tv Building Inspection Commission 111815 SFGTV November 21, 2015 2:00am-4:01am PST
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names the first two if you go back and watch what was recorded last months the first two didn't involve the shareholders the blue prints were drawn up without the proper people being involved the blue prints are wrong it is no minor thing; right? the assessment is important to help us fit and begin what needs to be done what the proper next steps having a third party clearly two major forces of disagreement here having a third and partial body is important here the phrase use somebody' not in the fight that's what we need and the third party assessment is needed trust me if you think we can keep on doing what we've done and coming up with a firm dates
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that's wrong. >> i did not mean to suggest go along with what we do. >> to the point better to be safe than sorry we as commissioners need to get to the bottom but keep on digging and don't want to do this as commissioners we agree - armor control i think it is fair play what i find amazing about it debate we're arguing the same point i know i joo just don't want this to be a vesting session i know we're up set and really every hat is in the right place let's get this fixed and i'm kind of
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surprised we're going director borden's i thought we needed to agree to get this down loud and clear when we have that person in place we'll answer those questions and hopefully, a list of over demands that are acceptable and i really feel at this point we can really keep control of that going forward be involved in you'll see issues that let us down in the past commissioner mar. >> i want to speak to commissioner mccarthy's point we're talking about and passport each other one issue that is touchy i've raised it and i feel that it is a very touchy issue i appreciate commissioner lee raising it the grew up left out
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right now and the bic and staff the bic and dbi are not the same entity sometimes, we greeting get treated the same but the bucks is supposed to oversee dbi sometimes the city attorney says we can't oversee that part but the thing about permit tracking is because the grand jury and some of the citizens in this city says we don't know how the heck you guys give out permits some people get it and some don't some have a harder time this is about is how transparent do we want to make the permit tracking system i think when i say people don't have a dog in the fight come on we have been hats has a dog in the fight the people at the it department
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through who the mayor's office hired has a dog you're showing friends get the permit the people that contribute to certain campaigns get the permit and others don't what is did permit tracking system actually going to show the citizens and to me we should be involved when you talk about the requirements we should be involved in that discussion how do you find out and track a permit how do you track who touches that permit from the minute the guy walks in the door whether a design professional to every plan checker and clerk that touches it and signed out of how the public looks like that i feel that this being taken over by
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the it department the bic we don't get to say and look at what is going on right now so it's my little thing. >> i concur i think that we're going to guess what all the requests commissioner mar i'm clear as president commission we have particularly to the stave building you're showing rep our ratios as the city i respect that and know there is something there this is really why i'm more i'm sitting on the fenced of the reset but convinced now i appreciate you're making our argument here i know you believe shawn and henry and your committed to getting this right housing and urban development did you want to say something. >> quickly on what is visible
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online we'll demonstrate if i want any of the commissioned wanting to see what is online for the sentences to see in terms of the approval process on various stops this is all demonstrated now so we can certainly provide you that and answer those questions. >> i think a healthy conversation needs to be done and commissioner walker with two tight sorry dr. mccray this is most stimulating i've heard one thing that troubles me and this is i want to raise the question often the management level who is going to take responsibility for the staff
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reengagement that needs to happen? who's taking responsibility to make sure that the vendors are reengaged or engaged throughout how have this process is going on while they're sitting or not sitting? who is going to take responsibility that it has got what it needs to get from us who is doing that because what's been raised a management problem and that troubles me a management problem who is taking responsibility for managing this that's my question. >> if we're not in terms of of our governance role who is? >> yeah. please henry maybe the director maybe henry. >> the fundamentally the types of items you've listed belong to
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the project team and management that works under the direction of the dbi director so we're - we definitely feel greatest owner 100 percent ownership this is that responsibility given to us by director huey so we're responsible. >> okay director huey. >> besides i ask henry and shawn and my assistant director we've ordered the documentation from the last few years you know engagement with all the you know supporter and user e.r. the documents we send to the consultant document what we require and then you know, i took the full probability for the whole young that's all i don't feel comfortable with the way it is going so i want the reset.
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>> thank you. >> so at this stage open up for public comment if no more commissioners. >> i have a comment. >> okay. >> madam secretary. >> been promoted. >> good morning. i'm jerry i would last week to make a few comments on the department of building inspection preemption of the sell last year system and the building inspection oversight of this important project dbi has spent $8 million in 5 years implementing the system and on the bic meeting last week director huey said the building inspection wants to terminate or kill the accelerator project the best results are sdounl due to the miss managing by dbi and the lack of oversight by the bic i'm
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encouraged in the last 14 months dbi has secured professional management to manage the project and the bic has taken an active roll in the oversight project suspending the prelims by dbi needs to be fully explained and understood is this the first step in terminating the project or the suspension of reset in the invitation of the project what we learned in last month's bic meeting the planning department of the city has successfully implemented the system it is an important initiative and killing the project has implementations beyond the department of building inspection the ceo thought the company testified many counties like alameda he building that dbi has accurate
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funds to complete the system he also said that the company will do what is necessary for insure a successful implementation of the system. >> talking about the current activities during the reset and not specifically providing clarity around the adequacy of backdoor requirement and the specific plans for addressing business system problems is a continuation of the bad prior behavior that created did current mess i couldn't emphasis that more at the risk of being overdramatic i'll character that type of behavior like reretaining the beck deck chairs on titanic what is the plan how is it going to get fixed i can understand the
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need for dbi to reset to develop a plan for the system, however, i suggest the bic require a written statement of intentions from dbi that includes the purpose and observation of the project a list of specific activities that are planned during the suspension period and completion gates dates for each scheduled activities the existing systems - sorry i'll have to ask you to wrap up. >> it's been acknowledged they're not adequate and mentioned that dbi is working on them so it is unclear what the scope of the consulted the new consultant is are they going to accompany and do a gap analysis or complete the requirements that's totally unclear. >> thank you your time is up. >> is there any additional
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public comment? >> thank you linda 21 tech i'd like to look at the third page of the budget i have a question about amendment 7 which is not documented here so the project team used the funds through amendment 6 on the around the 12 of union since that time we've been working on amendment 7 in conjunction with dbi and i find it concerning the work on june 12th go forward is in no way where he remembered working on the project june 12th there october 5th with full this go be knowledge dbi has signed amendment a 7 so i find it
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concerning and want to understand the logic not being represented. >> can i ask how much money. >> through the chair. >> we're still doing public comment. >> that was the ideas of through the chair. >> so you have a question commissioner walker. >> amendment 7. >> amendment 7 is 1 mount you will million dollars, 4 hundred thousand is allocated to the planning department for future enhancements primarily amendment 7 was the result of february 2015 look at some of the larger caps requirements and additional functionality that dbi required to go live originally they were plans for phase two and around february it was determined
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restraining orders are important for the speed of the clerk and how they do their work and grandfathering needs to be in place this is kind of their orients of that amendment 7 to take care of the 25 items which were supposed to and the intent this is this is what we need to go live my hat's off that's amendment 7 the project team worked on that through the summer with the go live so i'm concerned and i'd like to understand why amendment 7 is not represented here. >> is there any additional public comment. >> hi 21 tech i have one commit for the appearance of complete non-conflict of interest if this third party's assessment company is coming in
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i thought it should be done to the mayor's office or is controller's office to do an agreement dbi has been managing it for them to hire someone to side did ascertainment there is a red herring so our suggestion that this should be handed by someone with no conflict of interest thank you. >> commissioner walker - yeah, so is public comment is closed. >> is there any additional public comment public comment is closed. >> so commissioner walker then henry and i'd like to know about the amendment 7 i tenderloin to agree the controller's office would be a period of time third party so no conflict of interest
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it didn't matter structurally but the controller's office is historically been good at coming in at least managing it make sense. >> i don't have the answer. >> not our ferry recognize it seems to be a. >> it is not killing the project and naomi's office is not killing the office not the intent to the but a pause to see a assessment compared to the timeline and spend a small amount of money the reset and pause it temporary i want to
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make sure that is on the public record the plan of addressing the requirements that's one the dliebldz when i get the rfp this is one of the dlieblz to provide a road map where the gaps needs to be filled that's one of the dliebldz from the rfp. >> sxhaushgs through the chair. >> do you have a comment about bring in the controller to oversee this as an independent third party you work under the mayor's office or the administrators office. >> yes. dbi reports to the office. >> and naomi is the vendor. >> the rfp is coming back to d t. >> one of the parties; right? that's what i'm saying if we're going to do a third party's assessment it should be.
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>> t stepped in and managed the project on behalf of the manage d t responsibility is at the city level responsibility as they get the system implemented. >> i mean where i'm sitting if we bring in someone independent they'll be independent so, i mean from what the department. >> the controller is dependent that's a good idea. >> each year but the person off the list is someone that you have on the list a few people that can step forward and do this. >> otherwise we'll have to glottis- >> i'm not talking about the vendors but who manages the process as for selecting the vendors. >> yeah yes, if it is asking for reassurance celebrating the vendor to have the controller's
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office involved. >> yeah. >> i don't know if it is appropriate or not. >> personally i i mean, i don't have a problem commissioner walker but not sure what triggers off some efficiently if we go two the nationwide search it could take longer i know you don't want that. >> i'm not saying it should be changed but who makes the call of out of appearance of independence. >> why not offline i'll report back you i understand what you're saying. >> commissioner melgar and do you mind in the director goes first. >> i don't want to drag this on the controller didn't know about it the vendors. >> they know what is going on. >> i think my problem to begin
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with having a third party come up on the project and then we'll putting it farther out to someone after expertise may not be that it makes it more complicated and director and then shawn. >> commissioner walker the controllers we have meeting with him and then also, we also may and you with the mayor's office this project i presented to them we have you know we were doing before you know have ordered the meeting with shawn to explain the situation you know it is very transparent everybody knows about is and we're trying to make sure we all do the right job the dbi and others and tech and accelerate needs to be on top of that.
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>> i'll report back on this. >> thank you. >> i wanted to two responses to items that have been brought up amendment 7 amendment 7 dbi had asked for the vendors to provide one final date one final estimates what it takes to achieve goal live what was proposed amendment 7 a 1.8 percent $5 million close to $9 million you can see the piece of paper and it is not fully and executed in the process of being executed we were informed it was insufficient it it was built on assumptions that no further defects or issues were found basically, not enough we're still looking for one final estimate one final project plan
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that seize us through go live and permanent another $9 million of anticipation that's amendment 7 one note i said to address commissioner melgar we're seeking and looking for professionals who can come on board the methodology and dlieblz and look at it their state of efficient not building code and dbi experts we should find that and ramp up to peed we're looking for the project materials themselves to be audited and assessed and gaps and recommendations for how to improve and go forward i'll not worried about them getting up to speed dbi we're looking for management and methodology
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expertise. >> i'm skeptical i'm worried about the learning about the dbi but learning about the project and whereas you know even skeptical to begin with you could probably do that i'm sure someone in the controller's office to see that but let's - >> just a clarify. >> i could talk for the next 3 hours of my assessment but to use the mother for someone who's dog is not in the fight all thank you for everyone comments and coupling come into so next steps and obviously commissioners this will be on the calendar next month and i'll clear on some of the questions here that answers to be gotten back on and working closely with the staff at least a more detailed report on times timeframe and move that independent person is going to
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be and some of the questions can be answered how long this will take seeing no more questions madam secretary. >> item 6 discussion and possible action for the proposed change to administrative bullet ordinance and technology provisions regarding the evaluation and also i'm sorry going to read item 7 as well because number six and seven are related discuss and possible agency to be the code change to the san francisco building code structural observations for the case general to delete the reference and replied with an itemized applicable date
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may want can i ask are items six and seven urgent do we need to discuss those now. >> i was told not problematic. >> what was that. >> staff said those are not. >> can we continue to the next. >> yes. >> i'll second. >> the commission likes to continue items six and seven. >> any public comment for the individuals that were here for those items. >> ? seeing none, then item six and seven will be continued we'll do a vote commissioner president mccarthy we'll do a roll call vote to continue the two items nobody is
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objecting all in favor where we were at number 8 discussion and update on code enforcement. >> good afternoon president mccarthy and commissioners thank you for the opportunity to present before you today today is presentation i'll provide an overview code enforcement their code enforcement is section and hazard inspection services further process the dbi staff investigates complaint enforce the code regulations and receive complaint online permit tracking
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system i'm or in person which we receive seven hundred plus complaint a month it might be persevered we have backlog this is not case the open complaint that are currently going through the code enforcement process open complaints are cases actively in place for the code enforcement works for directors hearing and posting notices and scheduling on calendar and cost assessment on this slide with dbi code enforcement we generate a case as previously mentions for example, to include vacant buildings and mandatory soft story project we've received seven hundred complaints roughly three hundred and 50 to 4 hundred complaint for building
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and housing with the owners fail to comply on the afternoon an estimated two months before the it sent to the directors hearing as we needed to complete it and schedule over-the-counter and prepare the case their conducted weekly with tuesday for implementing and wednesday for hazard 60 properties with rough will i 15 a week for housing 195033 properties processed on an average 0 monthly with 8 of them a week when we have exhausted the administration process we refer the cases to the deliberation committee for the city attorney for litigation
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as you can see no slide 4 since 2000 we have over 15 hundred open complaints of the one thousand plus us code enforcement processed 37 percent with order of abatement order of abatements are cases out of the code enforcement process gets received to another competent but the board of supervisors every year era referred to the city attorney's office their 12 percent within the directors hearing while 20 are one percent on those the vacant building list and for the last two years the numbers of open complaints are 4 hundred and 520099 or 70 percent are issued in order of abatements you see one hundred and 6 of 4 hundred and 5 or 26 percent are
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waiting directors hearing it is important probation officer note that the code enforcement is a dynamic process it changes daily matt haney at overwhelm numbers may and do change distancing an important point to remember those customers comply but the bad actors are providing what is required with the administration process we will work with the customers to dhuf compliance and try to provide sufficient time to account for the wide sidewalksal or personal family circumstances we're committed to insuring the building safety is safe and the folks are the overwhelm majority or abatement roughly 95 percent of complaints with resolved without code
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enforcement some of the list are addressed by property owners when we refinanced usually a lion on the property when they don't good to refinance they'll have to get the necessary or pay the fees as you can see we've worked diligently to manage it by getting through the process that concludes my presentation. i can now take you're showing questions. >> i wanted to note that commissioner president mccarthy has been executed commissioners, any questions. >> i had a brief comment if no other comments first of all, i asked for in just to off the record discussion i'll put on the record i had wideputy direcr
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lourey i appreciate clean power up that i want to echo agreeing with staff 95 percent of homeowners property owners probably do the right thing to get an nov to fix it it goes away what we have the problem is about 5 percent of bad actors or like the poor lady that went before us with the abatements appeals went to planning and found out 3 years and $7,000 later couldn't have the deck tore it down with one month we issued the first nov and saved 7 thousands with with the pain and unfortunately planning don't a long time and took her through the ringer and couldn't do it anyway, that's one of the things i wanted to for us to help a
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clear the backlog of novs one i discussions what the staff is suggesting we need more inspections sometimes yeah i'd like to spend more money for inspectors than continuing this on with that said, the 5 percent of bad actors we spend a lot of time on it and i was wondering and want some direction from the staff in a future meeting 0 could we have special inspectors focused on some of this long-standing novs so it is just not sending out the same inspectors paying attention to it clear the backlog and the other thing i'd like to do if it is in planning a notification
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that it is in planning and i think that the other thing we know that people use planning for two reasons one is the honest people go through planning because they obviously think they can fix the problem through planning and then other bad actors that they go through planning knowing it is a convenient tactic they don't center to readdress the problem and takes 3 years fine i'll leave this sitting there for 3 years so we have to work with planning and maybe some other departments and is look we have to clear this up is this a remote possibility the owner will legalize this thing or this person is unpermit work using it as a installing tactic i think i feel like if we have to
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designate special staff more staff to do this i think that should be a serious discussion on the part of bic so i wanted to thank you to the department for clean power the mass and some of it is out of our hands so to speak so commissioner lee. >> that's why it is very important for us to category grizzly those things commissioner mar said a planning for the purpose of delaying action how many do we get is it 90 percent of people doing this if so it we need to take this up with the planning commission
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that's one. >> regarding our presentation i have a couple of questions i like to see you don't have to answer it dbi but the next meeting i'd like to see the reasons behind the awaiting directors order awaiting the directors hearing why are those one hundred and of waiting for a hearing because of resource problems on our end or people are asking to postpone their hearing why i'd like to see why and the other question i have the order of abatement issued we issued 200 and 99 do we follow-up to see from the person that received a completed abatement and this it removed to we check on that track those?
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well, i mean if you need to wait until next month that's fine >> yeah. do you want - >> do you have any other comments or answer any of the things we've raised. >> we can respond next month we did do a period previously before the 2009 to 2013 we took the complaint and had that power presentations and end up with three hundred plus complaint and took the three hundred plus and broke down those for the 5 year period so it is a very small percentage. >> okay. >> commissioner walker i guess had a followup let i am pull up
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the power point. >> what was at question in the past a question after the power point presentation. >> right. >> we did so from 2008 to 2013 we took those cases and look at every single one and had that okay. it is out of those cases okay. the open complaints from 2009 to 2013 were one thousand plus abated and closed complaint due to permit finalize and hazard abated is 6 hundred plus the total number of open cases 200 and 64 we took the open cases to see what they were were out of the 200 and 64 open cases the permits to clear the notice of violation they took one hundred and 46 permit to comply with the notice of violation and
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the restated were 10 from suspension of planning are under the bic filed for 36 they're taking action and suspended for 10 and the first notice of violation were 4 they took a permit out and had 70 projects take a a long time we hold the notice of violation and trying to conform to the work the cases due to continuation is 29 that was a breakdown for year we could do this for the last 5 years. >> great commissioner walker has a question. >> deputy i want to thank you for bringing us through a better level of code enforcement all of us recognize the fact it is one
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time better than when we started talking about that the board of supervisors is looking an enter departmental enforcement coordination we deal a violations at dbi that rests on our records for 3 years while planning does something not fair to us or the public one of the hopes that as much as we're getting our ducks in order we'll - a lot of the departments are taking care of the vicinity we'll serve as an example thank you very much for doing the work. >> thank you any public comment on this item? >> good morning i'd like to
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talk about the building inspection of over this important dbi the management of complaints received by dbi is important, however, not all complaints in dbi are the result of an notice of violation and frequently dbi receives several embarrassments for the same day violation code enforcement begins when the building cod violation has been documented with an nov it is confusing and disingenuous notice of violation are potential public safety hazards as a current member of nov approximately 15 or 16
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hundred does dbi have operating standards for resolving novs where no department operating standards no accountability the need for detailed report that address the problem of nov problems needs to be addressed without specific numbers the bic has no idea how small or large the problem is reporting in the establishment of departmental operating standard is where the bic needs to exercise it's oversight responsibilities the failure of gi to provide meaningful management information of novas is a serious problem the bic needs to aid thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> thank you. >> seeing none, item 9
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director's report 9 a update on dbi's finances. >> good afternoon from the department of building inspection before you the october finance report i'll take a moment to go over the highlights on the revenue our revenues have strong we've collected about this million dollars of july of this fiscal year that is $2.8 million more than last fiscal jr. 2014-2015 and a million dollars more than this is our best on record the preliminary reason page 2 as you can see actually see the permit in the evaluation and so
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basically our permit zaegs is up by 48 percent and in the month of october with the permits valued awe at one hundred million dollars in four months i think in 2014-2015, of throughout the entire year and particularly in electrical permits and building permit and plan review those are primarily what you see a lot of the growth on the expenditure does it is a little bit more than before and if you look at a comparison to last year you'll see $2 million left from last year that is primarily because services among the departments is work order is $12 million by now we'll receive higher billings so we expect it to go up in other areas we're actually spending more than we were in
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the prior year i'm available to answer any questions i didn't make any revenue projecting projections a couple of things happening not a lot of time those few months october so make a separate line may skew should revenues we'll wait until december with a full 6 months of revenues and by then the after two full months of the new tiers and fees will be in place the other projections are straight line collections once again they're only do it based on the two years i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> questions. >> yes. >> other services that we generally have received emphasize what is causing they're not submitting. >> off their services for
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example, the technology and controllers we have a lot of large work orders and decided maybe not to submitted a work order sometimes the departments wail for 6 months you have a controller's office report it is i am perfect to get those together and sometimes, it is off but not from outside outlet city departments that are providing the services. >> okay services what's the projection over a quarter. >> a lot of it is not quarterly base it varies somethings did controller's office will pay for using and the users to be for special assistance on an audit or report that's nationally not a quarter not quarterly it varies so much some of the ones more consistent frnlgs we paid funding to d hr they handle the
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test this is more consistent but symmore is consistent. >> okay. thank you. >> any other questions for the commissions thank you. >> thank you. >> 9 b update or relevance enacted legislation. >> good afternoon bill legislative public affairs first thing director huey's want to make sure you're aware that the department will have a holiday parties december 11th we hope you'll be able to come and join us at don ramona's restaurant i think pubically known to a lot of people other social occasions for the department so on december 11th i believe other than 4:00 p.m. if you feel to help us kickoff the holiday
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season we'd like to have you on the legislative side commissioner walker mentioned the code reform ordinance that is on the land use thirty day calendar 4 different items 3 of them if supervisor wiener including that one dbi has participated in a meeting with supervisor wiener staff and we have actually arrived at an agreement only some of the language and process there maybe a few refinements still to come we've been meeting with the fire department part of this reformed legislation would require the fire department to dwo do a process for similar to us and the novas and holding of hearing things that the fire department is not currently doing that aside there is also
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supervisor tang's ordinance to exempt from the vacated building ordinance properties that are in probate preceding those often average several months to get close out she would like anymore latitude and again, a thirty day calendar i don't expect those to come to the full lunld land use until after the holiday some may get pushed into the new year one by supervisor wiener on gray water systems we talked about before and that is one the chief pumping inspector is meeting with supervisor wiener's staff to refine that language and make sure that works for everybody
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we did meet director huey and one of our tech services people met with supervisor campos this past week we're looking at some code modifications in the coming new code cycle is it underway in january for gender neutrality bathrooms and trying to make that more available for small businesses with limited space so that is a matter that is under discussion and we will continue to cooperate with the supervisor on that we're joining the supervisor at a community meeting thursday tomorrow offering 0 e evening on the 16th street and shop well recent fire as you may know about 20 million people displaced in the adjacent apartment building to get an overview of whether or not the
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owner has been responding to the notice of violation as of my discussion with staff yesterday not had the order come into do that i will say the owner has an issue are tenant access to cover items and throughout the responsibility for the liability with his engineer to escort people into the safe areas where this is possible and there maybe areas of that building where it is not safe, of course, and you can't really be of much help there but we have encouraged the tenants and represents to try to speak directly with the owner we've been encouraging the owner to cooperate and assist the tenants with that issue one final thing on the actual demolition for the tire shop
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certain elements legislation bringing more appeals directly to the fwik and eliminating the abatement appeal board it is back to this process i feel like we are getting to a point where everybody will have success with that. >> any other questions. >> item 9-c update on project. >> good afternoon siding the major point this is few of the last boards meeting we roughly is have an increase percentage for the revenue of the construction that is why you'll see the c p cars with the revenue come up to because into this in the admitted any
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questions. >> on the race election a couple of projects the voters approved on the giants stadium and side warriors has anything i know that will probably be a long process even though the voters approved that any projections come in in terms of work on this site. >> first of all, giants not coming in that much yet but the wirings warriors warriors we review it candle stick is coming in and trying to push it the major tinge that the r e d the
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rec housing project coming in. >> is the rad program mostly upgrades their existing; is that correct. >> a combination of both because that is a new one and mostly the exit buildings with the schematic retrofit and the system. >> thank you. >> item 9 d update on code enforcement. >> good afternoon, commissioners dan deputy director inspectors services a code enforcement and monthly dbi update for october b the containments are 3 willed and 57 complaints 72 hours were 200
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plus the complaints of first notice of violation migrants received and abated without notice of violation were one and 42 public school the abatement containments with notice of violations were 23 and exactly notice of violation we referred to the code enforcement were 1 the housing inspectors services performed were nine hundred and 12 complaints 4 hundred and 88 complaints between 2 henry adams were complaints of violation were one and 41, abatement excitements with notice of violation were three hundred plus number of cases september to the directors was 35 couldn't u orange county inspectors three hundred plus the number of cases stent to the director were 45 and the number of order of abatement were 10 and number under advertised time were 10
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and number of abateded number of cases to bic was that and this was the update and shows the activity. >> any public comment on director's report 9 a there d. >> item 10 pitifully of may 20th, 2015. >> move the approval of the draft minutes may 2015. >> location any. seeing none, all commission in favor >> i's. >> > opposed? minutes are approved. >> item 11 commissioners matter increase the staff at this time the commissioners any ask about the housing practices
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and procedure that are interestingly to the commission. >> i want to raise a question i see our city attorney has departed but if we find the need for a closed session regarding the company how do we go about getting that done. >> that was asked before it can't be done. >> you can follow-up on it, it is did response they're only a few items it what about discussed in closed session like the directors valuation and certain things in closed session and certain things public i'm not the expert on it you can defer to john. >> the only reason i've raised the team will make some manage
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yearly high decisions. >> theirs to be a of committee with any of the commissions can participated do you know about that. >> i think that since is it so not our under our management we can only pier 70 put it on as an item to be discussed but we can't take any action i think that we can continue and we should to have it on our agenda the things we go into closed session are exceptional evacuations and litigation issues until it rises to that we can have a specific meeting about acelacela. >> question, discuss it in public. >> thank you.
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>> i'd like to amend one of the requests to staff i want a clarification about osceola number 7 was it signed if not just tells you no and also the possible financial mramgz of amendment 7 what was in that i asked about the other amendments that's all. >> so osceola will be on the next agenda. >> next the commission may discuss to set up a special meeting are thing on the agenda of the next meeting with the building inspection the this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the is on december 16th any public comment regarding items 11 ab? okay. seeing none item 12 adjournment
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>> may i have a motion. >> second. >> okay. all commissioners in favor with your adjourned 12:30 p.m. >> thank when a resident of san francisco is looking for health care, you look in your neighborhood first. what is closest to you? if you come to a neighborhood health center or a clinic, you then have access it a system of care in the community health network.
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we are a system of care that was probably based on the family practice model, but it was really clear that there are special populations with special needs. the cole street clinic is a youth clinic in the heart of the haight ashbury and they target youth. tom woodell takes care of many of the central city residents and they have great expertise in providing services for many of the homeless. potrero hill and southeast health centers are health centers in those particular communities that are family health centers, so they provide health care to patients across the age span. . >> many of our clients are working poor. they pay their taxes. they may run into a rough patch now and then and what we're able to provide is a bridge towards getting them back on
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their feet. the center averages about 14,000 visits a year in the health clinic alone. one of the areas that we specialize in is family medicine, but the additional focus of that is is to provide care to women and children. women find out they're pregnant, we talk to them about the importance of getting good prenatal care which takes many visits. we initially will see them for their full physical to determine their base line health, and then enroll them in prenatal care which occurs over the next 9 months. group prenatal care is designed to give women the opportunity to bond during their pregnancy with other women that have similar due dates. our doctors here are family doctors. they are able to help these women deliver their babies at the hospital, at general hospital. we also have the wic program, which is a program that provides food vouchers for our
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families after they have their children, up to age 5 they are able to receive food vouchers to get milk and cereal for their children. >> it's for the city, not only our clinic, but the city. we have all our children in san francisco should have insurance now because if they are low income enough, they get medical. if they actually have a little more assets, a little more income, they can get happy family. we do have family who come outside of our neighborhood to come on our clinic. one thing i learn from our clients, no matter how old they are, no matter how little english they know, they know how to get to chinatown, meaning they know how to get to our clinic. 85 percent of our staff is bilingual because we are
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serving many monolingual chinese patients. they can be child care providers so our clients can go out and work. >> we found more and more women of child bearing age come down with cancer and they have kids and the kids were having a horrible time and parents were having a horrible time. how do parents tell their kids they may not be here? what we do is provide a place and the material and support and then they figure out their own truth, what it means to them. i see the behavior change in front of my eyes. maybe they have never been able to go out of boundaries, their lives have been so rigid to sort of expressing that makes tremendous changes. because we did what we did, it is now sort of a nationwide model. >> i think you would be surprised if you come to these clinics. many of them i think would be your neighbors if you knew that.
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often times we just don't discuss that. we treat husband and wife and they bring in their kids or we treat the grandparents and then the next generation. there are people who come in who need treatment for their heart disease or for their diabetes or their high blood pressure or their cholesterol or their hepatitis b. we actually provide group medical visits and group education classes and meeting people who have similar chronic illnesses as you do really helps you understand that you are not alone in dealing with this. and it validates the experiences that you have and so you learn from each other. >> i think it's very important to try to be in tune with the needs of the community and a lot of our patients have -- a lot of our patients are actually immigrants who have a lot of competing priorities,
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family issues, child care issues, maybe not being able to find work or finding work and not being insured and health care sometimes isn't the top priority for them. we need to understand that so that we can help them take care of themselves physically and emotionally to deal with all these other things. they also have to be working through with people living longer and living with more chronic conditions i think we're going to see more patients coming through. >> starting next year, every day 10,000 people will hit the age of 60 until 2020. . >> the needs of the patients that we see at kerr senior center often have to do with the consequences of long standing substance abuse and mental illness, linked to their chronic diseases. heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, stroke, those
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kinds of chronic illnesses. when you get them in your 30's and 40's and you have them into your aging process, you are not going to have a comfortable old age. you are also seeing in terms of epidemics, an increase in alzheimer's and it is going to increase as the population increases. there are quite a few seniors who have mental health problems but they are also, the majority of seniors, who are hard-working, who had minimum wage jobs their whole lives, who paid social security. think about living on $889 a month in the city of san francisco needing to buy medication, one meal a day, hopefully, and health care. if we could provide health care early on we might prevent
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(inaudible) and people would be less likely to end up in the emergency room with a drastic outcome. we could actually provide prevention and health care to people who had no other way of getting health care, those without insurance, it might be more cost effective which wil* >> thank you and welcome i'll deputy chief of staff like to introduce a few honored guests hold our applause until i'm encourage i'd like to start off with the honorable mayor ed lee and president of the police commission suv's and greg suhr and the command staff the police
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department deputy smith and michael redman and gary tom and deputy chief ali and robert mows and o'sullivan and tom nolan chaplain and ann maddox and commander thank you and thank you for being here (clapping.) distinguished guests and family members and friends i'm the chief of staff and greg suhr i welcome you to the promotional ceremony between january 17th and september 26, 2015, ♪ ♪
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whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? and the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
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few words. >> good afternoon i woke up this morning with an overwhelm sensation of the joy of being alive if you're happy to be alive turn to our neighbor real quick and say it is good to be alive good to be alive. >> (repeated.) >> yeah. good to be alive and it is good to be here and to celebrate so as we begin this time of celebration of the promotion let us begin with a word of prayer let's pray together giver of life and sustaining god we come to you with gratitude in our hearts for all the gifts you give us each year each day family and friends and loved ones and laughter and the gift
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of being alive help is to receive those gifts with thanksgiving and may our hearts be stirred to remember all the blessing but today, we good faith to recognize pub those he men and women may we meaningful that have the wisdom for problems they'll, enfrustrated with a higher position of responsible rocket and leadership we call them peacemakers shaped by experience and prepared for the new task. so we ask our blessing that on if day a day of joy and deep gratitude we remember for years to come may all god's children thankfully for this day say amen amen >> thank you pastor current my please to introduce the
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honorable mayor of san francisco mooed mooe thank you deputy and thank you pastor current for perhaps it is appropriate for me to say it is good to be politically alive (laughter) i'm overjoyed to join you greg suhr and commission and also staff and all the officers that are part of this wonderful department family, friends, and especially those who are about to be promoted he congratulate you as well it's been very interesting last four and a half years i want to say i'm here because i know a few of the individuals also but here as part of the support team for our police department and as
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the 403 mayor of this wonderful city we have a lot of work that we've already done to have been a successful city has we are i won't be the first one to say our city can't say you been successful unless we're a safe city and all of you on the front lines are making our city save but i'm also had the pleasure of being the mayor in 3 world series celebrations one nabbing celebration and america's cup on the eave of hosting the incredible 50th shakespeare and get to enjoy it is finite police department it is to say that under the leadership of this commission with the chief we've had all the
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successes and continue to be a successful city as long as we also are a safe city and being a safe city i also will be the first to say that is not just on the shoulders of our police men and women their have their responsibilities you'll all have our responsibilities do the great community policing we've engaged in but forthcoming we have challenges and we have challenges that we're going to meet in the very heartfelt way because our citizens require us to be more transparent and have the body cameras that challenge us i think the public finds out more that happens on the streets than sometimes recorded we will
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also have the challenge of having more success a growing population but i'm excited for every single community corridor that will support and have our more officers on the beats as well as officers working computer systems and greats technology we have as well as officers and all of our different areas in the city that will do great work seen and unseen at the same time and complimenting the additional officers and he had a chance with the chief the other day to welcome in the new recruits in the academy what wonderful recruits we all right. have that will have some 4 hundred more additional police officers that join us along with the 200 firefighters and 50 pharmacies and including some additional
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359-1-1 callers this is an incredible time for our city but we know that we can't just don't think the officers that we hire the public safety is a variety of things we have to do a city i want you to recognize the city will do it's part as well that means not only the hiring but means a good environment for the people to work in a city that is successful a city that looks to the future and says let's resurrect that police academy program and make sure that the youth we want that they want to have a safe city also see potential crazy they can enjoy in the police department or at least be exposed that that to
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the cadet program to be eligible to go to the academy a city that vests in a program that reaches youth that are already in trouble reaches into their lives and suggested to go them we can interrupt the patterns of activities if drawings them into challenging lives and pull them into job saving lives with career paths i pathways lives they, see better education we're all increasing those opportunities from kindergarten to college we'll be supporting our youth all of our youth and particularly emphasis on the youth in poverty strictly community i get to do that as the 43 mayor and begin in public housing that people have a way
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forward for themselves and their family through all the programs in education and interrupt those patterns activities that might suggest otherwise we'll support through our families and children and youth programs programs and the passage of prop c last year an incredible investment in all our families to see an unprecedented investment for our youth from the family prospective we have rebuilding every single one of our public housing sites so they become integrated policies sites for all of the families that are there as well as the new families that will be welcomed there people will not live in isolated poverty housing under this administration giving me a chance to move forward all
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the things in concert with increasing our hiring of our police officers but also promoting promotions is a good day this means there's movement and hiring and activity in this department the same can be said in the fire department in our 9-1-1 and all our dispatchers by the desire city would it be fair to say congratulations to all of you that are will be receiving pins today when i have the opportunity to pin the 3 that had a chance to work with me there might be screens of pichz i have to pay them back for the rough lives they've given me outside of that we've had an incredible time i want to say the incredible
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success on every single one of you're crazy we'll be a successful city and whether it is issues around retirement, or the environment you work in or the people you even though again work with we'll do our best in support because you mean that the people on the first line that is a i will sacrifice for the other safety i want to say congratulations and health felt thank you from our 43rd mayor to our success and safety and success of you and our families i congratulate all of you today thank you (clapping.) >> thank you, mr. mayor it is my honor to welcome the president of the police commission president suzy loftus
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(clapping.) thank you, thank you greg suhr mayor ed lee and the staff and director hicks and family and friends can you raise your hand if our mom or dad is getting promoted today raise your hand if you're mom reasonable person dad is getting promoted two hands over there that is a big deal big deal your can do is getting promoted i know you this is a big deal guys i'll speak to the kids this is a big ceremony with the command staff what the mayor this is a tough profession your mom and dad are distinguished leaders we're here to recognize and one thing i know for sure in working with in law enforcement with as prosecutor and in the police commission none did it alone with all of you, your family and
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your kids i know you guys are proud of them so this is a legal term but a really big deal today is a really big deal so obviously congratulations to you guys i want to say two things talk about what i think you've accomplished and what it means to the department today is acknowledging the hard work i mentioned that i sat for the california bar examine i'm not stranger of hard tests but the tested you have to study for practice with our fell officer is not a samuel small matters your chosen to be a leader of this department and you've put in a lot of work now what it means for the department the mayor talked about the significant momentums we'll have a number of things going on but i want to say this ceremony is
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special the academy congratulations they're excited and start their career can't wait to get out there this is a different moment a moment you've done that chief you've distinguished yourselves as leaders to be recognized this is your moment and you get to make choices and decisions about the rest of our career those ceremony is amazing at the end of it it two minutes where someone faubz u talks about your career i'm moved by sometimes, the chief or captain will rattled off your mrishtsd but nevertheless, the two minutes spent talking about the kind of leader and how you treated our officers and how you had their backs and managed tough situations and a team leader and helped others now it is the moment in our career you've
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gotten the acknowledgment the mayor mentioned body cameras i want to say one thing as leader of this department the success or failure of this program is depending on you your leadership as our officers to what you do will make the program a success or failure many people involved commissioners and city officials at the end of the day you as leaders of the department have the technology and learn from it and help us make the policy better and continue to lead the way for the san francisco police department so that is my hinge r request of you, you an acknowledgment of everything help us embrace the future and continue to be the incredible leaders you've been and congratulations think everything you've done and thank you for being a leader at a
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critical time you're up to it thank you. >> (clapping). >> commissioner president loftus now greg suhr. >> (clapping). >> so you've had to brave two speeches suffer through one more to emotional what commissioner president loftus said as you look at people around you take a lot of pictures people in this room nobody is going to be any younger nobody will have any more hair and sadly in the matter how much you tell you yourselves it will be thinner and the kids not younger so lots of pictures a big deal it is
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good to welcome you did not members and family and friends to this ceremony we've honored today to have the newly re-elected mayor of san francisco ed lee (clapping.) our president of the police commission suzy loftus (clapping.) someone who never misses one of those ceremonies i'm so honored he is with us every single time former excessive of police mr. sandra right there (clapping.) and then we have a late arrive our occ director joyce hicks (clapping.) but most important here we're privileged to be among the sworn
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officers to the rank of sergeant and commander and deputy chief over the last year the future leadership of the san francisco police department no small deal in all endeavors leadership it critical to success but as we move into the last part of this year leadership is not as critical to the san francisco police department we recently peace officer served through the you toughest recession in our lifetime we never said we can't do more with less we did that with less and good in san francisco thanks to the mayor and the full support of the board of supervisors we're under one of the biggest hiring pushlz all the new cops needs the leadership if they're required of the san francisco police officers to be the smallest thoughtful cops in the
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country this department to the challenges that lay before us across the country and in some community in san francisco folks are questioning over intentions and action as we perform with the new video painting the law enforcement in an unfavorable light every year as fbi director spoke you can turn up the music on the radio or choose to have an open and honest discussion about the relationship today what it should and could be and needs to be if we took more time to understand one allocate across the country serious a debates how law enforcement will relate to the community about the appropriate use of force and the bias within an outside law enforcement we need to have this
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conversations similar conversation are being had within every police department as well or should be these kinetics is bumping and uncomfortable help us to understand and better serve san francisco of course, those are only conversations and the true sense of the word only willing to talk not only but listen someone said you have to understand and be understood true words again quoting let us begin that difficult conversation by being honest to acknowledge that most of our law enforcement history in the country is not pretty at many points in american history before the members were borne are law enforcement enforced with status quo a status quo that was brooultd unfair to the labor groups and unfair to two
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many people a century ago the issuing my mom was issuing knew how well, the drills and the patty woolen is not named patty wug because it's padded we need to be able to explain why we do what we do every time we do if we can't rethink what we're doing and to do it definitely there is a renewed on a procedural justice toy decade ourselves to not allow the bias that exists in all of us not judge cope to do our job fairly and objectively to do this today more than ever requires strong leadership it is with that in mind all the men and women are promoted were selected for the
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department leaders of tomorrow the best ladders are functional intelligence and demonstrate things the right way everyone on this stage actually not on the stamp they don't it, too as evidence by the performance under the exams and experience the ability to do this i'm grateful to our family and france for the character awesome possess and how you cultivated our influences to be here today each of you demonstrated the ability to think on your feet i'll confident you already have i ask you to demonstrate our earring in essence but more importantly challenge you to lead by x if 0 doing do the right thing and serve as a reminder to the officers why they became cops in the first
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time we help especially children as you sit here remember to be a successful it is not cbo you you'll need other people and let other money need you no matter how smart not smart enough i've spoken about leadership what is leadership so let's look at was it isn't i spoke when he met at the academy management so not leadership management deals with routine not to take anything away from good management and you'll have to dwo do a lot more management but management management is not leadership there is no leadership need it is a distofrtd that leadership is require in a law enforcement around the country is a distortion and will take our leadership to get us to a better
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place but the leaders don't manage people they monitor them leaders don't follow the rules as they are without question and set out to make better rules when needed leaders are looking for the replacements the future of the san francisco police department is on you it is not about what a leader can do himself or herself but accomplish with our violation and support whether you make sure that when people do a job get the credit it is about the balance of others replacement the golden rule do onto others as onto you this is echoes throughout the ages in every language and cultivate it is a
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philosophy to support others and you yourselves will be supporting and reaching our potential and chief the goals and be where we want to be back to today you have much to be proud of we look at freezing this moment shortly will come as a relief i'm almost finished that was fun (laughter). >> anyway mid block said after climbing the great hill one finds many more hillside to climb we make take rests but foreclosure the moment we must cock e walk together not ended when you come across a mountain it takes more than one person to move a mountain there will be more times than not an uphill battle and sometimes, you'll fail in one attempt or many find
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another way find another way a path forward a path forward and whether emily murase he son you want to respect intelligent people and the affiliation of children you left the world better and after all assessor-recorder it is easily because of your effort and helped to get there you were a good leader my parents i get choked up my parents engraved the word building on the first star i was giggle i have the same engratifying on all my stars the two o that you will make a difference in the lives of on the words of teddy roosevelt not the critical man that pouts points but but the
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doer of deeds do them better the credit to those in the arena who's face is marked by blood and those in the end have the achievement and if we fail we fail by doing better god bless and be safe (clapping.) >> thank you, chief. >> i now ask you administer the other of office to all personnel. >> relax it's the same oath i didn't add anything to it can i get everybody to please stand. >> i'm sorry, i meant of those who are going to take the oath
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(laughter) you know it to as a help it is good to stands even once in a while (laughter). >> that's supposed to be a comedy we have a tradition in the san francisco police department imagine in the room that has taken an oath that would like to reaffirm that oath especially someone in law enforcement whether sworn or not sworn we have prosecutors in the room feel free to stand at this time and take the oath with preplease raise your right hand i>> i. >> do solemnly swear. >> (repeated.) >> (repeated.) >> the constitution of the
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united states. >> (repeated.) >> and the constitution of the state of california. and the codes policies and charter. >> (repeated.) of the city and county of san francis francisco. >> (repeated.) >> >> (repeated.) >> foreign and domestic. >> and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. >> (repeated.) >> to the constitution of the united states. >> (repeated.) >> and to the constitution of the state of california. dooi z dooildz. >> (repeated.) >> without any mental reservation. >> (repeated.) >> that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties. >> (repeated.) >> and during such time as i hold office. congratulations
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>> it has been amazing. the people have been so gracious and so supportive of what we're doing. the energy here is fantastic with so many couples getting married. it's just been an absolutely fantastic experience, so wonderful. >> by the power vested in me, i declare you spouses for life. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> to actually be able to get married and be a part of this time in history and time in our history is amazing. >> this is a momentous occasion
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for us to be able to actually have this opportunity to have equal rights. >> we have been together for 14 years. everyone is so welcoming. it's been all set up and people have guided us from step to step. it's been easy. there was live music. people are so friendly and excited. so excited for us. >> it's really great. >> yeah. >> and salvador is party a here to known as party a. >> on the out it looks pretty simple. you come in, you made your appointment. you pay. you go here for your license. you got there to get married. you go there if you want to purchase a certified copy. behind the scenes, there was just this monumental just mountain of work, the details into everything that we had to do and we quickly realized that we were not ready to issue the
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numbers of licenses that people are anticipating that we would need to issue. we definitely did not want people waiting in long lines. this is somebody's wedding. you want to be able to plan and invite your family and friends. know what time you are able to get your marriage license, know what time you're going to have your ceremony. >> thanks for volunteering. >> we got city volunteers, we got members of the public volunteering. we had our regular volunteers volunteering. we had such an overwhelming response from city employees, from the members of the general public that we had way more volunteers than we could ever have hoped for. we had to come up with a training program. i mean, there are different functions of this whole operation. you were either, you know a check-in person.
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you were a greeter. you were part of the license issuing unit. you were deputy marriage commissioner, or you were on the recording side. each one of those functions required a different set of skills, a different oath of office if they needed to be sworn in as a deputy county clerk to issue marriage licenses or as a deputy county recorder if they were going to register the marriage licenses or the deputy marriage commissioner if they were going to be performing ceremonies. >> donna, place the ring on her ring finger. >> the marriage commissioner training was only about a half hour. it was very simple. very well run, very smooth and then we were all sworn in. >> they said we would get our scheduled sunday night and so 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, you know, i got it at 11:00. this person who was orchestrating all of the shifts and the volunteers and who does what, you know, said from her office sunday night at 11:00.
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they are just really helping each other. it's a wonderful atmosphere in that way. >> have you filled out an application? >> not yet. you want to do that. >> take this right over there. >> all right. >> take it tout counter when you're done. >> very good. >> congratulations, you guys. >> for those volunteers, what a gift for them as well as us that they would take up their time and contribute that time, but also that they would in return receive so much more back because they're part of the narrative of someone else's love and expression of love in life. >> this isn't anything that we had budgeted for, so it was basically we asked our i.t. director to do the best you can, you know, belling, borrow, steal if you have to and get us what you need to do this. and he knew what the mission was. he knew what our goal was. and, you know, with our i.t. grids and our software vender, they really came together and pulled it together for us.
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it made it possible for us to be able to serve as many couples as we have been. >> so once you're ready, you and your husband to be or wife need to be need to check in here and check in again, ok. are you also going to get married today? >> yeah. >> let's process you one by one. do your license in, exit and re-enter again check in at that desk. >> our wedding is at 3:00. >> as long as we get you in today. >> we're getting married at 2:30. >> don't worry about the time line. we're greeting people at the doorway and either directing them to the services they need on this side which is licensing or the services on this side which is actually getting the ceremony performed. >> this is an opportunity to choose to be a part of history. many times history happens to us, but in this case, you can choose to be a part of it. this is a very historic day and so i'm very, very proud to be
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here. >> i have been volunteering. last monday i performed 12 different marriage smones. the least amount of time that any of the couples that i married have been together is two years. most of the couples have been together eight, nine, 10, i'd say 70% have been together at least that long if not longer. >> there is a lot of misconception about who gay and lesbian people are. it's important that people see that we love our husbands and wives to be and love our children and have the right to have families just like everyone else. >> it's important that we have experienced our own families, our own friends, and the excitement of the volunteers when we get here has made us feel wonderful and accepted and celebrated. >> there is a lot of city
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agencies, city departments, divisions that offer up their employees to help us out since overwhelming response, it's unbelievable at how city government works. this is the time that san francisco city employees have really outshined san francisco's clerk's office didn't need to hear from the mayor to say what's your plan. they offered a plan and said here is our strategy. here is what we can do. we can add all of these computers here and there. we can connect our databases, we can expand our capacity by x. we can open up early and stay late and stay open on the weekends. it's unbelievable. we can coordinate all of the training for our volunteers and them in as deputy marriage commissioners and make sure it's signed and certified. that's an example and a model for others. this is -- what happens is when people prove that things can be done, it just raises the bar for what is possible for
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everyone else. >> it kind of went cooled plan and this is what we planned for. in some respects, people have kind of commented to me, oh, my god, you were a part of history and how many couples did we mary? how many families did we start? how many dreams did we make come true? the whole part of being part of history is something that we are here and we are charged with this responsibility to carry out. we will pause for wa
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reshlth and hygiene and all that i know in an hour and come back and do it again my hope by 3:30 or 4 o'clock katherine another view that might take longer well be efficient in the presentations and the questions that will be raised we welcome public comment on any of the topics and we will precede accordingly, i made a request of our city attorney to while back
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