tv Ethics Commission 1516 SFGTV January 12, 2016 6:00pm-8:31pm PST
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the roll. >> thank you. madam press. supervisor avalos. supervisor ooh los. avalos, press en. president breed. president breed present. super campos, present. supervisor campos aob sent. supervisor farrell. cipher visor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor peskin. supervisor tang. supervisor weiner. supervisor yee. madam president, you have a quorum. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which is stands one nation under god in divisible with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you colleague
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supervisor cohen is currently traveling out of the country. can i entertain a motion to excuse supervisor cohen. take this without objection. supervisor cohen is excused. >> madam clerk to the next item. >> that would have been communications madam president. we will let the minutes show we have the communication that supervisor cohen has asked to be excused. >> now to the minutes. colleagues any changes to the november 17th or december 1st of 2015 meeting minutes. seeing none a motion to ah prot minutes. motion by supervisor campos. seconded by supervisor mar. colleagues can we take this out objection. without objection those meeting minutes are approved after public comment. madam clerk can you read the consent agenda. >> items on consent one through
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six are considered routine. >> if a member objects a item maybe removed and considered separate ly. >> supervisor yee. >> i would like to remove item number four. >> okay. >> on the remaining items excluding item four can you call the roll. >> supervisor farrell i. supervisor kim. i. supervisor mar. i. supervisor peskin. supervisor tang. supervisor weiner. supersupervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor -- >> there are ten is. >> those are passd and adopted unanimous ly. >> madam clerk read item four.
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>> for office and hotel development projects up to 157 gross square stpaot and apply frog ex 25,000 or more to imply a tiered child care fee for per gross square foot to allow developers on-site small family decare firms in lieu of the fee and making other findings of consistency with the general plan. >> okay supervisor yee. >> thank you president breed. i wanted to duplicate the files. the reason is we are working on trailing legislation that could be easily added to the duplicated file. i wanted to add that option. not quite ready to include that at this moment. so i would like us to vote on the original and also dupe i cate the file for future consideration. >> okay. so would you like it to be sent
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to a specific committee or you just want it to be duplicated ? >> just leave it open for now. >> okay. >> madam president that item will be returned to the bore at a specific date or should be sepblt to committee. >> okay. so can we send it to committee? okay. so supervisor yee has made a motion to send the duplicated file to committee. is there a second. second by supervisor campos. colleagues can we take that without objection. without objection the motion passes. on the item colleagues can we take this item. same house same call without objection the ordinance is -- the ordinance is finally passed unanimously. madam clerk item number 7. >> item 7 is an ordinance to amend 89-10 to authorize the san francisco public utility commission to enter into one or more state water board
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agreements in grants not to exceed 1.7 million to finance the cost of the west side recycled water project as enacted by the voters in 2002 and ratifying other previous actions taken in connection with this ordinance. >> colleagues can we take this ordinance? same house same call. without objection this ordinance has passed aou nnamdi mousily. next item please. >> item 8 an ordinance to amend the administrative code to add chapter 110 for the san francisco right of way policy. makes arrests and citations for bicycles for failure to stop at a stop sign the lowest traffic enforcement priority. requires reports prepared by the police department and urges the transportation facility to educate the public about this
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policy. >> roll call vote. >> item 8. farrell, no. supervisor kim. i. supervisor mar. i. supervisor peskin. no. >> supervisor tang. no. >> supervisor weiner. >> i. supervisor yee. no. supervisor avalos. i. supervisor breed. i. supervisor campos. i. -- >> the ordinance has finally passed. item 9 please. >> item 9 is a resolution to authorize the issue apbs of sale and delivery of housing bonds to exceed 31-point r5 million for the purpose of providing financing for an 82 unit rent ral housing project known as alice tkpwreuf eulgt face 3a
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apartment projects. >> can we take this item. >> madam president you need to take a roll call vote. >> okay. >> madam clerk please call the roll on item number 9. >> supervisor farrell. item 9 the multi family revenue bonds. farrell, i. supervisor kim. i. supervisor mar. i. supervisor peskin. i. supervisor tang. i. supervisor weiner. i. supervisor yee. i. supervisor avalos. i. supervisor breed. i. supervisor campos. i. >> ten is. >> next item please -- a documented unanimously. we will go to the roll call for new business.
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supervisor farrell. you're up. >> a piece of legislation. our board and city has a strong record of prioritizing public health and encouraging healthier life styles. healthy eating is a fact tore keep clear of chronic conditions. we continue to take a leading effort in the city of san francisco of nym rouse health diseases. obesity, heart disease stroke, cancer and diabetes. these conditions do cost our taxpayers millions of dollars each year in healthcare cost. i believe it's our priority to seek to lower the costs when possible and promote healthy life styles in our city. i think we have to do all in you poor to educate our public about the benefits of eating healthy and life styles.
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especially the father of three young children. i believe in leading by example. i believe that city government can and should lead by example when possible. today i'm introducing the healthy snack food and bedroom policy others one one of the strongest in history. we will set guidelines and nutrition standards for food and pwefrl sold or served in public meetings. encouraging restaurants and concessions on city property to have a balanced of healthy foods for consumers. the first component sets specific nutritional standards for vending machines we developed with the american heart association department of public health as the strongest in the country. calories for prepackaged foods in vending machines, and limit
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options in the vending machines. these are prospective. this will only be to contracts and property contracts of future dates. the second component requires the city departments to do their best efforts for food purchased of city funds meet recommended nutritional guidelines. the last strongly urges restaurants and concessions on city property to have better food option s available for consumers. this legislation may mean you don't get your favorite candy or soda to city hall this. is only for city buildings and properties. from my perspective our city government should lead by example. time and time again when my children visit me and we go to get a snack. when their eyes glare as the snickers bar and twix bar that's
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something i want to change. it's not something we allow in our household or should allow or encourage in site hall. i believe we owe it to over 28,000 city employees and our taxpayers to i amliment policies of healthier life styles. this legislation wouldn't of been possible without the guidance and input of a number of individuals and groups. i want to call them out particularly. especially the american heart association and their government affairs director in the bay area brit tphaoefplt our department of public health, health system and my staff. two other items i'm introduced and i would like us to dismiss the board meeting with the entire board. first of all a memoir yum for someone i have known for decades. a gentleman named jack grelich.
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a native san franciscoian. a son of irish immigrants. he lived and grew up on 18th and douglas in eureka valley and attended the holy most redeemer grammar school. he attended sacred heart and -- high school in san francisco. he played four varsity sports between track meets and baseball double headers. ' tended st. mari's college and during world war ii he was called to duty and spent a year of service over seas in japan. he enrolled in the university of san francisco and played baseball. batted .382 he met his wife a saint rose girl on a ski trip in a true san francisco fashion. they were married in 1950 and became the family building the irish were famous for. after their home was too small they moved to west lake.
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they went to our lady of mercy. jack is a member of the prep hall of fame. usf hall of fame and 55 year veteran of the olympic club in san francisco. he claimed his fondest sport memories are the life long friends he made competing. including legends. he owned the famous flying goose sporting good store for sometime and retired from bank of america years ago. he is survived by six children. marti, steve noni, bob john and joe. sixteen grand children and one great grand daughter claire. i have known this family for years. since going to high school here in san francisco. there could not be a more incredible family here in the city of san francisco. this is a truly patriotic we
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have lost, a great family. we will all miss him greatly. second of all i have a memoir yum today for william or bill del monte. many may of read about him over the last few days in the newspaper. bill was born jan 2 2-rbgs, 1906. the last remaining known survivor of the 1906 earthquake here in san francisco. he passed a yesterday, 11 days short of his 110th birthday. bill and answer a never had children but a be loved uncle brother and friend. he passed of natural causes at home. according to his niece a district 2 resident he was doing great for 109 years old. bill's family lived on the corner of kerney and broadway. he was p months old when the quake struck. he said my mother put the
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tablecloth around me and put me on a horse drawn court and went to ther iffy . there were fires on both sides of the street. they made it to cross the bay to alameda county and came back to the city when the home was rebillet. his father opened the italia. it's still flourishes today in north beach. when recently asked about the memories of specific neighborhoods over the decades he recounted a field in the marina where they competed to see who could throw a wheel of cheese the farthest. he traveled by train ferry and street car. transit lives long in san francisco. he would take dips with friends in ice cold pools. he didn't visit the hate. he was in the 60s by the
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summer of love. he played the stock market and ran a theater for several years. he was quoted as saying "i lived a wonderful life of a hundred years through wars and everything. i have had a luckily life. luckier than many on this earth. i have no complaints ." truly the last of a generation of san franciscoians. a place in our history san francisco. a family member of a be loved district it resident. >> supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. >> thank you madam clerk. housing afford ability has everyone in this chamber knows is the number one issue here in san francisco. as rent and medium home prices continue to rise we need to increase fordable housing stock. i have said this before. 60% of san francisco residents qualify today for affordable housing and are badly in need of the housing now. we can't afford to wait any
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longer. 450,000 san franciscoians live in the city's 220,000 apartment units. only 30,000 of these apartments are dedicated to affordable housing to day. in addition to our very low and low income individuals and families we are also hearing from middle class residents they're afraid they won't be able to call san francisco and the neighborhood they live in their homes either. this is no longer folks that are just in the working class community that are unstable in employment. we are hearing from nurses, fire fighters teachers, entry level workers, lawyers and engineers they can no longer afford to live in san francisco either. that is why today along with supervisor peskin i'm introducing a charter amendment to go before the voters in june. to remove a barrier to building more affordable housing for san franciscoians today. we're deleting a cap that's set
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by the charter setting a maximum of 12% of on-site affordable housing. that's a standard for our market rate developers here in san francisco. it prioritizes and on-site inclusionairy housing that's affordable to low and middle income san franciscoians. we're instead proposing to double our inclusionairy on-site from 12% too 25%. increasing the number from 20% to 33% for off site, and 33% for fees in lieu of units. our housing crisis impacts each district and all of our neighborhoods. because of that i'm introducing a motion for the entire board to sit as a committee as a whole to hear the charter amendment. we need to act swiftly and put this on the ballot for june 2016. voters want action today. we see this in our poles and for those in the neighborhoods and
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meetings want voters want solution now not a year from now. we're bringing forth the charter amendment. another solution for affordable housing. we know what works. we have had count less meetings, discussions and hearings here at the board of supervisors. we have the solutions we already need. let's act to remove a barrier to building more aable housing in san francisco by putting tpoerlgt a charter amendment untying the board of supervisors limit today ceiling of 12%. we set a standard of 25% this also allows the board in the future to be able to act via ordinance around setting maximums and minimums. here at the board legislatively to respopbt swiftly and effectively in times of good and times of recession. i look forward to working with members of the board to build affordable housing in all district and neighborhoods. >> thank you supervisor kim.
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supervisor mar. >> thank you madam clerk. >> colleagues on saturday jan 23rd that's next saturday, at 1:00 p.m., i'm co-host ago long with the housing rights committee and sf neighborhoods a commute meeting to discuss housing afford ability and the mayor's affordable housing bonus program and protecting the neighborhoods character. it will be at the richmond rec center at 18th and clement street. it's a important issue to ask residents in the areas to ask questions and work with us to strategize on the future of equitable development neighborhood character protection, and the richmond district. especially as it relates to the planning department staff and the mayor's proposal as well. for more information on this jan 23rd 1:00 p.m. meeting at the richmond rec center call my
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office. also a important inner section of art environment and education is a campaign lead by the surf rider foundation in san francisco. i would like to invite to you a special art reception and exhibit called message in a bottle. it's an evening of art and education focused on ocean plastic pollution and hosted by san francisco's chapter of the surf rider foundation. i would like to thank park life jamie a*g alexander and -- bus vans for supporting the important art environment and education effort. it's going to be next friday and sunday. message in a bottle is a collaboration of local artists and environmentalists focusing on the ocean and protection of the ocean and fighting ocean pollution in a effort to inform the public and inspire change
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and ignite corporate responsibility. i wanted to thank from the surf rider foundation many who have organized the event. the cocktail reception will be including music of jeff dez e.r.a. and art of many artists including jonathan anzalone, aerial gold, judith lang and so many more. we ask the public to help us complete a mural. it's a number of murals we're implementing in the inner richmond this. is a mural that is made of plastic picked up from local beaches during the event stprufplt come out to the surf rider clean ups of ocean beach you can gath neer a short amount of time all of the plastic straws cigarette butts and everything. the surf rider foundation has done that for many years now. we're turning it into art and murals. local friendly craft will be for
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sale and that displayed. with each purchase a stainless steel pint water bottle will be included. proceeds going to the sur rider foundation. i know there is a lot of donations for food and beer. with those clean canteen stainless steel water bottles people will be able to have as much beer as you can drink of the event. gallery exhibit includes or will hang for a week and allow school groups the public and environmental organizations to visit the space and interact with the art exhibit and captain. it's a family event on sunday with a craft day on sunday. supervisor tang's district. 2830 noriega street. join for a day of fun and view the student art of the message
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in a bottle gallery show. go to for more information. in a few minutes we will honor beatrice duncan and i will wait until that time. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor, mar. supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam clerk and colleagues. i rise, unfortunately to a number of -- it's been quite a a. while since we last met. i would like to adjourn today's board meeting in the member rear of a number of individuals. first the mother of someone known to all of us, rachel gordon her mother zelda pass ad way several weeks ago. our condolences to rachel and her sister sara, and the rest of her family. i did not know her mother. by all accounts she was a incredible woman.
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very very connected and loving of her family. sorry, rachel. and then a north beach fixture a gentleman named roy matini. he was famous if not infamous as one of my neighbors said on hoodline. he proved you can live with mental illness. we are all poor for his passing. you never knew what roy you would get on a given day. some days he would scream at you. sometimes woe give you a hug. he was taken care of by the entire neighborhood. central station the officers there teamed up with the local cafe and raised over a thousand dollars to get him what he really wanted. which was dentures. as a matter of fact i took him to a project homeless connect and got one of his last teeth yanked out to get the dentures.
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he promptly lost them, of course. but roy was be loved by the neighborhood. he will be missed, our condolences to his sister linda. a wonderful district 3 resident stewart jackson unfortunately was murdered. he was beaten at the corner of vanese and market street. for anyone with information there is video footage on hoodline. and the tip line for anyone who has any information is (415)575-4444. a wonderful sweet poet, and artist he will be missed our condolences to his brother bob. then i have the very sad news that today ray moronte who was for 25 years a veteran sf mta
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officer has is you succumbed to his injuries he sustained after being hit by a motorcycle working on the cable car line. he has been hanging for a number of months. he passed away. he began his career in district three and spent the last three years as a cable car operator. our condolences to his colleagues at the mta and in the cable car bond and to his wife, jove sees moronte. finally another neighborhood fixture denise doreo pass wade christmas eve. almost tpho*epb nobody was in or around northch to fisherman's wharf. her life centered around her family and friend and community at gino and carlo. she loved the 49ers and the giants. she was a incredible cook for
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the dozens of people who come to the lunches there. she will be missed. i will submit the rest. thank you madam clerk. >> supervisor peskin. supervisor weiner. supervisor yee. >> thank you. i would like to adjourn this meeting in memory of patti seagull. for more than 40 years patti dedicated her life and career to advocacy. advocating on all issues relating to children, child care early education and family support services. she championed efforts to provide information and support and training. the ultimate goal of families being able to make informed child care choices and children would be cared for in safe and healthy child care en vie rowments by care givers supporting the growth. patti waouz more than that.
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she was a mother, grand mother and friend of mine. she was married to sanford seagull who passed last year. he was honored here at the board. as i mentioned i have known patti since the late 10s and have percently witnessed her many accomplishments. it's i impossible in a brief moment to give just to the impact she had in san francisco and through california and national ly in the early 70s. patti seagull was a determined mother of three small children who began by advertising organized play groups in response to full time child care needs. quickly there was a wait list formed and in 1972 she helped to to fine one of the first child care resource and referral agencies. at the time it was called the
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child care switchboard. later became what most people would know the childrens council of san francisco. patti's passionate advocacy continued -- impact of shaping and pushing for public policy recognizing the roll of child care and early education as a vital component of the structure of communities. then in 1976 patti was instrumental in implementing alternative child care solutions through the passage of state legislation with funding for the child care programs and alternative payment programs in all of california. then in 1980 patti was the founding executive director of the calf kaofl child care network. further shaping policies for
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children and families. she held this post until 2011 the rnr network is the most established system of services in the country. her work also included creating the child care initiative project. a state wide public, private partnership to expanded licenses and child care by recruiting and training new child care providers. she -- another actually concept called parent voices which is a grass root parent lead effort to engage and engage power leadership to actively participate in the policy process and play essential roll in the implementation of what we call a trust line. really a registry for licenses and exempt care givers. patti served on the governor's
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advisory committee on child care development. one of the original state commissioners for the children and families first commission known as first five. representedrepresented california in children's defense fund state child care advocate ka* see network. she was the state advocate and liaison for the national womens law center and volunteered her time and expertise with the national association for national association of young children. she has a distinction of being one of the few people i know that was invite bid the clinton administration to speak at the white house. most recently after her retirement would you think they should set and relax. no she wanted to be our -- got into being a member of our latest dcyf oversight and
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advisory committee council. she really advocated for our children throughout her life. i'm really sad to see her leave us. patti is survived by her children. toby tara and kelsey and grand children diclan, chou, and una. she will be missed. there is no doubt her spirit will continue through her children and people she has mentored. early educator advocates she has taught and in spired. she will be missed. madam president on be half of the full board of supervisors i would like to close today's meeting in memory of patti seagull. the rest i submit.
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>> okay. colleagues can we approve this on be half of the entire board without objection. without object, that is approved. >> thank you madam president. thank you supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. you have to be rereferred. >> okay, thank you. >> madam president. >> colleagues i have two really important items to introduce today. so please, bare with me. both relate to the persistence and unacceptable violence happening on our streets. in o*bl october i asked the city attorneys office to draft legislation creating a permanent city reward fund for those who provide information leading to an arrest and conviction in a unsolved murder case. since then my office has worked closely with the police department the controllers office the city attorneys office and the mayor director of
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public safety, paul henderson. today, three days following the one year anniversary of a horrific quadruple homicide in the western division i'm proud to introduce my homicide reward fund legislation. i want to thank our deputy attorney tom owen for all of his work. thank you to my co sponsor supervisor malia cohen. in the past six years san francisco has averaged about 50 homicides per year. each one is a tragedy. each one is a loss of a son a sister a friend, a father. each one should of never happened. each one deserves every effort to bring justice. this city has at times offered rewards in specific cases. it does so on a ad hoc basis. there is no fund or consistent process associated with it. this legislation will create a
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permanent city fund to provide rewards up to $250,000 for anyone bringing information leading to an arrest, conviction in a unsolved murder case. [ applause ] >> the legislation establishes specific criteria because in some cases these homicides are solved without the need for reward. so for a reward to be offered the case must of gone unsolved for one year. the department has had to exhaust all investigative leads. clearly tkepl on straight a need for public assistance. any award over a hundred thousand dollars will require approval by the board of supervisors. city can appropriate money to fund during the budget process. the fund can accept private donations. san francisco is according to most matrix the wealthiest big
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city in the country with. that wealth comes some obligation. as the bible says from everyone given much, much will be demanded. when it comes to the worst crimes our city face, we should put our wealth other to* use to help the families of the victims and to get the most violent criminals off our streets. in the case of unsolved homicide this reward will make the world of difference. in those cases we should do everything we can. colleagues for my second item today i know that we have the mother of mario woods joining us here today. [ applause ] >> ms. glen woods i know that
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sean richard from brothers against guns is here, reverend amos brown the president of naacp, minister christopher spear heading the co licks of justice for mario woods. i thank you so much for being here today. my resolution along with supervisor cohen regarding yet another tragic death of an african-american man at the hands of the san francisco police department is a resolution calling for a independent federal investigation of the shooting of mario woods. [ applause ] >> department of justice office is conducting a collaborative reform review of the policies,
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training of the san francisco police department as well. these are important steps. as the san francisco chronicle has said what will help rebuild community trust in the department is an outside independent investigation preferably from a institution with unimpeachable integrity and the authority to look at the big picture whether the department has deep seeded problems with misconduct. adding the investigation requires a rigger of independence leading to it's credibility. the task force on 21st century policing commission of president obama recommended as one of the six pillars of best practices. that police departments proactively request independent investigations of police involved shootings to for transparency of police and
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community relations. -- october 2014 shooting of laquan mcdonald. following request by illinois officials now investigates whether the patterns and practices of the chicago police department violate the civil rights of residents. i think san francisco needs to follow illinois' example and request -- [ applause ] >> -- and request a full independent federal investigation of the shooting of mario woods itself. my resolution today will put that request officially on record. [ applause ] >> these items are so important to me.
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i know the pain of the folks here today. i have felt it myself. i mourn the loss of far too many young african americans in my life. since december 2nd of last year i mourn yet another. [ applause ] >> a century and a half a go harriet tugman described her escape from slavery. i crossed the line, she said. i was free. no one welcomed me to the land of freedom. i was a stranger in a strange land. even now we know there is no freedom without the rights to be equal and to be welcomed and to safe in our own communities. too many african americans and latinos and people of all races often times are dying on our streets and too often they're dying at the hands of those who
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are sworn in to protect them. i want you all to know we hear you. we hear you and we are taking action. supervisor cohen and i along with our colleague supervisor yee, avalos and campos have called for a hearing -- [ applause ] >> -- have called for a hearing on the police department's use of force. we hope to see you all at that hearing on thursday the 2 1e6789 i invite you all to come and provide your input. [ applause ] >> our goal will be to how to evaluate the training and procedures and how we can improve those procedures to prevent the escalation and the violence that has per per sissed for far too long. persisted for far too long. the ultimate goal is to put the right policies in place so this
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never happens again. [ applause ] >> supervisor cohen and i have introduce today's resolution calling for the independent federal investigation for the shooting death of mario woods. i am today submitting legislation to create a permanent reward fund for unsolved homicide cases in this city. supervisor campos and avalos have expressed our shared sympathy for mario woods and his mother. i want to thank supervisor campos and avalos for their support. i'm discussing with minister christopher the option to reestablish the community police relations board which he spear headed years ago. a board which he served as a leader of that board along with folks like reverend brown sean and members of the police
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department members of the community who met on a regular basis to discuss how we condition only make the department better and hold them accountable but how we can make sure we continue to work on this relationship every single day. we rejected the 300 million-dollar jail. my resolution instead will create more mental health capacity and is on the agenda today to be voted on. >> and lastly, i think we need to improve the political atmosphere about police community relations in general. the police officers association should be building bridges not fighting those trying to help. [ applause ] >> i i stand by my colleague
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supervisor cohen. we will not be intimidated by the poa. [ applause ] >> to everyone who has suffered violence in our city, or the tragedy of a life cut short by those who are called to protect them we will do everything we can to ease your pain. with the hope that no one else will endure the same. [ applause ] >> with that colleagues before i read a statement from supervisor cohen i ask to you indulge me for a moment. we have sean richard here today from brothers against guns. i would like to take a opportunity to invite him and the mother of mario woods up for comments to the members of the board. ms. woods, are you welcomed to
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join us here today. colleagues can we allow them to speak without objection. without objection. [ applause ] >> thank you, very much. >> first i want to add this. everyone recognize how people came into this community -- my dad out of beaumont, texas was naval. that's when sunnyvale was navy owned. he bought our first home when i was 7. i went back to houston and bought a home. when my mom had terminal cancer i came back with my son. we were born and raised here. mario was born and raised here. we didn't move in here. we were born and raised here. it was more diverse. i came under the fine steines the jerry browns, it was much
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more diverse die khrao*eu mat. climate and embracing climate. we can do awful these changes. one thing i can't seem to understand if we don't recognize that people wrote these racist, sexist homophobic messages. when i wake up in the middle of the night i see my son in the stance being shot down like an animal. they said that in their e-mail. shoot us down like e-mails. if we don't do anything about that it's going to happen again. somebody is going to die the same way. i don't get it. any other corporation, zero tolerance policy. you can't go back to work. >> that's right. phra*ups. >> i don't understand it. can somebody make me understand
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it. they killed my child like an animal. they said that was their e-mail. that was there text messages. that was their messages they sent to us in the community. thank you -- (crying) >> -- tell me why they're back at work. i don't get it. >> we don't get it. >> audience: we don't get it. >> i don't get it. will[ applause ] >> as you guys see this mother is grieving. thank you madam president and the board members.
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i just feel -- come up, brother. please, come on up. please. brother brown. i feel that honestly, i think about paulette's son. i think about made scott's son. i think about syla's son and the three young men gunned down in the quad raoup. i think about rose richard's sons. my mother and my two brothers. i think about december 2nd. i think about seeing it on social media again and again. i think about this mother seeing
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her son gunned down on social media. how she went to three different locations to get information about her son and she was rejected each time. she went to bay view station. very disrespectful. we can't help you. she went to san francisco general. we can't help you. she went to 850 bryant. very disrespectful we can't help you. this mother didn't find out about her son until the next day at 10:00 o'clock. she shouldn't of had to go through that. i say to all of the board members here, it happened in district 10. it can happen in any one of your districts. if it happens in one of your districts you want the same support in your district that this mother wants. so you guys have to understand that it's not just about black lives matter.
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that's the importance. it's about human life. >> yes. we have to accept the fact we can do more at a board of supervisors. the mayor. you agree with me, won't you. you agree with me won't you? that everyone here supports will woods, please stand up. this is the community y'all! understand. our loss too. many standing up lost loved ones. do more than what you're doing. i have been doing brothers against guns for 20 years. i take this seriously. i don't play with this. we have to understand. when you're wrong you're wrong. stand up against wrong.
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when you're right we support you. we have to do what we have to do. so when we call for a full investigation. and murder charges on those officers as she mentioned the mother how can it go back to work? how do they go back to work. if i did something wrong on my job, i would be in jail or i can't go back to work. >> that's right. >> you would be fired. >> board members i close with this. i ask you look me in my eyes. see that mothers pain. see her pain. hope hope that you don't lose a family member like.
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these fellow members of the african-american community. it appears that the black community has been rendered invisible in this town. check out the chronicle this past sunday. the spin of article, the import was you might as well forget about the fillmore. call in the pallbearers to bury african-american business community. shame, shame, shame on san francisco. we must stop living this lie that we are a progressive liberal town. condoleezza rice was right when she said, america's birth decay
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is race and san francisco has helped to nurture that defect. where else would it be in this earth that one ethnic group would lose since 1970, 60,000 people? more people than the old candlestick park. yet, the faith community, the academic community, the political community, and the social communities go on as if nothing happened and we maintain business as usual. i plead with you, i beg you this afternoon
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to not let the words of mrs. woods ball on death in sensitive years. you might say, i'm not of that mind and yoke, but it has happened before. in this town they call the funeral preacher. i have presided over more funerals of young african-americans male and females, were dead before their deadline. the bible promises us 70-80 years if i read them strict. we have too many young african-americans dying 15-35 years old in this town. for the record i want to conclude by saying the naacp but the
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prophet in the wilderness stood up in the wake of ferguson, and right here in the city all in room 201, i said to the chief of staff, to the police chief, ferguson is in san francisco. the chief jumped up and said oh, no. this is liberal progressive san francisco. but i respectfully said, chief, i know that in terms of geography ferguson is in missouri and we are here on the bay, but in
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terms of attitude and the worse practices of police officers, not all them but too many of them, this is ferguson. i was vindicated most recently egregious instance of ferguson be mirrored here, reflected here was when mariano woods was gunned down, execution style, and i know it has been said that was about person who allegedly fired the first shot, but as thurgood marshall said, a black snake is just as deadly
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as a white snake. a snake is a snake. we ask you to hold your hope, don't be intimidated by the police officers association . they have refuse to talk with the african-american community. thrown up a firewall in san francisco, and the press needs to report that. what are they scared of? what are they running from? they need to come together and not turn on us. for in times of crisis, such as these times, we shouldn't be divided. my teacher and friend martin
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luther king jr. was right. were either going to learn together live together as brothers and sisters were all cut up parish as fools. i know san francisco. there's not one to be called a fool. i hand out to all you members of this body and to the press a copy of a document that represents the blood sweat and tears and the input of this black community. we have been meeting and we hope that you will see that we are on our way toward being a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. thank you very much >> thank you, rev. brown. >>[applause] >> minister christopher would
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you like to make some remarks as well? we know that you have taken a leadership on the coalition for justice for mario woods and we want to make sure you have an opportunity to say something. >> thank you for your courage mme. board president and certainly those bold members of this board of supervisors. it's been a while since i've been before you. five years ago i pledged never to come back, but some things are so significant in history, that they require you to take a stand. the murder of this young man touched me so deeply, and touched the world so deeply, in my nearly 56 years on this planet i've never
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seen what i saw on videotape that day. this mother grieves for her son. it was her precious one that gave birth to this young man i was about to start a job the next day at ups. but, as we said to the mother, that was not the will of god. ultimately, he gives life and he permits death, but he chose this young man as a martyr for this movement that now is sparking the anger, the frustration of the entire world of people were crying out for justice. so, the spotlight of the world is on san francisco, very interesting that super
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bowl l will be coming here in a few weeks. it's very interesting that text-date came out where officers said,, as mother woods share with us a sergeant, a trainer of officers, a teacher of officers, said it's okay. it's okay. it's not against the law to put an animal down. those words were prophetic because these officers did not look at marietta woods as a human being. they looked at him in that instance as an animal. in fact, worse than an animal because a dog would not have been shot at 40 times. you know as well as i that a white male on lombard street or castro
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street, if you were marietta woods on lombard street or castro street the whole city, the community and the world would be outraged. but, the silence among some has been deafening. it should never have taken the mayor of the city five days to speak. he has never even offered condolences to this mother a month later she has not heard from this mayor. something is wrong. something is not just wrong, something is very wrong. when a mother can't get a call from the father of the city. then, the mayor came out and said the answer is teasers. please wait
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get it teasers were in the hand of those officers with the mind that they have one shoot we all should then marriott woods would've been electrocuted on december 2. the police officers association have helped create a climate of impunity where you can do wrong and we will ride with you and defend you regardless, and anyone who speaks out in a opposed weight will be threatened, will be ridiculed, will be disregarded and run the risk of gaining the ire of the police union. this is wrong. this is not healthy. apparently, as i conclude, there is this culture, this in
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tight black, anti--woman, insight community of color culture within the san francisco police department, and if there are good officers, which i know there are, then the question has to be asked, does the poa speak for you. we need to hear some good officers say, in a course, you do not speak for us. otherwise the poa is telling us what the culture us of sfpd is. and the chief, unfortunately, like any good leader, chicago model is correct in calling for an independent investigation, but the chicago model-and we think supervisor breed for her bold initiative and we think those
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supervisors speak on supervisors campos and supervisor avalos who share with this community, resolution ammo we think you for your compassion for this mother and this wounded community. but, unfortunately the chief has presided over these affairs. he was the chief when we lost kenneth harding junior, and he told us that kenneth harding junior shot himself and we watched the young man on the ground gasping for air for 28 min. and nobody called a paramedic or gave him the urgency care. something is wrong. something is wrong. what we have to understand and recognize, that when text-date
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came out and the department knew about it in 2012, it's not good enough to say we did not know. we forgot her we were not informed. so, these are the times-these of the kinds of contradictions that we can't let go because the chief as you noted our confidence.. he lied to the world and said mariel woods threatened these officers and made moves to threatened these officers, and that is why he was shot. in a community form with the wounded community, when he was asked by community member, what could have been done differently that night, chief were that day i could've prevented this, the chief said, in essence, he should've dropped the knife. very cold. very insensitive. because we now learned there are things that could have been done. the strength could have
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been given or shown and this is why it's so important that the chicago model be followed. mayor rahm emanuel when these tapes came out and of course we can question cover up, but the real point of this meeting is, rahm emanuel fired his chief. it's not personal. it's not personal. but the chief, from the communities perspective has to go. >>[applause] >> mr. mayor, otherwise, you're going to have problems with this community. secondly,- please, secondly, these officers are not above the law. their law enforcement. but none of us can get away with what
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those officers did on camera. so, those officers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but at the very least, these officers should not go back to work as we have learned they are now back at work. now, you know san francisco as i conclude you know how to defy the state and how to defy the federal government. you did that in the past. you have to take on george wallace's spirit in reverse. as george wallace stood at the gate in an act of evil to stop black people from going to school in defiance of federal law, the city has to say, unequivocally, these officers in their racist, homophobic anti-woman, anti-black rent will never come
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back to work in this city. >>[applause] >> that's a statement. these officers that murdered mariel woods, at the very least should be suspended without pay while these investigations are taking place. these are bold steps that you can take him a that will give this community a measure of confidence that you hear the cry of mariel woods his mother and all of these mothers in the black and brown community, whose blood has been spilt but they're no longer forsaken because we have taken on their fight and we plan to fight until justice rolls down the mountain like a mighty stream. thank you. >>[applause] >> thank you. and thank you
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everyone for being here today. i'm sorry, circuit we have not opened up public comment yet. i'm sorry, sir. when not at public, get will be there in just a minute. so i want to thank my colleagues for allowing the minister and mrs. woods to speak to us today. john richard and rev. brown, i really appreciate you taking this opportunity could this is an important issue, not only to me but of course, to the community. we will be finishing up our roll call because i know that supervisor campos and avalos have something to say in terms of the resolution but i like to read a statement from supervisor cohen who asked me to read a statement about this issue since she was not able to join us today. i would like to
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again offer my sincere and deepest condolences to the mother and family of mr. mario woods. your loss is tremendous and one that a growing number of families across the country are coming to know all too well. we will need an objective independent investigation into the shooting because there are too many questions surrounding the circumstances of this incident.. more portly, the community is asking for an impartial look into this matter. president obama's task force on the 21st century policing recommends independent investigations be performed in any officer involves incident that results in serious injury or death. right now, the community is struggling to have confidence in our police department, and we have a lot of work to do to restore the community's trust. requesting an independent investigation is a good safe effort to help restore this conference. what
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has angered so many in the community was the imbalance of proportionality of force that was used against mr. woods. there have been many questions about the level of force used and whether it was necessary. i believe the various videos in the public will provide the answers to these questions. this disproportional level of force used, rebuilding community trust and transparency, these are all reasons why we need third-party partial fair and objective independent investigations into this terrible incident, parallel to the existence of free investigations that are being performed by city agencies. that is a statement from supervisor cohen and with that, i want to at this time, turn it over to supervisor campos will offer a resolution as well. again i think everyone
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for being here and i'm committed, as i said, to getting this thing done good to digging deep into the problem and making sure this does not happen to another person in this city. thank you. >> supervisor campos, not yet, circuit will call for introductions and will be a public comment after two months supervisor speak. supervisors because >> thank you, if you could add me as a cosponsor of your resolution calling for an independent investigation, number of us have spoken about the need to do that and i think it's important for the entirety of the board of supervis be on record. ms. woods, i want to thank you for being here. for me, the introduction of this resolution is a very personal thing. i have to say that part of me has not really known how to respond to the
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tragedy as it has unfolded. in this resolution came out of a conversation that we had with community that involve you at a meeting of this amazing coalition, and what struck me when i spoke to you, mrs. woods, is first of all the composure, the compassion that notwithstanding what you have gone through you demonstrated for another mother was in that audience who also had suffered a loss. what struck me, and what was painful and ultimately led me and supervisor avalos to bring this resolution four, was, quite frankly the way in which the city and county in san francisco has treated you and your family after everything that happened. it really bothered me that i can i
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what i think, by the way individual members of this board i know pres. breed supervisor cohen may personal comments to you. i know chief sir has done that as well but it was important for me that we collectively as a board of supervisors, we are on record as saying, we are sorry for what happened. >>[applause] >> what is disturbing, and i'll be honest with you and i wish that i had done more, is that it is not the first time that i've had to say this to the parent of someone who has been involved in the use of force by police. i had, unfortunately, the same conversation with the parents of alex --who, as with the case
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with you, do not find out about what happened to her son until a day or two later. and who never really got approached by the mayor to offer condolences. what struck me the most about what you said today is this. that, what happened when you were son is not an isolated incident. other things happened did what i wonder is, if we had got it right with alex-- >>[applause] >> if we had got it right with amelia lopez would we be here today? that is why, not only is important in this
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resolution-i want to thank pres. breed and supervisor cohen, this is going to be heard on the 21st, this resolution that supervisor avalos and i are introducing and i want to thank the cosponsorship of mar, kim cohen, and pres. breed-but beyond remembering your son, who's become a symbol, with this resolution does, in this is, to me, the most important thing that we can do as a board of supervisors to honor the memory of your son and the symbol that he has become, is that it puts the board of supervisors, if this board passes this resolution, on record for the very first time saying, officially, that we need comprehensive police reform in san francisco. >>[applause] >> we had the opportunity to
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do that a few months back. supervisor avalos had a resolution that, essentially, tried to make the point that our revered leader from the community, former supervisor a most brown made which is wonderful as san francisco is, the issues that we saw in ferguson are happening in the city and county of san francisco today. at that point, the board of supervisors did not pass that resolution. my hope is that, with this resolution were introducing today, we have the opportunity to right that wrong by saying, yes, we in san francisco have to deal with the issue of race. we in san francisco have to build the trust of communities of color when it comes to our police department. and we not
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only must have an independent investigation, because it's important to know what happened in this case, but i think we have to go beyond that. it's more than just an independent investigation about what happened with mariel woods. we need to change the system. we need to change the system. so, with that, i want to thank my cosponsors of this resolution. i know that supervisor avalos who has been working on this with me has a few words. i want to thank my colleagues for what they have said, and that me say this. policing is a public trust .. it is a real public trust and it is something that is critical to the life of of a neighborhood of a community. i used to be on the police commission, and i can tell you that at the end of the day, a
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police department is only as effective as the trust it has of the communities it serves. >>[applause] >> by that measure, we have a lot of good people, men and women were members of this department. by that measure, we do not have, at this point, the police department that the city and county of san francisco deserves to have. let's make that happen. thank you. >>[applause] >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you, ma'am. supervisor avalos. >> thank you pres. breed. >> ma'am, i'm sorry. thank
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avalos >> thank you. ghetto first of all, i want to also say that a be a cosponsor to your resolution calling for federal investigation to this incident here in san francisco. i believe there are other instances where investigation is necessary. right now, the case against the officers who have been, who've been involved in officer involved shooting involved with alex are in trial. the other case they need to be looked at. the case of lopez perez as well. that certainly needs to be investigated. so, i just think this case mariel woods is just an example. i also want to thank when woods for being here. it's unimaginable, to me what
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you are going through and i am very impressed with your courage and your strength to be here knowing how your heart is, right now. i have the smallest glimpse of what you are experiencing. the smallest glimpse. i was on bart when i saw the video, and my heart broke. i wept right there on the train to see how someone could be treated this way by san francisco police department. your presence here, mrs. woods, is a reminder to me and i hope to all of us here, that we work for the city and county of spurs san francisco. the city and county of san francisco is not the city departments. it is not the police chief. it's not the police department. it is the
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people of the city and county of san francisco. that we work for you. and our police department works for all of us. to think that officers could commit such an act i'm a look so much like a firing squad with complete impunity, to have their jobs back and to be, as i here today, on the force, working, with pay, is absolutely stunning to me. our city has not issued an apology to you. i've said my apologies and they're completely insufficient, but i'm hoping today that all of us can sign on to making an official policy, something is dreadfully wrong happens, happened to your
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son to you and our community here in san francisco. and to think that video could be something that is, we were following protocol, is absolutely ludicrous. >>[applause] >> my first reaction when i saw the video was someone needs to apologize right away. that never happened. then, when i saw that-were being teasers are being promoted all over again without an apology that something was really arrived here in san francisco. were i was reminded about how arrived things. like, yes, in december of 2014 i had a resolution that was looking at how we could be mindful of how race is an issue in san francisco as well. we have a lot of disputed cases of officer involved shootings
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affecting committees of color in the circuit that resolution was not supported in the board of supervisors. now, we have a common word is supported. i don't think we need to come back to bringing that resolution forward. i believe with the action that we have calling for an investigation, issuing an apology and called for institutional police reform in san francisco, are sufficient. but, we actually can't let this moment pass. this moment cannot pass without there being conclusive change in san francisco. it is not going to be a large demonstrations, but actually rolling up our sleeves and working together and talking and dialoguing with each other to come up with real solutions that we can all agree with. it can be a top-down approach either. so, i look for to be part of that effort. but if that discussion. i think pres. breed and supervisor cohen for their work on bringing this
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call for a federal investigation forward. i want to work with you on that. to make sure the community is involved and apprised of all parts of discussion around these measures. so, again, from my heart and-i do want to apologize for how the city has treated you. for the killing of your son. that is so hard to say. but this is something that should never happen again can we have the power to change that. so, thank you. >>[applause] >> i'm not sure of other people want to speak on this. i believe it might be my turn for introduction of other items. >> i think supervisor kim wants to make some comment before we move on. >> thank you. i want to join in on the behalf of the board of supervisors to personally apologize on the city and
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county of san francisco but i still cannot watch the video. i then watch the video of officer grant, of eric garner. i can't watch some and really die on video. this resolution has been introduced by the board of which of a cosponsor says that on december 2, 2015 mario woods, 26-year-old african-american resident of san francisco were shot and killed by the beef and police officers. he was killed and shot by the city and county of san francisco. as we talked about an independent federal investigation, which i support, as we talked about moving forward, i think that we have to all acknowledge our role in the murder of mariel woods. >>[applause] >> part of this job for us is that i know i support a system in which there is inequity and violence. when we talk about
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police brutality and police homicide, we are actually talking about government-funded force and homicide. we, in fact, live in a system and society where we have decided that murder of some black men are necessary in fact, for our safety. that it's an unfortunate consequence to keep our cities and communities safer. i think many of us in fact accepted that and we need to do much more than that. every year, i cedill on vote that tells them to kill and shoots we blame these individuals officers and say it's the rogue racist police officers that are out there, but we fund and train these individuals and it's a lot takes a lot more than investigation. we share locally as a body, we are accountable for sfpd's action. it's not the police officers themselves. i stand and oppose many of the
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statements being made by our police officers association, and in fact, i was the only candidate running for the board of supervisors and 2014 that turn down their endorsement because i don't- >>[applause] >> because i don't stand with the statements they've made that race had nothing to do with ferguson. that race had nothing to do in staten island and in baltimore. we know that race matters in this country and yes, we can say that all lives matter, but we know that is often not that black lives matter here in this country. >>[applause] >> so, this is what, i want to thank you so much for being here today because you don't have to be here today. you, more than anyone, understand the injustice here in the city and personally have felt that through your loss. there is nothing--there is nothing that
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will bring your son back. so, i know that we all talk a lot about reform and i talked about it also. that's why we fought against the jail against maximum incarceration what we know does not make our neighborhoods safer. but i just want to know that my heart is with you along with many members of this board, and that i'm committed to this change. this change is very hard. i'm not going to say it can happen this year, but i know i'm accountable also. that we funded this. that this is what the government did. that we accept this is what keeps our neighborhoods safe. i think that that's not something we can continue to do. we had to fund something very different and not just in our police officer. it's not about being anti-police because these are
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the resources and training we give them. we can do more than that. so, i look forward to working with you but i do want to send my deepest condolences and apologies for what has occurred. >>[applause] >> thank you supervisor kim. i just want to let members of the audience know that we still have colleagues on the board who have items that they want to introduce, and i know there are several members here would like to provide public comment but i thought it was important that we deviate from that in order to allow this discussion to take place. so, we will have some additional items to be introduced to my colleagues on the board, and then after we are done with that we will open it up to public comment which will give each and every one of you an opportunity to speak if
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you so choose. with that, i want to reroof her supervisor campos of the items he has to introduce. >> thank you madame president can all be very brief. just a couple of items in addition. i'm going for a hearing on the investigations that are outstanding on the number of fires that have taken place in the mission. one of the neighborhoods i represent. i know that a lot of people have raised concerns about the fact that fires have actually gone down in other parts of the city except in the mission could i think the board to look into that. then, the second point i do not want to think supervisor farrell pours cosponsorship of thi ordinance, event keeping up with the times and actually something that is happened in other parts of the country where something as basic as going to the bathroom can be an issue for some numbers some residents of the san francisco. we have heard from the
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transgender community that depending on how you identified yourself you may be harassed if you go to a specific bathroom, and so my legislation essentially, creates access to all gender to single stall restrooms in san francisco. it's a commonsense legislation. if your partner is a child of the opposite sex, by now you have to choose which bathroom you take them to. if your mother was a boy do you go to the women's restroom where men's restroom because if your senior or disabled person, was a caretaker of an opposite sex you also have to make a choice. there cities like new york, north hollywood, that have already gone down this path. berkeley here in the bay area, and it's a great speed and keeping up with the times. the last thing i just want to say, a big shout out to the new head of the ethics commission, ethics department and that is
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we tell him we specifically refused to cut the budget of that department until she had a full assessment of what the needs of that department are. i think that's the leadership is needed in san francisco because in the end, cutting the budget at the ethics commission, i think, can actually cost you market so, thank you to the new director of that. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor mar >> i want to say to pres. breed and supervisor and have it be added as a cosponsor as well. to supervisor avalos and campos thank you for taking the lead on mario woods. to ms. quinn was, my sincere condolences as well. picking up on a few things that supervisor kim was saying about the system, i'll just say i don't support a system that continues back and down young people to be killed in the streets
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without accountability and i joined the back life matter in other movements and manning apologies but also systemic changes in our police system and law enforcement system as well. the cop >> my item before hearing a few accommodations today, besides racial justice and on forstmann and policing i believe strongly about racial justice and health equity and public health as well. i'm introducing a resolution today that will support statewide and local efforts to ban the sale and distribution of powdered alcohol in california. i just wanted it supervisor public comment is closed is joining me as well. the struggle for health equity and with coalitions like our san francisco alcohol prevention youth leadership institute alcohol justice san francisco police department alkyl licensing unit, ucsf, i'm in a
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public health and others, i want to salute their leadership on these issues as a introduce this today with other colleagues. the rest i will submit >> thank you. better president >> thank you. supervisor i was, give any items to introduce? okay. >> thank you. madame president. let me get my thoughts together after all that just happen. so, i have a ordinance that's okay to our ordinance we passed in 2013. that ordinance was actually to make sure we can have protections from local law enforcement, from collaborating with the federal government in alliance with our alignment with our century city
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ordinance. under the federal cobra program that's been in place since early years of obama, baby late years of president bush was the ascom program the which essentially, was calling on local law enforcement by the sheriff's department, to detain people pass their time so they can be picked up by ice and deported. the thing is a lot people get caught up in that system move actually could very well be citizens. also people who have not had their due process to actually have their rights sustained through the process of our courts. so, we saw there was also a policy that the federal government had that was separating immigrant communities from having trusting relationships with the law enforcement get to make all people or residence in our country in our city unsafe. last year we saw changes to the ascom program and a new program that was. call priority enforcement program. called which instead of-it also
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included detaining people beyond their time or that the city would notify ice when a person was ready to be released, and ice would be there to pick them up. the very process of contacting ice for them to pick up someone puts a huge pause on anyone immigrant community who wants to contact and have a relationship with a law-enforcement either as a witness, as a victim, and it's very difficult for people who are still trying to understand their innocence and prove their innocence who get caught up in our justice system. and you possibly get turnover for eyes. that separation, we want to create a trust we want to create between local law enforcement and the immigrant and he gets taken away when notification happens. last year we saw the sanctuary city policy, and are due process
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policy, under enormous pressure when a memo that the sheriff department had issued last march that was the old sheriff-had issued last march that basically was guidelines for how the department would coordinate their efforts with the immigrant community within the jails in accordance with our due process for all ordinance. this is, this metal actually said under those conditions that the deputy sheriff could talk with ice. then they should actually talk to legal counsel within the surest apartment first and then talk to the sheriff before talking with ice. they were actually instances they could have communication it referenced in the mail. this metal is called the gag order. the gag order was used to actually maturing a political year when the shark was up for reelection, a sheriff who had already been through many
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multi-year process of trying to sustain his innocence of misconduct charges in the aftermath of that, is actually great fodder for political efforts to unseat him. in the process of this political effort, the protections we have wanted to put in place for the immigrant community were taken away. so, this update to our due process for all ordinance is essentially to bring back the protections we wanted to have in place to protect immigrants who get caught up in our justice system. whether as victims, as witnesses, whereas people who are accused. so last year as well as last fall, we had a resolution that we had passed unanimously that called on us to have a process to protect immigrants from notification to ice. that was
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passed unanimously. at that moment, we are voting on that measure i said i would be coming forward with a ordinance that would actually be binding. that would actually state our policy in a request to the sheriff and in this case the new sheriff, for the policy would be around under what conditions we would have notification. so, this measure would be introduce ticket i want to thank-i wasn't able to talk to all colleagues about it, but so far, it is cosponsored by supervisor campos, kim, mar, peskin, and i'm hoping that since we all had unanimously voted on this measure last year, the week i'll be in sports of this effort. i've been told that the new sheriff, sheriff hennessey, is considering resending this memo. if she were to rescind this memo, would actually take away protections that are in
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place. what it would do, all deputy sheriffs would not have any guidance about when and under what conditions, they can actually talk with ice. or when they will be referred to legal counsel within the sheriff's department. this could play a large amount of doubt within the immigrant community about whether they should talk to ice or talk to local law enforcement or talk to police come forward as witness. even if they are victims. that is completely counter to what our intentions were around due process for all ordinance. we really hope that before this memo is rescinded that, in fact, sheriff hennessey can ashley put her name on it. maybe make some slight changes to update the memo with new conditions around notification and she can move forward the same protections that the added protections we want to have with this ordinance were introducing ticket so, colleagues i look forward to other members of the board want to cosponsor this measure i
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look forward to the mayors supporting as well. most of all, i want to thank each and everyone of you colleagues, for supporting the immigrant community with a resolution that we passed last year saying that we would not honor the notifications except for very narrow circumstances that are in our ordinance that we passed in 2013. the rest i will submit. thank you. >> thank you. at this time, i have two in memoriam is. yesterday on january 11, marie mccutchen leavitt get the clerk for the board of supervisors passed away as we like to adjourn today's meeting in her honor. the final in memoriam i have is for mrs. beatrice jackson, was born on march 19, 1929 and louisiana. she was a
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trailblazer in her community. she raised two amazing doctors. she was the first african-american woman appointed to the daily city planning commission, and also pointed to the san mateo health and welfare advisory board. one of her proudest moments was when her youngest daughter, the hon. terry jackson, became the first african-american woman to be appointed to the superior court of california here in the city and county of san francisco. mrs. jackson leaves a strong village of young ones who have been inspired and enriched by her good deeds and her love. she is succeeded in death by her granddaughters her grandchildren and great grandchildren so, thank you colleagues and the rest i submit. >> that includes the roll call for the introduction of new business matter president speak thank you. now, this time speaker can you please repeat above, at this time the public may address the board of supervisors whether or not the
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board of supervisors should convene in closed session for item number 12 and items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. items 13-19. in addition to general public comments. the comments is not allowed when an item has been previously subject to public comment and pursuant to the board's rules please direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors were to the audience. speakers using interpretation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. if you would like to display documents on the overhead projector, please clearly state such to sfgtv and remove the document when you would like to screen to return to live coverage of the meeting >> thank you. the speaker >> next speaker, please. >> man, you know what, 17 years ago i was in oceanview park and they kill this guy, shot him in the back and hit
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all these-we all these meetings and make all this change. you know what i'm talking about? that's all i see right now. idle chatter. how about the commission on education with a letter from pres. obama attached to it mrs. breed. you grew up in the project. but you have no integrity for your people. if you did, you'd have been address that. then, what can you do more right now, i can leave with something tangible in my hand to take back to the community to give them some type of security that this is not going to happen again? see i'm out there in the trenches, though. when you
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talk about, what you hear, i live it every day. so i feel the pulse of the people. you're so removed from that you don't even have a clue. but when you push a in the corner he's going to come out fighting. since we've been in this country, they been killing us with no resistance. why? racism. until we address racism in this country, nothing is going to change. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, everyone. my name is paul that brown. i have been coming to the police commission and the supervisors board for the last nine years concerning
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my son. i'm emotional today because i feel for that other mother. mariel was his mother, when i watched her cry so i relieve my sons death, even though the bullets came from a different person. but the pain is still the same, you guys, and it's been nine years for me. my 17-year-old boy. in i'm tired of fighting. i am tired of hurting. i come here and i wonder all the time and my embarrassing myself? i am tired . i want justice for my child
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also. i want the same thing every mother wants. i know you can't bring my baby back. i know you can't. but if you could give me a little closure. just a little bit. maybe i can function better than what i'm doing now. help me. so i don't have to look at this anymore. so i don't have to see this any more. so i can put them away, but i can't put them because i have no closure, you guys. i want the same recognition. do it for all of our children. other mothers and fathers also. >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> imagine knowing for the authority mind tuesdays i do and a 40 yards to make it come true. to simply stop the murder. americans are the most racist people on the planet. and to combine truly this fact requires standing on granite. as you do under the likes of me. a prophetic statement by the most amazing most beautiful black carpenter. he spoke of racism. because it always included the animals. who
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could've been more pleased than him? there are a group of people in the midst of a slaughterhouse speaking with people with bodies falling everywhere and blood everywhere and they're blaming and pointing fingers elsewhere. dexter scott king sever chavez jesus, malcolm shabazz the grandson of malcolm x, all begins. it is done. as i am the son of the son, i am peter and the cops, at their worst, heaven far kinder to us than we are to the animals. so, it's time we get on that freedom rose bus. the slaughterhouse industry provides the spiritual justification for the 1% to roll over us as if they were loyal. so, how to oppose for
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existing under centuries of deception. these are prophetic day system shutdown is a truly wonderful reception, as you do unto me was always talking about the animals. those that are directing the slaughterhouses are religious deceivers. >> thank you. thank you, sir. thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you pres. breed and all the members of the cabal. by ms. christopher dalton i live it six in our 10 box lesson 40 m from sea level. i rise to comment on the changes. i know there's an older member of the cabal weaselly returned to your house. when faction
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loses another faction wins. similarly things will change it mostly the names on doors websites and documents. otherwise we have it on the expert authority of campos that little else will change. certainly, the housing supply will continue to notch up only 2000 units per year according to his expert testimony and certainly the tenant supply will continue to notch up at about 5000 tenants per year. the land we have to build on one change because the attitudes of all parties will certainly resist actual remediation of treasure island. according to member wiener how we get around will not change. his expertise is good to go as is for the next 20 years. except of course the clement staff and schedules will continue to degrade faster than they are refurbished. that won't change. the red light runners, and other vehicle or
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terrorist, will not change. the behavior because there's no cost to ms. behavior. members, important things will not change. our beloved city and county will continue to suffer. hyperbolic rent increases because of i will continue to be constrained, and we will continue to suffer wasteful tragic vehicle or main link and manslaughter because speeds will continue to be unconstrained. no, members, nothing will change until new narratives are offered until new forces are awakened. until new faces are found. thank you breed >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> carl mcdonagh. two years ago the california public utility commission created a transportation or company model allowing any car owner to sell rides to the public it cpuc glibly admits having no meaningful enforcement capacity. 25,000 unregulated
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lift vehicles. francisco. this board need to schedule a committee hearing on policy. after the 1929 craig depression tens of thousands of new york city residents earn income using the personal cars as de facto taxi did that supply cause danger and cause. thus in a race to the bottom. 1937 legislator passed a act to find the number authorized taxis and raise the. such was the genesis of the taxi medallion system. our city could add 100 new medallions e.g. they sell for two and $50,000 as a set price see are missing out on $25 million a year. instead, pnc's ever created because that conditions. galatians require tax have an app. five wheel is most probably wanted the customer pays for credit card on file
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and can order a taxi on a smartphone get pnc's ignore losses ap principals. generally that the rates are lower to taxis due to reduced overhead cost. sort of like walmart on wheels. the title be untrained the vehicle is uninspected and unsure for injuries to third parties due to institutional house insurance fraud in the pnc business model. service to waterice wheelchair ignore disability law without consequence. if you are currently at&t app user please replace it with philo. dist. atty. gascoigne has filed a lawsuit opened fire at pip urban ground screening for applicants. the supervisor should mandate this policy also require commercial insurance for anyone selling rides in the secured thank you and i hope you hold a hearing. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i, too, represent medallion holders taxis. i want to explain to you, i did have a prepared
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speech, but i'm so moved what happened i'm sorry. you have to realize, that san francisco was the pride of the united states. you have the best taxi service. you had a taxi service that served more old people, more wheelchairs at discounted prices with a voucher system. unfortunately, there are a lot of things wrong with it. you, as legislators, did not insist on more taxis as the need to move cars off the streets. and what have you done? your illustrious mayor has allowed approximately 25,000 pnc's that work the streets of san francisco. most of them work
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illegally. most of them pick up fares they are not called on, and by doing so, they void the only fig leaf of insurance that they have good so, your citizens, and everybody else suffer when there's an accident. because these drivers are inexperienced, they don't even know which side of the street the odd and even numbers are on. you see them doing u-turns in the middle street and having accidents, and holding their phones to look, but the other thing you are doing, i not trying is you are disenfranchising- >> thank you. thank you, sir.
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thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is john fitch. i was a mayoral candidate of the city of san francisco. i was defrauded in that, but i submitted a document to all the supervisors on behalf of mrs. was. i gave one to loretto went, our sen., also to the miller harris, both attorney generals. they received the letter. and i got notification. weeks later, chief sir is going to washington. was that the reason ? i don't know. i gave a copy of the same letter to mrs.
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woods family members because i know i do not have enough time microphone but i don't have enough time to speak. but, when she opened it she will have a little resolution because now everything is falling into place. w ms. breed said and what every board of supervisor have mentioned. it wasn't just about mr. woods or mr. perez, in a been following this longer than most people in here. that's why i did what i had to do as a citizen of san francisco. even though i wasn't voted in as mayor you can't give up. that's what i took the initiative i did. i came here for another reason but i know it's not enough time. that
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cater and talk bill, the supervisor is going to reflect back in 2013 that it was passed- >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> i am with the justice for mario woods coalition has become up and make sure that our demands their before i do give you our demands, just want to say a personal level, i feel that pollock son's murder, not being resolved in the murder of many of the black and brown people in san francisco not been resolved is directly related to the racism of sfpd. the streets know who killed his people but sfpd does not care because i do not value the lives of minorities in san francisco. i want you to keep that mind when considering police reform. i also make it clear that justice for mario woods coalition has some very simple demand. we want chief sir fire. we want what you been asked today to be an
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independent investigation that can only be modified sfpd in the gathering of evidence. we want those five officers charged with murder. because that's what they did. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> board of supervisors i want to ask you a very important thing for which i want all of you to pay attention. you have to ask yourself, why is it this city does not have the mayor's office of criminal justice? why was it done away with? secondly, if you board of supervisors-i know six of you have hearts meaning that your compassionate, but gather the other five in demand for a congressional hearing that each
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mother, each person that was adversely impacted, can testify before those who represent us in congress. today, with only 2% of african-americans left in san francisco, whatever others may say, shame on our mayor. if our mayor doesn't have the guts to apologize to a mother, and he hasn't done it only to this mother, but he's done it to the mothers that the four sons were killed, and i am following everything. you know, i cannot expend myself so that i hurt my health a lot because i put my life on the front line for a long time, but i do write. i've heard some crocodile tears today. we don't want crocodile
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tears. we want action. action for our children. action for our single mothers. board of supervisors, i know some of you . i can feel your hearts strong, but i know others were not doing the right thing. please do so. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, members of the board. my name is matt a stone. i'm the founder and executive director of also the president of the campaign for san francisco and mothers in charge chaplain leader from others in charge asia might movement of mothers and grandmothers and aunts and women were sick and tired sick and tired of being our kids being gunned down in streets. our voices-italy 20 years next year my son george c scott was
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murdered here in san francisco. he was gunned down, 20 years ago 17th, 1996 was the actual date when he was gunned down the graduation party. many people in my neighborhood with estate and nobody came for. so this is not a plea. this is a national plea from others who cannot speak for themselves or at home on the couch medicated because of the pain and grief and loss their suffering because of the loss of their children.-lost three sons this in the bayview committee who cannot get out of bed and go to the grocery store without being reminded of her sons being cut down in her own community with no case be installed. my sons case is not solve. i go back as far as matthew johnson was murdered by the police, shot in the back, taking in a car and these were teenagers, going to the high school, we watch them get
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gunned down by the police years ago and the case has never been solved. now, i stand here on behalf of marriott woods, on behalf of all the other families that we are not people were killed in the beginning of january, my nephew timothy scott, that this goes on and on. all these obituaries of people from this year that died right here in the city of nudges by the police by everyday violence. so, i want to thank-- >> thank you, mrs. scott. next speaker, please. >> hi. my son went to private and public school here in san
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francisco. this past may, he graduated from eight elite university in new york city. but in the past april, he was returning in a car home, being dropped off when he was yanked and pulled out of that car i sfpd and i think myself if they banged his head one more time or pulled a gun on him. i could be marriott with his mother. i don't really have anything prepared, but what you guys did move me to tears. because what my son has in common with marriott was, he still young man of color. the aclu has filed a lawsuit on his behalf, and i want to thank you because i spent so many leukocytes and agree for all biscuits but for the first time since this incident has happened i felt proud to live in san francisco with what you have done today, that you have
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stepped up. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm speaking to the board of supervisors, but also to everyone here, the public, and i just want to say that it's important for us to all understand that we need to connect with each other on this. that we need to step out of our roles in society and understand as humans. only speak you guys as humans. forget board of supervisors were what position you are in. forget this thing called the public it lets talk about being human for a second. we all have a responsibility here. we can't just leave it up to just a board of supervisors to solve this problem even know their work is needed and necessary. we as a public need to be working together for this and need to be working spontaneously and connecting and grouping. that woman who spoke up was not out of context. we do need a
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resolution. we need a revolution. we need everybody to step out of the restrictions of their role and what they think they can personally do and step outside the box. just try something different and don't be afraid to fight. join with every battle because every battle is connected. police brutality mass incarceration, the war on women wrongful laws against immigrants, the list goes on and on. just worldwide. it's important to not isolate issues or battles but every time you see a battle happening someone struggling you go out there and you joined because you not just fighting for them, they're fighting for you. there fighting for us all. they love and peace resonate with us all. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> i saw the brutality that killed marriott woods here at city hall. deputies have got
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better, you know, but i know when sean martin we had hearings for him the man that was arrested off the airplane because he had baggy pants. sunday by people showed up to city hall. they had a bomb scare to clear us out. i have seen that mentality right here. i remember being on a muni bus like for,-five black girls they were acting bad. they got into a little scuffle. although like eyes jumped up and said i'm calling the police. the girls were rowdy good i told him to knock it off and they did. in my mind, i think i might've saved their life. that's real. they said it san francisco is ferguson did i say it's
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johannesburg. back lives matter. you should have to say something like that because it should be assumed already. especially in a city that prides itself on diverse city. i saw the mentality that killed marriott woods when-if you wish to want to bring friday night fights to san francisco, to a tourist attraction city like san francisco. friday night fights, espn and was rejected. kareem was black and his trainer is filipino. white people. it reflects what san francisco is. we could have some real cool in the city if we embrace the real diversity like rudy corpus. peace. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is
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ernest kirkwood. i am here in support of the resolution that was drafted by campos and his colleague. my hats are off to you. he showed up at the meeting with the community. you committed to the community and you delivered. unfortunately, not be able to attend the meeting when this is voted on, but i want to take this opportunity to share my encouragement with you. this resolution passes, there will be folks that think the board has lost their collective mind. if this resolution does not pass there will be even more folks that will be thoroughly convinced of this fact. i'm not appealing to you as supervisors , or politicians. i'm appealing to you as compassionate human beings that no right from wrong. and know that a profound and egregious wrong has been
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perpetrated against marriott woods. pres. breed, you were quoted as saying your mama told you all money ain't good money. that is righteous old-school wisdom to live bi think it's a safe bet that pres. breed's mama my mama, and probably the mothers of everyone in this room also said , you can't take two wrongs and make a right. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is stevie vanderhorst am the founder and director of the women's aftercare program and supportive services at city college. we address the needs of women coming out of prison and into academic endeavors. i
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am also a proud member of all of us or none but i'm not going to speak for all of us or none today nor will i speak for that. i misspeak the mother of a black family. i go to bed every night wondering, is my grandson going to get shot? he's 21. he is in college. it doesn't mean anything anymore. i have other grandsons that are going to grow but will they? i don't know. i have to give the speech that every black mother has to give to their children about the police. that is to instill fear and that's not a good thing. to have to go to bed at night, wondering if your family is going to live. no. i'm appealing as a mother right now. not as an activist, not as
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somebody who opposes institutional racism, which i understand is definitely the problem, but simply, as a mother . you have to get rid of keith short. he has got to go. he has to go. not just him. the police department. it's out of control. it's been out of control for a long time. it's in your hands now. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i want to show appreciation for the fact that the resolution was introduced before the board. that recognition of the crime that was perpetrated against marriott woods the family of mary woods, particularly when woods met with his mother, went to live with not having her son. we know the deal. if
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you're a young person of color, particularly a young man of color, the life ain't worth a shit when it comes to law enforcement you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what the culture is. i am a man of color. if somebody says were going to call the cops, that means you could die. that your asset is not coming home. but you're not there to see your mother or your father know more because not can ask you question could simply going to open fire. this city, being a diverse city, being a city that is supposedly progressive,, this is a stain, a big blood stain, on our city. the city is dying. when you have things like this that are happening the city is dying. this is not the city i grew up in. on five
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generations deep in the city. there's less than 3% african americans left in the san francisco and that's a damn shame. the city does not care about its black population but they don't care about its black people. we know that law enforcement does not give a damn either. you need to get rid of that, get rid of the chief and get rid of whoever it is that is perpetuating this culture of death because, make no mistake, the city is spiritually dying. it really is. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is jason were there. i'm with sau 15 years, 17 years living here in san francisco. i guess, i commit to speak about something us but it strikes me the connection between a lot of these issues
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we in san francisco are becoming a city that forgot how in a lot of ways. we have people standing up here talking about lease commission and special commissions and about some of things that happened in the past and remedies people have found for those, they were disbanded. there were problems. where a union town or have been historically a uniontown. were fast becoming something other than that. so, i think san francisco was an innovator and placed the figure out how to sell bonds for people, not just how to get the quickest sandwich. we are changing. whether like to see one of the changes right now, we went to --we saw a hearing yesterday about the super bowl. were making choices with the money and the resources that we allocate and they talked about $1.5 million going towards security for the super bowl committee for private
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individuals. another chunk of money for private parties, and a really inadequate security plan that's in place for that. i think it's mate choice. are we investing in communities that need it, and police training that is required? are we putting our attention on things that serve the community here or installing the community? i think the choices are really start and wrap a big turning point in san francisco. those choices are before you know. i think they're demonstrated clearly some other things you were discussing it. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is michael notley. within a security san francisco for the last 30 years. i'm here to talk a little bit about the super bowl and the problem with spending $1.5 million on a security company that's been under
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investigation from the state licensing board for not using license security officers at big public events. i.e., the academy awards, and we are worried that are standards that we fought decades to make security a halfway decent gay, we even get a decent wage and benefits and dignity and respect is being eroded, but the biggest concern is really the cities can be spending an awful lot of money for security company that's not going to adequately protect the citizens and visitors to this event. because they're not really interested in security. the being investigated in seattle for not paying people correctly. they got kicked out of apple and google for substandard service, and really, i think in this day and age, in the way security is now, in the threat of terrorism and so on and so
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forth, can we really afford go to a race to the bottom when we should view it, as jason said, san francisco is to be the city that knew how. i don't think that is true anymore. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is amir-i represent a nonprofit working for the disenfranchised and the committee for over 37 years. i for statement is to thank you for taking this time but, as i see, everybody is sitting down and i don't know if you have a conscience that understands what is going on. i don't hope you know you have an opportunity for the whole united states can see that you guys are partially representing for the people not just capitalism. how can we have these elaborate buildings and everybody in the
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street, not everybody but a lot of people in the street are homeless. i just heard about the money for the super bowl. just 10% of all that money we are spending for all these glorious parties could house and feed everybody in this city. you have over 400 million dignity to be allocated for proposition 47. justin million dollars can clean up the city. i don't know what you want to do but we've been here for 37 years fighting for this community and i live three blocks away i will come personally to everyone of your offices in every meeting to show you another way how you could get the majority took everybody in the community for the last money. i am for you to do it estimate he said prior, african-americans are 3% in the city but it's 56% in prison. how is it you have 2100 police officers and over 85% of all their contact is with african-americans? if you can sit here and give you a logical answer, i would be surprised
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and politic for all you guys but i think anyone can tell me an answer to that statistic. but you have a way to start now in the whole country can see and follow your direction. as i said him we been here for 37 years. we have people in the streets, we have people everywhere that will literally come and help you work with you guys if you guys are serious. but i see-- >> thank you. thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervised. my name is shannon both. i want to thank the last speaker for everything he said because he basically preempted what i was planning to say. i would like
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to be standing your complaint you about the money being spent on the super bowl.. instead being used to house the many residents are forced to live in tents on division street in other areas in the mission. i'm in district 8. but, unfortunately, have to talk to you about the public execution of barrio was the fact that san francisco is the ferguson of the west. i think that if somebody whose update area native, i find that fact to be shameful, and i would urge the supervisors to pass this resolution, and i'd like to plant the seed for when you start looking at your budget. in order to reduce also officer involved shootings, there should be a system of penalization for the san
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francisco pd even for just five should get all officer involved shootings resulting in injury should deceive an automatic fine of $500,000 newly transferred to the department of health. all civilian deaths later to officer involved shootings justified or not she resulted $1 million fine. i think you'd see dramatic change immediately i know the supervisors it's your job to control the purse strings i urge you to do that. also want to say them here as a representative of 123 san francisco and our project is to mobilize voters to make sure you as representatives of san francisco are actually doing what we like you to do. instead of ignoring us as a documented case, especially over the last 10 years. thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> yes, i am here again. you know, it's really a mess, the city. i speak for, who, ross. the man who really is-the man who should be our mayor. he should be our president an
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