tv Planning Commission 12116 SFGTV January 22, 2016 10:00pm-12:01am PST
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case we're talking about things under 15 hundred square feet it is the average of most noah valley homes being family housing and no car no place for a car nonetheless your lucky if you have school-aged children and get into al invade you don't need a car to take the child to school so those are questions that i think need to be asked i think that whatever you do it would be nice it it were made smaller for the people on the street i hope you'll codify with the thing with the windows the windows on the rear are one size and they're made much larger after - bless you - after their approval it happened around me the staff goes to deliberate
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manipulations and somewhere in the process the permits is issued the structural drawings are issued and dbi the windows are made larger i hope the jersey street people will think that about very much. >> is there any additional public comment? >> okay not hearing or seeing any public comment is closed. commissioner moore. >> i'd like to start with saying thanks to stephanie staff we've lost the rooftop stairs and elevators this would have not yielded passed here so i appreciate the guiding the developer early on i regret the drawings don't properly reflective those changes that's the way i see that the project is code compliant it is something we have to take as a face we're starting to look at
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it relative what makes it necessary and desirable and i think that issue which really pops in my use this building is extraordinary large particularly we've seen in the context of this picture that makes they think this cut-and-paste was not to scale what is wrong here so we fought what this is wrong one of the things that strikes me this building on the interior is completely and totally i want to simplify the words too many stairs and the first thing i like to direct your attention is for example, the stair on the left side the building leading to the basement unit and cutting down on the retail space i like to suggest the stair to the basement is eliminated base there is the
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major entry corridor on the latter part to the stair by which people cocoa go down this stair to the lower unit what i suggest is that the entry to the retail distinctly pushed away from the residential because the combination including looking at this photo the ambiguity of what is residential and retail should be really public health to a well-designed mixed use building looks like you don't have those next to each other it confuses the issue in terms of the latin-american and the door height, etc., etc. a simplification from the outside when you do that the building starts to shrink now mopping up it is clear to me somewhere along the lines the stairs shown in the upper part of building not sufficiently long to get you over 15 feet because we're
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supposed to approve a 15 foot ground area that stair is longer and that affects the upper units and the lower unit sit proportion let meeting next to each that's about the architect loonl looking at percentage but most bothers me is that we have not yielded using what, if anything, we do in other neighborhoods that the fourth floor has to be clearly setback about 15 feet total and there are no, if and butts we owe to ourselves the standards we're using for other people rather small and minute california scale in and of itself that reduces the upper bedrooms i think about 6 feet
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but leaves a fully functioning room not a breaking down breaking down of the functionality the using equal setback from the rear on the penthouse that should be set at 14 feet if the line from the commonly shown holds the remainder of the residential design is a sizeable reasonable roof deck we most have the ability from there to have views into the knowledge donor messengers and windows we have much more appropriate this is any suggestion 24 building needs to be drawing by intent and cbe
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approved - create the stair length and the reconfiguring the entrance to the upper floor and the ground floor in the more probably manner and pull the building from the back by 50 feet total that is typical and pulling the roof deck all the way back to the line and leaving out the extra deck on the floor commissioner antonini and i agree with the concerns addressed by even though speakers and to some degree with what commissioner moore said i think that a good project it could be better if it were 3 units with each around 16 or 17 hundred square feet with 3 car parking that would be a
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single-family unit one can identify large enough for families to put their car they'll be driving if they choose to go to schools on the other side of town but if they go to saint phil's is a good idea to get construction and families that occupy rather than competing for families stoke he could buy the way it is put together the retail parking needs to be improved you look at the gift store next door it is welcoming you have a clear windows and some forecasting along the front you don't need floor to ceiling windows i can't tell if so the interest for the residential units but as much
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as possible it needs to be more welcoming put some wood and make that look more a corn unless and make that look at the rest of noah valley those are things i want to see done the rest of the project is probably okay. i'm going to supportive support it with administrations you know i'd like to see the 3 larger units are parking more realistic but you know, i probably will support it ever it is without parking but i'll see what my fellow commissioners have to say. >> commissioner hillis. >> i want to align myself backseat with the 10 foot setback sloepz to the 15 feet it
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needs the 15 feet setback i think on the side of the building the parapet wail is a solid solid wall i'll see this from 24th street and is other side of the building it didn't need to be a parapet wall you setback that and make that a clear glass structure not setting back it 3 feet but kind of reduce the volume so those are my thoughts. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> when i saw the drawings on this i actually remind me are a building down the street that was accepted right hand 37:30 it look this but didn't have the penthouse i mean it is probably
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the size of your building and it was on a vacant parcel of land if come before us and the neighborhood navigate they maxed it out and the concerns concerns the commissioners have thought setback in the front and back i do like it the fact it didn't have parking space but it is on an n cd i talked to sarah jones that wrote about the co-relation about the parking and if you don't have the parking people find other ways to get around uber and, etc. i like the fact of the parking spaces but it towers over the neighbors i want some type of setback a way to
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the edge of the building and the section 317 cited probably will be changing this under review one $.8 million the house was valued at $100 per square feet on the square footage everyone of the units will be probably at or close to demolishing i think we need to add housing but want to make sure that is not going to be enforceable unit as well i think it needs more work and i think i'm okay are having staff work on the suggestions we had so i move to approve with the direction to staff to work on the changes that we suggested. >> i mean, i second it but. >> okay. >> the setback in the front 15
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the setback in the back an additional 14? >> right. >> right. >> reconfigure the retail to make it more consistent with the pattern of retail lake the one next door and make a space more efficient in reducing the stairs the one to the basement the 1 foot to the upper unit commissioner moore can you help me there. >> the one comment is on the retail space move the door to the intrif where the basement is we're getting a clear delineation of the residential on one side. >> it makes a better building. >> another one to keep the windows in the rear to size that your showing and have i missed anything any other commissioners set the roof deck back from the edge of the building 5 feet.
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>> washington that will eliminate the need for the parapet wall on the side. >> okay. >> i would like to add you know part of reconfiguring the front to make it 30sh compatible with noah valley and perhaps you know eliminate those floor to ceiling windows this is as opposed is to be retail not many retail places in noah valley have windows floor to ceiling so some kind of a code frontage would make that better looking. >> with the discretion of staff. >> right. >> that's a motion. >> the what clarity in the 14 sixth district in the rear is that a specific floor level or is that relate to you missed that specific detail. >> commissioner moore. >> i think that is on the
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third floor. >> okay. >> 14 feet. >> thank you. >> third floor in the back. >> very good commission there is a motion and a second to approve that matter with conditions and direction for staff to continue working with the project sponsor specifically on the design of the building to include a 15 foot setback a roof deck setback of 5 feet and 14 feet on the 3rd street excuse me. ground floor retail and moving the door stair reduction for efficiency and rear windows and more compatible with the neighborhood specifically the floor to ceiling windows. >> this setback an additional 5 feet. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson excuse me. commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to
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zero. >> expirations. >> okay. i think we'll take a quick break here and well. >> we have one item left it could be long. >> are you guys okay. you want to take a short >> good afternoon and welcome back to the san francisco planning commission regular hearing for wednesday, january 20, 2016, remind the public to proceedings. and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. commissioners, we left off under our 2:00 p.m. calendar on item 8 design review and guidelines for our review and comment. >> good afternoon, commissioners
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jeff director of current planning we're pleased to bring you, you review of design guidelines in san francisco there are challenges and in city's design system as a result, the process could do better in terms of qualities a all participants want predictability the effort will address the sufficientries and i live i instill to for the process and supporting tools you'll hear from the challenges are not due to a lack of design regulation but the approaches as much the process we've began as one of the analysis and compassionate and installation and review of best practices we've initialed more creative
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tasks the fun stuff with the draft urban design set of guidelines the first of implementation for the design quality ♪ great city before ucsf's to mia and david i want to announce the other troishl she was out of school we refused to release her into the the wild and a planner in the department for two years were with that, uniform san francisco questions i'll end it up with mia who will introduce you i look forward to your comments >> okay. thank you. >> thanks jeff hi, i'm an architect and i am going do introduce the urban
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design guidelines and this is a really good spot within the process to begin to get our feedback and substitute into the process hopefully for the city dialogue we'll run through those and whatever turn out or current standing and open up i'll bring david up here a true collaboration so - >> so san francisco is known worldwide a beautiful city specifically due to the typography and setting back and picture view we as the residential design team has beautiful parks and a thoughtful ensubstantial we feel the understand guidelines must acknowledge the scascale
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- san francisco a set of unique neighborhoods the fabric of those streets and building and public spaces that give it character elements that you about is the fabric the place itself and steward this is our role a help new lemons but contribute to the fundamental patterns that make that recognizable over time additionally the built environment is american people embodiment of the place through the process of those guidelines we've pulled some to articulate how it views itself this is what we pulled and found in the beginning understanding what the fundamental seekers are and
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sustainability of the human made environment and ridicule the preservation of our history to support our past and embodies the as permission of the future and build a healthy economy we value a built environment that is supports address gives space to culture and social space how we think about to foster the social well-being and the human rights that could. to san francisco through the larger systems we value the quality of life of the individual so it is about how we come together but beauty is important and individually enjoy the city so give you a little bit of background understand guidelines are they alone where they sit within the process they are general principles of excellence
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and neighborhood xhashtd radios are for the two fundamental convenes and characterizations by the orchestra center lane of the landscape and open streets it needs to work together with the specific sites and context where they're related to and when they get applied so their applied as part guideline and prior to seeking the commission approval in aspects before and after approval it sets within section 3309 and, etc. with the authorizations and it sits within smaller designations for example, under formula retail but can happen kind of discretionary and through the discretionary review authorization there the
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sfwiement revision and addendum approval approval we seek this often often through the dpa and get a sense of what is happening a so it has significant consequences for the sponsors the components the architecture the 3 topics and also it is important to understand how many different design guidelines that are competing or working together i'll reader this but nearly 3:30 sets of guidelines that making many of the issues redundant or hard to use what the thorough authority of different guidelines so cross the top a list of factors and
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element that we're having an effect on parks and buildings and sites and all the amenity and on the left a list of guidelines seconds everywhere a blue box wire trying to regulate that component and taking guidance for example, windows or demonstration it patterns and many times certain elements show up in the guidelines so this is challenging first of all, figure out which ones apply and in their go consistently applied some of the guidelines the aspects and different guideline sets can be outdated and not necessarily explain the intent or with the purpose is
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so if i zoom in here you'll see a little bit more clearly some of the kinds of things we regulate or try to effect the design quality for instance, conceptual comparability and the typography and rooflines and finer details the porches and active use the top 3 are the ones that apply citywide that is the upgrading guidelines the historic guidelines both which are in development right now, better street plans another example a large chunk to specific neighborhoods and areas and the ones on the bottom part elements within the building so you know when with but have those things over lapsing that is complex to make sure exactly
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the intent of what you're trying to achieve so in terms of how this works right now we are hoping the urban design guidelines is displaced with the intent we combine the guidelines by project types and area or citywide issues into a sort of master document this is intended to create a common language we can have a acholic beverage process increase our ability to enhance the used ability of the elements within them it sets that expectation of what we hope to get and hopefully, there will be fewer design iteration a smooth process and the common language we speak with you as well as the project sponsors and architects and public so what are the urban design
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guidelines i've described sort of the overarching document the upgrade of urban design guidelines and establish a citywide set of asian prirsz and four fundamental goals or intentions the first is desired great design a design review rankle with project sponsors and others that come from areas backgrounds and working with the local architect and architects from abroad or outside the city we need to at first establish a baseline what is acceptable but certain hopeful for more than that and have the aethsd to do their best work local architect and architects from outing outside of san francisco not do get into the way of the process
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but enhance that process and want to make that clear especially forcing for those from the outside but at the same time and this is part of what we hope to do with the design process we want the projects to be good neighborhood and great ideas but land here in our neighborhoods and sites articulately and thoughtfully and help to continue the pattern while they're here so we want to have those guidelines explain how they support of neighborhood patterns and sometimes in the process we find ourlz trying to help the aektsz looking at what the pattern and having communications around that they may come with their interpretation we want their tlouft participation so really having a great idea
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and being a great neighbors is a component but absolutely important that the individual projects contribute to the experience talk about beauty and earth but this is one component of the creating a great human experience the city to have a high quality of life for all the residents and so this is really what tags into so we intend the open space and streets work together to promote personal and social well-being and things into lock to form that connection and then lastly as i mentioned before we want this to is an efficient and fetish process those guidelines are intended to help san francisco design value be acceptable mission and foster a cooperated system of review
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i think the more consistent for us the more for the sponsors obviously the better i think ideally this becomes a process we are working with the local strrmdz and combetsd that architecturally comes to the table with the values know our values so there is a process in their only design work this this becomes integrated into so just to talk about exactly what the structure of the guidelines there are 3 primary topics their organized as such site and architecture and public realm site and architecture are fairly clear that's why they're part and important to note the public realm not something we regulate in the is that you through a private investment process is more and more important in our integration we have city design
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group within the department and work others public realm projects and cycling agreement and a lot more connection between public realm and open space then ever before make sure we are establishing the components as well. >> so within each the topics there is a set of individual guidelines so there are 23 of them so there are less than 10 per each and they really you know sort of speak to the high quality sort of practice of design but also these issues the conceptual outlet and stale and so by design - how open space a
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buildings work together how to contribute to the street level and looking at the street patterns and others lot patterns can effect and provide local variations with very interesting parts of city the street grid changes and has an impact and get into the finer scale of the building under architecture and expressing and organizing an idea looking at how buildings can be designed volume wise rather than individual elevations and express the idea the buildings are 3 dimensional like the rooftops are seen from the street but also from long distances many of the buildings can be seen from advantage points and then from the public
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realm as i mentioned open space and the public realm and the pornls of programming and also 32 how landscapes participate those are the fundamental elements so, now i'm going to take with an and impact it a little bit so it is clear where they're coming from not things that are oriented in this document rather coming from investigation and research into the existing guidelines and policy and the urban design for example, under the general plan so we'll look to the buildings vertically and horizontally. >> so this is within the existing set of documents in a number of places i've picked out 5 and the first over the course the urban design and the western
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soma and 9 market octavia and urban design guidelines if you go through those individual elements you'll see those issues of vertical and horizontal diefrments dimensions and rather than having those tarnished in several places the city thought of part of overall document can be expressed more individually or more grand larceny support the specifics of this area so this is one of the guidelines looks like it looks a little bit light the guidelines is indicated at the top on the left-hand side this is the intent and purpose of guideline a little bit of history so anything specifically clear ways to achieve that guideline specific examples and ideas how this might be create within an
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individual project and show illustration and paragraphs off other projects it it should be noted this is document we're very much trying to find san francisco examples great stuff why not show it off diagrams that explain and paragraphs of projects that help to explain was we continue to develop the document we will refine and explain the cancellations so noted a draft document and a way of studying how to best explain and demonstrate the specific continued we were trying to get to. >> this is an example not part
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of the specific a-2 guideline but those types of diagrams we intend to do and help establish a lot of the relationships we're seeking to create so in this case something many really helps to show the rip between the inside a building and the outside and convenes and variations that can help support a very vibrant street life into the block environment so the goals for the design review process and the urban design guidelines is the fundamental document that helps us everyday in the process a lot of those come up in the assessment team mergers and to give you some prospective we take the data we saw that over 200 projects last year in the process it is a very intense time to begin review and having
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with certainly help our ability to be able to make them open as soon as possible to express and clarify the process and refine and enhance the application and finally just to get a sense where we are in the process we are, of course, here doing the informational today and will be doing a completion of the imperial review and others to talk to and be reaching out to the stakeholders there is some informal process and will be developing the advisory group with the architect planning with the historic preservation commission and the representation from other groups and hopefully open this summer. >> so i invite our questions
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or comments and i have my colleagues david as well i'll bring up here. >> okay. >> we'll open up for public comment and i'm sure we'll have questions for you thank you. >> okay. (calling names) >> thank you. i came today when i saw this on the packet nephews sort of an official ideas i know with the residential guidelines radio in the finalized until next year but four or five things focus on in the residential guidelines
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and then as permission all the deems on the rear needs to be dealt with those walls are becoming epidemic and the problem i think within the besides the glassy know i've experienced with staff making windows a certain size and in the process the nan no walls that set they create a building on the rear in the rear yard mid block open space large this is here this is more about the what happens to yards when you create a tier thing that is a yard i learned recently those are called privacy fences i'm sorry those are privacy fences that
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need to be dealt with within the guidelines as you can see no natural yard we are losing things like that lots of trees this is what we're getting oversee the pictures they've dug down with a rear yard with a tiered level the whole yard becomes a deck those needs to be looked in the design guidelines the overall scrutiny what goes on in the rear looking at what is there now are they small bekz decks or large what's the massing on the rear or do you have little porches so those counted as a portion of rear yard open space i also think that maybe that's not in the area of the residential guidelines but used
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by the project sponsors their militia marched and help people to get confused and don't know if you're saying one thing and saying something else i think on a hill and they used the description for a flat i've seen that happen i mean that has to do with with how the staff reviews them when staff says they don't meet the guidelines and the stair penthouses and the roof deck see the way the stair penalty trade in the residential guidelines are not how they're being built not up against a wall and 234089 sfamentsdz that's basically, it thank you. i look forward to the guidelines next year thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon john, i just want to start by saying this is a great piece of work i went
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through the documents and dozens and dozens and dozens of good solid concepts and recommendations i want to compliment the department and navigate if so more helpful it is informative and educational but the practical how this is trailed into the results in a real word by project and then i didn't see that explained and, of course, you know i look to see whether it is local communicated and getting those results and since local communities obviously have a lot to oh, i saw one in the way back in the open space session to engage the folks that's not good enough the guidelines apply to projects from the tiniest or the biggest
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they will address residential and commercial cigarette butts go obviously differences in cigarette butts and the tip metrological a small project on a alley south of market the in fill needs they need to talk to the immediate neighbors by the way, whereas the other ends the scale a 5 m project a mega project that amounts to a new park clearly a much more a very extensive design process for the park logically enough not before at the end of the scale what you need in the guidelines to describe how the community will be involved in the scales and circumstances and so that people can see how they will be involved and engaged i often think that redevelopment agency has more to do you're
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aware and having standing ccas they've review in mission bay and so on and an vantage it is over the course of the years they exist exist for many years development constitutional knowledge within their community and the consequences not lay people asking off the top of your head do you like this or that is that shallow but people that face that choose a dozen times and make a disguidecision bundles knowledge and experience in some ways the cca has the right answer and definitely thinking about this in central soma there is be so much design review thank you.
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>> good afternoon commission thank you for allowing public comment here on those design guidelines i'm jennifer jones the executive director of the local chapter of the american institute of architect representing over 23 hundred architects e architects in marin county and a i a is some support of modification for the system and encourage the commission in support of consolidation of the establishment of the updated guidelines and further a i a wants to commend the san francisco planning department for the draft document it is 5 years in the making local agencies formed a working group with the san francisco planning department we lard to further finalization the documents as well as the residential guidelines last updated 15 years
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ago thank you for your time tod today. >> next item, please. >> hi my name is neil schwartz and member the a i a and a practicing architect in the city and a professor of the college of the arts i've been the chair of the committee that jennifer mentioned the joint san francisco planning a i a for the residential design review we've met every two weeks to improve the collaboration been between the a i a and planning department and proud to part so on behalf of the a i a and specifically our working group i want to wholeheartedly support
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this and others design guidelines in the city and architects look to the planning department to be leaders in prompting and articulating those contents to the public we're eager to use our concept to support the departments goal those are critical for the future of the city and encouraged by the openness and acholic beverage leadership of the department thank you. >> hi my name is lisa on the working group the a i a sfr san francisco i'm a professor of the architects here in city a a a residence on potrero hill i want to talk about the need and the consent of the guidelines the first, the need you think there is a mystery a long backlog in planning and it forms a bottleneck part of this the
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quality of applications and that backlog the quality has to do with with architects including myself being reunclear how to deserve the clear depiction and references i have look at the guidelines as today with the draft and in particular the architecture section more deeply i also like to strongly support of content in the guidelines overall i feel a delicate balance between thoughtful and considerate with innovation and for the city to perceive the progressive architecture i want to mention part of idea for the guidelines is to encourage historically it's been part of for the buildings to happen he
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feel the guidance goes a long way to have this happen. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon. i'm brick gladstone an attorney at bridget san francisco i'm encouraged that the a i a the constitutional of t institute i feeling - of the residential guidelines in the past i'm a very pleased to hear that the a i a local chapter it comfortable and over the course in advising clients nothing better than
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showing them pictures it is so complicated i appreciate that very much i also wanted to say i do have an issue with the gentleman's comment there should be a citizens advisory committee for the central soma i've followed it closely one of the things i want to point out the district the redevelopment district the gentleman spoke of which are ccas are large areas but similar sized blocks and had a lot in common with each other in contrast the central soma area has a variety of the zoning and variety of height limits and a variety of street character in
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the small alleys from residential residential units so the huge blocks and the enormous heats of blowing lots so i do wonder from the cca covering that grandfather an area of planning code and geographic diversity could develop that over the rapid period of time we'll see this developed hopefully so i do have concerns about that and while i virtual agree with the remarks of the cca for the redevelopment district i want to caution about we go in that with only large cca for the zoning area thanthankarea thank
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>> sue hester i spent the past week viewing other redevelopment files on the waterfront projects i have a couple of comments from the context one is your current process of u dad being inner similar and not outage to people didn't work for the public i'm sure i'm not saying a citywide u dot but they're clearly identified people in the area that commented on the eir they should be put on a place where you get some information the u dot of '75 howard street i only got it after long after the approval because you have to
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make a public record request request and might get an answer the u dots are atms dots are atms non-fundamental when i went through the redevelopment process basically comments how you apply the urban design plan to other projects i was looking at the gap files and so they were politically the urban site plan as a context of shipping to the waterfront and it was in the records i could find it the urban design plan was adopted when i dealt with planning by jacobs and the planning if their make no non-operate active some sections should be up front and is so how
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you apply looking this i don't see how i apologize stepping down from the waterfront to the hills maybe this is there go somewhere but my own experience is s o m architects have told the city you do the financial district and go north-south then east west, 8 washington is it is 75 howard that was of the analysis that is ultimately put before you so and the other thing i found none reads the files no one goes back and saying when they created the park on the waterfront and the embarcadero what were the goals it was the
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redevelopment agency not the planning they have no jurisdiction but they said a park needs to be unshaded and the planning department didn't pay attention anymore thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> on this item? okay not hearing or seeing any public comment is closed. director rahaim >> thank you first, i want to thank the staff for getting to this david and mia and jeff assured me when he came from portland two or three years have a positive benefit and navigate how we do our project reviews so it's taken time not 5 years but two years we've been at it for 2 i really think this is a great milestone and couple of things it is
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important to remember those are not replacement plans it is you know they don't deal with a lot of things in the projects not the use don't deal with the other noifktsz those are out of their normal course only one aspect of the development the design and the relationships to the open spaces so i do want to make sure we are not bogged down and somehow solve the issues that come up on to regular basis having said that, i think that is important for the gentleman's comments to clarify how those are used with respect to the community involvement i would while tha there might not some positive developments in terms of the process i'll
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take exception with harry colleagues at ocii in our areas were the finer products i think that most will agree some are not having said that, i think there are a lot better they used to be and going forward but i think that is important for us to clarify in the guidelines how their use and who they're available to i think that was the intent gordon's in the draft i i would like staff to clarify for the commission and public how they used the residential guidelines. >> staff architect the intent for the guidelines they're the urban design guidelines to be the overarching umbrella that established the design expectation at scales and buildings they don't supplant the individual guidelines so when one starts with the guidelines on issues but the
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residential project for example, kwierp this still the review to occur using the residential guidelines so we're looking at this as a consolidation effort for a lot of guidelines that are redundant in documents in the departments plan use and a restructuring of the document itself how it gets used and who it can you be used for other purposes you paramount is the usable and clear to us in the department so it is clear and useful to you decision makers it is clear to the community groups we have had a picture of boosters take a copy hot off the press and adopted it to an interim sense for controls ♪ their neighborhood going forward and how to say formally adopted so the intent to be useful
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universally thanks. >> thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you for a very good report at the beginning of the report i think one of the best thing was a quote from herb the city is not measured by the length and w50ig9d but the boardness of its vision and height of it's dreams that is appropriate beginning and in that sense you know some ideas on public space we don't have the luxury we had with savannah began to design the plazas but once again we get lucky and file a space with pafsh hopefully as we move forward central soma we talked about increased height make sense for important affordability and one more thing
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to in return for the increased height maybe have increased open space and you know or i'm impressed on 41 street is it so covered and pubically assessable if this is a unique situations but a lot of ways to do this so many building have's about flushed to the student not inviting you know we need to have some sort of setback particularly with buildings to allow be inviting to the that is the first one i don't know who choose the building on the cover of the thing i'm impressed that that particular building maybe it was colors it is staircase and an example of a lot of things we approved and
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sometimes, it is embracing we lost the ability to add things for decorative reasons cornice and ginger bread everything is stark we're approaching that we live in a city with gre existing forms that have development over the years and should try to replicate innovate copy but replicate that style as we build new buildings with ed award and the wonderful way they use the masonry in the marina and other parts of city can be done with you know in contemporary buildings users the same matching the materials instead of everything glass or metal you walk through parts of
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manhattan and chicago and new orleans is there is a new building it is conceptual you'll not see the stark things thrown in the middle there recent architecture and but we try to at least have the character the neighborhoods it is important we have the opportunity to windshield if areas that are previously unbuilt there are areas in the western san francisco that lends themselves we should do what we did you know one and 50 years ago and put the grid pattern that makes the building our difficult but it is what the city is famous for and creates the businesses we have instead of curb last year streets on hills if we have the opportunity that would be a good thing and also not all
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glass walls and have have the use of other materials that is cheaper to build all glass but everything didn't have to be that way glass on part of a wail and materials on the other walls you'll get plenty of light some of the older buildings are pollutant without having floor to ceiling with galleys i think that balconies my feeling the julian balconies are more practical and they don't look at awe pejsz sticking off building like miami and this is just some general ideas but i think that
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this is some general concepts that i'd like to see as we move forward. >> commissioner moore. >> i like to think thank the department for this discussion and i think you did great by speaking about policy alternate didn't present this is final but laid it with thoughtfulness that part i appreciate at sometime i hope to have the opportunity to present how you put the draft package together but i'll not spend the time i'm encouraged you have not yielded asked for consultation by specific brand architect but use the i and in the past and frequently in the eight or ten years the i a steps
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over the lines and he individuals not liking the guess so but taking did responsibility to come forward with thoughtfulness what is discussed as professionals as well as teaching engagement i think that dual message is extremely important we need to hear it from all ends and creating the guidelines was difficult and some of us in a practice have done ♪ private practice in order to make them not two riefrth or per drive about ideas in the end the devil is in the details with the photos and even were diagrams or housing so there was never a one for one something looks at a certain way and being used as an idea that in mean someone search warrant can say this is what you need to do not in attention with
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the guidelines the lovely drawings you used many, many years ago we need to take the next step and step into the play to start of dialogue i appreciate the comments by the public we need to hear both sides but not about divide and conquer but thoughtfully move forward i look forward to participating more thanks >> commissioner hillis yes, thank you for this i particularly like the comment about the aspiring design architects too often you hear they're n they're not inspired we like the fact in you know it is the balancing it was talked balancing the process with inspiring good design ocher incapable the process with the
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bad design and people think we'll talk to an architect that is present something and we'll say shave this off and cut that and add more articulate to that that looks like it has been designed by a committee so you know but i agree we need process and the community involved and i think educating us on the staff people community about what good design looks like is good and this is a great step in doing that i think it would be good to be more showing we often see projects when in their an paper and not necessary built and people see the master but i'd like to see you all come to tell us what you thing the best buildings were in the last 12 or years and a i a and which ones
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met the criteria we may disagree but generally agree i think that would help inspire and educate folks inform what good design looks like good design can solve brothers and sisters buildings on this scale in massing two things i just want to note the one in section on site design create the new quarters is confusing it has been used you know often the design guidelines are to fight the project the nature the guidelines but the corridors there is a comment about let me find it exactly create new view corridors from
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the street from public streets you know which is if you have an by lot does that mean you shouldn't build on is that needs clarification we have that before look at what the design guidelines say preserve those buildings so how you can work with those is important and then the other ear we got into discussion i think the architects and communities need kind of inspiration on the vertical and horizontal you show a couple of pictures one building is not i think sprashl i think if you look at the buildings you've shown in the rest of the presentation there are not a lot of that express the recidivism we get those
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buildings that express the per verbal every material is articulated we see more and more of that and disgoose it is worked on i'm skeptical so i think this leads to more of that so i get rhythm. >> can you clarify that the reason being there is a rational in that example of in our paycheck the rational this is a you know the grit of city has a primary rhythm of 25 to thirty foot mud. >> of beggar building but some
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other kind of materials that define the rhythm of the building >> my request for the clarification are you saying that is not a good idea or something that needs to be very clearly expressed as to - >> a bunch of the materials thrown on the building to give it strips. >> so an example a project on grove and divisadero it is a big building but out of scale with the neighborhood but across the street a 7 story this that is taller and bulkier and is a thirty style building those buildings work they're not articulated vertical they have a rhythm. >> they've got base. >> you know those new buildings will have bays but this bay is
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green and this one is made units of wood and the building on hate street at the foot of coal every time i hate every time i go by it it was made with a 25 foot block didn't work the building built on parcel p on the boulevard i worked on this to divide it really divide that they tried to do that 80 through the articulation but i don't think it worked so i just think we need more guidance and the architects to see how it works we see it a lot so you had a presentation in potrero there's
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no breaking up of that building but it fits into that neighborhood in a quasi the losers work the same material you know rhythm so i think we get catch up and the answer to rezone to what you build in the eastern neighborhoods is you build larger in scale and so how you do that right it can be done but sometimes, we try to throw up different materials to disguise it. >> some of the guidelines too particular work or balance each other the horizontally and vertically we have challenges
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with architect when they come out to san francisco they're not as familiar as david can describe a little bit in getting into seeing and understanding they have a large project in a area with that kind of case roanoke, virginia that it is not you know sometimes the height is absent different but try to articulate 2 may not be the slightest augmentation of the facade but more massing investment so one thing vertical articulate and horizontal articulate the second one is render the facade with the texture and depth with the historic buildings like cornice and others a finer grain details that is very hard to find in buildings partially abuser of
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the buildings we make them different than decades ago architects can take on one of those as atsz their primary architect but the architecture in the fine-grain specialize in that and getting to you know the demo projects for example, they'll use the materiality but the vertical articulate is there but is more they can take one thing and make that the most important and the other more presents but to deal with different scales and make sure the hierarchy are because of the sameness of the facade to given ideas of things to run with. >> again, it will be good to
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show what we thought worked i know it inspires people what worked but really what didn't work. >> where we are the process we're at the stage we're looking at for the great diagrams and you know getting effecting from the ssi is helpful that way you might see it this way we read this this way. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> several disjoined thoughts having this accentuate what you want to see versus the creativity i think stifle this is a great way to do it so the folks are a good way to do their design guidelines i think the whole probably multi hundred guidelines coming out we'll get a copy of them so okay
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could couple of other things one of the things we hear complaint about i think your help address is it the u ad process hey what went on john said he likes overview liked this and that and the other didn't like but how it meets the design guidelines is incredibly key and the small paragraph we traffic accident off this for that you don't have to do do record request this is at conversation but at least we understand the essence of the discussion that will help are transparency i'm not - i want people to use it as a place to parking control officer holes but at least it helps to understand what the open was and opens up for the public may not
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need another process like the cca if we see the as the experts but noting they're the ones that do this everyday in terms of the buildings in the city a tour would be good and also, if i can have your cell phone number i'll tell you why and liked this an view corridors i completely agree can commissioner hillis there are certain corridors that are safer like delores towards the mint but not a street looking at the monastery building so really trying to delineate what is working or not if safeway with or developed what corridor will it obstruct
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and the church you need to figure out which one to protect and i like the fact i had a sticker here he mentioned this at the beginning the hearing my walk to the waterfront thank you, very much for not wanting to reflective the black buildings we have a dark varied building looking two i site i was thinking of next item please north america ma i see cranes and box i like you see these from the angles you can see it from the street it is crazy so we need to figure out how to hide that i don't know what a happened and this was interesting one i'll go to design by committee and not let the architect do their craft this on marketed we r7b8 scared
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altercating because the architect we trust you blah, blah and when they sheriff's deputy the render it looked horrible but said trust us with those materials and it was with an of the most beautiful believes in upper market but 2000 on the dloorz was designed by the committee from the neighborhoods not one of the better buildings i want to say to the people that practice their craft they use those design guidelines let's see i think that it. >> thank you. >> just to keep the conversation light. >> i'm a light kind of guy light versus dark. >> commissioner moore.
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>> looking ahead we want to throw in a couple of thoughts there are in your minds already the department is having creative effort in the design guidelines the gentleman present a few months ago i hope the creative fonts not moving ahead with full steam have considered as your focusing on what you presented today you remember the beginning point the design guidelines and i'm saying do you open up our conversation and your research to include those that is obviously a win-win your addressing particular issues, etc. all at the same time by the same token the eastern neighborhoods that is being considered as we are looking
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expanding guidelines for market octavia that is another challenge i would also ask that suds with development agreement that have codified guidelines we'll hopefully, i'll go probably off of what i'm allowed to say we may want to examine the positive principles of what you're developing to rereflect on those things moving forward with a larger mission and i know there are legal agreement that govern how guidelines and suds this is treasure island, mroicht and 5 m, etc. being looked at i hope that creativity overlay is being brought to the table the next thing i'd like to ask
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how we address oversized building design i have a chat with mr. many jocelyn shouldn't this be a multi building effort that conversation came up in the potrero hill where the design and design guidelines in potrero hill and the discussion was led how to be cafe dealing with the large projects and had other projects where multiple architects stepped to the line and came up with remarkable things that's something which we can codify those quick guidelines and the process that is encroached i like to try to pile up the task and i hope that
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the i a will go ultimately volunteer to teach these guidelines what they mean when it comes back to the a i a as an organization and to help create and keep the dialogue open to teach this to those architects from the developers side and deliver something which i think this commission is raising eyebrows about. >> can i respond. >> it is our hope to engage in a acholic beverage effort point a i a organization that's my dream. >> definitely when we going back to mr. commissioner hillis comment when we started america's cup out with the guidelines and practicing the architect having being subject
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we wanted them to prevent the worse o worst and inspire the best we have an internal goal when we read this guarantee guideline could we raise they're he's been and say i could do something with that and open-end we'll prevent stretched buildings but hopefully get the buildings that a lot connecting in scale d-4-d many area plans in areas that were subject to da agreement were subject to them and i'd like clarification my belief that the process of those guidelines were kind of consolidation of all the values we traditionally a typically have spread out off the conscious and guidelines as well as documents
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so in a certain sense they're not new and breaking with any past, however, there is probably certain refinements for example, park merced like articulate the buildings with certain dimensional breaks and ours may say something like that modulate horizontally i don't think the two are inclusive but on a case by case basis what is applicable and not override the d-4-d in those instances but obviously review that with the legal finesse of those particular dordz and agreement west portal that is a master the
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entry apportionment to an enpeople respect to what if you're in a certain zone or certain area plancyclopedia res you're in a certain zone or certain area plan or - so they will be referenced in the master document i'd be required in some kind of encouragement and on one hand a united enhancements of at the same time how legal we can say or make that but well worth the consideration. >> have fun. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. at some instances we can learn on the subject how a building can be taller and
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appropriate in a neighborhood the best example a number throughout the city the apartment building on stein near jackson it is much turn around anything around it is a wonderful building and only oozed uses two colors subtle differences and articulation and considerable taller those sorts of things incorporated in a modern contemporary building i like the one open polk and pacific the sponsor was sullivan i don't know the architect but blends with everything in the neighborhoods steps down to meet the buildings that are lower and the one open van ness and greenwich right across the street from the chateau and they
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compliment each other because of the articulation of the newer ones one way to see how good how long does the showed you stay on if on there are for months and weeks and slapping on seconds that will be probably an unremarkable building so may be one the tests. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> just a couple of more points i'm assuming suds it moving forward and hadn't been created with the d-4-d with the retroactively. >> commission a lot of suds development agreement. >> i meant d-4-d so the other things i like the approach that you gave us the
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context the question i have is if we're going to go for simplification many, many other ones that list the plans are any in here where the developer or or pardon i have to use this plus that and conflict i want to make sure that is a simplification experience maybe cut time out so for some of the projects we've seen they say we have with only revisions or two revisions we have 5 big reverberation and then on the of one change it so if we can prevent 5 reverberations applied we can save time. >> i'll certainly is a those are the base and one example i'll say the affordable housing bonus program in which case
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those are the fundamental documents and look at the pieces not covered very, very specific to that program or specific to that neighborhood and that takes time out of creating a whole set of guidelines moving forward that is a effect not only in actually going through the design process but keeping consistency but in the development of new guidelines or whatever dordz that are creative and not redundantly. >> you brought up the affordable housing if i pulled a one page david barker thing and looked at it what you're going to be providing your multi page document is there an offer laptop or explaining how connectingly this will compliment that. >> the challenge in therapy
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prefer the urban design guidelines before but taking the essence and adrc that underneath a couple of differences program one of which for example, looking at what happens when you have side walls; right? so in essence they're only a couple of things with with and the design guidelines are different but the two things are men and women simultaneously we'll have place holders. >> so help get the ah pb over the line dispelling that fear in the responding special all over the place public health to this is we're going to get quality design and density at the same time. >> that's why it is critical to get approved and simplify some of the future things.
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>> i'm impressed great, thank you. >> commissioners. >> sorry from the city attorney's office. >> commissioner president fong i wanted to answer some we see that were asked can wait until this matter is concluded. >> that concludes this item commissioner president fong kate stacey from the city attorney's office earlier in the hearing commissioner antonini asked what the vote was to put a charter amendment on the ballot for more charterer amendments they're the majority vote by the board to place the charter amendment it is governed by state law and there are some circumstances in which a different vote will be required for this for the charter amendment that is addressing the inclusionary housing it is the majority vote
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by the board and then by the voters commissioner vice president richards had asked whether he is could appear an american people individual rather than a commission at a public hearings it testify about a measure generally the answer is yes some nuances to that advise i'll recommend if commission will do that consultant with our office the 3 measures the land use measures that have been proposed submit for the ballot there is going to be one hearing at the board that is required under the law and commissioners may appear at it hearing and the city employees and officers may appear at that hearing to testify as city officials but only at
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that hearing so again other issues or questions specific matters you'd like to discuss please contact our office. >> commissioner antonini. >> a clarification on those measures that are coming before us i guess prop c was the charterer amendment that set the amounts of inclusionary housing that was required passed by the voter then i heard someone talk about ordinance but permanent their charter amendments; is that correct. >> sorry. >> i'm not aware thoughtful universe of what is property by the there is one charter amendment i'm aware of about before the board there are 3 other measures that either 4 supervisors or the mayor have submitted to the
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department of the election not charter migrants it seems to me if a particular amendment was passed by the voter you'll have so revise it to change the charter amendment. >> that's correct. all supervisor kim's measure it the charter amendment that amends what is prop b so it is a charter amendment and. >> and we'll having see what the the numbers. >> commissioners this is not an agendized item. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> you said attend and testify in an official capacity i don't understand. >> in there's a political active memo it is dated september 8,
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2015, there is a provision in that political activity memo that says when the mayor or 4 or more individuals members of the board submit the measure the charter requires to hold a public hearing the city officers and employees may use the effects and disadvantages and disadvantageous to urge the mayor or individual board members to withdraw the measure from the ballot but not urge the voters to vote for or against no city funds can be used for the supervisors that propose it. >> commissioners, the first item on your agenda under general public comment i have no speaker cards. >> new general public comment okay not seeing any, whoops. >> checking my reflects
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the inclusion reform was pulled i'm aware it was agenda dizzy have comments i'm prepared to make on it if that's okay. we understand fully what is going on and the great uncertainly certainty i'm here tim cohen on behalf of the housing coalition on the offsite reform something we've been tracking a long time and this is something about it i mean it is great it's moving but the most generous observer saying the option for developers a failure not transporting in affordable housing the figures we get from most websites this they do onsite inclusionary of
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20 percent and the tiny remainder chosen offsite and a lot of work you'll eventually see about the timing of the delivery and so forth but the proposal you'll see has an element in it we think that a facility flaw the offsite opening statements the geographyic radius it must be built one one mile the promise project to amendment it to 1.5 not meaningful it added the geographic radius to the offsite option in 2006 by supervisor chris daily only one project was deliveries affordable housing in the radius that's the spears project on 1600 market street i
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note the 14 housing unit mission street condo street there different rules $1.6 million away the point we hear again and again and again, if you're members that did radius just means innovate worth investigating it as an option that's a shame the offsite could be a logical tool to produce larger affordable housing then the onsite does and wear concerned that all the effort that is going into present you a big proposal to reform it comes to nothing if it keeps the one feature to make it fail we heard if developers not worth doing half the radius in the bay and half a had half somewhere else i've heard of two instances
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small but 100 percent pardon me affordable housing projects built in the mission to a principle i'll finish quibble but farther 1.25 miles from the principle project and the developers are heard we're working on this and learn thank you very much and just missing opportunities again and again thank you. >> is there any public comment general public comment tonight general public comment is closed. the meeting is adjourned
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particular location, the program? >> this location is very significant. this was the very first and only location granted by the board of supervisors for the street artist when the program began in 1972. how does a person become a street artist? there are two major tenants. you must make the work yourself and you must sell the work yourself. a street artist, the license, then submitting the work to a committee of artists. this committee actually watches them make the work in front of them so that we can verify that it is all their own work. >> what happened during the holiday to make this an exciting location? >> this would be a magic time of year. you would probably see this place is jammed with street
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artists. as the no, there is a lottery held at 6 in the morning. that is how sought after the spaces are. you might get as many as 150 street artists to show up for 50 spaces. >> what other areas can a licensed street artist go to? >> they can go to the fisherman's wharf area. they can go in and around union square. we have space is now up in the castro, in fact. >> how many are there? >> we have about 420. >> are they here all year round? >> out of the 420, i know 150 to sell all year round. i mean like five-seven days a week. >> are they making their living of of this? >> this is their sole source of income for many. >> how long have you been with
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this program. how much has it changed? >> i have been with the program since it began 37 and a half years ago but i have seen changes in the trend. fashion comes and goes. >> i think that you can still find plenty of titis perhaps. >> this is because the 60's is retro for a lot of people. i have seen that come back, yes. >> people still think of this city as the birth of that movement. great, thank you for talking about the background of the program. i'm excited to go shopping. >> i would like you to meet two street artists. this is linda and jeremy. >> night said to me to print
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them -- nice to meet you. >> can you talk to me about a variety of products that use cell? >> we have these lovely constructed platters. we make these wonderful powder bowls. they can have a lot of color. >> york also using your license. -- you are also using your license. >> this means that i can register with the city. this makes sure that our family participated in making all of these. >> this comes by licensed artists. the person selling it is the person that made it.
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there is nothing better than the people that made it. >> i would like you to meet michael johnson. he has been in the program for over 8 years. >> nice to me you. what inspired your photography? >> i am inspired everything that i see. the greatest thing about being a photographer is being able to show other people what i see. i have mostly worked in cuba and work that i shot here in san francisco. >> what is it about being a street artist that you particularly like? >> i liked it to the first day that i did it. i like talking to mentum people. talking about art or anything that comes to our minds.
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there is more visibility than i would see in any store front. this would cost us relatively very little. >> i am so happy to meet you. i wish you all of the best. >> you are the wonderful artist that makes these color coding. >> nice to me to. >> i have been a street artist since 1976. >> how did you decide to be a street artist? >> i was working on union square. on lunch hours, i would be there visiting the artist. it was interesting, exciting, and i have a creative streak in me. it ranges from t-shirts, jackets, hats. what is the day of the life of a
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street artist? >> they have their 2536 in the morning. by the end of the day, the last people to pack the vehicle probably get on their own at 7:30 at night. >> nice to me to condemn the -- nice to meet you. >> it was a pleasure to share this with you. i hope that the bay area will descend upon the plaza and go through these arts and crafts and by some holiday gifts. >> that would be amazing. thank you so much for the hard work that you do.
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>> hello, i am with the san francisco parks department serious we are featuring some wonderful locations in your and very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. we are here at the lovely and historic palace of fine arts, located in the bustling marina district. originally built for the 1950's exposition, the palace is situated along san francisco's waterfront. it is ada accessible and is
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reached by the 28, 30, and 91 bus lines. with its rotunda, columns, uncut the reflecting waters against the eucalyptus trees, it is one of the most romantic settings for special dates, and memorable proposals. it is also a perfect spot where you can relax with that special someone while listening to the water and fountain in the lagoon. beautiful to view from many locations, and inside is an ideal place to walk around with your loved ones. the palace is the most popular wedding location in the city park system. reservations for weddings and other events are available at shakespeares' guard and refers -- has plants referred to in
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shakespeare's plays and poems. located near the museum and the california academy of sciences, shakespeares garden was designed in 1928 by the california spring blossom association. flowers and plants played an important part in shakespeares literary masterpieces. here is an enchanting and tranquil garden tucked away along a path behind a charming gate. this garden is the spot to woo your date. appreciate the beauty of its unique setting. the cherry tree, the brick walkways, the enchanting stones, the rustic sundial. chaired the bards'w ro -- share the bard's words.
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the garden is a gem to share with someone special. pack a picnic, find a bench, enjoy the sunshine and let the whimsical words of william shakespeare float you and your loved one away. this is one of the most popular wedding locations and is available for reservations. shakespeares garden is 8ada accessible. this park is located at the bottom of a hill. it is a secret garden with an infinite and captivating appeal. carefully tucked away, one block from the bottom of lombard street, it makes the top of our list for the most intimate picnic settings. avoid all tourist cars and parking hassles by hopping on
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the cable car. or the 30, 45, 41, or 91 bus. this garden was designed by a the landscape architect thomas church in 19 to -- 1957. grow old with me, the best is yet to be is inscribed at this gem of a park. a lush oasis anchored by gazebosanchoreddekcs, -- gazebos, anchored by decks. this is the place to tell your family the love you share. reservations are available for this hidden gem. i am jamie hopper. until next time, don't forget to get out and play. for more information about
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reserving one of these romantic locations, or any other location, call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. for any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 831-5510. you can also write us. 501 san francisco, calif. 94117. or just walk in and say hello. and of course you can find more information and reach us at
12:00 am
test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test test >> i'd like to call roll at this time. commissioner president wolfram commissioner hyland commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns ask commissioner matsuda and we expect commissioner pearlman to be absent today commissioners, the first item on your agenda is general public comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. i have no speaker cards. >> does any
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