tv Fire Commission 11316 SFGTV January 18, 2016 12:00am-2:41am PST
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responsibilities tenfold and we've given so much time and we still give more time but we do find that we can participate in a partnership with the members and officers of this department. believe me, we do care and would you listen to everybody, and that's the truth of the matter. commissioner evans, i appreciate your hard work and dedication on mr. expertise in the elevation of professionals of new brought to this commission. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> do we have a motion to adjourn? >> i would like to adjourn in the memory of deceased firefighter--. i would like to personally say to everyone to keep safe. this is a dangerous job you do. that's all. just stay sacred safe. this meeting
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sorry about that 1852 on mission-we have been serving generations of san franciscans and san francisco residents for over 150 years. today, we begin a new chapter in our history. this popping out ceremony is designed to recognize a terminus effort of our workers, constructing this holiday, working safely together, and to ensure we get her hospital bill on time and on schedule. truly, an honor to be part of this event and to be part of history in the making. thank you to our construction workers for your dedication to your craft and for the work you have completed so far in the construction of our new southern hosford to hospitals in san francisco. again, one more round of applause for our workers behind us since they are not down here all working. >>[applause]
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>> they've been working on minutes before us and they just stopped right down to observe the ceremony. now, i would like to ask dr. brammer, our ceo, to come up to the podium to provide a few remarks. >> thanks, pamela, and welcome to everybody. hey, guys. this is a great day for all of us as we begin our second 150 years here in this phenomenal city that we call home. we are delighted that so many of you could join us today. this new hospital, as well as the one we are building down at our st. luke's campus, by the beginning of a whole new era of for healthcare in san francisco. it is taken us a long time to get to this point but were good to
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be around for many many years as a result of all the hard work being done by the folks back there working on this building. but, before much go much further, i want to note several people further help because without them we would not actually have made it to this day. i'm going to begin with the mayor, who you'll hear from charlotte. mayor ed lee >>[applause] >> the mayor and his staff have been with us on this journey from the very beginning and their support was absolutely critical in formulating this project and getting it to this point. sitting right here in the front row, right within five range is lou tirado. i think everybody the city owes lew a debt of thanks. >>[applause] >> for the work he did to make sure we were able to build this project. he was a key stakeholder in getting this
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done, along with the famous three amigos from the board of supervisors, david campos who cannot be with us, david chiu who is with us now represent us up in sacramento, and mark farrell. where is mark? mark is over here. we like to thank all of them >>[applause] . >> phil are some women is with us but i understand he had to be. i want to into some of the other folks on the stage with. bob tomasello was the chairman of our board. michael terry of the present in the building trades. vernon chiang our chief medical executive. mike colville, former president of the west bay region of sutter health. jeff gerard, our
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current president of the center health bay area. tony wagner, the chairman of the board of center health bay area. and julie pacitti the ceo of the hospital for the sutter of bay area. now, of course, most of this event is about the team building the hospital there represented by the management and the workers from herero bold and we want to thank them. we want to figure architecture group the mother smith group, jj argument in the many trade partners, subcontractors and consultants who have helped us get this project off the ground. but the biggest and should be reserved for the folks back there who are building this building, our construction workers. >>[applause]
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>> so, the topping out ceremony is a recognition of the final still being which will be in a few meds raised to its place way up high, a recognition that the structure has reached its highest point and we can begin filling it out. this event is a tribute to that. the folks that are working on this project in recognition of their dedication , their attention to detail and their commitment to a clean and safe worksite, and to all of them, we want to say thank you and acknowledge the job well done. >>[applause] >> i want to extend a personal thanks to the crew that helped us the most the old hotel and office building. even let me drive one a little grabber
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things, which is the highlight of my adult life. i want to thank the folks the .the execution put up the steel and all the other jobs that are gone into getting this to to this point. thank you from the bottom of our hearts. as i mentioned, we would not be here without the support of the san francisco city government led by mayor edwin lee. he's been involved in our spirit. i'm delighted he's able to join us at this event and i would now like to invite him to the podium to share a few words. mayor lee. >> thank you, warren should all be short because i am. good morning everybody. this is wonderful to be here. lou, not
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only a thank you but i'm to give you another chart. you've got to work on removing those toxics out of the crabs. we can't celebrate 100% without our crabs. that's your next charge. you've done nearly the impossible here to give you another easy thing. thank you to the three amigos, -1 today. for all being part of that historic agreement. thank you to all the officials from sutter for being here, see pmc has been inner-city for 150 years and lisa city deserve a new hospital, so were excited about this. i also want to say, again, thank you to everyone who is been supportive of good health care in our great city. but, today, topping off day is all about these folks up here. i want to say thank you to herero bold, to all of the
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people that have kept this place safe. i can't wait. i know people want the topping off but i want my invitation to walked the tunnel underneath van ness because that's probably the safest way to get across that. i can't wait for that to happen and, of course i'm celebrating because we don't have to shut down van ness anymore. i want to say the regulations to people who worked on this at this point. it's excited to have this top off. i was a huge thank you to all the workforce because what they've done, not only in getting to this point, is an extraordinary, michael for all the labor, work, and the great work. we get to see it in evidence here but there's another exciting piece of data i want to share with you because it's real san francisco. herero bold has been working with our workforce, all of our labor representatives, our city to make sure we hire as many residents on this job,
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and did you know, we have a goal of some 40% of partnerships to be local san francisco residents. not only did they exceeded. 60% of all the apprenticeships are san francisco residents it that is wonderful, warm. wonderful. all the 35% fixed workforce or i say congratulation. this is really a proud moment but also a safe moment when i would clearly enjoy congratulations, workforce. thank you for the new hospital. thank you, everybody, for being here. >> thank you mr. mayor. our next speaker is tony wagner. tony is up pastor of the west bay region foresee pmc. he is now the chairman of the southern health bay area board. is also a longtime symphysis go residents. in fact, he's been
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working with us side-by-side in building our efforts towards the community hospitals. he was also one of the members of the blue ribbon committee where it formed a few years ago and formulated the idea of what we have in front of you today. so, with that, i'd like to ask mr. wagner to come up here. welcome. >> thank you, pamela. good morning. on behalf of sutter health, i would like to thank a number of individuals for openness make this to get some of this will be repetitive but i think it deserves repeating. i would like to thank my friend, and her mayor mayor ed lee for your leadership and the board of supervisors and the three amigos. also, i would be remiss not to thank mr. gerardo
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for his help during our entitlement process. i think you, the citizens of san francisco for your patience and continued support as we had necessary traffic disruptions when tunneling under van ness avenue. however, i've been told by the staff of tommy's joint them up on more than one occasion, that we have been good and respectful neighbors during this construction process. the tunnel is now complete thanks to a world-class construction crew. >>[applause] >> it will allow us to provide a protected and safe passage between our health center, our parking garages and her medical office building them which will house our clinical offices and clinics. this world-class
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health center will not only be a destination to have your health restored, but it will also be a destination to maintain your health for those who are already healthy. thank you, again, for your support, and please keep an eye out for our official opening date for both of these hospitals, st. luke's, and this hospital. join us for our official open house sometime in 2019. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you, tony. i am now going to introduce burn and jane. dr. jing is a chief medical executive at see pmc and he's responsible for overall leadership overall the clinical programs that we have at see pmc. at her for hospitals currently. with that, dr. jane, please. >> thank you, pamela. it
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really is an honor to be here today. it's amazing to get a date that will patronage all the workers behind me and once that are in front of me that event building this new hospital for our community. with incredible it's incredible to think just a little over a year i was looking at a whole: the sandbox analysis of this high-tech steel with this damper system to protect this hospital and our patients and our staff in the event of a major earthquake in the future. now, see pmc has a very long tradition of caring for our community. with this new hospital we feel we be better equipped to care for our community moving into our future. as we know, they're changing demands in healthcare. changing the needs of our community. and what they need. as we know, this new hospital is going to be able to meet those needs moving forward. we can continue this 150-year-old
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tradition of caring for community in the citizens of san francisco. see pmc has provided medical and sick at our cal campus which is includes delivering babies that are specific campus which included our specialty care and i will not be combined under one roof, 2019 here at van ness and gary. we look forward to serving future generations of san franciscans right here at this site. so, on behalf of our physicians, our medical staff, are hospital staff, we really want to thank all of the individuals behind us for building this hospital for the individuals in front of me and behind me to support that you provided in the process of getting this building up. it has been truly an amazing transformation to watch this come from a office to the sandbox to a brand-new hospital that will be able to walk in in
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2019. so, again, thank you for being a mate part of this amazing jerk. at this time, i want to induce one individual as part of her construction crew. he has been excellent at his work and he's contributed to the success of this tremendous progress and this project. his name is colby whitfield any standing behind me up on the sixth floor, by that sign. >> a little bit louder. >>[applause] >> oh, yes. oh, yes. hi, everyone. can you hear me? that's good. that's my name is ivan i'm a construction worker. we are all gathered here to
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witness the main piece of the puzzle we put in place. the practice of topping out a new building can be traced to the scandinavian-a pleasing a tree atop of the new building a piece of tree [inaudible]. i'm a part of this amazing team that directing the new hospital can working on this project has been a great experience. the views are spectacular. this job is greater than a wonderful opportunity not only for myself, but also my family had two younger boys that i support and stability of this job has allowed me to be there for them on a regular basis. my oldest son is eight and my youngest boy, he used to. prior to working for harrods i work several jobs. just to maintain. when i heard about the city deal i decide to take advantage
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of the opportunity. other new skills and given me the confidence to succeed. city build has given me a path for stable career am very grateful for that. i'm actually grateful to harrods for giving me my first job in allowing me to be part of their team. through see pmc i'm grateful to the opportunity as well to be a part of the team building of this new hospital for my community as a san francisco resident. i was born and raised here, and being a part of this means a lot to me and my family. as a san francisco resident, i know how important it is to my city and in the end, of able to point to this building to my kids, daddy built this series this right here, daddy built that. >>[applause]
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>> for my entire workforce, and personally for me and my family, i would to say thank you to the people down there and the people standing on this great building your. thank you. >>[applause] >> colby, she would tell these guys to lift the beam on three? are you ready? >> yes >> one, two, three. lift the beam. >> yes, pick it up, it's coming into view right about now. houston, we have liftoff.
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>> >>[call of the roll] commissioner katz adams brandon woo ho i am to approval of minutes december 8, 2050 meeting >> moved and seconded. all those in favor say, aye. >> item 3, public comment on executive session. >> is there public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed >> executive session. >> moved and seconded. is then
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electronic devices are prohibited at these meetings. these be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons as possible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager whether similar sound producing electronic device. please be advised member of the public has up to 3 min. to make it public comment on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter pertinent. >> any public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. next item >> item 8 executive directors report. >> good afternoon pres. katz. vp adams, commissioners numbers of the public import staff. thank you for joining us here today. it is my pleasure to be here and i have wonderful job of recognizing to individuals in my executive directors report today. so, i like to start by noting what of our colleagues, john doll, who is
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the ports development project manager serving in our planning and development division. john has been a member of the port game since may of 2001 and he is retiring effective tomorrow. is that correct, tomorrow or thursday. friday, january friday, january 15. i guess that's friday. so, he will have served just shy of 15 years, which is a commendable period of time. i think commissioners, you are familiar with john but if you were the minds of the public's benefit, i want to mention that in your decade and a half with us john has been singly focused on the ports on term efforts to realize a new cruise terminal starting with being the development project manager for the brian street pier project which was a multiuse project sponsored by peter 3032 that was to bring to the port a new modern state of the art cruise terminal. he worked on that for numerous years until they determine the
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changes are business model particularly for their development projects in the united states, and pulled out of the project, but john shepherded the project all the way through the entitlement process, which as you know well, is a long and difficult road. and created not just entitlements for the mixed use project appears 30-32 but also for the development of the watermark condominiums and the client condominiums and the client were st., south beach. while, the cruise terminal project did not go forward the brian street corridor appears 30, 32 john oversaw the watermark condos development as will as the development of the brian street wharf in south beach witches as you know a jewel of the port portfolio. along the way as part of the process, john responded to environmental organizations concerns about environmental effects from cruise operations. he participated with the port
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maritime staff in something known as the cruise terminal environmental advisory committee. that committee worked tirelessly for i don't know how many years. john, you have the mind is how many years it was. but coming out of that committee they developed numerous initiatives to manage alice water impact lack and great weather and air emissions. was frankly, from those efforts that led the port to be the first ports on the west coast of california to install shoreside power for cruise ships appeared 27. so, john's wort was legacy making along the way even though the brian stier give project did not go for. i want to commend you, john for your efforts there. then, of course, after they made their determination to brian street pier project did not go forward, as you know well the mayor appointed a blue ribbon panel-commissioner adams was part of that panel-to look
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at the need for new cruise ship terminal and then he was supported by the panels review where should the cruise terminal go. john managed that you ribbon panel group and was a key member of our team that came up with appeared 27 location and proof positive that a new terminal was absolutely necessary for the city that is as well-known as san francisco for instrument is waterfront. following that, john stayed in an integral role in the moment of the cruise terminal project. you know it well. you saw here numerous times through the negotiations with the america's cup, through the negotiations with the contract, and ultimately, with a construction project and ultimately to the negotiations with the ports operator, metro short. then, a key attribute of
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the cruise terminal project that we now all know well is the fact that it's a very expensive project, but barclays business is not an everyday business we need an economic engine to sustain the facility and john was very much a part of investigating and doing the due diligence for whether or not the terminal could serve a dual purpose as an event facility. it is thanks to john and many others that spearheaded by john, that the terminal was designed the way it is, used for special events and, in fact, has become a really well-known and desirable lace for special events. then, john went even further and went to look for public uses of the park and found a partner in the san francisco symphony. so when the park opened last year, about six months later, a little over six months, john and his new partner the san francisco symphony came forward and do a momentous public symphony in the park at
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terminal plaza and he'll be back next summer. so were excited by that. as you can see, john has crafted and left reports with a incredible legacy of great work. he's worked on a number of other projects, which i won't mention i left. i'm sure others will mention as well but john has been dedicated team member to the ports. he is work through many trials and tribulations, many starts and stops so a very important project. nonetheless, the fruits of his labor are seeing very prolifically in the brannan street wharf, the watermark hundreds the cruise terminal facility itself and cruise terminal plaza. so, i just want to commend you, john for your dedication and all your great effort. particularly, i think, when we don't talk about nearly enough for the cruise terminal and governmental advisory committee
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very very proud of our environmental stewardship and we've forgotten what those days were like when we are trying to figure this out, but thanks to you and many members of the maritime team, we really are not having to have a difficult conversation. now were trying to figure out how to fund everything we want to do. so, take you for your incredible legacy and dedication. we hope that your next chapter of your life is equally prolific with the author's pen and we look forward to seeing you back at the port as often as possible. overly, for inspiration. so ladies and gentlemen if you join me in a round of applause for john doll. >>[applause] >> public comment? >> good afternoon. i was giddy without i lived out by the
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brannan street wharf. i'm a former member of the former south beach cac and i just have to say, john has always been so good to work with. no matter how many rotten tomatoes we lobbed at him he always stood up straight and always had a smile on his face. i love his sense of humor. he's always been there when you needed him. we are really going to miss him. i'll just leave it at that. you're losing a great person. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is mike nardi am an american division at the port and i just want to say i think a couple things i think monique did a beautiful job in catching some of john's highlights at work. john-john and i worked side-by-side on a lot of those projects, but i
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just wanted to say what a great person he is. he's a area guide. san jose, class of 73 and he lives in bernal heights, which is my old neighborhood and so we have that in common, but john is-ever since the ferry building opened in 2003, we were 3-4 times a week we would come over to pete's, have coffee. it was a group of us, which is getting smaller and smaller. him and be going over by myself pretty soon. anyway, they know john as the dove down at pete's. anyway, so the joke is be going on. one must think i'm a personal thing, but john is a very intelligent guy. he's a film expert and he did something very nice for me and my wife did some years back, we
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were talking about old movies and john has a great film new our collection and he started to lend us films, 1-2 a week. we spent a couple years just using john doll library card. we got to film festivals together and stuff like that. so, i mean he's just a very diverse-his talents are quite diverse and anyway i'm going to miss him very much. but i know he's going to be close by and will stay in touch. so, good luck, john. congratulations. >> iron ref plannnn development director. i want to congratulate john, but i wanted to thank him. i think there's a
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lot of iro hours and work that goes into these kinds of developments. it was mentioned, but the number of community buildings and number of hours, number of changes in the project that was started it was posted be better off of mixed use of element entirely funded by a private developer and turn into something completely different, which was much greater challenge to try to figure out how to publicly finance what we thought was going to be much more-price. i also want to apologize. when john first started, which is going to be a few years of working on the cruise terminal and then onto other projects. who knew it was going to take his entire-most of his entire tenure at the port to make it happen. but when john said that he started he was committing to make the cruise terminal happen. we do know what that meant that he was serious about its. it has
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delivered and i want to thank him for that. >> next. >> commissions, dan-report planning and development. i had the pleasure of working with john bush recently for the past about six years on the cruise terminal project. i want to emphasize pleasure. the project-only worked on cruise terminal for about six years. i'm a newcomer to this project. to have a project going for that duration, you need to be enjoyable, pleasurable to the community, stew staff to the commissioners to everybody and i think john contributed to that not only substantively to the project to help the team stay on track two of the team do something, to help motivate them and keep them going. i thank him for that and what a pleasure it was to work with him. thank you. >> any other-
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. gavin with. 27. i just want to say congratulations to john that it's been great working with you at the last year and a half. on behalf of our team, mitchell cruise i want to say congratulations and enjoy the rest next chapter of your life. >> hi, commissioners. peter dailey. the maritime division. i announced john's retirement at the last commission meeting that inadvertently did i want to apologize to john, but i do want to say, >> his eyes are not quite deer caught in headlights as last time. >> is everyone also, people can agree what date is without pinker and discussion. we about major $100 million development
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done with very little of discussion. we worked hard with the environmental community. john did put together the environmental group that really smooth the way for the project to go forward. john is a nice guy. he went to uc santa cruz so he's a banana slug. but i also want to abolish rachel, his wife with leaf-i know is here and thank her for her patience and putting up with all the pressures that go with a major development. i'm sure she felt she was part of the team and she was. but, john we love you. you're not dead. come back and have coffee with us down at pete's. thank you. >> anyone else? john, on behalf of the commission, i really want to thank you or should i say, bdo, thank you.
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we heard about your work but in all the projects you've worked on, but i certainly have just always enjoyed your presentations, your insights, your guiding us to understand issues before us. to being very fair and balanced in all the presentations and letting us we'd be get an understanding of what is before us. i think the same words written down a few things i want to mention, but they were said by everyone coming up already. it is unbelievably personally, a joy to work with. insightful. and i think you're an example of what is best about the ports and support staff. we really have such a wonderful team here and you really exemplified all that is so good about what we have here. so you really want to thank you not only for your hard work on behalf of the port
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but engendering such universal admiration not only amongst your colleagues, but amongst those you've worked with externally as well. two great such a great positive image of the port. really, just universal admiration. you've been a tremendous ambassador for the ports. it's with sadness, but also happiness for you. congratulations and we will miss you. we want to present you with a little plaque. would like to say something first? >> john, thank you so much. i do a member when you first came on board and are high hopes for the new cruise terminal at 30-32. just your enthusiasm. i thought it was going to happen. so, thank you so much for getting us through that but ultimately, opening our new cruise terminal, you had so much to do it. you've always
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been such a pleasure to work with, so congratulations. >> john, i met you on the advisory committee and one thing i always admired about you, john, you're bluntly honest. i like that. you call it like you see. people know what they stand with you and i think that's important. to me that's credibility. it's personal and i really like that. now that you've job that left the major footprint at this point. your renaissance man. you do your artwork in your filmmaking no man with a lot of passions. you've had a love for this port and i think you right up to the end with the port. you are a true believer and very relentless and your compassion for the work. i come a as you, i did anybody that works here, i think a person ever gets paid for what there was a been a real believer and you have stayed here, an integral part of this port.
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with your commitment and your passion, i wish you all the best and once again, to say thank you for all your hard work and believe me, you've given so much to this port. it's not enough to say thank you. >> well, john, i guess we had chance to talk about before the commission about what you want to do, but i want to thank you in echo everything on my fellow commissioners have said in terms of your tenure and dedication and at least you had a chance not only to see the cruise ship terminal beagles and all the travails that went into getting it from starting 30-32 to peter 27 but to hear that i have read the reports to see the success we now begin to see both in terms of the cruise ship itself, the terminal and as an event. so, i think you can leave with a lot of pride and sense of legacy, which is always great when one reason organization to know you have done good. you've done a lot of good. you're been professional.
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i've always enjoyed working with you. your purports your reports evidence of sync and answer questions as commissioner adams as forth with as you can get sometimes we ask awkward questions. that's our goal to ask those questions whether in executive session or public and i appreciate your dedication. i'm fascinated to hear what you want to do in your next that and i'm glad you're following your passion. we expect to hear something from the publisher at some point. so we will know you in another life in another career and who knows maybe we have a celebrity in our miss. so thank you very much for everything. >> colleagues, like to thank you for your presentation ask if you could make a few remarks? >> in recognition of 14 to 5 years to the ports with special thanks and appreciation for your contributions to the pier
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board agenda at it says to me about my retirement. in fact, i'm not really retiring. the way the term i like to use in a more rewiring. so, because a sense of retirement sounds like it sounds terminal. i'll be working here five days a week in on the weekends i usually work on my writing. basically, i'm just switching that ratio. i intend to spend five days a week on my writing, which as doreen mentioned that my passion. i hope that i publish it someday will be attracted to this piece of work and the other two days i do need a part-time job and do some other stuff. it's great. i have an epiphany when i turned 60 years old that i needed to do something the time is right. it's great. i also want to thank monique and all of you.
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especially people on the cruise terminal project. it was a small core of people that i worked with on a daily basis for -i don't want even think how long-about eight years on the james r herman cruise terminal project but primarily dan and john davey. without those people this project would never have been made. we worked together. it was totally the a team of people. it was a total pleasure to work with these people. very competent. i was very happy to be part of this process. i'm not so thrilled about remembering seatback anymore. seems a long time ago. it took a long time to get through those meetings. but the outcome was good in terms of getting shoreside power. and at the other mitigation measures. anyway, i want to thank you. thank you, monique for your guidance. thank you,
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commissioned, and thank you staff and so forth. it has been great. what can i say. thank you. >>[applause] >> commissioners, my next item is is unique. at the recommendation with the brainchild of commissioner adams and commissioner katz the ports is honored to create a community leadership award, and this is today the inaugural presentation of a community leadership award to someone who really needs no introduction word recognition, but i'm a tell you about curbing the woods anyway. corinne is, as we all know a residence of mission creek. she is a house voter.
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corinne devotes her efforts to open space and environmental issues around the eastern shoreline of san francisco. the vote is probably not a strong enough word for all of the efforts that corinne gives. in september wasn't september 2006 she has worked part-time for the neighborhood park counsel to implement the new green lake and i think the park might refer to the actual paycheck because it certainly does not refer to the number of hours she puts in. corinne is the chair of the san francisco redevelopment advisory committee . she is the cochairman of the port of san francisco waterfront advisory group. she's a member of the uca community advisory group and the ucsf mission bay community advisory group action team. on behalf of the mission creek conservancy, karen works with sustainable watershed alliance and the san francisco utility emissions on sewer and storm water issues. corinne represents the mission free
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hugger association is a member of the coalition of san francisco neighbors. corinne participated in plans for charles hill a grassroots community group that worked with the san francisco planning to comment on the development of the eastern neighborhoods rezoning plan, and she continues to work on the eastern neighborhood showplace or open space plan and something called, -transportation authority planning department eastern neighborhood transportation implementation plan. then, karen was a member of the mayor's blue-greenway teslas which led to the blue greenway project that we all embrace today. she was a chair of the board of supervisors bioscience task force which was the predecessor to the mission bay i guess redevelopment as we know it today. but, the reason that we want to acknowledge you, karen, is because of your
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tireless dedication to the port. its unique aspect and are set. your were dedicated not to just what is the port from a physical perspective but also from an emotional perspective could i myself have been in the public service arena for almost 2 decades, and i have to say that i didn't honored to come across numerous people were dedicated and passionate about the public service, but you are probably alone in that everything you advocate for, everything that you champion, everything that you take on does not benefit you personally. i find that unique empowering frankly. with recognition. david gavras, one of our portentous was not able to be here today, but he did
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ask me to pass on a few words, which i think some it up pretty well. he said, karen is been an absolute pleasure working cooperatively with you on so many issues around the port and the city. it's always great to show up at a meeting and see you there. you have been a delight to work with. i think that's absolutely true. now, we've all seen corinne here there and everywhere as i just reported. but it's been an honor to get your wisdom, karen. russell criticism to work feeding. your beguiling. encouragement even your tears of frustration and your tears of joy. they have motivated us, inspired us, supported us, and let us really achieve things we might not have achieved had we just been ourselves. i'm very big on this multiplier affect and you are definitely one of the multipliers. so, i want to really thank you for all of your work here at the port waterfront and throughout the city. your work is not done so
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please don't take this as being done, but i hope you will take this as what it is good moment to reflect on the amazing legacy that you have contributed for all of us. were all enjoying it today. 24 million or however many millions people come to the waterfront for various reasons, but also for the generations that are going to come to this waterfront. i hope that you take tremendous pride and glory-i don't think you do frankly-but i hope you will take tremendous pride and glory and all you have done and all you have inspired all of us to do. so, it is absolutely my honor to join the commission in awarding you the ports inaugural port community leader award. congratulations, karen. >>[applause] >> public comment. first up is
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philip and drawing. welcome. >> i know there are others that wish to speak. if you want them moved to the isle getting ready to come up. >> president and matters of the commission, executive director moyer, it is with gratitude and admiration that i thank you for presenting this award to someone who is extremely important to me and i am the president of the mission creek harbor association. i know her well where she lives. you all know her. she's respected you, who deal with her know that she is a force of nature. you know that she's a guide through all the processes that we have to go through to get anything accomplished here. you probably don't know that for a set mission creek, she's our secretary of state. she knows everything about every
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other community about every ever mental resource, about anything that relates to us. she is our general counsel. she knows more than any attorney about what makes the port take what makes our relationship with the port tip. i love it. and she's our chief volunteer. she does everything. she's the resource most important to us to keep on little community a lot. you know her for her work on the port, mission data greenway all these things. but, for me, she is my conscience and if i need to know something, if i want to know what my opinion is about anything, i simply go to corinne and asked her, what do i think about this and why. thank you very much, commissioners. >>[applause] >> any other public comment, please come forward.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is toby levine, and i'm at the cochairman of the citizens waterfront advisory group would keep corinne. we worked together for many many years that we been friends for many many years. i have to say, that she loves the port. she loves the physicality of it. the people involved with it and you're always at the top of her thoughts. so, i'm very happy she's getting this award and i think it's a good idea that you institute it. so, congratulations, and thank you for choosing corinne that was. she is terrific and she's my friend. >>[applause] >> kitty lived out good on the
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new kid on the block compared to corinne and toby. i've only been around for 20 years. but i have to say, karen has been a mentor, a teacher, we always know that she will know everything. she reads everything even if it's 5000 pages long. i just want to thank you, karin for all your help ever tried to continue to teach it. i know we frustrate you sometimes but please don't stop. we need you. >> next. >> good afternoon. diane oshima support staff. i'm one of the old kids on the block as opposed to the young kid on the block was just up. and i can say i concur with everything that's been said, but i think from public employee perspective, what corinne brings to the forum is
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intellectual honesty and clarity to enable all of us to understand each other better. i think with all the competing objectives that the port commission is really confronted with having a clear voice to walk us through and understand what are the pros and cons and the trade-offs, i haven't seen anybody that can express that were clearly and passionately been corinne. so, thank you so much for your dedication. it's an absolute pleasure working with you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. alain forbes points that. i was reflecting that the commenters were saying that something unique about corinne, and i'm going to try to express what i think is really unique about her. i first joined the port. i've been with the city for now two decades. i
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know i know many passionate public service are super identifying what's wrong, and if something we all struggle with and try to correct them when i first met corinne she identified something that was wrong and that she came back and told me what was wrong again, and that she started to try to help me figure out a solution. she came back again and gave me another idea and i realized corinne is trying to help me do my job and help me solve this problem. that was so unique to me that she kept it in her head she tried to figure out a way that we could solve it. in other words, a conscience. i think corinne does demonstrate a selflessness and a conscience and her remarks that are really really unique and refreshing in terms of i think for all of us when corinne says were on the wrong path we all take note because
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she has such good judgment. we always know she's thinking of the waterfront. so, also, a new kid on the boxer speak at the ports but it's benefit you to pleasure to work with you, karen am so glad she's getting this award. >> commissioners, david--i also want to expose my thanks to corinne. the sailboat with her closely over the years on the blue greenway. i was reflecting last night when i first met corinne really demonstrated the patients she has. it had to be the first week i started at the port. diane asked me to join a meeting on the public boat launch budget that had been underway 15 years according to corinne. the port had a grant from cal boating to build. was a tomb and other grant but a $5 million project should imagine where the priority was. working with corinne for several years
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were able to close the gap and eventually build it and she was persistent in carrying that out and without her i don't think that project would have been built. the other thing i reflected on is exactly what monique said. that corinne's energy and efforts are not based on her self interest but the community and city at large. so, appreciate the time and dedication. thank you. >> corinne, we love you too. i just enjoyed working with you since coming to the ports. you take time to understand things. you offer constructive criticism as alain was pointing out, but you're wanting to see improvement to the waterfront. you wanting to support staff and the commission and what we are doing. you want to open the public along the way that you
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and toby leedy's advisory groups and engage the public so that there's a good understanding about what is happening in a very complicated environments. it's amazing to see you do it. you're so tireless. it's not just one form. it's these multiple forms. i recall when we are formulating legislation for pier 70, karin jumped on the bandwagon, helped organize a campaign along with toby, which was enormously successful. it makes me have faith in the public process to see people like you engaging with us like this and so i can't even express the thanks. >> public comment, commissioners?
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>> i'm going to say it's a real pleasure, corinne. i probably am a baby compared to everyone us who's known you for so long. i been on the commission for five years at this point and i have to say you are probably the role model of being someone in the community for the ports for the city of san francisco. i can't even if you stands out as much based on what everybody else has already said in terms of yourself with this, your dedication, you keep a sharp eye, a laser focus on what is important across not just the port but mission the areas you're involved with. i can only say we all have so much admiration for your energy, your intellect, and just for the spirits good as i said, if we could bottle you and spread you around the whole city we need more people in the community like you. we have a lot of things in our society today when you think about it, lately, around the world and in
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the city they really are very upsetting. bad behavior. lots of things that are not very good. but you stand out to inspire us to keep us on track to say that good people can do good things in the city. that is what i think keeps our faith alive and i want to thank you because you inspired me. thank you. >> i don't think there's anything else to say. i think it's all been said. i really want to thank commissioner katz and adams for coming up this award and i can think of a more deserving person then corinne the woods to get this first-to be the first recipient of this award. you helped me tremendously over the last however many years, and i'm not a baby. you have just been so
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supportive and i know if you think there's something wrong with an issue then there's definitely something wrong. because you find the best in everything and as alain said, you try to find the solution and not the problem and you been such a wonderful wonderful friend. so, thank you so much and congratulations. >> i don't know how to say it, corinne, but my grandmother used to say it's not how long you live but the little time we have on this earth memory heartbeats you have is what you do. some people can live a long time and not too much but your plate has been full. you flip left big steps to fill and you are a true hero of this community. you have shown that people don't need titles. some people are defined by titles and they don't do anything but have the title. you are a constant person in the community working, tirelessly, and i remember a couple years ago commissioner spiegel and i in
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our rules committee little did i know it would get up and speak on our behalf. i turn on channel 26 i see you down at the board of supervisors meeting. you are everywhere. you really are. you are the essence of the true gladiator. a maverick. you don't allow politics to sway you. it's either right or wrong with you and that's what you do. you are guided by our moral compass. a lot of people can learn from that. you could care less about politics. at the end of the day your heart is always for the community. as commissioners, and staff and monique we still are people coming in here with their own agendas university them here again. you show up time after time whether something related to what you're doing because you care about this speed one and you're that watchful eye. whether it's waterfront transportation, maritime real estate, you are
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truly a voice for this community, and i like having you watching over our shoulders. it's a good thing because you represent what is good and you put in so many times in life you really dedicate this award is long overdue to you. it really is. i told monique when jennifer-i got it. sometimes you need to let people know whether alive because you are very well deserving. thank you. >> i of course echo everyone's prior comments. i think it's important that we recognize people that we think so highly of and let them know how much we appreciate what they do. so, corinne, really, thank you for all you do on behalf of the ports and really the city. i've always appreciated that we've come forward, put things in
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clear, concise-when i first got on the port when you first spoke i thought wow, she knows what she's talking about and actually has solutions. i think that's the hallmark of what is particularly-but i certainly appreciate about you you don't just complain about a problem but you come forward and say how it can be addressed. how it can be improved. that's really something very important and special. i know certainly when you speak i definitely listen. i, too, was honored when you showed up and spoke on my behalf on our rules committee and a really meant so much to me you were there. i tried to think what it was that really-how to articulate what you embody. it's really what i think i call the best of san francisco. somehow i got stuck on p participation, passion,
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perceptive, personable manner had to get to a g. generous of time and spirit. you embody all those things. you remind me of my old friend sue bierman, who was a mentor to me who was also that voice, that conscience, and she did something that you embody as well, which is you can disagree with people without being disagreeable. i think that allows people to listen to what you're saying that much more than i think why you have commanded such respect. you articulate issues. you lead people along. you want them to do what's right. make sure you're aware of it we you do it in such a kind resourceful way that i think people do listen. i think you made the city, the waterfront, the ports and all of us will be better for it. i certainly know i think somebody else use the word that you are wise counsel.
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i think there's also one that came up i think i have to start using it more. according to corinne. i want to thank you and can't think of anyone who is more deserving of our first port community leader award. so, i want to present you with this award. i will hold it up so you can see it. recognizing corinne woods, devotion and dedication to prove the port waterfront to all. again, on behalf of the port on behalf of the commission, and i think on behalf of the city as well, thank you for everything you do to make life so much better here. >>[applause] >> thank you, commissioners.
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monique and mostly all the people i work with. you said that it wasn't self interest. that is wrong. he only reason i got involved with the waterfront is that it's my neighborhood. i live here. i want it to be better. one thing leads to another. you want clean water. you got to deal with the sewers. you want docs that don't float away, i mean it just keeps building, but it's all basically, down to how can i make it better. i think that p you mentioned, persistent. it's where i'm coming from. not to give up on this. what is weird is being commended for what i have learned from the staff, all the
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other community workers that i've worked with over the years. i learned so much from the port. everyone has been so generous and sharing knowledge and information, and helping me figure out how to make my community better. i want to thank everyone. a lot of them are here. thank you. thank you. thank you. for everything. all the garbage pickup i've done. what ever it is. it's always been with major support, and major commitments. this isn't just a job for most of you. this is a passion. i really believe that the people who work for this port and the community people who volunteer with the port really care deeply that it succeed and,
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when you look at a $2 billion unfunded capital viability, you can get really discouraged, but you know, perseverance furthers. thank you. thank you. >> >>[applause] >> next item >> item 9 9b port commissioners report. >> commissioner woo ho >> i was unavailable in december because i had a conflicting meeting with another board i sit on soap but i'd like to comment on a couple items on december agenda. number one, i want to
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congratulate monique, evening, and all the staff for the tremendous improvement in the bond rating. i think everybody knows i'm sure the bank or finance person and that we something that i would definitely take note that just want to congratulate given that we started this year with not necessarily here at the port, but in a very uncertain economic time the lot of market volatility, and a lot of concern about what score to happen in the economy, overall in the long-term, and i think being able to be very solid ship going through a lot of choppy waters right now with a strong balance sheet and credit rating is important. so, i want to not let that go unnoticed and i want to make comments. the other-i also want to mention dumb monique's executive report another thing i'm passionate about is to again at my commentary and recognition for the water taxi landing at
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exploratorium and the fact that is another step in improving the water transportation along the waterfront and many of you know i'm a big proponent of that and i want to say i noted that in him briefly to see that. lastly, john dall, i guess is already left but i want to comment just appeared 27 and the great report peter did give but in particular, on the community event site. it's great to see were doing well on the private events and hopefully we can see more community events and that all this can perhaps we shout and let monique and the staff know whether there are other community organizations that could take it vantage of the pier 27 terminal because it is our objective to have balanced member of public and private events in that great cruiseship terminal can, to add my comment on that. thank you. >> commissioner adams.
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>> i just want to congratulate speaking of water taxis nathan-who is recently president of hard-line marine pipeline water taxi. so were looking forward to working forward with him and seeing increase taxes on the water in the san francisco date. commissioner adams >> i want to thank dir. moyer again and her staff for the commission meeting at the cruise terminal. i want to thank metro. i want to thank everybody. it was just a delay to the community come out and showcase our new cruise terminal that we take so much pride in and i want to say what's again thank you. >> is there any public comment on commissioners report? next item >> item 9c informational presentation by executive
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director emily rice and woman's policy director on the status of women regarding date no traffic ahead campaign in preparation for super bowl l and beyond. >> commissioners, this is my distinct honor to introduce and welcome my colleague dr. emily rossa is the executive director of the san francisco department on the status of women, which is a department which promotes human rights of women and girls with a very very small amount of resources. they make great change throughout san francisco and frankly, the world. dr. is also the president of the elected president of the san francisco board of education. without further ado, emily if you please >> good afternoon president katz vp adams commissioner
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brandon and woo ho i want to thank you for inviting us to speak to you to speak about human trafficking. dir. moyer has been a wonderful model and a mentor is a fellow department head and about her leadership very much. the international labor organization estimates there are 21 million victims of human trafficking of which 4.5 million victims of sexual exploitation and 16.5 million are victims of forced labor. nationally, the polaris project which operates national human trafficking center responded to over 21,000 calls about 1500 web forms and over 1000 e-mails. of those signals, over 5000 referenced potential cases of human trafficking. unfortunately, the vast majority of those calls come from california. top industry for labor trafficking was domestic work. the topic of venue for sex trafficking was commercial front brothels. the average age of a sex trafficked girl is 12 years old. since
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2007 almost 20,000 case of human trafficking have been reported to the hotline and polaris is the free texting house wine. local data on human trafficking is very difficult to collect good however, we been working on this issue since 2013 when mayor ed lee once the mayor strikeforce on inside human trafficking. i'm very pleased to report in 2015 we released the first ever report on human trafficking in san francisco, which documented 291 known or suspected human trafficking cases. for the six-month period july-december 2014. this data was collected from 19 government committee-based agency. those government agencies include the police, dist. atty., human services agencies, many based agencies asian women shelter and huckleberry youth program. i like to quantify just how lucrative human trafficking is. one pimp who controls for women
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in a street operation can earn upwards of $650,000 annually. this is one pimp with four young women. it goes like this. for women multiplied by a quarter of 10 tricks and night multiplied by $50 a trick. this is street operation is not high-class hotel thing. times three and 65 days a you. no vacation posted time. that gets you to $730,000. there's some money for food, clothing and housing. so, you get to $650,000 , tax-free. but enforcement officials tell us the most engaging drug and gun trafficking are moving into human trafficking because you can only sell drugs or guns once. you can sell a young girl a 12-year-old 10 times a night.
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wife is relevant to the port commission? san francisco, unfortunately is a magnet for human trafficking the fbi has listed san francisco as one of the top 13 cities nationally for commercially sexually exploited children. this is a list we don't want to be on. so, our department has been working on this since 2008 and 2009 we convened our first community meeting, printed resource guide and a 2010 we launch the san francisco collaborative against human trafficking and since 2013-staffing the mayor's task force. the mayor has made this issue a priority. we have used the super bowl as an opportunity to do public outreach on this problem. i just want to be very clear. human trafficking is a problem 365 days a year for us. not just during super bowl time. not to tell you our most recent effort to address human trafficking like to turn it over to woman's policy director
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british kendell. >> i'm going to start with quick story about the starting pitching was the human trafficking is all around us. sometimes after busy day where all you do at work is due with domestic violence and human trafficking to go home and watch tv to relax and clear my mind. a couple months ago i start watching the wire. i try to avoid watching things about violence against women in my freedom. the wire was about drug trafficking so i thought that was a good first series was great and i got addicted and healthy weight still started the second is in the second series was all about human trafficking in the port of baltimore. was no getting away. anyway, as emily said, whenever major efforts this past year has been to work as a regional poop to up our efforts around organizing road human
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trafficking using the super bowl to motivate us again realizing because trafficking is happening all the time it's going to be here before during and after the super bowl and there's not good data is super bowl increases traffic and so justin organizing elements. regional approach is so important in this because the traffickers don't stay within one city or county or state. the constantly moving. they're moving across the boundaries. it's important for us in our response to be regional, hence, we sounded sounded a note traffic ahead collaboration. it's structured there's a steering committee that fled by this update coalition to end human trafficking. the area antitrafficking coalition in stamford university but over 60 members and we are very active member. the goals of the group are one, to consistent messaging. to try and combat some of the inaccurate
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statements that are made about human trafficking like about the super bowl to make sure reason the right language so we don't talk about child prostitution anymore. there's no such thing as a child process. we talk about sexually exploited use and to again, have collective mechanized resources and to put in place long-term efforts because one of the first things that this could did was analyze organizing done around human trafficking and other communities and hosted large sporting event. we looked at several super bowl cities the london olympics, the world cup in south africa and they come in all those communities there been really good organizing run human trafficking just around the bend and often with the event was over you organizing when awake even though the problem did not. they also found in those efforts that focus just on sex trafficking even though labor trafficking is also a problem. they want to make sure in the bay area we look at both sex and labor trafficking and put together infrastructure that would be ongoing past the event. there really four main components of
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the at the head campaign can come and go through each of them quit. one is the local government resolution. training specifically targeting hospitality. public outreach and add campaigns. also you a preview of some of those images. then a website. so, the first piece is political resolution am proud to say started in san francisco. the idea behind this is to leverage local government purchasing power to get industries to be more proactive in taking a stand about human trafficking. the resolution of several components. one is that a local government will not host an event at a hotel unless that hotel takes efforts to train staff to recognize human trafficking influence a code of conduct and looks at a supply chain for risk of human trafficking in its supply jim. similarly, for restaurant the city or county won't host an event at a restaurant at the restaurant has trained its
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staff, but that risk of human trafficking in its supply chain and the third piece of the resolution is a requires the county to train certain key city department on human trafficking. so san francisco was the first to pass this resolution this summer but altogether, 25 cities and counties in the bay area have passed the resolution and hopefully more will. that's very exciting. my dictation it will go statewide. that's for next year. then, as i mentioned, we focus on hospitality training. this is because for sex trafficking hotels are all easily a very common location for sex trafficking happens. that's very important that in labor trafficking, restaurants are one of the-kind of the hospitality industry are one of the locations that polaris national human trafficking resource center finds human trafficking may occur. for both of those reasons we got a be important to start with hospitality and has been a number of trainings in the fall and continuing this month to get the word out to hotels and
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restaurants so, in october, in collaboration with golden gate restaurant association, hotel council, and super bowl host committee is been very engaged in these efforts given training in spirit in december we have another training in san francisco sponsored by the us attorney's office in california attorney general's office and that had outreach to transportation so i think for members of the core staff were attending that trinket we had representatives from with the training and that was a successful turnout. there've been some other trainings in hotels in san mateo into upcoming this month in alameda and in the south bay. then, some very targeted specific transportation trainings are that airports are clearly important place to train because people were caught in from other states or countries come to those ports. this week there are trainings happening at
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oakland and san jose. airports are training staff to recognize the signs and also this week there's a training at the oakland port in collaboration with truckers against trafficking that is a wonderful organization does mobilize because they found that a lot of sex trafficking was happening at truck stops around the country. so they trained truckers to organize the signs of trafficking. so this training is open happening in oakland this week. and then, one training would be important to develop for small restaurants or to those that can't center staff to an in person training because it does more to everybody at it the opposite the same time it was important to develop an online training people can access easily and for free. so, in collaboration with stanford, stanford has agreed to host on their online platform and online training that is contracted with a company to
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develop and so it's in process and hopefully up in the next few months. while it's geared toward restaurant workers in all teleworkers is also a segment for the general public. it's in like 3-5 min. segments that you can watch five or six i once or one at a time. very accessible. they'll be an exciting development completed later this year. as i mentioned, the host committee has been really involved in our insight trafficking efforts. they committed for the first time to train 5000 of their volunteers and size of human. the super bowl is engaging volunteers to spread out around the bay area and the greeters to visitors to our area as part of their orientation toward to include a human trafficking awareness piece for the first time. i mentioned that again taking advantage of the influx for the super bowl they estimate 1 million people cannot visit super bowl city, which you can be on the front lines for, so while you're
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cursing the traffic one thing you can look for to the beautiful ads that are going to be up. again, looking at what had been done before, we decided in our ad campaign we want to make sure we look at labor trafficking and sex trafficking,, and we want to make sure getting the message across that human trafficking is happening here in our community. not just something that happens everywhere. that everybody's implicated. it's not just other people but by the things we purchase, services we engage in, we may be unwittingly complicit to human trafficking. so, there's a series of four ads. this one gets a topic in the mikey happening either in growing of grapes for wine or possibly in restaurants where the doctors people are being trafficked. the first one is which one is best with enslavement. as your busboy and directs people to a
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website that's been developed. the next one gets a trafficking in nail salon industry, which people need to know that was a big exposé in the new york times about the problem of trafficking and wage exploitation in nail salons. for those who you get manicures it's important to the ground and asking questions asked of people being treated up if you're getting a manicure for $10 there's a reason for that. this one gets that trafficking in the janitorial services good . then, here's one that gets it sexual exploitation. it turnout for app for sexual flirtation. as 13. were excited about in san francisco were able to purchase an app and get some donated so there's going to be 500 muni bus cards up and you need buses. five on the outside of the muni buses and then 30 at bus shelters around the city
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and there'll also be these at running at shelters or billboards in santa clara county and alameda county and jc decode donated 15 of the large-screen public toilets and i'm going to go to those in the second because a wonderful location get well soon a social media aspect that's on facebook and google. what's exciting about the jc toilets are that during highly visible areas. the cable car turnaround. the power and market at fishman's work. at union square. what were excited about is a map of where all the various locations in san francisco are. they're too right in super bowl city. during one of your lunch breaks you can come out and take a look. they're going up next week. between monday and wednesday or thursday everything should be up. you can come take a look. as a combination of all these efforts, this website that's been developed as has everything a resource page for
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services for human trafficking survivors, of the john training resources. it's a business wants to get more training they know where to go for that. information for the general public and then upon the website that has to be built out is can have a map of businesses taken proactive steps to address human topic. if somebody takes the standard online human trafficking and works for restaurant they can indicate that no populate the map so people can see and spend their money or business about taken steps to look at human trafficking. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner woo ho >> thank you for the presentation both from emily and yourself. probably not a topic anticipated but i think it's very good to know there's such a conference of plan,
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certainly 100% support what you guys are doing. i think, i guess if the super bowl was one way to get things moving and it's not because it creates anything just by itself, but i think we do need a sustained effort and to hear the statistics, which to be reminded of the horrible circumstances and consequences that we hear about, is something that we do need to remember and i think that the fact that were taking such a wide spread campaign to make everybody aware of the issues and to report any issues that we do see, i think is very very commendable. i think we live in an area not just on the waterfront that the entire city, as we said very very desirable. i think desirable not terms of location and weather, but also in terms the fact that we are economically very well off. i think people probably target san francisco as a great market for this.
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we're a lot of visitors as well which is another circumstance that i think remotes this. so, i want to thank you for the education, support as well as for upping us in making sure that we are in line with the entire city family in terms of what were trying to do. so, take it. >> i just want to add that human trafficking is really invisible problem and i would encourage folks, dir. moyer is asking when it's appropriate to call. if you have a gut feeling about a particular situation, but a person, just call. there's a national hotline one 800 373 gut feeling about a particular situation, but a person, just call. there's a national hotline one 800-3733 88. many of the tips come in from passersby's or family or friends, if something does not feel right, feel free to call the police department with the
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national hotline, there really is a gut feeling. it's not have a big sign saying this is human trafficking. something that doesn't feel right to you. >> can you give the hotline number again >> one 800 can you give the hotline number again >> can you give the hotline number again >> 1-800-373-7888 and also there's a text capability, be free. that will go to the national hotline. >> is there a url for the national hotline? >> if you just google national human trafficking research center go to that has the hotline number, the hotline links to everything. >> that's our public service announcement for the day. commissioner adams. >> thank you so much for the presentation. i know idea
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trafficking was a lucrative and so much of it happens here in the bay area. so, thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. especially at this time when were expecting hundreds of thousands of visitors, but thank you so much. this is very eye opening and thank you for bringing it to my attention. >> i want to thank you say thank you for this present it i realize this is big business. this is a billion-dollar business. i'm glad to have all the community partners. i'm glad to hear that merely is right on board with this. sfpd, the super bowl, ringing to the port commission i think this is so important we talk about things like this. if something sometimes it's like homelessness. it's your interfaces and sometimes i think i do not think about that. it's huge. i see a lot of programs on tv from all different countries throughout the world of trafficking of women and kids, and it's really
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sick, but it's all about profits. whether it's drugs, guns and money is all about people making money and people can exploit people and like you said if we see something like this happening we need to say something, address it and appreciate what you guys come in and having this discussion because port because i consider is also a partner and we see things and stuff like that. when would you have over 1 million people walking to her cities spanning over $1 million in the face of the world is can be looking at san francisco that all the muscles and everything in there to see the glamour and glitz but there is a dark side. the things that you guys are talking about, these young ladies and stuff like this. the exploitation. it's really sad. i'm hoping that we can put money, resources or whatever to educate the public and educate
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ourselves to look out for this issue and to address it. it could be our mothers. it could be our sisters. it could be our cousins and sometimes were not affected till it happens but everybody, it's important so thank you. >> it just so happens january is national awareness month. so were excited to get the invitation from dir. moyer and the board of supervisors declared january 11 in the whole month until presidents' day, we do outreach events up until as the president who freed any of the slaves in this country we want to do the same. >> i also just want to thank you for the presentation, for all the work that you've done to work to eradicate human trafficking. it really is something-i have been aware that i've had friends in different district attorney's office and elsewhere that have been involved. i do appreciate the bay area, has taken out
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weed is not city by city but what you've highlighted which is working regionally to get more more people wear because it doesn't know city borders. so i thought you for your efforts and thank you for that. and for the coordination. i think given what's come up with the super bowl and the downside but also i think there's an upside in that we have a chance to educate people, and one thing i know you have put posters and perhaps there something we could do for tours we can do come into our terminal. maybe there's something we could place informationally there >> if you have space we could certainly get you the artwork for the posters, if that's of interest. >> then, also i was pleased to see that the online training. the ideal of perhaps more
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opportunity not just for the restaurant industry but there's something generic that we could all post on our social media pages to get out to people's that were more people can become aware of the signs and what to look for a know-how to respond. i think people want to do the right thing and i think there really is a lack of awareness of how pervasive and pernicious human trafficking is >> there is a stream of the human trafficking that for the general public. >> it would be nice to get that specifically the link to the training, perhaps >> once it's ready i'm happy to circle back. >> will be happy to post it and should. >> i consider now the port commissioners as members of the abolitionist movement as well as members of the audience to be don't tackle this issue.
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>> again, thank you very much for bringing this forward and making the presentation. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, ladies very much. good luck. item 9 item 9d election of port commission officers. >> let's open the floor for public comment. is there public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i will open the floor for nominations for president of the port commission. >> i would like to nominate commissioner willie adams as president. >> any other nominations? seeing none, nominations are closed. would you accept the nomination of mr. adams >> i do. >> a call for nominations from
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the floor. sorry. are there any nominations from the floor seeing none,, close. other anymore nominations? i will assess three times. other any other nominations for president? any other nominations for president? the nomination for president are now closed. so, the nominee is commissioner willie adams. all in favor, aye. opposed of sentience. commissioner congratulation commissioner adams. good luck. >>[applause] >> the gavel goes over- >> i like to ask for nominations for vice president. >> i like to nominate camilli
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brandon for vice president >> second. >> any public comment? any nominations from the floor for vice president? going once, going twice, going three times? with that, emily's prevented you accept the nomination for vice president? >> yes. >> with that being said, ladies and gentlemen are new vice president of san francisco port commission be to call for a vote. we do i'm sorry. all those in favor for kimberly brandon purport commissioner vice president say aye. babies in general are new vice president of the san francisco port commission commissioner kimberly brandon. >>[applause] >> thank you. >> thank you. i'm at a loss
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for words. no, i want to thank commissioner katz for leadership over the last two years. she's been wonderful to work with and she is really led us on many many projects, visions, opportunities. she has just been so wonderful to work with. order miss your leadership, but i know commissioner adams can fill those shoes and i know he's going to bring a lot of new opportunity and exciting projects that we have going on this year. i look forward to working with you, also, and commissioner woo ho, i love working with you, too. i will make a great team. so thank you very much and i'm looking forward to this year and all it
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has to bring. commissioner congratulations, commissioner adams. >> can thank you. before we go for a late to give the floor to executive director moya. >> congratulations. [inaudible]. if you'll forgive me i was a congratulations pres. adams and vice president brandon. first and foremost thank you for taking this on. it is a huge sponsor ability. huge amount of time and you both know it well. thank you for your willingness to serve repeatedly. so i appreciate that. on behalf of the port staff, though, i do want to take a moment to thank both of you president katz and out pres. adams for these your service these past two years as officers of the commission. i just want to take a very short
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period to summarize a couple of key things that occurred during your stewardship and your tenure as officers of the commission. we have already talked about one of them a bit today, but clearly the opening of pure 27 cruise terminal, our third attempt at a cruise terminal in 20 years called by the dedication of that terminal in honor of james r herman was absolutely the highlight of the two years of your service as officers. i can be more proud of that personally. i know you both share our pride on behalf of the staff could also, during your tenure, the port open to my key part. one at each end of the water from the cruise terminal puzzle and review the way we've made great strides in moving forward with a blue greenway and the part which i hope will see the opening of in your next term, commissioner
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adams and brandon the signing of the historic port agreement with the philippine port authority. the hosting, as we talked about earlier of the san francisco symphony at the cruise terminal plus. the opening of the yard the port first pop-up at lot 337. obviously the supporting the passage of two citywide ballot measures promoting rita bauman appears 70 and sewall 337. execution of the master lease with words into bauman inc. to save and renovate six historically significant and beautiful structures appears 70 permanently honoring dr. many silver at the brennan street wharf for vision and leadership at the delancey street foundation. achieving $100 million in gross revenues. investing in that two-year time period $107 million in capital repairs and enhancements, not including the cruise ship terminal, in awarding $20 million to local business enterprises. and welcoming
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historic 82 calls and almost, almost, 300,000 passengers cruise ship passengers in 2015, which was a record year. there many many more things that you presided over, many more things that collectively the commission and port staff achieved together with our wonderful community advocates and stewards and staff, but i just want to highlight those couple of things. both of you have been extraordinarily generous with your time and especially responsiveness to the public who attended not just these port commission meetings but also the community meetings. it was wonderful to have you both at various meetings of the public. under the public just love to hear from you even when they don't agree with you. they still love to hear witty. three very much appreciate that. commissioner adams i want to especially highlight how available you
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made yourself no matter where you were in the world, what time zone it was, whether was sonia was upward and was up, it's incredible to me the work ethic that you follow and how abusive you are in the middle of the night by telephone unable to follow some of these complex issues. i really couldn't be more appreciative. so, very very much looking forward to serving with you as your presidency ensues over the next year. and commissioner katz, what a wonderful font two years it has been. you are my travel partner. i hope you'll continue to be my travel partner get within to some great places in the world together. your guide guidance over the last two years has been tremendous. your budget is equally tremendous for me. the political acumen is really been very very helpful. your outstanding strategy. you have i have appreciated your support in numerous bits of litigation, but also just in crossing into new horizons for the ports in all kinds of areas,
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particularly as we move to the southern waterfront. as has already been mentioned you're leaving very big shoes to fill but i know these two are more than up for the job. on behalf of all the staff, i want to thank you both, thank you again . now pres. adams for being willing to continue on as an officer of the port and vice president brandon for coming back. i just want to point out for the record, this is an extraordinary historic moment, both for the port of san francisco and for ports around the world took the two of you as our opposite. so, thank you very very much again for being willing and godspeed for the next two years. we've got a lot of work to do. if you are would join the in a round of applause and thanks to the commissioners. >>[applause] >> so, i have two plaques to present. one each. they say
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coming potato plan on seeing anything. but i'm not at a loss for words and sentiment. i want to thank all of you, my colleagues first and foremost. it's been wonderful serving with all of you. i learned from you. i've been filled with admiration at the insights and the work and the dedication that everyone on this commission has provided. it has been just a pleasure. not to brag on the commission, but i think it's pretty fabulous
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commission. i love working with all of you over the last term and i want to thank you for everything you've done. commissioner adams, vice president and partner in crime here, it's just been an absolute treasure to have you as a colleague and a friend. and to struggle through some tough issues that have come before us and figured out how to improve things at the port at absolutely no doubt under your stewardship the commission will be in very good hands. most of all, i want to thank executive director moyer. she talked about the time and dedication that goes into the port here. you are available at all hours, every day, seven days a week. you're so passionate and so dedicated to the port. it's really been such a joy working with you these last two years, and finally,
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the port staff, could i stop saying how fabulous port staff is because i do not want word to get out with the team at the port is extraordinary. i didn't want to single anyone out i can't. because everyone has been so wonderful to work with, so bright, so talented. i've seen a lot of different teams, a lot of different departments over the years but i really am constantly in awe of the noxious the intellect and technical capabilities of the port staff but the passion and the commitment to the port and the work you all do. i just really want to thank all of you and think the port staff for everything you've done these last to help the commission
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these last two years. it's been a treat to work with each and every one of you. thank you. i look for to know something with our new president and vice president, web tremendous respect for. i look forward to seeing you. >>[applause] . >> first of all, i like to of it i consider myself really blessed. i'm sitting up here with three former presidents of this commission. commissioner woo ho commissioner katz and commissioner stephen. being that commissioner brandon is the longest service serving commissioner with scatter brain power and wealth of knowledge and tireless commitment, this port has continued to sail and going to another level. director moyer and your fine staff, if you really good at moving for. you may not hear me talk a lot in the chair because at this point by three fellow commissioners i know sometimes i beat things to do but you may call me for a call for the questions. because i'm one to
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beat it to death but am looking forward to it. i have to say this. i kind of feel with doreen as leslie, tim, i can feel like warriors. i had fun. we've done a lot of good things. when i see the warriors by squatting i watch a bunch of young men playing. it's not about the money. the having fun and when get it straight so that you get that kind of chemistry and the kind of chemistry i've had with my fellow three commissioners. i think it's on harold. we may never let another group of commissioners that have this kind of chemistry. every commissioner of your things for them so that each commissioner is very independent and each one is very passion. like i said, 1 billion big shoes because i'm following in three passionate presidents of this commission that have led and then giants in their own way. i know i need the help. on the new person on the block with the help and support but look forward to doing my term as president and continuing to
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raise the bar. i want to thank you. >>[applause] >> i just want to invite everyone to a small recession afterwards to honor our guest of honor, karin woods, as well as all four of our commissioners. thank you. >> next item, please >> item for the consent calendar item 10 b requested approval to issue a quest for politicians soliciting as needed as unit related professional services. item letter 10 b kazaa version toward construct construction project number 2762 in the milk amount of $5 million in authorization for contract contingency fund of 10% of the contract amount for an unanticipated contingencies for total authorization not to exceed 6.3 $6.3 million. item
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10 c request authorization subject to board of supervisors approval, to accept and expend $9.6 million in 2015 infrastructure protection program port security grant program funds from the us department of homeland security for security improvements at the port of san francisco. item 10 d request approval of memorandum of understanding between the port of the event and the san francisco public utilities commission for you technical review and you dividends during the pre-development for the pier 7020 acre site in illinois street during the pre-development for the pier 7020 acre site in illinois st., parcell. >> so move. peter moved and seconded. >> any public comment? is there any public comment if not public comment is closed. commissioners? we will take about. all those in favor of 10 a-d say aye. the post? it past
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>> item 11 a informational presentation on the waterfront is predation assessment by the san francisco municipal transportation agency. >> good evening presidents adams and vice president brandon and members of the commission diane-with the port set. i'm just providing some brief introductory remarks. unfortunately, i see that maria lombardo, chief deputy at the san francisco county transportation authority had to leave, but the waterfront transportation assessment has been actually very major city family transportation planning undertaking, and so there's been a great body of work that start back when the project was proposed at pier 32 and so we have a whole team that wanted to give you this briefing on the work that's been done, and how that really sets the stage for transportation improvements
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that are starting to get integrated in major development projects, and also to inform the transportation network improvements that are coming online to get even better. at this point, i would like to give a shout out particularly to peter albert, who i think is can make a couple introductory remarks for his team. erin miller and liz bryson. who are now staffing at sfmta and to thank today seems to be of salvation and faithfulness for many members of our family, but peter is really the extraordinary transportation planner for the city as well as along the waterfront. she is going to be retiring in april, so in the theme of announcing retirements early, i want to share that information with you because i don't know he's going to be for this commission before he steps off. obviously,
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he's left quite a legacy of his own. anyway, peter albert introductions and thank you very much. >> good evening, pres. adams and mentors of the commission peter albert sfmta. though, it's a pleasure for me to come back you. i think i kick this thing off i think 2012 when we were talking about all this growth happening on the waterfront and how do we manage that with good transportation plan. the idea of not doing transportation planning project by project but taking a step back and look at the entire waterfront looking at the network of transportation services there. this presentation is really about two of the brightest hours i get to work with sfmta. aaron miller and liz bryson good to hear from them shortly but we would go down to the possibilities to look at the two bases that we did waterfront planning. this was a very community intense process. we work closely with karin it was toby levine, and katie with
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dell. those are just some of the many people who helped us read through the transportation planning. the diagrams you see on the screen will present the two phases that we decided we make a meaningful approach. the first one is mistaken inventory of everything we know that's going on in the waterfront in terms of transportation investment in major development. one of the biggest causes these things aren't necessarily happen in a coordinated fashion. we will record data development and transportation were already somewhat. we been farther than that. we looked at the inventory of projects. we have a lot many conversations about what's still missing. where the gaps in the transportation network. what do we know should happen that we don't see happening or what is karin but to see why these things happening soon enough. they should happen years ago. so putting that on the matrix insane, not just the experts
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so-called experts and transportation to work with the city agencies but the experts that live in the neighborhoods of us identify what those gaps are. what solutions mike about and what strategy we can develop around those solutions. garbage about that from erin miller. you'll hear about understanding this is the challenge of the next 20-30 years of growth am a wes should be focusing in which you been looking at in terms of how this part of the waterfront where growth is happening can connect not just to san francisco but to the region. what kind of analysis helps us make sure were supplying the transportation system with the resources we need an coming out of that what recommendations to go forward looking at all modes of transportation. it's not just cars and not just transit. it's whole gamut of pedestrians, bicycles, circulation and all that. so, under hand over the presentation to erin miller. she will walk you through the conclusions and process we went through the first phase. >> hello. good evening
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commissioners. pres. adams and vice president brandon dir. moyer, thank you for having some time for us today to about the waterfront transportation assessment. we been here a few times before and officially been finished with the project since late last year. is that right? this summer? last summer. it's been so long ago. i don't even remember. were delayed in getting to you so thanks for being patient and were glad to be here today. as peter said, anna talked briefly about the phase 1. all try to be very summary. i think most of you have probably heard a little bit about that work, but one of the things i want to start with is when the project started in 2012, one of the things that everybody could agree on is that transportation improvements and investment have not been able to keep up with the rate of land-use
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development were seen in the city right now. at the same time, we were very aware of a lot of big plans there were underway in moving forward on different schedules. so, along with understanding the land-use pipeline was important for us to begin to have a better picture of the transportation pipeline. this is very summarized overview of last year and the next four years to about 2020. i just want to point out some things that happened and some things that are going to be happening because that really helps to set the context for how we move forward in the transportation decision around the waterfront. last january, and this is really a shout out to karin, we started service on what we call the 55 16th st. which is actually an interim 22 fillmore extension to mission bay. we want that service to be up and ready for the opening of the children's hospital. so that
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started in late january and then later last year, i think it was august, we began the weekend service for the embarcadero between fisherman's wharf and cal tran. additionally, i would note i'm pretty sure were anticipating weekday service on that starting in april or may of this you. not too far away. so, this year what are we going to see? bark is going to be getting 10 of its new box cars which are going to be thoughtlessly wonderful in everybody's can be happy to stand up all the time. which they pay much do now. those are pretty piloted this year. esther derby and revenue service and by 2020 we are hoping to see all 10 car trains throughout the park system with their new cars. 2017, the gimme
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kick off their vessel replacement probably not adding vessels but replacing with much cleaner vessels and also the transbay terminal will be open. that's just a year away. it's kind of amazing. 2018,-is slated to be on. i can't wait to see that happen. it'll be starting its very service ferry service to richmond. that service they are purchasing two new vessels and so the ferry will fleet will increase to 14 and i think it calls for 400 passengers and 50 votes so that will help some additional service across the bay. in 2019 central subway. have you heard of that project? we are looking for forward to that. we believe that connects have a
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huge impact on the third street core door and the southeastern part of the waterfront. something that's very difficult to imagine and the best we can continue to do is a we promise would have to car trains. it's could be a 6 min. headway and there really can feel the difference and this can be a great improvement in their service. we are looking forward to that. also, the prominent 22 fillmore extension to mission bay will be in place with that ready three scheduled to take over the current rate that 22 is on and 2020 and beyond organizing top 10 electrification and knew exactly when but were hoping for the extension of the couch and to the transbay terminal. maybe not too far in the future. so, that's a quick overview of a lot of big big impactful projects that are coming on line that are really can assert the waterfront greatly. and help improve transportation choices for people in the city. peter also mentioned in phase 1, we went through a lot of stakeholder outreach gathering input, understanding what people
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concerns were, whether challenges are on the waterfront, and we took that information and started conceiving of transportation strategies. they could be solutions but they were ideas we wanted to get down on paper with an unconstrained list of things we got could address current shortfalls and gaps in the transportation network or potentially serve to support the future demands on the system as all this comes in. then, we were opportunists in phase 1. we saw in some of the strategies chances we could maybe investigate them a little more closely and see if we can england and test them. we will conduct from strategies to
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solutions and these are a few things we did it you may recall where the intersection enforcement of that went on for about six weeks. with that what we saw about a 55% decrease in intersection and crosswalk blocking. so, that continues to inform work the agency is doing. the waterfront assessment helped to direct the sfmta to some funding that set up the planning funds for the embarcadero enhancement project underweight here. you are familiar with that. working with our development partners the warriors and the giants, both made donations of $5000 each to support local match funds for planning effort that has just recently been completed by bart called the embarcadero montgomery bart capacity study. again, this is the karin woods
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lined interim fillmore lines to mission bay. the 55 16th st. and again were expecting prominent service to the 2019. finally, again, the embarcadero historic streetcar came online last fall and we should be seen permanent weekday service in the next-in this year, spring. so, with that, i just want to be rate phase 1 of the waterfront assessment was compressive, conceptual, broad thinking. a lot of stakeholder outreach imaging up with a lot of interesting ideas and even though the project is complete by schedule the conversation continues on. i'm been a let liz talk to you about the interesting technical analysis we did in phase 2. >> document, commissioner. this pricing. i'm with sfmta
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planning team but nicely presented work i did about six months ago when i was still at the sf cpa. a punisher between the two agencies. i want to note that. in phase 1, as aaron described was really about committee process, understanding challenges and testing solution. they do with stepping back and getting a little more wonky to arm ourselves with some data and analysis of what's going on in the waterfront area. who's traveling through this area. to get a sense of if we had to focus on certain call corridor to make improvements and wants to double down on. so the map you see here shows a subset >> i'm sorry, our monitors are not working. when not sure what you are looking at. >> i could describe it. >> the monitors have not been working for a luncheon. >> page 17.
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>> thank you. >> so this map indicates a subset of the waterfront study area we focus this part of analysis on. the reason we sort of focus on the small area is because this is where so much of the new development is planned and under consideration and so much aware all the regional traffic ground zero, etc. to do this work we utilized the travel forecasting tool the sfmta called sf stamp. i won't go into as much detail as i could because of time constraints, but it's all documented in the final report if your interested. what we want to do is focus on understanding more about the trips, travel to this part of town when a network is most constrained which is in the afternoon about three hour rush-hour peak period. we focus on those trips that were headed in d-now were on number 18-we
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focused on the trips that were headed in the outbound direction were happening within the study area. some of the representative trips captured in our analysis are indicated in here and we call these the trips of interest. those trips are about 20% of all trips that happen to, from, and within san francisco today and, as we look into the future to about year 2040, we are looking at the major increase in those trips for about 220,000 to about three or 20,000 which represents almost a 50% increase in trips. we want to do is understand more where those trips are going to and from. slide 20, now. sorry. so this map indicates a set of corridor that we look to summarize understand one end of the trip being the great and
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the other end being where the quick lines are. now, 21. next slide, 21. this indicates the major travel corridor and the different breakdown of number of trips and trips by mode across these different corridor. so, the red indicates auto, blue indicates transit, and the gray indicates the change from today to our 2040 future. so, i won't go through these in great detail, but the idea of looking at each of these corridor was people to understand the unique characteristics of each corridor that would then apply different solution. no go to several of them quickly. under 21, next slide, cause of those corridor where there is the largest number of trips happening in the transbay corridor by east rate is by far
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the biggest. the next one, number 23 is the travel corridor the highest number of walking and biking trips. the next one are trips where there is the highest fastest pace of growth between today and the future. then, the last one is either the highest number were highest share of auto trips to next, after we looked at the sort of trouble making characteristics in this part of town, we then went to focus a little more specifically on the roadway at work and understanding capacity relative to demand. one of the challenges that erin uncovered as she was working with community stakeholders groups is the major challenges of traffic congestion and how it affects particularly the soma area. what we get here is look at the peak period and the pictures headed in the outbound
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direction. the finance kind of buried by the three sub areas of northern soma, southern soma central waterfront. in northern soma the issue really here has to do with the bay bridge. a bridge is totally at capacity and has been for some time. the implication of the bay bridge at capacity is that the queue of cars getting onto the bridge acceptor northern soma to downtown. the location is that we want to do something to really address northern soma congestion, it needs to be a solution that looks holistically at the bay bridge and where people are going to the east street side. this story in southern soma and central waterfront is different. in these areas were not seen that same level of congestion right now. but in fact the analysis we did found or maybe at between 75-80%, but we did identify that these areas appear vulnerable to the
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future unless were careful in our planning. critically, because the limited and exit points. with some pretty major barriers with a mission bay channel, with the 280 and with the really limiting the streets you could get in and out of this area took just a couple places. next slide. slide number 27. >> are slides are not numbered. show us the picture. >> it's the picture of >> thank you. >> sorry about the technical glitch. hopefully it keeps you awake. of this is an image that comes from-. it's pretty famous in the world of transportation planners because it demonstrates how the same number of people can take up
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dramatically different amounts of space on the street depending whether they're traveling by car, by bus, or by bicycle. but aside up here, as we face the challenges of accommodating both happening today and how much were expecting in the future, the idea our vision is to see travel in recognition of limited roadway capacity and in support of san francisco policy goals. we need to make our streets more attractive were people who are traveling in transit or by bicycle or by foot because we simply don't have enough roadway space to do anything to allow all the strips to happen by car. i'll do this set of next slide, 28. this is a series animated it is not very easy to turn page. you have to turn several together. in fact, maybe one to go to the very last one of this set. which is number 32. when
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technology fails all your cool tricks go away. what we pay much did is ask consulting that supported us to make some assumptions of what some reasonable changes might be based on how other cities have accommodated travel behavior and trips. we started with what our model forecasting to data looks like and the future and that we can't delay in said what if we were able to do some things to attract a few more people to walking and biking and then transit. and pretty modest changes. we were able to find, it seems plausible that in the future we could grow the number of trips we are expecting without adding more auto trips. so, that brings us to the next slide, the recommendations framework. there's pretty much three overarching recommendations.
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two of which can be summarized as doing the things we artie said we were going to do in the third starting to think about adding some new major projects to our transportation wedlock. next page. recommendation number one. here is the idea is that we saw the image from the city of one star if we want to accommodate the number trips were expecting we need to continue to do the things you probably seen around san francisco streets to make transit more attractive. adding new bus lanes. make you feel safer so you can walk with affected bike lanes and pedestrian crossing. we need to keep doing this stuff if forgot accommodate the number trips were expecting. recommendation two, next slide. the second part has to do with organizing the very critical role of the transit to making transportation system work. it'll become increasingly more so in the future. this recognition has to do with
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picking sure you don't forget about funding important stuff that's less visible and a little less sexy like expanding the muni bus and rail fleet. the part fleet. caltrans electrification. these are not sexy capital expansion projects, but the things we need to do to provide more capacity in our existing major corridor. next slide, recommendation number three. this had to do with recognizing and feeling there some big ideas out there that we have not yet backed our heads around of things that are probably going to be game changers make a huge difference and unlocking some of the challenges in this area. but, we have not done the right level of conceptual planning and analysis and technical work to be with you for them as recommendations just yet. so, that the recommendation is just that we should continue to pursue next that's to find promising new
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infrastructure and positive that the city is citywide effort that's kicking off called it san francisco longley transportation planning program that is really the phase where that will happen and i think maria asked me to mention i'm a that effort will be take enough in the spring and be happy to come back to this body. so that's where i conclude in him back to erin. >> so, what are we to do with all this great information neither the waterfront transportation assessment is complete? well, i can give you an example what we have done pretty recently, which i think is a really great picture of how this work has helped us be strategic in how we move forward with these major development projects. so, the warriors recently completed a
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project for the proposal in mission bay. out of that, if you think of the recommendations framework that liz said, one and two and three, one and two are sort of the local focused short-term recommendations and then three is a more long-range big high-level planning. what we've been able to do is drag some of these one and two recommendations toward the development project. so, the warriors are going to be purchasing for new lrp's for the purpose that they're going to be calling on for their events, but those are also going to be able to support our overall network. that's how we get a little bit comprehensive benefit from >> lrp's? >> excuse me, light rail vehicles. >> what is a prt >> bus rapid transit. i apologize. i come from the world of anagrams. so, there
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also be doing things like we positioned and enlarging the mission be platform for third straight. at 16th and third. it can be read quote. the center of the street. it's good to be able to see multiple trains stop at the same time. in that there also be putting in some crossover tracks which building a lot of operational flexibility for our system. again, not so sexy but really big benefits to our operation folks. we also have a special events muni transit service plan, which is can be running 16 street shuttles between 16th st. and park street station. it really interesting thing this project has done we've legislated the mission bay transportation improvement fund, which is a way of helping to secure project generated revenue to help fund the special service plan to make sure that we always have a
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funding source to be able to achieve the commitment for transportation that this project has made. here 70 and mission rocket to projects getting very active again. we are very early in the faces of these projects we definitely anticipate will be similarly informed by the findings and recommendations that we have in the waterfront assessments and working closely with the project sponsors to design and evaluate their internal transportation network, as well as looking at their project mitigation needs improvement measures to define how best to implement those. so, again, in summary, the waterfront transportation assessment continues to inform project specific transportation measures . we continue to correlate
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closely with development sponsors along the waterfront to address transportation project specific transportation needs and network transportation needs, and all the city staff working on this effort will be coordinating and making sure we're checking in on individual projects and keeping sort of a comprehensive oversight over how these projects contribute to the greater number. that's a big piece of the conversation we are having because transportation doesn't end at a boundary of a project. with that, here is on the last slide, there is a link for that report, if you are a geek like liz and you want to read that. but we'll happy to take any questions. >> any public comment? seeing none,, commissioners? doreen?
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>> thank you for the report. something i think were obviously very jointly invested in since we know traffic and congestion is one of the big topics on the waterfront. i appreciate you guys have been working hard on this. i do have a couple questions. i would like to know with all the inventory of the existing projects, how that's going to alleviate some of the transportation congestion, meaning additional people that are going to carry. it's a little hard because you have that one level that these things in progress but how do we know how that's going to alleviate? if i was able to understand and odysseys coming over time, it would be helpful to know because that's one aspect and may be that's my first question. if you can address that first? >> peter albert again from empty. one of the tools we work with to look at the future and make sure accommodating the demand is that modeling tool
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liz talk about. in all these big projects resume the projects we know are certain and would plug those numbers into the model. not only able able to project the housing units and commercial spaces and what the trips those will generate we can project what i would do in terms of mode split. that's how we can see where we are overflowing our capacity, overwhelming our network and looking at both the strategies that erin's work outlined and the red flag and can address solutions to what is going to be room for growth or we were running out of group and we need to get a different kind of mode split. so is an iterative process of the poor thing we look at that horizon year, we plug that model in with all the growth we expect, we crunch those numbers, and that tells us not just what we need to do today but will he need to do start doing elsewhere in better shape in 2040 >> i appreciate the futuristic view and i don't disagree but i guess as you probably know, as
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many of the people in san francisco right now it's like what are you doing today. to help us? part of my-my thing was to look at and i guess we all know part of the congestion jiggly in the downtown area but just in the waterfront is just the amount of construction that is going on. all the blockage and i guess-i wonder whether there's some tactical things you're considering in terms of really understanding where there is a lot of blockage and whether there is a more intelligent way to manage the construction site or tell him what hours of work or whatever so that they don't hit some of the peak hours, and a stance that in my own neighborhood could wipe his pg&e started 8 am the morning commute get why can they start later so you don't have this huge pile of cards. patch is a small example, but the other one which would be whether you're looking at catelli on the
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embarcadero that sort of a radical concept whether we would consider whether there's other ways to accommodate parking to get rid of some of the meters and we open up more traffic lanes. i'm just wondering how look at some of these things break tactically. there's pros and cons and offsets, but they need to be looked at but just within it seems like we are what i hear is where accepting what is today trying to figure out future solutions. that is fine, but is what can we do with the existing. >> yes, let me correct myself it is not just will look at 24. every conception project you see is mitigation measures that are meant to implement it i can say this though. golfing the pain of the construction happening. this just a crazy time economically. having worked with the city planning and chest edition for 30 years. i have seen bus and booms. i've never seen something were going to right now. it's amazing what
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that means south of market the question is that you're raising is about the construction process themselves and the coronation that could happen between construction project here in a construction project there was not messed up the whole street that's getting into that. that is, the degree of coronation that i-first of all i wish we had that built into our planning because were looking at the improved project i think which are flagging that we make sure we're getting to the project opening date didn't create such gridlock that puts people into a craziness we are. i would like to propose that we look at the interim process, the construction project itself, is part of what were factoring and then we can make better decisions. one shutout i will give, that project that erin talked about where we unlock the box, but we looked last summer at those impacts because of all the construction, and those cars it just takes one car to run in intersection and get messed up for all four points coming to
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an intersection, having that extra resource of parking control officers unblock that box, help those intersections, out of that is developing a permanent program. the longer applied up permanently to do with gridlocked intersection. i think that would be a poured phase for what were doing not just look at the projects window finished a look at the procesesting there and managing those. >> i couldn't agree more. i was quick to mention even having more parking traffic officers would help to do that. the other part of it is having smarter streetlights. some of our synchronization of lights. we know that all the sudden topic could be moving slope you well computer technology these days it seems like we spiderlike weaver have to wait 5 min. for the light to change. they can tell if there's-these are little things tactically and wondering whether that's part of the plant of smarter streetlights etc. so traffic can flow better and faster.
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>> an answer to the question about parking control officers, i do want to let you know i spoke with cameron was our enforcement manager and they're actually in the process of hiring some new pco's is what we call the person parking control officers, to help with the gridlock enforcement. right now they're little bit focused on downtown, but there constantly working on that. regarding signals, two things. one is, we are pretty intelligent signal systems that can actually come into our office and find a computer and watch certain intersections in the city. we do keep an eye on things like that pretty proactively but another thing the parking control officers do is manually override the signals when the topic is that. they can kind of see and communicate across a corridor where they are working and start to open up to about some of the traffic to move through
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during certain peak times in certain locations. so, there is that efforts that's going on. also, at the state level, there is conversation about red light signal controls and while that isn't the same as working the box controls, it is something worth looking into and questioning and trying to move forward with as an opportunity to help with the congestion >> i guess my last question which goes into a little higher level could we know san francisco has increased i think we last time john rahman said 50% bowl area the region has increased 15%. i think you're honestly working with some transportation agency like parts and caltrain. i guess how much more regional coronation we do between agencies? your municipal agency trying to work this issue and just in terms of opportunity at the region has because it's not just growth in
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san francisco that's causing this. it's growth in the region. >> i'm going to let liz talk to you about that because were doing interesting work regionally right now. >> may point i would make coronation with a regional level isn't something we just do one. it's an ongoing every month this coronation meetings that happen between all the different transit operators and transportation agencies and the regional agency called the metropolitan transportation commission. right now whether big efforts underway is called transbay area joint then use patient that's prepared every four years. we are in the process of updating that and that's where the thinking about what's going on in the linear side land-use type with the transportation side some priorities for transportation investment and try to get local jurisdiction the encouragement to zone the appropriate within their city. one effort i thought would be worth highlighting for 1 min. is called the mtc core capacity
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study. it's seven agency partnership that includes mpc, part, caltrans, and am forgetting one. ac transit. it's focused on understanding transit crowding issues in the transbay court o as well as muni metro system and not effort is not half-light underway. this where everything from the very initial planning the second transbay rail crossing is being considered as well as where we need major muni rail investments in the city beyond the central subway. as well as what are the incremental steps to get from where we are today to something we can do in five years or even next year before we do the big capital investments that i think a lot of people think are warranted in the long-term. >> our last question
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