tv TA Finance Committee 11216 SFGTV January 18, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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development especially in the conversions come online 26 missions and 19, 241 mythical that is all keep on coming radically we're aware that is what is going on and accumulative impacts is climatic change a one 50 unit is not the same put them together we're in trouble i want to support the recommendations susan made of having planning department staff at the meetings would help to get the process off to a stable start and also the language i want no negative impacts on the need for affordable housing added thank you, sir. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners john residents of san francisco i personally oppose the interim controls on the basis that it makes it harder and more difficult for the nonprofit developers in the mission to actually produce affordable housing unit and we all know that the mission is really a great location to create withholding affordable units within the project and we can build the maufrtsdz somewhere it makes it harder to get the developers instead to build those in the mission the community needs thank you. >> okay
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(calling names). >> hi, i'm marie with the quatro and the mission is in crisis people are thrown out the soul of the neighborhood is dying and you're getting overseeing home sharings high-rises coming in we're a middle-income some upper closing class and lower class owners we join together to celebrate the festivals and parades that happen in the mission you claim that the new building all the buildings that come are just an added bonus but not the case you get refresh your memory stamping projects that are basically harming the mission for example, i went to a meeting over on chavez for a 6 story building on wednesday and, yes we need to have a member
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planning there to break through the bull crap the developers are telling us they want to be it further resolved build a 6 story building that is essentially not a long block that will block all the sunlight from everybody's backyard on the backside of the building which those buildings are only two and three stories how is that positively impacting the mission and what are they supposed to do the people that are already live there? and another one 2918 to 24 mythical once again at 6 story with the deck on top the building the person wanting to build it is that owns the building lessons in south is a
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let he finds the projects that block views but oh, he's ready to build here off yes, it's ridiculous same thing with the lennar building we need to keep the moratorium and expand it those projects really have a hulk negative impact on the life of the neighborhood for example, the recent condominium that were built along harrison their trying to form committees they can't be bothered they don't like the noise and want the people there they want a quiet neighborhood if at the wanted that they shouldn't are move forward there because harrison will stage age area in the mission sthang same thing with the la vest they're trying to shut down the bars and restaurant along the streets
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they're making too much noise these bars and restaurants have been there are no years i ask you to think about this we need more controls. >> good afternoon. i'm lou also with the quatro i back up everything this marie has to say i'm not going to be as specific but want to make clear i added addressed you guys on a number of occasion we want the interim controls to be as strong as possible and want them to be as much as possible and we're clear i guess one point we've had controls late night 18 months i know you're considering 9 i know
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one thing i'll suggest you do make that 18 months we see this as another tool that we have in the neighborhood in terms of working towards affordable housing and working to preserve the character of the neighborhood we think that is sending a message we know it is not a solution we'll still be working with the board of supervisors we will be working in a way we can but we did appreciate the policy statement and we do want to see the interim controls we think that will be one additional tool we will have we can use as we try to do something about those problems of affordability in the mission and in the process i really want to thank the planning commission staff they've been working hard and coming up making changes and coming up are one thick after another and i also appreciate
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the time the commission itself has given to very important issue so once again make those as strong as you can and extend them not just 9 months but to the 18 months thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon and happy new year commissioners my name is andy blue i'm the president of the coalition and a 10 year residents of the district i want to thank the planning department and staff for bringing up this forward and working with folks from the community to refine this i want to highlight a couple of things we insist that the mid sized project multiplication remain included we've looked at
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the projects being proposed in the pipeline and if we eliminate the projects from the interim controls the interim controls will essentially be insignificant and not effect very few if any projects significantly we insist the mid sized projects remain and want to echo the previous request that the controls be 18 months instead of 9 months we need more 9 months to figure out things in the admission and create a plan i also want to echo the request that in the sgrimdz or interim controls be a - at the preapplication meetings again, i've been to those mergers they're more pr opportunities than actual informative meeting
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and that would be helpful if planning staff were there to answer questions in a more honest and interested manner i think that the existing planning code offers a lot of tools even about the interim controls and i know that it does and thank you for the interim controls also a plea to make certain that you can comply with the existing planning code that requires a project shows it's by the people to the neighborhood and not disadvantage the existing character of the neighborhood a number of projects that have been approved it does not meet the criteria and the community needs you to enforce that the community needs
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you to make sure that projects do not hurt the existing community the existing character existing culture and a clear prosper for the neighborhood the interim controls are thank you very much have a nice day. >> is there any additional public comment? >> thank you, commissioners commissioner johns and steve for mary cell first of all, it was interesting that the list of projects that the interim controls was handed out with one correction only two projects left on that list where you're not already already having discretionary hearings for those projects the disburses or interim controls are
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unnecessarily every one of the projects will be coming to for fda approval it will be ignite position to take into consideration when o you hear those projects already i do want to commend the staff for making the distinction between medium sized projects and larger projects this is burdensome a money is 50 to $70,000 it is not have to do an additional use but part of lp a process and want to support the suggestion that was made by claude i didn't that projects that are considering a land dedication be disbursement from the landing at least 33 percent affordable housing on the site
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we understand that many things in the mission is land for withholding projects we want to encourage the people to - prop a had a set citywide store the mission about $50 million in planned landing four affordable projects and encourage you to encourage project sponsors to consider the land dedication and needed the land dedication 33 percent of the site not penalize them you'll discourage people from a land dedication thirdly, if you are going to adopt the interim controls i hope you'll extend the policy one set of controls and maybe combroirl maybe contrary and i commend the staff for the affordability act that is state law that does
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provide under which you can disapprove projects and it is important we want to recognize the state law be explicit in the interim controls stated thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> good afternoon, commissioners shawn residential builders association we heard a lot about affordability and as unthinkable about displacement the two serious issues we have in front of us but i've two main points to make one is to appoint the timing the challenge in front of us is compounded because the crisis we hear about the displacement, the eviction those are real life
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problems happening right now but in contrast the production of housing the adoption of area plans the process of previewing houses takes year i can complain all i want and you guys feel the same thing there is years there is no microscopic answer we have to do this in a way that balances the timeline the good news it is one piece of a larger puzzle and hope that can be explained would be small piece it zoning and bigger piece the mission 2020 plan a bigger piece it tic evictions a bigger piece is dealing dealing the ellis act and unit mergers a complex conversation for whatever reason
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you guys are the fiesht because things are on tv i'm not sure what the issue but everyone loves to come this commission i wish the enthusiasm will spread 0 the other parts the city family it will take the strength to address and tackle this problem staff has had a very difficult time challenge dealing with this and no winners or legislatures it is just a very complex problem and i hope we can take from it 80 these two points a timing issue we have to do doing everything we can and respectfully how long it takes to create housing this is not our area plan not our eastern neighborhoods, this was done to a serious of hundreds of meetings and hundreds of hours
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of community didn't need to be adjusted everyone agrees we need the change it takes time change is happening it is a small piece of the bigger puzzle thank you. >> sorry if there are people that want to speak line up on this side of room that would be great. >> i working for - i want to thank first, the staff on the planning department this is a long comprehension we heard from the planning department they introduced the interim controls after a hundred thousand of refuge in the mission they didn't catch up all the projects in the mission and things that are happening in the mission we
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are talking this is a precisely we know the this is a tool that merits the project and for the and community members that advocate more affordable housing this is a tool we want to use for seeing every project they are providing in terms of affordable housing we are innovate stopping the project we are going to continue the conversation to see what else we can get that i will be happy to go to any of the practicing those meetings the association and thinking what they're building is for our community it is in the for our community not for what they build the units their trying to present i also was a part of eastern neighborhood plan we've been changing the rules the
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consideration housing i'd like to change the rules some is no a house, ways, and means committee we're seeing ore people are not able to live in the city 8 latinos in the last year were out of the mission and people that used to live in the city didn't live here we don't have the teachers to supply all the position in the school district no place they can afford to live in san francisco and we need a strong acts we we encourage our leadership to do the right thing we need to push a little bit more and this is what san francisco is known for we encourage you to do more and create i want to finish with we always say in the community you have a responsibility to plan for the people and all for the
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people only. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and other honorable members of the commission my name is a jose gomez a lifelong residents i have handout here it is in regards to a recent 311 notice i got 3 days ago and i was looking at the meeting and rushed down here and put something together this explicit address some of the bigger issues in your projects that are going on which are extremely important as well but it deals more with the concerns of several neighborhoods particularly on the east side with the decisions and also as i heard a previous speaker a lot of the projects
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take into consideration inclusively the zoning laws and community don't address the second part of housing plan which is neighborhood character and existing housing i think those things are very, very important in particular to the mission district where there is so many small sfamentsz that are on either rh2 or rh3 lots as i found out on any block it is nothing effect this is the second almost ideal cottage that is now well - ulceration if you could see the second page the handout what it is and what is going to be it is go, in fact, a demolition i haven't studied the percentages or what the plans
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are anything it is fairly new and i'm smichlt it will an as an example of what is going on the planning department staff needs a little bit more description from you particularly in the preservation the existing housing and neighborhood character percentage has to weigh on projects like this this is one of many in our neighborhood that is happening so you know, i wanted to brought to your attention and also thank you once again i've been before this board this board was instrumental of local heros like sue hester in mitigating others projects similar to this one i brought bra and thanks for the workra and thanks for the work and thanks for the woand tk
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you do. >> sue hester i'm glad to go after my client i want to direct your attention to page 2 of the staff report where there is a list of all of the resolutions the planning department has most of planning department staff a board of supervisors have adopted on the mission i've been dealing with this for 20 years straight we had a big battle in the mid 90s for which decimated not only pdrs built housing hundreds of dollars unit of housing that were not one was affordable so the planning commission has done not evil dirt by the mission by not paying attention to the changes
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heaping one of the things that that would be helpful how what would the mission describe when you start the emeralds plan who is it the mission and what housing were projected in terms of income level for the housing because the plan was adopted in december of '08 guess what we've had pardon me 898 we've had amazing changes in that 98 we have had recessions a lot of vest on housing in the community and we've had google buses from santa fe to make amuse salaries to come into the mission so we've had people make serious suggestions and what you should actually have a staff person at
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every meeting they're checking off the box of names their defective to say at at least and staff has to learn with the developers are saying the standards to apply are just as important as having a hearing a hearing without staff really knowing what the content of the area plan is what the consent of the general plan, what the conditional use standards are not a hearing it is going through the motion we've had a lot of that in the city so i would basically is a you have your operating on an eastern neighborhoods area plan that is magnificentlyly 0 up to date it is based on false information not the reality of the mission right now if you have a plan that talks about massive displacement and
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you need to address it in the eastern neighborhoods plan you can't do that thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> general public comment on this item not seeing any, public comment is closed. >> director rahaim. >> thank you i want to first of all, thank everyone for coming i want to just say a couple of things particular to the folks in the missions we've been meeting being and i know having fruitful conversations i found it personally educational and glad we're in the process i want to also thank claudia for this this has been before and after before and after for several months want to reiterate claude why i said we need to do this and a number of projects in the pipeline i want to recognize
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staff is also person in saying we've adopted the eastern neighborhoods plan i go that plan was adopted loneliness 10 years ago staff said in 2008, that is circumstances that have changed the cost of housing is taken us by surprise and things at a pace not anticipated so it is time to take a pause and a long time this in a way that allows you to pay a higher level of security new just a reminder the commission hadn't done this and adopt our own controls that are not legislation you can't change the basically perimeters of code address can't do the setback and change the affordability but require an extra level of security new i do want to call your attention to a couple of things in conversation a couple of
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specific changes that the staff and community mentioned i want to mention one the community felt strongly that while this is actually requiring the developers to submit studies we have initially not required thirng anything in the analyzed we're approaching at this time i know that staff will krirng t it is a lot important work but some level of analysis and give you a tack on the results of those studies number one and number 2 one of the basic perimeters is providing 33 percent affordable and a couple of things as i look at this it make sense to make overseeing things the same consist so 1/3rd we're asking for affordable and one for land
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use make sense the community is suggesting to us that land parcels for 100 percent projects are one of the priorities for some of the larger a projects in the pipeline and the dedication that provide parcels for 100 percent affordable we'll ask to you to consider and at request to have staff present at meetings i've heard that over several months we're looking forward that and asked that some staff trying to figure out a way for staff to come to the meetings for larger projects and in the budget requests is a request for an alternated position devoted to that purchase we e purpose we will have staff attended meetings and the other thick in the budget request a substantial sum for a
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detailed study of rent-controlled housing stock and how timely true obviously facts in the rent-controlled housing stock so we're proposing a substantial budget request you'll see in a couple of weeks with our budget proposal to do a detailed study of the rent-controlled with that, we that concludes my presentation. and urge you to take action and to reminder you that the mission 2020 plan will be coming to you in march i think for distribution hearing and hopefully in april for adoption. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you for staff and all commenters who commented on this important subject i tend to be supportive of the comments from the pack because i find it really bad to change rules in mid-stream two projects
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that are being do evaluated and filing dates in 2009 so i think that is not a good thing to do and i don't like singling out one neighborhood the many eastern neighborhoods we've approved to have those additional controls, however, i do you know maybe inclined to vote favor in favor for one reason if we set up reasonable perimeter and if they're met those projects are approved fairly easily that maybe nephew on my part seeing rules to meet the so-called demand and then there is a reason why it didn't work anyway it is work or worthy a try the focus like wiener one of the speakers talks about the changes occurred in the mission the negative ones displacement and
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other things these those are a result of factors other than building more housing they're actually a result of not building enough housing i think labor if my statistics are correct they were only 75 new unit built in the advisory committee mission district including the affordable housing i'll check the statistics very low not a spriepts that the pressures on the existing stock are greatest in the mission and other neighborhood because there is so little new buildings being built and people want to live there you can't set rules tell people who can this or live in a neighborhood and who can't that's one of the problems and then so other things a couple of others comments on the pdr issue i think that is important to establish what would be
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considered a pdr use now there maybe buildings that are zoned pdr technically one m zone for many years and things were done at they could be downey done the reasons turned into the other used for 57 or 15 years nobody changed the zoning that was not necessary now we'll challenge the rules we have to set a time limit how far back that was pdr if it is an in active use that use has to be protected and relocated somewhere in san francisco and not necessarily in the mission district but we're lugd businesses out of san francisco because things are expensive and a lot of the pdr uses would be better loomed or located where the square footage represent is the not as high like near chalet or other places
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for pdr in any case we have to make some kind of a timeframe for consideration for what to arbitrary has been in the last decade or so and you know not necessarily have a replacement pdr for something that hadn't been pdr for 15 years the other thing that bothered me in the staff report talks about the larger and medium projects happening for total housing production and housing preservation every week, we get a dashboard that tlufls exactly those things not specifically in the mission district but i think that a staff can adapt that easily enough to give us that information i don't see the need for every single project go through the same thing again and again when staff can do it or
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collectively like the dashboard we get the report on the mission to kind of answer those questions to avoid adding more process and time to the approval budgets another thing that is quoted often by some of the advocates for these controls are this kirsten study if 2007 i'd like to see i yant i can't believe this thing is factual every time you build you require 19 to 25 units of live and work housing i'm not sure what level of affordable housing are we talking about the regional impact or you know is it jobs can i, understand jobs are created by filled by existing businesses over and over filled on a regional basis often this will be part of generation of
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impact but the you know the gardener or the electrician or whoever work region not afford by keeping in business by having their business in one neighborhood i want more detail that is being used i'm not entirely sure it is liability people come from all over thirty percent of my paint or patients come outside of san francisco only a fair small percentage like 20 or 25 percent reside in a mile or two of the office we have to look at those kinds of things other things talk about the maximum debt now i thought we're looking for family sized housing congressman as many units both a small space shouldn't be a perimeter that necessarily prohibit a project from going
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forward we need appropriate sized unit specifically in the mission district we have a lot of families we need family sized projects a cough codify other thoughts i think as i mentioned neighborhood changed and historically in san francisco the western edition and the south beach and soma one neighborhood after another over the course of 15 years it is changed it's economic and ethically and somewhat in build form you can't freeze things in time there is changes we have to protect the people that will there now and want to stay there and i think can be done if it is crafted properly i am in favor of the 33 percent per land dedication as well as more affordable housing as a
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threshold above which the project will not be heard i think 9 months it is good trial period whether to rescind the policies in place i'll defer to staff to see if those are in conflict with each other if they are we'll have to reconcile the two staff preapplication meetings good idea and navigate i'd like to be there i've attend a few you see what happens and the truth really is a lot of times misrepresentations occur before us after i've been at the same meeting that was sad so it is a good thing to have this kind of thing and i think moderate sized projects don't need to epiglottis conditional use process i understand putting it on the larger projects for this even if this flies in the face of what we passed in the eastern
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neighborhoods and mission the mission district when we tried to fight for 10 years to make rules the rules are not good enough and the productions of housing is not causing the problem i think those are the mine things inch think in here and i'll see what my fellow commissioners have to say but properly crafted those controls may have some benefits. >> commissioner wu. >> thanks. >> i could be supportive of some form of those today the devil is in the details it somalia's the suggestion from staff is to include the staff review the information submitted this is a good direction and treat the 33 percent level i believe i heard staff saying no
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need to rescind the previous policy in conjunction with one another. >> to the question of the language other than public safety heath i understand a state law that may require that putting that language in at the at least i'd like to see the reference to the eastern neighborhoods community impact assessment that is a piece of work that was done to talk about what the public health needs i'm open to include the project and the 18 months a discussion for the commission. >> commissioner moore. >> i first time to thank staff for carrying this as strongly and consist it is difficult
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particularly after seeing the november outcome of the november election keeping this in focus it is quite difficult because you have to deal with a lot of disappointments on people's part i would support a number of points made in this interim legislation and glad they're keeping it alive including the staff preoperative it is absolutely a fundamental necessary it gives more transparent and accountability i'm interested in the land dedication of 33 percent i'd like to note and it might have been applied the land dedication is in the mission. >> there are sites in the mission and the requirement they decade a dedicate a piece of laundry. >> some people might dedicate that in lieu of and say we have
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another one that site should be within the mission i assume that was what was alluded to. >> yeah. >> the timeframe of 9, 12 or 18 months 9 seems short 18 might be too long because of the mission action plan i don't want to see any constrictions for the interim controls i want to make sure we're creating a critical balance 9 months is good short and lastly i'm concerned about invoking the language proposed for public health and safety as written i think this commission didn't have experience in the metrics
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of what that does and doesn't mean but you for the reference to the san francisco language about public health and safety we'll understand we have not yielded much used the healthy neighborhood tool in the last 3 years it is become harder to use and for example, we have unlearned how to use it. >> commissioner richards. >> interestingly enough let me read something to you december 3rd young latinos leaders in the mission district for thirty years the heart and soul the latino communities are to preserve it as a hispanic constrict as the others have seen this they've building that the latino flavor is delatitude
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1990 it is going on this is in november the chronicle and i was floored to see that issue come back as far in terms of number of requesters we're talking about 25 years the time is right to adopt those today let me make a couple of comments for anyone to say we should not be be changing the planned we've cast in concrete in 2008, and another market octavia plan we are thinking of upcoming zoning the hub we have a presentation it is disingenuous so the directors comment are on target circumstances cvs have changed and we're to respond to the changes and adopting interim controls is appropriate for this plan today, i think commissioner
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moore's comment the 8 months seems two short and 18 months is too long so my proposal 12 months give us enough time and the reports should be coming up come out of latest spring early summer that gives us a cushion for the admission 2020 plane other things we have going on i know this is the 6 meeting we've nailed it staff thank you you've taken the district comments and crystallized them into something we work with and i like the pipeline i know that to the point of the projects, however, the level of review and the documentation necessary is really what is the quality product no a conditional use with a necessary and desirable but we'll make a decision that will help us make a better decision. >> somebody brought up the 20
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unite or units thresholds but the 25 cut off points for unit likewise, the projects were 20 unit maybe director can help? >> i don't remember the specifics of 25 by the similar circumstances and parts of city. >> it was the sireers conversation estimating 9 previous the large project authorization threshold was 25 thousand square feet i mean it could be 20 or 19 unit. >> okay. >> it didn't address the units but - >> yeah. trying to translate twov 20 reasonable person 25 units. >> great but the projects for larger project we're actually requiring the conditional use
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units an approval can you help me there. >> i know there a different route. >> it's counterintuitive this is emry rogers the smaller and medium sized projects the review that is associated with the large project authorization is limited in scope and barely limited to the vision plan the conditional use is aboard and necessary and desirable and i was looking at the overall decision and that was pretty much the february at previous hearings from shawn and on the cu is burdensome. >> for projects yeah. i'm note and support is it the meeting in projects are about half it is exactly the same impact i understand the burden
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and not put good many burdens we have for developers i like the staff at the presupportive that he meetings that make sense i do support the rental stabilized housing study the project kind of is on that we need better data an rent-controlled units i like the decade change i think to the nexus study and to commissioner antonini's point from where i understand correct me if i am wrong staff what the basis we charge for the fee it is city policy and should be true and correct and out there for public just the scrutiny a demand for every affordable unit you go to a coffee shop and the person that pours your coffee might be generating the need for that
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unit they live too far away they don't have enough people for southern income levels the work they need putting the eastern neighborhood assessment reference is a good idea i have a question for staff on the health and safety word verbiage if you can go maybe give us the give you a little bit of background what we'll do >> i think that is an item worth discussion as you may know commissions your heard from the public they want to you consider the general plan that is actually before you every time you take a action part of the resolution includes the comparability with the general plan and the impact of the section 101 of the planning code and we weigh those projects against those plans that other was meant to drawing your attention to other law in the explicitly in the resolution but
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does always ply of multi housing unit and the housing affordability explicit undermine our general plan it is something not explicitly in other resolution not necessary for it to be in the resolution other than it helps you and the public understand the other laws for the projects. >> thank you. >> i said have two other things to add for the fellow commissioners to consider in the under 4 under the controls two section two c and d i would include a note in there we talked about do morrison study it has something that says overseeing market rate housing will require those many affordable units get it out
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there in plain view that is a need for them and any part of needs toad be creating that need i'll add that in there and in the housing production as well i'll add some type of a small area that talks about within a quarter of a mile of the project what kinds of displacement like the ellis act so we see the people moving in and buying houses and the people, evicted to said what is happening economically in the neighborhood two additional changes thank you. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you also supportive and moving forward today with this over the 678 or seven months we've passed the policy and i think we want to make sure we are actually going to be doing something that the useful now in 2020 is coming up and things that the legislation hopefully, will be seeing in the next 6 or seven
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months yeah, we need to be doing something sooner than later so i have a couple of questions some of them are upgraded changes hopefully, we'll look at it as we move forward. >> sure. >> lean forward. >> okay, here we go that's all right. i want everyone to hear me all right. so in no particular order so the first in terms of some questions slash changes we are requiring some additional information if he were to pass the interim controls from both medium and large sized project i have a comment only the first is on the affordable housing production sort of sect
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of information especially for medium sized projects i'll ask the commission i mean, i, be supportive of it more information is less than or better than less i question how useful it is because what it says discuss whether or not the affordable housing could be provided on site 0 through various means public finance and money and housing trust fund and other financial incentives and the state law or other legislation we passed and i think that that is i don't want to put a top metrological i think all technically is yes but, find new money or produce an incentive or developer in many, many cases could tuesday morning the bonus law or pass a
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local bonus legislation in other incentive but whether or not they tampering of that and whether or not we should consider that in the approval of the project i'm not sure i'm not sure it is useful for us to get into what can sometimes devolve cerebrothe project not sure that is helpful i will actually want to see a little bit of destruction whether or not you agree i'm happy to keep it in under more information better than yes. >> technically you could more incentives but what i'm not sure very much the second is on the tenant displacement it asks again additional information of medium and large sized projects whether the rent board we had a
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presentation if the rent board and asked them a lot of pointed questions with who information and to they do their best to track it they don't have great information on the buy outs owners are offered a buy out this f that possibility public school these things happen under the table here i'm give you a one ak and they don't report that the rent board guy was saying that i am not an advocate not useful so i think we need to keep that in there we need to have it with a grain of salt and asking whether or not they're having beauty outs we'll get accurate information and when looking at
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whether the approval project we don't have the same information every project on that fact some project may have it most of them not based on the reality how that works similarly on i believe this is the large projects only we asked for information other than economic pressure and again provide the information about the hours for the evaluation how 9 effect of affordability so indirect displacement a nice idea not sure we'll have consistent information and even we have it i feel we're going we'll be questioning the basis for every time rather not have pieces of
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information on its face none able to agree so on the economics pressure i actually would ask we strike that one and rely more heavy on the total housing production and each other production information ask and take the economic pressure off the table because it can't add to the conversation this is the 3 point on reporting additional information from these projects on terms of size i don't think we have i'll make the comment 234089 a lot of argument but why the 25 make it 20 a certain number of projects i'll argue to keep it at 25 one a moving target and we've seen smaller projects at that level and the
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other thing once you start to go smaller and smaller again, the information is less and less useful for example, affordable housing production when. >> have a building 15 or 20 units is difficult to have once that hours have a conversation about the land dedication you're talking about small lots it is challenging conversation to have i'd like to keep that conversation to where the projects were actually really relevant and meaningful to the neighborhood it is to where we're talking about a kickoff of things here port the staff meeting sounds like something in the budget i'll support is it be clear why the staff is there the meeting you may say it is marketing we don't get accurate information there are i don't want to mix up 9 developers are project sponsors
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responsibility to prevent information to the public with the city's responsibility to also present the information to the public and make sure we go through our process i definitely see a contention project people trying to super 150ed never mind of the planner with what will you say it is the project manager responsibility when you don't believe what they're saying come to the planner on the case come to the commission we'll talk about those hears i want to make sure those things are very, very clear different purposes in terms of housing disapproval we might might have answered 24 from the response of ann marie and the questions we've heard strike it we compile with the state law whatever it applies to what we're doing as far as the
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city of san francisco u city and county law and not sure why we're calling on and on out one thing it didn't change anything about our ability to say yes, so i'll say take it out pdr so 24 fwoz to another reporting requirement on yeah - so we asked for additional information about the displacement and demolition of certain uses this point was brought up by commissioner antonini touched on that if you have a lot where there was not accordingly, you saw it for years and years and years i was the last business was a generation g ago but tenants
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making use of use i think where we can clarify it on c's we ask for when we're doing occasion of pdr space or if you're going to displace it for inventory of similar uses i wanted to see a clarification of similar uses of tenant or something like that you know, i won't want to say if you have inventory similar people say 20 years ago a automobile repair shop now we need an inventory of how many repair shops are there right now but keep to the current tenants a b and d are the current use for additional information how you, your raping that the relocation that works those
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