tv LIVE BOS Rules Committee SFGTV January 28, 2016 11:00am-3:31pm PST
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[gavel] >> good morning, everyone, we are in rules committee today for january -- what day is today, january 28. i am supervisor cohen, as katy tang, and we have eric mar, and supervisor cohen will be joining us shortly, and we have the honor of having supervisor here and take his charter amendment first quickly which is item 7. and thank sfgovtv and our clerk, mr. evans. do we have announcements? >> yes, please silent devices
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and any documents are to be presented to the clerk, and items will be on january 29 board of supervisors agenda. >> call item 7 out of order. >> item 7, charter amendment to amend the chart of the city and councily san francisco to require an annual baseline appropriation for the park and recreation open space with an election to be held on june, 7, 2016. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you, i will save my comments for a full board with this measure.
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at this point i counted this charter measure has been in committee five months and have gone over 15 amendments. and i want to say thank you to all involved. and thank you for my co-sponsors, mar, and tang and cohen have been co-sponsors from this from the get-go. and from everyone that worked on this from the parks department and park alliance, unfortunately i may have clipped the park alliance's elbow but thank you everyone for their input. what we have done over the five months increased this measure and for the rec and park department it's an equalizer for every san francisco resident. it's so important to move this forward, and thank you that we are here and thankful to bring
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before the voters in june. and madam chair, thank you for your support. >> thank you, colleagues, any questions or comments? seeing none, we will open up item 7 to public comment. i have a couple of cards here and feel free to line up to this side of the room. dee cellyman. come on up. >> good morning, supervisors, thank you. i want to -- my name is dee cellyman, i want to congratulate supervisor farrell and the committee on improving the draft. and i have one piece of text that i feel should be submitted. changing page 12, line 3.
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i believe it should be changed as follows -- i will explain why, rec and parks guidelines for new open space and renovations shall be reviewed and adopted by the rec and department park commission. the reason i believe this, that the environmental and design guidelines are currently entirely in the hands of rec and park. there is no required review by the rec and park commission, who are in fact the ones tasked with representing the public's viewpoint. this is a very important point, design assumes policies. let me say that one more time, and let you think about it. any design assumes policies. what happens if recs and park calls for more grass lands in open spaces and the nonnative trees that they feel less desirable.
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shouldn't the public have the opportunity to weigh in on this important matter. and one other thing i should say, that trees and their maintenance is not sexy as an issue. but they will produce oxygen and clean the air and reduce global warming for us. i hope you consider making that change page 12, line 3. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors, nate ogrady, i am c.e.o. of the park alliance. supervisor avalos, i like the beardless look. and supervisor farrell made a good point, this legislation has been before you for five months. not counting the research and preparation leading up to this initiatation. and the park alliance believes that this is a stronger legislation for that input and
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effort. it's a very strong substantial improvement to the city, and how it will proceed with investing in and caring for this great asset that we have of our park's system. and it will be in place for the next 30 years. we strongly support the legislation as it currently stan stands. we believe there is ample input from all corners into that legislation. we are prepared to move forward with supporting that legislation in its final adoption in its current form. so we thank you all for your input. we especially thank supervisor farrell for his leadership every step of the way in this effort, ready to go. >> thank you very much, next speaker, please. >> hi, i am tom borden, i strongly support this amendment.
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however in 2002 the people of san francisco excessed their wishes in article 653.2, and in that they prohibited the plan until approved by the board of supervisors. rped has violated many things forbidden. it explains two things of rped's lack of enter and board of supervisors lack of control over rped. the issue of fairness and park funding is important, not just how much money is spent on the park but what it's spent on. and to reduce the access to park lands, more spending in a park might not provide the improved facilities and maintenance that the public expects.
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rather they may receive more fences and access closures and pesticides. in this outcome the park's outcome in the southeast portion of san francisco. >> thank you very much, any other members of the public -- >> i would like to offer these supporting documents. >> any other members of the public to comment on item 7. seeing none, public comment is closed, supervisor farrell. >> thank you, for everyone that came out to speak. i appreciate all the comments. over the course of the last few months some of the highlights we amended in here we strengthened with the board oversight with processes from the capital and achievement plans and worked on the equity portion and the language in here today. to make sure as we fund projects within our park department that equity is a guiding principle.
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i want to acknowledge that was emphasis from day 1, and the team as well. this is something at this point after five months believe it or not any further amendments would cause it not to get on the ballot in june. it's important to get out today and i appreciate everyone's thoughts and comments about it. it shows how important parks are that everyone has an opinion. and it's not an easy job but an outcome that we can be proud of. before we introduced this last september, matt mentioned we were in every corner of the city and will continue to do before we get on the ballot. this received a significant input and more than anything else i want to thank my colleagues on the board to get where we are today. thank you.
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>> thank you, supervisor mar. >> thank you, to supervisor farrell, i have a dozen of amendments i will be introducing -- just kidding. five months is a long time but i appreciate a bigger tent now that the park alliance and the coalition that drafted this with supervisor farrell's leadership involving a new equity metric and oversight. i think it's really important. and 45 years i believe or the extension of the time -- okay, 30 years, i am too ambitious, but i am appreciative of the work that has gone into this. i want to say to two public speakers that recommended a change. i am supportive of the natural programs in the park department. and know that strong consideration goes in when trees are considered for replacement
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with natural and other changes and for trails and the natural areas it's important to be supportive of what the rec department is doing. and i am supportive of the way it's written. i want to recognize supervisor avalos for weighing in for the concer concerns, and everyone weighing in we will pass it and have the improved parks especially in lower-income neighborhoods in the community. and thanks to supervisor farrell let's pass this in june. >> supervisor farrell. >> i want to thank supervisor avalos who has been key in this and appreciate his co-sponsorship well. >> with that we have a motion. >> so moved. positive recommendation.
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>> seconded by supervisor cohen, and without objection moving forward to the full board. [gavel] thank you very much. and now we will move back to item 1. >> item 1 is a hearing to consider appointing one member term ending august 2, 2019 to the citizen's advisory committee for the central market street and tenderloin area. one seat, one applicant. >> we have applicant john bogacki and did not receive word that he wouldn't be here. and we will hold this item, and with that any members to speak on public comment. public comment is closed. colleagues. >> good morning everyone i would like to make a motion to move john bogacki to seat 4.
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>> all right, and we have a second from supervisor mar. i looked through his application as well, and i think that all of his qualifications fit for this cac and central market and tenderloin area. i would be fine moving him forward to the full board, take that without objection, thank you. item 2. >> item 2 consideration appointing one member, ryan thayer. >> if you can give us a two-minute of serving in this capacity and your background. >> thank you, i am honored to be
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on the food security task force, for those not familiar with my work, i have worked in the last four years in tenderloin area for food justice. and mainly in a role serving to increase access to food, healthy foods within the local corner store since we can't get a full-service grocery store in the area. and we modeled after bayview to hire and train justice workers to do on-the-ground work, and we under supervisor mar's leadership and provide for the bayview. and tracking data systems and
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seeing overall that the stores are increasing their overall sales. and seeing healthy foods sold at a higher rate and seeing decreasing of alcohol and tobacco. and we are able to hold a regional meeting in november, where we brought 80 stakeholders through the bay area to work on a collaborative effort throughout the bay area to have food access to corner stores that have negative impact. i am attending usf where i am seeking to look at how to bridge gaps between food access and equity and economic empowerment, how to get more money in people's hands that are live in impoverished communities. those that are least wealthy
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have least health. with my role as an organizer i am trying to bring that perspective. and how to engage more community members around empowering them to address food security, food access within the communities they live. i hope you agree with the task force and accept the nomination. >> great, thank you for your presentation, that was very thorough. and supervisor mar has questions or comments. >> it's great that paula jones is here too, but ryan thayer is an amazing leader, but i think it's because he builds a base of other leaders from the communities most impacted and supports their leadership. i think that the food justice leaders that you have helped to nurture in the tenderloin are amazing. and you are the kind of leader that steps back when you need to and other people step forward. and you are constantly building
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capacity in the tenderloin and they really need it. and your experience of student organizing and support for immigrant communities in the excelsior supporting youth and the richmond neighborhood and others, you are an amazing addition to a food task force system with great people and you will add much to them and i look to support your leadership more. >> thank you. any other questions or comments? seeing none, thank you for your presentation. at this time we will open this item to public comment, if anyone would like to speak on behalf of thayer, come up. >> good morning rules committee. ♪ make it all fine or it will be safe and we will dine ♪ ♪ and we will be hungry like this city was ♪ ♪ and we are going on shine ♪ we'll not going to be hungry
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and we will dine and be hungry like the wolf ♪ thank you. >> thank you much, any other members to speak. seeing none. public comment is closed. with that we have one seat, one applicant. pretty easy decision. >> i move that we appoint ryan thayer to seat 5 on the food security task force. >> second that. >> thank you, i will be happy to support that as well and take that without objection, congratulations. item 3. >> item 3 is a hearing to consider appointing one member term ending january 15, 20a 18 to the san francisco health authority, one seat, one applicant. >> okay, do we have joseph david woods here? >> good morning, supervisors. i am joseph david woods. i have worked with the city and
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county of san francisco for 25 years now. since 2010 i have held the seat of pharmacy officer to oversee pharmacy services for the health network. and one area that i oversee is to do with the pharmacy benefit for the healthy san francisco program. we have a strong interest of aligning our formularies with the health plan to provide optimal care for the patients we serve. issues that i think i am in alignment with the health plan moving forward, are the fact that the health network in san francisco is one of the largest care providers for the san francisco health plan. and as a result we have a strong interest in aligning our interest and resources. in addition the health plan works closely with the department of public health and performs the day-to-day activities for the healthy san
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francisco program. san francisco health plan also runs the city option program which is for employers that do not provide insurance for their employees but pay the city a per hour fee for the employees. the partnership between the health plan and dph is important to the success. i strongly support the health plan for healthy san francisco. coverage and health plans are mutually shared goals. >> thank you very much, i don't know if you have been following the work of the health authority and followed issues they are working on. is there anything in particular if you served in this capacity you would like to address? >> working with them especially in alignment of pharmacy issues and issues on the day-to-day activities of the healthy san francisco program. i think those are areas that
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they continue to work on and the city option program are areas i would like to work with them and are key priorities for them over the coming year. >> do you anticipate any other issues looming ahead that the health authority will need to be tackling? looking into the future. >> one other area just from the pharmacy standpoint is the speciality drug issue, that a hot point. prescription drugs have increased 10% to 12% over the last couple of years. there is a huge financial impact for the plan as well as for the city of san francisco. so those are areas where we can definitely align our interest and resources to improve care without affecting quality. >> thank you very much, colleagues any questions or comments? no, thank you for your presentation. at this time we will open up item 3 to public comment. >> ♪ commission, commission,
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give me the news ♪ ♪ i got to, i want a healthy authority waiting for you ♪ ♪ and it's going to fill our bill ♪ ♪ we have a healthy commission waiting ♪ ♪ and i want you healthy too >> thank you, next speaker please. >> thanks very much madam chair, supervisors, i am sumi suesa from the health authority, we are delighted to have dave woods as an authority. and he said it clear that for healthy san francisco, as a great challenge we pay medicare rates, and you can imagine the speciality drug important for our members, and that comes at a huge cost. and we are constantly struggling
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to transfer more dollars those really pharmaceutical therapies. having dave on the board would be incredibly helpful for us, with our strategy and we very much support his nomination. thank you very much. >> thank you very much, any other members of the public to speak on item 3. seeing none. public comment is closed. just to make sure we're all clear here on item 3 on the requirements. based on the city attorney notice here, we don't need to adopt the residency waiver because mr. woods works in san francisco. so i wanted to clarify that, do we have a motion on item three? >> so moved. madam chair i will move joseph david woods to seat 14. >> second that motion. >> thank you, take that without objection, congratulations.
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item 4. >> hearing to consider one member term ending april 29, 2018 to the children and families first commission. >> today we have two confirmed applicants. one has withdrawn, zachary townsend is no longer applying for the seat. and call up zea malawa, and nawz talai. >> hi, i am dr. malawa, and i am a pediatrician here in san francisco. today i want to tell you about my passion for the work of children and families. one of my passions is working with children. they are bridled in passion and
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their untarnished view makes me excite. i strive to give the parents the tools they need to help them realize their potential. since i finished my clinical training, i have served low-income communities. and i have seen the obstacles that children from under-resource communities face. i have seen what primary language and economic status have to health. i have formed relationships with my children and families to understand abstract level and the personal day-to-day level. through my medical practice i have learned not just about the barriers but the strategies to overcome them. i have experienced with different ways to empower children and patients. and i have developed expertise
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of children who have experienced trauma. i have prioritized health and emotional well being for my patients. to support my patients i have built collaborations such as child trauma program and ymca and other programs. while working at the bay area district i have honed my skills as we have strived to integrate mental health care in my practice. and i am acquainted with the concerns and needs of a population. i was sought out for healthy children, and to support san francisco's most vulnerable children. my skills and experience fits me well, and my aspirations and
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personal issues. i have ideas for change and tireless energy for the cause. it's with incredible enthusiasm and report that i submit myself for this position. >> thank you, any questions? next applicant then. >> good morning, thank you for the experience of serving before you today, i am nervous and will look down as i speak. i am nawz talai, and i a san francisco resident and mother to a 11-month boy. i grew up in a home to immigrant parents to rely on care and
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education to support a loving environment. this home is what some would call broken and unsafe. i have devoted my career to the sector and the surrounding community. i have received a bachelory from the district of columbia in health department. i have built loving and lasting relationships in santa ana, california, and the orange county. i have worked for the county in programs. i have worked with youth developing programs for high school students. i have worked for organizations throughout san francisco and california to create partnerships with government agencies as well as private funders. as a first-time mom i understand
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the desire and burden of ensuring optimal health for our children. as you know the mission is tasked with funding new policies and system change. my career in working with program design and evaluation and strategic planning and data analystics will ensure the commission well, and that their funding strategies are making a difference for the families and children of san francisco. appointing to the children and families commission and i would provide for services to support early childhood development. and i would provide my skill set and measuring of the outpouring of these programs and services to ensure that their goals are met and change is seen in san francisco. as a person having worked in the nonprofit sector with families and children, i understand the resources available to the families throughout san
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francisco. as a woman who grew up in a broken home and thriving community. i understand the importance that our children and families are supported by many systems. it would be an honor to serve on the children and families first commission, and to ensure that all children and families will be healthy and grow regardless of what neighborhood they live in. >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen. >> can you describe what work you have done in san francisco? >> for the last three years i worked for a private funding organization in san francisco and other states. my job was their strategic plan. they are a 20-plus year organization, and after 16 years they had not changed their strategic direction.
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i was tasked helping ensure that their funding was going to the right organization and san francisco. >> which neighborhoods did you support? >> with the foundation we supported all neighborhoods. not one specific, we did a lot of funding for mission area and bayview was one of the grantees working with naden burke there, and as a private funder. and now i work with lagunda honda hospital and we serve all san franciscans. and the population is older but those families with young youth. >> have you attended a first commission meeting? >> no, i am not. >> for you familiar with the order of the commission? >> yes, i am. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you, mrs. talai, and dr. malawa, but we have two
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really, really great applicants. and wish we had more seats. and i want to thank you for the work with the wellness foundation and integrating art ending domestic violence. there are so many different things in your background, women's rights with the vagina monologues and hear more and listen to the public. >> thank you, at this time i open item 4 to members of the public that wish to speak. ♪ you're what we waited for ♪ please remember to give them more ♪ ♪ because you're the first, you're the last ♪ ♪ our everything >> thank you, walter, any other
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members of the public that wish to speak? >> good morning, supervisors. thank you so much for considering serious lly appointment to first five commission, we have an opening and waiting a while to fill it. it's amazeing that two wonderful people are interested in our commission and that makes me happy. we are now focused on our new strategic plan, and one major thing as we pivot to the new plan is to look at the health and development of our youngest children, birth to three. we have done a lot of work in pre-education and three to four years ago and we are pivoting down to look at the younger age. we are concerned about kindergarten readiness but
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focusing on the youngest will help influence that kindergarten readiness outcome. we are very interested to have a pediatrician focus on this, and one strategy is pediatrician outreach and trying to form a loop between the medical community and pediatricians and early care and education and family support. so there is a continuity of care. thank you for your serious consideration and that's it. >> thank you very much, any other members of the public comment on item 4, public comment is closed. supervisor mar. >> thank you, i wanted to share information, i was a board appointee for two years -- a year, i cannot. to the first five commission, and i have to give just biggest
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compliment. this is a classy commission with staff that care. they have been incredibly helpful when i had kind of last-minute 9-1-1 calls and needing help to identify preschool slots for people. they have been helpful in helping me juggle community priorities. so it's really great that we have two strong candidates. laurel, i am excited for you and the rest of your staff. and i want to also acknowledge that i had the pleasure of working with dr. malawa. probably -- it was my first term that i became familiar with her and her work and commitment. i will be supporting her and ask that you join me in supporting her. and she's smart and committed and she too is a mother. and that's special to be a mother of a young child and
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serve in that vain on the commission. that adds to its and bring a special touch that both women will bring to this body. with that i hope that you join me m supporting dr. malawa. >> thank you, supervisor. >> yes, i want to be fair and say that mrs. talai has a 11 month year-old, and i will be supporting dr. malawa. and i want to thank laurel and the amazing staff from first five commission for incredible work that gets little recognition. but i learned so much, and now with a daughter who is soon to be 16. i see birth to five is so critical and what we do in san francisco is amazing. dr. malawa from my understanding
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from the bayview work and mission and your four year-old on top of that. it's incredible what you have accomplished with serving the community with what you have done for diversity at csf. and you use the term infectious in a positive way, and i like how you communicate as well. susan gerardo, the chair of the first five commission expresses a strong support. and i know that you are going to help round out an already great first five commission. thank you for being willing to serve. and i know that you will bring a lot to the strategic plan that laurel talked about. and like supervisor cohen, i am excited that you are joining the commission. >> thank you very much, and yes, this was very difficult for me. because i liked both applicants very much, and they bring both wonderful qualities to the commission. to me the tie breaker, dr.
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harris, who will be leaving the commission was also a pediatrician, and also hearing kind of the focus moving forward from mrs. kumak, i will be joining my colleagues as well in recommending dr. malawa to seat 8. and i hope mrs. talai you will continue to be involved and other opportunities to arise to serve in this capacity or a similar one. >> i will reiterate my motion, i would like to make a motion to move dr. malawa to a seat 8. >> second. >> congratulations thedr. malaw item 5. >> hearing to consider one member for the unexpired portion of a term ending july 1, 2017 to
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the entertainment commission, one seat, four applicants. >> thank you very much, i believe we have three applicants as mrs. sporik withdrew her application, and we will hear from charles stephanski, and joaquin castillo, and laura thomas. if anyone are here, come up and make a brief presentation. >> hello supervisors, thank you for seeing me today and hearing me out. briefly, i have lived in san francisco 20 years. and in those 20 years i have lived in noah valley and castro and glen park, and downtown, mission patrilo. i lived here and was a waiter and dancer in club universe.
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>> what kind of dancer? >> i was a go-go dancer. >> that's what you thought you meant. >> i have worked the door at [inaudible], and performance art at odc. i was the lead producer and lead on magazine for lgqt community. i volunteered regularly at castro street fair and san francisco pride. i am an athleet and this will mark my 14th year to participate in the san francisco marathon. as a public health official, i have worked for 15 years at ucsf in privileging and revenue management and contracting at a hospital level for every division of the hospital.
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and i manage their national regulatory audits, and implement corrective action plans. i have put myself through my undergraduate degree at usf. and i just finished my master's in public administration with a health service focus also at usf. i volunteer at my tree, an aid hospice and patients that are suffering from aids related symptoms, and predominantly people of color. and i serve on the board of directors for queer life space, that is nonprofit for mental health services on a sliding scale. what i hope to accomplish on this seat is kind of really look and advocate for the diverse demographic of san francisco. i kind of see that predominantly
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as artists and night life and families. i feel like i have grownup here a lot. and my friends are drag queens and dancers and fine art artists and acrobats and mimes and actors. i have spent a lot of time in the night life industry and working with the night life owners and events. and lastly and most importantly, i am an uncle and i have a lot of small kids in my family and living here and growing up here. and it's interesting because i hear people speak about, and it's humbling to be in the company of these people that are so pivotal in making important decisions for our city. i was literally just reflecting on why i am here. i come back to my nieces and my nephews. and think what does the entertainment in san francisco do but inspires and delights. and right now with my nieces and
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nephews they are toddlers. and it's easy for me to inspire and delight them. i want to leave them the legacy of san francisco. >> do they live here? >> they do, i have two god-daughters, and born here and raised here and two nephews that live in mount claire, and they spend a lot of time with me as well. and i have a nephew from new mexico, and now 20. and since seven has come up two weeks at a time everything in the summer. and we do everything from paddle boats to the ferries, and expressed an interest to move here and i want to leave a legacy for all of them. >> thank you very much, comments?
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>> can you talk to us about your public health policy background. you said that you are studying -- you have the degree. >> yes. >> do you have work experience in that area? >> i don't have policy experience, i did a lot of work on policy analysis. predominately what i do, i got a new job at gen-tech, where i am a contract manager. and i had a similar role in writing and negotiating contracts at usf before i left. i have heavy contract background and experience, policy not as much. >>-okay thank you. >> thank you for your presentation, next applicant, laura thomas. >> thank you, supervisors, i am laura thomas. the deputy state director for
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the drug policy alliance and i am based here in san francisco in that work. my background is in public health. i have a master's in public health and public policy from uc berkeley. and have worked in h.i.v. here in san francisco and the public health department for six years. and i have participated in h.i.v. community planning and bodies and sit on the h.i.v. prevention planning council. what i do for the drug policy alliance is work on heading up our public health and legislative and policy work here in california. including passing legislation around overdose prevention, and h.i.v. and hepatitis c with substance abuse. and i work to help bring the club health conference and conference looking at the public health of san francisco a couple of years ago.
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i have been interested in the entertainment commission for a while. but it seemed like the public health seat that made the best use of what i have to bring to the table. and when demetri moshoyannis moved out of the city for family reasons and let me know that the seat was open. i wanted to take this opportunity to throw my hat in the ring. the entertainment commission is something that san francisco does the best. something that we created to meet san francisco needs to create an opportunity and environment to have often difficult conversations of how we balance the needs of community neighbors and those come to the city to participate in our economic opportunities. and people that work in the entertainment industry. and it's often been a source of tension.
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as gender identification changes neighbors and what our entertainment and industry looks like and continue. and i appreciate the entertainment commission's willingness to step in the middle of that. and try to work with neighbors, with promotors and club owners around mitigating noise issues and so on. and part of what i feel i can bring to that, expanding the focus on public health. that sometimes i feel that we are not doing everything we can in terms of interventions and strategies. to ensure the health and well being of the people coming to the city to participate in the entertainment and night life and outdoor festivals opportunities. and as well as the people that work in that industry. that's what i am interested in bringing to this, how we continue to support our entertainment industry and keep
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people as safe and healthy as possible. while they participate in that. you know i am particularly happy that the timing of this seat coming open is happening now. as you know i just ended two terms as co-president with the harvey mill lgbt club, and my tuesday evenings are opening up again. and looking for again what i do next and engage and participate in civic life. and how do i do something for the city that i love. so the entertainment industry and the entertainment commission was very appealing to me. i am -- and supervisor cohen was on the previous iteration of the rules committee i was in front of just a few months ago. and was appointed to the new canvas task force, and thank you for your support. then i am really excited about that. and i am also excited about the
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synergy and the opportunity for more overlap between that group and the entertainment commission. while that group does have some representation from the entertainment commission. there is no one sitting on the entertainment commission on that body. and i want to be sure that the information is going back and forth in both directions in terms of what does our entertainment and our night-life industry look like in an era of legalized marijuana. if you have be to a show at fillmor, it's clear that people are currently consuming marijuana in those spaces. what could change. what should change. and how do we ensure people's health and safety and as well as their enjoyment of the entertainment opportunities. i am excited to have an opportunity to be a part of making those connections
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stronger in addition to the entertainment commission director. who has a seat on that. and terse allen appointed a representative of the entertainment commission. >> thank you very much for your thorough presentation. supervisor cohen. >> i am glad that you mentioned that you were before this body, i think last month. >> yes. >> to talk about the legalization, the regulation and the policies around i guess recreational use of marijuana or medicinal use of marijuana. i am a little concerned that you have a full-time, very important day-time job. i appreciate your comments and making the connection between the task force and the commission. and i am still not entirely
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comfortable in supporting you and seeing you in both roles. certainly considering that the task force they just have one meeting under their belt so far. and there is still vacancies and finding yourself and figuring out your mission and purpose. and the interesting thing about that this task force will probably be a model not only for the state of california but the country. i am concerned about your time, energy and focus. can you relax my concerns to so i can feel good? >> i hope so. both of these positions are supported by my employer, my boss. so i will be able to use my work time and manage my other work responsibilities in terms of this. in terms of my workload, i have a solid workload. but both of these positions are
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ones considered part of my job. so i am not taking time out from my job to do them. you know the cannibalis legalization task force is a time limited task force. my hope is to stay on the entertainment commission well past that time. my sense in terms of other responsibilities that i am ending in my life. right now i think that i have the time and the capacity to do this. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, supervisor mar. >> i wanted thank mrs. thomas for decades of work in so many different areas. i did have a question about the club health conference that you brought. and i think that might be a good intersection of public health and entertainment and other things but could you elaborate
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on that? >> it's a conference held every couple of years and working with colleagues in the new york office. we wanted it held in the united states, and san francisco seemed like a good place in large part because of the entertainment commission here that is unique in the nation, to have that kind of body. and so brought it here, brought in law enforcement, public health people. clinicians. as well as entertainment folks and academics from around the world. and had presentations on a whole bunch of different things including sexual violence in nightclubs. and crowd control at festivals. and the intersection of law enforcement, public health, and entertainment. and i am happy to send you the website that has all the abstracts and some of the
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presentations on it. it was actually a very fascinating conference and i learned enormous what people are doing in other cities. >> i know with the entertainment commission different seats this public health seat is so important, and i am glad that mrs. kaine is here too. laura thomas, worked on the cannibalis task force, that's a temporary body and once passed at the state level that will cease to exist, is that right? >> yes. the charge of that task force is developed recommendations to the state and city of san francisco and once that is done-it's done. >> i appreciate charles
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stephanski, and i think that laura has a fit, it's not just marijuana, but new from crystal meth to different uses of heroin and ecstasy and different forms. and that is helpful and your background with the current work with the drug policy alliance. and understanding the federal and state level. i was reading your amazing résume, you go way back to act-up days and hep-c and women's health and api wellness center and board. and it stretches so much that i am impressed, and involved in lower income women and communities of color. mr. arian works with the growing need in the queer community. but your perfect fit for this
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having to work in low-income communities and color as well, but thank you for applying for this commission, i think you are a great fit for it. >> and i also once go-go danced a long time ago [laughter] >> all right, thank you very much. so i think seeing no other questions or comments from the applicants. again we have a difficult decision before us. and before we make that, we will go to public comment on item 5. any members of the public to speak on item 5. seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues. supervisor mar. >> i think again we have two excellent candidates but i think that laura thomas would bring tremendous public health experience and knowledge to the position. so i recommend laura thomas for seat 3. >> all right, and supervisor cohen. >> thank you, i actually agree
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that laura thomas would be a great addition. but i disagree that she be appointed to the body. i think that laura thomas is a talented -- where is she, super-talented woman. and i would like to see someone else be able to share their talents with san francisco. i think she's already serving in one capacity as a member of the task force. and i would like to see -- sorry, what is the gentleman's name? joaquin. in seeing joaquin serve on the council, i don't think we have any go-go dancers, so there could a void there. but in all seriousness we have a responsibility to cultivate new talent and as well as bringing diversi diversity. and i think that the entertainment commission could
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use a little more diversity. and not to say that the task force could, but i spoke to that. in all fairness i think that laura thomas is doing an excellent job. but i would like to see joaquin in this particular seat. i too will put a motion and put joaquin, my apologies do not have your name -- joaquin castillo, support for seat 3. >> yes, and makes it more difficult. this is tough for me too, all the members of the board have witnessed a lot of the work are mrs. laura thomas. you have done such great advocacy for the board and resulted in great changes. i would be okay with supervisor
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mar's recommendation and that mrs. thomas would continue that work. i would be okay to appoint someone new to serve. >> so sounds like a second. >> i withdraw my motion. >> mrs. thomas, i hope you take this -- nots a criticism of you at all. you are very good but we have a responsibility to share that opportunity for people to serve san francisco with others that haven't had an opportunity yet. >> okay, we can take that without objection. congratulations joaquin castillo arana, item 6. >> hearing to appoint one member term ending january 31, 2019 to the veterans affairs commission, one seat, eight applicants. >> thank you, the following
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applicants in the running, caldera, and gabe, and joiner, and newman. if you are an applicant today come on up and we would love to hear from you. >> good morning, supervisors. >> good morning. >> thank you for the opportunity to be able to serve my fellow veterans. as an advocate, i will tell you my experience. i enlisted in the military upon graduating from high school. i could have taken the easy way out during the vietnam era, because i had a disability.
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at that time i could have easily qualified for deferment ♪ because i was a severe stutterer but i chose to serve my country and i chose to serve in the military in the best of my ability. and i benefited from a great deal of my experience. upon completing my military active duty activation, i enrolled in college, and my first college of choice turned me down because i did not demonstrate the ability to succeed in their program. undeterred i went to another school that allowed me in and worked my way through and eventually received a phd.
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and in part, part of the treatment i received from walter reed medical center. i was enrolled in an eight-week inpatient speech therapy program. with practice and determination allowed me to overcome an obstacle in my working life. i went from being a severe stutter to a person that earned a learning lecturing to students around the world. and also since living in san francisco, i have been a community servant. i have served five years for both haight-ashbury community program and the art. and in both capacities i served
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for the homeless, because my background was that of food service management. further i helped the art by delivering seminars based on stephen covey's seven habits of highly effective people of the staff of the peninsula and east bay. i have developed and built relationships not only within universities but outside of universities. i have served a national leadership organization in the field of training and education. and i have served with over eight years in four different countries providing community service for over 4,000 hours with my students. it's this kind of advocacy, it's
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this kind of major project achievement that i wish to share with my fellow veterans. my field is that of education. i have been a community service, and i want to serve my fellow veterans as much as i can. this opportunity will allow me to do that. >> all right. thank you, is that the end of your presentation? >> sorry? >> was that the end of your presentati presentation? >> yes. >> thank you, didn't want to cut you off. any questions? or else move to the next applicant. >> thank you very much, any other applicants here, please come on up. >> i want to thank the supervisors for the opportunity to appear before you today and for your consideration of my application. >> would you state your name for
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the record, thank you. >> my name is stacey newman, i am a veteran having served in the united states navy from 1982 to 1986. and i am the proud mother of a united states marine that serves in afghanistan. i apologize, i don't know why i am becoming so emotional. if appointed i would bring a wealth of experience to the va commission. throughout my career i have learned about conducting interviews and collaborating with colleagues and impressing a team to achieve stated goals. my past accomplishments includes, membership of moms, that is an organization that sends care packages to men and
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women that serve overseas and to provide support to the families at home. and additionally i served on the [inaudible] credit union board of directors and i set policy and met with state representatives to discuss regulatory issues. i would love an opportunity to apply my talents to address veterans to face the challenges they face as they transition into civilian life including employment, health services, housing, etc. now i am fairly new to san francisco. but that doesn't mean that i without contacts. for instance, my current employer has a police services department and many of the staff are veterans themselves. i am confident that i can persuade them to participate in events benefiting veterans. i am a member of the daughter's of american revolution, a nonprofit service organization
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dedicated to preserving patriotism and history. i conclude saying it would be an honor to serve on the veterans affairs commission. >> thank you. >> thank you for your heart felt statement. i would love to hear more about the work you are doing here in san francisco. >> i have not started any volunteer work yet here in san francisco. i have only been here four years. i work for the federal reserve system, i am a senior auditor there. >> okay, all right. okay, i have no other questions. >> all right. supervisor mar. >> where is your son stationed? >> he's currently stationed at camp pendleton. >> why do you want to be appo t
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appointed? >> giving back to the community is very important to me. and -- >> what other community work have you done? >> not here in san francisco, in arizona where i lived previously, i was with the blue star moms and with the ulterra credit union, i have not served on a committee before. >> what brings you to san francisco? >> a job. >> okay, and how did you learn about this vacancy? >> i saw a homeless man, a veteran holding a sign. saying -- that he had served in iraq and needed help. and so i talked to him and i did what i could to help him and i did not address his long-term needs. so i started researching how to become involved and what i can do to address his needs and those veterans that had a
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challenge as they transition. and i came across this committee. i apologize, i am not usually this emotional. >> do you want to share with us why it's manifesting? >> my son was recently diagnosed with ptsd. and i am very concerned about him getting the kind of care that he needs as well as the stigma that can be attached to it. >> fair enough. i think -- i don't have any other questions. thank you for being with us. >> no, i have one. how long did you serve? >> i was in the navy, serving four years, and i was among of the first female sailors to be a
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navy ship? >> what interested you to serve in the navy? >> well, it's kind of family tradition. pretty much all the men in my family anyway have served in the military. going as far back as i remember. and it just seemed like the right thing to do. i didn't consider being a female being an obstacle to it at the time. so my father served in the navy. my grandfather was awarded the purple heart and served in the army in world war ii. i have uncles that served in the army, navy and air force. >> thank you. thank you, supervisor mar. >> thank you for being a pioneer too for women in the navy as well. i wanted say that i had an uncle in the navy. my dad was in the army. uncles in the marines but i know
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that sometimes the navy is overlooked. can you talk about the challenges of women being in the navy like you have been? >> it was quite some time ago, and i was only about 18 or 19 at the time. and so i don't think i was as aware of attitudes back then being kind of young and cocky myself. so i didn't see it as a barrier. if someone had a problem with me, i didn't think too much about it and went about my business and did what i could as well as a could. looking back i can see now it was a pretty important time in our nation's history. and for the military. and that there were definitely -- >> that was 82-86 during the reagan era. >> yes, it was. >> thank you for your story, any other applicants, please come on
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up. >> good afternoon, chair tang, supervisors mar and cohen. my name is john caldera, and i come before you to request reappointment to the veterans affairs commission. this a position that i hold to close to my heart and served two terms and during those two terms i retained 100 attendance. i lived in san francisco 25 years and i can join this commission hitting the ground running. and not only that with a proposal -- could you pass those to the supervisors. with a new item, a new suggestion which will honor the service of our veterans. and this is a walk of remembrance. as we know many times a candlelight march with bring the
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community together. and we have san francisco veteran's alley, would be a wonderful starting point. we have a natural forest within the tenderloin, that could be a wonderful transition. and then to the steps of san francisco and end at the veterans building where there is a memorial to the service of all veterans. and have a reception afterwards in the veterans building. as i wear a hat before you now, and i have worn many hats in the city. in 2008 i carried a torch after completing a 200-word essay why i love this city. and once again the call of service has come to me, and i am volunteer host and greeter and bilingual ambassador for the super bowl 50. and i have passed a background
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check and no skeletons in my background. i would love to be appointed to this commission, in october they were not able to conduct veterans affair because they were not able to meet quorum. sadly one of the commissioners appointed when i could be appointed failed to make that meeting. i am not here to point fingers, but i believe that this commission needs someone who has been there before. there is not a report for 2016 on the calendar. i commend veterans affair commission they have added a number of minutes to their web page that were not there just six months ago. so the progress is there and i believe that i can join this commission and help them create a legacy that not only i but they as veterans would be proud of as well. i hope to bring the veterans affair commission to this holy sacred building when the
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veterans building was going to be closed for a retrofit. with many appointees of the mayor's office and met with you, while on the commission, supervisor mar. i would also like to take an opportunity to express comments to you supervisor cohen. >> thank you. >> it's not often in life that we get a second chance. and redemption is a wonderful thing and you have invoked your father's service a number of times. and i as a navy veteran have invoked my father's service as well. i believe you made a mistake last time and it's not easy for politicians to admit to make a mistake. and here we stand you and i, and i ask for your support to return to this commission. you won't see my name on any other commission. but i have the tenacity and voice to fight for our veterans in a way that they need to be represented right now.
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thank you. >> thank you very much. do we have any other questions or comments? public comment or applicant? >> it was to speak on behalf of an applicant. >> okay, which applicant are you speaking on behalf of that? >> that gentleman's name is scott joiner, hello, i am michael mathay, i am the president of the veterans affair association. an individual scott joiner that could not make it today and i believe he forwarded a letter and had a hearing that he could not reschedule that conflicts with the meeting today, i want to speak on his behalf. mr. joiner is a native californian and graduated from
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the collegeary, and returns to san francisco with his wife and child. and he works [inaudible] united states attorney up the street here in san francisco. and he's a veteran of operation iraqi freedom. he served in the united states marine corp and retained the rank of captain. and his commitment both to the city and county of san francisco and veterans is genuine. through my friendship with him, i realize that he will be a great addition to the veterans affairs commission. this current year we have a new leadership board and we would like to take positive steps to mend our relationship with the board of supervisors and the mayor. whose duty it is our responsibility to assist you and advise you on veteran affairs information as it pertains to services. and mr. joiner should he be
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appointed would be a great addition to our commission and the advisory role that we play in assisting you and the mayor. and i apologize again that he could not make it today and it was a court hearing that the judge could not reschedule. and conflicts with the hearing. >> you can answer a few questions of being the president. >> supervisor cohen. >> excuse me, thank you, madam chair. mr. caldera mentioned there was a missed meeting because of lack of quorum. >> there was, october 15 meeting there was a lack of quorum. only eight of us i believe were there. which is not enough to meet a quorum. >> how many short for quorum? >> approximately two short for quorum. >> and did those persons give proper notification? >> no, madam supervisor they did not. >> and how did you handle that? >> we handled it several ways.
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number one, immediately following the meeting the president at the time, gentlemen named steven notsel, sent a letter to the commission, reiterating when we serve it's incumbent for the members to show up to the meeting or if not able to show up and properly notify the secretary and know we not wait around and faced with a lack of quorum. what i anticipate is an agenda item to address where when we lack of attendance on fellow commissioners. that is a problem in the past i will be honest with you. if we cannot function at full
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strength or make quorum to the meeting, that does a disservice to the city and county and veterans. and it's unfort nunate that we will address. >> thank you, and i believe that mr. joiner i was on rules committee when he came before this body. great, if any other applicants, i don't think i see anyone else in the room. open this item to public comment. anyone to speak. >> once again i am john caldera, and i would like to take under public comment whether or not i receive this appointment. >> mr. caldera, please this is for public comment. you had an opportunity to speak about your ca candidacy we haveo
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be fair. anyone else to speak on public comment item 6, item 6? veterans affair commission. >> yes. >> yes? okay, great. come on up. just in the nick of time. >> item 6 [inaudible] >> please come up to the microphone. >> the whistle blower program. >> that's not on our agenda today. item 6 before us is a veterans affair commission. >> is this 216416 -- no, excuse me, i guess i was interested in the appointment of central
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market street. >> mr. john bogacki. yes, we recommended him to the full board. >> i didn't see [inaudible]. >> ma'am, sorry unless you are speaking on item 6, i have to close public comment. thank you. [gavel] public comment is closed. it's in the hands of our board are our committee, supervisor mar. >> i had a quick question, i know for the commission we are to ensure of the 12 appointees two must be women veterans and one to have a physical disability that arisen from the armed forces. do we know the number of women on the body? >> i have a list and only base on the name. there a debra, and a person
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named angela jenkins. and that satifies the women and we checked into the disabilities and that is satisfied. >> two out of 12? >> we have the president of the commission, here and perhaps can comment. >> thank you, you can speak to that more clearly. >> yes, so commissioner dixon, and commissioner jenkins and commissioner dye, and commissioner wabe, we have four, there is three openings now on the board. two mayoral and one for seat 11, which is for today. >> all right then, colleagues. if i may, i will start first. i will say that i have sat through many of these hearings regarding veteran affairs
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commission. it's been nice to see a lot of the same repeat applicants. as you know there are more applicants than seats available. it would be either okay with stacey newman and scott joiner, i think both of them bring different qualities to be able to serve on the commission. like i said, i remember scott joiner coming before us several times. and i think he had a very clear sense of the policy issues to address through the veterans affair commission. and i didn't get a strong desire from other candidates i have seen in the past. stacey i think brings a nice perspective being a mom and her own experience as well as as a pioneer. and again loving to see more women on this commission. i would be okay with those two appointees. supervisor cohen. >> thank you, i would also be comfortable with an appointment of stacey newman and/or scott
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joiner. at this time. i will be honest, i am concerned that mrs. newman is new to san francisco. and doesn't have the base and the grounding in kind of san francisco. could -- which could be a benefit, i don't know. i am a native san franciscan and i do root for the home team. but i have to tell you that i am touched by her four years of service. generationally speaking. coming from a military family and also raising a son. i do believe that given the state of the world we are in now, the different wars. whether we call them that or not. we have troops in different parts of the world. serving.
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post-traumatic stress disorder is very real and i believe that the veterans commission is doing what they can do to address ptsd. and i am kind of talking myself through and not sure which way to go. i want to take a moment and speak to john caldera. i appreciate you coming in and i agree it takes a big person to make mistakes. and to tell you the truth, i believe that your demonstration on public comment talking over the chairs and speaks to concerns and problems of reappointing you. and speaks to the things that i learned about you and your due diligence. i want to give you public credit, it's a fantastic aware of ptsd awareness day, i think that's awesome.
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and i think this something that you can organize without being on the commission. and given that you have spent time on the commission you have relationships there. and would be very -- you are very well connected in the veterans committee. organizing something like this can happen with or without an appointment. and mr. koppel has come before this board prior and i have heard your story, and i hoped to hear something different and i appreciate your interest in this seat. i am the a crossroads between mr. joiner and mrs. newman at this time. >> supervisor mar. >> i will defer to the experience of my colleagues on the body. thank you dr. koppel for providing leadership why so much of your experience in the communities. mr. caldera i know that you are
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a tremendous leader and continue to be. i will defer to my colleagues. i came to the meeting knowing of your work. i will step back and listen because this has come before this body before. i really like mrs. newman and i agree with supervisor cohen, i think becoming involved in different activities and come back again. but i appreciate the amazing spirit and heart that you bring. and best wishs to your son. and i think parents of -- i'm from a military family as well. i think it's so important to bring that family experience of veteran families to the body as well. i am also deferring to the current chair's recommendations for scott joiner as well, i will join my colleagues. >> thank you for your time, and i was debating between two
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candidates and i would put forward a recommendation for scott joiner. >> i would support that. >> we will take that without objection then, all right. we are appointing scott joiner to seat 11 to the veterans affair commission. congratulations. at this time, colleagues i will ask for a five-minute quick recess. [gavel]
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amendment, third draft to amend the city and county of san francisco to require the department of elections to hold a special election when there is a vacancy in the board of supervisors, and regularly scheduled election will be held within 1 eighty day as and provide that the mayor will appoint an interim supervisor to fill that vacancy and allow for an election to be held on june 7, 2016. >> we have a member from the supervisor office. >> unfortunately supervisor avalos is at a conference in washington, d.c., and unable to attend. this has been before you three times and i will be brief and this addresses filling vacancies in the board of supervisors and
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the process proposed is for the mayor to appoint an interim supervisor for 180 days and the department of election will call for a special election to fill the seat. and at that election the supervisor would be able to run for that election but no future elections. and supervisor avalos believes this is fair in separation of hou powers and hopes that you forward to the full board for recommendation. >> supervisor cohen. >> proposal has sparked an interesting conversation and got me thinking about different scenarios. and one scenario is yet to provide an opportunity for voters to weigh in how vacancies, who will serve in the
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vacancy. and curious to know what your thoughts are, or what your thinking is, if at all, around some unintended consequences that could arise. >> are there specific unintended consequences you are concerned about? >> no, nothing specific, i was wondering. as you guys make legislation, in the business and you think about the benefits of a piece of legislation. and we have a responsibility to think about the costs. >> sure. >> and not talking just necessarily about the financial cost of legislation. put that aside. but what would be the impact of this? >> right, i know in looking at the special election procedure was something in the previous iteration of this charter amendment, we gave a lot of thought to and met with the
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department of special elections and i have a spreadsheet of possible iterations. and looking at what the possible scenarios this could happen, where would the election dates fall and try to minimize if you have a case of special election in october or january or close to where a regular election would be. and so that led to the provision that is in here, that allows for the possibility of the election being consolidated with a regular election and giving the city the flexibility to consolidate elections. to try to minimize election when is it makes sense to have this election take place with the regularly scheduled election. there is a provision that allows for the director of department of elections to extend that timing. and that would have to be approved by resolution of the board and signed by the mayor. if the whole city and family was on board for the election to be moved to a certain date that is
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possible. >> and if we are not in agreement, then the election would stand with what is appointed within the legislation, the election day; correct? >> yes, the election would have to be held between 126 and 140 days from the date of that calling of the election, or up to 180 days when there is a regularly scheduled election. >> what is the reasoning between these two dates? 126 days and so forth, this is just walk me through your thought process. no later than 140 days -- help me get there. >> yeah, we took those numbers and settled on that to follow state election codes. that's the state standard for when you call special elections. that was the date that the department of elections of comfortable with.
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previously we talked about trying to shorten that period, there was a concern of the supervisor seat staying vacant for duration. and the district concerned with not having a supervisor, and led to this idea of interim supervisor. residents know someone is there to answer the phone and appeal to their office with district issues. that was our way to address the concern of having a supervisor. >> there will be an appointment, there is someone in the office picking up trains and making sure that the trains are moving. >> exactly. >> supervisor avalos removed the initial mayoral component to this measure, can you explain what were the thoughts behind that? >> the first version dealt with the vacancies and the supervisor and vacancies in the mayor and to institute a run-off for the
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mayor's race. supervisor avalos heard feedback dealing with the mayoral run-off was too much to pack in one measure. and decided to put that aside and separate that out into a separate charter amendment that we are not pursuing for the june election. it's an issue that supervisor avalos remains interested in but down the road. >> upon my initial review of the legislation, there was a little concern that came up. i am sad that he's not here, and i understand that duty takes you outside of the city, totally get that. i will pose the question to you and hope that you can answer it thoroughly. one thing that struck me anyone appointed can't serve as a city employee for the year after the stepping down. and i can see the merits and the
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demerits to having that. maybe you can talk me through the rationale. i feel that is a core value to this proposal. >> and if i can build on that question, i think that supervisor avalos in previous hearings has brought up the fact that our aides can step in and be the interim supervisor. first of all not all of them live in the district and that can't work. and if you prohibit them from city work later on that is a concern. >> yeah, i know there was discussion about that provision. and weighing the pro's and con's of it, without having consulting with supervisor avalos recently and not ready to speak his mind on that. there a balancing we have that provision in place for good government reasons. you want to have separation of
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power of office and city staff. and also we understand this is a special case that a new situation we are creating interim office holder. i imagine that something that supervisor avalos is open for future discussion. we are running out of time for charter amendments but room for a special committee and committee of the whole for teaks to the legislation. we would be happy to follow up with supervisor avalos on that. >> sure the answer to that question and would get to the logic to be supportive. you are right that we are under the gun to bring the ballot to voters. this is coming in june? >> that is correct. >> maybe something we can consider, duplicating the file and sending one forward and leave one in committee to have
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conversation around this piece. >> i have thoughts that i will share after supervisor mar, but i think there maybe discussion about duplicating files both to special committee. >> i want to go on record that i am dedicated to sitting for special rules committee, not a problem. >> supervisor mar. >> so thank you, jeremy pollock for being here for john avalos, i know that jason freed did the study of elections systems and filling of vacancies. and one of the key arguments besides popular democracy and letting the voters decide is that this is state and federal and best practice used in other places. can you elaborate on that? >> sure, so in 2013 a local agency formation commission did a study of how jurisdictions fill vacant offices.
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and they compiled a table of looking at comparable jurisdictions and looking at cities and counties and across california. and basically the striking result was san francisco was pretty much alone of giving the mayor unlateral appointment power for the board of supervis supervisors. and the fact there was no time constraint on that appointment or board of supervisor approval. sort of check and balances that almost all other jurisdictions would have. >> and i just wanted to add the power of encumbansy. even if appointed for a short amount of time before the next election is powerful. i saw that on the school board with other mayors. and i know this is an issue that
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a lot of my constituents are talking about to let the voters decide. the 126 day period and the temporary interim supervisor, i think that is helping to ensure that we have a system not giving that huge benefit of incumbansy. and i haven't thought of the issues you brought up but this is good public policy based on practices all over the place. and extremely important for democracy, so that the voters can decide. and i think there are back-room deals that mr. pollack and others have talked. and as a functioning democracy we should do everything we can to take away the sheningan's and back-room deals and would be
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supportive of splitting the file. >> thank you, supervisor mar. i had gone through this and noted in that study there was no consistent system for jurisdictions to fill vacancies. it said that 63 percent of jurisdictions studied engaged in the other category. it wasn't by appointment or individual or group, it was so varied there wasn't one way of doing things. i think that was telling and i don't think that our system in san francisco is perfect. but i think it has worked on well. sorry, i am sounding like a broken record. just within the last five years we have had two mayoral appointees who lost their elections. and in 2012 lost election and in 2015 julie christie lost her election.
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that one mayor in five years, that is incredible, to show when the people don't agree with the choice that is made. they can vote that person out. i think it works. and so i would say that one of the things that i do like about the charter amendment that supervisor avalos has inserted a provision for the mayor to make an interim appointment for 126 days. i like that part about it. however, i think that -- i mentioned this before as well, but low voter turn-out when it comes to these elections. the way it's written no other ballot measures can go on the ballot when this election is coming up to solidify the next permanent supervisor. when i look at the department of
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data election results, it's no secret that turn-out is very bad. even during presidential elections it's 50% or something. i am concerned about that. if we think it's so undemocratic the way it is now, electing someone permanently with low voter turn-out is also not a good thing. and secondly this interim supervisor will be taking votes of the board. they are not just going to the phones but go to the meetings and they need to be accountable. and if that person succeeds in the future election, those votes count. and if someone is not to run in the future, you can vote how you want. there is no recourse or accountability there -- thank you, supervisor cohen. and i mentioned the difficulty of finding appointees in a
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period of time and to give up a job. or someone is unemployed and needs a temporary position and the staffing for that. i feel that we have a system in place that tries their very best to make sure if there is an appointee. depending on the situation, there could be three scenarios. someone gets to run in an election that is coming up soon and would be the normal election cycle anyway. or some time between 120 days and one year after the vacancy. again there are different scenarios where this can happen and i think -- i just would at this point then like to duplicate the file we have before us. and have one version that just keeps the 28-day window for the appointment requirement, i like that. keep it there. and the second file would be the original file. and have that sent to our next
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rules committee meeting, which will be a special one to make the deadlines. and discuss those measures and hopefully supervisor avalos will be back to speak to those. >> perfect, those are motions. second. >> supervisor mar. >> mr. pollack, i guess you would prefer to go to the full board out of this committee now. but this gives delay for supervisor avalos to come back, do you have objection to that? >> i haven't had an opportunity to get in touch with supervisor avalos, his hope is that the measure be forwarded to the full board. i can't speak for him, but if there is a commitment to waive both proposals for the special rules for the timing of the charter amendment, i imagine he would be amendiable to that.
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>> we try to get this before the next meeting and do our best and speak to both. and not separately. we take that without objection then, we are sending the two duplicated files to the next rules committee meeting. >> point of clarification, is that continued to the call of the chair? it may be a special meeting? >> sure, we will do it continued to the call of the chair. we do that. any other comments or questions, and then open up to public comment on item 8. >> my public comment for this -- >> sorry to interrupt. one moment, madam chair, we took the vote. we need to rescind that vote. >> sir, thank you. i would like to make a motion to rescind the vote. >> second. >> vote is rescinded and public
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comment is open. >> [inaudible] public comment not to this item. [inaudible] being a supervisor would be [inaudible] people with well established government leadership style into education. one who qualifies even as a fill-in supervisor should be able to project one's aspiration of [inaudible] talents, and business knowledge. having a strong background on leadership, and unified capabilities in areas of politics, and [inaudible] education [inaudible] supported by [inaudible] studies should be a good candidate for the post. i hope that each new generation of the team [inaudible] can go a step above [inaudible] previous board members for the timelines
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of [inaudible] survey. [inaudible] successful team of supervisors in san francisco. i thank you all for all you have done for the citizens and people so many years. and wishing you all having the best of luck for your future careers of opportunities. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public wishing to speak on item 8. seeing none. public comment is closed. [gavel] we had our motion and both versions to the special rules committee meeting. continue to the call of the year. >> i would like to second that. >> all right, take that without objection. mr. clerk, any other business before the board? >> there is no business before the committee. >> i mean committee -- our meeting is adjourned. [gavel]
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>> power it's all around us in the sun and the winds and caves waves power that lights our homes while protecting our natural resources clean power will provide power to san franciscans how about works right now our power is from pg&e from non-renewable systems that comes over pg&e maintained lines with clean power your energy about think generated by caesarean more renewable sources come to our home e.r. businesses
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to the pg&e lines parks and places of communicated and thanks to the mayor and the department of technology and supervisor farrell and google. we had a very very unique partnership that was able to bring wifi to our most heavily used parks and squares. >> parks in particular are really important way of life and quality of life and so is connectivity. bringing those two things together in a project like this is right on target with what san francisco is and wants to be. >> it's all about breaking apart the divide. the people with expensive data plan can have access to information and economy. this is really breaking down the digital divide and giving people across the spectrum the
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opportunity to information and giving them mobility and freedom. >> particularly by investing in connectivity in park spaces we are also ensuring the connection to digital inclusion opportunities and parks are designed for all neighborhoods. >> people are on the move. they are no longer chained to their desk tops at home. people can accomplish a lot and we prefer them being here an enjoying the outdoors and nature. given all the mobile community and mobile information that's available. we thought it was important to make it for our parks acceptable for everyone and give everyone the opportunity to live and to work and be at the parks at the same time. >> our full mission in life is to give them access to the internet, give them access to information. in san francisco you don't have to be bottled up
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in an office. you can be around and enjoy your work anywhere. it's great for the local community here and it means a lot to me. >> in the park, you are people that can teach you about the trees in the park and you can go to parks and recreation .org and having wifi in our parks makes it more accessible. if you want more information about how to enjoy wifi in san francisco parks, go to >> self-planning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways
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overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban environment planning projects include implementing code change or designing plaza or parks projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by they're moving loss of they're of what we preserve to be they're moving mid block or rear yard open space. >> one way to be involved
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attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions the best way to insure you'll be alerted the community meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using you'll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if you're language is a disability accomodation please call us 72 hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public
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for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web policy the get started in planning for our neighborhood or learner more mr. the upcoming visit the plans and programs package of our we are talking about with our feedback and participation that is important to us not everyone takes this so be proud of taking ann a
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>> good morning, and welcome to the regular meeting of the welcome to the britain for wednesday, january 20, 2016, my name is mark farrell i'll be chairing this committee and joined by supervisor katie tang as well as the new member supervisor yee want to thank the clerk mr. clerk linda wong and jennifer lowe and charles kremack from sfgovtv for
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covering this madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the january 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> so colleagues one of the items are go bond for public health and state of we're waiting on language from the city attorney so madam clerk item 3. >> ordinance retroactively 30 years the department of technology and the depth the contract administration to enter spots third amendment between the city and the at&t coordination for the services by extending the term of the agreement only immediately 5 years not to exceed one hundred
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and $20 million come on up thank you. >> (inaudible). >> for finance and administration for the department of technology i appreciate the chance to present e present the item before you the third amendment to the contract with at&t local long distance tell and data services and professional services and becoming we agree with the budget analyst recommendations and ask you amend the legislation to add three hundred and 66 to the total contract we continued to talk what the staff and their were additional requests that led to the estimated amount go uping by the 6 hundred and 66 thousands $24. million left over from the authority and releases the 24
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for a total of $26 million and extend to 2020 for 5 years the contract allows the city to assess the most recent rates negotiated by the state of california after an extensive process under the cal provisions during the revenue of the r review felt second amendment the board asked to the zoning administrator and the auditor to review the competeness of the regional transit rates under the cal rates and at this point i'd like to ask joe from the controller's office to present the results of that review to you. >> good morning, everyone and thank you for having me. the first slide is the background information we
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provided i'll skip over this to the details of the analysis on slide 3 the account service providers the ones graded out are not utilized by the city the focus one the the ones gated there are 2 do 5 service providers for each the categories we look at the basis for analysis is pricing information that is pubically available on the indicating network e net in the category it identifies the monthly reoccurring charge to identify the unit of measure and where applicable non-reoccurring associated with that feature we q and a tracked the number of calls and minutes and quantity and other utilization from the
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analysis that at&t 3r0id we used that in conjunction in order to calculate get out of cost for other provides or provider it is docketed the 2014 memorandum you have a copy have to the results of analysis are covered on page 6 here we're comparison the estimated monthly cost of free service and comparing the cost at&t over the next lowest cost alternate provider for each category the column as you can see at&t actually came out to be the lowest and with the town hall free service not the lowest the differences among them were minor the next table on slide 7 carrying the non-restricted can he are you aware this is
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$740,000 and internet is $10,000 and the others were non-xoicht so based this at&t rates are competitive with the others providers which is really not that surprising given the concepts process to select those provider in the first time and noted where there are differences considerations that maybe pertinent to the telecommunication like the resources associated with the selling alisa miller from and so on and so forth those costs with not captured the monthly costs so that go includes my brief presentation any questions i'm going to turn it over to my colleague and commissioners any questions appreciate it. >> i'd like to thank the
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controller's office for their work and actually as a result of their work we went back to the at&t one of the minor areas was they were less competitive we went back to at&t and asked to do better than the cal net 3 and reduced the rates this contract allows us to get lower rates so as expected to save us $20,000 a year as a result of that negotiation we've up to $20,000 over the life of the contract go finally recognize the work of sam july and droopt and again, we appreciate your amending the legislation and have the three hundred and 6 of thousand and
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finally, i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> >> colleagues, any questions for staff okay mr. rose, can we go to your report. item 3. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page 13 of our report we report that according to the budget with the telephone communication the total not to exceed under the third amendment will increase the initial 4 years not the option to extend by of 24 million plus for 98 to one hundred plus that shown in table one on page 13 of the our report as the department is just indicated the master contract not to exceed of 1 hundred 22 plus s 665244 more than the amount of one hundred plus million dollars or million dollars so our recommendation on
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page 14 of our report we represented recommend you increase the master contract not to exceed by 664244 from one hundred $21 million and because of that increase we recommended and continued the proposed ordinance to the february 23, 2016, budget. >> thank you, mr. rose i think i want to be- your recommending an increase. >> as i mentioned to supervisor tang and supervisor farrell we have to be objective the same manner we recommend recommend to reduce from the department can justify that it should be increased we'll certainly make that recommendation. >> i appreciate that mr. rose
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now milestone my fourth year chairing the committee i've seen everything colleagues for the budget analyst. >> okay. seeing none open up for public comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor tang. >> thank you so i think that if our budget analyst is recommending an increase you should take it and run i'll make a motion for the per budget analyst recommendation. >> for . >> i'm sorry approve the amendment and continue to the february 3rdrd. >> a motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee we'll take that without objection. madam clerk item 4. >> item 4 relieving approving to the public health for the behavorial addiction and treatment to extend the contract
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for 3 years. >> deceptively. >> so as she said we're proposing to exercise the option that are within it's exciting rfp through july 1st, 2015, through june thank god 2018 this is an ongoing service for neglected done we've had for years wish to continue the proposed funding corresponding to the annual every year of the increased term and we agree with the amendment to increase the total amount to reflect the amount of funding we didn't spend in the original 5 years of the term as a contract we agree. >> okay thank you very much colleagues, any questions for dph a okay mr.
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rose, can we go to your report. that seems back on the right track. >> just the opposite. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page 17 by the report of the proposed resolution will increase it it from $26 million plus to $42 million plus an increase of $26 million plus, however, as shown in table two on page 17 of the report according to the data the budget will is $26 million plus or 6 hundred and 61 thousand dollars less than the increase in the resolution and additionally as the department testified as shown in table one on page 16 dpw has spent under the contract terms to $2,000.15 a remaining authorized contract
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balance of 70282 when you combine the 661 even though 703 plus that translates into the recommendation on page 18 where we recommend you first of all, amend it to be retroactive to july 1st, 2015, and recommend you amend the proposed resolution to reduce not to exceed by one million dollars plus to $51 million and we recommend you approve it as amended. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues, any questions seeing none, open up for public comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak please be advised please step forward. >> i'm hooblgd on a budget season and high on buildinging you'll give to this item fair and it is all sweet as city
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candy the taste is on my mind and you leave me thirsty forgive it all our time thank you. >> thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item okay seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues, we is where a few suggested amendments by the budget analyst and an underlying resolution. >> i'll move to approve the recommended amendments okay motion to approve the recommended amendments and any underlying item we can take that we'll take that without objection. >> madam clerk item 5 and resolution retroactively the fire department to is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? the anonymous of $780,000 in the department of emergency services
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to purchase 5 ambulances over the period of august to december 2016. >> morning, mr. chair. >> this the item before you is a i couldn't for accept and expend approval of a fuming grant for 6 hundred plus thousand dollars the department has issues funding adequate replacement of vehicles including ambulances a number of old ambulances in dire need of replacement with 44 and approve for a grant fog fiscal year 2014 assistance to the fuming grant with the purchase of 5 ambulances this grant a long with the donation we've received and budget the 2016 will allow the department to purchase 9 new ambulances this year and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> >> colleagues, any questions. >> we don't have a budget
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analyst report so move on to public comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak. >> thank you budget and finance supervisor farrell 5 came alive 5 is keeps me alive i was born born to be alive born to be alive and i'm glad we get item 5 it keeps you alive yes, it keeps you alive and when you were born to be ray alive born to be alive thanks for budget 5. >> thanks is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item seeing none, public comment is closed all right. >> supervisor tang a through the chair send this with a positive recommendation. >> we'll take that without objection. >> madam clerk call item 6.
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>> item of a resolution authorizing the fire department to accept a gift of a fire engine for the shuts up and global risk insurance companies valued at one hundred head and 40 plus thousand you. >> you can feel free to sing. >> good morning this is a formal gift of a fire man's company it is a apparatus for the fire department and is put into service in 1845 acquired in 1947 and the insurance fold into the parents company as a result at the closed a number of the offices where the apparatus was stored and offered to the san francisco fire department for use of san francisco fire department museum we will be
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happy to accept that the engine is $133,000 i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> >> okay. thank you, sir seeing no comments and no budget analyst report is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 6. >> i seen fire and i'm glad this came in i've seen sunny days i thought would not end so welcome back again. >> anyone else on item 6 seeing none, public comment is closed motion to send this with a positive recommendation. >> supervisor yee we'll take that without objection. madam clerk call items 7 and 8 together. >> item 730 years the director of property agency real estate division to execute an agreement
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with the design and construction of the improvement for real estate at 455 streets and item 8 the ordinance appropriately the transfer wastewater to the zoning administrator for the cost of central shop relocation in fisher 2015-2016. >> okay. thank you madam clerk. >> i know michael is here from the dpw and from the real estate. >> thank you very much, michael deputy general manager for the utilities commission i'm going to turn it over to john updyke. >> we're talking about two property purposes one rental and consolidation of properties owned by the city next to the southeast water pollution control plant it is on the site
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we're talking about small triangle piece it is operated by the shop and it the automotive place of business we're removing them to expand the pollution plant to remind the committee we've are actually in escrow on acquiring the properties we came to you before on that and signed a 10 year lease on the site but we're talking about the construction of the development agreement we want to expedite that and now i'm going to turn it over to john updyke to talk about that. >> thanks i understood you were going to sing that presentation (laughter) i'm not going to sing good morning john updyke director of real estate so part of key points and the outlined
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amendment the legislation as amended just provided to you so central shop on jerald must be relocated that was spoken to say the displacing agency for the relocation of shops to a fungal site in this case a merge of who acquisition and one less than two blocks wall previously approved by the board in december as please a carolyn talked about we were in talking about the sites when calculating it is two acres smaller than the current site at jerald this is an expansion of the project it is actually a slippage of the size we're improving improving
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the business plan with the project and to be able to operate at two sites so the item before you seek the approval of who major thing the execution of a project delivery agreement as what the developer, llc and includes two contractors the general contractor this is charles buildings and the lead architect it authorizes us to engage in phase one in a not to exceed $10 million plus to complete one 100 percent construction secure the site, and the demolition, and the foundation and the permits the permits for the lease holder and complete the demolition and site grading with necessary piles and submit the completed phase two budget
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schedule for a getting into the weeds maximum pricey return to you subject to our recommendation and the boards recommendation we expect that to happen around the end of the calendar year the other legislation is just the logics of the location and the judiciousal transfer to the sfpuc that is automatically tricked after a series of actions so the legislation refers to fully executed memorandum of understanding memorandum of understanding and this was approved but is commission outlines the exception the rational the foundational and the logistics so the one
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dispatch is the with respect to, llc as the main developer and they're two partners in this venue the general manager and the architect f m a we've been doing since seeking out this essential balcony of talent to deliver this specialized project we had to find someone with the availability the marketplace to perform the skill sets we thought were necessary we also wanted to assure users or ourselves the pricing and others fees were at or better than the market conditions currently out there we did a review the bay area developers we believe are scombild this this kind of project contacted 6
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of the top developers in the bay area we received 3 responsive very robust comments on the proposed fee structure and the complexities of project things to watch out for and fills up the cost all of them responded that that was reasonable and fair they confirmed what we learned in the fall we didn't have the availability to perform on this project and lastly mandating the engineering that insures a guaranteed maximum price of million dollars that this project hard and soft inclusive of fees that had been to meet or better was a eco key driver making that a risky venture typically that is reflected the higher development fee in this case 3.5 percent the fee was competitive indeed that
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is the item before you so i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> you might have about this want to speak briefly to the amendments recommended the budget analyst report very quickly what is before you is all the time legislation those amendments clarify that phase one approve is not to exceed $10.3 million that's the only negligent before you relative to the execution of the contract and phase two with board approval the subject is not subject to chapter two 9 as utility project it is exempt it is clarified in the amendments and lastly we are accepting of the budget analyst suggestion of a reserve of $4 million and note that the amended appropriation
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owners contains a krorltz reserve for the fiscal year fiscal years we're happy to make that amended to the amended legislation by the deadline necessary. >> okay. thank you very much interest supervisor yee. >> i have a question about the source it seems to me you went through somewhat of a process to identify who you could work with and i'm not understanding the difference of the process and actually taking out the bid when there's and reason we take things out to bid to find the most expensive prices the biggest bank for the dollars i'm not sure why we wee we're doing this this way versus how we set up our system in the city.
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>> we looked at this project and finally decided the site a fairly recent development in the fall of last year not a secured site not a defined project into the community when reviewing this path that we've selected the item before you of a source selection versus a traditional bid process we estimated that will add 6 months to one years year to the delivery timeline of the project a circulation cost to the puc of $3 million a month relative to any dla classes, and, secondly, we reviewed what the delivery cost is through a typical design build competitive bid to public works we estimate this will be savings of $4 million against
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the traditional prong with the time and budgeted constraint that made us select the process we engaged in we went out to the community to try to find who best can carry off this project everyone is so busy we can't get a phone call returned we were pleased particularly with the general manager who is reasonable familiar with the city and delivered great promise the past a public safety building or others so that's what drove us to proceed and do the cross-check it was indeed competitive if they went through the solicitation process was better than we got through the process we have confidence that's what we've delivered today. >> your explanation sound good
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but i imagine your explanation could be used for almost any project in terms of if you're to save time and money not go through a boyd process trust me we got the best deal how do you responded respond to that we keep on breaking the mold of what we have set up to assure we'll get the best deals you're saying we don't need to be through the process. >> there are ways to cut the rules to save money not always the appropriate but an exceptional situation i think mr. carolyn can articulate the exceptional nature of the
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overall project how imperative to the bay area community maybe highlight that. >> thank you supervisor yee that's a good question this is a redoing the plant a large project probably spend one $.5 billion over the next year's the biggest driver the facilities digesters we'll to move them away from the residents and put them close to the railroad takes the sooner we can move forward and mr. updyke was talking about the cost of money as was there a delay it costs more and more we've committed to that project and community so time is of the
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essence and if there were a pump station or typical what we do i'd like say we've gone through the regulars process this is the only time we will billboard a shop no, it is a speciality item not something we do it needs to be happening quickly the shop is a disaster the people deliver a better environment we would like to give that to them we want to move it quicker and it really see we're trying to save time and money to move forward for that community we have to operate 85 percent of the selection in san francisco. >> okay. thank you for your explanation i think you know i'm a little bit uneasy with that process but your explanation and also have these unique
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situations we're put in i could sort of support it and i think what's more important to me the fact that the issue with the digester you know wanting to move away from the area means a lot to the supervisor in district 10 and difference to her i'll be supporting this. >> thank you. >> supervisor tang. >> i think this is a quo question for john updyke but in our conversation in the briefing i asked about the timing and what else but we had discussions in terms of the your efforts looking for spaces the difficulties in that so i was wondering if you could here decide that. >> certainly supervisor we again did a search within san
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francisco unable to find a bid we landed on a sight in brisbane near the 101 from a speed stand point it was not all that different from the current location currently moving our fleet out of city and the mile age the deadhead million dollars to the fleet was then an over and over riding concern even though the project might have been delivered at a less expenditure expensive not a permanent solution requiring us to go through the process in 10 or 15 years hence so we're pleased as we continue to look at the marketplace we landed on many this location only two blocks away from the current
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shop operation we're jumping across the railroad tracks smaller than we desire but making some business operation changes we believe we can operate quite efficient in this location. >> again to clarify the timing of the finds of leases or finalizing your agreement with the various property owners. >> sure the board gave us the approval to close on two escrows at lease a fully executed we have control of the sites one of the acquisitions is fully signed in escrow slated to close tomorrow and the second acquisition is not going to close escrow until the end of february but we're on task and budget for the boards direction in december. >> the other question so right now central shops is liltd a
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central shop we're divide it 20/20 different places where the maintenance will be occurring can you talk about i mean one of the questions i asked the briefly was when you divide it up does that mean extra ongoing maintenance or personal long term can you talk about that. >> the intent supervisor to revise one location for a xhufrz so the main slit is between light duty and heavy duty repair so that is a broifks and others on a large site that is valdez
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we've split the operation done in a thoughtful way not adding to the resource demand of the shops operations and through those business process changes we might even be more efficient than if we were on one side so i'll hoping this veeldz great change for the shops and the customers they serve. >> going back to tbudget anali understand the circumstances under which the projects are moving forward i do want to thank puc for years ago they took me on the tour to the southeast water pollution area and personally got to smell what the neighbors who live across the street go through
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every single day so i understand from the prospective of those folks how necessary this is as well as the ongoing maintenance costs i think our city will be providing to the upkeep the existing facility so again though we prefer the boyd process i understand the urgency of this. >> okay. thank you supervisor tang colleagues, any questions at this time mr. rose, can we go to your report. on these items. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee regarding the waiver the city requirements has been discussed on page 24 of our report we report that the proposed ordinance will wave the competitive bid the city's administrative code with the, llc developer and the developer selection of e architecture design and the project charles builders has general contractors
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the ordinance says due to time con straights and the extraordinary competitive real estate market the director of property has executed the project and identified teams capable of carrying it within the timeframe and within the budget development on page 27 of our report regarding administrative code the feasibility legislation as mr. updyke indicated he's requested an amendment we have not yielded supervisors weighed in on that amendment for clarification purposes and an amendment to the proposed ordinance be expectation for the administrative code the fiscal feasibility that charter 29 does
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not apply to a capital improvement plan under the jurisdiction of san francisco puksz the relocation of shops will not be necessary it it didn't require the sites on jerald street and it is the sole fund for this source therefore as i understand this is why mr. updyke submitted that amendment or expectation and the recommendation on page 20 we recommend you approve this to clarify that the board of supervisors only phase one design the project agreement reflective of the costs not estimate to be $8 million plus currently estimated $10 million plus or not to exceed
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$10.3 million, and, secondly, we referenced that chapter 29 exemption and third we consider approval the proposed ordinance 11226 we authorized the competitive bidding required by the administrative code on the proposed central shop to be a policy decision for the board of supervisors and finally we recommend you end the supplemental appropriation file to place $47 million of the total 62 plus million dollars on reserve and this is for phase one with the balance of $17.2 million not the reserve given the budget analyst considers the file to be a policy matter this companion owners is also considered to be a policy decision for the board of supervisors the office of contract administration should
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ask a release at the same time a request approval due to the delivery on the board of supervisors. >> we'll be happy to respond to questions. >> thank you, mr. rose one of the questions on chapter two 9 is the utility we'll work with the city attorney's office to get to make sure that is vetted before we vote on it at the full board but nevertheless, part of amendments with us today okay. thank you, mr. rose for your analysis colleagues, any questions for the budget analyst seeing none, is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 7 or 8 a you got a transfer from wastewater plant you've got a transfer in wastewater plant you've got a transfer from warrant plant do
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the best you can my city do care da district attorney my city does care the puc cares thanks. >> thank you very much there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues welcome any discussion i think i share a general sentiment this has been before us this overall process so i think from my prospective i understand where we are we need to get this done and willing to be supportive today let's flush out the exemption stuff and from the city attorney prospective before the board votes and if any other questions otherwise colleagues we'll deal with that but i'm prepared to support this
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today. >> colleagues questions or comments or a motion. >> all right. so through the chair i think i also made my comments at a previous hearing so i'd like to manning make a motion to accept all of the recommendations that the budget analyst has stated and as amended forward out items seven and eight to the full board with recommendations. >> motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee we'll take that without objection. madam clerk item 9 please. item 9 resolution authorizing the director of public works to execute the agreement to the agricultural related design for the facility under the earthquake save and emergency bond program and increasing the not to exceed to approximately $12 million. >> thank you, madam clerk so dpw is here to speak on this
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item come on up. >> good morning mr. and members of the board i'm charles with the prestige management of the public works to request your authorization continue to provide architectural and engineering services for the design and delivery construction of the traffic company and friends of the services division as you recall this exists within the excerpt of the emergency bond program of 2014 along with several projects the bond program the largest amongst them this is commenced with the imperial contract we're advancing the understanding and quality and it's enforcement to the number of stated to the voter in the 2014 a total of one
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hundred $65 million i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you, sir colleagues, any questions okay harvey rose mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee on page thirty as shown in table one of the budget analyst report for the h o k the acreal services and the s f p did facilities total budget is one and $64 million so that the 11862 plus agreement represents 7.2 percent of the one and $65 million budget shown in table two on page 33 of the report we do recommend that you approve that resolution and stated on page 33 of the our report. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues, any questions we'll
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move on to public comment seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues, can i have a motion to send this forward. >> so moved. >> we'll take that without objection. but madam clerk items one and two and for a special election on june for the purpose 6 voters to incur are to finance the construction and improvement and best estimate better timed of emergency responses and animal care for earthquake safety and two declaring that a public interest amend the construction improvement of critical community health and emergency responses for earthquake safety. >> okay. thank you madam clerk i know the game plan is having amendments that sit for a
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week to so the controller's office personnel that here talk about the amendments and whatever else. >> good morning supervisors i'm bryan strong the director of capital planning. >> on mondays capital plan committee there was an amendment to the proposed june public heath bond was considered and we have under the direction of the capital plan committee worked with the city attorney's office, public works department of health, human services agency along with the planning department to make the amendments that have been submitted today essentially, what we do and we also provided you a memo from the representing the action item or describing the action item at capital planning committee on monday
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essentially their rechld a $350 million bond must plus the animal and care control shelter that $44 million project is to be replaced with 3 really programmed that will be incorporated into the bond or that will be incorporated into the bond the first one is the improvement at community health centers the bond is contemplated with the southeast center this will expand it to make improvements in other community health centers across the city and additional $14 million or insert $14 million for neighborhood fire stations and again part of this neighborhood fire station improvement program that the city has been working on and that would be the amount of $14 million and finally
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$20 million h that will go towards homeless individuals and families the form of improvements at the city owned shelters and service sites so those are the amendments that have been submitted and are before you today it is our understanding that they will need to sit for a week and we'll come back next week with a fully presentation and discussion i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> and we have staff here as well. >> thank you, mr. strong. >> colleagues supervisor tang. >> i'll save any comments for which that is back before the committee i think i made it clear i wish any changes would have come earlier we remember working on the capital improvement plan you know now, when it was calendar in a certain way so that is what i'll
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speak to obviously i had a huge concern the animal control facilities it was taken out of a previous bond measure but looking forward to work with the rest the city staff in terms of getting that project moving forward through the participation program so again we'll save the discussion for later. >> okay supervisor yee. >> yeah. i want to say that i echo commissioner sanchsupervis i want to hear about the animal control piece of this the other piece when you come back next week is i want to be able to know what community health centers we're talking about in terms of these and i always am concerned
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sometimes being way out on the wetdz wonder if anything will benefit our residents out there so that would be one of my concerns. >> certainly sure we're happy to have that discussion i will say some of the health centers it is at a program level but we'll provide you with examples. >> okay. colleagues if footing no other questions mr. rose anything to add on the amendments. >> no, i think we should wait and take into account the amendments and report back next week. >> open up for public comment i have a number of speaker cards anyone else wish to comment 2 minutes and -- excuse-me. you know what real quick we have one person to speak mr. duffy i'll
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call the speaker cards real quick. >> again want to recognize our formally supervisor. >> good morning, supervisors wonderful to see you i'm here to talk about animal control it was an important department when i was a supervisor and worked that polk i passed the ordinances mauvent the neutering of pit bulls and sponsored the backyard dog ordinances that sets standards for dogs kept outside will be treated as my work so many individuals have faced barriers to ending homeless because of animals and one of the concerns i've had and raised when this bond was discussed a couple years ago 9 value of building housing over the animal
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controls facility to build two stories of falls over that to establish a service that includes transitional housing or emergency housing over and over only could be helped by the navigation center no restrictions a vet we worked with and he had 3 large pit bulls and had two and a friend died but knowing that life of that do you go. >> i. >> do solemnly swear. you go would be upgrading in his that's one example of an individual if we had a housing above the animal control i want to thank supervisor tang for your work of late with the families and family veterans ending domestic violence i hope you can divide this file and have the mayor's
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office of housing and community development come back and talk about the opportunity to do a joint development i hope that will not exclude the housing for people so many people are there because of pets. >> thank you inspector duffy. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello supervisor we san franciscans strongly oppose a new three hundred 15 building bond it will dramatically increase - already public outcry that people can afford to live in san francisco i'm retired i'm a small property owner and a low income person this year my pension it is same as last year but everything is
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more expensive than last year, i don't get help from substance abuse but the city keeps us in need for help not fair please help thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is trashing taking into consideration since $315 million bond is for all san francisco so small property owner should not be the automated teller machine man, i'm the small property owner unfair law i don't have rental income i thought i could get the help with any expense i can't afford this bond right now i have financial problems so i
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suggest no on this bonds so, please help our property owner resolve the financial problems thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> morning i'm a small property owner in san francisco i will strongly oppose this $350 million bond everything that we do with an investment we expected to have a return and i never see that i don't see the analysis what is the return on our investment very passed prop a bonds i expect income from this and that's homelessness he hear the $27 million is spent on homelessness it is $3,000 a person i think that should be
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spent on the resources for example, the trees are taken care of by owners and definitely $20 million supposingly the city is not taking care of this that used to now the homeowners are and the rernlts are getting too much rents and i mean without increased rent not fair this compounding our expenses without fair returns people who can't pay rent how can we pass the bonds 50 percent this is just a fraud that is kind of like a lie on one side of the map they say they can't afford and on the one side they can't pay in consistent and no on the bond. >> >> thank you. next speaker,
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please. >> good morning and i i'm a small property owner i see the bonds can only help people i feel that people and homelessness and animal because they've taking care of and by the city most of small property owner are broken people why we want to share our home from the threat of moving and the recreation has caused us difficult please no more bonds we can't afford it thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi i'm sally with the sf dog for 7 and a half years i was the director of animals control i worked with the city to get a
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new animal shelter we were excited it can be done the bonds i was disappointed and capital meeting i was disappointed the - and a friend of mine who goes to those meetings said that was this first time he saw that happen so i'm concerned that a lot of long-term planning that goes into what goes into what bond and that sort of thing macro maybe and precedent those last minute changes could potentially be more common which i don't think is a good thing for the capital needs for the city needing infrastructure it and a either or sidewalks not people or pets we can insure
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both helping animals helps people as one example having an animal can help someone suffer from mental illness and the animals that help people keep come from the shelter we desperately need a new shelter and the the city zoning administrator's office were committed to understanding money through the certificate of the appreciation he urge the board to make sure this shelter gets funded if not through the bonds by the certificate of appreciation not later on but sooner thank you. >> no on this bonds every time
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the bonds - >> thank you. next speaker, please good morning a small property owner and no on this bond since $350 million is for all san franciscans owner so should is not the atm machine no good thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors and $350.50 percent of you know go how difficulty for the small property owner facing higher payments and we can't recreate
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only - i see a lot of people remiss thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi my name is lydia brown work at the main library i'm also a volunteer dog-walker with the animal control as a public servants i see many people in need of help but the homeless people that visit the library people that have animals are more grounded it occurs this is a sense of well-being the library i've seen kittens and birds in a basket like the what
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has been marked as arrested of these this is one of the greatest cities the world we can do this without breaking the bank we are hosting the super bowl this week and paying millions of dollars for the influx of people i'm happy we can welcome our guests in style i believe we should construct a new animal shelters up to date the facility is a converted office building not for animals ac c accepts all animal one 40th the bugged they only accept currently pets be in good health i've seen animals that were
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adopted in a motivator of days maybe spent months at the spaca it makes good sense to get those animals adopted as quickly as possible the staff can volunteer but, of course, the loving homes is the best environment. >> can i say a tiny bit more. >> everyone has 2 minutes but appreciate our comments through. >> next speaker. >> please. good morning. my name is a gloria i hope you guys look at this paper i want you guys to say no on this bond even though i have a house but it is not i'm not a rich people please say no on this bond thank you. >> thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to
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speak on this item. >> hi, i'm josephine i support this bond but i have a problem that is on the small property owners only 50 percent can be passed there i support community health and public health but i support animal care facilities but i oppose that the treatment tree maintenance is not part of it if we can spend $54 million to create new infrastructures to shelter animals why not maintain the existing trees that used to be the city's property and now individual property owners people spend $10,000 a year to
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maintain the trees have the amendments to include the $55 million tree maintenance and also consider 50 percent pass through to be increased to 100 percent for bond issues we have are small property owners responsible for 50 percent of housing in this city we're housing providers that take care of 50 percent the rental units we responsible for three percent of the bond revenue yet we don't have a say in this whole process i demand a seat at the table for any future creation we need to have a say how to streamline this no problem that supporting the bond that doesn't increase property tax but we want to have a say how how to spend the by the end monies for something we need in dire thank you. >> thank you very much is
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there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item all right. seeing none, public comment is closed any comments i know we have a number of amendments that just came in i forget what the topics are mr. gibner a chance to do this appropriate. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney as supervisor tang mentioned some amendments are late breaking we'd like an opportunity in our office to prove read no errors in all the language because that meeting will be the last opportunity to make any amendments the committee adopts these we'll do the proofread and submit the final copy to the clerk by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and not make any substantive
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changes. >> i'm in supportive of that. >> i said to acknowledge the people that came out for public utility public comment i know you represent small properties so there is a lot of sharing on your part i understand that i will say that i know that they have been difficult bond measures that have passed that result in infrastructure improvements that, yes you can see so whether our public parks we used or a public hospitals or the library system all of these things are available to everyone in the general public comment i think those successes speak for how important some of the bonds manufacture measures we can't fund with the general dollars i think so that i do want to make sure that that point is made everyone no matter what level of
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income gets do use those facilities i think there is a lot of discussion to be had on the amendments made we'll continue to work on that i appreciate the comments about the trees i know we care about as well as my other colleagues as well as supervisor wiener i look forward to more discussion and for now we'll continue this item. >> thank you supervisor tang and echo some of the comments for the small property owners i understand the sentiment and the trees and support all those things i think we have a conversation over the next week and i know a lot of work is going on in the bond from a capital improvement plan i imagine years it has been talked about and not going to satisfactory everyone i know the discussion around animal control is something that is important to many people and myself
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include so with that, colleagues in the questions or comments let's entertain a motion to accept those except the proof reading by our city attorney and continue this for next wednesday. >> so moved. >> motion by supervisor tang we'll take that without objection. and okay is there any additional business to come before this body? >> there's no further business. >> thanks everybody we're
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>> the renovation of balboa park, the oldest in the city of san francisco, and now it is the newest part in the city of san francisco. through our partnership, and because of public investment from the two thousand eight fund, we are celebrating a renewal and an awakening of this park. we have it safer, happier, more joyous.
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>> 3, 2, 1, [laughter] =--[applause] >> it is a great resource for families, to have fun in the city, recreation. >> this is an amazing park. we have not revitalized it without public and private investment. the critical piece of the process of this renovation was that it was all about the community. we reached out to everyone in this community. we love this park dearly and they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. what you see is what the community wanted. these ideas all came from the residents of this community.
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as a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park. adjourned. >> good morning and welcome to the to the monthly meeting the of transportation authority i'm supervisor wiener the chair of the tort i want to thank sfgov for broadcasting jennifer lowe and bill dillon mr. clerk, please call the roll supervisor avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen
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commissioner farrell commissioner kim commissioner kim? here >> commissioner mar chen's chang commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee commissioner yee? sorry >> commissioner yee present we have quorum. >> thank you very much item 2. >> item 2 chair's report this is an information item. >> thank you and colleagues over the past year the transportation authority has clocked collaborated with our agency and community partners to achieve a number of milestones for the transportation including including the wins and federal, state, and local let me thank you vice chair malia cohen and thank caging for the program committee and commissioner avalos for chairing the finance
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committee about all of you and the staff with the board and executive director tilly chang and her staff we got a lot done in 2015 thank you colleagues for giving me the honor of harry this we successfully advocated for the multi federal participation bill of 2005 the 5 year fixing american transportation act will bring stability to the programs in the coming years cap & trade fund continue to generate fund for the transit like the expansion of muni and rail fleet and the development of high speed rail that connects our region and city locally our sales tax and other transportation authority managed fund played a key role inform attracting the funding
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and in 2015 the transportation authority celebrated the new presidio parkway and extensions in van ness bart and better market street and the contributing terminal it supported many vision zero and others from new crosswalks to street repaving and traffic signals across the city the cooperation hoped the bike share with a slated bike share fleet tenfold over the next year's as we look forward to 2016 it is critically important for san francisco to keep investing locally and regional will i other transit stems struggle to keep up this investment is crucial to the affordability and liveability and economic vitally as we look at the 2016 for the
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ballot and the core fund we need to pull together as a city and region to make sure we keep the transportation city on track i looked forward to continueed success at the transportation authority in 2016 as we move forward so thank you, colleagues this is an information item any public comment on item 2 seeing none, public comment is closed item number 3. >> item 3 executive director's report this is an information item. >> ms. chang. >> executive director report? >> excuse me. due to the presentation of the annual report we'll for go the executive director report audience any any public comment on item 3 seen none, public comment is closed. item 4. >> item 4 approve the minutes of the december 4th an action item. >> colleagues, any comments or
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questions changes to the minutes seeing none, any public comment? item 4 the minutes your seeing none, public comment is closed and can you take item actually haven't voted call the roll. >> commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen chair farrell commissioner kim commissioner mar schechz commissioner tang is commissioner yee the minutes are approved okay. we'll now move to item you number 5. >> election of chair and vice chair this is an action item. >> okay great colleagues annually at the first meeting the board in sdwran the board shall elect the chair and vice chair the transportation
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authority the newly appointed chair shall immediately precede after the election meeting as soon as one of the nominees get the majority that person is elected and no votes on the remaining nominees so mr. clerk you call the item already so neemsz are now many order for the office of chair of the authority any nominations. sorry commissioner avalos thank you mr. chairman and before i make my nomination i'd like to thank you for your service i wanted to thank vice chair cowen and so much more work that has been done and tlooshgd so with that in mind it is my honor to nominee john avalos to serve as this chairman
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and he has done this? the past and throughout the 10 year not only a member but chair he has demonstrated the ability to work with different people making sure the interest of every constituent and each other is seriously considered i believe that the way that he has assured the fiscal viability of this agency working closely with our executive director making sure in a difficult transition he oversaw that shows why he will do a great job 0 so my honor to nominate john avalos the next chair >> a second. >> seconded by commissioner mar any additional nominations
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commissioner cohen. >> thank you. i'm proud and happy to support the continuation of chair under commissioner wiener i'm thinking he did an excellent job and has a success to stand on in our best interests to support commissioner wiener i'd like to nominate commissioner wiener. >> thank you commissioner cohen a second to is that nomination seconded by commissioner breed and commissioner breed thank you. i am really honored to second commissioner cohens nominates of commissioner wiener to serve as the chair no on, on that committee a stronger advocate for transportation and moving forward in a positive direction
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as it relates to fixing our public transportation system our roads and no stronger advocate on this board of supervisors than supervisor wiener i appreciate his leadership and his consistency in the work and the things he's advocated for including his creative way to generated significant delores for transportation through his proposition last year he's created he understands that this is not the short game if we're going to change for the better we need to do significant changes and significant conflict of interests and major improvements i appreciate his work and knowledge of all things transportation i know it is not just because he away rides muni more than any of us in the room but most importantly because he understands it he understands the system and planning to a
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candidate a better system i want to second the nomination and just really express my appreciation for all the work you continue to do for the city and county of san francisco as it relate to transportation and getting us on the right track. >> thank you, commissioners. >> commissioner avalos. >> thank you. i appreciate the nomination from commissioner campos i've already served and chair of the transportation authority in 2013 and 2014 in leadership positions our body it is important to actually rotate out at times that's why i rotated out there commissioner wiener and happy to support you for another year on the transportation authority. >> thank you commissioner avalos it's been a pleasure to work with you for a number of
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years. >> colleagues, any additional nominations nomination are closed no additional comments move to public comment on this item any public comment on the election of chair? seeing none, public comment is closed and california mr. clerk same house, same call? or do we need a roll call >> we should do a roll call vote. >> so, please oh, call the roll on item number on the election of chair. >> on that motion in favor of '63 for chair supervisor avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell commissioner kim absent commissioner mar commissioner peskin
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commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee scott wiener is now elected chair. >> colleagues thank you very much for the honor we'll move to the election of vice chair of the authority by nominations? >> no one wanted it interest mr. chairman i'd like to nominate our colleague eric mar. >> a second to the nominees of eric mar by commissioner yee any additional nominations? okay. no additional nominations necessarily the neemsz are closed any public comment on the vice chair of the authority seeing none, public comment is closed and i believe we can take this
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same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. commissioner mar is elected vice chair congratulations commissioner mar looked forward to work together colleagues we'll move to item number 6 item 6 award a 3 year cloult contract not to exceed one million dollars pulse for engineering services for the san francisco long-range transportation program and authorize the executive director to negotiate the contract terms an action items. >> colleagues questions or comments on item 6 seeing none, any public comment on item number 6 seeing none, public comment is closed and can we same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. that will be the order thank you item 78. >> approval the 2016 legislative program an action
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item. >> colleagues do we have - we don't need a presentation any questions or comments on item 7 seeing none, any any public comment on item 7 seeing none, public comment is closed and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. that will be the order item number 8. >> item 8 appoint richard and amusing to the advisory committee an action item okay. colleagues any questions or comments on this item seeing none, are there any public comment on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take item 8 same house, same call? >> the house keeps changing call the roll. >> commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen
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commissioner farrell chamber of commerce absent commissioner mar commissioner peskin commissioner tang che commissioner yee absent the item passes okay item number 9. >> item 9 adopt the 2015 annual report an action item. >> our executive director will present the report. >> thank you che congratulations to you and commissioner mar i'm pleased to present the annual report you have a copy for the members of the public the first slide lays out the prop k and the suggestion management agency and established a vision zero committee of supervisors at the transportation authority board and we also manage the fund for clean air the evaluate
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registration fee tdr has designated a couple of years actress a management agency for the transportation this year highlight of the work program the bus rapid transit and the draft report this is was a major milestone on the part of the sfmta and ourselves over the years working with the many, many communities along the 5 mile corridor public comments and sdooilg solutions for the feedback this project is on track to come before you to approve and have the environmental approvals this summer we continued the bus rapid transit the east west corridor that connects the shedding hunters point shipyard community all the way to the west side intersect ceqa with the balboa station something
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we're looking at at with sfmta upgrade and the issue to the bus racheting i want to present the neighborhood transportation if i could have the slides neighborhood transportation plans and neighborhood transportation improvement program this is our citywide program to help to develop the pipeline in the city and in 2015 we were able to move 6 planning projects forward and capital projects from the lombard street to the main street and the crooked street to the studies in district 9 as well as the balboa to the management city for the comment and going forward have to complete more of these and initiate more of these as they warrant for treasure island we had the first meeting the board
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excuse me. as well as a policy conversation without the tells you program and how it relates prairie to affordability on the part of county residents working on that in the coming year as well as corresponding with tida and the yerba buena projects and particularly touchdown the bike and pedestrian facilities on the east span the bay bridge onto 0 the island this summer and moving to the freeze free corridors really need a robust efficient solution to transport all the folks in the 101 corridors to make sure those solutions fit well with did neighborhood and those facilities pass through we're looking at the vehicle latent prints and carpool and express lanes together with the partners
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at municipal transportation agency caltrans and san mateo couldn't on the balboa park stationery valium the off-ramp wee realignment excuse me. thank you. >> and in addition, we're looking at the closer of the geneva impact interchange area another repeat after me and local effort corridor with the entertainment commission excuse me. and the office of economic workforce development at the late night transportation study an initiative of schez to look at the early morning hours with the community trips and for entertainment venues so this is some go that as yielded results and night time service and working with the multi agency
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and the stakeholders for prior solution to the area and in the daytime the bridges are in the region and working with mtc looking at bart and others for the crowded conditions in the corridor our city and region is growing that's the worst rated congestion link in the bay area so, please look forward to that we'll be bringing recommendations forward as part of mtcs work in the first quarter of year. >> further on the planning we work with the west side to look at the transit hub and look at the tremendous seats assets at the bart station and the west portal and be more effective in leveraging some of the public transit services and the bus lines and the bike sharing
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coming down and insuring the pedestrian connections we've done great public surveys this is important coming out as well and thank you for your leadership commissioner tang and the commission times to us look at the services and at this point leap has seized operations but those issues condition to remain top of mind and transportation folks minds as well as the community as i have no speaker cards pressure for the use of curve space by the new shuttle providers and our new technology and transportation services in the area of funding we hit a mile the first year where savings has exceeded one hundred million dollars a year and we
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fund more the priorities in transportation the ta and the policy management of over $800 million and this is not just prop k but other grants the transportation authority has and regional dollars we allocated over one hundred and $40 million including for the light rail and other motorist programs and each dollar we collect in praubz leverage 47 times that amount and that's a great question federal and state grant as well our prop w a the vehicle registration fees 57 projects collected in 2015, 9th street and mcallister renovation in the tenderloin and other things great near the bulk station so congratulations to bart and we
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look forward to more prop a projects coming down those are quick to deliver the projects public safety and transit for liability our one bay area grant this is mtc the metropolitan federally funded program has been supporting satisfactorily programs a wonderful groundbreaking connecting 3 district 9 and 10 and 11 and in addition the e r trailer elementary school the first project to be completed with the safe roads to school and the continued design work really almost ready for construction on market octavia avenue and chinatown broadway street and the second street as well as moving forward on the transportation fund for clean air the $4 distribution fee those are projects we do the
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emissions we had funding going to various shuttles that serve san francisco general hospital and veils as well as 8th street and we had a wonderful picture of the trail we used tsa funds we thank them for in their partnership there and next on vision zero continuing with the bike and the public safety the vision zero committee met several times in the capital promotions and thank you chair kim and to look at education and engineering and enforcement activities across the city and help to achieve the various agencies that are working to drive down facility injuries to zero within 10 years and the chair mentioned the bike sharing there is outreach ongoing we encourage all neighborhood groups u groups and community
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members to go to the bike sharing and call the offices we'll direct you to put in our comments where it should be betsy carmichael chair mentions the presidio parkway a wonderful celebration that facility is open for the public we made a first penny paid after three or four years of constructing that project is heaped in september with the substantial completion team others whole project to be complete at the end of this beyond any doubt and deliver the yerba buena project and the fulsome street i 80 fabric and the transportation authority delivered that to help improve the public safety and for the transbay center plan
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the prop k signature as much as the subway made great progress completing the tunneling as well as moderating into the system construction we understand there is some inconvenient the construction impacts are having a bit of an impact but making terrific progress and is it a fair statement, is working hard and we appreciate in their tvmd and on the transbay center both the phase one terminal is taking shape boo ground 50 percent complete we are r had a cost review led by chair wiener 19 that is serving on the transportation commission and those reviews have been completed an increase to the official cost for the transbay
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term and tjpa board will revise that in early 2016 a multiple team working on the remaining gap and confident we'll get there in the next few months to finish this with the downtown expectation blended facility blended track with our high speed rail and bringing the trains into transbay term as the downtown phase two project for the next signature so replace the sdel a project that the ground work contract and their before the caltrain powers board thank you commissioner cohen for
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serving and overseeing the progress there as well for all 3 operates muni and caltrain their demanding a record high levels in all 3 operators need more vehicles so the expansion program was the top priority for sfmta we stand ready to support with the prop k savings and working with mtc to help muni to take advantage of the procurement opportunity within their motor vehicle vendor and most importantly on the accountability we had a clean audit with the transportation authority financial management additional over credit rating were upgradeed and reaffirmed we appreciate, of course, the deputy for finance and administration the ability to convert our to a resolving
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program it saved us costs in administering the debt and so far so again good and continuing to achieve the and invite the members of the public to go to my and enter our address and understand the projects are planned and built by the transportation authority and in our various partners and figuring out how to contact those and in participation of the lbe and get we're in the 15, to 17 percent range the transportation authority for the 2015-2016 and looked forward to a big annual working group up this month provide that information on the website for contractors many who come year after year that is next thank you. the transportation authority alter 10:00 a.m. to
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12:00 p.m. come to the transportation authority offices to get more about contracting opportunity particularly for small and other businesses and thank you to you and your staff to our partners at the region and state and to the community especially our advisory committee and chair chris for their support throughout the year and look forward to 2016 and particularly to the new conversations will pressing funding conversation and ballot measures at the on top of the meeting that concludes my presentation. and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> >> thank you, ms. chang and thank you for this terrific report schelgz. >> thank you commissioner wiener i want to talk about the conversations relative to the n tip program for the multiply
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implementation plan the general consensus was that that was going to be put on hold pending some additional community outreach and potential repurposing of some are all the fund i wanted to note that should be rescued in the annual report. >> thank you very much for the suggestion reminder uh-huh. >> okay and we don't need a motion okay terrific. >> colleagues, any other questions or comments okay. seeing none we will move to public comment on item 9 any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed and this is an action item so i think the house has changed so, please call roll. >> commissioner avalos commissioner breed
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commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell human resources commissioner kim commissioner mar commissioner peskin commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee project manager. >> great so item number ten. >> introduction of new items this is an informational item. >> who is - who is sitting in my oh, commissioner kim do you okay commissioner kim and i don't have a new items i was going to ask to rescind on the items. >> i'll move past this before we adjourn i'll ask you to make that motion no new items any public comment on item 10 seeing none, public comment is closed. and before we move to item 11
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commissioner kim has a motion can you please state the motion commission. >> i'm sorry, i don't have the agenda nonresponsive me. >> what is that. >> item 5 and 678 or. >> no. >> i believe i missed another one mr. clerk confirm. >> 5 through 8 commissioner kim has made a motion to rescind - >> no. >> what's happening why are we rescinding the vote. >> if no second that's fine. >> second. >> a what's the motion. >> commissioner kim can you - >> i withdraw my motion.
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>> okay. so no motion on the floor. >> i'd like to rescind the vote just on well, actually we might as well 5 and 6. >> so can you articulate our motion just to be clear. >> just to rescind the vote on item 5 and 6. >> commissioner kim has rescind the vote seconded by changing and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. oh, the house has changed so we'll call the roll on rescind the votes on items 5 and 6. >> on the motion to rescind the vote. >> commissioner kim did you want to say something or - and schelgz has left so - >> then i'll withdraw he had voted on those items; right? >> so the motion commissioner
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tang do you agree to that okay. the motion is withdrawn. >> item 11. >> public comment. >> any public comment? >> thank you, thank you the state of mercy to see everyone equal and one body in leadership so as one can have a full heart of self-containment once isolation of good cause could be served a dream would come through because of the mercy one engages of coloration or self-improvement in all realistic aspects avenue their works self-cult vacation of works of true heart and self-direction and good experience for a extension of aids to the brothers is true
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mercy. >> okay any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 12. >> adjournment. >> we're adjourned thank you, >> we're adjourned thank you, colleagues - working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city that's on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. after all, we're at the meeting of land and sea. - our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world- class style.
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it's the birthplace of blue jeans, and where "the rock" holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. - the city's information technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring patient safety at san francisco general. our it professionals make government accessible through award-winning mobile apps, and support vital infrastructure projects like the hetch hetchy regional water system. - our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. but most importantly, working for the city and county of san francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the city's future. - thank you for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco.
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>> good morning, everybody. thank you for coming to city hall first of all, thank to all the departments it under the general umbrella of the emergency management public works and area our economic & workforce development office including our faith cbo community and penguin and others we've been explicit expecting some big storms to come our way as conversations with meteorologists i think that's their property name and scientists warn us of the el nino storms that are coming here that will certainly our city and our area will be a focus of what necessary expect to be flooding
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i haven't seen any rain yet but i want to be and so our department desirable reduce if we lucky we'll be offeringly prepared we deal with unexpected dangers about you it is good he appreciate the departments and our direction coming together and doing everything we can to prepare not only themselves and their operations but to the public to the medium large and small businesses particularly to the residents for most now we know that with the exceptions we've been working in the private segment and public sector as well as with the faith based partners to make sure we're all ready and reemphasis that everyone should continue at their time when there isn't a
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big flooding going on to assess sf that is where there is good information we work on that site very well to prepare everybody and again thank our department of emergency services for putting out robust sets of information for i cannot we will definitely be taking care of people on the streets as much as possible and hear more detail but 11 hundred more beds more than the shelter beds and in addition to the winter she will not beds that enter faith council is helping us to identify that are human services will identify an additional 11 hundred shelter beds for those people that that she will not should that large storm come our
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way we're preparing those sites and want to make sure that people who are on the streets know we have your outreach teams letting them know we have additional shelter so we simply do not try to experience the effects of a large storm by themselves but reach out to as much as possible thank you to public works and the public utilities commission for work together i've seen the crews and done videos with their volume trucks i know how loud 38 they are they've been looking every catch bacon and with all the leaves they'll be plugged so we have to refresh those catch bacons by unfleg influencing them and any residents that see
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them plugged for trash or leafs report those to 311 and those agencies will get out to take care of them and make sure our infrastructure can go as much as they can to deal with 9 emergency our office of economic workforce development i want to thank them they've been in communications aimed at our small businesses that are particular flowed prone areas their preparing and making sure we know what they can do and the services we office public works and other agencies working on those sites we'll have those sites up where residents and visitors can object 10 i think 10 free he moomd for their use
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at locations that convenient for them this is one location we'll have them at a number of locations nearby historically identified places of flooding but i do want to say our attitude as city hall is one we want everyone to know that alert sf and the 72 is there we're preparing for a disagreeing discharge that is man made or otherwise we're prepared and want to put out as much free information as possible so when people plan for those disasters it is less changing more before corning sea making sure they take care of the communications and their families and businesses and their neighbors i want to say again, thank you
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to our event our police department they'll be out there making sure they respond to any specific needs that are there along with public works as we have our deniable that can assist people in inspecting areas the city or the homes and apartments what might be needed as well as public works we emphasis that if there is any life-threatening emergency people for sure call 9-1-1 but when no life-threatening emergency please call 311 steady and that will be taken care of and the distinctions are in the tree branch falls on the street none it hurt that's the 311 but if a life wire ryan falls and people around that that is a 9-1-1 it is life-threatening we need to
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distinguish that so we don't have our lines filled with inappropriate calls to those lines we want the public to be read i again offer my thanks to the departments that are here today they are ready and they're willing they're able to engage in the departments and we want our city to be safe and prepared and doing what we do early and often so again, thank you and up now with more details along with the other departments is ann from our department of emergency services. >> thank you, mr. mayor and good morning in the early 80s and the late 90s we had huge storms here in the bay area well, actually throughout california according to a recent released e released report 46 days of rain in
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january and february of 1998 that's a lot of rain we learned from each experience each large storm that go things happy you you know you have downed power lines and the mayor said and power outages and flooding all sorts of thing we need to prepare we've gone through 4 years of drought a lot of trees coming down they don't have the root structures and the mudslides we have been preparing for this the impact is on the whole community of san francisco we started developing plans last fall working with all of our city departments agency and our nonprofit partners in the faith community and developing a game plan for el nino this year
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our concept of proclamations or game plan is continuous operations through a storm it if a severe storm tweezer in constant contract with the national weather service that provides us with information on point telling you the impact and severity of the storm and the potential hazards to san francisco we will queen a conference call with the city storm incident management team or i m t to update the partner agencies what to expect with the upcoming storm if necessary we'll open our emergency operations on 1011 turk to make sure we're court reporting our response activity with rains as the little spitting rains out p there and right now our city is
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preempt twenty-four hour to make sure that the residents and citizens and the visitors to san francisco are safe our game plan relies on the corridor response at all levels of government navigate our lead integer managers my lead el nino plan is meeting with fema to talk about our court reporting response effort our success relies on all our partners like pg&e, and our community-based organizations who are integrated with us at all levels of emergency operations in the field on the tv monitor you'll see sf 72 hour or city now the information hub and find information updates i'd like to
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take the opportunity when not an emergency this is a live site i encourage people to go check it out and finally with alert sf our text merchandising service in san francisco we have a new feature that will make that easier for people to sign up all you have to do a text 888777 triple 8, triple 7 and type in alert sf you're connected to this environmental service i encourage all people in san francisco and visitors to sign up for alert sf by registering you'll be able to keep yourselves save. >> what to expect as we approach the el nino storm on that note i'm going to turn it over to trent roar the director
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of our emergency services. >> thank you. i'm trent the human services and hsa is the lead agency for providing shelters in emergencies and we're stepping up for el nino on both ann and i were actually involved that the shelters in the 7, 98 a lot of lessons we learned the biggest one we don't want a single shelter with one thousand plus people but shelters where the homeless are and a plan as the mayor said 11 hundred shelter beds with others depending on the demand located throughout the neighborhoods in san francisco admission and south of market, tenderloin, civically and southeast part of city and bayview and the hatred
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golden gate park but the process we'll undertake when we prepare for this storm will be meeting with the national weather service we'll look at winds and temperature and duration and amount of projected precipitation based on those factors we'll decide whether or not to activate the shelters we'll prepare in phases so if we do make the determination we need to activate for our long phases do it in phases the way we stage the locations allows us to bring the shelters up to two or three hours so that excludes mats and partnering with meals on wheel easy this salvation army and others meals on wheels and staffed with city staff as well as the nonprofits the shelter will operate on to a
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form 700 to project how long it will last and probable a half or a day after the transitioning out of the shelters the types of location the first thing we look at where are the existing be shelters are providing shelters for folks our emergency shelter some is 15 hundred and 25 beds right now at hsa and that's 1 hundred plus for single adults women and families and some have drop in areas or cafeterias to allow individuals that's the first place we'll look and activate and have our partners with the rec and park department their 3 rec centers that will be used and then the nonprofit partners and others who have facilities we can use and lastly
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other facilities ymca for example, has stepped up to provide their give him nature in the western edition and activating weasel be learning was a as we go it is hard to anticipate but in 1998 we had a thousand beds that seems to me you looked at sort of the homeless places in the at any given time 3 thousand people on the streets some don't want to good indoors and at risk of our harming themselves partnership with other agencies and temporary accommodations for two or three nights and others for the homeward bound the transportation program in other
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cities and shelter the remainder as we assess the storm and the demand and already have contingencies for hundred additional beds should we need that the facilities will not be some discussion or word on the street to have tents they're not tempts those are permanent structures that will be adding mats and other things to - some of the facilities some of the bigger sheds might be heat and in those cases erect a tent inside of a structure but no plans for tents on the city streets and thanks to the partnering with tdm and others nonprofit partners with the department of health we'll be doing the street outreach and the hope sf so we feel that we're prepared and almost finished with the memorandum of
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understanding and contract for locates we'll be ready to activate within a couple of weeks we anticipate the weather is hard to anticipate but the heavy el nino rains from january so february we'll be prepared for the homeless residents thanks. >> thank you's interpreting we'll hear from barbara garcia. >> good morning the district will have roving teams to make sure that the medical needs and the mental health needs of clients are taken care of we're working with the outreach teams for the serviced to make sure they know that the sheltered will be available particularly our homeless outreach team that have mooeveng relationships with the people over the years will have the ability to get the people into is the she recalls we feel confident about that and
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our teams will insure that any individuals that needs services and ongoing support will be provided by the teams the roving teams are ready to go thank you very much. >> thank you bearing now we'll hear in mohammed nuru the director for public works from san francisco. >> thank you like the mayor said over the last few months all the agencies have been working to present prepare for the upcoming storms as part of work we've done over the last few weeks had a couple of sandbags give away gaze and 15 thousand sandbags were given out we still have a large supply of sandbags and any residents
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feels their vulnerable to any kind of flooding through the garage or door or the back of their house come to our yard chavez a large number to supply people and in addition our crews are scheduled to work around the clock performing inspections of trees any potential tree hazard that the public seize they should let us know when we have storms we're vulnerable to branches and trees falling so call 311 number will allow us to get and work on that emergency preparation for the storm it is fall and with the fall we all see the leaves with a little bit of wind the wind leaves can clog
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our cap baselines so if you see any catch by an that has a number of leaves again call the 311 number the 311 comes through the system to us we'll have crews that will be out there to clean up the catch baselines with the rain like el nino can flowed pretty fast and if that catch by an is not clean quickly water raise and jumps the curbs and gets into homes the public can help us you know when you see a situation like that it is an easy job get a rack or broom and put the leaves in a bag so we're ready for the storms and we'll be working around the clock but possess importantly the public eyes on the streets
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so when you see things you believe that creates a situation please call 311 and we'll be out there thank you. >> thank you, mohammed next michael deputy general manager of the public utilities commission. >> michael. >> good morning so we're you're wart and power providers in san francisco and the bay area many of the remarks are my remarks on that and i think to emphasize with the mayor said we need to be prepared we are we have been working on this for quite sometime and corridor with the public works and actually working with the city attorney's office if we do get into a situation where there is damage in the city one of the things that mohammed said i want to
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emphasize you'll help yourselves by clearing storm drains 25 storm drains in san francisco we can get to 9 thousand plus so many we'll not be able to get to if you get out there and make sure that the water goes away from buildings and protects the property the other thing in a low lying area you're there elevate our belongings and put them up high to not get disadvantaged i don't know wants to lose their prized possessions and fled insurance you can take out flowed insurance and lastly we have a grant program at the public utilities commission for eligible pertaining to help to protect their property from flooding and finally if flooding 311 we're monitoring that our
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crews without with the department of public works and that's the best way to respond to our concerns thank you. >> thank you very much, michael this time i'd like to acknowledge our partner here with us today ashley from the meals an wheels, bruce makinna with the corporation thank you. >> major sheryl with salvation army and marty with project open hand thank you. >> and charles from st. anthony's and berry anderson from pg&e that concludes our press conference we'll stick around and answer questions if i want to do individual interviews thank you all for coming thank interviews thank you all for
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