tv Board of Appeals 121615 SFGTV January 7, 2016 8:00pm-10:01pm PST
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for people to give feedback it is important that we just don't sit in one room but get feedback we'll talk about that later not as if one meeting there will be an opportunity for community feedback f of you're not in the room. >> that's going to conclude my report i know we have a lengthy agenda i know that the commission wanted an update on the super bowl planning coming next week i ask the members thought that committee to come and present captain salvo. >> obviously the super bowl a coming come on up and given the police we'll need. >> can i finish. >> go ahead. >> the reason we invited the captain was that given the number of police researchers that go into that get a better
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understanding sorry joe. >> there was a meeting with the mayor today informing him of the press release with the african-american community and was endorse finding and talking about things he'll do and a press release came out on the mayors webs that expands on many of the things the chief mentioned the mayor is aware of the work done and moving forward in his own way to do things to make things better. >> thank you. >> go ahead commissioner wong. >> no. you, go ahead. >> there was some comment about tasers being considered by the board of sups did you hear some go about as far as i recall
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we've not discussed tasers at the commission yet or i don't know if it is calendared for discussion is there some other process outside of the commission to discuss tasers. >> one of the prior speakers said in any new weapon afforded to the police departments or fool afforded to the police department it needs to come before this commission that is still the case that is accurate. >> not a board of sups committee that is looking at tasers separately. >> not that i know of. >> so for folks to orient to the point that dr. joe is a saying under the commission reports we'll talk about the next steps under the commission president's report for the use of force and the public process if those are the issues of interest under section c let's
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go ahead and hear about super bowl we're track at the same time good evening and welcome. >> good evening chief suhr and others i'm part of the police department operation i'm here to talk about the super bowl related events i'll start by saying those plans will provide the public safety services to do so without negative impacts on the neighborhoods station operation we're going to keep it as businesses people will get the police services they need and also we're confident we'll deliver the necessary services to provide a safe events super bowl 50 will be played on sunday next month kickoff is at 3:28 p.m. in santa clara there will be a lot of large events
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and san francisco will be hosting two of the events in super bowl city and the nfl experience super bowl city is will host the culture entertainment and many display items it is free and open to the public the venue will open on january 30th at 11:00 a.m. and close other 9 or 10 the day of the events will be claims closed for the kickoff the nfl will be located north and south from january to february 7th as a interactive theme park memorabilia and football activities for kids to play and a activity area across the
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moscone there will be media station there doing radio shows and broadcasting this item venue the nfl experience will be opened from - the two exceptions on sunday closing at 8 and closing at 3:00 o'clock at the day of the game we looked at the past activity we've had at the uses the nfl experience location where we have the oracles so we're familiar with the footprint familiar with the traffic patterns and have the staffing plans to address these the super bowl city venue is similar to new year overview it will be 9 days and staffing for that we're talking to the people
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in the department and get think idea of the areas that'll they're concerned with we put those into the planning note in addition to the venues a variety of concerts and celebrations a concert at around before the game gift sponsors from the nfl hosting the parties some will be open to the public and some tithed be events other items as with move forward closer to the game we're sharing with those to the members of the department the department of emergency services tasked with leading the events working with them they've scheduled several meeting with monthly meeting to discuss a variety of topics two of the mergers were you dedicated to table text the tabletop
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experiences we sit around and talk about scenarios and what our responses the scenarios were chosen from active events at super bowls and others events in san francisco that we've had to deal with relevant and they were discussed in the city agencies sat in the room and talked about what necessary do to support us and vice versa in addition to other city agencies and other governments agencies super bowl 50 and the nfl and in order to have the necessary resources for the public safety services we need to we've taken several steps for staffing no discretionary details off in san francisco additionally we've worked the academy tool have the training all available officers are available we will be using customer
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non-patrol function like chief staffers and other staff will be brought out to assist and next week other academy a class graduating they're first week in the department will give them an idea in our planning we've been very aware the heightened security concerns our plans will provide a uniform visibility for the staffing for bigger ones like the moscone center we will do this with a combination of foot patrols and bike and motoristized patrol and other resources and additional layers of security for systems from our special operations group we presenting looking this thing
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one of the captains will be overseesing this that is the captain that worked at large venues to get his input that the staffing levels he it would be sufficient for what we anticipates we're working as as i mentioned state and regional to create an event for the public to enjoy our investigative unit is trying to anticipate what issues one example of the human trafficking issues that some people are concerned with with the super bowl our human trafficking team will be very pro-active back in october the human trafficking team along with the super bowl 50 host committee conducted training with the hotel directors in to they can train their staff for human trafficking victims we've
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insisted with training and our human trafficking team w the sdwoofz to members of the department and the district attorney's office will be available for the human trafficking i believe that greg suhr updated senator feinstein this is one of the benefits of the planning we've been doing these working with the had you had occasion but this crystalize our going forward the training is the additional relationships between ours and other government agencies have been enhanced so if we have further events we'll address a lot of the issues. >> thank you, captain. >> questions colleagues. >> commissioner vice president turman. >> on the human trafficking issues are you working with local community agencies to help
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to identify the signs of human trafficking victims. >> i believe the training materials is put together in concert with those folks have been. >> we're working with the fbi and the formal homeland security and regional agencies a training on the 11 two trainings in san francisco international airport to train to look for anyone that is arriving and working with the hotels and making several cases sort of set the tone of what we're doing and we're also doing the decore operations on the internet. >> commissioner melara. >> i had similar questions interested in concerning the issues of domestic violence that might go up and you might be planning for that
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and i was wondering if you're coordinating with other police departments in the bay area around the activities in san francisco. >> well in others police agencies the super bowl and the city of san francisco is about $45 million apart we've been meeting in occasion with the police department in santa clara so that's lead to a lot of the trafficking training we've participated came to be we're working with the other agencies the historically members are members of the special victims unit will be working during the timeframe we'll be responding to any calls of domestic violence and of course receive the full attention. >> it is important to emphasize as the captain said earlier the resources deployed for the venues in the events
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downtown will have not impact on the district and the officers with the calls of that nature we say advocates embedded in our unit to do do lead training all the groups know about reporting. >> commissioner wong. >> i thought i had a smart question but you've asked her it on the human trafficking issue for shelters; right? to have the advocates ready think when we saw operation gotten cage is floated the entire system i don't know from the back up social system needs to accumulate a lot of survivors coming through. >> that was one of the things we spoke but with senators feinstein a concern she shares a new building in oakland now that is just been opened so she asked
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your special victims unit to see what we could workout with alameda county more people rescued so we'll get it figure out. >> i got a call this, with from the coalition on homelessness that were concerned about the accommodations of the homeless surrounding the need to develop this city or the clean up up for the tourists have you meet with the local community groups for those concerns and the chief and i are meeting on january 21st. >> actually chief and i will be meeting on january 21st on that issue on the agenda. >> and additionally with the rain in the last few days shelters will be openly and a place before that we've not had
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a lot of rain but the health effecting people to get them into the shelters it was raining over our heads a few minutes. >> there is a lot of coordination my question what efforts if any are spreading the worm for women and girls that law enforcement is ready. >> to that end we've made a significant case in december we're now presenting that case to the u.s. district attorney's office to get it hope to get a publicized to state or federal as an example that we're aggressive in prosecuting those cases and the recent events of operation across country was publicized we'll be looking for
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this like i said from the airport is as well as the hotels the hotels are being very, very cooperative so we've spent two years ahead of that. >> i hope you'll continue especially the public use there will be consequences and finally it seems difficult that this district stations will have to keep up their staffing levels for 9 days and is there over time or a cost is the department and city ab associating this. >> additional monies were put in the budget to draw parallel it is not the same stretch our world series runs those are one day at that time, run if you
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make it from coast to coast we're fortunate we use models and venues with the resource plan we cobbled them to get the end result we're confident we can manage this event and have it be safe then secure for everyone in the existing resources. >> thank you. >> any further question i'm sorry commissioner melara. >> one further clarification for men and women and girls or. >> predominantly women and girls. >> thank you, captain. >> finally a request about our social media policy we'll have a draft social media policy going through the consequence and in the next 90 days that the
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department bulletin governs how members are behaving on social media will be in effect until it can be adopted and specific questions from the public about when photos are posted on the department social media sites we need the publics assistance in identifying them and press releases on public interest case can be posted and generally booking photos after the suspect is booked there are exceptions to those situations one would be photos we'll hold photos on ongoing cases where an identification might be necessary with a filth line up we don't want to paint the suspect prior to his or her line
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up. >> is that policy in writing. >> well, i know the social media those are notes as far as our photo postings i can check and. >> that would be great it sounds like those are the rules that have been applied we been asked to be transparent will the process there's a documents you could a share it with us. >> i think this is i'll share it. >> any questions for the chief on this matter. >> one question hopefully what were the end of the year homicide numbers. >> i believe we have 2 that circumstances in the case make those self-defense so we believe at the most it will be 503 or
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51. >> that's down from last year paw no last year, we had 46 the average for the past 5 years has been 54 which is about 20 percent down from the prior 5 years over 40 percent down from the high of 2007 when we were around 96. >> thank you. >> any further questions for the chief? >> okay. thank you, chief southeast. >> item 3 occ discussion review the recent activities and presentation of occ third are quarter statistical report and the presentation of the occ champion reports for september and october and november of 2015. >> good evening director joyce hicks. >> good evening commissioner president loftus. >> i want to start off and following up with one of the
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questions from public comment you'll like to direct a specific question you'll address in our comments no names of police officers included in our report please include that. >> i'll be glad to do that welcome greg suhr and members of the public thereer several reports i'll try to be brief the first report under recent activity that in 2015 the occ hiring 4 new investigators for a net gain of 3 we had one investigator reas i understand to take a job in the far northern california but tonight i'll introduce two of our most recent hires if they'll stand up susan u susan gray ms. gray didn't have to travel far to accept her position as a
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investigator we stole her from the public defender's office a san francisco resident she was formally a legal assistant in the public defender's office she has her undergraduate green decree from a harvard a member of the california bar and she speaks spanish ms. gray is currently a campaign for her private investigators licensee saw jeff adachi at a hearing earlier this week, i thanked him for giving me such a wonderful employee and see the next kneeling excellent new hire michael began his a criteria with the - he worked with the
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california department of justice his last job a special officer he evaluated and directed statewide criminal and administrative confessions e investigates he's post certified from the basic level to advanced to supervisor so pleased to introduce those two stellar investigators for the occ welcome the next item in december i served on a panel think civilian oversight and community members for the our inputs on the selection of the director of sonoma communities for the outreach this office was infected or created by the
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sonoma couldn't for the shooting of a 13 years old was shot by an officer and carrying a republic can gun and the officer took it for a gun my connection or office connection with the county we were asked back in june of 2014 to come he talk about our model and the director and i took that trip to talk about the investigative model and the supervisors choose the model it is - than on monday as i alluded to you attended and meeting for the coalition of justice for mario woods and invited to attend that meeting i described the function of occ deputy director battling discharge
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talked about the officer involved shootings and the officer described his role in the judicial process and in the chiefs hearing he indicated at the eagle it investigating the use of mario woods and that we have dedicated several resources two investigators a senior investigator the deputy director and an attorney to oversee it i advised that the function of office of citizens complaints provide timely fair and unbiased investigation and that the investigations are confidential and that regardless i also provided any deepest condolences to mario woods
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mother that was in attendance with the family members and i indicated that i would not were going to update the coalition on the process of investigation because the investigative files are confidential peace officer records and two, that point i can address the gentleman's comment about the third quarter report the occ has concluded from revealing the names of the police officers when complaints are filed and any findings can't tie the names of officers nor the chiefs discipline because stating under the pencil coke precludes the police from doing so but allows 33 me to provide
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non-identifying information that's what i'll do that concludes recent activities and any questions on recent activities colleagues okay. >> i'm sorry commissioner wong. >> so to back to our point the occ had adequate staffing and are you seeking additional funds from the board of supervisors in response to either the transmission of body cameras or to contrary the backlog. >> commissioner wong a timely question no not adequately funded in the advisory committee of the focus resources that we must delve to officer involved shooting and other complex investigations and he will be speaking with the city's budget
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director to indicate what our needs are as you can tell from the third quarter report we'll get that in the annual report investigators caseloads are too high and that's one issue another issue is that it has been the practice of the occ since it's inception for investigators to transcribe their own interviews and that is extremely time consuming we need to provide did investigators with transcripts and services that is best practices and internal affairs does with the interviews that concludes we did a brief or rough analysis of
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cost to transcribe all of the interviews that the investigators conducted about a quarter of a million dollars so it had been conversation i'll be having additionally as i've indicated ever since i've been the director for the occ for the past 5 years while the budget the occ budget and every city departments budget reflects the firms those positions can't be detailed and it is with the occ the figure i've been given the occ hold back on employing over positions that would total $300,000 that's in excess of $300,000 so the 39 budget the
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position of the occ positions can't be billed. >> have i asked her you're question. >> will you keep us post. >> yes. i will. >> i'll move to the third report posted on the occ website so i will highlight monthly i provide the police commission with occ specific conducting the number of cases open and closed and adjudicated and roounl talk about the cases much of the information i will not go over with you this evening it is in the report and, of course, i'm i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> by not had the opportunity to with the generation i'll discuss those later under the report moving to the third quarter
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itself it covers jill 2015 to september 30th, 2015, during that period they have a total of three hundred and plus complaints the occ sustained the alleges of the failure to take action against the san francisco police department police officers in that quarter that was a 5 percent sustain rate the case is 7 percent emotion from the beginning of year to the end of the third quarter that is 5 hundred adjustment the total number of complaints closed is 4 hundred and 92 the total number of complainants sustained is 35 emotion 21 the sustained rate was 7 percent and by the conclusion of 2015 and we have we're stilt refining our
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statistics as of december 31st the occ sustained rate is 9 percent for the entire year and the emotion rate remains as 8 percent was 45 mediated moving to organizational matters i've discussed pretty sure in detail the budget constraint the occ has had by the end of the third quarter 15 line investigators staffing the occ but only 13 had full caseloads two permanent line investigators one the permanent line investigators acted absent a hock investigator since he created an vacant awhile one was promoted to achieve of the investigations and august 2013 the occ is continuing to look at the
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department of human resources for the senior investigative position we are hopeful that process will be completed very soon we can begin testing so we can develop a list of ti candidates 509d permanent line investigator acted as a senior investigator while the senior investigator was on a long term leave there have 5 line investigators vacant and the budget provided for 18 line investigators and deputy chief investigations so by the close of third quarter 18 employees staffed 23 positions this has improved we've hired the last two investigators i've just
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introduced as an update the occ hiring two more investigators we still have two vacant lawyer positions and vacant external system, however, the attorney position was posted on job recruitment closes next monday january 1st and then i will begin to interview the candidates we're working with the dcyf for the examine recruitment we've not began the recruitment chris and i are working on the job description moving to temp section he began following the operating system and software update to all stations he started the work on two generation media center a v
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systems and engaged with the department of technology to update i reached out to the department of technology asked them what they can do for us the amount of work that the gentleman has is a lot and so they have been meeting with us to help us come up with a plan and as always he's assisted the investigators with their work and prepares the difficult reports a typical data for the report moving to our investigation of cases the caseload for investigators is 28 cases that is well above the 16 best practices caseload and also exceeds by 6 cases per investigator the situation in
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2014 third quarter 2014 their slowing decreasing now the additional staffing have arrived we accept the 2016 will be improved but again will not be ideal until we're able to make the changes that are necessary our goal to conduct our investigations within 9 months or conclude them within 9 months and during the third convert we were successful in doing that 73 percent of time only 7 of the cases were closed after a year but none of them have sustainable obligations and 53 percent from the third quarter we closed 78 percent between the day's not an extreme difference
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the average number of days to close the cases shown an improvement by decreasing by 7 percent from 200 and 6 days to two hundred and 984 days in 2015 the number of sustained case for the quarter was 8 now the third quarter of 2014 there were 15 sustained cases but it just good samaritan quarter by quarter and in the third quarter of 201538 percent or 3 of our sustained cases we were able to close within 9 months and with the improvement only 20 percent of the cases were closed within 9 months and then moving to the sustained rate i've already discussed as
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cement 30th that was 7 percent that was at the end of the year 9 percent the types of allegations we sustained in the third quarter was neglect of duty and the large majority of case 7 of the sustained cases no complaint during the third quarter or in part for failure to collect traffic stop. >> director joyce hicks explain the significance of that traffic stop data. >> i can explain the significance of traffic stop commissioner president loftus that is information that officers collect that identify certain characteristics of the traffic stops, etc. and that type of information is studied
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to determine whether or not racial precisely is occurring and the states legislator is recently adopted legislation highlighting the importance of that information and is not going to be traffic stop data but data period there's a schedule for different size of police departments to come into compliance moving on to complaints of note in the good that goes back to the importance of the occ having enough investigators to investigate the more complex complaints as in the role of the investigators is more than doing
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an individual investigation of complaint but also involves doing in take and intact where is a complaint walks is the one office of investigator on intact must drop everything and take that complaint so you know all of those things disrupts the flow of a particular investigation so when an investigator has a complex investigation we attempt to take a investigator off of intact so the videographer investigator is a focus causes the other investigators so go through the rotation but moving to the complaints in the third quarter received numerous complaints of
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a man with a prosthetic leg we have one use of one investigation of one alienation and another alienation i officer involved shooting residences open sros cases we have in the first quarter we were awaiting some information from the police department in negotiating how to object that information without revealing the identity of the confidential informant. >> what information did say made available to the public about officer involved shooting. >> we provide information to the complainant what we do send
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the migrants complainants in the letter we don't name the officers but in turn one over we say an officer more than one we say officers and go through the allegations and they could be several from urban necessary force to the shooting to the conduct credit, etc. and we say what action we've taken where we have found sustained or found the officer used excessive force or whether it is unfounded we feel we have determined whether found that the allegations are untrue not sustained or that means not sustained we were not able to have sufficient evidence to prove or disprove we'll put
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those in a letter to the complaint we then publish on our webbed but you without identifying a case no. something that we called complainant summary reports that summarizes the finding case by case and so anyone can go on the website and look at all those complainants and that's how we conclude our investigations of officer involved shootings. >> that's helpful many of the members of the public are here regarding a officer involved shooting and asked questions about the investigations so for everyone to understand the conclusion you publish something on the website but not have the name of the officers but lays
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out the investigation and you're results. >> it didn't identify the mario not by case no. >> but facts you include. >> yes. there are facts reasonable people can okay got it. >> so moving on to oh, another findings we make are policy finding maybe a finding of policy failure or training failure so the officer the over didn't individually do anything wrong that the policy that there was a problem with the positional or the officer needed training in area and explicit find misconduct so moving to the complaint
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regarding the crime lab we concluded the assault victim and the failure to properly process not sustaining allegations but the investigation reveals several policy recommendations that are outlined in the policy section of the thirds quarter report findings that the attorney worked on and another case of note was the hero incidents the occ continuing well at the conclusion continued to investigate a report regarding the alledgedly misconduct of a man in a wheelchair and in the third quarter report the action of the officer and the wheelchair man was caught on video another complaint we've
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seen the san francisco woman was shot and killed by the "x" boyfriend the occ continued to investigate that complaint and another case involved a san francisco public defender's office who was in the hall of justice and in the conclusion the occ continues to investigate that complaint as well and then the occ has the racism text messages by the officers as you may know and commissioner president loftus pointed out that matter it tied up in court for the police commission or it is before the police commission at this time. >> another case of note that was publish sister it the bicycle incident we continue to investigate that case that is a man that filed a lawsuit against sfpdz for wrongfully arresting
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him and taking his 10-month-old son from him after stopping him for riding a bicycle with his son and then finally almost finally the department general order 8.10 referred to a complaint under that where a man was questioned by the federal bureau of investigation and a member of the san francisco police department regarding a freedom of information he had made we are conferring with the city attorney's office on our ability the occ ability to interview the officer involved moving to the last case of note that was a case that the occ included
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through pits emotion program involving an alleged battery commented by san francisco police department in a unlawful touching so not misunderstood it is the case was a touch not a punch so moving on it was mediated successfully and the case is closed moving on to policy analysis during the third quarter i continued to work on the body body worn cameras working group and for the san francisco police commission sam handles the occ policy matters and continues to handle 90 percent of them and her work during the 3rd
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quarter focused on the assault and others task force on 21 this is the task force on 21st century mrool and in september after reviewing the report from the task force the office of citizens complaints made recommendations to the san francisco police department to strengthen police and community relationships our recommendations are included as a part of third quarter report the 19 recommends cover a variety of topics including the detention and training and use of force data and collection and prelims and searchers of transgender individuals and we are currently working with the department on those recommendations that concludes the third quarter report. >> thank you director joyce
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hicks colleagues questions for director joyce hicks. >> director joyce hicks i have a question you note because i think some of the questions of late which we're talking about changing policies and adopting as you can see an example of an issue that happened many years ago that results in the recommendation for a change of policies from san marion who is incredible but a long time gap between the act that happened and the policy changes so what you see this commission doing over the last few months pulling how the issue like body cameras and setting up a process of our own to get the input and get the cameras so get the cameras moving i'm reminded similarly we're talking about how to pull thank you out of the
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process that allows for the discussion and debate within the occ and department i notice you very specific recommendations you indicated with the department around the 21st century policing my question given we have an short times frame i think to quote reverend brown quoted doctor king an urgency of now and we'll talk about we got a letter asking for a budget recommendations by february 15th so a long preamble to my question what is the occ prepared to do to make sure that commission has policy recommends for that consideration for the 21st century policing and formals i know you're working with the department but how the commission plays a role and what is the information. >> well commissioner president loftus the occ has provided you
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the information on our third quarter report what might be expedite matters is for the commission to have a hearing oh, have an agenda item specifically on that report and again in the very important policy matters we will throw as many resources as we can possibly through towards this issue to expedite them i'm not sure if i'm sweshg our question or what. >> yeah. >> what you're asking for from us that is different than what we will continue to provide you and have provided you in the past in terms of i'm answering you're question with a question
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how best can the occ provide you. >> well sam marion said 90 percent of the policy recommendations is an incredible resource given the timing the chief and i will be in d.c. talking with and director joyce hicks you're talking about the reengineering of force but i would think if it would be helpful for next week the commission to hear from sam are with other specifics around the specific recommends as the occ has because we will talk about we're going to have a public process and want ideas from everybody certainly the occ given the process and design for you all to make the recommendations so certainly the sooner it needs to be a full presentation my suggestion schedule that for next week and my fellow commissioners we'll
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watch the tape and in details a recommendations e recommendation that is specific to the timeframe we're dealing with. >> if this is a pleasure the chair and ms. marion is prepared to do that. >> she's no ideaneeding in th. >> and ms. marion has deny - she'll have that opportunity to flush it out. >> anything further or questions for director joyce hicks colleagues
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okay. >> i'm not going to move to 3 more reports you have september, october and november monthly reports. >> it will be fast and i will talk on this about the chiefs proposed discipline in each of those reports and see moving to september there was a neglect of duty finding on the part of the office of citizens complaints this involved a 13-year-old who was taken into custody for alleged graffiti and the occ determined that was inadequate investigation and that the chief
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concurred and the officer and sergeant received acknowledgments and retrain in a second case an officer in expressing disbelief of an explanation of being double parked the officer used a term the complainant found it offensive and acknowledged the term was a derogatory term from a dressery manner the officer was reprimanded and retrained i think what was not able about those kinds of investigations -
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that was in september the chief made and in the october month this was a warrant a search the first one a warrant search case the occ. found that the officers conducted a search a fenced backyard in violation of the law they wrote an inaccurate and i think complete reports the officers received reprimanded and retrained and received a written reprimand and retrain another case involving a complainant that had a legal folding achieve we found unlawful detention and a conduct for discredit in that case the chief concurred and
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specifically imposed a written reprimand and one officer received reprimanded and retrained he concludes the officers conduct - in another case involving a domestic violence the occ found that the officers and the sergeant officers and the sergeant in a domestic violence case failed to properly correctly identify the dominant aggressor so the officers and sergeant received astonishment and retraining in other domestic violence case request a spanish speaking complainant again, the officers failed it properly investigate they violated the language
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assess ordinance by failing to obtain an interpreter they mistakenly arrested the victim they on the other hand, she was charged and x-rated ultimately in this case the sergeant and officers received a written reprimand from the chief in other domestic violence case the complainants made a 9-1-1 call she was harmed by her husband the officers failed to investigate they arrested the wrong person the officers received a reprimanded and retrained and in the last case that was adjudicated by the chief in december the officers
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received a following a requester foyer a private person's arrest i will now move to november in november 6th cases were adjudicated by chief greg suhr and the first one was failure to process property and the sergeant received an astonishment and retrain we receive those types of containments we get failure to process correctly private property we refer them to the department to determine whether the department will do a criminal investigation if property is alleged that way it was done in this case and it was determined that a criminal investigation was not necessary
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was not warned in the second case this is an officer failing to prepare an incidents reports in this case the officer received a remained the third case an officer failed to conducted a lot of information the officers received a remained and the fourth case the officer again neglect of duty case failed to include his name and badge number and the officer reprimanded and retrained the next case the officer used unnecessary force and he took i am had for the ground and the officer made an inaccurate
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incident report while greg suhr didn't concur he concurred that the officer wrote an inaccurate report so the officers received a reprimanded and retrained and finally the case on where the occ found the sergeant failed to properly supervisor an officer the officer illegal arrested a person but it sergeant found it was insufficient evidence that concludes my reports from october through december. >> commissioner wong i have two more general questions related to our presentation the occ has an independent built to present the
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>> you mentioned that the occ last year had a 9 percent sustained rate of investigation i'm wondering as to the other 91 percent where it is some other kind of tracking system whether or not a particular officer with a repeated complaints some kind of triggering mechanism a number of complaints you've refer them to the police department for follow-up review and investigation port commission part of our early morning. >> if an officer i'm sorry early intervention system if a officer gets a complaint that is a trigger the officer is sat down and all the patterns will be looked at. >> an answer to sxhourngs
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question thank you to the person i'm no longer the city attorney i don't give legal opinions. >> thank you commissioner vice president turman is next. >> on the i'm sorry october 2015 report director joyce hicks how long was the length of the detention in the sustained - complaint number 2. >> now. >> are we looking at september a october. >> oh, i'm sorry
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october it was you know i don't want to guess but it was in a while let me get back to you i'm thinking that is around 20 minutes or so not sure if - you, you worked on that case. >> you know, that was many minute. >> pardon. >> it was in minutes. >> yes. in minutes but the exact number. >> i'll check back with you thank you. >> dr. marshall. >> i want to follow up with what commissioner wong said you brought up the intervention system with the commission but in the advisory committee of the everything that is going on to agendize that how that works and
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how much meat is in there to give us an idea of officers that were showing repeats and patterns that was what was interveneed but i think that commissioner wong we got - i'm suggest we do that soon. >> and push can know brown more about that. >> i'd like to have that next week but you'll not be here and i'm sorry, i have a question regarding the domestic violence that was in violation of 6.09 the new policy we adopted i'm concerned and sure that commissioner melara as well as around the language assess issue that are in play here i see they failed to call an interpreter
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was that part of the in terms of the investigation i know that sam mar i don't think and all the work on training officers when you were determining the aggressor there a cab an domestic violence victim go arrested and have to deal with the federal immigration authority what kind question what language did the language and the consequence to the victim. >> i'm not aware i can't answer whether immigration consequences but, yes the language barrier played a huge role. >> when you say admonish retraining how to train the officers how to investigate those are challenging.
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>> as i'm recalling from the particular case the officers have not yielded observed the train video am i - yeah they've not seen it. >> so when we have obviously a brifr big priority this commission passed the law of department all the officers should be trained so did something specific happen here. >> i don't know those reviewed the trained i'm making sure an audit as to all officers seeing that video. >> that would be helpful any further questions for director joyce hicks. >> commission a blulth ongoing training if you're already seen it you have to see it again. >> thank you sergeant right a
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- that is good to know commissioner melara. >> just on the l e p issue i've heard three or four cases the wrong person was arrested in a domestic violence case i'm wondering if there is a need for a genre train because when you have that many cases happening you know around the same time i'm wondering if there is a problem thought throughout the problem the officers are not recognizing signals. >> we can certainly do that. >> yes. i'm concerned. >> okay further questions for director joyce hicks. >> okay none directs you made it through all you're reports that's right. >> yes. >> director joyce hicks i want to note i appreciate your patience those reports have been
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prepared for that some time but in the advisory committee of other conversations you graciously moved symthem so u thank you and ms. mary i don't mean and occ all your work is appreciated by the commission sergeant, next item. >> item 3 c commission report and president's report and commissioners reports. >> colleagues, i will begin but hope we can hear from everyone about what we have been up to throw the months of december i will start by start where we left off on december 9th we had a conversation on a couple of fronts that specific to the department use of force policy and what we indicated at that time was spectacular to the body worn camera issue that this commission wanted to take into account the departments in force policy we
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have posted all the policies on the website so everybody can find in 3 generally orders 12 department blulgs so somewhere around telephone one of the things the commission is resolved to do while the investigation into the incidents are ongoing this commission is endeavoring to review all policies that might have played a role and change those policies as necessary so the process for that is we brought in first, the executive forum that advised over one hundred and 50 departments to talk about the best practices in other places work is san francisco up to speed or things that need to be
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included some of the big issues in talking with the folks the emphasis own preserving human life is of supreme portions and issues around problems that happened in other areas they i might have adopted aggressor policies and issues around people shooting at cars various other issues in particular this policy is something we're looking around individuals what we do when a person has an edged weapon i think perking in particular has invited this depended for san francisco to be one the it was 20 cities that are asking the same question the question is there moving from a shoot to don't shoot scenario to
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a national decision model in england and scott taylor 6th district at large for people that have a knife but not a gun those police departments have allowed them to preserve the life and decirculate the problem keep the person save that is the outcome we're looking for so while we're opening opening up wanted to also let you know, we got a few documents in the process one is the excessive and
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the department released a press release from the african-american advisory committee board i'm sure joe marshall will want to speak to some of the points but we also got a letter the mayor sent a letter to the board of supervisors indicating he's given the deadline of february 15th to put forward the policy proposals and also the budget requests so while all of these important conversations are happening it is critical that we also set up a series of community meetings for community input i want to paroles paroles to you the following the department will present a draft use of force policy if february i have asked the department to do the same thing with body worn cameras to convene a group of
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stakeholders that are community members to advise the department of the status of that draft once it comes to us a series of community meetings with that said being the deadline of february 15th we're not going to wait to start having community meetings on policy ideas and solutions everyone who came here today came because you want to see change and have solutions in mind ideas and we want to hear them so what we're going to do is because there is structured rules arrest the brown act and meetings skeleton we'll put that to the side i'm going to set up with the help of my commissioners a series of meeting with two or three commissioners we can't have 4 people it is an issue of
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violating the brown act we want to move as quickly as possible and keep this conversation going more with the public comment it is fourth amendment for us to have the conversation go one way we'll set the meetings up i'll be with director joyce hicks and the chief in washington next week hopefully getting a lot of good information for consideration but in the meantime commissioner vice president turman will run techniques meeting and a schedule of when those meetings will happen i hear again and again if so not just the words off would policy or piece of paper allison park i think people want a conversation and be able to hold us accountability and in order to be effective we need to hear if everyone not everyone comes to
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city hall i'm grateful for the people that come we'll get out there so colleagues, i invite what you've been up to and comments and suggestions that's my report this evening. >> commissioner marshall. >> thank you very much commissioner president loftus in this thing my daily life informally certainly but this formally obviously to work with the african-american communities relations i want to thank you for those who engage it is wonderful feedback ideas that was keeping the ideas in a dialogue the point you've heard were grafted out of give and take bouncing things before and after but in the spirit of coming up
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with ideas and things to make things better as the assist agreed to doing everything we can everything that happened won't happen again what we saw was in policy the policy needs to change from day one so i want to thank you all for who participated in that spirit i said magical everyone put everything to the side some of them are here i appreciate that and want to say thank you to the mayor for hearing us out that report heard some other things and his commitment to do a number of things also in his press royals we're on a fast track here and my only concern - i want to
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error on the side of right this model commissioner president loftus is suggesting we've done meetings with the communities groups and less than 4 commissioners we did it around getting feedback on ordinance and around the tasers issue it is a good way for the group of commissioners to get feedback from the community and bring that back and you know certainly on the listening and not yelling i think folks will in the spirit of what we're trying to get our thoughts and i think that is a great way to go i personally think we're on you know we're going to change that thing
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whether everybody is satisfied but we're committed to and actively from day one been about doing i want to again, thank you to all the members of the community been part of progress and want to give us those ideas we'll come up what i'm sure a very, very different way of doing things in the past. >> colleagues. >> commissioner wong. >> sure but what you have report i'll indicate in december i do two chinese call in radio shows an hour each both on the topic of the killing of mario woods i of the surprised the radio hosts were surprised with the large volume of calls that called in
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and they expressed pretty sure the same sentiment we've heard tonight overwhelm sense of outreach with the same questions posed in terms of why don't officers only shoot to kill the same questions we've heard tonight so i was surprised again, the radio of hosts were surprised at the interests and the emotionalal outreach there was within the chinese. >> (speaking spanish.) >> community i want to report that parrot they're interested in this issue i share commissioner marshall's concerns this is the third time we've done those communityer hearings a great way to have the dialogue with the combaermz and my concern withs two we were prepared with a lot more reports
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we had a lot more data coming in with the combaermz with an extensive amount of research i'm wondering whether we can get it done by february 15th we know the mayor wants to have something done but not like throwing money at it so i guess i'd like to see how fast we can pull that expert group together and the reading materials to at least have some of the best practices in mind as we do our community forums. >> since i've bang the president through the 3 processes we're going two face and slow down and be responsible i definitely appreciate that i do also appreciate the reports and the information here we go or here's what i can commit to the
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department i'm looking at the sergeant got a working group and working on grafts i think we'll get the written materials to the commission as quickly as possible you'll have present plenty of written materials and when the chief and i go back to washington we'll post it on the website the material but i think the greater question while all that is happening some expertise and thoughts within the community without having a document to respond to what are should find ideas we're thinking about that is part of it the changes to the - we're talking about use of force for officers so we're bringing in experts it is something that is a concern we want to keep everybody save we want to do this right and concerned about community and public safety we're not making
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light we're doing with combaermz moving down the parallel tracks the department has two probation officers to put together the policy and get the february but my point in january while we are all thinking about this we as commissioners should be out in the community hearing about yields since we're charged with the recommends to the mayor responsibly that's the responsible thing to do to begin with the members of the community as of february 15th we will have the recommendations as what we know. >> the problem is not new we also have a great deal of material if the african-american advisory committee and the president's 21st century policing policy and recommendations from the occ we have baseline of information to
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begin with let's take that information and define this policy we can do this by february 15th we need eyebrow grease. >> commissioner marshall that if preinclude us from individuals saying what you think don't wait i'm with a bunch of kids they welcome it commissioner marshall we should do that those are young people a lot of opportunities to get ideas about how to improve things and all those voices should be heard some thought young people tell me what you think tell me what you think that's like young people. >> the other group kids from the summer we hired kids praurm
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from public housing to learn about the department and given us the represents the chief and the department agency adopted them we'll get the kids involved youth voices is important other commissioners want to give a report or have any thoughts on the next process moving forward no okay sergeant, next item. >> item 3-d scheduling the items identified for consideration alter future committee meetings. >> so we've identified a few items sergeant i think. >> comments don't go anywhere. >> as our scheduled we have a meeting next week which will be run by commissioner vice president turman and that will include a presentation by cam marion on
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this specific recommendation on the 21st century policing i'll ask if there are any existing around the use of force that will be helpful the other issue any items for next week colleagues any questions but the following week will be in the tenderloin anothers opportunity to hear from the community members sergeant kill shaw anything. >> to dlosht at the salvation army center 240 turk street beginning at 6:00 p.m. >> okay. >> and then we the schedule the date in february for when in commission gets the materials on
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use of force and then from there we'll schedule specific public forums on that policy in the meantime colleagues i'll be reaching out in january to set up smaller meetings where commissioners meet directly with the communities any other agendas colleagues. >> we have so much to do i'd like to look at the other events the only reason i bring it up that question comes up how to flag officers that shows patterns i don't know where to pit it in my normal responded we have the so forth but that is a great discussion to have pubically we have something how well, that is working we need to find out. >> it is i think it is essential we'll work with sergeant kill shaw as quickly as
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possible. >> anything further colleagues sergeant okay. so let me go back to - >> all right. any public comment on item 3 a through 3 b. >> good evening and welcome. >> thank you very much my name is dennis i belong to all of senior groups search warrants san francisco tomorrow and i want to talk about that most human beings it take an
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awesome lot to allow them to kill another human being the only way to do it to justify killing is to make the enemy look evil as possible so our soldiers can continue killing people from other country's with impunity and without guilt african-americans are in that category of the other this other it embedded in our fabric are our society it take control even with people that consider that they are
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non-racism not to view black men as the enemy that is essentially the problem here that no matter what you do you don't change the thinking of people black men whether continue to be the enemy you never see a white man or woman killed with within seconds of a police encounter as a murder of a 12-year-old black boy i have been looking at the internet i found that 8 white people that powder a gun at police officers managed not to get killed a mr. house man that was public health his gun at a police officer that was calm and this guy said that
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it was his first amendment right to have a gun and the policeman says no it is not you can't swear didn't say anything about the gun you can't swear he was swearing go look it up on the internet you'll see what we're doing over the country is killing black men with impunity they have waemz or anything but get killed. >> >> next speaker. >> good evening hello michael again chief about you're report it was another verbal report nothing in writing e writing on, on the table or the police department website it if someone is not watching in meeting this is no idea of your
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police reporting that's not okay. i pointed out bearings head of the health department prepared a three to four written report of what we're activities and the activities of her various divisions and health department that report is included in the beyond all possible doubt cu agenda when it is posted on said web i'm going away are hearing you about two minutes discussing social media but not into details i've filed a public records request you needed an extension to rely you, you can't give me the list of every twitter account what's our policy for reaching a mug shot you've got to develop with transparency and real public dialogue where you're social media policies are going to be not okay you come here and give
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two minutes to oh, well we're working on that oh, nothing in writing not cutting it chief regarding the occ and not revealing cops names here's an idea while your traveling to d the san francisco police department needs to cotton on the states to end police prestige with the confidentiality of the occ the names of the officers have to be realized unless the names are realized there can't be justice or true accountability it is the responsible of san francisco to use the tragic death of officer he involved deaths to say to sacramento we need to change the state law to realize the state names when i'm arrested my mug shot is all over
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the place yet a cop kills a civilian not anything about their names from the occ not okay you verbally until the mayor is in the bayview or the commissions is calling on the mayor to the bayview a lot is bs i want to see written reports from the commissioners you're like the chief give something vertical if people are not watching they'll not, what you presented tonight ynlt a paragraph when the agenda is developed we see you're activity in writing thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening. >> my case lion again gray panthers
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i've i have to tell you i think there as prospective that tasers are going to be forced down our throat i think there is some denial about that tonight for instance, the board of supervisors will be used as a way to force through tasers is an important one there is a hearing on the rules committee on the 21st and it is going to involve tasers and those other issues of force i think that is disingenuous to be polite as possible to say there are not was that the department is
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trying to get around force through tasers tasers must not happen thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening, commissioners i'm sue i'm speaking an angle individual tonight thank you for the opportunity to do this first of all, address our comments commissioner president loftus about conversations in the community that p and we do want to vent we want to offer our recommendations and have the fact that they deserve a response and so i think that involves more than just a conversation but it involves noting the community concerns and our specific reasons for the concerns as well as our ways of proposing addressing those concerns i also think generally
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outside of conversations and in the community the idea of expressing outrage that is something we need to do in terms of first amendment issues should be taken place in a safe forum i want to make that point to you all regarding the use of force i again want to echo something that commissioner president loftus said an article negotiate to great britain to study the techniques with regards to the dealing with the violations and be mentally ill both on the part of perpetrates and the officer secondly, procedures for dealing with the mentally ill and new arena i don't think we've
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addressed properly shields and bodies armor but preparation for training for preparation in terms of the circumstances what, if anything, must the officer think how must his or her go into this situation initially we need to respond to whatever happens and i say that as a registered nurse as someone that deals what violate people not necessarily mentally ill but disoriented and aggressor in a hospital situation i've not had to use tasers not had to use guns or call security with guns we have minimum use of tranquilizing drugs tasers have an deadly impact on the body causing cardiac distress prior
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to a pilot program with tasers is not report to you wonder how it is missing in terms of public discussions once again thank you very much we are all concerned about that and we're waiting and watching. >> thank you, sue landers further public comment. >> any more public comment? >> good evening ms. brown. >> can i use of overhead. >> my name is paulette brown i'm bringing up my sons case again in case unsolved that he was murder in 2006 shot thirty times with a second gun today his case is not solved i bring those names of perpetrators we
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can solve as homicides my sons cases can be solved you have the names of perpetrators thomas and perris moffett and awning drew and anthony and marcus one is deceased all i'm asking for closure i know i do that all the time i need my sons memento stay alive and this case to stay open it is a cold case nothing it being done if you don't do anything none will from the mothers don't fight for their children they'll say question don't care but i care about my child i'm not saying others don't care i want to bring awareness to the other unsolved homicides we make up for about what is
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going on with mario woods i understand that parents but we need to say about on the children that is going on that the mothers are suffering no one said anything about the families none saying anything about the mothers here again, you have all the names those names are down on my sons case at 8 city bryan ass are the perpetrators that shot my son you have the names arrest them i didn't get those names out of a hat those names are on the case so how come they say the perpetrator when other ways to change the law so those cases get solved so mothers like me can be healed i'll be doing
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that more the rest of my life i'll still be talking to the people here those are the names of people that shot my son. >> thank you ms. brown for people watching if you have any information regarding aubrey brown murder the anonymous tipline is (415) 575-4444 thank you ms. brown. >> any further public comment? hearing public comment is closed. >> sergeant, next item. >> discussion and possible action to remedy the board of supervisors adopt a resolution 30 years the archive to accept and expend a grant if the state of california receptionist represents division of boating for the marine units action.
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>> chief. >> welcome and good evening, commissioners chief droikz i'm patrick with the san francisco police department the application we are the grants we are requesting to recommend is a grant from the california boating and waterways it is to funds the purchase of seek and rescue equipment for sfvpd marine units i do have an item missed list of the equipment items that will be funded by the grant. >> if you have me questions i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> this is for, thank you
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this is for use in investigation that happen on waterway as search and rescue. >> i'm thinking of the case where the gun was thrown in the kate steinle murder on the pier it seemed it is incredible the officers dived and retrieved that. >> that was our underwater recovery unit they afforded the boats from the it marine used as water broad craft. >> colleagues, any questions. >> okay so we need public comment and take a vote public comment on item 4. >> i'd like to point out that there is nothing on the written agenda about mario woods but the super bowl and now you're describing this item that about
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accepting a grants for the boots on the ground and waterways i'm saying if you put those items on an agenda since the most meeting you should have put on the agendas a specific item about mario woods killing and the actions that being taken is there any additional public comment? >> public comment is closed. colleagues a motion to adopt this resolution and second do we note a roll call vote >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that item passes sergeant, next item. >> and item 5 public comment on all matters closed session including public comment on vote whether or not to hold item 7 in closed session. >> any public comment on.
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>> yes. >> sorry. >> any public comment on matters pertaining to item including the vote to hold item 7 in closed session and yes michael i'd like to object to the commission going into closed session on item 7 i see that item 7 c involves an officer involved shooting you're going to discuss reviews of of the in the chiefs discussion to return or not return officers to duty following an officer involved shooting great you're going behind closed doors not public scrutiny about an officer involved shooting and even if you are having the public discussion about this but probable would be hindered by state law from naming the officer the fact you going to closed
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session and you can't disclosure the name a hindrance to better policing it is certainly a hindrance to justice and there are so many different ways i see police prestige is hinder keeping people alive and people save we are not getting accountability when you go into closed session you'll ask myself and other members of the public to hang around for item 8 and whether or not you'll vote to disclose any or all of you're discussion i'm curious i'll go over the minutes of previous minutes see if you ever voted to a disclosure anything in closed session if our serious really, really serious about making san francisco police department a better force with best practices you're going to have to get with
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being transparent about those officer involved shootings thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> on that matter hearing none public comment is closed. >> sergeant, next item. >> vote to hold item 7 in closed session and assert the attorney/client with items 7 a and b and administrative code action do you have a motion. >> second. >> >> all in favor, say i. sergeant, next item. >> item 8 rotate to where to
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disclose any or all the issues in the closed session. >> colleagues a motion to not disclose the items. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the that item passes southeast item 9 adjournment. >> colleagues do i have a motion. >> yes. he move we adjourn. >> second that item passes we're adjourned colleagues
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