tv Health Commission 11916 SFGTV January 24, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm PST
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find professional that can come in and help you evaluate your building in order to, 1, figure out that indeed it does need to be retro fitted and 2, give you some idea of what that retro fit might look like. and third, evaluation and design to help you determine the retro fit requirement. >> well kelly, i can't thank you enough for being here today. thank you so much for your wealth of information on how we can take care of our soft story problem in san francisco. and you the viewer, if you have any questions, please feel free to visit our website . >> >> flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> commissioner president loftus i'd like to cl at
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this time. please do sergeant commissioner president loftus commissioner vice president turman is in route commissioner marshall in route commissioner mazzucco commissioner president fong commissioner melara commissioner president loftus you have quorum and also greg suhr and director of the office of citizens complaints joyce hicks good evening, everyone and welcome to the tenderloin community meeting for the police commission as many of you know, who meetings at city hall and a third one out to the community that is intends chance to talk about issues impacting the community suggestion and ideas so we do those mayor edwin lee's housekeeping items one is you're
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here from each of the commissioners we'll talk about the day jobs and the second thing we hold public comment to the end after we have a chance to hear from the tenderloin captain and begin the large number of folks public comment is two minutes i want to hear if everyone so, please do respect the two minute limit a requirement of the law so we'll be having it across the board so everyone honor the two minutes that ca we can hear from everybody with that said, i'll start is commissioner mazzucco thank you my name is commissioner mazzucco a commissioner about 8 years a form assistant da and the attorney appointed by mayor ed lee and mayor noouchls. >> commissioner president fong
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i'm the deputy superintendent of the asian pacific islanders each a nonprofit in the city that provides free sliding scale services to the human trafficking and immigrant right and elderly law dr. joe dr. joe marshall the administrator in the school district and abstains. >> i'm sonya the executive director of rally families with the stations services and serve million hospital and on the faculty of usf school of social work and i already introduced myself and suzy loftus a lawyer at the torlgz i used to be a prosecute in san francisco i lived in the sunset and raising my 3 girdles and a nachtd san franciscan so let's go ahead and get started inspector, next
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item. >> reports to the commission discussion one a chief report review of recent activities as good evening commission community i'll be brief for the captains time and a lot of people want to be heard we were not here at the last meeting as director hicks and myself and staff from supervisor cowen's office from you are training division and our cit trainer traveled it wondering to participate in a national reengineering the use of force with an emphasis on the sanctity of all human life and the existence and desolation and all aspects of training we will go back again and or i will at the end of japan to receive a formalized curriculum we hope to entertain not only in
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the stopped san francisco san francisco police department when you across the country as other agencies such denver and los angeles and new york philadelphia, all presenter at that discussion in addition next week the department of justice and the cops office we have to ask san francisco to start a neutrality discussion with regards to the review process was san francisco police department with regard to policies training and procedures and will be significant community input meetings i'm holding told we'll know more will be that next week many of the members of the department parent in the mlk parade and we had another meeting today with the african-american community citizens advisory committee board we are working on the i initiatives some of the members
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are present and will also met on saturday with a group of millennium lift that are concerned with helping the city move to a better place tomorrow morning the members of the department will did you say the current situation an property crime in san francisco and steams at the a board of supervisors community meeting and the measures award to use of force that concludes my report. >> colleagues, any question for the chief on his report sergeant, next item. >> item 1-b occ rights activities. >> good evening director hicks. >> good evening commissioner president loftus and commissioners and chief suhr, captain and the members of the audience i'm joyce hicks the director of the office of citizens complaints
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in addition here this evening from the occ is senior investigator edward mcmann in the adu audience if he'll stand thank you for the opportunity to describe the functions of our office the occ is a third largest civilian offsetting o oversight of law enforcement agency in the united states the may 2015 final report of president obama task force on 21st century mrool and the march from the civil rights from the united states department of justice on civil rights violation by missouri police department acknowledge the performance independent oversight of law enforcement and even though community policing the office of citizens complaints was created by a board of supervisors initiated
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chart amendment daughters by the voter in 1982 the occ become operational in 1983 we're 33-year-old originally in office of the san francisco police department but were later placed in the direct inspiration of the police commission as an independent agency separate in the police department the police commission is also a seven body the occ foundation assist the police department in building rust with the community by being the bridge westbound it the public and the police important conduct and police policies to that end the occ mission is to share police accountability by conducting fair this and unbiased investigation making recommendations on police policies and practices it also
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conducting emotions between complainant and the police in california law enforcement agency must have a procedure to investigate complainant by the members of the public against peace officers san francisco has designated the occ to serve that purpose the occs staff currently of 35 of civilians and who have never been san francisco police officers when we received a complaint from a civilian we conduct an investigation to find out what happened question follow the evidence by interviewing the person who brought the complaint and the involved officers witnesses, and subject matter experts from the complainant or witnesses have others documents or evidence we will object that
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from the complainant is injured we're photograph the injury and ask permission for medical recorders we have subpoena power to compel testimony and object evidence we object additional evidence from the police department in the form of police reports and others documents we visit the sight felt occurrence for two reasons first to canvas for that's to look for witnesses and stationary body cameras that might be located in the area and photo of persons or places and make diaphragms our goal to complete the investigations within 9 months with limited exception we must complete within a year once we complete the investigation we make a finding of whether the complainant officer avoid police department
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rules or local state or federal laws we use a standard of previous of the evidence that that means that the probability of the complainant conduct occurred is more likely than not the probability must be greater than 50 percent our investigation are confidential their protected by state legislation by the public safeties bifurcating by the penal code that investigations complaints against officers are part of officers personnel record and confidential the investigation we do advise the complainant under general terms of our findings on each allegation but not name the officer more don't we advise what discipline was imploded we're preincluded by state law
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the occs website provides the statistics on find open complaints and it has a 134ir78 of each case we investigate o also known as reports again their redacted in the areas of discipline after an investigation the occ feels an officer vivid a rule we forward the report to schufr for further action the chief can comboips to 10 days anything greater than that goes to the police commission for their determination the staff of the office of citizens complaints engages in outreach i've asked to give a presentation on body cameras merry on october 23rd we distribute the materials in
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the tenderloin at various centers as well as the police station and generally for outreach we have a community you outreach extravagant plan by the adopt announcing and communities of color and communities that are altercation not linkage likely to use the services or have conflicts that the police in the complainant and the officers agree the occ will provide emotion as a alternative to discipline in that 2015445 emotions that's 70 percent of 29 cases we closed last year that allows the migrants is resolve the initials with the officers in a dispute resolution forefront or format to bring the involved parties together and no one an effort for those party to
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chief and mature findings a partnership with community boards and also are with the san francisco bar association to provide neutrality meters for how our mediation program we do conduct emotions in lawns go other than english i'll give you a few statistics our 2015 statistics are not full could laid down but have from 2015 as well as 2014 to provide you with some trends in 2015 the occ received 6 hundred and 73 complaint and found the conduct in 47 of them that means we found wrongdoing or neglect of duty in the percent of cases we investigated last year
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i have detailed statistics the a.m. received and how we resolved them in 2014 the occ received seven hundred and 28 complaint we sustained allegations in 8 percent proper conduct in 19 and 3 percent of the allegations were unfounded or not true the largest percentage of the allegations we received for unwarranted action that means that an unlawful search or arrest followed by conduct of miss credit 4 percent the allegations we investigated and we sustained 4 allegations of unnecessary force or 3 percent of allegations we sustained the majority of the allegations we sustained were for neglect of
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duty and looking at the demographics of the complainant 24 percent of the complainant were african-american and caucasian were 28 percent and 27 percent of the complainant 2014 declined to state their race and also our complainants included asian-american and latino 11 percent and others at pointed 3 and those statistics are from 2015 and not 2014 the occs staff speaks several languages the languages cantonese, councilmember marcason burmese tagalog and spanish two investigators on our staff bilingual spanish speakers that's important the largest number of non-english meetings are for native spanish speakers
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4 languages other than the ones i've mentioned we can object interpretation services and we do the way that you can file a complaint with the office of citizens complaints is to come to our office located on the 7 floor of 25 van ness near the corner of van ness and market street he'll assessable by public transmitting transportation and receive walk under complainant between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. another way for you to call us to e-mail us mail us, to fill outer the online complaint form which onlts the website or fax we have an answering serve for after-hour complaints another way to file at the district
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constitution of the united states stations and the personnel will forward to us that concludes my remarks senior investigator edward mcmann is in the audience if you have questions about filing dlament point acknowledging. >> thank you director hicks senior investigator mcmann identify yourselves you want to talk about complaints talk to him members of the audience any questions. >> sergeant, next item. >> commission reports and commissioners report. >> yes. evening i'll be brief i want to update everyone on the status of review of the enforced policies as as you may know following the use of mario woods on december 2nd, '24 commission indicated we'll under go a use
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of forced policy this has on the books the equipment the training and all of that is under review i want to point out that is happening separate say apart from the 3 investigations that are happening into that ended this commission said we'll look at our policies and identify whether they're the best practices and identify if we can do better to get everyone home safe that's the process we've endeavored to do i want to update you on the trip back to washington, d.c. we were with 20 other agencies i will note we were the only agency that had seven oversight represented and a board of supervisors we had a conversation about reengineering the use of force specific around suspects with edged weapons that was other law enforcement agency talking about the need to do this better and to take lessons from place like ending and scott
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land and northern islander they can deploy policy of desolation and relief other things that keep the officers save and the members of the public save is a number of pro tem aspects and realtime policies that this commission is bringing back in asking for many to be included in sfpd use of policy in terms of process moving forward this commission set up 3 informal community meetings everyone is welcome to come and give solutions, ideas you'll hear are more about the recommendations and the reengineering use of force and the remedies that were made to this commission and the chief in the african-american advisory board and give feedback and ideas solutions those meetings will happy the first
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with an is january 21st at the third banting church offering on mcallister park street from 6 to 7 and the next with an january 27th the bayview alliance and in january 2, '77:30 to 8:30 at boo decker clubhouse 246 eddy street it is important we hear from the folks about their ideas and solution they'll are that representing the department it will include the aspects of training and equipment and we said want to make sure that everyone can contribute to this big shift in. >> use of force is perceived and used because 72 hours an issue that effects all of us so that's my report colleagues, any other reports
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for tonight? okay sergeant, next item. >> item one d commission announcements and scheduling of items for consideration at other future commission meeting action. >> colleagues, any items you want to add to the agenda hearing none seth item 2 teresa from the tenderloin to address the commission on police activities in the tenderloin district discussion. >> thank you. good evening captain. >> first if anyone needs to see this we'll get you a chair the chairs are right over there we'll help you with that. >> all right. >> welcome everyone commissioner president loftus and commissioners chief suhr and director hicks thank you to my community for the board and members to be here i can't speak
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for highly of this group that putt together one of the most excuse me. memorable events in the city for the giants trophy the basketball and ice cream that shows the incredible fist of the tenderloin to the tenderloin businesses we thank you for being here and thank you to the salvation army for providing this facility your continued support and collaboration is important my pleasure to present the overv w
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overview. >> as you may know the expansion of the district you see the new boundary up on the screen from geary to mission street to third street to van ness out of order we breakdown the district into 5 segments with those are handled by the foot beat and bicycle control tenderloin southbound a very different district and getting on foot and bicycle is the best way of traffic and one of the most important way to deal with the issues 2 to 3 the
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tenderloin i get drug dealing in different areas and the foot beat is essential for that my feedback group has alone key to my ability to have a larger picture our response it bans data and officers observation our board of supervisors for the district is supervisor jane kim and supervisor peskin the station itself is broke down into let's say 3 shifts day watch and night watch and have a foot feat e beat market street foot beat that was established prior in over at southern and absorbed it with the boundary as you can see with additional
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officers spread spread the resources across all watches as you can see through the years we've been steady about 4 years the number of officers we have now with an and 8 that is the graduating classes wife been having and that won't be he said but continue to increase our demographics for the district i know that is hard it is overall one and 40 officers at tenderloin station male officers one and 15, female 8, and spread out between pappas and african-american officers and caucasian and filipino and latino and middle eastern and females same mix the population in the district itself population of about 26 to thirty thousand
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ravages from asian pacific islanders african-american and caucasian and filipino and latino and middle eastern when we examined the community we see. >> diverse station in line with the diverse community we work and live we also have many languages that your officers speak besides the languages that my officers speak we use in a lot of the station they have them in the language line at the front window we have oozed our cell phones and assess any language we need over spfld training for some of you field training officers that is important for the new graduating classes to center a lot of officers that can refrain we have the crisis intervene is
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extremely important everyone of the officers are trained and sergeant and specialists and hostile negotiation anybody's many of the our officers have specialized training across the watches as you can see the numbers in the coming year the goals to increase the categories cit and h n t now our numbers are crime statistics from 2014 to 2015 ann an increase bans the expansion the district itself so homicides went if 2 in 2014 to 4 majority of our big increases has to do with 80 with auto
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burglary. >> 2014 there was 200 and 84 and next 200 and 43 we are he spreading out the officers due to the increase of officers have officers in the areas that be most effected received from the data and also the stations the reports that we look at weekly review weekly. >> due to cooperation the riderships with the community we're able to respond quickly when an i want occurs because of cameras and the public our officers are able to identify the suspects quickly and place them into into custody quicker after numerous shootings we were there one twenty-four hours and our goal for 2016 to decrease those numbers by 10 percent this will be accomplished slow the movement of our resources
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based on our observation trend and the community and the data focus on the 4 and devastation has been very important for us our numbers have fluctuated through the years right now, we're down on citations themselves and higher other than the focus on the 5 the areas in which most of actions are occurring we cite the diddles based on vicinity mainly an bike you see a decrease in red light, and other moving speeding types of violations we have a lot of officers on foot and binding we decreased our overview - a lot of the groups in the tenderloin itself are were able to partner and have different events for
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kids and young people one of the unevent is books and badges to have the officers read to kids if english or their language they then leave with the book so they read with their family members in the language of their dhoiz that is community outreach but encouraging reading at home our goals for and reduce crime and creating save corridors with community members that are here we constantly talk about those corridors need to be safe and secure so skids and ireland anyone can walk safely. >> (inaudible).
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>> all right. so let's go over the goals for 2016 we're to enhanced the programs we have a pilot program in which we mesh that the juvenile we match kids with a couple of the offers an expanded pilot program we're going to train the officers to be mentor and assist the kids through the juvenile justice system the programs will be coordinated in partnership with the groups from the district as well as local artist and musicians officers participate or direct the activities to build trust and community the partnerships are aviated ♪ district hospitality house and st. anthony's and the american
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academy and larkin streets and local two and bianca's and the ymca and the family housing clinic and many, many more we feel we can build berlin program for the people in the district i want to thank the tenderloin for trusting me to give me me time to make 24 a safer place for everyone there is much work to do thank you commissioner president loftus and commissioners for coming to the tenderloin and at salvation army thank you again hosting us. (clapping.) >>
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(clapping.) >> okay ladies and gentlemen, as is our practice we would withholding the questions for the chief to hear in the public move into public comment i'll ask you line up sort of in the area of reverend brown for public comment. so we can get to everyone in an older fashion we don't need to run everybody we're here as long is as you guys are sergeant, next item. >> >> you go item 3 public comment the public is welcome to address the commission that are within the the public is welcome to address the commission on items not on tonight's agenda. >> excuse me, sir. >> the commission.
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commission nor the brief response. any individual and the police department should refrain from debates or discussions with the speakers during public comment. hold your comments to 3 minutes, please. 2 minutes. >> okay. we'll begin public comment reverend brown welcome and good evening. >> chairperson commissioner president loftus and members of the commission and chief suhr members of the police officers association i've discovered are here tonight
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and in her absence ms. gwendolyn woods who shouldn't have experienced the loose of her dear son what is happened in this town shouldn't have happened john depositing was right no man or woman is afghan island to himself but a part of humankind never since ask for whom the bell told us for the dedicate of any human being dmishsz us all i came to this night tonight to
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say justice must be served however, with the provision that the wheels of justice about mother move slowly but with deliberate speed therefore the national association for the advancement of colored people the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the world through the national office is calling for a fair, justice sdpirnt investigation. >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker. >> thank you, sir
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> thank you. next speaker, please. >> > thank you. next speaker please. >> thank you reverend brown. >> next speaker. >> (clapping.) >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening, members of the community and police commission and command staff and chief suhr and my brothers and sisters i'm officer out of bayview station a current cit member hostage notable and teach at the police academy innocent until proven guilty under the current system we're
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innocent until proven guilty x beliefs are very old. >> hold on. >> officers we've got a long ways to go please stop please stop everybody gets two minutes guys everybody gets two minutes everybody gets two minutes i don't want to have to adjourn this meeting everybody gets two minutes two minutes (talking). >> if you want to be heard we'll get to hear from everybody officer williams. >> officer williams. >> under our current justice system we're innocent until proven guilty from our board of supervisors the men and women of law enforcement the men and women of san francisco police
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department took an oath to serve and protect and in a time sacrifice your lives we are the san francisco police department we are what you are we are brothers and sisters, mothers. >> i'm giving a warning the collapse i'll adjourn this meeting if everybody didn't get two minutes you'll get your two minutes please give everyone your two minutes i'll ask everybody (multiple voices) help us hear if everyone (multiple voices) all right. officers williams go ahead.
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>> sorry. >> i will tell you what we are the san francisco police department we are all the same we are brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers all brought here because we share the sense sense of community we give to our community in ways rarely spoken, toy drives and read to kids at elementary schools and feed our homeless and seniors did i tell you about the little boy that was robbed of his ipod pies position the police officers of the bayview chipped in to reform that item we didn't ask for not right i didn't. >> all right. (multiple voices). >> thank you very much.
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>> have you ever held a mother in your arms while she cried you think controllablely have you dropped to your knees to administer cpi we're no a difference firing squad but put our lives on the line everyday. >> yeah. we come back day after day this is our calling we ask for the police commission not to pass judgment not be another ferguson and not building in the words hands up defense attorney i don't think johnson if we pauses and wait for an independent investigation we would have seen those facts were not true
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thank you very much. >> next speaker >> letting say something can you hear me in the back i not to the microphone up now we want to talk to the police we want an independent investigation we want to fire chief suhr and everyone of the officers that the the at the scene of the crime we want them charged with murder we want you to know the pain the pain that that young broth was killed in the community feels pain and want responsibility taken none says their sorry to the mother i want the justice to know the coalition that is good for me to see you eye to eye. >> you need to take a seat so we can hear from everybody everybody take a seat on the full 2 minutes. >> you guys take your seats
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please. go ahead. >> hello is the mike on look we want accountability for the murders of alice and lopez and who was shot in the back and the one that laid that on the ground dying and mario woods i all shot him over 40 times and you all should have different tactics we're here to express our dissatisfaction to the san francisco police department we feel you get away with murder and every step to make you don't if my black byte were here doing this - we want to say we want to be transparent and talk to you and hear i man 345r i don't words that was a murder and the
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san francisco police department did that murder nothing else that was murder if i shot a white boy 46 time i'll be in the electric chair by next week we wanted justice for mario woods i want this out of respect the meeting let's listen to what they got to say and the dialogue i want to say a mario woods murder was a murder we something got to be in charge so everybody that's what you're hear for we want justice for mario woods. >> thank you, thank you. >> (multiple voices).
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>> appreciate it we want to be fair to everybody take a moment. >> take a moment before the next two minutes i appreciate over patience we'll get to hear if everybody. >> okay welcome and good evening. >> let's leave the mike. >> turn the meekly back on this kwhoel thing is 0 ill liquidity you'll it is trying to do it through confusion and derail the people for justice for mario woods and those unjufl murdered by the police and bringing out one hundred and 50 hundred pigs the brutal or the poa whatever it calls itself
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intimidated when quinton tara 10 he had to call the murders the murders and they were threatening quinton terry tennis life that's what they're trying to do sdamentd us this is mario woods and 11 hundred people in the last year that is a lot of mothers across the country that are grieving for stolen lives i want to say why it is the happening the role of the police not to serve and protect the people but the system is it rules over the people to enforce the exploitation and the conditions of poverty and degradation in which this system is determined to keep people in with the police brutality is a law it enforces all the oppression but it is not have to
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be this way there is a way to fight to end this oppression not to find a what better way to live we do have the title captures the streams the leadership for an actual resolution revolution and a radical new society on the road to emancipation and tariff the people to revolution we don't have to live in a world where slow genocide is going on against blacks and latinos. >> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> good evening my name is arbitrarilycy a
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sergeant and the bayview a native san francisco who grew up in public housing i know i've been and i know shawn we grew up on hampton recreation center i joined the police department because i felt i wanted to make a change i've been at bayview for 10 years the fto and housing sergeant i work with officers williams and officer eat e eastland and thomas and work with the officers that were there that day to me i want all the facts just recycle everyone here you want justice and know what happened i say you i saw what you saw on tv because i wasn't there. >> okay. you can have whoever you want to come in and do on investigation the fbi or the o
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o.j. i did any part everyday and go to the bayview i walk up to potrero hill and grew up in west side you don't have to tell you but being black i'm black but have another family a blue i protect them and protect the citizens so despite that what your trying to put on me i know who i am so you can say guilty by association but i know i go out and do my job i do my job for the city i do this job for the city of san francisco to make lives better i have been to many crime scenes black and black crime we have this issue this young lady lost they are
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son she have stops know the truth but can you actuate far it to come out ? there you go >> next speaker (clapping.) >> no, no, no, no >> next speaker >> next speaker >> next speaker. >> >> next speaker. >> >> next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> thank you, commissioner i'd like to say that my name is basing could the sergeant of the san francisco police department i worked for over 19 years currently signed to the tenderloin and throughout my career several assignment swatting and approaching patrol i've been a member of the police
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officers association my whole career by choice as a member of the committee i was a witness to all the community of the city i'm here to speak on support of fellow police officers put in possible position of having to fire their weapons in the line of dutd dud no officers want to use deadly force. >> everybody gets two minutes. >> we've gone to tour access without having to fire. >> guns tasers might have effected the case the san francisco police department is the big city police force i'll not do this job in any other city i act offense to this officer involved shooting when is a stabbing suspect
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telling us tells us you'll have to shoot me it is the officers in the woods case were using the tools they were allowed this is in a position to show you leadership and encourage to remind the citizens you will examine this case please don't rush to judgment thank you. >> (clapping.) >> >> next speaker. >> can i ask everyone to return to you your seats there're a line with everyone getting 2 minutes we want to hear if everybody if you could take our seats appreciate it. >> first of all, i'd like to say that mario woods soul rest in peace and the victims of the
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san francisco police department do not walk out now because one of you houston me to a fence and struck me in my mouth officer louie struck my mouth in board daytime and none didn't mission bay anything to you start about - having excess force your criminal. >> your - >> i want you to have your two minutes. >> hold on. >> you're just - you've been on the force for years officer louie i had a letter to george gascon and he if do anything about it it he was the police
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chief do use it favor. >> (chanting). >> hold on one second sir. >> again, we want to hear if everyone (fire chief suhr) we'll still in public comment again, we're trying to get through hearing in everyone if you want to scream go ahead outside we're here to listen i will put adjourn the meeting we will not hear from those people thank you. next speaker. >> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> yes. i'd like to say that
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those police officers over there in the bayview district not all of them i grew up in the bayview district right down there on the corner everybody know that section well but i want to say that those police officers symshot mario woods you will have to say to yourself how could you shot a man down like that shooting him with one thing but to continue to shoot a man while he's down on the ground like this and to pump bullets into hills backside what is wrong with those police officers you will say if i'm the chief this is my tribe i need to address them i'm not going to take the easy for what i see them on video i didn't train you
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all to do that continue to shoot a man while he's laying down on the ground you hear pop, pop, pop public school he's already dead mario woods is shot he's shot in the back of the head and then i'd like to say what happened to the police officer who mario woods turned his back he has his back to the police officer remember that tv show the streets of san francisco where the police officer has heed tell his officer go around back well mario woods has his bank whether where's the police officer hey, we explicit even see that you've go on got one day coming mario woods the god
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coming we're not going to try to save you, we done shot that man with beanbags and the only thing is the wall to protect him only the wall thank y thank you. next speaker. thank you and good evening. >> you know i'm with the justice for mario coalition i'll tell milestone my people i wanted to hear with the police officers to justify that murder and for the mint police officers who are hear standing up and being used as a tooelgd token for sfpd the word are shame think you shame on you i came into from a family of law enforcement i came into from sfpd and what i
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saw other than that, video is murder and for you too run and hide and the mayor to run and hide and not be men it sets a tune your police officers is walking outburst like curds that's the position you've fostered under all the circumstances as the chief of police i don't feel safe with you as is schooef where's the community policing and the oobltd where is the honesty that used to exist with sfpd when i grandfather was interest an honorable police department you've tafrnd it, sir i'm done. >> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> my name is nick a san francisco resident a member of the action coalition and a member the justice for mario woods on january 1st martin the
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president of the police officers association released a letter about the murder of mario woods the truth shall be known a quiet there is no nice way to or a arrest a combative suspect there are times for guns we pay them to do do dirty work and the work we're trade to do to do we expect them to keep the bad guys out of our businesses and such and take care of the problem we don't want to see how it's done those are the words that are the words after a white subpoena mist and the police department and all police departments around there this country's their gentrifying police department murder of mario woods we demand the firing ever
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renovation of chief executive officer and demand murder charges for all overseeing officers involved. >> good evening and welcome. >> i was look forward to speaking before those murdering police and their cheerleaders but like the brothers of doing their crap they hide away covering the badges those are the police officers we're talking about look on the other hand,s those cops are with the fact they can justify every unwanted murder in the country from the civil rights to mario woods to oscar graham they stand together like thick of the old century i'll saying this a look
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we don't have to take this this is ill liquidity around 5 people old young mean men and women we have could have dealt with mario woods better than those killers i'll a member the - i'm a proud supporter ladies and gentlemen, tell you it this constitution the people's police and this represent would rather take the bullets themselves than harm with an the people not like this slavery owners constitution those people are working over so i say let's take the national this is not one city or one murdering retreat a genocide
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proportion if we take to the students over the country's the ill 4r0ig9cy that parades around the world talking freedom so i say let's stop incarceration and get with our congress for a tour no more stolen lives thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is steve i'm with the united public working for action the problem is not in the room mayor ed lee appointed chief suhr and he appointed him after chief suhr had actually obstructed justice keeping you informed he covered up a domestic violence and not followed the rules and filed a report and a police attorney was
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having him and as soon as he emigrate police chief he fired the attorney about the obstruction of justice by a chief suhr the city of san francisco the citizens of san francisco had to pay $750,000 because of obstruction of justice and they had to pay millions of in attorneys spent in addition to the lives of young people being killed and millions of by the citizens for police violation and illegal activity this commission was appointed by the mayor has begun long with that there's been no responsibility accountability what is happening in san francisco is that the one percent doesn't want the blacks and the latino as the developers and aspect last year's that's who the police are working for
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and the officers for justice the police are protecting property and the weighty of san francisco not pacific heights and arrest the people ripping off this country the billionaires have not yielded arrested the people are the poor and the working class that's who you are arrest we have had to demand an independent commission and the working people of san francisco take control of country as long as the bloinld mayor ed lee represents the cancun way as this billionaires that give subsidies to the rich you'll spend millions of dollars of our money for the people not for the working class of san francisco and the blacks. >> thank you. >> next speaker can you sound guy we need to get
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the mike back in there and steady thank you. >> thank you. i think they got it good evening and welcome. >> now it is set in there just make sure it is turned on. >> i'm a christian and he live in the tenderloin i have something to say when i was young from the age of 5-year-old and up and before police have been the issue on every american mind all the tim changed because african-american working as policemen that thing has not chained the minds of those hired has changed not guaranteeing people the liability they were told they should have this country corrupt
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in the top to the bottom starting with the police and the mayor and the supervisors we have to change that this is the last thing the police should already know the policy around the use of force there should be no revisions of any kind they should be following that procedure nothing more to tell me you'll have the - this is a bunch of crap not the truth it is a lie not - is it not the part of training to know these things all the rules all the regulations how they should behavior and rack and respond to every situation i've seen this all they're good at doing is drawing their guns not to protect and serve they're
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drawing their guns you walk down the street they shot you a lot of the african-americans have been shot that had no gun at all and no cops on the police force in in the city sir, you are just as guilty as the rest your men do what we do and get away with that. >> thank you, sir next item, please. >> sir. >> thank you, sir thank you, sir i said thank you, sir thank you, sir we actually need to hear from the next speaker thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> (inaudible). >> thank you, sir
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thank you, sir we don't want that to happen please, sir, next speaker speak. >> thank you >> next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> okay. >> we're going to sit here are for a second and shine light in the tenderloin i'm joanne this is my daughter we'll lived in the tenderloin as residents we are that accepted into an awful school and every morning we take the end at civic center and there been an issue with in front of the the entrance i reached it out to the police and captain teresa and i talked to
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her about the police escorts during rush hours all of a sudden and sdwoir we didn't know when of the going on so she told you their collecting evidence and building cases and arresting and chair mar but the da is not interested and i just don't understand how you guys can't do anything about that these are kids trying to go to school i'm trying to raise a great citizen in the community we're going to the bart station and blocked by jugular who was arguing and doing in nothing to contribute to the society bringing their problems and customers that are passing out in front of city hall on the steps of city hall this is not fair you guys with
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giving the kids of tenderloin a change we need to walk down the sidewalk and get to the bart station to function and build a better future for the kids we are asking for walk down the sidewalk and not in fear. >> ma'am, i think are you wong from the district attorney's office are you ash i didn't wong a representative from the district attorney's office captain i'm sure you have her contact information next item, please. >> hello my name is freddie a member the latino community first of all, i'm with mr. we'd and here we go again in 2011 herman was killed and i
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contained to the incarnation they'll not investigated anything about him, i have a complaint against the community because when the latino member is killed by police department nobody cares no ones cares when you all of it not the media in the latino community i blame you, too not because of what happened but i blame you for not selecting the right person believe me nobody cares not even the members of the community they see as and evil persons i want to plead to the commissions and everyone please not use guns on nobody and so we can survive handicap or something like that but actually for me and for everyone my life is beautiful i really love any life i'm so
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sorry so far mario woods who was killed i'm not a judge a life is a life for everyone i feel the pain that this mother will go through for the rest of her life i want a quality for latinos within the community within the media because the media is important for the latino the bias none protects when a latino is killed thank you thank you, sir. >> next speaker. >> please. good evening. i'm jeremy miller with the foundation i believe on the police project i want to repeat over demands we demand
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the termination of greg suhr we demand the arresting and chair mar of the officers involved in this san francisco police killing of mario woods and the san francisco killing of mr. lopez in the san francisco killing of alex and the san francisco please killing of dan no and others and we demand an independent private investigation of all of these and second point we don't need any more of this token itching we know what happens in the community noble for the 0 police by the commission as well we were told by a police commission joe marshall at a community meeting he only
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represented himself i thought it was honesty wasn't okay. would the city police commission by artificial ignorance didn't know in mario lopez is that makes him unrecent to sit on the police commission chief suhr i don't know in you directed the police officers that vandalized my truck we are going to move forward we will not surrounded our position we have the right to is it demonstration to live without molestation from our police services and furthermore if we do not receive our justice there will be no peace final point marty the police officers association is not a union. >> thank you, sir, your time is up. >> thank you for your comments
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thank you, mr. miller. >> thank you, mr. miller. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> hi hello hello. >> i've never spoken before but the anger i'm witnessed the angry i've reiterated i widow and the lack i have humanity i've witnessed coming from the city officials from the police and in terms of this murder that considered you've worked in public health and the second i saw the shooting of mario woods this was not appropriate for anyone chief suhr to say
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immediately that it was appropriate is not okay and so - i feel along where the mario woods coalition an independent investigation it is clear the handing of the department has not been okay i do not feel safe i don't want feel with the intamentsz that the police are a viable resources in any city that also when people kill someone else's they should be charged with murder and cops should be no expectation we're going to have boo body cameras on every cop when that occurs people need to be account for their actions i care about people that have been murdered by police we need more
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every individual regardless if new comment a crime to go through the criminal justice system we can't be murdered on the street so, please listen to our demand and please consider them this is not okay to happen in our city thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> my name is gloria when i was trained will use of force in the military by the military police and what i was trained when i was in law enforcement i was taught inform not kill unless my
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life was in danger to match force with force yet nowadays an officer kills us they get away with that by saying they're scared i could have taken mario woods down by myself i know this because i have done it i've done it with a man bigger than me physically trying to attack me i didn't want him killed i just wanted him cuffed i have a question for the commission is this scareness bans an individual basis when an officer is scared is the policy that determines if you are scared to be on officer is there some kind of hiring policy if you're two
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scared you can't be hired no matter what people necrstrength is about on the force and put on the streets with a gun? it is not a question and answer i can permitting provide a brief response is hiring how we hire and make sure that the officers are doing well throughout their criteria >> the officers were too scared shouldn't be on the force another question i have relates to the tenderloin my daughter in the tenderloin had a gun pitted to her head i by the san francisco police department they made her lay on the ground with her face down cuffed her left her houston for
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6 hours. >> ma'am, there's a senior investigator from the office of citizens complaints i ask you speak with him and he'll help you good evening, sir and welcome. >> 2011 prince bush i never say anything about one but the chief suhr is a coward i say to me the police chief is a coward i see you on television talking about a police officer killed an african-american you told him what you going to do in the uniform it is over 200 and 117 bones most of them you hit the right place i killed bigger men i spent 20 years in the rangers and the fbi and the 4 years in
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other places you don't have to kill people you are to protect and serve when i was born i knocked out 12 of you police for knocking out us i. >> saw a white policeman and his name a mohammed awe willful eli i was with malcolm x and a few told us this never start a fight but make sure they don't use the hand against millennial to me if i'm want to kill i could kill 35 of you in 27 minutes get a place there is one way in and call the police there's a black guy shot a police you would come into you
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can set c-4 it is a danger exposure it flows about 5 feet off the ground you can be killed if you mess with us there's a war against timing men i have a son if he is killed by a police officer. >> sir, thank you, sir>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> sir there's people that want to speak. >> good evening and welcome. >> sir. >> good evening commission i'm so glad to see other people from the lgbt community here
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tonight the tenderloin was one of our homes and transbay's squalls celebrate in the tenderloin the tonight is city gay i came in here i thought that was a judge and fair city for people like me tonight, i'm addressing the justice system is r if justice is our goal i object to the manipulation for mario's woods dedicate to talk about the introduction of tasers the commission has called for a pilot study by the police before allowing tasers into the police force and that's not employment overview implemented he object to the claim that training will be fix the police problems is
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hadn't yet and the training that has took place is minimal why should i have safe in the training that is promised i object to the excessive use of force by the san francisco police department against young adults and of color and in particular i object as a teacher to the historic and enduring violence. >> keep it down. >> and another community of color a persistent situation nationally it is my shame to report to any students as a member of the harvey milk club that last night joined the justice for mario woods coalition i object to the lack of judicious for mario woods and his family i demand just as our goal. >> thank you >> thank you. next speaker,
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please. >> good evening and welcome. >> hello, everybody my name is a, sir i'm going to say this quick first of all, a lady came up her with her little daughter and nobody clapped for her second thing i totally get it i'm on childcare with the african-american i mean a lot of of us meet with him once a month we're helping him to implement procedures to mobbing treat the police officers differently i get it is not right what happened to mario woods let me say this this is not right for the drive by shootings and not right let me finish it is not also not right that a blacks that are shooting each other. >> no, no, no. >> you are not.
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>> everybody gets two minutes guys everyone gets two minutes. >> hold on. >> everyone gets two minutes. >> thank you say what you need to say. >> this lady i seen this lady at damn near every meeting talking about the justice for her ms. short son not a by a police officer from the police department needs to change and this is what chief suhr is working on with the training and procedure but - >> it makes her time go longer. >> please let her have her two minutes. >> go ahead. >> what i'm saying is that you're putting all this be able energy i understand where is our energy i'll stop talking again
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and wait where's the energy when our youth are out there dying. >> as i said at the beginning of the meeting we actually want to hear from everyone work together to give we have been two minutes. >> where are we at when the youth are out there dying and selling drugs. >> (multiple voices). >> i live in potrero hill i want to make a difference the young man wants to sit down with the chief and make things better and not worse all of our youth we have coming up we have youth in here what are they being charged they don't have a voice nobody will listen this is what
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our youth is sitting here a taught by the adult you are back there talk about the drugs in front of a school but nobody said anything about any of that thank you. >> hold on you guys i'd like to say this to everybody this is waiting the folks in the line have waited a a long time we're better a than this because you don't agree please give everybody their two minutes we're better than this. >> hi, thank you i'm a tv prouder for public assess my family gave him here in 1929 to get away if oppression my dad this is a violent culture with a lot of guns in swede they don't
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have guns in swerd or ass transmittal that is the oncivil rights this is my dad's death certificate instead of staying in sweden shot by a police officer attempting to haul a subsequence said chest wound justifiable homicide chest wound you have to be running towards the officer this is a sense also i'm asking for justice for mario woods the cops are wearing protective gear if they are afraid of us to protect the gentiles they think
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we're crazy to have all those guns with other countries they think they ask me why we have so many guns they are running the show officers should chase the spreadsheets rather than shot them in the back that was what happened to my dad they ran him down. >> if cops have to arm themselves what are they trying to protect them or us or protect themselves from us i don't understand i'm not clear on this but thank you for listening. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you. good evening and welcome. >> first, i want to speak in support of justice for mario woods
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(clapping.) i want strongly support of solid independent investigation by the department of justice i believe with all shootings should be investigated either the department or the local prosecutors handling that and second while i hope you are proposed with the view of the use of guns your focus is far too narrow that is about systemic issued and how minority and poor people are tread and i think ever aspect of how the police department functions and what incentives needs to be reviewed independently and finally on a human level i'm disappointed in chief suhr that your early reactions to ask the
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authority to use more lethal weapons i think that of we're applause all the guns with our country's shooting rate will be higher than if you other countries that is not an acceptable solution but this is a larger issue than just the use of force or the police shootings about the police department culture generally and about the incentive within the department i on a full independent review is very important. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> my name is m j isabel i this in the tenderloin and came to this meeting i want to say one to the commission thank you for having the meeting one to the
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chief thank you for accept and expend captain gracie and last but not least thank you, captain grace i didn't and the tenderloin police station for doing a great job of trying to clean up our streets we still a have a long ways to go in the tenderloin we don't have a problem of police brutality as much as people allowing their kids and thugs to come to my neighborhood to sell drugs to other people in other neighborhoods my angry will not be with the police department i live long enough and i'm a criminal justice major to know that a community make ups a police force in the police force didn't want like you, you're not encouraging your community to join the police force it is in
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the grand jury didn't look like you, you're not registered to vote and the grand juries are chosen from the registration if you don't like what justice do you're not educating our children the community is at fault if you raise tour child to disrespect the law your child will be killed. >> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> i happened to be sitting where the police officers association were sitting i knew he were they were plotting to walk out of the meeting tonight from the police officers association a reflection of the san francisco police department we are in a bad way if somebody can't come to this meeting unless they're paid to listen to the community and have a
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dialogue with the community we are in the bad way and i will contend as the police officers association is not interested in a dialogue the poa police officer that executed mario woods were not interested in a dialogue i find it incredible that 5 cops can't take down one buy with an alleged knife what kind of training is that i have a question the commission are the police officers trained to talk to people or i can't believe that 5 cops can't use a baton i can't believe it i don't mind vice chair a conversation are chief suhr but it should be held via cypress with him
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listened bars with the murder of mario woods. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm dwayne one thing i've learned as young african-american is to hold myself accountable what i do and conduct myself how can i sit here and trust you people the police department of san francisco to premier and protect as you know took act oath without the integrity to hold yourselves accountable it make no sense how can you expect the public to hold themselves accountable i need answers may 15 no, no november 1st i was
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assaulted my wife was assaulted by a transgender and i was assaulted after being called a nigger your officers pulled off after we flagged them down we went to jail by the grace of god all the glory but what is going to hold you guys abdominal for the countless life-saving lives interrupted that's all i have to say (clapping.) thank you. >> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> sorry i'm little my name is rebecca november 15th on a street
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walking towards mission in the evening my partner and i were walking and a transgender twice my size and twice my weight that bargained there the middle of both of us and called my fiance i said what the hell is the matter with you the sidewalk was 2w40 this and too many people passing this person was drunk and admitted medical examiner dreng this individual declared we had phone call comments we asked others officer on the scene we flagged him down when when i fiance went up to the vehicle a large 91 good reason
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african in medical examiner the officer reached for his gun was afraid and intimidated it would have taken a second for my fiance what was engaged i was subtract in the face for that officer to draw down and he could have been another mario woods my condolences to the family any of us could have been mario woods i think an internal investigation should be conducted with the police department conducts themselves morally and you, sir how do you sleep at night amen and god bless you. >> an officer from the office of citizens complaints make sure if you want to file a specific complaint. >> i have a make that happen moment there needs to be independent investigation into
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the murder of mario woods and make that happen number two you know as a mother i feel your pain about your son i see you but it was a a specific racism that murder would have been about sold you sitting on the board whatever you do for african-americans you're sitting there, yes something done about drugs the point if you're sitting there while you're sitting and listening to the staff and the chief and to make that happen in our community how come those murders are not investigated now and then what are you doing to speak to our community and the homelessness and the highest rate of homelessness in the african-american community this would not be going on.
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>> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> good evening my name is taking tammy bryant a resident of the fillmore i raised three children in the city i'm here to talk about the systemic racism in the state and spell your name for the record the san francisco police department should set the tone for the cultural and philosophy better recruitment i heard as a u.s. graduate he didn't know how to talk with people when he was assigned to the street what kind of an up bringing up to reach adulthood without a relationship with black people that's the problem the sfpd needs to not hire officers that don't love humanity none needs to teach me
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how to talk with black people and now mary woods - his achievement deserves recognition he didn't live to see it and celebrate it a young man that was shot by a firing squad he could barley stand up and one person's account a victim was killed and not helped i said that before i'll not call the police i'm scared it is a chance i can't take the last time i called the police we we were treated like criminal and the crime criminal was treated like the victim we need the investigation of the shooting of mario woods and can't happen again ever thank you.
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>> next speaker good evening and welcome. >> good evening my name is frank williams director the program representatives justice for mario woods i want to start off by saying that is a shame that the good police we do have to suffer under ass consequences of police that make bad decisions there are good officers i work in the bayview they work with our seniors but there's more to say about being afraid and i hold you city officials accountable for allowing the bifurcating for allowing the bill of rights and
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continue to shoot 72 hours mind blowing for the commission to say now i'll make a change is too late for you, you need to go you need to go. >> just this is about systemic corruption not just about mario woods our mayor a corrupt he's a gangster you got people on the board of supervisors who are afraid to speak out because of that man, you have people on the board of supervisors who are afraid to speak out because of the poa president who is sending out e-mails threatening the board of supervisors you have a president as a poa that is threatening the officers they better not say how can i hold you accountable i'm holding you accountable you
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so happen to be the chief of this city that as racist people and govern by the body that is afraid to deal with gangsters and enough people with a country that has blood for the people of the bodies of our people slain. >> thank you thank you, sir and>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you thank y thank you thank you, sir. >> sir, please let the next speaker speak. >> thank you, sir. >> good evening. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> judicious for mario woods
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my name is taken place with the justice for mario woods and with the manila town heritage foundation our foundation reminders the eviction of the elderly chinese and filipinos of theic hotel alternate the gentrification that was fueled that cause that eviction filipino community was impacted because of the text gate there was disparkinson's texts about latino and black few weeks i take that personally that is a personal affront mario woods didn't deserve to die and his motto be without her son and child not see mario grew up we know the cultural of the white subpoenay with the dna look at
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the brown and black youth and brown and black men and if their hearts and minds innovate every cop but the majority they look at us and we have we are crap when you look at us you see no value that's the bottom line if you don't need no degree to figure out that i've been accost by police officers i know exactly when they run up on you what's on their minds the way they're looking at you, we want a thorough investigation into the death of mario woods and the submittal of the chief an independent, independent investigation as to what happened he echo one of the brothers saying about the mayor that mayor is a disgrace to the city and being a part of manila foundation a part of iowa hotel
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that effected many, many people deeply i'm deeply ashamed of the mayor. >> what this - >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you. next speaker, please good evening and welcome. >> make sure the mike is on i think it is on good evening, commissioners the question here tonight what is going on and i'd like to tell you one hundred cops busy the poa did to show of force that is what martin luther king said i personally heard him, i think i got it on my record good show of force that's how we win before that the poa of color he sent
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them out to read exerts on the poa website as you may know your received his letter and with poa the mostly white cops clammed up and stopped until they did arrest arrogant removal having grand standing i was waiting for the violins to begin as the cops talked about the good and far peace officer the sfpd do no harm by killing any brown and black brothers thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please good evening and welcome. >> yeah. he overheard those exact same comments i arrived as that incident was occurring i want to reiterate that and speak out of profound respect for
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people putting themselves in out of harm's way a in harm's way and looking at the officers that are listening and count for the city but the lack of accountability and the lack of humanity that was demonstrated by that action completely unacceptable has to start from the top and be through training and accurate recordkeeping and transparent we've known for a a long time of challenges in the police department racist texts about mario williams and black woman will be more likely to be stopped than white people and 40 percent of the blacks in the jail i was with 60 thousand asian and white people i didn't
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see of any of them go to jail when i worked in the bayview the density and the vera city and the number of officers and how quickly is escalates is easy for something like what happened to mario woods to occur we have to slow down and get to know each other we have love each other we have to work together that's what makes the city great and san francisco be the city that shows the rest of the country to take a terrible incident and use it as a turning point and demonstrate the values that made this city so great. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> oh, i'm sorry good evening sergeant williams. >> good evening i'm sergeant williams 26 veteran
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and wanting for the police officers association they grief they grief my heart this day to have witnessed a display of total division where we had officers on one side and the community on another sidet's not what policing is supposed to look like that is not what you're city looked like i want to say to you today, i serve proudly offender the african-american chief advisey forum a representative for my community a native san franciscan i grew up in potrero hill i had a home in the bayview for over 2 o 20 plus years i get it was a tragedy situation, however, what do we do? we try and find solutions and recover
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from this incident and the way we recover by finding solution today before this meeting we sat in the room and a had heart to heart communications with the chief we were specific about the way we feel he took it to heart and did his work along with some of our 09 police commissioners and came back with a plan for some changes and use of force and the way we handle situations i assure you it is something i'm looking forward to because it is a way to insure that an incident never happens again and to the citizens of san francisco i want to tell you that as police officers we truly want to be your guardians not ever officer is racist only a few but those few magnify to the
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point you feel like you have no other ultimate but we need to support the changes about to be implemented by the current chief and i look forward to it. >> thank you, sergeant. >> next speaker welcome and good evening. >> thank you my name is dearly rogers i'm a native san franciscan i support in city in ever way i can but there is something that we really need to look at and that we really before i go there let me say to the police officers that are in the room thank you for your service it is not about you not serving but about how you see yourselves serving the situation is that when a police officer is on the job and he seize that force is necessary when that happens there is one
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thing he needs to say to himself and that is that's my brother would i shot him if that's my mother what would i shot her if that's my child would i shot her the reasons the patrol officers first and foremost are not judge and jury more executioners i have heard here earlier, one of your police officers say don't rush to judgment but what i looked at what happened to mario woods i saw a lot of rushing to judgment a lot of rushing to judgment. >> when i see what happens in my community i see officers coming in and what they're doing
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is acting like judge jury and executioner all in one form and until the police decide and chief suhr i understand you've do done a lot i was in your corner for all the stuff you've done in bayview and i've been supporting you. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker good evening, sir and welcome. >> good evening, everybody and please giving me our unundivided attention what i'm going to say is something to you folks
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what has happened in the killing of some people in the city must be investigated with independent people i was an inspector generally in the federal government we know it has to be done that way or your ever going to get the correct report, and, secondly, if you can't obvious the relationship community relations of the police department or the people that live here has been terribly eroded you must look at the curriculum that the police academy uses if they're not doing a good job we're trying people how to use community relations enough instead of guns it is very, very
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bad and whether get worse in the city so i recommend to you that you all independently look at the academy training curriculum that you all dpipt be interviewed by an independent investigator and then come up with what really happened i'm not saying with an way or another but your community relations are eroded and no for force nonetheless you it. >> next speaker, please. >> first of all, justice for mario woods i'm terry jones an active member of the coalition for mario and every person that was murdered at the
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