design as evolved in my opinion
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very nicely and as you heard it is still evolving sitting where you're sitting i know the design will continue to evolve what you do today which i hope is to move this project forward well, still be tweeted by the department and interface with the neighborhood i was glad to hear it will be looked at as to the department the department will look at it as to possible interim controls as it gordon's i think that is correct as far as pdr you have a magnificent pdr coming in very, very close to one hundred hooper the area is well served this is
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exactly in my mind thought of in the eastern neighborhoods when we wanted to increase and shape the residential and change because change is coming change the neighborhood it is going to start in potrero hill and dog patch thank you. >> as you're working your way up i'll call a couple of more names (calling names). >> game changer my name is scott the director of operations at live oak school ami i'd like to address the safety of our children in terms of traffic i
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believe that this study shows about 24 hundred more traffic or automobile trips through the area once that project is completed we don't think the traffic study as addressed this but should address the crossing lights and more signage and perhaps a crossing guard during rush hour when the kids are arriving at the school when traffic is to the east i'd like to address the air quality having classes and the children are around i'm concerned that once the project gets started the monitoring will not be accurate to insure all the necessary guidelines are followed i'm advocating there is an impartial continuance
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monitoring to comply with the air quality and noise for our children and they're learning experience thank you. >> hello i'm available to answer any questions you may have kindra the director of development i'm concerned about the health and safety and well-being of the children and the neighborhood as well as the projects going on i would specifically like to ask the monitored they say that attempts will be made for emotion activities and demolition work to be done when school is not in session i ask that that will be done during that time and additional i would like to request the addition of flashing
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crosswalks and a point of contact a third point of contact made available throughout the duration of crosswalks to people develop concerns they want to voice have someone present onsite thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is amy i'm a parent of a student at live oak school my daughter in eight grade my family will be impacted from a student standpoint i think this is important to address the concept of schools in general in san francisco and our school and their schools like ours get operations he learner we can only accept a fraction this is a big project i'm fearful of the
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impact on the children at the school and i think this is really, really important to note that the school is important and it needs to be addressed i agree with kendra that someone need to be on site it will be addressed right away and i share scott's concern that all the measures that are put in place are carried throughout this project clearly will take a a long time i'm nervous how the effect on the school and the neighborhood i live in the mission so i won't be affected but i think that is really, really important to note the people move out of the city when we have kids we moved out of the
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city an important place to raise kids i want to make sure this is being addressed thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners donald a resident of san francisco and concerned about our housing crisis this is one of the projects that really addresses the housing crisis today it is next to a school, however, what is there next to the school now a warehouses i feel is kind of scary for the school children nearby he and this is a block the developers have taken extra care to reach to the community and made the necessary modifications and also reduced the unit from three hundred and 20 to two hundred and 99 now 20 percent the dedicated pdr space
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is key and important that activates the block and invites the dog patch and potrero hill business owners to set up shop and it creates for open space to children and families and displaces none with the new construction i'd like to remind everyone that voter have spoken we need to keep the momentum going and to the interim controls do not prevent evictions and displacement or add rent-controlled units to the supply or lower the prices and given incentives for landlords to keep their buildings when we delay with emergency rooms the housing crisis is real today it is happening and right now 55 thousand dwelling units and supply like that we need to keep overseeing dwelling units moving forward through the planning commission there is an estimated
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1.2 million jobs in the bay area by 2040 thank you. please support the project. >> i'm sarah parents of a fourth grade student at live oaks school i want to thank the gentlemen for the endeavors thus far to cooperate with the stakeholders in the neighborhood i think there are a couple of areas i'm concerned about the environmental impact report in particular, the issue that addresses the hazardous materials the issue that kendra spoke to you know, i think it is a great report i thank the commission for going through it but ken
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dwra points out the language is toothless it requires the developers to do absolutely noting nothing feasible and an attempt to do the demolition and emotion procedures with the school is no it in session what's not feasible what is feasible really mean to the commission and the requirements of the developer to do make the best efforts i think the proposal language should include you know the development and construction takes place with this specific demolition while not in session during the summer of 2016 it it should be a requirement of the environmental impact statement we're acknowledging the fact we may choose to don't worry about and do construction in an area that is acknowledged to have
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significant environmental hazardous waste had the students are in school i think that is cumbersome upon us as at community and parents and as one of the commissioners said as a fellow human being to do the right thing by our kids in school thank you. >> hi thomas potrero hill and the person that reached it out to commissioner richards for comment tips we'll see you lived on the mariposa and in potrero hill 99 through 2002 familiar with the site definitely in support of project i sent you a letter part of your packet i want to hit a few key points i love the 20 percent affordable onsite this location is a great location for people
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to live low g hd take muni and bike and walk i love the increase setback between the project and the live outcomes school that was important in the original proposal was not right all the open space is a key benefit to the community and i really love the design there is a lot of reports sometimes, i read the staff recommendation the design is exceptional david barker is an experienced architect and it will turn our head around one hundred 80 degrees just as the 18 and arkansas very controversial at the time it has turned both a great community asset this would one will too the second is a comprehensive i want to close by that's why you
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for your services and the neighbors helpful in getting this project to this point i hope we moved with an approval today thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commission my name is steve i didn't a mom at live oaks school and please i have a daughter lilly 6-year-old she loves learning and learning to read and loss recess and chasing the boys i want you to imagine you're waiting to run around and chase the boys at recess and lunch at jackson park and bracketing really hard not thinking about the hazardous materials that are coming at you in the air our mom is she's in this afternoon ever nerves you'll get sick i ask you to
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please make sure the hazardous material are happening at a time when the kids are in the under and you're looking at the records worse on the paper and trying to hear in you're ahead e head what is that word and loud construction noise please make sure that those loudest noise at the construction site happen during summer break so it didn't interfere with the kids trying to learn we know there is a lot of noise and as part of a whole process but help us to mitigate something like that i've made friends but they've moved out of the i city it is hard to raise kids we need to protect the learning environment thank you
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very much. >> hi, i'm silva i'm going to read a short letter he wrote in support of the project i'm writing 1601 mariposa a model for the projects that are being developed in the project sponsor recommended california is helping to offer native san franciscans the opportunity to have a hope of living here and raising their children they grew up loving the project is 20 percent affordable housing to help to insure that potrero hill is here and our family born and raised in the mission district we're raising a third-generation that are attending daniel webster in potrero hill we have grown to love potrero hill
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because of the educational opportunity for our children the only thing no opportunity for the working-class families to live here we would like to raise our children like 1601 mariposa is proposing we had the privilege of growing up in a working-class family not face with affordable housing because the richness our variability of food and other things we were effort to grooving grew up can't offer our own children because the fluctuating costs it saddened us to think our children will miss out on our history the future history which is why we hope that 1601 mariposa burglary sustain our community culture by giving people like us people of color and people from the
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working-class i background we're excited for the outdoor space and schools in walking distance the mom and pop shops and a salesman for my children to have their own home overlooking the beautiful view of san francisco lastly 1601 mariposa has pdr says that a good example of keeping san francisco roots by giving the skilled workers to maintain a strong bond with its community thank you. >> i have a handout for the commissioners that is the 4 proposed guidelines for a large project scombrmz we proposed last week the community members will present their analysis whether mar possess needs the
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controls i'll frame on the 4 accounting proposal whether the project and sponsors have outreached to the neighborhood this is the neighborhood has been engaged with the related with us working with 3 sets he was project leads on bringing this sediment e development to the finish line any improvements that came out of that feedback but i'm notable the boosters approved this more able to say we oppose it when september and prior to the october calendar date several issues we are identified one is providing the clarity for to take a position our membership asked for a continuance to give us time to settle the issue they didn't and go to a continuance one was
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granted in the letter from numerous groups several open items and moving we'll get into the police cars but the open issues is two-fold first of all, by the open issues of preventing the incumbrance to get a broader design we had a discussion the potrero hill approved it as we go through the guidelines that has been able to address the designed economy we're eager to avoid in the eastern neighborhood but the second issue it is this is. in a difficult position with the open issues and here we can include the design by coming to you before a complete project for these you to advocate and decide on our on behalf of if we finally listed the issues and in our support or lack there here's
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our instructions from the open issues have not been resolved and instead of coming back to the neighborhood we've seen online with the goes on we the community should be the one side here speaking in support of this frontage we were only now given the full chance so we're here today thank you very much. >> i'm handing you some letters 6 letters will the opposition to the project that didn't get in by the deadline alison and potrero hill the project authorizations will combine 6 parcels into 3 and 1/3rd acres in a 2 acre block is the norm one would expect to
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screen the structures two huge buildings with the north west it has the potential to have a break in the mass because of overhang it rise up to does not - the open space should be redesigned to be more than hard escape passages to include greener areas and neighborhood amenities and commercial k commercial used with interaction and reaction a project demand the exceptional design that harmonized with its surrounding while maintaining a sense of place along 18 street an inherent problem with one david barker building across the street from the man you are that recognizes the david barker building here the the not
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harmony along did you passageway is a form and finishes of each side too much of the one opposite and depending e extending 23 hundred feet without a break the result is the less authentic facade and the frontage longer than carr lien with a missed opportunity to reference the detailing of the brewery so commissioners here's the problem given the disappointed level of community engagement and a lack of formal guidelines we end up with a crazy happy a hundred process not fair to anyone and unfortunate the skafrp with buildings that are neighborhood characteristic and not enhancing that one additional point the $2 million deal on the table was
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related includes the requirement that the residential unit not be reduced of 10 thousand 99 units this is good restrictive and makes that harder to have a mix designed tweaks and increase the percentage of design space thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm rod a residential the potrero hill and a co-founder of the grassroots i want to address some of the designs concerns raised specific massing and scale first applaud the conclusion inclusion of two passages each promised to break down the use and the developer can go further in achieving a final design the east west
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passageway is 25 feet not the thirty or 40 foot setback the developer claims it should reflect the pledge the true 35 passageway that severs as an buffer preventing the light and air for the adjacent live oaks school the project should respond more to the surrounding urban block of residential buildings and small-scale commercial uses this is proposed and envisions buildings across 3 acres the blocking structures demonstrate a lack of thoughtful design for buildings that are definition longer than carr lien and arkansas street the developers caved out some of the massing especially on arkansas the revisions are minimal again more can be done with or done to
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widen and deep and legit them one notch or a setback here or there to have a modulation falls short of design and also the current plans lack the adequate penthouse for elevators and stairs and how those will be designed to minimize the impact on the vantage points out this one employees several architects should employ several annexes so this is not merged into development perhaps those will make a difference measures by the planning commission may want to consider for larger projects in the future and potrero hill shows a density for the neighborhood as 27 unit per acre related 89 will triple the
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density of potrero hill unfortunately reduces the project density by less than 10 percent is not meaningful when you consider the neighborhood scale and characteristic in closing beggar projects have a bigger responsibility to achieve superior design i urge you to help make that project a better fit for the neighborhood thanks. >> (calling names). >> commissioners tony vice president of the potrero boosters the interim controls westbound submitted last week unintended to be a composition test for the architect and developers not ss a we're trying
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to get better buildings and drawings i see the renderings of 3 sides of the mariposa on the screen ask yourselves how this project buildings makes a good character trying to get something on the screen does that project earner the large-scale in the neighborhood one side another a third a fourth. >> i see there is not that dissimilar the project deserves a better design it came up in last week's forum there is taking of materials on into a series of boxes the attempted
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texture and detail is sproishl and this to do with the casting features that is material on top of boxes of seen and approved many times before the rooflines are they finished or detailed or the building is stretched up and what does that do to the features on the ground floor i'll say the same thing this is an attempt at a roofline here but not on the one side of the building the muse the change of uses inside the muse can a make that welcome not just usher folks through i ask you for artists space inside of the muse noted only on the outside and really significant differences in the building space i'll say it is minute news in a couple of
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colors in our neighborhood that you've are already approved we can't trust the staff to finish the design of the project that is exactly who i have the - we don't want on approval if the podium and say the staff will work out we have no architecture on the staff that's why question have the 0 problem a small delay will not hurt that it will approve that we ask for a more substantial project to the controls thanks for listening. >> good afternoon, president of the potrero hill 1601 mariposa is a unique project it is nearly 6 blocks large in the
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middle of the residential neighborhood and next to a park and it is circle think a street near mariposa connects the two freeway assess it is unlike any other project in potrero and deserves cafeteria attention according to the eir and we expect more significant traffic on mariposa due to the 101 off-ramp and the 20s on and off-ramp we're 200 in danger of having mariposa a defactor against the common sense sdrien what the area plan envisions putting a large building which will generate a lot of traffic
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is expected according to the eir to provide localized congestion and will likely provide for congestion in adjacent unstudied intersections the second impact to the size of the project is the impact on the views from jackson park jackson park is one of the few open neighborhood parks we have and has a view to the south of potrero hill right now good sides of the view are blocked off by the brewery and live oaks school this project will fill in the remaining space third effect we have to the potential of this project is coming at the expense of a great
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deal of pdr space it is providing very this eir space to replace this is a unique opportunity no other site officers finally this project has been several years in planning many meetings with the developer and we've always encountered foot-dragging in the final plan the developer take 5 percent of the originally envisioned and other improvements have been required anyway if public mergers are going to have any effect please i would like you to consider they be taken seriously in consideration for this project thank you.
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>> indulge commissioners i'm with the potrero hill residents and with friends of jackson and handing to you hard copies of the e-mail that i sent to you earlier this week on the tenth i'm here to talk about the the need to create open space and save the precious space in our neighborhood as you may know our community has repeatedly voiced a lack of open space in potrero hill on the developers side there is open space but make sure that open space has planned with greenery and keeps it friendly and in the advisory committee of green space and not concrete and a great deal of pathways we appreciate the addition and the increase of the family-friendly units like 10 to make sure that open space and pathways make for a family friend garrett spaces friends of
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jackson join with live oak community their concern about the mid block passageways at 36 feet all the way across and more important skewering or securing the health and noise that happened discussing the construction that will effect the live oak kids era folks in jackson park at the time i want to say a friends of jackson park works with live oak and san francisco rec and park to create a benefit for the ramps on jackson park related to the dpw said not related to the determine how that will be to the ends we sent out a survey to the people own the e-mail list
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and overwhelmingly can you be that people want to see the community rec center on the community this shows our community needs the precious green space we have i like to urge you to keep in mind we're put out not survey and figure out the first step to get the community outreach to find out what we can do and work with the stakeholders in order to get a plan for jackson park and as a see we love the developer to come to the agreement in order to direct their impact fees all of them or a percent towards the renovation of jackson park. >> hi, i'm wendy smith a
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kooeflt residents on connecticut san francisco county transportation authority budget & finance committee around the cornerstone from the property project and have a child that graduated from live oak and my office in the building next to live oak on the corner arkansas and mariposa i'm familiar with the neighborhood and i wanted to make a statement will my concern for the safety and specifically the crosswalks at mariposa and arkansas on the western side and the southern side because on a daily basis i see cars failing to stop appropriately and concerned with the children at live oak and concerned for the children in the rendering for the related project i'd like the commission to please do what it can to make sure that the traffic moderation signage and calling measures are
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taken for mariposa street and that intersection in particular thank you. >> like to ask those person in front of doorway to move i see a fire hazard. >> i'm also a parent of a kindergartener at live oak school i want to tell you that right now when our doing drop off or pick up it is improbable to get through the idea of adding hundreds and hundreds of more cars is impossible to think about what is scarier the attempt i don't attempt to keep my child save i make sure i keep my child save is it so not feasible to keep our children away from hazardous materials we need to make sure there are
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hazardous materials only there during the times that kid are not in session we want to tell you another thing i'm a san franciscan and proud to be a san franciscan i was living in los angeles for the last 9 years and recently moved back this city is a concrete jungle it feels for traffic i didn't the soul of the city has disappeared the artists the art of city is quickly disappearing by creating more concrete jungles by not insuring enough green space we're destroying this city a mother of somebody that is 5 years old and groou u growing up ♪ city i want to make sure when she walked out of the city not breathing in hazardous water her parents doing everything we can to insure the green space
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allocated is enough for children to enjoy and the playground is not cost and no sunset because the vitamin d those children will not be enough if this building coffers it which is what we're seeing he wanted to tell you one more thing that is amazing you guys do everything you did this is important to feel our voices are heard and if our children are exposed to hazardous materials? their future and i hope you take that seriously thank you >> hello good afternoon. i'm laura and i've two children at live oak one in elementary schools the first time grade and the second in middle school i share many of the concerns for us today about the scale of the
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project and the lack of open space and the number of cars that will be coming in the neighborhood already efrpdz along mariposa street a line of cars and the traffic has really increased in that area and children are walking across the street everyday on their way to school and quacking to jackson park for recess and for pe sister-in-law kids in the crosswalks and middle schoolers leave the school by themselves often at the end of the day or on the way to school so i want to insure that their kept save the toxic measures are introduced
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including crosswalks thank you. >> hello my name is chris james a i have a kindergartener at live oak 5 and a half years old the half is important and there's a lot of things to the parents have said that's safeties i want to address one concern and that is the remediation activities associated with hazardousus materials the phrase the sentence feasible response attempt to schedule the demonstration and remediation activities in summary summer of 2016 no responsibility for the sponsors to protect around the teachers from the risk of exposure to hazardous materials and contaminated materials we
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would like to see much stronger language specifically about that we - the project emotion activity should be scheduled when the school is not in session and communication a reference to the document about posting communication up on the site regarding hazardous materials and in this day and age especially where we live in terms top locally and to the residents on a weekly basis to lemon them know what is going on thank you. >> as the next speaker comes up
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(calling names). >> my name is u london lands a kindergartener at live oaks and 3-year-old twins that will be joining. >> can you speak into the microphone. >> sorry i'm short. >> so i have a 12 year run with the children i think my primary concerns echo a lot of what's been said already the concern with the language i'd like to see that strengthened to require the noisiest and most hazardous demolition during the summer most and the other primer is the traffic measures serving
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a few incidents of skids hit in crosswalks near the school are dissecond street for everyone and every measure to make sure that the safety of our kids crossing the streets throughout the day and my secondary concern would be the green space in the development i'd like that increased to the 35 feet that was discussed and the idea of an onsite community space that is large and assessable for uses i'm in support of that and i'm in support of making sure that this passageways from the screens is not just paved and welcoming and inviting to the school community and neighborhood community as well. >> thank you. >> tends to prove.
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>> hi, i'm cammy a san francisco recipe a live oak mom and i vote i'd like everybody to know i'd like to reiterate the i have the traffic concerns as well i walk my daughter into school along with any 3 year-old son a abundance of people that run the stop signs even though security guard does an amazing job of keeping everybody in line he is one person we'll be battling more and more drives e drivers so whatever signage would be terrific i'd like to reiterate i also would like the hsa hazardous materials and noise to be at a minimum and done through the summer months if at all possible thank you
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very much. >> hi steve i didn't i own a small internal design i'm out here everyday i'm not an expert but know about the construction and i'm the mom of two children so my kids are in the first and third grade i echo the concerns and hope very, very much that you'll basically have the sponsor do the deconstruction and the demolition in the summer months and if they not our children need to be somewhere safe if they can it is a big issue i think that all of that is a huge issue i think the language is very,
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very weak also i think that's about it so thank you very much. >> game-changer my name is jackie a parent of two current and won future live oak students i think i wanted to let you know that jackson park is a very busy parade they have successor and baseball teams and the addition of three hundred units in this area will put a lot for pressure on the playground the developer needs to provide for recreational facilities for the burden on jackson playground at the moment i support what the friends of jackson playground said about community recreational facilities on the site
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$2 million donation i'm helping with the renovation of a playground in fire extinguisher it is costing $17.2 million so $2 million didn't go that far thank you. >> hi, i'm jeff i've lived in san francisco since 1991 and i also have two children at the live oaks school i'm i'm a designer one of the things i'll not telling them how to do their job details matter and they've been putting out misinformation about the sixth district of the project that has been readily discussed about the phase of nearly 40 percent on the web is said they've created
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42 foot sobriety and he says active 25 feet we want to ask that the projectile be returned to the promised setback of 35 feet and the details that matter in 2, 3, 4 process of that does it include patios and balconies and things like that does that included the 35 foot setback does not include those patios thank you. >> hi, i'm an 11 year residents of potrero hill and this morning i was taking an out of turn up showing her in my neighborhood she noticed two things in potrero hill we have a lot of clean coffee shops and not enough open space that is totally un- i'm here to talk
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about that i'm one of the friends of jackson playground we've been working closely with the proprietors and the rec and park and the developer to come up with a benefit true benefit for the community 0 on to the planning commission and impact fees to make the in kind impact fees for the parks in the neighborhoods we'll appreciate that thank you. >> hello, i'm kathy less than a potrero hill residents and firstborn of jackson playground and he my kids go to this school i support what's mentioned previously with ward to the sentiments about safety and hazardous materials and i'd like to speak about the recreation open space
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like many residents in san francisco we don't have a background jack park is our background in the potrero hill community and i expect 1601 mario most of impact of hundreds of residents on the park is a huge priority and thinking about how we can make open space and green says that a priority for everyone and assuring that the community remains a wonderful place to live for everyone current and future i've appreciate the developers working with the community like ours and the city in terms of the jackson about park but $10 million will not go too far as much i implore you to use our discretion when we talk about impact fees and love to see an in kind donation where developers can direct they're impact fees to the jackson park
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and green spaces and as this project sits across from one of our green spaces that will impact residents and the green space needs so much less i'd like to tfa found find a way to direct the fees to that park thank you very fa found find a direct the fees to that park thank you vera found find a way direct the fees to that park thank you ver found find a way direct the fees to that park thank you very found find a way direct the fees to that park thank you veround find a way to direct the fees to that park thank you verund find a way to t the fees to that park thank you vernd find a way to direct the fees to that park thank you verd find a way to direct the fees to that park thank you ver find a way to direct the fees to that park thank you verfind a way to direct the fees to that park thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i'm deborah i'm a potrero hill residents on 19 about two blocks from the proposed project and one of the founders of the potrero education fund when among other things has with an on the campus of daniel webster elementary schools and one you'll remember in the dog patch with built to an in kind -
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so what is happening with that in kind agreement with the martin building cement it agreement is allowing for you the impact right where the project is i'd like to urge to do a similar requirement and require the developer to put an in kind facility a community recreation space alters related project that could be done and works i know because i've been involved i want to comment on you've heard about the traffic measures will be a lot of live oak parents my son is in first grade i've spent 10 years working the education funds another school which doesn't have a population that is here to be heard but you need to consider you've heard the
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mention of i s a we've got two elementary schools daniel webster but two schools there and the impact of all that traffic at the same time in the morning is dangerous for residents and the children and we saw a horror retention accident so really, really need to make sure when over talking about the traffic caging measures the benefits at live oaks school that benefit whatever the population is going to be and you're communicating with the san francisco unified school district as to with whatever is going to be on the campus to you hope you'll take those things take into account.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please as you're working your way up (calling names). >> good afternoon a san francisco resident and a live oak parents i am here nerve to support more to outburst to the project i'm here to ask the plans of the projects are changed to absorb the 35 foot project i've been practicing architecture in the city of san francisco the set back means no part of the building that sticks into that i'm urging the developer to change his plans and the commissioners to impose this setback and the developer want to somehow asks for a variance he can do see and explain what the hardship is thank you very
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much. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is cashing i can't i'm a resident of the hill i've also on the hill for 23 years the past 18 years i've been fortunate to buy a home on any, any between 18 and 19th although the process of building out mission bay and potrero hill is a motion we're a compression of traffic with no path of emotion and judging from the skeletons of the new buildings it is going to get worse every block of communication custom 86 adds to travel that is to a standstill in the non-community
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hours and yet he buildings are in the process of being added to the inadvertent with anymore projects proposed and in the approval stage although the city talks about a transit first policy obviously that plan exists in name only we'll have cars and cars and more cars and buses stuck in lanes along with cars the general idea of planning a city to build infrastructure before you start building out businesses and residentss here we have a situation we're through talk of infrastructure what infrastructure could there is from the surface streets are at capacity our streets in the neighborhoods of new construction such as co-sponsor have an site and 1601 mariposa are mainly two-lane streets laid
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out in victorian area to service a modest population now those streets are virtual freeways ramps for commuters and sports nuchlz backing up into residential streets virtually confining residents to their homes short of building tunneled and subways no remedies for the cumulative traffic on the streets the only remedy not making a bad situation worse in short mathematics out of room to move for vehicles yet the planning to continue a pathway of trying to stuff 10 pounds of stuff in 5 pound bags for those reasons he strongly urge and object bible of the building to
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scale them for the realties on the ground and rather to the decisions to the developers that don't live in the city thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm gary i'm a residence of san francisco lived here for 26 years and 11 years in the area that is being talked about a union sheet metal working a i'm here to voice my support for the mariposa project that project has twice as much open space as making that more family friend and the developer has committed
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$23 million to improve the sdwraks playground me and my son goes to you urge you to approve the 1601 mariposa project thank you. >> hello commissioners, i live in the area the project about 3 years and i'm a union cement worker here to voice any support for the mariposa project that project will enhance the neighborhood by replying park distributions what is a for the opponent housing our city needs i urge to you support of project the mariposa project thank you.
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>> good morning, commissioners danny i representative with the sheet metal workers one 04 since 1903 you see the workers and due to the interest of time rather than having the other members i represent to speak please stand up and be recognized we support this project for the numerous benefits that was mentioned earlier we're very excited that this developers is done above and beyond we can't miss the opportunity to increase of affordable housing in the city especially with the prices we're facing and we're committed to
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partnership with the snitchy partners that insures the local residents will be employed and paged good wages and means that apprentices will be hired and career pathways for the youth we look forward to your support in approving the eir thank you very much. >> hello, i'm judith i live in bernal height my son graduate from live oak i'm interested in the neighborhood and actually go through every day on the 22 counseling station i wanted to
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focus on some of the concerns in terms of the eir has it shows there is shadow in the building on jackson park even though i guess according to the rules not a super at all building it's okay part of issue that there is impact on local recreation ron ma devil mentioned two games in the neighborhood unfortunately i've been a membership and my kids can't assess the gym the kids needs playground and the parks that's basically the know i'd like to talk about the eir and my it is it is deficient in terms of watching for pedestrians on our rtc on august 5th the schools were out and april 29th a day
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that live okay. let's out earlier from 46 to 7 to 9 a morning drop off and no recognition for a serious pedestrian safety their offering to pay for traffic control a few blocks away we need to address the safety adverse i'll urge you no to the allow the loading dock exception from having off-street loading sfgh loading creates hazard that is when people drive around trucks and things happen we know they want /* sfvd /- on student that is a toxic site you need to make the language
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stronger than it feasible and it really is focused on the excavation part of project construction there are also star kings the local public school uses the after-school program in jackson park thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello commissioners. i'm rick a potrero hill residents a long time residents i oppose this project as it is there's been many, many good comments today on changes that need to be made changes that have already been made, etc. in my opinion it is all lipstick on a pig that process causes magnificent loss of pdrs over 60 thousand square
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feet and it is too dense for potrero hill this is a destructive change to the character of our neighborhood that is a perfect example of fail of mou concept and the eastern neighborhoods plan there is no balance here in the u m u it is like not all residential with the exception of maybe last week 4 thousand square feet of nominal pdr this is not the kind of pdrs the city needs to retain the e n plan didn't anticipate the curre the current grshd so we need to
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stop feeding this beast an earlier k34er789 or commenter that talks about a 5 pound bag this one is 20 pound bags we're stuffing too much into potrero hill. >> hello commissioners pete cultural action network yeah, he want to follow up on what the previous speaker talks about i was confused when i looked at this executive summary are we really user mixed use 97.6 residential percentage in the urban mixed use and how that qualifies for the urban mixed use especially in a city not only the eastern neighborhoods protection quite clear we have an enormous pdr loss in the capacities go on and with that pdr loss we're seeing an enormous loss of
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community jobs and community of color disappearing and the widespread disappearance of artists a mass exodus those are exactly the kinds of spaces we need more housing our folks that the way out of scale not like a urban mixed use project either in the tint or in the paralysis application when i weigh the eastern neighborhoods actually overheard someone in the hallway this think an excellent test we'll repeat it a number of times i think that is exactly what they're looking for how far can we punish beyond the meaningful boundary thought mixed use to carve it up and spot zoning from true urban mixed use to will have entirely
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residential overall when i look at this project those look like the number 4 hundred and 8 thousand square feet of residential as opposed to to 10 thousand residential square feet let's relimousine it residential it is only a couple of good-sized rooms tacked up please don't let this grrd go forward it is not a reasonable proposal in its current form a huge amount of more protections observed there environmental to our communities and i hope you'll keep in mind and ask for the projects in accordance to those projects thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm joel with the
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local local 6 and the are contractors association here to voice over support for the adopting the ceqa finding and the granting of the large project authorization we my mind our letter of support and it should be in the packet and cards of commitment in support of the two members on vermont street and illinois and arkansas kansas street advocating for the project seeing it is done it's due diligence and committed to using local contractors that employ local electricians and apprentices here in san francisco on admitting to put this in further prospective we want to talk about two projects that are not utilizing the local contractors or residential would it be fair to say 348 fist
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street out of town contractor not one residents working for that electrical contractor and dagget 4 hundred and 70 units out of out-of-towner not one local residents working that will not be the case at 1601 mariposa this project will a positive environmental and social impact on the neighborhood and urge you to approve it thanks. >> hi good afternoon my name is drew i live will a about a block away for 414 years directly off the street and fortunate to buy a gun on 18 and arkansas i said to bring a
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little bit of a different prospective of a parent in the neighborhood a 4-year-old and 8-year-old girl grown on u up on the block but i'm a huge supporter of project i'm super excited about providing for housing i think that is an opportunity to actually add for density i guess i'm one of the group that thinks we should do our part to add harvey's housing it is walkable to consulate 15 minutes on a bike. >> wonderful place to add housing i don't think that is massive i think that is kind of a inactivated opportunity where it is not we don't have detriment of the height but get density so i think that is unique how it is built both the hillside the shadows on the tension court not
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a big deal and frankly live oaks casts a beggar shadow on the playground that's okay. we need the density and housing i'll excited about activating the street along the block and dusk whether walking from the woods or park especially with my girls it is you're a little bit more cautious of the block that needs activity i was within a block of here robbed at gun point not a fun thing to go through and it is just is a - it is just a great way to bring in residents that can activate the street and complete our neighborhood framing the park and make that safer we definitely needs more transportation by adding some
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more residents it helps at some point the 22 it is busy enough but pagd more recipe more transportation too i think that is it and just in short other neighbors that are excited not here working by there is a group of folks residents that are secreting hoping this get approved thank you. >> good afternoon and thank you for hearing us all commissioners i'm schizophrenia virginia head of live oak school you can keep the attention for one year of your life you're all
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citizen turns you've heard under parents and educators that are compacting about the plays where they work and play and outline make decisions that impact our future in a rare window to take with care wisdom violation and courage i'm confident you've sure the health and safety of the residents of potrero hill with the right challenge you can insure our play and quality of life and design opportunities are that are raised here become a reality live oak has been talking about using this opportunity to be a - create a transformation benefit as part of the development of the site we're not done yet and onsite
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community assessable reactional is an appropriate project for this size we're talking about a facility that will be about 95 hundred square feet on a health that is three hundred and 32 thousand square feet adjacent to an already well-used playground live oak has been planning this for 3 years here's a picture from 2013 of an idea a gym on the site until 2013 a gym on the site in 2014 and later in 2015 and finally from the summer of 2015 other rendering you'll notice those are all been created in the collaboration
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between related david barker and live oaks school my challenge to you today are my hope for you today is a following please use your influence for the residents and students and residents future for potrero hill to renovate, upgrade jackson park and finish with live oak to add a marble benefit the recreational facility something that has been demonstrated over and over can be done for this neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm sarah i'm a resident of potrero hill since 2008 and a member of the potrero hill responsibly he live across the street from the project in the 18 and arkansas building
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when our building was built i think that was considered at that point the huge project in the neighborhood i'm not against growth at all but building strongly in responsibility of the keeping in the character of the neighborhood our building which is half the size of this building is 65 units sooeps to as opposed to the three hundred and 9 units for this building that is significant in size additionally in terms of cumulative impacts the eastern neighborhood plan doesn't account for the housing in the entire potrero hill and showcase square areas he building there is 4 thousand units planned which exceeds the eastern neighborhood plan of about 31
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hundred units and also significantly sooner than the plans laid outs the additional residents are not support by parks or transportation or the services by the eastern neighborhoods plan i believe there needs to be more pdr in this project to represent the character of the neighborhood potrero hill flourishes from the residential and manufacturing and very in this case to the neighborhood the neighbors really desire to keep the character of the hill and have that incorporated at 1601 the site of commercial space is important to keep in our city and foster diversity in employment promote and manufacturing thank you.
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>> game-changer commissioners i'm deborah a planner speaking on behalf of live oaks school several of you talked about the importance of protecting the schools and draft eir commissioner moore said that in order for the city to remain attractive and support a littleable future for families schools our biggest asset meetings needs to be protected we appreciate the increased setback that the project sponsor has provided especially removing the balconies many remaining concerns i'd like to talk about the 4 that that protects live oak parents and teachers the hazardous materials and construction noise, construction traffic and pedestrian safety
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and hope i agree the staff needs to be protected from the impacts from the hazardous materials during remediation rtc as the comments if feasible the sponsor will schedule a demolition and soil remediation during the summer of 2016 hour no measure is included in the approval or emotion monitoring program we request the planning commission add the following measures to the conditions project remediation activities shall be schedule when school is not in regular session if this can't be achieved the experience will pick up the cost relocation during the phase of project in addition we've asked for
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related to provide weekly update on the activities so that the school and on the neighbors know what to anticipate this has not been added as a mitigation we request that such a measure be included in the conditions for approval all neighbors but particularly students trying to learn to be protected from heavy construction noise we request that a measure be added that demolition and grading the noisiest activities should take place during the summer when school is not in session the project will be under construction for two years we request the language be in the m m rp be revised to protect the students from construction and the project sponsor be required to consult with live oak and
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others schools to come up with a management plan and the pedestrian safety you've heard from many 23 seven hundred plus added daily thank you, ma'am, your time is up. >> thank you. >> okay drew (calling names). >> i think you've heard from those speakers. >> i'm scott i have a handout here you've heard a lot important policy issues discussed i'm not going to elaborate but i want to address some nuts and bolts the comments you've heard the comments in the eir stressed the needs for noisy and hazardous
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soil remediation occur when the school is not in session according to the eir those tests will last a month out of a 3 year construction schedule nothing in the measure address the need to do this when the kids are not around so we ask you add the following language i'll give you to the motion on page 33 that is specifically says the project sponsor will schedule the depiction and remediation activities can i have this on the ovld when the schools are reduced from the attendance of the regular school year the sponsor will pay for housing to have it at another location again, we're talking about one month that should be able to be done in the summer we add the
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project sponsor provide the updates regarding weekly remediation tests this is not listed in your motion or your mitigation measures as present to you. >> the construction as i said is supposed to last two years the eir suggests not required coordination with live oak or the united studies they'll not dictate it but they'll ask you add this language at page 38 of our motion the project sponsor shall consult with live oaks school and the international school academy to develop a plan with an ongoing dialogue finally to address the pedestrian issue there are a couple of things to be done to help to insure the
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safety of the neighborhood residents when it comes to pedestrians we ask this lack be added to require that the project sponsor will help fund and install a bulb out on mariposa and also install the visible flashing crosswalks leading if live okay to jackson park this is particularly necessary for the 23 hundred additional auto trips this project will bring thank you very much. >> okay. any other speakers? >> on this item. >> no? >> okay go ahead. >> good afternoon my name is nationally the dean
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of live oaks school the lifetime by the way, residents the child of civil rights activists and very in what a communities looks like and all i ask is that the developers make the same commitment to this potrero hill community that live oak made becoming partners with our neighbors in working towards a truly diverse and affordable communities they've made great strides in working with the neighbors but i challenge them and ask that more than 20 percent affordable housing be made available if you look at the history of the potrero hill community folks that live there now that grew up are lifetime
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residents will not be able to afford to live there i ask the developers make that effort i've heard many statements of residents being happy with that project all of that is great who is going to be living there and how do we make sure that potrero hill residents can be there true city residents can live there live oaks school supports the community we ask that the developer do the same thank you. >> okay is there any additional public comment? >> hello commissioners andy blue from the plaza 167 good to see you again, i will echo the comments you've heard 20 percent affordable is a lot
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better than 12 percent we know that is not nearly enough inform meet the affordable housing needs we know that developers should go higher than that anothers coalition is concerned with the severe loss of pdrs and what that means the loss of working-class jobs more affordable and we can't losses that amount of pdrs thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> okay i don't see any public comment is closed. >> commissioner moore. >> hi director ram i saw you push the bottom would you like to open. >> i'd like to thank the public for an equal prepared and atheist comments for or against the totality who impressed me many of the comments resonate
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i'd like to speak about a few issues not specific concerns but what is of concern to me as a commission on this project the displacement of almost 65 thousand square feet of pdr without offering any in kind replacement within the district of concern we as a commission have not been able to formulate policy in this ongoing kicks it down the street and follow-up on one off the later speakers comments that is in direct portion to our ongoing search for tools to address the affordability and displacement pdr is an integral part that that and i've said this before the park issue given indeed a notice about gentrification in the district and in the
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neighborhoods which are focused by this change a parking space radio is resembling what we do in market octavia with the would-be appropriate we indeed in a targeting way to improve public transit in the area those are only opinions i wanted to get them on paper what is and has been of concern indeed the absence of open space in my dir comments i spoke about what i building is the sign of jackson square playground the only program as given the fact it has a fence and given the fact that the star king program which addresses after school that is not conducive to a
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positive learning environment children sitting on the floor in need of restrogs and rehabilitation we've having a problem with increased amount of open space in addition to what is there i think that the ideas about open space is breaking down, however, the over presence of escape is of concern i'll echo that the presence of more participatory onsite potential recreation facilities is the way of mitigating that those are only ideas need to be examined in detail i did not want to jump both the good design but i want
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to say i believe that the there in indents from the security average unions to 89 units per acre is way within the range of managing good design i looked at the project last time and was in stockton and spent one half hour looking at the density that is higher here we are not used to density exceeding 90 to one hundred for the typography this project makes attempts to address the confusion about this and what this project as i'm asked for large authorization is not doing it is not providing
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exceptional design and this is not because of david barker not knowing how to design he is one of the people at the cutting-edge of doing i believe this project as a agreeing zats 6 projects into one it is simply too big to dwlifr exceptional design by on architect the challenge of the comparison is indeed relooked at 650 indiana street a few months ago it was not as large as this one we have 3 architects comfort women commodity a place making good project this proximate cause will benefit from multiple precipitating and the urban design as set primarily led by
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one landscape architect with that massive scale makes that difficult to create the variety and visible centers it is remnant of phil in a super large sites that was originally designated four areas and trying to make that in san francisco i'll leave it at that and commissioner richards. >> first of all, the staff about the eir we heard about the community talking about the eastern neighborhoodish environmental impact report more than it calls uh-huh calls for . >> would you like to respond to that. >> the eir. >> good afternoon, commissioners sarah jacque's environmental review officers we've been tracking the amount
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of development that has been completed or under consideration in the various parts of eastern neighborhood and considering it against what the analysis was in the eir we are seeing residential development that is in terms of over pipeline is approaching some of the highest figures that that analyzed we looked at various combinations of uses and they're overall impacts in the eir i think that the we're intending for those 4 topic areas are plummeted by the projects of growth we'll in the future as projected in the eir implemented in the analysis, however, not
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pertinent within the projections within the eir. >> great one question did the eir summary call for loss of pdr space that was in effect during the development. >> absolutely all of the scenarios that were analyzed in the eir had substantial number of pdrs loss assumed we called that out as a significant land use impact so this particular project as 1601 mariposa we recognized as transbay considerably to this significant impact from the ceqa impact that impact was imposed it didn't trigger any new consideration. >> i think one the interesting things and honestly every time he say that public comment is incredible beneficial you've learned and discovered things that collect in our head one of
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the questions i can in the eir it looks like from a parking ratio point of view going from .5 inform nearly one which is nearly doubling that is what we're transbay to the issues around the significant impacts on traffic so the question i have is when you analysis an eir and ask for a ton percentage in parking or parking space but the one point zero if we took parking spaces down to the 1.4 will it reduce this to less than significance. >> our transportation analysis as we do it now and have done it for a decade and a half the seems like auto trips are generated by uses not parking spaces so the amount of parking
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that is provided in terms of the academic analysis that's should open paper will not be affected by the reduction number of parking spaces however, we have doing a lot of work right now we'll be coming to the commission in the coming months to talk about the transportation demands work we're doing and working towards an ordinance and that work does reflect this is your assumption you're speaking again and backed up by a lot of work we've downey done that, in fact, reducing the parking spaces is a very strong way to reduce all trips. >> so it is intuitive active to me i know that the gentleman mrs. miguel and mr. rogers spoke about that the eir documents this is a neighborhoods there is a lot of transportation, you
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could walk to the coffee shops to the safeway, etc., etc. it is counterintuitive this is contributing to the safety of the school and the transportation congestion issues. >> commissioners. >> i would want to add on quickly to sarah's point we looked at in terms of of the number of parking spaces is circulation and that was reviewed as part of eir we do look at you know how many cars per hour could be arriving on site during the peak periods there are improvements to reduce the associations with the parking garages so this was with the eir. >> i know someone in the back hit me over the head he was thinking about that if we took
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the parking spaces down we'll provide a parking space on site and do some pdr space to balance it out but a amount of parking like the 200 x spaces i think that is probably more of a winner and it is probably something the community can wrap up with a wrap their heads around, sir comment on the outreach issues we've heard some of the neighborhood folks say they have been happy hazard please explain the members of the committee with the naeshd and what you took away so we can get a good sense if there was good outreach. >> we've been working on this for 3 and a half years we probable had the most meetings by for with live oaks school adjacent stakeholders
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make sense we focused i think our most substantive meetings a lot of meetings along the way once the draft eir came out we were aware of the comments i mean, he as you can see we've gotten a widest range of comments some of them frankly go run counter to each other this is in numerous meetings we wanted to be able to sort through and ultimately we're responsible to making priorities and judgements bans that i've spent half of this week trying to resolve the parks improvements issue that was a clear message to us from everybody that the communities i think heard some comment that the community space issue was a major appropriate but there he
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was skepticism working with the city rec and park department for example, will get you anywhere yeah, that takes forever we've made a lot of headway not offering $2 million but actually designed with a partner of one the live oak board members with the tennis court on top of to replace the existing tennis court you've heard a challenge of open space this is a multi purpose facility that will serve the whole community including live oak but not limited we had a construction budget how much it to would cost the answer three to $4 million phil ginsburg of rec and park said it is 6 okay 6 if we could get this is privately printing privately fund because a couple of speakers brought this up if we
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could find a way to target names and addresses to the $2 million the $3 million we're required to pay in impact fees that facility is paid for by us i think there is other opportunities so i'm not sure how else to say yes, a wide variety of meetings if i can use the word half hazard we tried to address a whoo wide variety of feedback and make that all fit i think to a large decree we've been successful but we're prepared to do more i find it difficult to accept anyone saying we've been unable to meet i'm even though ceo i perching over the past 4 months attended virtually every meeting we have
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a lot go on i made this a priority and one of the speakers said 95 hundred square feet you've heard this around the parking and putting that kind of money and using the $2 million to augment it will be cheaper to build. >> we looked at virginia showed you probably 3 different possibilities along the way you will note that the gym absorbs open space it is inside open space but not public space for everybody this is the most crucial the recommendation from the community we added the east west views to the project we actually also for a while look at putting the gym at the entrance that will take away most of muse that become a
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practical problem that was physically doable but a practical problem. >> right it blocks some of the windows into live oak schools but somehow find what way but to pay for that the presumption is live oak raised the money to pay for it that's a lot of money. >> what is that a live oak or center. >> i think you'll agree the notation owned by live oak but made vertebral to the larger contingency so we instead focused because there was push back frankly at a planning department staff to block the muse with the gym we instead shifted our focus to jackson park and frankly until we raised the 2 millions i don't think it took us that seriously oh, great who will pay for that that's 40
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percent of the cost alone what was requested not for us to be the arresting take care of what gets done because so much destruction we took it a couple of steps forward. >> regarding the easements passageway i want you too open up like the redesigning last two pages one of the questions he have is the balcony issue you know they seem to make the east views for interesting and active what do you see front the school. >> as you saw from the design that, yes shows it showed balconies we have in response to the concerns expressed we've agents to remove them and i know aggressively an amenity and a
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design feature. >> was it about the privacy of the students as i don't want to speak for them but people pier into the school. >> other question he have then we looked at a project that was done on one 50 van ness demolishing the building over the store a big at all building kind of december acceptable we heard a lot of issues around height and proposals and the timing of the demolition and erica i react to that. >> in terms of doing. >> construction at certain times. >> oh, oh yes, we take seriously the issues that they raise i've of they've been talking about that for are sometime we have offered to schedule the demolition for
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renovation activities in the summer when the school was not in full-time session i'm not sure it is accurate to not say it is in session at all but the schedule permits for example, on the schedule we're currently on if we're to go forward we could do if not to the control of the schedule the other schedule we can handle is as chelsea are someone 0 mentioned assuming this was approved the, sir certified the d t s c skeleton did public hearing and they'll issue we have to get through a lot of discussions through the provided you know there wasn't a significant detail we can absolutely do that we've offered that for sometime the other comment i think that correct me if i am wrong but to the issue
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of dropout that was the emotion the public safety issue we've increased the drop off by 35 feet. >> commissioner moore's comment i say i love wine he says he smell xyz i'm not an architect i defer to commissioner moore in terms of breaking up the massing once you suggested oh, i get what she's saying he met about you seems like it looked good all defer to commissioner moore regarding the in kind i'll dispense with that and again, just i think in some density i think is okay i think if we took a little bit
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of parking maybe a pdr space more room here thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i have you at the podium i might ask a question there were some language thwas proposed in regards to the conditions did you have a chance to review those. >> we looking at them the one thing as i said one of the conditions is project sponsor scheduled the emotion with the attendants of the nearby school not sure but that seems to have not quite sure what it means but schooler like i said we've offered to do that as the time
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permits when the school is not in session i'm not sure i understand the attention by nearby schools. >> it's a little bit two word i didn't over the summer is when most of schools maybe schools that go 12 years but talking about live oak this can't be achieved the sponsor pays for the are temporary locations during the project i can't agree is that that is an open ended commenting commitment with no budget attached we will have to adhere to a very, very specific set of protocols for emotion this is where live oak was there or not because of the concern we've made the offer we've made but roadway the sites as contaminated soil if we don't do anything that stays there
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contaminated i'm not sure i mean, i understand the gist of the request. >> most of demo can be scheduled over the summer months. >> under the current schedule is absolutely could. >> whether or not to extend the summer hazardous materials that will cover any project even when here on behalf of the appellant. >> we've police department;s to them there will be public hearings at d t s c to greatest specifics we have can't no discretion there. >> yeah. the other things while i have you they're talking about a bought and flashing lights and crosswalks i assume that will be - >> actually, i have to study it i don't want to get in
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trouble i think the crosswalks with a good idea i think that is a good idea you know the bulb out i think that my architect said we already have one there. >> i think i saw that. >> i think the crosswalk is a good idea. >> the issue the parking space light the boubtsz we do but the flashing light crosswalks we'll have to work with dpw and other departments you can't prejudge what they'll do and is they'll use their best efforts but quaint acquire it. >> make that a find not a condition highly desirable and work it out with the mta. >> that answered ms. most of my questions one other thing i
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think that their definitely was something i think i talked with susan earlier today about the possibility of eliminating some of the studios is that under consideration. >> we could i mean first of all, we absolutely will by adding the 10, 3 bedrooms within the same square footage we're refining the unit plans and probably i'm not sure loss some units but so we have certainly looking at that. >> so in his own 290 with the probability of a certain amount of studios will be eliminated. >> we're definitely looking at right now. >> thank you that answers police of my questions we want to make a few comments in terms of the eir i appreciate ms. jones in the draft eir that was before us it gave us some
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numbers i would assume those are correct he better read them off in every project in the pipeline went forward you know there would be 85, w 9 units in the and were coastline showcase square and analyzed 5 thousand nine hundred units of everything went forward you'll be belief and 90 blow and no consideration it is oneelow and no consideration it is one of the first projects. >> i'm sorry i don't have the numbers in front of the me. >> it goes without saying a mute point and traffic in terms of the eir the traffic study is complete and very good it talked about one intersection that had
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impacts are significant and not mitigated by u but that is something that can be worked on as we go forward i think that the eir part is i had a few more comments on the project first of all, you know i'm very - nevertheless of u n are m u some people spoke to the fact that every project needs pdrs but my understanding the u m u you want to promote the pdrs and housing and mixed urban use there is a lot of provided on uber and so i think that concept every project to have both uses not something not analyzed sfierdz in the eastern neighborhoods and the other comment that was very important was that the present uses have been relocated
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within san francisco to 6000 third street which are the areas we want more pdrs lots of available space people with businesses that need to move products are much more interested in being in those areas their closer to the freeways and moving their product and lower rents and make sense to have the heavier pdrs use some of the smaller boutique pdr uses may be might fit by the way, that's my feeling and two and a half times the open space. >> i mind add some speakers providing more of the open space not a to be you know usable by the public i'll encourage that to work with staff to replace some of the muse with the paved
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areas and the public can sit rather than the paved areas that are so heavy planned you can't go to those areas on the gym situation i'm very much encourage you to pursue the gym and jackson playground and the high school z did they have tennis courts and parking garages and put the courts up there the courts are there you're doubling the space and not pinal on the area but whatever to improve on the clubhouse at yaks that will be good i think that was commissioner richards or commissioner moore spoke about the need for places for students
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after-school programs and other things we need to improve so those are some of the uses but i think that is realistic that many of the projects that are coming before us and potrero hill will have requirement to contribute to open space and contribute to recreational uses it is not impossible that some of the projects could be funds could be directed towards this project that will benefit not only live oak but all the people in the potrero hill such moscone and playground has a gym and others playgrounds have gives him that is a great idea on that part of the i have a few more things the balconies with gone it's good and while you're up, sir 35 feet i think between live oak and your buildings is 35 feet sthashgs and erect and
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there were so the walkable is 25 feet either landscaping or something what is taking up that the square feet. >> patios. >> patios you'll see the 35 but pedestrians will see 25 feet. >> that's off the lower units. >> i'd like to comment on that again it is generally thoughts you like to activate public areas that have so-called eyes on the street at night time in particular when residents frankly might be walking through there i think it is a good idea to have not just. >> wall hence the proposal. >> i agree 100 percent there was one very good speaker in favor the project and things it is spoke i didn't and talking about eyes on the street a
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passageway it is good people are on their patios r or visible pathways it is a lot savor this is very good and i had a couple of more comments in terms of construction many, many schools in san francisco and the example about the school project and the school on oak many schools have projects next to them or onsite and have to remediate the types of impacts and then on detailing i think as far as i'm concerned, i think some things on the tops of buildings may relieve in some places to analysis emphasis the rooflines and again, this could
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be done with staff in the detailed today and also in terms of there was a suggestion that there is pdr use on the muse but most people that have any kind of products is not really practical to be dragging their product to get it to the street i'm very much in favor and i think that in terms of parking i think one thing that nobody was observing to was the amount of parking allowed any of the residents inn on potrero hill don't want the residents driving around trying to find parking on the hill one the complaints about the hill the logical one the transportation to downtown and other areas is i think adequate at this time you'll have a lot of people working in their cars and virtual everyone that lives interest better if their parked than trying to look
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for parking on the hill and further clogging up the hill anyway those are my comments i'm very much in favor but a few things to be changed. >> commissioner hillis. >> so thanks everybody for coming and testifying i want to thank mr. miguel and others that put together the design i thought it was informative especially the presentation would be great at some point to have that discussion here i think sometimes the design gets bogged down with the height and massing and not the design the building but large buildings that are designed well and they have to come down to reducing the size and a well-designed building in you'll different sizes i agree with some of my
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fellow commissioners the massing works in the neighborhoods i don't have an issue i applaud did developers for doing an a.d. 20 project we've not heard enough about that they're not asking for height and density but moving forward with a higher affordability a few questions for staff but the public passageway especially the north south passageway in our conditions of approval that remains open and public at southern times. >> wanders to the north-south alley it is subject to the code section which establishes the performance standards so staff is in the plan check look at
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those boundaries design and performance standards that insures that will not leave that space unpaved and if he landscaped and maintained for the pedestrians and well light and so forth. >> how about the hours the passage ways not used by residents from people are 40 have balconies you may want to enclose them. >> they have to remain ungated and. >> open at all times. >> yes. that's the codes reference it. >> it has to remain open a good example was on the fulsome project that one state hospital through the area not gated. >> that's only for the north south not the east west but
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require that on the east west and on on the north south. >> it is required to be pub assessable twenty-four hours a day. >> okay. >> that's great. >> a followup question on knocks have there been discussions about an in kind discussion with the project sponsor utility some of the fees for work on jackson playground or going out and building whatever improvements are agreed upon. >> yeah. the impact fees assessment in the staff report are the basic impact fees the concept of the park contribution is relatively a new proposal and has not been discussed nevertheless of that. >> maybe i can ask the pardon any discussion about the cac
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level or everything else the it is outside of. >> the answer is there will be we haven't yet i mean technically this has to be approved by the neighborhood cac potrero hill has 4 staff 19 seats on this that is not screwdriver considered a slam dunk we're you been talking with the commissioners and community not frankly dwaus just for the gym but other things in jackson park the process that phil ginsburg hat outlined is helpful the community for the whole park in so funding for the phase one you'll implement not wait for everything to be done. >> your comment about mr. ginsburg the cost will be higher $67 million a had an you can do
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it cheaper. >> it's true my understanding it if it were privately funded not have to glow the city's procurement processes but meet the city requirements that are required of any city sponsored or leased prompt but not through the procurement process he'll tell you farther and chamber. >> so i don't know as a condition to require or at least ask staff to work with the eastern neighborhoods cac or the developer and neighbors to potentially come back with an in kind all the time that addresses the parking improvements a first phase or pedestrian safety improvements to those crosswalks. >> any kind of additional improvements like adding a gym a gym is a new use whether on the
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project sites or in jackson park is subject to the ceqa review so that - no commitment or approval of that can happy at this time. >> i was saying for that street. >> to mediate pedestrian safety issues it might not be a gym i don't know if a give him we certainly got that from live oaks but this is a new before the accident occurred i'd like a new give him in my school but part of jackson square improvements you know whatever comes out of new parade to phase it so some can be done through an in kind agreements we've seen successfully used before i will encourage that and definitely work to try to take that on not required and come back. >> construction impacts on the
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school we've heard a lot about that from the some of the parents i guess we get your willingness to do this over the summer months i guess what happens if it doesn't happen scheduled are not what we anticipated them and can't get it done in the time. >> we have to adhere to the same protocols they've got to be deemed completely save regardless of what you do that i would hate to be in a situation where we had to defer construction for a year because we missed the summer or something we could do dismissing something we could do is look at off times not just school in session over the summer or not in session every hour we could look at trying to focus on this
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off hours i have to look at this thing i'm not sure if possible. >> i want to add that the permitting premiums p there or are citizen terrors there are students at the site all year around u rounds because four of them they still needs to be protected the permitting presumed that the students are there are and adequately safeguarding them if they're there it is desirable to have a lessor effect but not a health and safety issue. >> okay. >> and then on the design issues that have been raised i'm kind of two minds we did hear during that presentation potrero hill kind of you know we try too much i think to make the building look like they are different ones they're not
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and actually, the projects the one issue i'd take up there are two two different buildings and i think they maybe look too slaurng we talked about this at one point and you know don't you understand to be a little bit more industrial aesthetic and one more in the fitting in with the residential and the israel they're similar so, i mean the fact we have two buildings is guy on the more we can differentiate been those two buildings with the project sponsor to do two i'll encourage. >> commissioner wu. >> thanks. >> i also want to talk about the a.d. 20 project it is really great the 20 percent affordable and 50 percent of ami we've lost
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the discussion of i am talking about affordability a single person at 50 percent makes $35,000 something a year if you make minimum wage and work full-time you don't make that much if either worked minimum wage and full-time i can't apply to live in avenue, i hope the affordable housing cries in context it is really great to have 60 units at that ami i want to ask also about the demolition and remediation i saw in the response to comments a number of plans that have to be written health and safety and emissions plan and soil additional management plan are 0 these are the city or they with hespa they're with ct s c those are
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the plans that need final approval draft plans in place and reflected in the draft eir but they need to come back to planning and building and through t through the district 2 before they're the building permit are finalize and approved that's the requirement of the communication marie's measures they need to be approved but coming back to the implementing agency before the work can begin. >> we're not as familiar with that process i heard the gentleman say a paeshgz b.a. can you explain how did public has assess to the plan. >> i can you know we don't usually the department of public health in the city deals with
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the plan but any project sponsor is choice they can work with the toxics and substance control the ct s c has a public outreach plan and engaged and done the community survey with the neighborhood i believe meetings with the neighborhood about the clear up plan and i believe they're going to have they'll have an outreach meeting with the neighbors but i could defer to the pardon who knows. >> that there will detail of what is going to occur. >> if project sponsor. >> i'm susan be we have a draft emotion plan on file with d t s we've working closely with and the document is available now we've been meeting with them
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once the eir is certified they'll start their process with community outreach and thirty day period those documents will be created to the public and take public comment brainstorming the approval. >> that's helpful we've heard concerns the dealt get worked out in the plans lastly i wanted to just make a couple of comments about open space and concur with the fell commissioners looking at the landscape and the surface are all design is moving in the green direction and make p makes that more softer in the east west and north-south pathways we want to ask staff to continue to work with the project sponsor. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much thank you to everyone that came out overseeing who were invited and most of hearing he was in
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the back watching all the public comment on tv so i was here he appreciate that project one thing that's not been mentioned as much today that project has begun to rearbitrations that brought it from boxes surrounding the live oaks school and the other buildings covering up what was formally a public right-of-way to something that integrates with the surroundings and will support jackson playground and really be great for the neighborhood i know are for the school i appreciate that the muse is there but frankly the public right-of-way they're looking at out the window to a bus depot hole in the ground the project is a great improvement i know we've talked about a lot of things i won't repeat but with
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the construction mitigation i want mention one public commenter wanted changes to the final eir and just to note we obviously want to have the permit planning process that goes forward will look at the sensitive facts and circumstances in the neighborhood and fit that that? not the first time around the construction of the school we all have senior centers and other types of construction like that i'm not concerned the only thing that ceqa and require that you not have construction near the sensors that's not a change i i mean, i'll recommend for the final eir a couple of final things though the public comment abruptly today and the e-mail we
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got from today and i think a great project the first one on the landscaping a little bit existed know there is a lot of hard escape but from the rendering and the design especially there is some landscaping working with the staff i want to make sure that there is more sort of areas of respite i know there is back and forth on wla whether a draft or how to make that greener no matter how you do that that is how you create more communities stay in the green but able to stop and not walk throwing with the beverages we know the muse is absent different with teaches open areas and the better street plans i hope we see that one thing in public comment somehow
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over 3 hours of public comment i don't think was mentioned the suggestion of having the communities shuttles great idea but not on this project other projects in the vicinity and populations from all across i think that is something that needs to go through the mta certainly there are other neighborhoods in the shipyards that cancer community shiflt to have something in place while the transit matches that is not something that is needed to be a benefit solely on this project 1601 mariposa that comment did make its way to me and then finally i definitely support of
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the suggestion by schifz but also commissioner richards and commissioner moore about directing the impact fees to jackson playgrounds or there about's through the cac process or otherwise there could be i think the cuisine will have to go to the cac so definitely looking at that process is the best; right? >> any of those approaches go the cac to recommend oozing how those fees are spent. >> yeah. >> an in kind agreement before the commission. >> i'll follow-up on the what commissioner hillis said as finding. >> we can get back to that and a quick follow-up question so commissioner johnck's brought up the idea of parking and that you know we are getting close to a
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one-on-one ratio the two floors of enthrone parking has not changed even though it went to three hundred and 20 to three hundred and 99 a general the projects are only those units that are 3 bedroom or larger and over one thousand square feet subject to the one by one ratio. >> speak louder. >> the project is going to the 7.5 ratio only those units 2 bedroom or larger that are subject to the ratio being requested there are specific additional finding that staff is able to make given thees contraction of the site to accommodate the garages that did get the frontages this is a special finding in the staff report so for your consideration. >> i'd like to ask the the
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project architect if you had noted gotten it flgd how would you have uses that space i'm challenged in terms of making a suggestion around how you can less than those o on the parking because of the space because of - we're losing a unit to get that parking or losing on amenity not that clear trade off here other than having less parking because of transit impacts or traffic impacts or other environmental impact or so. >> thank you commissioner johnson. >> the parking as is .75
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complies to the zoning controls as chris townsend mentioned it is for the units that are 2 bedroom a one-on-one 39 units the trade off in the parking garage that whole site the for the right of the site a parking lot we're able to without digging put a two serious pain and suffering assessable to two streets back into a thirty foot hope in the site we've wrapped that with unit so there is a trade off. >> how about others- >> other uses so i know obviously that is ground space so above ground is a different conversation if you take out x numbers of space an
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opportunity to have morality or more pdr, or what have you other active use what are the options for that underground space if we realized that parking space ratio on a one by one square footage. >> currently bike parking in 3 different spaces throughout the project the bike parking area will be able to grow a little bit like you said all hemmed in to the a garage you slope down 5 feet it is not like you can put something there that is something that would be last week, a residential unit. >> so i think in this case again, i agree with some of the
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someone said i forgot who wore starting to move to an era because of ability to have park this in and of itself therefore could increase traffic i agree with that but at the same time i'm looking at commissioner richards with a followup comment not sure what other positive benefit you get if there were other options i would support it but not creating space with nothing there rather than not having a car i love commissioner richards to jump in i know it is important to him otherwise supportive of the project one last thing i love the 8020 project it was great to see more minimum housing but larger units
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here. >> commissioner richards. >> great i'm jump on that the parking the excess parking on finding if i look at the parking garage behind the fitness studio is there a grade change to step down. >> it it's a two foot grade change under the parking garage to the muse and that is because the parking garage no digging the intention that you scrape the site as minimally as soon as possible and build on top top of that the muse a 2 foot drop the muse is lower yards to the typography. >> two feet i see the gives him i go to and the handicaps
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they're not a lot of windows and lights not not our a good thing to have from the fitness studio that is bigger in the back. >> you will have to provide a ramp that was the way the concern with the school against the light and air with the school and with the neighborhood we've talked about loyalty with the windows and talking talked about that is no matter to every community meeting is the amount of parking that they have onsite. >> so it is counters intuitive to me the more parking the more cars the more traffic doesn't
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make sense i think from the density ethnic and open space point of view your spot on from a design point of view interest is questions here the open space design well commissioner johnson and i are the two looking this thing for parking for someone else for emotion questions and the cross around the escrow for the $2 million and other things i look at this and say your 90 percent there just a little bit more time and a little bit more clarification will get this to custom by i can't so continue for to project until january 31st. >> i'll second that. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'll speak against the continuance i certainly understand commissioner richards interest in having less parking
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on site but realistically the people that rents those units or you know especially those with families are going to have a car if you have a child you'll have a karaoke about the income level isle you've got to take the kid some place it is unrealistic not to have one by one parking for families we dropped the ratio slightly on some certificate smaller units like the studios not the worst thing i'm not sure a gym or imagine in the suck transparence space is of much use
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you know - anyway i'm going to speak against the continuance it project has been around many, many things this is a small issue and i'm going to support it i think that is where it needs to be. >> commissioner richards says we talk out of both sides of our mouth we are a rich environment and this is absolutely like we are talk about out bossing of our mouth. >> sir, do you have a comment. >> just a couple of points of clarifications not seeking exception we're commented before exemptions they didn't include parking and if we had a emotion in the summer of 2016 we scant do with with the eir
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certification there is a process we're committed to a continuance to january makes that impossible. >> commissioner hillis and yeah. i'm also against a continuance i think those issues we could address have the staff work on them and not getting more clari clarity but address through coming back with design and going back with design changes and approving the general project now as well as i mean i'd like to encourage the project sponsor to schedule demolition and the emotion activities over the summer if that doesn't happen because of scheduling come back and report
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to us what the process and with the d t s c and the project measures onsite to comment on them. >> commissioner johnson. >> yeah. i can't support a continuance we're so close to there i agree with commissioner richards offender is sentiment on the parking i really let's say we decreased keeping the larger units by the one by one and decrease another to 25 is not clear how we will redesign the project they're not excavating to create more space i'm not sure how to change that i don't like open-end suggestions they could come back and bite us so the staff can figure out i have to you know support as is and he building the developer should look at how
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the reuse frankly i don't believe that all the parking will be used so many believes in mission bay half the spaces are unused and those buildings are 100 percent full i don't know that the assumption that the car will be as of right now. >> commissioner richards. >> i'm happy to approve the eir and the project later with more clarity but certified the eir. >> second. >> second. >> your recess sending your motion. >> i'll make a motion to continue. >> over the certification and commissioner moore. >> i want to make sure if we do the motion as described in the revised motion nonresponsive us does by language approve the
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project in sdierlt but we continue the design approval needs to be addressed i need the clarification i didn't write it but i want to make sure that inadvertently we're not you approving the project as exactly in front of us. >> the only motion right now to certify the environmental impact report. >> the challenge what is happening are valid ones and totals redesign requires a thoughtful exclamation because of the open space and the possible reduction in parking he building as we are reducing the parking in direct comment to the commissioner johnson we're potential creating more building
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the cost of parking is huge and it is anybody's interest to provide spaces for parking if the space that is george being built cannot be used for other parking it is a financial burden and didn't pencil out including the architect if you're not deciding down for structure in close parking spaces and structures carry it are the buildings are expensive to build i'd like to find a reconsideration of the space if we can i'm not saying it is a must but thoughtfully reconsidered and a strong comment there needs be between the parks different languages i know that mr. bakers office is capable of doing that. >> call the question on the
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eir. >> sure. >> on the motion to certify the environmental impact report commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis commissioner johnson. >> commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes - oh, just - certifying the eir as corrected by staff. >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously. >> commissioner richards. >> we approve the eir to get clarity around other issues i move to continue the project approval to the next available commission not close but january 21st. >> second. >> on that motion to - shall i call that question. >> mr. bell. >> another point of legal clarification it didn't continue
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but if you continue to the appeal period the board of supervisors will not hear this until april. >> sorry but the appeal period is after certification of the eir thirty days. >> i stands corrected i didn't know that. >> we're not slowing down the process on this correcting that. >> i mean, the commission could do it but slowing down the project if you deny the changes you'll talking about additional requirement review i just need to say it is not fair to say it is not slowing down the project. >> there's a motion that's been second to continue this to january 21st shall you call. >> commissioner antonini. >> no commissioner hillis san francisco our commissioner richards commissioner wu no and commissioner president fong no.
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>> that motion fails 2 to 5. >> commissioner hillis. >> can i ask a question about parking i mean you've been kind of more familiar with the project and working with the communities parking didn't come up as an issue i don't know if somebody you rob a can talk about a discussion of parking and parking ratios. >> i guess you can address it. >> junior. >> my concern a code compliant parking ratio but i - so i'm renewal it is difficult not a right answer for parking we believe that less parking
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generates less cars on the streets that is a strong concern and the view in our communities we're not well transit served and cars are a requirement we need a place to spore the cars we have not engaged in that question both sides are right we get the transit in place we'll not move away from the cars in the eastern neighborhood then we could more effectively advocate for the reduction of parking but now we're dealing with the ideal versus realty we trespassed lightly on that. >> i'll offer it, it is quite obvious that the parking will, served by the day and not residents with the ideas of sharing those resources if our city right in front of us with
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the volunteer parents looking for parking for children not during the day commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'll think no problem with the parking being used for other purposes as suggested by commissioner president fong especially that that may not be i'd like if, in fact, is not approved is entirely utilized but used for productive use for people that must drive to the area on a daily basis so that's another good reason to keep it where it is and converted to someone else we're allowing a maximum not saying you have to have this amount of parking. >> if i may there maybe an issue with the parking being used you're getting would a
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situation of a parking garage triggers an issue with the school using it it does not become a typical use. >> under a private arrangement. >> city attorney 0 would you care could weigh in. >> they don't a approve agreement. >> there was a change to the requirements that supervisor wiener put forward a couple years ago that allows the use of residential parking i don't know if it applies in this case this is not a condition of approval they should talk to each other. >> maybe a logical idea it has to be operational. >> can i keep the floor i'd like to make a motion to adopt the ceqa finding that's our second 0 motion. >> we've not done that part yet. >> that was not part of eir 3
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straight things and the second is adopting the ceqa finding. >> is there a second. >> could we please finish the discussion before that we were talking about parking we want to make a puric comment about parking that - >> still make a motion to approve the item 7 a. >> i didn't hear it. >> second. >> second. >> thank you commissioner moore an parking. >> i want to speak about the difficulties with mick public and private parking calls for the developer no residential garage where residents are comfortable having an unknown amount of people enter a garage in the interests of residents to have their own parking separate it from any other shared
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facilities that are condominiums and others new built buildings there is a discussion of where you place of car share this is a serious issue i'll not want to explores a requirements unless it is architecturally. >> this was not a proposed condition. >> i know that. >> commissioner hillis. >> so i was going to make a motion to approve the project item 7 b but with a following condition or amendments one on the condition that the 14 will schedule a remediation activities in the summer when the school population is lower and if that's not schedule during that time of the year
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that the project sponsor will report back to us or the staff will report back to us on the outreach and approval that is done by the whatever that mitigations and the project sponsor will provide updates reflecting them in the vicinity regarding emotion activities and take the other suggestion point project sponsor shall consult with live oak schools with the mitigation plan i'd like to add that we encourage staff work with the project sponsor and neighbors sfmta and the rec and park department on potential in kind agreement to make improvements to jackson square and any pedestrian improvements
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on the intersections around live oak school and that also the staff report back to us on design changes and continue to work with the developer specifically to further differentiate between the two separate buildings and add additional mr. sanchez and green space to the open space. >> second. >> commissioner hillis can i clarify you included it in the e-mail outreach if there's a new new contact or liaison. >> yeah. >> that's the standard. >> wanted to make sure and whatever pedestrian safety during construction. >> i just want to clarify the part of rtc process we made the amendments for that the construction plan and there is requirements that they outreach with live oak and
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all the other schools as part of development of the construction plan. >> okay. thank you. >> so there's a motion and second. >> eerie apologize i don't write that fast after the in kind agreement. >> about design that staff continue to work with the project sponsor on the design of the project. >> i believe it is in the cu. >> kind of with the specific you know specific issues around furthers differentiate between the east and west building on the project as well as additional green space in the public passageway. >> staff recommended a slight change that recognizes the design guidelines put forwarding. >> commissioner moore. >> i want to make a comment to the commission and public i want
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to acknowledge the architect to this package addresses at complete information about the use of project and how it depicts i want to hold this up this is a very, very good example this is a minimum of this commission as well the public needs to understand the project. >> commissioner richards. >> i want to amend the motion the staff wants to elevate the interim controls to a cu before i take them up think that. >> it is not a recommendation. >> i thought small business said - no okay. >> commissioner antonini. >> in terms of the my second to the motion for 7 b did we or did we not include the $2 million contribution to sf
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rec and park to be held no escrow can quay do that we can't do that. >> a couple of points of clarification that above and beyond so to clarify on the impact fees the impact fees and they're in the neighborhood plans specified with several uses one can't use transit impact fees for parks the only in kind is the open space indexing i don't know what that number but the only kind to use to do this. >> mentioning we're hearing it as a findings. >> they've made that offer and commission i don't think to be flip antd or antd but accident curriculums be adopted we're proposing i recognize that the staff recognizes and uses them
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in the final design of the building. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further there are 2 separate motions that have been second the first is to adopt the ceqa as adopted by staff correct shall i call them separately on the first 0 motion august commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner wong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and the second being the large project authorization the motion to approve this matter with conditions as amended by commissioner hillis that the sponsor is encouraged to perform mitigation during off school hours and if not able to perform
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to return to the commission with an update second to provide weekly updates to anyone requesting as much regarding the emotion activities, third to consult with live oak school for the construction mitigation of plan and fourth to pursue an in kind agreement with rec and park and dpw on jackson park and pedestrian safety mitigation measures and improvements and fist the sponsor shall work with the staff on designs specifically to differentiate within between the east and west building with the open space did i capture everything. >> yes. >> the design guidelines. >> and recognize the skyline guidelines. >> just one clarification i believe we were talking about a construction transportation plan
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as well as to all construction. >> construction and is transportation. >> construction and transportation plan during construction. >> commissioner antonini. >> it is understood that is motion complained what is before us the one area, no it in the paperwork there will, 23 bedroom units and he assuming that is what the being approved. >> it says 10 in the paper. >> commissioner moore. >> i would like clarification on the scion of additional of green space not as much addition because the project provided it but a rendering of green space with hard escape i want to be precise. >> yes. >> can you clarify that in the
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motion. >> so that will be the design of landscaping sooeps. >> the balance between hard and soft scape. >> commissioner wu. >> so to commissioner antonini's question i think that the project in front of us recognizing recognizes 10 bedrooms and the question is from the pardon talked about 23 bedrooms i understand there is maybe an environmental issue not approve that that way today. >> in terms of converting 10 of the proposed unit from liens 3 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms any additional environmental impact of that if their units under 2 bedrooms being converted will be extremely minimum and our
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environmental analysis covered a large project that would be well within the issue. >> commissioner johnson. >> real quick i don't know we can have a finding that will be recent change to the project so not contrary clear how they'll go from one to 20 not clear of how 10 to 20 they will do. >> so commissioner johnson i'll clarify under 2 bedroom units not convert any 210 east to 3 only studios or ones. >> do we have a final unit. >> we're still refinancing the plans to side that lined we might lose a few units but certain not gaining any. >> we want to add as a finding
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the developers agree to again from 2 to 3 bedrooms. >> okay. >> as a findings excellent. >> so the maker of the motion is okay with having a finding. >> yeah. >> second or two. >> so that will recognizing 10 to 23, 2 bedroom units. >> from 10:00 to 3:00 bedrooms to 23 bedroom units. >> okay. let's try it again. >> there's a motion that has been seconded to approve the large authorization as amended
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that included did sponsor is encouraged to perform with the construction off school hours not able to return to the commission with an update to provide weekly updates and ask and agree culpability with live oak for the transportation mitigation plan fourth pursuant in in kind with the jackson park and safety mitigation and or improvements and daecht between the east and west buildings and providing a better soft verse hard scape including a finding the project is 10 to 23 bedroom units with the final. >> very good commissioners commissioner antonini mr. ferris
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commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> okay commissioners is going to take a break thank you. >> game-changer and welcome back to the sprags regular hearing for thursday, november 12, november 12, any kind. and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. for the benefit of public in case i missed in item 8 the extra public has been continued until january '58 and x at 22 and pennsylvania avenue the large project authorization has
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been continued until december 23rd did i say january 2016 commissioners, we left off commissioners, that places you under your on item 9 for case the candle stick presentation. >> i'm ed schneider on behalf of the blap for this department this information presentation is provided to you as a lead both amendments to the projects design for developments document which is essentially acts as is planning code for the hunters point and candle stick project the project sponsor for lennar i'll be providing the bulk the presentation, however, before she begins to quickly go over planning role those are the
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earnings role united states of america candle stick point a hunters point are the actually redevelopment and appendixes and their commission as this assessor agency to the redevelopment agency residences the approval for aspects of projects therefore the project approvals happen with ocii and not necessarily are planning planning has a role when the documents that guides the development last week the overall plans or the design for development documents those amendments those documents do need your approval as well as noted in the memo as part of packet the initially phase of construction at candle stick point are part of review and looking at amendment to the dine for development or d-4-d approvals for the amendments for a person the dordz on the
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advanced calendar and this provides a board overall and more specific about candle stick and the dordz both 0 drew and willing will i from ocii staff and me to answer any questions but again, i'm let lennar from lennar provide the bulk of the presentation thank you very much. >> thank you very much matt commissioner president fong and commissioners i'm terry i'm the director of planning for lennar your honor, i'm here 0 for two reasons to provide a project overview we were approved approved in 2010 not back to the planning commission but to give you an update of the progress and as said want to talk about
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you can to but about the design for development document the first one to note we feel quite fortunate to be a part of major redevelopment project in southeast san francisco one of the last major landholding in the city we have honored to be working with you on this site the shipyard is really commodity of two projects that phase one project a d-4-d was provided in the 0 and approved in 2005 and then major phase two when which which is the sub of today's meeting we have a motion and a second we'll be talking about all of the development options if phase two and more specifically about the design for development amendments you know as i mentioned the
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phase one is the first part of development under construction and actually we're quite pleased to be able to report the first one hundred horns that will be moving in before the end of the year and phase two is comprised of candle stick point and the shipyard currently under remediation it includes 10 thousand 5 hundred homes and r and d over and over 25 acres of parkland and upped wards of regional and local surveying retail the affordable housing component of our project includes affordable housing for those who have average medium income from zero percent to one and 60
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percent you should know our agreement per dine is 32 percent of our all of our overall project is affordable housing i do want to note in the first major phase of development on candle stick point it is actually going to be 45 percent of all housing will be within the rake of affordability and that includes the two-hundred hundred and 56 at alice griffith and agency homes in the inclusionary housing. >> local hire we're working diligently to insure that we work towards your 50 percent local hire goals currently at 42 percent and continue to strive to do even more. >> now candle stick point major
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phase one let's focus on, on this element of the project at candle stick point there are over 2 thousand homes as part of this project 6 hundred and 45 thousand square feet of regional retail about one and 83 square feet of local serving retail and a number of communities benefits basz as much as the international marketplace and in addition, we have proposed a hotel 200 and 20 rooms for a hotel and the fillmore arts center. >> the transportation network is going to include a very robust extension of both existing transit provided by mta as well as brand new transit features for example, we have a bus rapid transit that will be
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connecting the project to locations as much as the caltrans and balboa park and have express shuttle from downtown to candle stick point as well as hunters point shipyard and back again we looking a water taxi we're looking at all kinds of opportunities and which to provide transit service to the new residents as well as benefit the existing neighborhood even though existing residents that are there currently. >> i think matt mentioned the very first project as part of our first phase on candle stick point is a sfoep called alice griffith and that is currently under construction right now it was approved in 2014 and we anticipate that the first
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residents from alice griffith will be moving ♪ one year in fall of 2016 and the next phases of development are called 2, 3, 4 there this includes the major reality we're gaemgdz in a joint venture with the partners you may be familiar they've done work along the creek the third street and santa monica at the brink a know how expertise to the project to create it outlet to san francisco on both sides of street projects regional of the regional retail is neighborhood serve retail and we are going to do include housing above the neighborhoods
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serve retail i nodded earlier, too, we proposed to include a hotel and then residents above the regional serving and tower in addition. >> the retail center itself is really going to provide a wide range of retail options and pricing points so this is going to be something that everyone in the community can, in fact, take an opportunity to taking take advantage of we are working hard to insure there is very good connections to the existing neighborhoods that is a point of view from 9th street it expends to candle stick point desperately e south but you get a really strong urban feel and that's what we want to create president an
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extension of existing city of san francisco and therefore you have the kinds of uses you expect to find in any true urban environment another connection we have a rather graceful i think sale that will be connecting boyfriend if james down area in the european bayview to the regional retail center it provides a connection for those who who are coming from the hotel doing shopping and residents that had been thinking living living in the residential tower proposed. >> and as i noticed england son we want a authentic san francisco kind of environment
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we'll have local neighborhood retail along england son with residents above we will be seeking out some businesses from the bayview to locate and consider second locations in this neighborhood and so we expect it to be truly representative of not only san francisco itself but more drinkly the boyfriend now i'll address the design for development refinement coming forward to you on december 3rd for approval and i'd like to run through some of those right now the first is refinements needing to be made the references to the stadium 49ers have left he remove outline references to the project and so this is one of the simple cleans up we're doing
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and in addition including some update to block dimensions as well as street dimensions we'll recall from january to june in 2014 we had an interdepartmental long discussion about street width and those that both serve the emergency vehicles assess and in addition toe retain neighborhood character with narrow streets wanted to do that so in the course of those negotiations with the fire department the department of public works, the planning department as well as mta we came to some conclusions about those 3 should look like and those adjustments need to be included in the design for development we've duplicate updates to the signage hoping for a nuance approach to signage
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so when we want to identify a building of this distinction character we're able to do that and at the same time, we're wanting to is her that this is the kind of signage that is also much more acceptable and consistent with what is san francisco. >> boundary i'll talk about that if a minute we've increased some block dense and the boundary c p four are alternated according and have proposed a relocation of the tower that is currently at c p center and the last thing we want to propose some height increases for the mixed use along ervin son currently the heeding is at 65 feet and we'll be proposing to feet
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so along this and this is true for englaingerson where we have retail board to ceiling we very much want to increase that to 20 feet many retailers and especially restaurant turns need a higher ceiling to floor height so we've asking that it from 1 to 20 feet the other reason we're looking to increase the height along ervin son we want to provide architecture in terms of rather than a flat horizon of buildings along the street marching along at 65 feet want
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to provide some interesting egg articulation on this street where you have some of the buildings maybe at 80 feet others at 65 feet each of them b.c. being uniquely different thus give to the appearance this is a neighborhood that viflz over time. >> this exhibit shows you what the difference in 65 to feet how, how that indicates dash lines up another eight feet this is what that represents simply an increase in height right at corner of carney and ingerson a new center about a center we want it to be an
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opportunity to not only show films in the traditionally way but to also serve as a determination place a place you can have film festivals and speaker series where you can hold special events for that reason we're looking to distinct this building and create a greater stature so is it so identified as being approved in 2010 for 85 feet we want to ask you to allow that up to as high as one hundred and 20 feet. >> the proposed towers i mentioned that we had proposed to increase some of the block depths those blocks along
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kearney those were designed to be quite narrow we anticipated behind them there is an additional type of service for neighborhoods serving retail since then taken a look at the design for those blocks and thought that we would like to go integrate a greater mixed use in the housing and in order to do that we had to increase the depth and in fact, by doing so in those blocks it makes them in size to the immediate blocks behind them because we have two towers that were located in those blocks areas the location needed to shift along with the boundary so those two of the tower locations are proposed to shift along with the boundary approximately, one feet there is
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one other tower relocation were proposing in the graphic there is identified tower zone right in the center of the retail project and what we're doing is we're proposing to move that tower away from the center and off to the edge of the retail project the reason for doing that is two-fold one is that as we work on this project we develop a dine for parking garage that puts a primer amount of parking underneath the retail center so we end up having a park along the backside but built into the old stadium in addition, we have parking underneath the retail center and pro relocating a tower with the parking garage was proving to say problematic for us so and the other thing we
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need to consider the tower is part of project we'll probably engage another developer to build so if a timing prospective we needed to separate it from the center of the project too we're going to be undertaking the project and within the next year so therefore we needed to separate the tower both for structural reasons and timing reasons and it so you would i'm about out of times quickly show you the differences in viciously from 2010 tower shift in 2015 this is what you'll see. >> and here's another point of view this was taken specifically from stat parks this shows the tower as it was located in the
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center of this what it looks like in 2010 and then as we move it to the outer edge of the retail center and in addition to moving to the outer edge at the back it is at a higher elevation too. >> thank you. >> and thank you. >> very, very much. >> the commission - >> please. we'll take public comment and then. >> of course thank you. >> okay open up for public comment reverend walker and linda. >> hello commissioners tests very hard to sit here and
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not get extremely excited when my name is called (laughter). >> several times and really wanted to say in the documents about the 2011 when the mayor was mayor my name is i amusing newsom i spent about the last 15 or 20 years in relationship 0 this project. >> and the pastor at 950 in all around me this development the 5 hundred and 4 units of housing that alice griffith and alice griffith is going my next door neighbor and i walked the park 4 days a week and a lot of i walk
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will i her can't keep up with me i watched the demolition of the park now the growth and all that that one other point about the employment i'm in contact are the person in charge the office of economic workforce development in that area and the general contractor and i talked with him last week and he said from the alice griffith projects and bayview they have employed around 48 young men that had no direction i work with them and recommend people to him and definitely would encourage the approval that this design process so we can continue moving in the area of making
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that a reality there and there's excitement is all over the place and one of the last points i shouldn't say last in talking about with sophie maxwell at this point and mayor amusing i said this project will be an economical development that impacts the poverty and all those things happening so that is happening it is reilly exciting thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. commissions i'm lynda former planning commission here representing the bayview hunters point community and basically to tell you how excited we sat
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through the presentations it was very nice to listen to the comments and you guys and ladies were entrusted look at the statistics for the shipyard this is your flagship project for the entire san francisco even in history you have 325 acres of parks and open space let me repeat 200 and 25 if you look at the development to the parks alone the majority of land is dedicated to open space when you coming here i think we want you to educate help us to educate the public this is your work you're not just out here for alone projects but offsetting the public space and the open space and parks that the city requires your different them that's what you're doing here let's look at i was on the
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planning commission and we know there message has changed over the last 20 years so we what we have in the shipyards the entire west coast of san francisco we're diverting and take advantage the opportunities moving to the shipyard to the tower and the increase in the bulk and height is basically to accumulate things from downtown transportation why would you go to downtown now, when you're going to be having a whole retail of one something stores in the candle stick point to say should basically iowa we are doing here not only is this project revisiting the economy of san francisco but you look at the job statistics and the projects in san francisco can't match that and the commissioner
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antonini talked about and said i will approve this project if you donna could do that i could go on and on this project is not only for phil it is exceeding it's obligations and it's a flagship project we want to talk about and help the young people inform to go and buy homes because your building that we'll be back again, thank you all for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> this was miss managed for empowers. >> f and if you build it i would like you to put something in your clause it is scombabl of managing the people didn't have light or heat or community that was split up by the leaders and
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i would like to see this done properly for the african-american community predominantly was if alice griffith the others you have good ideas i'm going to support it but i just want to keep talking about this words of affordable housing what is affordable housing? >> can the people in the bayview have incomes from one hundred to one hundred $50 and places left for people that can't afford affordable housing thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners and it is always good to see commissioner johnson who used to be a form member of the advisory committee from the shipyards we love it when our young people
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move on to on to do the things i'm dr. honeycutt and presents with me earlier was ali nixon and the thoughts of advisory committee to all of you, we want you to continue to support the very fine work that lennar did in the past and doing now we want you to know we're in support of information they shared with you and by way of it you don't understand about our advisory committee process i know you do you'll know that all of this information is shared with us through our seems to me and adjoin meeting over at the community room with the southeast facility commission and you know we are not a lame duck citizens advisory committee we ask questions about things including the design the building okay. we too don't
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want to see something built in the shipyard an area that los angeles wished for over 20 years and by way of i want to digress some of the members on the shipyard have been there for 20 years we stay on it we have been pleased that when we shared our input with lennar and shared our suggestions they have headed our advise and come back with recommendations and made modifications and changes and i want you to know we feel that lennar has done much more than any develops in federal, state, and local or the desire state what you look at what the they've done for the community the community built the programs and the inbart and the home
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buyer programs just the tip of the iceberg and in addition the big community benefit funds that appear in the form of the ic and the opportunities for the community to really make a difference for those residents who are still there and those individuals who are yet to come so in terms of of the c p project i know i'm running out of time what is not to like about that project a retail center and theatre and professionalism art center and have towers and you've got a company committed to affordable housing okay so, please folks support what they're doing thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> this is a wonderful project
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not only combining all the things that are mentioned it was nice to hear a large art community and pdr presence out there this is a place that is very appropriate those uses should be housing and remain in san francisco so this is a very good is it take a little bit of pain from viewing the pictures without candle stick point there anymore this is sad i have not driven out there it is too sad i'm going out there now there are wonderful things replacing the park a couple of questions i have the first question for the lennar representative i asked to speak i'm not sure it was answered completely in prop g the voters the bond measure pass
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by the voters in the late voters there is no stadium so how is that money going to be use or lennar going to fulfill it's obligations under prop g. >> we have obligations f anticipated a stadium but that does without the stadium to give you comfortable it accuracy an especially incident toward other program elements and the development itself and now is of no rehab the treasurers of building for better use.
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>> thank you just as we go along to see something that links that and how it is being used because that was an important feature for the tuesday so much and the other thing i see you've got that plus rapid transit going longer than kearny and turn on to the walker and go across the bridge to yosemite and at the hunters point area and proceeded to anderson and returning back to third so you know i don't know if you've considered any kind of a light rail rather than rapid transit you've got the t line and it means people have to get off of that and transfer on to a bus and the other they know we've discussed it is still
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being thought about give me bart running 11 along geneva and connect up with kearny that is for the t line is a dead-ends the transcripts is have to make a circle to get bark 80 back to other parts of system. >> i appreciate that commissioner antonini and in fact, a light rail readiness was an important design component of the project and mta has sort of pass in the past months they don't anticipate in the capital improvement plan to be able to provide light rail and any especially coming from the northern direction because you, your trying to get out to the shipyard and hunters point and
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the t line can have a branch off of that down cargo or one of the streets that brings you into hunters point with or without south and go north again. >> so that is a suggestion. >> well, thank you thank you. >> the other thing i'm not clear one of the things we've passed not allowing any cars across the bridge on yosemite. >> the bridge across the yosemite only for at the time of trial and pedestrians and bicyclists. >> okay. well, i hope we have a good connection for drivers it get from north toe south and we'll see where that is and financing e finally an extension of considering new means west it is actually to the northeast but (laughter).
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>> thank you. >> good for you. >> nice project. >> i appreciate that. >> thank you commissioner johnson. >> commissioner antonini is as picky as i am so that is fantastic you you know way too much do into going into in the happy year for me, i spent 10 empowers on the project that's a really long time and really great i won't dr. honeycutt did a great summary i think the one thing to sum it up without detail this project hit the nail on the head we have a struggle with housing and transit and significantly and height and density and community benefits those things come together and i want to commend both the city
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and the developer for making things happen an emit tidbits i caught into the fact that you'll have the first people moving into alice griffith in the fall of 2016 was a huge accomplishment a few years ago people are ringing their hair and hands if we didn't have a certificate of occupancy the funding would go away and a problem getting alice griffith done it is great to see at&t a real testament to the city and lennar so, so aim excited to see the rest of that and really quickly on just a d-4-d i you know all the changes a lot of great the actual approval
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available december 3rd so we'll be seeing then and i am well versus on the over of the i'm looking forward to the increase on heights on kerry way that is awesome in schematics a lot of work has done and how the things look for a proximate cause project of this scale so very, very supportive and happy to see commissioner richards and dr. honeycutt great to see everyone here and thanks for handing out.
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>> commissioner moore. >> commissioner antonini and myself sat through many, many meetings that great plan and there were worked a lot it was redevelopment unfortunately, the deciphers with a well-thought-out plan so this this is a way of looking it today, the question i'll raise and hope to get more clarity by december meeting is the street issue came was discussed on more than two years ago and it raised quite a while concerns from this commission in order to be san francisco neighborhood the commission at large believed that the streets street width need to be keeping in traditional san francisco and
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the director strongly sponsored that i hope the streets that were widen were the to fair at streets rather than those that create the character in the neighborhood i'd like to skip forward if you can see these are the rendering by which this project was concerned i spoke bloifrpt in germany was practicing the tower location was an extremely important issue bus the overall plan this was a strong point supported by lennar those two neighborhoods ultimately needs to be fit into the unfolding of san francisco
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which means that any tower in any location particularly those at all towers relative to zero height site will have to blend with the long view particularly when our coming from the south we don't want to see one of the things we want to see the city above as you're looking further for the north actually, the northeast in the forefront i want to make sure the pushing of those two towers at the phase don't interfere with that idea i'd like to see a render similar to by which which project was approved all show you so we can truly see the bigger idea of heights on question and one of the suggestions the other thing i'd like to ask the film art center as building is something i'm not familiar with when i
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think about art centers i think about gathering the larger footprint rather than something that only expresses itself as a tower we're talking about one 20 foot building i'd like to know that is not solely as a office building but indeed creates the types of activity on the ground floor by which a tower is justified the next thing i'll ask the tower is not a square but indeed gracious fully shapes the tower around the guidelines by which we video sfern in other parts of city not just a refrigerator as we used to call it a few decades ago those are suggestions i'll appreciate those concerns would be further
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explained before an approval i'm not sure if i'm asking two of are you still work with the same group that oriented the master plan. >> that's a group out of canada and very much rise to the occasion a way of creating a forward-looking vision that was also augmented by local architects and local design that is an affirmative yes. >> just to clarify different architects doing different building but the master plan architect is yes. >> the other architecture architects with local architects we know quite a few of the them a massive plan was driven by a canada firmer they were
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responsible for the issues. >> right. >> commissioner richards. >> a couple of firs this is a long this project it is certainly the biggest a person had a street named after him congratulations mr. walker. >> mr. richardson and dr. honeycutt your enough of thcomb commissioner johnson hit the nail on the head we created a whole community i'd like the money for the preservation and it is for the money up to one hundred thousand dollars i have a question if i take the t line over the the retail of the one 70 stores he opened my icy came in at atlanta
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or battling are phoenix what kind of retail controls are there in this area would it there is a sense i know you'll have small businesses but any formula retail balance or a big mall. >> actually we're working hard to insure that is it didn't look like a big mall we've been talking about retail and the facades of building we want them to have the characteristic san francisco favor we've been looking at nice architecture here in san francisco and will be encouraging people to adopt some of the architecture and as i say it is it's going to be a very interesting mix of uses i think a very strong candidates
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of uses. >> you've hit the nail on the head like it didn't tip over i think a good complimentary of retail it would be great and this will be a good example of what that looks like and commissioner moore's about the concern the towers we'll get it right let's get it right with great designs i'm excited. >> thank you. >> for the community. >> director ram. >> thanks i wanted to thank everyone and reminded the commissioners we did this as pointed out you have not seen the project and the action in december in the scheme of things modest changes for d-4-d on a action you're required to take so you'll have the information in advance we'll follow-up with some of the requests made by commissioner moore in terms of
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the renderings and the massing on the film center if there is imagine the commission wanted to see we'll get that to you. >> thank you to the pardon and public for coming out today. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we can move on to item 11 for case this is a conditional use authorization. >> good evening, commissioners with an with the planning department staff so the until the time you is a request for a conditional use
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authorization to allow increased residential density on laguna street the subject is within the rto at the corner of oak and laguna the project sponsor proposed to convert 6 garages into two transmittals in the 9 unit residential building the rto doesn't limit the density instead of is limit by the buildings ability and open space pare the project sponsor does not propose an expansion of the building and a new roof deck for the required space has been approved by the planning department they've innovate received any public comment regarding the property project projecting and overall the proposed use 20th century is appropriate it meets the building permit and the nature
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of the rto zoning district and consistent with the area plans that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions thank you. >> thank you project sponsor please. >> good evening. i'm serena the project architect just to echo what wayne said a simple sfraurd or straightforward we underlined filed in february months before the soft story legislation by and large it is a 9 unit building even e over the scents of the r t association district that permits a one to 6 hundred ratio and the current density is one to two 50 in the
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planning code we're permitted to go to two hundred that allows us to 11 units as wayne said an rto district on the corner of oak street and laguna right next to market street, hayes valley and van ness corridor and our proposal to remove the 6 garages onto laguna with w on-street parking number one, the residents are renting the parking space and with an is rent-controlled unit by an objective they're moving out with the retrofit are you that's it look forward. >> opening it up for public comment any any public comment? >> not seeing any.
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>> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. it sounds like a good project my question was already answers omni bus soft story work being done to make that save a moment frame and whatever else to bridge the gap where the garage spaces. >> correct new footings and frames under construction right now. >> very good i think this is fine i'm supportive move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner moore. >> just basically supporting it has an interesting forward-looking idea removing the density cap in areas that are transit rich and in the middle actively this is a great way of combining it with soft story retrofit and creating liveable units which is rooms including
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bedrooms is good the facade modifications are actually appealing removing the cuts is even better so there we go. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further there's a motion that's been second to approve that with conditions commissioner antonini commissioner moore commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 4 to zero. >> commissioners that places us on items 12 ab at 1805 buchanan street you'll consider the conditional use authorization the zoning administrator will request for variance. >> good afternoon alexander planning department staff the item before you is request for a conditional use authorization for new construction workplace
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the chinatown special use in the rh3 zoning the proposed project is a 4 story residential building with 3 stories of residential underground parking this is located about the sub grade vicinity on sutter street the proposed building features 4, 2 bedroom units and a totals of 7 thousand seven hundred square feet of residents space the structure will be 9 thousand plus in area and 40 feet in height the proposal is 5 off-street parking and 7 bike parking spaces the proposal requires the rear yard and permitted construction permitted rather than providing the riders 17 thousand plus rear yard it has a rear yard 11 square feet busing plus with the west
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property line and additionally the bay window is the design retail by the residential design team those two will be heard after the commission hears the conditional use authorization the department has no public comment as proposed the department recommend approval with the recommendations as it compiles with the adjoin theme that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners melinda with reuben, junius & rose i'm here above the project sponsors i have with me engel
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the project architects i'm going to turn it over to the architect compatible with the conditional use authorization that is a concrete patio sits blow street level on cannon street with the monitor of the current conditions this is the site as is to the north on buchanan a 8 unit residential building and a portion of hotel parking garage is located beneath the site that is subdivided to create a parcel the project will construct a 4 story residential building and will include the park on the
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firefighter with the upper levels reaching a maximum of 40 feet i'll put up a render that shows the context with the neighboring property the project is creating 6 new dwelling units with 4 and 2 one bedroom units good-sized units from leveling hundred square feet to three hundred square feet it excludes a elevator for occupants the garage about say house 5 parking spaces and biking spaced the project p will steady the code requirements i want to note we've spoken with the chinatown's task force and
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sunlight we plan to pressure to extend the tree planters at the front of the areas as port streetscape we're excited about hopefully to provide greenery in front of the project we're here for the kwufshgs for a use in the chinatown sud and requesting and varies for the rear yard to the area and a variance from the permitted bring your attention for the bay windows and now i'm going to turn it over to our project architect to walk you through to the chinatown sud. >> good evening, commissioners i'm with the architect the project architect for the project i am pretty excited to be here
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tonight and introduce what i think of ann an urban in fill we don't have this opportunities in chinatown and the specific heights really the design the project is the context of the japantown special use district pealed to the south we have an 8 story hotel that is building from the 1990s in the concrete with some allusions to asian influence across the street is traditionally vic tarnlz two and three levels one and two units to the north of this building a large non-during which unit building so we felt that there was an opportunity to take some
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liability liberty in the design of building and max make that conceptually i want to talk about the bay windows that we oh, if you look at the monitor you'll see the rendering we like to tweak the traditional san francisco bay slightly and grouped the bay to the hotel and they've extend upwards past the 40 feet height limit that is an right nowable spaces to emphasize the articulation we another elements we lands on was the panel beam at the ground
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floor when speaking to the japantown special e.r. task force they felt this building was an opportunity to engage the pedestrian as well as emphasis the streetscape leading to the japantown center which is a block away i think if melinda can put the contextual renderings the project as you can see the large building to the left is the 8 story hotel that building to the right a multi unit residents 3 stories over garage ass are renders to the back the building
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our main living spaces are directed towards the rear of the building facing west interest is an troefk open mid space open space and we did want to emphasize our rear facade as well. >> and this is a site plan of the project to the rights is obviously the street and 17 hundred square feet deck the penthouse in the structure of gray the accelerator penthouse we're required to extend to the roof for ada assess as well as two stairwell penthouses for means of egress i know think that wrap up i'm available to answer any questions thank you. >> thank you. >> we may have questions for
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you. >> opening it up for public comment i don't see any public comment is closed. >> commissioner moore. >> i am excited about the fact that people can get an idea you can do something on that level the project is an idea about a in fill project that i like because of the keeping residential scale next to a building that is difficult to understand a 1970 hotels that has its own history so in the advisory committee of that the design a heavy handed for me but a good exchange i'm in full support of that project. >> commissioner antonini. >> i think it is good i have a question about the phase for the
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architect they appear over the upper two floors but not frame the lower floor i mean, why not cbo down to the bottom floor. >> commissioner antonini this we explored quite a few of the options and the main reason why the bays don't because of the height clearance above the sidewalk 7 foot 8 inches of clarence and because the sidewalk slopes uphill the bay on the right-hand side or the north side of building will be blow that limit we played that option expend the two south bays one floor down didn't like that composition to be honest. >> what are the rooms on that first floor. >> their bedrooms.
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>> they'll be darker without the bays but, yeah i think that is you know it is contemporary i mean it is not my some kind of of architecture ensue it does the job so i'm in favor the project just a little bit unusual but i understand the reason for them extending they go above the level of roof. >> correct commissioner antonini to emphasize the height we wanted to articulate some flexibility with the correction in terms of again, a 8 story hotel to the set and 4 story building to the north we didn't want a flat roofline in terms of articulation and visual engage. >> i like that we see to many
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structures some of them in a previous project just a roof and it is float like no imagine so we're going backward by i like what you're doing and pack that more of a statement at the top i think that is better than nothing at all it adds to the vertical nature the short building thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner richards. >> just one quick clarification the exist hotel of the garage remains the existing hotel over garage. >> correct. >> so for a reduction of parking one space. >> 5 spaces for the building? >> i can speak to that the hotel parking garage is an air spice subdivision it lot is located above that and the
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parking garage below grade the parking is 5 spot and 7 bike spots to an offset with one additional bicycle parking space. >> we're would have been 6 car spaces i like that it is a great project on an in file sites this is exactly what we need. >> commissioner moore. >> it's time for a motion move to approve. >> second. >> thank you, commissioners a motion and second with conditions. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner johnson. >> commissioner moore. >> commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 67 to zero zoning administrator, what say you? >> on the variance, close the
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public hearing and. >> thank you, commissioners on item 13 as 2444 lombard a conditional use authorization. >> good evening commissioners with an planning department staff this semi item a request for a conditional use authorization to allow the seary parking lot for a period of time not to exceed two years so this site is located within the m c-3 zoning on lombard between divisadero and scott this is within the 95 foot retail as wolf and lion pet supplies and 23 parking spaces the retail use to serious insuring those are available for
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customers the project sponsor primarily tends to use this for long term parks for less 8 spaces not required by codes the planning department staff has from opposition and overall it is appropriate as that will not preclude further development and is compatible with the m c-3 and consistent with the general plan i'm available to answer any questions. >> project sponsor you have a 10 minute presentation if you need it. >> good evening i'm sorry patricia rodriguez the manager
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of sf parking i'm here to request a conditional use authorization for 2444 lombard to manage and operate the parking lot i want to insure that the purpose of sf parking is positive for the community while having someone on location we can insure that the customers will have access to parking and make sure that the people are not parking at that lot easily and also a positive for the restaurants in the area where after wolf and lion closes we'll have an attendant there to park any of the restaurant customers and this will insure that earlier people not supposed to
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be parking there we'll be monitoring that and just want to emphasize on the security of the location and making sure that people are not supposed to be there will not be there thank you. >> thank you. >> open up for public comment we might have questions are you looter. >> this group was here in a competitive found something in their tlaerps wonderful they cleaned up the parking lot they kept it clean they knew every single neighborhood and merchant this is a class act group i completely support this they did things like a homeless problem they did some creative stuff and planted corn on the back wall
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people couldn't sleep because they were dealing drugs an interesting way of not having alterations and this is 1, 2, 3, 60 this is approximately, one feet from the bridge hotel which give us a lot of problems and many of the people who were in that parking lot were from the bridge at the time. >> i totally support this group they're really nice and competent. >> is there any additional public comment? >> i don't see any public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> very good project impossible to park there at night that will be easily to visit lombard or chestnut and a parking attendant and it is good
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because most of the people you know using the pet store will be there during the hours and at night the patrons of the restaurants all of a sudden or shoulders they're doing a good job move to approve. >> commissioner moore. >> this is not the only enterprise that doesn't say that that way i remember clement street some of those things were happening do you have a recollection of that. >> i don't remember but i remember one on van ness avenue you. >> it is a creative idea and authorize the business hours for the owner who needs it to make a more mixed use and multi yours
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i'm extremely supportive of this in the neighborhood. >> i'll mention that is a 2 year maximum temporary use and also the department is currently reviewing the mixed use for this site that is under environmental review commissioners with conditions. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis excuse me. commissioner johnson. >> commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong noechlt unanimously 6 to zero and commissioners that places you under our discretionary review calendar for 2015 - 66 dr m an lombard street that this is a mandatory discretionary review the project sponsor will be afforded a 5 minute presentation followed by
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organized oppositions this is afford a 5 minute presentation and then public comment will be limited to two minutes per person not affiliated with either of those. >> good evening brigitte i didn't the planning department staff a mandating to issue a medical cannabis on 2414 lombard student it occupies a 19 hundred ground floor space that is currently vacant and occupied by a cafe the promoted mcd with the medical cannabis in various forms with not onsite consumption the project sponsor has four years of experience operating on church and market street and severing over 35 registered patients it is at a
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new and fwlefrd of the city full-time security it excludes outdoor and inside cameras they will operate under conditions of approval that were created since publication of staff report the department has received 38 e-mails of support including from the project sponsor and 34 opposition the supporter urge the approval the success xhakts care and the lack of services if in neighborhoods the opposition urges disapproval a housing and service program for 18 to 24 through commerce or at reflex of homelessness the staff is
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unaware of a successful emotion and the approval by the planning commission through the mandatory discretionary reviews the commission will consider 6 criteria in evaluating the staff ask you to dr an is basis the project meets the criteria and in the neighborhood that compiles with all code public works i'm available to answer any questions thank you. >> i'm sorry jonas do i ask for the project sponsor. >> this is a mandatory discretionary review there is no dr requester. >> project sponsor please. >> good evening, commissioners years ago my physician recommended medical cannabis for chronic pain from sports issues i was disappointed by the professionals i wanted to go to
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a dispensary where my mother eye and patient will feel secure and on 17 percent between the angel of 17 and 25 after 4 years we've had not complaint from nearby merchant or associate service organizations are parents if children that are living are scald in the area why locate we'll have more than 26 hundred parents many have conditions that make city bus transport not easy and many have over hundred products in addition i've lived in district 2 for 12 years i care by about my community and we've agreed to impose a number of restrictions that are in exhibit c in our brief given our good reputation putting them on
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the record means something we've met with the leaders of edward the second and offered to work suggested the residents seeking to avoid cannabis and start a one year program not serving young and third the marina the edward the second becomes away of people using medical cannabis in a harmful way we'll ask the physicians to look at this many of the first patients are coming on the worst day of their lives they've got a diagnoses it not good they have walgreens and in person consultation why some mel
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patients go across the city for discovery today isle you'll hear unfund fears and starting with the success in the castro. >> i'm representing the supporters that are here and all to acknowledge raise your hand thank you very much as probably the proposed site not consumption and alcohol no substance abuse and product some of you may not, the governor signed and effective as of january 1st a formally attending physician relationship for people who go see and try to get prescriptions for marijuana this is a great change substantial financial penalties for those who become or stay as doctors in
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a box that may do a 10 minute expectation the new law mandated people have to have footprints and have an extensive criminal background to the fbi visual all organizations lined up against it including the lombard merchant and california bart and merchant of those 5 groups only cal hallow is the only one that is opposing this dispensary of the marina association from 5 of 10 brekz board members of that organization and you have them in the file there is 4 neighborhood associations near the castro sites the other ones know and all 4 have's written in
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support having known what great a neighbor the facility is the cal hallow mentioned cannabis is a problem after at the unsuccessfully figure out to keep it out and the approximate of dozens of alcohol preventiveers is no connection within alcohol and the residents and they have no evidence in relationship of a negative kind between marijuana and the residents of edward the second you wrote the following your staff would wrote the following based on the information is self-appear that mcds will have a negative impact on neighborhood safety but improve the safety in neighborhoods they provide additional eyes that was
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the staffs 2014 report to you thank you very much. >> okay opening it up for public comment. >> any organize opposition. >> thank you. >> put it down right there. >> and you have 3 speakers. >> well, do we have 5 men's. >> or same monument as they do. >> yes. we have 3. >> good evening. i'm laura the president of the cal hallow association our association has been around 70 years our boundary represent 12 hundred households and three hundred and 50 members i want to begin by stating the cal hallow association is not opposed to medical cannabis more opposed to the operation but we have an issue with the specific
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location we are opposed to an mcd across the street from edward the second for at reflex youth it is within the cal hallow associations boundary and they're operators and market street both oppose the location of the mcd across the street as you may know the cal hallow association was originally opposed to the edward the second that portion of lombard was with too many distractions but cal hallow signed an agreement with edward the second to help to insure the success of this facility within our neighborhood our opposition to the mcd is similar with all the concerns that this area people's many negative impacts to the residents why at the convenience of a marijuana store in a problematic area of director
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chin and drugs and other criminals we've meet with them 4 times to discuss our concerns but due to the private rules and they claim the law doesn't require them to redufor those wa legitimate need they can get their product throughout the city or a delivery service also as you may know the city enforced and finally supported the edward the second and heavy invested in the success as a good example of a group housing program to work together the city will be disappointed from the mcd disrupts the edward the second our opposition is consistent with the hidden the legislation within one thousand feet of a elementary school are secondary school or recreational
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facility or those that treat substance abuse the edward the second residents are a vulnerable populations they're near the at risk iowa's would not mean it is acceptable that is where we ask for your segregation to consider this oversight with the federal court ruling line up on the screen side of the room don't need to fear - sirens it is not feasible for edward the second we ask they choose a different location the besides the edward the second supervisor farrell is also not supportive of this location and others opposing the golden gate association and the hallowing erection from merchant
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within three hundred feet radius of proposed site and over 80 nearby residence the people in the 4123 if wrote letters to planning not people that live near the site but businesses that are impacted we ask you to use our discretion and deny the permit at 1440 lombard based on it's vicinity to the at risk group housing facility that this is for the best of the neighborhood and city thank you for your time. >> any are more speakers within the opposition block. >> you've got 40 seconds. >> your part of that organized opposition; right? >> i'll sum up the reason for the thousand foot
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limit excuse me. my name is jeff with the cal hallow association commissioners the reason for the 40 feet limit the youth whether teenagers or in their teens their brains are developing ask any patent when their child and skids became an adult innovate when their 1-800 or 20 that's why the rules this legislation should apply ♪ situation we feel strongly about that which is more important >> sir unfortunately your time is up. >> right thank you. >> okay. he see katherine from supervisor farrell's office is here and a letter to deliver. >> good evening commissioner president fong and others i'm the legislative aide to to supervisor farrell and at first,
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he wanted to note that was last before the police vehicle supervisor farrell asked the item be continued for a full commission to look at the item that was conditioned with a full commission and commissioner hillis is gone not coming back i asking said that to supervisor farrell and again, he wanted a full commission to hear the item that for you to ponder a few things supervisor farrell met last year with the applicants to understand their plans and objective for lombard street at this time supervisor farrell expressed the potential concern about this specific location as well as his openness to facilitate any community for the applicants in the neighborhoods we've done so and specifically
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sxaerl explained the location was likely to cause significant concerns given the approximate to k housing units projects he stated that this was a planning issue that causes significant risk in the communities risk that everyone was started to heal from given the strong relationship with the youth services and community housing partnerships ultimately supervisor farrell stated he didn't believe that a war over a a project in the neighborhoods would be positive for the community and therefore not support the project in the neighborhoods were in not in agreement and support and not supported the organizations with the agreement that was made clear over the past year supervisor farrell and our office made introductions and facilitated a number of community meetings
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as it stands today as you you've heard the cal hallow successors kwhoo two of the privilege organizations in the area have taken strong opposition to the project interest opposition be, of course, it bans what you ordinary the same reasoning the mcdonald not located within one thousand feet of a elementary school or a reservational center or a facility that treats substance abuse in addition both the community housing that partnership have registered their opposition to the project and their concerns based on the vulnerable population at k housing units supervisor farrell has spoken with merchants and neighbors and applicants of other san francisco location in the castro and recognized the support they have from they're other locations and has absolutely no reason to building they're not reasonable and responsible
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operators however, supervisor farrell has not appreciated the recent tenor the applicants especially at the last planning commission meeting is all commissioners need to be here including the applicants calling the supervisor farrell and screwing the applicants it is not necessary and not conducive to the situation and not appreciated by our office given the history of this location the ongoing sensitive operation on edward the second but most for the division over this project supervisor farrell can't support of the mcd applications at this time thank you. >> stephanistephanie.
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>> listen up on this side of the room for fire safety (calling names). >> please be reminded that public comment will be limited to two minutes and commissioners i'm not going to do to go into the two full minutes and request of a supervisor to continue you're probably going to do so my only examine is when i was it from the chair where rob sits right now i after hearing any likely possibility with the city attorney called those same people a name my opinion has not
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changed i'll see with you the cousins. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> who's up. >> someone make a motion. >> i'm donna neighborhood and member of the cal hallow association i just like to say that is a terrible ideas spending all the money probation officer rehab the young kids at edward the second and allow a temptation to come in and the point this will make that more convenient and ask for a show of hands for all people that supported that how many of you this in the immediate neighborhood see a
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hand; right? gentlemen is a horse i expect that marijuana will be legal at some point in the near future and when this happens this trojan horse will have entered the neighborhood with none of the so-called controls they say they have when this occurs now a full marijuana supermarket in our neighborhood we don't need that thank you >> good evening my name is peter future a homeowner in the marina since 1984 i'm not a patient at the facility never intends to be a patient hope never to have to i'm past president of the san francisco beautiful and sits think the communicated
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association that has not opted that commissioner richards i lived gush about this project you've heard all the things it will help hundreds of thousands of people getting the medical marijuana they need a huge upgrade i you got for lombard san francisco is beautiful starting next year letting them in will raise the quality of businesses there third, i think you are aware it has given $3,000 to nonprofits and others is in the market street i mean this is just an incredible project and let me just say that with respect to the argument i have to heed the
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president the cal hallow association sent 20 e-mails to the marina association and one of the members say it is nickel and dime by is shows ignorance for the facility and you should reject the argument you should reject it right now. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i'm sandy thank you for your time i live in cal hallow for 18 years 6 blocks from this site and have three children the chronicle talked about how san francisco is where to is the major city in the u.s. the policymakers need to make sure we have family friend policies you'll hear more about this the
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proposed site 2 doors from a can rot sites we have mental and physical skills based on the program that is run it is a square inch enrichment program and serves the kids does an incredible job on the parking in the neighborhood is tight it is unify yieldable when kids come to and from they'll walk past this marijuana facility i oppose this at the adjacent of the entire neighborhood it is two doors away from this facility for kids many of them small and the proposal in relation to the group housing for at reflex youth the first page of the web site
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excludes an ad site quote an in store vent o events come back observe halloween for free samples and information about the variety of different eatables hard to imagine it is good for an after-school program and an at reflex home to be in approximate to geneva away free samples the legal of marijuana is coming but on behalf of the local families and the self-defense program and i urge you as a parent to say now no to the dispensary if in location that will harm the fabric of our city and add we know many of the families at youth family and it is hard to come to facilities
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but i don't believe that any parents knows this is a good idea. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm j toolbox collins thank you for your invitation i have a martial arts and after-school program over 90 families two doors down from the proposed marijuana dispensary this is our two years on lombard seeing businesses come and go some good and bad that marijuana facility is a bad idea i'm a teacher of toughness and self-control i'm speaking for the parents of children who say they don't want this marijuana
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dispensary next week to their children the youth radio influenced marijuana the adults by what is expelled as the normal not long ago smoking was relaxing and power million dollars to reach a broader audience that is non-i believe and morgan hill inskewsable a mother who owns a store on chestnut street is a client of mine she's right around the corner scholes having a marijuana dispensary is a bad idea i love it is a city of icons so close to children and youth the adults of tomorrow this is
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unacceptable how is selling drugs to kids a good idea. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm scott hoops live in cal hallow i want to say that is really unproductive to have at reflex can i see 50 or 60 feet away from the facility thank you. >> good evening, commissioners my name is paufl a cannabis senior disabled person he have been through this facility is a great place and people and i also did something this summer when i heard about all the fires we've been having with people losing everything he decided to combine the green cross with the red cross and
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been to every dispensary in the city and to sparks and had no noticing nos to helping those people and make the forecasts around thanksgiving holiday how grateful i am are of a the dispensary and collected or more over 40 thousand thank you commissioners for listening. >> hello i'm robert in san francisco for thirty years i think i have information you might find important i was diagnosed with hiv in 1987 ten years ago, i almost died i couldn't eat two bites without vomiting and smoked marijuana and it worked take care of that
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rossi hope you approve that application and make that life-saving medication available for sick people. >> good evening. >> just one second. >> there we go. >> good evening commissioners my name is mary a medical cannabis partiality in san francisco i used to serve on the marijuana census oversight committee as a medical cannabis representative i'm here to urge you to support this project and allow the facility to open up in the marina i know they have excellent offsite patient services in the past that have done a lot to create the community and support for people
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that are second and dying they also have the most knowledgeable employees there to my work in the disabled community i often get people coming to me who have not used cannabis but their doctors recommended and every single person i've ever recommended to the apathy facility were learned so much and so happy from all the knowledge they had truly a great place for medical patients and no place right now in the marina where sick and disabled people can go to get their medicine this serves on all the people in the community please approve this thank you.
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>> hi, i'm a residents of cal hallow i'm 16 years old a sophomore in highly i should be at home doing my homework i came that is important i attended the ca rot since 6-year-old a special place where young kids can grow inch gained confidence in myself and ability that politics to all areas this is the wrong place for the medical cannabis he plead with you on behalf of the kids in san francisco to say no to this project thank you. >> next speaker i'll call a few more names as
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more people come up (calling names). >> good evening, commissioners i'm michelle on greenwich street and look at my back window and the karate and proposed site separated by a restaurant i wrote to the commissions about my concerns about the karate studio leaving i think that is a choice of youth i live around the corner from edward the second and implore you not to reflex the lives of those high reflex young people we were concerned when we came in the neighborhood because of all the temptation that were there and we see this as many of their last chances to move on and
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improve in their lives don't this this marijuana dispensary will do anything by make it does the for them to achieve that. >> good evening commissioners i'm katherine a resident of cal hallow and a apartment of three children at the car are the facility so i'm familiar with the commissioners, on that motion and ignoring the children on a regular basis i'm in favor the medical cannabis and the dispensary, however, the wrong location he urge you to not approve that proposal for that use at this seat thank you.
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>> good evening. i'm a resident in the marina i'm strongly opposed to the mcd i'm not opposed to the medicinal marijuana but how to defies lodge putting 90 nearby to the car rat i have a child 9-year-old to the local public schools and this is our neighborhood i tlultd brendon children up in san francisco comes with all covets challenges that is it is a day i don't worry about whether i can stay in the neighborhood and allow i am to be a teenager ♪ neighborhood but as far so good this troubles me i fossil fuel understand is there any for those who need medicinal
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marijuana but weighing it against the risks of letting my son grew up in this neighborhood fine from the castro saying how wonderful i can't take the risk i have to weigh this every single day this our neighborhood we are revolved in the karate facility i hope you'll understand the challenges of bringing up children in san francisco and help us thank you very much >> good evening. i'm david a 42 residents and 27 year homeowner in the castro in san francisco i served as the charter head of the safe house agency for medical cannabis
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group for 5 years and served these offender the medical cannabis between 2011 and 2013 i've known this enterprise i met ism i him when he established the first establishment is as you recall the commissioning unanimously by a vote of 78 to zero supported his application from the starts the facility has been run as a exemplar facility i'm a patron that goes to the customer service and in kind patient services with weekly jogging and veteran support and ouch he's a member of the business associations and the triangle association and the valley association the
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dispensary is well liked in the market street neighborhood no claims in the more 4 years since opposite side my husband and i are serving as upcoming paid members of the siding board this board made quarterly donations to over $300,000 for the local charity with the life-saving and breast cancer and urban forestry and others i'm confident this dispensary on lombard street will be a good residents i urge you to support that thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners my name is michael cohen he live on sanchez street and homeowners for the past 35 years starting at the ends of 2013, the board of supervisors responded to citizens complaint that new mcds
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were in certain neighborhoods in the mission and selma the boards considered legislation but instead decided to ask the planning department staff to report if this was the day says and if so why it was occurring on 2014 the staff delivered a report named evaluating the planning code medical cannabis dispensaries requirements because of northern part of the city has very few establishments the closet to 3414 on polk street the neighborhood as a deficit and american people approval of medical cannabis will have a december permeation of mcd uses throughout the city
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thank you. >> my name is david a resident and member of the cal hallow association as automotive lindsey to those comments the thoughts running through my mind is yeah. sure put one in the marine and one in cal hallow but the question here it is what the the justification for selecting and site that is 90 feet across from and staring at an at risk youth facility that question has not been answers how - why this site they claimed that it was the only facility available only premise available anywhere anywhere in the entire north side of san francisco in a two year period they said they looked for property can you give roared of
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what your search was the answer we don't have any of those records this is the real question and i think this is important to emphasize at this point about the vulnerability of people from edward the second i want to quote from the larkin and mayor's office describes them as homeless or at reflex of homelessness that have been abused or in the second degree he 234ikd we know those my mind have substance abuse issues so if i he i were to sum up the question whether directly across the street if such a facility proximity matter.
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>> good evening - good evening, commissioners my name is mark aim director of programs at larkin mainstreamed and represent the chp in our opposition to the facility being located across the street from edward two the k housing facility we agree that their should be a safe zone set up around the schools and other vulnerable populations like the safe zone should be sit up around the edward too housing projects and the k housing are visual to having used substances and relapsing and place like this facility across the street from our facility pits our young
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people at reflex we urge you to deny the application thank you. >> good evening i didn't come here with is prepared speech lived directly around the corner between scott and vs. did care i also agree that is, i would like to ask again i don't think that people understood the question this is a full room but how many people live in the 4123? >> we have a considerably small number i don't obtain to
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medical cannabis but object to the location it is just not fair to those kids that live in edward the second to make that more difficult for them thank you. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, i've asked to read something briefly for a person that couldn't come i'm the resident of san francisco born and raised in san francisco thank you. i of the born and raised in san francisco i'm aware regarding the cannabis from the 80's the first on van ness and market a child of san francisco been around everything as well for cannabis in our home care person delivering as well i think we should have it there i
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understand they're feeling about being around kids i was a child of san francisco myself and if my parents taught me what was wrong they know not to touch it not good to do for people that are sick who need it like myself i'm to read this quickly this is from bryan davis the president of the marina community assistance for my own personal views against the use of drugs i and expect to be a supporter but we've had to excuse me. have found it to, very safe and secure business that successfully have complete reaching out to the community.
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>> taking serious responsibility of all community responsibilities i know i have 20 seconds left - the castro district as very much by having this facility and the good people in their neighborhood we too want to have them part of our neighborhood that is david bryan thank you. >> thank you. >> hello commissions i'm paul owens own the cocktail lounge in the neighborhood when those people came to me i was skeptical and sad and talked with them and went to they're other locations and what really got me the professionalism and the care for the community and
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everything what i found interesting when i was walking in and out of place how many chow chow were walking in front of of me a beetle school with little girls taking ballet i believe that those are the right people when i went out and talk to a few of the neighborhoods the fellow's schedule to get a few sometimes from our local merchant i got two of them i want went to the marina dell i didn't and the next thing i know 19 small businesses signing the piece of paper we want to improve lombard storefront i've been on the
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commission nothing is happening on lombard street i'm begging you guys give us something on lombard street thank you very much. >> hi, i'm jason a neighbor in the marina corner the corner from the proposed location he wholeheartedly support this on the north side of the city to get our medication it is not convenient to get it on line i'd like to read a letter from the board cal hallow association as an individual i've lived in the neighborhood for 21 years raising my son and the facility given the presence of the responsibly run medical cannabis would be harm to the edward the
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second and antidotes with the facility operated for four years and no suggested studies that medical cannabis pose a bad harmful issue and medical marijuana is sproirp in treating my son that doesn't interfere with the school and the professionalism and attendance to the taxi to the health of my patients and the prescription drugs can be purchased other two nearby walgreens how this adds it to lombard increases the risk for adults or community folks and the cost of medication is not cheap the academic raven in june showed that medical cannabis didn't increase amongst
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the teenagers he and an article in the post that the medical marijuana used by teens didn't correlate to other mental health issues thank you. >> good evening commissioner president fong and commissioners i'm david troop the president of the dubose triangle and the existing facility sits one our neighborhood if you told me i would be standing here testifying in support of a medical cannabis i would thunderstorm smoking something funny i am spent not being a patient a cannabis user speaks to the professionalism
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convalescent operational skills and the honor really of the professionals from that facility when we came to our organization 5 years ago seeking support for the first location i think every one of us on the deboss triangle were somewhat skeptical i more than others a lot of the previous medical marijuana dispensaries have been far less professional organizations they did not add to the retail character of the neighborhood, they invited crime and you know lots of bad things and brian hudson made a lot of promises to us and we decided to trust him and give our support
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we've never regretted that this is a model operation we've not received one complaint from anyone in the four years in operation i think that is just outstanding i think the fears of the cal hallow neighborhoods are his placed you don't think i do not have have a dog in this fight i've wasted 4 hours of my evening those are good people. >> thank you, sir, your time is up. >> appreciate that. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'll call for names. >> good evening. i'm mary roman
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boom a resident of pacific heights a medical person a senior and a medical cannabis patient having a serious skin cancer several years ago no place that is assessable for me as a pacific heights residents to get cannabis for my condition and so it is just seems long, long overdue to have a dispensary if a neighborhood that i can walk to the facility i know is well run and professional and i think that to get into a dispensary you have to have the right credentials not just walk
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in kids can't walk in i'm asking us a patient and the senior citizen and residents to allow the facility into my neighborhood thank you. >> high i'm a residence of marina i think a lot of folks made good points if you see the operation they're running over in the castro you'll find that professionalism and compassionate and that was said earlier it needs to be reiterateed the pacific heights voter approved the prop 1 legalizing marijuana and 76 percent voted in support for a mandate and community 4 to 5 medical cannabis patients in the 4 northern zip codes and
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the patients are 26 hundred and the city will not approve an mcd in a commercial zone in a busy part of city how will it get approved folks already there and existing for a lack of dispersion and edward the second the codes with those resources of alcohol nearby so a single mcds will not have the negative impact on edward the second and they're within their legal right to assess medical marijuana for the
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cannabis for medical reasons and not sdriementd against because they're homeless or almost homeless thank you. >> hi, i'm sarah i'm a resident the cal hallow a member of the junior league he work at cal hallow a family coach and he ran the marijuana and used it for pain relief for injuries when i think the facility i think that thanks or things community and philanthropist and my dad first communities with wherever he go there i know when i'm not quack in there on the street they say hi to me i feel safe if that block and parking my bike la for than the current location obtain on lombard
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street and outside of school i'm worried about my bike right now (laughter) in floicht when most of my errands are run on line this is the only way i can do not including the toy dive and i feel good about that because i would norman forgot that but i run into that and happy and lastly my dad my dad an "x" principal and missionary and suffers from a disease and terrible pane for years i thought that would take a lot to convince my dad to try medical cannabis but but after a few months he said he was out to dinner all he could that about he was not in pain to hear those
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words from my dad a life challenging we need one now thank you. >> (clapping). >> hi i'm a residence in the marina and i want to start out by reading some go that was asked to read residents of the marina we live on scott street across from the proposed site and next to the edward the second we as a family are extremely excited to have you as neighborhoods weave live here 6 years and put two kids in high school and a 7-month-old we thought lombard with lacking in professional businesses and hope to start a change we understand that the
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cal hallow certifications is opposed but the i i didn't it is directly across edward the second i should remind you this is the home they strongly opposed to being built despite the recent efforts to reach a compromise all the neighborhoods associations including the neighborhood cal hallow and the neighborhoods and merchants and marina association and others filed a joint appeal against edward the second and for the board to come out with the reason it has a negative impact didn't care about in the beginning feel free to give me a call i don't have a dog if this fight not a medical cannabis yours a residence of the reason
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those those folks we know care about the community and we'll be happy to have them and hi names a donna i've been a patient of the facility since august of 2002 as far as the safety issues westbound that ballet studio from the blocks i've not heard of problems i usually take the bus 37 at the corner of church and market i used to be afraid to wait for a bus now the facility is open a greeter at the door i feel very safe and
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actually there was a very industrious girl scout put up here cookie stands and it was productive in november of 2016 well it is predicted that medical cannabis will be legal besides medicinal uses and the lombard street location other lesser or sketchier let's say dispensaries couldn't be located within a certain radius of that wierl continue to offer programs that promote health and free programs for the u.s. veterans support groups jogging and meditation and a workshop i just i wouldn't without the possibility of parole know what
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to do without this facility apparently a recent community meeting captain greg i'm going of the northern station said he spoke with his colleagues at the mission street light station and that's where the facility is located they've confirmed no police activities since related to the issue of the facility i'll highly recommend you approve that thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good evening. i'm a recipe of nob hill by born and raised in san francisco also here my
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desire beautiful i don't use marijuana bay area but i can tell you that the location of that dispensary predictable the least the worries about we have so many issues that effect our youth something like that the location is not something i'm concerned with i think this committee should approve that location i'd like to schaffer a whatever if the board of directors from the seeshgs i'm writing to competence my support for the medical cannabis dispensary at lombard street i have lived and raised may family in the marina for a over 45 years and welcome them a member the drooshgz of the association but speak here individually i've more than enthusiastic
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about exploring that project thank you. >> good evening i live 5 blocks away from the promoted location he fully support and welcome the facility to my neighborhood currently the only option to objecting marijuana i prefer to go to a local location he can get expert advise on the treatment thank you. >> good evening. i'm kidnap lives on scott street the house next door to the e do edward the second also there 6 years guardian of two boys and a
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father of a 9 months old baby girl i'm no support of facility he finds it interesting the cal hallow association the approximate it to the e-2 the kids mind i this an nesht they tried to block an initiative that he would say an apple house to equilibrium the sxhupt which i saw none the face here at it is also a place where a few friends of my boys reside i know and care about so as a friend and a next door neighbor of the facility and as a father of kids i ask you approve that initiative thank you.
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>> hi i live on lombard a plain clothes and a half from the site i'm not a medical cannabis dispensary user when i first heard an mcd want to move into the marina my nesht response was not responsive not interested in having that in my backyard by having heard the owner speak he was converted i was extremely expressed the district they run their business and the sfpd states they've innovate been the cause of any problems that someone a at the door is appealing as crime is rising dramatically prior to the most recent communities meeting he met up with a close friend a two-time breast cancer survive our she
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made a comment well, that's the one to go to all my girls on chemo go there i understand the initial resistance but those who refuse to educate themselves and innovate interested in the facts i think that edward is concerting e concerning but misconception for the reasons states i'm fortunate inform not have currently have a medical need he trial building that amuse people do i feel strongly that business can operate in the area and fills the needs for parents and bring life into lombard plagued with vacant stores thank you. >> good evening a residence
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and a couple of pieces of information edward is run by go organizations the larkin and is cal partnerships oosz two groups will help the under principles and politically good organizations that know how to lobby politicians and and how to make an impact at the planning commission and they know how to fight powerful not in my backyard organizations a few years ago they have a fight bin the canceling hallow a group that bitterly opposed their project some of you may remembered they have executives and wros letters and brought a group of residents and one they beat one of the wealthiest associations in the city let's compare that heroic effort they have that on letter of opposition to this project and sent executives to testify one have they rent e sent residents
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no does the letter speak to specific threats no, it say, i wonder if necessary opposed this across the street from the residents and the second item i want to share the board of supervisors had issued a mriemgz on october 1st, the board of supervisors supervisor wiener aider and abettor issued a speculation dlaur the facility and congratulating them their three hundred thousands of documents to community minded groups and helping to clean up the corner 6 of the many letters in the facility presentation to you are interest individual board members the cal hallow and others groups bryan davis president of the is boards marina and john farrell board
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member and peter future board. >> thank you, sir, your time is up. >> thank you. >> scott adler (calling names). >> and a whole bunch more in the bucket. >> good evening. i'm michelle a member i've lived added greenwich and franklin for 43 years and helped to write proposition 21 that made medical cannabis legal and in 2012 diagnosed with stage iii lung
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cancer and you can't do that normally i was as opposed to be dead by that christmas and the cannabis oil saved my life i've lived in the marina i want a medical cannabis sclos to me not driving over half the it up to get my marijuana i need it i need to take this the size of a fwran of rice for the rest of my life the cancer about not come back i don't want to die of cancer but something else but is when you mention edward the second edward the second the children the people there and the children that they have to walk by bars
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and walk by walgreens and cvs they carry drugs too you can't get into a dispensary in california you without a doctor's recommendations that's the most important thing people shouldn't be denied this in your neighborhood thank you very much. >> good evening. i'm michael a.d. al ridge lived in cal hallow in the 44 year i've two medical conditions which absolutely require medical cannabis no other drug works as well and presently i have to go crosstown to the facility to on my medication hiv partiality in
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the marina and cancer and all covets ms patient note the number of wheelchairs on lombard medical patient in the marina needs someplace nearby and in regards to the specific lecture that was chosen bus the only one available in the green zones by the planning commission in years ago i was here for those mergers because of the amount of is that a "yes in san francisco the space is limited on this location on lombard street was both vertebral, and, secondly, in the green zone it is required by law so you should be fortunate the dispensary that is asking our permission is a really good one i would not support a bad
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dispensary and medical marijuana store on the other hand, you folks have to realize a year from now that will be a booklet that will probably legalize marijuana throughout the state dealing intellectually with medical cannabis dispensary allowing as far as possible every neighborhood to have a dispensary that is local that it seems to me a logical thing to do. >> hello my name is stephen my wife and i sarah eye have lived in cal hallow a few blocks from the site we're homeownership's and we work in cal hallow meanders are raising a young child's with other on the way we on the facility will be an asset
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to the neighborhood we can use for eyes on the street on this stretch of lombard patients in the area - patients in the this area the city will benefit from more convenient access to their medication we know that people have fears about cannabis in their neighborhood there isn't new of any evidence that suggestion a medical cannabis harms children people's false fears shouldn't get in the way of a best providing patient with the medical service sarah and i are not patient but in the end we support people in medical needs thank you. >> hi, i'm drew i want to
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read this letter as a 25 year residents the district 2 i'll welcome the facility to my neighborhood lombard and cvs did care is a reviewer position of the city i toured the facility at market street and met with many of the staff most existing retail establishment could learn from the design and customer service i urge the 34r5789 to put aside bogus fears and look at the real world impact the facility i urge you to approve this we want to say the absent of cal hallow will case on a inconvenience those 0 who needed it will buy
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the products and not accepted our indication to see who really goes into the current store thank you. >> hi my name is sarah i was born and raised in marina my family still lives there and they run businesses interest and i think that facility is exactly what the marina needs roadway especially that part of lombard street they can't it is keep on slooich businesses and lucky to have them in the marina their amazing everyone is smiling and full of life and happens and professionals completely the marina that's how i see that i want to share research that was done on
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a use in recreational drugs and this was on june 15, 2015, the noukt reported that marijuana use was the not there's in the states in which medical cannabis was legal the studies is the most conceptual study is to date for the teenagers use of machinery that was published in the psychiatry covered a 24 year survey in 48 states august 4, 2014, frequent chronic medical marijuana use didn't hurt their mlk published by the association the leads research statistics no difference in me of the mental health regardless of amount of frequency of medical cannabis
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during adolescence that is important to ask the proponents what dangers to edward the second and research to back up their claims thank you very much. >> good evening my name is daniel i'm a long time residents of san francisco and a small businesses of two businesses one is located on chestnut in the vera did care we have a dog ♪ game any business about a plain clothes from the proposed facility and in addition to running my business i'm also the current president of the castro merchant it is made up of three hundred businesses in the castro and upper market in retailed
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corridors businesses are department think each other that i've seen the positive effects this facility has on the church street corridors and for that reason he urge you to approve i'm reminded how we got to this .30 years when my owe a friends were dying we helped them to stimulate their american people, it's and help them rest you don't kwhaefr that takes to help you recall going to delores park delores park a different place any usually cannabis slier was outburst of stock at this location you can get of get robbed or ripped off this is save for exhausted caregivers the facility wasn't have been for this reason i urge you to
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approve thank you >> good evening. i'm a patient at the facility it is no square feet this the marina with one of the wealthiest neighborhood no square feet c that the excelsior have the high contraption have a high proportion of monster those don't have the clot of resources to oppose the mcds over the contemplation he hope the commission approves that mcd and sends a message that the operators need to open mcds if this commission is interested in the mcds outside avenue few neighborhoods make sure that patient in all neighborhoods have access to their medicine i'm a survivor of aids have been
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for 20 years because of medical cannabis it gets me through every day of my life i have to have something to get me to to get me eat and funky thank them formal that ryan hudson is a good mentor and kind friend i appreciate them they'll do the same ♪ public communities i think that with that workloads they'll do to help others and that feeds the help it has a number of uses with commissions approves massage parlor and amplified distancing and ievent beer and wine the facility should think twice about this
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the facility is a clean well lit place they take care of thereafter patient and make sure 200 no crime and trouble in the area and a lot of eyes on the strtsd and that is very important they also i'm also on the facility advisory committee board for the philanthropic board and we have supported over $300,000 to the community and they will do more and i thank you for your time >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, of the commission i manage a 40 units apartments building 10 blocks away from the location i've been a partiality since they've opened i definitely recognize the
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validity of the concerns brought forgot having family members that have suffered with substance abuse but bans the facility track record of the demonstration of the at risk organizations and in support of reduction program i have no doubt it will be a model for the at risk population and help to encourage the community prospective with the product and of course the requirement of a license physicians interest for children and lack of approval will not i think this diversely the family community i support it and hope to see that flourish thank you.
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>> good evening. i'm allen the president of the eureka valley association and been the president for seven years i understand the apprehension of those opted when 6 years ago when two others mcds approached but america's cup opening up i was adamantly opted with a facility and not contribute to the neighborhood and florida whether there's crime then the facility came i was a professional a nonprofit executive i was so express with they're well thought-out plan and their answers to the hard questions he grilled them on a
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lot of things last week their philanthropist they gave me a level of convenience not bagging bad for the neighborhood he was wrong they've been outstanding for the neighborhoods they've improved the corner i would not walk by i avoided that area now additional eyes and improved traffic and with high reflex populations not impacts or increased their activities in the neighborhood they mover over have a commitment to the neighborhood by green house over $300,000 in a 3 year period to compare walgreens has 68 stores in san francisco net profits of 17 and what they did they give $95,000
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a year this is invested and committed to the neighborhood. >> good evening, commissioners i'm women a san francisco resident first i'd like to read a letter from a patient he writes i know the organizations as a patient and a pier facilitator a driven support group we hope one another work through issues as veterans redragnet into the communities i served in the united states army a vernacular knowing about the facility commitment to the engagement and
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other service groups i suggested they start this veterans group they liked it and the responsive idea for the public service i thank you for the support and created a positive atmosphere are the vet help get back to civilian life i want to bring another chapter to the ronald reagan sincerely a personal not medical cannabis user i'm not but i live in hayes valley for r years i know hudson and the people behind the facility for longer from where i live on hate street i walk by the facility i assure you the people behind this have's a responsibility and care and practice the highest security manufacture and have
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compassionate and well aware the sensitivities and have considered everyone bryan and his team are responsible please approve the project thank you. >> good evening, commissioners i'm michael a current manager at sparks resource center at eight and mission i'm reading a letter on behalf of the a member of sparks this is in supportive of this medical cannabis on lombard spark as the paradigm the cannabis we recognize the best practices attributed by the authors their knowledgeable patients are known as some of the most well-trained in the industry and like spark the facility streefz to improve the
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well-being the patients way innuendo cannabis including support groups as a cannabis operator it takes a village for the best practices not only for ourselves but for the community in which we operate the facility has a proven records of implementing those practices and building a reputation in the castro as a responsible operator they're highly regarded as a model dispensary many of the, however, this makes them a high operator for this reason we proudly support them respectfully eric on a person note he very much enjoy infrequent the facility it is wonderful and for many years they strive to be the best thank
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you. >> if there are additional speakers line up on the screen side of the room you can come forward. >> good evening to all i'm from san francisco i wouldn't be here if not that i am living proof of what medical cannabis does for me suffer from a disease and i've been using this medicine i've been better every time i go through the facility they treat me very well i've seen them for the community and it matter a lot to me that forever thovr he agree to that location thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm nancy i'm the daughter-in-law the late eugene he would be appalled i'm here to speak on behalf of the children the marina and of the cal hallow neighborhoods to think that this group i've never heard such a list of fab accolades about marijuana dispensary professionalism honor, monetary advantages in place proposed perimeter we talking about a substance that 20 years ago this conversation would be urban thinkable unthinkable so i'm not here to defend the cal hallow policy about edward the second i
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agree there is some discretionary in overwhelm there but i am here to discuss the children i'd like to know how many people in the room those who are here in favor of the dispensary have children at home who are there 8-year-old how many? your okay. >> all right. >> not that many. >> so i think that we should be thinking of our children and i'm just amazed that this is even up for discussion san francisco is a difficult at the to raise children and few neighborhoods that have children in those neighbors thank you.
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>> next speaker >> hi, i'm jerry i'm for this facility i frequent they're a club a lot and aim grateful that their puc of the children i think that partners parents ought to watch their children closer there be bigger things than pot out there. >> hi commissioners thank you for allowing me to speak the the executive director my tree care we've provided remain in a residential setting care for individuals who have haven't aids and hospital that he is and ends of life care and mostly
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optimistically medical stabilization care all the residents are vanlsz asdz use medical cannabis it helps and increases the appetite helps with nausea from the medications and the viruses and great for the pain relief that is easily for them to tolerant the facility current location on market street is two blocks from our facility i've been there numerous times is a very well run there are eyes on the street my tree is with this the organizations fortunate enough to benefit not just modern but help to recruit the volunteers among the staff and attends our
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events and have diversity of him be supported for the last 4 improper yearlings or years obvious the patients were consuming medical cannabis out in the rain and their financial support has equaled equals the funds that it requires us to feed all 15 of our residents three hot meals important a year this kind of generosity is great and so grateful for that i encourage you to approve that. >> thank you by way of and i have reclose about the subject came up i stated quiet and tried to alone when i saw an article
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in the newspaper saying all the merchants approves that our group took a vote of merchants within three hundred feet and the the vote says do you want a medical cannabis dispensary on lombard no propaganda no way or another out of 62 businesses that are open 44 voted no 13 voted yes, he included mr. owens name since he was in the paper in the count ones neutrality wouldn't sign their name and abstain owner out of the country has as many in a short time different people passed that out it was passed out fairly with with the and here's your this is for you
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jonas i too have cancer i think cancer i voted inform male marijuana personally this location is an interesting location since is edward the second has come in we've had multiple car burglaries and dealing on the streets and still the house of prostitution withins blocks and is circuit from the ranches from nevada to recruit young women and have the bridge hotel is this the proper place for the merchant and thank you. >> okay is there any additional public comment. >> okay i don't see any public
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comment is closed. commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i've heard from a number of people even before tonight hearing that the owners of the facility run a good operation and they must be because they have theo thousand patients that seemed hard to believe but you know but generates love revenue and made significant tricks to their credit but as was the point was made by a lot of people even a good operation shouldn't be in the wrong plays i agree with the neighbors that have spoken about the location not appropriate the larkin street who are in charge the facility across the street are in opposition the district supervisor is in opposition golden gate valley association a major association in the cal hallow area which my
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dental office is a member and the cal hallow association the karate facility and knowing the office my office is a mile away i know how bad lombard is the opportunity if we run a clean operation once the money is on the streets there are leave tuft i was in the bridge molt and other areas make that difficult for anyone who meant walking around with the substance and a lot of cash so is laura brooks still here he have to ask you a question, please in your statement i think our statement you said 40 other locations in the general cal hallow marina area this dispensary could go and within the green zone are not.
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>> 40 other locates. >> someone in one the correspondents talked about locates possible locations that site could go. >> maybe any reference to the 40 merchants within the three hundred radius within the greenbelt other locates that are potential we tochldz wouldn't opposite them. >> that's my point exactly there are a lot of fragile businesses and the two restaurants were a little bit on the ropes he guess not two successful so i know, but there are a lot of other places this could be not in such a difficult area but thank you did you have something to contribute. >> a map of the location. >> oh, all those deft place.
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>> there was the federal on or about with the federal government taking over properties something wrong with the mcd that's no longer the case a lot of landlords will in the rented to the mcd new now the mcd the line up on the screen side of the room don't say to worry about public school. >> that's a good point and the facility delivers citywide so you know anyone can get their substance by delivery and the substance abuse the alcohol, is cheap whether or not for street value to medical cannabis so not
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as much a problem and the bridge molt someone brought much the situation with not being a problem around the earlier project we approved over on the pet store nearby there were problems are the drug activity and a lot in the area, no question about that. >> and see i would be you know in favor of this if it were in another location away from the area that is a bad place to site it and you know there are a lot of possible places and at the request of the district supervisor i'm going to move to continue this item when is our next available commission hearing when we have a full commission new. >> commissioners that is december - well, the 19 and --
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excuse-me. the third commissioner johnson you're out there are full calendars full through the end of the year this is the request for the next hearing with full commission just for clarity this is a mandatory discretionary review so ultimately a top probation officer with 6 expirations it gets approved like me other dr and in order to continue the matter it takes the majority vote. >> i understand. >> if this particular case 4 votes to continue so everyone is on the on the same page. >> give me the next date vertebral for this. >> quite frankly december 17th. >> why not december 17th and that's my motion to continue to
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december 17th. >> i'll second that. >> i'm checking the calendar here. >> okay commissioner wu. >> so on the matter of continuance i feel challenges because edge come out for public comment for and against and continues 2 weeks ago a last minute i know that people came that day we'll vote on the continuance but i want to over a different point of view on the project itself so there is not much of a green zone north and no mcd north of post the area on lombard where there is a possibility it is only between pierce and broderick a little bit fuzzy but
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more than 4 blocks they're near edward the second i don't see how there is another possibility at cal hallow suggested within this you know this 3 blokes that is not near edward the second and further there are children living across the city we've not said as a commission or city that children near mcd is near there and a problem most of children are near where the mcds are clustered and a lot of supportive services for edward the second visitors and thanks to the services and the development of chp but the transitional youth there has services evidence to help them make decisions in life. >> commissioner richards. >> i think last time we continued there a 5 member
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commission additionally we did it at the beginning of the hearing from a i'm a board of supervisors appointees so i have an affinity be listening to the supervisors that are for the folks that appointed me after hearing all the folks that came out and asking for the continuance after everything has been said and continued the last item a 6 member it is a due process and public opinion i'll hear the merits whether or not we take dr and not support a continuance. >> commissioner moore. >> i am hard-pressed to look at a continuance given the ever large responsibilities by which
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we need to take a responsible position through the city this didn't has nothing to do with with the weight of us how we feel about marijuana as a person decision but as a commission it is one that is burdening us for me personally for the last 10 years how are we moving this on or about indeed the responsibility is one in which is decided by law we need to do that awe so the land use issues their codified and speak about green zones and the across the city the dispensaries we've responsibly approved and some disapproved all happen to be creating a lopsided position without tackling the larger
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initial or issues what do we do across the city the green zone is getting indeed almost non-exonerate we talk about from the point of view we can ultimate not determine whether the coffee shop is only in the location within the per be admissible zone. >> i'll a.d. adds i've burn seeing this for of years each difficult and speakers on both sides pretty much comes into down the number of speakers i think every time we hear one indians the miracle that life miracles that have occurred right in front of us this one i feel that because of king edward across the street we had a difficult times there was
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an important facility to mrs. place in san francisco and a enemy i didn't situation their plugged into the city i covet we're within the thousand feet radius of schools and other sources that at risk youth facilities were included in the risk i don't know enough about the business. >> anticipate that will be on the ballot and legalized i'm curious where we are as a city and when the legal phase happens will repermit that citywide are have our own restrictions i don't know about the locations are they grairgd in or someone can educate me but again, it is a difficult one e-mail supporting a continuance at this time. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'm not completely clear on
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where the green zone begins and evens i'll take the commissioners comments on lombard in the advisory committee general cal hallowing affirmative action and russian hill and marina area other seats that qualify in the near future on larkin somewhere in russian all right on the calendar there are other seats available and quite a few of the sites but the other thing i would say this i think the site a probably not the rigplace for that i've had lot of e-mails received hearsay of e-mails more from the supporters from the occupants
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opponent the opponents put down their e-mail and addresses close to the site opponents first name in last time name. >> what an address innovate from the area i've heard a number of people proponent from the area but i'll say my impression is that there is a lot more option in the people in the neighborhood than there are proponent in the neighborhood so i think this particular group does a job a lot of friends and love people in the area that are supportive of their operation but i think that people that lived in the area in for their whole lives unless connection to medical cannabis not that strong in favor of that. >> commissioners commissioners, if there's nothing further there's a motion that's been second to continue
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this matter until december 17th commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore no commissioner richards project sponsor no commissioner wu no and commissioner president fong that motion fails 3 to 3 is there an alternative motion. >> commissioner antonini. >> i don't think there is too much more to say i'll take dr and disapprove. >> commissioner richards. >> first go ahead. >> i want to tease this before a notation that one is a difficult one granted each one as commissioner president fong said it is extremely difficult so from what i've heard if i sum it up from the neighborhoods point of view i'm a neighborhood
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guy on a 5 member commission we took dr i understand the concerns not an issue with medical cannabis there is an issue with clustering in the city of with district 11 and district 5 and we're disapproved very responsible operator in district 11 krufrt is unfortunately, we did approve a couple of projects from the south of market and some on california street we're trying to take each one at the time and on neighborhood commercial locations he thinks the folks in the neighborhood said they'll support the medical cannabis dispensaries somewhere else in the neighborhoods between a two or three block frontage in this green zone they'll support one so the operator i heard a lot of people speak to praises but not
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this location from what i said not an issue with please activity they've got a green good reputation in south of market with no police i can't imagine any in here now the issue is the location the owner is the at risk youth and existing residents came up with the second at risk youth at risk youth to me that is did i understand from the america that he had ethics people are less electrical to contribution into adults so at risk youth a temptation to become riskier or ream at risk walk into a restaurant and order a drink or go into a liquor store and those
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are youth 18 to 23 folks at the congressmen edward serve as 24 pr okay. so some of the folks 21 to buy alcohol and some can get here on behalf of the appellant the alcohol you don't dr. to have a membership and on this to prove how old you are the issue keeping it out of their hands so they're not attempted that's issue i don't discount having this crossing from king edward it is not exceptional or extraordinary circumstances given the back those are at risk youth could be standing there for the circle but the project sponsor given that you can't a what can you do to keep this out
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one 1 minutes is there anything to make yourselves and competitive i'm trying to understand how to keep this keep this making that as convenient. >> i'm open perhaps no delivery ♪ location thank you. i appreciate that >> i'm not clear how delivery is better or worse. >> the folks are at wrefk can get approved 20 collectives it is a convenient factor if they've over across the street a minute unlawful verse an hour.
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>> we pledge we'll report back here in a year and recalendar tonight make sure that the operation have worked out as we intended i don't know what to say you've heard from dozens of people about this honest they catered their responsibility so i'm proposing a pledge be you would i fueled in a year to look at it. >> thanks. >> sir public comment is closed. but at this point the commission is deliberating thank you. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you. this is a
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challenging one i voted for the continuance to i'm prepared to hear the item looks like we're talking about it now this is a challenging one so to me it boiled down to better or worse one item i've heard a lot of public comment and agree with sxu some of the comments about children in the neighborhood and some of the other neighborhoods issues to me don't resonate because we have many important families with children there are a real plus or minus issue where i focus is on the edward the second not because of neighborhood has any some of the
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language i'm surprised some of the people are showing up but i am one public commenter brought up they noted that larkin street and the opposition in a letter the thinking generation i summary is larkin street is not trying to upset the neighbors i get that, however, i'm family with larkin street and the population they work with they are challenges to find the sites you'll look at some of the other strafrt sites with the units i'm sure they have some circumstances they have those
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facility across the street from our edward the second site we do serve at risk youth they've been homeless, they've through the experience of homelessness have been traumatized which puts them especially at reflex for self-medicating to deal with the trauma i've xerpdz experienced and placing a facility that directly across the street is probably not in their best interests they struggle with substance abuse and we definitely feel that having that facility across the street is not the best placement for that
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facility. >> can you talk about this site a family again with some of the programming supports the coming from all over the city to get the services; is that correct. >> question this is a permanent housing sites is 25 verse some other sites there are some that live on the seats but over services from all over the youth at the site live onsite some of the sites are hybrids youth that live there and youth that cockamamy and go from other sites this is permanent. >> thank you very much. >> so thank you. >> okay you're welcome. >> go ahead. >> i was going to ask him something. >> a couple of more things so
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i appreciate that and again i'm generally in favor the mcds i voted i think for almost all of them and but i'm challenges the facility is a great business but unfortunately, like other sites we'll have conditions of approvals that increase the safety on the street or neighborhood are to preventive population that one unfortunately nothing that we can do those are adults young people at risk many of them have challenged backgrounds and in a foster care at risk for challenges at the end of the day they've over 18 in the case of this facility they'll their 21 to 24
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i have to look at this and sort of putting it out there for me a lot of the neighborhood concerns as market street requester not there i wouldn't none of the other concerns would resonate with me and commissioner antonini. >> yes. gentleman from larkin street if i could ask you a question. >> chases what's the policy with girlfriends. >> their allowed guests they, have oversight night gifts 10 days out of the month an different guests asia overnight girlfriends one per residents correct. >> one residents couldn't have
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two people. >> thank you very much the point i'm making you know not the guests will be at risk but there is anothers person that could be a good or bad influence on the if he were at larkin student so it as somewhat to the number of people have you to consider kwhu talk about the larkin situation. >> a question question pickup on commissioner wus comments there is an alternative location for this project sponsor? >> had you studied other location within the green zone always compatibility. >> if you want to turn on the overhead this of the green zone
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from 2010 or so, so if you look at here here's where we are with the sites with the bridge over here and the first thing to find a location vacant arrest for sale arrest lease due to the laws that by way of contrary they've not changed the court case with the same the project sponsor at risk for for it is your that law changes it a has a chilling effect on any project sponsor so make the phone call phenomenon the lease sign the first question what's the use and as soon as we tell him the use i've received 35 calls and not renting to you tends e ends the access the reason we raised funds to pretty much the
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building we're proposing because they'll not lease to us none would over here in affirmative action is the area is come prides of hyatt a parking lot, etc. ekno good locations for a small business in those locates if we look at longer than the common core algebra not a lot of small businesses small businesses and sites and parking lot large-scale development and, of course, down here most of cluster in mission and the south of market our skier desire to locate into the neighborhoods. >> okay. good i was curious
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if you had a back up location. >> so i'll speak to that pacific and laguna i'll walk on saturday or sunday every week the green zone it i pull up the map i've effectual learned it and look for turnover as you may know a super bowl 50 that happens every other week for for sale sign we'll get 80 on that and pull title and figure out who opposes it and make outreach sends letters to the owners that are register a lot of times in san francisco the property market is to hot many don't hit the market they're sold or turned over before marched we did our best i did that letting for two years until we found it six months of negotiation to get
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the property. >> for your information san francisco as 20 to three cannabis clubs in this location. >> commissioner moore. >> two that is interesting to hear commissioner johnson reflect on market street and he recall and want to recap the moving testimony that was given by young people out of the foster a car in support of approval of the edwards locates on lombard street we're now categorizing referring to them as at risk youth and vulnerable population i wonder would it lob like as those young people in this for is there any public comment would be here today to
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particle in this discussion. >> i'm just leaving that as a big question we're californian passageway them and how many people have grown up up and on the way to making responsible decisions and where the opportunity to hear where those two organizations one which services a large population the goals for the cannabis if in this part of town and those who need to work with each other to make that good for everyone a second we want to acknowledge mr. and mrs. a. aldridge to participate in compassionate
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mcds and they have not been here for quite a while the whole xanax communities has not participated and mr. and mrs. l aldridge and this particular case for the weight it is upon me to support the successful and ongoing larkin street proclamation but be open to support a best that has hey standards and has a large amount of community support i would have to ask that both of them work with each other and he'll support what's in front of me today and commissioner moore he agree when he approved the larkin street facility and were
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folks that spoke from deft backgrounds and it was you know i'd like to see them here i think that would change the circumstances a little bit and maybe the communities and two groups can work to understand each other's needs. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'll speak to the al drijz before us a number of times and committed and interested in the case that is good to see them here he'll ask brittany are there any mcds in marin county. >> i'm sorry i don't know the answer to that. >> i know none in san mateo we had this on or about with the dispensaries were on market street. >> i'll defer to the pardons. >> the fear that a lot of people from san mateo county
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were coming up to the dispensaries on mit i'm asking the same question. >> a court case that opener or overturned it if fairfax and currently the county of maureen is going to the process of created regulations and in the process of evaluating applications and eatable manufacturing facility in marin. >> there are not 0 now. >> but in the 2016. >> interesting i don't know we must have a very pops with a lot of medical problems interesting staefksz san francisco county has more cards households per capita than anywhere in the state and 17 for every hundred and 18 more lapsing county and
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18 more sacramento i'm not sure why we have a population have a lot of debest estimate diseases hard to believe we have 18 to 32 more people with debusiness times diseases an interesting pot whether we need more developers. >> commissioner richards. >> project sponsor one more time if you miter if you can please come up and fill us in on what you, do to keep this out of hands of the folks across the street. >> we'll do the pilot for one year and of. >> not selling not allowing folks between the ages dulls between 18 to 21 in our store and wells fargo to not offer delivery not something we didn't offer for the first 3 years of existence in the castro if
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theres a concern to the communities and proposed several programs sub sesignificant charitable donations in the last week the castro and love to support bargain with landscapes and helping people vnldz jobs and the programs that equivocates at that facility a. >> and the pro-active black list. >> overwhelms. >> the black less. >> easy to keep someone out of dispensary we check ids a volunteer reflex go if someone want to say put themselves on it a couple of people requested to do that and it is something we can do. >> a question for the larkin folks thank you. >> i have 25 residents within
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the facility of king east side ward. >> 24 i how many 21 to 24 i don't have an exact number i'll say most over 21. >> okay. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> it comes down to balancing the needs of the certain population that number's in the thousands of a population across the street to come back up to towing people is credibly difficult. >> g g collins would you mind coming up how many years have you run the self-defense school. >> 20 years and how many students enrolled. >> one hundred to one hundred 60. >> and this is next door or two doors down.
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>> right next door and by the been the parents concerns that - we understand the need for marijuana it is very important we understand the need for delivery and it is assessable for people the point of that happening now on this block so some other troubles and question marks the parents feel and thinks that is not right and that's the voice been voiced unanimously. >> and because it is by these lombard a lot of drop off kids as they'll drove in the double parking and can i see come around the corner and walk by the proposed marijuana site.
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>> eject. >> thank you commissioner antonini. >> the gentleman from the karate studio i'm sorry you mentioned j.t. collins any medication from the panes they might discontinue the participation in karate if this thing passes. >> this was the first they said it would be difficult for them to continue if there is one in the place. >> that's important it could have a effect on your business and perhaps other businesses in the area. >> they feel as a parent it is important to gal balancing the neighborhood and excluinclude t that are positive and not negative. >> commissioner moore. >> it is very difficult for me to hear kind of a statement
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other best people that are up and down the block supported they wouldn't be moving out it is a little bit at this time in the presentation i think that is not comfortable to hear that is that is procedural. >> commissioners would you like to say something. >> why not first. >> would it be legal napa valley to restrict delivery to anyone under 24. >> yes. a court case the neighborhood court case is stocking man verse is mann theatres corporation is sites a
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case of age discretionary where a store did for the offer discounts to building or not straight people and a straights heterosexual sued and in that case the court you. found that certification is improper but whether children and senior citizens can have discounts stocking o stockman verse mann the court said referring to the previous access in wants the sex cased were arbitrary between sex and age based discounts he find in favor of the theatre that created this discretion and favored the discounts in young and oldest people the court said
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in other circulations like race and sex and national orientation all people benefit during their or their liechls first as children and then senior citizens this is the kind of discretion based on age we glow the ages thus not the covet discretion that was dealt with in the previous access called the case in 1991 and staples for that proposition and obviously that is a california case. >> so someone calls up the facility and they're out take is 24 they can get here on behalf
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of the appellant. >> age 24 but ant restrict them from walk into the store that's their legal right. >> yes. if they've seen a doctor with the new law not just any doctor can write as of january 1st the impulse buy will be faed away around january when it goes into effect. >> thank you. >> there is the reality of someone buying it and selling it outside. >> you can't restrict medical cannabis everywhere we're the boiling ocean. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. my concern not so much with legitimate delivery ways to found out where their delivered but more with the fact that you
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could have an area at risk a lot of credential elements and some of the molts and other things in the neighborhoods and even the residence of the edward the second a liability prescription they're at risk with the medication and they are walking down the street or with all cash to buy the prescription a lot of robberies and walgreens was held up not too long ago it is at risk and adds another element that promotes the possibility of crime has nothing to do with with the dispensary overwhelm to move to take dr and disapprove. >> second. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you. i see that is been second since we only have 6 people tonight if we were to have a split vote that would
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pass by default and echo commissioner richards comment i think outside the box commissioner moore as well that larkin street would work together to do what we can he'll say one last comment i've heard a little bit of discussion trying to differentiate marijuana medical cannabis from alcohol and he'll say in the city have a misdemeanor 5 history of the laichlt the access of closely when we feel at risk neighborhoods there was a i don't think that was an sud but a moratorium or something on alcohol supply stores and control stores and bars in the bayview so we don't necessarily to me i don't think so the prejudice convince medical cannabis i'm looking it we have a hefty find looking at the
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neighborhood characteristics when we look at me seats want to put that out there. >> commissioner moore. >> secretary the motion didn't properly reflect which is in front of us the recommendation to take the discretionary approve commissioner antonini said to december approve i believe he is he has to take dr in order to approve the project no dr will approve the dr. >> this is not written. >> he's making a motion contrary to staff's recommendation. >> yes. we have the flexibility to make whatever discretionary the maker of the motion choose not in a conditional use of a motion
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before us to approve or disapprove my motion to disprove. >> if we split on this no ability to add conditions if it is approved so that's the risk i'll be in kind to make a motion to approve about that the project sponsor is volunteered so we actually have in this case we might get something. >> the commission has the opportunity to make an additional motion. >> if no other motion is made. >> okay. thank you. >> shall i call the question. >> sounds like good. >> commissioners a motion and sends to take dr and disapprove commissioner antonini. >> commissioner johnson commissioner moore no commissioner richards no
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commissioner wu no and commissioner president fong that motion fails 3 to 3 an additional motion. >> schematics i'll move to take dr and approve the motion with no delivery and contact person dedicated for larkin street i'll throw this out there a meeting once a month to find out the issue and a of most look back informational to the commission in person. >> i'm sorry repeat thirds no seal and delivery and larkin. >> dedicated contact and monthly meeting with larkin to understand if there are any issues. >> for 0 how long. >> endefinitely and.
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>> i second encourage both groups to pro 12 work with each other in support of good neighbors. >> both groups matt haney. >> larkin and the facilities. >> very good that will be what the meager is about. >> sxhifbs to clarify with that the black list for one year or permanently. >> no sale under 21 permanently. >> do i hear a second. >> thank you commissioner. >> commissioner moore. >> i already said. >> commissioner antonini. >> i think that motion is better than going forward i want to be on the record but it is an improvement over what is there anywhere. >> overwhelms commissioner johnson
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so from the motion were to tie again those conditions of approval not be in the approval. >> they'll be no conditions attached to this proprietor. >> i think weren't there some the staff report. >> but you'll have to take dr and for clarity commissioner richards. >> can we get classifications with the no delivery for any age for permanently. >> yes. >> commissioners been a motion second shall i call that question. >> are you comfortable with that we'll potentially approve. >> a project. >> hoping to have a fourth
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vote. >> i know than this is a before us i made the motion approval with a fourth vote. >> all right. commissioners that's been seconded to take dr approve the project with staff conditions as amended to include no sale for persons under 21 there are no delivery services there is a dedicated contact person that there shall be one month meeting inindefinite with the larkin and a six months and one year look at back informational hearing in the presentation form commissioner antonini. no commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards
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