tv Planning Commission 1716 SFGTV January 8, 2016 10:00pm-12:01am PST
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ago and 60 percent of our space that is nearing obsolete we hope to keep it on line and state of california recognized the need of $38.6 million for 2015 to replace this building the plan is to replace the building with a facility at golden gate the other short coming and need that we have and shared by many of the partners institutions in higher education is student housing hastings is fortunate to have a it housing facility on mcallister it houses 200 and 52 units of housing it housed 20080 students more amenities in the building building could invent from structural upgrades in the past renovation has focused on the
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modernized system to heartened some of the exits the building has not the benefit of a structural upgrade this is a problem that needs to be corrected so how to do that we're partnering with our sister institutions university of california, san francisco we have representatives of usf here today to look at a means of adding to our student housing stoppage and at the same time creating opportunities to empty out one hundred mcallister to allow to be rehabbed modernized and structurally upgraded at the end of the day the partners between the institution will result in a cohort a hastings made viable the usf cohort our libraries, food service
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operations, study areas campus amenity and leading to a whole array of shared sources hastings is challenged by being a slanted alone law school we don't have the kind of call in the system we fleet under our own financial statement and given the challenges of the legal marketplace not an easy task by virtue of the collaboration with usf we have collectively significance in the housing front to allow us to have the housing capacity that will fight the non-displacement and help to vital lists the neighborhood and create ground floor activities and let me show you a couple of the slides this is 2 hundred mcallister our
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flagship building this is the building the state has provided the funding one 98 mcallister is two separate structures the original 1943 version the image on the upper right hand this is what will be replaced with the $36.8 million state funds and the and i next constructed in so 69 if you look at that structure it is about everything that can go wrong with urban design this should be taught in urban planning not to replicate it attracts negative behavior and it is k it really turns its back on the tenderloin one of the options we're taking this building down as well
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replacing the academic functionality on the lower floors and structuring so all the street footage is acclimated with footages again, the alcoholic demands we're dealing with is such let me talk about student housing law school is expensive the opportunities for that employment while students are engaged in law school is limited currently for a public institution our average student debt an graduation is one and $39,000 that's the anchorage debt of law school given the strength of our public service specter program that cost is permissible and intimidating for someone electing to pursue a career path
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that is not - when you couple that cost with the cost of living the cost of renting an apartment in san francisco are all esteeming well-versed for a student that racks up debt and creates barriers for students because with your looking at rental rates that the studio apartment $3,000 the average one bedroom 35 hundreds those are rent he levels that are extremely problematic for an individual trying to navigate the challenges of higher education literally hastings students and you usf students compete against the employees of twitter well competent individuals but the sticker
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shock of a young person coming to college universities in san francisco is such we doing everything we can to create affordable education from a tuition into our fifth year of frozen fees and affordable in terms of those popper to san francisco students bring activity and inventorycy and it is i am pifrt to doing everything we can to preserve that assess and fulfill our public mission this is an imagine of one hundred mcallister areas of undeveloped space that should be included in planning one such
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space our unit mix one such space an old cathedral it was built by the metro different they were bankrupt shortly thereafter but that says that a hallow for many years we hope to repurpose it for some street use we opened up a facade in the improvement project so but clearly there's a better use for this space other facilities we retail and parking facility on 56 larkin we have stricken to create ground floor uses and we've been successful golden restaurants
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and subway we've recently got a lease from usf to provide space for 0 hepatitis c site displaced by virtue of the market-rate development so we take our responsibility seriously in terms of our community responsibilities this year that is the site we would face the academic building in this site has been used is a community garden demonstration garden since 2009 we made that choice we didn't want the land to life out it is used by hastings students we have volunteers who conduct educational programs and gardening sustainable architectural things we value the liveability it is critical
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the neighborhood becomes more active we benefit and the neighborhood benefit we've been an institutional anchor for over one hundred years so we are completed our planning process usually hastings is the lead agency under ceqa usf is acting as a lead agency as our chlorite we're slowed to have the eir and approve the summer of 2016 it will include a full on transportation analysis the site is located on the usf line they are located on the existing lines will include the transportation study and the
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impacts implementing a mitigation measures we in addition to having a parking garage we also support our bicyclists with safety storage by parking that is heavily utilized again, we're looking to modernize our facilities to peak and continue to function for another hundred years we have a legacy out of that legacy we take chances and 20 percent of our class koimz in a legal opportunity program where considerations other than metrics our lsat score are take a look at it and that is to help us fulfill our public mission of being a public law school so if there are any questions
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this details the plan the left of level of community engagement a series of town hall meetings we're geary up in a major way community outreach effort this spring the scoping meeting is occurring next week we're making our notifications to the neighbors we've spoken to most of community-based organizations one and 24 square feet 200 plus housing units those will be valuable the status quo at one hundred mcallister is in need to renovate, upgrade that building structurally the proposed program would
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increase the square footage and add 4 hundred to 6 hundred additional housing units ate variant has 80 that number grow assuming and include the annexation in the scope of the project the demand to fill the units relieves pressure on the local housing market takes us off craigslist and helps to stabilize the housing market this is a destabilizing influence on local markets i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> >> great, thank you. >> opening it up for public comment any public comment on this item not seeing any, commissioner wu. >> i want to thank you for the
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presentation and thank you for voluntarily coming to present this equivalent of the i mp great to know about the long term plan i gurj or encourage you to work with the neighborhood groups on the outreach and understand physically how to integrate into the neighborhood but taking advantage of every opportunities availab available. >> we also open our doors to the neighborhood we host many community meetings every once a month even saturday open up the campus to the legal aid center we populate our hauls with attorneys and others that come
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to get legal advice and get their problems taken care of washer a community partner we're proud of that. >> commissioner moore. >> thank you for being the community partner and pursuing the public mission we are well aware of you're participation in revolving the tndc in support of a large number of neighborhood group and being active involved the question i would like to ask is pretty sure teeing off of what commissioner wu said as the 3 dimensional part of modeling you're program and don't fall under 9 user design attention to this strongly the open space will become an issue when we are looking at sunlight over public parks all the buildings have the
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public component and in this discussion the modeling of height that rehabilitate that sensitivity i only suggest not ask you anything else and the one thing i'm occurs you're 376 larkin is a relatively new. >> 2009. >> that's new if follows the schematic code can it have the additionaleding i'm not sure the service center constrains the height but if it comes down to modeling height on the northeast side of the street an opportunity that - when i love to have you look at. >> i will look at it is a structure it limits what you can do we're looking at solar
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installations to help achieve our sustainability outlooks trying to in terms of adding structure the engineering challenge they lead. >> i want to throw it out so if nothing else is helps to negotiate their problem on other sites it is only an idea nothing else. >> commissioner antonini. >> i want to compliment you on the plan and in particular our coordination with uflgs to address student housing and encourage you to continue the outreach because as you probable know usf has a component of their business school downtown and their other institutions do the same thing dental at fifth street a number of students that will be looking for student housing so perhaps the economy of scale could work in our favor
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if you partner with a number of other institutions to build housing somewhere may not be on our site but close by public transit almost anywhere in the downtown area. >> we see our collaboration as to a graduate student village not only housing students but making available our infrastructure our investment in physical plants the library and students study in the library as well as the business study we have discussed this with the san francisco state university and with their downtown presence with the graduate and the h report are similar with their demographics so inform create those rail communities of learning to the extent mix a population of law and business
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and medical students is great possibilities and great partnership. >> a tremendous idea to that ends the dental ask the in sacramento take advantage of the library for stanford when stanford medicaid was open a wonderful facility they could use another institutions could use it make sense to me. >> having the math of professional students graduate students all under over the age of 21 going to the restaurants on larkin street and going into the neighborhood for the entertainment the consulate engagement i think is truly a great opportunities to help activate the neighborhood
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empties out the- if we get a greater concentration of students with residential you'll see a much safer and more dynamic and street level. >> i totally agree thank you so much. >> commissioner moore. >> director rahaim asked the commission is interested in starting to seeing building the master plans it is this particular massive plan sets high points all to academic disclosure strethsd and while you're department and us don't have any real influence there is a discussion level in spite of the black or white that would be encourag
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all right. my apologies good afternoon, commissioners happy new year i'm matthew snider of department staff i'll present our annual interagency plan implementation committee report or for short i'll give you a a little bit of background of the implementation team and the actual team you'll talk about the process and give an overview of past revenue and some revenue we are looking at in the immediate future with an emphasis of 2017 and 2018 so - okay. so quickly our implementation team was set up within the planning department
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we are charged with looking after the prelims of the area plans that have been approved by you in the last 10 years starting with rincon hill, of course, when we approved an area plan we have the zoning that the current planning taking care of but to make sure we are looking out of the other area plans specifically around infrastructure and community facilities and, of course, the major tool we have for those area plans are the impact fees we incorporated into the plans some 10 years ago so generally, we will look after the plan and share the implementation committee you know what i'm going to just
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talk so on the planning staff side we are charged with the area plans at the same time that we assembled our team the administrative code also created the implementation plan committee or i pick not only planning will be looking after the implementation of the area plan buses the whole city staff from all agencies particularly important that is our agencies that are the ones that implement the structure projects so the process i believe on the screen now what we do we're here every year similar to many kinds of budget progresses we start with the expenditure plan in the previous year our revenue stream from the previous year and look at the pipeline information
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about the size of the project how close to paying their fees and see if we have more or less revenue and the last few years we found we've had more revenue than thought in the previous years that makes the job easier and take the expenditure plan before you and look to see how much more money to play with and consultant with the citizens advisory committee both metabolic and the eastern neighborhoods and for the planned areas that don't have the formal cacs we take the input back it the agencies they advise how to strategize their gaps and a bit of that interim process come up with a expenditure plan for the area plans we ask for the cacs
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endorsement and make a presentation the city capital improvement plan committee for in their inputs and that process we're here before you for an informational hearing we'll be before the board of supervisors and their land use committee and the actual expenditures no approval per say they are memorialized through the budget process the agencies incorporate the funding both did funding and expenditure into their budget then we implement so in 4 of the 6 areas subject we're funding the categories in open space and childcare you may remember we have a lot of the area plans have their own personalities the projects
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happened in their own context the implementation documents are somewhat different and oats exercises were done different the nexus study and the assessments we did it collectively as a city and what we emphasized ero funding categories and so through that we've consumed our categories to make that easier to administer so from here you'll applying 9 improvements fall under within of the categories just quickly on the revenue side since where we've been so for the spreadsheet will show you on a plan area basis where we've been so for a total of what we collected so for roughly 63
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million dollars in the next 5 years we're looking to collect roughly about 200 and $43 million over the 6 planned areas in the 4 categories the next 4 or 4 years $91 million in fy 2018 go through those quickly a total between the two years $173 million i'd like to go into the area plans and give a little bit of highlights for the expenditure for the next budget circle f- this includes some enhancements to light rail a new light rail car for the edison and the van ness brt for the
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pedestrian improvements at the van ness mission street intersection one more metabolic the enhancement fund you'll notice in the charts before you generally situated in harris $2.8 million and an additional $1.8 million in market street enhancements and for the open space market octavia to fund the rehabilitation of i'm sorry hayward park transbay one million dollars to this proton and the other market octavia is within the hub area brady bunch
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sorry brady block park sorry (laughter) right brady block park situated close to our offices so, so let's go dots eastern neighborhoods i think you may know it is improvement plan approved at the time of the when we approved it was more problematic not specific projects but specifically goals and general guidelines how to spend this money this one has been a little bit taken more effort some of the other things you might want to know about you're remind ooefrmdz we're required to spend 80 percent of our funds for identified priority projects that were identified through mou between us and planning and some of the other implementing agencies
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so for the eastern neighborhoods the transit category we're looking to put most of money into 16th street and the 22 fillmore project that is a major project for muni to connect mission bay through potrero hill and squawking and the mission up to fillmore another new project we'll be funding contributing to another forward project along potrero avenue for the streetscape project the complete streetscape the major project is fulsome or the fulsome street and howard street we're looking to spend upward of $25 million on this proton that project we're working with mta probable identify further funding outreach for the project.
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>> and then new this year we're totally funding streetscape improvements along 22 in the dog patch neighborhood or central waterfront and the park was the first project that was going this year currently out to bid and almost fully funded we expect construction to begin this summer over the course dagget you know about a major project in showcase square and then some additional funds this year that are new $8 million for rec and park to purchase and construct one or two new parks in south of market one of the general goals of the eastern neighborhoods was to fund a new project in each of the neighborhoods and also
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rehabilitation of parks throughout transit center i'll quickly go to transit center a little bit of a different mammal give a different process to dpw but have included it into the report this year. >> transit center has a definitive streetscape plan they've hired a project manager for this $18 million for that project they'll be implementing and this is just to say some of the in kind is going to the transit center and rincon hill a limited number of projects so a definitive amount of revenue but definitive number of improvement and the master plan for that as
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well one of the open spaces i think we mentioned at the hearing last year is guy place park fund through impact fees be under construction this year and completed this year the strieetscape process harrisn street is the major through rincon hill and also a street with specific impacts of high injury corridor so this is the first priority along with fremont street we don't believe we have enough funding through impact fees to fund all of the streetscape plan projects in rincon hill we'll have a look for additional funds or do some additional prioritization once we're done with fremont street
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in visitacion valley a different animal that is an area plan a fee area was adopted or developed by the board of supervisors to capture value in some of the major projects specifically kind of park and schlage lock so schlage lock which of course you're aware of their impact fees for open space is credited back to them they're part of the developing agreements creating two new city parks rec and park are currently engaged to the community to design those parks so the rest of the impact fees for visitacion valley we're still working with the community to identify projects we did have some initial thoughts but after some communication with the community it seems appropriate to you further think about what
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kind of projects they want to see in this category. >> balboa park is included in the report we have very little impact fee revenue from this the only really meaningful expenditure so in kind streetscape plaza through the intervention i mentioned one of the stages of the implementation plan process we will be before the board of supervisors in probably a month working further with the agencies to make sure that the budget the fund requests are incorporated and asked for the following budget year and start to implement the budgets we'll do this
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presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> any public comment on this item? okay not seeing any, public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini autopsy yeah. thank you for a very good report i had a couple of questions on specifics part of what you mention, of course, the 16th street improvements i'm not sure if that includes centralizing the transit in the street as with the van ness plus regional transit with the light rail. >> so, yes dedicated along some portions the 16th street for the 22 i believe is what they're looking at is actually a splits one of the transit only lanes will be running through the center and another i think did westbound is on the side running they want to accommodate
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some concerns from the potrero residents how to effect the challenges lacking making left-hand turns but, yes transit priority approach to the 22 fillmore. >> okay. i think central is the best you board you know uniform broadly from both sides is best for transit but whatever we can workout and fulsome i assume we're pursuing the two-way traffic on fulsome for the future i've heard in the plans and wooulgd the sidewalks and making more of the center street i guess the distinction within transbay and rincon hill and it's early it is what they're looking to do clear both that 2-way fulsome street and also clear possible a one way so
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in either case they're looking to enhance the streetscaping to make fulsome and howard as well to make it feel not much like a thoroughfare but to feel like a complete street slowed down and sort of a urban feeling downtown atmosphere. >> commission if i may 9 fulsome street the portion of fulsome street that runs through the transbay area was cleared and designed as part of that project that will continue to the west so you're looking at fulsome and housing with the eir great that's how we have central soma going up. >> commissioner richards. >> picking backing mr. snider on the streetscape improvements for the west is that i see the map is that 2-way fulsome street
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two-way. >> possible. >> that's referred to in the past. >> i think they're opening up the possibility it will remain one way but work as a couple i think the preserved alternate it is early in the conceptual part. >> really, really great report i really want to say thanks having sat on the cac i'm not sure you distributed that i suggest you do question heard we were going to move to the cac which we didn't understand but it was really it was great if you can recommend and pass to the cac members when i sat on the cac the first year a whooping $57 million and now millions and millions one of the other things i see is cac
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related concerns me as people were involved in the plan in support of plan moved on to other things the cac kept he getting appointments kept getting put out i don't know if you read the plan it is hard we're losing the institution keep in mind maybe the cac is big enough to weather that but you know. >> i mean speaking for the eastern neighborhoods i do offer an orientation how it came to be and what it is their task and how things fit together. >> i hope that happens with the other ones. >> commissioner moore. >> as the title says it's an expenditure plan given the relations by the mayor's office the budget had to be shoulder
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with you be secure in having this money available no matter what. >> yes. so, i mean let me answer that in two was the impact fees have to go to capitalizing we're looking at the projections they're based on the pipeline so applications don't happen maybe we don't have the revenue that is anticipated but the last couple of years it turns out we have anymore revenue then originally anticipated so, yeah this funding it has specific reasons legally so they have to kind of adhere their protected go in that way. >> if i may commissioners those are projections assuming the projects move forward but the button cut the mayor asked for applies to the general not other source of revenue so for us in the planning department has a small impact it is 8
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percent of the departments budget is departmental. >> there are shortages whatever is shoulder we know we have concern neighborhoods report here which have grown faster and lagging behind in candidates so we stay balanced how we move and actually. >> commissioner johnson. >> thanks very much great report and very, very helpful to read this and see this across the neighborhood just a few quick things this is useful southern neighborhoods that are coming before the planning commission making the eastern neighborhoods we often get public comment about infrastructure not just transit over childcare and other things people feel like they're not getting the plan improvements are not coming at the same space
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as development one to see what is still happening and what is prioritized i think wire bombarded is different idea we're officially or unofficially in the plan so helpful to us there is a list; right? everything can't happen at the same time people talk about different transit improvements or space or streetscape improvements not everything is happening at the same time but it is beneficial for us to know things have to happen in time the only other thing i'll say the one thing that is highlight on the report we knew it is good to see in one place of all the improvements that were funded by knocks missouri i'm month concerned the childcare this is one that came up the one fee there is no clear line site
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between the dollars they're taken in and the constitutional improvements we get open space and another one sort of a clear line of the authority between the dollars that are taken in and the ability to build a park or build a streetscape improvement or whatever within the city the childcare is the only ones that actually do not the private market we take those dollars in but if in childcare providers want to get the human services agency or no developers want to take an in kind agreement you don't get those improvements so i think that is something we should consider within the city not necessarily because just balls i think that is one it is harder for the city to keep it's promise of implementing those 0 impact fees frankly because it is not under
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our control we can take the money in but not force the developers but we still need childcare facility those are part of the general plan are necessary if i have any suggestions a can we fought a way to have a little bit more line of sight. >> commissioner wu. >> do you want to add a comment. >> i'm sorry sorry. >> oh, no. >> i'm sorry so you know one of our first in kind for the childcare on potrero so what happens our money goes directly to hsa and they have a rfp process they like to do it in large chunks they've gone ahead with market octavia and they've issued an rfp or rfq important
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possible projects they can use those guidelines in insuring that many money goes to creating additional capacity. >> since that's what it is all about in terms of you know, i i think we can work with hsa to see how the funds are spent and what happens on the one side. >> commissioner wu. >> thanks i wanted to follow up on commissioner johnson comments on eastern neighborhoods so there were a number of community members that came last year really feeling last week the public investment was lagging behind officially the housing development so one question first is that group engaged at cac level going there to details. >> so also the eastern neighborhoods we're currently working on the monitoring report we take a comprehensive look at
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the numbers to see how we're doing in a holistic way we do the cac has appointed a working group to scope out the monitoring report we've been meeting pretty sure every meeting prior to - the reason i'm saying that the same people expressing their concerns show up thank you meetings. >> that's helpful these projects are big the 16th street and the 22 street it would be i guess want to make sure those communities members are engaged because multi year for the implementation shifts between the conceptual planning to construction to tell you construction so making sure that of the projects can't come an quickly as people want them to they're done in a way with the community engagement
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commissioner richards. >> i want to add i hope this commission would be interested to hear an informational presentation how the plan is doing thanks. >> thank you. >> commissioners commissioners, that places you under your on item 12 mission street a request for a conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the planning commission omar this is a macro telecommunication facility at 3120 admitting in the south west of mission street and cesar chavez in the bernal height it will have you think to 12 antennas with individual houses as well as as equipment area located in the southern area of
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the rooftop of the building this 3 story building was built in 1936 once a sears restraining order bucks store it was accumulation of the offices when resemble the lib working but under the planning code revision that are meant for arts and craft persons that code provision no longer exist in the mid 1980s the building was converted from c-2 to moderate scale the dwelling units were not subject to open space requirements, however, the rooftop has two roof deck at the northern edge of the building a concern was raised last planning commission during was whether
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the existing roof decks would be remained as that was developed the property firmed the wireless will not effect the roof deck a note was placed in the lobby of the dwelling area and a photo was included with respect to the missions and the roof decks those antennas are directorial in nature and the property locations away from the roof decks therefore bans a worst case scenario the ma'am, exposure at the roof decks or pubically assessable areas what the rooftop penthouse will not approach the limits by the fac it is located in a preference location as a mixed use building as a high density district the
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carrier indicated a higher he preference is by the guidelines to conclude based on the conforms the guidelines and the preservation review planning department staff recommends approval of the draft motion before you thank you. >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon, commissioners and happy new year i'm peter hilliard i'm representing vertically wireless and as omar suck singing summarized we've take into consideration the testimony of the 17 hearing and addresses those concerns in our packet and we are here to request approval for the project - i'm
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accompanied by people from the industry that compiled this executive summary may i answer any questions at this point. >> we might have questions after opening it up for public comment. >> okay opening it up for public comment i have (calling names). >> hello thanks first of all, thank you when i returned if any holiday vacation a few days ago to see the notification i felt good i appreciate that i'm here again to reiterate two of my concerns one of them convenient language talking about the rooftops they're not talking
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about the fact there is a resident on that rooftop that is this person sitting here for four hours from something i have seen they have a very - can i use the - >> this is what i understand it will look like this right here is where we live they're talking about the towers all like this this is great if those beams can curve around the building can they actually do that is that what happens often they say no, it whether go the quickest you way this is through my bedroom and straight there his bedroom the fcc regulations an individual has to remain i remain within the beam a few semiautomatic or longer we will
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live within the range of that beam no consideration we're not talking about roof decks or people that hang out on other deck we're talking about living there that's the first thing the second thing an e-mail from our building manager we're though the allowed to walk across the roof this was film that was doing one shot in our deck and they want to walk across the roof it was denied a liability and creates roof leaks this organization is trying to build i understand 4 different units on that roof that have 12 antennas how is that structurally save we're or they're being deceived we're not allowed to store anything or roof assess behind the our deck
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in our original lease can you see that is that okay. we're not allowed to have excessive water because of the major concerns with the structural district of that roof it seems unfit 4 new structures should be built there thank you very much. >> is there any additional public comment? >> any public comment on this item? okay not seeing any, public comment is closed. >> commissioner johnson we're here today because the staff report and the report from verizon first of all, didn't reflect any use in the building in the use of ocean or the steering wheels we were given that is, i would appreciate that
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i will say in terms of the antenna direction we have quite a bit of experience their directional so their plaintiff's next in order because near a unit didn't median there is exposure it is usually the beams are outdoor their directorial is not 360 so the public commenter the curved line to show where the antennas are not indicative of the signals i'm concerned about access to the roof so this is one of the reasons i brought up the issue whiefdz uses the building has the dynamics accurately points out a rooftop gardener and a rooftop unit for her and her son
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lives and an office on the other side of the building i'm getting conflicting information whether or not there is access to the outdoor spaces once the antennas are installed so someone could clarify that that would be fantastic. >> can i have the overhead or the laptop please as a point of clarity axil the residents misunderstood there is 3 not 4 in the south corner of the building whereas one of the penthouses here another penthouse on the west side and on the rooftop one roof deck here and in the northwest corner of the building the antenna is here and here and here so the development of the site should impede assess in this location
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the primary equipment area will be located as well near the southeast part of roof deck so not a equipment peaking over an existing roof deck. >> one quick thing in the memo i believe - this was a letter from the building owner or the thinking outside the box this said it foichlz the residents will have access do you have that are point out where it is. >> it's in the projector. >> i can pull it up on the genie. >> i see a notice from co y the installation of the verizon antenna will not impact.
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>> with the affirmation but it appears what occurred reiterate the concerns we looked at the building and saw the same way motorbike dishes if their band needs to be removed if they are in use but close to the historic building evidently let's go ahead and move them back the tenants residents are thinking well, we'll lose the roof deck room but theirs recent in plan even though their not required by the planning code we don't want to see existing roof decks taken away okay. all right. last question i promise this notice to residents that k y o l has one sentence that is not signed or
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anything. >> correct. >> what. >> where does that go. >> it is placed in the lobby so planning department staff asked me to take a picture and i have other questions later and commissioner antonini. >> the member of the public who spoke also raised a question about the impact on the building and installation she con genetic said someone was astonished for that walking on the roof i understand the roof is structurally sound to have those installations made to the roof as part of that installation. >> generally who care is proposing the large antenna they'll put it at locations with a load volume so those types of
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place those columns might be along the edge but the center of the roof may not have the same level of support above and below. >> heavy items might be brought up by a train transported over the more vulnerable parts of roof. >> correct they're built in many parts of city. >> that answers my question thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> i just wanted to add to that particular question that the language that was right by the public regarding the use of rooftops other than that identified is typical and all residential building the roof membrane which vulnerable to when you walk or put extra loads rather than the surface itself so the roof deck is clearly
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delineated on the rooftop was the railing where you can be and everyone else is off limits not with the structural capacity but with the way the roof was built up with that use so i believe that that was properly distributed here and fair to put the public at ease about that this being typical clause in almost every roof decks in residential buildings i appreciate your brought to your attention i'm comfortable to move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner hillis. >> i believe last time we meeting met a question of the floor underneath the roof and how it was configured with the office use. >> in terms of directly underneath the roof deck. >> how the building is
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breakdown internally but curious it is a large footprint building that as residential office i'm curious how it is - >> i understand i'd like to have keri affirm the second floor and third floor initially combined with 60 of the live work units over time many of them become offices so it is the number of offices that is add within the building so you may have had partitioned after the original construction. >> 60 units. >> now down to 57. >> okay. >> commissioners there is a motion and a second to approve with condition be on that anyone commissioner antonini commissioner hillis
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commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards no commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 6 to one. >> and places you on item 13 record number at 445 ellis street a request for conditional use authorization. >> i need to recuse myself i'm the chair of the san francisco development corporation one of the project sponsors for this project. >> commissioner hillis. >> i want to make a clear i worked when i was with the city i worked on the sale ever for the redevelopment agency but not for the development so i wanted to note that i'm not recusing
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myself but i'll move to recuse commissioner johnson. >> second. >> second. >> there is a motion and a second from commissioner johnson from item 13 commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong. >> i usually have to vote for myself and commissioner johnson. >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 7 to one. >> commissioner richards. >> 7 to zero pardon. >> good afternoon, commissioners planning department staff the project otherwise known as parcel o includes the new construction of a 100 percent air force project containing one and 78 dwelling units with rurlt it will have a
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large building for market octavia with shadow impacts under the jurisdiction of rec and park department and a smaller two-story building on hickory street the two buildings wrapping up wrap around a courtyard with a passage that will be pubically assessable the project didn't main any vehicular parking spaces but provide one and 8 car that concludes my remarks that exceeds the requirement of the one and 845 percent contain two or more bedrooms all will be made available for households not exceeding 60 percent of income for morgan hill homeless it is on a vacant parcels on felt street and footage an laguna and three hundred and 30
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on hickory street the site is the staging area for a operational that was developed as as residential over ground floor retail building that was used as a community garden that will be retained the project is located in the hayes valley neighborhood within the market octavia planning area and an rto with the zoning zoning district and a 40 height district the project manager has a presentation regarding the zinc the project but first i'll touch on regulatory policies in order to proceed with the qualifying with the planned use with the modifications for a building rear yard, open space exposure and construction and to allow the one typical within the art
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district and 40 to 50 x height and bulk to the planning code section 303 and 4 and another one under the california environmental quality act the planning department staff has a reporting program associated with the project which is made available to the public in consideration and the m rp is included as exhibit c and part of the conditions of the approval in all staff has four letters of so for the support from the hayes valley and the liveable city and michael a resident on peel street staff received two letters in opposition for lack of identical congestion and gridlock and 1 in oak street and another from leonard a resident on a couple
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blocks south of the project some individuals are concerned that the rto where the subject operational didn't have any parking requirements in conclude the starch recommends support the market octavia plan and additionally it replaces an underutilized new housing designated to the neighborhood character and better activates the street that will be 100 percent affordable project and maybe assessable to households not sro percent ami the department feels it is okay for the location those for reasons the staff recommended the commission recommend approval with conditions. >> project sponsor please.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners my name is tim i'm with mercy housing all to thank the mraich one of the big there is a note from the cap & trade from the state that will be released and this is due inform february 1st the criteria is the entitlements we appreciate the planning department staffs really work to get this proposal here today otherwise we would have to wait until year for the funding cycle the proposal is result of years of work by the city in coordination with or hayes valley neighborhood the vision of the planning to have a range of needs to be met
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to simultaneously reflect the exit neighborhood 445 or as long as parcel la is one of the last sites that can be designated in the process as affordable housing the mayor's office of economic workforce development issued an rfp in november of last year in 2014 to develop the site specifically for families and selected mercy housing in partnership with hd s c and the architecture company and larger you're seeing what is the project that they selected as you may know mercy housing is national nonprofit that develops and operates affordable housing for very protecting households
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we have a particular strong emphasis on onsite support surfs we owned and operated 40 properties over 3 thousand units including senior and family housing and housing for formally homeless and individual with special needed it is a local in time based on the bayview and western edition they having also develop affordable rental housing and other services primarily for the african-american folks in san francisco i'd like to summarize a few of the benefits this proposal includes as i'd like to take the opportunity in a referenced one ass and 8 affordable housing 20 percent referred to the property from
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the human services two of the units are designated for families daycare those are residential units that will be marketed to low income households that provide family daycare services we work with the human services agency and children's council to insure that works we've done this in several other recent prompts we've developed another may not the neighborhood will was strongly veronica for a corner grocery we've been designing and been in consideration with a grocery that is interested in the site as tina mentioned to the formal hayes valley farm we have been in conversations with community grows another nonprofit that
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links low income youth to the community garden they've involved in the programming and the vice president will conduct a passage the architects will show on the site plan it is what be a polsinelli husch blackwell architectural space in the mid block providing open space and another thing the neighborhood strongly advocated for their pleased to have met extensively during the design of this parcel and we're pleased to have their support we consider them a partner and look forward to continued collaboration on the sitething that came up in the conversations parking
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they've conveyed a strong vision for alternatives in the neighborhood and advocated for the development that doesn't include parking so mercy concluded that by not building parking we'll build for affordable units and satisfy a huge need in the city also, we have many properties with no parking our tenant population generally has low ownership of vehicles so we vera comfortable with this plan h n a in their letter has offered other suggestions to the commission like developing sfgh bike share with bulb out we welcome all suggestions and continue to work with the city agencies to determine the feasibility of those options at
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this time tile to introduce the architects stacey and other colleague for the design thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm paulette tagging relevant and for this project at 455, 3 key goals to create a contemporary building well spregd into the texture of the hayes valley neighborhood but secondly, a community heart with an open space that is connected to the neighborhood through the passage and maximize the number of affordable units awhile having an appropriate scale for the building
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sorry. >> a little hard to read a 3-d part of building as you can see we tried to breakdown the scale of the building breakdown the massing so a series of separate mass that make up the entire project and the building mass is essential steps with the street that is typical in san francisco the row houses on hickory are lower to allow sunlight into the mid block open space to the central courtyard and the - here as you can see the mid block passion about the middle of the site connects public connects
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through felt street to the adjacent block the passage on hill street to the primary entry avenue of felt there are 3 additional entries to this site the other side on hickory and to he did west an entry that connects to the daycare and finally to the eaton additional entry that connects to the community gardens and as tim mentions on the corner of laguna and felt there is a retail grocer extending the pattern along laguna the mid block passage you come in you, you arrive at the central courtyard the heart of this community and off this
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courtyard are all the matters at hand and services for a large community room that opens into the courtyard and additionally from that courtyard is the access to the elevators and a generous stair for access to the upper levels the upper courtyard to the west provides a heavily planted outdoor space and play areas that serves the dafr as tim mentioned to the est the community garden is serves the residents and the neighborhood all those outdoor spacess has opportunity for lush landscaping i'm going to turn it over to richard to talk about the development of the facade. >> i see i have only second
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left i'll say identify those views this is the felt and laguna this is the hickory street with the mid block open space on the right hand side of the image. >> thank you. >> okay opening it up for public comment. >> all right. good afternoon, commissioners and thank you for hearing this item my name is jason anderson in the hayes valley association we wholeheartedly endorse this is a fantastic project i have 3 quick points maybe quibbles, if you will, the first, the mid block passage
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is delightful i all we have to do is talk about this not affordable housing or parking we find that out but our concern with the mid block passage because the adjacent parcel p the avalon development is done a poor job the idea to have a continuous mid block passage we're asking the department and staff to think about a way to memorialize a more assured public assess so it didn't get fenced off like parcel p to identify it because people pedestrians are having a hard time seeing the mid block crossings our idea to put a motion and a second bulb out on fell and the same thing on oak for parcel p that prompts people
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to see there is something going on and they can cbo through that's our first minor issue the second issue is the curve on laguna we and tim brought this up we urge the planning department to begin working with the sfmta now, while this project is under construction there will be 18 months probable of no assess for curve side parking a great opportunity to market offer car share and bike share in the next two years market off and make sure you'll have to go to the sfmta and get that what that friday morning hearing you change the curve but we've been infiltrated with a couple of projects in the neighborhood suddenly all the curve is turned back over by way
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of that is not even in the residential permit parking so it is crazy the third thing we're concerned about - we appreciate the shadow ordinance and respect it but the shadow ordinance took 4 affordable units off the project they didn't want to go back and do ceqa and we understand that but right across in patricia's green is an affordable housing designated project we're asking the planning department to go ahead and do the ceqa shadow panel so that project explicit get bogged down or potentially reduced in size thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners rob pool with the
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action housing coalition overhead please so we saw this project all the way in april it was kind of what's not to like we were supportive of the market octavia and excited about that we understand designated for less unit we're excited they have up to one and 12 and maxed out this site i think affordability speaks for itself we hope that moves faster and transportation is a one to one bike parking we have a motion and a second we'll support car share options preservation there is nothing significant here to preserve urban design when we look at urban design this is how the building meets the street and how people experience the project and feel that this project is beaked the massing is
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terrific and the open space is lielthd well access to sunlight and the environmental features were flushed out we understand it has a standard really, really high but we had encouraged them to look at individual he metering for the unit my understanding legislation will mandate that anyway and they did a terrific job and they presented early in the process but they've engaged the neighborhoods and finally we'll to knowledge go acknowledge them for the onsite i hope you approve that today and get it going thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> testing wellborn overlooking and reinforcing jazz
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comments we are supportive and want the 50 percent ami housing this officers offices with no >> is there any additional public comment? >> okay public comment is closed. >> commissioner wu. >> thanks i'm happy to support the project i want to commend the department also on what i feel was priority processing they definitely work we've been hearing there was special staffing put-down towards those 100 percent affordable under 55 percent ami that is the type of project to be expedited so great to see the partnership between mercy and the other developer the large with the smaller one to the points that mr. henson brought up i'd like to hear from staff if we can do anything on
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the mid block crossing i right-turn lane from the hearing that was something everyone was supportive and in favor of great to have it highlighted more so - >> i think that in general the passages and those places are obviously in those zoning district not required so as to the project sponsor i guess make that available or make that may not a feature included other areas in the city the department is able to have a little bit more say for example, in c-3 and large districts the passages can be required for large blocks in those areas they must be pickling assessable twenty-four hours a day and that's not the case and project sponsors have i
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guess the prestige as they desire to close up and have more control of the space in order to change that they'll pubically need to be legislative amendments or other ways to incorporate that. >> they're not required you keep a look out put a condition about public assess but certainly encourage the project sponsor to make it clear that the public is invited into the space. >> sorry. >> that's fine my concern is on a personal perceive more than that it sound like they've closed it off but encourage you to work with our neighbors to see if you can make that more inviting for the public to walk through and then i don't know, there is any action to take but the question of shadow came up i've noticed how the many
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projects with recommendations from rec and park commission that the shadow is not whatever the language is the minimalism the affordable projects made itself smaller we're not seeing that was market-rate project i know usher on the timeline and need to get to our application so a anyways very supportive. >> commissioner moore. >> i'm supportive of the project interested in seeing that the issues raised from mr. henson are considered with no parking since we're not assuming everyone in the building will ride a bike but car share would be great because of the public bicycles this agency a socially fine way of doing things the concerns that those fell and oak
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are extremely fast moving street not conducive to pedestrian and pedestrians crossing vision zero might be one way to use on street car share as a way to slowing down things a little bit i'm concerned people will try to cross on these blocks in the middle of the block and the function the street and the public safety all of those subtle tweets that includes the reduction and setback on the north side of the block in order to have proper depth on the garden side of oaks i'm supportive of the project. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'm very supportive i have a few questions i guess the first is staff mentioned project sponsor or they have a low sense
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of car ownership even at&t 53 or 60 percent entry jobs require people to travel to areas outing outside of the san francisco that require a use of a car in their profession so it is probable some people i'd like to see in the future a more detailed analysis of the incidents of car ownership even in the 100 percent affordable projects everyone wants the market-rate we're making assumption nobody is going to have a car certainly car share is excluding included might awe metal the problem people that needs to have car and entry-level they self-select them to park the cars it is a really good project but the
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exceptions are minor and understandable i want to know if this is funded and ho how close how much funding and where the the funding come from some is state funding maybe someone what answer that question about funding. >> yeah. the funding schedule we're getting ready to apply we have money in the mayor's office of economic workforce development right now the predevelopment loan that is paying for the work we've done thus far we're in the process of geary up for an application for the states for 15 or $16 million of the cap & trade fund more affordable housing and sustainable community funds so we will apply you know come out
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in january and probably do sometime in the middle of the february and we'll probable find out about the funds in early summer at which point we'll apply for tax credits low income take credits so around august and have full funding together by probable by the fall and we looked forward to starting construction early 2017 and an 18 months construction. >> that sounds like good what's you're total construction cost. >> the total construction cost right now $45 million okay. and what percentage of this it is provided or will be priority by the city through the mayor's office of housing. >> at this point we project
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about 12 or $13 million. >> okay. that's been somewhat assured. >> yeah. >> okay great the point i'm making we often will speak badly of developers that choose the in law alternative by the mayor's office wouldn't have the fund. >> that's a larger policy. >> it's a policy issue i'm seeing a significant part of you're funding is coming from the producers in law funding that's good to know i like the design and the townhouses are low enough to leave sun in and terms of the groceryy i hope it is there there is a shortage of grocery stores in that area and
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good to have easy assess for the residents to get grocery stores and mid block passage is a great idea i'll assume security measures in place because it is open to the public 24/7 i guess you'll have interior security to help to assure safety for the residents of this project. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner richards. >> just a couple of things piggybacking on what people have said to be supportive with the affordable and ratios i like the retail a question if this were a market-rate project would we see the exceptions would we do the same thing for planning and development having h f a getting
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up here was an ad active process i explained this that kind of dialogue up front rather after the fact and the gridlock we're having less career ratio approvals for development i think on the actions item list to take into account that. >> so i want to make sure i think we mentioned this a few times maybe on the list. >> i support it. >> commissioner hillis. >> i too am supportive i want to note on the shadow it is unfortunate you have the time to go through it in this case haze green was completed we made a mistake on the city side not allocating shadow we'll see that
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in fire chief projects we should think about that when we build parks allow the shadow percentage but i'm supportive and move to approve. >> second. >> second. >> commissioners there's a motion to approve with conditions on that motion. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes that 6 to zero and places you on item 14 40 pleasant street a request. a conditional use authorization >> commissioner moore. >> i need to be recused i live
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in close proximity to clemente street. >> move to recluse commissioner moore. >> second. >> second. >> commemoration on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 7 to zero. >> good afternoon president fong and members of the commission carlie department staff the the item before you is a request for conditional use authorization to convert 3 residential unit
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within the r mc-3 zoning district the subject property is 3 dwelling units on platform a notice was issued for short-term rentals without authorization the unfortunate case is an ongoing enforcement and not closed the property owners is using that as short-term rentals and filed for conditional use authorization to convert the units this project is not including any interior or exterior alteration the department has received letters from the tenants union and unite and the pacific avenue association the department has received 7 folks from neighbors in opposition to the legalization of the conversion of the
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residential unit to short-term rentals the neighborhood residents have expressed their concerns of the office of short-term rentals existing not to exceed - the department has one letter of support from one of the units of the subject property she states the owner of the subject property has not been a problem those communications were received after the packets were published the department recommends disapproval it is not necessary and desirable the project will roach 3 residential unit and the removal will exasperate the housing crisis as a removal of 3 units places demand on other units, however, numerous surrounding hotels with the
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surrounding context of the baldwin street or which the subject property is located that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> my colleague audry is available she's the enforcement planner for this case thank you. >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon, members of the commission i'm forest asked by the project sponsor jennifer to appear she has a request for a stuns i don't know from the commissioners have received it i have several copies of the letter she's out of the country prernl flong medical tests and can't be present she'd like to be able to do i'd like to ask for that and happy to provide the letter if you don't have it in you're packet, and, secondly,
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i don't know how you want to handle that request if you want me to proceed. >> it is not an interest in continuing the item. >> ms. solomon as provided me with a letter i don't know if you have that in you're packet i'd like to make that available to you if you don't have it in our pukt i think that was made available. >> yes. in the back of our packet and received today, i he was able to put it in our packet. >> in summary a lot of information in the media that mr. solomon wants to turn her property into a hotel but want to keep on doing go for the last 23 years engaging in the practice of renting on a
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short-term to nurses and doctors and opera singers and people in the hospital for a matter of weeks or months she's worked with the planning commission to try to figure out how to do that thought she could get a variance from the city but ultimately down to the request the only way to obtain to make this application to treat her property as a hotel and that's the confusion at least in the media and the reporting about that she didn't want to do anything definitely there is an issue about the enforcement action at the time with airbnb was in a lawsuit 0 over this issue she's stopped you'll rental thought her 3 units on a short-term basis no ongoing act of the violation
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what ultimately she want to do i think the same thing that is done under the all of a sudden airbnb she's not the primary the property is not her primary residence so she can't do it under the airbnb people that have it as a primary residence what's going on she's been discriminated against because she didn't have it as a permanent residence nothing different in terms of the neighborhood the parking or the building all the same as the last 23 years that was a bed-and-breakfast before that it has been kept in very good shape that's not been you know any
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explanation for why she shouldn't be able to do this you came in the airbnb law i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> the commission has. >> okay. thank you. >> we may have questions for you later opening it up for public comment (calling names). >> if folks of the names have been called if you want to others line up on the right-hand side the room. >> good afternoon whatever i want to say counsels it's been a long term since i've been here i live just around the corner from the building i've known people that are in and out of that
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whole street sorry i live on taylor i know most of my neighbors an pollutant i've people to the people that are in and out i don't know she's representing to people or whatever a few people i've talked to stay here maybe a week i simple emphasize but you know what? we went through this with pine street about thirty years ago standing here in front of the planning commission we lost those buildings on pine street they're all not short term hotels or short-term residences we just don't have a heck of a lot of housing either that this neighborhood or all over the city and everyone is taken off
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another one that people can't live in i strongly disapprove the project and my hang up is ms. solomon she's been flaking over and rvtd the law i believe that people have commented to you folks in the past so let's have rules set up properly and at this time i don't know that is proper it ought to be back into housing for local as it was for many, many years thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon my name is charley scott and thank you commission for allowing me to speak i'm a residence on pollutant street and reside next to ms. solomon first, i want to thank very much the excellent staff that was thorough and
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detailed why the planning code didn't allow this first, it does decrease available units and modern to establishes a loophole to curriculum vent the law for those who are not primary owner to have facilities to become hotels one of the criteria of determining from the building is eligibility to be a hotel is other similar other properties nearby this sets a precedent for others to decide this is as a test case and second the planning code sets the career there is needed and want ms. solomon want to correct their illegal behavior paw the need of the neighborhood meets the neighborhood it changes the character of the neighborhood plus a small 1 way street with
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cars coming out of garages and fourth a continuances requested no continuance no additional information that changes the facts of the case the streets will not be wider and in two months a short disappearance or lack of available housing that housing issue had you been there i strongly urge no continuance thank you. >> hello and peter mueller a resident of the 1200 block directly south let me say i appreciate the laws in this case it is permitted use for real estate it is a process that is important in this case the
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community a overwhelmingly voicing this is a opposition to the hotel request it exacerbates the housing crisis and changes the character of the neighborhood and decreases public safety and sets a precedent for more conversion a no brainier to stop that i ask you to stop the owners blatant attempt to skirt the permitting and increase her funding 4 times i want to ask you to do to penalize the owner for violations for 70 planning code and the airbnb legislation that became effective in you 2013 this property has issues for years the planning department has received four complaints of short-term rentals from 2011 to
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2014 3 were abate the latest complaint is under review and even with those complaints she in register the property with the airbnb legislation so she's not a property owner she know what she is doing at least one rental in 2015 was under a month in violation of the legislation therefore she's skirting the law i suggest a audit and the penalty be assessed rules are rules and with the housing crisis enforcement is necessary to send a message thank you. >> i evident each a packet of
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a letter that i wrote and get signatures for the disapproval and no continuance of this matter i support of entrepreneurial spirit i support it when that make sense and the planning commission has decided this is not done legally and not make sense 40 pollutant street didn't make sense by the way, e because in particular it takes away 3 units from the tenants from the houshth and sequesters them into a hotel we have more than hotels in the immediate area there is within a 3 block radius of pollutant street several topnotch hoournt park and mark hopkins pollutant street didn't
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need another hotel especially by taking 3 unit away from the affordable housing i don't find i support ms. southern california man's stuns she had a whole year to make right what the planning commission found she's been violating for a long time she can't correct those issues those factual issues that made the decision of disapproval in one year i don't see how 33 she'll change with that a continuance thank you for your time. >> next speaker please. hello my name is juliafield i'm a resident the knob hill thank
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you for the opportunity to allow me to speak ms. an emotional issue foyer a lot of us and he really appreciate the opportunity i want to strongly urge you to set a precedence as residents of san francisco we're subjected to the loss of residential neighborhoods due to the illegal of the airbnb platform and therefore allowing more housing stock for a similar purpose as a hotel go that doesn't make sense and contemporary to public policy as a recipe i've seen the loss of airbnb frshs in fran's building several have been turned about average units and no longer recognize them as neighbors they're often nice people and nobel their nurses
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and opera singers and marvels people they come and go with great regularity other people have occasional parties that's didn't happen anymore no anyone knows each and everyone this is a loss of quality of life in my building no units that are airbnb units i know all my neighbors and recognize them they know what to do when we've had things they'll share supplies with me and i with them this is a better way to live please help us to keep our residential neighborhoods residential thank you very much. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is stockton i'm a
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resident of the corrupt of mission and no why i'm speaking on issues of knob hill you have the opportunities to establish precedence or not i believe the board of supervisors have established frightening issues by allowing airbnb to do exactly what ms. solomon to legalize they are illegal activity her he attorney wants her to be an upstanding business owner prop f would have people renting out as a primary residence that is irrelevant i believe san francisco as voiced their concerns and the fact that is
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allowed to go this far the person has been renting out illegally for many, many years without being accountability and most important taking 3 nobody mentioned 3 rent-controlled units off the market keeping in mind we have a finite stock of rent-controlled units no new units are rent-controlled we know their flawed the only state laws i urge you to not allow continuance on this matter i think it sets a dangerous cyclist precedence next to fall is noah valley and you'll have conversion all over the place thank you for your time and consideration. >> hello poly rose is in my name i live on washington
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between taylor and jones i think you people have already considered and elevating the project of this nature that we have to think that when we're deprovided of preliminarily residential neighborhood of housing we are eroding the character of that neighborhood it is my sense that short-term rentals result in fewer people that have the stake in the quality of life on our streets and more people that don't have those concerns we run the risk across san francisco that many parts of our city will get to a tipping point where our neighborhoods become neighborhoods with no neighbors. thank you >> hello commissioners i'm
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significantly that rodriguez we are a union that represents worker great many of the members of the public live and work in san francisco first of all, i want to echo the concerns over and over about the loss of housing shortage but to the policies of the applications to convert housing to hotels the mass conversion of homes to hotels is a undiscernable impact on hospitality workers those are the key workforce in the city and have an undesirable impact on the neighborhoods this is under the commissioners purview the conditional use language why has this owner been able to
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continue to operate she applied in january of 2014 this is a year later why has she been allowed to work illegally not in the spirit of the average an opportunity to bring their place up to code but like. >> restaurant operating in a year without a permit the commission needs to stop this and have a district compliance to the laws thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> i have two cards (calling names) sam and maybe she's spoken and peter cohen. >> he's spoken and peter cohen. >> i'm in the intend to but sits open
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