tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV March 16, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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will have to because of the injustice thai had to be responsible for the same hands that led to their dedicate an irish people have had enough injustice the theme of enjustice links us to other people in other parts of word i want to an event with the new york times talked about an irish at the age of 14 and mentioned 1 about the 5 million irish show up on the shores of american one .5 million staifrl unwanted no skills having to be accommodated 9 first references had to absorb and wanting to r a part in the american dream i think today you read the newspapers one .5 sitting on the doorsteps of europe he trying to escape
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injustice and infaurns if i ask myself kwhoo are the enar combithszries of today, i'm proud they're irish people that are running the receiving camps in turkey and lebanon i'm proud to reach out to the community and south american and afghan the lessons of 1816 why people throughout the century laid down their lives is fundamentally this is a battle against injustice that inis something that takes place the world around you, we have the responsibility to respond to those in need and respond to the problems of world and find solutions that the people like our people don't interest have to turn outside for help and assistance and they can go home
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the city of san francisco stands for many things one of the greatest things it stand for it fairness and equality and inclusiveness that the irish experience came out here under e unlike the irish on the east coast they didn't face the same pressures on, on the east coast in finding in their way in america the first thing tax savings started the civil rights mark and on behalf of the irish to say we're here and part of the society and want to be part of the society we're broeng you, you something you can cherish and incorporate into the american dream to help you build up your country when i look out today, i see the benefit that is emerged the strength of that relationship between oirld and american i apologize on going on
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i want to say thank you to all of you and thank you thank you for all you do to other causes and the struggle for injudicious wherever it might be thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you consul general i do want to acknowledge some individuals up here to make sure everybody knows who is standing with us today, we'll bring up lee yum but two of the statistical warths angus and commissioners for the city and county of san francisco >> (clapping.) >> i'm sure many don't need introduction but our fire chief joanne hayes-white. >> (clapping.) >> our police chief greg suhr. >> (clapping.) >> our city attorney dennis
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herrera. >> (clapping.) >> and we've heard from consul general grant and mayor ed lee and ms. shuttling and supervisor yee is here. >> (clapping.) >> who represents o represents many the sunset district and vicki hennessey our sheriff. >> alex from the board of city college. >> (clapping.) >> carmen chu our amazing assessor-recorder. >> (clapping.) >> and scott wiener into district 8. >> (clapping.) >> so i'd like to bring up someone that is involved the irish community born and raised san franciscan was in our police department for 319 years retired as a lieutenant and the president of the irish society. >> (clapping.) >> thank you
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first of all, i want to off the condolences of the entire irish community to mr. and mrs. boiling on the passing of their son tenors at the dinner the other night i coached terrance in soccer at scared high school i looked at terrance and he said i remedy you. you made me run a lot i was open again, it when i got the calls about the tragedy and i was happy that i made that approach to terrance but i have a bit of a personal request our grand marshall said he was up near the stage and a picture was taken care of him his son charley and terps he thought i took the picture i didn't it i
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need to everybody to go on social media to get that picture to jerry please do me a favor welcome to everyone that came down thrombus they named the honored guests i don't have to repeat that i'm happy about that but i appreciate you all scooting here when i got up this morning and saw the rainy thought a light crowd that's not true i'm happy you took the time to come down here and celebrate with us celebrating the one anniversary of the 1916 rising and i do want to thank san francisco pipers that caught the wheeling and ken he will sorry and dan thank you for coming out putting on the festivals of the parade is a huge theatre my
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director of public works and some of the assistants are awesome i appreciate it is pretty easy to sit at the table and take the ac lads and smile and shack machines but the people that do the work and the same thing for the city running are around from the sfmta myrtle did a great job and mayor be proud of your departments everybody stepping up and the individuals that get things done is amazing i also have diane ray and telling ma perez from the rec and park and chief joanne hayes-white for her staff getting the permits for the plaza and greg suhr at his staff station that captain lazarus and jennifer jackson and sergeant
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marin and lynn and pat tobin you know they did a great job i would like to take the opportunity because law enforcement in the country has taken a hit thank you to greg suhr for the job his men and women do everyday for us and offer my congratulations and condolences for the new position that chief vicki hennessey took so thank you. >> (clapping.) >> i'd like to congratulate jerry boiling on becoming the grand marshall and ed and others as well as michael it is a huge honor to be named the grand marshall the honoree graurn but a lot of work and we appreciate that you agreed to not only be honored let us honor you for the work that is involved in that
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now i make the presentations to the grand marshall is that what i do now by thank you. >> my second year first of all, call of jerry boiling. >> (clapping.) >> this is from certificate of honor presented to jerry boiling whereas on behalf of the city and county of san francisco i am pleased to recognize and honor jerry boiling for the contributions to the irish community my great privilege on the selection of the irish society of the for the city and county of san francisco for the san francisco salesforce thank
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you. >> i'd like to thank the irish society for the honor i'm overwhelmed something i thought i'd never see or be in i would last week to say that san francisco is always been deeply involving in rirld or oirldz strewn for freedom and the rebel the incites of the red branch played their part in building up the rising the 1916 this shouldn't be forgotten i'd like to say that i especially am honored this year because it is the citizen neglect of the rising of 1916 and when you look at the irish flag and put it up remember it flew over the cities when the
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bombs blasted it and the words of frederick we'll envelope be at peace without roirlgd being free. >> (clapping.) >> and our first honoree grand marshall michael during kin i'd like to bring his wife mary up and the whole family if they'd like 2:00 p.m. years on the city and county of san francisco i'm pleased to recognize michael to the community it is my great privilege and honor in his memory on the occasion by the unit irish sornt the san francisco as an honorary grand marshall of the one and 60 irish
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day parade. >> (clapping.) >> and mike's daughter shannon thank you now i'll bring up the family of ed and maggie ma govern here comes bryan. >> (clapping.) >> big family he gets nomad to come up whereas think on behalf of the city and county of san francisco i'm pleased and honored to recognize those folks for the contributions of the rich american community it is my great privilege to hour their memory by the unit irish society as the grand marshalls of the one and 60 grand prayed congratulations to maggie congratulations . >> (clapping.) >> and this is the season to be irish the next couple weeks i invite
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everybody the city and in the bay area to become irish and celebrate with us honoring the 1916 rising easter rising now i'd like to bring up kevin that has a gift for the mayor. >> just want to say would be quick thank you to who puts this on caitlin thank you so much caitlin. >> (clapping.) >> through san francisco's sister city runs a richer known as is lee river every other year we get something from the river we get whiskey for the mayor joy that gift and i know what you're waiting forfeiture. >> (clapping.) >> thanks everybody
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and i want to on behalf of the city and county of san francisco i want to acknowledge the grand marshall or so and members to your families your dmronz and actually ms. boiling we have something to present to you if you come up on the honor of on the honor of one anniversary what we're celebrating it is really diversifying our condominiums first of all, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco the condolences for your loss this week and on the honor of this one anniversary we want to give you a copy of the irish declaration. >> (clapping.) >> so workplace we'll turn to the incredibly fun parts we're blessed to have a number of irish dancing groups and the
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pipers band in san >> (clappin) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in sa (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.)>> >> (clapping.)>> (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.)(clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.) (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.) > well, thank you again for coming today, we'll wrap up a huge thanks for charlotte schultz the best dressed woman in san francisco and never fails to amaze amounts happy heritage month in san francisco and thank you, everybody for wearing green. >> want to say a tradition starts by supervisor el balboa park welcome to my office there is food and drink as well please come and enjoy it and happy
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musician kind of got a band together is there a way to play at any kind of public events or you know libraries or teach kids things or do public service through his service to do something are for the san francisco community event and. >> great. >> i'm glad you guys are here. >> thank you. we can't nestle address address that i'll refer you to the staff the board of directors are here. >> by the thank you very much house will come to order seeing none, public comment is closed. more often on to item 2 approval of the minutes from march first >> i have one change when
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actually is required throughout the document i was not here during the meeting it says i'm here anytime my name to appears to vote cross me out and audrey joseph was here to commissioner joseph should replace my name any other questions or comments does seem like will i public comment no public comment public comment is closed. >> let's take a vote on this actually, we need a motion. >> sorry for the minutes of march first. >> do we have enough to i think the only people were myself and stephen and laura. >> we need one more for that
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you good point. >> motion to table it. >> there a second. >> second. >> all right. so a motion to continue - >> commissioner lee commissioner perez commissioner thomas is there speak into the microphone and i thank you commissioner president tan. >> the motion is continued or the minutes continued to the next meeting and move on to item 3 report from our sound inspectors. >> commissioners, i asked this agenda was published last week he was on vacation. >> how was it. >> thank you very much it was great i do want to mention given the chances we spent a bunch of yesterday and this morning maggie and looked at it the 19
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applications open that was tedious but went through the 6 supplemental questionnaires we've asked and scored them they're in the hands of the d h.r. and hopefully the next three to four weeks we'll be scheld whoever after the review the test 1823 clarification test and once they test through it will pass and come for interviews is it so very long i know tedious but for a permanent position it is important we get it right but we're moving. >> great 19? 19 that were qualified they were a lot more that didn't make the minimum qualification >> so with that. >> that's exciting.
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>> yeah. >> good evening, commissioners a few notes start are the royal we've gotten continent complaint from one complainant an issue forward by the police department we've been i've been trying to test with the clients they said their busy on the weekend they rather do that during the week an objective time conflict so whatever so actually spent the night followed up and do it during the week to accommodate the folks a bar rosa lounge an issue about the noise into the unit of a
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person that lives close they messaged me the we understand after we met the noise issue hesitate had subsidize so i followed up periodically with them pretty much, of course, with the types of items and see what happens another issue we talked about last meanwhile meeting was the prop demanded went by on the thursday a polyp party on the thursday night after we met basically, the issues been resolved the hotel management and the management of the venue seemed to be on the sampling as far as that goes and again one of the things we'll follow-up periodically definitely an issue there before so just periodic contact with the venue and the hotel to make sure that things
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are going fine and everything else is just random inspections and patrols a lot of rain those couple of weekends not much to report but i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> about any items on here. >> commissioners any questions no all right. thanks. >> evening john burke here one incident to report others balance mission i brought them up last hearing they kind of keeping an eye on on them with a couple of complaints amount hard to communicate with the complaint and get to the bottom of what was going on i've been keeping an eye on on their operation and security the out they do and how they handle it
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i noticed this past friday they didn't have barricades up that is usually they do i stopped in for a color look they were closed i noticed they were having a hard time containing the crowd they had enough security but i think their they were not staging security appropriately there were too many inside and to make sure the patrons was not disturbing the neighborhood a few cars double parked and people sort of hanging outside of the venue as opposed to being moved on so we will have a meeting scheduled this friday with staff the office i did issue a notice of violations outlining a couple of violations
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and the good neighbor policy violations. >> do they have new promoterers i feel like they were quiet for a long time. >> they were quiet i think they've reached out to a bunch of new folks and they have security staff hired other security teams while w trying to get to the bottom of that at the make sure we know what is going on there is a bunch of stipulations on the permit with had it was granted that need to be reminded of especially new promoters novelist mission pd whether there's a a work order coming to we'll go over with the fine tooth coverage another reoccurring issue the valencia as you recall a sidewalk
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musician plugging in an am first degree into the businesses with a neighbor close by that is happy been in touch i believe commissioner president tan you received an e-mail as well as the public health administrator so he touched all the basis and then two weeks ago i stopped by and was able to talk with the management of the taco the musician himself and some of the neighborhood regulators and tried to encourage them to find another place and since then i've not noticed a gathering out of outside of that business i'll notify all the parties involved in the last e-mail to the process and then hope we don't
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have it resurface if it does we'll take horror steps and reach out to the media officers and others so there is a back up plan as well. >> those are the major issues i got a bunch of other standard inspections on here some other places we've george gotten complaint of over the last few months but other than it is route i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> asking can i ask a question how you write our reports. >> uh-huh. >> when you say you obviously have the complaint and it the unaccountable you couldn't hear anything. >> for instance, as deferring lumber i was working on with the neighbors across the street what we generally do is use a across
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the street if he's across al benefit alley we stand across. >> your. >> if interest is an accountable. >> most of the ones i'll describe their inaudible 9 to 5 not detailing going to someone's residence. >> the complainant is with you hey did you hear anything. >> most of the time recently, i think the last few months all the complaint are through i really like it when you're not able to get a test or phone call from someone and be there with someone and go into a residence and try to get a feeling for
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what they're experiencing if i'm on the ground i might not be feeling are experiencing what their experiencing i've had that the past only so much i can sense or hear depending on where i am in comparison to where they are. >> unanimously not the ones through e-mail. >> right those are through 9-1-1 and we can't say you have to name yourself on 311. >> other questions commissioner frost. >> what do you mean by cycle through are they looking to hire e.r. build or go to other security team. >> i think what was made mentioned to me they're having issues with some security teams that were recommended to them they are under the impression they're getting to the c and b squads in the city that are
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first hire so and that's one of the things they brought up with me we can't do anything so i think they're moving pretty slowly this particular aspect of operations so we want to be able to sit down with them and get to the bottom of that. >> okay. >> so the tacoria they're not restricting access to the musician; right? >> in my experience this is just about every wednesday we're
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getting e-mails from one recipient sometimes he plugs in sometimes he didn't sometimes around the corner sometimes not at that point the complainant is also been calling mission pd they were visited tacoria was visited by understanding we have a situation that he has gotten the little wake up call i did being visited by multiple agrees helps there is only so much my badge does. >> on record he said he was not going to provide assess and objective he's still doing it to i guess you're free to do whatever you do. >> >> i mean kind of insulting in a sense. >> a little bit i think that what why it is important to take
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the next step to contact public health department and pd this didn't fall under our jurisdiction but something we try to help with off the top and pass to the appropriate people i attempted to meet with mission pd on site that first weekend unfortunately, that this is a low priority call for them. >> a hundred feet from the front door within that hundred feet. >> yeah. absolutely he's next to the front door. >> okay. >> commissioners at questions for inspections? if not? yeah commissioner >> revolution cafe they're stepping up in scliens with the good neighbor policy things. >> those past two weekends
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yes. >> okay. >> all right. let's opening it up for public comment any public comment on the inspector reports not seeing any, public comment is closed. move on to item number 4 police department comments or questions there are no police here we'll move on to item number 5 the consent calendar this is a newer way we're describing this activity for commissioners are that but essentially because we have the residential development review committee that forwards on their recommendations on the projects really what they need from us just the final vote of approval and so you'll see them as an consent calendar but a regular thing on the agenda and they will be discussed and passed on the whole into separating them but looks like our director wants to say more.
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>> i looked at your blinders is there anything again, i apologize i was on vacation last week. >> you mean support materials. >> yeah. >> you were not at that meeting either and the two commissioners that were not here. >> i don't know how you guys feel about this i can speak to the items or move on to the next meeting if you want to hear from the commissioners pursue that at the rdr meeting i can include the couple of specification recommendations that were made on these i'm sorry, i didn't even - >> no that's fine. >> i think procedurally we want to treat them all as one and rather than speak on each of
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them virtually individually unless the commissioners want to i think that it is not a bad idea to have audry to speak to them if you want to continue we can just know we're the reason they're on consent we don't spend a lot of time on them 9 community is doing their work and job so i don't know commissioners i'll recommend either continuing this to the next meeting if you want audry or dorsey a or moving. >> i think i prefer to continue it to the next meeting especially no documents would be helpful o so at least know wear we're consenting. >> i'll make ta a motion to continue to the next meeting second any public comment?
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all right. >> and then commissioners and staff thank you very much rule 116 is the convenient last year seen as an important step in helping entertainment venues sustain themselves with the onslaught of residential development happening throughout the city i will urge this commission as i did at the subcommittee hearing to take that continued behind the legislation more sorrowfully and broadened it so it you actually have an impact on the future of those venues after the last committee meeting i have had conversations with some of the folks that were very supportive the legislative side
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they feel they had given the entertainment commission nonspecific driveways derivatives to take the acts that reason tailor made for each venue it may not be sound it maybe the proposing of the front door to be next to the front door of the night club we know that is not a good idea but falls within the category of what the commissions authority is thought to be by those on the legislative side that created the legislation so i'm hoping that the commission can begin to expend expand that conversation and allocate information they're willing to give a check list and also follow-up with the planning department staff and the planning commission to make sure that the work is not unfinished.
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>> thank you. i appreciate that any is there any additional public comment? >> all right. if not let's the matter is with the commission let's take a vote on continuing the item until the next meeting commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner perez commissioner thomas commissioner president tan >> the item is continued we'll have a much longer agenda next time and the hearing for the permit there is only one tonight the playground take it away deputy superintendent. >> deputy director so our we think is the permit for the entertainment commission a bar restaurant and kayaking on buchanan street across the street from the japantown eating
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plaza if 5 to 12:00 a.m. sunday through wednesday and 5 public comment p.m. to 4:00 p.m. thursday through saturday and kayaking and this is approved with the entertainment permit and recommend the good neighbor policy as a condition so here to tell you a little bit more about the playground is owner leo roth. >> hi hello, everyone. >> can you speak into the microphone. >> hello my name is leo roth born and raised in the city playground has been open since the ends of 2006 overall i've taken over a family business and
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actually, my fathers-in-law playground occupancy limit is 95 people we provide korean feed and private rooms we're opposed sunday to monday through midnight and then through 2:00 a.m. the playground features at the ends of 2007 and as far as the good neighbor policy i believe there are three or four businesses on the block or the area that are occupy until 32 o'clock we're trying to make the neighborhood safe and everyone's personal safety an issue with vehicles broken into but kind of slow down a lot we've had the security guards we
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have employed one security guard like cherry bloom events we will have two skrlgdz i believe we only need one more ever hundred people that is lagged or a little bit easy whether there is people outside in general as far as the businesses around us like i said, we keep in good contact with everyone and the family in general has 4 restaurants within a block and a half we've known a lot of the other business owners we're part of japantown task force business group watch we've been with them for the past i'd like to two or three years we put together robber and other preservations and keeping an eye on on
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burglars and personal safety sorry. >> great. >> have you seen it sounds like everyone is happy with you guys taking over the busy better to be safe than sorry business e business one condition on the previous permit from hours of operation sunday to wednesday open until midnight is that fine with you or. >> i don't know what we will need in the case they want to stay open to 2 o 2 o'clock we can make that condition to 2:00 a.m. all the time i don't know if you discussed that. >> we didn't go over that let us know what needs to be done. >> could you tell us.
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>> it operationally is that your preference. >> i don't know in their permit applications they wanted sunday through wednesday at one a.m. >> i wrote it wrong i asked what the hours were. >> i mean teng the permit the full form to up to 2 if so a different form if you want to work after 2:00 a.m. but wanted to check with you if there is a random wednesday you wanted to run to two and something kaurp in violation of the permit it sounds like i'll 0 you'll like the ability to have it to 2. >> questions from other commissioners. >> so initially you're just taking over from your relatives. >> exactly. >> so, now it is all yours they've passed it to you and you're the owner.
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>> and your been working for the last ten years. >> we've been there 9 years but i've been involved six or seven years everything as far as operations and everything is pretty much the same not changing structural wise. >> i've been in there you run is well and have good food. >> thank you. >> no issues with me. >> great commissioners other questions. >> hello thanks for coming in i want to ask about our county outreach with the neighborhood watch is that a nonprofit organizations or way. >> as far as nonprofit i guess i mean, i'm fairly new only been involved in the past two or three years but pretty much a main local business owners the neighborhood and employees
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and pretty much just as far as we get together once a month and go over the ideas making the neighborhood a safer place as far as a nonprofit honestly i did not know but, yeah. >> so you included those the application eave reached out to them did you make a formal presentation or a place of entertainment did you do something formal. >> nothing formal i guess i could say that was formal i talked with everyone and like wasn't like this you know power point or anything. >> no now just wondering how that timberland and next door is the nonprofit for seniors. >> actually yes. yes. >> did you get a chance to
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reach out to them. >> no, no just our hours normally what we're open they're closed but that is something i could look a into. >> i'll appreciate that. >> all right. any other comments if not i'll open up for public comment does seem like our commissioners have anything more to say have a seat any public comment? no seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners like to entertain the motion i personally will recommend we lift the hour restrictions on sunday's and monday and allow the whole permit another commissioners can pack make that motion. >> yes. we have the police department saying they approve with but hours that are there i
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don't know about tweaking it without their recommendation. >> they may pull their recommendation i'm not sure. >> i know we've had other karaoke bars i mean, i can't mention but there are examples of that if we don't want to make that motion that's fine. >> i mean i don't see any protest or any notions by the permit officer you know abusive actions or anything like that on the applicants part i don't think as far as karaoke bar it's go on going to be once in a while so i don't have a problem
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of listing the captions because i don't see anything here opposing the busiest and germany think that karaoke bars are not the nexus of problems closings so i think that is another general rule to think about. >> would someone like to make a motion commissioner thomas. >> i was going to support the idea of the same way of others businesses that are able to stay open until 2 i'll make the motion to approve that with this amendment of listing the times restrictions the motion to approve the permit the only police condition is the good neighbor policy but also
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with the same there's a - >> oh, that's it. >> the good neighbor policy i thought i saw the same conditions as the previous. >> that's for the temporary permit they were granted. >> got it okay i second that with the good neighbor policy. >> so the motion to approve with the good neighbor policy as conditions no additional conditions a second let's take a vote. >> on that motion with the good neighbor policy as a condition and the amendment of listing the time restrictions commissioner thomas commissioner perez commissioner lee commissioner frost no okay. and commissioner president tan. >> with that the motion passes thank you very much we're going to move on to the next item.
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>> there's no agenda. >> okay item 7 commissioner comments and questions commissioners any questions or comments commissioner perez no commissioner frost. >> i saw the st. patrick's day parade the rain held off it was the organizer got wet but had a good time i'm happy the work is pretty much over for me so life is good again, you guys were involved in stipulate about was a was loads of fun thank you. >> commissioner perez. >> i wasn't here but commissioner laura for the family and look forward to work with you. >> i second that. >> i also whatnot here at the last meeting just to report out
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basic things a conference in charlton south carolina for the hospitality institute essentially any cities that came together organized by the nonprofit interested in kind of getting night life for multiple cities with the registered and the law enforcement folks like ourselves we don't have any peers so it is really a learning inheritance by a lot of people did a presentation and a panel where people were just shocked we had something like the entertainment commission as people from oakland and san jose and other parts of country to come up after so something to know and not to pat ourselves but thank all the folks and the hard work
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and all the work our staff does and continues to do to push our agenda along so i don't know if people have questions. >> they must have been impressed with our relationship that was passed for us to have the power and the input on that. >> yeah. they - there was nothing like that people were basically trying to figure out how do we enforce code visions and to the next level we have a voice in the planning process when a was unheard of people i think people are getting used to the idea of hospitality and night life as an asset i think we made the case not just but to be protected i think
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that is kind of a level two or three of how scombens we are to other cities. >> all right. any public comment on our commissioner questions or comments not seeing any, public comment is closed. our final item is a new agenda items for future meetings any thoughts i know outside the meeting as well all right. i'm going to oh, any comment on that no? sorry i forget those procedures all right. our meeting is now adjourned thank you very much w
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