tv MTA 3116 SFGTV March 1, 2016 9:00pm-12:01am PST
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her worthy of action, please >> okay, i would like to mention to you that she is a strong woman in the united states and she deserves and must win wednesday night. the winner of the state. not the winner of the month.the woman of the year. i support her and i'm very glad to invite her to see everyone of you as my family when i meet her. believe it or not, i keep my promises. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, supervise. action coalition the him after the organization. i'm here to
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speak on item 24 which is to amend the redevelopment plan area to allow block one also known as 160. period we would encourage you to approve the item to move it to the full board on april 12 we been supportive of this project that think it's important to remember that this project is within the form of redevelopment planning areas gone through much more extensive approval process including going through the citizens transbay citizens advisory committee which received an endorsement from and into the opposite community infrastructure commission which received unanimous approval for. then the planning commission. overly onto the full board. it's unprecedented 40% on-site affordable housing for middle class families and
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we would think that given the discussion that state place at this for the past couple weeks with the charter amendment this be a project he would want to support. we support it just because the extra hundred- amazing affordability 73 more homes, 44 formerly affordable at 60%. equity achieved-it's a testament to ocii and supervisor kim for coming up for that 40% parking payment and as well as [inaudible]. it's a lot of enthusiasm from the architecture community as well. were excited to have this power in the city. we hope you can move it to the full board on april 12. thanks for your time >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon pres. breed and commissioners. carpenters local 22 directors in about 3500 carpenters here in san
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francisco. we support the amendment to the redevelopment plan for the transbay redevelopment project area. also known as 160 fulsome. that extra 100 feet is going to add housing that san francisco needs, affordable housing. is going to add jobs that carpenters and all trades workers need in san francisco. it's going to provide middle income housing that actually carpenters they go to work on the project may have an opportunity to live in that tower, and we ask that you also support it. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> tom-disappointment for police chief new policy, to both. we stopped. still not the change we are seeking. that is
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still the wrong direction. we should have a desire instead of a police officers retiring. never point a gun out of their holster, never firing a bullet. another disappointment. muni. where losing 8 seats on the light rail. each, maybe 12. with that they be more on the buses. i can't tell on the buses. so, but the new policy now is, if you're sitting in a disabled or senior seat you make it reprimanded. so kind of making repercussions were almost making it criminal. it's a new direction. the future plan to have more standing room. is it part of the 3rd street disaster between the giants
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baseball park, the giants development with 11,000 jobs, the hospital that's already there with the 18,000 of the basketball stadium. we are going to replace 3 part lines and a freeway with reducing 8 to 12 seats in our muni rail so more people can stand. again, i think it's the wrong direction. just before the dust settles on this past election, the mayor's race, i was disappointed with the top echelon of the democratic party. i was a new direction man that was a new mayor's man. we can all agree that he was hand-picked. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> joe wilson hospitality
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house urging the board to move with deliberate speed to address the widening and deepening affordability crisis. i appreciate the value of feasibility studies and anticipating with some degree of trepidation once spent months spent questioning the study's conclusion, challenging the study's methodology, debating the study empirical data. meanwhile, committees across the city, bayview, omi, chinatown, expensing experiencing deepening inequality and a whining affordable the gap. i actually found it interesting feasibility study done by an engineering form in the midwest
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addressing a particular crisis to public utility. it turns out this feasibility study was commissioned by the state of michigan treasury department, conducted by a firm out of detroit on behalf of the city of linz michigan, looking at the cost benefit analysis of pumping dirty water into communities across the city. it turns out, they concluded that it would be economically feasible to use dirty water, rather than to continue to use healthier cleaner water because the economics did not work could i urge you to make sure that when you act, you act in the best interest of the public, not merely because the numbers were.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is julie galli also work at hospitality house and i want to voice my support for updating the inclusionary ordinance to increase the amount of affordable housing required in all the developments. i work with lots of members of the community and affordable housing is by far the number one concern. i've also been part of several committee coalitions and groups to meet with developers to try to negotiate something so they can come to the neighborhood in a more i guess cohesive way and time and time again they say they will only build a legal minimum of affordable housing. despite with their budgets are. so, making these kind of changes can have a massive impact on not just middle income people but helping people with homeless and
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getting housing as well. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is-i testify that the planning commission last week and also at the january hearing. i am deeply troubled by the misuse of the word affordable. the planning department said that none of the housing that is in the mayor's so-called affordable bonus density plan would allow people to make less than dirty $4000 a year to live in those filings. i wish you would strike the word, affordable, from any with this station that appears before this body. the city is building no housing whatsoever for anyone who makes less than $34,000 a year. this is one of
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the biggest lies ever seen perpetrated in san francisco history. if i am wrong, please correct me. i like to see some documentation. but the planning department is actually speaking through 2 sides of its mouth when at some point in that hearing said we are building housing for the lowest income people in san francisco. well, they also said that none of the housing would be affordable for people who make less than $34,000.80. so, those are 2 irreconcilable visas of information that i have not seen corrected anywhere. i wish he would correct it for us all. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> this is one of points i want to highlight also. you get situation enjoyed by high income bracket of people but not enjoyed by lower income bracketed people. first welcome you advertise affordable and low income housing and have the voters vote for your campaign
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but the truth of the matter takes place and read the fine print, it's not affordable whatsoever. it's like it's 5m project. i watch when you supervisors speak to the public and say you're providing housing opportunities for teachers and teachers can't afford to live in the 5m building then i watched the city attorney talk talk about board of education director and his staff can afford to live in the 5m though. then when public comment, not one, but 5 schoolteachers, explain and testify they cannot afford to live in the 5m apartment building complex. again the same response understands and testifies that she cannot afford to live in the 5m apartment building complex. you claim low in affordable income housing, affordable housing, and the lowest income for the building is $71,000. the next
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income bracket is about $89,000 and tops off at about $105,000. that's not affordable low income has moved its fraudulent information. you do the same thing with proposition d you claim 40% affordable housing and then when you look at the fine print, after campaign input a female that's living in a in-home foster care, and wants to live in the building it turns out you're providing greater opportunities for people that are making $122,000 a year. since when does a person that's making $122,000 a year need to be under a low income affordable housing program? now, i want to point out there's actually been >> thank you. thank you very much. i'm sorry, sir. next speaker, please. unfortunate, i could give everyone the same time. it's 2 min.
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>> [inaudible] >> sir, thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> hello. i want to speak about the expense i had yesterday. was working on market and buchanan. i stopped and saw their 3 people on the sidewalk and i saw these officer harassing them and i was standing there watching and the police officer began to then interrogate me i was not doing anything wrong at the very minor example of i think the harassment of people on the street feel. it escalated i was a leader. i was called pearl brought. the officer began to make up things about me. i was just watching, observing. the
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people i talk to on the street after the officer left so they felt very threatened and think about people who go through this on a regular basis, i have place to go. i place where i could go to be saved afterwards. i'm curious about how people who might not have place twos to go would react to an officer coming up to them and threatening them and also lying to them and not being honest with them could either than the city i pay taxes. i believe that we should all have a say in terms of how people are treated here. again, very minor, minor incident, but people might not hear-people here might not have experiences like this but there are people not being treated fairly and with respect and i would like it to be recognized and more to be done to make sure that everyone, every single person in the city is treated with respect and safety.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i live in south market and jane kim is our district supervisor. i live in-house. my issue is housing. the un-affordability of husband and i for one i gross under $60,000 a year and i'm a veteran, vietnam veteran. i then eligibility home certificate. i participated in-i participated with a couple of other the beyers for some homeowners program. to no avail have been able to-and this is 2011, 2014
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and 2015. i have certificates good nothing ever came of it. the transitioning between befriend housing authority with the property at 330 and 320, tina is questionable and i think that my residency there is in jeopardy. i think-i don't believe that this ami +12% of affordable housing is appropriate. i think it should be a little bit more conscientious in your decision-your decision-making process in terms of affordability. 120% does not
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cut it. not for me and i refused to be displaced. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public would like to provide public comment at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> colleagues, we have some unfinished is this. we will go to items 18 through 25. our adoption without committee reference. so, mdm. clerk, please call items i can-25 >> these items are considered without committee reference. a simple rollcall vote may enact any of these items. member may object something and i'm having considered separate. >> are there any members would like to sever any items? supervisor yee >> yes, item number 22. peter
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supervisor peskin >> item number 25 >> at this time, we are-22, 25. >> letter present, item number 23 >> 23. okay, on the remaining items, adam clerk these called role >> supervisor wiener aye, yee aye, avalos aye, breed aye, campos aye, cohen aye farrell aye kim aye, mar aye, peskin the i tang aye. there are 11 aye >> those items are adopted in adversely >>[gavel] >> adam clerk please call adam 20 to
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>> item 22 resolution to establish city policy to maximize the percentage of affordable inclusionary housing market rate development report ordinance and to ensure fairness and feasibility. >> to proviso yee >> supervisor yee >> this is a resolution that will frame further work in defining our in establishing what is really needed with affordable housing would like to move with in the charter amendment that we on the june ballot. most of this with a timeframe that would like to do this so i had submitted resolutions last week and now there's been some discussion about certain language that i would like to amend and it's been agreed upon as a mentioned earlier so, the let me read out
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quickly, or highlight the summary of the amendment we are talking about. so, one of the amendment we included was the board of supervisors intend to adopt a ordinance by april 19, 2016. so, we are time definite. the 2nd amendments would be joining ordinance would include grandfathering clause to ensure fairness for projects in the pipeline. in the 3rd amendment would be joining ordinance would include a feasibility clause requiring the controller in the city department to conduct a periodic economic study to maximize affordability in the cities inclusionary housing requirements. number 4, the first economic usability analysis shall be prepared
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prior to may 31, 2016 and will provide that the board of supervisors will review it within 3 months of its issuance. number 5, trailing ordinance to allow for the project middle income units to be one of percent of ami in the board of supervisors will set the maximum affordable unit pricing based on input from the feasibility study. number 6, trailing ordinance shall allow for the city to approve projects by developing a development agreement which can include variations from the inclusionary housing requirements. so, these amendmentwith the groundwork for the trailing ordinance and indicates a good faith effort to adopt us by april 9, 2016
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with the provision indicated in the summary of amendments. that i just outlined. i feel comfortable with supporting the charter amendment as was introduced and to pass this resolution with the understanding that these arefor agreed upon legislation. colleagues i hope to have your support in this. first, i would like to say-make a motion for amending the resolution >> so supervisor yee has made a motion 2nd by supervisor farrell. before we adopt the amendment, i just needed a point of clarification on the proposed trailing ordinance and the date certain of april 19 trailing ordinance and the date certain of april 19, 2016. can
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you please explain where that date came from, and if it's actually realistic based on the fact that it's arch first and this is--it may take more time than that? >> the purpose of that date is to show intent to introduce the ordinance. so it's not the completion. i will defer that to supervisor kim said she was part of the discussion >> supervisor kim >> this is a date negotiated with all parties. he was in conjunction with the mayor's office. they will be working very closely with the planning department to ensure a swift hearing of the trailing ordinance so that we can have this in land-use and to pass it by april and to pass it by april 19 now. so this is the date that was worked out but we did go to the week and get that
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the planning department they would work with the planet salute you this back of the board by the middle of april to provide assurances to stakeholders on all sides in terms of the charter amendment that's moving forward for the june primary ballot. >> thank you for that clarification. it just seems very ambitious. with that, colleagues, can we take these metrics without objection? without objection humanoids passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> on the item as amended to take this item same house, same call? without objection the item as amended passed unanimously >>[gavel] >> is called the next item >> item 23 is a roses resolution to urge the san francisco public utility commission to provide enhanced public access to testing roads and trails in the peninsula watershed land consistent with the goals of protecting the water supply and environmental quality of the area.
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>> supervisor avalos >> this resolution is next up after hearing about a year and half ago to having great public access at the peninsula watershed. i meant for to go to committee select a motion that we send it to committee for a thorough discussion. >> so, we can just send it to committee. okay, great. thank you. we will move to the next item >> item 25 is a motion to authorize operation of green proponents and opponents ballot arguments rebuttal about arguments for similar to the voters at the june 7, 2016 consolidated general election. >> colleagues, i actually have some amendment and for contact purposes, it's best for us to designate only one author for each argument and my staff has
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asked around to each of the offices that think we have a consensus on how to proceed with this particular item. i want to entertain a motion as follows: for the parks funding charter amendment proponent list only supervisor farrell, the inclusionary housing charter amendment proponents, list only supervisor kim, for the paid sick leave ordinance proponent list only the mayor good for the office of citizen complaints ordinance opponents, list only supervisor cohen good delete line 20-22 on page 3 as the ordinance has been with drawn, and on the opponent side, remove supervisor tang and supervisor peskin from the parks charter amendment and remove supervisor peskin from the public health bonds. so, those are my proposed amendments. 20 to clarify? 2nd
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by supervisor tang. can we take those minutes without objection ? without objection the minutes passed unanimously >>[gavel] >> see no names on the roster colleagues can we take item 25 as amended? same house, same call without objection the item passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> colleagues, let's go back to our item, i think there was number 3 or 4. for? number 4? let's go back to item number 4. supervisor avalos beat it on the resolution about ballot arguments led to be actually delete language referring to the mayors to 2030 measure transportation measure because that's no longer on the ballot we should be deleting that as well. >> on page-line 20-23 on page
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3? >> does that refer to the transportation measure the mayor was repealing, if so i'll just ask you for point of clarification. >> i need a minute to find exactly where that is. >> madame president,, it looks like the board is not authorizing any opponent arguments for this palace so willie, you could strike all of the pages for and 5 in the first 6 lines of page 6 as well. which lists the measures but since you're not finding anyone to write arguments opposing those measures you don't need to list them in the resolution. in a somewhat related point on this resolution, i don't believe you stated who would
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write the proponents argument for the geo bond should >> so, let me go back and i'd like to entertain a motion to rescind the vote on item number 20. moved and seconded. without objection the vote has been rescinded >>[gavel] detect at this time, i will entertain and additional amendments. supervisor avalos >> yes, i would like to amend the resolution to strike language referring to the mayor's declaration of policy that was slated for the voters for june 7 entitled [inaudible] by prioritizing-that would be the bottom of line-page 5 top
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of page stated that measures no longer on the ballots. >> so, is there a 2nd? site my supervisor yee. can we take the amendment without objection? without objection the amendment passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> i like to add an additional amendment to make the mayor the proponents for the geo bond. that is a motion. so moved. can i get a 2nd? can we take this amendment without objection? without objection the amendment passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> mr. given or are we all set? anything else? okay, colleagues can we move this item forward work for this item without objection >> just took a vacation all of your previous amendment stand as made by yourself and made by
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supervisor tang. the original amendment >>-made by myself and by supervisor avalos i'm sorry. supervisor tang as a 2nd. okay, thank you. okay, with that colleagues, this item as amended can we take that same house, same call? without objection the item as amendment passes unanimously >>[gavel] >> madam clerk, now let's return to item number 4 which is only been called. colleagues, seeing no names on the roster, no one has anything to say, even supervisor peskin is not in the mood to rise, with that, colleagues can we take item number 4 same house, same call? without objection the item is passes
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unanimously-the item is submitted unanimously >>[gavel] >> thank you. mdm. clerk, can you read the in memoriam. >> we haven't heard of item on behalf of supervisor mar mme. pres. >> we do. we did resolution commending about all a theater on the occasion of his 90th anniversary and the clearing march 6 as balboa theater day in the city and county of san francisco. >> please have a copy of the item? has it been circulated? supervisor mar >> it's purely mandatory and i strongly urge supports of this acknowledgment 90th anniversary of the balboa theater. >> so, we have an imperative
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item. colleagues, it requires the board to adopt 2 separate findings by two thirds majority or 8 vote before unanimous adoption of the item itself. we need to take the first finding and so the first finding is that it is purely amendatory and so that has been moved by supervisor mar the 2nd by supervisor farrell. colleagues commit can we take that without objection? without objection the motion passes >>[gavel] >> the 2nd finding is that the need came-the need to to take action into the tension of the board after the agenda was posted >> i cannot do that, yes >> is moved by supervisor mar. 2nd by supervisor farrell. can we take that without objection? without objection that passes unanimously >> on the actual item itself is now open to public comment.
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are there any members of the board would like to specifically comment on this imperative item? please come forward. >>we speak into the microphone >> in supporting the bible theater on the 90th anniversary and declaring march 6 as balboa theater day in the city and county of san francisco, i would like to also thank them for having the oscar party on sunday night. they're one of the theaters that have oscar party along with the rocks. san francisco, we are an oscar city. i hope this will bring more shine to what's going on. on john coach. the women over
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there" rangers. i hope we are an oscar city but we are also need the good women that these awards it comes under and let them bring us out to live in the city. it's a woman's world. it's very important that on this day [inaudible] st. patrick's month, march madness. we really hope san francisco will have a woman like barbara lee who secured 3 other dollars for family people in section a to stay there and[inaudible] thank you for the balboa high school. >> thank you. are there any
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other members of the public would like to comment on this particular imperative item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> colleagues, can we take the approval of this item-do we need to do a roll call vote? >> call vote matter president >> book about >> supervisor wiener on imperative aye ui yee avalos aye breed aye campos aye, speed cohen aye, farrell aye, kim aye mar aye peskin aye, tang aye. there are 11 aye >> the item passes unanimously. the cattle >> adam could be 3-d in memoriam >> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor peskin the late mr. chin will
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>> madam clerk this brings us to the end of our gender is there anything else be forced? >> that concludes our business for today. we did things you, everyone. we are adjourned. >>[gavel] >>[adjournment] >> - >> all right. so first of all, i want to welcome everybody who is here the press, all our communities partners are here come on matt we have matt right there are for
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the school district thank you for making it this press conference happen that is probable one of the month crucial and important issues and topics that is going on about gun violence you know taking into consideration what is happening all around the world and country and city we're here as a community everybody is one to eradicate gun violence i'm rudy the ed of the analyzing an organization that has been standing and fighting against gun violence for the last 21 years i'm here with my people my community and everybody that is here who is serious about this issue we we want to make sure we eradicate gun voipgsz that we are here you take this issue serious one of the most
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important protections is dealing with the mothers the mothers have lost their sons to gun violence we want to make sure we let them know that also they're being heard and they're being dealt with prove or disprove so me being involved in the violence field for 21 years we tale with youth kids from all over the community all over the city with the help of brothers like brother rich from project and from the vip team in the building and so without further ado, i want to invite mayor ed lee to come on up we've got to put him on pause the president of the united states we have to put on mayor ed lee let's welcome the ferry rosz robber mayor the city
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mayor ed lee (clapping.) >> rudy thank you to you and your staff for making your house available to co-host this important press event that announces our intention to join you you're police chief and mothers, people who really want to embrace non-violence to do this gun buy back this start saturday in the morning i want to emphasize now working with united playaz and others community-based organizations and important as education is to us i know we have a school board member matt haney as important we want good jobs and everyone it this room that wants better paying jobs in this city we want training, we want
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economic development and other nonprofits to be on their own buildings like the united playaz all of that becomes nearly enforceable inform you got violence violence distracts you from everybody and the trauma lasts for generation unfortunately for families and the communities that are involved and so it is our attempt with this gun buy back to reduce the opportunity for violence people can have disagreements purely disagreement between me and the board of supervisors sometimes can create some good solutions but if people resort to violence to resolve their it didn't make any difference to make their presence known or try to get something that is not going to solve anything that
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worsens the situation for everyone so i want to take a big that, of course, because this country as rudy indicated with the call from the president there is a lot of violence under our entire country and the bay area is no different and we got to reach out to more young people reach out to not so i don't know people that resort to violence we can't that that as an alternative we'll do our best working with the police department and along with the community groups and along with mothers and victims of violence that i know have every right to say what we need to say in front of the city hall or the mayor's office e.r. community groups i support that you mean at the end the message is less violence and embrace each other find a way to
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communicate with less violence if we do so you'll see advancements in education and advancements in jobs and more enhancement in community economic development that is what we're doing in our housing public housing that is the site of so many violence we're trying to champion that with community policing pea new techniques and 0 investing in our community and people and make sure we educate our kids it is no, no good answer and solution if you use violence and if we use good afternoon. welcome so getting the guns it is effective over the years i think we gotten over worsening one how guns off the streets month of them not properly purchased if doesn't matter their illegally purchased that violence didn't mean if you
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purchased that illegal or legally it is the use of goes on to prevent violence we come together i'm united of the united playaz and their friends and communities and groups and individuals that want to change their lives would hope that others would just put the guns down and let's talk through this city got resources not like we're not offering anything we have making the go bhith investment in the history of the country but trying to get jobs for everyone including those who have a questionable background we'll help you to erase those background and train you in all the industries that the city has been successful we have so many promise as a city question shouldn't have to resort to
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violence we stand with the united playaz and the officers and community groups and everything that from out of you're prison system we need to do better and need to find alternatives to prison to get people jobs to raise their families and get people where we need to be this is a great city we will be better if we reduce the violence thank you, rudy and everyone for making sure we'll do this and continue to do this we will be joining next year oakland and doing gun buy backs crime knows no boundary we'll be more successful by embracing this thank you (clapping.) >> thank you, mayor ed lee give a hand one more time for mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) i also want to say we're here to
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eradicate gun violence all of the city one or more gun we can get off the streets is that gun that may save you're life or child's you don't know when the bullet leaves the chamber it does not discriminate no name be 0 the bullet that we can get rid of guns we can i guarantee that one gun that save everybody this this room let's continue to support each other we can agree or sgraur like the mayor said at the end of the day, we'll have each other's back the next person is also is doing an amazing job of stopping the violence in san francisco he is the police chief of san francisco he plays a major roll
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in get rid ofing of guns give it up for greg suhr (clapping.) i want to thank rudy and the analyzing for the buy back as the mayor said the focus has been on gun violence as standing to applying manipulate left is ms. paulette brown lost here son to gun violence aubrey brown she's working tireless at any very often that speaks to the reduction of gun violence in 201498 people were killed many by firearms and working with organizations like united playaz and other communities groups and the leadership of our mayor and doesn't to the young people and education and jobs we've been
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able to better have those numbers last year, we had 46 homicides but still thirty of these were by firearms every year year in and out the self-employed takes over one thousand dwnz off the streets of san francisco gun buy backs have taken over nine hundred guns and i'm confident this saturday will be over one thousand any guns as rudy spoke to any gun that comes off the is are streets of san francisco, california have no harm if you have a firearm in the house and knows of someone in the house with a firearm please think about thank you for the opportunity is in on saturday and pick up a little bit of holiday shopping money and it will go a long way to keep san francisco safe and the children of those mothers might
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be here today and not have to have mothers hurting please turn the guns in (clapping.) >> thank you excessive greg suhr and tmc thank you to matt we have mothers that have lost a son to gun violence the wall are all unsolved murders we want to make sure we acknowledge them and try to find solutions they're part of solutions major and so just to move on we have two more speakers and waiting is our supervisor jane kim but the next gentleman i want to bring up he's also an employee of the united playaz and someone that say was a monster now a mentor
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my brother damn i don't think so share also thank you. >> (clapping). >> i want to thank everyone for coming out today i want to implore and touch the hearts of people that might be watching many seller to the hood to the mothers to the grandmothers to the brothers and sisters if you got guns in our home come out december 12, 8 to 12 tenth street and turn them in i've been on both sides shot ten times and 10 years in prison i changed my life and here with united playaz and doing working everyday on gun violence along with the mothers beside me to get the guns off the street to make it safer for the children
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like rudy said you don't know when that gun will hurt you or someone you love i've stolen guns out of people's houses it is so the people i don't know what happened to them that want to get get rid of get rid of of the guns a little boy killed his own brother he found his gun there are other ways so all the community of the people matters what you're race or color or creed and economic level gun buy back you'll be surprised it, the people the camera man a was thinking about turning in his gun i implore him and everyone if you have guns if in you're
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home not locked up you never know when you're own gun might be used against you i implore from the body o my body from the mothers children i ask you to come in and turn in the guns and find a better way thank you very much (clapping.) >> thank you damon i've been a victim of gun violence myself see this right here? this is for real you talking about real front line soldier in the battlefield an ground zero come up here boo my brother from new york this brother foster back here you're talking about re-entry you're
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talking about helping brothers from the penitentiary he did 45 years before foster g did a gang of time and new york back there the guy at front door did one and 50 years total but talk about solutions the moms and brothers who been there deny that and the mayor; right? you got the community and the police chief and you've got to school district what other part is missing in the evaluation we have our supporters who helped us fund this gun buy back ron conway that people don't know he do not to the cause the brothers from the medical marijuana the grassroots from barbary coast, hal even and brendon do that
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donates resources to make this all happen one of the main guys who we have to address who oriented the gun buy back is name a eon; right? his father got killed was a young kid the perpetrator stole the gun out of a home and we don't want to see this we want to get the guns now so this brother who is helping us he said some incredible things we forgot to mention no questions asked they ask you nothing you turn them in and get our money you can leave so this is a serious serious irk right here you turn on the tv you don't see something about
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gun voijsz what is the solution right here not wait until the camera is in front of you and you know what i want to be on this side because it ain't about a color or gender or national outlet or gaze some when someone pulls the trigger you can't stop i know look this is saved any envelopes life we all got shot at one of the guys any son get hit 5 times may he rest in peace that would have been my life i'm still here i want to bring up someone from our community that loves and cares about our people who's heart in is in the hood and lives in the hood i want to have our district supervisor jane kim
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come up and share thank you (clapping.) >> thank you all so much for being are here today and also to the media for helping us with the outreach and education it is important on saturday, i got to participate in the gun buy back and a lot of the residents come out to volunteer this is one of the best and direct ways to reduce gun violence on the street on a weekly basis we have a massive gun violence kroisz when you see where we have less gun violence 1942 where we have a stronger gun control laws and less guns on the street this is one of the ways with we do that without obstructs and any questions asked this is the time to turn them in and brings less
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violence on the street so it is so important south of market but here in san francisco and most importantly i know to acknowledge and thank the amazing donors to contribute money again with no questions asked so i want to thank rudy and the united playaz for this program and we'll have gun buy backs all the time but not a little bring you you mention the fruition you want to see and the outreach and education so i hope everyone is able to get the word out and volunteer with the organization but you thank you to all the donors for making this possible so we have a success thank you. >> (clapping.) thank you. >> thank you jane kim after we complete the press conference he
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have people that want to share but i'm going to read you alarming statistics one in 3 homes with children have guns many left urban locked or loaded you didn't hear me one in 3 homes with children have homes many left unlocked and loaded i'm sure never been the same 80 percent of unintentional firearm deaths of kids under 1 occur in their home with this this is the holidays hospitals and suicide by gun increases during the holiday so you want to be involved in helping out here it is right here the great matt scott we want to go to graduations not funneled
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and able or be part of the solution not the pollution we're involved we'll not wait until things happen we don't want to go to funnels or hospital where a person is walking around with a bag once you get shot and die you ain't never coming back those brothers it they'll be standing with us but it needs to be heard i'm not against people that have guns, you know who responsible knows how to do it or the safety behind guns we live in a real world but people with 34b9 issues people shot reck also no questions asked and make sure we honor the mayor the police chief, the medical marijuana store, the community people, the vip and project
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level and most important the mothers you're fierce district supervisor jane kim love you girl and the school district right here matt haney our capita of our neighborhood sherry right and the leader the rest of you guys and brothers and sisters who came home from prison who's out here doing good okay shout outs to mike and the rest of the guys please ask questions thank you for coming >> amen of the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors - thank you bob.
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>> i'm trying to get there. >> it says it's on but. >> let's try that one. >> does that work. >> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors and parking authority commission call roll. >> director brinkman director borden director ramos director rubke chairman nolan mr. chairman we have quorum pier 70 great, thank you. >> please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones,
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phones, devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room microphones set on vibrate caused interruption we respectfully ask they be turned off item 4 approval of the minutes. >> motion to approve. >> any further discussion? the i's have it. >> communications directors please be advised there will be no closed session today and also posted online an item are regarding 330 stockton it is not on the agenda today to we apologize for any confusion to the public 3 may have caused it will be brought to you at a future meeting any unfinished bus. >> director heinecke and i on
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the board knows a fatality only market street about a month ago and rally by the community before this meeting a letter september to director reiskin and copied to us asking for improvements with the person the wheelchair that was struck by a left turning vehicle and as improvements we can do to make it safer on market street and i appreciate if staff could report back on any on those particular items as well as short time and long term improvements we can make there. >> thank you director heinecke. >> anything on the new or unfinished business. >> director's report. >> director reiskin good afternoon members of the board and public and staff just a couple of items one as i mentioned last night we want to
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acknowledge on behalf of literally hundreds of mta employees that contributed to the success with the super bowl that happened just about a month ago you recall our goals for that event for the transportation associated with that event make sure that people could get to and from the event safely and everything else could continue to get around the city whether they were going to the events or not and i think that by and large we achieved those goals it is - the result of a lot work from a lot of people both from within the agency and the public again both people that were participating and not just so some of the highlights we encourage folks to take transit and people listened
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and heeded our transportation ridership on muni was up the day before super bowl and tens of thousands of additional riders on the light rail and buses i'm sure you saw bart had record breaking numbers folks listened it made a difference and kept the carr geology folks talked about but it was prevented by the fact we had our parking control officers out in force and as i mentioned before the mayor you know himself told me they were doing an outstanding job and gotten a lot of feedback the last couple of weeks folks were surprised how well, the function of the street and not only that but the transportation getting around well there was a lot of communication
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that went out particularly from us from our website and in the course letters and text and a lot of staff about all the communication but i think that really worked in this case it helped the folks to understand what was open and closed what their options and how to get around that made a difference and i would say that really a lot of this is attribute to the planning extensive planning it was modeled a after previous large events the city and have large events the city this is a city that we are and it's our job as the transportation television station to make sure those events work and particularly that people are safe as i mentioned last meeting there were during the event related to the event there were no significant safety incidents
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which is something we're very proud of and it really was across the agency and across the city and region effort that made this work we will acknowledge some of the folks one of the key partners the planning and the lesson i can see was the super bowl host committee i believe stephanie martin is here before we recognize the staff i'll invite her up to say a few words on behalf of the host committee. >> good afternoon ms. martin. >> thank you very much for having me, i'm stephanie the vice president of the marketing for the super bowl 50 host committee couldn't urban design more thankful to be here we have so much to be proud of together as a city and an organization we came together toy define the
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super bowl that was the goal and together we did and heard that repeatedly from members of the public, from visitors from cio and the nfl owners from the team the experience they had in san francisco police commission o san francisco was one they had nowhere else and super bowl was the biggest celebration to be able to have the super bowl as a significant here to not only post something that was great but also do it in a way that reflects the value of san francisco was important to us we truly thank the residents and the entire team from the nfl and leadership a and put together a transportation plan that was considered by many flawless it was something not been seen before across the country when
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it comes to super bowl but it sends a terrific model we come together and region can work to collaborate and in particular when it comes to transportation how to take care of our residents and the investors make sure they're safe they know how to get around and meets the transit transportation was amazing there were hundreds of people we had the honor and privilege to work with in this o i wish i could name them all but truly thank every single one of them for the hard work and it is hard work over a long period of time to pull off something of this nature and again, san francisco really shined so thank you, very much for the opportunity and congratulations to everyone and you're great partnership. >> so we wanted to recognize the employees dozens involved
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the planning and hundreds in the execution we're now going to bring up every single of these employees one by one no, we have a few folks to accept the acknowledge from transit operators to parking control officers, street supervisors and maintenance and communication folks and a lot of people to make that happen and i'm sure to make it happen save 3 folks to come forward to accept the recognition on behalf of all first peter albert the planning manager who was the lead transportation planner for the city and region the super bowl ed co-bean acting as the transit director his day job the manager of the gary and mr. smith for
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all the communication and even though marketing efforts for the super bowl come forward. >> good afternoon. good afternoon. i guess i go first peter albert director of mr. sharp in mta what a pleasure and realize we can pull off something that people recognize as a challenge i could go on and acknowledge people but the groups of people that worked on stbld r sustainable streets in no order acknowledge the security and enforcement team the pcos making sure they made the traffic flow and the transit riders and act as ambassadors which they did and the traffic jerry that did work with the permits and that process the problem solving on a daily basis
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it would be a mistake we sat back and checked the plan everyday the liveable interstates streets people to make sure 9 bikes and vision zero and the parking team to make sure we had the parking done and don't want to lecture out the planning team planning this group i headed up and some of the transportation and demands management made a difference how we you know make sure they handled the community and field operations when it comes to laying down the stripping at the could through to make sure the information was out there physically and to make that work so thank you to the sustainable streets team. >> alphabetic order.
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>> good afternoon folks cable car i'm phil in for john hale and super bowl 50 the largest and biggest the city has had posted this event certificate of occupancy will have been made possible without hard work and all 35 hundred members of the community e muni community we know how to handle shakespearian events we do it everyday and every weekend but this required all hands on deck for 21 straight days and the operational set up to support the entire super bowl from the taxes down to the post take down this insured that our customers and investors got to their designations
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muni is on time perform was unimpacted by the events and detours thanks to did front line staff we served 21 days of detours the city with that 9 concert across 3 venues and 9 days of activities during super bowl city and the nfl experience this was our finest hour and best 21 days no significant incidents impacting our events and heard a lot about bart bart's ridership what about muni's ridership our subway was 50 percent higher on the we understand than super bowl city has and we carried over half a million customers on the
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saturday before super bowl which is almost a hundred thousand customers more that what that says about our system speaks volume behind me are a bunch of folks they played a huge role and it seemed easy but they made it seemed to me that way as possible we brought in representatives from rail and maintenance, street applications, metro rail and planning, station proclamations and central control additional our new transportation set up all the front line folks made an international role and together those individual have over 200 years of services serving muni and the city he wanted to recognize them with you and thank them and colleagues for
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the eminent support. >> thank you, mr. co-bean (clapping.) and good afternoon ms. smith. >> good afternoon. director nolan and esteemed board members i'll the marketing manager my honor to be accepting this on behalf of the sfmta team to make sure we delivered our transportation plans as i call the groups i want to members to stand up first our finance and technology team this group developed the budget and account for the costs related to super bowl 50 and many of the teams they volunteered as transportation ambassadors on the streets to insure that customers would find their way to the bus and around the city next our taxi accessibility team this group maintained our taxi zones around the evident and the
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parking enforcement they prioritized the path around the event and assisted with the maps and conveyed the sergeant and insure that the mayor's office on disability on protocol are these and sensitivity training and over capital group this group worked on the octavia boulevard wires and switch backs to successfully implement the muni routes to made sure that the customers got around in a this manner and records on the streets and finally i'd like to acknowledge the communication team my team from our digital communication like 9 the go to transportation to our realtime twitter to our maps and signage and rate findings and the obvious ambassadors this group worked often to insure
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that no matter if you're trying to get around san francisco you have the smart choices and get around without a vehicle to once again i'm pleased to be accepting this on the many folks if our behind the scenes that make it it possible for the front line teams to get it done effectively thank you very much. >> thank you (clapping.) if i may peter albert because i don't want us to video too. people with the up and down motion why not have everyone that worked from mta if you could stand up i see so many folks around here don't be shy we want to make sure that the complexity of that is understood by the variety of people the room we thank you
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(clapping.) >> one on behalf of the board of directors and the region thank you for an outstanding job a lot work to pull this off done very, very well as a special treat you're invited to stay for the entire board meeting (laughter) (clapping). >> director reiskin. >> yes. mr. chair two other kick r quick items one you may are read a story from the newspapers about some of the new buses the trolley buses and their performances i wanted to clarify that the craft to what is respond they can climb san francisco hills without difficulty and as specify they're performing how they should with the merchandise the
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50 foot vehicles the longer vehicles with the partition the middle some have been in service for 9 months no incidents related to the time our tested vehicles have passed every test they've faced and those tests have specifications the contract a r and on our wish lists one measure of the comprehensive set of tests of vehicle performances and our buses have done quite well in terms of the the wish list and the manufactures r a new flier for the requirements and the trolley also passed every one of those tests those tests were to measure the ability to get up the hills they do so our goal to use the busses on streets with upgrades of less
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than 10 percent and on safer streets the contract harassed options for 200 and 40, 40 foot trollies we'll use on the extremist grades since 2014 the buses reliability for the fleet has increased by more than 60 percent as you measured by the distance between fairs so those are performing much, much better and the trollies are making the most defensive in customer experience and quality i know that every time i got on one whether a new trollies it is a different feel so want to assure you the buses are performing as designed as they are doing very well and finally want to speak to something that director rubke they mentioned a number of
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people are here and want to recognize that the tragedy that happened back on february 4th when a community member in a wheelchair was hit and killed as crossing market street at 7 and first want to express on behalf of the entire agency the condolences to the families and friends and just since learned what a deep impact on san francisco and the bay area community i know a lot of people were touched and like every fatality collision it was tragedy and preventable everything we're doing under the umbrella vision zero to prevent those tragedies from happening as director rubke mentioned our
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partners to the mayor's office on disability as well as a number of organizations part of vision zero coalition senior exact action walk sf had a memorial outside to honor ms. fan and i actually called for action and you know we take this and anything that happened on the streets seriously we don't want to wait and working to be pro-active and trying to design or redesign our streets such that a mistake didn't result in death or serious injury so we're working very hard everyday to make our streets safely but we will continue the police department is investigating so i can't really speak to anything cause or determined at the
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moment but hsa as they're investigating we have already started at making improvements like the signage the intersection to help to clarify to all the modes of traffic that can and should be aware of reducing the likelihood regardless what happened in this situation for something like this happening again commit to the enforcement on market street and argue parking control officers some of them are the room to continue to help guide and educate drivers and people traveling in he every mode to get around safely we are working with the malice environment to allow the citywide viewing of the vehicle training video a video the city first help teach city employees and anyone else we mandated in
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our department that anybody in our department that point to say use this vehicle must complete the training and the highlights urban driving practices to drive in san francisco and that congestion we have in many ways the people get around and the video on oversized vehicles specifically for 3 industry so wanted to acknowledge that i know that is very present in people's minds today, our condolences to the family and this renewed commitment to make our streets safer and to the early comprehensive report on what we can do with respect to the requests and to the safety on market street. >> members of the board questions or comments. >> if we can adjourn the
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meeting in many fans memory. >> members of the public. >> yes. mr. chairman there are members of the public that wish to address the commission (calling names). >> it will be followed by carla johnson and jessie. >> hello. >> good afternoon. >> hi, i'm maria the director of community services at light
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house for the blizzard i'll hear to say a couple of comments about the tragedy death of two fans at light house for the blind we train thousands of blind people around the bay area and the beginning of may we're moving from van ness to market street just half a block from 7th street and market she was killed on the 5 of february we are concerned about this at the light house many of the staff are visually impaired we may have the skills to safely travel the streets of san francisco many of the students don't we are building an agency we serve not just the blind of the bay area but many people from across the nation will be coming to
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visit us for various reasons and have to cross may not be that is environmental to all of us that i know we have commercial vehicles turning left into market and improvement of traffic laws amongst the drivers and pedestrians are given a head start while according the street before it turns green those are the comments on behalf of the light house. >> more names (calling names). >> good afternoon good afternoon directors with walk sf i'm here today on behalf of the walk sf and the vision zero coalition to really highlight this really, really sad tragedy was prevent able to lost her
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life she shouldn't have and save market street was designed to prevent the exact crash that killed two we know and really commend the mta for taking action on vision zero projects moving this forward quickly and getting to thirty when you committed to 24 and now we with need to do it challenge you to move faster and really think about how we can push the boundary the left turn that killed two allows for many exemptions that is the first and most importantly to address we shouldn't be exempting all the types of vehicles we should be looking at the core vehicles and really reconsider the commercial vehicle exception allowing trucks and commercial vehicles to turn left not only is dangerous in and of itself but signals to other drivers i think
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i can turn left we see the following the leader non-stop for the corner of today and secondly, clarify signage it needs to be really easy within a split second to be able to understand what the signs are telling you what to go not a comprehensive test and finally cerebral palsy across all directions on market street people should be put first and be able to put pedestrian first and in that intersection so thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> carla johnson followed by jessie and others. >> good afternoon. >> thank you director nolan and director reiskin i'm carla the directors at the mayor's office on disability we're a member of the vision zero task force and our role has been to
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raise the issue at every single opportunity it pedestrian safety that people with disabilities and seniors have a higher risk on the streets of san francisco so our plans need to be developed with with that in mind i'm an employer here in the city of san francisco i have to say as someone who lives on mid-market our office is there between 7th street and 8th street as someone that hazard to cross the street that event was personal this crash rather could have happened to anyone of my employees and instead it happened to someone that many of us knew the community that was true he she was effected she was my neighbor open mid block mid
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market i saw her everyday and my piece of the recognize is actually from the prospective as a city manager that is, i building we need to we can do better job and appreciate director reiskin to develop that my experience as a aide driver i last had my training over 20 years ago we need to look at training videos and things tools like telling motivation to so and in pga one observation on the memorial we're recommended 50 advocates from the disability community i wanted to know if you're enforcing the city vehicles to make that left turn so thanks. >> thank you. >>
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(calling names) >> good afternoon. . >> is she here. >> yes. she's at the mike. >> my name is jessie i'm a staff attorney with the resource center i- we are highly motivated to bring about changes to pedestrian safety and in the advisory committee of this crash that happened i one of the things we can do is we can install pedestals and the inspectors like on market street that can help people people with disabilities to get a advantage and make sure they are more visible when the crashes and
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every way they can be cost effective and should be implemented you know as quickly as possible and in the advisory committee of that incident. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> hello. >> good afternoon. >> i'm is from san francisco i have lived in this city since i was 6 years old yeah. >> thank you very much. >> she says my name a sasha
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(interpreter). >> i support walk sf recommendation (interpreter). >> i urge to put those recommendations into action very soon. >> ) interpreter). >> because i don't want to hear about anyone else the community. >> dying from this preventable thing. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> holly and jessica and patricia void.
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>> good afternoon. >> i'm holly this is my sister linda and my husband and my son and nephew we live if san francisco living in san francisco you hear all the stories all the time burglary people being hit you never imagine it can happen to you or your loved one two yookz media sister family was fayette hit by a car on her way to work she was crossing market street and a city vehicle made an illegal left turn and hit her, she was hit and died we were the hospital we saw how fast she deteriorated she had two broken bones, broken
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ribs and broken arm the surgeons told us she had bleeding in her head and never woke up it was one of the most painful things we let her go seeing her body her half shapen head and swollen body it's about been so hard the last couple of weeks we just want to maya angelou make you aware she was somebody who was loved and she's was such an impactful person and made a difference to everyone she met please take all these - the advice in
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consideration because nobody should face the pain and harshest. >> at some point why not show the pictures of your sister on tv ms. white go ahead and actually jessica layman and patricia void and ms. layman. >> if she can sure. >> yep okay. >> good afternoon ms. layman. >> jessica with the senior and disability action thank you for your time to hear the stories. >> thank you to the family for sharing that with us
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i don't have a lot to add you saw the recommendation and heard the urging to take action quickly quickly and thank you director reiskin for oonls it shouldn't take a death to make things at save as possible but recognizing this is an opportunity for us to do something as a memorial the call to action event there was bossing of people say saw people from the disability community i didn't know people from san francisco and the east bay and all kinds of disabilities and it is amazing to me that that the family and community members awhile people are grieving are also saying let's have is something come out of this let's not only mourn and feel the loss let's found one positive thing making our
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streets safer in the future on, on facebook and in person i've heard so many people in who cares and all kinds of district attorney's office talking about the close calls they've had and talking about how scared people are to cross the street i know i've been there myself we have a responsibility to do something so i ask you with the family here today with the communities here to make sure that we all see something come out of this tragedy thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> patricia void the last person turned in a speaker card. >> good afternoon. >> this accident shouldn't are happened but this department will see more sorry about this ed reiskin we've been arguing and arguing and arguing about seniors and people with
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disabilities walking eight-hundred feet between buses people are not take into consideration with ms sincere balance palsy they're your clients and hearing this this a corner at barker and lombard we've asked the remodel owner for 20 years remodeling not showing us the plan i think that the department is not looking both this and thoroughly as possible americans with disabilities act was not just about who cares it is about one hearing, physical defects i personally kanltd walk long distances i have things in any leg i think this is being extremely ignored and can be probably going to court on that issue
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pretty sure i fully believe you can work with us more thoroughly and with more of an open attitude other than well, we are doing this for our constituents you can - the constituents is ada people and i think that is being ignored and i would like to work very hard with the groups to stop this nonsense. >> ms. bloomer next item has he submitted a card. >> i'll speak because the other item is related i'll feel the last time and he spoke about the physically challenged and how some of them are forced to come in the middle of the road and i have had the
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opportunity to push some wheelchairs away from the traffic and i was looking at your faces which of you had tears in your icy that this real estate happened a life was lost you'll soon revise one thing to feel from the advocates but it is quite another thing when someone losses their life and i work with ed reiskin and he'll tell you that he is very prompt when i text him he'll get on the ball so it is not about mr. ed reiskin himself it is about how do we feel about the americans with disabilities act i was ray a program director at
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the presidio many years before you all had an ada director in the city and county of san francisco so you commissioners you know i don't want to get - see really is what i want to say i've seen this is european effects you all so i think it should be part of your mediation so you all come up with solutions thank you very much. >> okay that's it ms. bloomer anything else. >> seeing none mr. chairman item 8 the citizens advisory committee report i don't see mr. weaver and item 9 members of the public may address the commission of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission
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except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, mr. da costa he left. okay. >> chip (calling names). >> game-changer directors i didn't realize that the tragedy death would be covered during the director's report i'm commenting i'm the co-chair of the marries council i have a letter written by my colleague and might have i won't read it word for word but a copy is a complete copy mailed to the board you'll have it by the end of the week the bay area advocate was hit by a car crossing 7th street in a wheelchair talks about the safety concerns with the people with disabilities seniors face
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on a daily basis the members of the mayor's office on disability support the vision zero initiative it is of paramount importance to insure the pedestrian safety through the priority unenforcement and the use of engineering solutions and enhanced public education for all road uses including bicyclists and drivers we conditioner consider this a call to action and urge the mayor and this board of supervisors and the san francisco municipal transportation agency to implement the following recommendations as quickly as possible to prioritize traffic enforcement by police officers or traffic ambassadors who guide the cars through intersection, adjusting the time of traffic signals from market street to say a integral and scramble time that allows the pedestrians to cross the intersection from
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traffic in all directions are stopped and increasing the bulb outs and the materials the san francisco bay area has a history of disability rights movement we urge you to continue this by sending the message the need of pedestrians are disabilities are valued and all pedestrian safety discussions thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> my name is eileen a resident of the sunset park side district here regarding the rapid project the residents the neighborhood serving businesses have a number of concerns regarding the proposed project however, there is is also the prospective that the mta is unresponsive to these concerns and in response to those
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neighborhoods concerns i'm developing a community-based plan for the taraval improvements >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) good afternoon. >> good afternoon speaking as a concerned citizen i believe you received a copy of a letter i e-mailed yesterday i'll read into the record the sfmta has not been rehearsal as of late with production of public documents request and the wednesday night is not easy to navigate for people trying to research and understand what is going on in our neighborhood we're getting requests for help you understand what is going on we are private citizens and not our job to help people it is the departments therefore we're making a formal go request on
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the record to produce documents if a know manner i believe that two days e-mails should take 14 days to fortune we're requesting the sfmta design a proper website that the public can use to assess the data they're using to plan and execute the - programs and promotions a few years ago compliments were brought to the planning department about their public notice and assess to the database the planning department has considerably less funds than the sfmta yet they've done an excellent job of the database that the public can use one evaluate the sfmta needs help we suggest they talk to the planning department if the technical people needs suggestions or ideas how to
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improve their service they may request surveillance from those who are waiting for the results sfmta needs an online public friendly easily searchable by street name database similar to the planning department has produced thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> herbert wiener followed by patricia and last speaker is john. >> good afternoon. >> herbert wiener the interpretation of the two clemente line with the sutter's line the recess regulation is promoted as progress notably great speed in transit what is the left out the tariff points from the ferry building to market street to catch the turn around during rush, however, others presidio and
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california street that is forced people to wait for another bus to complete their designation the reason for the turn around there are not enough sutter's buses to provide services there should be buses that travel the route all the time and the two sutter's have been stolen if the jackson line it invents people passengers for the 3 jackson in addition the two will terminator at 6th street and clemente ending the bus service along the clemente that was a perfectly good line until mta tickle elder about it with twist planning that results in an inconvenient travel time with the clemente streets case by case for sutter street they're for everyone and not particular parties you'll
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seniors and advocate groups should be protest that and walking along danced to clemente and california and geary street this should be protested because of walking long distances for shoplifters the clemente is another sign of failed muni planning moving forward? >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> patricia and john. >> patricia void. >> disabilities so many of them are asthma people have to have their houses cleaned on a regular basis, they have to have special machines inside of their houses if you put boubltsdz in front of them it can't be done
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ms the same way special treatment come to the houses and they can't get in with bulb outs, transit bulb outs in front of their houses i have an algae and people give me the hemming lick maneuver they could be walking across the streets or so two conveniences korean war veterans who are in late 80s and 90s that's what it's all about they're only lives is coming down on the thirty stockton getting off there and seeing judy at the bank or max at the grocery stores and it used to be the doughnut shop they hung out
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scott street scott street is an narrow street from the earner ends stop to the grocery stores take away the scott street stop these 80 and 90 years old with the rheumatoid arthritis have to walk another three to four hundred feet with grocery bags to take to get on the bus to come back is it fair no, it is sdriemgs big discrimination i want you to realize things are happening on lombard and on that lombard barker exit thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> john alex although, the last person to turn in a speaker card. >> good afternoon.
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>> good afternoon. >> board of directors of san francisco municipal transportation agency i john come to you in a moment of appreciation for your vote to not extend the temporary permit on as inching or initially independence on the commuter bus two steps forward may it not be one step back we've developed a program the future for all the traveling in the city thank you. >> my second point is relevant to what occurred today and how it relates to the disability empowerment movement 4 people i know of that went to uc berkley that were involved in exact combrfrment movement and pedestrian safety ed robert, carla johnson and i'm following in their lead as a graduate of
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uc berkley in 1994 i ask you to realize how important their campus is and it's sicken college it relates to usf i urge to constructively analysis and implement safety manufacture for pedestrians and cars and along laguna and herman and hate on the property used to be owned by fully owned by ucsf and the estimation campus run by mercy housing and open house so, please further look at those projects i appreciate your decision not to extend as initially defined the commuter shuttle program thank you. >> anyone from the public wish to comment seeing none, okay ms. bloomer moving on to the consent calendar those
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to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests mr. chairman i've you've received a request infrastructure the k and y be severed i've received no other request from the public or the members of the board. >> members of the board is there a motion on 10 point one must i and j; is that correct and 10.2 and the rest of the consent calendar is 10.2. >> motion to approve. >> second any further discussion? the i's have it. all right. public comment on item 10 point one i and j for the record the parking modifications establishing a tow away no stopping at any time at various locations and establishing a red zone on eddy and pine, play street and
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various locations. (calling names) >> mr. hale. >> good afternoon mr. hale and and then hale i'm a veteran of this country and city and i'm appalled we have the eagle turned backwards has anything noticed that thank you. >> my concern today is of our business which is a family business located on oak and since 1937 a small family business we've been there since this time we have a concern we have a bicycle pathway down through our street that is considerably working right now
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they would like to extend this to eliminate part of our parking and our access to our driveways for the safety of all concerns the concern we have to come out of a basement and if they put this track excess track we'll be running over bikes and pedestrians they have a incline as soon as we reach the sidewalk we'll be running over bikes the bikes have been lying there it is save we watched the people they have been no accidents the bicycle lane right now why do we need to extend it further this was not part of original plan it was a reverse plan on the option
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of the street we have no knowledge of the changes until we heard this fwoogs weeks ago thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> peter followed by jean and then shalg the last person peter is next. >> he left. >> he left? >> i think he left. >> my name is jean i'm the third generation owner of the lines on the corner of polk street any grandfather established this in 1937 i worked with any father for 35 years have a second job as a school board trustee i'm i think so the political pressure of making decisions i served on the nonprofits organization
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i have been serving the community at the i take it a pleasure we replace refrigerators for apartments in san francisco two to three years ago i attended a meeting regarded the changes on polk street i was shown the bike lane where it would be or where the loading zone will stay it came to my attention the bike lanes are moved it is the only derivative to our building and in between the bike lane and the lane of traffic there will be landscaping making it even more difficult to get those trucks in and out we don't let the trucks in and out without someone spotting but still a challenge we're also, because our chair
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only entrance there is no inside entrance only from polk street a loading zone that if years ago when i went to the meeting about this bike lane they said oh, no the bike lane will be staying new i understand the loading zone is goinging away i asked him to keep the bike lanes they've been working i wasn't sure how it will work but they've been in place - >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> shalg last person. >> everyone i'm shalg i'm a representative for the work and concerned about the i guess taking away the parking which creating to the bike lane they have now that's fine it is safer
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for the bikers and when their coming up the level and coming down at a hill so when we back out your or ours is a repair shop sometimes, it is hard to see them bend they see us so if they're coming down the hill fast and they don't have enough time to spot us they'll go into the car we back up and it is harder to see we're at a lower level it puts them in danger so often the issue you guys are taking away the parking it is downhill for the tow truck to move the car only one way in and out we're the mid block so the only way the tow truck to unload the car so we can drive is in on
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a down hill speed there's no way to push the car up that hill the only way do we need parking in front so not for the tow truck but for the people that pick up the waste oil they have to go because the truck will not be able to drive through did garage because it is too small so they have to use the hole to supplement the oil so if i take away the parking this will also not having did parking there will be a big time traffic an up and down street and my tow truck. >> thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> (calling names). >> he's the late person to turn in a speaker card. >> good afternoon directors noichlz a mr. apprenticeships
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with the bicycle coalition here to speak in support of polk street project for the past 3 years we have worked with our members with the community stakeholders and, of course, the sfmta trying to insure we had a vision for a project for policies that was transmitter active and addresses the serious safety concerns on the corner not only for people biking allergy but people walking and driving it is a project that is ambitious but goes a long way to address the issues. >> thank you for moving forward and i also people that hope we can address the concerns the merchants have that are very real. >> anyone from the public wish to comment director borden. >> can we have staff respond
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i'm yes, ma'am athletic but this polk street is a safety project years the making and was legislated most of project can we get clarification why more changes coming before us. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon excuse me. i'm matt with the sustainable streets and the reason this is before you we have what we call clean up legislation so you the board passed the polk street escape project in march of 2015 and as we've gotten into the daily design with public works our sister agency the city that things get modified or tweaked slightly so we have to bring it before the board for legislation additionally, there is some
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other minor changes regarding the stated of practice this is regarding the bicycle safety and many changes that are really the best thing we can do lastly i'll say that bans what more field observation and being the field and evaluating what is happening. >> good thank you. i'll go ahead and make a motion to approve the bicycle safety and so many policies in place that support this project. >> a second on this one. >> i wanted to ask one question i cannot visualize if you have a graphic i can't say visualize the concept to make sure we're not causing - >> for this specific location.
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>> sfgovtv if you could put on - thank you. >> so i actually spoke with the constituents i think, too weeks ago and spoke with them after the engineering public hearings so my understanding of their concern where their businesses are located are on the west side of policies just south of 0'farrell which is here currently there is a loading zone one loading zone on that block we'll remove for the curve side bike lane the reason we're
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doing the bike lane to keep is consistent how zoomed out on geary which is north traveling setting the bike lane is against the curve and a we want to continue it along the curve adopt to ellis where is the driveway. >> the driveway is right there. >> does it go to the bike lane. >> there is a driveway that enters the bike lane through the sidewalks like any other brick lane to the sidewalk the idea the reason that staff is recommending it along the curve as i said like the weaving
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of cyclists. >> in general how are we handling i don't think there are that many situations. >> we have driveways. >> not on unusual situation. >> we have driveways a lot of places the city especially with driveways the city and anything else there is a motion and a second any further discussion? 91 west in those the i's have it. thank you. >> okay ms. bloomer mr. chairman that concludes our consent calendar and so move on to item 11 amending the transportation code to limit the duration of the shuttle program to one year and limit the stops to one and 25 and directing the staff to report a network model and for the increases in stops at the individual locations and authorizing the director
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permission to study at the relationship between transportation programs and housing costs. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon director nolan and decorators i'm hank the budget director for the commuter shuttle program you've heard about a lot about the shuttle i hope that is the last time but before you get to what is great the board on the screen yeah. so the board approves the ongoing shuttle program to the 2015 we felt like this program improves on point out polite and i'll get to those i wanted to mention we think this program is a model for the regulation of
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this kind transportation observing san francisco is at zero for the commuter shuttle we have more in the country and than in the world we're sort of limited in how we can regulate given the walk sf we're not allowed to ban the busses from the streets and stopping at curve this is generally a model for transportation in other cities and that might face the same issues before we get into the program improved the situations on the streets the first is regulating the busses to aerial street and we've heard this from constituents a map is helpful i don't know how well it comes through on the street the buses over 35 street what drive before
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the program came around >> and this is what it looks like now so significant reductions the number of places buses can drive so we think this goes a long way to address that concern and a similarly a lot fewer 0 loading zones so an example where we on the buses are stopping at 200 and 50 locations before the polite that is introduced one and 25 as we move forward that number will continue to go down and one thing the map we've xhvblt moved from shared zones to white avoiding the muni conflicts as possible and making changes forward to move the shuttle from the intersection to the far sided issues for the concerns. >> we heard a lot of concerns
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about the emissions and we are in response requiring a newer cleaner salute it fleet and those shuttles are 25 to thirty years old the program going forward shuttles starting in 2020 more than 8 years and will all be meeting the emissions from 2012 before the polite we had no way of collecting data we sent people on the discredits with clipboards we did but this resource sensitive and for the program we'll have impeach data about the shuttles location and we narrative maps and track where they're going and issue penalty when they're doing something one thing wrong and use it to approve the
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service a concern we've heard the decals under the project were not visual enough we've addressed that by making the decals 40 percent bigger and the 36 is more visual to contact the mta if there is a problem and requiring a sticker on every bus that allows the members of the public to contact a shuttle if there is angle issue. >> before the polite not a dedicated enforcement team on top of the busy responsibility to try to enforce this new kind of transportation and under the program a dedicated enforcement team of 1 pcos to make sure that everything is moving smoothly and the shuttle operators will be participating we'll be oozed
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the fees to install safety improvements around the city like transit boarding island it improve the pedestrian safety and shuttle drivers alike i think as some of the folks from the labor communities said in previous meetings without the program there is a an issue. >> and, of course, fees before the polite we were collecting no fees and the facts of the shuttles under the polite we've collected over 4. $5 million allowing us to do robust improvement to minimize the impacts. >> with that said, the board of supervisors negotiated changes none of which are particularly we don't think
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those will impact the benefits we've talked about that includes the study of hupdz u hud system or some other system that maybe more efficient and monitoring the impacts in specific zones and looking at air quality and things like that and i believe the board of supervisors setting up sunset data 12 months we'll come back i guess about this time next year in 2017 hopefully with more improvements we're seeing more evidence is working well the board of supervisors asked that the budget analysts to conduct a study on housing and transportation i'll be happy to that will not be coming out of mta budget for that so if this board should adapt before you essentially the revisions that the brvrsz passed this program will take effect
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april one and on the streets for commuters and a six months report and report back and hen the program will again be over on march 31st and 2017 to give you more information. >> just for the clarification mr. chairman the agenda the state that the board will authorize the study relationship between the transportation and housing costs, however, after mr. willingly nodded the board of supervisors actually directed the budget analyst to conduct that study it is not an action that the board will be taking today. >> thank you members of the public anyone wish to address the board. >> yes. members of the public who wish to address. >> (calling names)
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>> good afternoon. >> i'm bob one of the 3 appellants of the program you approved in november and after the negotiations and the board of supervisors action throats transportation authority we withdrew our appeal of the november approval of the permanent program hoping you'll follow through so thank you for that that represents some good steps towards a good safer program i want to call your attention to one concern ongoing that was referenced in an unusual rephrasing with hank willingly should the mta can't allow the bus at curbside by reading the language of the vehicle code subdivision i that those shuttle buses will not be loud in transit bus stops not
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given that up but. >> party to the original lawsuit to the pilot program the case is still pending how wide you can allow those transit bus stops is not been explained is not been clarified i know that supervisor wiener seems to think that is acceptable but at the same time since all the briefs the decision the pleasing on the lawsuit have been completed and waiting for the judge's ruling i'm going to ask why mta can't come out with a justification why going against the plain text reading of cbc you, you may not be able to do it but raise questions are you getting this through and in concrete and later retroactively deal with that attempts to come up with state legislation to authorize
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commuter shutters to use commuter bus stops it didn't seem likely you need to >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon ms. current letter. >> good afternoon i'm a citizen who witnesses the commuter buses in earlier in the morning and late into the night solutions are needed for the inefficient courtroom shutters in san francisco we're dealing with a system it is room pant the onerous on the businesses to deal with the buses and size and an extinct body to critically evaluate if better organization could be achieved with less negative impact on the city for example, we should know the
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occupancy rate of the buses put smaller vehicles what under the circumstances have been evaluated the companies should be made to show they've done their homework there is a recent boom in europe of carpooling based on smart apps those are successful in france and now in india increase the public translator and extend bart and the use of ferries those are long term fixed the short time the companies, however, unwilling note to cooperate facebook and apple and google the irony of the situations we're dealing with companies that are world leaders in cutting-edge technologies yet the best transport is not okay with 9 generosity once more a
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system that the 1950s would have looked date and thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> thank you for pronouncing my name right. >> hi, everybody i sort of the way cataracts are supposed to take over someone's vision slowly you don't notice our losing your vision and have it removed you see the world and realize how much our vision is corrected this is what is happening with the shuttle the beginning it provides a way for the citizens and others to get to businesses have you sat at the corners we sat at and tried it as a pedestrian and tried to ride muni and felt what it feels like to be on the highways of
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the residential neighborhoods it is dangerous, it is anti athlete to the kinds of communities that san francisco is like by allowing those companies to run double decker shuttles that appear to be us half full at times through our residential streets shuttling people in and out who are not participating in our communities and neighborhood who many of whom the last survey i heard shouldn't be living here if not provided with the free commute why are we rubber stamping this to do the studies and find alternatives will move them to the transit hubs and in the embarcadero they can join us instead of impeding our commute let those people figure out if
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they want to be part of community not make it so simple for the corporations to be invading our city and make muni work for everyone instead of us watching those highways taking over our neighborhoods thank you. >> thank you. >> (calling names). >> my name is eileen a resident of the sunset park side district even though the sunset park side not heavily impacted by the shuttle buses the west side is here in solidarity with the neighborhoods that are impacted i'm here in support of proposal for a one year polite project with a 6 month review thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names).
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>> good afternoon directors i'm michael barrett work with save muni and i do that voluntarily i want to see the muni railroad succeed you're doing a great job one thing limit the commuters shuttle program to one year six months review and restrict the number of commuters stops to one and 25 that's make sense during that time they have a chance to look at other programs that explore transitioning to a hub system to get the commuter shuttles out of the public bus stops please remind that is a illegal vision of the vehicle code for private carriers to operate in public bus stops a big problem i think this going
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forward watching what is going on for the first 6 months and make that better for the public transportation system so thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> last person to turn in a speaker card on this topic. >> good afternoon again, i'm here to support the amended version of the shuttle program sierra club i didn't hear what everyone said i'll offer any help and if it is needed to come up up with a hub system we've been talking about for 4 years i know the people on potrero hill have been talking about either local shuttle system or some kind of hub system we really don't need to have a lot of cars coming through the city right
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now they don't have options we know parking lots get full around the bart station and there's not enough parking near the train stations and san francisco has no parking near any of the hubs but we're concerns about the shuttle bus hub situation if we can set up a situation near the on ramps whether by bus or shuttle or bart didn't matter matter you need to keep them off the city streets right now more shuttles on market street and 16th street than cars i can tell you for a fact few cars on 16th street they're big vehicles thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names) >> last two speakers that
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turned in a speaker card. >> good afternoon mr. mason. >> good afternoon edward mason for 10 years increasing the neighborhood impact and no enforcement of red limousines the strategic analysis by the san francisco municipal transportation agency for $75,000 and completed in june of 11 the neighborhood impact disharmony i didn't with 33 buses an hour at twoufrt and church street and 24th street and van ness 47 buses an hour between 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning the invitation to stand and obvious those vehicles at any time i'll be happy to to acknowledge that now the mtc is initiated a bay area managed lanes implementation plan and topic leveling 11 to complain a regional express bus system with
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parking lots that is moving along slowly at nbc i urge you to communicate with them and other option for the individuals to take bart to the bart station because there are considerable number of bus spaces not used at the bart station the bart's is no longer operating through that area now that's my basic comment lastly the ids numbers have to be on all four sees of the buses i'm glad they're increasing by 40 percent you can't see the identification number of a bus when a bicycle rack is on the top of the bus no standard location if you're monitoring and trying to write down you can't see it so i'll strongly recommend that and also keep in mind there is probably will a half a million gloolgsz of fuel
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waftsdz on $29 million a month those buses are commuting back empty to the city thank you. >> thank you. >> patricia void last person. >> i support the trial i question how the departments are working together looks like a piece meal issue on some of the programs and you're not allowed to piecemeal projects the one thing i'm worried about i'll give you an analogy on one side is one manager and on the odds a manager the one is wonderful we've worked with the phil station and with the parking lot where they can stage them the chariots and put them in and they go back on the pickup on
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time and gone on the other side what we see is will not work when this guy is on a day off chaos they all come and just line up. >> the way between cellist nut and lombard the police department have been out there several times this is not working i talked about with one of the riders he said i get tired of waiting for muni but he stand out there every day for 45 minutes waiting for a charge i do not i don't understand what is really happening here i think we should look into enforcement big time and really enforcing is something to enforce it they're not listening they're just not listening. >> lover said we never go oh,
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no, we don't go to residential 10 of them turn right an muni and take a left on greenish but oh, no, don't go in residential neighborhoods we have to think of a way for enrollment. >> anyone from the public wish to comment to the board. >> my name is herbert wiener i have an observation i noticed that the google buses don't dare travel to the areas of town because a ban on oversized vehicles now what politics to the ceqa should apply to the rest of city it is not fair those buses are collin traffic a nuisance and impede public transportation as well i'd like to see more buses on one condition they be muni buses to have their services i think
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those are the only buses providing the service i think that the hub idea is an excellent idea i support what the other speakers have advocated. >> anyone from the public wish to comment on that seeing none, what's pleasure of the board. >> i want to thank mr. willingly and his entire group i'm confident with the continuing hard work of the group and the engaged public to improve that project as we go forward and discuss this bus stops in improved forms thank you very much and offer a motion. >> a motion to me. >> is there a >> technical discussion? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the i's have it. so we'll adjourn. >> mr. chairman director rubke's request for ms. fan thank you very much. >> thank .
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>> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring
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patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisce
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room and please rise for the pledge of allegiance of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all >> commissioner president loftus i'd like to call roll commissioner president loftus commissioner vice president turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route commissioner hwang and commissioner melara commissioner president loftus we have quorum we have present with us police chief greg suhr and contra-costa alameda thank you sergeant good evening and welcome everybody to the final dn
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