tv BOS Budget Subcommittee 3216 SFGTV March 6, 2016 12:00pm-3:01pm PST
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>> farmer's market bloody mary the bloody marys in the airport are great shikz it up. and then we're going to garnish it with olives. and some lime and a fresh stalk of selly. right on. >> we like >> good morning everybody. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance sub-committee for wednesday march 2, 2016. my name is mark farrell. i am the
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chair of the committee. i am joined by supervisor norman yee. our vice member katy tang will join us shortly and i know supervisor david campos is here for one of the items today. i would like to thank linda wong the clerk of the committee and sfgtv. madam clerk do we have any announcements? >> yes mr. chair. please silence all cell phones and complete speaker cards and documents to be part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items will be on the march 8 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay. thank you madam clerk so we have five items today and one is a hearing that most of the members of the public are here and we'll take them out of order and that will be the longest and the others are not long and madam clerk if you call item 1 first. >> item 1 is a resolution authorizing the san francisco
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department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately 2.8 million in active transportation program funds through the metropolitan transportation commission safe routes to school grants program for a period of for the period september 1, 2017 through august 31, 2019. >> okay. thank you madam clerk so i know dph is here to answer questions unless there is anything to say? >> no. i am here to answer questions. >> colleagues seeing no questions i appreciate it. we don't have the budget analyst report for item 1 so we will move on to public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. supervisor could i have a motion to move this forward without recommendation. >> moved. >> so we have a motion by supervisor yee and take it without objection. madam clerk if you could call item 5. >> item 5 is line
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five resolution retroactive three authorizing the department of the treasurer and tax collector to accept and expend for the amount of $315,000 for the mott foundation for the period of september 1, 2015 through august 31, 2017. >> today the treasurer started this program because it shows that kids with college savings are seven times more likely to attend college without and since 2007 kindergarten to college has opened thousands of accounts for children and the city and county provides of the 50-dollar deposit to make the accounts real and $50 for the kids in the school lunch program but the incentives and matches to encourage families to savings and boost this comes from
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private philanthropy and believe in the power for them to reach their potential and they have donated more than $800,000 since the program started and the families are put tg to good use and each family are eligible for a dollar to dollar savings match and families are eligible for a study bonus if they save every month for six months. these incentives work. families have saved $1.7 million of their own money for college. between the savings and the city and private contributions the total in the account is now over $3.4 million. let me tell you what the numbers mean. nationwide only 3% of families are saving for college with a 259 which is the typical vehicle used for college and that is average 25 times wealthier than the typical
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american family. in k to c our savings rate is four times higher and theiron money qualify for free and reduced lunch status and families earning less $45,000 in san francisco for a family of four are saving 500 each for college. we believe this program has the ability to reach significant more families. to this end we set a goal of engaging 25 percent of all public school elementary students in active savings by the end of 2017. the grant before you today from the mott foundation will help us reach this goal. this funding supports the following core strategies. redesigning the markets and messaging, developing and embedding vait vaitdive technologies in the program, launching an ambassador program and increasing direct engagement and support of k to c programs and materials and activities. thank you for the
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ongoing support of kindergarten to college. >> thank you. supervisor yee. >> yeah quickly i am really happy that the city has actually taken this initiative and it's really one of these things that san francisco has taken a lead on and i know since it started whenever i go around the country for different reasons this program is mentioned, and people are always trying to duplicate it. one of the questions i have about this is i know that we -- the city tries to get the initial $50. has there been any tracking of whether or not parents add into it or other people add into fund beyond the $50? >> yes, families have saved $1.7 million of their own money in the account and no city funding that. is family savings and 50% of the family savings
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qualify for free and reduced lunch. they're very low income. >> thank you very much. that's a good sign. >> thank you and to the department of the treasurer and tax collector this is a program that we lead in san francisco and proud to have it. thank you. again no budget analyst. we will move to public comment. anyone to comment on this item? seeing this item it's closed want motion to move it forward. >> so moved. >> okay. we have a motion. move without objection. if you could go to item two please. >> item two is resolution approving the agreement with tegsco, llc dba san francisco autoreturn and for services related to the towing, storage, and disposal of and abandoned and illegally-parked vehicles not to exceed $65,400,000 for the five year term of april 1, 2016 through march 31, 2021 with the option of extending the
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program. >> thank you very much. >> good morning. from sfmta. we have a presentation and if you don't mind we will get this up and running for you. >> please. >> again thank you supervisors for hearing our item today. we're very excited to bring this to you. we believe that the sfmta has done a very good job in terms of structuring a contract that we believe is in the breast interest of the city so i will begin with this slide. the contract is a not to exceed $65.4 million. we're recommending that autoreturn was selected as the highest rank
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proposer. we had three bidders in a competitive bid process. the initial term is five years with an option to extend for up to five years. the business model has changed. the current way we do business is based largely on volume and very dependent on volume for the contract to stay in business. we're switching that so now the contractor is paid a fix management fee for the two facilities and reimbursed a per tow charge and this is remitted to the mta and sets the flexibility and manage the contractor and contract and in this agreement for approval is the property agreement for the 2650 bayshore boulevard long-term facility. what this contract brings to the city is
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allows us to clear our streets and driveways for public mobility. it moves abandoned and illegally-parked vehicles. it provides customer service. it allows owners access 24/7 via the phone or internet. also owners can retrieve their vehicles 24/7. the tow trucks are gps so it provides efficiency. it also tows vehicles for sfpd and investigations. so the tow volume has declined dramatically over the term of the current agreement. the number of tows have declined approximately 41% since 2005. that's 30,000 less when the contract began. and this is sort of a slide to show you the impact. so the mta has -- we believe that getting the
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car towed is absolutely no fun at all, but to sort of mitigate that we have been doing public outreach and doing things on the website that help people know when you know the tow restrictions are. we have new tow signs. we have parking meters that display restrictions. we see data to apps that help the public know when their car can be towed and we're also developing online maps so we can identify tow way zones and other restrictions. so through this process this tow program is a cost recovery program. the cost of the program is approximately 24.$1 million. of that 12.3 is for the tow contractor. 9.1 million is sfmta cost and 2.7 is the cost of renting two
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facilities. however, through this process we're able to reduce the fees by $22 in terms of the base tow as well as hold the fees flat or stable through fy '17 so for the next 15 months they won't change. in addition to that we extended the stolen vehicle waiver. on december 1, 2015 we implemented a waiver for victims of stolen vehicle and waive the fee for san francisco residents as well as provide a 48 hour grace period to pick up their car. we're extending that to non san francisco residents so we are a transit first agency and the cost of the towing is born by the folks that generate the cost of the tow. and by -- if we subsidize the cost of the program it would take away our revenue for transit. and i'm
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happy to answer any questions. >> so thanks for the presentation. i think the contract itself is not something that gives me too much pause but it's part of a broader thing. obviously the cost of getting towed in san francisco. look there's no excuse if you're parked illegally, what have you. that's going to happen but it's a huge amount of money. i forget. i had my car towed two years ago and 500 something dollars. it was shocking and i think the real kicker is when you get your car there is a ticket that you have to pay to the mta, so a few questions so the fees for the mta, could you talk about them, the things charged back? >> sure. >> because i think they have risen over the "x" number of years and i want to understand what they are and i hear it from my constituents all the time "i
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can't believe it costs this much to get my car towed in san francisco" and most or not all watching on sfgtv but at least talk to them would be helpful. >> absolutely. there are two components related to the base tow. there is the administrative fee and there's the tow fee. the sfmta fee is currently 266 which we're lowering to $261 through fy '17 so the sfmta cost is $9.1 million and that includes 46pcos that are dedicated to clear the streets for commute lanes, driveway tows, abandoned vehicles, the whole 9-yards, so that's a pure straight cost of that included in that is the cost of the hearings which is 15% of our hearing division activities related to tows so
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those two combined -- we have a work order with sfpd to do the after hour tows and mou with the department of emergency management to do the after hours dispatch, so that total comes to about almost $5 million and then we add our mta overhead to that and makes it 9.1 and divide that by the number of vehicles claimed -- >> right. help me understand that's $4 million in overhead generically. how does that break down? >> overhead is 87-point 6% so the direct cost related to enforcement are just the pure salaries as well as the fringe for the employees that includes social security -- >> sure. i get it. >> pension and things of that nature. the overhead applied to that are my salaries, my staff's salaries that we spend a lot of time monitoring the contract.
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we have accountants that make sure the money is correct. it's the rent for all the buildings that we occupy, the equipment, the go fors, the fuel, insurance so all of that is included in the mta overhead. that is not charged directly. >> okay. so you have the burden and overhead -- are there similar program where you apply the same percentage? >> when it's cost recovery, yes. that is the standard overhead. >> got it. okay. that is helpful. so again one comment if there's a way for the mta as much as it doesn't change the monetary outcome i can tell you it will change the people's attitude and pay for it in one time with the ticket included and incredible helpful. just
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my experience and to pay $500 to get my car and pull it out of the lot and there's a 75-dollar mta ticket on the window they have to pay and write a check when i get home. if there's a way to put that, front it in the original bill, actually consider it and i can tell you people's attitudes center around that quite a bit. >> i understand and that is more of a logistic issue rather than our ability to make that happen. the reason why is when you get a tow and the pco issues a ticket that particular ticket isn't up loaded into the system until the end of the shift so if you go to retrieve your car it's not readily in the system. however, at auto turn service center you can pay for the tickets but that particular ticket may not have been up loaded in the system yet but we're working on it. in future citation we're trying to do
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things real time so if it you get a ticket it's in the system immediately. >> i appreciate it. okay. colleagues any other questions? okay mr. rose can we go to your report for item two? >> yes mr. chairman and members of the committee. on page five of our report the estimated payments to auto return over the initial five year term are 65.3 million and including the fee to be paid and autoreturn and the charges to be reimbursed by the sfmta to autoreturn and shown in table three on page five of our report. the sfmta's total estimated cost in 16-17 for the tow program and the autoreturn agreement and the sfmta's administrative and storage facilities costs are 24.1 million. that is shown in
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table four on page 6 of the report. i would note on the bottom of page 6 of the report we state on increased of the budget analyst office sfmta included a clause in the contract should tow volume increase or decrease significantly they will renegotiate the cost so the public is not impacted. we recommend that you approve this resolution. >> thank you mr. rose. supervisor tang. >> thank you and i apologize i missed the beginning of the presentation. there are many things included in this new contract that i appreciate mta incorporating and actually listening to a lot of our concerns. for example, based -- instead of basing on tow volume, changing that business model i like they can retrieve their
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vehicles 24/7 and incorporated the stolen vehicle policy and if we approve this today can we adjust the contract later on in the period. for example, whether mta or autoreturn identify further efficiencies that could reduce the cost that that people have to pay either to retrieve the vehicle or for the administrative citation is there that ability to do so within the term that we're approving today? >> absolutely. we have a lot of flexibility to adjust the contract or amend it as necessary, and probably is our goal to be more efficient. we're partnering with autoreturn because of our ability to collaborate and their willingness to make towing more efficient, integrate with our system, so as we go down the road and the tow volume decreases or get more efficient at it we would need less pcos.
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we would definitely reevaluate the cost to the public. we don't want to charge that much. we understand it's a lot of money and whatever we can in terms of reducing that cost to the public we will certainly strive for that. >> thank you. so i look forward to that and hope you bring the information forward to us if further efficiencies are identified. thank you. >> just a quick question. as you mention it the pcos that you talk about and full cost are they just doing towing or they also giving tickets for -- you know, just regular parking infractions, whatever. i assume there are a myriad of things they give tickets out and if you have the full cost for them doing other things than just towing? >> it's a combination. many are purely dedicated to the tow program. for instance the yellow zone along the commute lanes, driveway tows. many are
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100% but if they're not, if there is a percentage of the fte we don't could for the other piece in the program so whatever you see in terms of fte it's purely dedicated to the activities of tow. >> all right. supervisor yee. >> thank you. i was curious have we ever done a study to look at our san francisco's cost versus other locations? well, i assume there's -- it's usually there are other places where the tow doesn't cost as much, so have we done that? >> we haven't done an in-depth study. we have on the surface looked at it. it's our understanding when you look at it it's really apples and oranges because a lot of other municipalities don't do the recovery 100%. also too the cost between san francisco and say oakland are dramatically
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different in terms of salaries or. our rent is higher. it really is no comparison when you look at it. >> maybe one of these days we can meet and you can tell me how it's apples and oranges. okay. >> all right. well thank you for the presentation. we will move on to public comment. i think you know i will be supporting this contract. i think though for most people ultimately these fees seem absurd on their face and i appreciate you articulating why they are the way they are but i look forward to look at reducing them because i think -- again it's something i hear about all the time and it is challenging to explain it. >> supervisors, if i may make one last comment? we understand the cost is high, and cost aside we believe that we've done an
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awesome job in terms of structuring a contract that we believe is in the best interest of the city. my function is to make sure that i protect the city's interest, make sure they're not stealing our money, we comply with the terms of the agreement and work to make things more efficient for the city. >> i appreciate what you're doing. okay. we will open it up for public comment. anyone wish to comment on comment item two? anyone got their car towed recently? seeing none. public comment is now closed. colleagues. >> all right. through the chair i make a motion to send it forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> motion by supervisor tang without objection. madam clerk call item 3. >> item 3 item 3 is resolution authorizing the san francisco office of contract administration with golden gate petroleum to supplylet departments with renewable
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diesel for the term of april 1, 2016 through march 31, 2019 and in an amount not to exceed $60 million. >> thank you very much. welcome. >> good morning supervisors. i am the assistant director at oca and today we have before you -- we're requesting your approval to award a citywide renewable diesel contract to golden gate petroleum for not to exceed amount of $60 million and term of three years with options to extend for an additional two years. as a result of a competitive bid conducted in october golden gate petroleum was the lowest and the only responsive bidder we received. this vendor will be responsible for providing renewable diesel to all city departments. we are estimating that city departments will use approximately 5.8 million gallons of renewable diesel annually. the city's fleet management division estimates this change will save
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to 50% reduction in the fleet's greenhouse gas emissions and reduction in the emissions of harmful air pollutants. this contract not to exceed value of $60 million is an estimate for the three year term that is based on fiscal year '14-15 diesel usage and prices. we have also added a 10% contingency to accommodate expected fluctuations to prices and increase in renewable diesel usage that will be brought on by purchases of additional vehicles and equipment. this is a requirement contract. whatta that means that city departments typical order renewable diesel based on need and when they do funding for the fuel it's provided for in the department's board approved budget. the departments considered major users of this renewable diesel
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are sfmta, fire, central shops and puc. i am here with the director of city central shops and we're here to answer any further questions that you have. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions at this time. okay. mr. rose can we go to the report on item 3? >> yes mr. chairman and members of the committee. we note that the initial not to exceed $60 million amount is on the years stated and a 10% contingency for fluctuation in fuel and usage and table one on page nine of the report: i will add it's subject to approval of the board of supervisors. on page ten we note that the proposed contract assumes a continued average annual consumption of 5.8-gallons of diesel fuel consumption over the next three to five years. it could be higher or lower than
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that amount of the we recommend that you approve this. >> colleagues any questions? anyone to comment on public comment? seeing none. public comment is now closed. >> all right. through the chair i see that the contract -- through the contract the city is not obligated to purchase specific quantities of fuel and we have to do and with that said i am happy to forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> okay. we have a motion by supervisor tang and take it without objection. thank you very much. [gavel] . we're on to item 4. madam clerk can you call item 4. >> hearing on potential expansion of the navigation center model and requesting mayor's office of housing opportunity, partnerships and engagement and human services agency and non-profit provide providers to report. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues i asked for had hearing a while ago. we're
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having a hearing on the potential expansion of the navigation center and by many measures a success to date and as a physical location and as a model citywide. i will keep my comments brief so we can get to the presentations but highlight a few key points. i believe we reached the state of emergency with the state of homelessness in san francisco. what is going on in our streets and city is not okay. it is imperative that we continue to look at solutions and implement solutions to reduce one of the city's most tractable programs for decades. most importantly to help those most vulnerable on the streets. i know we have seen promising results from the navigation center and we need to act immediately to build off those successes and have the discussions around taking concrete steps to expand the navigation center model citywide. i do think it's important that we look at this
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throughout san francisco so we can multiply the impact and the outcomes this navigation center has had so far on homelessness but equally important to discuss how we expand the model through the traditional homeless shelter and service system and see the promises outcomes that we're seeing today. the success of the navigation center is based on the housing available and knocking down the traditional barriers in the shelter system and i know they're very related but separate discussions in many regards but i believe it's critical important to tie those together ultimately especially if we see the success of this navigation center model spread and exits out of the navigation center and from homelessness. i look forward to working in the upcoming budget process with everyone in this regard. i know the mayor has announced a new centralized city department which will combine many of the aspects or i should say all of
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the aspects of homelessness in san francisco in one department. i think it's a great step in the right direction and a lot of work to be done and the mayor is committed as well but we need to continue to press the issue and it doesn't go away and more pref vent and in people's mind here in the city and we can't wait to act so with that i have a number of people that are going to be presenting and then we will take public comment. i have a number of speaker cards filled out. if you want to speak and haven't filled out a speaker card do that and i will call you in order. first is the from the mayor lee of home and we have staff here and the city auditor and i will turn it over to mr. dodge and let me say before you start. i want to thank you mr. dodge and the human services agency joyce for and the city
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auditor and everyone working on this issue on the ground. thank you. this is a hard issue. everyone has a different opinion about it in the city of san francisco so i know how challenging it and say thank you and how much people appreciate your efforts everyday. >> thank you supervisors. sam dodge mayor's office of hope. when we talk about the expangsz of the navigation center it's important to know what it is and how it sits in the system and how we got there and i want to go to my presentation. there's some new approaches that we were able to bake into when we opened the navigation center on march 30 of last year and we knew that we needed new am tools to work with people on the street and supervisors had resourced the outreach team which is wonderful and they're in the department of public health and they needed some place to be able to work with
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the long-term homeless and vulnerable clients coming out of encampments and we knew also from our instinct there was some barriers in our traditional shelter system that were keeping people out of our system of care and we typically talk about them as the 3p's, pets, possessions and partners. there's not a place in the system previously for couples without children, and this is very important. the idea of respecting people as adults and do lower the barriers about meal times and curfews and things and really focus on housing and the tremendous work that a long-term homeless person needs to do to be able to avail themselves to different housing options. just getting their income and entitlement benefits and id's all together and these were baked into the model that
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we have here with the navigation center, and you can see that the length of homelessness -- you know 93% are a year homeless and many five years that we have served so far and there are barriers and being excluded because of sexual identity or gender status or having their companion animals or a lot of possessions, and a really important part is understanding how we in studying while we're going so we know that we can lawmaker adjustments as we go. >> >> that we don't have the absolute perfect ideas. we have directions where we want to go but we need to continually improve our processes to make the best use of resources as possible and we were lucky enough to have the controller's
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office in bed with us -- embed in this project and to be able to do weekly evaluations as well as qualitative work, a series of reports, a six month report and they're working on a year report, and they will be presenting on some of the findings as well. so with future considerations about what we have learned we want to see how we can take some of these learnings and apply it to the system as a whole. we want to make sure that we're benchmarking performance measures and getting those right so that we know we can work with all our programs to make them be successful, not wait until the end of the year or the quarter to know that things have gone off rail that we need to know week by week how we can work together to improve our
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services. we know that we need to work to serve our homeless population better and homelessness is an not experienced the same with everyone. we have people in the city with extremely long stretches of homelessness and if not for extraordinary efforts they will stay there until they die or we get our act together and serve them together. and we are focused on opening additional navigation center sites with a strong focus on housing exits and initially we had hoped for very quick exits, but we realize really what we needed to do is focus on some populations that were failed by our system as a whole, and that meant more difficult cases, a little longer time frame but it's been successful like that. this was all made possible by a
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$3 million donation that came in from the san francisco interfaith council and the council has been an integral partner to the response of homework since the 89 earthquake and their moral commitment and leadership around homelessness has been instrumental in the city's response and great to have as a partner here. partners on site. community services is the lead contractor. neighborhood resource center and the drop in center staffod site and integral from the beginning. there was a whole host of providers that were not contracting here but helped advise about the operations, and the target populations and the ability to be very flexible and how to work with people. on site we work with meals on wheels for food. the department of human service and they will
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present on their roles, the department of public health, weekly health clinics and embedded with the homeless outreach team, the department of public works helped get this open in a record time. we were looking all over the city before we found 1950 transferred to the city property and it was -- we found it in december when the city got a hold of it from the school district and we opened by march and everyone knows that's a record time to get it open and really the department of public works did amazing work to make that happen and they continue to be a partner when helping to locate people in and the hot teams with dpw to get the belongings into the navigation center. the police department has been embedded as well in the weekly meetings and you know it's really important that we work with all the people that are touching the lives of
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people experiencing homelessness on our streets so they're part of the solution too and we don't have them just doing enforcement but they're part of the solutions and of course the controller's office. i want to take a brief moment to bring up ken from erks pacifica pal community services to talk what it meant for their staff and the learning they had while working -- >> mr. dodge before we do that i know supervisor campos is here and had a question or two. >> thank you mr. chairman. i want to thank you for calling the hearing and i am happy to be a cosponsor and thank all the people on the ground doing this work. i have a lot of respect for you mr. dodge and so let me say that what i am about to say is not about you or the people in your department but i am very frustrated, and my district i think is one of the districts that has been the hardest hit
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by this issue, perhaps not to the extent that district 6 has been but we had encampments in division street, we have them on cesar chavez near the 101 and we have encampments throughout the district, and when we opened the navigation center and you forgot to -- you left out that piece that it wasn't just the executive but actually the legislative branch had a role too. bevan dusty in my office we worked to open the navigation center. it took us three months to do that so my question is and you just started so it's not really a question so much to you, but to the mayor, is what has the mayor and his administration been doing for the last year? when we opened that navigation center the
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expectation was that there would be several navigation centers, several navigation centers, and the reason why the encampments have become problematic is because there hasn't been a place for people to go. it took a lot of community engagement -- again from december to march, for this navigation center to open in the mission. i don't need to hear about the benefits of the navigation center because i see them. i mean that's not the point i don't think that anyone questions the value of the navigation center. what i want to know why is it that we haven't opened up another navigation center? why has it taken a year for us to get to the point where there's only one navigation center? in my district has been carrying that burden for quite some time so can you answer that? >> sure. i am happy to, and i
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was you know happy to live in district 9 in 1998 right off of cesar chavez and underneath cesar chavez there was a tremendous huge encampment, and you know these response -- you know, i did come over into the office as the deputy director last november and was working on this right away, and i was working on it from the public works right before, so we opened it in march, and now we're almost ready for an anniversary, and we are working very hard to find new locations, and i am happy to report that we are working hard and it's not an easy thing to find places in the city to open new homeless service sites but we have made great progress, and as you
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expressed it's really important to do the work with the community first, and to not just make an announcement here in the board chambers but make sure that we can secure the land, to work with the community to make sure this is accepted in the community, and then to open it to be successful for those that will end their homelessness through that, so i know it's frustrating. i know we want to do this you know six years ago, right, because we've always had the large encampments and part of the work was to open it in the mission and take in -- you know, we have taken in 60% of the people from the mission because the tremendous amount of homeless encampments in the northeast mission and south soma and you know show place square and it's been that way for many years, and it's exploded recently and we see the crisis that creates, the health crisis, but that is part of the
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wonderfulness about having it right there because it does serve the encampments that have been there for so many years so that's what i got, and so i really want to give ken a chance to talk from ecs, -- >> i have a follow up after that. >> sure. >> so you're going to have the opportunity or heard before some of the services that are provided at the navigation center and i think you will hear more when hsa speaks to its role there as well. we provide 24 hour services, 24 hour operations. we are deep invested in case management services. we have a strong staffing pattern quite in contrast i would say what happens in the larger shelters which we also run, so i want to speak on it from both
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perspectives, as an operator of large shelter at the sanctuary next door and as the operator of services with our colleagues from mission on neighborhood resource center at the navigation center. we love that the barriers to entrance are low that people can come in including even the men and women who traditionally have not accessed services as well, but we especially appreciate that the barriers to exiting the navigation center are also low. it ties directly to what supervisor farrell said today about exits. that's the key to it. if there are no exits we could have 100 navigation center and it would generally be a good experience for people while they're there but it won't contribute to ending homelessness in the same way. the key is the exits. however when people are there it's important that the services are rich so the needs of folks can be addressed, and that is the case at the navigation center.
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we have case managers and services coordinators from emc and other groups to help them navigate the complex systems that often stand in the way of getting secure housing and id, social security cards, rental history, addressing open warrants and expunging records and completing applications and accompanying them and advocating them in interviews and working when accessing substance treatment services and i think sam has spoken already to our on site partnership with the city. again great contrast to what happens in a large shelter. we just don't have the help there that happens at the navigation center in terms of helping people with their health needs, in terms of helping people with
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their benefits, access. it just makes a big difference. our staffing ratio in the navigation center is about one to three, one person to each three residents. now that is a 24 hour operation so we have 28 people that work at the navigation center serving 75. contrast that to next door in sanctuary where we have 80 people serving 535 folks. it's a very different scene and it's that scale of making that the difference. it's the services that are provided that are making the difference, and i guess our request to you as you think about going forward is to apply what we're learned at the navigation center that scale makes a difference in that case, and staffing richard carranza is very different. >> >> enrichment if you put a couple coordinators on a floor with 115 people as we do at next door and they do a phenomenal job but you've got one person
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available for 50 people. it's not working quite the same way. the last thing i want to say and i would be available for answering any questions as long as with the colleagues in the service there but we applaud that the mayor is committed to taking 8,000 people out of homelessness and that requires not just the investment in navigation centers. it requires the investment in housing because without housing again we could have many, many more navigation center and it wouldn't move the needle on the issue so thank you. >> thank you. >> you had another question. >> yes. i am wondering if you could address the issue of when the next navigation center you expect will open? and again when we talk about navigation centers it's not just the navigation center as noted just
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now. it's the fact it's accompanied by housing that follows it and that's key. but i know that the mayor created a fund in september of last year that was a press release. he put in $3 million with the idea that wait for someone to donate money. where is that? and when do you expect the next navigation center to open? >> i have hopes that we can open the new navigation centers promptly. you know i have been looking at a six month timeline in trying to shrink that up as much as possible. we were very close with one location, and it fell through, so it's not like i haven't been working on this idea about expansion. since we could recognize the success after six months of operation and where another one would fit into the overall system of
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care, so we're getting close, and it really does require that community outreach and to really make sure that along with the process of finding willing and able partners to provide the space. >> so six months from what? from today or when? >> from today. >> i mean i have to say i don't think we can wait six months and i just went to division street today. i walked around a lot of the streets especially some of the streets where people were clear out of division mutualed into the smaller streets. i went to stevenson and what i couldn't explain to the people that were there and what they were saying time and time again is we want a place to go. we're trying to get into the navigation center in the mission which is just a couple -- a few blocks away. why can't we go there? and i couldn't explain to them why we
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still don't have more navigation centers after a year. >> yeah. >> and i don't know how i explain to them by the way you have to wait another six months. >> right. yes. i mean you know it's a dynamic place and as you have seen and you understand as well is that over 350 people have been served by the navigation center and serves 75 people at a time so it's a dynamic place that serves many people over time, and so i wouldn't say that you would have to wait for a new one to be built before any one else is served but it's true. we're in a crisis situation. we're not alone in that crisis situation. our sister cities are in the same situation but without a navigation center and that's why they came and looked at us and how they can replicate some of
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the best practices we have been able to pioneer here in the first year of operation. you know i'm not about just you know taking our scarce resources and just blowing them into kind of ideas half baked. we need to serve our clients very well that are looking to end their homelessness, and i understand the urgency as well. i too have been walking the same streets and it is heart breaking to say the least, and shameful, and we can do butch -- can did better and that's the task and my role and i appreciate your leadership in pushing us to do more because it's true. without your office stepping up and in this operation we couldn't have the 355 people able to end their homelessness through this vessel so i share your concern, so i wanted to bring up hsa who is
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asked to present and joyce crum will present on their behalf. >> just quickly i share supervisor campos' frustration and in his district in particular but it brings up the good question that people have talk said a lot i think one of the things about homelessness in san francisco is that they want to be on the streets and they don't want to come off, and i think when you hear anecdotes that people say they want to go to someplace that the city has i think that's quite a positive to think about, but can you talk a little bit about that kind of anecdotal -- again there is that dialogue out in the city that our people are refusing things all the time. i am sure there is a percentage of the population it happens but i would love to hear your experience. >> sure. we hear that the lion's share of people on the street are suffering and from
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multiple conditions and they're looking for a way out of homelessness, and you know recently we were able to take some of the learnings from the navigation center and apply it to an emergency winter shelter at pier 80 and that little differentiation between like you don't need to be kicked out during the day. you can come in with your partners and pets and we have plenty of room for storage. that has been enough to really help over 150 people were sheltered there last night. we expanded by 30, ten over the weekend and 20 again today and this is what the homeless outreach team has in the pocket when continuing the work today on stevenson and 14th and on folsom and hooper and berry and to carolina and to all of the areas that we know people are suffering on the streets and you know it's about finding people in the time they're going to accept. we do have to get
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people to accept and part of the parts of the navigation center different enough to give it a shot and when they do and come inside and take advantage of a good night's sleep, a warm shower, a meal and people excited to have you there and welcoming, and these are the kind of tools we need to have in our homeless out reach team's hands so we can approach things on the scale of division street and resolve it and just on that point about division street where it's gotten so really crazy you know when we were finally having to take it down all the way yesterday there wasn't any arrests or citations and the final you know couple that was sick in their tent and was really frustrated we were able to bring them into the navigation center and so you know i just -- you know, i know it's a meager effort. it's a
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demonstration of what we can do as a larger system but it's really instrumental to have it in our tool kit right now. >> okay. thank you very much. >> good morning. joyce crum human services agency along with scott walton. i passed out an updated version of my presentation and i'm not going to walk through the whole thing and a lot of things hsa was going to be said has been said -- >> you mean they stole your show? >> what i want to say supervisor farrell i love your terminology about the new department calling it a centralized city department. i was sitting next to scott and said "i like that word "centralized" and it's centralizing the services that our partners provide to the constituents of san francisco. so let's go to page four, and what i want to talk about is hsa's specific role in the
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navigation center. we procured the contract through a competitive bid. i believe it was either january or february of last year, and ecs was selected as the service provider. it gave hsa the unique opportunity to actually out station our benefits staff right on site with the navigation center and the clients that they were bringing in on some times a daily or weekly basis so what the staff was able to assist the clients with was our cash benefits program, the county -- or cap program as we called it, medi-cal, calfresh food stamps, housing placements through our care not cash and other city funded supportive housing and we are proud to say that since the inception of the navigation center 125 people have been brought off of the street
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through the navigation center and into permanent supportive housing. one thing that we were instrumental in doing this past year is increasing our staffing of home ward bound. home ward bound has been able to connect almost 10,000 people with family members. home ward bound it is what it is. you go home or to someone that is willing to accept you because you have been out on the street in san francisco for a while, so we were able to increase that staff from three staff members to a total of nine, and what we're in the process of doing is broadening our outreach and there is a home ward bound staff at the navigation center. the navigation center is like a holding place for individuals who are seeking to go home, but because of the bus routes
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aren't able to leave the same day so we bring them into the navigation center for overnight and take them to the bus station the next day. we work hand and hand with our police department on this effort because they often encounter homeless people on the street that are just too sick and ill to just really do anything so we bring them in, get them connected with their family members, and send them home. on page five of the handout we talk a lot about exits. no matter how many navigation centers you open if you don't have exits for those individuals we would hate for it to turn into a mission rock that was part of our system ten, 15 years ago, where we had people just in the location and there were no outcomes for them, so what we have done hand and hand with our city departments hsa
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is the recipient of what is called the "hud mckinney grant" or the continuum care funds and each year we submit what is a bonus project. it gives us the opportunity to expand our housing port -- portfolio and last year we submitted a bonus submittal for the baldwin hotel so there were 194 units at 6th street, and we were able to move -- we were successful in that bonus project, so we were able to start moving folks from the navigation center and within our shelter system into the baldwin. we are currently master leasing the henry hotel. we were able to assume some of those vacant units and started moving folks from the navigation center into
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the henry but we're still waiting for the federal government to announce their awarding of our current renewable and hopefully we will get 54 additional units, and we have the civic center. the civic center is on 12th street. we are using the civic center for what we call stabilization. dph works a lot with clients and they need to stabilize them before they can either go into shelter or go into housing, so with the civic center we're using it as a stabilization for folks coming out of the navigation center who are waiting for a housing placement but need additional paperwork had in order to get them to the door to be housed so it frees up space in the navigation center to bring more folks in. so let's talk about the budget of
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the navigation center. as ken said earlier ecs is the contractor for the navigation center. the budget is 3.7 million. it is a budget that is service enriched because of the client population that's in the navigation center. they are what we call our chronic homeless individuals who have been out on the streets for a number of years who have chronic illnesses, and are basically what we call "our hard to serve." a lot of them have pets. they have possessions that they don't want to lose, so it's a place for them to feel comfortable, get one-on-one services, and hopefully move
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them onto housing placement. so the controller's office will talk about numbers and in-depth numbers and their qualitative paper they did of six months of the navigation center, but i did want to talk a little bit about the procurement of an rfp. i know it's been a theme here. hsa is working with dph to put together a framework for an rfp to be procured for the next navigation center site, so we are working on it, and as sam said we would hope to expedite it, but we will work on it as expeditiously as we can possibly can so i am here to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you and thank you your entire team. i know we
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have met over the years to talk about this and many parts around homelessness and hsa's work and thank you for the hard work. we really do appreciate it. i will turn it over to my colleagues first. supervisor yee. >> thank you. i am just curious i mean it you were answering it or is it jeff; right? i'm just trying to figure out the navigation center is a point and a pathway from street to home, and part of it is -- i am just curious like where's the bottleneck in terms of getting people from street to home? if we were to have more navigation centers let's say is that going to be the solution? >> okay. so let me see if i understand your question correctly, and i see scott might have an answer, so i'm going to
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let him answer and then i won't stumble through it. go ahead. >> the key factor, the navigation center worked really extremely effectively to help clients who weren't utilizing other systems but it's exits. we launched the navigation center on march 30. it has been successful, but we have not brought on a tremendous number of new housing sites, and therefore if we're going to do more navigation centers there has to be an equal if not greater push for exits, meaning more housing sites. the expansion of home ward bound is a great way for take the clients who choose to leave and have somebody on the other end who will take them in to house them outside of the community but that is not everyone who passes through the navigation center so we need to do exits as much and quickly as we're doing navigation centers. it's a
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simple formula. your statement is the correct one. it's a step and a path but we need the end points to be make it most effective. >> and the question about bottleneck, can you repeat that please? >> i think that's the point here. i realize even if we support additional navigation centers we have to support the exits piece of this. >> yes. >> and so as we're talking about creating possibly another navigation center what read plans in terms of the exit points? in terms of expanding that piece of it? >> well, as i mentioned earlier our renewable to the federal government, our federal funding that comes in and it's about $32 million a year. we are able each year to submit what is called bonus projects and our bonus projects are always permanentive supportive housing units. we have the henry in
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this proposal and i believe two additional buildings that are in this renewable. hopefully by the end of march but you never know about the federal government or the early part of april we will hear what our awards are and we are hoping to have additional housing slots for the navigation center. >> how many units with these two additional buildings? >> number of continuum of care units -- [inaudible] >> [inaudible] >> 175. >> are there any other plans beyond expanding to 175? >> [inaudible] (off mic). >> beyond the 175 --
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[inaudible] >> yeah. sorry supervisors. sam drudge. we have been working to see in the market where there are opportunities to take advantage. we have the vouchers from the federal government that we're not often able to use on the private market so part of the response is lease buildings and project base the vouchers and this has worked well with the veterans response. people may know 250 kearney and 130 units, all private baths, newly constructed on kearney street that houses long-term(paused) and we work with the feds to increase the payment rates but they don't move up as fast as the market does, and
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then even further when we do get them to move up the rate they still do these kinds of you know maintain the ability to not okay the rates that are needed to lease so it's just difficult. it's part of my job and we are able to find some opportunities there. like joyce mentioned in this latest round of the continuum of care we were able to get put in there 170 some units that we feel confident should be approved. there's a couple of other hotels in the right price range and make it happen and they require local support to make whole and successful and building out the system. we have the current system and those units have turnover as well so we need to expand to make progress but we are utilizing the turnover and we have to be smart about using
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the success with the units and provide outlets for people and they can move on not need the intensive social services on site but need affordable exit so we have been working with the public housing authority to provide a preference for leaving the supportive housing so when doing a project and investing hundreds of thousands of dollars and the buildings and bringing them up to code when they're done there is a ladder that will allow people to leave the current affordable housing stock and back fill from people leaving homelessness from the street. >> i really appreciate the explanation. i'm not questioning whether existing staff or departments are working hard at this. it's just i am trying to figure out where we could enter and being supportive -- okay. where are we stuck? .
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i mean all the things you're doing you're doing as much as you can but it's not enough to offset what we're seeing on the streets so that's the question for me. >> yeah. i mean i think there's no question that we can do more with more investments, strategic investments but parts of the system you're talking about are very strategic, whether it's short term rental vouchers and the wrap around car with rapid rehousing and 95% success rate with families leaving homelessness that way and they're in the market and transition in the market in their unit and it works very well so that's a very efficient investment we can make, but we need more supportive housing as well, and i always feel like it's good to leverage some federal dollars because it always takes local dollars on top. it's just what our market needs and the salaries and care that people need, so you know there's some other kind of good stuff coming down. california was just granted a waiver for
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medi-cal to be able to support the support services that are offered in our supportive housing. that will free up a lot of general fund dollars that are currently paying for the support services on site, so there's going to be some ways we can be smart about pulling down federal and state dollars to expand what the general fund commitment is currently to provide more exits so these things are in the works and we can continue to work on them. >> thank you very much. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you. a couple of questions. why wasn't pier 80 opened as a navigation center? and can you explain the difference between pier 80 and navigation center? [laughter] >> sure. you know what we prepared for a very long and wet el nino season and this was pier 80 was part of that response and the pier put that forward. it
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was sitting there for a long time. the pier does have work that they want to do in there and they have a commitment to the communities around there to make sure they're good paying industrial jobs there. we were -- you know entered into an agreement with the port to utilize that space until the end of march and clearly we're working with the port to have an extension of that and we want to be a good partner and the obligation to the community and the port in general, and it is really important for all the people that have taken us up on the offer to come into pier ability in the emergency winter response that we will see what we can do to make sure there is space in the system for them to not to return to division street. >> thank you. going back to my earlier question about the fund that the mayor created. he put in $3 million. has he collected money from the
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private industry, corporate sector? >> i haven't heard that but i can find out the information and get back to you. >> so the mayor's office put out a press release on september 10, 2015 saying he was going to create the fund, put in $3 million from the city, so that's about six months ago. >> right. >> is there anyone here from the mayor's office that can us whether or not there is money in that fund? have we collected any private funding in the last six months? >> thank you. marisa [inaudible] from the mayor's budget office. i have to get back to you on supervisor campos but i will look into it right now. >> has the mayor asked anyone, asked companies to give money? >> i am not aware of the developments around the fund so i will get back to you and look into it. >> can you tell us what efforts you have been doing for the last six monthss? there was a press release on september 10 and i would like to know what the mayor has been doing since
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then? >> supervisor campos i'm from the mayor's office and i had the opportunity just in my role to talk to tipping point and other foundations and explain that this is an incredibly strategic investment that san francisco interfaith council was able to make in the city's effort, and can you see it's rolled out into not only just hundreds of exits for people that are long-term homeless but to understanding how we tangibly work together and make the system better and inspired some of the work to start one department and to work more closely and collaboratively on these efforts. >> and did you get money from them mr. dodge? >> you know they make their own decisions. i did make the pitch as hard as i could and i continue to. i mean if anyone is interested in changing what
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the face of homelessness here i think this is a very smart investment to make with the donations. >> i have one final set of questions but i want to say on the navigation center, and i'm going to be respectful on this but i think it's outrageous that we're talking about six months and it's unacceptable and i know that i'm not going to be okay with that. i can't see how my constituents can be okay with that. i will be honest with you i think if the camps were happening in civic center plaza in six months there would be action and it's happening in other places and cesar chavez and the urgency is not there so we're going to have a problem if the mayor is proceeding down the path of six months because that is simply not sufficient. that's not going to be acceptable but i have a
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question about the encampments. like i said i walked through them a number of times. i went this morning to see what is going on. my understanding is perhaps a couple dozen people were removed from division street and was housing provided to these folks? because what i said and what i will continue to believe until i hear evidence to the contrary is that i think it is cruel to move people out and throw away their belongings without a place to go and if you're doing that you're not solving any problem because you're only pushing them to the smallest streets and pushing them to people's driveways and front doors so the people that were removed from division where did they go? >> right. supervisor campos thank you so much and i definitely feel your passion for the need for more long-term
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solutions and share that passion, and you know i can say that over the last two weeks the home outcome reach team has done an amazing job and they placed over 200 people into shelter using their whole system but making great use of the pier 80 and that's been a great success. now, we make multiple offers to everyone and we try to make sure that everyone has an option that we can get them in, and we were able to do that there. you know, like i mentioned that the home outcome reach team is out there today with 30 vacancies in their pocket to go work with people, and of course the 70 vacancies in the shelter system last night are also accessible, but so we continue to do that,
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and i don't think that there's like a firm count of how many people did not take us up. it seems that you know as many as 50 tents did not take us up on any of our existing offers so i'm happy to research that and get more solid numbers for you, and we continue to work with people if they live on our streets. >> well, let me say this about the hot team they're saints as far as i am concerned and the work is tough work and i have seen them in action and it's incredible so that's not the problem. if we had more of them, if they had more resources even better. i think they're great, but i did for instance today speak to at least a couple of people just in one spot who actually were looking for a place to go, so that worries me. if we have spaces and yet there are people on the street who were told they don't have a space for them so i don't know
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what the disconnect is because i can tell you at least two people this morning that are, you know, the woman was crying because she has been there for six months before that she was at another site for 12 months and she's like "i have been on the street and then they told me there is no space for me" and so that really worries me that something like that is happening because you can imagine how many other people are in that same spot, and you're telling me that the hot team has 30 spots they're ready to offer. >> yes. >> so i don't know what is going on. >> just to let you know we're only one phone call away. we have a dispatch number that is 24 hours for the home outcome reach team and we shared that. they have my number and 311 for anyone that wants to connect with the homeless outreach team. it's important to work on this
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together and people seeking shelter can come to the drop in centers at [inaudible] and 16th on kap and walk in and get a sherlt reservation and one night shelter stay immediately and work on the nine month -- or three month reservation, so yes it's really important when people are coming to us that we share some of the solutions that we readily at hand from each of us. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. anything else you want -- >> [inaudible] >> all right. thank you and last up we have the city service auditor here who has a presentation to walk through. and i want to thank them for putting these materials together. when i called for
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the hearing i thought it was important given the work they have been doing and especially given the recent developments and how new the navigation center is to have also some external looks at this, and so i want to thank them for all of the work and please go ahead with your presentation. >> good morning supervisors. kyle patterson from the controller's office. we have been deeply involved in the navigation center since it was developed over a year ago. we created the data base used by the navigation center. we created intake forms and produced and distribute a weekly dashboard and metrics on the navigation center and released a report on in december on the first six months of operation of the navigation center and that's what i will speak about today and i want to thank my fellow presenters today and the staff and scott and joyce. this has been really a group effort and we couldn't have been successful without
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their assistance so i thank fem theory that. i know you. >> >> them for that. i know you know about the background of the navigation center so i will skip that slide. the next slide shows the cost per bed per night of shelters versus the navigation center, and i should note this is operational costs only, so it excludes for hsa shelters any sort of private fundraising they do and for the navigation center it ux cleeds one time costs to prepare the site to be habitable for the navigation center but costs per bed per day are average of $36 and the navigation center is more costly at $69 per bed per night. it's not surprising that the navigation center is more expensive. it provides intensive case management which is staff intensive. it is open 24 hours a day seven days a week which many shelters are not. it's relatively small shelter
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so no economy of scale there. we believe it's an under estimate and based on the first six months of operation when the navigation center was staffing up and the staffing expanded since then. also it excludes the cost of staff time and our work with data evaluation and there is a weekly operations meeting and we're not including the cost of staffing for that so i will walk through successes and challenges of the navigation center and there have been a number of successes. the biggest one is 236 folks have been connected to permanent housing from the navigation center as of monday. there are two streams of permanent housing we're talking about for those 236 clients and the tree map shows all of the exits as of monday. the green rectangles are permanent. the yellow are temporary housing exit and the red are unstable exits. within the permanent housing there's two streams which are supportive
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housing and the home ward bound program which others spoke about. 40% of all exits for the navigation center are to supportive housing and the average length of stay is about 86 days. 35% of exits have gone to home ward bound and the average length of stay is one day and 20% of folks had unstable exits and they include people that left on their own or asked to leave and people are asked to leave if they're a threat to staff or other clients. >> can i ask you a quick question on this so home ward bound it was touched on earlier. i know it's something that's a program that actually had great success for the outcomes of these individuals when we have done tracking of them compared to some numbers last year and the percentage seems to be increasing of home ward bound within the navigation center. are more people accepting of it? is it a positive for everybody
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and particularly these individuals given the success of the program but can you talk more about that? >> yeah. i refer to hsa staff that runs the home ward program and there are besd set aside for them and the staff has staffed up so we're seeing more and more use of it. i don't know if it's a concert the effort by city or more interest from clients. >> mr. walton maybe -- >> scott walton with human services agency. the staffing up of the home ward bound program has recently happened. part of the increase in the home ward bound use in the navigation center is because of changes in the way greyhound that did its business. we weren't able to get as many people out the same day so having a place to hold them where they could clean up and get ready for the trip has been very effective. we're working to change that to be able to purchase tickets more effectively. and to continue to expand and do outreach but i
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think the main reason for the jump in numbers is adjust our practices to fit with the change and how we operate. the reason they stay one or two days and enter navigation center with an exit define audio. >> got it. thank you. that makes sense. got it. >> waiting for the bus. >> another major success of the navigation center is clients have had overwhelming positive things to say about it. they appreciate there's a clear path to housing out of the navigation center. they very much appreciate that the navigation center accommodates people with pets, partners and possessions and praise the staff and the atmosphere there and there are quotes on the screen from clients are interviews with them. few had negative things to say about the navigation center and generally interpersonal conflicts with clients or thefts that occur in the dorm but largely positive things to say there so that's a couple of the main successes.
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the challenges we found tended to be less about the operations of the navigation center and more about questions around the system of homeless services in the city and who should be served by the navigation center? what role should the navigation center play in the homelessness of services? we found there hasn't been a well defined target population or deferral for the navigation center. sometimes folks are referred to it because they're part of an encampment or or have pets or in the mission neighborhood and we are prioritizing it for these clientss in the navigation center so if we didn't have the navigation center the exits would go to other homeless in the community so as a city we need a compelling reason for every client should be housed in supportive housing compared to the other 3500 unsheltered in
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the city. the navigation center is intended to serve clients unable to navigate the system on their own so some indicators you could look at referral criteria is [inaudible] and they have major issues and barriers. you could look at folks who have largely not used the traditional shelter system. what could indicate they're unable to navigate the system on their own. i would argue that the pets, partners and possessions alone isn't a strong reason why clients are referred to the navigation center. right now there is no other place to go but it makes sense but if we alter the shelter system that could be a better place for them. you can imagine someone with a pet but able to navigate the shelter system on their own and the navigation center might not be the best place for that person. there are issues and
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target encampments and ten can navigate the system and ten can't and if you pull an entire encampment you might have people not appropriate for the center center. there's questions about equity. encampment folks are tending to be white male so if you target them you're not serving certain subpopulations. the other challenge we like to highlight is around home ward bound data collection. there's a period of about one, two days as scott mentioned when somebody shows interest in the program and when they get on the bus and the idea with the navigation center is house them during that period. the theory if they're housed and easily reached by the case manager they are likely to get on the bus. unfortunately we don't have good data to see if it's been effective compared to clients not in the navigation center so we know that 83% of clients in the navigation center
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who show interest in home ward bound actually get on the bus but we don't know what the number is outside of the navigation center and that's something we would like data on and measure the effectiveness of the navigation center and serving those clients. so there's a number of recommendations in the report but i will highlight a couple of them. the first is create clear procedures and policies and this is the conversation i had earlier and unfortunately since we published the report we have been in conversations with hsa and navigation center staff and others and about the referral criteria and i believe they should be ready shortly and i am pleased to say that recommendation is being implemented right now. the other recommendation i would like to note is number 4. there's really two ways you could react to the success of the navigation center. one is to say the navigation center is successful and let's make a lot of navigation centers. >> . the other way it's been
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successful and how can we spread the lessons learned from the navigation center to the existing shelter system and we have seen that with pier 80 which is great and our office is looking allow the shelters to allow pets, partners partner possessions or more lenient rules or a path way to not being homeless and that's the end of my presentation and i am here for questions. >> i will turn it over to my colleagues and thank you for the work on this and thank you for the data. i think it's going to be useful and continue with and expanding the navigation center and the practice to the shelters as well. >> thank you. it's great to be involved at an early level and track the data we need for the evaluation and spread to the larger homeless system and we
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have the great data on the navigation center and not may have it in other areas and expand there are with the creation of a new department. >> thank you. supervisor campos. >> thank you. and by the way i agree with your point about the lessons learned from the navigation centers, not just you know opening more navigation centers, but also what is it about the navigation centers that has worked and replicated in the shelter system like the connection to permanent housing is something that i know for a lot of people is key, but going back to home ward bound do you track folks once you put them on a bus and send them out of town do you track them? do you track what happens to them and how do you know they're not coming back to san francisco? >> yeah. i will defer to scott on that question. >> scott walton from agency average. yes, we do follow up. >> >> and now that we have expanded staff we increase the
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follow up. we check in the day after they're supposed to arrive and follow up at least a month later. we are expanding our effort to provide them with resource contacts for when they arrive. so we haven't -- i'm sorry, i don't have the numbers with me. we haven't had many people return. we have established a policy we don't allow people to reutilize home ward bound again and again. there is a five year wait before they utilize it again but most people stabilized at their destination. >> i would like to see that data mr. walton if you don't mind giving us that and do you check more than a month after they returned like where are they in three months, six months? >> i have to do checking. the program just transferred to our division in the last two months and i am looking at the data for the last ten years with the same
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interest so i will get it pulled together and to your office. >> the reason i say that and before we say something is working i want to that those folks aren't coming back and if they are that certain shows a different outcome in terms of it is success of the program. >> yes. >> >> thank you. >> okay. colleagues if no other questions thank you for your presentation. thank you all to our staff and our presenters who are working on this issue. this is a collaborative effort among city agencies and look forward to the continued discussion on the topic. i will open it up to public comment right now so i will call speaker cards. when you hear your name line up against the far wall. everyone will have two minutes and come up and speak. we have a doesn't amount of cards here so i will call them up. [calling speaker names]
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first. >> i'm the director of the navigation center and one wonderful parts of being part of this collaboration that i get to share the stage with these wonderful people and i want to extend myself to you and i will get on your calendars and talk about the details about the navigation center and where to spread the lessons. there's a lot to talk about. housing exits are incredibly to talk about but we learned about the other want ises and pillars in
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>> i want to take two seconds to strongly and acknowledge the staff of the navigation center and the clients we have with us (paused) and i will let them talk for themselves. there is also lawa guzman from the resource center. it's been a great collaboration. >> good morning supervisors. (paused)i want to acknowledge the collaboration at the navigation center and we all work as one
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team. mr. campos you're a great man. the first navigation center was open in the mission with your help and support, and i would like to acknowledge our director from municipal community services and sam dodge our associate director [inaudible] is here and julie let better from the office of hope and laura guzman and all the case management, the controller's office for creating the data base. the information is a great tool to have. it would be a wonderful thing if they consider it for all the services that are provided as well for the homeless people but i came to say how proud and how wonderful this project has been
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>> >> and i want to acknowledge everyone's time. thank you. >> thank you. >> hi. my name is [inaudible] and a case manager at the navigation center and the uc berkeley intern. we talked a lot about the services that we provide, the dynamic case manager to client ratio. one thing i want to talk and in addition the undocumented immigrant and some of the services we provide is help them find and identify resources and services that they would not have accessed otherwise or have a fear of access for risk of deportation. we specialize and spend extra time developing individualized case plans to investigate immigration issues. we help them file ins forms, collect police reports for
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attorneys, navigate consulate systems for id's and escort them to their appointments just to gain insight into the system as well as independence and integrate into the community services. i personally build relationships with non-profit attorneys to resolve these legal barriers. all kinds of services that the navigation center so they can have access to housing because they wouldn't normally have these services and we do all of this so people can have a greater level of sense of people care in the community and to give them hope because often never experienced this level of care. i want to thank everyone at the navigation center and everyone in the community for putting this project on. it makes a big difference. >> thank you. >> good morning. i'm a client
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and transitional person at the navigation center. i heard a lot of good things about the navigation center this morning. a lot of talk about exits and this and that but i think something that people have missed here is it's set up for long-term success. to just fill the city up with navigation centers or fill the navigation centers up with clients and end back on the street is pointless and a waste of money. i can say from my experience there that it is set up for long-term success because i have come a long way from being at the shelter. the free format of the shelter given me time to work on my substance abuse issues. my home -- i have mental health issues, physical ailments and doing better than i have in a really long time. if i wasn't in the navigation center right now i would probably not be in a good
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place. i can say that it works, and i can say that the majority of people coming through there are happy with the services being provided. you know it's a pretty -- supervisor campos you were out there this morning. you see it's pretty loose environment to live in the street, so taking people from that environment putting them in a really structured environment like temporary shultders do puts a lot of pressure on them, puts a lot of tasks they can't handle. the navigation center format works really well for not putting a lot of pressure on homeless people to do the things that they need to do, but i want to thank everybody, thank episcopal community services and that's it. >> thank you very much. [applause]
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>> hi. good morning. my name is jennifer and i'm the executive director on the coalition of homelessness. this is bittersweet time are for the hearing to take place when we have the massive displacement on division street as we speak displacement from the areas around division street because in many ways the navigation center is an example of how to address encampments in a humane way and grew out of a 2012 experience on king street where an encampment was located with dignity where the residents were engaged and involved and transparent communication and timelines. the group was moved to the church and 100% successfully housed, storage containers provided, relationships were respected and pets came and very different from division street. instead of utilizing new resources like on king street pea 80 which was
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meant to be a rain shelter for the 700 people waiting for shelter in san francisco and the general population and taken away and given to the folks at division street. no communication, no relocation plan. half of the beds -- we had 300 people at division street and 150 beds at pier 80 so moving forward we're looking at navigation centers which are highly anticipated. we must also remember we have 6800 people passing through the traditional shelter system last year and they are stuck without exits of the system and in between stays on the streets. on division street we spent a lot time dialoguing with folks and didn't meet anyone that wouldn't jump at the chance to go to the navigation center and around the services and the housing that needs to be replicated not just the new navigation centers but for the entire shelter system and move
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people along and want to see a sustained commitment, progressive revenue that we can move forward with this. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hi. my name is laura flat erty and the executive director of the grub i don't project and it's an independent space and not a shelter. it's refuge and safe place to stop and get service. when i started there were 60 people each day in the tenderloin sleeping and today there is 150 and another hundred coming for services. we're full. we opened up site in the mission, saipt johns about a block half from the navigation center. yesterday there were 40 people
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sleeping there during the day. 90% of the people staying with us say they sleep on the streets at night. 85% self identify as having a disability. we have a guest staff ratio of 1- 60. why are people staying with, sleeping on the pews of a church which believe me are not comfortable? they don't go to the shelters because they can't get in because there's that waiting list of 700 but they feel it ends. supervisor farrell i wanted you to say "my folks." they want housing and drug and alcohol treatment, want mental health. everyday we have requests. how do i get to the navigation center? how do i get to pier 80? they have heard the hype. they want to be housed. if they could go to msc south or next door they would go and put on the name on the list so what
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i want to advocate for instead of more navigation centers let's have more navigation center-effect services. let's have the staff guest ratios and the navigation center-esk exits for folks. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good morning. i think it's now afternoon -- >> real quick so we know so we can get through public comment. we have a tradition that clapping is not allowed in the board chambers. you can wave your hands or signs. that's fine but we want to get through and have everyone have a fair two minutes. >> good afternoon supervisors. thanks for the opportunity to talk about this important issue. i'm bill herch with the aids referral panel and it's not terribly surprising when there are additional resources directed at a service like emergency shelter that there are
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greater successful outcomes. we're not surprised. i hope you're not surprised. we need to resource the entire system. i want to express my frustration that there has been a lack of dialogue with the city around solutions to homelessness. the homeless emergency service providers has been working for years with some comprehensive solutions and has had very little transaction with the mayor's office to advance the solutions. i want to say that we need to put more money into prevention. there are many legal services providers who are completely overwhelmed with the number of evictions that are coming into their offices. we could do more to keep people in their current affordable housing with resources, and the final point is around exits. the city needs to establish its own equivalent of a section 8 program where we use local dollars to subsidize people who
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aren't really not able to afford housing on the open market. it's not too hard to understand that people cannot afford housing, and the federal government is not stepping up so thank you.e city to step up. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is daniel hill and thank you for hearing us. i am here from korean senior center and here to support in the luxury of strategies that were employed at the navigation center to be spread throughout the existing system. we serve approximately 675 homeless seniors today. out of that number we have one into the navigation center. we have 674
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to go. but we offer medical clinic, case management, substance use and mental health programs. we also have a dining room. we believe that we like many other clinics and drop in centers and shelters and neighborhood agencies are already to a great extent navigation centers. we do tremendous work for the people in need. let's see. i wanted just to pull out one example. the week before christmas i sat with a homeless client of ours in the clinic and the rains were coming and lost the shelter after two days in the hospital. we couldn't get him to a senior bed shelter and was too fragile to go to a shelter and went to a hotel and spent $200 for the night and when i told him what hotel on the corner of eddie
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and polk was charging that? and asked the elder it must have been the bulk of the money and it was all he had and took six months to get all of the things that he needed and into a substance abuse program. we got him on one housing wait list. we were notified yesterday he was number 2224 on the sceern -- wait list -- >> thank you simplt i appreciate it. >> [inaudible] >> thank you very much. we're limiting this to two minutes to everyone so we're fair to everyone. thank you. >> the true and correct way to take care of the homeless program for people on low income and fixed income problems and first we have poor management and supervision of the taxpayers money. high-tech companies like twitter owe the city and
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getting tax breaks and twitter and other high-tech companies cost the 33 over $33 million in the year 2014 and this information comes from the tax collector and says it costs the city 6.1 dollars in previous years (paused). from the twitter organization because twitter has their own in house tax payroll company. more over the city spends a million dollars a month for the shelter system at pier 80. homeless people don't need more shelter homeless programs. they need permanent housing and about the $310 million housing grant that the mayor hand odd when you asked where the money is going.
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that money is going for proposition d and 5m projects and those projects where the land use committee is advertising [inaudible] low income housing. the truth of the matter is 10% of the 40% pie is going to income people in high brackets making $122,000 a year. since when does a person making that much money needs to be part of a low income affordable housing program? and 2% of that overall pie goes to people that's just making $36,000 a year. more over the mayor is talking he wants all departments to focus in on the budget because of the negative cash flow -- >> thank you sir. >> [inaudible] >> thank you sir. next speaker sir. i'm going to call a number of other speaker cards and you can line up. [calling speaker names]
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>> good morning supervisors. i wanted to speak with supervisor campos because he hit it right. we need the programs right now and the longer goes the worse it will get. i am homeless myself. i'm not using the services but i know the people on the streets and the thing of it is you don't know what homelessness is until you're out on the streets. go sleep on the streets for a week and a half, two weeks. people treat homeless people like they're not constituents. this is not russia. this is the united states of america. navigation centers resocial them. that's why they work. these shelters -- it's like i would rather be in prison than a shelter and there are so many rules and obligations and hard to stay there and they need to put them in habitable housing
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and not sros like the henry and settle for 2500 and not habitable and they're taking advantage of people and mental health issues. you know it's against the law to take advantage of people with mental health issues. you can go to jail for it and they take advantage of them. you need to get it together. you're the supervisors, go ahead and supervisor. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning. my name is wendy click and from hospitality house. i am excited about the success that the navigation centers is doing. if we had the funding and resources for other agencies and organizations that were established in the city where could we be? we wouldn't be hearing about the tent city sweeps. we would have people housed and hose that don't have homes. people that come to san francisco don't come to sleep on the street. they come here to get escape from violent environments in the homes or be
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part of the lgbt community but instead they're passing out home ward bound certificates for them to go back to the same place they came before so what are we doing as a community saying it's safe to come to san francisco but we're going to give you a certificate to go back to where you came from. by expanding the resources and giving 16 housing slots for one navigation center bed we would have so many people off the streets and people that are in shelters and funding for housing case management already established agencies we wouldn't be hearing about any of these homeless beings so please stop the vicious cycle and give resources and funding to the ones that are already established in the city. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> thank you supervisors. my name is julie and i also work at hospitality house which you know is a drop in. we also have a
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shelter. we work with folks in the tenderloin and i am encouraged by what i heard today. i am really glad this issue is moving towards a priority and i heard a lot of the solutions in the presentations today. staffing was a huge one. that was more staff the navigation center could help more clients more quickly and exits and also housing. that's what we need is affordable housing in the city and i heard the question asked how could the board of supervisors help? so i think that is more of a long-term solution so looking at the policy you all support that includes not allowing the police to sweep people off the street when there is nowhere to go. that includes supporting affordable housing. that includes funding non-profit workers. i think another big key is i hrld a lot of frustration about where we will have the next navigation centers? and i want to remind you all that we have shelters
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and we have drop in centers that already have space. we have clients and what we need is more resources so we can do better by the community. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning and thank you for holding this hearing. my name is jordan davis and i'm just a local concerned citizen and i was exited from the navigation center so i have experience here. first i think the navigation center should be emulated everywhere and the old model be dispensed of. the fact there are no ridiculous rules and laid back atmosphere drove me to accept shelter after six months on the street coming from the east coast and i believe one should be set aside for women only. men out numbered women three to one and resulted in complications including harassment. women are under served and high better the
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we're more likely to economically deprivileged and especially transgender and women of color and there is a bias in the systems. the other concern is lack of stable exit options other than the tenderloin housing clinic. a person living in my dorm was on the street for years after unfairly evicted and they were trying to get the individual back in the agency. the concerns of the tenderloin housing clinic are not limited not pay by check, shortage of bathrooms, pets and problems and a lot of convicted rapists live and violence against the lgbt community. we need more options for exits. there should be more options for exits, better options for exits and of course i was like removed from the navigation center because i wouldn't go into a thc building
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and i just want to conclude by saying to all the stakeholders here and especially those running hope are you for the people you serve or for lining randy shaw's pockets? thank you. >> thsh. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm matt and the program manager at the [inaudible] referral center on larkin street and say thank you to supervisor breed for expanding the program and the daily program and outreach and supporting a housing first program called taking it to the streets. i would like to highlight the need for continuing progress of the navigation centers. there's a definite need for navigation centers specially in the haight that prioritizes homeless youth and we have el nino shelter beds they're actively using and once they're used to be housed they want to expand their surroundings and engage in the programs. i want to emphasize the programs and finding a spot
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for the homeless youth alliance and operate on the street and homeless themselves and youth specific programs and addressing behavior heal and mental health programs and i would like to have services with pets and the population in the haight and there is a value in understanding the trauma one experiences while being homeless and not punishing clients and work with a restorative justice model approach and emphasizes the community and value and respect and from trauma informed care and i want to remind everyone that homeless people are community members as well and they can be someone's old roommate, a son, a daughter, a brother, a mom or a dad. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is jose and i'm at
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bilingual case management at the shelter program. i want to commend and applaud the success of the navigation center. it certainly is something that's needed in the city and i applaud everyone on the ground and behind the scenes. i want to advocate for the shelter residents in the shlter. at our shelter we have a number of senior citizens. we have transitional youth. we have members of the lgbt community. we have refugees. we have people with dual diagnosis and severe mental health issues. we have all these things and we have but one case manager assigned to work all of that. as much as i advocate for them, as much i get on the phone and write letters and utilize and tap into the resources that we have available the resources
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are scarce. and i am literally watching people die in front of me, and the only thing they want to encourage you to look into is to allocating some of the resources at the navigation center that is utilizing and putting those over to the existing shelters, the drop in centers, the existing organizations that have been on the ground for a long time. you know i just want to really, really encourage that. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hello. i'm standing here today really baffled. with the success of the navigation center it's beautiful. i heard that but everything -- the last two hours has been like listening to charlie brown's teacher. i am wondering do i have to go climb into a tent and hope that the
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hot team finds me before going to a navigation center? is that the only way i will get help? can i go to work or school and still get support in this city? i mean i do have to be completely homeless on the sidewalk? because that's all i am hearing this morning. there are street people and there are homeless people. street people want to be on the street. homeless people have a situation. what about resources for them? can i raise my hand and get help in the city? and i see a lot of successful people and you talked about the five year thing earlier. you put it up on the screen. imagine anybody in this room with house keys right now giving up the keys for five years. i don't want to be part of that statistic. i want some assistance and i want it now and i know it's here so i am asking what do we do? are we talking to the right people now or spinning our wheels and running our mouth? thank you. >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> hello supervisors. margenglish executive director of the st. paul society. we manage and staff the shelter -- on fifth and bryant. we have a drop in center on fifth and bryant and we are staffing the pier 80 winter shelter. with that as context i want to mimic what everyone is saying and the head and heart seem to be coming together in the room today. when the controller's report tells you what the social service providers are telling you. replicate these services in the existing infrastructure and you will see results. i have been in my role for two year and the success i had and how far we have come. two years ago i had to beg for a crisis center intervention iftd for the drop in center. begged that role. joe donahue is doing so much and created bandwidth so that our supportive services team which is two for all these
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410 people are on corny of fifth and bryant in need and built in bandwidth and 30 exits to housing stable and permanent instead of being on a corner and it's evidence these services work so remember there are drop in centers and shelters that need these services. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you supervisors. michael kirby. i'm a long-term homeless senior with a life-threatening condition. you all need to keep things in perspective. the amount of money spent on homelessness is only 2.5% of the budget of the city of san francisco. okay. i have been languishing in shelters for fricken years waiting for another place to live. i have watched my
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friends die on the street because they're seniors that gave up trying to navigate the shelter system or the 311 system. i spend at minimum of five weeks at a time on the street while waiting for another shelter bed through the winter. [inaudible] life-threatening condition. would you want your daughter treated that way? okay. if we open the budget to 4% we did do it folks. if the state of utah can do it, if the city of seattle can do it damn it san francisco can do it. >> thank you. next speaker please. [applause] >> good morning supervisors. name theresa del lacruz and a
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pier advocate and i work in the shelter system and you know i really want to congratulate everyone on the navigation centers. they're a great success, but i would like to see that in the shelters we currently have because you guys can't forget about the residents that are in the shelters who have been accessing these shelters for a lot of years. they have been homeless for a lot of years. they have mental health issues, physical issues. they're seniors and the shelter beds are only for four months, so they're being retraumatized every four months because they're homeless again. they have to stand in line everyday for five weeks for a one night bed. some people give up because flare they're seniors or not in the healthy. >> >> they can't physically make
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it everyday to get in line. how many more people do we have to see die? you know six months -- we are in a state of emergency. six months for another navigation center? how many people are going make it six months? so thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hi. good afternoon supervisors. thanks to those looking at when we're talking. we appreciate that. thanks for having this hearing and thanks to everybody who has been working on this issue. we really appreciate the focus. today i wanted to talk about the tale of two shelter systems and you heard about this and i fully support the navigation center model definitely having a place to go. they have plent of space. it's plexible and --
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flexible and the p's and guarantee to exit to housing. that's what every shelter should be. and for the 75 people at a time that have the flexibility and case management on site making phone calls for them getting into housing there is no question about the navigation center is successful and contrast this with the traditional shelter system where people wait for months to get in and wait longer to get out because there are few housing slots and few case management services. yesterday i looked we had 689 single adults on the waiting list for a shelter beand we know we have 1200 adults languishing in shelters waiting for the shelter slot heading our way. they have increased when the navigation centers came on line and the slots focused on the navigation centers. we're
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begging to you make an investment here. to expand what we heard as a national model citywide. can we do it citywide for all of the shelters and drop in center that need suppor we take people in even though we can't guarantee housing but we would see outcome focus we have an investment of real support. this is a budget committee and looking for it this year and thank you very much. >> thank you very much. i ask again not to do clapping. thank you so we can get through. [calling speaker names] thanks. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is [inaudible] and the public policy manager at community partnership and staff to the housing providers network which si collaborative of providers with over 20 years of experience in this field. we heard today about exits and supportive housing so i want to
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reiterate what was said earlier. we need housing to address homelessness. we value and want to advocate for housing across the spectrum access to housing will allow for providers to meet people where they are, allow for people to get into supportive housing which is non-profit owned and ensure we're closer to achieving equity in san francisco and increasing the supply of shelters to enriched housing is necessary. >> thank you. next speaker please. i will call more speakers. [calling speaker names] >> all right. my name is kelly cutler and a human rights organizer with the coalition on homelessness and actually account for the shelter right now the wait list is 702 so it
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went up and i have been doing outreach down on division since last summer because we started hearing concerns and i hear people are service resistant or trying to convince them. that's just not true. people are out there and they're wanting help and pleading for help and what has been going on down there with the sweeps and everything has been just shameful and so yesterday i started off with people with tears, seniors with disabilities, they're just crying because they're traumatized on top of what they're experiencing and the question is where should we go and there is no answer to that and yes we are getting folks in with pier 80 and the [inaudible] center and they're thrilled about that but another thing with pier 80 it went out in the
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media and we're dealing with this at every meeting that comes up. the media -- okay there is 150 spots but only 20 people went but we need to be honest about it because they have to get things together so the capacity they could take in was 20 which is understandable. you know it's a process, but they're putting out -- not them necessarily but general going out to the media and people are refusing services. there are 150 but only 20 went. it's not true. people are wanting help and they need it. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> laura guzman. good morning, good afternoon. i have the benefit of being a resource director as well as a navigation center partner so i can attest to the fact that we need to replicate the navigation center and our resource center in the shelters because it worked when the mayor's office invited us to be partners because of the
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expertise we took the challenge because we would work with the homeless that were for ten years or more because the city wasn't paying attention and i want them to pay attention and i did it last week supervisor farrell and [inaudible] and exceptions of yourself and supervisor jane kim they are not giving attention to the issues and supervisor tang as well. it's time that they step up to really look at this issue so we can have a comprehensive answer. by the way we had [inaudible] obama administration saying to us because we got his attention for the navigation center but we also hear best practices he said let's replicate it throughout the united states the navigation center model. let's do it in san francisco. we have enough people that we need to serve. your challenge would be to find out how many more millions we need not and just 2% of the
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budget that the homeless in san francisco is rare and episodic. >> thank you. come on up. a number of other speaker cards. [calling speaker names] >> good morning. my name is michael [inaudible] and the director -- [inaudible] veterans rights group and we run a drop in program and have a number of housing slots but besides our residential treatment beds and housing i want to say that veterans is -- [inaudible] in san francisco benefited from this investment into the subsidized housing casted the units and supportive service for veterans -- i'm sorry section 8 subsidy for vets and the success wouldn't have been possible without the coordination of the city and the funds were
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leveraged and the coordination was made possible and we had good ruts and i say that when you invest in the resources and pull the community together with the expertise out here it can make a real difference and if we can invest in the shelter system as a whole and the exits are there and we build the resources we will have -- again we're going to make a big difference. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please and last speaker cards i have. [calling speaker names] >> i'm bin min [inaudible] and one of the worker bees there. what i do as a veteran i work for theless veterans and sam dodge has been generous giving locations and we were at division before being cleared out. we did the processing and fortunate that the team came
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out and pointed out the veteran and the hot team got him to pier 80. all of the agencies came out and it was good for the team and with the navigation center last summer someone from the veterans administration needed someone to escorted to dmv and we got them there and the staff and taxpayers there were very understanding of the people we brought because they were not so quite pleasant to be with but with all of the agencies coming together, the navigation center, we're able to help veterans and get them off the streets and anything that would expand the model like with st. vincent de paul is wonderful and worked with sf start at the shelter as well. there's a lot
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resources here and generous with the time and everyone has always been helpful starting with sam. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> i'm karen and the associate director of erks piiveg cal community services and we book end our presentation by speaking for all of those who have been languishing for years in our year round emergency shelters and join with others to express the very clear message that the navigation center model needs to be spread throughout our single adult shelter system. the controller's office was telling you about their report, and their first report of a navigation center said this about why clients did not use the shelter system. "perhaps most notably a recurring perception that shelters are a dead end road with little or no hope of being connected to housing or more permanent
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accommodations. shelters don't do anything. you get complacent. i got lost in the system" so we say that the housing exits need to be shared across our system and pro rata basis and right now the folks in the shelters and resource centers versus the navigation center would be that for every exit given to the navigation center there would be 16 exits for the rest of the shelter system. the controller's report also said that clients uniformly identified as the positive and rememberable aspect of the program operations and staff and case managers. we hire folks at next door, the sanctuary and navigation center the same way, the same processes and train the same way, and same values and standards. the difference between the two is the number of folks we get to hire and the positions we get to hire. we
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have 4inr specialists for 435 residents in the shelters and not a single case manager. we leave it to you to make the investment that must be made. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is jonathan price and let me thank you for the service to this city. i am currently a resident at hospitality house. nobody is more grateful than i that the shelter system exists. i'm one of the lucky ones. i sign a lease tomorrow. in my observation i want you to know when men get there -- it's a small community but i see hope and when they have to leave the shelter the hope gets smaller. anything that you can do to help the staff the shelters especially jose and theresa accomplish what their goal is help the homeless get housing would be appreciated. i can
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feel from each of you your passion for this issue surrounding this issue is genuine. anyway i don't want -- at the fear of getting dinged thank you for listening to me. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> thank you supervisors. i want to thank you for your efforts and work so far. my name is tanya mcneill and a potrero hill resident. i shop and drive around division street. i never felt unsafe throughout the crisis. there are thousands of us next door that feel the same way. we haven't been knocking on the doors but we're out there. i agree with supervisor campos. i am appalled altuprooting of theup campments especially when there is no place to go but the answer is not dismantle the navigation center at this point. i think they're beginning to make deep change in the city's
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bureaucracy as a 20 city employee i know just has deeply engrained those programs are and how much change needs to happen to be really effective at getting housing at building shelters at providing the services that need to be provided for the homeless, so i just want to say i totally disagree with the controller that's anne either /or situation that we keep the navigation center or spread the wealth to the shelter system. it needs to be both and. it needs to be be this really great success center that's making a real difference. it needs to be providing better services in the shelter system. it needs to be expanding the housing stock. i want to be able to come away from this meeting so that i can report that this committee has
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approved the expanding the navigation center and is committing to broadening those services to the other shelters throughout the city. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hi. my name is sharon noel. i'm from the currently and now homeless youth alliance. i just really wanted to say that the navigation center model has been something that not only our participant and citywide and i do work on division street, very very excited about and something we don't see as resources and able to fit the individual and they're very excited to utilize. while we have so many resources in existing shelter systems right now that we can utilize but at the same time we have resource centers, drop in centers that are closing citywide at the same time we're
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having a huge amount of luxury condos go up. i feel we could find a budget conscious solution to all of these to able to provide better exits for people in the shelter system. i would like to mention also that we spend so much are criminalization and harassing and ticketing and moving the encampments. our youth come up to me all the time. i am hearing about stories of ptsd compounded and traumatized more because they don't have a place to sit down because the drop in center closed or a place to sleep. we're seeing more cases people really need to rest and we're spending this huge amount on the criminalization but if we put that towards housing and the resources that we have and also to expand and protect the resources that we don't i think we could see a really positive change and a real solution to
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homelessness. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hi supervisors. my name is colleen and i work at st. anthony foundation and part of the home little emergency providers. a lot of the things i wanted to say have been said so i want to underline the importance of housing exits from the shelter system and a system that works for people, not just a bunch of -- you know arbitrary rules that really don't contribute to safety or to creating a good environment. at st. anthony's we have a temporary weather related shelter with 60 people every night. we have been full every night since we opened. we're not seeing that we're having trouble attracting people to come into shelter. this myth of resistance -- anytime you read
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about or hear about it i encourage you to go to the 311 website and look at the number of people that are currently waiting for a slot in the shelter system. it's 700 people long right now and probably close to 800 bietd end of the week. i want to also just i have been doing this work for 11 years now and over the years have been coming to this body, the board of supervisors, begging and pleading not to shut down shelter, not to shut down drop in centers. we lost 400 beds in the system over the time that i have been living in the city. and we have been fighting so hard at this body to invest and i hear a lot of questions about why has it gotten so bad? that's part of the reason it's so bood because we disinvested in emergency services and we don't have enough housing and this body has the power to rectify that and so we need to work together to make sure we have the exits and supports and
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start this year in the budget with more services to see more successes like the navigation center throughout the system. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. thanks so much for being here. i am cheryl adams and a member of hes bai and want to say what colleen said and she said it brilliantly and we need to work on the being of the navigation center and embed services and housing exit and the resources that exit at the navigation center at our shelter systems across and drop in resource centers. at larg larkin street we have a staffing pattern and helpful for people to transition out but it doesn't meet the need in haight or across the city for young people and certainly take the lessons learned from the navigation center and apply it across the board and fund the resource centers and drop in
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centers and shelters and go a long way to address the homeless people. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi supervisors. i'm the founder of the st. francis homelessness challenge and i support the navigation center and spreading the learnings throughout the system in san francisco. also i'm part of a enjoying movement of thousands of housing and unhoused neighbors advocating for immediate action building off of what you were saying supervisor campos and laura from saying and i have been spending time at division and cesar chavez and 101 over the last month and a half. i think it's disingenuous for the mayor's office and the department of public health to be a hazard for people not to have bathrooms or disposals and those services and not provide them but displace them without adequate options so how do we get ahead of this is the
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question? we know that the department of public works declared a crisis, state of emergency to move the contract process forward with the navigation center to build it. that's what we do number one. we're in a crisis and a lot of people have grown accustomed to the crisis so they're not wanting to take immediate action because they don't want to condean interim solutions that don't have an end goal of placement and i know that and permanent housing is important with shelter but we can't snap our fingers and have enough for the next few years so why don't we select 50 places and the mayor's office and community advocates and the unhouses can come together and these are the key places to direct people. we will provide baseline services and secure sleep and toilets and disposals ands ises. s is
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services and the pier 80 and let's have the money to [inaudible] >> thank you. next speaker please. >> [inaudible] >> good afternoon supervisors. in december mayor lee announced the creation of a new department with a mandate to end homelessness and consolidate various housing and homeless programs into a single department and called for a bold division and scale of cooperation between city departments and community based organizations and advocates and national experts. in response to the mayor's proposal a broad group of san francisco human service providers came together to share our expertise and our insight through a policy paper. policy recommendations from the mayor's department of homelessness and serving the
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homeless populations. they summarize the perspective on the new department's structure, priorities and approaches. it's gone out to all members of the board, the mayor, department heads and other leaders and for the public it is available on our website at the authors are the community organizationness, the home emergency provide ares association and the collaborative, san francisco -- [inaudible] aids provider network, the san francisco human services network, the supportive housing providers network. we represent the front lines of the city's struggle to address homelessness. as service providers and advocacy organizations we see the barriers first hand that homeless people face and the gaps in our system of care. the mayor's vision presents opportunities to expand services that are doing well and create change in areas that are not. during comment today we didn't present a full presentation but
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you heard many of the recommendations particularly relevant to the navigation center. we offer this in the spirit of partnership and in working together for a better system that can serve as a model for the nation and i have copies of the paper for you today. we hope you review it and carefully consider the recommendations. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public comment that wish to speak? okay. seeing none. public comment is now closed. [gavel] i do want to thank everyone for attending today both from the staff's perspective as well as all of the members of the public that spoke in public comment. thank you for all that work at the navigation center. thank you for all of the hard work. i do believe with the navigation center we have a model to seek to replicate throughout the city. i think it has been a success and obviously lessons to learn and things to do better as a city. we have to combine it with aggressive efforts to pursue housing exits. beyond that it doesn't work one without the other and we will have that
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dialogue. i know here at the budget committee and moving forward as a city and track the outcomes better as well and i want to thank all of the staff and particularly mr. dodge for all of the hard work. we simply have to do better for the people on the city and on the street and i look forward to the upcoming conversations around it in the next months and with that supervisor yee. >> thank you. i also want to thank the public for coming out and the staff members working on this issue for a while. and today has been a good hearing. i want to thank both supervisor farrell and supervisor campos for bringing this forward. i have heard several potential paths, some solutions here, and there was a discussion started with we're looking for
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alternative site for a navigation center and go ahead and pursue it but i heard quite a few people saying "why can't we take some existing programs that are shelters centers and see if they're willing or can convert into a navigation center?" there's two pieces of that and i don't want to get it confused. one gets more resources for a shelter to do the social services and so forth, and that's one aspect of the navigation center. i am wondering mr. dodge whether or not there is analysis done to see any any programs we're talking about in terms of shelters can actually convert into a navigation center where you have not only the additional resources for staffing but the flexibility of rules that are -- that the shelters use now and to
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not use them similar to the navigation center? that would be interesting for me to know sort of know about. >> supervisor, sam dodge mayor's office of hope and yes, there is a work group that has been looking at it from the provider's perspective. supervisors we have an opportunity with the health and safety bond on the ballot for june to look at some capital investments to make with homeless service sites and would be helpful not just to make investments in the long-term viability of the city owned sites but to help convert some of their practices to be more inviting and welcome being and accommodate the things that we have seen at the navigation center work very well whether it's being able to come in as a couple or storage belongings or the accommodation of small pets
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so some of the practices can definitely be done. they're going to need some investments made in some of the older service sites but it can happen and we're actively looking at that. i think one thing i want to remind that actually the present shelter system isn't the answer for everyone but it's the answer for many people and so as we talk about different models i think it's important to keep in mind that we don't just take away an answer that's working for one part of our population while we look for answers that the current system isn't serving. >> yes. i appreciate that statement because part of my question would be if there were a shelter center that's ready or willing to convert into what exists into a navigation center, and that's a big "if." i know it's very difficult to move from one set of rules to another set
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of rules. then my follow up question would be would that create a void in the shelter system? >> yeah. we see the shelter system currently being well utilized. hsa has a system that keeps it very -- so there's always emergency beds but there's long reservations for long-term shelter beds. there is a long list waiting for the 90 bed day reservation so the truth is that the shelter -- traditional shelter is in high demand. there's also other parts of the homeless population that need the wrap around care and long-term housing exits but i wouldn't want to cannibalize our shelter stock which is full. i mean 95% full every night just about, so thank you.
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>> supervisor campos. >> thank you. i want to thank the chair of our budget committee, supervisor farrell, for hosting, for holding this hearing, requesting this hearing. i know it's not going to be the last time we talk about this issue. we're going to continue to focus on it, and i want to thank everyone who came out here. what i would say as we move forward is you know my experience, whether it's a navigation center or a homeless shelter, what happens with the establishment of these kinds of places is that people don't usually come forward and say "you know what? i want to open a navigation center next door or a homeless shelter next door" and in fact there is a lot of trepidation that comes with that, but i think it takes
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reaching out to people but takes someone to make it happen to make it happen and i would say to san franciscans out there we all have to do our part when it comes to this issue and it's not going to go away on its own, but i would think that when you tellly look at the situation that most people would agree we're better off -- that they would be better off dealing with a navigation center in their neighborhood that is done after a careful, you know, community process that actually having people camping out in front of their house because one of the things is going to happen. the people camping out is already happening and it's not going to go away on its own and we can buy as many bus tickets out of
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san francisco people are going to continue to come to san francisco, and so we got to do something. i really wish we weren't where we are right now and to be honest i know there's a huge challenge before us this department. mr. dodge and his staff are good people but the problem is we should have done a lot of these things a long time ago so we don't have time to waste. i know that the six month figure is just a target. we can't wait six months. we're not going to wait six months. what i would ask is that simply if we can have a follow up from the various agencies on the issue of when the next navigation center is going to open, and again how that's going to be tied to housing, and then on the fund that was create the by the mayor, that $3 million,
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did we get anymore money? and quite frankly if we haven't gotten more money i hope money doesn't stand in the way of opening another navigation center because i think in the end we're going to spend money anyway and i think it's actually a lot more expensive not to open up these navigation centers. i think you end up spending more in terms of dealing with people on the street and that's not counting the human toll and the human cost of letting this continue, so thank you very much to everyone and i know we're going to continue to work on this issue. >> thank you. supervisor tang. >> thank you i just want to say thank you to everyone who is working so hard on the homeless issue and for really i think educating us about the tree needs are. i appreciate all of the different perspective and everyone has their own opinion about homelessness but all of you who have presented to us really are working on the front
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lines and can tell us and when you see head line after head line in the news and not just recently but year after year on the topic and i am sure you feel frustrated too so i look forward to the continuing conversations during the budget deliberations, and so again just want to thank you for your service. >> okay. thank you everybody. colleagues at this point i would love to entertain a motion to file item 4. >> so moved. >> okay. motion by supervisor tang. we can take that without objection. clerk elect is there any further business? >> there is no further business. okay. we are adjourned for about two minutes. [gavel] welcome to the epic cen
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did you know that many buildings in san francisco are not bolted to the foundation on today's episode we'll learn how the option to bolt our foundation in an earthquake. >> hi, everybody welcome to another episode of stay safe i'm the director of earthquake safety in the city and county of san francisco i'm joined by a friend matt. >> thank you thanks for being
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with us we're in a garage but at the el cap center south of market in san francisco what we've done a simulated the garage to show you what it is like to make the improvements and reduce the reflexes of earthquake we're looking at foundation bolts what do they do. >> the foundation bolts are one of the strengthening system they hold the lowest piece of wood onto the foundation that prevents the allows from sliding during an earthquake that is a bolt over the original construction and these are typically put in along the foundation to secure the house to the foundation one of the things we'll show you many types of bolts let's go outside and show the vufrdz we're outside
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the epic center in downtown san francisco we'll show 3 different types of bolts we have a e poxy anchor. >> it is a type of anchor that is adhesive and this is a rod we'll embed both the awe hey that embeds it into the foundation that will flip over a big square washer so it secured the mud sell to the foundation we'll need to big drill luckily we have peter from the company that will help us drill the first hole. >> so, now we have the hole drilled i'll stick the bolt in and e post-office box it. >> that wouldn't be a bad idea but the dust will prevent the e
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post-office box from bonding we need to clean the hole out first. >> so, now we have properly cleaned hole what's the next step. >> the next step to use e post-office box 2 consultants that mixes this together and get them into tubes and put a notice he will into the hole and put the e post-office box slowly and have a hole with e post-office box. >> now it is important to worm or remember when you bolt our own foundation you have to go to 9 department of building inspection and get a permit before you start what should we look at next what i did next bolt. >> a couple of anchors that expand and we can try to next
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that will take a hole that hole is drilled slightly larger marathon the anchor size for the e post-office box to flow around the anchor and at expansion is going into the hole the same dinning room we'll switch tamet so, now we have the second hole drilled what next. >> this is the anchor and this one has hard and steel threads that cuts their way into the concrete it is a ti ton anchor
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with the same large square so similar this didn't require e post-office box. >> that's correct you don't needed for the e post-office box to adhere overnight it will stick more easily. >> and so, now it is good to go is that it. >> that's it. >> the third anchor is a universal foundation plate when you don't have room above our foundation to drill from the
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top. >> so, now we have our foundation plate and the tightened screw a couple of ways to take care of a foundation what's the best. >> the best one depends on what your house is like and our contractors experience they're sometimes considered the cadillac anchor and triplely instead of not witting for the e post-office box this is essentially to use when you don't have the overhead for the foundation it really depends on the contractor and engineering
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what they prefer. >> talking to a qualified professional and see what (clapping.) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i think we have more companies anywhere in the united states it's at the amazing statement we're not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were >> one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. the most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think he's a
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camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think we're not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. i thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are great stories for on opera. i was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on
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opera. a friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. why isn't it are that i have the support now we can do that. i realized that was something that wasn't being done in san francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed in san francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality >> you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision that's the final
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product felt opera. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. >> so much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work there's great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs we've worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. i had a model they have a professionally music yes, ma'am assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor i'd be
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able to work with them and it's helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial >> it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our ability to tell stories on stage. that's part of the opera lab >> i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so that's why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. >> there were young people that are not interested in seeing
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traditional opera and like the quality and it's different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and that's part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. >> so one of the great things of the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. >> that's what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know,
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really great you have to have both some people don't like it and some people do we're concerned about that. >> it's about thirty something out there that's risky. you know, disliked by someone torn apart and that's the whole point of what we're drying to do >> you never take this for granted you make sure it is the best if you can. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪.
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>> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional
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wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco >> welcome to the the regularly scheduled meeting of san francisco entertainment commission thursday, february 4, 2016, i am commissioner joseph sitting in for commissioner president tan call the roll. >> typically i know i don't. >> any announcements. >> i don't h
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