tv Board of Educaiton 11216 SFGTV January 14, 2016 4:30am-6:31am PST
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in san francisco we've talked about pride and chinese world series they have a track record in keeping the traffic moving i'll talk about the transit plan the super bowl city on market street and the nfl moscone center are 9 days events the transportation changes will start sooner than the first day january 23rd and continuing after super bowl until roughly february 12th changes to the muni network downtown because of the importance of getting this right the amount of time that the event will be taking place we put together an entirely transit schedule for this period that means that live information about the next bus and realtime arrivals will be available on their phones as the ryan white's
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changes the live information for the customer will be accurate a couple of other important things the early night time shut down will be night time shut down and only the e line will continue to the ferry building and establish a transfer point where passengers get off the f line or on an f line bus to the castro and more bus service on the f line than the historic cars and audio service to a few targeted places most importantly on the nights night time concerts in and around downtown you'll have the additional service to make sure that people get home quickly and easily on the subway
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and detours to the 3 and 31 we will stop a little bit short of their terminal but the remaining bus terminals stop within their terminal downtown and an alternative and most importantly you'll see this enhancing the service and trying to improve the confection we'll continue to run reliable service to every neighborhood in the city the changes to downtown to make the busses turning will insure that the san franciscans will continue to rely on muni during the super bowl week we talked abolast time there wi increased traffic absolutely in our coming to downtown and
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spiral leave our car home make sure that everything is moving safely and smoothly we'll have every single weekend 92 parking control officers working downtown making sure the are safe and particularly targeting the behaves that congestion congest the street block the box will not, responder to to make sure that muni is moving and finally you asked for details about the costs so here is a detailed overview i think that will cost mta $2.3 million that is a little bit different than this the nukes you may have seen a, week or so we continue to define those for the most up
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to date so approximately $1.2 million update that for the cost estimates the $2.3 million is breakdown is the increased muni service the additional buses and operators that will be paying for not only bring people into downtown but maintain the reliability of every neighborhood in the city $700,000 for parking control officers who have both congestion and safety roll in and around downtown and a little bit left turn $200,000 for consumption to the customers that's an important part to make sure that everyone that needs to use the system whether their driving or riding menu muni or a bike for the materials online and the physical ambassadors on the buses to get to every muni rider and again as the previous speaker said the super bowl is a
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large events one of the many special events we put on each year in san francisco part of our budget there are over 1400 block parties to farmer's market to data breakers and downtown parades we put on every year and over budget is designed for us to be able to absorb those large open to the public events for us to not just absorb the costs but absorb the costs with good services for people to get around safely to the events. >> tom maguire is rerouting is that fall flashlights muni services line item. >> yes. and you know at $1.3 million for the muni services do you have an precipitation how that breakdown
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to the increased summoning service for the cost of i'll guessed in small apportions because of the bus driving slightly different reputes do you is a sense. >> i'll ask my colleagues to help out with the question. >> hi jeff in the transit operation all increased service costs the detours we're rerouting the schedules and keeping them in their same time limits the cost to reroute is part of the regular part of business. >> so approximately almost 60 percent of costs to mta is increased muni service >> that's right. >> so more buses and light rail vehicles more capacity for people to get around as an enormous amount of people coming
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into the city. >> that's correct more capacity and reliability. >> can you think of any other situation where - let's say you have some sort of events that is bringing a huge number of people we'll shop in the restaurants and drink in the boars and stay in the hotels a he'll tax pay muni fairs pay etc., ect, etc. any other situations you have an entity or event bring an enormous amount of people where muni needs to increase bus service so for people to get into the vehicles where mta says you have to pay for the costs of increased service in san francisco those lions i assume a number of different lines that reaches different parts of city and given the fact we'll be
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accruing people from all over the city feels similar to pride and chinese new year's those are events we at mta don't ask. >> let's talk about chinese new year's and pride mta say for chinese new year's or pride you're bringing in one million people do you provide that bill to the chinese. >> no, we i'll be upset if you did by way of i'm glad you don't you're a world-class city i think we are and people want to come into your city whether for a world series game or for chinese new year's or pride for the better and raiders we hope that is better and berries and beggar including super bowl you
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need to reroute over and over need more services your reward for bringing one million people you have to pay for our transit service doesn't make sense i'm glad you have the approach you do we want more people in transit sometimes that costs money. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you i had questions i understand that we don't charge for increased muni fees i have heard about fees we charge around pulling permits and also for parking meters when there is street enclosures for parking by the entities can you talk about the protocol. >> those decisions are made from the department an traffic
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and transportation we typically don't charge anything close to a full cost recovery to - environmental review very fee events pay for a full cost recovery that's realty we charge for sfavngz. >> what are the kinds of fees. >> for a events that wants to shut down the streets and charge people money to use the space will typically charge the lost revenue. >> so for street enclosures and also for parking meters. >> correct. >> and what about the pulling of permits. >> pardon me. >> i assume that sfmta has pulled a number of permit for
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all the special that events; right? who normally pays for the permits. >> for what kind of an event. >> any type of special event. >> for an event sponsored by a nonprofit group a schedule of fees that is in the legislation that governs this that are modest for nonprofit and for profit the schedule is higher. >> but again those fees don't the cost of pulling the permit and the cost of meters are not the scale of rover the kind of - >> we're not talking about a 100 percent cost recovery we agree that we don't do a 100 percent cost recovery my understanding i guess my next question is the host committee paying for the nonprofit rate of those fees for permit that are pulled by sfmta for those events. >> the host committee paying
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for - >> the permits for those events. >> they're not pagan for the for profit. >> are they paying for the nonprofit have they paid for any permit you've pulled any fee structure. >> so we at mta are not pulling permit. >> so when you do a intrastate streetcar enclosure no permit. >> whether we or the applicants i'm trying to said. >> so when this is a street enclosure someone pulled the permit and there's a cost to the permit. >> okay right. >> uh-huh and in this case and the case of super bowl. >> we're not charging the street enclosure fee. >> and is that consistent with other events. >> like the pride parade or
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the world series parade we typically - >> don't charge for a permit. >> but in the case of data breakers yes and yes. >> we everything that super bowl has some pied events nick's are they paying and i like with the sfpd says there are a number of events that are affiliate with the super bowl not with the host committee like concerts and things like that for overseeing we have requests for things like parking control officers and we're trying to recover the money. >> in december and again my memory maybe off they mentioned they'll be doing one event that is ticket and mucus so are they pagan for the permits for the street enclosure. >> no, not as a cost recovery
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event. >> why. >> as supervisor wiener appointment i think the host committee pointed out the total itself of our bringing one million people to san francisco there's an economic impact to all the activity and that. >> but i thought you said earlier the criteria was whether it was free and open to the public verse ticketed it does not breakers brings a lot of people there is a registration cost we ask them to pay for the cost recovery not all ensue some of it you're saying in the case of what the host committee is throwing some private events or events that require a fee not using the same criteria for the events. >> it is important to realize the impact confident moscone center are minimal compared to what - >> we should have one set of
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criteria whether it is free and open to the public or a ticket fee to get in that's a policy question i heard you say the criteria was earlier i'm asking those questions not to give a marred time that's the contrary i thought you set san francisco neighborhood services & safety committee you'll charge for the permit, etc. >> yeah. i mean i think if you look at the overall i costs the majority of money it used for the transit serviced on market street continue to work in san francisco and traffic motives. >> that's not my question when we transfer the permit so when sfmta decided to charge that's the criteria we use not how much
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money an event will bring. >> again, the permits are scott permit are governed by the scott legislation and we have i guess a decision we're treating the street enclosurclosures - a. >> portion of the events will require tickets for members of the public to enter. >> we're treating it as the entire event is open to the public. >> a very small part of the event is not significant impacts. >> do we think about length of time many of the events we've talked about normally a couple of hours in a day one day
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anguish it bleeds out beyond the organizers have put together do we take into consideration the length of time when we think about charging for fees on behalf of the city? >> well, i mean the - any fee that we have is based on i know the length of time. >> so no we don't consider the length them which of of time. >> we take into consideration when we are dealing with an event like data breakers for instance. >> so length of time and free and open to the public i guess i'm trying to understand the criteria and how we make that determination we're not putting that on you we're the policymakers so this is certainly a question i'm hearing from the taxpayers when we
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decide this and that. >> right so objective litigate of time has an effect on the cost of services and the way we make the plans we're talking about costs beyond today so - my generic answer. >>yes. >> out of curious who is the the liaison with the super bowl committee. >> the mayor's office we deal directing with the host with kevin the director of transportation. >> on behalf of the mayor's office who's our person that is responsible for the liaison. >> i'm not. >> with all the various departments with this event. >> the mayor's office special
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events through the process, of course, that's just - >> no single person that is accountable from the mayor's office working with the various departments throughout the city but that you know of you're aware of clear you pa that's the face on behalf of the city coordinating the departments. >> the mayor has to a director for the events and i'm sorry i'm not aware. >> martha cohen auto matthew cohen. >> we deal with the host committee. >> i was occurs who is the overarching coordinator open on behalf of all the departments one set of ice on all the departments and making sure we're all cooperated working with the committee and the nfl for this event in the city i think last question what was
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our criteria this is a complained from private entities that we ask them to pay for the parking meter revenue of lost we do street closures where is the criteria when we charge inform that. >> that the governed by the scott guidelines. >> uh-huh. >> when we have the streets that market street is not a street we don't have parking meters on market street if we close a major corridor in the neighborhood we typically look to recovery. >> even if it is free and open to the public for a union street festival. >> like a private pull private event. >> because i know of nonprofit entities that have festivals i
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remember when go sunday meters started they hosted their event on sunday so they'll not have to pay the parking meters those are small organizations that do one block festivals but they couldn't afford the parking meter recovery for events open to the public that be free and often short and minimal impact of the neighborhood we charge them for parking meter recovery for the minor street closures we do that for free and open to the public. >> without knowing the specific events i don't want to speak out of turn but the sunday streets that did occur when we charged for sunday parking we don't charge that those are meter bagging fees and on a street - >> sometimes, we charge and sometimes, we don't. >> i'd like to find out more about the case. >> the festival and in the
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tenderloin asked you to wave the parking meter when the festivals but asked to pay for by sfmta and purposing tried to have their events typically on sunday so they if pay i think there is confusion. >> i i'll be happy to to come back. >> if the not that i care of about the festival are the sunday streets but what our criteria that's when we charge and not this is coming up and if we're open about developing a criteria into the future the special events will continue i want to know was not baseline is. >> we'll go back that's a fair question. >> you're not with your of a consistent criteria. >> i'm saying whole thing we have full profit event we try to
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recapture our lost parking meter fees i understand we're not doing that for free to the public but i want to do research before saying anything. >> maybe they're getting the wrong information but we get asked that all the time there are nonprofit freeze on events free to the public. >> we'll have a chance to clear that up. >> thank you, mr. chair so a few questions i guess it is important to distinguish that what's happening in the mucus you talk about the streetcar enclosures is put on by the nfl whatever fees i charge that's not the host committee thooind; is that correct and my understanding everything the host committee is doing it free to the public.
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>> correct and in addition to the nonprofit 0 money in the area. >> i'll ask this the expenditures you're making assumed in the budget last year was that assumed. >> yes. they were. >> okay. i have a followup question you don't i did not realize the unfortunate experience throwing the paid ticket event why where we not charging them for the street closures. >> why - >> why not charging them for the ticketed period in those events. >> okay. i've been corrected by carn decide the nfl and mostly the standard permit rates
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a. >> for the moscone that's great to hear. >> but not the same. >> i'm sorry. >> i mean it didn't add up to the numbers i've presented in the budget. >> what do you say. >> i think the milk is not close enough. >> son. >> so i said they pay the payment fee but as discussed we i don't want to promise you 100 percent cost recovery. >> no, no, no i think i understand the city didn't do 100 percent cost recovery for any of the events you know as to be honest i brought in those others entities i've heard from them but a fair comparison is the america's cup that was hosted by a private entity is lasted over a number of days and
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that committee you know at least offered to fund-raise they were not successful but the offer was there and a commitment to raise the funds i appreciate your comments we normally don't get withholding cost recovery that's not a policy we should look at but that is consistent in the past. >> wloes next. >> seeing none, no further questions our next department is public works. >> and we have larry stringer here and our final presentation is with the department of emergency services and i know i have a number of cards from the public comments so trying to get to them as quickly as possible. >> good afternoon, supervisors i've been asked to answer four
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basic questions i'll start off by the nfl experience for justin herman plaza are consistent with new year's eve or for oracle or other conferences around moscone center the cost and the footprint i'll be using is consistent with what we've done to the past what was the cost estimate 35 to 40 thousand consistent with the manual cleaning for people cleaning within the photo copy of both events and this is consistent and not taking additional resources or additional costs out of the budget the second was how much did the clean up cost after the world series and that was one and 21 thousands, however, it is
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uniquely different from this since we had two combamdz we had to staff and we staffed our d oc for the clinch game as well as the parade and the cost of the parade not to mention the allocation of mechanical sweepers and dealing what million people in a single day over the course of 9 days and the last one was will the funds be paid for by taxpayers yes, in the operating budget for various parades that is built into the base so - and the last one would we be combrurmd for any no our footprint is outside of the events and our goal to make sure
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that the areas leading up to the event are clean to people traveling and other venues throughout the city are experienced as best we can clean-air act city. >> thank you so much mr. stringer i don't see any questions from the committee per supervisor farrell and just a quick question the cost your incurling where they approved in last year's budget. >> yes. they were. >> ring where they approved in last year's budget. >> yes. they were. >> okay. >> good afternoon. i'm with your city's dems i've given you a presentation i don't see that up here i want to permitted you an update of the where we stand in the planning process and answer the questions you've
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posed to us i'm existed to be here and our department is excited we think of 3 components what are the events happening and captain mentioned several of the events but still several weeks don't know all the events but focusing on what we do knows super bowl city and the nfl experience and other related stiftsdz we look at the things that might happen threats and hazards we think about el nino if there's a big rainstorm and flooding and things like that so how with the events can we protect them from the hazard this is when we have the planned and equipment to mitigate the events and respond to recovery recover from mission bay anything with our goal being to prepare for what is knowing to continue to provide the services
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that the city throughout the rest of the city you may have a copy in front of the timeline that started in may we have the kickoff meeting since then conducted 3 exercises and 3 additional citywide meetings with the goal of making sure all the departments are aware the operating constraints so we can tweak their own operational plans we have the emergency management like any planned event to take our ma you are the departments are coordinating and the plans are meshing together well during an activation what one of the images of the days we're activate the n oc will be open and the streetcars will be open to staff the event one of the big out puts is the
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citywide coordinating document how we as the city each the agencies how our regional and federal and state partners to coordinate together we're specific related to prepping for primarily the coordination for the clorox analysis and dissemester to make sure the public know what we know we have a working group you've heard from the departments we're consistently giving information to the public and supporting the operations centers and serving as the liaison with all the state and local and federal partners you've asked to specific questions about the the
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assistance with the planner and the first question how is the amount initially you identified 57 thousands in the budget request we submit we were allocate one and $16,000 for fiscal year 2015-2016 that's divide between the super bowl and half between others so fiscal year on the super bowl piece the planner that was in that position coordinated a series of experiences the 3 i've mentioned we have an exercise 200 planters local and regional and state and federal that allowed us to test the city plans how to work together amongst one another and the other thing the planner does a mustache member the duty officer that is band with the
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event some unforeseen event comes up while a member of our team and supervisor farrell will answer our question ahead with the budget request and approved by the board of supervisors this is from the general fund federate week the last question was fleet week and super bowl part of 10 b program the component of operations in the department of emergency services that is 10 b eligible is related to the dispatch service that is only when we have a request in support of police department or the fire department do you have any other questions? >> thank you for preanswering any question i have a more detailed one specifically last year have a line item in our budget for the super bowl. >> out -
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>> during the budget. >> specific for super bowl outside of the position we asked for no, this is something as our regular activities. >> you had a line item for the super bowl. >> for fleet week and super bowl yes for one year. >> this is not a question but along we are asking about the budget process i'm asking mta and public works to go actually come up about the budget process last june if i can have mr. springer and mr. maguire in december we asked for the cost estimate for the super bowl and what it costs he did the city we were told that estimate was not available in december i'm curious how can the board approved this in june if we didn't have the numbers in
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december? >> i sue the numbers for the first time on thursday from the mayor's memo so supervisor farrell's asked twice did the board approve that an unanimous vote did we approve this in june, however, in december when supervisor cowen and i asked sfmta and the various departments what the cost will be of the super bowl they were not a cost estimate yet i saw the cost estimate for the first time last week how can we approve in june june if we didn't know what it was going to cost. >> for public works it was cost neutral part of our normal budget we didn't ask for additional resources for the event we treat it like any on that comes before us. >> if that's the case in december and told the estimates were not available you know, i
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guess i'm curious about, you know, this cost will neutral outlet we must be have had a sense if we calculated into our budget in june. >> wisp asked to provide the estimate what the costs were for what we were doing within the two footprints but we were asked for cost specific to we were doing around the super bowl. >> okay. i don't see mr. maguire in the room i heard from the department on the record we don't have cost estimate for the cost to the city so i think that is a little bit disingenuous to say that the board approvals those costs in june if we didn't know about the costs that's a statement not a question mr.
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stringer. >> if i could - >> supervisor farrell. >> yeah. a followup i appreciate that line of questioning i think we had two specific departments as chair of the deputy department of emergency services and another one as discussed whether municipal transportation agency or our police department we have they have budget for special events they obviously the year before they don't anticipate that the combientsz with win i'm sure the super bowl details got more detailed but more detail about exactly what is going to be happening another this events as it comes on there was all the potential in the world the budget we proenld we don't have
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enough funds but the reality no department is doing that every department will absorb that within the previously approved budget by the mayor last year and again there were specific line items for two department in particular it was approved last year, i agree supervisor to the departments as time going on the event gets closer and closer about exactly what lines from mta and the police resources and the dpw for a safety prospective but again overseeing were approved before think that is a testament to the budget capacitate winner able to budget and no one is seeing e saying we need a supplemental to pay for this. >> i guess i have a question if we include specific events recycle the giants how were we
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able to anticipate that in june we included it in case we win the world series every year and do those dollars come back into the fiscal year budget fib we don't win the world series. >> i'd like to promise we'll win the world series but the cost of the - the cost of executing plans like this rise and falls we put the motorbike in the budgets and able to cover those events obviously not every event happens every year and if there are money for fund balance they'll are redirected to the mta but there's no way of this. >> we're moving money to
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accommodate events that may or may not took place for a world series parade. >> i think this is fair. >> okay. thank you. >> seeing no further questions from host committee i'd like to ask to the call of the chair open up i'm sorry supervisor farrell and actually with our permission i assume mr. roof i don't know if you. >> i was not on the list i'm sorry was not part we didn't get word he would be here. >> i'd like to ask questions. >> is it okay one of the member of the public has a task force committee and he's still here. >> i think if the member of the committee want to cape call of city staff to speak - >> i know a member of the
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committee can't but let - mr. pilpal if you want to come and mr. roof all. >> fair enough. >> thank you and thank you for accommodating me, i'm supposed to be upstairs i have a handout discussion of costs i want to touch on that ask when costs have already been occurred an organizational chart that showed for the super bowl you've heard in d m i suspect the city has incurred costs of staff time i'm wondering what those are prior to the events the only board of commission i'm aware that took action on the super bowl is directed by the commission on december 17th they approved the herman plaza and the events i appeared to contest that i
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understood there was an environmental determination you are went to city planning and got this memo i've landmarked everything involved that the super bowl event and decided not a project that i think is a departure introduce past practice from the street closure and 32 prior venues where events are happening this is in charge of temporary street closures 29 approval items this thursday morning ranging from an overnight closure to a 3 nature week taken together a substantial amount of streets being closed including an nfl dinner in this building i think this is a big event we're taking
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together and agree with supervisor kim is anymore like the america's cup that had a full review this is being put together piecemeal i wanted to appeal that rec and park and i was told i can't do that it is not considered part of project i have concerned about this i hope - >> unless you have questions. >> thank you mr. pilpal. >> okay mr. roof 0. >> my apologies but let's talk about economic impact it is an important part of the conversation from my prospective i don't know has our department look at other super bowls and in
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general opening statements what types of impacts if oewd. >> thank you director from the moechlgs we've landmarked the impact reports of past super bowls and the data is pretty clear hundreds of thousands of people come to super bowl host cities and pay a lot of money on hotels and restaurants and bars and small businesses and stores and that in turn drives local tax revenue through the economy so to our question supervisor some of the numbers from the previous host phoenix they have million dollars and new orleans that relates to the local economic revenue that is driven multiply tax growth and new orleans saw hundreds in the
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takes cities are not unique and takes we have unique to san francisco relative to the grow receipt tax. >> any from our office prospective any concept how hotels and restaurants bars and other types of consumer stores are feeling from super bowl week. >> based on our discussion with the various industries whether the tourism or small businesses you know for the hotels those rates are up and the demand is strong if we look at the past economic outcome from other super bowls what we saw in the phoenix example was that the rates for rooms was up one and 44 percent over that period a year prior in terms of the occupancy the total number of rooms were up 40 percent they
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saw significant increases in the markets san francisco i'm a firmer believer this is a stronger market a great place to visit with that said, we're not resting on the fact i mentioned we're working hard in the oewd to make sure we are - as well as our shop and dime program to connect the local communities and neighborhood shopping districts to go have the influx of visits so finally we also want to make sure that people benefit from the jobs that are created and appearing and connecting people to the jobs for the host the nfl events and we're working closely and a higher number of folks of hundred plus 8 percent 9 you
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heard. >> additional jobs. >> those are part of nfl experience and super bowl setting. >> i know this event is only a week we're talking about more hours for all sorts of unions and big parts that are putting on the events. >> absolutely this is four days and one and $19 million is a significant amount in that short period of time but for that having a concentrated time is significant i believe that wouldn't have happened if that event was not here if it didn't happen. >> thank you, mr. roof 0 iq have questions i don't believe realize the mayor's office of economic workforce development is here who's the liaison for that the nfl experience and super bowl 50 committee on behalf of the mayor's office. >> bho who do we - >> no who is the liaison for unfortunately on behalf of the
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mayor's office and the super bowl host committee. >> the representatives from the nfl. >> in the mayor's office who's our official loosened for the super bowl committee. >> i work are with a number of people if the mayor's office that there is a budget item i'll work on the super bowl and if it relates to legislative like this hearing i'll talk with the - >> who does the nfl and the super bowl host committee talk to as the official liaison. >> per mr. ma gir the special events but again, i'm interfacing with everyone in the city a. >> no, no i understand many people are working on this but it makes sense for a coordinated
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you know watching over all the people that are interfacing with the entities so that person co-we don't have that person and i take the boards commitment and direction seriously in getting people local jobs. >> that's not my question my question who is coordinating on the various department and liaisoning with the nfl experience with the super bowl again. >> i work. >> i was not - it's not my convey supervisor i'm trying to answer that question there's a number of people. >> i know you work with a number of people but the oversight coordinators. >> i can't say. >> it's okay there isn't but several people asked me that question i'm asking you that
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question but if 9 answer it no i'll tell the public not a judgment. >> supervisor i know this is a question you asked but people ask do about who is the person in charge to make sure that the economic opportunities and workforce opportunities and so forth. >> that's not my question. >> so have you one and 67 jobs full-time or part time. >> part time. >> minimum wage. >> for the event only and temporary jobs. >> living wage, minimum wage. >> prevail what this. >> do you work with nfl experience and the nfl and the host xhes committee in terms of the contract ininsure there is labor harm new in our town. >> we work with the companies therapy referred to the circle host and treat them as employers
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to help them fill they're hiring needs we've done it last time for the total number of jobs those 6 seven hundred. >> can guarantee the nfl and host committee are 100 percent you know with our labor unions in terms of who they contract with and employ. >> i don't have the data in front of me but make sure the san franciscans get those employment opportunities and to the best of my knowledge they context with the employment opportunities. >> and who those entities are contracting with we can't guarantee their contracting with businesses that are labor friendly. >> we know what they are and working with them not a mystery the exact nature of our question
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i can't and can't directly - what percentage the one and 67 jobs went to the as follows. >> all of the san franciscans the number one district we're pulling residents is from i don't remember the exact order but the bay area bayview and the tenderloin - >> congratulations on that. >> if i ask add one thing in terms of when we passed a resolution in this board around labor harmony and adopted a request to take labor harm intoxicate and having the shuttle to shuttle the employees around one shuttle that is hostile to the union efforts by the workers i don't care i cannot predict a disruption
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about that shuttle rider is involved i was troubled when i say that first of all, in disruption but make sure that the instrumentality provides are treating their employees fairly with wage benefits. >> thank you, mr. roof 0 to the call of the chair reopen public comment. >> thank you, supervisor kim at this time we'll reopen public comment and supervisor kim you have a question and i'll call t (calling names). >> good afternoon i'm john i'm
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here for the consortium in after that about the impacts of the going in the right direction by hon did i on 15 hundred yerba buena and that is clearly for profit operation you pay $35 for an adult and pay for the child's ticket it is similar to the oracle and off-street but 9 days of activity i don't know any reason why that isn't doing a full cost recovery that both the
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/* slaifz salesforcsalesforce. >> we don't know where the tour buses will park those are all problematic issues i want to know if salesforce the professionals are very go and worked with us to really minimize the problems and moscone center as well but they meet with us several months in advance of the event to go over those important details 12 none has taken the time to talk with us so we have no information at all so, please be sure they get there we don't want to dog and pony show we need real plans.
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>> thank you, sir. >> good afternoon. supervisors doug with teamsters joint council 7 many teamsters will help to put together spiral will benefit from having this event in san francisco but i do want to thank the supervisors who are raising those questions around labor harm new and in particular as it relates to the shuttle buses and i will note that for several months now the teamsters have been talking to the host committee about the dispute with bowers transportation that is going to be doing shuttle bus services and specifically last month the national labor relations issued their second containment against bowers that means the n r l.b.
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is looking at the charges they committed labor law violations threatening and interrorizing that led up to american people election we believe will be over turned because of what bowers do the respectfully submit that is not the too high company we should be doing business with pe thank you super bowl and with the wages policies go into effect the teamsters want to cheese cake checking out that policy and be on the streets the first week that february that has a disrupting fact on the super bowl activities so we appreciate any help that the supervisors and the mayor's
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office can provide with the members of the host committee to get this resolved thank you. >> thank you, mr. block. >> hello supervisors my name is a william i am with teamsters local 1025 any members did the work at moscone and at the market in embarcadero he estimate we'll probable have one and 75 of the members we've reached out to the community and have brought in some of the people from the community in case we run out of members we'll put them through a security clearance to participate in some of the work at union badges e wages but local 2785 asks for your help in
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getting in bowers thing resolved even though we're have that many members if not resolved and a dispute we'll support our other brothers that do the shuttle bus services thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> good afternoon jim lazarus san francisco chamber of commerce the above the blue and windy sea is to remind the members of the board that the city is the host the host committee is a partner with you the city and county of san francisco is the host for super bowl 50 i had the pleasure of work in this building in 1985 the city and county of san francisco was the host the 1985 super bowl at stanford university we think churd some of the same costs are we providing the services and the public being taking care of and the public that lives and works in san francisco or put on an event that is safe and clean
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and friendly push the best face over san francisco san francisco will recover more than get out of pocket costs for this event looking at 80 percent hotel occupancy to almost 100 percent and one hundred and 35 average daily rates nesting of $400 the hotel impacts did implement of hotel tax to the digested from this event for 4 days and that's sxheeven it is $4 million you have staifshgdz and gross receipt tax san francisco will make money an super bowl and be a proud host with our non-partners in making that happen. >> mr. laidz i have a followup question you brought up the 1985
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super bowl when this was hosted at starved stadium i got an e-mail from someone that considers himself an organizer and he is adamant there is no tax costs involved at that super bowl we're right to ask the questions about insuring that we don't pay the cost of putting on the events regardless of the revenue on the super bowl sirnsz involved he stated there were not tax costs for that game and so you know if you're memory serves you correctly this super bowl 50 overseeing with incurred in the operation of the departments during that week this building was used for an nfl party in january of 19 tim frye the nfl was at moukz in 1985 no super bowl village
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concept with the nfl at that time, your cost were for the market street didn't occur in 1975 but the other guy. week of events that occurred throughout the city would have had the same type of security - security appropriate for 1985 in a pre2001 world. >> uh-huh. >> things will have changed our obligations for a safe city are different than january of 19 destroying we incurred the costs they were more than made up and the city benefits. >> (multiple voices). >> there's a policy question of whether the city should incur the costs of the net benefits my can he can you it was determined when your honor, a co-host to this world-class event the
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people and the government of san francisco with partners invited the nfl basing as we did then supervisor contra costa with the bay areas organizing committee prior to this super bowl. >> thank you, mr. lazarus sorry that was my question only that just koch e-mailed you will say for the costs we've incurred we've invited didn't mean this committee can't fund the costs. >> the competitive process as thank you, mr. lazarus. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is a joan desmond i'm here on behalf of local 16 the local theoreticalal stage actors
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i can say this is a significant boom to our members income we're actively governor after the majority of the work this is that important in early january and february those are the slow periods overseeing jobs will pay significant wages and benefits on behalf of the bottle o local 16 we welcome the super bowl to san francisco. >> thank you, ms. december mapped. >> good afternoon carpenters local 22 i'm going to change the tone of this a little bit we've been hearing a lot of good things it is a great thing we're having this big party for the super bowl but the diesel back in october, september, october the super bowl committee came to us they didn't want the same
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sort of labor disputes we had that was sphere headed by local 22 for the america's cup we've meet with them and to this date this hour we still don't have the commitment they've made a commitment to make a commitment but that just didn't work we need a commitment from super bowl committee for carpenters local 22 as we are standing here we don't have a commitment to use union carpenters a written commitment to use the union compartments for this function thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> good evening supervisors george from san francisco travel and history tells us the shakespeare will undoubtedly provide benefits to san francisco that far exceeds the investment in hosting this events the super bowl is an
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anticipate to bring millions of visitors to the san francisco bay area generally a lower visitor times and 9 - for january average 712.2 percent and in february averaged 79 plus percent for super bowl we anticipated the rates hopeful nearly 100 percent and this means the significance of hotel tax revenues that will flow into the general fund surpassing the revenues to the city and the activities will take place that will be spread across san francisco generating mills no state of california but the benefits do stop images of super bowl and the events up to the big game will be broadcast
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across the global for 7 days we know this type of grocery creates worldwide ass permission for people to visit here sfro from a tourist that is a gift that keeps on giving it is priceless we believe that the involvement investment the city is making to host the super bowl about realize a healthy rate of return thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors peter rep north carpenters regional council and carpenters local 22 in san francisco one of the things that we're definitely looking at is job opportunities here grant it there will be a 3 day movement 2 day move out not only the carpenters and the taermdz and the stagehands a litany of
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people involved those are good paying union jobs a prevailing wage job but our concerns are we protecting the people of the city and county of san francisco or are we protecting general contractor and their employees that come in to take our jobs as a prevailing wage job we've had several as my colleague stated several meetings with the host committee, the issue of a candidates a true not just a verbal commitment but to protect those jobs i'll only talking about hens we need to make sure that we on top of this so we don't have a if a as the carpenters took the mediate leading and went to the office
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of oewd and was able to recruit about $400,000 if not more for the members for the people that were not paid properly we need to make sure we get a commitment we're asking you the supervisors to get the commitment from the host committee. >> thank you, mr. garza. >> i'll call counts rest of the speakers sins since i see the folks standing up (calling names). >> and working anyone else that want to speak on this item that's all the speaker cards i have. >> good afternoon supervisors i'm michael i've been a security over in san francisco basically for forever and i'm a proud member of seiu and we're here
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because we're concerned about we've just fought for over a decade to make security job a real job that can earn a real wage with real benefits you can hold your head up he be proud to be a security officer your concern the super bowl committee might be having a security contract to protect he everything the contractor is called security spri industry specialists a history of bad practices the city should doing everything we can to insure the work is done properly s i s has a history of worker mistreatment and lawsuits by the general public they are assaulted o those officers one such lawsuit in san francisco
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was filed on behalf of a 16 year-old girl that was assaulted by acy i s officer they were dropped from apple and google they don't treat their workers well in subtly s i s was investigated by not paying sick leave and time off and currently the bureau of security and investigative services is investigating s i s over allegations they've used unlicensed security at the academy awards and conceptually talked about standards and supervisor wiener talked about union jobs that's in the security industry negligence non-xhoipt.
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>> thank you, sir. >> thank you i'm kevin a security officer for 25 years brothers with mike it's frightening that human lives and public safety should come down to the lowest bidders in a contract okay. this is why you have an organization that like the 10 b because you need qualified people to do this job we in the situation come forward to it you cannot have people that will not trained and qualify to do this job that's all i want to say i want to make sure i understand this s i s is currently under investigation by the california bureau the security and investigative services; is that correct. >> that's right for using unlistened security officers at the academy awards. >> thank you for confirming that and being here.
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>> thanks. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm owen a business represent for local 510 we do all of the temporary exhibit work on the hotels and jurisdiction stretches carrot northern california and do temporary exhibits in many, many venues i command the fact proprietors that your landmarking landmarking for a protocol for special event we will profit but even at a late stage we're beating the bushes to find out where it is coming from we here that operating wages are offered for the work we don't know the types of vendors western in the room with other unions and candidates were made and ask that going forward that we have
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a liaison between the city and the unions that are in this area who provide on a daily basis the kind of work - >> can i ask i want to ask a question the liaison question comes up not from labor but our residents a liaison from the city that is specific sgaz with labor. >> wisp introduced by someone i'm sorry it was a brief introduction we've heard nothing sense but asked to liaison users to the host committee through the super bowl committee no, i don't believe there is a liaison it is very socializing needed. >> no liaison from the city or from the super bowl house committee. >> they've done a better job in reaching out but no, i don't believe there is. >> thank you, mr. murphy.
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>> hi my name is a samable here to speak on behalf of the enlivening restaurants i want to speak on the positive impacts that super bowl 50 will have on restaurants january and february are generally slow times for the industry and the influx of the people cannot come at a betterment this benefits the restaurants and the employees as well the host committee is working to promote the routines across the city and the benefits you beyond downtown and we're supportive of the super bowl for the huge impact and positive impacts on the restaurant and the full-time employees. >> thank you. >> thank you, ms. higgins. >> my name is not on a card. >> that's all. >> joe coping yes, ma'am from
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local 6 here a residential homeowner and we're very much in firefighter the super bowl events to be here in san francisco we're very heavy involved that the work in moscone center and the justin herman plaza this is being able people to keep their full-time jobs and as well as many people every day dispatched to those jobs electricians and hens that are getting paid benefits and health care not only interesting are they going to repeat benefits of the over time with setting up and tearing down 9 events but they're actually spend the money back into the city with restaurants and going to the movies and coffee shops we're here for safety standard like we're done in moscone a big sector of the industry we're in
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charge the events and looking forward to them. >> thank you very much for being here. >> sue hester i am very clear with that building i write down on my list the enclosures and interest there is no one has said with city hall will be used for the planning commission needs in the week before in the week afterwards board of appeals meets when there is how sculpture or enclosures around city hall is it so really difficult to have public participation at the planning commission and the board of appeals i went through one a couple weeks ago there was a demonstration for the police
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commission at the same time it took me an hour to get into the building what events will gone at city hall and interfere with the meetings in the evening that's a concern i have 3 meeting during this time and second your closing market street and the embarcadero for the super bowl experience is there a charge for that and how does that effect the court operations it is a concern codify mine if you're going to charge for that event it is a very big events, and, secondly, i have my office is at powell and market between powell and stockton street there are no controls when howard street is closed it's been closed for the super bowl experience we need trained
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traffic control officers on third street and probable two other blocks besides the traffic rerouting and the pedestrians are a huge problem we've experienced with enclosure on howard street and right now the city didn't know how to control pedestrians especially - >> ms. hester. >> okay is there anyone else who wishes to speak on item number seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor kim. >> thank you i do want to thank the committee for continuing this hearing to get more delays. >> thank you to the departments for coming with the information it is good to get clarity on the cost for the events you know, i just want to say that i want to acknowledge i think that most sciscans
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are really existed that super bowl is coming to the bay area and it's the super bowl 50 that is existing no question this will bring a lot of revenue to the city through the tourism and restaurants and small businesses and our hotels but you mean think there is a fundamental policy disagreement whether private entities should be paying regardless of the refer coming into the city in is the discussion during america's cup and in this case, the revenue didn't meet the cost of the events i acknowledge those are different but before we knew that was going to happen they offered for the costs and projected revenue that will far exceed that cost for me there is a level of consistent and one i
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believe that the private entities should pay for the costs i think occurred by the city i understand a policy difference and other folks will say this is an department on behalf of the city to raise the revenue i think in a case i know that it is hard to distinguish a nonprofit and what is not nicole the nfl is a nonprofit and many questions that status as being applied to the institution or other professional leads don't have to status i'm not sure the nonprofit to be the criteria who gets to pay and who didn't are the events are open or free to the public i have to venue to say a big difference between cultural pride events public school market value the corporate institutions not a bad thing for san francisco just a because the super bowl party is
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promoting the nfl and promote super bowl but i think two when our marketing for another corporation that is profiting greatly not only in in terms of of their tickets and you commercials they'll air but ask them to of a i heard the host committee say $4 million is not a lot to the weightiest of people in the country but i'll say the average taxpayer is saying it is a late lot to pie more affordable housing and our muni services even on days when we don't have special events this is a policy decision on the other hand, and we'll be introducing someone on the special events moving into the future for a policy that is clear to the department heads and the board of supervisors and the mayor's office in terms of how we treat the fence going
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forward and san francisco will continue to have this discussion many people want to be in the city it is a beautiful city we have a lot to offer i'm hearing about the super bowl committee is bring to us but san francisco has a lot to offer restaurant and cultural experiences and paperwork that's why they want this event in san francisco a partnership we should have that conversation and the final thing that was brought up by the brothers and sisters in labor we're a labor town this is a town that respects labor and right-hand turns those respects those are partnering with the city we're partners and expect the partners to work with the city i can't recollect that promote the labor harmony and support the prevailing minimum
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wage and i'm disappointed many of the issues have not yielded been worked out to the issues leading up to the event and hopefully in the future we shouldn't be having this conversation it is san francisco is the host and it is not the nfl not just the super bowl committee we have to expect labor harmony with all the companies to provide the services on behalf of the super bowl i think this is an exception 80 that every members of the board of supervisors should share those are my comments i appreciate this meagerly i look forward to have having many more discussions. >> supervisor kim i won't repeat remarks about the portions of this event i do want to reiterate the importance of resolving those labor issues i think as i understand the shuttle that provider
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significant problems and i think this is important that we address that in addition to security ensured and make sure that as our city benefits as a whole our own residents and work groups are ben's and not working with contractor that are saying poverty wages so supervisor farrell. >> thank you, mr. chair and thank you, supervisor kim and the committee that is an entertaining fill in today and thank you to all the members of the public that came out i'm so first of all, i agree we should be consistent as a city to the members of the labor unions if there is many unrest whatever i can do to make sure without a doubt please count on me and you
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know we need to be vigilant as ever with the public dollars in san francisco for an event like this but every other day of the year and as chair the budget committee i take it unity responsibility very, very seriously and at the same time the attacks on the super bowl from the city prospective marks you know we need to distinguish and especially in the last person made a public comment talked about the private street enclosure on market a free events to the san francisco ethics commission that's what the host committee is putting on you knowi know that was repetitive but every department and every department last year during budget system has the super bowl as part of the budget that was approved by the board of supervisors and the mayor's office we need to be vigilant
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and understand as a city we've approved that beforehand i'm for this approach going forward but to take potshots at the super bowl itself right now and saying the city is not holding up our part of the bargain is not correct we need to make sure we distinguish there's been comments around the america's cup verse the super bowl that is a multiple year verse a one week events in the city of san francisco i don't bemoan the fact of a 7 day free public event that's not a bad thing and 7 days of free public events for our residents and there will be traffic hassle but in many ways that's a vibrant urban
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environment that's part of trade off we want an exciting place to visit and work and sometimes o log cool trade off happen and san francisco san francisco is slated to make money off of this events from a tax prospective my office mayor's office of economic workforce development as well as we have the amount of publicist as the city of san francisco i don't know who go our tourism budget is but the thirty second adds throughout the super bowl that will feature the city of san francisco not santa claras is invaluable in terms of of promoting san francisco i for one love to see our big city on the big screen and it's the number one scoring events and for a tourism
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precipitation one over our life bloods is incalculable we talked about this is a big support of business communities in san francisco you that about the restaurants and types of comboitsz those are valuable we talk about supporting them all the time that's not claudz in the money that the san francisco will spend only supported bars or restaurants or other services in the neighborhood it is going to be a boon to the small businesses and something i want to support in the city and when we compare to other events before we criticize here at the board and so forth look at an honest look at other events this is with only week verse a day what we do in terms of the cost recovery no 100 percent cost recovery but not hold a in time
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event because it is surrounded on the idea of football to a different standard of free events hosted by nonprofits in the set of circumstances whether a pride parade or a world series parade over the past years and we more to celebrate down the road and warriors but a mistake for the city of san francisco to say we'll not host unless you're paying us we're missing an opportunity to shine. >> spotlights on the city of san francisco and we talk about world-class events i believe the san francisco ethics commission is going to shine during this week and i think it is an opportunity to embrace and move forward i'm say it again, i truly building as someone born
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and raised in the city of san francisco we're a sports town we love our sports franchises whether the 49ers or the goins we're talking about a soccer team or anything coming to the city of san francisco our residents not burr we love our sports team it is a source of prides for generation in the city of san francisco and will be gordon's and for those who don't believe it from my prospective are from a different planet i want to thank everyone for what we did and all the members of our city departments that are working hard to put on this events i actually agree with some of the comments reason a around a coordinator but i want to take a moment to thank and put my full confidence in martha cohen i've
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not met a woman with her capacities being on the board of supervisors that simply owns the process and does an amazing job in san francisco a long time with those in city hall so thank you martha and i look forward to that discussion about moving forward but the city of san francisco looking forward and gets existed for the super bowl i'm boomed you our own 49ers will not be on the feed but look forward to celebrating celebrating that with the rest of the city. >> supervisor kim would you preferring to file this or to the call of the chair. >> supervisor cowen not here but venue to say we'll file cox we'll take that without objection. order madam clerk, is there any additional business to come
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everyone welcome to our tuesday, january, 12th, plans and programs, meeting of the san francisco plans and programs. i'm the chair commissioner tang and to my right, with he have norman yee and we would like to welcome today, peskin and with that we have our clerk, and with the sfgtv would like to thank. and now if we can go to roll call please. snechlt item one, breed? breed, absent. farrell. absent. >> peskin. present. >> yee. >> present. >> and tang. necht present. >> item two, citizen's advisory committee report, this is an information item. >> this is short because of the year end holidays the citizen advisory committee did not meet in december and so there will not be no report today and they
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will be back here next month to report. >> thank you any public on comment on item two? seeing none, closed. item three? snechlt approve the minutes of the december, 8, 2015 meeting, public comment, seeing none, public comment is closed. and item three, minutes are adopted. >> let's do the roll call. >> item three. >> should i abstain from this since i whats not at the december, 8th meeting? >> we do need three people. ; is that correct? ? >> i am happy to vote for it. >> i believe that we may have the minutes here. should we just maybe pass them along. >> i reviewed them. okay. since we need three votes, if there are no issues and we can go to the roll call vote on that. >> item three, breed. absent. >> farrell.
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>> absent. peskin. >> aye. tang, >> aye. >> yee? snechlt aye. >> minutes are approved. >> item four, please? >> recommend appointment of two members to the geary corridor bus rapid transit advisory committee this is action. >> thank you, we have mike here. >> good morning, the project seeks to implement the bus travel time for liability and improvements along the corridor, a public comment, period on the draft, and the eir was held in october and november and responses to the comments are being prepared now. and the final, eir is planned for release in the spring of 2016. geary project has a dead indicated meeting, that meets to provide input. the structure as shown in the memo and includes, the neighborhood based and at large, seats. and current numbers are shown in the memo
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and attachment one, there are two vacancies to address, for the seats, with the japan town, fillmore area. hosimoto is seeking reappointment, and one resigns, there are three eligible, candidate, and the information is summarized in attachment two. and found in attachment three. candidates are not required to appear before this committee. push pu thank you, would you like to come up and speak for two to three minutes. snechlt thank you for having me. my name is william and i have played for the committee, and i will be brief. i have lived there for ten years and i have ridden, ten
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to 15 times and so i have seen the best and the worst of it. >> i am also an attorney, and i have the experience with. erichlt, and not be lost, when going through that stuff. so i am happy to take any questions, otherwise i will submit my application. >> from my understanding because these are the japan town, fillmore appointments. we do understand that commissioner breed would like to recommend the appointment of richard hoshimoto who is serving on the committee and don't have
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a recommendation to the second position and given that she is not here, if it is okay, i would like to postpone that decision, until she has made a decision, or can show up at a meeting to discuss. does that sound good. okay. all right then, so with that, then, maybe perhaps we can go to the public comment, first? any members of the public that would like to speak on ilt em four? seeing none, public comment is closed. if we could get a position to that effect? >> moved. >> moved by commissioner, yee and seconded by peskin and with that, we are going to be appointing richard to the reappointment and continuing the other seat, until further date. item five, please? >> recommend allegation of $170,000 in prop k funds, to the san francisco municipal, transportation agency for the bicycle safety and educational out reach, and for the cash flow, distribution schedules.
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>> thank you, we have chad here and the senior, transportation planner and we have john, white from mta as well. good morning, and chad, with the transportation, authority and we have just one request for allocations today and that is $170,000 from the sfmta for the prop k funds for the support and the development of a 20 month, bike safety, and out reach, program, it includes, elbility and specifically for bike, safety and out reach, practice mz in the bike category. and there are $170,000 is just a portion of the over all, 2.3, million available in the bike category. in the passed, the authority has allocated funds to the sfmta for the classes and the workday events and, out reach, promotional and effort and with this round, sfmta is going forward with a new approach and will issue a request for proposals with the respond
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goals put together by the sfmta. the program will have three tiers, the largest will be a city wide event and maybe, soming similar to what we have had in the past and in san francisco, as the bike to workday, and a little tooir tier that is less frequent, the issues around biking and looking specifically at commuting to work, and then the third tier will be bicycle education, and delivering in the city for the past years. and so the program, will probably deliver these, three tiers over 20 months and starting in march of 2016, and be completed by 17, with the sfmta doing evaluation of how the programs are going and to inform the programs that the sfmta will put out there, and it includes, the funding for the contractor and the smfta and that would be used for the procurement process, and the over all project management and
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evaluati evaluation. and it increases in actual, biking, to which the mode chair in terms of the programs and increases in safety, knowledge by the people who have attended, the focus more on the increase in safety for the people biking in san francisco. with that i am happy to take questions and we do have a staff member on hand to address the questions. >> thank you, i know that commissioner yee has a question, first i would like to ask that you are did explain that we are doing it differently this time we are doing a one time instead of separate contracts, could you talk about how that might change things and improve, the way that things have been done in the past? through the defense in allocations? >> i am going to have craig, come up and speak to some of those.
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>> good morning, by adopting a comprehensive approach, we hope to look at them whole list tickly to evaluate them through one contractor rather than having to manage these efforts piece meal. and we can look at doing the out reach sorry. yeah, so it is our, it is our goal to be able to have a more comprehensive approach. >> okay. i know that you also, or chad mentioned the piece evaluation, i know from the previous meetings that something that several, of the commissioners highlighted that is important to do, and i am glad that see that is part of it, because we senator certainty want to know how they are, and if we need fine tuning and hopefully we can
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receive the presentations on how effective the programs are. and commissioner peskin has a question. >> through the chair, have you selected or rfp and has there been a selection? >> we have no the yet. >> so i guess, maybe this is a question to my colleagues on the panel, and sorry, it has been a few years since i have been here, but why would we disburse the funds before they have done the rfp process and we know has been selected? >> i mean, i would like to throw that question back to the ta and explain, i mean this is a different process than what we have done before. but if you can discuss why. >> okay, if they are going to start? march, which is 60 days from now, and they have not even with the rfp out yet, .
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>> it is the policy to have funds allocated before a contract is advertised or awarded. and also, the agencies need funds in place in order to procure, the contracts and so, it has been, how we have advanced contracts. there are certainly opportunities for reporting back from the agencies once the contract has been awarded on the scope of work, as awarded, if you wish. i guess the fundamentally questioning that policy. i certainly think that we should say, yes, go out and advertise it, i mean is there ccy is a w for us to reserve the funds that we know that the qualified outfit has been selected. i mean that is not a question to you, that is a question to my colleagues. >> i guess that through, you know, through the report, i would just ask, i understand that this is how, the ta has been doing things, but is there also potentially a way to
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allocate the sufficient, funds to the department, to actually do the rfp and then save the remaining portion for the actual, contract for later approval? do we divide it that way? >> we certainly, could, and it would bring the agencies back to the board with the awarded scope, in addition, to the opportunity to weigh in on the scope before it is advertised, which this opportunity provides. so if there are particular, aspects of policy, or direction that you would like to give to the agencies, before they go out, with an rfp on the street this is the opportunity. we can certainly, do a commitment to allocate, for the portion of funds that are anticipated to be used on the contract. which would allow for the agencies to advertise, i don't know if it will allow them to award a contract. i don't think so. until you, or the board, acts to allocate, i would just want to put out there, that it may slightly impact schedule.
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whether that has a huge, impact on the progression of the bike program, but it may impact the schedule by a few weeks. >> i think that judging from the tone here, i think that is probably what we would feel comfortable. i don't know if you can tell us now what that break down of the funding would be? >> i believe that it is in the budget, that it allows for the portion that is for agency, staff, verses the contract, that about 150,000 of allocation is anticipated for the contract. and one other thing, this is maybe, a minor detail, but on page, 31 of the packet, my staff actually wilson did catch this. we want to clarify, whether the tran sit, planner three for the 5290 classification, if you punch that in it brings in the planner four and so i just wanted to make sure that was
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accurate. >> thank you for catching that. you are correct and it should be a transit planner four and we can up date that. >> okay. so, why don't we go to a question from commissioner yee first. >> when you talked about the allocation of staff time and you mentioned evaluation, where is the cost to indicate, that for the evaluation, through the 20,000 or the 149,000? >> yeah, i believe that it is the $20,000, of the mta staff waiver chl >> so the staff is doing the evaluation. >> working with the consultant, correct. >> and is it something, to get any funds for this? >> the evaluation, specifically? >> yes. >> i believe that there will be developed in coordination with them. and so it would be, the staff
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would give the evaluation, yes. but we would be, working with the consultant on it as well. >> is there any cost from the consultant? >> and that. >> i am just curious because it is not down where and it is not snowing if we are paying a consultant or not. and it seems like it is, and it is depending on the cost of the consultant, it should be a line item. >> yeah, that i am not sure. but i would be happy to get back to you on that. >> okay. so perhaps, then, the next time you know, the subsequent, item is before us, then, just to be able to see a better break down. because i know that it is kind of broken down into, you know, the three tiers and the types of events that you want to accomplish. through the contract. and it talks about the types of people, and the number of attendance that you want to reach and as commissioner lee mentioned we want to see a break down in terms of who is going to
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be doing or funding the evaluations and so forth. that would be great. >> sorry, and part of that will ultimately depend on the response to the rfp. >> okay. okay. any other questions commissioner yee? >> no. >> okay. so, then, at this time, i think that per our earlier discussion, then, i think that we would probably all feel comfortable, again, breaking down the contract and issue the fund that is needed to get the rfp out and save the approvals for the actual, contract awarding at a different time. okay? >> just to clarify. one option is to allocate, all of the funds at this time and to put $160,000 or you know, everything, except for what is required, to advertise the contract, and put that on reserve, pending the release of funds by the plans and programs committee. and that is one option. or we can put the funds in the commit to allocate box if you will that will require authority
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board action to allocate. >> i guess, commissioner breed? >> just a point of clarification, is it possible just to allocate the funds and return to the plans and programs committee for the approval of after the selection process is completed? can we add that in the language of the resolution? >> yes. we certainly can. >> okay. >> well i am open to either option. so i will leave it up to my colleagues to decide, i think that will give us the authority to address what the concerns are, we want to make sure if there is a fair process, we want to make sure that we have inpoo ut in that process and we understand, exactly who the funds are allocated to. and so i think that either, way would work to either include in the resolution, a hold on the specific, amount of funds, or to include in the resolution, final pending final approval of the transportation authority. either one would work for me. >> okay. well would you like to make a motion to that effect?
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>> it depends. and seconded by commissioner peskin. >> all right. >> so we will amend the resolution. and any other questions or comments, from committee members? i think that my other question, touching upon this contract issue was that i asked, mta to also provide a bit of an up date to you know, the capitol, fito things because as we all know, the prop k funds can go to capitol improvements and i wanted to better understand where we are on that.
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>> there will be opportunity for the board and community input and we look for work with your offices as we move through the budget, process to finalize, which corridors will be moving through the process for implementation. >> all right, thank you very much. so, again, any other questions or comments? then on this item? no? okay, then, so for item four, then, i will at this time, open it up for public comment, then. i am sorry, item five. wait, item five.
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seeing none and it is closed. we had amended the resolution to part out the funding so that there is further approval needed at the plans and programs, committee and could i have a motion on the entire item itself? all right, commissioner, breed moved to approve the item, and second ld by commissioner, peskin thank you very much. >> and the house is changed and the roll call. >> item five, breed. >> aye. >> fer el. >> absent. >> peskin. >> aye. >> tang. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> the amended item passes. >> all right. thank you and now if we can move on to item 6, please. and for item 6 we also have ana lafort. >> item six, neighborhood transportation improvement program, up date, this is an information item. >> good morning, supervisors. i am pleased to be presenting an up date on the neighborhood,
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transportation, improvement program just over one year since its creation. if you will allow me just a few moments to say a few thank yous. i would like to thank you, and your aids for working so closely with sfcta and mta staff on developing the skoepz and the projects. it has been, immensely helpful to get the back back early and i would also like to thank, craig who is here today and he is the sfmta coordinator who has been a great co-partner in this. and the project manager, that both the ta and the sfmta and as well as the planning department and received the funds for implementing the two projects and lastly, i would like to thank, tad who will be leaving the transportation authority to join, sfmta staff in a few weeks and so we wish him well at the
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sathly. >> and we know that we will continue to work with him. >> the program as i will refer to it, so, going forward. in 2014, the transportation, authority board adopted san francisco long range transportation plan, or the san francisco transportation plan, sftp, and advanced the investment for the sftp, and it implementation in the first five years with the adoption of the funding priorities and created the n-tip, program and so what is n-tip and why did we develop it? and so it is really a response to technical analysis that was done as part of the sftp and giving and we found that giving consideration to how we develop the projects and where we build the projects by the projects in particul
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particular. we heard from the board and the public is that we need to focus on neighborhoods and other under serveda irz that don't have an accomplished pipeline of projects. so that they are able to be implemented when grants become available. and agencies are prioritizing their capitol plans. we also, heard that we need to strengthen the project, delivery pipeline so that we can get these projects in the ground. and so just to recap, it is to build community awareness, and an ability and capacity, to provide input into the planning process. get establishing a steady pipeline of projects and areas that are typically or have historically been under served and then in the communities of concern rand as an overview, the bus to arm, there is 100,000 predict, per, district, and
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this is over a five year period thashgs is started in the fiscal year, 14, 15, and soar in year two of the five year period, and prop k, should leverage on funds to deliver, two neighborhood scale projects, small to mid sized projects and levelling is core to the prop k program and it continues to be core to the ntip, primarily on the capitol side. and there is also, funding for program, development for sfmta and to work together and to help to develop the projects. this outlines the amount of funds that are available predict and the amount that have been allocated to date and the funz that are remaining, we allocated six planning projects and three, capitol projects and in the subsequent, slides i
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