tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV November 29, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PST
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much. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is cashing i can't i'm a resident of the hill i've also on the hill for 23 years the past 18 years i've been fortunate to buy a home on any, any between 18 and 19th although the process of building out mission bay and potrero hill is a motion we're a compression of traffic with no path of emotion and judging from the skeletons of the new buildings it is going to get worse every block of communication custom 86 adds to travel that is to a standstill in the non-community hours
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and yet he buildings are in the process of being added to the inadvertent with anymore projects proposed and in the approval stage although the city talks about a transit first policy obviously that plan exists in name only we'll have cars and cars and more cars and buses stuck in lanes along with cars the general idea of planning a city to build infrastructure before you start building out businesses and residentss here we have a situation we're through talk of infrastructure what infrastructure could there is from the surface streets are at capacity our streets in the neighborhoods of new construction such as co-sponsor have an site and 1601 mariposa are mainly two-lane streets laid
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out in victorian area to service a modest population now those streets are virtual freeways ramps for commuters and sports nuchlz backing up into residential streets virtually confining residents to their homes short of building tunneled and subways no remedies for the cumulative traffic on the streets the only remedy not making a bad situation worse in short mathematics out of room to move for vehicles yet the planning to continue a pathway of trying to stuff 10 pounds of stuff in 5 pound bags for those reasons he strongly urge and object bible of the building to
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scale them for the realties on the ground and rather to the decisions to the developers that don't live in the city thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm gary i'm a residence of san francisco lived here for 26 years and 11 years in the area that is being talked about a union sheet metal working a i'm here to voice my support for the mariposa project that project has twice as much open space as making that more family friend and the developer has committed $23 million to improve the
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sdwraks playground me and my son goes to you urge you to approve the 1601 mariposa project thank you. >> hello commissioners, i live in the area the project about 3 years and i'm a union cement worker here to voice any support for the mariposa project that project will enhance the neighborhood by replying park distributions what is a for the opponent housing our city needs i urge to you support of project the mariposa project thank you.
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>> good morning, commissioners danny i representative with the sheet metal workers one 04 since 1903 you see the workers and due to the interest of time rather than having the other members i represent to speak please stand up and be recognized we support this project for the numerous benefits that was mentioned earlier we're very excited that this developers is done above and beyond we can't miss the opportunity to increase of affordable housing in the city especially with the prices we're facing and we're committed to partnership with the snitchy
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partners that insures the local residents will be employed and paged good wages and means that apprentices will be hired and career pathways for the youth we look forward to your support in approving the eir thank you very much. >> hello, i'm judith i live in bernal height my son graduate from live oak i'm interested in the neighborhood and actually go through every day on the 22 counseling station i wanted to
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focus on some of the concerns in terms of the eir has it shows there is shadow in the building on jackson park even though i guess according to the rules not a super at all building it's okay part of issue that there is impact on local recreation ron ma devil mentioned two games in the neighborhood unfortunately i've been a membership and my kids can't assess the gym the kids needs playground and the parks that's basically the know i'd like to talk about the eir and my it is it is deficient in terms of watching for pedestrians on our rtc on august 5th the schools were out and april 29th a day
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that live okay. let's out earlier from 46 to 7 to 9 a morning drop off and no recognition for a serious pedestrian safety their offering to pay for traffic control a few blocks away we need to address the safety adverse i'll urge you no to the allow the loading dock exception from having off-street loading sfgh loading creates hazard that is when people drive around trucks and things happen we know they want /* sfvd /- on student that is a toxic site you need to make the language
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stronger than it feasible and it really is focused on the excavation part of project construction there are also star kings the local public school uses the after-school program in jackson park thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello commissioners. i'm rick a potrero hill residents a long time residents i oppose this project as it is there's been many, many good comments today on changes that need to be made changes that have already been made, etc. in my opinion it is all lipstick on a pig that process causes magnificent loss of pdrs over 60 thousand square
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feet and it is too dense for potrero hill this is a destructive change to the character of our neighborhood that is a perfect example of fail of mou concept and the eastern neighborhoods plan there is no balance here in the u m u it is like not all residential with the exception of maybe last week 4 thousand square feet of nominal pdr this is not the kind of pdrs the city needs to retain the e n plan didn't anticipate the curre the current grshd so we need to stop feeding this beast an
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earlier k34er789 or commenter that talks about a 5 pound bag this one is 20 pound bags we're stuffing too much into potrero hill. >> hello commissioners pete cultural action network yeah, he want to follow up on what the previous speaker talks about i was confused when i looked at this executive summary are we really user mixed use 97.6 residential percentage in the urban mixed use and how that qualifies for the urban mixed use especially in a city not only the eastern neighborhoods protection quite clear we have an enormous pdr loss in the capacities go on and with that pdr loss we're seeing an enormous loss of
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community jobs and community of color disappearing and the widespread disappearance of artists a mass exodus those are exactly the kinds of spaces we need more housing our folks that the way out of scale not like a urban mixed use project either in the tint or in the paralysis application when i weigh the eastern neighborhoods actually overheard someone in the hallway this think an excellent test we'll repeat it a number of times i think that is exactly what they're looking for how far can we punish beyond the meaningful boundary thought mixed use to carve it up and spot zoning from true urban mixed use to will have entirely
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residential overall when i look at this project those look like the number 4 hundred and 8 thousand square feet of residential as opposed to to 10 thousand residential square feet let's relimousine it residential it is only a couple of good-sized rooms tacked up please don't let this grrd go forward it is not a reasonable proposal in its current form a huge amount of more protections observed there environmental to our communities and i hope you'll keep in mind and ask for the projects in accordance to those projects thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm joel with the local local 6 and the are
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contractors association here to voice over support for the adopting the ceqa finding and the granting of the large project authorization we my mind our letter of support and it should be in the packet and cards of commitment in support of the two members on vermont street and illinois and arkansas kansas street advocating for the project seeing it is done it's due diligence and committed to using local contractors that employ local electricians and apprentices here in san francisco on admitting to put this in further prospective we want to talk about two projects that are not utilizing the local contractors or residential would it be fair to say 348 fist
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street out of town contractor not one residents working for that electrical contractor and dagget 4 hundred and 70 units out of out-of-towner not one local residents working that will not be the case at 1601 mariposa this project will a positive environmental and social impact on the neighborhood and urge you to approve it thanks. >> hi good afternoon my name is drew i live will a about a block away for 414 years directly off the street and fortunate to buy a gun on 18 and arkansas i said to bring a little bit of a different
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prospective of a parent in the neighborhood a 4-year-old and 8-year-old girl grown on u up on the block but i'm a huge supporter of project i'm super excited about providing for housing i think that is an opportunity to actually add for density i guess i'm one of the group that thinks we should do our part to add harvey's housing it is walkable to consulate 15 minutes on a bike. >> wonderful place to add housing i don't think that is massive i think that is kind of a inactivated opportunity where it is not we don't have detriment of the height but get density so i think that is unique how it is built both the hillside the shadows on the tension court not
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a big deal and frankly live oaks casts a beggar shadow on the playground that's okay. we need the density and housing i'll excited about activating the street along the block and dusk whether walking from the woods or park especially with my girls it is you're a little bit more cautious of the block that needs activity i was within a block of here robbed at gun point not a fun thing to go through and it is just is a - it is just a great way to bring in residents that can activate the street and complete our neighborhood framing the park and make that safer we definitely needs more transportation by adding some
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more residents it helps at some point the 22 it is busy enough but pagd more recipe more transportation too i think that is it and just in short other neighbors that are excited not here working by there is a group of folks residents that are secreting hoping this get approved thank you. >> good afternoon and thank you for hearing us all commissioners i'm schizophrenia virginia head of live oak school you can keep the attention for one year of your life you're all citizen turns you've heard under
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parents and educators that are compacting about the plays where they work and play and outline make decisions that impact our future in a rare window to take with care wisdom violation and courage i'm confident you've sure the health and safety of the residents of potrero hill with the right challenge you can insure our play and quality of life and design opportunities are that are raised here become a reality live oak has been talking about using this opportunity to be a - create a transformation benefit as part of the development of the site we're not done yet and onsite community assessable reactional
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is an appropriate project for this size we're talking about a facility that will be about 95 hundred square feet on a health that is three hundred and 32 thousand square feet adjacent to an already well-used playground live oak has been planning this for 3 years here's a picture from 2013 of an idea a gym on the site until 2013 a gym on the site in 2014 and later in 2015 and finally from the summer of 2015 other rendering you'll notice those are all been created in the collaboration between related david barker and
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live oaks school my challenge to you today are my hope for you today is a following please use your influence for the residents and students and residents future for potrero hill to renovate, upgrade jackson park and finish with live oak to add a marble benefit the recreational facility something that has been demonstrated over and over can be done for this neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm sarah i'm a resident of potrero hill since 2008 and a member of the potrero hill responsibly he live across the street from the project in the 18 and arkansas building
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when our building was built i think that was considered at that point the huge project in the neighborhood i'm not against growth at all but building strongly in responsibility of the keeping in the character of the neighborhood our building which is half the size of this building is 65 units sooeps to as opposed to the three hundred and 9 units for this building that is significant in size additionally in terms of cumulative impacts the eastern neighborhood plan doesn't account for the housing in the entire potrero hill and showcase square areas he building there is 4 thousand units planned which exceeds the eastern neighborhood plan of about 31
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hundred units and also significantly sooner than the plans laid outs the additional residents are not support by parks or transportation or the services by the eastern neighborhoods plan i believe there needs to be more pdr in this project to represent the character of the neighborhood potrero hill flourishes from the residential and manufacturing and very in this case to the neighborhood the neighbors really desire to keep the character of the hill and have that incorporated at 1601 the site of commercial space is important to keep in our city and foster diversity in employment promote and manufacturing thank you.
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>> game-changer commissioners i'm deborah a planner speaking on behalf of live oaks school several of you talked about the importance of protecting the schools and draft eir commissioner moore said that in order for the city to remain attractive and support a littleable future for families schools our biggest asset meetings needs to be protected we appreciate the increased setback that the project sponsor has provided especially removing the balconies many remaining concerns i'd like to talk about the 4 that that protects live oak parents and teachers the hazardous materials and construction noise, construction traffic and pedestrian safety
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and hope i agree the staff needs to be protected from the impacts from the hazardous materials during remediation rtc as the comments if feasible the sponsor will schedule a demolition and soil remediation during the summer of 2016 hour no measure is included in the approval or emotion monitoring program we request the planning commission add the following measures to the conditions project remediation activities shall be schedule when school is not in regular session if this can't be achieved the experience will pick up the cost relocation during the phase of project in addition we've asked for
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related to provide weekly update on the activities so that the school and on the neighbors know what to anticipate this has not been added as a mitigation we request that such a measure be included in the conditions for approval all neighbors but particularly students trying to learn to be protected from heavy construction noise we request that a measure be added that demolition and grading the noisiest activities should take place during the summer when school is not in session the project will be under construction for two years we request the language be in the m m rp be revised to protect the students from construction and the project sponsor be required to consult with live oak and others schools to come up with a
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management plan and the pedestrian safety you've heard from many 23 seven hundred plus added daily thank you, ma'am, your time is up. >> thank you. >> okay drew (calling names). >> i think you've heard from those speakers. >> i'm scott i have a handout here you've heard a lot important policy issues discussed i'm not going to elaborate but i want to address some nuts and bolts the comments you've heard the comments in the eir stressed the needs for noisy and hazardous
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soil remediation occur when the school is not in session according to the eir those tests will last a month out of a 3 year construction schedule nothing in the measure address the need to do this when the kids are not around so we ask you add the following language i'll give you to the motion on page 33 that is specifically says the project sponsor will schedule the depiction and remediation activities can i have this on the ovld when the schools are reduced from the attendance of the regular school year the sponsor will pay for housing to have it at another location again, we're talking about one month that should be able to be done in the summer we add the project sponsor provide the
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updates regarding weekly remediation tests this is not listed in your motion or your mitigation measures as present to you. >> the construction as i said is supposed to last two years the eir suggests not required coordination with live oak or the united studies they'll not dictate it but they'll ask you add this language at page 38 of our motion the project sponsor shall consult with live oaks school and the international school academy to develop a plan with an ongoing dialogue finally to address the pedestrian issue there are a couple of things to be done to help to insure the safety of the neighborhood
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residents when it comes to pedestrians we ask this lack be added to require that the project sponsor will help fund and install a bulb out on mariposa and also install the visible flashing crosswalks leading if live okay to jackson park this is particularly necessary for the 23 hundred additional auto trips this project will bring thank you very much. >> okay. any other speakers? >> on this item. >> no? >> okay go ahead. >> good afternoon my name is nationally the dean of live oaks school the lifetime
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by the way, residents the child of civil rights activists and very in what a communities looks like and all i ask is that the developers make the same commitment to this potrero hill community that live oak made becoming partners with our neighbors in working towards a truly diverse and affordable communities they've made great strides in working with the neighbors but i challenge them and ask that more than 20 percent affordable housing be made available if you look at the history of the potrero hill community folks that live there now that grew up are lifetime residents will not be able to
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afford to live there i ask the developers make that effort i've heard many statements of residents being happy with that project all of that is great who is going to be living there and how do we make sure that potrero hill residents can be there true city residents can live there live oaks school supports the community we ask that the developer do the same thank you. >> okay is there any additional public comment? >> hello commissioners andy blue from the plaza 167 good to see you again, i will echo the comments you've heard 20 percent affordable is a lot
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better than 12 percent we know that is not nearly enough inform meet the affordable housing needs we know that developers should go higher than that anothers coalition is concerned with the severe loss of pdrs and what that means the loss of working-class jobs more affordable and we can't losses that amount of pdrs thank you. >> is there any additional public comment. >> okay i don't see any public comment is closed. >> commissioner moore. >> hi director ram i saw you push the bottom would you like to open. >> i'd like to thank the public for an equal prepared and atheist comments for or against the totality who impressed me many of the comments resonate
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i'd like to speak about a few issues not specific concerns but what is of concern to me as a commission on this project the displacement of almost 65 thousand square feet of pdr without offering any in kind replacement within the district of concern we as a commission have not been able to formulate policy in this ongoing kicks it down the street and follow-up on one off the later speakers comments that is in direct portion to our ongoing search for tools to address the affordability and displacement pdr is an integral part that that and i've said this before the park issue given indeed a notice about gentrification in the district and in the
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neighborhoods which are focused by this change a parking space radio is resembling what we do in market octavia with the would-be appropriate we indeed in a targeting way to improve public transit in the area those are only opinions i wanted to get them on paper what is and has been of concern indeed the absence of open space in my dir comments i spoke about what i building is the sign of jackson square playground the only program as given the fact it has a fence and given the fact that the star king program which addresses after school that is not conducive to a
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positive learning environment children sitting on the floor in need of restrogs and rehabilitation we've having a problem with increased amount of open space in addition to what is there i think that the ideas about open space is breaking down, however, the over presence of escape is of concern i'll echo that the presence of more participatory onsite potential recreation facilities is the way of mitigating that those are only ideas need to be examined in detail i did not want to jump both the good design but i want to say i believe that the there
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in indents from the security average unions to 89 units per acre is way within the range of managing good design i looked at the project last time and was in stockton and spent one half hour looking at the density that is higher here we are not used to density exceeding 90 to one hundred for the typography this project makes attempts to address the confusion about this and what this project as i'm asked for large authorization is not doing it is not providing exceptional design and this is
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not because of david barker not knowing how to design he is one of the people at the cutting-edge of doing i believe this project as a agreeing zats 6 projects into one it is simply too big to dwlifr exceptional design by on architect the challenge of the comparison is indeed relooked at 650 indiana street a few months ago it was not as large as this one we have 3 architects comfort women commodity a place making good project this proximate cause will benefit from multiple precipitating and the urban design as set primarily led by
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one landscape architect with that massive scale makes that difficult to create the variety and visible centers it is remnant of phil in a super large sites that was originally designated four areas and trying to make that in san francisco i'll leave it at that and commissioner richards. >> first of all, the staff about the eir we heard about the community talking about the eastern neighborhoodish environmental impact report more than it calls uh-huh calls for . >> would you like to respond to that. >> the eir. >> good afternoon, commissioners sarah jacque's environmental review officers we've been tracking the amount
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of development that has been completed or under consideration in the various parts of eastern neighborhood and considering it against what the analysis was in the eir we are seeing residential development that is in terms of over pipeline is approaching some of the highest figures that that analyzed we looked at various combinations of uses and they're overall impacts in the eir i think that the we're intending for those 4 topic areas are plummeted by the projects of growth we'll in the future as projected in the eir implemented in the analysis, however, not
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pertinent within the projections within the eir. >> great one question did the eir summary call for loss of pdr space that was in effect during the development. >> absolutely all of the scenarios that were analyzed in the eir had substantial number of pdrs loss assumed we called that out as a significant land use impact so this particular project as 1601 mariposa we recognized as transbay considerably to this significant impact from the ceqa impact that impact was imposed it didn't trigger any new consideration. >> i think one the interesting things and honestly every time he say that public comment is incredible beneficial you've learned and discovered things that collect in our head one of
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the questions i can in the eir it looks like from a parking ratio point of view going from .5 inform nearly one which is nearly doubling that is what we're transbay to the issues around the significant impacts on traffic so the question i have is when you analysis an eir and ask for a ton percentage in parking or parking space but the one point zero if we took parking spaces down to the 1.4 will it reduce this to less than significance. >> our transportation analysis as we do it now and have done it for a decade and a half the seems like auto trips are generated by uses not parking spaces so the amount of parking that is provided in terms of the
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academic analysis that's should open paper will not be affected by the reduction number of parking spaces however, we have doing a lot of work right now we'll be coming to the commission in the coming months to talk about the transportation demands work we're doing and working towards an ordinance and that work does reflect this is your assumption you're speaking again and backed up by a lot of work we've downey done that, in fact, reducing the parking spaces is a very strong way to reduce all trips. >> so it is intuitive active to me i know that the gentleman mrs. miguel and mr. rogers spoke about that the eir documents this is a neighborhoods there is a lot of transportation, you
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could walk to the coffee shops to the safeway, etc., etc. it is counterintuitive this is contributing to the safety of the school and the transportation congestion issues. >> commissioners. >> i would want to add on quickly to sarah's point we looked at in terms of of the number of parking spaces is circulation and that was reviewed as part of eir we do look at you know how many cars per hour could be arriving on site during the peak periods there are improvements to reduce the associations with the parking garages so this was with the eir. >> i know someone in the back hit me over the head he was thinking about that if we took the parking spaces down we'll
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provide a parking space on site and do some pdr space to balance it out but a amount of parking like the 200 x spaces i think that is probably more of a winner and it is probably something the community can wrap up with a wrap their heads around, sir comment on the outreach issues we've heard some of the neighborhood folks say they have been happy hazard please explain the members of the committee with the naeshd and what you took away so we can get a good sense if there was good outreach. >> we've been working on this for 3 and a half years we probable had the most meetings by for with live oaks school adjacent stakeholders
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make sense we focused i think our most substantive meetings a lot of meetings along the way once the draft eir came out we were aware of the comments i mean, he as you can see we've gotten a widest range of comments some of them frankly go run counter to each other this is in numerous meetings we wanted to be able to sort through and ultimately we're responsible to making priorities and judgements bans that i've spent half of this week trying to resolve the parks improvements issue that was a clear message to us from everybody that the communities i think heard some comment that the community space issue was a major appropriate but there he was skepticism working with the
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city rec and park department for example, will get you anywhere yeah, that takes forever we've made a lot of headway not offering $2 million but actually designed with a partner of one the live oak board members with the tennis court on top of to replace the existing tennis court you've heard a challenge of open space this is a multi purpose facility that will serve the whole community including live oak but not limited we had a construction budget how much it to would cost the answer three to $4 million phil ginsburg of rec and park said it is 6 okay 6 if we could get this is privately printing privately fund because a couple of speakers brought this up if we
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could find a way to target names and addresses to the $2 million the $3 million we're required to pay in impact fees that facility is paid for by us i think there is other opportunities so i'm not sure how else to say yes, a wide variety of meetings if i can use the word half hazard we tried to address a whoo wide variety of feedback and make that all fit i think to a large decree we've been successful but we're prepared to do more i find it difficult to accept anyone saying we've been unable to meet i'm even though ceo i perching over the past 4 months attended virtually every meeting we have a lot go on i made this a
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priority and one of the speakers said 95 hundred square feet you've heard this around the parking and putting that kind of money and using the $2 million to augment it will be cheaper to build. >> we looked at virginia showed you probably 3 different possibilities along the way you will note that the gym absorbs open space it is inside open space but not public space for everybody this is the most crucial the recommendation from the community we added the east west views to the project we actually also for a while look at putting the gym at the entrance that will take away most of muse that become a
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practical problem that was physically doable but a practical problem. >> right it blocks some of the windows into live oak schools but somehow find what way but to pay for that the presumption is live oak raised the money to pay for it that's a lot of money. >> what is that a live oak or center. >> i think you'll agree the notation owned by live oak but made vertebral to the larger contingency so we instead focused because there was push back frankly at a planning department staff to block the muse with the gym we instead shifted our focus to jackson park and frankly until we raised the 2 millions i don't think it took us that seriously oh, great who will pay for that that's 40
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percent of the cost alone what was requested not for us to be the arresting take care of what gets done because so much destruction we took it a couple of steps forward. >> regarding the easements passageway i want you too open up like the redesigning last two pages one of the questions he have is the balcony issue you know they seem to make the east views for interesting and active what do you see front the school. >> as you saw from the design that, yes shows it showed balconies we have in response to the concerns expressed we've agents to remove them and i know aggressively an amenity and a
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design feature. >> was it about the privacy of the students as i don't want to speak for them but people pier into the school. >> other question he have then we looked at a project that was done on one 50 van ness demolishing the building over the store a big at all building kind of december acceptable we heard a lot of issues around height and proposals and the timing of the demolition and erica i react to that. >> in terms of doing. >> construction at certain times. >> oh, oh yes, we take seriously the issues that they raise i've of they've been talking about that for are sometime we have offered to schedule the demolition for
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renovation activities in the summer when the school was not in full-time session i'm not sure it is accurate to not say it is in session at all but the schedule permits for example, on the schedule we're currently on if we're to go forward we could do if not to the control of the schedule the other schedule we can handle is as chelsea are someone 0 mentioned assuming this was approved the, sir certified the d t s c skeleton did public hearing and they'll issue we have to get through a lot of discussions through the provided you know there wasn't a significant detail we can absolutely do that we've offered that for sometime the other comment i think that correct me if i am wrong but to the issue
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of dropout that was the emotion the public safety issue we've increased the drop off by 35 feet. >> commissioner moore's comment i say i love wine he says he smell xyz i'm not an architect i defer to commissioner moore in terms of breaking up the massing once you suggested oh, i get what she's saying he met about you seems like it looked good all defer to commissioner moore regarding the in kind i'll dispense with that and again, just i think in some density i think is okay i think if we took a little bit
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of parking maybe a pdr space more room here thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i have you at the podium i might ask a question there were some language thwas proposed in regards to the conditions did you have a chance to review those. >> we looking at them the one thing as i said one of the conditions is project sponsor scheduled the emotion with the attendants of the nearby school not sure but that seems to have not quite sure what it means but schooler like i said we've offered to do that as the time
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permits when the school is not in session i'm not sure i understand the attention by nearby schools. >> it's a little bit two word i didn't over the summer is when most of schools maybe schools that go 12 years but talking about live oak this can't be achieved the sponsor pays for the are temporary locations during the project i can't agree is that that is an open ended commenting commitment with no budget attached we will have to adhere to a very, very specific set of protocols for emotion this is where live oak was there or not because of the concern we've made the offer we've made but roadway the sites as contaminated soil if we don't do anything that stays there
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contaminated i'm not sure i mean, i understand the gist of the request. >> most of demo can be scheduled over the summer months. >> under the current schedule is absolutely could. >> whether or not to extend the summer hazardous materials that will cover any project even when here on behalf of the appellant. >> we've police department;s to them there will be public hearings at d t s c to greatest specifics we have can't no discretion there. >> yeah. the other things while i have you they're talking about a bought and flashing lights and crosswalks i assume that will be - >> actually, i have to study it i don't want to get in
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trouble i think the crosswalks with a good idea i think that is a good idea you know the bulb out i think that my architect said we already have one there. >> i think i saw that. >> i think the crosswalk is a good idea. >> the issue the parking space light the boubtsz we do but the flashing light crosswalks we'll have to work with dpw and other departments you can't prejudge what they'll do and is they'll use their best efforts but quaint acquire it. >> make that a find not a condition highly desirable and work it out with the mta. >> that answered ms. most of my questions one other thing i
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think that their definitely was something i think i talked with susan earlier today about the possibility of eliminating some of the studios is that under consideration. >> we could i mean first of all, we absolutely will by adding the 10, 3 bedrooms within the same square footage we're refining the unit plans and probably i'm not sure loss some units but so we have certainly looking at that. >> so in his own 290 with the probability of a certain amount of studios will be eliminated. >> we're definitely looking at right now. >> thank you that answers police of my questions we want to make a few comments in terms of the eir i appreciate ms. jones in the draft eir that was before us it gave us some
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numbers i would assume those are correct he better read them off in every project in the pipeline went forward you know there would be 85, w 9 units in the and were coastline showcase square and analyzed 5 thousand nine hundred units of everything went forward you'll be belief and 90 blow and no consideration it is oneelow and no consideration it is one of the first projects. >> i'm sorry i don't have the numbers in front of the me. >> it goes without saying a mute point and traffic in terms of the eir the traffic study is complete and very good it talked about one intersection that had impacts are
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