tv LIVE TA Full Board SFGTV January 26, 2016 11:00am-2:01pm PST
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for broadcasting jennifer lowe and bill dillon mr. clerk, please call the roll supervisor avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell commissioner kim commissioner kim? here >> commissioner mar chen's chang commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee commissioner yee? sorry >> commissioner yee present we have quorum. >> thank you very much item 2. >> item 2 chair's report this is an information item. >> thank you and colleagues over the past year the transportation authority has clocked collaborated with our agency and community partners to
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achieve a number of milestones for the transportation including including the wins and federal, state, and local let me thank you vice chair malia cohen and thank caging for the program committee and commissioner avalos for chairing the finance committee about all of you and the staff with the board and executive director tilly chang and her staff we got a lot done in 2015 thank you colleagues for giving me the honor of harry this we successfully advocated for the multi federal participation bill of 2005 the 5 year fixing american transportation act will bring stability to the programs in the coming years cap & trade fund continue to generate fund for
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the transit like the expansion of muni and rail fleet and the development of high speed rail that connects our region and city locally our sales tax and other transportation authority managed fund played a key role inform attracting the funding and in 2015 the transportation authority celebrated the new presidio parkway and extensions in van ness bart and better market street and the contributing terminal it supported many vision zero and others from new crosswalks to street repaving and traffic signals across the city the cooperation hoped the bike share with a slated bike share fleet tenfold over the next year's as we look forward to 2016 it is
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critically important for san francisco to keep investing locally and regional will i other transit stems struggle to keep up this investment is crucial to the affordability and liveability and economic vitally as we look at the 2016 for the ballot and the core fund we need to pull together as a city and region to make sure we keep the transportation city on track i looked forward to continueed success at the transportation authority in 2016 as we move forward so thank you, colleagues this is an information item any public comment on item 2 seeing none, public comment is closed item number 3. >> item 3 executive director's report this is an information item. >> ms. chang. >> executive director report?
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>> excuse me. due to the presentation of the annual report we'll for go the executive director report audience any any public comment on item 3 seen none, public comment is closed. item 4. >> item 4 approve the minutes of the december 4th an action item. >> colleagues, any comments or questions changes to the minutes seeing none, any public comment? item 4 the minutes your seeing none, public comment is closed and can you take item actually haven't voted call the roll. >> commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen chair farrell commissioner kim commissioner mar schechz commissioner tang is commissioner yee
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the minutes are approved okay. we'll now move to item you number 5. >> election of chair and vice chair this is an action item. >> okay great colleagues annually at the first meeting the board in sdwran the board shall elect the chair and vice chair the transportation authority the newly appointed chair shall immediately precede after the election meeting as soon as one of the nominees get the majority that person is elected and no votes on the remaining nominees so mr. clerk you call the item already so neemsz are now many order for the office of chair of the authority any nominations. sorry commissioner avalos thank you mr. chairman and before i make my nomination i'd
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like to thank you for your service i wanted to thank vice chair cowen and so much more work that has been done and tlooshgd so with that in mind it is my honor to nominee john avalos to serve as this chairman and he has done this? the past and throughout the 10 year not only a member but chair he has demonstrated the ability to work with different people making sure the interest of every constituent and each other is seriously considered i believe that the way that he has assured the fiscal viability of this agency working closely with our executive director making sure in a difficult transition he
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oversaw that shows why he will do a great job 0 so my honor to nominate john avalos the next chair >> a second. >> seconded by commissioner mar any additional nominations commissioner cohen. >> thank you. i'm proud and happy to support the continuation of chair under commissioner wiener i'm thinking he did an excellent job and has a success to stand on in our best interests to support commissioner wiener i'd like to nominate commissioner wiener. >> thank you commissioner cohen a second to is that nomination seconded by commissioner breed and commissioner breed
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thank you. i am really honored to second commissioner cohens nominates of commissioner wiener to serve as the chair no on, on that committee a stronger advocate for transportation and moving forward in a positive direction as it relates to fixing our public transportation system our roads and no stronger advocate on this board of supervisors than supervisor wiener i appreciate his leadership and his consistency in the work and the things he's advocated for including his creative way to generated significant delores for transportation through his proposition last year he's created he understands that this is not the short game if we're going to change for the better we need to do significant
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changes and significant conflict of interests and major improvements i appreciate his work and knowledge of all things transportation i know it is not just because he away rides muni more than any of us in the room but most importantly because he understands it he understands the system and planning to a candidate a better system i want to second the nomination and just really express my appreciation for all the work you continue to do for the city and county of san francisco as it relate to transportation and getting us on the right track. >> thank you, commissioners. >> commissioner avalos. >> thank you. i appreciate the nomination from commissioner campos i've already served and chair of the transportation authority in 2013 and 2014 in leadership positions our body it is important to actually rotate
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out at times that's why i rotated out there commissioner wiener and happy to support you for another year on the transportation authority. >> thank you commissioner avalos it's been a pleasure to work with you for a number of years. >> colleagues, any additional nominations nomination are closed no additional comments move to public comment on this item any public comment on the election of chair? seeing none, public comment is closed and california mr. clerk same house, same call? or do we need a roll call >> we should do a roll call vote. >> so, please oh, call the roll on item number on the election of chair. >> on that motion in favor of
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'63 for chair supervisor avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell commissioner kim absent commissioner mar commissioner peskin commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee scott wiener is now elected chair. >> colleagues thank you very much for the honor we'll move to the election of vice chair of the authority by nominations? >> no one wanted it interest mr. chairman i'd like to nominate our colleague eric mar. >> a second to the nominees of eric mar by commissioner yee any
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additional nominations? okay. no additional nominations necessarily the neemsz are closed any public comment on the vice chair of the authority seeing none, public comment is closed and i believe we can take this same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. commissioner mar is elected vice chair congratulations commissioner mar looked forward to work together colleagues we'll move to item number 6 item 6 award a 3 year cloult contract not to exceed one million dollars pulse for engineering services for the san francisco long-range transportation program and authorize the executive director to negotiate the contract terms an action items. >> colleagues questions or comments on item 6 seeing none,
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any public comment on item number 6 seeing none, public comment is closed and can we same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. that will be the order thank you item 78. >> approval the 2016 legislative program an action item. >> colleagues do we have - we don't need a presentation any questions or comments on item 7 seeing none, any any public comment on item 7 seeing none, public comment is closed and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. that will be the order item number 8. >> item 8 appoint richard and amusing to the advisory committee an action item okay. colleagues any questions or comments on this item seeing none, are there any public comment on
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this item seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take item 8 same house, same call? >> the house keeps changing call the roll. >> commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell chamber of commerce absent commissioner mar commissioner peskin commissioner tang che commissioner yee absent the item passes okay item number 9. >> item 9 adopt the 2015 annual report an action item. >> our executive director will present the report. >> thank you che congratulations to you and commissioner mar i'm pleased to present the annual report you have a copy for the members of
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the public the first slide lays out the prop k and the suggestion management agency and established a vision zero committee of supervisors at the transportation authority board and we also manage the fund for clean air the evaluate registration fee tdr has designated a couple of years actress a management agency for the transportation this year highlight of the work program the bus rapid transit and the draft report this is was a major milestone on the part of the sfmta and ourselves over the years working with the many, many communities along the 5 mile corridor public comments and sdooilg solutions for the feedback this project is on track to come before you to approve and have the
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environmental approvals this summer we continued the bus rapid transit the east west corridor that connects the shedding hunters point shipyard community all the way to the west side intersect ceqa with the balboa station something we're looking at at with sfmta upgrade and the issue to the bus racheting i want to present the neighborhood transportation if i could have the slides neighborhood transportation plans and neighborhood transportation improvement program this is our citywide program to help to develop the pipeline in the city and in 2015 we were able to move 6 planning projects forward and capital projects from the lombard street to the main street and the crooked street to
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the studies in district 9 as well as the balboa to the management city for the comment and going forward have to complete more of these and initiate more of these as they warrant for treasure island we had the first meeting the board excuse me. as well as a policy conversation without the tells you program and how it relates prairie to affordability on the part of county residents working on that in the coming year as well as corresponding with tida and the yerba buena projects and particularly touchdown the bike and pedestrian facilities on the east span the bay bridge onto 0 the island this summer and moving to the freeze free
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corridors really need a robust efficient solution to transport all the folks in the 101 corridors to make sure those solutions fit well with did neighborhood and those facilities pass through we're looking at the vehicle latent prints and carpool and express lanes together with the partners at municipal transportation agency caltrans and san mateo couldn't on the balboa park stationery valium the off-ramp wee realignment excuse me. thank you. >> and in addition, we're looking at the closer of the geneva impact interchange area another repeat after me and local effort corridor with the entertainment commission excuse me. and the office of economic workforce development at the late night transportation study
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an initiative of schez to look at the early morning hours with the community trips and for entertainment venues so this is some go that as yielded results and night time service and working with the multi agency and the stakeholders for prior solution to the area and in the daytime the bridges are in the region and working with mtc looking at bart and others for the crowded conditions in the corridor our city and region is growing that's the worst rated congestion link in the bay area so, please look forward to that we'll be bringing recommendations forward as part of mtcs work in the first quarter of year. >> further on the planning we work with the west side to look
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at the transit hub and look at the tremendous seats assets at the bart station and the west portal and be more effective in leveraging some of the public transit services and the bus lines and the bike sharing coming down and insuring the pedestrian connections we've done great public surveys this is important coming out as well and thank you for your leadership commissioner tang and the commission times to us look at the services and at this point leap has seized operations but those issues condition to remain top of mind and transportation folks minds as well as the community as i have no speaker cards pressure for the use of curve space by the new shuttle providers and our
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new technology and transportation services in the area of funding we hit a mile the first year where savings has exceeded one hundred million dollars a year and we fund more the priorities in transportation the ta and the policy management of over $800 million and this is not just prop k but other grants the transportation authority has and regional dollars we allocated over one hundred and $40 million including for the light rail and other motorist programs and each dollar we collect in praubz leverage 47 times that amount and that's a great question federal and state grant as well our prop w a the vehicle
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registration fees 57 projects collected in 2015, 9th street and mcallister renovation in the tenderloin and other things great near the bulk station so congratulations to bart and we look forward to more prop a projects coming down those are quick to deliver the projects public safety and transit for liability our one bay area grant this is mtc the metropolitan federally funded program has been supporting satisfactorily programs a wonderful groundbreaking connecting 3 district 9 and 10 and 11 and in addition the e r trailer elementary school the first project to be completed with the safe roads to school and the
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continued design work really almost ready for construction on market octavia avenue and chinatown broadway street and the second street as well as moving forward on the transportation fund for clean air the $4 distribution fee those are projects we do the emissions we had funding going to various shuttles that serve san francisco general hospital and veils as well as 8th street and we had a wonderful picture of the trail we used tsa funds we thank them for in their partnership there and next on vision zero continuing with the bike and the public safety the vision zero committee met several times in the capital promotions and thank you chair kim and to look at education and
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engineering and enforcement activities across the city and help to achieve the various agencies that are working to drive down facility injuries to zero within 10 years and the chair mentioned the bike sharing there is outreach ongoing we encourage all neighborhood groups u groups and community members to go to the bike sharing and call the offices we'll direct you to put in our comments where it should be betsy carmichael chair mentions the presidio parkway a wonderful celebration that facility is open for the public we made a first penny paid after three or four years of constructing that project is heaped in september with the substantial completion team others whole project to be complete at the end of this
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beyond any doubt and deliver the yerba buena project and the fulsome street i 80 fabric and the transportation authority delivered that to help improve the public safety and for the transbay center plan the prop k signature as much as the subway made great progress completing the tunneling as well as moderating into the system construction we understand there is some inconvenient the construction impacts are having a bit of an impact but making terrific progress and is it a fair statement, is working hard and we appreciate in their tvmd and on the transbay center both the phase one terminal is taking
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shape boo ground 50 percent complete we are r had a cost review led by chair wiener 19 that is serving on the transportation commission and those reviews have been completed an increase to the official cost for the transbay term and tjpa board will revise that in early 2016 a multiple team working on the remaining gap and confident we'll get there in the next few months to finish this with the downtown expectation blended facility blended track with our high speed rail and bringing the trains into transbay term as the downtown phase two project for the next signature so replace
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the sdel a project that the ground work contract and their before the caltrain powers board thank you commissioner cohen for serving and overseeing the progress there as well for all 3 operates muni and caltrain their demanding a record high levels in all 3 operators need more vehicles so the expansion program was the top priority for sfmta we stand ready to support with the prop k savings and working with mtc to help muni to take advantage of the procurement opportunity within their motor vehicle vendor and most importantly on the accountability we had a clean
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audit with the transportation authority financial management additional over credit rating were upgradeed and reaffirmed we appreciate, of course, the deputy for finance and administration the ability to convert our to a resolving program it saved us costs in administering the debt and so far so again good and continuing to achieve the and invite the members of the public to go to my and enter our address and understand the projects are planned and built by the transportation authority and in our various partners and figuring out how to contact those and in participation of the lbe and get we're in the 15,
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to 17 percent range the transportation authority for the 2015-2016 and looked forward to a big annual working group up this month provide that information on the website for contractors many who come year after year that is next thank you. the transportation authority alter 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. come to the transportation authority offices to get more about contracting opportunity particularly for small and other businesses and thank you to you and your staff to our partners at the region and state and to the community especially our advisory committee and chair chris for their support throughout the year and look forward to 2016 and particularly to the new conversations will pressing funding conversation and ballot measures at the on top of the meeting that concludes my
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presentation. and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> >> thank you, ms. chang and thank you for this terrific report schelgz. >> thank you commissioner wiener i want to talk about the conversations relative to the n tip program for the multiply implementation plan the general consensus was that that was going to be put on hold pending some additional community outreach and potential repurposing of some are all the fund i wanted to note that should be rescued in the annual report. >> thank you very much for the suggestion reminder uh-huh. >> okay and we don't need a motion okay terrific. >> colleagues, any other questions or comments okay. seeing none we will move to public comment
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on item 9 any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed and this is an action item so i think the house has changed so, please call roll. >> commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell human resources commissioner kim commissioner mar commissioner peskin commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee project manager. >> great so item number ten. >> introduction of new items this is an informational item. >> who is - who is sitting in my oh, commissioner kim do you okay commissioner kim and i don't have a new items i was
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going to ask to rescind on the items. >> i'll move past this before we adjourn i'll ask you to make that motion no new items any public comment on item 10 seeing none, public comment is closed. and before we move to item 11 commissioner kim has a motion can you please state the motion commission. >> i'm sorry, i don't have the agenda nonresponsive me. >> what is that. >> item 5 and 678 or. >> no. >> i believe i missed another one mr. clerk confirm. >> 5 through 8 commissioner kim has made a motion to rescind - >> no.
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>> what's happening why are we rescinding the vote. >> if no second that's fine. >> second. >> a what's the motion. >> commissioner kim can you - >> i withdraw my motion. >> okay. so no motion on the floor. >> i'd like to rescind the vote just on well, actually we might as well 5 and 6. >> so can you articulate our motion just to be clear. >> just to rescind the vote on item 5 and 6. >> commissioner kim has rescind the vote seconded by changing and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. oh, the house has changed so we'll call the roll on rescind the votes on items 5
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and 6. >> on the motion to rescind the vote. >> commissioner kim did you want to say something or - and schelgz has left so - >> then i'll withdraw he had voted on those items; right? >> so the motion commissioner tang do you agree to that okay. the motion is withdrawn. >> item 11. >> public comment. >> any public comment? >> thank you, thank you the state of mercy to see everyone equal and one body in leadership so as one can have a full heart of self-containment once isolation of good cause could be served a dream would come through because of the mercy one
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engages of coloration or self-improvement in all realistic aspects avenue their works self-cult vacation of works of true heart and self-direction and good experience for a extension of aids to the brothers is true mercy. >> okay any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 12. >> adjournment. >> we're adjourned thank you, colleagues
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>> here we are at the embarcadero. we are standing at one of locations for the street artists. can you tell me about this particular location, the program? >> this location is very significant. this was the very first and only location granted by the board of supervisors for the street artist when the program began in 1972. how does a person become a street artist? there are two major tenants. you must make the work yourself and you must sell the work yourself. a street artist, the license, then submitting the work to a committee of artists. this committee actually watches them make the work in front of them so that we can verify that it is all their own work.
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>> what happened during the holiday to make this an exciting location? >> this would be a magic time of year. you would probably see this place is jammed with street artists. as the no, there is a lottery held at 6 in the morning. that is how sought after the spaces are. you might get as many as 150 street artists to show up for 50 spaces. >> what other areas can a licensed street artist go to? >> they can go to the fisherman's wharf area. they can go in and around union square. we have space is now up in the castro, in fact. >> how many are there? >> we have about 420. >> are they here all year round? >> out of the 420, i know 150 to sell all year round. i mean like five-seven days a
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week. >> are they making their living of of this? >> this is their sole source of income for many. >> how long have you been with this program. how much has it changed? >> i have been with the program since it began 37 and a half years ago but i have seen changes in the trend. fashion comes and goes. >> i think that you can still find plenty of titis perhaps. >> this is because the 60's is retro for a lot of people. i have seen that come back, yes. >> people still think of this city as the birth of that movement. great, thank you for talking about the background of the program. i'm excited to go shopping.
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>> i would like you to meet two street artists. this is linda and jeremy. >> night said to me to print them -- nice to meet you. >> can you talk to me about a variety of products that use cell? >> we have these lovely constructed platters. we make these wonderful powder bowls. they can have a lot of color. >> york also using your license. -- you are also using your license. >> this means that i can register with the city. this makes sure that our family participated in making all of
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these. >> this comes by licensed artists. the person selling it is the person that made it. there is nothing better than the people that made it. >> i would like you to meet michael johnson. he has been in the program for over 8 years. >> nice to me you. what inspired your photography? >> i am inspired everything that i see. the greatest thing about being a photographer is being able to show other people what i see. i have mostly worked in cuba and work that i shot here in san francisco. >> what is it about being a street artist that you particularly like? >> i liked it to the first day
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that i did it. i like talking to mentum people. talking about art or anything that comes to our minds. there is more visibility than i would see in any store front. this would cost us relatively very little. >> i am so happy to meet you. i wish you all of the best. >> you are the wonderful artist that makes these color coding. >> nice to me to. >> i have been a street artist since 1976. >> how did you decide to be a street artist? >> i was working on union square. on lunch hours, i would be there visiting the artist. it was interesting, exciting, and i have a creative streak in me.
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it ranges from t-shirts, jackets, hats. what is the day of the life of a street artist? >> they have their 2536 in the morning. by the end of the day, the last people to pack the vehicle probably get on their own at 7:30 at night. >> nice to me to condemn the -- nice to meet you. >> it was a pleasure to share this with you. i hope that the bay area will descend upon the plaza and go through these arts and crafts and by some holiday gifts. >> that would be amazing. thank you so much for the hard work that you do.
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. >> a hi, i'm karen fry a project manager and sfpuc and the bureau of environmental management honestly i've not considered a public sector job i realized this was an opportunity to work on large capital projects from san francisco all the way to our hetch hetchy and the yosemite national park i work with engineers and city attorneys and scheduled and we all work tom nolan e together on the project. >> the excavations are in red we'll have the interference to go under the street. >> my next project is the largest project in the water system improvement program this
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is the southeast plan that involved a lot of kworpthsdz with the community groups and public when 9 commissioners such the planning commission and the board of supervisors or this ftc commission they help us in city hall this is a beautiful building it really is the inner workers of the building you feel you're in the heart of government and it's exciting to be part of that. >> we all know a major earthquake will eventually hit san francisco are reproerl presented san francisco is making sure we are with the public safety buildings.
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>> this consists of 4 consultants the police headquarters with the from 850 with a brand new fire station number 4 to serve mission bay swimming pools at office of economic workforce development in the fire station thirty. >> is the the hall of justice on bryant the new home for 2 hundred and 50 uniform and voiven compresses we all it was opened in 19 so sociothat is a 50-year improvement as far as structure and work environment had that will be a great place to work. >> when construction began in 2011 this was with an clear goal to make sure with the big one heights the resident will will have a function police
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department those are the highly seismic standards it is up to operate up to 96 hours from the police department perspective that building is self-sufficient for a main made arrest in all disastrous zake ever after we will run our operational from here no matter what happens this building and the people that serve the businesses will continue to function building is designed to meet lead goal certification and also to art installations on the campus that was designed and constructed to better sense of ability so for example, we're using solar water heaters we're also urging gray water for reuse inform flush water and rainwater for the cooling and irrigation
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locked on third street and mission rock is it serves the motorbike neighborhood and motorbike i moiks is a growing neighborhood and the intent of the bond to have please and fire serves to serve the community. >> hemming helping to keep the building and the stay safe was the not the only opportunity it creates many jobs with 82 bleb businesses overall san franciscans contributed one hundred and 87 thousand hours to help to complete the project it shows the city of san francisco the elected officials and police officers and more importantly the voters that paid for the building this is what we can do with when we wrorpt this is a beacon when we need to build new extra we can trust them with the
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>> good morn everybody, welcome to san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for january, 20, 2016. i am mark farrell. i am joined by tang and scott wiener who is in replacement of eric mar. i want to thank jim smith and [inaudible] from sfgtv >> please silence cell phones and electronic devices.
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[inaudible] be included as part of the file should be submit today the clerk. items will appear on the january 26 board of supervisor agenda unless otherwise stated >> thank you. colleagues and members of the public we have 19 items so we'll do our best to get through them in a exbuditious manner >> item 1 is resolution reto actively authorizing department of the environment to accept a grant in the mount of approximately 6.9 million from the cpuc [inaudible] continue energy use and demand reduction through [inaudible] >> great, we have department of environment to speak >> jessie denver, the san francisco department of the environment energy program manager and here today to encourage you to approve this request to accept 6.93 million dollars
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from the cpuc through pg & e and continue the [inaudible] of energy efficiency upgrade. since 2003 the san francisco energy watch program which provides free watch [inaudible] other efficiency service to multiple sectors throughout our community has enabled energy efficiency upgrades that have released over 40 million dollars in rebate incentives through this program. in 2015 we helped the commercial sector small and medium business and multifamily sectors take advantage of over 2 million dollars in rebates providing a valuable community service to building owners throughout san francisco. in fact, we were so successful last year we were all most
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110 percent of the energy reduction goal. we encourage you to approve the request so we can continue the valuable community surfbs throughout san francisco and continue reduce energy consemption. . >> great, thank you very much. seeing no questions we'll open to public comment. anybody wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. >> chair, i would like to make a motion to forward the resolution with positive recommendation to full board >> motion by supervisor tang and second by wiener, we can take that without objection. item 2, please >> item 2 is ordinance amending the administrative code to require prevailing wages be paid for broadcast service on city property >> the item is sponsored by supervisor wiener >> thank you very much. colleagues today is legislation that i'm author to
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establish a prevailing wage requirement for broadcast services occurring on city property. our prevailing wage ordinance is incredibly important in expressing our values as a city and particularly that we prioritize making sure that people are paid not just living wages, but wages that allow them to survive in san francisco. the city is so expensive and want people of all economic levels, working class and middle class to live here and make sure people are are not paid poverty wages and the prevailing wage is our way of expressing that value and making sure in certain context whether when you contract with the city or do certain types of work on city property you pay your workers a fair and reasonable wage. today we are expanding
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our prevailing wage requirement to broadcast service on city property and i want to thank [inaudible] 119 for working with us on this legislation [inaudible] broadcast sunchss include the work required to electronically capture events such as sporting events, commercial event, concerts and other similar event for broadcast use typically on television or cable. the legislation focuses on commercial activities and exempts smaller neighborhood and not for profit events. first i would like to call up dan nickel son from local 119 to provide context for the legislation and then i want to describe a minor amendment i am making and then we can go to public comment. >> thank you supervisor wiener and everyone here today. on behalf of local 119 we currently do
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warriors and a's and shark jz put on the broadcast that continue throughout the bay area as well as sacramento. we are happy to do that scope of work and look forward continuing in other jobs that come along. we are a part of superbowl 50 and with americas cup in the past we would like to continue work wg the city of san francisco and through the livable wage the members do and those that come from the city be a part of >> thank you. dona love utis here if there are questions. i did distribute a non substantive amendment to clarify one of the exempts which has to do with smaller events and it makes it clear where multiple people are involved in the broadcast work and after public comment i will move that. i
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suggest we open public comment >> anybody wish to speak on item 2? >> good morning budget and finance. [singing]. hit it with your best shot, why don't you hit it with your best city shot, budget and finance fire away. and i can see budget clearly now the rain has gone. i can see all budget obstacles in my way. gone all the dark clouds that has be blind, it's gonna be a bright, bright sun city day. >> thank you very much. anyone else wish to comment on item 2? seeing none public comment is closed.
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thank you supervisor wiener for bringing this forward and would like to be a cosponsor on this item >> thank you mr. chairman, i appreciate the cosponsorship. first i move we adopt the amendment i distributed and described >> second >> motion by supervisor wiener and second by supervisor tang, take that without objection and >> move to full board of supervisors with positive recommendation. >> we can do the same. >> thank you >> madam clerk can you call item 3 >> a russian lose authorizing the mayors office of housing and community development to [inaudible] in the amount of 3 million [inaudible] and [inaudible] projects eligible under the department of mob nob located within the boundaries of soma >> thank you . >> good morning, supervisors claudine [inaudible] with mayors office of
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housing and community development and here to seek approval for the resolution which authorizes [inaudible] spend 3 million from the south of market soma commune tastabilization fund to provide [inaudible] under writing guidelines. the next few slides provide a brief over view of the soma fund and small sites program. the soma community stabilization fund came out of ordinance 21705 which the board approved and amendmented the planning code rezoning rincon hill established the soma fund which imposes a impact fee on residential development to provide community stabilization benefits [inaudible] the legislation also stipulates up to 6 million of the
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infrastructure fee will be deposited into the soma fund. this slide shows the soma community stabilization fund community advisory committee created and compose of 7 board of supervisor members and their job is advise [inaudible] and board on the administration of the fund. meets monthly and makes recommendations on the fund and promotes infrastructure, coordination among neighborhood organizational leaders. this lists each of the members and the requirements for each seat. the next slide shows a map of the boundaries the
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fund is intended to benefit. during the planning process they identified the planning departments designated use and family zone as well as filipino cultural heritage district as priorities within soma. the investigatement objectives were decide when the cac created their plan approved by the board in 2008. it identified 4 areas of investment which are housing, jobs and incomes, community cohesion and neighborhood and infrastructure. this chart demonstrates the spending trends of the soma fund, so primarily through [inaudible] released by ocd the fund expenned 7.7 million dollars to
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date and the chart shows a break down of categories of expenditures with the majority going tohousing, acquisition i development followed by work force and economic development and capital and infrastructure. the cash balance is 22.4 million and the figure includes grants incumbered but not spent down yet. the overview of there [inaudible] program and the goals, it was initiated in 2014 by ocd and the goals are protect and stabilize housing for low and moderate income residents to remove property from the speculative market and create supply of permanently affordable housing. buildings that qualify have the characteristics of being immediate risk for ellis
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act evictions, located in a neighborhood with high levels of ellis act evictions, existing tenants that inqulud vulnerable population such as families with children, eldserly, disabled or housing tenants with very low income. the small sites program is currently funded from 10 percent of inclusionary housing fees collected, 25 percent of condo conversion fees and housing trust fund. it has the potential to be funded by the soma community stabilization fund as another source. it was launched july of 2014 with 3 million for initial funding with 5 to 25 residential units and since the inception small sites program sponsored acquired and rehabilitationed 3 properties, additional 5 properties will be acquired by the end of the month for a total of 49
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stabilized units with 14.9 in city loans mpt there are 4 applications pending. the small sites program in the somy stabilization fund worked together early on because it is in direct alignment with the priorities and objectives of the fund. i want to mention all soma community stabilization fund projeblths would be subject to soma fund restrictions and last year in the summer the soma cac voted unanimously to allocate 3 million to the small sites program to create a pool of readily available funds that allow [inaudible] acquire projects that may otherwise be lost to market speculation. so, this slide shows what the current balance is in the fund to date and if this item were
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approved the remaining balance would be 19.4 million dollars. we are understand and aware the legislative analyst the board approve expenditures for the 2 projects currently identified and not approve the 399 thoin in community stabilization fund expenditures. requesting approval to the small site fund, not necessarily for the 2 identified projectsism the restrictions on the soma funds include the geography in which they can be spent. any projects that use these fund must qualify under the small site program guideline jz soma site restrictions on their use. finally, the cac understands and discussed the condition squz voted unanimously to allocate the 3 million to allow [inaudible]
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respond to properties at risk of speculation. that is all. >> colleagues any questions? supervisor wiener? seeing none, can we go to your report mr. rose and apologize for not calling you on item 2 >> no apology is necessary what so ever. on page 10 of our report we report the south of market community stabilization fund has a available fund balance of 22.5 million as the department indicated in table 5 on page 10 the report and the available balance will be 19.4 million should you approve the 3 million dollar request. on page 11 of our report we state that 399, 997 and request of 3 million in the
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stable phraigz funds are for a affordable housing project not yet identified. according to the mohcd, they request octization to assign 399, 997 to small sites program before identifying a eligible project in order to give them the flexibility to act quickly within the established small sites program, underwriting guidelines and south of market community stabilization fund. and available uses without further board of supervisor approval when the praurnt becomes available for acquisitionism we note there is usually a 90 day period before loan closing and so we recommend that the board of supervisors approve the 2.6 million which they have given complete budget details for of requested 3 million and you not approve the 399, 997
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until an additional project is identified and the budget details are then present today the board of supervisors and the recommendations are stated on the bottom of page 11 you amend the resolution to authorize nub nob expend 2 million 600 thousand for the community stabilization fund instead of inrequested 3 million and approve the proposal as amended. >> i wond if someone can explain the response to mr. rose's recommendation regarding the 400 thousand dollars that has not been completely shown in terms of budget details, maybe explain ing the process and how it works so we have a understanding why there was a request for the full 3 million. >> brian [inaudible] mayors
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office of housing and community development. i think part of the process we have been working with soma community advisory committee learning the best way to be able to respond strategically to the changes fluctuations of the market. we went to committee and encouraged them to set aside the appropriate amount of funding for the overall program. one of the challenges is when we go forward with these deals, things can change from one day to the next. you may think you have a project set up and ready to move and a something comes up with underwriting. you need to be able
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to pick up and move to the next property right away so it was better to approve an overall amount without tying to a specific project. it may be true that loans typically a 90 day closing period, it is also necessary for us to be able to respond to a developer right away with the commitment that is meaningful, so one of our concerns is that if we need to go through the overall committee in order to be able to give any kind of formal letter of commitment to the developer, it may just take us out of the mix. we realize that overall in a ideal world it may be useful to have very specific projects picked up every time and come to the board to identify the project, that is simply not the way the market is working, especially now which is why we are asking for the blanket
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permission to utilize up to 3 million dollars being we have been able to demonstrate the ability to manage this type of program and set up appropriate application guidelines and reviews in combination with [inaudible] larger small sites program that extends beyond the soma stabilization fund. >> thanks. also, is there another set of approval process for once you see a deal may go through? it isn't necessarily through had board of supervisors i believe, but through another body. >> ruby harass is here fraump ocd and manages the small sites program. i think she can speak more to the process of approval and i can add for the cac's rules >> ruby harass and project manager for the #1345u8 sites program.
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basically we go through a thorough underwriting process and it is a 90 day process, the first 60 days are spent looking at the building itself and making sure the project underwriting guidelineerize met and the tenets are income qualified and all that stuff. then we write up an analysis of the building and it goes through an internal process of review all the way up to the director so gets signed off by several people in the office. the program has gone through had city wide affordable housing loan committee so they reviewed the underwriting guidelines and approved it as a program so we have a couple different lays of approval in there. the properties getting funding at the soma fund goes through the cac so they are reviewed and approved through them which i'll let claudine talk
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about >> the cac discussed this at length and one reason why they chose to recommend this is allow [inaudible] to move quickly because they understand the conditions of the neighborhood and market. they talked about approving the small sites program and the guidelines and comfortable going through their approval process and vetting the project. when the applications are submitded for a particular project they come to myicism squh ruby so we look at them from both lens and let the cac know a project has been identified and eligible and they have given us their blessing to move forward with anything that does fit both guidelines. they are notified within the first 30 dayoffs underwriting quh it is closer to approval they are given a update. they
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have given us their blessing to move forward with any project that meets both and don't require they go through aortvoting process. they want to allow it to move quickly. >> thank you >> seeing no other comments we'll open up to public comment. anyone wish to comment on item number 3? >> good morning, my name is keith coolly and the asset manager at the san francisco community land trust t. the community land trust has been active in soma stabilizing communities by purchasing residential properties on the threlt of eviction and we are participants in the mayors office of housing small sites program. we support this proposal because
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it enables us to move quickly where buildings and residents are under threat of eviction. we acquired property using the soma stabilization fund and we are in the process of proceeding on another couple of projects. in this kind of market we really need to move quickly, so the community land trust supports this proposal. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> [singing brash. ]. we are going riding on the soma freeway. [inaudible] holding nothing back. we are going riding on the freeway of gov
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with a budget wind against our back. we are going riding on the freeway, we are holding nothing back. and-tell me why budget, is it so ma. we are never going to let you go, we will never say good bye to soma. ngo no, we are never going to say good bye. >> thank you, next speaker please >> good morning supervisors, my name is angelica [inaudible] with the south of market community action network. we are the partner organization that workwise the san francisco community land trust to actually identify buildings in the south of market to purchase in the small sites program. i'm here to encourage you to
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please support the recommendation of the staff from the mayors office of housing including the stabilization fund cac. it is actually 90 days sounds like long time to purchase a building, but in acuality we have lost a lot of buildings due to a 90 day closure. a lot of landlords or owners want to be able to close deals right away and you are dealing with speculators in the south of market that has the money to throw down to purchase a building right away or close esgrow within a month or 2 so wree lost a lot of buildings so we hope the 399 thousand or 400 thousand that is recommended that you actually approve and supported by you
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because we really need to make sure we are able to purchase buildings right away. every week there is new buildings up for sale, we lose some and win some but need to make sure the city fund sg available right away for the community to be able to work with the residents to stable ilize them in the neighborhood and the city continues to help residents stay in san francisco. thank you >> thank you very much. any other members wish to comment on item 3? seeing none public comment is closed. supervisor tang. >> thank you. i think i share the sentiment of the last speaker during public comment trying to give mohcd the flexibility during competing in the market and so i also am comforted by the fact there is a cac that has their eyes on this completely. so, i would
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actually like to recommend we just authorize the full 3 million original requested and send to full board with positive recommendation >> motion by tang and second by wiener and take that without object. item 4. >> item 4 is resolution prevailing wage rates for workers performing work under city contracts >> thank you very much. we have ose here to speak on this item. [inaudible]jerk good morning. dana levelt office of labor standards enforcement. this is the annual approval of the california department of industrial relations wage determinations for public works as well as the adoption of prevailing wage rates for local non construction
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prevailing wage ordinances. there is nothing out of the ordinary here. >> thank you very much mrs. levt. seeing no comments or questions mr. rose can we go to your report? >> yes, page 15 of the report we note attachment 2 which is on page 17 and that was prepared by our office summarizing the type of contracts, leases or operating agreements to pay prevailing wage. the collective bargain agreement and labor union, the amount of wage increase in 2016 compared to 2015. [inaudible] the proposal hourly wage rates. any incraes is a result of the prevailen wage rates are dependent on contracts or bids and the extent the wage
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rates result [inaudible] the city can not estimate at this time we can serve approval of this legislation to be a [inaudible] >> thank you very much mr. rose. seeing no or questions we'll open to public comment. anyone wish to comment on item 4? >> [singing]. i get a peaceful easy city feeling and i know you won't them down. with all these city contracts, all around. >> okay, anybody else wish to comment. seeing none public comment is closed. love to entertain a motion to move the item forward >> so moved >> motion by supervisor tank and second by wiener, we take that without objection. can you call item 5. >> resolution establishing the
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appropriation for fiscal year 15/16 for 3 billion [inaudible] article 13 b. >> we have the controllers office to speak on this item. >> good morning supervisors. alex [inaudible] with the controls office and analysis division. i have a electronic presentation. before you today is a resolution establishing the annual appropriation limits otherwise known as the gam limit for fiscal year 15/16. this will limit appropriation for tax for formial a as in the state constitution. if exceeded the excuss must be returned to the taxpayers with tax rates or refund and the only way to
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raise the limit is by voter apruchbed ballot measure. the next slide shows the prior year limit and the inflation factors provided by the state department of finance. we use these factors to calculate the 15/16 limit which is nearly 3 billion. we also calculate the amount of city appropriations subject to the limit and we determined that city appropriations are approximately 62 million dollars below the limit. and the final slide shows the past 7 years historical value of the amount city appropriations are under the limit. i am happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? seeing none mrs. rose can we go to your report >> we recommend approval of this ruzlution
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>> thank you we will move to public comment. anyone wish to comment on item 5? seeing none public comment is closed. >> like to make motion to forward out positive recommendation to the full board >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. madam clerk can you call item 6, please and 7 together >> item 6 is resolution authorizing amendment to the [inaudible] 2.2 million in the first year of the february 1, 2016 through january [inaudible] item 7, resolution authorizing a amendment to master terms and conditions [inaudible] which extend the term for 2 years with [inaudible]
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>> okay, thank you. mr. updike is here to speak. >> good morning, happy new year. these 2 items involve extending the occupancy of data center at 200 paul avenue until 2021. data centers are rated on a classification. they are tier 1 which has les [inaudible] up to a tier 4 center which has the great est resiliency. 200 paul is rated tier 3. it has seismic resiliency and power and cooling [inaudible] 99.982 percent uptime availability. so, we have been at 200 paul for the past 8 years following rfq selection
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process. our license agreement with united [inaudible] expire at the ends of the month. firstilever speak to united layer agreement it is for 5 years. it has the ability to flex up or down with up to 6 cabinets. rent is adjusted of course if we took either of those options. we propose a decrease [inaudible] it takes monthly rent from 208, 954 to 185, 624 a month. that is a 11 percent decrease. it is seldom i come before the committee with one of those deals. rents increase 4 percent a year under the agreement and the power cost are under 30 thousand a year. we secure a right to lease from united way or cloud service to replace
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vacated cabinets. the price per rack which is the only way to look at compareability to other facilities or locations within this facility compares favorbly with 2 other agreements [inaudible] which is their main competition. those are also provide today the budget analyst office to assist with their report. this agreement is at least 25 percent less than all those compareables. the other license agreement is with tell x for the meet me room. that provides conductivity to the internet and fiber in the street. that agreement is 2 years with 3, 1 year renewal options and doubles the connections so we can carry twice the amount of data. the prior year was 5151 a month and this increases that to 9 thousand a
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month. that is a 75 percent increase in rent for a 100 percent increase in services provided. rent with tell x increases 3 percent a year. it is all incluse v, there are no other monthly cost. i'm joined by a plethora of dt staff so if you have questions regarding the program or vision of data suvs service they are happy to answer the questions >> seeing no questions we'll move to the budget analyst report. >> mr. chairman, supervisor tang on page 27 of our report we note the total estimated 5 year cost [inaudible] 200 paul avenue is [inaudible] that is shown in table 3 on page 28 of our-27 of the report. we recommend
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you approve the resolution. >> thank you very much, mr. rose. seeing no questions from colleagues we move to public comments. anyone wish to comment on 6 or 7? seeing none public comment is closed >> make a motion to move 6 and 7 to full board with positive recommendation >> motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor wiener. before we call 8 can we resend the vote on item 5? a motion by supervise r wiener and second by supervisor tang and take that without objection. can we refake roll call on item 5? >> item 5 the motion is to recommend to the full board for positive recommendation. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye.
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farrell, aye. there are 3 aye's >> motion passes. item 8 >> approve thg amendment to the lease with [inaudible] planning department determination under the california quality act and making [inaudible] with the general plan and the palss of planning code section 101.1. >> okay, we have rec and park here and mrs. [inaudible] >> good morning. cusandra [inaudible] with rec and park department and here to seek approval to amend the lease between rec and park department and quoit tower llc. the new operator began may of 2014 after the renovation and restoration of quoit tower. he has done a exceptional job with customer service and enhanced the guest experience. today i have a number of proposed amendments to the
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lease and want to highlight the substantial ones and then i would like to propose additional amendments to the ordinance and lease amendments i hope you will adopt today. i would like the screen police. please. the credit will provide 9500 dollars per month to the lesee for enhanced staffing. for the first time since quoit tower opens they had the staff needed to [inaudible] pleased to say this amendment is supported by the san francisco arts commission and approved -recommended for approval by rec and park commission last month. the other element is on line mural tour ticket sale that provides on line ticket sales to control the flow. additionally
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we propose the lesee to open a hour early to offer mural tours for school groups seniors and youth groups. providing a credit for credit card fees for elevator tickets. finely we have a flb of amendments regarding food and beberage. the first authorizes the sale of food and beverage from a kiosk outside the tower and authorize the [inaudible] shows and location. it will also authorize a negotiateated 10 percent cut of percentage rent to the rec park department by the lesee and provide a credit until the kiosk is up and running or the summer, which ever is sooner. by the number of amendments
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to the ordinance in addition to what i just presented. the first set are recommendations from the budget analyst and we are proposing to incompass the recommendations. the first is page 3 line 21 through 24. the department will evaluate the effectiveness [inaudible] make a report [inaudible] any future increase to the the mural staching credit shall be approved by the board of supervisors. the second on page 3, lines 24 and 25 and continues to page 4, lines 1 and 2, removing the amount of the credit may be adjusted by the general manager of there department if as a result of the future significant increase in siz aretership or [inaudible] the 10 tenant determines it must provide
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staffing beyond the staffing contemplate frd mural protection. i want to note the copies of the amended ordinance rin the packets for supervisors and have copies for the public. page 5, line 4 corrected a typo in the food credit will expire from july 31, 2017 to july 31, 2016. page 5, lines 8 to 22 adding a new section. in addition to rent based on elevator ticket the tenet must bay a prertage of gross receipts for murchen dize sale, audio tours [inaudible] the department proposes to amend the lease to require pay 10 percent on gross receipts from the sale of food and beverages. on page 5, line 23 changing section 8 to 9. page 6, line 10, changing 9 to 10 and
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page 6 line 4 adding the text percentage based on the food and beverages. i will summarize the amendments to the lease amendments these are incorporated based on counversation to the community. the first is remove the [inaudible] the second is allowing the before hour tours for a k-12 students, non profit enrichment program and non-profit senior program. insure [inaudible] before hour tours. we propose to remove the prepackage edible items from the museum shop and require to remove the sweet and beverage key aunge at the end of the term. lastly we propose to modify the pr language. that
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concludes the presentation and happy to answer any questions you have, thank you. >> thank you mrs. cosstelo >> a quick clar fiication and know i'm jumping ahead because we will go to [inaudible] there was a recommendation the general manager should not [inaudible] it looks like on page 3 you had changed that to board of supervisor approval, is that correct? >> correct, for increase in credit we remove the generals manager ability to increase the credit and come to the board for approval >> mr. rose, can we get your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman and members the committee. on page 34, the bottom of page 34 we note table 2 on page 33 of our report-on page 35 of the report shows the net rent credits of
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360, 150 paid by rec and park department and that is over the r lease from february 2016 to april of 2019. the credits include 1 time credits paid by rec and park department totals 123, 150. [inaudible] and then you dedect the estimated percentage rent to be paid by the tenant to rec and park for food and beverage sales totaling 231 thousand dollars. on page 35 of our report we note it is shown in table 3, the budget and legislative analyst estimates the total rent received by the rec and park department over the remaining 39 month term of the lease is 3, 528, 526 to be paid by rec and park department to the tenet. the deerment received
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revenue of 3, 168, 486 over the remaining term of the lease. supervisors, as i understand what the department is stated and i look at our recommendations and compared with what was stated they are consistent with all the recommendations on page 36. i with repeat them but otherwise i recommend that you amend the proposed ordinance as we state on page 36 of our report. >> thank you mr. rose, i think we are good with that. colleague any questions? we'll move to public comment. anyone wish to comment on item 8? >> my name is ken maley, long time [inaudible] resident and participant in preservation of quoit tower. i strongly encourage the knhit committee the changes in the lease and the change jz amendments will continue to
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assist the [inaudible] to develop a good project and keep quoit tower as it should be. >> thank you very much. anybody else? next speaker, please. >> good morning supervisors, my name is richard rothman and give tours at quoit tower once or twice a month. i support the vendor, i think [inaudible] is doing a great jaup job up there and support the amendments that harvey rose made. i hope i have in the online service and selling the kiosk on the tickets on the outside of the kiosks that will lessen the lines inside. quoit tower wasn't designed to have murals needless to be a museum and have to deal with narrow passages so if the vendor can set up a system
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where people wait outside until their number is called if they buy tickets on line i think that will enhance the viewing power for people to see the murals. also, in the staff recommendations adding more staff, i would like to make sure that the staff walk around and make sure the murals are protected and making sure no wandering hand get on the museum or other things. finally, is make sure that the staff is trained by the art commission and the rec and park set up guidelines and just to make sure the staff is aware of the murals and appreciates the importance of these murals. thank you. >> thank you very much. anybody else wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. key have a bunch of amendments we have an agreement with from the budget analyst.
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entertain a motion to accept those items >> yes, i would like to make a motion to accept all of the amendments that were stated by rec and park. >> okay, motion by supervisor tang. take that without objection >> i want to thank rec and park staff. we had a good discussion about this. i know it was challenging to get to this point, but i can see a lot of hard work was put into this so appreciate that. i would say from a visitors perspective it is great that now hopefully affthis approved people can buy tickets on line. this is wonderful and i can't wait to see how we can better serve visitors to ko irks t tower. i would like to make a plosion to approve the ordinance as amended with positive recommendation >> motion by supervisor tang and want to echo thank you to rec and park and take that motion without
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objection. call item 9 >> item 9, resolution approving the lease with u.s. government for office space to acpied by the u.s. federal of investigation at the international terminal of san francisco international airport with rents tote aelg 1.6 million for [inaudible] lease of january 4, 2016 through january 3, 20 19. >> and think we have cathy wagner from the airport >> thank you. cathy wagner from san francisco international airport. the item seeks approval for new 3 year lease betrene airport and federal bureau of investigation for 2396 square foot of office space. rent payable to had airport under the new lease
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is 519, 429 dollars with [inaudible] in operating cost for annual payment to the airport of 542, 766 dollars. this lease is for the same square footage that is occupied by the [inaudible] international terminal for the past 5 years. as the budget analyst office notes recollect there is a ret row activity required. we request the lease start on reto active to january 4, 2016. happy to answer questions if you have them >> thank you very much. seeing no questions mr. rose let's go to your report. >> yes, mr. chairman and members of the committee, on page 39 the total payments over the 3 year term is 1, 628, 298 including a [inaudible] that
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is shown in table 3 on page 39 of our report. we recommend that you amend the [inaudible] >> thank you mr. rose. colleagues any questions? we move to public comment on item 9. anyone wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. can i entertain a motion to accept this recommendation? >> so moved >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. >> madam clerk can you call item 10 >> resolution approving a early term ination of domestic terminal food and beverage [inaudible] >> okay. thank you very much. mrs. wagner is back >> thank you again. cathy wagner with san francisco airport. the airport is seeking approval for a early termination of a lease with sunina operating as piq backry for
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2734 square feet for food and beverage space in terminal 1. the early termination comes at the airports request as part of the terminal 1 redevelopment plan. you have seen a number of these items come before you and in this case the specifics of the terminal 1 projject wasn't in place when this lease was set. the current lease is cept to expire in july of 2017. this early termination means the airport will forgo 288 thousand dollars in rent revenue, but the tenet is amenable to the early termination request and budget analyst office supports the request. happy to answer questions. >> thank you very much. mrs. rose can we go toyour report >> on page 42 of our report the
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early termination date of february 1, 2016 of the lease between [inaudible] and the airport results in a 287, 710 consistent with the department stated in reduced revenue the airport and shown in table one on the report. however, i note with the air ports break even policy there would be no fiscal impact on this legislation-if you approve the legislation to the airport so we recommend that you do approve the resolution >> thank you very much. we'llope toon public comment. anyone wish to common on item 10? seeing none public comment is closed. motion to approve. >> so moved >> regzlution approvering agreement between city and peninsula [inaudible] joint powers board regarding
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administration of [inaudible] positive train control project and [inaudible] for amount of up to 39 million for a term through december 31, 2020. >> good morning supervisors mpt [inaudible] sfmta. the item is a resolution approving an agreement between city and county oof san francisco [inaudible] regarding capital fund for design and crukez of communication [inaudible] train control project and peninsula cordder [inaudible] formed in 1988 the joint powers board owns and operates cal train. the members are santa clara valley transportation authority, the san mateo [inaudible] and city and county of san francisco.
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[inaudible] track train locations and prevent unsafe train movements. the joint powers board [inaudible] which will eelectrify the cal train corridor [inaudible] to convert most fleet to electric trains and reduce emissions and increase service by up to 6 trains per peak hour. in a 2013 memorandum, the city agreed to identify resources to support train control and eelectrification project. [inaudible] the mayors office, sfta and sfmta work in partnership to secure the funding to cal train. in november 2014, voters proved a 500 million dollar transportation road improvement general obligation bond and [inaudible]
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39 million of the 60 million dollar commitment to the positive train control and eelectrification project comes from bond proceeds. [inaudible] dispersement of bonds to cal train. in june of 2015 the board approved 7.76 million dollars of the geobond [inaudible] a portion the city contribution to the positive train control project. this sets for the condition frz the dispersement of the bond proceeds and future dispersement for eelectrification up to 39 million dollars. dispersement beyond the 7.76 million will only [inaudible] the board of supervisors fines the environmental impact report to be adequate, specifically the resolution
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conforms to [inaudible] which is pedestrian improvement adjacent to san francisco [inaudible] happy to answer questions. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? okay. seeing none mrs. rose can we go to your report >> on page 45 of our report we report the estimated cost to implement the communications based overlay signal system positive train control project is 231 million and peninsula cor door eelectrification project is 1 billion 5 [inaudible] the cities share of cost to implement bogets project is 60 million. 31 million are [inaudible] general the balance of 21 million was authorized by the san francisco county transportation authority. on page 46 of our
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report we recommend you approve this resolution. >> okay, thank you very much. colleagues questions or comments? open to public comment. anyone wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues can i entertain a motion to move the item forward? >> so moved >> motion by supervisor tang without objection >> [inaudible] telecommunication for [inaudible] property located at 887 [inaudible] initial 5 year term at [inaudible] 70,000 per year >> we have real estate to speak on this >> good morning, claudia [inaudible] director of real estate. the resolution approves and authorizes a new lease with sprint for the continued use of approximately 189 square feet on the roof of 887 potrero in the
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san francisco general hospital campus. it is replacing existing cabinets with [inaudible] and wiring. sprint is currently on a hold over and has been since september 2012. the 5 year lease commenceed in 2002 and had a 5 year option exteneding through august 2012. real estate negotiated with sprint and the department and san francisco general hospital specifically with several issues coming up due to the unique use and access restrictions that the hospital desired. base rent will be 69, 600 a year or 5800 a month which is at the higher rent of the fair market rate of the aria and population, the number of antennas and
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square feet. the negotiated lease rate exceeds the minimum lease rate. the first year rent is less than the hold over rent because hold over rent is 15 #0e percent of the base rent. in addition the new lease provides for only tupe 3 antenna decrease [inaudible] and cabinets from 2 to 5. the term is 5 years with one 5 year option or total of 10 years to 2026 and annual adjustment to base rent is no less than 3 percent. if you have specific questions i'm happy to answer. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? mrs. rose can we go to your report >> on page 49 of the report at the bottom shown in table 2, which is on page 5 othe lease agreement will generate estimated 369, 516 in
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rent paid by sprint to the sate over the initial 5 year lease term and that includes annual adjustments of at least 3 percent for consumer price indexes. on page 50 of the report, i would note to you that according to the resolution the board of supervisors find it is in the best interest of the city to enter into the lease [inaudible] that competitive bidding in this situation is impractical or impossible and recommend you approve the resolution. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? we'll open up to public comment. anybody wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed >> like to make a motion to forward item 12 with positive recommendation >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. can you call item 13 >> item 13, resolution ret row actively
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approving the 2015 grant application from united states department of housing and urban development [inaudible] 33 million >> thank you very much. we have hsa to speak. >> good morning supervisors. my name is dale semore and the coshare which a irofsuch locless homeless coordinating board. i'm here to encourage you to approve the resolution we have for this grant from hud. as you probably know the san francisco local homeless board oversees san francisco application for federal department of housing and hud funds [inaudible] continuum of care grants for the homeless grants. in 2014 hud awarded san francisco over 27 million dollars in competitive continuation of grants. so, in 2015 the resolution to authorize the homeless coordinating board to
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apply for funds not to exceed 33 million dollars. this go tooz city departments and non profit to provide homeless individuals and families with permanent supportive housing. [inaudible] and miscellaneous supportive services. the grant was [inaudible] and has been submitted. this years application includes over 4 million in funds for new permanent housing for homeless adults and families. the local homeless coordinating board undertake a community process for determining priorities in the competition process each year. this years competition to review the process was discussed at 5 seperal local homeless board nob nub the local homeless accordinating board considered community priorities and designated and the scoring tools to the homeless board for approval.
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the homeless board considered and imprived scored board and materials. hsa and homeless accordinating board [inaudible] in accordance with the rubric created in the community process. a panel scored and ranked applications for projects. after the scoring results delivered to applicants any process at risk of not funded has the opportunity to appeal. this years application included a tier 2 list lower score renewal project rem recommended for funding but not guaranteed to be funded by hud. due to the [inaudible] all of the grants in tier 2 are recommended for funding. whether or not they will be funded is determined by hud. we hope all
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the projects will be selected. [inaudible] to improve the chance of being funded. if you have any wegz question we are open to that now. >> thank you very much. seeing no questions we do not have a budget analyst report so move to public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> happy to support this application and like to forward item 13 with positive recommendation >> motion by supervisor tang and take it without objection. >> item 14, resolution reto actively authorizing department of public health [inaudible] approximately 2.9 million [inaudible]
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>> thank you very much. we have dmh. dph >> susan [inaudible] san francisco is one of just 6 cities and 6 states awarded this funding through a competitive grant process last year and the funding is in 2 parts. san francisco was awarded both. the first is for hiv prof laxs for those at risk for hiv in san francisco. the second is [inaudible] improve care outcome and prevention for people living with hiv. both are aligned with dph's goals for decreasing hiv in san francisco and align would the city wide collective impact of getting to zero hiv and deaths in san francisco. i'm
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happy to answer question but we are excited about the opportunity and hope you will authorize to improve our hiv prevention efforts in san francisco >> thank you very much. no budget analyst report so move to public comment. anyone wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. item 14 sponsored by supervisor wiener. >> we have a motion by supervisor wiener and take that without objection. can you call item 15 >> resolution authorizing the office of district attorney to a grant in amount of approximately 100,000 from the california governors office of emergency service for human traffic program from the period of october 1, 2015 [inaudible]
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>> i believe we have someone from the da's office gina rodriguez so i'll give her the opportunity to speak on this. >> good morning supervisors. my name is [inaudible] chief of victim service for the san francisco district attorneys office and i'm here to speak to the grant for human trafficking. as part of our strategy to look at child sex traffic, sex and labor traffic and this is the second year the grant. the first year we dedicated a trained and experienced advocate to work with victims that can carry a smaller case load [inaudible] in the trafficking case charged and uncharged. we are able to collaborate with partners all over the city and bhai area around service, policy and any actions or resources for human traffic victims. we are part the department of
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human service response for dependency system involved children. we build capacity and resources for target population of 18-24 year old youth engaged in traffic and exploited and limited to resources. we trained key partners all over the bay area how to work with victims. engaging on the treat to providing clinical support and treatment. we are doing policy work looking at decriminalization, how we engage in charged victim squz how we help witnesses. we are gearing up for work around the superbowl because we know will be some increased activity, but it is challenging here every day in san francisco so we will use it as a opportunity do a campaign to help people with a see something, say something stow bystanders can be a part of looking for children who are trafficked and need of smoret.
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support. >> thank you so much. i'm glad the district attorneys office is going after these grants and hopefully you will continue to get the grants and the outcomes of what you can do with the money so thank you vaer very much >> no budget analyst so move to public common. seeing none, public comment is closed >> motion to forward this out with positive recommendation to full board >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. madam clerk can you call iletm 16 >> resolution reto actively authorizing the san francisco public lireberary to accept a grant in amount up to approximately 700,000 of [inaudible] andkish monies from the friend of the san francisco library for direct support for a variety of
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programs and service in fiscal year 15-16. >> thank you. >> good afternoon chairman farrell, members of the budget and finance. [inaudible] city librarian to ask for your support and approve the resolution that authorizing the library to accept 738, thousand from san francisco public library. just to highlight that the monies granted each year compliment our goals which are [inaudible] youth engagement and access to technology and again, it makes library a world class library by offering so many programs in childrens areas over 16,000 young people participate in the summer learning last year. provides also stem programs, a lot of health initiatives in our branch libraries along
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with a variety of cultural programs at each neighborhood whether it is black history month, latino month, asian pacific. some of the soret other events include 1 city one book as well as celebration och branch anversesy. we celebrated the centennial for the mission library that was a program supported through the friends technology and invasion which allows us to push the envelope on initiatives such as mobile hot spots. just in brief, they do great work supporting high level programs at the neighborhood libraries and main library >> colleagues any questions? no budget analyst report so move to public comment. anybody wish to comment? >> very quickly, [inaudible]
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interim executive director of friends of san francisco public library. wanted to say hello and think the city librarian outlined what we support so won't go through that again but did want to let you knee know we are revising the library gala event on march 18 and it is the 20th an versery of the main library where we honor 30 literary figures and authors and poets [inaudible] thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. seeing none, pub lm comment is closed. >> make a plosion to send forwards with positive recommendation to full
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board >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. can you call item 17. >> resolution reto active authorizing department of public health [inaudible] 30 thousand from state water resources control board to participate in [inaudible] period of july 1, 2015 to june 30, 2016. >> supervisor tang? >> good morning. [inaudible] san francisco department of public health. the grant for 30 thousand dollars for the protection of public safety along san francisco shoreline beaches. 411 requires to [inaudible] test beach waters for fecal indicators. the grant will fund that program. thank you. 15
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beaches will be sampled weekly and taken to the public utilities lab. samples exceeded state limit will close beaches and warn beach goes it is unsafe to enter the water. samples will continue until it is safe to get back in the water. >> any questions or comments? we will move to public comment. anyone wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. supervisor tang >> thank you again for doing this work and so i would like to make a motion for to forward with positive recommendation >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. can you call item 18, >> resolution reto actively authorizing the department of public health and expand a grant in the amount of 300,000 [inaudible] health care strategys to participate in a program
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titleed [inaudible] >> okay. thank you very much. >> good morning supervisors. doctor emily [inaudible] assistant director the children youth and family system of care part the department of public health. trauma is a critical public health issue here in san francisco and nationally. the purpose of this 2 year grant from the center for health care strategys is build on the work led by barba garcia director of public health to train the dph work force on trauma understanding to alleviate the impact. this grant is focused on supporting leadership in health care and social service to translate the understanding into day to day practice to shift organizational culture to better support the workforce so we can offer the best care for those who need it the
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most. the participating agencies are lugeena hauna, mu turn child health, children youth and family, children youth and family care [inaudible] i am happy to squr any questions >> colleagues seeing no comment for questions we'll move to public comment. anyone wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. have a motion to send forward? >> motion by supervisor tang and take it without objection. item 19 >> item 19 resolution adopted a fixed 2 year budgetary cycle from multiple city departments >> thank you. colleagues i would like to entertain a motion to continue this item for 2 weeks wile we work on the underlying policy. first i would like to take public comment. anybody wish to comment on 19? seeing none,
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public comment is closed. mr. rose has a report and he can save that, motion to continue this item for 2 weeks >> motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. any other business before us today >> would you like to entertain a motion to excuse supervisor mar >> thank you, motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. anything else in front of us? >> no, sir. >> thank you everybody, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]hub.
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cleaning the water were. we offer free service to san as a society we've basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people don't have any of those i'm mr. cookie can't speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. >> open the door and walk through that don't just stand looking out. >> as they grew up in in a how would that had access to good
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food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure i'm david one of the co-founder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didn't know how to cook. >> i heard about the cooking school through the larkin academy a. >> their noting no way to feed themselves so they're eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. >> as i was inviting them over
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teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. >> particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is charity foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this charity foundations and she said, yes. >> i'm a co-found and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday they're really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city they're our stand alone cola's we had a series or series still city of attorney's office style
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of classes our final are night life diners. >> santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and i've been here about a year. >> we want to be sure to serve as many as we can. >> the san francisco cooking school is an amazing amazing partner. >> it is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. >> i'm sutro sue set i'm a chief 2, 3, 4 san francisco. >> that's what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our
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choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like it's there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. >> hi, i'm antonio the chief in san francisco. >> the majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. >> i like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like it's a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased.
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>> i go for vera toilet so someone can't do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they can't use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me you're not successful. >> we made a vegetable stir-fry indicators he'd ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen i'd cook more. >> some of us have never had a
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kitchen not taught how to cookie wasn't taught how to cook. >> i have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. >> the more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify they're not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. >> it is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to
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keep it that. >> we'll have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 we're really excited. >> a lot of the of the conditions in san francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the san francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. >> we'd never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case that's something people are 2rrd in doing. >> you can't buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids don't have this you have to instill they can do it they're good enough now to finding out
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figure out and find the future for >> we're here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse. we have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why don't we capture that to support the mission youths going to college that's for the food for thought. we didn't have a signature font for our orientation that's a
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40-year-old organization. mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual they've helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life >> their core above emission and goal is in line with our values. the ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand >> they were on top of that it's a no-brainer for us. >> we're in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and
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representing at the parks >> we're giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. people come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. all the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in >> what's the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought higher education is the tool to move young people. >> i'm also a college student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college
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that's 40 percent hire than the afternoon. >> i'm politically to clemdz and ucla. >> just knowing we're giving back to the community. >> especially the spanish speaking population it hits home. >> people get hungry why not eat and give >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it looks at good and tastes good and it is good in my mouth pretty amazing. >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ i am the executive chef i've been here as a chef at la concina since 2005 reason we do the festival and the reason we started to celebrate the spirit and talent and trivia and the hard work of the women in the la concina program if you walk up to my one on the block an owner operated routine i recipient it's a they're going to be doing the cooking from scratch where in the world can you find that >> i'm one of the owners we do rolls that are like suburbia that is crisp on the outside and this is rolled you up we don't
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this it has chinese sister-in-law and a little bit of entertain sprouts and we love it here. >> there are 6 grilled cheese grilled to the crisp on the outside outstanding salsa and a lot of things to dip it knocks you out and it's spicecy and delicious i was the first person that came here and we were not prepared for this every year we're prepared everybody thinks what they're doing and we can cookout of our home and so the festivals were part of the group we shove
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what we do and we w we tried to capture the spirit of xrifs. >> and there from there to sales and the hard part of the sales is 250 assess our market and creating a market opportunity giving limited risks and sales experience to our guys and food in san francisco isn't just about expensive eat but food for everyone and there's organizations in the city that are doing really good work making sure that healthy food it assessable to everyone. more and more as follows are are
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becoming interested in upper arlthd they want to joy the open green pace sea know where their food it coming from we'll look at 3 programs talking ushering agricultural and garden to new heights. so what exactly it, your honor agricultural >> it the growing food or flowers within city limits traditionally we've been referring to communities gardener that is a raised bed over and over upper argument has a more a farming way of farming. >> so tell me 0 what's growing in this garden.
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>> a really at all plant. in the one of the rare places, you know, people have access to green space 24 is one of the places to grow things like the purple floor. it is sort of recognizing that the more diversity in given space the better not to just have one thing by everything supported each another >> it provides the community with an opportunity to get their hands dirty and reach 0 out and congressmen with the community in ways they might have not otherwise to engage with one other. >> now the dpw urban planning program so see how the garden community. >> so i grew up on a farm in
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air force base we picked the foods open the trees and share with other families and as i drive around san francisco i see any trees with apples or mrumdz and lemon trees i can see the food going to waste and brought that idea back to the department many of the trees where the fruit would go to waste we origin or crop and pick other fruits and delivery this to food banks or shelters to people who need them. >> i'm here with nang wong hello nang. >> hello. >> i need to understand house this gleaning work. >> we come and harvest like for example, we'll come over here
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this is the lemon and plug it like this. >> (laughter). >> made that good, good and ease. >> the trick is how not to hurt the branches. >> like the thing. >> i'm so excited about this. the people are so passionate about where the food goes to the private property owners give us the food they're happy that no of a t is going to waste >> oh. thank you. thank you. again job aura natural >> (laughter). >> from backyards to back lots let's take a look at the food
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and community bonding at the free farm. >> my idea was to start growing food and giving it away. and getting my neighbors to who had space and having a kind of event that brings people together not to run our food program this time around but to share the wealth of the abundance of our welfare. we were all divorce and as part of our philosophy of working together and working together. >> what's the most rewarding aspect of volunteering for the free farm stand. >> well, we could is a generalic satisfaction but something about giving food away it's giving something i brought
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that in and sort it and gave it to you it's primitive to be able to give something some basically to someone else. >> now serving number to 49 come on down. >> we have the capability of producing this food and in san francisco you can grow food all year round so the idea we're capable of prougdz food in our own backyards we're here to demonstrate an bans of food and i think that giving it away for free we show individuals it in have to be a comedy. >> we build time together and it's the strength of any ideas of the connections we'll turn that connection and the more
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connections you make no mistake about it the more you can have a stronger power and not have to rely on money that's the people power. >> in this episode we've seen the urban farms and gardens provide more in fruits and vegetation people can have the special produce available it can be a place to give back by donating food to others and teach our children the connection to the earth environment it's truly
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