tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV March 12, 2016 12:00am-2:01am PST
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we'll begin with the pledge of allegiance of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all this is a reminder that under administrative code the ringing and use of cell phones and similar electronic devices is prohibited during the commission meeting set all pagers and cells to vibrant or turn the device completely off now san francisco fire commission and the time is 9 o'clock item
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one 0 3r0er8 commissioner president covington commissioner vice president cleaveland commissioner nakajo commissioner hardeman chief the department chief joanne hayes-white here. >> item 2 general public comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, speakers shall address they're voting remarks as a whole not to depth personnel and commissioners not to enter into debate or discussion with the speaker the lack of the immigrant didn't constitute an agreement of support for statements during public comment. >> thank you, madam secretary anyone for public comment please step forward. >> good morning. >> good morning, madam chair
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and members of the commission i'm mike the president of the san francisco ems officers association we're commonly known as the rc-4s or rescue captains i want to state over the last month we've come to you with concerns about the rank i'd like to apologizes that we had to do that in a public forum but we feel there is no real movement or willinglyness on the part of administration to correct the problems visual as well staff positioned appropriating i will say we have been told since moped that we are currently offered positions to the personnel that were open hopefully this mandate issue that is high when abate you are
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c four was fund and promised to cover the southern part of the city is held hostage at station 49 it is being held hostage in a movement to get us to agree to go to 12 hour shifts with the paramedic captains wench recently been offered that should the ems officers association agree to 12 hour shifted noun of the none of the ems officers will have to work 3 station as overtime we'll screw the next people coming up on this bus the ems officers association is adding a mammal opposed a discertify maneuver kicking the can down the road and we'll not abide but that
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rc-4 covers a portion of city which is chronologically underserved by the fire department with long response times the paramedic captain whoesz who's job to provide excellence on the scene rarely get out there he is come from rc-43 is currently under covered the city and remains uncovered last october we remember told it is essential this is back in line this has not happened we as the ems officers association ask the commission ask where rc-4 is not yet back online and would encourage the administration to do so forth with thank you. >> thank you, captain hooley i want to point out that station
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49 and rescue captain staffing is item 6 onramp disney today's agenda madam secretary please call the next item. >> >> any more public comment? seeing more more public comment is closed. >> item 3 approval the minutes from february 10, 2016. >> thank you, commissioners i have one addition to the minutes under item 7 resolution 2016 dash 04 that was the gift of $72,000 plus from the trust it was initially in the resolution that these moenlz were to go to the fire department with an and 50 anniversary but that was changed to the purchase of firefighting
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equipment this was in line with the wishes expressed in the trust okay. so we want to make sure that is included in there that's the only change of significance i have commissioners. >> madam chair (inaudible) second. >> we have a motion and second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> of the approval of the minutes. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> that's all of us thank you. >> public comment on the minutes? going ones going twice and seeing none, wants to comment public comment is closed and item 4 update on the ems program doctor will provide the update on item 6 for the implementation of programs thank you
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dr. yeah can you introduce yourselves i have something to say ash morning commissioners and chief i'm the director of the department >> welcome doctor yeah, he want to graduate you on our recent award and the wonderful sunday profile in the san francisco chronicle and within the sound of my voice missed the article i suggest you read this it is a lovingly overview of your background and family so congratulations on that and i guess this past monday you're smiling face with a heart of the san francisco general so thank you we're very proud of you. >> it's a huge honor i'm pleased to provide the commission and the chief with an update on the ems 6 program this
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morning i'd like to with our permission ask the captain payne to join me and even maybe a request sfgovtv colleagues switch over - thank you so as the commission is west portal aware the ems program is operational for 5 weeks i'll present the information about the program itself and some of the structure and our inheritances over the last thirty days if you recall the structure of the ems program is similar to the historical program that was operational the system the approximately 2004 timeframe notice of home hemisphere, however, not able differences with an h-33 ems captain that
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operators in a paramedic supervisor role as well as another team member that is a department of public health homeless outreach team specialist that is co-staffed with the paramedic capita captain and the primary for the care cooperation the ems 16 is dispatched it 9-1-1 incidents and serves in a first responder and supervision role like the other captains and in addition the ems 16 can are special called by engines and ambulances or special calls to clinics, hospitals and case managers to engage with the clients that are identified the system the team an operational and has been for 12 hours a day 7 days a week if noon to midnight again, our
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overview goal to provide another resource to some of the pie users the system that don't think 9-1-1 services for non-emergency care we connect our clients with other resources the system and working to engage them at the point of the contract and working in collaboration what the public health and other resources. >> so without further ado, i want to introduce the team part of it is the department of public health homelessness outreach team they're not here today but i would be remiss if i didn't mention they're voting contributions to the project it is enumeration and the individuals we are working it is jason and others and win the fire department is two h-33 captains captains april and simon and i'll ask them to
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introduce themselves and talk about what they've been up to for the last 2 weeks. >> commissioners and chief i'm april i've been a paramedic for 16 years the last 9 with the san francisco fire department and my time through the cycle of over and over again and very pleased to be part of program to bring that cycle. >> good morning chief and members of the commission i'm simon i've been about the fire department for 20 years you've been a paramedic dedicated to the ambulance and a proud member of engine 15 and for the last 5 years a rescue captain so we have identified we've defined and an ems high user has
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someone that calls 9-1-1 more than 4 times a month over and over more than 5 times a day additionally our high users are looiltd multiple systems the city those other systems would be the local emergency rooms the sobering center and urgent care chinese and psychiatric clinics and we've been cooperate the care with the system providers and trying to connect the dots our be patient can get the hope they need we have two ems 16 stories for high users a middle age woman that arrived
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by bus when she arrived she used the ems 5 times she's a commitment we got her shelter and returned home to her home state another e again, a middle-aged woman with a history of mental illness on state disability that took amtrak to our city to try to find a better life for herself the period of two weeks called 9-1-16 times used a number of local emergency rooms what seen and psychiatric emergency services we were notified of her and jay and i met her at one of the drop in
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shelters with jason what is a member the outreach team and my partner he helped her get a 90 day shelter bed and connected her with a nurse that spfld mental illness and she's not called 9-1-1 again. >> we work with all of a sudden spur users we encounter the field during the amount of time they generate 15 calls a month or month and those patients are home patients they utilities the psychiatric rates the highest in the city after the key management engagement daily and followed the progress has resulted in some progress and
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better outreaches with the collaboration of the other providers the care. >> so one case after a spur users one man with a alcoholic problem we utilized 9-1-129 times i was working one day a social worker contacted ems every time he showed up at their hospital he showed up 6 times one day hover before being seen by a physician and prior to ems 6 arriving this individual always left the possess o hospital we would search for him in local neighborhoods but wouldn't find him tla later that
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evening we called the themselves again, we escorted the ambulance to the hospital and sat with him in the hospital we arranged a homeless stran to drive him to the center and stayed with him at sobering center the next morning he was enrolled others detox he's not called since that's two weeks ago we're committed to the success and we are there everyday to help him to continue with the detox. >> the second example a middle-aged gentleman in a most times called over thirty times must not times a day we in conjunction with the field representatives realized he's a veteran and spoke to the
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physician they agreed to additional testing and that went well. >> okay. >> so those are some very generalized examples of the things the team as undertaking i won thing i want to thank captain tang and for her emphasis many interventions seem simple like companions things that should happen automatically but we found agency as reenforce those don't happen automatically and so it has - those are assemblyly simple interventions we find that an exceptional resource that is dedicated to those clients has helped to escort them through the system i think we have continued success
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so i'd like it is a talk about some of the drip active statistics if you can take anything if 9 presentation it is vertebrae busy the last thirty days 200 plus encounters that averages 7 per 12 hour shift that may go up to 12 or 13 on a busier day those are not relatedly shoevaluations some of the drip active types of encounters by the paramedic payne and bassett a large amount of outreach from the homeless outreach workers and our responses both to the scene and a 9-1-1 call and after trofrpt
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to be with the patient at the designation hospital and because of that we found the team has to be active throughout all aspects of the system whether having riderships that the sobering sorrow and the department of health facilities to helps to be a known entity and participated and identified as a resource that can be contacted with clients in need present in different areas the team is active in a lot of different locations this slide shows the proposition of our encounters with patients that are self-identified or by address and record researchers identified as homeless i want to bring this up to reinforce something we anticipated and
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seen but maybe surprisingly to some in the clients we are engaging do actually have addresses and by u.s. consensus may not be technical technically homeless i find that the contact of the housing is stable housing is a fluid thing a vulnerability it is something we don't want to fixate we know that is part of solution but not the total solution for the clients as you can see the graph shows 64 percent are identified as homeless and 19 are identified as having an address and 17 are unknown and many of the cases it is i will describe as being marginally housed finally i want to update the commission on what the next steps are been 5 weeks like i
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said we're getting off the ground with operation and reinforcing challenges with the planning assumptions we've made the next steps a training relieve personnel for captain by those bassett and tang and we need to work on styling and bring some of the documentation steps together i think will be important for long-term efficiency and we also need to continue in our effort to strengthen the data sharing collaboration been our department and department of public health the next is the oncomission each the encounters we find there is consistent barriers to care it is important we advocate for different things whether assess and resources in different areas but there is all of our clients we're serving many times over there is a
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reason that people are failing there the cracks and as trouble shooters we need to vaccine to kind of close los r those gaps continuing to identify the barriers are oncosteps finally he thought i'll put this up as well that is our e-mail address and contact information to remind to the team operational 7 days a week thank you very much. >> thank you, dr. yeah. i would like to call for a public comment at this time and go to the commissioners for they're voting comments >> i see one person coming up for public comment. >> michael hooley again i'd like to strongly enforce the actions of ems 6 historically in the
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department when captain tang program was terminated the roll feel on the rc-4s to take on that position the roll we were inadequately prepared for with the amount of information to have ems 6 after a significant number of years actually reactivated has assist us gridlock, however, from the hours of midnight to noon we are still operating with the paramedic captains being the de facto 6 we have a proof of concept i'll strongly urge the commission to move to a twenty-four hour role calls are coming in before midnight and the captain said if you haven't addressed those irks from noon many of the beds
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you're trying to put the patients into are closes the ems officers association strongly endorsed a twenty-four hour operation thank you. >> thank you. >> are there any other members of the public school that wish to comment on this item all right. public comment is closed. and our fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> thank you madam president and dr. yeah great program and congratulations to our team for the excellent work i look forward for more success stories i agree with the need for this program to be a twenty-four hour program i'm not sure of the cost to expand to double it essentially but i certainly think this is a budget priority for the city i have a question of the people you're dealing with is it 50 percent e number
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reduce who are the most frequent callers - whether the primary problem that is is an issue for psychiatric behavorial concerns we find that when you have a person who happens to have all 3 of the major areas both boo context medical and context mental and acholic beverage these are a challenging mix as in all systems but so i think for the team won the challenges figuring out the biggest priority and if you fail at one of the issues that can really
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derail the person's program so i worry about i could give you a specific answer those 0 are the main areas with the context behavorial issues and other issues. >> under is an r a discussion of yes to drugs and hours and things like that the city for people that are - would do you think. >> it is not necessarily the scope of the program itself but i'll say models as much as having wet houses in other areas have been effective he personally would welcome a resource as something we can work with ems 6 i'm personally supportive of that. >> thanks again, a great program and congratulations on our award. >> thank you commissioner vice
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president cleaveland and chief joanne hayes-white. >> thank you commissioner president covington and good morning, commissioners great presentation i'd like to acknowledge the deputy chief and other ems division and chief meyers tony they've been part and parcel to the program as you may know we lobbied heavily to restore the 3 people the presentation put trial lawyer you heart and soul thank you to dr. yeah, and paramedic captain and simon payne i see how dedicated it takes a special person and appreciate it and would like to see it expanded like to do what was presented we'll continue to collect the data that will be the foundation on which we may be able to sustain the program one other thing we meet reserving with dpw
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in terms of six the director of public health department and myself we'll be meeting next week with the ems 6 program and the mayor's office to talk about the data that we've been able to collect so far so thank you, dr. yeah, and great work. >> thank you. >> thank you, chief. >> commissioner hardeman. >> thank you madam president yes dr. yeah, he happened to be challenge sandra fewer and saw you get your award you can find time and you are dedicated enough to work over in san francisco general in emergency shows how you keep your hand on the pulse of the industry thank
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you very much and congratulations and you and your captains and all the other paramedics and ems deserve this a lot of the folks don't get to hear how difficult to deal with a lot of the folks you've seen and repeat not only physical but mental sometimes they're voting vital nature and the compassion and dedication is remark it takes a certain type of person that can continually go out and try to take care of this person that seems on a mission to destroy themselves thank you, very much your dedicated to this a little bit different than a person putting out a fire you have a type of urge clemg around so the unique
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of characteristics you learn what you're doing is great it is economics driven and i'm sure all of us want to see this go to twenty-four hours a day but the leadership if it workouts you deserve a pat on the back and that's for your dedication. >> thank you commissioner hardeman i think the sentiment is expressed but this is a team effort not only for the people explaining the programs but this is difficult patient we encounter all emt it takes a monumental team effort i would be responsible to not recognize not one department or individual
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to make the efforts but thank you very much. >> thank you commissioner vice president cleaveland excuse me. commissioner hardeman now to commissioner nakajo and back to you commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> thank you madam president thank you very much dr. yeah. captain bassett and captain payne i wanted to get a briefing in terms of how the program was going i think that having the chief recommend we look at it after the period of time to get the program going was a good suggestion because the presentation you made this morning all of you talks to some of the information that i wanted to be privy to i'm glad you're talking about
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and know you can know team effort was the fire department sometimes the public or maybe members of the department understand clearly we are in a suppression organization but definitely an emergency model as well i use the phrase that our ambulances are ramon hospitals for the population p that didn't have a disability because of the hot subject matter or homelessness the city and all the issues i said this information our providing can be very helpful on page 5 when you showed this graphic on the homeless 64 percent homelessness and 94 other and that go helps the commission many of the folks are addresses but many does not whether or not they have an
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address that adds to the 64 percent which really reflects a larger amazing amount the pie and still a part of homeless i think we understand on the homeless population out there for specifically have an understanding a definition of what it say, i think we have an understanding that it is reflective of the what the mental health and drug abuse guessing individuals are coming to the city and county of san francisco and part of our make up i want to know as you narrated you talked about some great examples that's what i want to hear the case examples of what kind of clients and the end result of being a professional social worker i know it is not a matter of trig to approach an individual for a
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short period of time but why'd hundreds and hundreds of hours sitting down with a client you call it peace opening nevertheless of that caseload the caseloads you don't lose just gain more caseloads so from go myself to have both of you there in our presents with our expertise i definitely see the effect of the programs dr. yeah, he know this is very important as a fire department to cooperate our services together and agencies you called them partnerships you're talking about the homeless committee program as well it is clear to me if we don't have those kinds of partnerships and relationships we have a heck of a time trying to meet the people's needs giving me a feeling of the individuals that show up in our city for one reason or another is that -
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i've heard this over and over about the populations of the homeless on the streets of san francisco not from the locality but other places i want to get a feeling of what kind of numbers or individuals are we talking about captain >> of course i don't have any hard numbers but anecdotally it will be a large number of people that come to our city over the years we'll be tracking at ems 6 the patients perhaps how long they've been the city so we can really address that not on our level but on some level anecdotally that number is high. >> so in terms of that number that cooperation between
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hospitals, alcoholic centers there has to be a partnership working cooperation how can he as a group succeed with ems 6 i know your presentations have proven to us how effective that is when i hear numbers of new in any calls or visits to the hospital it tells me how strange we are at hospitals and homeless sheltered and that at least the fire department have a program that can address that historically i can't talk about i can lament what happened to the faculty we lost this program under a different name but the return of this program at this point and maintaining this is crucial and a essential to
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respond to a high number of percentages version suppression i'm not debate that suppression we're one department that serves the entities in terms of that you want to give me a percentage dr. on the response ems responses. >> i can certainly look and see but not off the top of my head of the percentages maybe around 70, 75 percent of medicine side but they're voting context responses involved with the suppression and ems calls i'll agree with you as you may know when - a person overall height it depending on the facilities who people have. coming out of existing care networks it is a challenge to create those for people with the
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potentially the medical emergency or behavorial emergency so that is something we have so take into consideration how we plan you are resources and certain being keeping an eye on on the needs to identify the gaps thank you. >> i also, because my notes here are many bans our presentation i know you'll not get through that but the majority of them as well i'm going to hold-off from the other notes and collect my thoughts definitely thank you for your update and your current summary i know that ongoing management plans is something we have to develop and greatly concerned those two paramedic captains are at a point of saturation
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i'm concerned about the training and supportive through those two captains and how this system is going to survive we're definitely going to have a have a system as part of operation i'm going to stop at that recap excuse me. dr. and captain and madam president. >> thank you commissioner nakajo. >> commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> i had one follow-up question that is one of the most important programs quite frankly with the homeless issues front and center dealing with the vulnerable the street what's your budget and what will it take to expand the program to 24/7 i'd like to see this expand we're talking in terms of 16 or 17 budgetary year we may want to
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put additional resources can or what do you estimate. >> not off the top of my head i know we have the budget members i see, of course not off the top of my head but we'll get the numbers to you. >> perhaps, sir he has lots of facts and figures in hesitate his head. >> good morning currently we're staffed for 2 positions as well as the doctor mentioned the relief pool to train the individual members to train when the positions have available we're staffed 4 hundred and 75 thousand with the annual budget we'll be double public school to run twenty-four hour. >> any of the enhancements we're asking the mayor for that
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addresses this is it augmenting this program. >> not specific the conversation the chief correct me if i am wrong there will be ongoing discussions not necessarily has part of specific fire department operations but as part of the overview citywide effort on homelessness once it is evaluated and if there were the decisions to make additional resources available that can be part of the additional budget we have to do it the next 40 days. >> we'll be continuing conversations with the mayor's office and is continuation or enhancement. >> i certainly hope are you a long conversation dr. yeah to stand that as quickly as possible this is a great program so thank you.
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>> thank you commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> well, i eagle the sentiments of my fellow commissioners this is a fabulous program i have a couple of questions could you tells us a little bit how iuoe you interact with your health department outside of hospital setting. >> so we are as i mentioned they're an integral part of team we're co-staffed we have a paramedic captain but an outreach worker who is on duty they respond to all calls collaborating and depending on the nature of the call you know one of the team members might take a leave observing it make sense for the paramedics they're voting carrying out they're voting duties, however, the outreach workers this is a
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reminder we are a piece of a large network of existing resources department of public health already undertakes an amountal outreach and the parishes has part of team from our outreach workers experience the outreach with the metrics and has extensive research the ems role carries out those hope that answers your question it is a acholic beverage interaction both the medical direction of the hot team, medical director of the hot team barry and i meet with the ems 6 team members we conference about specific team operational objectives and meet with the large grasp with the
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hums group with the patient conference recommend to they're voting care with the care coordinators on a monthly basis with the ems 16 and have been meeting on a weekly basis. >> give me more information about the outreach workers and what falls under they're voting administrator umbrella. >> i'll consider anything that doesn't fall into the normal 9-1-1 response we work collaboratively as a team approach but your outreach workers based on especially the super users have doing the outreach with the how did team they take a lot of responsibilities in terms of the documentation and referrals, collaboration with hot they're
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voting transport resources and they're voting case management we don't think them quite a bit i don't want to increase describe is it they're an integral part of team. >> i know they are i want to get a better handle on exactly what we are doing and the outreach workers do knowing that everyone is doing they're voting absolute best for the people involved. >> did i answer our question i'll say did paramedics are operating under the ems system and the hot outreach workers with carrying out the same i same mission that the dublt we haven't changed job descriptions only brought the resources together. >> commissioner maybe i can a
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little bit of sight. >> the specialists they're effective they're voting model is different than the ems they work larger on a volunteer i didn't basis and thai might offer the resources if that individual says no they'll say i will see you again tomorrow if someone calls 9-1-1 they'll call 9-1-1 an hour later we also respond at any hour it is our problem what we are doing here we have the ones with the patients we're the ones with the mitigating problems and we've brought the outreach worker with our mandate we want to fix this now this is what we do the fire department we want to fix things right now with they're voting knowledge and ability to network with the shelters and the other
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services available it is important. >> thank you. >> about the description that gave us of the challenges the people are facing complex behavorial and medical problems and substance abuse i know this is important for people to know that that these are the challenges they are great and they are deep and didn't develop overnight those problems with individuals wouldn't be solved overnight i'm glad you framed that for us have you been enter ac with the population. >> we have a lot of the same group of folks we outreach and
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interact with the navigation is not specific piece that is ems 6 but you know, i don't preserve that because of the collaboration we've been able to ha have. >> we went out to pier 82 and later at the behest of the doctor they were looking for clients to get things in order not much interaction at the navigation center. >> okay. good. >> we've been to the navigation center a coupled to introduce ourselves once we're there they're pretty much taken care of and not depending on 9-1-1. >> is interest someone others
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navigation center who kind of trielgz /* trillion triage. >> once people are move forward to the navigation center the focus is about the services and long term placement. >> does the navigation center seem to be working it seems to be working well. >> how do you track the origin of people coming from other parts of country to san francisco to receive services. >> we're not spending a lot of time but it comes as part of engagement when we assess what they're voting network is
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someone said they just arrived they have yet to establish care but oftentimes it is really just introduce the interaction process there's no other data we can obtain for people that willing to talk about. >> has there been a discussion about asking people. >> about asking people specifically where they're coming from. >> yes. >> no. >> i hope to see you in 4 months wait commissioner has a followup question. >> thank you madam president i think your description captain was a little bit clearer for me, i'm clearer in my mind i can't because all there is a the urgency of cooperation navigation center here none the
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public health team is here and associate sober reiterate is here when it comes to 9-1-1 we respond that's our job to respond as we respond and pick up the frequent fliers and the super users the personnel out there takes them to a hospital and once they're in the hospital generally our jurisdiction is over with we have done our job and fixed them up and provided them with professional services and the hospitalized takes over correct me if i am wrong it seems like an overtaxed system we pick up them and whether they're out of town we get some of the information and find out what hospital i'm the hallway with the paramedics and depending on the six the police
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department shows up and so there they're in the hospital the hospital staff our paramedics, the police department and 6 hours a day that individuals so on the street and calling again, this is what i call overtaxed. >> commissioner you're not entirely correct. >> within that system the ems 6 is the only entity i hear from the fire department with the responsibility of our responsibility to responds but now we have case management is that what i'll hearing. >> that's correct. >> captain you want to say something. >> yes. by default i think we've become case coordinators you, you can perhaps call the case management maybe case coordinator. >> case coordinators or management within the job description i don't think that case management it part of job
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description unless the rescue captains have case management we're trying to get the service of taxation of frequent users yet there recent success stories and an over bans of people that needs the help if we district attorney have some kind of a system i'm aware of the homeless system and the designation system we better have a system that is coordinated or egg we lost the goal of what we're trying to do oftentimes again, our paramedics are out there professional sensitive individuals but in terms of again xhvn t continually your
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delivery is maybe you get tired or get tired of seeing the same person or not as keen as your supposed to be your supposed to be keen and professional i'm interested how we develop that but i don't see it is our primarily responsibility ems is our primary responsibility we have the talent and design it we need to definitely cooperate it is a subject matter it upon us i'm concerned with all of the repeat times on our personnel and brands during the course chief joanne hayes-white so with the cooperation with the hospital we take a patient and walk away and take off this is not what is happening i'm
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wanting to be clear how i feel thank you very much madam president. >> commissioner nakajo. >> thank you, dr. yeah, and captain. >> thank you, commissioners. >> thank you. >> madam secretary please call the next item. >> >> item 5 san francisco fire task force update from fire marshall prepared by the san francisco safety task force. >> good morning, commissioners. >> good morning fire marshall. >> i'm here to summarize the interagency task force report basically touch on the ordinance it's the thought hidden the reasons why it came about the mandate the recommendations put forward by the committee and basking the actions taken at
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this point ordinance number 90 dash 15 went into effect in june 2015 created the fire safety task force 7 members assigned to the committee two from the fire department, i was one of the members on that committee that represented the fire our assistant fire marshall ms. brown is here the other member and had to members from the building inspection one underneath the umbrella of the housing we had two members of dpw and within from puc also, we have 6 meetings open to the public we took input if tenants and landlords and others the reasoning behind the whole thought of putting forth this ordinance in response to recent fires with multi apartment
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buildings so the thoughtful was a think tank and get recommendations to increase our fire safety so the mandate put-down forward was this we are to recommend ways to improve fire safety and propose amendments to the municipal code and fire investigation and progressing of complaints, and interagency cooperation and to recommend to the board of supervisors on the advice ability of retroactive requirements to sfrelg the fire alarms for residential buildings meetings we put forward i'm summarizing i've identified 9 there be a couple of others i
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put 9 for us today number one, posting of fire safety information for residential buildings for right now if you go to for example, if you go to a hotel i'll see a sign inside the door telling tell you where you are, etc. we want to use that concept and apply to apartment buildings and the thought there is when our a new tenants you get provided the information also this information is posted if the common lobby and basically, the thought behind that is so get the tenants familiar listed themselves with the building and kind of create they're even fire safety escape plan if they have
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not been the building specific for the building they live in also another recommendation any fire alarm systems are that document to be submitted to the fire department annually for tracking and posted on the website this is one of the proposals by supervisor avalos we're working with supervisor avalos on this further we thought if it makes sense to expand this to smoke alarms not just fire alarms we think it will be wise to include the fire alarm testing by the building owner or the representative they should assess each unit and make sure they have smoke alarms and submit that report along with
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the fire alarm report. >> in addition one of the proposals to install fire blocking in the attic the thought a lot of the older buildings in san francisco are wood-framed construction it was popular until world war ii the thought if you have a fire the lower level from the reaches the wall and makes it both the cavity of the wall it can chase to the attic and expose the whole building we started with the policeman construction you'll have the thank you stud wall your floor joints on top of that so you have channels at each level he sierra club that will be fire stopping that is retroactively for the oldest building you pull the permit in
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the amount of $20,000 and you have a assess to the attic that's what we are proposing also, we received input if tenants and perspectives tenant were concerned about - one of the main items were transparent posting, inspections, violations, complaints we can go online and look at it they're building and see what issues they're building has they were interested in the administrative hearing working with supervisor wiener's office there are provisions for administrative hearing the fire code says the fire authority
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they may issue and hold a administrative hearing and change the word to shall so all the fire components were violations also a concern of the tenants was sharing information condition of fire condition the building post fire and the concerning is there is the building safe to reoccupy what point is it red-tagged and right now up to the commander to make that demonstration is determination and the building inspector was called and it was red-tagged. >> in addition one of the proposals to develop a database documenting how our fire safety
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systems functions in those buildings that having had fires we track it system but we don't have a system online where you can pull up the data you have to request that interest the fire department that data is tracked improve on the referral process for the dbi right now we have a referral process it is handled either via referral letter sometimes or a phone call or an e-mail we want to clean up that process and create a structure where it is consistent another proposal is fire alarm and testing the fire alarm systems right now current code there is requirements the sleeping areas specific at the
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pillow one of the recommendations to typically existing systems to go into those buildings and tests at the pillow to make sure you have 75 b d b and you have two years to renovate, upgrade your fire system to take care of that. >> what actions has the fire department taken so far specifically bureau fire preservation we've created a separate r-2 complaint section were we reallocated a captain to end up to section the parts fire complaints were made and computed into our whole system and pop up on the home pages of our district inspectors and the inspectors will respond to fire
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complaint but they conduct referral inspectors what in does it creates for efficient. in nov yours focused on the r two complaints and receiving them and responding to them and issuing an nov in our program in doing so our captain that has been assigned to this position has been side by side and seeing how they conduct they're voting hearing and she'll be conducting hearings we have a process in place the past typically that process was skipped with an nov and if no abated it went to the basis and typically not a
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hearing this mr. mandate the hearing process as one of the steps ace is the accelerated enforcement team comprised of city attorney and the hunting and fire basically a task force also community outreach captain administration to develop fire safety presentations she has done that with her team and we'll work with the fire investigators the process of golden state warriors information to talk to each neighborhood individually and gear your presentation specifically to the neighborhood to address, specific neighborhoods one of the other recommendations was excuse me.
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there was some confusion on testing for the maintenance of the fire protection systems right now chapter 9 is saying the systems will be tested whether a sprinkler or other systems etc. so the request was instead of referring that to the standard why not breakdown it and have it as the fire code we can achieve that through the implementation of our website that is the best way to handle that >> sprinkler retrofit if you look at the requirements for sprinklers 3 main ordinances in 1986 in hotel areas and retroactive high-rise sprinkler requirements in 2002 all that
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went into effect have served us well from the data i've seen the concern with the issues that were brought up mainly cost just to that puc was there to run a fire service the flat rate is $20,000 that was a concern for the superficial urban design disruption of tenants opening up walls and abatement and disturbing the tenants during the work and displace the tenants real concerns brought up by the tenants. >> the issue of transparency we've already started begun that prosecutes last month as of last month, a recipient can go into the sf data and pull
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up information and the status of they're voting inspection whether structural or otherwise and finally we've been working with supervisor avalos and supervisor wiener just to kind of go over that one more time the issue is submitting the documents of for fire alarm and the testing for the pillow supervisor wiener is working on prevention to streamline the process and beginning with the dpw and others so we have a track that is similar and that also includes the hearing process the sticky point the challenging challenge we receive about 2000 containment a year roughly about 1/3rd is to
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nov and usually on the nov those are you are proprietor novs arriving to a level the fire systems are combartsd whether a fire alarm or the heat system was compromised any of those go to nov, other novs not they're less important but rise to the level of urgency is maintenance you've exceeded the maintenance by a month on your portal fire extinguishers we don't arrive we try to work with the owners and the residents of san francisco to abate and if we have trouble with abatement then tla that's an issue that's kind of our point of discussion at this point. >> i'll be happy to answer any
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questions you may have. >> thank you fire marshall all right. at this time, i'd like to call for. >> any public comment on the fire marshalls presentation? >> all right. public comment is closed. >> commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> thank you madam president and thank you fire marshall our excellent report i must is this fire safety task force report is extremely important and very happy the department of building inspection and the fire department and the hunting worked together to put this out it is long overdue what argue diversities in fire preservation in the city and county of san francisco i applaud this report i think all the recommendation need to be implemented my question is budgetary, of course, impacts think fire and,
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inspection and the budgetary impacts on the property has any research been done that that to implement every single one of those recommendations. >> there's prelims on fire alarms and we believe for example, the problem is one-size-fits-all didn't fit all some systems are out dated what do you do you have to change our fire alarm panel and all the other didn't see have to be comparable with that device so to is one-size-fits-all with the cost it is difficult to say i think that's why the committee stops at complete overhaul of the fire alarm systems and focuses on the audible ability
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as far as the sprinkles i've touched base on 20 thousand and i don't have that report both are extensive you look at the sprinkler performance of sprinkler systems if you have the sprinkler systems the residential building our chances of surviving a fire it significant go the question is what cost. >> if we can do something the area of fire preservation from the fire department can reduce it's fees on inspection or the building department can reduce that's fees you're trying to save lives and deteriorate for fire preservation education to the public we ought to be snefg that and not charging as much for that. >> great commissioner that's why we pose that for example,
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our nov process we don't just issue an nov for everything the nov can cost 200 and $40 so if you accommodate one month you'll get a bill for two or $300 we want to partner with san francisco again. >> i applaud that. >> alongs lines. >> and the puc charges $20,000 for a hook up. >> $28,000 again, just you know doesn't make sense we're trying to create greater awareness and fire preservation within our city we should make it cost effective for people thank you. >> thank you commissioner nakajo. >> thank you madam president. >> thank you, chief ceo. >> could you item what nov
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stands for notice of violation. >> okay notice of violation you have different rates at a higher priority than other priorities >> . >> a notice of violation is something not complienlt with the fire code so if you are you're not compliant the fire authority has the authority to issue an nov to responsible party the reissued novs for every violation and the answer is no we issue them to the priority violations and we may issue to the other so we breakdown into priorities again to partner with the owners and the tenants etc. they're voting addressed with the notice of correction not a notice of violation the notice of correction there's not a penalty attached they are put on notice given time to abate we had a follow-up but no fee or
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penalty attached to that if at the don't conform or creak there's a penalty fee >> correct whatever reasonable amount of time if we go out there 83 and the conditions exist it rises to the level of a notice of violation. >> thank you, chief i appreciate that report on the task force i said to compliment you, your saying the assignment of a complaint is assigned to a captain is that what you said. >> that's correct commissioner we assigned one of the captains to head we clients combined with the first section and had a captain thaptain thatlients com the first section and had a aptain thients combined with
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the first section and had a aptain thatents combined with the first section and had a aptain thnts combined with the first section and had a aptain thts combined with the first section and had a aptain ths combined with the first section and had a aptain th combined with the first section and had a aptain thcombined with the first section and had a aptain thatcaptain that team - when a complaint comes in from the public we inspect and so forth the past those complaints went out to different district inspectors now they'll live in one space we'll track them more easily and respond to them in a more timely manner. >> that's a great idea to have it stlz /* stld centralized place people call a team to scomplan and no results a recording you don't get a followup but have a designated individual that take takes the exclaimed and evaluates it and
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moves it to a category that ties into the transparent issue from the individual or public worries about to find out what is going on you can get that information the interesting thing they have follow-up to a complaint level so agreed chief. >> agreed accurate. >> madam president. >> thank you commissioner nakajo commissioner hardeman. >> thank you madam president. >> the chiefs you have you're hands full with paperwork you seem to be adjusted to it very well we're busy we get those jobs like you now have you have to be able to handle that to dedication but this is -
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unbelievably precise report. >> we have answered questions we hadn't thought of it is a fantastic report. >> talking about sprinklers my name is i'm in a no point for a large building in alamo squad cars 34 this is a piece of property with sprinklers we in the benefit of sprinklers but the cost is straerlg but that is cost effect for people to sprinkle the units unless you're quite wealthy the smoke alarm situation looking back in a younger time in my life fortunate life goes on but i now think i mentioned i had 8 in my
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house i was notified the new ones i have 3 of the 78 that are 10 years but the other 5 give me a beep i have to change them every 14 months that is a fantastic report i appreciate you have the demanner for the job. >> not until the san jose did the smoke alarms become popper on 70 percent of the hollers had smoke alarms and 2000 it rose to 95 percent that reenforces fire alarms. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. >> commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> just to wrap up i want to thank you and all the members of the task force for this report
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it is comprehensive and necessary so we can launch a really aggressive program of fire preservation i want to ask one follow-up question will the finding we convene and do an updated in 6 months or a year. >> in the task force will dissolve after this report it can't happen. >> it can constitute have to have a supervisors you know rule tobacco reconstituted. >> i believe the ordinance has that i don't have the time but have the 6 meeting and forward the report with recommendation with the amount of time. >> i think that is important to do a report by the task force on the task force report and what's been accomplished and in one year it is also be a great recommendations to the board of supervisors thanks. >> thank you commissioner vice
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president cleaveland. >> hello, again. >> hi. >> so fire marshall you detailed i counted about 10 recommendations that i highlighted here. >> yes. >> this morning and who is in charge of prioritizing the recommendations and following through since the task force you just said has been disband. >> that report goes to the board of supervisors they're to evaluate and make the proposals from the reports again wife been in discussion with supervisor avalos and supervisor wiener on some of the proposals and the recommendations that is looking forward so really in the hands of the board of supervisors at this time. >> great it seems there say, i appreciated the report i appreciated the comprehensiveness but there are a lot of competing needs you
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know particularly for small apartment building owners, a lot of the recommendations on those they're voting preventive their so costly i would hate to see some of the smaller owners say you know i'd rather sell the building and let somebody come in and turn it into a single-family dwelling rather than take on all the expenses was there any conversation about how that might work. >> no expense was always an initial are every recommendation that's why the fire departments recommendation let's start with the low ends reporting on the maintenance and fire alarm stamp and let's start on inspecting announcing fingertip the smoke
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alarms they don't cost much but the other issues are case by case that's a tough one. >> and it is going to continue to be a tough one because we have such a shortage of housing we're really not going to be able to build ourselves out of shortage any time soon to the unions are currently available for that rent we want to keep that housing stock not have people cut it avenue off that will be a juggling act. >> i touched on community outreach so maintenance if it is there and informing the public how the best practices and how to keep themselves save and prevent fires that's a good starting point. >> very good, very good now i was wondering about the layout you know the concept of
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new tenants get a layout of the building so they're aware of emergency exists exits and that kind of thing that seems like a low cost and implement fair quickly. >> it is something that is really never addressed and looked at it you assumed you are there by yourself it forces our hand and they share the document with the knowledge of receiving it and posted in an area where everyone sees it it make sense it is not costly and lends itself to people thinking about they're voting own fire plan how will i get out of the building and what are my options. >> it really is important to have that information and as you said on hotels it is on the back
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of every door i'm hoping as part of you sign the lease and the paper yes, he got in information that everyone will have it handy because seconds count. >> right. >> in those situations now the installation of higher blocks the walls can you go over that again, please for those of us who have never worked in construction. >> the vertical components in the wall are fire studs and that was previously to have balloon framing construction would be two or three story building the stud what about 20 feet the stud bay is open to the attic right now our seriously are 10 foot studs with a double plate on top of that and that close in your
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studs and creates a fire block so a horizon fire block at each level prior to the performa type of construction you'll have a ledger the stud and your joyce sets on top of that the fire characterize the wall and chases the shoot to the roof and now you have a fully engulfed building on the top. >> thank you i'm so happy to know you you know all groups particularly tenants did word go out to can i talk to the tenants or where all the groups the room at the same time and you tracked what you said. >> the agenda and announcements was posted on the
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building department's website this is where the tenants that wanted to attend what the topics were specific we gave that information they showed up. >> very good as part of one and 50 fln celebrations we'll be in in the supervisorial districts this kind of information would be helpful you know for a lot of the citizens to have so if you can include that in your plan that would be great there are so many excellent ideas and recommendations this also would very lemonly lead to an increase in staff because there is a lot more ground work a lot anymore dictated collection all of that so at
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what point you to do do attendance cost to the department for fulfilling this recommendation. >> that's an excellent point we can't charge for responding to a complaint a penalty attached to the nov that that doesn't cover the costs for that one fee we charge for annual inspectors for the r-2 i don't have that number but each apartment building they sends the bill for company inspections that coffers our truck companies to cover the crew and after that if there's a complaint we are not recupping any costs and we've reso i understand 3 inspectors from the fire permits
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and the district and reassigned one of the captains for plan review to f this we're kind of - it's a balancing act we've requested four more positionss for this backlog it is something we're thinking about and thinking about in creative because a. >> it is in our budget supplemental for july. >> that's correct. >> i think concerning conversations with the board of supervisors particularly with supervisor campos and supervisor wiener if we can have ready the figures percentage that might cost to implement what those two supervisors are requesting i have those you can very, very handy i think that would be helpful the discussion. >> we can do that i'm looking at the time we still
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have quite a bit to cover any questions if commissioners okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> item 6 station 49 and rescue captain staffing deputy chief gonzales for the staffing model. >> good morning commissioner president covington awhile deputy chief gonzales gets ready to present the report i the president to state for the record that as it is related to the staffing model there was public comment made at a february 10th meeting and what we endeavor to do is state the facts and a public comment statement was made during the public comment on december 2nd to an incident in the bayview no rescue captain on scene that's an inaccurate statement after that statement was made we
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double-checked that and at that incident not only do we have units on the scene with the battalion chief one 5 minutes a company was on scene and a captain about 9 and a half that minutes and remained on scene for 26 and a half minutes i wanted to address that this is something on my mind and wanted to provide the facts on that statement i will have deputy chief gonzales report on that issue and i'll reserve any comments until the end. >> good afternoon chief and commissioners good morning well. >> we'll have chief talk and i'll do the follow-up thanks. >> morning chief and commissioners i'm the assistant chief of the ems operations
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so i'll start by listing a few of the daily tasks that are assigned to stooeks we have to manage the employees on a daily basis they handle the fleet maintenance they handle scheduling, they handle insuring employee well-being that's for any stress management issues coming up with morale and address the employee injuries, they are in charge of making sure the ambulance is restocked at the end of the shift and making sure they get out the door on time they're voting in charge the sexual abuse and handle the logistics program so they are very complex jobs to do and i'm happy to say what i see
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they do it very well they're there and give it 100 percent with that said, having within person aside to handle all those functions e functions from 0 twenty-four hour period leaves things to fall through the cracks knowing those members are attacking that job with zeal and argues to and trying to get the job done makes it hard when those things fall it through the cracks to see how to prioritize and it is possible to get these things done working twenty-four hour those are administrative tasks and after 12 hours behind a desk doing all those things they're voting bounds to get tired and weary if this is
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serving the employees and supervisors so in closing i'd like to say station 49 has been evolving since it's 10 years we have not had a change the structure there the supervisors since 2007 we need to have that change it is a hard thing people don't like change but at this point it is necessary to run that station the way it needs to be run thank you. >> could you elaborate. >> based on the things ambulances going to the shop and being placed back in service noticing not in service the administrative task and
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functions that sometimes don't get completed is what i'm talking to have them doing this on a 24 administrative duty is difficult okay. thank you. >> morning chief and commissioners jeff meier a.d. t ems to elaborate station 49 is viewed and continues to change on a daily basis when we started in 2006, we started with one class of level two employees that graduating 36 employees many of the units were you still firehouse based they had 36 employees and 10 to 15
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ambulances with one lieutenants on duty doing a 24 shift that is 0 controlled at that time was manageable over the years with the addition of personnel, addition of ambulances and response times station 49 has evolved to nearly 200 employees 54, ambulances, and we have one rescue captain still on a 24 shift the span the control with the continued growth simply not realistic the work loosened of the officer is overwhelm and officer on a twenty-four hour shift overseeing the ems operations and the needs of 70 plus employees a day coming and going what chief maloy said is a small
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glimpse of the daily tasks one the contributing factors we've had issues with the issues of a controlled substances all right we've recently had to change to the problems with adequate counts and the tracking of the narcotics coming into experience with local and federal policies that is required in distribution and collection at the beginning of each and ends of each ambulance shift and the recording of those accounts to meet the policies that is further reduces is downtime or sleep time for the officers on that two years period and increased workload do i believe the officers are working hard yes, but to my death they're working two hard station officer burn out is a
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factor not by puncture of design but by shear volume and a lack of 24 supervision for the employees, the crews as officers go down for sleep when they schizophrenia on the twenty-four hour period that leads to reduce security because people come and go all day and time night no eye on the warehouse where the ambulance is left own the tarmac unfortunately, it has been low frequency but had vandalism and issues of vandalism and theft to the station 49 i can't tell you when those occurred but without eye on opportunities exists logistics program needs to support those operations around the clock support for equipment
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buying medical equipment, ambulance readiness and met by one officer after hours the logistics program will need and will expand the no two distant future with the addition of senior store keepers and stocking of wranz for service in advance of the arriveal of the crews assigned to expedite service times and advance the vacate for the 9-1-1 system those operations will need supervision and those will operate during day, night and early morning hours the need for change in the supervisors mode model advertised contrary that the evolution and the growth of station 49 will continue for the foreseeable future the slayer complex administrative tasks to be complete on a day basis to
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meet the operational needs of ems can't be met with the current model for the station officers those station officers are places in a bad position on a daily basis where they have to choose which basic operations they'll complete due to the fabulous of tasks and the need to get some kind of a sleeping obtain a twenty-four hour basis i believe that the scope of duties and the span of control will expand with the development of new in any system, the department and the ems division it is the best interests of station 49 its members and overall long term to the officers tasked with those responsibilities to move to a telephone hour shift for the station officers to address the
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myriad of duties to provide day and night for the operations of station 49 is truly 24/7 and match the actual hours of which the station members work with the supervisors hours that are charged with they're voting responsibility for they're voting welfare i believe that we need to provide and divide the operational labor into a more manageable operation of control with at least two offers a day and provided continuation coverage for the employees, the department to help eliminate the risk of stationing station 49 supervisors trying to function to complete this unawe to be able span of control in a complex administrative task on two to three hours of sleep a day it is ineffective thank you.
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>> thank you, chief meyers. >> hello deputy chief gonzales i want to follow up everything they've said is correct at 49 balls are dropped left and right the issues are falling through the cracks we're dwp one person to have the 24 administrative work fleet management was mentioned we have ambulances at the central shops they're voting that's a great question is off narcotics is huge if you buy the nra comics he can further blaebt needs to be tracked when they go out and come in see our experience they have recently switched to the soft and an effort to maintain the
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compliance a process of non-compliance is recently instituted that vflz a captain at 49 to advise the members when they're out of compliance is handle the paperwork the rc-4s it is difficult bans they're voting capacity to complete the tasks the compliance at ends of day the rc-4s should be tracking and they're not the usual reason the rc-4 is two busy it takes years and longer to get into service this effects our response time and our transport percentage. >> night watch accountability we have 10 unions between 8 o'clock p.m. and 5 o'clock a.m. the captain is full speed in this time we cannot expect them
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to monitor all the units it is impossible especially, when those captains with twenty-four hour periods with oftentimes shifts that is exhaust it need sleep that's a given logistics we're the process of putting much a new logistics program again by 11 captain station 49 is the supervisor and administrator in station 49 they're working on ambulances that's why we requested 6 and it was 12 hours shifts imagine a twenty-four hour period that was our request we knew the administrative tasks will be longer because it a growing operation as the chief previous to me stated it is a no brainier we need 12 hours that concludes my remarks. >> thank you, chief gonzales.
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>> dr. yeah did you want to add something regarding. >> certainly the sexual abuse we have a federal and local policy that governs our controlled substances like morphine then e people refer to narcotics medication it is important we have message for the people but from a regulatory stand point to make sure all the medications are accounted for that's a big responsibility for everybody the system and at this point rc-4 in station 49 that bears the majority of that in terms of managing 9 inventory and distribution at that site and that's all i have to say in
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terms of the controlled substance area and chief joanne hayes-white i think your heard loud and clear the recommendations that are made regarding the staffing station 49 it is a growing operation it is one that will grow out and scombo into hopefully with the package of the 2016 health bonds to a state of the art facility but at this time it is not not safe operation continuation not an efficient model a would be we need to rammed nothing diversities this is an a 12-hour shift the supervisorial model a takes on a larger significance in any good organization the supervisory model some anywhere or reflect the model of what your subconscious orients are procreating and it heightens that with the supervisors i'll
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be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> but we feel strongly i know we've talked about that i've submitted something in writing we feel that as chef gonzales said the employees deserve the support no matter what time they're voting rolling into the job or out it shouldn't matter if they're on at 8 in the morning or midnight you should a consistent presence of a supervisor not only for accountability but more for support and we also need to look out for because of the workloads having someone working a twenty-four hour shift on a consistent basis human nature said you'll get tired not an administration position. >> thank you. >> i'd like to call for public comment at this time is there anyone the audience that wants
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to comment? please step forward >> and if there are other people can you please stands at the side. >> good morning, commissioners and chief i'm trying not to get mediation i'm a captain at station 49 there are some things in mind to the supervisors it was accepted there were 3 officers on and the officers worked 12 hour shifts that was not effective in 2006 the officers changes to a twoours shift pfrns much more effective than the 12 the ambulances stagger on at started at 4 o'clock in the morning and continue until 3 o'clock in the afternoon the actual shift time
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of the officer is - dollars a challenge and things were getting misses the administration added a fourth supervisor monday to friday that helped to support p them that was fiscal and other in 2010 for reasons i don't know they removed all the supervisors and had 3 rescue captains captains they were at goals of the department one individual one day and allocate we start to lose continuity that was worse in when i promoted in 2010 in 2010 we decided to make it is important chaotic we'll rotate the supervisors every 4 months so i'll see 40 captains and other four and another four it as continuity and the credibility is dealing with the
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problems we knowledge there is a heave load and put high heart and soul they deserve everything that the chief as spoken i want to deliver and i it came to the commission and told by my supervisors i was slipped between the cracks because i and the he ever issue i take any yerba buena seriously we wanted 6 officers we wanted 2, twenty-four hour captains twenty-four hour a day we only got four i don't know why we can't have one on to support twenty-four hours shifts it is effective then and the future i'm open to questions and dialogue i think i have a lot of insight i've worked more shifts in station 49 and been a
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part-time. >> your name all mr. crawford i apologize. >> next speaker, please. >> mistake president of the sf ems officers association and quite be honestly i'll astonished the subjects of sleep has come up that is a third rail the fire department we talk about personnel working sleep and especially the fact we have several engine companies the city that average more than 9 thousand calls a year i'll question they're voting amount of time sleep that is the answer to any question involving station 49 interest the administration and i would is that again, we do the job out there these folks don't i recently worked on saturday as the detailed so one of the new
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part time captains can enjoy the field operations i worked that job many times and ray has worked it more time than anyone else the problem out interest is not the twenty-four hour shifts but the problem of four months rotation we've asked to go to a fixed schedule we'll bid schedules every year like the remainder of the fire department we would be the positions our response or the responded has been no 12 hour shifts to breakfast with pushing for twenty-four hour shifts we'll we'll make sure if you put the rc-4 or 3 the field they'll spend significant amounts of time in the station you don't get more work by parking garage out a one person operation put
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two people you'll get more work out of those people as it is now it didn't doesn't matter it a tough place of a work so let's make that more unpleasant working 12 she was from the night person goes off on sick then what we'll have to do if we can't find somebody we'll have to detail one of the field rc-4s that worked all day to come into that position we don't see that happen think twenty-four hour shifts it is a problem that is placard presidio forever we've seen the rc-4s pushed into a role they're working radio all evening after they've worked all day we'll continue to refuse to
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reopen the contract to go to 12 hour shifts the ems officers association the people that actually do the go work don't agree with this thank you very much. >> in such>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> and good morning chief and commissioners i'm an ems captain i'm fred i've been in the department for almost 20 years came in as a h two and went through the credits training for a firefighter, paramedic and 5 years ago became an ems captain and worked a swing shift for the last 5 years working at stooiks and i'm familiar with the operations there as well as the management issues there i also agree with captain hooley
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and agree with chief microphones in that that the workload at station 49 is can be overwhelm and it is not a matter of being think 12 or twenty-four hour shifts it is at that particular moment i would encourage this commission and the administration to up staff station 49 have more supervision and about build out the ems program to where it can properly manage the many employees we don't want to just get by but make the employees happy and efficient so it transparency to good care the field and give them the right equipment, give them the right encouragement at the station so i would encourage
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more management at station 49 just briefly about the nra comics issues at the station without digging two deep is embarrassing the way we're handling narcotics the building department's the industry involve a simple system many brands out there but i would encourage our department to purchase a appendix system or other competing i'm not endorsing anyone in particular company it is just when you hand off narcotics it is typically not the way they do it in hospitals you don't hand off the nra comics 95 times there eventual of a vending machine and at the end of the shift this
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medical marijuana machine has a video sxhaerm at the cost of $1,800 a mocha lease would not have systems that san louis obisco has it is an accurate way of handling narcotics and thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. i'm tom president of the san francisco firefighters good morning chief today, i'm here to speak in support of ems association and others men and women of station 49 there's been one central theme you've heard from every speaker about station 49 both the administration and the front line supervisors that work there and the workload issue it is the workload and the span of control now changing the length of the
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shift isn't going to change the workload it isn't backing going to make the workloads easier if two people are over worked it is the same amount of work tasked to one person a span of control that two great if you have one supervisor to 70 or one hundred employees you'll not manage well in comparison our arson we have captains and lieutenant and two twenty-four hour investigators the bureau of equipment two twenty-four hour firefighters handsomely the equipment and at stooiks you have a captain 50 pointing, 70 to one hundred employees and drug exchanges and exchange of journeys and
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oftentimes sick and the doorbell ringing and the ah coming for a ride long and someone from the bureau having another rig it going on and on all day and late into the evening the workload is crushing the captain and the common theme you need additional personnel there you need additional personnel to manage that growing workforce and right now, we're leveraging rc-4 going back into the field we'll not do that without our way with the shift we told the board of sups and the mayor we need critical supervision we have some of the sickest people and a
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