tv Fire Commission 11316 SFGTV January 17, 2016 2:30pm-5:11pm PST
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with commissioner evans commissioner hardeman, we've elevated his commission to our responsibilities tenfold and we've given so much time and we still give more time but we do find that we can participate in a partnership with the members and officers of this department. believe me, we do care and would you listen to everybody, and that's the truth of the matter. commissioner evans, i appreciate your hard work and dedication on mr. expertise in the elevation of professionals of new brought to this commission. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> do we have a motion to adjourn? >> i would like to adjourn in the memory of deceased firefighter--. i would like to
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that and still go home and see what transpired no longer will we have to wait for the interpretation we can watch them on tv thank you, bob and tida and sfgovtv for bringing the tida board meeting up and second item the tida a kind of a dry subject united states of america we have an old infrastructure that is falling apart and many problems will resolve the island residents will be affected until we are in the replacement housing from our prospective i suspect from yours this is a high priority issue we have's the community needs to understand the history of the problems what is done on behalf of the residents. >> what is achievable and tida and usf needs to understand our
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concerns to that end sf sfpuc advisory committee submitted a letter of support to hold a special session i'm happy to say the groups that agree we met and the two agencies to discuss this scope of topics of interest and i'm glad that is finally done we're to center the open house on january 23rd at shipshape we'll have a history and information about the hetch hetchy power system historic outcomes not outcome but outage information and what is happening i want to thank bob and sfpuc for hosting this meeting and doing the heavily lifting. >> thank you to the advisory committee and the sfpuc staff that were appointed for their
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sport and the support of supervisor jane kim thank you. >> thank you mar taking the time to comment is there anyone else who wishes to speak on item number that would like to address the board. >> good afternoon. i'm sheri want to invite you to our annual black history month we'll setback the renaissance so having a live jazz band and costumes it is fun for the whole family an february 5th and if you can make it we would like to see you thank you. >> thank you sherry motorbike would like to address the board? if not next item, please. >> >> item 3 report by on time and on schedule director. >> thank you chairperson and
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members of the board we're recorded on sfgovtv or sfgovtv and those archives are available on the city's website at we had a big communication lecture from california department of public health in response to the navy's clean up work in the court of treasure island an auditing that was a corporation yard where vehicle maintenance and similar activities were performed but within the radiology impacted area of site 12 the army completed their clean up and last week the contractually has a recommendation for that portion site 12 this is the
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first radiologyly impacted area that the california puck r puc a big project and last monday the technical mobile visit treasure island and the radio control cars the tech mobile will visit once a month through may and return in the fall as marking dunlop mentioned next saturday an open house with the sfpuc to discuss the the radio system on on time and on schedule in 2011 director worked with the puc for a number of improvements to the electrical system that approved pits reliability i'll be talking
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about kind of the current performances and limitations of the steam. >> how the system will evolve in december we didn't have any power outages on the island or other problems but this is in contribute to the markets commission the plea market on the thirty and 31st of january and plans to relocate to the eastern waterfront of the island when the geological and demolition will be off the gray line that is probably the 8 of may timeframe next friday night or friday the nfl will begin to build out in front of building one for their
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february 8th party and in advance of the super bowl this is the friday before the super bowl will be hosting a party in building one the sub lease he that is offered in the 0 was the 0 was restaurant on the island is temporarily closed the lease holder continues to pay rent on the facility and is seeking a new operator we hope to have the oasis reopened retain to work with the puc and dpw to finalize the subdivisions regulation only a few things to work out with the puc to finalize and scheduling a dpw directors hearing from mid to late february on the subdivisions regulations so that amounts will be coming out shortly we've
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secured letters of concurrence from dpw planning, mta and puc and modot for approval the applications and anticipating that you approval this week we anticipate closing on the first transfer development parcels this tsif hopefully subject to the finalization of the conditions mobile shut up of the demolition remarkable from m b i will take effect and the contractor is selected and prepared to mobilize as soon as the property it transferred the ti demolition contract and the contract for the construction of you knew watertank on yerba linda island are anticipated advertised around the end of february we continue working with the
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controller's office and public finance tic d and outside council for the cf d formation we'll be coming back to the title board with an update next month with the expectation of preparing to the city's capital planning committee in effectual followed by the introduction of resolution of intent to the board of supervisors we tida staff met that department of emergency services to discuss the cities thank you, mom responded cited issues to treasure island and planning presentation on the city's global emergency response plan including the tuesday mom at a april island meeting the hollywood season slotted the new york city with the marina
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but we're resuming those negotiation now and in hope to finalize those shortly and we'll bring those to the february meeting the january meeting of the i t c includes a presentation on the sea levels. >> much as happened during the holidays any questions by any members of the board. >> yes. thank you. >> thank you director for that report my comments actually being made with specific reference to the cal l ta and the ruling basically telling treasure island there are no
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geological impacted area having the concerns before from the residents from the elected officials and the stakeholder and looking at your letter here who else are we letting them know about this significant ruling because i think everyone needs to be copied and advised as the board of supervisors and having this posted on the website this letter so people can say see what it is saying please advise. >> to be clear the area that the cd ph issued the letter on limited to a specific area where the navy has completed the environmental project within cycle much a designated as we alledgedly impacted and a few
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sledded places on the island this give us a road map towards achieving the radio local release or the island so we will continue do survey work for likely several years before we have achieved the entire island this is a milestone that we have the first ear that although the clean up in this area was primarily for environmental containment the survey work that was done with the environmental clean up the - has california public health has a level of
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conversations inform further radio local issues. >> so it is significant still we will need to again with the permission of the stakeholder every this bit of permission again is significant a milestone so let's a share that with all the stakeholders that would be my session suggestion and recommendations. >> definitely i'll pass it along to the supervisors office and others do you have a question. >> thank you thanks for the report bob i had a question in part with the nfl is coming in and you said doing a build-out of building one i want to ask when that consists of. >> yeah. the event will be held in the parking area in front of building one and as you may know from
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visiting building one it slopes slightly towards the towards palm drive so actually being building a platform to level that area so they have a level floor if that area and tinting it i see rich in the audience i'm not sure jack is coordinating that but that's the scope. >> on the outside of the building. >> i don't believe they have anything on the inside is all on the outside. >> okay. >> how long will they be occupying - >> they'll be occupying the area for two weeks before the event and then it will probable be a week of breakdown after the event. >> is there any impact on traffic to the treasure island or off the island. >> shouldn't be we'll people
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work in building one plenty of parking behind the building over and over on the marina side and the flea market will the weekend after they begin the installation and don't anticipate any impacts to palm drive or other assess. >> for the actual evening of the event parking and plan for the area around building one. >> so then are tree any other questions been the board i want to ask mr. beck about the transfer of the site to ti cd the transfer the closing of the sites the plan on construction
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when is the the timing for the public's sake can you remind us of the timing for the development of those sites this will be before the sites. >> we'll be transferring 3 parcels on yerba linda island and a number of parcels on treasure island the parcels will be transferring are on the western waterfront from the star and north of california avenue across the street from building one the demolition on yerba linda island will begin following the tariff of the parcels and law officer later this year the installation on treasure island will begin with the first vertical development from the first building construction on
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yjd beginning in 2017 and the first homes on yerba linda island completed and available to the public towards the end of 2018 the area on the down open treasure island they anticipate advertising the demolition contract around the end of february so the demolition contractor would be mobilize 45 days to two months following that time and they will begin with the interior abatement and the demolition of the star barks and others structures along the western waterfront side of the island including the cost to visiting and the library behind the costing to visiting that
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tomatoes through next fall and will be followed by the good technical improvement work will begin before the he said of this year and included both the geotechnical profit of the sites as well as we expect this fall the developer will begin the reconstruction of the pause way the traffic into and out of island will be limited to one lane in each direction and that work is expected to take about a year to complete and then following the good technical improvements around the development parcels is when the infrastructure installation the new utility systems and new road infrastructure around those developments parcels will begin and the first vehicular development parcels are
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available on treasure island to begin the vertical construction in 2018 not all of the parcels within the first sub phase area will be built out immediately but many in 2014 to the 2020 timeframe it includes as an example the three hundred and 50 foot tower the highly zoned parcels within the development and likely to not move forward until a certain core population has been established on the island that is not probable the first product to market but will come to market after a critical mass of community has been developed. >> okay. thank you that summary i'm sure we'll be revisiting that timetable
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hearing no other questions from the treasure island report we'll go to the next item, please. >> >> item 4 communications from the tida there were communications from the navy and the california department of public health and advisors and newspapers and immediate publications among other. >> okay. any questions been the board on any of the communications we've received? hearing none next item, please. >> >> item 5 ongoing business by the board of directors. >> yes director richardson and yes, thank you i question you, mr. beck the status of the negotiation with the marina and where are we know you worked tireless last year to get the parties together and so where
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are we. >> yeah. we as i mentioned in the report some of the shareholders with both treasure island enterprises will be developing the marina and the center we're out of unavailable during the holiday we have a break of three weeks we didn't meet we did met rich and myself met with jay wallace last last week to review the current language on the marina and we are expecting some red line comments back from jay looking for a date next week to meet with him right now we are working to meet with the folks on the 25th and hopefully, we'll be able to get those two finalize in time to bring them next month. >> thank you
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any other questions or oncobusiness that the before mentioned want to raise if none next item, please. >> >> item 6 consent agenda are considered to be routine commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 6 a approving the minutes of the december 9, 2015, meeting. >> i think this is the item on the consent agenda what's the pleasure of the board. >> so >> second you there is a motion and a second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the i's have it. >> next speaker, please. >> item 7 the resolution approving the election of officer for the treasure island development authority for the infrastructure
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and committee as nominated by the ad hoc committee over the 12 months commencing january 1st, 2016, and ending the 31st 2017. >> the most is inform approve and congratulations to the president and the elected officials so motion so to approve the ad hoc committees recommendations. >> the ad hoc recommendations which the meeting was today before the board meeting for the record let me say that the nominations is director president fei and secretary samaha and yeah as the cfo. >> those are the nominations and also for the chair of the
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infrastructure committee it is director richardson i want to present that slate to the board as a whole and can i have a motion. >> motion again for approval. >> there is a motion and a second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the i's have it. next item, please. >> >> oh, i'm sorry yeah. >> i do have to have public comment. >> any public comment on this item? hearing none next item, please. >> >> item 8 housing plan overview. >> okay. this is an informational item and given the importance of housing in the city both the affordable and market rate housing we felt this was important with you what the housing plan is at treasure
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island this next year certainly there is going to be a movement forward to get the financing together to gather the sites and to prepare for the building of the market rate housing and the affordable housing which is so much an important part of overview plan we've asked the director bob beck to give us a report so that all of us on the board can be brought up to date on the plans and what the future looks like for us. >> so bob i'm going to have you make the presentation. >> thank you directors and wanting of the board can we bring up 9 slates thank you. >> so wanted to start with kind of a recap for people who may
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not be familiar with the residential housing development program and the context for the housing plan from 2011 when the entitlements were adopted for the project and the challenges and opportunities that present are presented to us today as with move forward to try to implement the program so the housing program at treasure island calls for the development of 8 thousand residential units 6 thousand will be market-rate by the treasure island development and a total of 2 thousand affordable units will be constructed three hundred and 16 of those will be inclusions units to be constructed by the treasure island community development within the market-rate developments on the island
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the development program calls for 5 percent of the affordable housing to be inclusionary and just to be clear how the math works you look at 6 thousand you might say 5 percent is three hundred but when you add the three hundred and 16 to the 6 thousand, 5 percent of three hundred and 167 is three hundred and 16 that's how the numbers work on the inclusionary program so the remaining 16 thousand and 84 or 16 hundred and 84 affordable units will be developed in the hand side. >> loan by the treasure island development authority tida in collaboration with the initiative under the housing plan the treasure island homeless development to develop
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a minimum of 4 hundred and 35 affordable units and these are larger to transition existing tida residents on the island but also to capitalized their programs as well tida is to isolate solicit the proposals some of which should the tida acholic beverage members should i see u choose to pursue may end up developing overseeing sites as well tida under the transitional reluctance and regulations will be required to provide replacement housing in those tida developed sites for what we call pred da or predisposition
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market-rate household we have 200 and 32 remaining pred da household of had whom may quality for affordable units but have obligations should they choose to provide transition housing untsd for the 200 and 32 household should they reside on the isle until the new projects or buildings come online as you can see on the map a map i apology the monitor on the wall shows that better than the the monitor on the monitor this shows what the tida affordable housing sites are located or distributed within the larger area there are two
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groups of sites i'll talk about it a little bit more as i move forward but 20 sites that are committed to tida for the development of affordable housing under the 25 percent affordable program and 4 additional sites that would be made available to tida should we be able to pursue a thirty percent affordable housing program and i'll talk about that later on in the presentation >> so just to highlight what we'll be talking about a little bit forward in terms of challenges and opportunities our first challenge to fully fund the 25 percent tida affordable housing commitment in the face
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of changing the revenue sources and changes in costs the timing of the available of parcels and then also assess our opportunities that are combotdz in the housing plan to increase the affordable housing to 23 and a half percent so the context from 2011 the we were originally as the board members are aware intent to be a redevelopment project and had tida drafted a redevelopment plan for the island and developed a housing plan and financing plan and a number of related documents in anticipation that the development program would be able to utilize california redevelopment tax increment law
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to fund the public improvements of affordable housing within the project area under redevelopment law 80 percent of the increases in property tax are available for the project that includes 64 percent of the one percent property tax that is revenue that would norm flow to the city and county of san francisco and then a states share the property tax which is intend to go go the educational revenue augmentation fund typically called the e wrap or states share of the property tax increment the housing plan in february of 2011 was a thirty percent affordable housing plan, which was consistent with the earlier planning work and the adopted
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2006 plan the some people look at the program on treasure island and say why aren't they're higher affordable housing goals set for the treasure island program and part of that is that the other costs of developing the island the good technical and sea levels the large amount of open space and the transit improvements limit the funds that were available to increase affordable housing as part of the overall program so in february of 2011 the tida board was as i said commissioner vice president moran a redevelopment plan and a financing plan that assumed
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redevelopment tax increment and a housing plan that assumed or that was tied up to support a thirty percent affordable housing program but as the state was working on its budget for fiscal year 2011 and 2012 they were projecting significant multi millions defects and redevelopment the funds that are diverted to support redevelopment projects throughout the state was seen as an opportunity to help close that shortfall and governor jerry brown proposed december
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southern california the redevelopment agencies to move towards a balance the budget so redevelopment had not officially been ruffled at the time the uncertainty of the future of redevelopment as the tida move forward to finalize the entitlements agreements for the project caused tida and tida to restructure the financing for treasure island to consider other means of funding the public improvements so fortunately the solution the recommendation recommend that was available to the program at the time was the use of infrastructure financing district as an alternative means of leveraging the tax to fund
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the public improvements the infrastructure financing district differs from redevelopment or the infrastructure financing district law at the time differs e.r. difrdz from a in a significant number of ways most sybil on this table redevelopment tax law makes available 80 percent of the property tax increment to the public improvements within the project area whereas the infrastructure financing district makes available only the local share from the city and county of 47 to 64 percent of the tax increment and in this case this is a situation where san francisco is fortunate to be a city and county if we were just a city that would be less than 20 percent of the total tax
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increment but being a city and county we make a joint decision we get the entire revenue there were between laws at that time, some limited differences in the ability of use i f d tax increment more affordable housing and the types of public infrastructure for which it could be used as well the other significant differences between the i f d the term for the increment under the i f d was thirty years and underdevelopment it was 45 years so rices the financial plan for the options available to tida at
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the time there was a lot of the project budget that is not discretionary the land acquisition payments to the navy and the structure of that deal was negotiated the costs that the developer will entrepreneur to address the conditions on the island and raise the grades for sea levels rise those planning requirement development requirements were established and the cost of the entirely new infrastructure on the island including the ferry terminal not discretionary elements of the redevelopment program and not office costs that could, avoided a number of things practical solution to delivering a funded and balanced program at the time was to reduce the affordable
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housing percentage to 25 percent that converted 4 hundred units that affordable units otherwise developed by tida to example ic d and maintain the treasure island development target of 4 hundred and 35 units and maintain the 5 percent inclusionary requirement for the projects developed developed by tida tic d the provisions that were reflected in the housing and financing plan 47 of local property tax share was committed to the t.i.d. that of consistent with the law at the time it committed 17 and a half percent
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to the affordable housing development and ti cd made a payment to help to support affordable housing in the amount of $17,500 per market-rate unit so those are the revenues committed to the program and the affordable housing program elements of program in particular at the time just a word of clarification about the 47 percent versus the 64 percent in terms of the local tax increment there are certain charts set aside so for the general fund that is the difference continue the 64 percent that comes to the city and the 57 about or that was keep in mind to the financing plan to the i f d
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so the revised plan as adopted in comparison with the initial plan of 4 months earlier the affordable housing was moved from thirty percent to 25 percent as the total from 24 hundred to 2 thousand affordable units and the project generated funds available to support the affordable housing development fell if 200 and 8 millions to 64 and, of course, the costs of fewer units were reduced so, now i wanted to highlight 9 opportunities that are embodied in the housing plan this section 9 of the housing plan because there was a lot of uncertainty
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about redevelopment at the time that the housing plan was adopted it was thought that a perhaps redevelopment might not be resolved or those people were following things at the time there was actually a second measure to reform many of the redevelopment areas that ultimately was struck down in the courts so in anticipation of a mechanism that would allow the project to recapture the 80 percent of tax increment that would be available in a redevelopment project area or something very similar to a redevelopment project there were provisions included that are outlined her at the top but
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really at the end of the day the key factor is from the project were able to recapture that educational revenue fund or e wrap fund goes to the state it will revert to 40 percent affordable housing as the proposed financing plan and housing plan as you are aware it there has not been a restoration of redevelopment over and over the creation of a similar program since then so the housing plan also includes in section 9 a partial public finance that tida can increase the affordable housing share to 27 and a half percent on the 20 sites already committed to affordable housing by increasing density and the
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overall to 27 and a half percent under the first alternative i mentioned 4 additional sites made available to develop that additional affordable housing there is a third provision under section 9 of the housing plan that allows tida and the city to pretty much additional parcels more affordable housing from treasure island community development at the market value for those sites that is a provision that we will probable be unlikely to exercise just because a lot of the opportunities to develop affordable housing come at a location where the city is able
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to get land at a value belief market-rate so purchasing a parcel from treasure island in the open area will come to the opportunities that are available to the city. >> so since 2011 there are have been a number measures that have created slightly different infrastructure financing district structures there's a i r f d or restructure financing district an enhances financial or e i f d or the most recently one the community revitalization and investment authority or c i a those new laws liable
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lists the use of i f d revenues in terms of the rage of public improvements and the amount that would be committed to affordable housing under the 2011 i f d law revenue from the infrastructure financing district was limited to the construction of replacement housing so to the extent we have seven hundred and 50 households on the island we'll be demolishing the use of i f d revenue more affordable housing is limited to replacement that existing housing the current i f d law don't include those have a more
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liberal period a longer period to leverage 40 years under the i f r d and under 9 e i f d or c r a the i f r d has a short period over of the tax increment can be adopted it allows for different areas of the district to operate under different clocks essentially so that when you look at the entire island built out over a 20-year peddler he we're doing work with the consultant team that is assisting us even though a shorter period we've able to start those clocks at different
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times it may yield more revenue for the public more affordable housing when we bring this forward with the recommendation to the board and ultimately a resolution of retention to the board of supervisors it will be explicitly recommending a specific i f d approach the challenges as i mentioned that we still face is none of these alternative protections provide as access to so the limit to the city and county a 64 percent a volunteerly tax allocation matt haney an election from the district to do the formation and to issue bonds there are somewhat more limited
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authorized public improvements but their fairly small and when you look at the total public improvements including i f d and cf d those few those public improvements that would be allowed under redevelopment not allowed under i f d law are generally allowed in the cf d between the i f d and the cf d we have most instances the same flexibility under the redevelopment law and the highlighted in the earlier table under redevelopment law 20 percent of the tax increment was required to support there was a
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mandatory set aside for redevelopment housing of 20 percent affordable housing obligation under either e i f d or the i f d but under the financing plan one-half percent of i f d revenues are committed to affordable housing so our challenges and opportunities today as we move forward to implement the affordable housing program we have some challenges just in meeting our base obligation and commitment to deliver the 24, 25 percent affordable housing some of the sources listed in the 2011 affordable housing performa are no longer available and some hud programs with the
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bank affordable housing and some of the sources were anticipated to be unavailable at the time and it was anticipated that the performa calls for those funding sources or similar sources be made available but since these specific programs are not available we need to look at how we fully fund the 25 percent affordable housing program there's also been as i'm sure you're aware continued escalation the development costs since the 2011 performa was prepared we need to do the exercise to update the cost item of the performa so we fully
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understand the gap we need to fill so going forward we'll be working with the mayor's office of housing and tida to update those develop updated revenue and cost performas and strategies for funding and also looking at the schedule of availability of parcels and the availability of funds workout a time loaded or resource loaded schedule for delivering all the affordable housing candidates so that when we will be able to make funding available combine with the parcels will be available and based on the tic d plans for the infrastructure improvements this map shows when the good
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technical work and essential infrastructure will be completed to develop can begin an individual parcels the parcels tend to come in bunches whereas revenues will be tend to be smoothed out so we'll not necessarily begin each the development parcels precisely when the parcels become available had you look at the larger picture 20 parcels that are made available to the city over a 10 year timeframe so we'll look at sticking to a schedule looking to fund around 2 per year as a loaded schedule to build out the entire affordable housing program. >> okay. is that the end of your presentation mr. beck.
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>> i have one more slide which is the or two more slides sorry that so we also want to assess our ability to exercise the opportunities that are combotdz in section 9 of the housing plan which are what are our opportunities to exercise either the option to increase the affordable housing percentage to 26 and a half percentage to increase the density whether that means a mix of unit size or housing types of types of and affordability levels and what revenue is available depending on the mix of housing types of
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affordability levels and what opportunities the city might have to achieve the thirty percent affordable housing goal whether it through a new version of redevelopment in castle which appears unlivable at least over the next remaining 3 years of the governors term are other alternative sources to offset the e wrap that is not currently available from the state and so going forward we'll be working with tie-dye and the mayor's office of housing to prepare an updated performa for the 25 percent affordable housing program to access the strategies for bridging the funding gap and developing a
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financing schedule for delivery consistent with the availability of parcels and the market-rate development schedule we'll also be preparing an updated performa and set up assumes for how we might achieve a 26 and a half percent - 27 and a half percent and the additional sources we as the city needs to fund those projects and then in absence of redevelopment what strategies might be available to us to take advantage of the opportunity to increase the affordable housing to thirty percent and take advantage of the 4 additional parcels that would be available to achieve that through the housing plan that concludes my presentation.
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and open up for discussion. >> thank you, mr. beck i think that the whole question of housing the lack of affordable housing in the city is one on the minds of many residents and to the extent we can increase the affordability on treasure island such an incredible resource we have there, there are few areas of the city that have the land that is available for development and we are in a partnership with ti cd for inclusionary there is the responsibility of tida and the board to make sure that we implement affordable housing plan and find the resources that are available, of course, the problem is that in order to get affordability it has to have the
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resources to subsidies those and wherewith the construction costs up 80 percent know that this city i think the last 9 months construction costs have gone up by more than thirty percent how can we create affordability which when it is much more of a challenge before i take questions i note that olsen lee who is director of the mayor's office of housing is here he had requested he come from the treasure island board and that we can hear the strategies that the mayor's office has and they're thinking on how the mayor's office of housing and tida can work together in trying to fund the affordability that we need on treasure island
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is that appropriate mr. beck if we ask mr. lee to make a presentation. >> yeah. free to welcome either director lee i know that sherry williams with tie-dye is also in the audience so either of them speak be appropriate >> right and if you don't mind we'll wait on questions certainly we'll have questions towards either of them and open that up later on olsen will you address the board thank you. >> director olsen lee director of the mayor's office of housing and i think director beck late the history of the financing resources and where we are today based on the negotiated
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agreement i just came from a briefly with the office of economic development and infrastructure and talking about the redevelopment project area based on the new set of rules and recently they're new sets of resources they were able to obtain through sp 107 that created additional tax increment financing for the infrastructure in transbay but i think that what i did previously bra the mayor's office of housing was i was the deputy director and one of the things all the redevelopment projects areas accident had the dilemma of having tax increments but having the process but not having the tax increment until the end in
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the case of treasure island one of the of the things with the developer is to utilize some sort of community finance to allow them to jump start of the infrastructure and then repay it with you know the tax increments in the future our future tax increment bonds we don't quite have the luxury for the affordable housing and how the agency used to do it basically to utilize the state law that said you can use the tax increment within the jurisdiction of the agencies so that is the start of the citywide tax increment program in 1990 based on the agreements in 1988 and 89 that created redevelopment housing financing and so what would happen would
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be the older redevelopment project areas basically supported the new project areas through the exporting of the redevelopment tax increment precedes this is how the first development in the ground in mission bay north to start and mission bay to finish the affordable housing project we afforded the increment from older project areas to that new project area and you know mission bay has preceded much faster than the people anticipated but the affordable housing is lagging even with the jump start from the other resources from the other redevelopment project areas in part because the nature of the beast of the financing overall we are part of the discussions in terms of the next steps we clearly are and we've already
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reached it out to the controller's office and to the budget director to engage in a process to really been how we incorporate you know the goals of this body into the larger goals of the city as a relates to the affordable housing and the resources clearly the resources solely from the island are insufficient to try to achieve some of the goals in terms of the existing affordable housing component and then clearly the affordable housing components the question we will try to answer in this process is what can the resources of the island actually support on its own and the other assumptions we can make to say we're going to leverage certain state resources you mentioned that some state
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resources are no longer there but new resources you you know and the question of whether the affordable housing on the island qualifies for those resources we can projection that they will fill some of the gap for the affordable housing piece overall a lot of it depends on the size of this 16 r 17.5 percent and what that truly supports in the bulb out phased nodded sufficient in the beginning we're trying to start of the air force program but ultimately what will that number truly support it is it $200 million in terms of of the amortization for the terms overall our goal to incorporate affordable housing into our overall thirty year plan more affordable housing and really to highlight is that
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affordable housing is something we need to fund on a timely basis we can meet the obligations of the authority on the terms of replacing the affordable housing overall i'll alisa miller you tell you my pipeline is full for the next 5 years but the planning for the avenue is not a 5 year endeavor a thirty year endeavor that is slightly in excess of the term of the housing trust fund but we are looking for further out in terms of what the resources are and what the goals of the city are including the goals at the treasure island and how that we sort of budget or allocate resources to make sure they are funded in a timely manner we've not done it exercise it is the beginning of that process but we i've gotten candidates from the budget offices and the controller's office to work together to insure that that
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planning for the island gets done and will help with the consultant and your staff and looking at the essential resources and the potential needs of the housing and then again incorporating that go into our larger sort of thirty year circle of affordable housing that we intend to fund i think there are some discussions about do we want to try to increase sort of the density of the affordable housing sites i think the answer pretty clearly is yes. we've doing that in all the developments right now and the site we're looking at we're saying can we do more handouts hournt and the question though to pay for it at least you have the opportunity in terms of the
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existing sites to you know that you have that interest and perhaps the financing for that site will come to the authority from a different source than you currently have available we had this discussion with the mission bay the eir and their recognized obligation payment you know whatever i can't remember what rock stands for but the recognized obligations that the state recognizes has a certain number of units when he e when they reach that number they're done well the city can use that parcel from the ocii didn't have the authority to extend money further the city can do that i think we're - we'll work with your staff with the all the stakeholders to look at how we
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can make this happen in a timely manner not budgeted for now i'll tell you that but it needs to be budgeted and we will work with your staff to figure out and timing for the affordable housing paralyze but clearly trying to maximize the number of units is in the interest of the projects and the interest of the city overall. >> okay. thank you very much olsen and sherry would you like to address the board on because your organization will play a substantial roll in developing the affordable housing. >> thank you, again sherry williams from the treasure island development i appreciated director lees comments on
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integrating treasure island plan and the rest of city. because you know we're looking at having the first parcels available in 2018 and you just heard the director say his pipeline is full and that he can't see any funding available for 5 years which is a concern to us the initial fund we'll need is, of course, predevelopment funds let's say the 2020 period and so we are hoping that even though there are pipeline in terms of you know larger sums for the actual work that the predevelopment funds would keep us then on pace with the timing of the parcels coming online for us because we would really hate to be detailed so other market-rate development going on and have holes in the idle where
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our projects were to be that's definitely a concern i wanted to raise and it is something we will work with the mayor's office of housing and have started those conversations with them on these issues and know there is a lot of pressure on the mayor's office of housing and their funds you know to fund the affordable housing that elsewhere i will say that we might not been in the cue we were fluted frustrated with our timetable and the like that. >> age we've known since i don't know 2006 i guess would be and then reduce this is coming down the pipe i feel strongly we should have access to the resources for the predevelopment work as long as and look forward to working with the developments authority a lot of what we'll
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look at our integrating and a percentage of homelessness in the building and other levels of affordability so in order to accomplish that objective we'll be working with tida to program out the unit to integrate our units into the other affordable so we will be working with staff on this so - >> thank you. >> okay i'd like to open it up to the board for questions. >> yes. director richardson. >> thank you very much i have 3 questions first thing is for mr. beck tidas obligations to the 200 and 34 are families the market-rate so you saying that our
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obligations are limited to the market-rate or we are also i need clarifications here. >> yeah tida is responsible for delivering the affordable housing projects we have a unique obligation under the transitional rules and regulations that were adopted the board of supervisors made available to market-rate customers within the existing housing on treasure island a path to become part of the future community at a controlled rent so there are currently 2 adding hundred and 32 household that have remained from prior to
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2011 by comparison about hundred and 60 units have turned over so one and 60 households for the obligations to provide future housing on the island that is a concern for another day i'd like to discuss with the board ultimately we have one and 60 households that you know we will - when the existing housing is torn down tida will have a regional housing summit units but the 200 and 32 their existing market-rate household if they qualify we'll put into them into an affordable housing unit but if we need to develop a unit that will be rent as a household that doesn't qualify
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fmore affordable housing there are certain funds that are available for the development of affordable housing that will not be available to the development for the replaced units it makes it a little bit more challenging from a financing precipitation how we develop those specific units. >> that's why i'll asking the questions to go back and do the analysis we're clear about the obligations and expectations so that's one of my first questions we need to revisit that and the second question i have you in one of our slides you actually showed the limits due to increase and olsen lee to listen to this in hypothetically we have increase there are limitations that may impact the actual percentage of the affordable housing once we're
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obligated to provide parks and open space to and transportation improvement and infrastructure in case there are increases the current numbers rer we have are impacted and so are we saying the numbers we have in the housing plan now it gave or just the members are subject to change god forbid if their potential increases in the major things you mentioned we might have to go back and revisit the plan because those are the realties help me out here what you're talking about. >> if i'm making sure i follow over line of questioning you know the finance plan comments or commits 17 and a half percent of the revenue for the
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affordable housing the i f d and cf d will generate you know a specific amount of revenue over time treasure island community development is obligated in the d da to provide certain public improvements including the geotechnical work and the open space improvements you've described to the extent that those costs exceed the projections that were made 2, 3, 42011 that's a risk that falls on ti cd under the agreement those obligates to provide the public infrastructure improvements are obligations of ti cd and will be police vehicle those substantial even under the
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2011 under all performas there's a substantial portion of the public improvement cost that will be born by ti cd to the extent those costs out strip the growth of revenues that is where it is born by the developers. >> so the sentences should read regardless of increase of the community benefits there is still respectfully the housing goals we've set and that is called the birthing shipped to ti cd that shouldn't effect the expectations of the housing to goals i want this to be stayed we know the competitions and the
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department. >> essentially in a nut shell under the redevelopment agreement the city bears the risk associated with cost escalation and the city bears the escalation in those costs won't intrude on our strategies and options in funding the affordable housing. >> so mr. lee you mentioned your pipeline is full i understand that thank you for your work on developing the affordable housing in san francisco the tie-dye has the plan for decades what about given the limits of funding i know the city has the bond make sure and whatever and the urgency to begin the tie-dye in the
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pipeline for this particular project what about public-private partnership someone can say yes. the city has a full pipeline but make recommendation for someone to come in and offset it this a possibility and why not bonus for the market-rate and also for the affordable housing. >> let me talk about the speech on the first question surface i know treasure island is part of city once we get the affordable housing plan developed all the opportunities we utilize in the rest of the city whether public-private partnership e whether their offsite to the inclusionary go, etc. are all fair game and the resources of the city are fair game the goal of the plan and the goal of city are the same
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we'll create a new community a way to create affordable housing and we don't have all the answers yet in terms of how to finance it by clearly that is the goal to which kind of you know the goals of this plan so we can look at you know in the future if we have opportunities for offsite mitigations, etc. for put additional funds into the developments on the island but i would just sort of caution that many of the as you may know from just from observation many of the public-private aspirins or partners is related to the proximity so this development is no 2, 3, 4 near proximity to their individual projects and
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neighbors it makes that a tough sell in terms of trying to meet the concerns of neighbors about the impact of the particular development when you're taking the public benefits of this development and the impact and moving - leaving the impact there in the neighborhood and the benefit to some other location but clearly that is a city obligation overall the baseline funding foreign the affordable housing will come from i know from the resources that you all negotiated or not you but the authority negotiated with the developer and to the extent there are gaps we will attempt to identify the resources to fill the gap and do that in a timely way as i said before we could a have the answers in terms of how we'll do that this is a process we will do together in terms of trying to balance all the goals
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of the city including the goals of ileals and making sure we achieve them all but the increment is really you know the baseline on the terms of the you know the affordable housing funding and the question of you know to what extent we're accumulating the 17.5 percent used for affordable housing you know, i presume have you started the clock on the increment at this point. >> not at that point. >> so as soon as the clock starts the fund will accumulate for the affordable housing again, much it will be the value the construction if that and that will be detailed in terms of of there will be lagged but it will be the start of what the resources flow will be to you know fund things like
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redevelopment loan and so deputy your receptive to the height limit on the market. >> your redevelopment plan of sources and the question between the redevelopment plan is it consistent with your d-4-d and is it consistent with the eir and whether you have that ability to do a density bonus on top of that i can't advise you but someone in the planning can advise. >> but you do have flexibility i encourage to look at the flexibility within the current redevelopment plan and the d-4-d in terms of height and density and the ability to do more on the same site and the issue then becomes into a particular type of construction a type of wood frame to some go that more expensive than wood frame and
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the additional costs of doing that construction is the additional units out weighed by the cost per unit. >> thank you, sir. >> okay. >> thank you. great presentation this is very extensive i canned pretend i understand all of it with the financing types we're discussing there is a lot change and new laws and source of funding in some way trying to understand it a little bit if i may ask you a couple of clarifying questions so basically the initial the 6 thousand units is one phase; correct? >> the 8 thousand units the 6 thousand market-rate is the entire. >> the entire correct so
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inclusionary units are the ones paid by ti cd or developers a set aside for affordable housing. >> yeah. they physically construct the inclusionary units. >> like a 5 percent. >> yeah. 5 percent. >> got this is where the bonus comes in you'll be able to build the market-rate in the current eir and the development project perhaps we can increase some of that inclusionary housing; correct? >> yeah. i think the density bonus might be a particular challenge on treasure island because of the transportation component of the environmental salutation of treasure island where one of the constraining factors is the total amount of
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traffic to the island and it's impacts on the bridge so that you know developing just the same footprint will be consistent with our agreements with the state land trust but constructing another 5 hundred units within that foot will be other challenges we'll need to discuss with the stay planning department and assess within the larger environmental assessment for the program. >> right so, now what is the diversities difference between the treasure island housing development versus the units and the tie-dye units 0 how are they different as a lot of the fuvendz may not be the same within the tie-dye umbrella the treasure island
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homeless development compludz includes four housing providers they're all all of the tie-dye operators consistent with their name all of their residents are formally homeless so this year maybe some programs that fund for example, for the formally homeless that would be specific to a tie-dye affordable building but within the tie-dye umbrella their operators include but community e community housing and catholic charities and 360 is the waldon house and then plowshares so right now in working with tie-dye on a strategy for funding from the
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projects one of the first projects that we would propose to move forward would be the replacement of units for swords to plowshares there are some few minutes that are available through the va for veterans housing that's a project that might have some funds that will unique as a veteran's residential facility health right 360 they provide transitional housing for people dealing wi dealing with substance abuse problems either treatment or process trickle environment each of those types of housing may have some subsidies that would be available on the operating
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side i mean, the development or operating side so then there are also senior housing facilities or housing for individuals with disabilities each type of affordable housing housing multi family or family housing also unique funding but when you look at globally the affordable housing that we will be developing each one of these uniquely dedicated or targeted sources will play a role in one project or another we want to leverage all the resources. >> it's possible all the entities will be able to assess for funding. >> yeah. yeah, that is part of the complex work to go through with the mayor's office of housing is what funds are
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available either within the san francisco community or are newly available from the state and federal government to help us fund each project. >> one more question given treasure island is part of the city i know we pass the affordable bond any funds from the bond to treasure island. >> we are going to be issuing a certain for the acquisition of sites related to the bond the bond has 3 things one the public housing and that those funds are going to primarily potrero and the southern what we called the traditional affordable housing
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and that was the the acquisition of affordable housing sites and the third was our sort of middle-income bonds and that was also to refunds the down payment assistance program the only we'll be issuing a nov for the acquisition of new parcels. >> so potentially. >> you actually own the parcels already to not the acquisition. >> right. >> of those particular parcels. >> that's the acquisition for the construction. >> that's correct. >> the first site in part because of the you know the demands or the desire of neighborhoods and in the city to have access to more affordable housing in their communities. >> just to follow up on you
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can we are going to leverage as much you know what we call other people's money as soon as possible and looking at the financial resources and the typical you know resources that we looking for all of our affordable housing our taxing credits and the cap & trade program and prosper on the island are competitive and look at any of the federal programs to see if their of assistance to the construction of these developments i think one of the things as very, very difficult is most of those funding sources are for permanent housing so it is if it is transitional housing it makes it harder if it is housing the obligation of the island or the income levels not served by
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those programs the program falls on the island in terms of making up that gap so what the rents of that individual didn't support and hopefully, the rental will support at least the operating costs for this particular units but the beyond that that much should cover some level of first mortgage and it is beyond that, you know, that maim is you know what the gap will be typically what our affordable housing financing sources with cover a large substantial portion of that capital for costs but in the case where you are not global for this then somehow the mortgages from the 17.56 percent have to cover that gap so you know clearly we will, looking at trying to maximize the opportunity to get other
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resources to come into the development and i assume that was really the modeling at the time and just the resources have changed and the costs have changed we need to you know get back on track and figure out what is the gap and some of the potential resources and how you know sort of lay out the wanting to achieve those goals we will definitely, using a lot of resources not associated with the city and hopefully be very successful in applying and receiving those resources. >> just one quick question about that i was curious i know that not that that matters what are the ratio of length versus homes. >> i think the where the developer develops a building
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for rent they would include for rents of affordable units whether they're developing a building for sale they would include an inclusionary for sale for the projects for the buildings that tie-dye and tida develops the expectation they'll be for rent. >> and currently residents improving renting and state qualified more affordable housing could they buy? >> the yeah - the transitional housing rules and regulations for market-rate customers market-rate pred da customers that qualify for housing or don't qualify does include an option to buy perhaps an
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affordable unit or market-rate. >> thank you director kositsky. >> thank you, commissioners i hope you'll bear with me i have a few comments and some suggestions how to moved on this first of all, thank you for that presentation it was really very clear and really appreciate the effort that obviously went into that and thank you, mr. olsen for being here there's a lot of commitment and demands for city resources right now but i think there's a really - i know that under mayor ed lee's leadership and olsen doing a lot of work the city is it transformer into the public housing stock it is important i applaud all the
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efforts there is opportunity we shouldn't lose we should be looking long-term and thinking about this i understand maybe not fund available for the years maybe push back the timeline when the affordable housing gets built everyone in the city agrees are serious affordable housing crisis in 2018 the voeshtsz approved prop k that talked about the 33 percent of all housing in the areas we're re zoned for ellis acted and moderate income 33 percent is what we should try to get and proposition talked about surplus those are not directly related to treasure island necessarily but i think it is still clear
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the voters and with with the housing bond passing the voters care about this issue we have an going to push this i think that 33 percent is the number we should be shooting for i think i feel that the homelessness crisis is on the presence of the mind of most san franciscans a unique opportunity to work to address that problem i know folks are aware interest is a lot of homeless adults on the streets less aware that one in every 25 students in the san francisco unified school district is homeless one in every 25 students enough to fill 70 classrooms with homeless kids and this also creates an opportunity this project creates an opportunity to address that as well i'll propose it is affordable housing that we're
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going to be developing that 27.5 percent of the housing be set aside for tida units it is right now 20 percent i think we can do better there i hope you'll take the longer view if we on the part of problem with the housing the housing crisis we're facing is to do looking at 5 year or 10 year increments not looking at 20 or thirty or 50 years out but how we should be approaching this unique opportunity those are my comments my questions i e don't know if you know this off the top of your head what the target ami for the affordable housing you know different types
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of development. >> yeah. i don't have a target but the range of affordable affordability it from zero to one and 20 percent with a targeted mean of affordability of 50 percent. >> i believe and i'll look at olsen i believe that when the when there is an inclusionary for sale units priced an 90 percent of ami so, yeah. >> okay. is there a document that has this? >> yeah. i believe i can i believe there are documents from the time of the - i can find. >> that would be great and it will be nice to know how many of affordable units the 2 thousand
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units radio replacing how many of the tie-dye units are being replaced and how many of the units that are currently being rent are occupied by families may not be in the tie-dye but using the vouchers or paying market-rate rent. >> the tie-dye currently occupies 200 and 50 units on the island so and then within the jon stewart housing i'm going to estimate we have section 8 some section 8 households we have some households they're actually rented or rented to an organization called s bs that
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provides facilities with people with disabilities adults but their leased at a market rent and we have a few households on the island we have people that were displaced due to fires that are paying below-market-rate rent but not specific an affordability issue in terms of section 8 vouchers we have less than 2 dozen is that right? oh, okay. so sorry it is 38 to 42 households within the right-of-way 4 hundred john stuart household 10 percent that have section 8 vouchers >> so roughly 38 households on treasure island are paying below-market-rate rent because of section 8 or tie-dye units.
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>> right. >> commissioners that is important to keep in mind as we look at the numbers we want to strike four is a net game in affordable housing we're talking about hundred units on the island that is in the reason why 33 percent makes more sense than thirty okay. so those are my questions and thank you for your response just a couple of thoughts how we can move forward one is this sort of a suggestion and question i i know that there's an issue with the d da by june 30th of this year an agreement with the developer the number of the amount of affordable housing from 25 to 27.5 automatically but that
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expires on june 30th gives me great cause ever concern we could lose it opportunity i'm wondering we've spoken about this before if you could give us an update. >> yeah. so the good this is comboltd in section 9 of the housing plan that relates to the provisions that are highlighted in the presentation today that that triggered to go to increased density as 27 and a half percent or find a ultimate solution to the erngs wrap and move to thirty percent the language in section 9 says that the decision point is 60 months after the effect date of agreement
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which would be june of this year one question that we have raised is whether or not that effected date should town hall along with the developers obligations to performance under d da it is something we raised the question we haven't had expensive conversation to date but it is also why this presentation and the conversations that we have initialed with the mayor's office of housing as olsen indicated in his comments there's a larger conversation that is going on with the controller's office mayors budget staff about this and what our options and opportunities so
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we're doicognizant and this jun remains the june we'll make the best decision with tida and the city but also whether or not you can we intend to engage with the ti cd whether or not this data should be automatically which the developer told 3 years under the d da and whether there would be mutual agreement. >> that would be great to get monthly updates so in june we're not in a crisis mode to address this i know your working on it but asking for that every month
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another question i have sort of other questions and possible action item wondering if there isn't assistance we can get if assemblyman chiu or senator leno to empower the opportunities to look at the state and federal regulations. >> i think that there is certainly through our conversation specific opportunities for us to, you know, provide legislative solutions to problems then the delegation will be supportive of that there are a couple of things we've discussed maybe required
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state solutions for future conversations with the city attorney's office we can have local solutions to - the one challenge that is current access to the e wrap share but to the extent there are other issues i think the delegation is definitely in support. >> how could we precede you know what is a good next step with chiu's legislative staff. >> the city does not leverage and can i say i had a conversation with assemblyman david chiu now the chair of the states housing committee so, in fact, we'll have a lot of conversations and influence on that committee and what they'll do but certainly the local resources may not be enough to do all the feasibility we need
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to do and that we need to think of state and federal to meet the objectives and a lot of things we can do so i suggest that this year maybe a committee of this board it is just so we can perhaps go through some of the cafe thinking that can approaches that can can be used treasure island is apart and i and it also the sites are available it is not that the city this is a to go out and inquiry the sites they're available for development now and see i think that we can roll think creatively about what to do for instance, could there is
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a predevelopment few minutes for nonprofits to be able to move forward in the site development could there is a predevelopment loan funds set aside for the treasure island sites so we can start the planning for those sites and navigate if it is a loan sites as one development can finish and the construction financing is achieved you know those predevelopment funds could go back to fund the next project perhaps that's within of the things it would be in the basket thinking we can do specifically for treasure island i'd like to be able to pin those thoughts. >> just wanted to speak to one of the questions that board
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member director richards direct whether or not to schedule we need to have a couple of more middle east e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's officeiddle east e meeti forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's offiddle east e meetings forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's officele east e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's offie east e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's office east e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's offi east e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's offit e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's offi e meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's officee meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's office meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or senator leno's offi meetings to forefront our ask before we engage his office or
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senator leno's office but relative to the conversation there is a mechanism i limited mechanism within the financing plan for the developers that advance some portion of the $17,500 per that is due at the time of permitting of an individual market-rate project to advance a limited amount of that money we need to do an assessment whether this is adequate to fund some of the anticipate redevelopment costs this is one option and in addition to predevelopment funds that might be available from city resources we actively you know evaluating the predevelopment from both sides. >> you know want to find solutions to deliver the projects. >> what in terms of navy in replacement housing is there some additional sources inform fund through the legislative team and through the offices of nancy pelosi perhaps additional funding that is possible with the navy. >> right now there aren't any
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such funds there's a question that since the idea of developing the hours for the formally homeless was embedded in the brake program from the giving up it is seems like an appropriate nexus for the feds to specific funds available to develop affordable housing on formal military installations no such specific support from the frequenting at this time but it is something we raised with the city's lobby amend and would be interested in
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exploring. >> i believe i still have the floor and we have a few more minutes my last question thought about preceding this is there some ability to look at the inclusionary housing for even look at the target ami rates there is clearly a need for more housing with the ami level a growing need and i think as we strive for 33 percent affordable housing is there a way to be creative in a way that both benefits the developer and also creates more affordable housing i'm not familiar enough that the inclusionary pieces to be able to make a suggestion but toss that out there as a possible option we might have at our disposal to increase the number of units
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no, it is definitely something we'll add to the mix as another strategy. >> great. >> thank you, very much commissioners. >> one question commissioners one thing more and we're talking about assemblyman david chiu one of his presentations i think tilt although the legislation it was so impressive one and 18 out of one 20 legislators and government vetoed so he needs to go back and try to look at with the government to get the legislation back we have in opening statements someone over the last thirty years plus as
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related to city programming a few minutes to the redevelopment agency like to have you back here to engage before we go further to some of the best was this is your territory on the financing available federal, state, and local federal i've been working on for decades. >> it was disappointing when the good afternoon vetoed some of the chiu's documents for tax so $75 per document and i think the question is can we go back and can the advocates go back to the well at the state level to get something that the governor won't veto i think when i talked to mr. chiu he was going to you know explore the
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possibility of rising his legislation the second time around the governor will be more open to that funding source i just wanted to i have to leave for a meeting downstairs i want to again sum up where we are in the process we have the gap and we have a gap based on you know not only the resources that you currently identified for the housing plan based on the plan it's a gap based on the timing in which that maximum resources you'll be assessing based on increment will be available, we - so there are - the housing plan right now will need outside resources for it to achieve the
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question of the 25 percent i think the amount of things and i'm not your staff so this is just a suggestion from a member of the public but one of the things this board has to look at is the question of this particular plan and what it even tails to modify the plan under olsen lee old development these issues related to affordability, the depth of the affordability the percentage the affordability sources revenues to achieve those were begged to the plan and requires an amendment to the plan and on a certain process that to be available so i'll ask you to consultant with the city attorney about is this what is the way of amending this particular plan and is it something you can solely in our
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discretion through the board and adopted or require a discussion with 9 developer who is part of a d da i presume to understand what your ability is to move forward the plan no comments about the plan but understanding how you know how to amend the plan and the implications of that clearly you know the resources at least today are not there and we're committed to work with the staff to identify the resources and plan for them what their, their currently not there. >> thank you very much for your a comments. >> madam chair, i need to make a couple of comments related to the percentages i agree we should strive to do better and we need more affordable housing
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but i also want to do it in the realm of real numbers and performances i know mr. beck you mentioned the performances are redone we have reconstruction costs for a number of years and appearing we have a gap and we may not be able to reach 25 percent given the funds sources coming in at the current rate i want to make sure that whatever is done i'm all for meeting with the state which your legislators are trying to get the funding resources we want to make sure we don't jeopardy office of the city administrator sediment because of redevelopment the infrastructure and open space all interpretation and all types of you know allocations that the
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developers are putting in and used for other purposes as well i'll be curious to know when you'll be meeting your performa's. >> tie-dye has been an initial kind of performa for the initial 5 projects assuming that they are largely developing the replacement housing tie-dye but also of the tie-dye units within those we're- i've asked sherry to work with us and their consultant to extend that to be a larger update for the entire programs so we very specific projects gaps for the first 5 projects that we would propose to do i just to be clear in
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terms of felt 25 percent affordable housing program that is the commitment and the obligation of tida and the city under the d da to the extent we have a gap i don't believe there is anyone who will suggest we'll not meet the 25 percent goal the parcels on which the housing is to be developed are being committed to tida in fact, not transferred to ti cd will be responsible for the geotechnical improvements and the road improvement for the challenge is really the timing you know will we be able to keep pace with the developments so there are not
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you know that the market-rate development in the area does a complete affordable housing site we'll not be able to keep pace with the development so the city and moh olsen is not here the city is committed to funding and to finding a way to deliver the 25 percent the bigger problem can we develop the strategies to move forward with the starter development and keep pace with the development as it moves forward at some point we'll deliver the 25 percent the other question though are there viable strategies to increase ourselves further to 25, 27 and a half or thirty percent or potentially beyond
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beyond the thinking again olsen mentioned the plan does have an automatic opportunity 27 and a half percent goal or thirty percent goal those were baked into the transition documents i don't understand that with you know required negotiation and with the ti cd with the but doesn't mean it is not possible yeah. >> okay and i think that this is been a really fruitful discussion today before we close the session i'd like to communication if there is any public comment on this item please step forward. >> hearing none mr. becca you tells us what the next steps laid out the issues and challenges that are before
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us on the housing plan i'm so glad we had that presentation and it is you very ablely put it into an understandable form what in your mind are you next steps what we can expect. >> there multiple parallel paths, if you will, one of the paths is to continue conversation we're having with controller's office and the controller's office and the public finance and some of the outside consultants to make sure when we come back to the board and to the capital improvement plan competent we've identified the i f d legislation that allows to maximize the revenues that are available to the
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program in making a recommendation for a resolution of intent so that is some of it is ongoing and certainly whether you hear back from me in february with this is we've concluded that discussion and we this is the legislation that appears to maximize the revenues to the program is we can continue to move forward that process and simultaneously we'll be working on the costs side to prepare updated performa's assessing honk that will take but we'll continue to refine that as we move forward so that is something you might anticipate multiple updates in the last few months and also we
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have further meeting not next week but the week after within the controller's office mayor's office of housing to look at the revenue opportunities some of the revenue opportunities and options to us so that is something we might have additional update on but in terms of what our avenues we are exploring in terms of a detailed kind of you know update open on the pipeline where we fit if again, a longer than term project to continue trying to development a fully funded program and moved in time as
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soon as possible the development of the affordable housing also, if we are looking at the june deadline you can expect updates from me on i would think at the next board meeting any discussion about modification of that deadline or pulling of that deadline and to the extent that remains the deadline i would plan to give monthly updates on any discussions we're having about our ability to exercise the options that are available to us. >> thank you i think that this should be a regular item on the jaungdz at the meeting just updates on the housing plan and the housing all the different strategies that are being discussed and in our
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. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> i'd like to call roll. >> please do. >> commission president loftus is excused. commission vice president is excused. commissioner marshall is excused. commissioner dejesus, present. commissioner mazzucco, present. commissioner mazzucco, you have a quorum. also wuls is (inaudible) representing the department and gregory p. surr >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wednesday,
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january 14th, 20th san francisco police commission. no, you are not having a flashback. i'm filling in tonight for commissioner loftus who along with chief greg sur and joyce hicks are flying back from washington, dc where they spent the last 3 days at a group called perf they've been back there since sunday essentially looking at what other police departments have been looking at in terms of what options to police departments have in dealing with individuals who have knifes and sharp objects. it's part of what we're doing concerning the use of force, they went back there all three together and we will have a report on that last week. that's why we are not here tonight, we have 4 commissioners, we worked hard, one commissioner is not feeling well but we really wanted to have a meeting to accommodate all of you.
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item 1. >> item 1, adoption of minutes, action for the meetings of october 7, 14, 21, november 4 and december 2, 2015. >> commissioners, you have the minutes in your packet. are there any questions or additions? >> i move for adoption. >> second. >> all in favor? >> we have to have public comment. >> public comment regarding our minutes. mr. petrellis >> good evening, is this working? my hearing aids are busted and they're in the shop, both of them. okay, listen, you are adopting minutes from october. october? i don't know why it is taking the commission this long to approve your minutes from october -- three meetings in october, one meeting in november and one meeting in december. i have issues with
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this because i think that you've got to be putting the minutes out sooner on the web. i'm just assuming, i'll check it when i get home tonight, that the minutes from october are not yet on the web. if they're not, that's not okay. i don't know how they could be on the web until you have approved them. you've got to put these things up sooner, you've got to process them sooner. thank you. >> any further public comment regarding the adoption of our minutes? hearing none, public comment is closed. we have staff working with commissioners and many issues and they do a great job. please call line item 2. >> did you vote on the first item? >> we're all good. >> item 2, consent calendar, receive and file action. police commission report of disciplinary actions 4th quarter 2015, request of the chief of police to accept a $50 burlington gift card from mr.
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jim kennedy, burlington's regional loss prevention manager to be donated to a local charity or a family in need. >> i move to accept --. >> any public comment regarding the $50 gift card that the chief is going to give away? >> no, it's on all consent items. >> and the gift card. >> and the disciplinary actions. >> he says to a family in need, right? i'll take it. >> i don't know if we can do that, miss brown. >> well, you said. >> thank you. mr. petrellus, would you like the gift card? well, we can't do it. i apologize. any further public comment regarding the consent calendar? mr. petrellus. >> we're talking about the 4th
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quarter firearm things? i'm very glad that you have a paper copy of this document here. what troubles me, though, on page 2 it talks about the first case oid006-15 and then the other case was ois 15-005. there's no information about the officers. they are not named. there really has to be word coming from this police commission that you understand the state law prevents you from naming these cops, but when you are presenting these reports -- excuse me -- summaries back to us and you are talking about discharging of arms you are telling us about an investigation about what happened in these two incidents and we don't know the officers' names, this is really then rendered pretty worthless.
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you've really got to find a way to call on the state to change the state law that would allow police forces around the state to disclose the names of bad cops. thank you. >> any further public comment on that? hearing none, public comment is closed. please call the next line item. >> before we go --. >> public comment now, miss brown. >> before we move to public comment the commission would like to report that there will be 4 community input sessions on the use of force policy. there will be 4 forums on january 19th, january 21st, january 26 and january 27th for the community to provide input to both the commission and to the police department. these will be each of those nights from 6:00 to 7:00 pm and there are flyers on the table and we will post this to the web site.
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>> given the time constraint this commission has put on itself with reference to looking at the use of force policy, rather than have full-fledged commission meetings we're going to do what we have done in the past so there's more community access, more meetings. we're going to have meetings through the police department, we will have 2 or 3 commissioners present, we will not have a quorum present. as you heard from sergeant killshah, the dates of january 21, the 26 and the 27, those dates have been chosen. later on tonight i will be asking for commissioner volunteers, the location for the 19th to be determined, the 21st is the baptist church, the 21st is bayview ymca and the 27th is a location to be determined. so we're trying to spread this out and get as much exposure as we possibly can in a short period of time. so now we can move into general public comment .
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>> item 3, general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment neither police or occ personnel 94 xhirs are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. please limit your discussion to 3 minutes. >> mike, you are first. >> good evening, i'm not in a very good mood and i'll be honest with you. this mr. wood case has turned into a nuke. we have the board of supervisors tied up in it. why? the whole system failed. they should have had tasers,
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okay? i was all over this city with greg sur and george, let's get the taitz taser, we'll give it to you but you have to carry a defibrillator almost. now what have we got. >> i can tell you tasers that just happened today in chicago and new york that makes this look kind. i have friends around. but why? we blew it. we could run to get the body cams, oh, hurry up, hurry up. body cams don't kill civilians. why? why aren't we taking a vote tomo whenever to get these tasers? why? we want to kill another one? yeah, did you read the comments on that article about the supervisor? i gave it to her. you ought to cut it out. he stabbed his brother, details of the whole case. it's not hidden now.
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but, no, they obviously unload -- i'd like to see that me report, i'll bet you that poor body looked really sweet. so we all failed. you failed. you failed. now we got a dead body and probably a six or 7 rr million dollar lawsuit. have a good evening. >> next speaker. >> my name is angel van stark and i'll be representing the harvey milk democrat club. dear police chief ed sur, the police officer association and the san francisco board of supervisors. we write to you today to demand justice for mario woods and the individuals that have been mrur dered by the department. we stand in justice for mario woods. release a public apology,
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payment by the san francisco police department and the city and county of san francisco for the funeral of mario woods, termination of police chief greg sur, an external investigation into the murder. san francisco has been a well-known leader in many social justice causes. sadly, however, our police department has lagged behind implementing 21st century police techniques. despite the fact that san francisco police department has adopted community policing policies, these policies have no point of accountability or enforcement. additionally police chief greg sur allow racism, homo phobia, transphobia instead of allowing
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the board of supervisors to vote in favor of protecting all citizens of san francisco and not just the most elite. far too many black and brown folks, people with physical and mental disabilities and members of the lgbt community have suffered at the hands of the police department. this is not unique to san francisco, it is a national endemic but we refuse to let it happen here. (inaudible) abuse of power and bigotry that is causing unjust pain and suffering in our communities. it is clear current training and practices being deployed by the san francisco police department are part of the problem and that better solutions like anti-oppression training, deescalation and conflict resolution are necessary. the harvey milk club demands immediate action be taken to ensure justice for victims of police brutality, including
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mario woods and alex nieto and for the police commission to aggressively pursue measures that include transparency and best practices. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker? >> somebody can go ahead and go first. . >> my name is rodney williams, i'm a real estate tired 28 1/2 year member of the san francisco police department, retired as an inspector of police. last week i was at an seiu meeting with 40 other organizations. commissioner dr. joe marshall was our guest speaker and at that event he explained the functions of the
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commission, which was to set policy for the department and to conduct disciplinary hearings on charges of misconduct, police misconduct. why am i here today? i'm here because the question and answer discussion, the commissioner was asked who he representings and much to the surprise of everyone, practically everyone in the audience, including myself, he said he represented himself. and people were just puzzled by that answer and they asked him again, commissioner, who do you represent? emphatically he said, i represent myself. as a former director of police community relations i address many community groups and when the question came up about the
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police commission i said basically, in the final analysis, they represent you. at that time they were just appointed by the mayor and now it's the mayor and the board of supervisors. but i said, basically the mayor appoints these community citizens as commissioners and they, in turn, represent you, just like any other agency of the city, he can't personally supervise them and he appoints people to do that. as i said, everyone was surprised and shocked and i was, too. and i'm here today to find out actually who do the commissioners represent? that's a question. >> dr. williams, i've known you for many years. we're not allowed to respond to questions but suffice it to say the commission represents the public. >> i'm sorry? >> the people. the public.
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>> i think, and that's a great question and dr. marshall is not here to respond. but i would imagine that when -- we are a body, together we are a body but individually if you invited us to speak we do not represent the commission when we are asked to speak to the public because it is not the commission that is sponsoring the speaking engagement, it is -- as individuals we can't speak for the full commission. so i'm wondering if that's what he meant. >> well, it was my understanding that the question was who do you represent not as, in his case, not as dr. joe marshall, but who do you represent as a police commission. and we're asking him not as a personal thing but as a body, a member of a body. that's what we were concerned
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about. i would like to have gone back to the next meeting of the seiu and explain that i did appear here and now it's been explained to me that the commission does represent the community. okay, thank you very much. >> thank you, dr. williams, good to see you again. next speaker. miss brown? >> may i use sf gov for a short part of this video? it's a different part. >> violent death impacts families, friends, relatives and the community. >> i pray that you would let
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your angels watch over us and keep us. help us be the light in a dark place. help us (inaudible). >> fall unto you and you will answer us. >> these are times we needed to rely on each other. we turn to the church when services and programs have been too few or inadequate. >> let me say this. the thing that we are here. >> we speak out and tell our stories. >> we lost four --. >> my son was murdered in 2005 along with sharelle's son. >> killed. >> my grandson. >> on september 9, 2004, we started the healing circle for the soul support.
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>> go where people understood where people understood what you're going through. >> we met upstairs and people understood our feelings of loss and frustration. >> i am here because i have friends who don't understand. >> all of us know about (inaudible), sun is shining, radio is playing, you are feeling good and all of a sudden, bam, out of nowhere that vision, that voice, that look, that laughter, that morning and all of a sudden you are transformed back into that first shot. >> we spent the whole day. >> survivors came from all over to tell their stories and by speaking out, we began to process the trauma and support one another. >> he just received that
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diploma. he should have been walking across ta stage, but i did. >> they were my children and they won't come forward. >> (inaudible) i would like to sit down and have a conversation with the one perpetrate err that we had in custody. >> we soon found our direction, we found our purpose. >> that's why we're here, so our loved one did not go in vein. >> we've got to keep bugging them and letting them know your family member. >> thank you, miss brown.
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next speaker? welcome back, mr. crew. >> thank you. i want to respect your time. my name is john crew, i'm speaking as an individual, i'm here really responding to the invitation of your president last week where she invited interested members of the community if they had ideas, suggestions for the issues you are facing to come forward. i wasn't sure i could attend. i, too, like inspector williams want to invoke commissioner marshall. i was struck by what he said last week talking about the woods shooting. if this is within policy then policy has to change. there is some simple clarity to that. but the unspoken corollary that you cannot and the public cannot lose track of, if this was not within policy then you
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must have accountability. to focus only on the first and not the second risks losing the public's trust. we need to be honest and speak about these issues. the accountability is not just a matter of discipline, whether or not the officer should be disciplined or terminated, for statements that leave the public assuming that the investigation into the policy investigation is biased from the start. this department has a lot of work to do and this commission has a lot of work to do to rebuild trust and confidence, not only from this incident, this tragedy, but from what has been going on for the last year at least. and that's a long-term project and i completely agree with dr. marshall, it's much larger than who the chief happens to be at any particular time. but there needs to be some basic truth-telling, basic clarity. you should be doing this policy review. but we know now you are not going to change the basic deadly force standard. there's four elements, been that for a long time. there needs to be a
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subjective belief that's reasonable that there's imminent danger of serious bodily injury or det. you definitely should consider giving greater deescalation to officers, the crisis training that was promised many years ago. why it hasn't happened, i don't know. you should do all those things but in the end you have to enforce the policies that you have, you have to signal to the public that you mean it. and when the chief of police, the current chief of police, perhaps with good intentions very shortly after this incident twice within a matter of days, at a press conference at a community meeting shows a freeze frame off a video and suggests that the deceased was raising his arm when the shots were fired, and when the poa in the wake of that sends a letter to the board of supervisors criticizing the supervisor saying you can't talk about this, the chief has already
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opined that this was within policy. you have a problem. you have a problem because the public -- i mean the poa thought the conclusion had already been met, what do you think the public is going to think? the chief was asked last week about that statement and he responded, no, i wasn't issuing a conclusion, i was merely commenting about the facts that were known to me at the time. fair enough, but that cries out for more questions you need to ask. if you can give out partial information that it turns out if you look at the video carefully and parcel it down, that arm was not coming up until in reaction to the shots being fired, doesn't the public if you want them to have trust sdroif an update on what do you know now if you are giving out partial information. furthermore, who gave him that information and why was it relied on at that stage? >> i apologize, we have a 3-minute rule. >> do you have any questions
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for me? >> i hope you do come to some of the meetings. you have been involved in the police system for many, many years -- decades. it would be valuable to have you there. i have to say on the crisis intervention side we have more than 400 officers crisis intervention trained at this time which is more than any other police department so that's important to know for the record. next speaker. >> just to point out, there was a crisis intervention officer at the scene. >> my name is greg coralis, i was sworn into the san francisco police department on september 2, 1969 by chief of police tom cahill. having served just short of 45 years i reluctantly retired from the department on may 29th, 2014. during my career i served 15
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different police chiefs. some of those chiefs were strong on law and order but they were challenged when it came to community relations. other chiefs had very solid community relations credentials but when it came to fighting crime they couldn't find a felon in san quintin. greg sur is the rare example of a police chief that is not only an exemplary crime fighter but he is also a police chief with a career-long history of compassion and sensitivity toward community concerns. now, we all know that police cal expediency rears its ugly head everywhere in city politics. i know it derailed my career but i have no regrets about that. i knew san francisco was
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