tv Police Commission 31616 SFGTV March 19, 2016 9:00pm-10:21pm PDT
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>> ladies and gentlemen, the chair has called the meeting to order. can i please ask you to turn off your electronic device sz as they tend to interfere with the equipment in the room and can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice is for all.
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president loftus, i'd like to call roll. president loftus, here. turman is en route. commissioner marshall is excused. mazzucco, present. we do not have a quorum at this time. also with us is police president. >> my name is suzy loftus, we do these meetings every month, we go out and have our third wednesday of the month at a
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district station so we can have a klapbs to hear directly from folks who might not come to city hall or working closer in the neighborhood by hearing what's going on. we are going to start off by introducing ourselves. we also have day jobs and live in the city like you all. i will start with commissioner mazzucco z. >> my name is tom mazzucco, this is my favorite part of being on the commission and going to different districts. i'm a native of san francisco, my day job is i'm a partner here in san francisco but before that, like commissioner loftus, i served for 10 years as an assistant district attorney here in san francisco and then 9 years as an assistant assistant u.s. attorney, so 19 years in law enforcement on the attorney side. >> on my day job i am the executive director of riley family services at saipbtd francis hospital here in the city. i'm also on the affect kuplt of san francisco state
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school of social work and i live in westport. >> so i already introduced myself, suzy, i love the richmond district, i spent most of my childhood here, i went to alamo elementary and roosevelt middle school. i live in the sunset now, raising my 3 childrens, they all go to san francisco unified schools, great place and my day job i am a lawyer at the california attorney general's office and like commissioner mazzucco in a former life i was a city prosecutor here in san francisco. i wish more of my colleagues were able to be here tonight because they also have wonderful stories and kupb tribtd a lot of time to the police commission. we will be joined by vice president turman so when he comes i'll have him introduce himself, but given that we don't have a quorum, we can't do any action to start so
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i'm going to do a couple things. public comment will be limited to two minutes so we make sure we have a chance to hear from everyone. i'm going to use my discretion as chair to move right to 3a, which is the chief's report and we can do without having a quorum. >> 3a, chief's report. this item is to allow the chief of police to report on recent police activities and make announcements. >> good evening, i am greg (inaudible) i live west of twin peaks although not in the richmond, one less degree of cold in the outer sunset. anyway, i'm going to be brief because i want to save this time for captain silverman as we usually do here, but i want to comment on a couple things.
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the fbi released their crime reporting, crime in san francisco was up about 17 1/2 percent is the not so good news. the better news is that violent crime was flat when compared to the year before. we're still down about 300 police officers so our focus has been on violent crime, it's not that long ago that everybody remembers in certain parts of the city, not the richmond, we were having a horrible time with gun violence, homicides and the like, that the new normal for homicides is still closer to 50, we had 52 last year, than it is to 75 which is what the new normal was for the 5 years prior to this, just focusing on gun violence in san francisco. the not so good news is that property crime is driving that increase in crime being up about 17 1/2 percent with 30 percent of that being in auto burglaries. again, we have an
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auto burglary task force, our academy is briming with police officers, hopefully by summertime next year we will be at full staffing and the uptick in crime almost responds directly to a correlation in when we got down 300 police officers with some also things yet to be determined, some legislative changes. so hopefully as the cops come back those two lines will go back together and we'll get a handle on the property crime. to that end we graduated the 252nd academy class on friday night. i want to thank the commissioners that were there. we also had three recruits in that class from oakland, we have a very good relationship back and forth across the bay as some of our situations do travel. we participated in the st. patrick's day parade, commissioner loftus was there with her 3 daughters as well as
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other members in the room apblds just yesterday i sat on a panel with the chiefs of bart oakland chp and san moh say at the national organization for black law enforcement executives and director hicks was on an evening or afternoon panel as well. we spoke about our efforts to reengineer force and other things that were of concern both to the community that was there as well as to the oakland police department and other law enforcement leaders that were present. that's going to conclude my report and i will defer the rest of my time to the good captain silverman. >> okay, we'll start with the captain after director hicks, sergeant please call the next line item. >> 3b, this item is to allow the director to report on recent ocb activities and make announcements. >> good evening, director hicks, good evening, president loftus, commissioners, chief sir and members of the audience
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as well as captain silverman, good evening. i am joyce hicks, director of the office of citizen complaints. in addition this evening here from our office is senior investigator edward mcmahan i thank you for the opportunity to speak with you about the functions of the office of citizen complaints, also known as the occ the occ is the third largest civilian oversight of law enforcement agency in the united states, only surpassed in size by new york and chicago. both the may, 2015 final report of president obama's task force on 21st century policing and the march 14 report from the united states department of justice acknowledge the importance of independent oversight of law enforcement and community
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policing. briefly, the history of the occ is that it was created by a san francisco board of supervisors sponsored charter amendment that was adopted by the voters in 19 82 and became fully operational in 1983, so that makes us 34 years old. the occ was originally an office in the san francisco police department but the occ was later placed under the direct supervision separate from the police department. just briefly, the police commission's role, it is a 7 member civilian body, 4 members are appointed by the mayor and 3 by the board of supervisors. the police commission holds hearings for the most serious transgressions in the police department, untruthfulness of a
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police officer, excessive force and discipline is imposed by the chief of police. the police commission sets policy for the police department by among other things recommending and approving department general orders. the police commission oversees the police department as well as the office of citizen complaints. so the occ's functions are to assist the police department in building trust with the community, by being the bridge between the public and the police in matters of police misconduct as well as police policies. to that end the occ's mission is to ensure police accountability by conducting fair, timely and unbiased investigations, making recommendations on police policies and practices and conducting mediations between complainants and the police. in california law enforcement agencies must have a procedure to investigate complaints by members of the public against police officers. the occ
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serves that purpose for the san francisco police department. our office is a diverse group of civilians who have never been san francisco police officers but they could be and some are from law enforcement in other agencies. we have 39 budgeted positions at the occ, 34 of them are filled. the majority of occ employees are investigators. currently we have 19 investigators and the balance of of our staff consists of attorneys and support staff. so what do we do? we investigate civilian complaints of police misconduct. we investigate complaints to find out what happened. we follow the evidence by interviewing the person who brought the complaint, we interview the involved officers and also civilian witnesses. we have subpoena power to compel testimony and also to obtain evidence. we obtain additional evidence from the police
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department in the form of police reports and other documentation that's generated by the department. we go out to the site of the alleged occurrence and we may canvas for witnesses when we are doing our site visit. we aim to complete our investigation within 9 months and with limited exceptions because of the public safety officers procedural bill of rights we must complete our investigations wane year. when we complete our investigations we make a finding of whether the xlaipbtd of misconduct violated any police department rules or local state or federal laws. the standard of proof that we use is the preponderance of the evidence. that means that the probability that the complaint of conduct occurred is more likely than not, that is, the probability is greater than 50 percent. our investigations are confidential because they are protected by the public
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safety officers bill of rights. when we kupb clod our investigation we advise the complainant in very general terms but we do not name the officer nor what discipline he will receive because we are precluded from doing so by state law. if after an investigation concludes we find that an officer violated a rule, we forward that finding to the police chief for further action. the chief can impose discipline of up to a 10 day suspension and that pursuant to the san francisco city charter. the police commission has jurisdiction over cases where the recommended discipline is greater than a 10 day suspension as well as over officer appeals of the chief's decision. if the chief agrees that one of the occ cases should be filed with the police commission, the occ prepares
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charges on the chief's behalf. but if he disagrees then i can file charges myself and i have done so once under a prior police chief. the police commission holds an evidentiary hearing to determine if the preponderance of the evidence supports the charges and, as i said earlier, the police commission also hears appeals of chief discipline. it also engages in outreach. our staff of investigators and i participate in outreach and the chief mentioned that yesterday i was on a panel for noble, the national organization of black law enforcement executives, and my panel was on civilian oversight and there were practitioners on that panel from bart, the independent police auditor from san jose, the independent police auditor as well and then
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there was also an attorney who represents the police union. we conduct our outreach pursuant to a community outreach strategic plan that we adopt annually and it focuses on communities of color as well as communities that are traditionally not likely to use police services or have conflicts with the police. another area that the occ is engaged in is in mediation. we provide mediation as an alternative to discipline. in 2015 the occ facilitated 45 mediations. that's about 7 percent of the 629 cases we closed in 2015. our program allows complainants to resolve issues with the accused officer in a sdmuet resolution format and the goal is to britt -- bring the parties together in a mutual understanding. the occ has a partnership with
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community boards and the san francisco bar association who provide us mediators free of charge. we conduct our mediation in languages other than english if necessary and our participation in the mediation program, both for the officer as well as the complainant, is voluntary. i do not have the, all of the final statistics for 2015, we're still preparing our annual report. but what i can tell you is that in 2015 we received 673 complaints and we found neglect of duty or misconduct in 57 of them. that means that we found wrong doing or neglect in 9 percent of the complaints we closed last year. i do have some detailed statistics that the occ received in 2014 and those are instructive because they remain pretty kupb consistent
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throughout the years. in 2014 we sustained 8 percent of the complaints we closed. we found 3 percent of the allegations were unfounded, that means they weren't true. the largest percent of allegations we received were for unwarranted action, followed by conduct reflects discredit, unnecessary force comprised 8 percent of the allegations we received and we sustained 4 allegations of unnecessary force or 3 percent of the allegations we sustained. a majority of the allegations we sustained were for neglect of duty. i'll tella little bit about the demographics of our complainants. 26 percent of them were african americans, caucasian comprised 27 percent of the complainants, 26 percent declined to state their race. complainants also klud asian americans at 6 percent, latinos at 11 percent, native americans and pacific islanders at 2
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percent and 2 percent other. the occ staff speaks several languages that include kapbt neez, man darin, tagalog and spanish. two of our investigators are bilingual and that's important because the largest number of non-english interviews we conduct are in spanish and for languages other than the one i previously mentioned we will obtain interpretation services. last year we conducted 24 case intakes in spanish, 3 in cantonese and one in russian. you can learn more from our web site. we are located on the 7th floor of 25 van ness, near the
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corner of market and van ness. we receive walk-in complaints regarding police conduct from the public between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm during normal work days. we also receive complaints by email and fax. you can also file a xlaipblt with00 police officer. we have an afterhours service for xlaipblts and that concludes my remarks. >> thank you, director hicks. ladies and gentlemen, as promised vice president turman joined us and i'd like him to just briefly introduce himself. thank you, director hicks. >> good evening, folks, i apologize for my tardiness. it has been a very challenging day professionally and personally today. my name is julian
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turman, i am vice president of the police commission, i've been on the commission for about 5 years. i am a partner in the law firm of reed smith, i'm head of the northern california office and labor employment practice. although i missed the chief's report and most of director hicks', i apologize, but i am here to hear what the public has to say so i am glad to have the opportunity to hear from you. thank you and i hope you will excuse my tardiness. >> thank you, vice president turman. while we are apologizing, my mother would say i have forgotten my manners because i neglected to thank the jcc and anyone else who is here from the jcc for so graciously hosting us. sergeant, let's go back to item 1. >> item 1, adoption of minutes
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for january 6, 13th, and february 3rd. >> are there any questions on this matter? do i have a motion? >> second. >> all those in favor? those opposed? motion passes. is there any public comment on our adoption on the minutes? hearing none, public comment is closeclosed. >> item 2, consent calendar, receive and file, action request the chief of police for approval to accept 26 bicycles from swunk, inc. valued at approximately $7,726.94. request of the chief of police for approval to accept 26 bicycle helmets for essay questions, celebration event, valued at approximately $1,115.78 and request the sergeant for approval to accept $250 travel point lodge gift
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card from miss jacqueline krieger. >> for members of the public in order for the police to accept any gifts we must have approval from the chief of police. these are generous gifts that folks want to give. any comments? >> i move we accept the gifts. >> all those in favor? those opposed? motion passes. >> item 3d, commissioner reports, commissionment's report, commissioner's report. >> quickly, we have yet another fantastic commissioner here with you tonight so i'd like dr. marshall to introduce himself. >> dr. joe marshall. i run a youth program called alliance and free and i've been on the commission for a long time. >> for my report as the president's report i think the chief covered most of it. we have a fabulous academy class
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graduation, 3 officers from oakland, 42 officers from san francisco, very diverse, very enthusiastic. it was great to see so many enthusiasm. we also had the st. patrick's day parade and it didn't rain until we were through. we met with the richmond cpab, thid they >> may have been mentioned already, i spoke yesterday at the national meeting, noble, on community and policing. chief
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spoke on the panel after me and joyce i saw your name after that so we were well represented and had a good reception. >> item 3d, commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future police commission action. >> anything to add to the agenda tonight. >> just want to check, which day are we on for the social media policy? i know we have a scheduled day, i just want to make sure. for members of the odd yen, the department is looking at a social media policy for officers to follow what they can and cannot do in this day of technology with the internet and twitter and facebook. it's a whole new era. >> i believe that was april 6 but i'd have to check. >> okay, anything further on this matter, colleagues? commissioner, just to make an announcement that the commission is dark march 22nd and march 30th. we will reconvene on april 6 6.
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>> all right, thank you, everybody, for coming. thank you commissioners and command staff as well and thanks also to the jcp for hosting. my name is simon silverman. for the last 26 months i've been the captain at richmond station so everything you are going to see here is my fault. paul yepp is the incoming captain for the station and is taking over as of this week. i wanted to put myself down as
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outgoing captain but my boss, commander sullivan, reminded me i'm not that outgoing (laughter). okay, so that shows our geegraphy here in the richmond district and some of the communities that we serve. we redistricted in july and when that happened the richmond district gave some of the portion around pacific heights to northern station and also some of the university terrace area to park station and then in that exchange, park station gave us some of the area along gary boulevard, including kaiser hospital, target and best buy so thank you, captain sanford, for those. at the same time we redrew the car sectors and there are 5 car sectors within the district.
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one of the things i wanted to do was make golden gate park itsds own car sector. previously golden gate had been split among 3 different car sectors and i wanted it to be its own car sectors. it's been one of the areas where we've had a significant amount of crime. for the park it's breaking into cars, stealing things from cars. those show you the supervisors who have parts of our district, although president breed has a very, very small portion right up in the area of sutter and broaderick, just a couple blocks, along the present presidio area. we work closely with the supervisors' officers. we've done a lot of work particularly on traffic calming measures
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that neighbors have brought to the attention of supervisors' offices and also just with general concerns about people contact the board of supervisors about: crime in the area, problems, say, with parking of overnight vehicles is another example. i'm going to run through sort of who's who at richmond station. so we have a day watch with two different start times. so some of our officers start very very early at 6 am and some of them come on later at 11:00 okay to kind of cover us through the midday portion. in the day watch is where most of our special assignments are, so as you can see we've put some emphasis on having foot and bike patrols particularly along geary and along our main corridors. we have two officers who did nothing but spend time in the schools, the
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two middle schools, presidio and george washington. we have two officers who work specifically in golden gate park and then we have traffic officers as well and also two police services who are folks who work at the front counter at the station. our night watch has two different start times. we have a 4:00 start and a 9:00 at night to 7:00 in the morning shift if anybody wants to volunteer, always a popular shift. so fewer special assignments, most of the emphasis there is on patrol because. later hours. it wouldn't necessarily make sense to have a patrol officer watching geary boulevard at 2:00 in the morning. then we have an investigations unit right now that consists of one inspector who is actually
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acting as lieutenant, he's our senior inspector, and 5 sergeants doing investigations. i put the picture of the horse, that's quinn the police horse because if you look at the top there there's a little lighter brick area. that's where the investigations unit is. that's the back building of the stais, it used to be the hay lost and i think quinn is there because he's expecting some hay. i know in the 26 months i've been working here i know there's a joke about the hay loft if anyone can think of one. this tells you a little bit about our diversity and this is actually improved since we did
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our presentation back in 2014. you can see that we have a fairly diverse group there and actually i included something you don't see in a lot of the other stations, the russian officers of russian background, i have 5 or 6 officers who actually speak russian which is important because we have the largest russian community in the city out here in the richmond. paul and i said it would be a seamless transition from one captain to the next, but maybe not from one slide to the next. not our fault, blame technology. technology helps us do our jobs better. i tried both, i'll keep trying.
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staff. well, i can talk about what's going on. now we have a blank slide. all right, so that's coming up. do we want to -- president of the commission has asked me how many twitter followers we have which is an issue that we faced last month. >> hang on. >> okay. if we just go back a slide we can go right past that one. did we miss one? there's a cig slide in there i think before this. okay, so picking right up, crisis intervention training. this is training that all new
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officers are getting before they even hit the street and also training that we are putting everybody through who is already out there on the street and has already finished the academy, crisis intervention training. this is where officers learn the critical skills for deescalating situations for dealing with people who is mental health crisis going on and obviously our goal there is to be able to defuse and deescalate any situation that we possibly can. the folks who are cit trained at the richmond right now are spread out fairly evenly on the watch or on the watches and then of course if we needed to we could also ask for cit trained officer from a neighboring station in a crisis as well. we have a lot of different languages in the station. the ones that we use most are probably cantonese, a little bit of mandarin,
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russian, spanish. not a lot of call for hebrew but we are the jcc so you never know. two hebrew speakers, i think that might make us --. part 1 crime, a little bit of a mixed bag for us. we have very low violent crime in general in the richmond. just last night i found some stats going back to 2009 so for the 5 years or so before 2014, typically we were seeing in the high 200's, 250, 280, 290 violent crimes a year. we're actually down, being under 200 is a considerable improvement for us. on the other hand, property crime as we have seen just about everywhere else in the city is up for us. what drives almost all of that in the richmond is breaking into cars, stealing cars and a very small amount of that is also residential burglary. middle
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most of our burglaries are from garages. if i could say just a couple things, i say it over and over again, never leave anything in the car at all. putting it in the glove compartment or under seat, if we know them then the guy who breaks into cars all day certainly knows them. also locking up, anything you can do to make your car a harder target, the better. garage burglaries are going around looking for open windows, unlocked doors, anything you can do to get in their way makes it more likely they will move on. all things being equal, we ought to have 10 percent of the crime but we're very happy, we
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only have 1.7 of the violent crime in san francisco and 6.4 of the property crime. we are a bit underrepresented and if you had to be underrepresented, this would be the number you want to be underrepresented on. we have done a lot for traffic safety in the last two years. we had a really, really good year in 2014 and wrote a lot of citations. not as many in 2015, i actually think that's more about how good 2014 is than it is about anything going wrong in 2015. in 2015 we had staffing challenges, lots and lots of new babies. there's something in the water at the station so be careful. we've had lots of folks on leave due to having kids, we've had folks promoted, so those are two good reasons that people wouldn't be at work but we've also had folks sick and injured as well.
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one thing i am very happy about is consistently we have had over 50 percent of the cites we write focused on reducing injury and traffic fatalities to zero. so we focus on the 5 most common causes of our injury collisions. consistently over 50 percent of the citations that officers in the richmond are writing are focused on the 5. texting while driving is not one of the focus on the five violations but it's
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something we want to work on. it's pretty rare for somebody to say well the reason i hit the guy is because i was texting, of course. they won't admit that. i always like this picture. again a little hard to see but that's actually right in front of the station, that's one of our traffic officers and he's using what's commonly known as a radar gun. on 6th avenue you will see there are 5 or 6 marked cars right there. officer luhan that morning is taking his equipment out to a car and almost gets hit by a guy. he said to himself i write tickets everywhere else, i wonder if i can write them here. we were routinely clocking people in our 25 zone well over 45, so it just goes to show you. this is something we're really
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proud of, youth and community engagement. if you see down on the right there, this kid just broke loose on officer neil there and threw a great lay up. that's our sand lot program that we run spring and summer after school where it's drop in for the kids to play with the cops and get to know the cops, which we think is really important for us to know the kids and for the kids to know us. so we work in the schools, we work a lot with neighborhood associations, just about any neighborhood association that i can get in front of you, i'll get in front of. that really helps because a lot of times with neighborhood associations it's very focused, what can we do about crime in a bar neighborhood. we've had a lot of neighborhood watches started. we work closely with the sacramento street
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merchants, clement street, our sand lot program, we've done some great work in the senior centers. there was a case i like to talk about, it got a little bit of media atense. at thanksgiving time every station raised the mine to -- the money to feed 10 families that probably weren't going to have a thanksgiving dinner. safeway donated the food for that and it was for a family of four, it was a really big spread. in talking to the senior centers we realized we had people living alone in the program and they weren't going to be part of that program. so a couple officers on the night watch took it on themselves to raise money just from the night watch right at the last minute, a couple days before thanksgiving when they found out seniors living alone weren't going to be part of that program, then on their day off they cooked the dinners and delivered them to everybody that we could find. all completely on their own
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initiative, a great thing. then we've had a tendency to focus a lot on youth sports in the department but we're not going to get all the kids that way, so we also are hatching a creative writing program, an after school program partners with creating writing after schools to create an fter school program at our station. when last we met we had a scant 462 twitter followers. it's probably over 1716 now i think today. i think the commission has under 300, i'm not going to -- (boos) richmond station is the no. 3 station
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for -- commissioner turman reminded me that the commission does this. we have the third largest number of twitter followers. where we have gotten a great deal of our engagement is with next door dot com. we have a potential reach of over 10,200. we have been posting a weekly newsletter, we're really the only station that posts regularly and a tremendous amount of engagement there. our last post had over 44 engagements or comments where people are posting comments and replying. that weekly email also goes out in a direct email to over 1600 people who subscribed, just written to the station and said, add me to the list. it gets reposted on the richmond district sf blog and then the captain writes, i didn't tell you this, you get to write a monthly article for the
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richmond review as well. we've gotten a lot of reach with that. we also have had learning experiences with platforms like next door not inherently a problem with the platform, it's just that when people are afraid and upset they often spread misinformation, right, like the game of telephone or rumor and it's easy to do that on the internet. we had a situation kind of blow up on us where people were posting on next door that there had been a series of sexual assaults and there simply had not. so being able on get the real facts out there is a big help for us. so our goals moving forward, the first one is an easy one because as you've just heard we're graduating an academy class very, very regularly. new folks are flowing into the station so that is going to come. that is already in the works. once we get a few more officers i think the next thick
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we should do is reestablish a plain clothes team of officers, four officers and a sergeant seem to be about right and put them on particular crime problems. so wherever we're see ago crime pattern that would be someplace they would work. that may help us with reducing theft from autos which is, as i said, our no. 1 crime challenge. then the other one is to increase traffic safety enforcement as well, so possibly if we get some more people we might put some people dedicated just to traffic safety although as i have said in the station everybody is a traffic officer. so that is, that lifting should be done by all the officers in the station on patrol as well. and that pretty much wraps it up, so thank you very much. (applause).
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>> all right, i know my colleagues usually have a number of questions for the captain but they are usually better after we have a chance to be informed by everybody ?oo ?a item 5, public comment. public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall remark the remarks to the commission as a whole and not individual commissioners or department
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personnel. under police commission rules of order, under public comment neither police 94 occ personnel nor personnel are required to respond to the public but may provide a brief response. you should refrain, however, from entering into any debate with speakers. please limit your comments to two minutes. >> okay, welcome. public comment, come on up. >> good evening, miss brown. >> good evening, everyone. i am here again, i just want to bring awareness to my son,
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arbor haslet, who was married february 14, 2006. i'm a mother who has been on the battle ground and who runs a healing circle for mothers and fathers who have lost their sons and daughters to homicide. we are out there trying to help other mothers from suffering. again i say i'm that advocate but when it comes to me, talking about my own child is not easy. so this is my son. his case is not solved, there's a $250,000 reward to solve his case and it's not solved. and i bring these names with me all the time. these are all the names of the perpetrators that were there when my son was
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murdered. anthony hunter, marcus bryant. these cases are all on my son's file that my investigator let me see. i want you to know that my son had a mother and a father. this wasn't a single parent home. he had a mother and a father who raised him well. he graduated from st. dominick, went on to gateway high where his mother had to walk across the stage to receive his diploma in death. his father is from nigeria and his father hurts worse than i do. i never tell the person that they want to see their mother and father standing over a casket. this is what i have to live for and this is what i have left of my son now. >> thank you, miss brown. >> and the other thing, this
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is his body laying on a gurney. people say why do i carry these? i need people to know you all have children. you don't want to go through this. i wouldn't wish this on the perpetrators who murdered my son. so hear me. his birthday is next month, april 6. so help me. somebody say something. help me solve this, help me find the murderers of my son so i can heal. next month is his birthday and august 14th it will be 10 years, 10 years, everybody. >> thank you, miss brown. if anybody here or watching at home has any information into the murder of aubrey aubrecasa there's a tip line. further public comment? come
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right up. i don't even have to call on you, you can just come right up. >> mike mitchell, i'm retired, 8 years ago, i was a state parole agent stationed here in san francisco and actually i had a couple things i want to say. i have to talk really fast. there's been a lot of hysteria and it's really making me sick. i came from another agency to san francisco and i couldn't believe how diversified the force was, all kinds of people, all kinds of races, you name it, and how professional and basically how friendly. i mean when you are in a fight it's not a friendly thing. taking down a drug dealer is not friendly but after people were cuffed i saw so much courtesy and professionalism to guys as long as they had calmed down. this hysteria i think comes from the national level and it
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started with misinformation. that was my first thing out of the way. i read the captain's newsletter every week and i love it and one of the things i noted is, i live right at ocean beach, and a few months ago in a two-week period we had three nighttime burglaries in which the people were at heme. extraordinarily dangerous situation. not a word in the chronicle. and one case the guy got up and confronted them and they pulled a gun on him. extraordinarily dangerous and none of my neighbors knew of it. 4.30 there was a strong arm robbery, today i was talking to neighbors, nobody heard about it. that one was actually in the chronicle but it was such a small spot nobody saw it. a nighttime burglary if they break into your home it's presumed they are here to harm
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you, not just to rob you. when i was working there was tons of stuff that never got reported but it seems like it's gotten worse in the last few years. i hear that little ding, that's for me, right? >> for you, right. thank you, sir. oh, my gosh, are you okay, sir? take a moment, take a moment. you looked like you came down hard. the bummer the rules don't even allow me to give you more than two minutes. all that and you get the same amount of time as everyone else. good evening and welcome. >> i am barry raider, by way
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of identification i retired 10 years ago from a law firm. i speak as an individual not as a representative of the organization. i think captain silverman is terrific, that's what got me involved in this project. and i found it very illuminating and illustrative for me, a lot of very different things, some good, some bad. my concern and the reason i'm speaking right now is that his newsletter and the (inaudible) have had meetings that made clear that there is a dysfunction between the officers who make the arrests and the da's office which doesn't seem to prosecute. i understand that that's not something you guys can do anything directly about. i also understand what you said that you have some personal experience in this area. it would seem to me that
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perhaps some liaison with the da's office could increase their sensitivity to the fact that your officers have to get very frustrated to be arresting people and see them back on the streets a day or two days or three days. i understand from captain silverman that a lot of the crime is committed by a very small number of people and if -- and i also understand the jail is overcrowded and we don't have a place to put these people. but that ends up creating a lose-lose situation and i know it's not your jurisdiction but i don't know whose jurisdiction it is. if you guys can't talk to somebody, who can? thank you. (applause). >> thank you. okay. >> good evening, welcome. >> good evening, i'm roslyn
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payne, i live a few blocks from here. 11:00 last night someone rank the doorbell and i went to the front door and said who is there because that's when you have a change of shift at the station and the comments were unintelligible and i loudly said i'm not opening my door and did not, turned on all the lights, et cetera. i spoke with an officer louie at the station and he suggested next time that happen that i call dispatch or 911 so that someone would come out and actually circulate around the neighborhood. i called my son who lives a few miles away, he came over and spoke with a security officer who is hired by others in the neighborhood. so what i wanted to recommend is that in your news letters and other communications, all of which i think are quite terrific, if you could
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constantly say if you hear anything, here's the number to call and just keep repeating that. i know i now have it palace stered at my house at every phone but i think that's a good way to remind all of us as to what our actions should be. thank you so much. good evening and welcome. >> thank you so much. okay, thank you. first i really want to thank you, the commission, for coming to the richmond. my name is david heller, i'm president of the geary boulevard merchant association and i've been able to locate captains i was able to work with in what i call community policing. we are having just one issue right now and something that the captain has mentioned and we have a lot of car break-ins, i know it's an epidemic not just here but all over the city. i got to talk to some people and then i was in the
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parking and i saw this sign, you know, and i decided to copy it and i went to the parking lot where we have 5, 6, breaking in at the same time. i became a graffiti tagger, don't leave your valuables in the car. i really want to thank you for coming here, i want to thank the chief for always giving us a-1 captain, you are all good but they know that i have your number so we get to work, you know. i'd also like to introduce henry. henry is a dear friend of mine and he is president of the district council of merchants so i would like to have him speak. >> good evening, sir, welcome. >> david, those are kind words. yes, i'm the president
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of the merchant association. i want to echo what dave was saying, that just most recently what happened in the parking lot was just the other night we had a dinner coming up and one of our people said station members was out to help us and she went out to the car and it was broken in. this happens all over the place. i know it's tough for the police to do much about it, but i think after you get some lighting it will help. i think we have a great police force and the chief has a great force, i have known him for many, many years. thank you so much.
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this is your shot, guys, this is your time. good evening, welcome. >> hello, i'm tracy, i'm been a member of the cpap for about 3 years now. i had a chance to work with former captain ninos and i'm feeling quite blessed as far as the communications that i have encountered as far as working with the police department, the richmond station, as well as working with my neighborhoods, my merchants, but it's all just a lot of work, it's a lot of work for the communications every week i appreciate the break-ins, every time i go out to my car and my car is not broken into, i give a little hallelujah. i am certainly
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experiencing the pressure myself. the other day there was a brick thrown through the window for no reason. i'm a big fan of using next door and making sure our information is really clear. i've actually seen people say, no, don't call 911 if you see something suspicious. not to just assume that the police department does everybody, we really have to step up and keep helping the police department with all of our actions, encouraging people to improve their personal home safety and just become away. i'm a big fan of all that. so i'm over near sacramento, i'm not going to say the name of the business but i look forward to seeing more of you in the future.
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>> hi, i'm patrice mattely and i wasn't going to say anything but i am. first and foremost we have been so fortunate to have such wonderful captains here in my district. i've been a member of the cpap since the beginning. but one thing that drives me crazy is just as we start getting in the groove you guys promote, or you transfer. but honestly i'm an executive recruiter and as a business, when we look at things we say it takes a while as a ceo, a head, to get to know what the issues are and to start to make traction. if bee really really want to have a connection they
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need to stay longer, ideally 3 to 5 years. >> thank you, miss mattely. >> well, i also was not going to say anything. i am a retired police service aide, 33 years in the police department. life long native san franciscoan and a resident of laurel heights right now. as a police service aide my last 4 years i spent in the central district and the bane of my existence and i left new year's eve, 2009, was auto boost. unfortunately the central district being north beach, fisherman's wharf, is a big tourist area, i had people come in daily, i couldn't tell you how many reports i took, travel the world, these people come from the airport, they park their car they come to the top of lombard steps and they get out and come back and
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everything they own is gone. i cried with him as i took these reports. i see obviously since i was gone things have not gotten any better. unfortunately we can get into prop 47, we can get into all the reasons and all the white elephants that we can't talk about why this is going on. i also remember, if i'm not mistaken, i did a little testing many years ago and it takes about 8 seconds to get in and out of a car, to get in. so the one thing i will give you to take away is if you get out of your car, do not stand there and open your trunk and put your purse in your car. do not get out and put things in. go a few blocks before you stop whatever you have that you want to put in a trunk if you feel the need to, remember, it's not that hard to get in a trunk. so if you have to do it, do not do it where you are leaving your car. i sympathize with all of you who have that
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happen, believe me, it breaks my heart to see this happen in my city. >> thank you. any further public comment? hello, come on up. good evening, welcome. >> hi, my name is margie brown and i can see that the gang is up, i'm the third person up here from our group. i'm here specifically because we want to say (inaudible) captain silverman. we work as a team and it's really sad that it has to be broken up, but then lots of luck to captain silverman, i've enjoyed working with him and i want to thank whoever came up with the concept of having these neighborhood advisory groups because it does bring the community together and based on my experience it's been a very positive move. >> thank you.
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(applause). >> next speaker. good evening and welcome. >> hello, thank you. my name is jonathan lyon, i want to say thank you to the commissioners for coming out tonight and joining us out here in the richmond district. i am also a member of the richmond cpap, i want to say thanks to my colleagues for coming out as well and wanted to just sort of echo some of their comments. i guess the richmond district has been a proving ground for captains on their way to bigger and better things, but we definitely, i think we feel it out here. you know, we get some of the best and brightest
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that the sfpd has to offer, we just don't get them for very long. but captain silverman, i wish you the best in all your next adventures, you have some big shoes to fill but given your recent past i have nothing but confidence that you will do so. also to echo some of the other concerns, i see a lot of it out there in the neighborhood around car burglaries, it's been touched on already tonight but you get your within window touched on, housing costs are going through the roof, replacing a car window is a significant cost. we've got to find a way to get a handle
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on this. >> thank you, mr. lyon, further public comment? okay, hearing none, public comment is now closed. let's bring the captain back up. colleagues, questions for the captain? i'll just start off by saying in one calendar year while i was a da when i lived in the western addition, my car was broken into 5 times. five times in one calendar year. so me as a prosecutor found myself at the station with tears in my eyes because it's a horrible thing to happen and you feel powerless and the one thing was i had a 15-year-old car at the time and they somehow would always break into that corner window that's the most expensive one, you know? it's like a 15-year-old car, just break in the other one. in any event, captain silverman we are hearing this across the city, what strategies have you deployed, what do you need, how can this
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commission to the point the community is asking us to work better together. so --. >> i think there's a couple ideas to have. one is just my mission to get people to stop leaving things in their car. my theory, it's very much like the bear in the camp ground. you are not supposed to leave food in your tent because a bear will come and tear up the tent. the problem is once the bear learns that the camp ground has food, he will tear up everybody's tent even if they don't have any food. so taking my bear analogy, bringing it into epidemiology is also herd immunity. if everyone in the neighborhood stops leaving things in the car, that neighborhood dries up, most of our property criminals are not dedicated hard-working individuals, they will move on to somewhere else. so it's about reducing the
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popularity of your neighborhood. and we deal with tourists who are constantly transiting through. so that's the supply side. on the demand side, the thing that's been in the past most effective. we have had plain clothes but high visibility patrol seems to be the thing that when we got any traction that did it. going to the areas where we know we're going to have break-ins, mr. heller has a lot next door that is just a magnet. we have been making arrests, we have been arresting people who are already on probation or parole who are breaking into cars and they are not getting a vigorous sentence if they are getting anything. really my no. 1 thing would be never leave
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anything in the car, no. 2, high visibility patrol in the areas we know are problematic and hopefully being able to reestablish a plain clothes team to try (inaudible). >> that's one of the things i was going to say. if you get one person they tend to break into multiple cars. a good plain clothes operation can get someone that -- i know, chief, there was some collaboration with the district terb's office. i think i read that. would there be anything that we should know about, how we're partnering with the district a's office specific to these crimes. >> we do have the auto burglary task force. we had one years ago and we are having success with these guys. we got one guy, we were able to attribute him to 22. in san
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mateo county, let's say a person does 10 auto burglaries a day, on the first offense especially if they are on probation or parole, you get 180 days and you get 10 percent less auto burglaries and it goes from there. that part is a work in progress but they also just got a pretty prolific serial the other day. the woman who did 22, one of them was a stoler firearms that i believe murdered a muralist and i believe he got 6 years and he is not a person that will be doing san francisco. if we get these one-man crime waves it's
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just about getting them off the street. san francisco county jail has a record low jail population. >> captain, do you have a neighborhood district attorney asaned to the station? >> we do. >> the other advice i would give, having been the neighborhood d.d a, when i was a community member and trying to advocate for myself, i would try to get everybody in the same room at the same time. sometimes it would be, well, the case isn't strong enough to charge, the police are saying what can we do differently again. so my advice would be that you just keep trying, make sure that communication is on-going. i don't know, nir mad mad, what was your situation. >> i was just asking with staffings you will be able to have a plain clothes detail
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that is trying to find the auto burglars. maybe the district captain should report when the arrest has been made, lets people know the arrest has been made in the district and let them know what the actual disposition of the case is. the sheriff's department has empty bed space and everyone is pointing fingers about who is to blame. i heard a commercial yesterday but a lot depends on having the cases prosecuted. i live in the marina and we had a burglary right in front of my house, they were proud of the disposition, he got 3 months and he had a gun in the car. so i think that maybe captains ought to put out there the arrest, went to disposition, you can't delete some of the problems are the judges. and i
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think you should report who the judges are and what dispositions are given and it's very important because this is a very unique meeting for me i want to come back next week and the week after and i generally am pro-police department. your voices are not being heard. if the captains start tracking dispositions, track the judges, they are all politicians and they react. >> captain, to that point what i think you have done an excellent job of and led the way is the communications piece. the joke was, we had a meeting two years ago and i asked how many twitter followers, we didn't even have a twitter feed and we're following your lead. it was
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very fair what was coming back to me that we only had 300 fwit err followers. but the think you are doing well, and i think to commissioner mazzucco's point, using platforms like next door clearly you are using the lift to get the works out. i can see that's really working and certainly a molds for the good captain to follow in oots stations as well and main what i hear commissioner mazzucco about as well when it leaves you and goes on to the next world is there a responsible way of communicating the members? where we sit it makes a difference about how knowledgeable everyone is. colleagues, questions or comments for the captain? vice
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president? >> that's good. >> that's a good thing. okay, there's a question on where you're going next. >> sure, i have gone. i am what's called the night captain so overnight from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am we have one or two captains who work at night. so my day has just begun. >> wonderful. if there's nothing else for the good captain then thank you for everything. you are a night captain, we don't get to see you. (applause). >> sergeant, please call the next line item. >> item 6, adjournment, action. >> colleagues, do i have a motion? >> so moved.
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chair tomato is supervisor wiener the vice chair and to my left is supervisor peskin our clerk is alicia i would like to thank jim smith and phil jackson in sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting madam clerk, any announcements? >> all electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the march 22 board of supervisors officer involved thank you very much call item one. >> item one an ordinance amending did health code for the definition of the health care for the water source system. >> ladies and gentlemen, supervisor wiener is the sponsor of this item and supervisor wiener i understand you'd like like us to continue perfect. >> all right. any remarks i would like to make no supervisor wiener wants to continue this item before we continue this item
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