tv Building Inspection Commission 31616 SFGTV March 19, 2016 3:20am-6:11am PDT
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>> (repeated.) >> against all enemies. >> (repeated.) >> and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. united states. >> (repeated.) >> and to the constitution of the state of california. >> (repeated.) >> that i take this oath freely. >> (repeated.) >> without any mental reservation. >> (repeated.) >> (repeated.) >> or purpose of evasion. >> (repeated.) >> that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties. >> (repeated.) >> and during such time as i hold office of (multiple voices) for the city and county of san francisco
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congratulations, top of the mo well. >> top of morning. >> all right. all right. . >> elected officials i have a lot here and where are all the supervisors and the police department and the police chief and police chief and all the people are part irish the city attorney and the consul general and there is supervisor oh, farrell what happens to the o on behalf of the mayor, i want welcome this on the underlying the irish flag and the kickoff
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of that long but wonderful celebration of salesforce it is a few days off; right? and also welcome the fwrand marshall and also the court committee for our city i see sow many wonderful places out there that come every year i guess you drink it or use it rich cream you're a day older so thank you all for being here we love underlying the flag the irish leaders and communities that are up here during the gold rush and some of you are still here when our first mayor was born in richard and had a lot of irish mayorss with sheryl we register and gavin newsom doing his job he had another irish baby so i don't know why he
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named him duchess so you look at around san francisco and see all the streets named for wonderful irish americans that made san francisco what it is mclaren park and o'farrell street and ongoing so, now you're keeping up the tradition with the police chief and the police and irish and the sheriff he she is part irish and your part irish; right? >> yeah. >> so we honor all of you by underlying our flag in front of our city hall and starting the clock there is a word they use your mayor was named the river river lee it is my great pleasure to introduce our lord mayor, mayor ed lee. >> thank you charlotte i want to extend my warm itself welcome to all of you and the elected
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officials here our deciding tars and supervisors our assessor-recorder came in nice green carmen i have no problem finding my green tie it says when you are going to wear it yelling at me i want to say congratulations to everyone including the labor unions i say mr. o'connor and some of the labor union it remind me how our city has been built with the history of the our irish americans throughout many, many years and this is a time an opportunity not only to celebrate the staifrz but to review what the community has done for this great city over many, many decades that is incredible you look at the history of our city and how people have built this city and make sure that it reflected the
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diversity and history where people came from i know that consul general will mention things we are reminded about the easter rising centennial or the hundred and 605 anniversary of our parade and efforts the city that is another great history for the 32 celebration of our sister city and again, i want to say thank you to the united irish community for leading the efforts and the parade and having the graushd mr. boim and others that are here today and being part of volunteers that keep our celebrations alive and the history alive over the jim considering the john boyle's or the deferring admit our part of our celebrations of the sister city and charlotte said earlier anita
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and i have a great trip on behalf of the city to celebrate the sister city and treernd things that help our city for example, the first direct flights between san francisco and dublin e bin gosh what wonderful (clapping.) and from what i hear it is more successful than we knew that was going to be a groundbreaking thing it is more successful and continue this wonderful flight and it brought kids from other parts the city to help us with technology and help exchanges culture exchanges it has brought trade and more cultural and educations challenges and, of course, through that all we're able to have the t kenny come and visit, of course, timing
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mike hig goes on and several carbon monoxides with him and the cultural center and talk about the international significance of those exchanges that is so many things have happened as a result of the the sister city work and the united irish communities i want to say an is eve of our salesforce to have leadership on the board like supervisor farrell leading not only the board celebrations but work with the board and i get to do and use the talent of our irish american communities to help us building on the wonderful history to also have fun with the things you're going to see the irish dancers and like the pipers who i got to invited to the kickoff like the mayors cup and have a great celebration there those are all wonderful things happening with our irish
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american community from building our city, inform celebrating the cultural to having wonderful talent of people help me run it from the public safety to the elected officials i'm proud of the irish history with that, i'd like to provide the celebrations this morning with a declaration to be given to the city council and to, of course, president of our irish united irish communities first to consul general phillip grant and hereby calory this to be relishing or irish american friendship in the city of san francisco consul general. >> (clapping.) >> and to the presidents of our united irish societies let me am come up lee yum .
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>> (clapping.) >> of course, the greatest cast is my irish and, of course, on the eve of salesforce i've got to say aaron go before this is a translation of salesforce, of course, when i first asked about it i had to explain that is not a professional women's soccer cry but salesforce and give it back to charlotte. >> thank you, mayor thank you very much top of the morning now i introduce supervisor o farrell. >> (clapping.) >> he's somewhere. >> thank you charlotte and mayor ed lee and everyone for
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being here that is a proud honor to be the mc this irish celebration outside of city hall to carry on the tradition of a supervisor that does it inside of city hall as mentioned over irish community has strong roots in san francisco for generations going back to the gold rush we continue to sustain the city we continue to work in that and be part of the community. and enblaensz but the cultural center out in the subject and so many things we had a a community in san francisco i'm very much proud to be part of it and have irish heritage and proud to spend on year nature with - and here to be with the celebration i want to start off by introducing someone with us a number of years a greatest
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friend phil grant was with us since 1992 prior to the poivent appointment of consul general overviews the spokesperson tore the media residents for the foreign ministry for 4 years and in san francisco in september 30th, 2014, when it overviews sworn if with us a number of years and we've gone through not only i'll say the normal course from the irish community buses berkley a rock for the community thank you. and want to welcome you >> (clapping.) >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good morning and thank you to mayor ed lee and supervisor farrell at the board of supervisors and everyone who has came here first of all, on
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behalf of myself and the council thank you to the grand mash for this week and the we lost two important people of the staff you know worked for the consulate for years here funnel is here our thoughts and prayers with her family that time of the year is one we encounter a lot of the people the community that passed away and i find it especially touching because the tragedy that enveloped our community in berkley and before talking about the parade and event that is the opportunity i have i want to extend the biggest thank you to all of you i want to name a few people without them and their assistance and coordination our students and their fascinates and everyone when was involved in what happened in berkley on
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the 16th of june would be difficult i would like to thank charlotte schultz her team working closely did miracles to make sure that we could bring our students home together with their families and on a happy day i don't know if there is is a better report in america they couldn't have done more for us thank you to the police chief and the chief of fire services thai provided honor as the cove i think so went through the city the chief of the fire service helped us in berkley the police and fire service out of the hearing aids for a week the middle of that trauma i'm sure none has managed to say of a foreign consulate will arrive on
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your doorstep with the immigration center with a one volunteers their students and families and the counselors i don't i don't think there was a door i had to open for myself or get food for myself i don't have to travel the police and fire services in san francisco did everything so on my and your on behalf of a real appreciative to all of them thank you. >> (clapping.) >> i have a long line of these in my office some to the 1950s 60s you wonder their words but do they mean anything we found out how much they mean there is a lovely festivity photograph on the facebook of
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one of the mothers that lost her child in the blockage collapse and her cousins what elita and a photograph of them and airport with libya arrived to start her students and the missouri's pink to hold open to in leave is each other i want to say thank you to the city of san francisco to the people of san francisco and to the wider bay area for holding on the us in a difficult periods the lives of the irish community here in the be sure so thank you all. >> (clapping.) >> we're 6 weeks away from marking the one hundred anniversary of the declaration of the proclamation and the easter rising and that was a similar event in irish history that changed the
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relationship on the 0i8d of the ridership and great britain and the relationship with the united states and relationships with europe i'm conscious it means different things to different people while the irish know about that the refreshing americans know and most americans with not familiar with was it stood for i've tried to find the colonel why it is important for everybody and our prayed marks that occasion how to ties to the communities here in america and particularly in san francisco and the word i'll use is in justice what caused the men and women of eastern 1916 to stand up in refwhern a minority and they were told to stay home by something compelled them to take to the streets
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and even as a time the conflict with the world-class 1 remaining and later on have any rich americans and serving with the american services what compelled them to act that was in justice a history of centuries of injustice of being third class subjects to some other people and that resonated very much with the irish experience in america coming here to the first great republic if you read the words finds proclamation they echo the words finding declaration of independence to find the majority of them spent time the america and closest family ties to america america is the only name mentions specifically the irish
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declaration of independence that's one reason we mark that occasion authenticity the human injustice when necessary rose up they were not welcomed by the population of dunn dublin the first horrible days of sheila's and killings they were insult and spat on what changed brought the rest of the country to the point of views and again, we come back to injustice it is what we saw happened the immediate aftermath of the arising the xooigsz and the imposition of mash law you go back to that thing they've stood up to protest we did this we will have to because of the injustice thai had to be responsible for the same hands that led to their dedicate an irish people have had enough injustice the theme of enjustice
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links us to other people in other parts of word i want to an event with the new york times talked about an irish at the age of 14 and mentioned 1 about the 5 million irish show up on the shores of american one .5 million staifrl unwanted no skills having to be accommodated 9 first references had to absorb and wanting to r a part in the american dream i think today you read the newspapers one .5 sitting on the doorsteps of europe he trying to escape injustice and infaurns if i ask myself kwhoo are the enar combithszries of today, i'm proud they're irish people that are running the receiving camps
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in turkey and lebanon i'm proud to reach out to the community and south american and afghan the lessons of 1816 why people throughout the century laid down their lives is fundamentally this is a battle against injustice that inis something that takes place the world around you, we have the responsibility to respond to those in need and respond to the problems of world and find solutions that the people like our people don't interest have to turn outside for help and assistance and they can go home the city of san francisco stands for many things one of the greatest things it stand for it fairness and equality and inclusiveness that the irish
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experience came out here under e unlike the irish on the east coast they didn't face the same pressures on, on the east coast in finding in their way in america the first thing tax savings started the civil rights mark and on behalf of the irish to say we're here and part of the society and want to be part of the society we're broeng you, you something you can cherish and incorporate into the american dream to help you build up your country when i look out today, i see the benefit that is emerged the strength of that relationship between oirld and american i apologize on going on i want to say thank you to all of you and thank you thank you for all you do to other causes and the struggle for injudicious
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wherever it might be thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you consul general i do want to acknowledge some individuals up here to make sure everybody knows who is standing with us today, we'll bring up lee yum but two of the statistical warths angus and commissioners for the city and county of san francisco >> (clapping.) >> i'm sure many don't need introduction but our fire chief joanne hayes-white. >> (clapping.) >> our police chief greg suhr. >> (clapping.) >> our city attorney dennis herrera. >> (clapping.) >> and we've heard from consul general grant and mayor ed lee and ms. shuttling and supervisor yee is here. >> (clapping.) >> who represents o represents many
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the sunset district and vicki hennessey our sheriff. >> alex from the board of city college. >> (clapping.) >> carmen chu our amazing assessor-recorder. >> (clapping.) >> and scott wiener into district 8. >> (clapping.) >> so i'd like to bring up someone that is involved the irish community born and raised san franciscan was in our police department for 319 years retired as a lieutenant and the president of the irish society. >> (clapping.) >> thank you first of all, i want to off the condolences of the entire irish community to mr. and mrs. boiling on the passing of their son tenors at the dinner the
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other night i coached terrance in soccer at scared high school i looked at terrance and he said i remedy you. you made me run a lot i was open again, it when i got the calls about the tragedy and i was happy that i made that approach to terrance but i have a bit of a personal request our grand marshall said he was up near the stage and a picture was taken care of him his son charley and terps he thought i took the picture i didn't it i need to everybody to go on social media to get that picture to jerry please do me a favor welcome to everyone that came
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down thrombus they named the honored guests i don't have to repeat that i'm happy about that but i appreciate you all scooting here when i got up this morning and saw the rainy thought a light crowd that's not true i'm happy you took the time to come down here and celebrate with us celebrating the one ary of the 1916 rising and i do want to thank san francisco pipers that caught the wheeling and ken he will sorry and dan thank you for coming out putting on the festivals of the parade is a huge theatre my director of public works and some of the assistants are awesome i appreciate it is pretty easy to sit at the table and take the ac lads and smile
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and shack machines but the people that do the work and the same thing for the city running are around from the sfmta myrtle did a great job and mayor be proud of your departments everybody stepping up and the individuals that get things done is amazing i also have diane ray and telling ma perez from the rec and park and chief joanne hayes-white for her staff getting the permits for the plaza and greg suhr at his staff station that captain lazarus and jennifer jackson and sergeant marin and lynn and pat tobin you know they did a great job i would like to take the opportunity because law enforcement in the country has
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taken a hit thank you to greg suhr for the job his men and women do everyday for us and offer my congratulations and condolences for the new position that chief vicki hennessey took so thank you. >> (clapping.) >> i'd like to congratulate jerry boiling on becoming the grand marshall and ed and others as well as michael it is a huge honor to be named the grand marshall the honoree graurn but a lot of work and we appreciate that you agreed to not only be honored let us honor you for the work that is involved in that now i make the presentations to the grand marshall is that what i do now by thank you.
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>> my second year first of all, call of jerry boiling. >> (clapping.) >> this is from certificate of honor presented to jerry boiling whereas on behalf of the city and county of san francisco i am pleased to recognize and honor jerry boiling for the contributions to the irish community my great privilege on the selection of the irish society of the for the city and county of san francisco for the san francisco salesforce thank you. >> i'd like to thank the irish society for the honor i'm overwhelmed something i thought i'd never see or be in i would last week to say that san francisco is always been
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deeply involving in rirld or oirldz strewn for freedom and the rebel the incites of the red branch played their part in building up the rising the 1916 this shouldn't be forgotten i'd like to say that i especially am honored this year because it is the citizen neglect of the rising of 1916 and when you look at the irish flag and put it up remember it flew over the cities when the bombs blasted it and the words of frederick we'll envelope be at peace without roirlgd being
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free. >> (clapping.) >> and our first honoree grand marshall michael during kin i'd like to bring his wife mary up and the whole family if they'd like 2:00 p.m. years on the city and county of san francisco i'm pleased to recognize michael to the community it is my great privilege and honor in his memory on the occasion by the unit irish sornt the san francisco as an honorary grand marshall of the one and 60 irish day parade. >> (clapping.) >> and mike's daughter shannon thank you now i'll bring up the family of ed and maggie ma
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govern here comes bryan. >> (clapping.) >> big family he gets nomad to come up whereas think on behalf of the city and county of san francisco i'm pleased and honored to recognize those folks for the contributions of the rich american community it is my great privilege to hour their memory by the unit irish society as the grand marshalls of the one and 60 grand prayed congratulations to maggie congratulations . >> (clapping.) >> and this is the season to be irish the next couple weeks i invite everybody the city and in the bay area to become irish and celebrate with us honoring the 1916 rising easter rising now i'd like to bring up kevin that
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has a gift for the mayor. >> just want to say would be quick thank you to who puts this on caitlin thank you so much caitlin. >> (clapping.) >> through san francisco's sister city runs a richer known as is lee river every other year we get something from the river we get whiskey for the mayor joy that gift and i know what you're waiting forfeiture. >> (clapping.) >> thanks everybody and i want to on behalf of the city and c san francisco i want to acknowledge the grand marshall or so and members to your families your dmronz and actually ms. boiling we have something to present to you if
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you come up on the honor of on the honor of one anniversary what we're celebrating it is really diversifying our condominiums first of all, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco the condolences for your loss this week and on the honor of this one anniversary we want to give you a copy of the irish declaration. >> (clapping.) >> so workplace we'll turn to the incredibly fun parts we're blessed to have a number of irish dancing groups and the relishing pepper band first call up the murphy school of rich dancers with 35 members for one and 75 at any time welcome them
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and now i want to we have a few certifies of, however, for the wheeling i didn't kevinly group the irish dancers come on up >> (clapping.) >> and the murphy school of irish dance. >> (clapping.) >> >> (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san >> (clappin) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in sa (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.)>> >> (clapping.)>> (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.)(clapping.)
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>> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.) (clapping.) >> as well as for the irish pipers band in san francisco. >> (clapping.) > well, thank you again for coming today, we'll wrap up a huge thanks for charlotte schultz the best dressed woman in san francisco and never fails to amaze amounts happy heritage month in san francisco and thank you, everybody for wearing green. >> want to say a tradition starts by supervisor el balboa park welcome to my office there is food and drink as well please come and enjoy it and happy happy salesforcen francisco historic preservation commission regular hearing for wednesday march 16, 2016. i would like to remind members of the public that the commission
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does not tolerate disruption or out birches of any kind. please silence all cell phones that may go off and when speaking to the commission please state your name for the record. i will take roll. commission president president. >> here. >> commissioner high land. >> yes. >> commissioner hasz. >> yes. >> commissioner johns. >> here. >> commissioner matsuda. >> here. >> we expect commissioner johnck to be absent today. first is general public and can address members of the commission on items not on the agenda and you can address the commission for up three minutes. >> does any member of the public wish to make a non agenda comment. seeing none we will
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close public comment. >> thank you commissioner. they will place us under department matters. item 1 director's announcements. >> good afternoon commissioners. tim frye department staff. the report is in the packets and i am happy to answer any questions should you have them. commissioner matsuda. >> i just had one question about the upcoming event on april 6, the mission action plan. you're going to be discussing supporting local businesses. will we have anything available about legacy businesses that you could share by then? >> that's a great question. i will check with the organizers of the event and if there is anything that we can include. we may be able to include maps or information from san francisco architectural heritage about their program.
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>> and maybe create a list about legacy businesses. >> sure. that's a great question. >> if there is nothing further we can move on to item two, review of the past events at the planning commission and staff report and announcements. >> good afternoon tim frye. no formal report for you regarding the recent events of the planning commission but i have a few things to share with you. one is that the planning department hosted a table at the san francisco history days at the old mint last week on march 5 and six. we answered general questions regarding the department's preservation program and property information and we did have a map posted where members of the public could write down landmarks they think should be designated in the future and we compiled the list and will share during the next quarterly report. second is the department began the public outreach portion of the
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neighborhood commercial store front survey effort. the survey and historic statement will be in front of you in june. on tuesday march 8 from six to 8:00 p.m. we held a community meeting in russian hill and well attended and after a short presentation we broke out into discussion groups at tables, a lot of positive feedback about the survey results and we are conducting three more community events and along with four walking tours of neighborhood commercial districts in those areas. we did have a walking tour the hyde and polk street on march 12 but canceled due to rain so we're going to reschedule that later this year before the hpc renders a vote on the survey. we also had ask a planner event scheduled at a local coffee shop which we will
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also reschedule so members of the public can ask questions about the code or the survey. the last item i wanted to share with you is something that was published this morning that you may have heard about. it appears that supervisor campos and peskin have cosponsored legislation to add about $350,000 into the preservation fund for legacy businesses in advance of it becoming active in july. this money could largely if passed could largely be used to fund a staff member for the small -- office of small business. but two, provide rent subsidies for businesses that qualify as legacy businesses. according to the article it appears that the office of small business has about ten working applications right now. i don't believe any of those are complete yet because they haven't been forwarded to our office, but i will reach out to
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regina and find out the status of those and certainly keep you posted about the funding and how through the board of supervisors. it appears it will go to the budget and finance committee fairly soon and that concludes my report unless you have any questions. thank you. >> thank you. >> seeing no questions commissioners that places us on please call the next item item 3 reports and announcements. >> the only announcement i have is i plan to handy on behalf of the commission on the hearing of the rec and park commission tomorrow to speak about our comments that we made about the mother's [inaudible] >> seeing no other items commissioners item 4 consideration of adoption draft minutes for the san francisco historic preservation commission regular hearing of march 2, 2016. i would request that we continue the draft minutes for the architecture review committee for march 2, 2016 as
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a comment letter wasn't prepared to be included as part of the minutes so if we could continue that to the next hearing of april 6 i would appreciate that. >> commissioners any questions on the minutes for the regular hearing on march 2? does any member of the public wish to comment on the minutes of march 2, 2016? seeing and hearing none we will close public comment and do i have a motion to adopt the minutes for the regular hearing and continue the hearing. >> so moved. >> thank you commissioners on that motion to adopt the regular minutes for march 2, 2016 and continue the architecture review commission meeting for daw two. commissioner hasz. >> yes. >> commissioner matsuda. >> yes. >> ionin. >> yes. >> commissioner wolfram. >> yes. >> that passes 6-0 and places
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you on commission five for commission comments and questions. >> commissioner johns. >> the current issue of the magazine published by the san francisco historical society has part two of jim haus history of the civic center so those that would like a detailed presentation on that subject i recommend it highly. >> thank you. >> i have a request of planning staff. i understand that the new mission theater has been denied their -- one of the city landmarks we approved certificate of appropriateness has been denied and the tax credit application was denied and i believe there is an appeal and maybe at the next hearing agendize this item to write a support letter for the appeal. >> certainly. just in
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preparation the department has generally drafted a letter for the commission's review. would you like us to draft a letter and edit and talk about at the hearing? >> yes that makes sense. >> okay. >> are there any other items? maybe we should report to the members of the public that we are continuing item 9, the integrate landmark. is that correct? >> >> item 10, the last item, item 10. we don't have a -- excuse me, a continuance calendar so we should take it up -- well, we could take it out of order but we received a request for continuance of 6a and b as well. >> okay. we can do 6a and b because it's first and then take -- so item 10 we don't have -- >> we don't have a continuance calendar but we can take it out of order. >> let's take it out of order and if there is public here
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they don't have to wait. >> sure. if there is nothing further under commission matters we can move to the regular calendar. we will take item 10 out of order as you heard. for 2015-007219des and the ingleside presbyterian church and the integrate for landmark designation and greater cloud of witnesses for landmark designation. >> any public comment on this item? does anyone want to speak to the continuance of the motion? seeing none i do have a motion. >> i move to continue it. >> thank you which are approximate commissioners. on that item 10 to continue to that date. >> commissioner. >> yes. >> commissioner. >> yes. >> commissioner. >> yes. >> commissioner.
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>> yes. >> commissioner yes. >> president wolfram. >> yes. >> that moves 6-0 and on 6a and b for 2015-000308coa at 38 liberty street certificate of appropriateness and 2015-000308var at the same address requests for a variance. commissioners i do have several speaker cards but we received a request from the project sponsor to continue the matter to april 20 i believe to investigate further an issue on the site and staff as far as i know is in support of that continuance, so you could elect to hear the matter, accept public testimony, or take up the matter of continuance only. >> thank you. commissioners should we -- any thoughts about this? >> i think if people have come we should hear them and then vote whether we want to continue or not.
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>> okay. we will hear the item and then the continuance at this point. >> good afternoon commissioners. i am from the department staff. this project is a cert for 38 liberty street as a potential contractor to the liberty-hill district and for a single-car garage and the primary facade based on the historic photograph and additional information from the liberty-hill historic district and construction of a three-story rear horizontal addition include side facade altercations. the department has reviewed the project and has found the project to be compliant with the article 10 and the secretary of the interior standards in the staff report. the department has received correspond ons of the project primarily removal of air street tree as well as facade
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alterations as well as the removal of the on street parking. in addition the department has received comments on the variance regarding the rear yard var rar and the extension into the rear yard. the department is working with the sponsor for the past couple months to make sure that the restoration is appropriate to the liberty-hill district. we have a historic photograph of the exterior of the original residence and victorian in nature and the sponsor has worked towards restoring that piece of the facade or the entire facade back to the victorian character which is characteristic of the surrounding landmark district. we have included conditions of approval and to look at the landscape plan and the sidewalk, to examine the details in more detail as well as provide for additional information once the
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selected demo occurs on the exterior. currently the exterior facade has a stucco, covered in stucco and mission revival feel and it would remove that detailing in past projects we seen scarring and things and might better inform the trim on the exterior so this concludes my presentation. the upon project sponsor is not present so if you have questions i am available. >> thank you. questions commissioners? so at this time we will take public comment on this item. i have several speaker cards so if you could please come forward when your name is called. you will have three minutes and there will be a warning bell 30 seconds before the time sup. jeffrey gainer. >> >> let's see. can i get that too? >> yeah. >> when you start speaking
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they will put it on. >> okay great. my name is jeffrey gainer and live on liberty street and down two doors. i contacted rich to get a copy of the submitted plans and found that in the plans everything on the site plan was accurate except for the location of the tree, and the size of the tree. what the applicant submitted was 11 times smaller than what is actually out there. in black here there's the tree and the sidewalk cut out that was submitted and going out and measuring on site i find that the actual tree and sidewalk cut out are about area wise 11 times larger than that. you can see where in black he's drawn in a
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curb cut for the driveway. that would go through where the tree actually stands. you can see marked in white on site is the location of the tree that he submitted on the plans, and the actual tree of course is there off center and much larger than he's portraying. i think that if he were to offset the driveway a bit it might be possible to create a driveway between the trees and only taking about 15 inches out of each sidewalk cut out, that major tree and the tree uphill from it, but that still even so may cut through the roots. the
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roots are -- some major roots are right there on the surface and the sidewalk itself. the driveway of course would be 4 inches of concrete on top of 4 inches of crushed gravel and that would certainly cut into the tree roots. sue yee wrote back when i informed her of this our inspector has inspected the tree and will deny the remule af of tree if an application is submitted. i request that dpw notify the planner that the sponsor should file an application for assessing the tree's thickness, and chris altman of trees company said on the phone the tree is alive and healthy and cutting in the way they want to would kill it or cause it to fall over.
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>> thank you. >> joseph. >> hello. so the proposed -- i actually wanted to point out here on his architecture design you see here on the drawing he's got an adjacent window here -- >> sir, i'm sorry to interpret interrupt you and please speak into the mic. >> >> the upstairs window has an adjacent window here. on the design there is no window here and two other windows on my building here. the proposal is actually build a bathroom adjacent from the upstairs bedroom which would eliminate privacy. i don't know if the owner has claimed it would be
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an opaque window and what capacity and if it would open. we worked with the owner and last time we were in correspondence with him was december 29 and we informed him and objected to the entire third floor and shared information about his health and concluded and said we could reject and appealed all we wanted and he intended to build the biggest house he could. we thought about the third story and considered part of it. my home actually faces the all the light from the bottom story and the second story would now face a wall and not have any light exposure as well as he's proposing to build two windows that would directly face into my home now. we lived on the property for 30 years and he
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plans -- he's made it clear he plans on flipping the property and reselling it for the most square foot annual possible. thank you. >> thank you. >> brent hatcher. >> brent hatcher. i live on liberty street right across the street. me and my partner lived there since 1996. i am in opposition to the project primarily because the developer is deceptive and dishonest with the drawings that you can see and i'm not sure he is going to follow through in an appropriate way to do right by the neighborhood, by the trees, by the neighborhood -- by the neighbors so i'm in opposition, and i would really like to see a massing study. i'm not overtly opposed to this size of this project. i do think it's over scaled but i do think we need
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to see a massing study and i am surprised we haven't seen one until now for the scale of the project. the last thing i would like to say is i find it odd we're basing a historic restoration on the photograph. my my estimation it's 18 inches or 2 feet of the facade. the photograph is of joey's house and this much of the photograph is the subject property so that concerns me a little as well that we would recreate an entire facade based on 2 feet and if we're doing that and we're adding the garage and raising the house it doesn't seem historic to me. thank you. >> thank you. ozzie o dlm room. >> good afternoon. i am from [inaudible] neighborhood organization. we also oppose this project based on three
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issues. issue number one is misleading drawings and wrong measurements that obscure the fact there is a tree on site that will have to be removed. my question is why is it that these wrong drawings and measurements have not been caught before? and i understand it's not in the purview of the planning department to worry about the trees and within the dpw's jurisdiction. however if a developer or project sponsor is submitting plans that are incorrect and misleading that should be the responsible of the planning department to verify that. clearly in this case the drawings are misleading and should be verified before the department have issued the support of the project. secondly, third floor vertical addition in a historic district should require a 3d version and i seen the san francisco historic preservation commission does that routinely with houses
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deemed historic resources and this is a historic district so at least the project sponsor should have done was to provide visibility studies so the third floor addition would not be visible from the public right-of-way. third, we oppose the variance for building so far into the lots. this house granted is flanked by a couple of houses that are really big, however there is a strong pattern of [inaudible] on that block of liberty and it should be preserved. plus to build a house this far into the rear yard and keep it within the standard planning code will be large enough. why do we have to keep going beyond for gaining a few square feet there and here for profit. i really urge you
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to please oppose this variance and do not grant it. it is very important that we should not set precedent to take away more of our precious midblock open space and that's it. soo and thank you for taking our comments. >> thank you. does any other member of the public wish to comment on the item? seeing none. public comment is now closed and bring it back to the commission. commissioners. >> i just have a question for planning staff about the 3d representations. i know from my work every project now days is wired and i would think and specifically what the speaker brought up about you know in a historic district. have there been any studies like that? >> we received an early study of a 3d model of the project on a much earlier version and haven't received any updates subsequently so it's not a strict requirement to include
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it as part of their work but we highly encourage it. >> i'm sorry. one of the comments i got from commissioner moore from the planning commission is anything that came in front of them was pretty much required to have some better presentation so i am just wondering if we can request of the project sponsor if it comes back for a continue -- when it's continued. that would be great. >> most definitely. >> and i have a question for you which wasn't clear in the write up. is it the house being raised up? >> as far as i know no. >> i noticed on the sections -- for example on the existing says 36 and the new says 34 feet. >> i will get additional clarity on that well. >> and the cross section s and the existing and new and seems taller than now and i am curious about that, and then also it would probably be helpful if the commission has a better understanding of the grounds
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for the request of the rear yard variance. that wasn't exactly clear why the project should get that. >> so is that something that -- i mean -- >> and the massing of the building i think it would be helpful. >> i am curious from a process standpoint about the variance. >> tim frye and this is the first joint hearing and the zoning administrator was going to be present if the item wasn't continued and he will speak to that at the next hearing. >> okay. >> well, then i move that we continue this to some date that is convenient for everyone so we can have the zoning administrator here and we can have some additional work done by staff, and so that the proponent can advise us. >> april 20 was the suggested date. >> do you have a comment? >> yes. should we hear the
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variance first on a stand alone? because this is our first one; right? we can't? >> well -- >> no, what i am saying going forward the project is going to change if they don't have the single-car garage. >> i don't think they can get the variance with that. >> i think the zoning administrator's intent is get cues from the san francisco historic preservation commission and which direction you're leaning toward prior to making his decision. certainly they are completely separate decisions to be made and had but i think that is why the zoning administrator likes to have a joint hearing to consolidate the public process for the members of the public and hearing from you as well as the planning commission when that occurs. >> you could get input from him? >> you could certainly ask questions and it's a joint hearing and hearing testimony
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regarding the variance and clarity and which way he is leaning. >> the two items are heard together. >> that's right. >> i think we had -- commissioner hyland. >> one question for you. in your staff report you asked that the original wood siding which maying underneath the stucco be restored. have we done that before? >> we have. we've had a couple other projects in liberty-hill and added a similar condition and we found oftentimes the stucco is layered on top of the original wood siding and in a lot of instances the wood siding is good shape and original redwood so we're able to restore it and often yields the scar marks and other things that lend itself to the trim. incidentally i received an additional historic photograph from a member of the public
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showing more of the exterior facade which i will include for next time as well. >> thank you. >> the one thing i would note april 20 is the california preservation foundation conference in san francisco so i don't know if that will factor into your deliberations or not. >> or dear. -- [inaudible] >> well, i don't know that we will all be there. it's a three day conference so i assume we're having a conference unless -- >> full agenda. >> we have a full agenda. >> on april 20 it's just the one item you continued today. >> and witnesses. >> if you elected you could cancel the meeting and reopen item 10 and continue that out further. >> sounds to me that's what we should probably do. >> commissioners, are soy to interject. tim frye department staff. there are time
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sensitive projects that will be on that agenda including the liz installation in civic center they is reviewed recently is seeking the cfa on that date. >> april dwent? >> correct. >> i can be be here. >> i guess we're taking a break and we will be here. >> i think we will be here and step away from the conference and it's in san francisco so we will continue to that. so i have a motion to continue and did we have a second? >> we didn't receive a second. >> second. >> thank you on that motion to continue item 6a to april 20 commissioner hasz. >> yes. >> commissioner johns. >> yes. >> commissioner matsuda. >> yes. >> commissioner pearlman. >> yes. >> commissioner hyland. >> yes. >> and president wolfram. >> yes. >> so moved that passes unanimously 6-0. acting zoning administrator. >> before we go on did i hear you say 6a because i was
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intending -- >> that's right but you actually don't continue 6b because it's the variance portion of the hearing so the zoning administrator has basically bestowed upon tim frye the acting zoning administrator and so the acting zoning administrator would say -- >> on behalf of the zoning administrator as acting zoning administrator i also continue the request for variance to the april 20 hpc hearing. >> thank you. commissioners that will place you have item 7 for case 2015-008685des. the woodward street historic district. this is consideration of a community sponsored art ten landmark district application. >> good afternoon
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commissioners. shannon ferguson department staff. the case before you today is the community sponsored landmark application for woodward street historic district. in october 2014 the department was contacted residents of woodward street street about the possibility of obtaining sig woodward street and romeo flats and staff prepared comments on two drafted shitted in june 2015. based on the suggestions from staff the attached report landmark designation report was submitted in december 2015 and the department received several letters of support from designation for support from
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the community. woodward street romeo flats historic district was first documented by the planning department in april 2011 as part of the inner mission north historic resources survey. much of the text and the landmark designation report is from the record prepared at the time. the report also reprises this boundary map of the district and a table of contributors and additional table based on the permit research. the woodward street historic district is residential enclave of classical revival following the earthquake and fire. in addition to the association for post 1906 reconstruction the district has a clustering of romeo flats. the bottom row of photos shows a cluster of five romeo flats on
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the west side of woodward street and top and middle foes show the prevailing number of conventional flats towards the northern end. the other photos show non contributing buildings. the photos on this side -- on the west side of woodward street show conventional flats. on the top right, bottom right and bottom left are three romeo flats. bottom center shows the two non contributing buildings on the street and overall the non contributing buildings on both sides of woodward street are intrusive to the overawe cohesion and the level of integrity of materials is good and window replacement the commonly noted alteration. it appears that survey data was properly collected and analyzed in the woodward street reconstruction historic
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district record for the purposes of ceqa. however staff determined that the buildings might not warrant article 10 landmark designation and based on the type of romeo flats which can be found across the city including on near by stevenson street but this work is beyond the scope of this application. currently the landmark designation program prioritizing landmarking of under represented property types and landscapes, modern buildings, under represented neighborhoods and buildings with strong cultural associations. the historic district is composed of post 1906 earthquake construction and not represented by any landmark districts currently. it doesn't contain any modern style buildings. the area around is well represented
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by existing landmarks with three near by and none of the buildings within the proposed district have specific historical or cultural or ethnic associations. however the research indicates they were originally occupied by working class families, first generation california families to immigrant parents rcht the department seeks input from the commission as whether a final application should or not be requested or whether or not the proposed landmark district warrants this to the program. the san francisco historic preservation commission may add or not add woodward street to the landmark designation program. whether concurrently or separately ask staff for additional information. this concludes my presentation and happy to answer any questions and he is here to also answer questions for you.
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>> any questions for ms. ferguson? >> i have one question. in the report you alluded to another area close by on stevenson that had a significant area of romeo flats? >> it three on that street. >> just on that street. >> so there are different areas of the city that have clusters of romeo flats. >> and could you perhaps remind the commission if we were add this to the landmark program or if we go to the next step what is the process for a district and it's been a while since we have done a district? mr. frye perhaps you can speak to that deputy zoning administrator. >> commissioners, tim frye department staff. the first step in the process would be working with the project sponsor to develop a fleshed out landmark designation report. at the time we will continue
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engaging the members, property owners and tenants within the district about the responsibilities and requirements of living and owning in a landmark district. after that we would bring it here for consensus. if the commission, hpc at that time forwards a positive recommendation for designation then we bring it to the planning commission for review and comment and then back to this commission for a final recommendation and the board of supervisors and then the board of supervisors would vote on it so landmark districts are the only designation that requires review and comment by the planning commission, so that's the one extra step that is included in this process. >> and the approval by property owners which was discussed in the article tended that? >> did didn't pass. >> commissioner johns. >> thank you. mr. frye it
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seems to me this has been before us in some form once before. do you remember a few years ago? what was that? were there several districts -- i remember walking through this and noting the buildings. >> for the inner mission north survey we did the survey has the same document in it with the district. >> i would say the inner mission north survey or the delores mission neighborhood survey which is also nearby. >> i think it was the inner mission north survey. you would have seen the same document as part of that. >> well, thank you. it seems to me from going back to the time that it was before us before and looking at this i was impressed then that i thought this was a nice little enclave and because there is a lot -- of course there are a couple
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intrusive elements but nevertheless you get the feeling and it probably looks better now from when it was built and there are trees and so forth but i thought this the little neighborhood, little preserved pocket that warrants some protection, and there maybe better buildings elsewhere but this is a nice place where you get feeling for a whole street, and that's what it is as i recall. it's just one block, and it's a little isolated which maybe why it's preserved so i would be in favor of going forward with a landmark. >> so why don't we -- mr. frye i was going to suggest that we hear mr. sure and bring it back to the commission. >> [inaudible] >> no it's fine. mr. frye were you going to make -- okay.
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mr. suhr you could come forward. hi. and as the project sponsor you have ten minutes. >> yes, probably less. >> okay. less is fine. >> thank you commissioners for your time. so having cobbled together a designation report i cobbled together a presentation for you, so what we see here i guess you can't see -- >> there it is. >> how do i broadcast this? >> it's up there. >> good. this is mardi gras procession going through woodward street. wouldn't it be nice if it were like this every
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day, a quiet pedestrian corridor with its anchors at mc cup and the armory at another. that would be sweet. [inaudible] (off mic) so yeah there is a little bit of a historical association. i won't bore you too much but on the left we see monumental figure, john c fremont. very important figure in california history. he was also a guy way ahead of his time in a few regards. he got rich by accident. he had the property -- his little country
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retreat if you believe that because he was away fighting mexican war and he asked his buddy to please buy some land for him when he got back and wanted land on the bay but his buddy instead bought him some dry farmland in mariposa county and turned out that fremont showed up with people from mexico and guess what? gold and got rich by accident and became a u.s. senator. at the time he was in washington so he sold the land to mr. woodward and not to bore you with his life but he was ahead of his time and issued the emancipation proclamation with lincoln and he did that early and lincoln fired him and
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became a tech investor and unfortunately went through the tech disaster and died poor. then we have mr. woodward that started off poor and died rich and set up a shop with goods near the embarcadero. set up i believe the city's first (inaudible) hotel and bought fremont's land as i mentioned, built the mansion and everything and when woodward retired in napa he opened up his land to the public as woodward's gardens of course but time doesn't permit. here however unless -- see a picture of the gardens on the heyday. on the extreme left of
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the picture the land rises. this is the end of the dune field which occupied san francisco and built the structure on the pavilion and the last of the dunes where stephens street is now. you can see on the street mr. woodward's horse tram line to bring the public to the gardens. on the right you can see a addition to woodward street. it's a mural. my son is appearing very soon in a reality tv show so everyone on the show is a van and going down woodward street and this lady said "stop the van i want to look at that mural" and if you look closely at it you might just make out a couple things. those are monkeys that beloved poet robert frost mentioned in his poem at woodward's gardens. yes robert frost grew up in san
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francisco, and this is a good example. by the way before i go on as to the usage of non contributing buildings and some potential to have for future non contributing buildings including maybe the dreaded condos. there could be signage there and placards. i did forget to mention from contemporary history and talking about the historical figures. san francisco's iconic tamale lady that prevent the hunger for many people late at night lives on woodward street. all right. you already saw the proposed district and here of course is a view of woodward street looking up toward the armory which might give you a feeling what with the trees and the recent
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landscaping, more landscaping, of the feeling of calm and tranquility that you experience the moment you step off of duboce avenue and on to woodward street and the more calmer it gets, so i think something i want to preserve. we've got my experience the biggest conclusiver of romeo flats going and this scarce commodity because as you know around the first world war the folks in the commonwealth club were talking how the folks in romeo flats were the cause of tuberculosis and changing the code and meant no more romeo flats after that. we have a low density streetscape. this is nice. you see people out on the sidewalks having barbeques. we have diversity worth preserving.
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people are chatting and interchangeably in english and spanish. it's nice. people hang together and it's cohesive. as you will see in the slides and compare woodward street with nearby and smaller enclaves this is much more cohesive. although yeah sure there are some warehouses there. there's three story condo going up, but it could be much, much worse and with your help it will not get much, much worse. let's look at some contrasting clusters of romeo flats. he's one, two, three romeo flats in a row on 23rd street. near 23rd and harrison and what do we see? we see modern building to the left and across the street. high traffic. it's got an entire
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different vibe to it. let's look at o tis street. i am sure you're familiar with that street. here's a nice romeo flats on the left, a perfect floor with balconies on the right and modern non contributing squarish building. it has its own charm but a cluster of a different sort so here's stevenson street and see in the pictures some really nice and well restored romeo flats, arguably better maintained than some of the ones on woodward street but if we designate woodward street it's an incentive for people to improve their property so why not? so on stevenson street you see the hodgepodge effect where there is something -- in the present landmarking let's say right
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next to something new and arguably [inaudible]. more of the streetscape on stevenson street there is the faux brick paving that we could have sort of woodward street but you have intuitive element of the freeway, not pretty, and then of course to the right no skate boarding allowed close to the skate boarding park and all of these modern flats so lacking cohesive and three or four nice romeo flats on the street with pretty stain glass. worth the detour so what we have going for us on woodward street is special but bee can make it more special if we protect the buildings, add signage. none of this costs a
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whole bunch. it's good for rental buildings where people with rent control could be improved anyhow to improve the property value if for no other reason to change the windows. i know i acquired a sliver on woodward street of a romeo flats before i moved in i made them change the windows because the city had a lien on it. change the windows. ms. camacho got free rent out of that deal and the windows are better and progressively added arksz mennities, nothing expensive or painful. you have a lot of community support. i'm not the only person and from the letters and text and in spanish and they wish to send you more but they're working two jobs so let's do it. >> thank you very much. at
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this time we will take public comment on this item? does any member of the public wish to speak about the potential landmark designation? come forward to the mic and you will have three minutes and there is a warning buzzer at 30 seconds before the time is up. >> i am sandra camacho and lived on woodward street for five years. i love our street. it has a homie neighborhood feeling to it. not all the buildings are romeo flats, not all the buildings are period 1906, 1908 but just a few that are modern so the street really has a nice historic feeling to it and we've improved the landscaping quite a bit. we have trees lining the treat. we have a lot of potted plants lining the street. the neighbors came together to
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improve the street. they installed a mural. we take care of the plants and i really think the street would be benefited from being projected and give the landlords that don't currently maintain their buildings in the way they could an incentive to improve them and be benefit for everyone who lives on the street and for the whole city really. it could be a beautiful street. it really could be. thank you. >> thank you. does any other member ever the public wish to speak to this item? if so please come forward. seeing none. public comment is now closed and bring it back to the commission. commissioners. commissioner hasz. >> thank you. about 20 plus years ago my office was on woodward street and it was a disaster back then. massive drug dealing and a mess and the neighborhood has done a
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phenomenal job of changing that block. i know that's not a part of this but i'm going to support the neighbors on this but i do think this is a very unique block and the density of these type of buildings and the setting of it so i am definitely in support. >> mr. frye. >> commissioners tim frye department staff just a couple comments to consider during your deliberation to provide some clarity around a couple points. one is the department certainly agrees that woodward street is an eligible district for the california register. we don't want to diminish the value of it being appropriate street and identified in the market octavia plan for the purposes of ceqa and meeting the criteria for eligibility. one of the things that the struggles for the department other than the demand and list of priorities we
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didn't have a lot to go on whether or not we felt this rose to the level that it would warrant local landmark designation but there could be a case made. the one thing that interests me in the discussions about the romeo flats and another period buildings within the immediate vicinity if the commission is leaning to do more work, instructing us to work more with the applicant and look at a broader district in the immediate area to pick up some of the other buildings that are from the same period of significance. at the end of the day we might not end up with the buildings as part of a larger district but it's something to consider. they're nice romeo flats on stevenson street and other side streets where we could offer protection under the
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same thematic district with this designation as well. >> thank you. commissioner matsuda. >> i am definitely wouldn't be opposed to that. thank you for the passionate presentation. it was great and i wanted to see if we proceed ahead about somehow incorporating a plaque or something to remember the woodward gardens. it says it's part of a state historical landmark and include that when and if this moves forward. >> commissioner pearlman --. >> commissioner johns. >> yeah, you are. >> i department to follow up with mr. frye about the question could this be -- is there a district potential in this area that this would be part of so
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it might be part of a bigger district? or i know that in like west soma on the alley streets they're the small residential buildings there that got noted in the contact statement, and therefore are historic resources and have some level of protection. if it could be the same kind of thing and this already has some level of protection because of inner mission context. >> that's correct commissioner. for the purposes of ceqa this is a category a district so it does have protection for the purposes of seek eek however not all of the prosections in article 10 designation would provide, but to your point we do think while we haven't thoroughly studied it and because we specifically looked at the development patterns here as being the
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boundary justification for the development of the woodward gardens area and this cluster of romeo flats there was certainly a lot of rebuilding happening in this area after the earthquake and fire and it's worth some study if it helps sort of raise this district a lot bit in our eyes as being worthy of article 10 designation. again there's a lot of side streets like you mentioned that we could look at. >> right, and we could have a non contiguous district. we have that already. >> yeah, this commission approved that in the mid-market area. >> so that might be a more appropriate area to create the protections they're looking for as well as incorporate more of the same. >> commissioner hyland. >> yeah, i think there's a couple of issues. i think the primary issue -- two primary issues is the amount of time
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and priority that this designation should be given over our other landmark projects, listed on the landmark program, and that this isn't -- no one is denying this is a special enclave so that needs to be acknowledged. i am wondering and the question for mr. frye could we designate this as the district now and then as we gain more information expand the district? that would then allow these properties to take advantage of the mills act. >> at this point the action would be to direct staff to continue working with the applicant and file a formal application. right now we've just been providing technical assistance and support. if this commission felt this should move forward a formal application would be filed and ultimately
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the commission would initiate if they felt it was warranting article 10 designation. any future expansion would require an amendment to that ordinance and approval by the board of supervisors, so it would be a fairly process heavy issue to do that over and over again which is why we're suggesting maybe giving us more time to look at a broader area. again looking at the broader area it might not yield as much as we think it is so maybe a conservative route would be just look at these boundaries here. >> from the inner mission north survey we have good information about the area. >> absolutely. >> all right. >> yeah. >> i think we're -- the challenge for us is how much resource can we put towards designations? we have said in the past and i support fully the community supported designations
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but we're finding those take just as much time and effort as any designation, so this one in particular has no community opposition, so that's interesting where the triangle had a long process with a divided neighborhood. i am in support of it. i would like to encourage further study and figure out how best to navigate it and at least you know in the most efficient way. >> commissioner johns. >> well, you know it would be very helpful if we had some of the other people who live on woodward street if they were here supporting this. if we had some of the owners of the buildings who may realize some benefits from protection under article 10. if some of them voiced some support for this.
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if we had that then we would also have a group of people who might be enthusiastic about providing additional information, documentation and support for moving forward so what i would like to really see if you could get some of your friends and neighbors involved in this, so they could be a real community based effort. >> yes, actually we could open public comment again. yes, so you could come forward. >> we have a neighborhood group that has pet pretty much everyone living on the street and we're always in communication and about five of the people were planning on coming but i think it's because in the middle of the day and they work. >> we did receive a number --
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>> we received emails from others on the block that were supportive. they're all support. >> it's just the time of the day they couldn't make it. >> okay thank you very much. >> i think what we're up against is that as we juggle our priorities on the landmark designation program what areas does staff focus on? i am in support of adding or currentlying the applicants to continue this but as we get further into prioritizing the landmarks we want to initiate you know have to be cognizant of how much time this takes. >> yeah, i would second that in that i'm supportive of this -- the idea of this district and i am very pleased that the neighborhood has come forward and i agree it's a special place, and it's worthy. i think the question is whether we -- what i guess i don't want to
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say it's now first on the list because we have other things we have been putting off and i wonder whether we consider adding it to the list and not ranking it yet until the next hearing about our prioritization of the program, so we know it's on the list and we have to figure out the timing of it of. hawses hawses. >> can the community do that and run it through the building -- [inaudible] >> proposal -- >> [inaudible] >> yeah. >> commissioner hyland. >> actually i think that's the question mr. hawses is effort effort does the community based nominations -- maybe staff could come back with an evaluation of that. my feel and understanding
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it takes as much time, pretty close. >> yeah. as i recall our program does not -- does it have any districts in it at all right now? >> tim frye department staff. at this time it does not. however one of the summer intern projects is begin collecting data on the rousseau district which is the buildings in the sunset by the architect henry rousseau and something we were going to bring in summer for the continuation of the work program. >> so commissioners any thoughts about adding to the program but not -- >> well, i will say we have this discussion frequently, and as you know i do not believe that if everything is a priority anything is a priority, so we have in the past identified a
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ranking of our projects, and i think that given the state of this one i would be very happy with adding it to the list, not adding it to the top of the list but adding to the bottom of the list so these things move up in some order with appropriate exceptions being made, but i think that we have to start somewhere, and so i would very much like to start. >> i would move that we add to the landmark designation program and then bee study -- well, i would add to landmark designation program. >> i second that. >> okay. is this an informational item? do we have a motion? >> i thought there was. >> is there a motion for it or -- >> there is no formal motion to adopt. it's a recommendation. >> it's a recommendation to staff -- >> just to provide direction
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and then we will work with the project sponsor to file a formal application. we will add it to the work program and we can discuss it during the quarterly report which is here in a month or so and talk about the timing of when it would come back for initiation. >> okay. >> we should definitely explore the larger context. >> great. >> and i had one question just about a particular property, the parking lot on the southwest corner. is there a development planned for that? >> we can look into that. i'm not sure. >> would it be unusual -- i mean i guess my concern is if there's a threat to the district it's that parcel and whether we might consider including that parcel in the district or not. >> to provide some sort of design guideline. >> right. and that's the entry to the whole street and if that is a really incompatible
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structure and for the purposes of ceqa the impact of the district and outside of the california register district would that be considered? >> ceqa doeses consideration to adjacent resources so it would be likely studied but i don't know the level of environmental review is required without seeing the project. >> okay. i think we might want to consider -- move forward with the district whether we include that parcel within the district. >> we can show both options. >> so i think you have direction from the commission. i am hearing a unanimous sense here so we did move forward with the next item. >> thank you. >> thank you to the members of the public for coming today. >> thank you commissioners. that places us have case four
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for onondaga avenue. >> i am here to present the landmark designation on onondaga avenue and known as the alemany emergency hospital and health center. following the sponsor designation application it is buildings were adding to the landmark designation work program on may 2015. at the february hearing the commission initiated designation of the buildings and to defining features to include the sky light and the relationship to the space below. the community is very supportive of landmark designation and supervisor avalos intends to sponsor the legislation. department supports this as a article 10 landmark. the draft resolution recommending designation to the board of supervisors is included in the packet. if approved department the department will -- approved today the
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department will forward this to the board of supervisors and the applicants are here to answer questions and i can answer questions. >> this is not about the landmark designation but for the city and it's deemed surplus property and what is the process that the property is sold? is there an rfp process and what's the process? >> commissioners tim frye department staff. it was surplus property but from the department of real estate and request of the community and supervisor avalos the property will be remained as a city property. mr. rothman is in the audience and may have more about a recent hearing he attended that discussed obtaining some additional money for the building but it's my understanding that it will do
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that. >> okay thank you. commissioners any questions before public comment? at this time we will take public comment on the landmark recommendation for 34-45 onondaga avenue. if you have comment please come forward. you have three minutes and there is a warning buzzer at 30 seconds. >> commissioners thank you. i don't think it will take three minutes. my name is david hooper and i spoke to you regarding this issue. there is support for returning the buildings to public service, not just serving the structures but doing that for the community. at the same time earlier there was a request for a supplemental budget request for the geneva office building and 30-45. those efforts continue to get the money. they're not secured but i would like to say there is support and what the emergency
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hospitals mean historically and what they meant to past generations. there is a gap because they haven't been used effectively but with the streetscape there are four islands and they call them pork chops and one of the plans for the department of public works is provide better safety pedestrian access at this intersection at onondaga avenue and alemany to be in the configuration and no more of the quick right turns. this gives an opportunity to have a plaz there at the club in the area and the high schools and at mission street and it's a major opportunity. thank you for considering it. >> thank you. mr. rothman please come forward. we're always happy to see you.
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>> richard rothman -- seems like i have been at every meeting in the last couple of months. i am supporting the landmark designation. now, i was at the engage hearing and they did -- budget hearing and sent without recommendation the funding for the geneva car barn but they left unsettled about onondaga. supervisor avalos wanted to leave it on by the call of the chair but i'm not sure what happened because -- i will have to find out, but money wasn't appropriated to move forward for the building, but i got an email, was copied on an email from the art commission and they're putting money in their capital budget to help restore the building, so if the
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building does stay as a city owned building then the art commission would be responsible for the murals but if it goes to a non-profit then it would be up to the non-profit, but i know i don't want to speak for the art commission, but i know they are very big supporters of the murals in this city, and so thank you for considering this and moving this along, and we need to get this building open so people can appreciate these beautiful murals and restore the mural on the first floor. thank you again. >> thank you and thank you for all your work on this project. does any other member of the public wish to speak to this item? if so please come forward. seeing none. public comment is now closed and bring it back to the commission. >> i move to approve.
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>> i second that. >> we have a motion and a second. >> there's a motion and seconded to approve this matter. on that motion commissioner hasz. >> yes. >> commissioner johns. >> yes. >> commissioner matsuda. >> yes. >> commissioner pearlman. >> yes. >> commissioner hyland. >> yes. >> commissioner wolfram. >> yes. >> so moved that passes unanimously 6-0 and places you on case nine for 2011.1356e, line three central soma context statement and historic resources survey. >> before we take that item there is a report on the one building and i am wondering because commissioner hyland has a relationship with them but it's one component. >> that was submitted as public comment. >> so it's not related to the actual item? >> it does change the survey
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findings that hra -- >> tim frye department staff. i would defer to the city attorney if a recusal is necessary. perhaps -- i will jump into it. there's a survey finding that the property owner disagreed with. they hired arg to prepare a historic resource evaluation and included in the commissioner's packets for consideration for changing one of the status codes in in the survey. >> i am the city attorney so just so understand the situation their work is completed? >> it is completed and submitted as part of the packet as public comment to the findings in the survey. >> public comment and there's no pending work right now as far as -- >> there was a project.
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>> there is a project proposed at the site but i don't believe arg is involved in the project. >> okay. so i would suggest it sounds like it's not necessary for the commissioner to recuse. >> maybe i can disclose this is my former company which i had -- currently have financial ties to but very limited. >> that sounds good. i think we can move forward now. thank you for that clarification. >> good afternoon commissioners. susan parks department staff. the item is a consideration to adopt the central soma context statement and historic resources survey. today's items are the first in a series of steps towards completion of the central soma plan. as part of the plan the department developed the central soma context statement and provide framework for consistent evaluations of propertys in the area. this statement was written by department staff and
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reviewed by the survive group and professionals and historians and members of the south of market filipino community. the central soma historic context statement -- the department relied on so macontext and redevelopment efforts in the area and the creation of the moscone center. historic resources survey was conducted in order to provide information on the distribution of resources within the planned area for the purposes of long range planning and for use and permitting and review on registers. much of the south of market were addressed in previous survey efforts so the central soma survey focused on properties within the boundaries of the central soma plan that were not
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previously surveyed or information was incomplete. i'm going to -- jonahs if you could turn on the overhead. i will let you take a look at the plan. the map of the survey area. department staff conducted reconnance information from 2013-14 and included 134 parse parsels bounded by market and townsend from second to 6th streets in the area. 63 properties were identified as age eligible and were surveyed along with 11 previously identified historic resources. those were documented and evaluated by staff. you can see those in the data base and the individual survey sheets. 31 properties were determined eligible for listing on the california register including 22
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buildings within an identified mission historic district and two buildings comprise of st. patricks church and recollect tory and district. five interconnected buildings that would create a flower market district and three properties received upgraded california register status codes. six properties were evaluated and potential contributors to previously historic districts including in the 6th street lodging h district, the south end district, and townsend district and two additions to the kearney market sutter district. the remaining 26 properties were determined ineligible for listing on the register nor assigned a status code. the recommendations for article 10 and 11 designations were included in your packets. that information has always been posted as part of the area
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plan. however for today they're only to be considered as future recommendations. the issue before the commission today is adoption of the context statement and the survey findings. later in the area as the area plan moves forward for adoption staff will bring the eir and article changes back to you for discussion. i did have one last note which we discussed about the one submitted for 633 folsom. staff had previously determined that building was a 3cs with arg's report we have changed the findings to a 6c making it not a resource. this concludes my presentation. i am happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. commissioner pearlman. >> yeah, i have one question about the flower market building. >> yes. >> there was so much information so it's hard to
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process it all. >> yes. >> were those -- what was the specifics about -- was it culturally related? >> i think it was cultural relations and designed by a master architect and had to do with that and the intercultural relationships. >> okay thank yous. >> any other questions commissioners? thank you. at this time we will take public comment on this item. i have one speaker card for alice light. >> hi commissioners. thank you. i am alice light director of community planning at toddco and here to speak in favor of the survey in front of you today. we have been in soma for a very long time and in addition to a very thorough survey of the buildings and the neighborhood
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this report also includes great information about the filipino and lgbt communities. those communities have played an important role in soma over the years and that history is being lost. in 2011 the western soma community planning task force proposed social heritage districts for those groups, and until now those districts have mainly lived on paper. there really aren't tools to recognize the social and cultural importance of those groups, but in the recommendation section of the document in front of you today there are some proposals and tools, methodology to document social and culture assets. those are borrowed from the jay chest, the japan
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cultural historic heritage and social economic -- [inaudible] and also from the national park service, so those are tools that have been used before, so we are very excited to see a social heritage inventory which is what is proposed in the plan or in this document. we're excited to see that developed and it would take staff from the planning department to have the budget to work on that, and we hope that happens in 2016 to 2017 because there is so much development coming with this plan so it would be great to get that inventory done before the tidal wave comes and i wanted to thank the staff for working with us and with other individuals and groups in the community to make sure that this report represented the soma that we know and love. thank you.
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>> thank you. any other member of the public wish to comment on this item? >> my name is steve jamison. thank you for letting me speak. i am here to say that as a citizen i support the efforts to develop central soma neighborhood with one exception and that's the parcel of land at fifth and brandon. san francisco tennis club. this may seem strange to come to you, historic preservation commission to think about preserving a building that's been called "ugly" but it was called "ugly" by the previous developer who wanted to knock it down. san francisco tennis club is not a historic building but has
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played and continues to play a historic role in the central soma neighborhood and the city. as the largest indoor and outdoor tennis facility on the west coast it's irreparable. for 45 years it's provided families, diverse families and single people, young and old, a health and safe place to gather for recreation and socializing. it's enormous. 2.5 acres, four stories and parking for many cars and as much as golden gate park and should be in place to serve the new residents as well as the thousands it currently serves. the mas tude of the -- magnitude of the if the and services must be seen to be understood and on behalf of the 2,000 members i would like to
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invite you individually or a group to see what is going on there. it is phenomenal and the last place to be knocked down as part of a development, the needed development in the central soma neighborhood. to destroy it in my view would be a travesty, aup side down view of priorities. this facility can contribute to the greatness that the central soma neighborhood will be as the development continues. thank you. >> thank you. any other member of the public wish to speak on this item? >> hello. my name is jackie, and i am also a member of the tennis club. i think it's unusual to be asking for this but it's a
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place that people came to for so many years. my father joined the club about 30 years ago and why did he go there? why did he go to the san francisco tennis club? he went there because it was the only place you could go without five letters of recommendation. he was an immigrant and wanted to play tennis. (lost audio). >> those courts often. when they're too busy where do we go? the san francisco tennis club has space for tournaments and high school activities so by
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taking away 24 courts there's going to be scarcity for courts. it's a diverse place, provides recreation. south of market is going to get very dense and i don't think we're considering five, ten years from now why did we do this and let this great place torn down for another high rise. i understand development and it's wonderful and my family are architects but what are we doing and not providing to the community. we need amenities for the city and one of the few places to play tennis. golden gate park it's lovely. hard to get in. the courts are packed all the time. it's one of the sports that people play for the rest of their lives and we're not thinking about that and please consider this. it's an important place. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> hi. my name is don bruce and i'm going to make a very short comment. i support everything mr. jamison had to say and i'm a member of the tennis club and i want to use this as an opportunity to add my voice to maintaining it is diversity of activities and the culture that the city provides and not to lose track of this momentum of large scale development and losing track of the ability to have a place to gather and enjoy life in the city. that's all. >> thank you. does any other member of the public wish to speak to this item? seeing none. public comment is now closed and bring it back to the commission. commissioners. commissioner pearlman. >> the san francisco tennis club is it private or a city facility? is it private? >> [inaudible] (off mic). >> it's private. okay. and it's 45 years old. i think it
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was built in the 70's. i am curious how that impacts what we're looking at today. >> tim frye department staff. i'm not sure if the department is age eligible. if it's not we didn't look at it. we didn't survey it. >> yeah. >> so if it's under 45 years of age we just skipped it. >> okay. >> other comments commissioners? commissioner johns. >> well, my comment is i thought this was just an awesome thing, all 540 pages of it. [laughter] and i wish that i had gotten it a month ago. [laughter] >> yes. >> but i did read it and i read it several more times, but i just think that the amount of effort and high quality effort that went into this is just staggering so i'm obviously in
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favor of approving it. >> yeah, i would like to say i was extremely impressed of the work that the planning department did for the survey and the context statement. it was clear, well written, great illustrations, just all around a fantastic effort. really impressed. >> and clearly the amount of development that is happening already and will continue to happen having this is so critical to retaining some level of character in our city so thank you as well. >> any other comments from the commissioners? anybody have a motion -- >> motion to adopt the historic context statement and the historic resources survey. >> i second that. >> if nothing further there is a motion and a second to adopt a motion to approve the historic statement on that.s hawses hawses. >> yes.
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>> commissioner johns. >> yes. >> commissioner matsuda. >> yes. >> pale pale. >> yes. >> commissioner hyland. >> yes. >> commissioner wolfram. >> yes. >> so moved and item 10 is continued and we have no other items on the agenda. >> that conclude s the hearing. the hearing is closed. [gavel] >> i want to welcome everyone here today and today, we are signing this very important
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piece of legislation and let me begin by thanking supervisor wiener so far his instead of leadership the sponsoring the legislation that will raise the minimum angle for anyone purchasing tobacco products and e cigarettes to the average 24 and that will take effect on july 1st of this year i know that supervisor wiener along with his co-sponsors supervisor mar and supervisor cowen and supervisor farrell and ultimately the entire board had a adopted this and this i know that the supervisors with working closely with our duty 0 who has been documenting why it is showing so important to continue our efforts as a city if not as a state to continue be rooiktd the access to cigarettes particularly at journeying or younger ages that is advocated
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by the groups like the tobacco free coalition i want to thank them they're not just here in san francisco but the entire region and all over the country working with the health department making sure that supervisor wiener and not only pay attention it the science and data it is going on but that we do our best to end the suffering that is brought by by long-term smoking that obviously is the cause of cancer and asthma and heart disease we do our best to educate the public in doing so if not the industry that sells overseeing products and ultimate our kids are your family when in their 18 and 19 is shown that
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the coalition has shown over and over you're putting that some 95 percent of long term smokers had begun smoking at the age of 18 perhaps younger and as certain under the age of 21 those habit are so hard to end voluntarily so that's why we have to go to many other front to try to do this and that's why i think that the supervisor wiener has found a person cause and public health health cause if the violation kriebs the department of health to make sure that we do what we can to end our these diseases as much as we can to make sure that we also reflect as the mayor of the city if we can save a lot of
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money if we are able the medical systems we have to have in place it treat cancer and asthma with smoking is an incredible experience to the public safety the cleaner air with the coalition work on families that second-hand smoke impacts this has another critical reason why we want to do as much as we can and i think we're on the overview we know that supervisor wiener is already in contact with the governor's office as we are and with his the 1184 particularly senator leno and senator henry's to insure that the state which maybe hopefully in our minds the second to join hawaii to end the sales of
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tobacco products and less people under 9 age of 21 it doesn't make it right because your 21 you buy tobacco products wild to end it. everyone hopefully with the adult level of age 21 that people make better health decision tore themselves and their family so i take this opportunity to thank the coalition i know that in looking at the data as they have done in working with us this year was a strong sense interest the data it the smoking rates are higher amongst people of closer and amongst the let the record reflect community and other xhucht we rank it with a hard impact sales work that is done by tobacco industry the may or may not lgbt community that's
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where we really have good data to show that the more we do to educate your communities be about this the better off we'll be so with all that background i want to say to supervisor wiener you have again showing the good leadership i'm going to give the pen avenue we sign this your accumulate more pens than anyone but thank you for your leadership and also working with such important groups like the tobacco free coalition supervisor wiener i'd like to invite you up here to say a few words >> thank you, mayor ed lee i'll give that pen to the advocates and the district for they're really horroric work tutor sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; 24 legislation in a way that highlights this critically important issue
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san francisco for many years has been on the cutting-edge of public safety whether around hiv or led pant and sugar sweetened beverage whatever the case weave been from the forefront and once again we are in the fire hydrant of what i hope will be a tile waive of proving health legislation that eliminates tobacco use in this country this is a huge problem we've been involved in a 50-year struggle but with the tobacco city that produces a product with no benefit whatsoever that kills a half a million people every year 34 is a serious issue and serious punting kiss i'm
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proud we live in a city where we can be on the cutting-edge where the politics of this city allows us at city hall to make good progressive policy i also want to say we know we're up against a very well financed component the tobacco destroy for decades has fought ever effort to try to control tobacco use and enemy linkage between their pursuit and the health we know that hillsborough tried to do that they have spent their legislation after an expensive lawsuit by the tobacco industry we in san francisco are willing to fight that fight that is amount about our city thank you to the department of public health we sometimes don't roles e releases how lucky with the best putting department that
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supports our efforts to make good laws that vascular critical exercise an amazing agency and our advocates for give us the political spouse space to to be able to do this and as the mayor adu u. >> you allowed we passed that legislation a week and a half good and the law jam the state assembly broke we that republicans willing to raise the tobacco age to 21 to pass senator leno's forward-looking bill to make sure that cigarettes are tobacco are still a way to get addicted to nicotine and will you the tobacco tax it is a huge step forward i hope goes to the
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governors desk thank you, everyone (clapping.) so are we ready to safe so far lives i'll add one mount reason not in my notes or the legislation but it is about my history about 10 years ago a mayor asked me to pick up cigarette butts as a public works decorator i say to all the public works staff that work hard if there was less settings that's another reason to sign on the legislation; right? yes all right. (clapping.) (laughter). >> today's date is -
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death that means improving safety for people walking and driving and safety on our streets is everyone's responsibility people can make mistakes but not result in injury or death all traffic collisions are preventable as drivers you play a large role that will give you the tools to drive safely on streets a recent survey asks hundreds of drivers about save city introduce driving what did they say watch for distracted behavior and slow down and be patient and check for people before you turn the facts about city driving shows how important to be alert most collisions happen in good
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weather allowance even at 25 mile-per-hour it takes a vehicle 85 feet to stop this is almost 7 car lengths slowing down makes collisions less savior when a person is hit by a passerby vehicle 25 minor the chance of death is 25 percent 40 percent that increases inform 85 percent slowing down didn't cost much time driving behind a person takes 9 extra semiautomatic and stopping at ow light takes only 30 seconds by hitting someone costs you hours and weeks of our time and maybe a life take a deep breath and take you're time cities cross america are being
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safely for walking and driving some streets are confusing here's what you need to know all intersection kroukz of novelist marked some are marked to make them more visible other crosswalks and intersections are raised to the level of sidewalk to actress as speed bump and people are maybe crossing be cautious and watch for people when you approach any intersection advanced limit lines and pedestrian yield signs show drivers where people walk and stop behind the lines at stop signs and for people crossing bulb outs where the sidewalks extends into the street make that tease easy to see
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pedestrians and remember to slow down whether making reasons and watch for people on sidewalk estimations extensions that maybe closer than you expect and bicyclists may motive to the left to get around bulb outs this gives people a head start allowing pedestrians to enter the crosswalk before transfer starts moving makes them more visible pedestrian scrimmage and stop the vehicles in all directions allow people to cross including department of building inspection scrambles are paired with no light restriction and rapid beacons you turn bright whether the pedestrians are there or the center is activated precede slowly as you approach the beacons especially, if their activated a pedestrian crossing
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light turns yellow before turning sold red back to flash red procedure after making a full stop as long as the sidewalk is empty and, of course, stop whenever the light is red traffic circles reduce conflicts you must stop at the strewn and precede around the raise your right hand of the circle watch for people in crosswalks and people in bikes coming around the circle arrows indicate where people with bikes share the intersections and people have ride to people on bikes have the right to use the lane whether or not in the sharing bike lanes
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are for people protected by parks e.r. parked cars and stay out of separated bike lanes unless an emergency dashed bike lanes are a shared zone four for vehicles to change lanes slow bike lanes allow the circles their unusually sprayed before me from other traffic some bike lanes are built to the level higher than the street but lower than the sidewalk they provide a safe separated space sponsor cyclists are around vehicles the box areas are marked with the stencil at intersections act as advanced limit lines for people to garter at a red light this increases the 1r0ir7b9 to drivers people will ride past
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stopped vehicles at the fronltd of the intersection give them room and stop short of limit line behind the bike without objection and cross only after the green light and people cleared the bike box bicycle traffic lights allow people on bikes to proceed while vehicles are stopped be unaware aware of those bike san francisco general hospital but stay alert and only skrans when the vehicle is cleared the intersection let's take a quiz to see what all of learned here we go number one when do month collisions happen did you say in daytime you're correct question two if an intersection is not marched is it still a crosswalk yes
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did you get it right great job one more before we go on what's one of the best things to do to avoid collisions? you can it take a breath pay attention and slow down city streets are crowded and chaotic so seeing everyone every single everything is difficult here's a test how many times did the white team pass the ball? if you answered 11 you're correct but did you notice anything else also be aware ever you're surrounded and remember that is easy 0 miss something if you're not looking for it
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here's some basic principles driving near peep e people from you're driver's seat it is difficult address our mirrors to reduce blind spots people on bicycles maybe be in our blind spot give yourselves plenty of time to react look out stay on the road from building to building not just curve to curve check driveways and behind parked vehicles for people that enter our path turning vehicles are especially dangerous important people walking and collisions often occur when vehicles are making tunnels when you turn remember check for people using the crosswalk before starting you're turn watch for people on bikes
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traveling in the ongoing direction always check our mirrors and blind spots patience pays off take a moment to make sure you're clear while it might feel you'll save time by driving fast or turning without checking you won't save driving only adds a few semiautomatic to our trip a collision can cost you, your job or someone's live here's important things to remember all crosswalks are legal and pedestrian have the right-of-way people cross the street anywhere children and seniors and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable think city strits give buses and streetcars a lot of the space or people returning to catch a train don't block the
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box this creates dangerous situation for people walking how are forced into moving traffic and people bicycling out of the bike lane and people on bikes most city streets are legal for bicyclists even without signs people biking can fall in front of you provide a safe amount of space when passing someone on a bike a minimum of 3 feet is required by law in california and people on bikes prefer to be in the bike lane in for the this is often to avoid accidents give them room people on bikes will stay away from the traffic or watch out for open doors whoops that was a
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close one expect people to go to the front of the light and pass on the right a tap of the horn maybe useful to make you're preservation known but avoid using the horn it may saturday night be someone vehicles anybody right turns are especially dangerous important biking always approach right turns properly signal early and wait for people biking through the intersection move as far to the right to people on bikes can pass on the left let's try a few more questions who are the most vulnerable people on city streets? children? seniors, and people with disabilities why do people on bikes ride close to travel there to avoid
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car doors what is one of the most dangerous situations for people walking and riding bikes? turning vehicles and what can you do to make sure that everyone is safe in any situation? thartsz stay patient and alert and, of course, slow down parking and loading a vehicle on accredit city streets is a challenge weather parking and unloading always check for people in our mirrors and blind spots and on the driver's side with our right turn right hand this causes you to look 40 on your left for
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bicyclists when passersby exiting the vehicle make sure about opening the door know where loading zones are if not loading zones available use side streets never stop in bike lanes or traffic lanes. >> bad weathering and visible rain and fog or low lighting make it hard to see you're vehicle is likely to slide or loss control in eye i didn't controls and create issues for people walking and biking they tried try to avoid pulled and umbrellas and construction get slippery for people the safety thing to do in conditions whether wet or icy or dark slow
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down and drive more carefully remember going fast may on this save you a few semiautomatic but speeding may cause you a life or you're job people walking and biking are vulnerable people can be distracted or make unsafe decisions as a driver the responsibility for safety lies with you a collision could mean the loss of our life or you're job and dealing with the legal implementations could take years or an emotional toll if someone is killed in a crash help us achieve vision zero and everyone can use the streets safely. >> thank you for watch and following the important driving tests your remember we're counting on you good morning, w
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march 15, 2016 plans and programs committee meeting of san francisco transportation authority. i'm katy tang and to the left is commissioner peskin, avalos and to my right, commissioner cohen. the clerk is steve steamose and like to thank jim smith and [inaudible] with that if we can go to roll call. >> item 1, commissioner avalos, present. cohen, present.
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commissioner farrell, absent. commissioner peskin, present. commissioner tang, present. we have quorum >> if we can call item 2. >> item 2 citizen advisory committee report. >> we have chris [inaudible] our cac chair >> good morning commissioners. here to report on 4 items in the packet. improving west side. most of the comments include things like need to look more closely at non commute hours, [inaudible] to bart which is item 9. more attention paid to commuters traveling to south bay and multiagency efforts to create private commuter shuttles. our comment were mostly about clic
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